It will be a breakthrough! In the West, appreciated the Russian ZRS C-500

Russia has always been distinguished by the reliability of its air defense systems, ranging from C-125, C-200 and C-300, as well as C-400 Triumph, one of the best air defense systems in the world at the moment. However, the launch of the latest Russian anti-aircraft missile system C-500 into mass production will be a breakthrough for Russia, writes the Military Watch Magazine.

It will be a breakthrough! In the West, appreciated the Russian ZRS C-500

Currently, missile defense systems in Russia are carried by C-400, C-300В and А-135 systems, which have a good potential for repelling the attacks of existing missiles and airplanes. But with the advent of hypersonic weapons Opponents of Russia may face a situation where the systems at their disposal cannot cope with Moscow, therefore the development of C-500 is a task of strategic importance for Russia.

The portal emphasizes that the C-500 can be the first anti-aircraft system in the world that can repel hypersonic rocket attacks.

C-500 belongs to a new generation of ground-to-air anti-aircraft missile systems. This is the Russian anti-aircraft missile system, which is being developed by Concern VKO Almaz-Antey AO as a new generation of anti-aircraft missile systems, in which it is proposed to apply the principle of separately solving the tasks of destroying ballistic and aerodynamic targets.

According to information from open sources, the Z-500 ground-to-ground missile system has an 600 kilometers strike radius and will be able to detect and simultaneously hit up to ten ballistic supersonic targets flying at speeds of up to seven kilometers per second, including low-flying satellites. The main characteristics of air defense systems are currently classified. The timing of the arrival of the system to the troops is also not advertised.
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  1. +16
    22 May 2018 18: 01
    The portal emphasizes that the C-500 can be the first anti-aircraft system in the world that can repel hypersonic rocket attacks.

    A much more important question is not what “could be the first”, but when the troops will see it.
    That's when we create, test and adopt, then there will be something to talk about.
    1. +10
      22 May 2018 18: 09
      Andrei hi -Do not feed us honey! !! lol We are here mainly for communication !!! soldier
      1. +4
        22 May 2018 18: 12
        Quote: ANCIENT
        Andrei hi -Do not feed us honey! !! lol We are here mainly for communication !!! soldier

        Sergei hi
        Then maybe we’ll better talk about the S-350, which has been sawed for 10 years? For me, a much more relevant topic for conversation ...
        1. +3
          22 May 2018 18: 20
          I agree with Andrei that the S-350s have not yet adopted the land-based non-marine version, but already about the S-500
        2. +2
          22 May 2018 18: 49
          Andrey will throw off the video from the expert on the Dagger belay
          1. +16
            22 May 2018 19: 13
            Hmm, a bad case ... he said about the radius, but about the possibility of refueling no gu gu ...
            He said about the "not frail hernia" under the belly, but said nothing about the MIG's carrying capacity, which is greater than the mass of the rocket itself ...
            He said about speed and its fall, while carrying a rocket, but the fact that the air in the stratosphere is discharged and its density is orders of magnitude lower than at the surface was modestly silent.
            With the refueling complex and its because of this vulnerability is also a masterpiece ... where will they refuel? It’s one thing when over your territory, or over neutral territory ..
            About the range of the dagger and overheating enchanting ... that is, not a word about the density of air in the stratosphere and that the rocket most of the way flies in the stratosphere.
            In general ... well ... expertD.
            1. +3
              22 May 2018 19: 26
              Moreover, the MiG-31 itself flies in the stratosphere. Is it still interesting at what angle does the dagger strike the aircraft carrier? If at an angle of 90 degrees, then I doubt that even the radar will detect
              1. +2
                22 May 2018 20: 17
                Quote: Alexander War
                It is still interesting at what angle does the dagger strike an aircraft carrier?

                To be honest, the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion will destroy ACG. This is a strategic complex with medium range, so a direct hit is absolutely not required.
                1. +3
                  22 May 2018 20: 49
                  Quote: hrych
                  To be honest, the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion will destroy ACG. This is a strategic complex with medium range, so a direct hit is absolutely not required.

