Limited nuclear exchange. Russia starts and wins?

Read with great interest article by Dmitry Verkhoturovdevoted to the analysis of some variants of military actions with the use of nuclear weaponsI confess I was stunned a little.

Firstly, from the fact that I am in some way a monopolist in the topic of discussion of nuclear strikes. In any case, in the public media space I was until now the only one who openly analyzed scenarios of a nuclear conflict. I am even the author of the Doctrine of Limited Nuclear Exchange. It is clear that these issues are being discussed not publicly, with the involvement of highly classified and equally well-informed experts, and not my calculations, but their calculations, lie on the General Staff table, but about fifty years later we will find out.

Secondly, a cursory analysis of Dmitry’s article shows that he followed the beaten path, but not always the right path of apology at the other extreme, which simply rejects old views and concepts, instead offering something almost diametrically opposite.

So, let's try to analyze some theses of Dmitry, and then offer a more realistic, in my opinion, scenario in the event of a military conflict between Russia and NATO.

First of all, I must agree with the author that the “deafening” and all-destructive power of nuclear weapons is a bit exaggerated. The terrible cadres of burned Japanese cities at one time made such a depressing impression on the public that the myth about the fundamental impossibility of nuclear war instantly appeared. True, this myth was not very believed by the military, who, by the nature of their service, need to have stronger nerves. Therefore, the nuclear arsenals of the United States and the USSR steadily grew and strengthened, and the USSR even conducted rather cruel, but probably necessary experiments to study the effects of a nuclear explosion on large concentrations of people and technology.

I do not believe in the terrible and all-consuming picture of the “nuclear winter”, which the most “conscientious” scientists draw it. You see, when we are offered a scenario of such a global cooling because of the dustiness of the atmosphere, that from frost oxygen and nitrogen fall out of the atmosphere to the earth in the form of either frost or snow, I always want to ask: where is the dust in this case? Will it continue to fly freely in the atmosphere, preventing sunlight from penetrating to the surface of the earth? But how, if, according to your “calculations”, there is almost no atmosphere left?

That is, such terrible scenarios are absolutely definitely written not by scientists, but by specialists in duping people. Or just fools, you forgive. And to seriously discuss it does not make sense either in the first or in the second case.

And yet, in no case should one go to the opposite extreme, stating that a major (total) nuclear conflict will have absolutely no climatic consequences.

Also, do not underestimate other aspects of a nuclear strike. In particular, according to a study by Matthew Kroenig, a professor at Georgetown University, America will lose a total of up to 150 cities and about a hundred million inhabitants in the course of two waves of massive strikes by the Russian strategic nuclear forces. One can agree with these assessments, one can argue with them, but one thing is indisputable: for both sides of the conflict the losses will be almost fatal, because the state can probably survive after such losses, but it is unlikely to recover.

By the way, other estimates of which we are aware also start from fifty million direct losses in the USA alone. And to imagine that the leadership of a country voluntarily will go to such a terrible step because of someone’s commercial interests is quite difficult. Yes, they are “reptilians”, they are murderers and hanged men, but, oddly enough, for the most part they are also patriots. And for some reason I am sure that the American generals will rather hang their Soros and Rockefellers than give one hundred million Americans to the slaughter.

But, in addition to direct losses, there will be deferred, which in the medium and long term can also be estimated at least in tens of millions of people. There will be a climatic catastrophe: not as cruel as the "scientists" write about it, but still very serious. The consequences can probably be compared with the eruption of a supervolcano like Yellowstone, as a result of which the temperature on Earth will noticeably drop. The result of the fall in the average temperature of at least five degrees is very sad and is not fully computed. But the total, global hunger and the beginning of the next glaciation of the Earth can be predicted with a high degree of probability.

Anticipating objections based on a simple recalculation of the power of ordinary bombs dropped during the Second World War, I note: the specifics of the explosions are still very different. If during a conventional explosion, dust rises by tens, sometimes hundreds of meters, and if there are no strong winds, it quickly settles without rising to kilometer heights with their steady wind flows at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour, then a nuclear explosion guaranteed (I will emphasize this word) raises a part dust emission to a height of ten kilometers or more.

Therefore, the danger of a nuclear weapon for climate in comparison with conventional weapons can be safely multiplied by ten, or even by one hundred.

Also, the author’s reasoning about the transfer of industries, including the military, outside the United States, and the mobilization of the resources of the whole world under the flag of the United States and NATO, also look rather dubious.

First of all, if there is a total nuclear exchange, the blows will also fall on American bases outside the metropolis. The military influence of Washington on the allies will instantly come to naught, not to mention the states connected with the USA not by ideological or civilizational ties, but by a commonplace commercial interest. And such, in general, the absolute majority.

The US itself will turn from an economic supergiant into a stunted dying economic dwarf. The dollar will collapse automatically and almost instantly, and if it is used somewhere, then it may be a kindling.

And most importantly, everyone, as far as possible, will try to distance themselves from the distraught superpowers, and neither the United States nor Russia will receive any military or industrial support. Any kind of consolidation of the remaining relatively whole states is possible only on the idea of ​​a general overcoming of the consequences of a total catastrophe, and it is unlikely that even some people will put their own people into this nuclear hell.

In general, everything is quite sad. And it is unlikely that a state that is at the peak of its power and prosperity will go for it. Americans should not be considered idiots - they have achieved so much, also because the analyst has always been greatly honored there.

Now let a few words about the script more real. Namely, the doctrine of limited nuclear exchange, which I mentioned above.

The situation in the world is very difficult. And, unfortunately, it may turn out that Russia will have to decide on extraordinary measures in order to prevent another trampling of its vital interests.

And since Moscow is obviously not ready for a lengthy war of attrition, and the experience of 1941 of the year has too deeply crashed into the genetic memory of the Russian people, we are unlikely to hide the nuclear club for a long time in a zagashnik.

On the other hand, as we clarified above, a full-scale nuclear conflict is clearly not in the interests of both main parties to the alleged conflict. This means that in such a situation the transfer of nuclear “fights” to the territory of third countries looks most logical.

For Russia, in this case, American bases and military facilities in the territory of NATO countries and beyond, with the exception of nuclear states like France and the UK, will be adequate targets. Without affecting the critical infrastructure of these states at the first stage, as a result of even a small nuclear strike on a few number of objects, Moscow can achieve a tremendous panic effect and effectively remove the US allies from the game. In any case, the actual disintegration of NATO and the seizure by the armed forces of Germany, Italy or Spain of American military facilities on their own territory can be predicted with a high degree of probability.

Americans will definitely want to answer. But their problem is that Russia does not have too many military facilities outside its national territory. Yes, the USA can strike at Baikonur, at other objects in Central Asia or in Syria. But in response, they will receive a second, more powerful, wave of nuclear strikes from Russia on their targets. And among them there are a lot of critically important for the entire US military infrastructure: the bases in Okinawa or Diego Garcia, for example, in their military significance, each outweighs all that the Russian Federation has beyond its borders.

But the Americans for the second wave of "response" will have almost no suitable targets: alas, Russia's military presence abroad is very small. Well, except to re-bomb Baikonur. And we will find targets for the third and fourth “call” - the American military presence in the world is extremely wide and diverse, and the goals for our monoblock Topol are just apparently invisible.

And the escalation of the conflict under this option is guaranteed to lead the Americans either to a military catastrophe and loss of influence in the world, or to the need to transfer the conflict to a higher level. But we wrote about him above and came to the conclusion that he is unlikely to seem tempting to someone.

Actually, the whole modern diplomatic game boils down to the fact that Russia has the opportunity to go with trumps that are not even fighting with the combined power of NATO. And to that, in general, there is a lot of indirect evidence: US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, an extremely informed person, and not second-hand, will say in his heart that Russia is “rattling nuclear weapons”, then Wesley Clark, a retired high-ranking American general, will suddenly declare that the US will not leave Poland if Russia strikes a nuclear strike on it. Of course, we have such important reservations blamed on the fact that “the American hawks are completely crazy about their Russophobia,” and in fact we are peaceful sheep. But it worked, until V. Putin once said that we do not need a world in which Russia will not remain.

And here, probably, it would be necessary to believe in the seriousness of what is happening, since Putin cannot be counted among the American “Russophobe hawks”.
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  1. +7
    19 June 2018 05: 41
    Regarding nuclear weapons ... Mankind has megalomania ... In the history of the earth there were volcanic eruptions that exceeded the total potential of nuclear weapons by tens of times ... And there were no special consequences ...
    1. dSK
      19 June 2018 06: 17
      Quote: Vard
      Regarding nuclear weapons ...

      States not without reason launched a program "mini-nuclear weapons"may well apply somewhere in the Syrian desert. Trump - "business" president, cost savings "mini-nuclear weapons" very tempting - one charge will replace a hundred tomahawks, and no "nuclear winter".
      1. +2
        19 June 2018 11: 01
        Quote from dsk
        The states have not without reason launched the MiniNW program; they may well apply it somewhere in the Syrian desert.

