Lampas under Prasnyshem. H. 2

We continue the conversation about the actions of the cavalry squadron V. A. Khimets in the Second Prasnysh operation (see Lampas under Prasnyshem. H. 1).

The beginning of the German offensive

From 3 to 6 in February, the Germans daily disturbed the detachment of V. A. Khimets - acting now on Kitka, then on Goodness. Horzhele has a hundred Urals residents dealing with dismounted enemy cavalry.

1. The beginning of the German offensive. Dates - in a new style.

On the night of 6, V. A. Khimets received information about the accumulation of large German forces in Horzhel - and the next morning the whole brigade went to the Křínovlog area. From the region of the last, the battery fired all day at Rembelin, Horjele and Brzeski Kolaki. The Germans answered.

February 7 The 4 Brigade re-entered Krzhinovlyy, and the head of the Turkestan headquarters was instructed "in the event of a serious German offensive to release the shooters into Grudusk."

The battery of the officer artillery school (OAS) bombarded the German columns, moving south from Brzeski Kolaki. Other advancing enemy columns were found on the roads to Prasnysh from Rembelin and from Janów and Khorjele on Krzhinovlog. None restrained from the front, the Germans did not pay attention to the detachment of V. A. Khimets. The head of the detachment, having decided that the cavalry attack on the enemy’s unhappy infantry would only bring casualties, took the 17 brigade to Pavlovo, Chernitsa Borovo to 4 for hours.

In the morning the Germans began shelling the position of Kitki’s shooters. German units appeared on the entire front from Dzerggovko to the Shumsk-Mlava-Galvits road, attacking the 1 Turkestan Corps. As noted by E. Ludendorff, the strike was struck by forces that were three times superior to the Russians (corps: Tsastrova, 17-th reserve, 1-I guards reserve and 3-I infantry divisions - all 6 divisions). In 9 hours, the Germans pressed the Orenburg hundred from Grabovo. The hundred departed in Dzerzhgovo, but in exchange a trot of Koroshnikov was expelled.

By noon, the Germans swept the Ural outposts at Dzerzhgovo, Dobrogosty and Krery, launching an offensive on Brzhozovo. In small groups, the Urals people skipped to Dzerzhgovo - and the whole Turkestan brigade gathered there in 13 hours. The Ural patrol sent for communication from Brzhozovo to Grabovo, captured a German cavalryman on the road from Janov. The latter showed that his regiment was attached to the 1-th reserve corps - and parts of the latter move from Horzhele to Prasnysh.

Until 16 hours, machine gunners continued to fire Germans, acting from Zaboklik heights. At dusk, the team departed in Pavlovo, but there was a regiment of OKSH, and the Turkestans spent the night in Vengra.

The Turkestan reconnaissance had the most important operational and strategic importance: the seriousness and power of the German offensive was revealed, its directions were clarified, and a new (1 st reserve) corps was found. In this case, the horsemen managed to delay (as far as possible) the frontal attack of the enemy.

Thus, already at the very beginning of the Second Prasnyshka operation, the Russian cavalry achieved something, while the German cavalry did nothing: the von Hollen corps was modestly hiding in the rear. E. Ludendorff, complaining about his ignorance of the situation due to the weak work of air reconnaissance, should not be blamed on “lack of knowledge” aviation: German aviation flew on February 5th over Dzerzhgovo. The Russians dispensed with aviation as well - the cavalry, as noted, carried out a very successful reconnaissance. Unlike the cavalry of the opponent. And if the German 2nd and 4th cavalry divisions were moved from Jorgele to Prasnysh? But ... They spoke of German cavalry, there was even a captured cavalryman, but the German cavalry itself was never seen - until the end of the operation.

On February 7, a brigade of the 4 Don Cossack Division from the 1 Horse Corps was sent to help V. A. Khimets.

Lampas under Prasnyshem. H. 2
2. The commander of the 4-th Don Cossack Division, Major General M. N. Grabe.

At dawn of 8, the entire squadron V. A. Himets marched to Prasnysh, occupied by the 2-3 battalions of the 66 th Infantry Division with 3-batteries and half-bombs of the Turkestan sapper. Approaching the city, Lieutenant Colonel S. M. Tilicheev, acting chief of staff of 4 th Separate caval brigade, received a report from his patrols - that the Germans were already bending around Prasnysh from the east, and German patrols from Makov approached Prasnysh.

Rising from the 4 Brigade at Venzhevo, V. A. Chimetz sent the Turkestans to Macs. On the road from Kozinje to Venzhevo, parts of the Donets showed up.