                  Well, to the liking of AUG, two complexes, Poseidon and Dagger, will work.
            2. +8
              23 May 2018 00: 03
              Quote: NEXUS
              In general ... well ... expertD.

              it’s better to pay attention to what’s recommended on his channel .... Sasha Sotnik ... Om TV ... kamikadzedead ... Radio Liberty !! belay what what wassat wassat laughing laughing
          2. +2
            22 May 2018 19: 18
            Alexander! I am afraid that this is not a "dagger expert." The elementary feature of the open press is that radars and other equipment were removed from the blink of an eye to install additional tanks, thereby doubling its flight radius.
            1. +2
              22 May 2018 19: 51
              Quote: Sergerius
              Alexander! I am afraid that this is not a "dagger expert"

              He is his developer. wassat So confidently everything is stated and about the rocket engine and about the range and about knock down ... wassat
              1. +1
                22 May 2018 20: 48
                Kudrin spoke about his role in creating the latest weapons wassat
                .html belay wassat
                1. +2
                  22 May 2018 20: 53
                  What is it "Well done".
          3. +2
            22 May 2018 20: 35
            X-fart laughing The dagger, the weapon that is in the troops, was cut.
            And the gremlins that xs when they experience - not cut laughing
            1. +3
              22 May 2018 21: 07
              But to equip the Dagger RGCH type PTAB, mb would make sense. So that the AUG does not attack a monoblock warhead, but a cloud of drones.
          4. +3
            22 May 2018 22: 41
            Quote: Alexander War
            video from dagger expert

            Futurologist writer - Dagger expert .... Strong. lol After the question "Why was he hung on the MiG-31?" everything became clear, did not look further. It would be better if he wrote books, but did not build himself an expert.
            1. +4
              23 May 2018 00: 12
              Quote: helmi8
              Quote: Alexander War
              video from dagger expert

              Futurologist writer - Dagger expert .... Strong. lol After the question "Why was he hung on the MiG-31?" everything became clear, did not look further. It would be better if he wrote books, but did not build himself an expert.

              there it looks like it's corn-eHspert a la shooters-girkin version 2.0 !!! what wassat wassat laughing laughing laughing
          5. +3
            23 May 2018 00: 05
            Quote: Alexander War
            Andrey will throw off the video from the expert on the Dagger belay

            you are more careful ... if for you he is an expert, then ... !!!! what what wassat wassat laughing laughing laughing
    2. +5
      22 May 2018 18: 16
      Quote: NEXUS
      That's when we create, test and adopt, then there will be something to talk about.

      1. +6
        22 May 2018 18: 20
        Putin didn’t charge anything .. I’m tired of breakthroughs .. the rumor is cutting ..
        1. +32
          22 May 2018 18: 24
          Maybe ear plugs? wink
          What Putin is there !, whether the case was Yeltsin !!! He didn’t charge anything. laughing wassat
          Everything fell apart by itself. wassat
        2. +8
          22 May 2018 19: 09
          Quote: Svarog
          Putin didn’t charge anything .. I’m tired of breakthroughs .. the rumor is cutting ..

          Tired? So smoke and rest wink Is there anything to say about the C 500, or just slogans? laughing
        3. +3
          22 May 2018 20: 43
          Quote: Svarog
          Putin didn’t charge anything .. I’m tired of breakthroughs .. the rumor is cutting ..

          Honestly, it seems that we are hanging such noodles on our ears about unparalleled analogues, and the money itself is stupidly poked, in the USSR they were silent and did not ring in advance, and then they just showed it, and now it's really not clear.
          1. +2
            22 May 2018 21: 06
            Quote: lis-ik
            Quote: Svarog
            Putin didn’t charge anything .. I’m tired of breakthroughs .. the rumor is cutting ..

            Honestly, it seems that we are hanging such noodles on our ears about unparalleled analogues, and the money itself is stupidly poked, in the USSR they were silent and did not ring in advance, and then they just showed it, and now it's really not clear.

