How do Portuguese "predators" create their empire

The strategic defeat in the East forced the owners of the West to look for a new “living space”. The Western world, based on the use of foreign resources and energy, could not exist for a long time without plundering new lands and inflows of resources. Having no access to the new “living space”, the West began to devour itself.

However, Russia and the Horde closed the way to the East for the West. Russian civilization not only withstood, but also gave the beast such a rebuff that the owners of the West had to look for new places for "hunting." Moreover, the Russian lands began to unite under the rule of the new control center - Moscow (not all of Russia, but already the middle lands), ended the strife and launched a counter-offensive. The enemy was ousted from their ancestral lands - Western and Southern Russia, Livonia (the Baltic States), from the Wild Field, and went to the Crimea and the North Caucasus. Russia went beyond the Ural mountains. There was a restoration of the Russian Empire.

Realizing that in the Russian East there will be no easy mining and there will be a long and dangerous confrontation, the Europeans began to build ships and "discover" new rich lands, where they could plunder, kill and enrich themselves. So, Western predators rushed to "discover" America and India, although in reality they were known about them before. it the main reason for the "great geographical discoveries". The West could no longer rob the Russian lands in full force, so they began to look for a way across the oceans to new victims. As we know, this turned out to be a global bloody tragedy, total robbery and violence for the peoples of America, Africa and Asia. Oceans of blood, tens of millions of dead, starved by hunger and disease, turned into slaves. Western robbers took mountains of gold, silver, jewels, destroyed whole civilizations, ancient cultures, tribes and peoples. They drowned the planet in blood, littered it with bones of conquered peoples. Established the most brutal slave-owning order, sucking all the juices and blood from tens and hundreds of peoples and tribes. Even such ancient and developed civilizations as India and China could not resist. The prosperity of the present West was based on the world slave system and the seas of blood, and not on the superiority of Europeans in wealth creation and creation.

How do Portuguese "predators" create their empire

Engraving, "The shortest message of the destruction of India", 1552 year, Bartholomew De La Casas. In the illustration, conquistadors mass slaughter, hanging and burning the adult population, killing babies, cutting their heads on the walls of houses

It is worth noting that Europe at that era was completely different than many people represent it. It was beautifully called the epoch of “Renaissance” and depicted as the heyday of European culture, brilliant artists, architects and thinkers, “great geographical discoveries”. But in reality it was an era of brutal and bloody wars, conspiracies and intrigues, insidious murders and coups. The West began to devour itself, not having new vast lands for plunder. Each of the present-day modern countries was divided into many medium and small possessions. And the development of "high culture" for most Europeans was simply no time. They were engaged in simple survival. France followed the path of centralization. Her kings fought with the great feudal lords of Burgundy, Brittany, Provence, etc. And the wars in Europe were very cruel. Whole areas turned into the desert. In England, supporters of the Yorks and the Plantagens enthusiastically cut each other in the War of the Scarlet and White Rose. It sounds beautiful, but in this slaughter almost all the ancient clans of the English nobility died. In Spain, several Christian states — Castile, Aragon, Valencia, Navarre — waged wars with the remnants of the Muslim caliphate (the Moors).

The epicenter of the so-called. Renaissance became Italy. It was also divided into city-states, fiefdoms. During the Crusades in the Middle East and the plunder of Byzantium, as well as through intermediary, parasitic trade, the Italians (the name is conventional, since there was no unified Italian nation), enormous wealth was seized and accumulated. Rather, several dozens of families, clans of large feudal lords and trade and banking houses. The overwhelming majority of the population, as well as throughout Europe, lived in wild poverty. While crowds of common people, French, English, German and Slavic knights died in exile, “liberated” the Holy Sepulcher, their prey quickly flowed to the Venetian, Genoese, Florentine trading houses. In addition, they sponsored and organized trips, leased their ships, provided maritime communications and supplies. Huge riches accumulated on this. Also, the Italian trading city-states monopolized navigation in the Mediterranean. And on it went to Europe goods from the East, primarily spices and silk. The spices, then, were worth their weight in gold. Italian intermediary merchants made super profits. Banking, in fact, usury, parasitism on loan interest, became another powerful source of profit. It is not surprising that the Venetian "black aristocracy" has become another of the "command posts", the think tanks of the Western world.

Super-profits led to the “Renaissance” - the “revival” of the Great Rome. The richest families of merchants and bankers like the Medici, Barberini, Saketti and others wanted to use their wealth. They gave money to build magnificent palaces, to decorate them with statues and paintings. This allowed talented architects, engineers, sculptures, artists, etc., to prove themselves. Hence the “rebirth”. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to complain about the decline in comparison with the Roman Empire, but now flatterers said that Rome was reborn, compared their wealthy patrons with the Roman emperors and patricians. In Italy, many remnants of ancient Rome survived - the ruins of temples, palaces, statues, mosaics, on the basis of them and began to develop new art. Even the icons began to approach the "antique" standards. The morals of late Rome, the epoch of decay, were also copied. The asceticism of the Middle Ages was completely abandoned. In Italy, sensual pleasures and hedonism flourished. The Catholic Church, which was supposed to deal with such phenomena, is itself mired in sin. The places of legates, canonics, abbots, monasteries, bishops, archbishops and cardinals were sold and donated, considered primarily as a place of profit. It happened that the children of noble and rich parents became abbots and abbess. Church feudal lords, like secular ones, fell into debauchery, hedonism, excessive luxury. It is not surprising that Lorenzo Medici called Rome "a latrine, which united all the vices."

The Roman throne could not stop the decay of the clergy. On the papal throne, each other's personalities replaced each other brighter than the other in terms of degeneration. Pope John XXIII (anti-father) - the former Neapolitan pirate Balthazar Cossa, became famous for being eventually deposed for poisoning the previous Pope Alexander, sexual crimes (for example, rape of nuns), torture of innocent people, etc. Pope Sixt IV was known as a money-taker who tirelessly rapped about the interests of his own family, sodomite and murderer. Pope Alexander VI Borgia, who was nicknamed “the monster of debauchery” and “Satan's pharmacist”, received universal “fame” for poisoning political opponents and rich cardinals, whose property after their death was traditionally returned to the papal treasury, and their post could be sold again.

Thus, the Italian gentlemen flourished completely due to the control of the largest trade route from the East to Western Europe. At the same time, the Italians reached the Crimea, where they contributed to the development of shameful human trafficking. They became partners of the Crimean Khanate, which existed at the expense of predatory raids on the Caucasian, Russian and Slavic lands in order to seize the spoils and, most importantly, the “living goods”. Many thousands of Circassians, Russians and Slavs were sold into slavery and became the “two-legged tools” of the Western nobility.

therefore the pioneers were the Spaniards and the Portuguesewho, in wars with Muslims, took over from the enemy the ability to build large caravel naval ships, to handle navigation instruments - a compass and an astrolabe. It is worth noting that the scientific and geographical discoveries of the Arabs, who previously had extensive possessions on the Iberian Peninsula, had a great influence on the development of Portugal and Spain. All coastal cities, especially Portuguese, did not stop talking about the African coast and overseas countries, full of gold, various riches and wonders. Many stories have sparked curiosity, greed and ambition. The Portuguese, who lived in a poor country, and had no opportunity to seize possessions in Europe, attracted to new countries, allegedly generously studded with gold.

The only way was through the sea, which fed the Portuguese. One of their main industries was piracy. The Portuguese attacked the rich Muslim trading cities of North Africa. Quite often they received strong resistance. Muslims themselves had strong fleets and attacked the Crusaders. Therefore, the Portuguese were looking for less protected places where it would be possible to rob and kill without much risk to life. Moving south along the shores of Africa, they found that other nations live beyond the Arab states. There you can safely land on the beach, seize, establish predatory trade.