        Last year, a message slipped on the Internet that somewhere in Syria the coalition had used some kind of heavy-duty weapon, there was a fuzzy short video and it was suggested that it was a mini-nuclear weapon. But the explosion of nuclear weapons has always been accompanied by radioactive contamination, which is quickly monitored by appropriate instruments and techniques. It is enough to recall how quickly the presence of nuclear weapons in South Africa or Israel was established after the tests. In general - that’s how it is, if of course, but as you touch, so it is and please recourse belay
        1. 0
          20 June 2018 23: 26
          Quote: Captain45
          But the explosion of nuclear weapons has always been accompanied by radioactive contamination, which is quickly monitored by appropriate instruments and techniques.

          However, when they come up with how to ignite thermonuclear munitions without a nuclear wick, there will be no residual infection.
        2. -1
          28 July 2018 08: 32
          They didn’t find him from South Africa by radiation, but after tracking the brightest flare of the test, then just summing up the facts (that South Africa produces a lot of uranium) they came to the conclusion that it was a low-power uranium bomb (then South Africa acknowledged this fact and abandoned nuclear weapons and destroyed its 7 atomic bombs, however primitive and low-power enough) As for Israel, it became known because of one Jew who claimed that Israel had it, Israel still does not refute or confirm this info (apparently there are tactical warheads of small power because Israel would not have had enough resources to make thermonuclear warheads (even China, with all its industrial power, the number of reactors and the ability to buy uranium, has not riveted enough warheads, at least half of the Russian ammunition)
    2. +15
      19 June 2018 10: 23
      There should be no nuclear wars. Neither the world nor the local. And all the arguments about the relative safety of the use of nuclear weapons are dangerous in principle. winked
      1. 0
        22 June 2018 17: 56
        Quote: siberalt
        And all discussions about the relative safety of the use of nuclear weapons are dangerous in principle.

        Such reasoning is dangerous not only in the "principle" THEY are dangerous as the "reasoning" themselves! No one in the world, no man, and no mathematical model on a super-duper computer, will give an answer to the question: what will Mother Earth say next! But most likely Argoman-d-e-ts. So, it’s better not to try to get drunk from the puddle, otherwise the hour is uneven, we’ll all turn into kids!
    3. +4
      19 June 2018 10: 41
      Yeah. Small ice age is called. As a result of the cooling of the Gulf Stream and the eruption of a volcano in the South. America in the 17th century in Russia, famine happened (this is in the region of 1600-1610), and the global temperature dropped by 1-2 degrees. Remember what happened in our political life at this time. And even the Bosphorus froze.

      Or a little closer:
      “As a result of the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano in 1991 in the Philippines, so much ash was abandoned to an altitude of 35 kilometers that the average level of solar radiation decreased by 2,5 W / m², which corresponds to a global cooling of at least 0,5-0,7 ° WITH"
      1. 0
        21 June 2018 13: 34
        Well, no one is calculating further consequences from crop failures, and they are like a snowball, if there are no crops for at least 2-3 years, there will be nothing to sow, because all stocks will be eaten, the population will begin to die of starvation.
    4. +6
      19 June 2018 10: 43
      And there were no special consequences ...
      Have you heard anything about radiation? Chernobyl is still a closed zone, and this is all in one power unit.
      1. 0
        19 June 2018 12: 41
        Quote: gaudin
        And there were no special consequences ...
        Have you heard anything about radiation? Chernobyl is still a closed zone, and this is all in one power unit.
      2. +3
        19 June 2018 12: 45
        Quote: gaudin
        And there were no special consequences ...
        Have you heard anything about radiation? Chernobyl is still a closed zone, and this is all in one power unit.

        10% of the total volume of all fuel that was in the reactor, which basically settled hundreds of meters from the reactor, was enough with the rest .. But what happens if reactors like Zaporizhzhya NPP fly up into the air? Will life in Europe in principle?
        1. 0
          28 July 2018 08: 45
          If everything blows up, as you say, Zaporizhzhya NPP will have an exclusion zone in Ukraine (whoever has time, will be washed into refugees, I think no one will remain except for pensioners) will affect Crimea, the south of Belarus, the east of Romania (with all of Moldova) and the south-west of our country - Rostov , Voronezh region, perhaps the Krasnodar Territory (as the wind rose orders) Further, large particles will not fly apart, and small ones are not so scary (hundreds of different warheads blew up from Semipalatinsk and nothing) Again, if all the reactors explode, if one, then the standard zone 30 km, and neighboring power units (which are not in the same building, of course) are being extinguished accidentally (I recall after the Chernobyl explosion the other reactor of the nuclear power plant continued to shut down only at the request of European concerned gentlemen, and this was not far from immediately)
      3. 0
        19 June 2018 12: 52
        Quote: gaudin
        And there were no special consequences ...
        Have you heard anything about radiation? Chernobyl is still a closed zone, and this is all in one power unit.

        Just one unit with 190 tons of nuclear fuel ...
        1. 0
          19 June 2018 15: 10
          Yes Yes! “At the time of the accident, there were 1659 fuel assemblies (FAs) in the reactor core (AZ). The mass of uranium in one fuel assembly was ~ 114,7 kg. Thus, at the time of the accident, there were approximately:
          114,7 x 1659 = 190287,3 kg. uranium
          Nuclear fuel in the fuel rods consists of uranium dioxide (UO2) tablets. Weight of UO2 in one fuel rod ~ 3,6145 kg. The fuel cartridge consists of two assemblies of 18 fuel rods in each. Thus, the nuclear fuel in the form of UO2 in the reactor AZ at the time of the accident was approximately:
          3,6145 x 18 x 2 x 1659 = 215872.14 kg. Uoxnumx
          The exact amount of nuclear fuel in the core can be restored by summing the mass UO2 of each fuel assembly according to the certificates stored in the SNB ... "
      4. +1
        28 July 2018 08: 35
        Radiation during thermal destruction of the reactor (in which tens of tons of uranium) covers much more area than in the explosion of a nuclear weapon, for example, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, people live in peace
    5. Alf
      19 June 2018 22: 19
      Quote: Vard
      Regarding nuclear weapons ... Mankind has megalomania ... In the history of the earth there were volcanic eruptions that exceeded the total potential of nuclear weapons by tens of times ... And there were no special consequences ...

      Was there a light pulse?
      And penetrating radiation?
      What about EMP?
      And the radiation contamination of the area?
      1. dSK
        20 June 2018 05: 05
        Quote: Alf
        And the radiation contamination of the area?
        Unfortunately, to overcome the threshold of "rejection" there is a temptation to use "mini-nuclear weapons" such as a "neutron" or "plutonium" bomb, not against states, but against IG somewhere in the desert of Syria or Afghanistan, nobody will especially "protect" the terrorists ...
        1. Alf
          20 June 2018 20: 25
          Quote from dsk
          nobody will especially "protect" terrorists ...

          Sure ? What is America doing then?
      2. -1
        28 July 2018 08: 56
        The Eeyelstoun supervolcano with a crater area of ​​a hundred km if it explodes (and the bottom has already risen meters and geysers have gone down under the Eeyelstoun lake) it will spread the continental part of the USA without any “impulses” and turn it into a kind of Sahara desert, instead of sand there will be black volcanic dust along the knee and the dust will be counted so much that winter in summer comes from a lack of sun on the whole planet (all our warheads hitting the USA will not produce such damage) besides, you talked about the additional properties of a nuclear explosion (flash etc.) large eruptions also have additional properties — all living things within a radius of 1000 km will die from volcanic gases (those that will not burn out in the lava) and such seismic activity will cause powerful earthquakes throughout the Western Hemisphere, and where there are earthquakes and tsunamis, in general, the highland Alaska will probably remain from the USA (it is not for nothing that many say that someday it will again become “ours”) The question of time is only WHEN? But I think people themselves (like the Sodomites) bring these troubles (by the way, I read how a horse tore up a man at a special farm for zoophiles in the USA, now I think this is already the level of Sodom, or are there still normal people on which this country is supported? Or maybe everyone is adequate, like Monson and Seagal will soon part themselves from that wickedness, and do not forget about the destruction of nuclear power plants, and there are already 110 stations in the USA)
    6. +3
      20 June 2018 13: 04
      Well, let's take up the "calculations" (or rather, just "poke pissy to the nose") without any "nuclear winters" there.
      The author is absolutely right - the whole hegemony of the United States is based on their "domination" and lending a dollar to everyone, without which their economy and influence immediately fall to the level of Germany. We are removing the US military component - and all of them are also Germany, that is, the country is important but "in its garden". That is, after exchanging US blows with us, they “lose in price” to the level of zero, ZERO !!! They are already more a "consumer" for the World than a "producer". Now let's look at the WHOLE World and not that the liberoids are called "the whole World"