            That's about it ... that's about it ... Look at the price tag for gasoline and look at the statement by the deputy head of the Central Bank that the price of gasoline does not affect inflation now ... a breakthrough? maybe .. And with the C500 the same picture is for sure ..
          2. +2
            22 May 2018 22: 45
            Quote: lis-ik
            in the USSR they were silent and did not ring in advance

            Then they were generally silent. And about accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters, unrest ... And now - publicity! Moreover, against the background of nifig not improving life, God himself ordered at least something to boast of.
      2. +4
        22 May 2018 18: 21
        Hi, hello! hi The idle speculation of the Western media is of little concern. But will they meet the deadline or again "shift to the right"? I hope that the first option. soldier
        1. +10
          22 May 2018 18: 55
          Yeahhh, under Eltsin we piled a lot of things ..... It’s not just a shift to the right, but a sharp jump down.
          And so, in principle, Svarog is right, under Eltsin nothing was done, neither to the right nor to the left, therefore there is nothing to criticize .... And for what ??????? (sarcasm)
          But I do not agree with [quote = For example]. How is this not instructed? And a great country to tear? He instructed, and even as instructed.
        2. +2
          22 May 2018 19: 06
          Good evening, Pasha. Also concerned about the S-350.
          1. 0
            23 May 2018 08: 42
            Quote: Sith Lord
            Also concerned about the S-350.

            And not only air defense systems are exciting ...
  2. +2
    22 May 2018 18: 08
    Just do not need to immediately sell it to someone else, until we set ourselves exactly as much as is necessary for the maximum closure of the airspace of the whole country from missiles of a potential enemy.
    1. +2
      22 May 2018 18: 17
      Quote: ANCIENT
      Just do not need to immediately sell it to someone else, until we set ourselves exactly as much as is necessary for the maximum closure of the airspace of the whole country from missiles of a potential enemy.

      This, if I’m not mistaken in the history of modern Russia, was not, during the USSR, all the more so.
      Even if something will be sold under the brand name S-500, then with the letter "E" ("export"), that is, with "truncated" functionality.
      1. +1
        22 May 2018 18: 32
        Quote: Separ DNR
        for maximum closure of the airspace of the whole country from missiles of a potential enemy

        Problematic however. It is highly doubtful that the S-500 will be cheaper than the S-400, the possibility of producing the latter for only 2 years has made it possible to close the airspace of Moscow.
        But the essence of the S-500 is not in special ultra-long-range missiles and guidance systems, but in the fact that in one complex the entire spectrum of systems of destruction of various classes of targets is integrated, starting with low-speed and low-altitude drones, ending with hypersonic and ballistic missiles. Now, to solve these problems, at least 3 types of air defense systems are needed, which are poorly integrated on the basis of a single automatic control system of the Baikal type, too different algorithms and tasks.
        1. +1
          22 May 2018 19: 24
          Quote: Vita VKO
          Problematic however. Highly doubtful

          Correctly Yes because this quote is not from my post ...
    2. 0
      22 May 2018 18: 20
      But what about the S-400 differently? We satiated ourselves with them and after the opening of additional production began to export.
  3. 0
    22 May 2018 18: 22
    Leave to read who has not seen Five questions about the new aircraft carrier
  4. 0
    22 May 2018 18: 22
    and will be able to detect and simultaneously hit up to ten ballistic supersonic targets flying at a speed of up to seven kilometers per second
    in what way, interesting? Until now, all of our C-XXXs have worked on the principle of undermining warhead missile defense near the target and defeating a large number of small striking elements. It is obvious that in this way it will not be possible to shoot down an ICBM warhead; it has these small elements that are like an elephant of a shot. The Americans are trying to bring down a direct hit in a warhead, not very successfully yet, but there is progress. Something I doubt that by the same principle the s-500 will bring down ballistic supersonic targets, and if not, how?
    1. 0
      22 May 2018 18: 28
      Maybe there are striking elements of the “strike core” type, with high armor penetration, or “learned” to shoot down targets with a kinematic strike, determining the target’s parameters with the highest accuracy, pointing the warhead exactly to the place where the target will be strictly in the calculated time? ??
      1. 0
        22 May 2018 19: 17
        our air defense systems traditionally develop sequentially improving the characteristics of the previous generation, hitting a hypersonic target directly, as hit-to-kill bourgeois say, is a completely different task, here the radar needs a different computing power and missile, it’s a fundamentally different weapon, for any it will take many years to create, test, refine. The Americans did their THAAD for 15 years. In short, I doubt very much that this is so. Maybe they didn’t mean the ICBM warhead but the low-orbit satellites? Then another thing.
    2. +1
      22 May 2018 18: 34
      Quote: _Ugene_
      and if not, then how?