Turkestans moved, having in front of a hundred Urals residents, on Romanov - Makov. A departure was made - to Karnevo - Macs. Makov was occupied by four battalions of militias with a hundred border guards and a battery of light guns arr. 1898. The mood of the militias was not bad - despite the armament of the rifle guns and the "antediluvian" guns.

In 16 hours, a hundred Ural residents occupied Mlodzyanovo and entrenched themselves in its northern outskirts. In 18, a Korunzhnik Kadoshnikov’s departure appeared — he was operating between German columns and at Křínovlog for about a day, capturing a volunteer-determined one of the regiments of the 36-th reserve division of the 1-th reserve corps. Moreover, the prisoner diligently carried the duties of the sentinel - under the supervision of the Cossack.

By night, the following information arrived: there were no Germans at Krasnoselts, and the crossing was observed by the 4 Cavalry Division (the core of which was located in Ostrolenka), the crossings at Podosye and Leng occupied by small German infantry units.

In 16 hours V. A. Chimetz went to the area of ​​Karnevo - Helkhi Ilovye.

The result of the work of the Russian cavalry 8 February: completed strategic reconnaissance and identified the left flank of the German offensive, the composition of the German company was established (according to the testimony of the prisoner - from 150 to 170 bayonets).

On the morning of February 9, the SOB battery fired at the grave of Rulera in Krasna (the 2 squadron covered the battery), the Don police conducted reconnaissance west of the Karnevo-Prasnysh road (and together with the 4 brigade gradually moved to the Lukov district), and the Turkestans occupied the Mlodzyanovo line Elzhbetovo - Zalesie - Old one. The corps headquarters telegraphed to the Turkestani: “The proceeds will be tomorrow at noon. I hope for the former energy of the brigade. Cichovich.

Stop the German offensive and the cavalry curtain action.

9 February Prasnysh was lined on all sides (while on the front of Gruduk and west all German attacks were repelled). The right flank of the 1 of the Turkestan Corps was bent and reached to Morgues.

In the morning, from Novogeorgiyevsk, the gallant 1 of the Siberian Army Corps made his way to Karniewo - in order for the third time in half a year to measure strength with a considerably superior opponent. The 2 Siberian Army Corps was concentrated in Ostrolenka to attack Prasnysh. The front command prepared Galvitsu good bag.

On this day, the 4 and Don Brigades were engaged in exchanges of fire and reconnaissance: by the evening, the Don found Germans in Zelen. The entire detachment of V. A. Khimets was pulled together in Lukovo.

The Turkestan brigade for the 14 clocks is located: three hundred Urals from Mlodzyanovo to Elzhbetovo, three hundred Orenburg residents at Helkhi Ilovye and a reserve - two hundred, who covered the community school battery in Malekhi (the Don battery temporarily attached to the brigade was also located there).

The militia squad with the battery stood in the forest near Obetsanovo, while the border guards conducted reconnaissance to the east of the r. Orzhits.

It was decided to keep the exits from the forest belt Poltusk - Karnevo.
From 15 hours, German scouts approached Mlodzyanovo, and in 18 hours a company of infantry approached: a hundred let her steps on 300 - 400 and met with such accurate fire that a company with huge losses rushed into Wengzhinovo.

Around 20 hours between Mlodzyanovo and Bogdankovo ​​German scouts were spotted - patrols were made against them.

The chief of staff of the 2 th Siberian rifle division, Colonel V. I. Mikhailov, wrote in his diary: "... Makov is busy with warriors and 2,5 in the hundreds, who keep well there ...". The evidence of infantry is expensive, for infantry has always been strict in evaluating cavalry units.

On February 11, the squadron of V.Khimets finally split up: its core went to Kolachkovo and from there led the artillery fire on Zelen, and the Turkestans remained in their positions. The enemy did not take active actions until 10 hours, when a hundred of Orenburg people standing in Zalesye noticed an advancing company of Germans. The outskirts of the village was inconvenient for defense, and a hundred retreated to a hillock, from where they met the Germans with fire: they started to fire machine guns from Starovies, and a platoon of equestrians advanced from Elzhbetovo - and the Germans withdrew without accepting the attack.

3. Turkestan brigade 9 - 10 February 1915

The news has come that Prasnysh is holding on. And the Cossacks also decided to stand to the death.

Here it is appropriate to recall the phrase of E. Ludendorff that because “aircraft did not fly” he did not know about the approach to the Russian reinforcements. Blame, of course, not the forces of nature, and their own mistake. But we remembered this because a Russian plane flew over the Turkestanians who had defended themselves.

The shootout flared up ...