      As you can see, even in terms of area, this is somehow not critical (in the case of complete destruction), and if we add the number of humanity here, then it becomes sad with all sorts of sadness. negative
      The author is absolutely right - EVERYONE who will not be immediately involved will take the form of a “monkey looking not at the battle of the tigers” to try and snatch their cousin afterwards. No, I’m not talking about the territory or something else, but even the “withdrawal” of the Americans will redraw the World, where the locals can finally, according to their dreams, take the place of the Tsar, where they can really “beat the jackal” of the American (the same Qatar already got everyone).
      Well, the most “delicious” is China India, South America and yes the very “BRICS” (only probably without us), that’s who will decide after the War and who will be the Winner. I doubt the "kindness" of the Chinese, so I hope that after the war we will have "what to convince" not to claim our empty and destroyed territory, but the fact that the Merikas will have NO ONE who wants to help is 100% tongue .
      But here is what the consequences for the World will be monstrous - it is unequivocal and the point is not in the "winter", Russia is under sanctions and at least looking at "what are we doing ourselves?" showed to the WORLD that everyone is interdependent. belay But this is already really scary. We are all used to it - here the store has EVERYTHING in it, and we don’t give a damn what kind of internal production relations this product has. And fall (be destroyed) also Germany or Japan or even South Korea and - damn it knows how many goods simply stop being produced.
      And you think that TAM is better than in Russia and "everything is your own" - figs, it was precisely TAM that there was a "victory of globalism." At any time, you can find that some small chips for a mobile phone or tomograph, for example, are "poured" only in South Korea, and without it, well, nothing negative . Or, for example, ALL seeds and “seed material for cattle” are imported in Russia; of course, there is no way to sow harvested or to reproduce cows in the “old fashioned way”. Yes, only this leads to rapid degradation to reduce both the yield and the quality of the animals. negative
      1. +2
        20 June 2018 23: 37
        Quote: Mih1974
        They are already more a "consumer" for the World than a "producer". Now let's look at the WHOLE World and not that the liberoids are called "the whole World"

        Firstly, the consumer is the United States, and Europe and Japan and South Korea are manufacturers. In addition, add Russia to these countries and you will designate ALL countries with developed fundamental science.
    7. +1
      20 June 2018 22: 11
      Quote: Vard
      Regarding nuclear weapons ... Mankind has megalomania ... In the history of the earth there were volcanic eruptions that exceeded the total potential of nuclear weapons by tens of times ... And there were no special consequences ...

      Well, okay - there wasn’t!
      In the 19th century there was a pair of seemingly small eruptions in Indonesia - Krakatau and some other volcano. And there was no summer for a year, in July in Moscow it was snowing instead of rain. And there was a famine - both in our country and in Europe, and all this because of eruptions on the other side of the world. If this is the absence of special consequences, then I do not know what consequences will be special. But there were other disasters, for example, the fall of the Yucatan meteorite. Some scientists believe that a sharp cooling was one of the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs. And this is also a phenomenon of one row - and a series is catastrophic. And no one knows for sure how the ball’s ecology will react to the almost simultaneous explosions of hundreds, if not thousands, of nuclear warheads with a capacity of hundreds, if not thousands, kilotons. But do not hope that there will be no consequences. hi
      1. 0
        23 June 2018 14: 43
        If you read about the same Krakatai eruption, then you will be surprised to learn that - mankind didn’t lie nearby in terms of energy and emissions of that eruption fool . We are just "miserable ants" on a stone ball of the Earth. feel
    8. 0
      21 June 2018 16: 51
      And there were no special consequences ...

      I saw it myself or who showed photos or videos? Well, why invent something that no one really knows anything about? You can assume anything, but what was actually covered by the mystery of centuries.
  2. +3
    19 June 2018 06: 11
    Yesterday's alarmist article, today's sedative .... but the truth is somewhere in between. War is not beneficial to either side, but the threat of war remains. Who will lose their nerves before ?, we'll see.
    1. +4
      19 June 2018 12: 19
      Quote: wooja
      Yesterday's alarmist article, today's sedative .... but the truth is somewhere in between. War is not beneficial to either side, but the threat of war remains. Who will lose their nerves before ?, we'll see.

      Nuclear weapons are a real deterrent, which is clearly demonstrated in relations between the DPRK and the United States, incl. the owners of this weapon remember this very well, especially in relations with other such owners. Therefore, in the "close partnerships" that are inherent in the USA, France, England with China or Russia, the former do not put to use these weapons, but to replace the power of the "partners" so to speak "peacefully", through the choice of the puppet and sale leader of the country or the whole government or a coup. It is cheaper and less unnecessary problems, such as radiation.
      So, our "partners" of the EU and the USA are now working in China and Russia according to the "peace road" plan and are waiting for the current leaders of these countries to leave the state Olympus.
    2. MPN
      19 June 2018 15: 03
      Quote: wooja
      Who will lose their nerves before?

      What nerves can we talk about in a nuclear conflict? What are you talking about? Only a cold 1000 times verified and double-checked calculation by analysts and other specialists, without nerves in principle ...
    3. +2
      19 June 2018 15: 53
      I agree that the truth should be in the middle, but it's better to overstate than underestimate the enemy. Personally, the first article is closer to me, especially since there is something to object to commentators, of whom there were a lot, comparing Chernobyl with a nuclear explosion. So I’ll ask such comrades: “Why did they build a sarcophagus in Chernobyl and introduce an exclusion zone, but didn’t this happen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why are Hiroshima and Nagasaki now clean and safe cities with a million people, and Chernobyl is closed for a long time?”
      Because it is pointless to compare the residual radiation from nuclear explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and during an ordinary thermal explosion in Chernobyl, since the damage factors themselves are physically completely different in these cases, and there are hundreds of times more radioactive material at a nuclear power plant than in a bomb.
  3. +5
    19 June 2018 06: 49
    All the consequences of the massive use of nuclear weapons cannot be predicted. But he still didn’t really believe in the "nuclear winter". In Asia, sometimes for 10-12 days, the territory from Pakistan (possibly even Iran) to the southeast of Kazakhstan is covered with dust. Dust hangs at altitudes from 4 to 9 km, in some places it is very dense, 2 km above or below itself, objects except the sun are not visible. Nothing special happens at the same time, sometimes planes change the route. This does not have any serious consequences on agriculture.
    Scientists, although they are smart, but sometimes they carry such nonsense. A typical example of the incredible stupidity that people from science have introduced into the mass consciousness is that some people with a change in weather have a headache because the pressure is changing. This is from the series "wind because trees ..."
    We hope that no one will have any reason to use nuclear weapons.
    1. +12
      19 June 2018 08: 10
      Quote: Humpty
      some people with weather changes have a headache because the pressure changes. . "

      This is true. A change in atmospheric pressure — a change in the partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air — a change in the concentration of oxygen in the blood — the reaction of the body to maintain an optimal concentration of oxygen in the tissues. One of these reactions is “robbery syndrome,” namely, to maintain the necessary level in vital structures, blood flow in less important ones decreases. There-hypoxia-triggered receptors, etc. etc.
      1. +5
        19 June 2018 08: 49
        With all due respect, I note
        Quote: Balu
        a change in the partial pressure of oxygen in the inhaled air — a change in the concentration of oxygen in the blood — the reaction of the body to maintain an optimal concentration of oxygen in the tissues.

        No one has a change in the oxygen content in the blood due to a change in the partial pressure of oxygen in the air due to a change in weather, because these changes are at the level of measurement error.
        Suppose you live on the first floor, and work on the 18th floor of the same house. Climbing to the 18th floor, the change in oxygen oxygen pressure is about the same as before a severe storm. Or our city is flat as a pancake, but slightly tilted, almost imperceptibly, as a result, the difference between the upper and lower parts is 300 meters. How do people live like that, should it be sausage? In fact, small changes in atmospheric pressure, which when the weather changes, are not able to change the oxygen content in the blood, just as an ant cannot move a brick. With a rise of 3,5 km in a healthy person, approximately 97% of the norm of oxygen in the blood. At 9 km from 40% (in patients) to 89% (in very healthy) of the norm of oxygen in the blood. Dependence on height is not direct. The pressure drop during a storm rarely exceeds the value corresponding to a rise to a height of 50 meters (usually not more than 40 m).
        Doctors do not know the reason for the deterioration of weather conditions when weather changes, and no one really knows the real reason, but they came up with an excuse to justify, which is not confirmed by any experiment.
        At an altitude of 4.5 km, most healthy people have an oxygen content in the blood of 94 - 96% of the norm. Although a hypoxia bolt can easily be caught without a mask and below sea level, for example, in a mine, where partial replacement of air by other gases has occurred. hi
        1. +3
          19 June 2018 12: 26
          This looks relatively small in percentage terms; in fact, the effect is very noticeable. About 20-25% of healthy people begin to watch cartoons at an altitude of 2 km, units are taken out to climb 5 km without acclimatization, 9 km - no one, only after long trainings and for a very limited time.
          1. +3
            19 June 2018 14: 31
            Quote: Key32
            It looks relatively small in percent, in fact the effect is very noticeable

            The thing is that the hypothesis about the influence of weather changes on the oxygen content in the blood is not experimentally confirmed. I wrote about this as a striking example of the prejudice that has taken root in the brains of many people due to the irresponsible chatter of some people with a good education. People are gullible and hardly part with what they are accustomed to believe in. After all, we sometimes believe in fake news, for a long time it was almost officially considered that the ulcer was from nerves. Faith not confirmed experimentally remains faith.
            1. +3
              19 June 2018 15: 31
              As for the "all weather" I will not argue. If we talk exclusively about atmospheric pressure, then depending on the weather, even at sea level, it can fluctuate within the limits corresponding to changes in altitude from -1 km to +1 km from sea level. In extreme cases (inside a tornado, for example), the pressure can correspond to an altitude of +2 km. The range, in principle, is quite enough for a noticeable change in the well-being of a sufficient number of people. I won’t say anything about the hypotheses of the effect of weather on the oxygen content, but altitude and, like a variety, mountain sickness have been studied quite well, including experimentally. Well, he himself also observed enough of their manifestations at various heights. By the way, yes, in the fact that the elderly suffer easier, you are right. Plus, smokers also belong there. hi
        2. 0
          20 June 2018 23: 52
          Quote: Humpty
          A change in the oxygen content in the blood due to a change in the partial pressure of oxygen in the air due to a change in weather

          There is nothing to do with the oxygen content in the blood. The human body maintains a certain pressure within itself, and it is higher than atmospheric pressure. Therefore, we do not feel the improvement of the weather, because this is an increase in atmospheric pressure, but the deterioration of the weather - a decrease in atmospheric pressure, which is already lower than the pressure inside our body - is noticeable for us.
      2. +2
        19 June 2018 09: 08
        + anyone with age, who has an inherently poorly functioning vasomotor center, against this background, cerebrospinal fluid disturbances develop.
        1. +2
          19 June 2018 10: 18
          Quote: akunin
          + anyone with age, who has an inherently poorly functioning vasomotor center, against this background, cerebrospinal fluid disturbances develop.

