American expert: Vanguard is a real technological breakthrough for Russians

American specialist in aerospace technology of the University of Notre Dame (Indiana), Thomas Giuliano spoke about the process of creating a unique look in Russia weapons - Avangard complex with a hypersonic rocket block. In an article for the magazine Space Juliano said that Russia successfully implemented the most sophisticated technology in the creation of this type of weapons.

According to Thomas Giuliano, Russia has managed to do something that nobody has yet been able to do - to create a power plant that provides speed of movement above 10 speeds of sound (10 Mach). At the same time, the American expert notes that Russia has solved the task very effectively, thinking about the possible use of a hypersonic combat unit on an intercontinental ballistic missile.

This leads to the fact that you do not need to additionally construct a rocket engine.

American expert: Vanguard is a real technological breakthrough for Russians

The American expert notes that the wings of the hypersonic missile complex provide him with not only a stable position in flight at great speed, but also the maintenance of maneuverability.

It is recalled that the United States and China also tried to test their versions of hypersonic weapons, but so far neither HTV (USA) nor DF-ZF (PRC) in the course of testing have not shown themselves properly.

According to Thomas Giuliano, Vladimir Putin’s statements about the development of a promising hypersonic Avangard missile system should be taken seriously. At the same time, an American expert noted that he does not understand those people who are trying to declare that such developments in Russia are fake.
101 comment
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  1. +26
    26 May 2018 08: 22
    If the United States surrounded in a circle and crushed with sanctions, you also created something similar .. You want to live and you’ll invent something! We are Russian ..
    1. +28
      26 May 2018 08: 30
      At the same time, the American expert noted that he does not understand those people who are trying to say that such developments in Russia are fake.

      And what is there to understand, I’d come
      American Aerospace Technology Specialist, University of Notre Dame, Indiana Thomas Giuliano
      at VO, there are thousands of experts of the highest level themselves, they know everything that is produced, produced and will be produced, they also chase tea with cognac with Putin, the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Shoigu and Gerasimov report to them every night, Trump does nothing without consulting with VO experts, so, an American, look better at VO, everyone knows here. laughing hi
      1. +15
        26 May 2018 08: 31
        I believe I do not believe, but the bench press works smile
        1. +6
          26 May 2018 08: 52
          Quote: Rusland
          I believe I do not believe, but the bench press works

          If you are talking about Americans, I will greatly disappoint you, the vast majority do not even know about the Russian “super druper” weapon, and not because there is no access to information, but because they are not interested hi
          1. +10
            26 May 2018 09: 03
            ABOUT! Have you spoken to millions of Americans on this subject? Bravo! love
            But, I suspect that they didn’t move further than their chair at the same time. Have you read Wikipedia? lol
            With such statements on behalf of all earthlings, talkers usually appear. wink
            1. +8
              26 May 2018 09: 10
              Quote: For example
              that they didn’t move further than their chair.

              I studied at the university there for several years and now I often go there to visit relatives (to my father). I look at their channels at leisure (news releases mainly) and know what info trends there are.
              No (the amers), of course, they were told about the Russians, so to speak, about the new “Kuzkina mother”, but they laughed about it and quickly forgot. what
              1. +9
                26 May 2018 09: 57
                if the Yankees are mostly apolitical, where do the fighting cocks from politics in the highest echelons of power come from, they are separately bred and trained somewhere ....
              2. +3
                26 May 2018 13: 52
                I myself have not been there, but I have a friend who lives in the states and sometimes comes to us. He speaks practically word for word, just like you) That sometimes something flickers, but in general, people don’t care about us.
                1. +6
                  26 May 2018 14: 38
                  Indeed, there they are across the oceans, as they feel on another planet, they are completely divorced from reality ....
                2. 0
                  27 May 2018 02: 32
                  the French are doing much the same. Yes, it is understandable. after all, for the most part we don’t care what they produce there. or think to produce.
            2. +2
              26 May 2018 14: 41
              Quote: For example
              ABOUT! Have you spoken to millions of Americans on this subject? Bravo! love
              But, I suspect that they didn’t move further than their chair at the same time. Have you read Wikipedia? lol
              With such statements on behalf of all earthlings, talkers usually appear. wink

              In fact, they do not care about the international situation, they care about the state of affairs in the country itself, unlike us. This is a virus near the Russian situation that has been vaccinated in the USSR and we will not get away from it anywhere.
        2. +6
          26 May 2018 09: 04
          Quote: Rusland
          I believe I do not believe, but the bench press works smile

          Putin works on this and plays very thinly hehe
          1. +1
            26 May 2018 09: 18
            Quote: Ded-Makar
            Putin works on this and plays very thinly hehe

            This is true, but only with respect to Europeans, with amers this focus will not work.
            1. +7
              26 May 2018 12: 02
              Quote: Wendigo
              Quote: Ded-Makar
              Putin works on this and plays very thinly hehe

              This is true, but only with respect to Europeans, with amers this focus will not work.