The reader may be surprised at the "sluggish" course of action of the German avant-gardes - who did not work the way they were "preached" before the war. But the author, reading the memories of the French dragoon, stumbled upon the following significant phrase: “when German avant-gardes encounter serious resistance, they do not insist, but wait ... and the next day, the Germans turn around, sweeping away everything in their path.”

The German avant-gardes "did not insist," especially since the main forces were occupied by the valiantly resisting Prasnysh.

16 Siberian Division mounted cavalry reconnaissance arrived at Karnevo in 2 hours, and 17 equestrian reconnaissance and division chief of staff Colonel V.I. Mikhailov arrived at 200 for hours. For 480 Cossack rifles, stretched over 10 km, this was a great help, and the fighting reputation of the 1 Siberian Corps left no doubt about the outcome of the upcoming landfill.

V. Khimets, leaving the Don members at Kolachkovo, by the evening moved to Dlugolekka - informing the Germans of the right flank of the Turkestan corps.

With the 19 clock, the avant-garde 2 of the Siberian division appeared, and the Turkestan brigade began to take turns in positions.

At night, she was approached by a 2 train of the rank for the brigade. Cossacks were happy about oatsu almost as well as Siberians.

The results of the cavalry: a) south of Prasnysh, the German advance was stopped, b) west of the city, the use of V. Himets artillery fire also demonstrated the presence of serious forces, and German advancement bypassing the right flank of the 1 of the Turkestan Corps was measured by a very small distance (which was overcome 1-th Guards Reserve and 3-th Infantry Divisions).

The von Hollen's cavalry finally missed the opportunity to prove themselves.

February 10 from Ostrolenka on Krasnoseltsy-Prasnysh was made by the 2 th Siberian corps - its movement was covered from the north by the 4 th cavalry division.

Fight for the initiative.

At about 10 hours of February 11 the drama of the Prasnysh garrison ended. Having lost more than half of his squad from enemy fire, he could not resist the fresh forces that Galvitz pulled up. The sapper staff captain Khanikov was the last to fall - half of which was completely destroyed. On the gravestone inscription of an officer, the Germans who buried him told about this valiant warrior, who fought to the end and did not want to surrender - the captain shot himself under threat of captivity, using the last cartridge of his revolver.

But it was the last success of the Germans.

1 th Siberian Corps turned on the front, which the Cossacks saved him, and launched an offensive - reaching the line Vengzhinovo - Venzhevo by the evening and encircling Red from three sides, in which the Germans firmly settled. The Turkestan Corps beat out the attacks of three times the superior German forces for the third day, while the 2 Siberian Corps approached Krasnoseltsy.

4. The situation under the Prasnyshem. Dates in a new style.

The 4 th cavalry division, under pressure from the enemy, went to N. Vse, and the 39 th Siberian regiment advanced from Ostrolenka to help it.

The Turkestan Cossack Brigade, subordinate to the chief of the 2 Siberian Division, was given the task: to concentrate in front of Lukovo and, in conducting reconnaissance, to provide the left flank of the division.

February 11 for 7 watches it was focused, and 8 combat patrols advanced each 2 hours (each officer, constable and 6 Cossacks): Malenki - Vypihi - Kurevo - Kozin and Milevo Malenki - Bytsy - New All - Zbika Kierzhka.

In 9 hours, hundreds of Urals people with two easel machine guns came out of Lukovo - she had to take Milevo Malenka and move on - depending on the reports of patrols. Under her was the headquarters of the brigade with two "staff" trips. In 9 hours 30 a hundred minutes passed Milevo Malenka - patrols reported that Milevo Byki and Milevo Shveyki are not busy. The brigade made the following leap: a hundred - in Milevo Svejki, the main forces - in Milevo Byki; one hundred of Orenburg citizens is directed to Milevo Ronchka.

In Milevo, Malenka the brigade was overtaken by a patrol of the 15 Hussars, the head of which reported that the whole division was going to Lukovo.

The days were significant for the Turkestan Cossack Brigade.

5. Orenburg Cossacks in equestrian ranks.

To be continued
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  1. +18
    April 3 2018 05: 40
    The guys turned around on all sides
    And a successful intelligence, and a veil, and containment of the Fritz.
    I applaud and wait for the denouement
    1. +18
      April 3 2018 07: 27
      good intelligence

      Not just successful
      Strategic reconnaissance was carried out - a group of advancing Germans was revealed, the directions of the offensive were clarified, and the composition of the advancing infantry units was established.
      That is, the key task of the cavalry was solved.
      and the veil and containment of the Fritz