      Again, shpienite tovarisch? ..
    3. +1
      22 May 2018 19: 03
      maybe something like that?
      1. +1
        22 May 2018 19: 22
        this is A-135, since 1990 in service
        1. +1
          22 May 2018 19: 28
          A-135 protects strictly the Moscow region and is limited by contract. And it will be, so to speak, a mobile version of the A-135.
          1. 0
            22 May 2018 20: 21
            To begin with, we need to complete the cover with S-400 complexes of all industrial regions of the country and important naval bases, to cover the most dangerous areas of the border. And then you need to have a couple of quick reaction regiments so that within 2 weeks there is an opportunity to transfer them to the flaming hotbeds of war. No one will say for sure where it will burn near our borders or where NATO will conduct its exercises using missile weapons and aviation. And C-400 for them is like an anesthetic tablet
          2. 0
            23 May 2018 00: 47
            no more pro agreement - the US has come out - all
    4. 0
      23 May 2018 01: 17
      Read about the creation of anti-ballistic missiles in the USSR, if I don’t confuse (I read for a long time) the first successful kinetic interception in the USSR was either 1961 or 1963 at the Sary-Shagan training ground.
      There it’s true that the missiles were different and the speeds, but as one familiar rocket launcher said, “speed is important, not the calculation algorithm and the quality of the received data.” And for most missiles (not ICBM warheads) it is the fragment field that gives the maximum effect and increases the probability of interception.
      And of the protected missiles, I only know the Granite P-500, which has a reservation, and it is for breaking through the AUG air defense that the truth and weight of the missile are considerable.
  5. +6
    22 May 2018 18: 33
    hi TTX system: 55R6M
    Target detection range
    600-750 km / missile defense up to 2000 km
    The number of simultaneously tracked targets
    up to 500 units (forecast, January 2017)
    Target engagement range - 200 km / 600 km (source - Mikhalev A.)
    - to 500 km (source)
    Target hight altitude - aerodynamic targets
    to 40-50 km
    Height of hitting targets - ballistic targets up to 200 km (forecast, 2012)
    Target speed maximum 7000 m/s
    The deployment time of air defense systems from the march is 10-20 minutes (forecast)
    Assigned service life of at least 20 years
    Some means of the S-500 Anti-aircraft Missile System - top-down: launcher 77P6, radar 96L6-1, MFRS 77T6, MFRS 76T6, combat control station 55K6MA

    Tower 40V6MT and radar 91N6A (M) of the S-500 Anti-aircraft Missile System
    1. +1
      22 May 2018 18: 41
      Sanchez - Alexander hi although this is not a video, but still from me +++ !! hi And thanks! !!
      1. +1
        22 May 2018 18: 47
        hi ...You're welcome..
        ... although this is not a video

        ... in the appendage smile
        The composition of the air defense / missile defense system S-500:
        Chassis MZKT-792911 as a SPU S-500 air defense system, 14.03.2015/XNUMX/XNUMX
  6. 0
    22 May 2018 19: 09
    Congratulations, it seems the new National Interest has appeared, judging by the contents of this article, is yet another bunch of amateurs to which all domestic media will refer. I will not be surprised that this is another miscarriage of tvzvizd like National INTEREST.
  7. 0
    22 May 2018 19: 09
    A-135, with good potential to repel the attacks of existing missiles and aircraft

    Still, with a nuclear warhead in a compartment with Don-2m, it will serve another ten years.
  8. +1
    22 May 2018 19: 17
    ... up to ten ballistic supersonic targets flying at a speed of up to seven kilometers per second, including low-flying satellites.