              It is quite possible you are right. After all, America is a country of frightened idiots. And Europe is at hand and phantom pains torment it.
              1. +2
                26 May 2018 13: 57
                Quote: freddyk
                It is quite possible you are right. After all, America is a country of frightened idiots.

                Notice, this is not what I said! bully But we in Russia know this .. lol
              2. +4
                26 May 2018 15: 12
                Europe in the last century suffered two world wars ...
                And when was the last time America fought on its territory?
          2. +2
            26 May 2018 09: 33
            Grandfather Makar - Vitaliy, hi not hehe hey kai, scorch! !! wassat am
            1. +2
              26 May 2018 14: 04
              Quote: ANCIENT
              Grandfather Makar - Vitaliy, hi not hehe hey kai, scorch! !! wassat am

              For three or four years now I have been “fumbling” on an illegal situation ...
              It is the same with us in Russia, everything is crushing us, and we are getting stronger! soldier
          3. 0
            26 May 2018 12: 01
            Hi Russian ! Our business is to warn, as stated. Unfortunately, it is impossible to demonstrate, all the same, the reactor.
          4. +3
            26 May 2018 14: 42
            Quote: Ded-Makar
            Quote: Rusland
            I believe I do not believe, but the bench press works smile

            Putin works on this and plays very thinly hehe

            Vital. Enough about Putin, he plays only on our nerves.
        3. +1
          26 May 2018 19: 27
          Quote: Rusland
          I believe I do not believe, but the bench press works

          And how. But we warned and warn not bluffing, and the Washington “hawks” screamed smiling. Enlightenment begins, but what will it result in?
        4. 0
          9 June 2018 12: 23
          as the joke says

          I know perfectly well that he doesn’t have these weapons, but I ipal check it
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +4
        26 May 2018 11: 15
        Quote: vovanpain
        they also chase teas with cognac with Putin, the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Shoigu and Gerasimov report to them every evening

        Take it higher - they themselves are, only under nicknames ... wink laughing
      4. +4
        26 May 2018 11: 19
        Quote: vovanpain
        at VO, there are thousands of experts of the highest level

        Our cause is just, victory will be ours! laughing
    2. +3
      26 May 2018 08: 31
      Americans are used to saw budgets. For Russia, the choice is small, something to come up with or give up. So it turns out: the gimmick of inventions is cunning.
      1. +7
        26 May 2018 13: 03
        We are not hunger, do not offend our ancestors! They left us an inheritance for many years to come, then!
        We will be worthy of our GREAT ANCESTORS!
    3. +9
      26 May 2018 08: 32
      We don’t have to invent it. We always had enough leftists. But the United States and its allies need to think hard before trying to corner us.
      1. +3
        26 May 2018 09: 51
        The artist must be hungry, and the United States fed her. Local "artists" fiddled, the heavy ones began to approach the approach. hi
      2. +1
        26 May 2018 13: 00
        Teberii (Andrey) Today, 08:32 ↑
        We don’t have to invent it. We always had enough leftists. But the United States and its allies need to think hard before trying to corner us.

        It is impossible to drive US into a corner if you yourself aren’t a fool .... God, marked in our memory, can’t repeat such idiocy!
        1. +4
          26 May 2018 20: 25
          Quote: rocket757
          marked by God in our memory,

          You are mistaken, not his God methyl - Satan.
          1. +1
            26 May 2018 20: 52
            Yes, I understand that it was not a gift from the Almighty that was marked there ... but it’s not customary here in Orthodoxy to say so. We assume that it was a warning badge label ... some did not heed or disguised themselves well ..
            1. +5
              26 May 2018 21: 41
              Quote: rocket757
              but it’s not customary here in Orthodoxy to say so.