      South of Prasnysh, the German offensive was stopped, and the use of artillery by V. A. Khimets also showed the presence of serious forces to the west of the city, and the advance of the Germans bypassing the right flank of the 1st Turkestan Corps was measured by a very insignificant distance.
      Thus, if the cavalry near Prasnysh did nothing else — neither horse attacks nor pursuit, she would have fully justified herself by solving the most important tasks.
      1. +4
        April 3 2018 08: 27
        Totally agree
        1. +4
          April 3 2018 09: 39
          Cossacks held out until the approach of Siberian shooters
          480 rifles observed 10 km clearance ...
          That's what maneuver war means.
    2. +2
      April 3 2018 14: 34
      “containment of the Fritz.” Then they were called by the Germans ..... Although this does not change the essence of the matter. The Cossacks are well done.
      Quote: Headless Horseman
      The guys turned around on all sides
      And a successful intelligence, and a veil, and containment of the Fritz.
      I applaud and wait for the denouement
      1. +17
        April 3 2018 16: 09
        I will even say that.
        Read the memories of ordinary soldiers and non-commissioners
        They were called "Germans."
        Our - the enemy "German" and "Austrian"
  2. +17
    April 3 2018 07: 32
    Different types of intelligence have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they need to be used in combination.
    The Germans were fixated on airborne reconnaissance - but she also has its drawbacks: for example, dependence on weather. And if the area is replete with forests and the enemy will hide part of the forces in the forest?
    However, both sides used aviation: German planes flew over Dzerzhgovo on February 5, and a Russian plane flew over Turkestans on February 10.
    But the cavalry was actively used by the Russians - which paid off.
    1. +4
      April 3 2018 08: 34
      And I also liked the volunteer, caught by the detachment of coronet Kadoshnikov.
      The German was not only captured and issued information about the composition of the 1st reserve corps - he also plowed at the Cossacks, served as a sentinel), as I understand it, including listening to the conversations of his compatriots.
      I read about the First August Operation, how the hussar detachment lay down, disguised itself on the side of a forest road and observed the movement of German columns. And the officer, who understood German, heard important information from the conversations passing and sent a messenger. So it was possible to identify the beginning and direction of the German offensive.
      1. +18
        April 3 2018 12: 01
        I read about the First August Operation, how the hussar detachment lay down, disguised itself on the side of a forest road and observed the movement of German columns. And the officer, who understood German, heard important information from the conversations passing and sent a messenger. So it was possible to identify the beginning and direction of the German offensive.

        Yes, the officer of the 1st Sumy hussar regiment Viktor Littauer recalled this, calling the name of this officer - Cornet Ivanov:
        “In the German rear in the forest, he found a huge enemy convoy moving along the road to the front. He ordered the soldiers to hide with the horses in the thicket of the forest, and he crawled so close to the road that he heard what the Germans were talking about. For several hours he watched the movement of the German army. The first two hussars, whom he sent to the division headquarters with a report, stumbled upon another enemy convoy, following the Russian border. One of the hussars remained to conduct observation, and the other galloped back to inform Ivanov about the second column. Ivanov sent his non-commissioned officer to monitor the second column, and he continued to collect information about the first ..
        reports of German convoys going to the border were delivered to the division headquarters, and from there they were transmitted by telegraph to the army headquarters. It was not just important information, these were the first reports of an impending German offensive. ”
        Strategic Intelligence
  3. +1
    April 3 2018 07: 36
    V. A. Khimets-After the October Revolution, he served in the Red Army. He died of typhus in Moscow in 1919.
    M.N. Grabbe-After the February Revolution, they were arrested, after the October Revolution he emigrated to Yugoslavia, moved to Paris in 1925. After the Nazi attack on the USSR, he contributed to the creation of the Russian Corps. On June 28 he issued the following order: Donets! Repeatedly in recent years, in my appeals to you, I have predicted great upheavals that should stir up the world; He said repeatedly that out of these shocks, the dawn of liberation, our return to our native lands, will shine for us. On June 22, the Leader of the Great German Reich Adolf Hitler declared war on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. From the Arctic Ocean to the Black Sea a powerful German army advanced and crossed the red borders, striking the regiments of the Comintern. The great struggle began., Don Cossacks! This struggle is our struggle. We began it in 1919, at a time when, taking advantage of the passing difficulties of the Empire, the international clique of Marxist revolutionaries deceived the Russian people with their deceitful democracy and seized power in St. Petersburg - was not the Don region the first to reject the power of the invaders? Did the Don Cossacks declare the authorities this war not on their stomachs, but on death, proclaiming the independence of the Great Don Army for this? And can we forget the friendly help that we rendered in the struggle that we waged hand in hand with the national Russians who did not accept Bolshevism forces that were in the south of Russia at that time in the German Army? In heroic, unequal battles for the homelands, for the Pacific Don, for our Mother Holy Russia, we did not lay down our arms in front of the red hordes, did not turn off our old banners. All Cossacks who took part in the struggle chose to leave in 1920. Homeland, go to a foreign land, where their unknown future awaited, hardships and difficult trials. The Don army did not submit to the invaders, it retained its independence, Cossack honor, its right to its native land. In the grave conditions, defending the right to life, the Don Cossacks in exile remained faithful to the Cossack traditions, the Don, and historical Russia. By the very existence of each Cossack in a foreign land, it affirmed the ideological struggle against communism and the Bolsheviks, waiting for that cherished moment when the red flags wavered and swayed over the Kremlin occupied by enemies. Twenty years had to wait, twenty long years! Other of us laid our bones away from the old graves; but just as before, the Don Army threatens the enemy. There is still gunpowder in the powder flasks, the Cossack peak is not bending! And finally, the hour has come, so long-awaited. The banner of the armed struggle against communism, with the Bolsheviks, with the Soviet Union was raised.
  4. +19
    April 3 2018 07: 55
    At all times, Russian officers fought to the last
    As the Germans wrote, admiring the behavior of staff captain Khanykov
    who fought to the end and didn’t want to surrender - under the threat of capture the staff captain shot himself using the last cartridge of his revolver.