    What is it like? A satellite flies faster than 7 km / s.
    The first space velocity for an orbit located near the surface of the Earth is 7,91 km / s
    From math 7 <7,91
  9. +1
    22 May 2018 19: 20
    Quote: Alexander War
    Andrey will throw off the video from the expert on the Dagger belay

    You were stunned prohokhlyatsky channel experts call for?
  10. 0
    22 May 2018 19: 24
    Will the S-500 shoot down ICBM warheads or am I dreaming and are we talking about low-orbit satellites?
  11. 0
    22 May 2018 19: 37
    Is there enough power to produce 500ku? We still have 400 ke to work and work.
    1. 0
      22 May 2018 20: 58
      Another 10 C 400 divisions for the Russian Armed Forces and everything else for export, then there will be production and procurement of C 350 and C 500 and work on the C 600 missile defense and this will be a real “Triumph” against ICBM warheads and orbital spacecraft.
  12. +3
    22 May 2018 23: 00
    Yes, Andrei agrees with you, he’s no expert. Rather, it is more of a politicized video than a truly “debriefing”, although it did highlight some of the details. On the net about a couple of months ago there was another review, more technical than this one. Nevertheless, in some ways he is really right

    Quote: NEXUS
    Hmm, a bad case ... said about the radius, but about the possibility of refueling no gu gu ....

    Said Andrew said. Having added that we have very few refuelers and here we can agree with him

    Quote: NEXUS
    He said about the "not frail hernia" under the belly, but said nothing about the MIG's carrying capacity, which is greater than the mass of the rocket itself ....

    I already said above that the review is more politicized than technical. What he is right about is that "under his belly" he has a big fool. And this is not primarily about the MiG's carrying capacity, but about additional aerodynamic drag.

    Quote: NEXUS
    He said about speed and its fall, while carrying a rocket, but the fact that the air in the stratosphere is discharged and its density is orders of magnitude lower than at the surface was modestly silent.

    There will be a drop in speed, and there is nothing to be done about it. Achieve speeds of 3000 or even more, as with test-record flights does not work. Again due to the resistance of this product. And here, in principle, he is right. The best option is the location in the bomb bay

    Quote: NEXUS
    With the refueling complex and its because of this vulnerability is also a masterpiece ... where will they refuel? It’s one thing when over your territory, or over neutral territory ...

    I would generally "forget" about refueling this complex. We have a small number of tankers and allocating them for refueling Dagger carriers while they will be needed for strategists is not the best option

    Quote: NEXUS
    About the range of the dagger and overheating enchanting ... that is, not a word about the density of air in the stratosphere and that the rocket most of the way flies in the stratosphere.

    Not as enchanting as it seems. The question was really asked correctly. In a speech by the GDP, it was said that this system is capable of hitting targets by flying at a speed of 10M in dense layers of the atmosphere. And here the author of the video is 100% right. At such speeds in dense layers, the product will either be uncontrollable due to the plasma, or it may even fall apart.
    In the stratosphere, it will not fly all the time. This is still the basis of a ballistic missile. Yes, it is possible that she will have a height (apogee) not of 40 km, like the Iskander’s, but 60, for example, but when she reaches the apogee, she will simply fall into a programmed area along a ballistic trajectory.
    Moreover, the lack of a ramjet engine that must operate all the time the rocket is flying will lead to the fact that the voiced speeds will be unfortunately unattainable. That is, at the time of complete burnout of the fuel in the engine, the speed at it may be 10M (at Iskander it is 6-7M), but further - further when entering the dense layers this speed will decrease as a result of air resistance and it is possible that the moment the target reaches the speed, this product will no longer be hypersonic, but supersonic. So the problem of defeating her will no longer be any.
    A separate issue in the handling of this product. Gas-dynamic rudders will no longer function due to the fact that the fuel burned out. And all these 8 planes - for vigorous maneuvering and twists IMHO they will be insufficient ....

    Quote: Alexander War
    Moreover, the MiG-31 itself flies in the stratosphere. Is it still interesting at what angle does the dagger strike the aircraft carrier? If at an angle of 90 degrees, then I doubt that even the radar will detect

    Well, at an angle of 90 degrees is almost impossible ....

    Quote: NEXUS
    Well, to the liking of AUG, two complexes, Poseidon and Dagger, will work.