The main organizer of the Portuguese expansion was the Infante (crown prince) Henrique, known in stories like Henry the Navigator. He was fond of mathematics and cartography, and founded a navigation school in the city of Sagres. The prince himself did not participate in sea expeditions, but was nicknamed the Navigator for his contribution to their organization and financing, attracting merchants, shipowners and others interested in opening new trade routes to them. In addition, Heinrich was the Grand Master of the knightly-monastic order of Christ, the successor to the Templars in Portugal. The purpose of the order was to fight the "infidels" and spread Christianity. The residence of the Grand Master was Tomar Castle, hence the second name of the order - Tomar. Tomar knights took an active part in the overseas travels of Portuguese navigators. Vasco da Gama and other wandering Tomarite knights sailed with the emblem of the order. Another knightly order, which took an active part in the creation of the Portuguese colonial empire, is the Order of Saint Bennett of Aviz (the Order of Avis). The Order was also created to fight the "infidels." In 1385, the Grand Master of the Order of Avisi, João I, became king of Portugal and founder of the Avisi dynasty (1385 — 1580). The kings of this dynasty led the Avis and Tomar knights to new “crusades” in Africa. With the growth of the colonial empire, knights from warrior monks turned into colonizing landowners.

Two-mast latina caravel The most famous image of the caravel. These were the first “caravels of discoveries” - the ships on which the Portuguese began to explore the west coast of Africa in the early 15th century.

Cross of the Order of Christ

Portuguese nobility and merchants wanted to get to fabulous India, the source of precious spices and other valuable oriental goods. For this it was necessary to find the eastern sea route to India around Africa. In addition, Heinrich was well aware of the profitability and viability of the Trans-Saharan trade. For centuries, the trade routes along which slaves and gold were carried connected West Africa with the Mediterranean through Western Sahara, Enrique wanted to know how far Muslim possessions stretch to southern Africa, hoping to go around them and find lands where it would be easy to establish trade and military posts. Portugal could not independently colonize Africa. For this there were no people and resources. In Africa, besides the Muslim states, there were other countries (Mali, Songhai, Bornu, Mosi, Luba, Benin, Congo, Ethiopia, etc.). In addition, there was a mass of tribes located at different stages of development, down to the lowest, who lived the primitive life of hunters and gatherers. They lived their lives, waged their wars, traded. In the depths of the continent the Portuguese were not going to climb. On the shores of the continent, they captured or "bought" small areas belonging to weaker tribes. Introduced by force or cunning, based trading posts - strong points, cheaply bought gold, ivory and slaves. But greed pushed them further into the "land of spices."

Starting from the 1419 year and right up to his death, Heinrich one after another sent expeditions. The Portuguese discovered a number of islands off the west coast of Africa: Madeira Island (1419), Azores (1427), Cape Verde Islands (Diogo Gomes in 1456). The Portuguese rounded Cape Bochador (Gil Eanesh in 1434), Cape Cape Blanco, explored the mouths of the Senegal and Gambia rivers (Dinis Dias in 1445). Moving further and further, they brought gold from the Guinean coast, created support bases on open lands. Immediately after the appearance of the first lots of black slaves and the beginning of the slave trade, Heinrich introduced a state monopoly on slave trade. As a result, human trafficking has become one of the foundations of the prosperity of the West. Prince Heinrich died in 1460, and by this time Portuguese explorers had reached the coast of present-day Sierra Leone and discovered Cape Verde Islands. After this, the sea trips stopped for some time, but soon they were resumed again. King perfectly understood how important for Portugal is the discovery of new lands. Soon the islands of Sao Tome and Principe were reached, the equator was passed, and in 1482 — 1486. Diogo Kahn discovered a large segment of the African coast south of the equator.

The Portuguese understood that information about such a source of wealth would quickly spread around the world. They did not want to share with anyone and, with the help of Rome, established their monopoly. In 1452, Pope Nicholas V issued a corresponding bull. This bull reaffirmed the previously sanctioned right of the Christian powers to enslave non-Christian peoples and approved further colonization. But the most important thing for Portugal was that it forbade other Christian powers to encroach on the rights of the Portuguese in northwestern Africa.

To be continued ...
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  1. +32
    April 18 2018 05: 24
    Author: "This is the main reason for the" Great geographical discoveries. "The West could no longer rob the Russian lands in full force, so they began to look for a way across the oceans to new victims."

    Why remember Russia everywhere? request
    Great geographical discoveries would have taken place in any case, whether Russia had been or not.
    1. +19
      April 18 2018 05: 43
      This is Samsonov ... You read his articles, as if you are watching Sunday Time ...
      1. +13
        April 18 2018 05: 54
        through Istanbul and the Crimean Khanate, more Russians and other Slavs were taken into slavery than Africans and Irish were brought to the New World
        1. +7
          April 18 2018 23: 22
          Quote: YELLOWSTONE
          through Istanbul and the Crimean Khanate, more Russians and other Slavs were taken into slavery than Africans and Irish were brought to the New World

          Arabs and Turks, by the way, also took much more slaves from Africa than Europeans.

          From the African coast hundreds of pie
          Sail away and pearls search around
          And they try to drive them east
          From the Arabian coast hundreds of feluks.

          If a black man is caught, he will be taken away
          To the slave market of Hodeida in chains,
          But the unlucky Arab finds shelter
          In your dirty red and hot waves.

          And it's about the events of just 100 years ago! By the way, in Yemen slavery is canceled, EMNIP, in 1962
        2. 0
          2 August 2018 07: 04
          Does this statement of yours have any evidence in it, or just emotions?
      2. +10
        April 18 2018 17: 13
        Quote: Andrey Sukharev
        This is Samsonov ... You read his articles, as if you are watching Sunday Time ...

        The great geographical discoveries did not come about because Mother Russia blocked the path to the slave traders of the West by breast. fellow
        There are two main reasons:
        1) Wild profitability for transportation of oriental goods (mainly spices). Let us recall the Magellan Expedition, of the five ships, only one returned, which more than paid for all this commercial enterprise. fellow
        2) Technology level which allowed them to make all these expeditions. For example, the creation of ships of a fundamentally higher class. Just do not need the author to sing fairy tales about caravels.
        "Therefore, the Spaniards and the Portuguese became the discoverers, who, in the wars with Muslims, took over the ability to build large sea caravel ships from the enemy ... Two-masted caravel latina. The most famous image of the caravel. These were the first" discovery caravels .... (from text).
        Dear Author, do not think that I find fault with the “little things”, but still, I want to bring to your attention that in the campaigns of Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Fernand Magellan squadrons consisted mainly of karakk (more technologically advanced ships). On caravels expeditions of this scale are simply impossible. On ships of the level of caravels, only Arabs could walk along the Mediterranean Sea, which they successfully did. hi

        Here is karakka. Compare it with the caravel that you exposed. There is a difference?
        1. +5
          April 19 2018 18: 33
          Quote: Proxima
          Here is karakka. Compare it with the caravel that you exposed. There is a difference?

          Columbus himself in his journal speaks of "Santa Maria" both as a karakka and a caravel, and complains of poor maneuverability, an unusual caravel
          So it's more like karakka.
          Interesting ship. I did it myself.
          Materials science + navigation devices + maps. And everyone had cards. And they sailed not into the unknown, but knew very well where. In old maps and not such places are indicated.
          So Africa and America rediscovered
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +1
          April 18 2018 07: 51
          Quote: kalibr
          Oh Lord, another sick man has appeared. This is how spring works. "Doctor", where is our doctor ??? Your advice is urgently needed!

          all studies were carried out according to old maps, nothing was invented.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. +5
            April 21 2018 11: 07
            all studies carried out according to old maps, nothing invented
            Here you are my friend and got caught, you are an amateur and do not have minimal knowledge. In addition to maps, there are archaeological sites, or treatises, by other Roman and Greek authors, for example. For the conclusions of one source is not enough, you need a comprehensive and cross-sectional study and comparison of different sources. Since, the sources may be distorted for political reasons. You are Fomenkivtsi, not aware that archeology exists, so your conclusions are stupid.
            1. +2
              24 May 2018 11: 38
              Quote: nickname7
              archeology exists

        2. +4
          April 18 2018 10: 36
          Maybe a thin banter?
      2. +4
        April 18 2018 09: 03
        - Galicia Mexican.
        ours in Mexico - cool. please clarify which of the Slavic tribes stayed there, the Aztecs?
        1. 0
          April 18 2018 09: 35
          Quote: akunin
          - Galicia Mexican.
          ours in Mexico - cool. please clarify which of the Slavic tribes stayed there, the Aztecs?

          in Mexico very strange place-names-geographical names come across for example

          -Lucatan Peninsula. Which is now called -Yucatan, actually looks like a bent onion.