              They don’t say it for one simple reason - the Orthodox Church denies the influence of moles on the fate of a person and believes that birthmarks are nothing more than genetically determined manifestations, formations on the human body. It is believed in the East that a large birthmark on the forehead indicates that a person is waiting for the vicissitudes of fate because of his inability to foresee the long-term consequences of his actions, which we actually saw on the example of this tagged nits. Namesake, hi !
              1. +1
                27 May 2018 00: 48
                Victor soldier Good midnight to us night owls!
                Deep in and around religion, I don’t have ah ... without religious education, and then, purely for information, we can say optional.
                Tagged, this is only the highest point of betrayal of our country! There were enemies before him, put their dirty paws to this process, they will \ are there after him!
                Although I accept the choice of the people, the chosen top of the country's rule, I still think that there are too many open enemies and just grabbers / goons .... with them we are unlikely to come closer to victories and prosperity, we would not slide back!
    4. 0
      26 May 2018 09: 37
      I recalled the plot from the film "Features of the national hunt." "If you want to live, you will not be so heated." winked
      1. 0
        26 May 2018 12: 58
        Is there such a weapon or will only (it will, I have no doubt). the main thing is that RUSSIA ALWAYS CREATED WHAT SAVED FROM THE LAST STEP EVEN THE MOST FROZEN! - et from the moment when weapons of global destruction appeared! And before that, just shook everything sho it is necessary to the one who did not want to understand this !!!
        So it will be in the future!
    5. +4
      26 May 2018 13: 32
      Quote: Ded-Makar
      If the United States surrounded in a circle and crushed with sanctions, you also created something similar .. You want to live and you’ll invent something! We are Russian ..

      It’s not a matter of sanctions, it’s different .... I was interested in something like that, a 3D printer, that’s what I found - It is in China that children learn 3D printing. I don’t know, we have something similar in our schools ... But on the other hand, we have craftsmen after school age - This is also a 3D printer, for me it is not clear, this is from the principle, our essence or lack of money for the finished product, although it is the owner of this cabinet-printer (made from an old, possibly Soviet cabinet, specifically from the door) that makes money on it, so how I complained that while he collected it, it took half a year, Orders were idle! So here, and yet, not one hundred, well, to prove that it works -
  2. +2
    26 May 2018 08: 23
    Well, they can ... When you need to ...
    1. +3
      26 May 2018 08: 39
      Well, they can ... When you need to ...

      Well, we always do. Until the thunder strikes ...
    2. +10
      26 May 2018 11: 00
      Well, they can ... When you need ..

      The American expert did not formulate it that way, this is not a breakthrough ... rather, it is a return to the roots, the theme of "Vanguard" for more than 60 years ....
      "In 1957, the TU-130DP, the unmanned planning aircraft" DP ", was developed and tested in the design bureau. The aircraft was raised on an R-12 rocket to an altitude of 80-100 km, after which it was separated from the carrier and transferred to a planning flight. The target could be at a distance of up to 4000 km, and the speed of the DP reached 10 Mach. "

  3. +2
    26 May 2018 08: 25
    It remained incomprehensible to me, is the Vanguard and Yu-71 the same thing?
    1. +4
      26 May 2018 08: 34
      if I am not mistaken, the U71 prototype of the “Dagger“.
      1. +4
        26 May 2018 09: 14
        Quote: newbie
        if I am not mistaken, the U71 prototype of the “Dagger“.

        The U-71 is precisely the hypersonic maneuvering unit. About a year ago, this designation flashed in various articles on this topic.
        1. +4
          26 May 2018 09: 30
          U71 is a maneuvering hypersonic unit, you are right, but it was created for promising ICBMs and Sormat-type missiles! So this is a completely different weapon!
          1. +4
            26 May 2018 10: 01
            oh yes, pardon, mistake. “Vanguard“ is the theme of PC26 “Frontier“.
      2. +2
        26 May 2018 18: 45
        Quote: newbie
        if I am not mistaken, the U71 prototype of the “Dagger“.

        No ... Dagger, this is not a glider, but the MIG-31 complex (the first booster stage) and the rocket itself. Yu-71 is the Vanguard. Moreover, as I think, a smaller version of the Yu-71. It seems like the object 4202 was originally supposed to carry a rocket itself ...

        In any case, there was such an impression, as it was said that the Yu-71 would be a self-sufficient aircraft.
  4. +6
    26 May 2018 08: 27
    Yes, their envy gnaws. Wicked as universal sorrow. They did not get it. But they know how old and how much money it takes to get it ... So they are trying to "cover up" ... They definitely need to, like, demonstrate this weapon "firsthand"! But is it nothing that this will be the last impression in their worthless life? wassat
    1. +3
      26 May 2018 08: 44
      Like that little dog, bite, so only behind and bullshit on the whole village.
  5. +1
    26 May 2018 08: 27
    I hope Giuliano will not have problems, say with work, because he dared to row against the mainstream.
    1. +2
      26 May 2018 08: 40
      I think there are many of them. But everything is not at the helm!
      1. +5
        26 May 2018 08: 46
        They have dermocracy, they’ll not gobble up right away, they will wait until morning smile
      2. +2
        26 May 2018 08: 47
        this is all sadness.
    2. +1
      26 May 2018 08: 57
      Giuliano is not a well-known figure in the states, as well as, for example, the patriots beloved by the patriots “American” magazine national interest, and hardly anyone else knows about his “work” except for VO readers. hi
      1. +7
        26 May 2018 09: 22
        who needs to know already, in the digital age then. but about cheers, not cheers ... well, I'm patriot_ and what? and how much cheers, it is determined by the measure of the lack of pessimists, who are essentially defeatists. about nesh.interest, so you can laugh at their pearl. I prefer domestic Internet magazines, I assure, objectively.
        1. +1
          26 May 2018 11: 26
          Quote: newbie
          who needs to know already, in the digital age