          And this is also true. + two dozen anatomical variants of the cervical-cranial transition.
        2. +1
          19 June 2018 10: 24
          Quote: akunin
          + anyone with age, who has an inherently poorly functioning vasomotor center, against this background, cerebrospinal fluid disturbances develop.

          Anything can happen to a person, but with age, the human body requires less oxygen. As a result, a conditionally healthy 55-year-old is easier to tolerate hypoxia than a 20-year-old.
          1. 0
            19 June 2018 13: 46
            [/ quote] Anything happens to a person, [quote] unfortunately, yes ... but there are sane (a little) different, charlatans, would remake all people into zombies. which, in general, is happening all over the place ... it’s necessary to fight, otherwise, it’s gloom, soon all popular sites will be on the network (unnecessary, goodbye IN) yes, the location is not local, but it will be drowned out, precisely because of Skomorokhov and Martha))) ) I laugh) (and yes, “Romanova” don’t “bother,” it’s boring ... such giblets, I want to listen at night, and laugh, falling asleep ... until the server is collapsed, and it will be soon, very soon ..
          2. +1
            19 June 2018 17: 06
            Anything can happen to a person, but with age, the human body requires less oxygen. As a result, a conditionally healthy 55-year-old is easier to tolerate hypoxia than a 20-year-old.

            the amount of oxygen the body needs is more dependent on lifestyle than age (newborns are more resistant to hypoxia. much more than
            relatively healthy 55-year-old
            ). I'm talking about vegetative-vascular dystonia (I personally know several people with disabilities in this nosology) and no one has canceled migraines.
    2. 0
      20 June 2018 23: 47
      Quote: Humpty
      they say some people with changing weather have a headache because the pressure is changing.

      Moreover, there are ebbs and flows in the head of a person due to the influence of the attraction of the moon or, for example, a parade of planets. Cosmos affects a person and there is not a drop of mysticism in it, only science.
  4. +4
    19 June 2018 07: 02
    For Russia, in this case, American bases and military facilities would be adequate targets .....

    Thus, Russia will disperse its nuclear potential and the enemy will only have to calmly deliver a global blow to the territory of the Russian Federation without fear of a massive response.
    1. +7
      19 June 2018 08: 03
      and our nuclear potential from a dozen spent missiles will be very atomized?
      1. 0
        19 June 2018 16: 02
        From a dozen rockets are not strong, but the Amers have hundreds of military bases on foreign territory. But it is necessary to destroy these bases and here many dozens of missiles will be needed. Moreover, NATO countries must also be left, and also US territory? Therefore, the author correctly wrote in the first article - thousands of missiles are needed.
        1. +1
          19 June 2018 16: 14
          there is a nuance: a strike of nuclear weapons is most rational for the “chosen ones”, for the rest you can work out the usual ones (in the sense that many goals in the current scenario will not be interesting at all)
      2. +1
        19 June 2018 17: 57
        Quote: prodi
        and our nuclear potential from a dozen spent missiles will be very atomized?

        It is also supposed to inflict several strikes on the bases there, I think there will definitely not be enough missiles on all bases, you count carriers, not warheads.
        1. 0
          19 June 2018 19: 01
          I believe that the author had more in mind the psychological, moral effect on the "bulk" of the "allies"
  5. +9
    19 June 2018 07: 08
    Three different concepts: 1. nuclear weapons - a nuclear shield! 2. YaO- small pshikalka, from mosquitoes. 3. nuclear weapons - a guarantee against the use of nuclear weapons.
    But as Abdullah said: "The dagger is good for the one who has it, and bad for the one who does not have it at the right time."
  6. +12
    19 June 2018 07: 23
    Yeah. The level of "analytics" on VO falls swiftly with a jack request
    Even comment on this "work" reluctance. Although...
    So why, tell me, did the author decide that as long as the Russian Federation and the United States would "exchange a limited amount", for example, China will not fit into this mess? How does the EWS, the author imagines himself, perhaps? One (!!!) launch "in the direction of" China - and the answer was already from China.
    And there - India grapples with the packs (they have bhai-bhai for ever, this alone will be enough), the Jews with the Persians (similar garbage).
    A hundred times proved - limited nuclear war does not happen. In nature. But no - the author is all cried. Money runs out, I guess.
    In short: IMHO total nonsense, the article - in the furnace, flame - to be Yes
    1. +2
      19 June 2018 09: 22
      but is there a point in a limited nuclear war? scare each other? Hiroshima and Nagasaki were already there, if you need to be scared, just look at the pictures on the Internet. We won’t be afraid beforehand, the war will be fleeting. "Metro 2033".
      1. +3
        21 June 2018 12: 42
        Hiroshima is out of date. Since the countries are different, the nations are different, the governments are different. The United States does not believe that the Russian Federation can use nuclear weapons. Since it is not Stalin or even Khrushchev in power. Since the entire power structure of the Russian Federation, including the Armed Forces, and a significant part of the active population are saturated with their paid and voluntary agents. In the USA there live the most thawed-out bandits on the planet who have already used nuclear weapons, started a bunch of wars and are afraid of only real defeat. The Russian Federation has much worse economic indicators and stability than the USSR, which helped Vietnam defeat the United States. Therefore, the United States will not stop. They will be stopped only by a real nuclear strike at their base. Only then will they believe in Russia's determination to remain independent or perish with them. If this blow does not happen, the West will change power in the Russian Federation, crush it and push the Slavic population together. We will die anyway. Therefore, we have nothing to lose. Comrades generals! Do not follow orders to surrender. You will not be spared either. Russians do not give up! Dawn-ah-jai!
        1. 0
          22 June 2018 10: 33
          > Since the entire power structure of the Russian Federation, including the Armed Forces, and a significant part of the active population are saturated with their paid and voluntary agents.

          yeah, and in 1914 all the royal families were generally relatives to each other - and nothing, the WWII began and turned out to be very bloody
        2. 0
          22 June 2018 15: 20
          Quote: meandr51
          They will be stopped only by a real nuclear strike at their base. Only then will they believe in Russia's determination to remain independent or perish with them.

          Can we fuck? And more than once. The whole world is in ruin. But then. (Dmb)
    2. +2
      19 June 2018 09: 36
      Quote: Golovan Jack
      Yeah. The level of "analytics" on VO falls swiftly with a jack request
      Even comment on this "work" reluctance. Although...
      So why, tell me, did the author decide that as long as the Russian Federation and the United States would "exchange a limited amount", for example, China will not fit into this mess? How does the EWS, the author imagines himself, perhaps? One (!!!) launch "in the direction of" China - and the answer was already from China.
      And there - India grapples with the packs (they have bhai-bhai for ever, this alone will be enough), the Jews with the Persians (similar garbage).
      A hundred times proved - limited nuclear war does not happen. In nature. But no - the author is all cried. Money runs out, I guess.
      In short: IMHO total nonsense, the article - in the furnace, flame - to be Yes

      Interestingly, and Ashton Carter, acting (at the time of the announcement) Minister of Defense, heard something about the EWS? Or did he buy a diploma in transition?
      1. +5
        19 June 2018 10: 19
        Quote: BigBraza
        Interestingly, and Ashton Carter, acting (at the time of the announcement) Minister of Defense, heard something about the EWS? Or did he buy a diploma in transition?

        I think he's just a big optimist by nature. Well, or just insolent.
        And that, and another amertzam characteristic of the full.
        1. +6
          19 June 2018 11: 59
          Quote: Golovan Jack

          I think he's just a big optimist by nature. Well, or just insolent.
          And that, and another amertzam characteristic of the full.