    Andrew! Poseidon is an even more ephemeral weapon than the Dagger. There are a lot of questions ...

    Quote: Sergerius
    Alexander! I am afraid that this is not a "dagger expert." The elementary feature of the open press is that radars and other equipment were removed from the blink of an eye to install additional tanks, thereby doubling its flight radius.

    In another topic, “half a second” wrote that if the radar was removed (and this is 1,5 tons), then of course they made the plane easier, but at the same time completely changed its alignment (it would be necessary to carry out the entire test cycle of the plane) and there were no tanks with an additional fuel supply added. According to him, the radar weighs 1,5 tons; refueling at the MIG, if the chlorosis of about 17 tons, doesn’t fail me. Even theoretically, the "addition" of 1,5 tons of fuel to the already existing 17 will not double the radius. Do not come up with.

    Quote: 123456789
    But to equip the Dagger RGCH type PTAB, mb would make sense. So that the AUG does not attack a monoblock warhead, but a cloud of drones.

    Would you prefer that these segregating warheads not get anywhere at all? Here they just do not make sense

    Quote: _Ugene_
    in what way, interesting? Until now, all of our C-XXXs have worked on the principle of undermining warhead missile defense near the target and defeating a large number of small striking elements. It is obvious that in this way it will not be possible to shoot down an ICBM warhead; it has these small elements that are like an elephant of a shot. The Americans are trying to bring down a direct hit in a warhead, not very successfully yet, but there is progress. Something I doubt that by the same principle the s-500 will bring down ballistic supersonic targets, and if not, how?

    The question is asked correctly. If a satellite or warhead of a medium-range missile and OTP can be hit by a field of fragments, then the ICBM warhead is unfortunately not. To defeat ICBMs, interceptor speeds much greater than those of such a mobile system are needed. For the same Americans, interceptors of ICBMs have speeds of under 9 km / s, range of destruction up to 4000 km and height of destruction up to 2000 km. Complexes are mine. And hit with a kinetic interceptor. not fragments in grams

    Quote: ANCIENT
    Maybe there are striking elements of the “strike core” type, with high armor penetration, or “learned” to shoot down targets with a kinematic strike, determining the target’s parameters with the highest accuracy, pointing the warhead exactly to the place where the target will be strictly in the calculated time? ??

    If the rocket is universal, then nothing can be done. In-1, aviation cannot be shot down with a kinetic interceptor (or with an impact core). Moreover, the application height of such a kinetic interceptor is not lower than the EMNIP of 40-50 km. So you need to shoot down the field of fragments. And then appears in-2. It’s impossible to shoot down an ICBM warhead with light fragments ....

    Quote: Puncher
    Congratulations, it seems the new National Interest has appeared, judging by the contents of this article, is yet another bunch of amateurs to which all domestic media will refer. I will not be surprised that this is another miscarriage of tvzvizd like National INTEREST.

    Well, the picture at the beginning of the article has already been "used" for a couple of years. As an example, the S-500 launcher, although this collage was made for the corporate calendar of 2015 or 2016 by Almaz-Antey. They took the quality of the basis of the chassis of the strategic complex (PGRK), drew up the middle cockpit (there were two separate ones), and the other nodes were aligned. That's all. Now this launcher is an example of a launcher for the S-500 complex

    And the fact that he cited as an example the respected Sanchez - EMNIP from the resource of Dima Kornev "MilitaryRussia" - are possible types of units of this S-500 complex, taking into account the exhibition in Bronnitsy
    1. +1
      22 May 2018 23: 48
      Quote: Old26
      "under the belly" he has a big fool. And this is not primarily about the MiG's carrying capacity, but about additional aerodynamic drag.

      - close it ... damn it - for stupid with polyethylene - no ???
      Old26, You are a competent guy ... why write such nonsense?
      Or didn’t I understand what?
    2. +2
      22 May 2018 23: 52
      Quote: Old26
      Said Andrew said. Having added that we have very few refuelers and here we can agree with him

      As far as I know, in addition to IL-78, as standard tankers, the SU-34 and SU-24 have the function of refueling other aircraft.
      Air refueling can be carried out from another Su-34 or Su-24M equipped with an UPAZ system.
      Quote: Old26
      What he is right about is that "under his belly" he has a big fool. And this is not primarily about the MiG's carrying capacity, but about additional aerodynamic drag.