          Know what? Everybody saw a cartoon about rockets with cheap graphics, they laughed at every comedy show in America. Did they believe what was shown there? No, they didn’t believe it!
          "Expert" from the article no one and call him nothing. There they have their own time-tested experts who value their reputation, they have an armada of super drupers of modern satellites, they finally have spies in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (where without it), in general, they are sure that everyone knows, and that they know - they are funny hi
          Quote: newbie
          Well, I'm patriot_ and what

          Patriot is one thing, urapatriot is another. There is a big difference between them! Second default idiots, EVERYTHING! I hope you belong to the 1st category. wink
          1. +5
            26 May 2018 12: 42
            everything listed by you is abundant and ours, and to us deeply violet the opinion of your shows and stupid people. but calling patriots idiots is a bust. may they all beautify, but it is precisely their optimism that drives the life of the state. By the way, and in war, the patriots are the first to attack, the first is clear to you. and when they go to you cheated traitors, try to explain to them that they are! and so: you are nobody and you can’t be called, if your Yankees are super duper, but we have cartoons. I hope the near-by like you, on your next trip to school (in fact, recruitment), will be lucky not to be lucky to feel the impact of the “cartoon” in your own skin.
          2. +2
            26 May 2018 15: 21
            What a silly body, humorous shows are created to make people laugh, if people like you draw information about the perception of the latest weapons from a humor show, this explains the stuff you wrote. Look better at CNBC reports and their information received from US intelligence, unnoticed and so that it was funny, considering how strongly Russia will dominate the means of delivery, the main weapon of our century. With the c500 and possibly new classified means of intercepting ICBMs, Americans risk waking up in the form of radioactive ashes. Also a fan of the United States, given the super-fast growth of the world's population and that approximately in 15 years, there will be a massive shortage of resources, and Russia will be the leader in reserves for almost all the most important resources, it will be the only strange country that will have time for cartoons with the most realistic graphics.
          3. +2
            26 May 2018 18: 34
            Tell me a pin dos and you are a patriot of which country? And what are you members of the American LGBT people doing in my country?
  6. +2
    26 May 2018 08: 46
    At the same time, the American expert noted that he does not understand those people who are trying to say that such developments in Russia are fake.

    I agree with the speaker. We have most of the weapons do not meet the declared technical specifications. Ten MAXs. I do not believe!!! Minimum 14 am
    1. +3
      26 May 2018 08: 56
      Quote: Tusv
      We have most of the weapons do not meet the declared technical specifications. Ten MAXs. I do not believe!!! Minimum 14

      I agree, but often we love to be "pissed off" and scold and blame all our own .. And then our weapons and technologies turn out to be the most advanced! Paradox
      They dig a lot of ideas and technologies ..
      1. 0
        26 May 2018 09: 09
        Quote: Ded-Makar
        and scold and blame all of their own. And then our weapons and technologies turn out to be the most advanced! Paradox

        Well, sometimes We hay not for criticism, but for the sake of good. The same T-34. Some booby decided that a massive hatch would protect the tank commander better than the commander’s turret hi
        1. +2
          26 May 2018 16: 09
          And the commander leaning out of the tower with flags in his hands is more effective than the radio station on the tank laughing
  7. +3
    26 May 2018 09: 02
    I am simply surprised how people do not perceive the fact that high flight speeds of aircraft are associated with a huge complex of transient physical processes. Everything happens in various vectors and potential interactions. Therefore, not understanding and not possessing mathematical technologies for analyzing such super-intensive information processes, it is impossible not only to create, but also to simulate both the flight process and the flight devices themselves. And there are no such analysis technologies. Therefore, everything turns into bazaar craftiness or I’m better and you’re nobody or you’re beautiful and just super. Moreover, the objective situation does not change and the tasks remain unresolved
    1. +2
      26 May 2018 09: 14
      The more water in the book, the deeper it is. (WITH)
      I did not understand your post, - Is there a vanguard or not?
      1. +5
        26 May 2018 09: 59
        Kerensky hi -the same Gridasov, he is from the password world, he can start telling for one thing, he loses his thought, and ends up for another! !!! belay
        1. +1
          26 May 2018 10: 10
          this is Gridasov, he is from a parallel world,