          And I think he had on his desk various options for the development of events, based on Russia's likely use of tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. He also read the original reports of the CIA, as well as the State Department on the progress of the talks between Kerry and Lavrov. Surely this issue was discussed in the Oval Office of the White House in a very narrow circle, in which he is by definition. And if a person of such level of awareness makes such statements, it doesn’t matter if he is an insolent or optimist.
          And insolent, excuse me, you, since you are trying to criticize what you are no more aware of than a cow in ballet. Yes, and with generalizations about the whole "VO". Are you at least an average level of “analytics” in the media of the Russian Federation? Or Prokopenko with Reznichenko are exactly your level?
          1. +5
            19 June 2018 13: 31
            Quote: Victor Kuzovkov
            I am in some ways a monopolist on the topic of discussion of nuclear strikes. In any case, in the public media space, I was still the only one who openly analyzed the scenarios of nuclear conflict.

            A monopolist - that’s strongly said) At least Sivkov / Khramchikhin in the military-industrial complex definitely had articles on this subject. Vyatkin also conducts periodic reviews on the topic of nuclear weapons (however, without detailing the scenarios of its use).
            Quote: Victor Kuzovkov
            The terrible shots of the burned Japanese cities made such an oppressive impression on the public at the time that a myth immediately arose about the fundamental impossibility of nuclear war.

            Given that these "cities" (by modern standards, urban-type settlements) were built 90% of wood and bamboo, with narrow streets - the picture of destruction could not be different. IMHO, in order to drive the modern city to the state of Hiroshima / Dresden, you need a little more than one NLL. However, psychological factors during a nuclear bombing for the pampered urban population will be much more destructive than the explosion itself - mass panic and total nuclear illiteracy will kill many lives.
            Quote: Quote from an article.
            ... oxygen and nitrogen will fall out of the atmosphere to the earth in the form of either hoar frost or snow

            God, what nonsense (I understand that it’s not yours) ... :)) This has never happened at all - not at the time of the so-called. Events Snowball Earth 700 Million years ago, not during the longest volcanic winter after the eruption of the Siberian traps 250 million years ago (when 4/5 of all living organisms died out). For oxygen to become solid (!), The Earth’s orbit must go at least to Saturn :) It’s hard to imagine what kind of cataclysm could do this)
            Quote: Victor Kuzovkov
            A nuclear explosion is guaranteed (I emphasize this word) raises part of the dust emission to a height of ten kilometers or more.

            Let me disagree with you. Dust from a nuclear explosion rises to the specified height only if the explosion is ground-based or low-altitude. Air, underwater and underground explosions do not dust the atmosphere. Also, the dust will not rise to the indicated height if the explosion power is less than a few kilotons (TNW).
            Quote: Victor Kuzovkov
            Therefore, the danger of a nuclear weapon for climate in comparison with conventional weapons can be safely multiplied by ten, or even by one hundred.

            A statement that is extremely doubtful from a mathematical point of view, given that for the global climate the danger of conventional weapons is zero (negligible). Chemical, bacteriological and climatic weapons are not "ordinary".
            Quote: Victor Kuzovkov
            In any case, the actual collapse of NATO and the capture by the armed forces of Germany, Italy or Spain of American military installations on their own territory can be predicted with a high degree of probability.

            No. Due to the absence of any significant armed forces in the above states (the first timid steps to restore them are only being taken). Rather, the deployed forces of the United States will take control of the significant military and infrastructure facilities of these states (de facto occupation).
            Quote: Victor Kuzovkov
            Americans will certainly want to answer. But their problem is that Russia does not have many military facilities outside its national territory.

            Their main problem is that they do not have nuclear weapons, which is applicable in a conflict with a serious adversary, such as the Russian Federation or China. And the launch of a strategic medium, whether single or group, will cause an immediate and unambiguous answer to all that is available. But the Russian Federation has nuclear weapons, in sufficient quantity and in a wide range, from the Kyrgyz Republic to artillery shells.
            Quote: Victor Kuzovkov
            goals for our one-piece "Topol" is just visible

            "Poplars", "Yars" and others rest - for the same reason as the American strategic nuclear forces.
            Quote: Victor Kuzovkov
            Russia has the opportunity to go with the trump cards that do not fight even the combined power of NATO

            Here I completely agree.
          2. 0
            22 June 2018 10: 37
            > And the impudent, I'm sorry, you, since you are trying to criticize what you know no more than a cow in ballet

            you are new to our site - there are a lot of trolls here, treat them just like bad weather :-)
            and I liked your article by its adequacy - without falling into hysteria, and without hatred.
        2. 0
          21 June 2018 12: 46
          He just knows the approaches to our MO.
  7. +5
    19 June 2018 07: 36
    In general, I think that strikes are not carried out on military facilities, but on civilian infrastructure facilities (large dams, dams, power plants) and large cities. To inflict as much destruction as possible on the population, and military bases are secondary. Destroying the base in Okinawa will not work.
    1. +2
      19 June 2018 09: 54
      ... here, I think there is precisely the moment of the use of nuclear weapons. NF is a taboo and those who use it first and also proactively declare their jurisdiction and exclusiveness. In addition to tungsten eggs, here one needs more self-confidence and charisma of a planetary scale, well, or the same stupidity, because there will probably be no one to calculate the consequences of the deed.
    2. +1
      21 June 2018 00: 01
      Quote: onega67
      In general, I believe that strikes are not carried out on military installations, but on civilian infrastructure

      Yeah, you will destroy American cities, and the American military will continue to deliver nuclear strikes against Russia. Choice of goals for nuclear weapons - akin to the question of the primacy of eggs and chicken.
    3. 0
      21 June 2018 12: 49
      Will give. It’s like a blow to the jaw of a brazen bully. There are many chances that he will understand that he incorrectly assessed his chances and will leave with curses.
  8. +4
    19 June 2018 07: 45
    “If a fight is inevitable - hit first!”
    1. 0
      21 June 2018 12: 49
      I agree. After the war, no one will know who actually was the first.
  9. +6
    19 June 2018 08: 20
    A look at nuclear war as a cross between chess and fencing .. All these "Zempelmensky exchanges of injections" will definitely grow into a meat grinder .. But people with diametrically opposed views on the consequences have one thing in common - none of them are completely sure of their concept and are not burning with desire confirm it in practice ...
    1. 0
      21 June 2018 12: 51
      So what? So humanity has outlived itself. It's time to free up space for more peaceful or less cunning individuals. The earth will not suffer.
  10. +4
    19 June 2018 08: 35
    goals for our one-piece "Topol" is simply visible and invisible.

    And if you shmalnut in the center (usa)? Disable general. Who then will manage all those bases of which there are a lot. Without a center, they are nothing.

    KAMAZ The wheel came off, and he goes. The diesel does not go into one or two cylinders, but it goes. Is the battery dead? And he is diesel - he is going. Wade in the middle of the windshield? Not a question - let's go. It is necessary to remove the heart (engine).

    Why do you need ten fingers? You and eight (4 + 4) with a spoon handle. Two eyes? One is enough. There will be no control (brain) - fingers will not be needed.

    In general, the article is more interesting than the two previous ones.
    1. +1
      19 June 2018 09: 25
      Maybe we shall. We surely must. More than once.
      dmb lol
      1. +1
        19 June 2018 15: 38
        Quote: akunin

        Well yes! Yes Yes something like that Yes

    2. +1
      21 June 2018 12: 52
      We will get our own anyway. Their commanders can make decisions on their own submarines. Therefore, it is necessary to endure immediately.
  11. +2
    19 June 2018 08: 44
    Analytics however ... As there: "I was a little stupefied." Particularly delivered about patriotic generals and about how "the Italian armed forces seize NATO bases."
    1. 0
      21 June 2018 12: 53
      And could you believe in 1988 that in three years Chechen women would capture the military units of the USSR Armed Forces?
  12. +2
    19 June 2018 10: 24
    I agree on most points. Effectively, reasonably ...
  13. +1
    19 June 2018 10: 26
    In addition to the "limited exchange". A very subtle theory. It is plausible of course, but all on the nuances ...
  14. +3
    19 June 2018 11: 13
    In the words of Winnie the Pooh: "Well, well, well, not casual!" Already in a row an article about the big badabum. Here I am tormented by doubts, after reading the first three I took out a sheet, prepared just in case. And today I read and poured the bed properly with engine oil, because you can count on what comes in handy. In short, the authors, it's good to scare and confuse people. Tell me exactly what to do? A shroud to cook or a rustle like mad Mad conqueror of roads? laughing
    1. +4
      19 June 2018 11: 18
      Quote: Captain45
      what to do? Shroud to cook or rouge like mad Max

      IMHO to read and forget. Like a bad joke.
      Well, you can still write that thread, if there is a lot of time laughing
      1. +4
        19 June 2018 11: 25
        Quote: Golovan Jack
        IMHO to read and forget. Like a bad joke.