          -Kolyma -city
          -Tula -city
          according to Fomenko-Nosovsky, the Aztecs are Ostyaches i.e. the people who conquered Yermak-Cortes.
          1. +17
            April 18 2018 11: 51
            dear, Fomenko - Nosovsky with the Ostyaks - Aztecs (especially hooked by Yermak - Cortes) - a very controversial (to put it mildly) option. So we get to the point that the name of the city is a Duma in Syria, it came from the fact that our Duma went there and founded it him (think).
            1. +1
              April 18 2018 12: 32
              Quote: akunin
              dear, Fomenko - Nosovsky with the Ostyaks - Aztecs (especially hooked by Yermak - Cortes) - a very controversial (to put it mildly) option. So we get to the point that the name of the city is a Duma in Syria, it came from the fact that our Duma went there and founded it him (think).

              about Syria, too, something is again in the old maps, and Fomenko-Nosovsky has nothing to do with it.

              back in the 16th century, the city of Racca was called the city of RUSSIA, I bring a map of 16c to Paolo Farlani 1562 on the map we see
              -Rassa city
              -Rush country
              -Rasha city
              -Samara -city
              -Kurdia line, almost in Russian
              -Gilan Kuzistan Fars -Persia State- Farsi
            2. +5
              April 18 2018 18: 44
              Yes, and another word "cabinet" came from the phrase "as if not ..."
              Etoi from school knowledge he drew up about the "Russian" counts, interpreters of the Russian language ...
            3. +3
              April 19 2018 18: 06
              And the name of the city of Dar'a in Syria is obviously in Russian “Hole”! Eureka.
              1. +1
                April 22 2018 07: 21
                Quote: Roma-1977
                And the name of the city of Dar'a in Syria is obviously in Russian “Hole”! Eureka.

                Why immediately distort the word?
                - Daria is just a GIFT - A gift, for example
                - Cheese Daria
                -Amu Daria
                -ObDoria / Daria
                -Con Doria / Daria
                - Dar es Salaam in Africa, where there were the Gali kingdoms.
                In general, there are many toponyms _Dar_ in the world.
                Obdoria and Condoria were also recorded in the title of Catherine2.
          2. +11
            April 18 2018 17: 03
            "the Aztecs are the Ostyaks, that is, the people who conquered Yermak-Cortes." ////

            Let me stop , but it’s known that the Aztecs are “hellish steaks” - a people who ate only unroasted beef and only conquered Maggelan-Maclay
          3. +1
            April 21 2018 11: 26
            in Mexico very strange place-names-geographical names come across for example
            If you ask a local Mexican to pronounce this word, then the word is not like there will be no holition.
            that is, similarity means one to you? For some people, you can find a very similar person in another country, do you think that any people similar to each other are siblings or even they are the one person who was cloned?
            1. +5
              April 27 2018 01: 38
              Quote: nickname7
              If you ask a local Mexican to pronounce this word, then the word is not like there will be no holition.

              Everything is simpler - in Spain there is a province of Galicia. Such an entertaining place name.
      3. +14
        April 18 2018 09: 04
        Quote: Bar1
        the definition itself _Portugal_ already says that this region is the port of Galia originally belonged to the Russia-Horde Empire-this was the land from where the empire sent its ships to explore the world.

        "About how many discoveries we have WONDERFUL..." lol
        1. 0
          24 May 2018 11: 42
          Quote: Olgovich
          "About how many discoveries are WONDERFUL ..."

          Modern reality is such that the number of states in the world is growing. Large states are fragmented. That is, once in the past there was a single state, and then the "Babylonian pandemonium" happened.
      4. +1
        April 18 2018 10: 14
        Brute force. It is still possible with a high degree of probability to assume that the “Gali” toponymy is associated with one of the common roots of the common great-white language. But not in all the indicated places. that's for sure. And not in the New Time, which the Fomenkovites literally had "the day before yesterday." Unwinding a ball from the time of ancient migrations, you can go to one or another "related" place names. But by no means changing the vowels from their time point using the "countdown" method.
        1. 0
          April 18 2018 11: 41
          Quote: andrew42
          Brute force. It is still possible with a high degree of probability to assume that the “Gali” toponymy is associated with one of the common roots of the common great-white language. But not in all the indicated places. that's for sure. And not in the New Time, which the Fomenkovites literally had "the day before yesterday." Unwinding a ball from the time of ancient migrations, you can go to one or another "related" place names. But by no means changing the vowels from their time point using the "countdown" method.

          the main problem is a distorted and stretched timeline, so it seems that what was "a thousand" years ago cannot be now.
          What a bust? How can you understand that back in the 18th century France was written -Galia, and Paris -Lutetia? After all, traditions have pulled it all into the beginning of an era for 2 thousand. years ago, however, quite on the old maps you can see in the 17th century both the "antique" Pompeii and the even more ancient Etruria. which, according to the TI, is generally 8 thousand years old. Etruria is quite present on the maps of the cartographer 16-17v Ortelius along with other Italian cities, such as, for example, Perus / Perugia or the numerous cities of RUS / ROS throughout Italy.
          As for Mongolia, which was disguised as Mongolia, that is, maps showing that in those places along with the Russian cities of Manchuria - Albazin, Red Mountain, there are exactly the names MONGALIA. Therefore, the interpretation of the unique Mongals is Russian.
          Amur River Do you know what it was called back in the 18th century? Sokolin AUL, quite in Russian. Sakhalin is the same Sokolin aul.
          If you want to figure out what's what, please.

          g & forum = 263 & topic_id = 50187 & mesg_id = 50
          187 & page =

          g & forum = 263 & topic_id = 52245 & mesg_id = 52
          245 & page = 3

          g & forum = 263 & topic_id = 52537 & mesg_id = 52
          537 & page =

          as for chronology, it’s like that, the whole method of dating historical artifacts is FALSIFICIROV for the sake of the existing Milerobaer-Schlötser concept of history. Therefore, various objects pop out for thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years.
          1. +4
            April 18 2018 14: 16
            I do not deny that the classic concept of Torah is bursting at the seams. First of all, it bursts due to the objective weakening of the press of Christian denominations, and especially Roman papists. The chronological lapses are visible firsthand, and Fomenok-Nosovsky quite reasonably clung to the period of Russian Troubles as the end of a tangle. But in the course of the play, they fell from a qualitative rethinking of events and their interconnections to a frantic pulling of the timeline into a narrow segment, meaningless and merciless, right up to the Trojan War and the Sumerians on a level with the 17th century. Of course, it’s beautiful to lie (to say, embellishing the truth) - this is not to lie. But as they say, lie (in a good way), but know the measure. We must stop somewhere at a reasonable milestone.
            1. +1
              April 18 2018 15: 27
              Quote: andrew42
              But in the course of the play, they fell from a qualitative rethinking of events and their interconnections to a frantic pulling of the timeline into a narrow segment, meaningless and merciless, right up to the Trojan War and the Sumerians on a level with the 17th century.

              you come to our forum, let's talk. And as for Troy, please Troy, and again, Fomenko and Nosvovsky have nothing to do with it.
              Map from the atlas of the respected medieval cartographer Abraham Ortelius. 1570
              , as we see Troy in place and didn’t go anywhere, but after the work of the Milerabaraschlotser, a mass rewriting of history began and Troy was apparently a small city or physically erased or renamed on the map and that's it
      5. BAI
        April 18 2018 15: 23
        And what about these comrades? Also the Slavs?
        Galls - tribes of the Celtic group who lived in Gaul (present-day France, Belgium, parts of Switzerland, Germany and Northern Italy) from the beginning of the XNUMXth century. BC e. before the Roman period.