          hi Damn Easter! And I'm from the perpendicular world. Thank you for enlightening.
          Just in some matters, I agree with Rezun (Suvorov) - it is necessary to pound. And often. Lay the Vanguard punch in the drug preparation program. “Who needs it” will immediately recognize and scratch everything they find. To set the task for the listeners to use the Vanguard (Do you know where then the cards and decisions go? Yeah! Destroyed with the act of HRT in a special oven ..)
          1. +1
            26 May 2018 10: 14
            Kerensky hi -can not believe it, but the Vanguard really exists! sad
            1. 0
              26 May 2018 10: 20
              Vanguard really exists!

              I will not dissemble, - I believe. Moreover, one must carry out this thought. But as? Yes, as I said, give the audience tasks with the Vanguard. For a second: I had a chance to work at the VKS Academy in Tver. Hm! Carpenter.
            2. 0
              27 May 2018 15: 17
              When they tell me, but show us your device and we will believe it. At the same time I answer you need to show the device itself or show the physical effects that it reproduces. And here comes a stupor. I can add explanations, but I understand that further dialogue is useless. People hope for a miracle. Therefore, it is worth talking about Vanguard or anything else in such a way that, as a material object, all this can exist. BUT! To fly with those indicators that are claimed, of course not. Moreover, there is not and cannot be a single engine providing the physical process of burning fuel with even greater speed, so that a driving force is created. At the same time, there is justification on what principles such an engine should be created. The physical justification is so comprehensive and obvious in its convincingness that you can start manufacturing and mastering new technology yesterday.
              Moreover, the new technology allows you to start creating new materials in different aggregate states so that they are harmonized with ultra-high dynamic processes of their interactions. That is, processes in more complex forms of interaction than in space can be reproduced under conditions on the surface of "our" planet.
        2. 0
          26 May 2018 20: 57
          In something you are right. Just keep in mind that the reasoning of so many prominent people remains the subject of study for hundreds and hundreds of years. Therefore wisdom
          always in depth, and not in openness and accessibility. How, for example, to explain to you what the mathematics of analysis is and that extra-large amounts of information need to be analyzed by algorithmic methods that come from the function of a constant value of a number. not variable. If this tells you something
    2. +2
      26 May 2018 09: 43
      Quote: gridasov
      I am simply surprised how people do not perceive the fact that high flight speeds of aircraft are associated with a huge complex of transient physical processes.

      AND? What is the problem? Glader experiences the same physical processes as an ordinary body, but 3-4 MAX higher. Sorry FAA attacked on Six and this is in the last century. Our warheads dream of making the Stalin Strait by 14. Materials created another 70s hi
      1. +1
        26 May 2018 09: 47
        Quote: Tusv
        Sorry FAA attacked on Six

        Do not understand. Six swings? And what then did the Germans transmit to the Japanese in Operation Shadow of Yamato?
        1. 0
          26 May 2018 09: 55
          Quote: mordvin xnumx
          Do not understand. Six swings? And what then did the Germans transmit to the Japanese in Operation Shadow of Yamato?

          Where does the Japanese submarine hike here? In my opinion, no relation to hypersound hi
      2. 0
        26 May 2018 21: 07
        When they say that, with three MAXs, the temperature of the hull of an airplane or missiles reaches three hundred degrees, then say nothing. Some parts of the body are heated and an order of magnitude higher, while there are areas with a fairly low temperature. This temperature difference causes e. magnetic processes, which not only lead to the destruction of body parts, but also affect all electronics. So what are we talking about? Personally, I am talking about the need to create such mathematical methods that would describe the entire set of interconnected processes on the surface of an aircraft at each point. And such an analysis should be carried out in the mode of transformation of all electromagnetic parameters from changes in the totality of influence factors, rather than selected particular and highly subjective parameters, as is done now.
    3. 0
      26 May 2018 09: 56
      Gridasov, when you talk to yourself, explain that it’s not glory to God to create such a weapon! !! belay
      1. 0
        26 May 2018 21: 19
        First of all, I’m just saying that the energy of the external environment’s resistance to the flight of an aircraft can and should be used. These are completely simple concepts and a process. But for some reason, if they say that I am from another world, then it makes people difficult to understand. Or rather, you simply do not believe in it, and then do not strive to develop.
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +4
    26 May 2018 09: 43
    The “experts” only became very concise and concise. They cannot write like Jules Verne with numbers and formulas. Here Jules Verne wrote so that he believed from the initial letter to the end point. And now one writes is Putin’s bluff. because this cannot be, Russia makes only rusty iron. Another writes that wise Putin timidly hides hypersound in his hangars, he can sniff a rocket at any point on the map ... laughing
    1. +1
      26 May 2018 09: 51
      Quote: Altona
      And now one writes is Putin’s bluff. because this cannot be, Russia