        It only remains that pah and grind. Well, it used to be the case at the NVP, here is the shocking factor - at this distance from the epicenter from it you can hide in a ditch behind the shed, but here only in the bomb shelter. And if you noticed a flash, you don’t have to close your eyes and fall with your feet in the direction of the explosion because you see this sight for the first and last time in your life laughing And the machine should be kept outstretched so that the molten metal does not burn the boots - state property lol
    2. +1
      21 June 2018 12: 54
      Cognac purchase. Then everything will not matter.
  15. +3
    19 June 2018 12: 48
    Everyone has already forgotten a little another statement by the Dark One, that our country is militarily stronger than any aggressor. And what’s important is every word. It clearly follows from this that there are forces or means not known to the general public that will unequivocally incline any conflict to our victory. Those. there are specific scenarios, playing which we will not lose. For example, somewhere in the wilds of Mexico, we may have containers with biological agents deployed that may cease to be airtight via a remote communication channel. And at the bottom of the Thames, containers with similar contents may also appear ... Biological weapons are the most secretive. It cannot be unambiguously associated with the aggressor.
    1. 0
      19 June 2018 13: 38
      yeah, Gauges in Club-K, traveling around the states on trucks lol
    2. +3
      19 June 2018 16: 23
      It would be good! Yes, that's just ... it would be necessary to open
      Quote: Tektor
      containers with biological agents that may no longer be airtight via a remote communication channel.
      in the government of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank.
    3. +2
      21 June 2018 12: 59
      Write a novel. You have a talent. They are not afraid of us. Until they were given, as in Vietnam (50 thousand corpses and 5000 downed helicopter planes), they will not calm down. They do not believe in the superiority of the enemy. They think that they are fooled. They have been brought up since childhood as winners. Hitler also did not believe the specialists who looked at our aircraft factories and said that the Union and the Reich were comparable in production and quality.
  16. +3
    19 June 2018 13: 36
    finally, an adequate article on nuclear weapons. every time I read materials about WMD, I think "God forbid," I really do not want to put my skills and knowledge into practice.
    however, from the point of view of strategy, an interesting idea about the exchange of missile attacks on military facilities in third countries requires development, already from the point of view of non-nuclear weapons. so we are waiting for the development of the topic smile
  17. +1
    19 June 2018 14: 09
    "Yes, the United States can strike at Baikonur, at other targets in Central Asia" Yes, there are no real Russian military targets there! Military training grounds where rockets are fired. Baikonur is without nuclear missiles, because Kazakhstan has long abandoned them.
    1. +2
      19 June 2018 14: 48
      Quote: Lena363
      Baikonur is without nuclear missiles, because Kazakhstan has long abandoned them.

      Helen, and when, let me ask you, the vain mentioned by you was the happy owner of nuclear missiles? Ramstein, for example, is not only cool guys, but also an American base, the contents of which Germany does not possess. It’s better to figure out what will happen to the flowerbed if it swallows ... love
    2. +1
      21 June 2018 13: 01
      Well, in Syria, they fired on empty places and did not steam ...
  18. +3
    19 June 2018 14: 46
    Thanks so much for the article! I read, already relieved from my heart. The soul hurts, as our Motherland is trampled by a different scum! Now, having read this robust report, I understand that there will be no war in the next 50 years, and we can concentrate on work. We here in Belarus, of course, are already bending over from lack of money and beggarly life, but thank God and Russia that it does not leave us and feeds and contains us. For this, I thank her and our brothers! I just want to live and work and raise children. And thanks to Russia, it seems to me that if God willing, I will do all this!
  19. +2
    19 June 2018 15: 04
    Now it’s clear who accustoms the population to the inevitability of a nuclear war, and who fought for peace. Radiation is nonsense.
    Only who will believe it? My friend died from this "bullshit". But he did not take an active part in the Chernobyl accident, he was cordoned off. I better not have read this layout of the exchange of nuclear strikes.
  20. 0
    19 June 2018 15: 42
    On IN strangeness (schiz + somatic disturbances), the Guard! World nuclear war under discussion and more than one month. When there is an acute stage of exacerbation, or if the disease does not stop and is constantly present, or the disease itself is of such a nature, then dementia occurs, the personality breaks up, however, this is mainly characteristic of nuclear war writers with additional violations, including intellectual
  21. +5
    19 June 2018 15: 45
    What nonsense!
    Excuse me, have you ever hit a person in the face?
    You beat him, and he thinks like this: “Now I’ll give up the change, they’ll beat me up at all.”

    Once again, he introduced the United States in place, whose economy rests only on the strength of the dollar, which in turn is provided only by the US Armed Forces: "So here I am in front of the whole world community, excuse me for the vocabulary, they omit me, but I am silent?" Moreover, tomorrow I will become bankrupt and I will lose respect from vassals.

    What are you talking about?
    As soon as there is a direct attack and a de facto declaration of war, then everything that is possible and harder will fly back, no one will want to drag out the war until the situation of the battle of economies. So it was in both first world wars. Accordingly, the only option is a global lightning strike and the destruction of the enemy. Knockout and all.
    1. +1
      19 June 2018 16: 05
      those. Do you think that in response to nuclear weapons a blow to US bases in Poland and Romania, the United States will begin a full-scale nuclear exchange?
      1. +3
        19 June 2018 17: 02
        Well, read at least the NATO charter, read the doctrinal documents of our strategic partners. I am sure that yes, a full-scale nuclear strike will be delivered, because it is impossible to interpret this in any other way than declaring war and losses from inaction will be catastrophic.

        What do you think our opponents will do?
        1. +1
          19 June 2018 17: 14
          of course, that would do them honor, but something I'm not sure of the word "completely", well, except perhaps the duty declaration of war and some problems for civilian air and sea shipping
          1. +2
            19 June 2018 17: 48
            That is, we will impose sanctions on the killing of several hundred people using weapons of mass destruction?
            1. +1
              19 June 2018 18: 14
              yes, somehow it is. However, one should understand literally that "not everything that is permitted to Jupiter is allowed to the bull"; for countries with limited sovereignty, the best strategy is to try to sit on two chairs (Belarus), or to be part of the empire (although not 100% either)
    2. +1
      21 June 2018 00: 10
      Quote: RuslanD36
      You beat him, and he thinks like this: “Now I’ll give up the change, they’ll beat me up at all.”

      But there are such people, and many.
  22. +1
    19 June 2018 16: 15
    Quote from dsk
    Quote: Vard
    Regarding nuclear weapons ...

    States not without reason launched a program "mini-nuclear weapons"may well apply somewhere in the Syrian desert. Trump - "business" president, cost savings "mini-nuclear weapons" very tempting - one charge will replace a hundred tomahawks, and no "nuclear winter".

    Not the first time! But the matter does not go further than theoretical studies!
  23. +1
    19 June 2018 16: 17
    Quote: Lena363
    "Yes, the United States can strike at Baikonur, at other targets in Central Asia" Yes, there are no real Russian military targets there! Military training grounds where rockets are fired. Baikonur is without nuclear missiles, because Kazakhstan has long abandoned them.

    Do not worry too much! This is so, for example, it was said!
  24. 0
    19 June 2018 16: 19
    Quote: Tektor
    Everyone has already forgotten a little another statement by the Dark One, that our country is militarily stronger than any aggressor. And what’s important is every word. It clearly follows from this that there are forces or means not known to the general public that will unequivocally incline any conflict to our victory. Those. there are specific scenarios, playing which we will not lose. For example, somewhere in the wilds of Mexico, we may have containers with biological agents deployed that may cease to be airtight via a remote communication channel. And at the bottom of the Thames, containers with similar contents may also appear ... Biological weapons are the most secretive. It cannot be unambiguously associated with the aggressor.

    How with the Skripals?
  25. 0
    19 June 2018 16: 20
    "Be sure to bang. And more than once! The whole world is in ruins ... But later!" © DMB laughing
  26. +1
    19 June 2018 16: 21
    Quote: Himdym
    yeah, Gauges in Club-K, traveling around the states on trucks lol

    Himdym! Well, not with your training specifics so humor!
  27. +1
    19 June 2018 16: 23
    Quote: Captain45
    Quote: Golovan Jack
    IMHO to read and forget. Like a bad joke.

    It only remains that pah and grind. Well, it used to be the case at the NVP, here is the shocking factor - at this distance from the epicenter from it you can hide in a ditch behind the shed, but here only in the bomb shelter. And if you noticed a flash, you don’t have to close your eyes and fall with your feet in the direction of the explosion because you see this sight for the first and last time in your life laughing And the machine should be kept outstretched so that the molten metal does not burn the boots - state property lol

    Hee hee! Haha Hiroshima's children laughed on that bright sunny day!
  28. 0
    19 June 2018 16: 26
    Quote: Captain45
    In the words of Winnie the Pooh: "Well, well, well, not casual!" Already in a row an article about the big badabum. Here I am tormented by doubts, after reading the first three I took out a sheet, prepared just in case. And today I read and poured the bed properly with engine oil, because you can count on what comes in handy. In short, the authors, it's good to scare and confuse people. Tell me exactly what to do? A shroud to cook or a rustle like mad Mad conqueror of roads? laughing

    Look for a way to shelter N 6! There are no striking and reflective factors!
  29. +2
    19 June 2018 16: 29

    Our answer to America! Get the package!
  30. +1
    19 June 2018 16: 30
    Quote: NOTaFED
    Analytics however ... As there: "I was a little stupefied." Particularly delivered about patriotic generals and about how "the Italian armed forces seize NATO bases."

    Some inaccuracy, you know! They will go not to seize, but to requisition the surviving property for the benefit of the starving proletariat (in the sense of flying past like plywood!) - approximately somewhere like that.
  31. 0
    19 June 2018 16: 41
    Quote: akunin
    but is there a point in a limited nuclear war? scare each other? Hiroshima and Nagasaki were already there, if you need to be scared, just look at the pictures on the Internet. We won’t be afraid beforehand, the war will be fleeting. "Metro 2033".