        For some reason, it seems to me that in the 5th century BC nobody suspected of Slavs and Russia (well, of course, apart from the Scythians, Aryans, etc. MB Atlantes were aware).
        1. 0
          April 18 2018 15: 48
          Quote: BAI
          And what about these comrades? Also the Slavs?
          Galls - tribes of the Celtic group who lived in Gaul (present-day France, Belgium, parts of Switzerland, Germany and Northern Italy) from the beginning of the XNUMXth century. BC e. before the Roman period.

          For some reason, it seems to me that in the 5th century BC nobody suspected of Slavs and Russia (well, of course, apart from the Scythians, Aryans, etc. MB Atlantes were aware).

          I bring you cards in which Galia on the site of France until the middle of the 18th century, which is another 5th century BC?
          see on the map 1546
          Galia-celtic i.e. Celtic
          -Lutetia is a city that was built by gala, but only a name, which is not French, but rather Russian. Lutichi built, they built a lot of things in Europe
          -Luxembourg-which was called Luxemburg
          Russell / Lille
          Brussels / Brussels
          and much more
          and France is a small area around Lutetia-Paris.

          1. BAI
            April 18 2018 16: 02
            I bring you cards in which Galia on the site of France until the middle of the 18th century, which is another 5th century BC?

            And I give you information that some Gauls lived in Europe long before the Slavs. And all the names in Western Europe with the syllable “gal” are from them, and not from the Slavs. And in Eastern Europe (most likely), too.
            1. 0
              April 18 2018 16: 08
              Quote: BAI
              I bring you cards in which Galia on the site of France until the middle of the 18th century, which is another 5th century BC?

              And I give you information that some Gauls lived in Europe long before the Slavs. And all the names in Western Europe with the syllable “gal” are from them, and not from the Slavs. And in Eastern Europe (most likely), too.

              but this is not an answer, there is a fact and it is necessary to do something with it, this is a scientific approach. And your approach to one document is correct, I will present another, the wrong approach is not scientific.
              By the way, let's get your docks.
              1. BAI
                April 18 2018 17: 39
                From what you have presented, absolutely no connection follows between Western European names and Slavs. Gauls - there lived, from them traces and remained in the names. A connection with the Slavs ... There is such a concept in the Russian language - "homonym". This is when the same sound and spelling word denotes 2 different objects. You are using these homonyms stubbornly now.
                Luxembourg — which was called Luxemburg
                Russell / Lille
                Brussels / Brussels
                and much more

                Back to Brussels:
                The city got its name because of the marshland. It is she who prevails in this region. Translated from Latin, Bruocsella means "settlement in a swamp."

                Where did you see the Slavs here? Agree, the Slavs and the swamp - these are generally different things.
                1. 0
                  April 18 2018 17: 54
                  Quote: BAI
                  From what you have presented, absolutely no connection follows between Western European names and Slavs. Gauls - there lived, from them traces and remained in the names. A connection with the Slavs ... There is such a concept in the Russian language - "homonym". This is when the same sound and spelling word denotes 2 different objects. You are using these homonyms stubbornly now.
                  Luxembourg — which was called Luxemburg
                  Russell / Lille
                  Brussels / Brussels
                  and much more

                  Back to Brussels:
                  The city got its name because of the marshland. It is she who prevails in this region. Translated from Latin, Bruocsella means "settlement in a swamp."

                  Where did you see the Slavs here? Agree, the Slavs and the swamp - these are generally different things.

                  here's a map of Nikola Sanson 17v
                  Moreover, these Lutsk-a whole bunch on one square meter.
                  - GULIK i.e. GALIK - Galician cities near the Russian-Horde, mosaic begins to take shape.
                  -Sar River, possibly the Tsar River.
                  - The city of Dusseldorf, formerly called Dusseldorf, and Frankfurt-called-Frankfort.
                  The city of Khan is i.e. Khan, also somehow not in French / Flemish / Brabant, as it is otherwise.

                  you come in
                  ic & forum = 263 & topic_id = 50187 & mode = full

                  there are many, read, your questions will disappear ....
          2. +2
            April 19 2018 00: 50
            Quote: Bar1
            I bring you cards in which

            You can feel the style of the Fomenkovites, you are building an alternative version of the story based on the data of the recently rejected traditional history. As Baron Munchausen drag yourself for ... history ... from the swamp of ignorance into the vast expanses of delusion.
      6. 0
        April 18 2018 16: 42
        Bar1 "Samsonov is confused in time. However, here it is not surprising to get confused. We will unravel"
        That's all ...)))) The arrival of the boy caught ....))))
    3. +3
      April 18 2018 07: 45
      But I just copied this phrase and carried it “down”, and you already ... “squeezed” it. But, I’ll add ... HOW WEST RAPPED Russia in 1492? After all, black and white says THIS IS THE MAIN REASON.
      But how could this be the MAIN REASON before the 1492 year? When did Henry begin to sail to Africa? When did Columbus bombard the courtyard asking for money for India? And what were the "robberies" of Russia then? They didn’t even know what she was ...
      1. +2
        April 18 2018 08: 27
        At this time, the Hansa successfully coped with the robbery of Russia, which completely and completely controlled the trade in raw materials and furs through Novgorod's comprador merchants.
        1. 0
          April 18 2018 11: 14
          Of course! and the Hansa was enough for flax, wax, leather, hemp and fur ... and more, what else did the West get from Russia then?
        2. +3
          April 18 2018 17: 46
          Quote: Lizzzard
          At this time, the Hansa successfully coped with the robbery of Russia, which completely and completely controlled the trade in raw materials and furs through Novgorod's comprador merchants.

          You can certainly provide evidence that it was a robbery, and not fair trade? Or is it just your fabrications that you for some reason gave out, as truth in the final instance?
          1. +1
            April 19 2018 18: 11
            And pearls and gold in exchange for glass beads and "fire water" - is it fair trade? Very interested in the very definition of "fair trade" in order to separate it from certain signs from dishonest.
    4. 0
      April 18 2018 08: 15
      all the misunderstanding of real history, this is either perseverance for ideological reasons or misunderstanding, as Fomenko-Nosovsky correctly observed-chronology. It is precisely the confused and incorrect chronology of countries and peoples that gives the phenomenon of denying an understanding of the true state of things in historical science.
      It is necessary to see clearly, right now, a story is being made before our eyes, new peoples and new languages ​​are being created - Kosovo, Ukrainian, Kazakh, also filled with new words and concepts, which are mostly fictitious - synthetic. and has become, with its story, a laughing stock for the whole world.
      But the same thing happened before, in the same way Austrian Russophobic Galicia was made from Galician Russia. From the Russians of Lithuania, Semigalia made Kurland and Livonia, which later became Latvia and Lithuania. This Lithuania generally has no relation to that historical Russian Lithuania, but this one was called also a synthetic-Slavic people-zhmudy.
      Estonia is a country with a micro population, now there are a couple of millions, but how many were there in the 19th century? not at all. And the name
      -Estonia- East, that is, just EAST. Type our people (their people) in the east.
      And so on, almost all new peoples are peoples specially created by the Romanovs and their Jewish / German relatives along with this fictitious or greatly altered Christianity religion.
      1. +5
        April 18 2018 10: 08
        Quote: Bar1
        And there’s nothing to say about Velikyukriya, this is the Zhidobandera’s start too fast. and has become, with its story, a laughing stock for the whole world.