    The defense of Prasnysh in February 1915 was a feat of Russian weapons when Russian troops confronted a much stronger enemy. The Germans took the city - but not for long.
    1. +4
      April 3 2018 08: 35
      At all times, Russian officers fought to the last

      Yes, the last bullet or grenade - to myself
  5. +19
    April 3 2018 08: 05
    In the commentary to the 1st part of the cycle he gave biographical notes about V. A. Khimets and A. M. Loginov.
    Now about the officers mentioned in this article.
    Tilicheev Sergey Mikhailovich. Orthodox. He was educated at the Kharkov Real School and the Elisavetgrad Cav. Junkers College (1898). He entered the service on 10.08.1896/08.08.1898/46. From the school he was released by Cornet (v. 15) in the 13.08.1901th drag. (later the 1904th drag.) Pereyaslavsky regiment. Lieutenant (Art.05). Member of the Russian-Japanese war of 1905-1. He graduated from the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff (28.05.1905; 1907st category). Headquarters-Captain (Article 15). He graduated from the annual course of the Officer Cav. Schools (01.11.1907). Qualified command of the squadron was serving in the 14.11.1909th drag. Pereyaslavsky regiment (06.12.1908/26.11.1909/19.07.1912-11/19.07.1912/26.11.1913). Captain (Art. 06.12.1912). Chief Officer for errands at the headquarters of the Warsaw Military District (6-26.11.1913). Art. adjutant of the headquarters of the 16.01.91915th cav. divisions (4-16.01.1915). Lieutenant Colonel (Art. 30.01.1916). Headquarters officer for assignments at the headquarters of the 15.06.1915th Arm. Corps (10-30.01). Member of the World War. I.d. Chief of Staff 27.08.1916th Division Cav. brigades (11-27.08.1916). Colonel (Art.04.01.1917). I.d. Chief of Staff of the 03.01.1917th Cav. divisions (06.12.1913.-9). I.d. Chief of Staff of the 04.01.1917th Cav. divisions (05.10.1917-05.10.1917). On XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX Art. in the rank of Colonel established from XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. Commander of the XNUMXth Lancer. Bug Regiment (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX). Died in Olviopol. XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX is excluded from the lists of the deceased.
    Awards: Order of St. Stanislav 3rd Art. (1905); St. Vladimir 4th art. with swords and bow (VP 26.01.1915); St. Anne 3rd Art. with swords and bow (approved. VP 04.04.1915); St. Stanislav 2nd art. with swords (VP ​​03.05.1916).
    Award of seniority: in the rank of Colonel from 06.12.1913/15.08.1916/XNUMX (VP XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX).