    Break the horns of a brazen, awake cow! To know your place in the stall!
  32. 0
    19 June 2018 16: 47
    Quote: Dzafdet

    Our answer to America! Get the package!

    I am for it!
  33. +1
    19 June 2018 18: 32
    "Without affecting the critical infrastructure of these states at the first stage, as a result of even a small nuclear strike on a limited number of objects, Moscow can achieve a tremendous panic effect and actually take the US allies out of the game."
    The same can be done with conventional conventional warheads, just with enough mass use - at least 500pcs against Germany, if we take into account the energy infrastructure - thermal power plants, large substations (such as our 220 and 500 kV) ... and promise that we’ll hit NPP... request
  34. +2
    19 June 2018 21: 01
    Local nuclear conflict is quite possible, no matter how exotic it sounds.

    For example, between Israel and Iran or India and Pakistan, but not only - between the United States and Russia, a local Armageddon is also possible, for example, in the case of an American attack with high-precision non-nuclear weapons on military facilities on Russian territory, we, in accordance with our military doctrine, using tactical thermonuclear weapons (with a charge capacity of not more than 100-ctn) will send to the bottom all AUGs and destroy all US air bases abroad, since it will be launched from them that will be hit by cruise missiles and aviation warfare IPAS (carrier - see Syria.).

    In this case, the total defeat of Russian military facilities is hardly possible (since no one canceled the air defense system), but the total destruction of American air bases and aircraft carriers is an inevitable prospect, since there is no salvation from air defense radars from high-altitude explosions from leading nuclear warheads.

    The sinking of American ships at sea using Russian nuclear weapons is generally an ideal scenario of a military conflict - after this, the United States will lose control of its overseas spheres of influence in Europe, Asia and Africa and become closed on the American continents (which is our goal), and the fallout will settle at the bottom oceans.

    So we urgently need to increase to 50000-100000 the number of tactical thermonuclear charges with a capacity of 100 ktn, weighing about 100 kg and a diameter of about 30 cm, which can be installed on all types of missile weapons, starting with the Smerch MLRS and ending with " Iskander and Caliber. Plus, we urgently need to withdraw from the agreement on the prohibition of medium-range and short-range land-based missiles and deploy unified monoblock RSDs with a range of 5500 km of land (IS Iskander), sea (Husky nuclear submarines) and air (MiG-31) bases.

    According to estimates, a two-stage ballistic RSD on solid fuel ammonium dinitramide + HMX with an casting weight of 200 kg (100-ctn warhead, housing and guidance system) will have a starting weight within 5-6 tons.
  35. +1
    19 June 2018 21: 05
    Hello. "Specialist", the question is: was it only the USSR and the first to conduct tests using people. From the article (and the USSR even carried out rather cruel, but probably necessary experiments to study the consequences of a nuclear explosion on large concentrations of people and equipment.)
  36. +2
    19 June 2018 21: 52
    Quote: Fedor Egoist
    Their main problem is that they do not have nuclear weapons, which is applicable in a conflict with a serious adversary, such as the Russian Federation or China. And the launch of a strategic medium, whether single or group, will cause an immediate and unambiguous answer to all that is available. But the Russian Federation has nuclear weapons, in sufficient quantity and in a wide range, from the Kyrgyz Republic to artillery shells.

    Here let me disagree with you. The Americans have tactical nuclear weapons, although at present they are exclusively in the form of bombs. But we have, although the number of tactical nuclear weapons is estimated at about 2500 units against 500 among the Americans, but we do not have a very wide range. There are operational-tactical ballistic missiles — yes, there are cruise missiles with a range of several hundred kilometers — but not so many. The artillery shells both with them and with us, as far as I remember, were utilized for the most part. If there is, then they also have artillery systems capable of firing nuclear charges. But this, sorry battlefield weapons, is unlikely to reach tactical goals.

    As for the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons. Now the blow to the cities is not as relevant as 230-50 years ago, when the number of warheads by the parties was tens of thousands, and the number of targets, for example, according to one of the SIOP plans reached 24 thousand in the USSR, ATS, and China. Now the number of blocks is limited and it is unlikely that cities with a population of 3-4 hundred thousand people will be hit by nuclear strikes, of course, if there are no key production facilities in these cities.
    But even so good is not enough. I already wrote once that for several years I was the head of a freelance fire-fighting group under the Ministry of Emergencies at our enterprise. The most interesting was training, especially when it was approached not formally. What can happen in the city, everyone can imagine for himself. There is such a resource, called a "simulator of the third world." You set the city (you can set your own. You set the point of the explosion and the power of the ammunition. And you look at the result in the affected areas in kilometers, but the main thing is what is located there. For example, your hometown of Stavropol. Conditional explosion over a central area of ​​100 ct. management - the regional government, city administration, law enforcement agencies (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Security Service), It comes under attack (in the zone of continuous destruction - several paramilitary fire units (the most powerful), a number of medical institutions, including hospitals and clinics. city ​​structure, such as the largest substation and water canal.
    That is, the complete collapse of the management system, health care. Partially residential areas will be hit. Not new bedrooms, but those in the "old city." Outside the strike will be a couple of fire brigades, one or two hospitals. polyclinic. Complete collapse. Fear, panic, lack of supply and water and all other charms for those who survived the nuclear strike. The good thing is that the charges on each side have become less and there is hope that your city will not be enough. But this is not easier. Evacuation of the population from cities is unrealistic. Try to bring the population of the city of 300-400 thousand people in rural areas. Time and most importantly where to place these people, provide food and medical care.
    So it’s better if there isn’t any. And limited nuclear, and unlimited (global) ....
    1. +1
      20 June 2018 14: 15
      Quote: Old26
      The Americans have tactical nuclear weapons, although currently exclusively in the form of bombs

      Actually, I have no doubt about this fact. But, as I wrote above, "they don’t have TNW, which is applicable in a conflict with a serious adversary"That is, the bombs still need to be delivered to the target, and with the available means in a high-intensity conflict with an enemy comparable in strength, and even under the conditions of A2 / AD, this is unrealizable. There are, like, warheads, but no carriers. The Americans probably understand this very well, hence the dances with tambourines around the installation / reduction of the power of the nuclear warheads on the Tridents, and the agreement on the RMD is torpedoed for the same reason.
      Quote: Old26
      But even though we have the number of nuclear weapons, according to estimates, about 2500 units against 500 among Americans

      We have at least 5 thousand TNW units, the exact number is unknown, because it is not made public. Which is logical, given the lack of obligations under any contracts to do this. As well as reduce the total number of "products". In addition to NATO, the Russian Federation also has China at hand.
      Quote: Old26
      If there is, then they also have artillery systems capable of firing nuclear charges.

      They have artillery systems, there are no special charges for them - they have been withdrawn from service. In addition to the B-61, there is nothing at all. In the medium term, there are no opportunities for the production of new nuclear warheads either. So sorrow...
      Quote: Old26
      But this, sorry battlefield weapons, is unlikely to reach tactical goals.

      This passage was a little misunderstood. Destroying, for example, the enemy’s BTG is a tactical target? Or an important bridge? The most tactical goals. 2-3 special shells for the “Msta” completely solve these tactical tasks. TNW for such purposes was created in the first place. It’s another matter that a wide range of capacities of 5-80ct, as well as a large range of carriers make it possible to hit strategic targets in the rear of the enemy using TNWs, saving strategic nuclear forces.
      Quote: Old26
      Now the blow to the cities is not as relevant as 230-50 years ago, when the number of warheads by the parties was tens of thousands, and the number of targets, for example, according to one of the SIOP plans reached 24 thousand in the USSR, ATS, and China.

      I agree. They will hit (except, of course, the checkpoint, the Strategic Missile Forces objects, the missile defense / air defense positions, the high-readiness military units and the military-industrial complex objects) primarily in large infrastructure and energy facilities. And only then - with remnants - through the cities, starting with millionaires. However, they will get it anyway - defense production is in every more or less large city.
      Quote: Old26
      Now the number of blocks is limited and it is unlikely that cities with a population of 3-4 hundred thousand people will be hit by nuclear strikes, of course, if there are no key production facilities in these cities.

      I myself live in Tula (population about 500 thousand), half a city works for the defense industry (KBP, TsKIB, TOZ, Fusion, Basalt and dozens of smaller objects), and another airborne division is deployed. Well, to the heap, part of the missile defense position area passes through the region, which covers Moscow. So, I’m not building any illusions about the fate of my city and the nearest suburbs in the event of a nuclear conflict.
      Quote: Old26
      There is such a resource, called a "simulator of the third world." You set the city (you can set your own. You set the point of the explosion and the power of the ammunition. And you look at the result in the affected areas in kilometers, but the main thing is what’s there.

      I played on their site with this program for a long time, I know) A very superficial calculation, the terrain, the height of the nuclear warhead damage, the type of development and other important factors are not taken into account. But amusing, amusing :)
      Quote: Old26
      Fear, panic, lack of supply and water and all other charms for those who survived the nuclear strike.