        It is quite difficult to beat the “Sumerians”, but I am sure you will succeed! Go ahead.
        1. 0
          April 18 2018 10: 12
          Quote: HanTengri
          Quote: Bar1
          And there’s nothing to say about Velikyukriya, this is the Zhidobandera’s start too fast. and has become, with its story, a laughing stock for the whole world.

          It is quite difficult to beat the “Sumerians”, but I am sure you will succeed! Go ahead.

          angry you don't deserve a bigger answer.
          1. 0
            April 20 2018 03: 59
            don’t throw beads in front of pigs ... we don’t know much, some don’t want to know. winked
        2. +3
          April 18 2018 17: 09
          Already surpassed - and much. Those lacked globality: for example, rustic fantasy for seeds, and here - our whole flat Earth - the essence of Russia-Horde.
    5. +1
      April 21 2018 02: 22
      he stated everything correctly, if they could walk on land, they would not swim ...
    6. +1
      April 21 2018 15: 00
      everyone knew everything - and just - went to rob
      why went there to rob and kill - the author gives a completely understandable justification
      Why did the roofs of the RUSSIAN EUROPEANS demolish?
      liquid greed
      small ice age
      Inquisition as the destruction of the Veda and Faith
      cannibalism as a physical manifestation of the fall
      mass epidemics - as retribution for

    7. wax
      27 May 2018 12: 28
      Of course they would. But it is very difficult to predict the course of history if the land route to India and China were clear.
  2. +6
    April 18 2018 06: 20
    Do you read this? I saw about the masters of the West, the rest of the text is clear, push back.
  3. +11
    April 18 2018 06: 26
    So I imagine the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors rushing to Russia. Yeah, let's push the aircraft carrier to the shores of Belarus. Well, of course, Samsonov Alexander, what else could be the reason for the Great Geographical Discoveries, besides the inability of the Spaniards to conquer Moscow? Of course, no.
    Second moment. If you want to say that the Renaissance included not only Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, then write that besides the successes in culture there were still brutal wars, religious massacre, shit everywhere and infectious diseases. Because Leonardo and Mr. Buonarotti were there too. Medical fact. And yet, yes - they created their masterpieces. To deny their masterpiece is to put themselves on the same line with the barmales, exploding ancient statues and buildings. Even taking into account what Renaissance artists did in Catholic Rome, and not in the Orthodox kingdom.
    Cruelty? Yeah, surprise someone with cruelty in the 15-17th centuries. He himself wrote - his people were so slaughtered that entire dynasties faded away. By the way, not the York war with the Plantagenets, but the York war with Lancaster. So Europeans conquered new lands as cruelly as they fought among themselves. Keep in mind that in Europe they at least had business with Christians, and here they are solid pagans, moreover, as in the case with the Aztecs, bloodthirsty cannibals are very frequent. To blame the inhabitants of the distant past for what was considered the norm in their times is idiocy, Alexander Samsonov. Well, they did not know that it would be 600 years, and the descendants would condemn.
    1. +8
      April 18 2018 08: 00
      Quote: Molot1979
      Cruelty? Yeah, surprise someone with cruelty in the 15-17th centuries.

      Samsonov naively believes that the "development" of Siberia, the North and the Far East took place differently. There are no fewer skeletons in the closet of the “conquerors” than of the Spanish conquistadors.
      1. +1
        April 19 2018 00: 56
        Quote: Puncher
        Samsonov naively believes that the "development" of Siberia, the North and the Far East took place differently.

        Of course it’s different. In the campsites of primitive people there is no genetics other than Russian, moreover, throughout Russia. Russians are auto-hons in Russia and have not conquered anyone. Other peoples came to Russia and received their autonomy later, practically in our time.
        Quote: Puncher
        There are no fewer skeletons in the closet of the “conquerors” than of the Spanish conquistadors.

        There are many skeletons in our history, but they have nothing to do with the colonization of anything.
      2. +1
        3 May 2018 17: 24
        Well, as a historian with a diploma, I say that less. And much less. If only because in the name of Orthodox Christianity no one has exterminated the pagans. Which immediately reduces the number of victims by orders of magnitude. The main goal of Cossack expeditions is furs, not land. No need to exterminate the natives to plow their arable land. No need to drive to the mines for the sake of gold and silver. You just need to quietly force or persuade to hand over part of the produced fur to the treasury. The fortresses and cities are wooden - no need to drive the natives into the quarry, killing the rebellious, any Russian treated the tree with virtuosity. Wherever you spit, there are no such reasons for bloodshed as the Europeans. Which does not exclude bloody clashes, or executions of rebels, or robberies during wars. There was mutual cruelty, especially during the Chukchi wars. But the fight against the Chukchi is precisely the exception, not the rule. And the attitude towards the natives from the Russians was much more humane. Although pagans, but still people.
    2. +4
      April 18 2018 14: 24
      As for the "rushing to Russia" is also not worth it really really outcast. The national composition of the intervention troops that plundered in the Time of Troubles from Yelets to Vologda is an oil painting. There were practically ALL Europeans, with the possible exception of the same Portuguese and English. And the turmoil would roll further, - the spectrum of mercenaries from Plaguely Europe would be even larger and more diverse. Because, "fly on, lads." And they didn’t think of “Muscovites” as people, starting with the Polish “cousins,” let alone the rest of the European rabble.
    3. +1
      April 21 2018 15: 08
      da vinci - was a hom
      and in the picture with "the most mysterious smile" - is shown - MUZHIK
      ... rebirth ...
      they didn’t even have baths there at that moment, our baths frightened them to shiver
      and wigs were invented to cover unwashed and rare patles

      in Milan - there is a whole church built of human bones, it still exists
      cannibalism - for which the main cover was - the Inquisition, they simply legitimized the right to wet people in batches, because it was cold and no tomatoes were born (small glacial)

      Hierova critics ... at least at first well, at least be podeksili, not to mention reading books and studying maps and other materials

  4. +3
    April 18 2018 06: 42
    Of course, the Renaissance is not only paradise. And the Spaniards and the Portuguese learned a lot from the Arabs. And, probably, Pliny the Elder is right - in any book you can find something useful.

    But in general, the summary is the same: a random line and paragraph generator.
  5. +7
    April 18 2018 07: 54
    However, Russia and the Horde closed the West to the East.

    Spring aggravation from Samsonov, most recently he argued that the Horde was a myth imposed by the cursed West.
    1. NID
      April 19 2018 09: 37
      With podsusyukivateli and nose vane holders, explicit bloopers to let out is revered for a special chic. The fact that South America, India, Africa, Indonesia and the Philippines, as part of their population, Europeans killers has an insignificant part for them is not a fact. Ignoring the fact of the extinction of our own small nationalities, we are the descendants of the peacemaker Yermak and the like, and we ourselves are dying out with our rulers, unlike the supposedly destroyed peoples. DI Mendeleev, I recall, predicted 20 million Russians for the 500th century.
  6. +3
    April 18 2018 08: 29
    The only way was through the sea, which fed the Portuguese. One of their main industries was piracy. The Portuguese attacked the rich Muslim trading cities of North Africa.

    Poor, miserable Islamists. Cry-Cry.
  7. +2
    April 18 2018 09: 36
    Still, I would like to know in more detail and more precisely about the notorious "masters of the West." More specifically, who are they: last names, addresses, appearances ...
    1. +4
      April 18 2018 16: 50
      Well, it's even elementary school kids know:
      Jewish bankers confused with the Anglo-Saxons, masons above them, reptilians from the planet Nibiru above them. Further - vaguely .... in short: World government.
      Without these facts, it will be difficult for you to correctly perceive Samsonov’s work during the spring flowering of plants. In the fall, he writes completely different articles.
      1. 0
        April 19 2018 01: 00
        Quote: voyaka uh
        in short: World government.