      I always think, and if Hitler knew about the capabilities of the KV-1 and T-34, would he go to war? Lesson 41. No need to be ashamed of their weapons and the main slogan of the Communists, world peace, will triumph
    2. 0
      26 May 2018 20: 10
      And whoever knows that the landing site and weight of Apollo11 ​​differed from Verne’s novel only by a few?
  10. +2
    26 May 2018 09: 51
    Is this weapon or is it not (nothing concrete can be said yet) only Putin shared information, but he specifically spread this information from the West !! Approximately like the Central Committee of the CPSU, under the USSR, the Americans with their SOI program. Putin specifically moved the beginning of the war with such information, the West does not like to fight when something is unknown to him, his enemy has undetermined power. At the same time, it’s even more like an information bomb, the West is not homogeneous in their essence, and the Americans, trying to rally everyone, have already broken firewood. And I think they will
  11. +2
    26 May 2018 09: 55
    Quote: Tusv
    I always think, and if Hitler knew about the capabilities of the KV-1 and T-34, would he go to war? Lesson 41. No need to be ashamed of their weapons and the main slogan of the Communists, world peace, will triumph

    Nobody is ashamed of his armaments. But Hitler would go to war. Because it was not he who decided where and how to go. In general, Adolf Aloizovich was a poor and dependent person, he was pulled upstairs by influential people whom he was introduced to by an influential lady who sympathized with him. Well, once dragged, then the conditions dictated. However, Putin has a very similar story. Little man dragged upstairs.
    1. 0
      26 May 2018 16: 44
      History has no subjunctive mood.
  12. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      26 May 2018 11: 38
      here I am about the same. drinks
  13. +4
    26 May 2018 11: 18
    with hypersonic missile block.

    A masterpiece of terminology from this American expert

    It is recalled that the United States and China also tried to test their versions of hypersonic weapons, but so far neither HTV (USA) nor DF-ZF (PRC) in the course of testing have not shown themselves properly.

    So what? Experience is being developed, yet the area of ​​controlled flight in hypersound is still not well understood. Russia simply has a significant temporary handicap. We started our work in the mid-80s, our competitors in the early 2000s. Not particularly successful, but nonetheless.
    The Chinese have no school in this regard, it is only being formed. Americans want to immediately embrace the immensity and are scattered. As a result, forces and resources are sprayed. For example, why did the Americans need to run two programs at once. One for the Air Force is the Falcon program with a hypersonic HTV unit, the other program is AHW with an HGB hypersonic warhead unit for the Army.
    But this is traditional for them. A clear separation is for the army, this is for the air force. As a result, dubbing appears in the systems. But it turns out that both there and there have been certain successes, but in total the program has not been completed.

    Quote: Voyager
    It remained incomprehensible to me, is the Vanguard and Yu-71 the same thing?

    So to speak. Vanguard and product 4202 are one and the same. The Yu-71 index appeared in print and is not particularly accurate.

    Quote: newbie
    if I am not mistaken, the U71 prototype of the “Dagger“.

    You are mistaken
    1. 0
      26 May 2018 12: 41
      Quote: Old26
      For example, why did the Americans need to run two programs at once

      Is the Dagger and Vanguard the same program?
    2. +3
      26 May 2018 12: 50
      Quote: Old26
      But this is traditional for them. A clear separation is for the army, this is for the air force. As a result, dubbing appears in the systems. But it turns out that both there and there have been certain successes, but in total the program has not been completed.

      Hmm, interesting point. Does religion not allow “unifying brands” to mattresses? Or are "interspecific" frictions so strong that even in order to achieve overall success, they will not "collect from two" ... As an option, both projects have groundwork in identical directions and unification at this stage will not work, because it’s stupidly not enough "details".request They are strange ...
  14. 0
    26 May 2018 11: 35
    Quote: vovanpain
    At the same time, the American expert noted that he does not understand those people who are trying to say that such developments in Russia are fake.