      Moreover, I believe that in the next two days under the rubble, from hunger and cold (if suddenly winter is in the yard), a comparable, if not more, number of people will die than during the nuclear explosion itself. I’m also sure that even one tactical charge will be enough to completely paralyze all life activity in the metropolis. The massive panic and lack of basic survival skills in the vast majority of the urban population will take far more lives than the explosion itself.
      Quote: Old26
      So it’s better if there isn’t any. And limited nuclear, and unlimited (global) ....

      Strongly agree!
  37. 0
    19 June 2018 22: 15
    Somewhere in the 80s, scenarios of a limited nuclear conflict in Europe were played out, but everything was slipping into a global nuclear war. there are already too many goals for the military, which cannot be left to the "later" ..
  38. 0
    20 June 2018 10: 41
    I want to ask a respected author what does the term “reciprocating” strike mean? Since most of the enemy’s mines are already empty, is this obviously not a “counterforce” but a “retaliation strike” (over the cities)? Why then did arsenals of tens of thousands of strategic heads?
  39. 0
    20 June 2018 15: 23
    Quote: Fedor Egoist
    We have at least 5 thousand TNW units, the exact number is unknown, because it is not made public.

    It is not disclosed, but most often it still flashes an estimated figure close to 2500 thousand units

    Quote: Fedor Egoist
    They have artillery systems, there are no special charges for them - they have been withdrawn from service. In addition to the B-61, there is nothing at all. In the medium term, there are no opportunities for the production of new nuclear warheads either. So sorrow...

    I didn’t focus on shells, but if my sclerosis doesn’t change me, we reduced artillery special ammunition on an equal basis with them back in the late 80s and early 90s
    With regard to the production of new - I agree to all 100%. Their latest review by the Ministry of Energy suggests that in the best case, new production can be launched no earlier than 2028. And here it’s not even about money. By 2030, it is planned to produce up to 80 new charges per year. Therefore, they are now preoccupied with the modernization of W-xx blocks, since they cannot produce new blocks of the type IW-1, IW-2 and IW-3

    Quote: Fedor Egoist
    This passage was a little misunderstood. Destroying, for example, the enemy’s BTG is a tactical target? Or an important bridge? The most tactical goals. 2-3 special shells for the “Msta” completely solve these tactical tasks. TNW for such purposes was created in the first place. It’s another matter that a wide range of capacities of 5-80ct, as well as a large range of carriers make it possible to hit strategic targets in the rear of the enemy using TNWs, saving strategic nuclear forces.

    I meant that artillery is a weapon of the battlefield. If the same BTG will focus at a distance of 100 -120 km (and the tactical depth is up to 150 km EMNIP), then the barrel artillery will do nothing to it

    Quote: Fedor Egoist
    I myself live in Tula (population about 500 thousand), half a city works for the defense industry (KBP, TsKIB, TOZ, Fusion, Basalt and dozens of smaller objects), and another airborne division is deployed. Well, to the heap, part of the missile defense position area passes through the region, which covers Moscow. So, I’m not building any illusions about the fate of my city and the nearest suburbs in the event of a nuclear conflict.

    Well, cities such as Tula, Izhevsk and a number of others are unique precisely because of the saturation of the defense industry enterprises. Apart from military units. My city, although it is approaching half a million (or maybe already exceeded, HZ), but there is no such saturation. Factories that previously worked on the military-industrial complex are now either absent or have significantly decreased in size. A characteristic feature of the city is its location on the Stavropol Upland with its elevation differences. In the city, more precisely in its different parts, the elevation reaches 200-300 meters. And moving on to the next question

    Quote: Fedor Egoist
    I played on their site with this program for a long time, I know) A very superficial calculation, the terrain, the height of the nuclear warhead damage, the type of development and other important factors are not taken into account. But amusing, amusing :)

    Well, in a first approximation, the concept nevertheless gives. We have large enough height differences and this is quite relevant in the calculations, but to understand what will happen if ... You can understand. As they say: "He who has ears, let him hear" ...

    Quote: Fedor Egoist
    Moreover, I believe that in the next two days under the rubble, from hunger and cold (if suddenly winter is in the yard), a comparable, if not more, number of people will die than during the nuclear explosion itself. I’m also sure that even one tactical charge will be enough to completely paralyze all life activity in the metropolis. The massive panic and lack of basic survival skills in the vast majority of the urban population will take far more lives than the explosion itself.

    I agree. And therefore, "it is better not to be." As I wrote in relation to my city, rescue services (EMERCOM) will be paralyzed by the fact that their main base will be destroyed, fire departments, medical facilities, etc.

    Quote: anzar
    I want to ask a respected author what does the term “reciprocating” strike mean? Since most of the enemy’s mines are already empty, is this obviously not a “counterforce” but a “retaliation strike” (over the cities)? Why then did arsenals of tens of thousands of strategic heads?

    A “reciprocal counter” can be a blow of retaliation. The essence of the term is that the launch of a rocket on the other side takes place before the enemy’s warheads reach their territory. Roughly speaking, some are still flying, and the second is already letting them know ...
  40. +1
    20 June 2018 20: 32
    In this matter, I would personally be careful .. First, who knows what about our plants and where they are located. - Guess - that's all. Second, and somewhere we have hidden different missile defense systems, the same S-300-400 and other devices that are not very advertised by the names. Third. And what is the limit of non-perception of losses. opponents. ?? Here are a few Americans amerikosy lost somewhere so boiling turned out to be darkness. About the rest, even talking is not hunting.
  41. +2
    20 June 2018 22: 42
    I read it with maximum attention.
    An interesting point of view. But, God sees ... It would be better if all these experiments passed us however.
  42. 0
    21 June 2018 10: 55
    Quote: Signaller
    In this matter, I would personally be careful .. First, who knows what about our plants and where they are located. - Guess - that's all ..

    Who knows what about our plants and where they are located? Yes, in this regard, no problems. To do this, there is satellite monitoring, there are many sources of information. It’s quite difficult to hide a plant that, for example, has dimensions of 3 x 4 km. He will be watched at the construction stage. In the days of the Union, we didn’t really know where and which plant was located. the west is elementary. At one time, in one of the first editions of the American brochure "Soviet military power, a photograph was taken of the Nizhny Tagil Carriage Works and it is written in black and white that it is the largest tank factory in the USSR. The bulk of the people may have heard of the existence of such a carriage plant. but the fact that he makes tanks is hardly anyone knew.
    Therefore, the term "guess" is not applicable to plants. And they know where and what we have, and we are exactly the same. Where and what do they have.

    Quote: Signaller
    Second, and somewhere we have hidden different missile defense systems, the same S-300-400 and other devices not very advertised by the names.

    Tucked missile defense systems like S-300 and S-400? Is that a diplomatic briefcase, or a Matis machine? which can be hidden? An anti-aircraft missile system is several dozen vehicles for various purposes, including launchers, radars, and more. Again, how to "hide"? About deployment, incl. and where this happens is open information. Plus, again, satellite constellation. Intelligence is not in vain eating its bread.
    And what about the missile shield as the same installation of the S-300 / S-400, if the range of interception of ballistic targets, with a maximum of medium-range missiles they have about 40-60 km ????

    Quote: Signaller
    Third. And what is the limit of non-perception of losses. opponents. ?? Here are a few Americans amerikosy lost somewhere so boiling turned out to be darkness. About the rest, even talking is not hunting.

    Most often, this squeeze is the usual propaganda and pedaling of this topic on our part. Take the same Vietnam. What, the American army raised a rebellion, losing there dofig people and several thousand units of aircraft? This is how some write here - one warhead in the USA and the Americans will raise their paws and give up. Bullshit, which is heavily circulated. Yes, the Americans may be somewhat "coddled" in terms of comfort or the presence or absence of something that our soldiers can do without, but this does not mean that on each occasion kypezha rises. If we raise it, we, declaring that the American pilots (or someone else) refuse to take off flights if they were served the wrong sort of ice cream in the dining room or were not served at all. "Omit" your opponent - a favorite method of propaganda. And about the losses. There was such an American Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. He once said that the level of losses, after which the United States would cease to exist as a single economic mechanism and lose the war - the loss of 2/3 of industrial potential and 40% of the population. So consider it or not
  43. +1
    22 June 2018 15: 45
    this is a real topic to use limited nuclear weapons against any barmalei. that they would see in the world that Russia does not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. but it turns out. that we are super Dartanyans, for justice, etc., but really everyone is dancing to the tune of the United States. because everyone knows that they have already used both nuclear and chemical, and will use it again, so that on the side of the islands it’s safer not in the sense that they protect, but in the sense they will not be upset ..
    1. 0
      23 June 2018 09: 46
      apply once .. then you will not stop !!
  44. 0
    23 June 2018 09: 44
    We and the world are rolling into the abyss.
  45. 0
    25 June 2018 08: 15
    In fact, in the 2nd World War II (1939-1946gg) cooling was observed. As our relatives said, in the Urals there was then a stabilizer: in winter it was "stable" in the daytime -20, at night -40. without thaws, as it is now in winter, to plus temperatures. and on the rest of the earth where by the way there was no intense fighting there was a warming. Perhaps this was the result of hostilities (increased smoke, etc.)