    Mikhailov Victor Ivanovich. Orthodox. A native of Nikolaevsk on the Amur. Educated in the Nikolaev Alexander Classical Gymnasium. He graduated from the Military School course at the Kiev infantry. Junkers College (1895). He entered the service on 15.08.1893/12.08.1895/28. He was released from school as Second Lieutenant (Art. 08.08.1898) in the 08.08.1902th art. brigade. Lieutenant (Art. 1904). Headquarters-Captain (Art 1). He graduated from the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff (31.05.1904; 1904st category). Captain (v. 05). Member of the Russian-Japanese war of 18-10.06. Art. adjutant of the staff of the 03.09.1905th infantry. divisions (2.-1; 03.09.1905 months). Art. adjutant of the headquarters of the 06.12.1909st East Siberian page division (4-2; 182 years 05.01.1906 months). The censored command of the company was serving in the 05.01.1907nd infantry. Grokhovsky Regiment (29.03.1909-06.12.1909). Lieutenant Colonel (Article 06.08.1912). Headquarters officer for assignments under the commander of the forces of the Amur Military District (2/7/25.03.1912-2/16.08.1912/21.01.1915; 3 years 4 months). Colonel (Art.1). I.d. Chief of Staff of the 01.05nd Siberian page division (20.09.1913-2; 21.01.1915 years 05.05.1915 months). The censored command of the battalion was serving in the 05.09.1915st Siberian page regiment (05.05.1915/4/25.12.1915/05.12.1916/1). Member of the World War. Approved as chief of staff of the 4nd Siberian page division (from 16; on 03.01/08.02.1917/02.04.1917, 02.04.1917/1/20.04). He was awarded the St. George Arms (VP ​​07.08.1917/07.08.1917/1). The commander of the 6th Siberian page regiment (from 07.05; on 01.10.1918; 01.10 year 01.11.1918 months). Chief of Staff of the 01.11.1918th Siberian page division (appointed between 01.12.1919. And 01.12.1919). Major General (project 01.03.1920; Art 01.03; for distinction). Chief of Staff of the 06.06.1920st Siberian Arm. Corps (06.07/05.12.1920/15.07.1919). He was in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Minsk Military District (from 07.08.1920; 16.12.1920 month). Head of the Chancellery and Office for the Demobilization of the Western Front (01.02.1921 months). Voluntarily joined the Red Army. Pomnachoperupr of the Headquarters of the Supreme Military Council Rep. (10.02-22.03.1921). Chief of Staff at the Supreme Military Council Rep. (2-22.03.1921). Nachoperupr Field Headquarters RVSR (12.01.1922/12.01/01.07.1922 01.07.1922/1936/05.03.1936). For special assignments under the Commander-in-Chief (21.08.1936/58/10-3). Pom. infantry inspectors at the Field Headquarters of the RVSR (16.07.1990-16.01.1989). At the disposal of the military commissariat of East. Siberian. Head of the East-Sib. military commissariat (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX). Included in the lists of the General Staff of the Red Army from XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX and XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. I.d. Chief of Staff of the VNUS Siberia (XNUMX-XNUMX). I.d. Chief of Staff of the Cheka of the Cheka of Siberia (XNUMX-XNUMX). XNUMXnd Pomglavkom Headquarters in Siberia (XNUMX-XNUMX). For special assignments at the Pomglavkom in Siberia (XNUMX-XNUMX). From XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX for special assignments at the RCS of Siberia. For XNUMX he was a professor of military affairs at the Polytechnic Institute. He lived in Vladivostok. Arrested on XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX. Convicted XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX CCA NKVD of the USSR on charges under art. XNUMX-XNUMX of the Criminal Code to be sent to Kazakhstan for XNUMX years. Died in exile. Rehabilitated July XNUMX, XNUMX by the Prosecutor's Office of the Primorsky Territory on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January XNUMX, XNUMX.
    Awards: Order of St. Anne 4th Art. (1905); St. Stanislav 3rd art. with swords and bow (1906); St. Vladimir 4th art. with swords and bow (1906); St. Anne 3rd Art. with swords and bow (1906); St. Stanislav 2nd art. (1908; 22.02.1909); St. Anne 2nd Art. (December 06.12.1911, 3); St. Vladimir 03.01.1915rd art. with swords (VP ​​05.05.1915); St. George's Arms (VP ​​2); swords to the Order of St. Stanislav 05.09.1915nd art. (VP 2); swords for the Order of St. Anne, 25.04.1916nd art. (approved by VP XNUMX).
    The highest favor (09.08.1916/XNUMX/XNUMX).
    The granting of seniority to the rank of Colonel from 25.03.1911/05.12.1916/1916 (VP 379/483/535; based on prik. According to the military. XNUMX No. XNUMX, XNUMX and XNUMX).