        In your flight you have come to America, where will you run further? To Mars?
  8. +3
    April 18 2018 09: 59
    Now, if you take and film the opuses of A. Samsonov, you would get a wonderful “historical” fantasy, much more exciting and entertaining than any “Lord of the Rings”.
    1. +3
      April 18 2018 10: 33
      Or the Great Book of Grievances from the fantasy world of Warhammer. Resentments inflicted on the great Slavic-Aryan civilization (((Masters of the West)))
      Or something like Hitler's Mein Kampf.
    2. +1
      April 18 2018 11: 10
      Yes, you know you are right !!! TV series! In the 217 series, how the Indians did their Mahabharata (look, by the way, at least one series!). That's right on it! On the one hand Kaurava (Masters of the West with a disgusting Jewish appearance!). On the other hand - the Pandavas - by the appearance of Sergei Stolyarov ... It will be much cooler, more spectacular and epic! Aw! Where are the movie producers?
      1. +5
        April 18 2018 16: 55
        And for cosmic globality: one is helped by greenish reptilians with gold medallions on scales, the other is cosmic virgins with spirituality in their eyes, but not weak tits. fellow
        1. +3
          April 18 2018 19: 02
          Quote: voyaka uh
          And for cosmic globality: one is helped by greenish reptilians with gold medallions on scales, the other is cosmic virgins with spirituality in their eyes, but not weak tits.

          No, that’s impossible. In this situation, it’s already “Ramayana” that will turn out, that is, in fact, the first episode of the Marleson ballet. It’s in Ramayana that the great Slavonic Arya Rama (I am RA), with the help of a magic monkey - Hanuman (khan - khan, u - he, man-i. That is, I am their khan), (he is Genghis Khan) was assassinated, on Sri Lanka, a crowd of asuras - reptilians. And it all happened because of the girls with boobs and spirituality in the eyes ...
        2. +3
          April 19 2018 01: 04
          Quote: voyaka uh
          the other is cosmic virgins with spirituality in their eyes, but not weak boobs.

          And which side do you need to join so that there are "virgins with boobs"?
          1. +3
            April 19 2018 01: 35
            Are you asking the reptilian mason? wassat Pecked at the bait of the World Government? How trusting is youth ... stop
            1. 0
              April 19 2018 01: 51
              I’ll answer as a real reptiloid - the sense in them if further the scales are below the waist Yes
          2. 0
            April 19 2018 01: 53
            to that to more, and all the virgins lol
  9. +5
    April 18 2018 10: 57
    Quote: Bar1
    conquered Ermak-Cortes.

    I thought in the beginning it was a joke ... and here it turns out ... ohhh - there isn’t enough one “doctor” - you need a consultation!
  10. +1
    April 18 2018 11: 00
    Karakka (Italian: Carassa, Spanish: Carraca) is a large sailing ship of the XV — XVI centuries, widespread throughout Europe. It was distinguished by extremely good seaworthiness for those times, which is associated with the active use of karakk for swimming in the oceans during the era of the Great geographical discoveries.

    1. 0
      April 18 2018 12: 02
      Caracca (Italian Carassa, Spanish Carraca___

      The ship / caravel is a BOX in Russian.

      and this is the Spanish galleon, which in Russia during the time of Peter was called SHAWS.

      and then the Spanish caravel

      somehow they are subtly similar, why would it?
      1. 0
        April 18 2018 15: 31
        Galleon - the most advanced type of sailing vessel, which appeared in the XVI century. This type of sailing ship appeared during the evolution of caravels and karakk (naves) and was intended for long-distance ocean travel.

      2. BAI
        April 18 2018 15: 33
        Or maybe they are subtly like a Chinese junky?

        or on an arab ship?
        1. 0
          April 18 2018 15: 52
          Quote: BAI
          Or maybe they are subtly like a Chinese junky?

          Do you know that the Mongols / Mongols swam to fight Japan? Therefore, naturally, the Mongols should have their own ships and these ships should naturally be similar to other Mongolian / Russian ships.
          1. BAI
            April 18 2018 16: 09
            Even if we leave aside the Mongols who sailed to Japan on Chinese junks, then what about the Arabs?
            By the way, the author claims that:
            However, Russia and the Horde closed the West to the East.

            Those. The West and East could not stop the fleet. Where does the similarity come from?
            But this is all - charm:
            naturally mongals must have their own ships

            Fleet in the steppes of Mongolia?
            A submarine in the steppes of Ukraine, just resting.
            1. 0
              April 18 2018 16: 16
              Quote: BAI
              Those. The West and East could not stop the fleet. Where does the similarity come from?

              on ships, or what? Well so all modern ships are alike, destroyers are alike and corvettes are alike, what's so unusual?

              Quote: BAI
              But this is all - charm:
              naturally mongals should have their own ships
              Fleet in the steppes of Mongolia?
              A submarine in the steppes of Ukraine, just resting.

              are you jerking? about Mongolia, I quoted maps in Samsonov’s previous topic, “When did Western expansion begin?”
        2. +1
          April 18 2018 16: 43
          Caravel latin sailing is very similar to the Latin sailing of Arab ships. But unlike bagals, the caravel has a smaller elongation - for example, the typical ratio of length to width for Arabic bagels and dhows is 5: 1 and more, and for caravels, 4: 1 and less is typical. This solution is better suited for trips in the ocean, especially in unknown waters, as it increases the stability of the vessel and increases its carrying capacity, which allows you to take more water and provisions for a sea passage of unknown duration.
          In the picture of shebek - in the 16 and 17 centuries - the ship of Algerian pirates, but there were also Spanish shebeks.

          from: http: //
          ects / 111560.html
      3. 0
        April 18 2018 15: 35
        This is not a caravel. Read about caravels here:
      4. 0
        April 19 2018 01: 06
        Quote: Bar1
        somehow they are subtly similar

        Only at the unassuming glance of an ignorant aborigine.
    2. +1
      April 18 2018 15: 47
      And here are the ancestors of karakka:

      Mediterranean coh.

      Northern coh.
  11. 0
    April 18 2018 11: 28
    Quote: kalibr
    spring is valid

    It is simply stopped - the article should be moved to the "Opinions" section so that all the "alternatives" get there.
  12. 0
    April 18 2018 16: 24
    The British in North America were no better than the Portuguese. And at first they had white slaves there, who were collected and sent to North America not only from England itself, but also in Western Europe.
    1. 0
      April 18 2018 16: 42
      Quote: NF68
      The British in North America were no better than the Portuguese. And at first they had white slaves there, who were collected and sent to North America not only from England itself, but also in Western Europe.

      yes it’s so the Angles, they committed the genocide of the Irish and Scots for 250 years from the cromwellian to the 20 century, when the Angles starved the Irish and sent to America for slavery. They called themselves British, but they were ANTIGALS. These were already those who seized power in Russia -Orde.
      1. 0
        April 18 2018 16: 45
        Quote: Bar1
        Quote: NF68
        The British in North America were no better than the Portuguese. And at first they had white slaves there, who were collected and sent to North America not only from England itself, but also in Western Europe.

        yes it’s so the Angles, they committed the genocide of the Irish and Scots for 250 years from the cromwellian to the 20 century, when the Angles starved the Irish and sent to America for slavery. They called themselves British, but they were ANTIGALS. These were already those who seized power in Russia -Orde.

        It is unlikely that they really seized power in Russia / Horde, but they could influence and the opportunities were not small.
        1. +3
          April 18 2018 18: 49
          It must be remembered: anti-Gala seized power in Russia-Horde.
          It was before Ermak-Cortes, but after Dmitry Donskoy-Jesus Christ. Chronology bounced back .. wassat
  13. +1
    April 18 2018 16: 25
    These European priests, in the name of Christ, committed atrocities which caused the hair to stand on end by the progenitor of evil.
    1. +24
      22 November 2020 17: 01
      Quote: krokus792
      in the name of Christ they did atrocities

      Yes, in the name of Christ, they have done things all over the world ... Hair stands on end when you read about their crimes. "Enlightened" Europe ...
  14. 0
    April 18 2018 16: 37
    Quote: krokus792
    These European priests, in the name of Christ, committed atrocities which caused the hair to stand on end by the progenitor of evil.