    And what is there to understand, I’d come
    American Aerospace Technology Specialist, University of Notre Dame, Indiana Thomas Giuliano
    at VO, there are thousands of experts of the highest level themselves, they know everything that is produced, produced and will be produced, they also chase tea with cognac with Putin, the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Shoigu and Gerasimov report to them every night, Trump does nothing without consulting with VO experts, so, an American, look better at VO, everyone knows here. laughing hi

    Are you talking head here? Did you even understand the meaning of your writings?
  15. +2
    26 May 2018 11: 37
    and already?
    or in cartoons yet?
    sense to praise the non-existent wunderwafel?
    hatred for good does not lead. stop
    1. 0
      26 May 2018 16: 31
      Good show off is more expensive than money laughing
  16. +3
    26 May 2018 11: 58
    Article water by water, they say he had already seen it live, and even there he counted something about wings that provide stability.
    At the same time, the American expert noted that he does not understand those people who are trying to say that such developments in Russia are fake.

    Because we, Russians, live in this country and know perfectly well what kind of lies our government is capable of, if only to look smartly.
  17. +3
    26 May 2018 13: 37
    Those. still not "cartoons"? what And they said that "cartoons." Yes (the same "WP" very witty complained about Putin's message of March 1 of this year to the Federal Assembly - good) And I believed them so ... sad
  18. +2
    26 May 2018 14: 45
    Quote: Solomon Kane
    Well, they can ... When you need ..

    The American expert did not formulate it that way, this is not a breakthrough ... rather, it is a return to the roots, the theme of "Vanguard" for more than 60 years ....
    "In 1957, the TU-130DP, the unmanned planning aircraft" DP ", was developed and tested in the design bureau. The aircraft was raised on an R-12 rocket to an altitude of 80-100 km, after which it was separated from the carrier and transferred to a planning flight. The target could be at a distance of up to 4000 km, and the speed of the DP reached 10 Mach. "

    Konstantin. No need to mix everything in one bottle. The theme "Vanguard" is not 60 years old. Those developments were on completely different topics. And the “Albatross” - he, too, should not be harnessed here. Yes, he was a forerunner, but in no way is it the same product

    Quote: newbie
    oh yes, pardon, mistake. “Vanguard“ is the theme of PC26 “Frontier“.

    Not really. "Frontier" is "Vanguard-R". In fact, as far as I heard those with the name "Vanguard" was about 40. But with different letters. One of the Avangard topics has become what it is - military equipment within a broader theme "Jumper", the second topic is the so-called SCO OCD "Vanguard-R" became an ICBM "Rubkzh".

    Quote: Tusv
    Quote: Old26
    For example, why did the Americans need to run two programs at once

    Is the Dagger and Vanguard the same program?

    We have completely different topics. One - "Vanguard" - is the military equipment of ICBMs, the second - "Dagger" - is an air launch rocket. The Americans have both programs - Falcon with GZLA HTV-2 and program Ahh with GZLA Hgb - almost the same thing, only for different departments. the first for the Air Force, the second for the army. And everyone pulls a blanket over themselves. And as a result there are no results
  19. +1
    26 May 2018 16: 25
    Quote: Altona
    And now one writes is Putin’s bluff. because this cannot be, Russia makes only rusty iron

    They will only believe when we drown AUG laughing
    1. 0
      26 May 2018 16: 54
      Quote: 123456789
      Quote: Altona
      And now one writes is Putin’s bluff. because this cannot be, Russia makes only rusty iron

      They will only believe when we drown AUG laughing

      Yeah ... wassat They will believe that when we either sink the AUG, or we plan the F-35s, or we sweep away Britain with a wave, or bomb someone on someone else’s territory, or we begin to throw satellites, or trample the dollar into the ground ... belay In the meantime, we have not done this, and, in all likelihood and the mood of the first persons, are not going to do in the next six years, we will be together, with all horror, to shit at the door, and we will sigh, express concern and concern and say:
  20. 0
    26 May 2018 18: 32
    you have to go for preventive measures, the Yankees understand only the whip and do not calm down until they get firmly in the face ...
  21. 0
    27 May 2018 06: 27
    A crush of water began in the mortar. Someone blundered too much because of the PR. Silence about such a weapon is necessary and not wagging your tongue! And now all sorts of experts have flooded.
    1. +1
      27 May 2018 06: 40
      Quote: Evgeniy667b
      A crush of water began in the mortar. Someone blundered too much because of the PR. Silence about such a weapon is necessary and not wagging your tongue! And now all sorts of experts have flooded.