      Vladimir, why did you get the idea that the MIG-31 with the Dagger should accelerate to maximum speed then? I said earlier that there, when using the MIG, as the first booster stage, there are no 3 flies.
      The second ... say, at an altitude of 25 km, the air is very discharged and its density is an order of magnitude lower than that of the earth. This is a fact. Accordingly, it is much easier to pass such a layer of air ... at the same time, the GDP clearly said that they also solved the problem with heat-resistant materials.
      Quote: Old26
      In the speech of the GDP, it was said that this system is capable of hitting targets, flying at a speed of 10M in dense layers of the atmosphere

      GDP about DENSE LAYERS OF THE ATMOSPHERE did not stutter at all. A rocket even on a demo clip rises to a height higher than the carrier flies, and this is about 50 km ... what are the dense layers of the atmosphere? Regarding fuel burnup ... I think this does not happen long before it hits. That is why the rocket maneuvers throughout the flight to the target.
      Quote: Old26
      Moreover, the lack of a ramjet engine that must work all the time the rocket is flying will lead to the fact that the voiced speeds will be unfortunately unattainable.

      I don’t understand why you got the idea that this rocket lacks a direct-flow dvigun? Moreover, where did you get that they showed us the actual rocket of the Dagger complex? You can say that on the demonstration video during the presentation, when they showed the launch, it was this missile?
      Quote: Old26
      Andrew! Poseidon is an even more ephemeral weapon than the Dagger. There are a lot of questions ..

      For me, no ... if we have long been creating a nuclear submarine with a crew capable of diving to a depth of more than a kilometer, as well as dispersing nuclear submarines to 43 knots, I see only one question: have you really created a nuclear mini reactor near Poseidon? And I believe that they created, because the developments are still going on with the USSR.
    3. 0
      23 May 2018 00: 19
      > Not as enchanting as it seems. The question was really asked correctly ... At such speeds in dense layers, the product will either be uncontrollable due to plasma, or it may even fall apart.
      > In the stratosphere, it will not fly all the time. It's still basically a ballistic missile. Yes, it is possible that its altitude (apogee) will not be 40 km, like that of Iskander, but 60, for example, but having reached the apogee, it will simply fall along a ballistic trajectory into the programmed area.
      > .. when entering dense layers, this speed will decrease as a result of air resistance and it is possible that at the time of reaching the target the speed of this product will no longer be hypersonic, but supersonic. This means that there will be no problem of her defeat.
      > A separate issue is the controllability of this product.

      First, an obvious philosophical remark:
      There is a definite difference between the expert and the developer - the expert asks questions, and the developer solves these questions. If it were easy to create an air Iskander, it would not take so much time.

      But in fact, you are trying to prove the unprovable - if the ground Iskander is considered not to be knocked down, then the Dagger should be the same. But because all doubts are interpreted in favor of the accused :-)
  13. +2
    23 May 2018 00: 03
    The portal emphasizes that the C-500 can be the first anti-aircraft system in the world that can repel hypersonic rocket attacks.

    will be able to detect and simultaneously hit up to ten ballistic supersonic targets,

    And this miracle portal has already figured out the difference between hypersonic and supersonic?
    something I doubted ....
    And where is the duty post about the necessary amount of money to catch up with Russia (a kind of nimble regional gas station) in this matter? laughing
  14. 0
    23 May 2018 00: 22
    Damn, I can imagine how fast the rocket will start there ...
  15. 0
    23 May 2018 11: 40
    Here again it is not clear: what is meant by
    hypersonic weapons?
    There are two hypersonic options:
    1) Ballistic missile warheads falling vertically from space.
    2) Cruise missiles flying horizontally in dense atmosphere.
  16. 0
    23 May 2018 12: 53
    What is the point of discussing something that is not yet?
  17. 0
    23 May 2018 13: 21
    S-500 will be the pride of the air defense / missile defense of Russia .... our adversaries to fear and envy ......