    But for some reason, the progenitor did not punish them for this.
  15. 0
    April 18 2018 16: 51
    Quote: NF68
    Quote: Bar1
    Quote: NF68
    The British in North America were no better than the Portuguese. And at first they had white slaves there, who were collected and sent to North America not only from England itself, but also in Western Europe.

    yes it’s so the Angles, they committed the genocide of the Irish and Scots for 250 years from the cromwellian to the 20 century, when the Angles starved the Irish and sent to America for slavery. They called themselves British, but they were ANTIGALS. These were already those who seized power in Russia -Orde.

    It is unlikely that they really seized power in Russia / Horde, but they could influence and the opportunities were not small.

    it’s not like that, if you look at old portraits, for example, Louis 14 above, got out eyes, a bald head covered with a wig, his invention is not a white man of the Nordic race, but what, guess yourself, is the same king Peter, the same Wilhelm of Orange of England, so they seized power and therefore now there is a mess in the world, wars, blood, lawlessness, a decline in morals, everything from them.
    1. +3
      April 18 2018 18: 57
      But salvation is just around the corner, I suspect?
      The white man of the Nordic race will defeat the anti-Galov in Russia-Horde?
      Fantasy should have a happy ending (in anti-Gali).
      1. 0
        April 18 2018 19: 42
        Quote: voyaka uh
        But salvation is just around the corner, I suspect?
        The white man of the Nordic race will defeat the anti-Galov in Russia-Horde?
        Fantasy should have a happy ending (in anti-Gali).

        wait and see, with the departure of the white population, human progress is leaving, along with a semi-white society stupidity, stupidity, greed remain, so do not worry.
        1. +2
          April 19 2018 01: 49
          You can’t be such a pessimist. We must say this: "and according to ancient prophecy, new white Nordic people will pour from the Altai Upland and crush the anti-Gala in a great battle and shed light on the world a new chronology of St. Fomenko Amen."
        2. 0
          April 19 2018 18: 54
          Quote: Bar1
          the departure of the white population, human progress is leaving, along with a semi-white society stupidity, dullness, greed remain, so do not worry.

          unfortunately progressors are now condemned, and tolerance is welcomed.
          A pattern of progressor (a white heterosexual man) is the most haunted type of people.
          1. 0
            April 27 2018 04: 24
            He pursues exclusively in the decaying west. Everything is normal with white heterosexual men, the demand for them is great among white heterosexual women)
    2. 0
      April 19 2018 17: 25
      Quote: Bar1
      Quote: NF68
      Quote: Bar1
      Quote: NF68
      The British in North America were no better than the Portuguese. And at first they had white slaves there, who were collected and sent to North America not only from England itself, but also in Western Europe.

      yes it’s so the Angles, they committed the genocide of the Irish and Scots for 250 years from the cromwellian to the 20 century, when the Angles starved the Irish and sent to America for slavery. They called themselves British, but they were ANTIGALS. These were already those who seized power in Russia -Orde.

      It is unlikely that they really seized power in Russia / Horde, but they could influence and the opportunities were not small.

      it’s not like that, if you look at old portraits, for example, Louis 14 above, got out eyes, a bald head covered with a wig, his invention is not a white man of the Nordic race, but what, guess yourself, is the same king Peter, the same Wilhelm of Orange of England, so they seized power and therefore now there is a mess in the world, wars, blood, lawlessness, a decline in morals, everything from them.

      Here the descendants of the English Puritans, including in the USA, were ahead of the rest.
  16. 0
    April 18 2018 19: 08
    Excuse me, but what was robbing in Russia? A country with risky farming, where hunger was a frequent guest.
    1. +1
      April 18 2018 19: 45
      Quote: Prometey
      Excuse me, but what was robbing in Russia? A country with risky farming, where hunger was a frequent guest.

      In Russia there was always a lot of fur, which in the west cost a lot. There was also enough gold and other jewelry.
      1. 0
        April 19 2018 19: 21
        Quote: NF68
        In Russia there was always a lot of fur, which in the west cost a lot. There was also enough gold and other jewelry.

        Fur, forest, hemp, tar, honey and other goods of northern origin were successfully sold, even through Poland.
        And gold and silver were expensive, they were bought and brought to Russia
        For example, silver
        For a long time Russia did not have its own silver smelting industry, however, in the summer of 1687, Lavrenty Neidgart, a hereditary ore miner and caster, smelted the first Russian silver. He was laid down in Nerchinsk - a hundred and a half years later, the Decembrists sentenced to hard labor were received ...
        Today in Russia 550-600 tons of silver are mined annually. This is a little: 50 times more precious metal is mined in Peru; not far from Peru, Mexico, Chile and China left.
        1. 0
          April 20 2018 16: 59
          Quote: Antares
          And gold and silver were expensive, they were bought and brought to Russia

          They were also “mined” from neighbors during military conflicts.

          Some sources indicate that Russia does not produce 550-600 tons of silver per year, but up to 1500 tons:

    2. 0
      April 18 2018 20: 37
      Quote: Prometey
      Excuse me, but what was robbing in Russia? A country with risky farming, where hunger was a frequent guest.

      Professor Pyzhikov, a pearl craft in Russia, was mined by women, who were called merchants.
      1. +5
        April 18 2018 22: 24
        After them, the Russian Aluminum group was founded.
      2. +2
        April 19 2018 01: 09
        Quote: Bar1

        Everyone knows the mermaids - they are employees of the company "Russian Aluminum".
        1. NID
          April 19 2018 10: 05
          Then who is above them with comrades Uncle Chernomor? “A thief elected by these companies?”
          1. NID
            April 19 2018 10: 17
            Mermaids in Russian Aluminum, Black Sea with heroes frolic in PMC Wagner, and in poets they hang noodles Thor, Horus, and Mikishka ...
  17. +1
    April 19 2018 14: 31
    I myself lived in Portugal in Lisbon, and indeed traveled all over the European Union.
    The EU is a social state: the highest quality free medicine, material assistance, decent pensions and benefits. There is no predatory policy there. There is a policy of peace and prosperity, a policy of progress and common sense.
    I would like to warn the authors against putting any cliches on Western civilization and calling the great Renaissance an era of robbery and robbery.
    After all, the Western community can also begin to describe Russia in the image of the Gulag and Stalinism, Serfdom (and wasn’t it slavery?) And ending with the modern era, when the richest oligarchs rule the country against the background of how the majority of pensioners make ends meet at a song for 200 dollars? Is this not an era of robbery?
    1. +1
      April 19 2018 18: 27
      My friend, you are like a small child. European civilization has successfully conducted two world wars over the past hundred years, and is confidently moving to the third, and you only notice "peace, prosperity and the policy of progress"? By the way, serfdom has very profound differences from slavery. By the way, Russian pensioners do not receive pensions in dollars, and at purchasing power parity in Russia, the dollar will draw a much larger amount of goods and services compared to Portugal, in whose colony called Brazil slavery (and even not serfdom) canceled in 1896.
      1. 0
        April 22 2018 00: 56
        And the invasion of Genghis Khan and his heirs to the world war does not pull? And the great migration of peoples in the 4 century?
    2. 0
      April 19 2018 19: 31
      Quote: amiens
      The EU is a social state: the highest quality free medicine, material assistance, decent pensions and benefits. There is no predatory policy there. There is a policy of peace and prosperity, a policy of progress and common sense.

      watch videos of any economist, for example, Katasonova THE WHOLE WEST lives on credit, debts only grow every year. Previously, they robbed colonies and imposed slavery on other nations, but now they live on credit, but it will end soon.
      1. 0
        April 20 2018 16: 09
        Until the world renounces the Amer printing press, this will happen. Other non-Western states need to develop a new concept of the existence and development of the world, especially since now both the economic, political and military potential have long and steadily gone to the East.
    3. +4
      April 20 2018 16: 11
      "top quality free medicine",

      - Yes, you are just a master of the joke, comrade :))) We have seen the "highest quality" of that medicine in England. Help will be provided only when you are already dying.
      Quality medicine in the West is ONLY for those who can pay for it. So enough already to drive here all this naphthalene golima bullshit. Already not 91 years old, and you will not fog up anyone with this ear noodle.
      1. 0
        April 22 2018 00: 55
        Quality is always there when they pay for it. Your cap.
    4. 0
      April 20 2018 17: 11
      Quote: amiens
      I myself lived in Portugal in Lisbon, and indeed traveled all over the European Union.
      The EU is a social state: the highest quality free medicine, material assistance, decent pensions and benefits. There is no predatory policy there. There is a policy of peace and prosperity, a policy of progress and common sense.