    Grabbe Mikhail Nikolaevich. Orthodox. Graph. Of the noble troops of the Don, the Cossack of the village of Pyatizbyannaya. Educated in the Page Corps (1890). He entered the service on 01.09.1888/10.08.1890/10.08.1890. Issued by Cornet (v. 10.08.1894). Defined by Horunjim (Art. 05.04.1898) in l-Guards. Cossack Regiment. Centurion (Art.1). Podesaul (Art 17.06.1898). He commanded a hundred 22.02.1899 g. Adjutant commander of the Guards. housing (07.12.1899/22.02.1902/05.04.1902-26.10.1905). The orderly at the chief of staff of the guard forces (from 04.02.1909). Adjutant of the main troops of the Guards. and St. Petersburg Military University. Prince Vladimir Alexandrovich (from 1906). Yesaul (v. 08.11.1906). After the Grand Duke left the post, G. remained with him as an adjutant (1909-22.09.1911). Colonel (Project 14.01.1915; Art 1912; for distinction). Wing Adjutant (08.11.1912). Commander l-Guards. Consolidated Cossack Regiment (3-1). Major General (project 14.01.1915; art 24.01.1915; for distinction) with admission to the EIV Suite. Member of the World War. Commander of the 4rd Brigade of the 24.01.1915st Guards. Cav. divisions (4/30.01.1915/06.05.1916 - 08.11.1916/08.05.1916/01.12.1916). Commander of the 07.03.1917th Don Kaz. division (from 22.03.1917). He was awarded the Order of St. George, 31.05.1917th art. (VP 1917; for distinction by the commander of the l-guards. Cossack regiment). Lieutenant General (Art. 1925/1932/1932; Art. 16.12.1934/04.08.1935/1936). 1936/29.03.1939/03.1935 appointed army duty ataman of the Don army. 1936/04.1941/22.06.1941 in the Ust-Medveditsky district of the region Donskoy troops formed a village, which was called "Grabbovsky farm". After the February Revolution on March XNUMX, XNUMX he was arrested, but soon released and on March XNUMX, XNUMX, he was placed in the reserve of ranks at the headquarters of the Odessa Military District. XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX dismissed from a petition with a uniform and pension. After the October Revolution of XNUMX he emigrated to Yugoslavia, and then to Paris in XNUMX. Member of the monarchist congresses and member of the “Church Assembly”, one of the founders (XNUMX), elder and member of the parish council of the Orthodox parish of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Anyer (France) near Paris, one of the founders of the Russian Orthodox Cultural Association in Anyer (Association Cultuelle Ortodoxe Russe a Asnieres) (XNUMX). XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX elected chairman of the Union of Knights of the Order of St. George (Paris). XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX was elected Donskoy ataman in exile. Chairman of the Nice Monarchist Society. Member of the Union of Zealots of the memory of imp. Nicholas II (XNUMX). Member of the Russian Central Association (XNUMX). Honorary Chairman of the Don Ladies Charity Association in France (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX), chaired by his wife. He is an active participant and organizer of various meetings, dinners, banquets, concert balls, organized by Cossack (Don) and Cadet organizations. Church elder of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Agnier (XNUMX). Member of the Russian Imperial Union (XNUMX). Member of the Meeting at the Committee for Mutual Assistance of Russian Refugees in France (created on XNUMX). After XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX made an effort to put the Cossacks in the service of the German command. Died in Paris.
    Awards: Order of St. Stanislav 3rd Art. (1897); St. Anne 3rd Art. (1901); St. Stanislav 2nd art. (1905); St. Vladimir 4th art. (1906); St. Vladimir 3rd art. (1911); St. Stanislav 1st Art. (VP 07.02.1914); St. George 4th Art. (VP 30.01.1915); swords to St. Vladimir 3rd art. (VP 05.03.1915); St. Anne 1st Art. with swords (VP ​​18.01.1916); St. Vladimir 2nd art. with swords (VP ​​29.09.1916).
    Foreign orders: Turkish Medzhidiye 3rd Art. and Mecklenburg-Strelitzky Vendian Crown of the Cavalier Cross (1896); Spanish Charles III Commander's Cross 2nd class (1901); Italian Crown of the Officer Cross (1903); Mecklenburg-Schwerin Neck of the Honorary Cross (1907); Romanian Stars of the Commander Cross (1908); Greek Savior of the Commander’s Cross, Oldenburg Duke Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig "For Merit" of the Officer’s Cross, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Greif of the Cavalier Cross, Braunschweig Heinrich Leo of the Commander’s Cross of the 1st class. (1910); Siamese Crowns 2nd Art. and a gold medal commemorating the coronation of the King of Siam (1912); Saxon Albrecht Commander's Cross 1st class (1913); French Legion of Honor Commander's Cross (1914).
    1. +5
      April 3 2018 08: 38
      Further life scattered officers
      And it's not always their fault
      Fates and paths after WWII are different
      But in the period under review they fought for Russia.
      Empire consolidates all, and so-called. Istian (Nazi, Bolshevik, etc.) state-va only split.
      1. +3
        April 3 2018 09: 37
        Istian (Nazi, Bolshevik, etc.) state-va only split.