      You know "scientific institutes" They know more than any experts, they follow all new developments that are of particular importance. China is a leader in this field .... laughing
      In 1995, Lockheed Martin announced the receipt of military secrets from the Yakovlev Design Bureau. The knowledge and experience of Soviet technical specialists accumulated during the development of the Soviet Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter was used to develop the F-35. The demo version, Lockheed Martin X-35B, in many respects resembles the Yak-141, with the exception that the Yak-141 had two additional RD-41 turbojet engines for vertical take-off and landing, and the Lockheed Martin product cost one main engine
      1. 0
        27 May 2018 12: 41
        Firstly, scientific institutes should be understood not as generalized sources of knowledge, but as specific people who are carriers of this knowledge. Secondly, regarding vertical take-off, what? Stolen technology allowed anyone to fly better? What are the vertical takeoff issues resolved? Once again I repeat that before the problems indicated will be solved, at least they will be solved, physicists and mathematicians must understand the essence of the new organized processes. Therefore, even if samples of new engines were provided in which the processes were organized in a completely different way than on the turbine blades, nobody will understand anything anyway. We must understand the essence of the physical process itself and its organization of transformations at each point in space, at least the local space of the mover. Therefore, all the leading engine-building companies with their innovative solutions remain practically where they were, that is, at the level of those achievements of accelerations and maneuverability and maximum speed that have been achieved for a long time. At the same time, none of the scientific institutes is able to propose reasonable changes that can have real and fundamental advancement in the future, as an innovative idea and its solution. I have not said this yet about the basics of the formation of processes for analyzing the information itself, which is based on mathematics and physics. Since, first of all, we also need new mathematical technologies for the analysis of super-intensive and super-dynamic complex physical. processes. But I think this is generally a dark forest for most
        1. +1
          27 May 2018 13: 15
          Quote: gridasov
          Firstly, scientific institutes should be understood not as generalized sources of knowledge, but as specific people who are carriers of this knowledge. Secondly, regarding vertical take-off, what? Stolen technology allowed anyone to fly better? What are the vertical takeoff issues resolved? Once again I repeat that before the problems indicated will be solved, at least they will be solved, physicists and mathematicians must understand the essence of the new organized processes. Therefore, even if samples of new engines were provided in which the processes were organized in a completely different way than on the turbine blades, nobody will understand anything anyway. We must understand the essence of the physical process itself and its organization of transformations at each point in space, at least the local space of the mover. Therefore, all the leading engine-building companies with their innovative solutions remain practically where they were, that is, at the level of those achievements of accelerations and maneuverability and maximum speed that have been achieved for a long time. At the same time, none of the scientific institutes is able to propose reasonable changes that can have real and fundamental advancement in the future, as an innovative idea and its solution. I have not said this yet about the basics of the formation of processes for analyzing the information itself, which is based on mathematics and physics. Since, first of all, we also need new mathematical technologies for the analysis of super-intensive and super-dynamic complex physical. processes. But I think this is generally a dark forest for most

          You wrote well, but it’s a lot, here how, the one who mastered the properties of gunpowder learned to shoot, the states are not stupid and not only Americans work there, but there are many other nations, literate people there ..... hi
          1. 0
            27 May 2018 13: 55
            Once you write extensively and they say that a lot. Another time briefly and they say that they did not understand.
            Firstly, you should not think that anyone is stupid at all. Everyone sees a peculiar situation regarding their goals and objectives and models their achievement with
            methods and ways .. So the Americans, albeit not stupid, have investment potential and the technological base of production at a high level. But at the same time, like all other countries, they face a blank wall. No one in the world is able to make a technological breakthrough at such a level that opens up prospects for the distant future. Yes, small steps are being taken in the development and improvement of already established technologies, but there is no way to make a breakthrough. And this is understood by leading world analysts. But not all of them even understand what is the basis of breakthrough decisions, which is the cornerstone that will form the foundation of future achievements. . Nobody is even able to offer ideas or solutions. Therefore, the conversation is about the fundamental issues of our development in the future, and not private decisions in the framework of the modernization of established methods and technologies.
  22. 0
    27 May 2018 09: 20
    Quote: Wendigo
    Quote: For example
    that they didn’t move further than their chair.

    I studied at the university there for several years and now I often go there to visit relatives (to my father). I look at their channels at leisure (news releases mainly) and know what info trends there are.
    No (the amers), of course, they were told about the Russians, so to speak, about the new “Kuzkina mother”, but they laughed about it and quickly forgot. what

    Well, yes, the rams are also only interested in having the juicy grass, and the shepherd did not drive much, but they only remember wolves when they really come to visit them ...
  23. 0
    27 May 2018 20: 58
    Quote: Altona
    Little man dragged upstairs.

    How is Catherine the Great?
  24. +1
    9 June 2018 08: 33
    Quote: Ded-Makar
    If the United States surrounded in a circle and crushed with sanctions, you also created something similar .. You want to live and you’ll invent something! We are Russian ..

    ...Not everyone..