      And in the EU there are no rental companies? There are no poor people, no working people with low wages who are forced to pay extra by the state despite the fact that these people work full time? Even in Germany, which is not the poorest country in the EU, approximately 20% of the inhabitants are considered poor:

      Statistiken zur Armut in Germany
      Im Jahr 2016 waren in Deutschland 19,7 Prozent der Menschen von Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung betroffen. Die Armutsgefährdungsquote ist ein Indikator zur Messung relativer Einkommensarmut und ist definiert als Anteil der Personen mit einem Äquivalenzeinkommen von weniger als 60 Prozent des Bundesmedians der Äquivalenzeinkommen der Bevausltenten Das Äquivalenzeinkommen ist ein auf der Basis des Haushaltsnettoeinkommens berechnetes bedarfsgewichtetes Pro-Kopf-Einkommen je Haushaltsmitglied. Es wird herangezogen, um die Einkommen unterschiedlich großer Haushalte vergleichbar zu machen und ergibt sich aus der Summe der Einkommen aller Haushaltsmitglieder, welche anschließend durch einen Wert dividiert wird, der üblicherd Die Armutsgrenze liegt bei 60 Prozent des mittleren bedarfsgewichteten Nettoeinkommens der Bevölkerung in Privathaushalten. Auch die Europäische Union benutzt diese Definition. Wer in Deutschland weniger als 12.726 Euro im Jahr verdient, gilt nach dem Stand des Jahres 2016 als
      chland /

      And the income gap between the poorest and richest segments of the population in the EU is not widening?

      In this regard, the question arises: how could one live, for example, in Portugal, far from the most prosperous EU country, and not know and not see all this?

      How can you not know the countries are organizing coups d'etat or are waging war in Yugoslavia in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Egypt without the consent of the UN? That a number of EU countries support terrorists and so on and so forth.

      Or maybe you live on some other planet where everything is different than in reality in the EU?
    5. +1
      April 22 2018 00: 58
      Well, they managed to build it and provide military force, enslaving the rest of the world. They are great, albeit not without luck. The fact that Aborigines have fed Europe for centuries is a problem of Aborigines, which themselves are no better.
    6. 0
      April 27 2018 04: 28
      I would like to warn the authors against putting any cliches on Western civilization and calling the great Renaissance an era of robbery and robbery

      That is, there was no robbery and robbery? Did the Aztecs and the Incas surrender their gold to the EU themselves and cut themselves out?
    7. +22
      22 November 2020 17: 01
      There is no need to spread so brazenly fake ... Free medicine ... stop
  18. 0
    April 19 2018 20: 02
    “Oceans of blood, tens of millions of slaughtered, starved of disease and disease, turned into slaves. Western robbers took out mountains of gold, silver, jewelry, destroyed entire civilizations, ancient cultures, tribes and peoples. They drowned the planet in blood, dotted it with bones of conquered peoples. They established the most severe slaveholding order, sucking out all the juices and blood from dozens and hundreds of peoples "
    You read directly about Russia and its modern government.
    1. +2
      April 20 2018 16: 07
      Well, yes, - Putin ate four children for breakfast without any plans :))) And the fifth, rumpled, was saved by Chulpan Khamatova)))
      Yes, I also go here every day, I think who to eat, and where to get rivers of blood, so as not to break the pattern of the ancient Sumerians :))
  19. +1
    April 20 2018 16: 05
    "In England, supporters of the Yorks and Plantagenets enthusiastically slaughtered each other in the Scarlet and White Rose War."

    - Not Plantagenets - but Lancaster! The author does not know the story. The descendants of the Plantagenets of the ruling dynasty, there were both factions - both York and Lancaster. It was just that both claimed power and therefore began the bloody Civil War of the Roses, in which about 7% of the population of England, and almost the entire noble elite, were destroyed. Buck was started by Earl of York, who directly declared himself as a contender for the throne. True, Earl of York died in battle almost at the beginning of the Rose War, and the confrontation went on for decades. Let me remind you - the winners cut each other to the root, after the fighting, as a rule, there were total executions of prisoners and surviving nobles of the opposite camp.
    The war went on for 30 long years, went on with varying successes. At first, Lancaster did not crush briefly, then Lancaster almost destroyed York in the person of future King Edward 4, and after Edward's death the war flared up with renewed vigor and ended in the final victory of the Lancaster, although York fought more often in battles. The only surviving representative of Lancaster and their last hope, Heinrich Tudor, was able to defeat the Yorks, not least with the help of treason in the final battle, win the crown from Richard 3 of York and establish a new Tudor dynasty.
  20. 0
    April 20 2018 22: 42
    No tales, our Russians had the same hand in Alaska right up to California. Some tens of thousands of furs were exported. And the Aleutians of the Chukchi and tens of thousands were killed.
    1. 0
      April 27 2018 04: 31
      Write millions. Goebels bequeathed to you like that. Again, the lesson is not learned)
    2. +22
      22 November 2020 17: 00
      Quote: Sergey Artyk
      No fairy tales

      Sergey, you wrote a fairy tale in your commentary.
  21. 0
    April 21 2018 02: 11
    Thanks to the author and many commentators too :) very interesting and informative. Tell me who knows, but how not to miss the sequel and where to look for it later? Thanks in advance to everyone who helps :)
  22. +1
    April 22 2018 00: 54
    I wonder how the West managed to bend all these Aborigines without problems, if it did not possess total superiority in the ability to create material values?

    And why does the author believe that other peoples, including those whom the colonialists genocide, behaved at that time in something better? They did not exterminate the vanquished, including the most brutal ways? Existing ideas about humanism originated precisely in Europe. Because there before they matured first.

    And where does Russia, which for Europe at that time was just the ass of the world, with which you can’t take a lot?
  23. 0
    3 May 2018 17: 26
    Quote: andrew42
    The national composition of the intervention troops that plundered in the Time of Troubles from Yelets to Vologda is an oil painting.

    So this, dear, mercenaries. People without a homeland and a flag. Their behavior in our country was no different from their behavior in Europe. Read at least the materials on the Thirty Years War - there, with horror, your hair stands on end, what they did with YOURSELF.
  24. 0
    31 May 2018 17: 42
    PEOPLE explain, well, because in all countries there was a slave trade, violence, the seizure of foreign lands, so what is worse for Europeans? It's just that they became the best in these global atrocities, that's all! And for this they have become more developed!
    1. +24
      22 November 2020 17: 00
      Not all. It's just that the Europeans put the slave trade on stream.
  25. 0
    7 July 2018 15: 05
    through Istanbul and the Crimean Khanate, more Russians and other Slavs were taken into slavery than Africans and Irish were brought to the New World

    ... when did you manage? Constantinople founded the Don aftermath of 1380 .. In the 15th century, Moses - the prince of Tver founded the Ataman Empire .. After the rebellion of the Mamelukes, the Ataman Empire became the Ottoman Empire. Constantinople became Istanbul .. Turks - * feral Russians * .. Came ..
  26. 0
    7 July 2018 15: 11
    Quote: EvilLion
    And the invasion of Genghis Khan and his heirs to the world war does not pull? And the great migration of peoples in the 4 century?

    ..and why didn’t you please George the Victorious? ..