        But you are right one on the social, others on a racial basis
  6. +18
    April 3 2018 12: 03
    The Russian cavalry during the Second Prasnysh operation was very useful
    Really solving the widest range of tasks
    And events were approaching a climax ...
    Thank you!
  7. +18
    April 3 2018 18: 32
    Very interesting cycle
    Waiting for the end good
  8. +1
    April 3 2018 18: 53
    The failed captivity of William the 2nd Life Guard Consolidated Cossack Regiment
    The documents of the state archive of the Akmola region contain the memoirs of Martemyan Vasilyevich Porokh, an ordinary life guard, a native of the village of Akan-Burluksky Kokchetav Uyezd: “... It was clear, sunny, despite October, warm weather. At about 10 o’clock in the morning, a platoon of Urals residents, five miles from Lovichi, noticed the movement of a convoy of about three dozen vehicles moving 100-150 meters from each other along the highway. The platoon officer decided, without revealing himself, to let the entire convoy of vehicles into the city, where our regiment stood on the magistrate’s square, and to close the enemy’s withdrawal route. At this time, another outpost - a platoon of Cossacks of the Orenburg hundreds, noticing movement, with drawn sabers rushed into the attack on cars. The Germans began to quickly turn around and go back. The Urals platoon had no choice but to open the rifle barrage shelling of cars, preventing them from returning back. The cars following behind began to turn back, conducting a firefight. A platoon of Uralians knocked out five cars. The deported hundred Siberians arrived at the scene of the skirmishes when it was already quiet, only a few German corpses of high-ranking Kaiser people were lying around cars. The bodies had a lot of values ​​and premises. A bundle of iron crosses was packed in a Kaiser machine. In a gravely wounded dignitary Grabbe (hundreds commander - author's note), he recognized his friend and told us that he was a German prince, "he and I studied at the Academy in Berlin on the same bench." This general soon died there, and another, slightly wounded in the face, turned out to be the headmaster of the Saxon king. From the testimonies of the prisoners, we learned that William II and the Saxon king rode in these vehicles for the celebration of the capture of Warsaw. They did not expect the appearance of Russian cavalry in the rear of German troops. Wilhelm and the king, under cover, slipped to the ditch and escaped from captivity ... On the way back we were chased by the German guards cavalry "hussars of black death." In one place was a convenient position for an ambush, and he arranged a bag. Fifty Amur residents, walking in the rearguard, teased them, and three hundred fighters took a position on both sides of the highway with 12 machine guns. Angry Germans in a closed formation five squadrons along the highway went on the attack for fifty and fell into the prepared trap. Under strong destructive fire in the ranks of the attackers a short confusion turned out, riders and horses began to fall, and after a moment a terrible dump was formed. Within a few minutes, five squadrons of hussars of black death were no longer in the ranks of the German army ... ”(F. 1525. Op. 1.D.22. L.32-37).
    1. +19
      April 3 2018 19: 16
      Interesting information. Moreover, reliable.
      More about the Stalmeister.
      In the “Brief description of the hostilities in the Warsaw region” it is said: “... Our troops, energetically pursuing the enemy, managed to capture 1 general, chief-stalmaster of the Saxon king ... and the royal car ...” Warsaw-Ivangorod operation. Collection of documents. S. 281.
      An interesting question is the presence of the Chief Stahlmeister in the ranks of the advancing German troops. The fact is that the enemy was so sure of his victory and the imminent fall of Warsaw that the army was the ceremonial master of the Saxon court, which had at his disposal a court car. This car was supposed to be a solemn departure of the King of Saxony or the heir to the throne from the Warsaw Palace to the Cathedral of St. John. It was assumed that this monarch (or his crown prince) would be crowned the crown of the Polish kings of the Saxon house, who in ancient times occupied the Polish throne. But, unfortunately for the Saxons, the Russian Cossacks seized both the car and the master’s ceremonies.
      We are talking about the captured high-ranking German general - captured in Lovic on October 8, 1914, the stallmeister of Saxon King Friedrich-August, Lieutenant General von Gaucke.
      Although not a combatant general, von Gauck, nevertheless, was the current general of the German service. The general was settled in Tashkent, and in 1915 there was a question about applying to von Hauck a regime of detention in a disciplinary company (as a response to the oppression by the Germans of the Warsaw governor Baron Korf captured by them) (The content of high-ranking prisoners in Russia and Germany // Niva . - 1915. - No. 19. - S. 4.).
      1. +2
        April 4 2018 10: 01
        Thanks for the info. In the 1st Ural His Majesty, my great-grandfather served as a hundred of the Life Guards of the Consolidated Cossack Regiment.