Degeneration of consciousness?

... and languishes the power of weakness in the hands ...
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 66

The topic of this publication is not new to me, I often consider it from different sides in my articles. This topic has divided all media for me into three categories: some resolutely refuse to take my materials, others take selectively, and others - happily and unconditionally. I treat all positions with understanding, because the topic is always provoking violent arguments in the comments, and often the wrath of my opponents falls on me personally and on those media outlets that publish my arguments.

However, an amazing thing happened with the text below. He was unanimously refused to publish just like me media! They explained that consideration of the topic for them is undesirable from the position that is available in this article. So I ask indifferent readers to inform me in their comments: what, in their opinion, borders, red lines and flags I crossed in this text?

The word "degeneration", which I have designated for myself what is now happening in the public consciousness and government of all modern civilized-developed countries, including Russia, should not be interpreted literally as "the power of degeneration" or "the power of degenerates". It is not that simple. Degenerates are always a minority, and they are too weak to obtain and retain power, so for me, degeneration is the power not of degeneration itself, but of the psychology of degeneration, that is, a form of social consciousness generated by modern civilization of consumption. Now this form of public consciousness is already very strong, and in some countries of old Europe it completely dominates in all state institutions, determining their policies and actions decisively. Much has been written and reflected on the degeneration of the modern civilization of the collective West. This problem is complex and multifaceted. Personally, I will understand it in terms of the attitude of society and the state to the possibility of personal armed defense of the honor and dignity of a citizen from criminal encroachment.

First, in the Western, and world civilization, the military worldview prevailed, which required a person to be ready for exertion of all his forces to achieve personal or public goals, readiness for the most severe responsibility for his actions, for the actions of his team, for failures and failures. Honor honored above their own lives. No, not even the slightest humiliation could be tolerated by a real warrior. And people unable to meet these requirements were not perceived by warriors as equals. Along with the army weapons a weapon has always existed and was constantly worn to protect personal honor from insult or humiliation. Somewhere at the end of the 19 century, honor weapons were transformed into compact bulldog-type revolvers and portable browning pistols. Just under them the tailors then invented a back right pocket on the trousers, and I remember how in my childhood adults called this pocket pistol, and teenagers - “piston”.

So, on the foundation of a military attitude to all aspects of life and human activity, an honest, energetic and courageous attitude, a Western civilization of storm and onslaught arose! That is, bold, independent, armed people, always ready to stand up for themselves and their interests, began to vigorously seize and master the riches of the planet, concentrating them in western countries, thanks to which industry, trade, science, culture and state institutions began to develop ahead of schedule. , providing such development great opportunities for continuous growth of the living standards of its population. The laws of these countries directly implemented the principles: “My home is my fortress” and “I don’t have to retreat,” that is, if you attacked your territory, you or your loved ones, and you gave any resistance, even fatal, then attackers for judgment are always wrong and condemned. It was enough to put a “private property” sign on the border of one’s own plot, and almost no one would violate this border.

Lifting always gives way to decay. In the West, pampered generations have grown up, which, having inherited the wealth and achievements of their ancestors, failed to preserve their valor in themselves. The era of the storm and the onslaught was replaced by the era of consumption. In the 20 century, the natives of the European colonies almost kicked out their conquerors armed to the teeth just because they were ready to risk their lives, but they could not, and chose to leave home, knowing that they would not be scorned at home, will provide a calm and secure existence.

The slogan of “live to live”, that is, the minimum of tension, the minimum of risk - the maximum of consumer pleasures, became the slogan of the new era. In order to justify this shameful need by means of literature and art, patriotism, the desire to take risks and sacrifice in the name of higher goals were almost neglected. This was greatly facilitated by the fact that medicine and general easing of morals allowed a huge body of degenerate people to survive and live comfortably, who used to simply die in childhood, or somewhat later, rejected by society and even relatives. This human reservoir has practically no and can’t have traditional notions of honor, for life is a gift received by chance, so the most important thing for them is to keep this gift at any price, and if you're lucky, get comfortable in this life, and after them even the flood! They vehemently support everything, even the most shameful and absurd "humanisms" in politics, which allow them not to think about their own natural flaws. And the so-called tolerance allows them to penetrate even into the highest echelons of state power, making it possible to effectively influence the education system of young people in order to inculcate in them their attitude to life.

The last remnant of the military worldview in the Western way of life remained the legislative possibilities for personal armed self-defense of their home and themselves from criminal encroachments. But nowadays, too many people in the West are raised in such a way that they are simply not able to exercise these rights, preferring to save their lives in the attack of criminals at the cost of any loss and humiliation. However, the understanding that this is shameful and flawed, especially against the background of those who still retain a sense of honor and the ability to defend this honor, led to the fact that in many Western countries a powerful legislative and propaganda offensive took place in order to limit or eliminate these opportunities. The rights to armed self-defense are either eliminated altogether or are so limited by various amendments that they are practically emasculated. Here are some examples. In Luxembourg, where the prime minister is an LGBT representative, a civilian firearm is prohibited. In England, in the 1997 year, after the Labor Party came to power, among which there is also a lot of LGBT people, they banned possession of a shortbore. In Germany and France, personal weapons can only be stored at home, you can not carry and carry with them all the time. Even in Finland, where the most liberal arms legislation in Europe, has recently been condemned by the owner of the house for giving armed resistance in his house to migrant robbers. And these restrictions everywhere they only increase! And what are the results! Everyone knows New Year's mass rape committed by migrants on the streets in Cologne, in England after the ban on the short-range street became the most dangerous in Europe, the terrorists killed a soldier (!) On the street in broad daylight. Across Europe, even the police are afraid to enter the migrant quarters. Psychopaths arrange mass executions exactly where it is forbidden to carry any weapon with you, in zones of gunfries.

Here all these manifestations of irresistible helplessness, along with similar, but not related to the issue of armed self-defense, I call degeneration (Degeneratocracy!), That is, the power of the psychology of degeneration, the psychology of defeatism leading to the inevitable catastrophe, no matter how the country now looks, who profess this psychology.

Russia, of course, has its own development path. From the beginning of the 20 century, a form of power was established in it, which was inconvenient to the people, consisting of independent, persons having the right to weapons, with whom it is necessary to negotiate, but you cannot just build and command. Therefore, the right to arms and full protection with it was abolished for citizens. But at the same time, through universal military duty and patriotic education, military outlook and respect for the traditions of honor among the people remained. Therefore, all those who are now fighting for the restoration of the right of our citizens to self-defense with personal weapons save the country from a possible nightmare of future degeneration. This dirty trick did not ripen on our own ground, it is brought to us by those of the ruling stratum who decided that only by imitating in the whole West we can ourselves reach the "heights" of the consumer well-being that exists there so far. The degenerate attitude towards civilian armed self-defense so far is in complete harmony with the habit of the prohibitions that have been preserved for us since former times. But you need to end up with them urgently, until the degeneracy is not rooted, thanks to them. What will happen to Russia if the degenerate thinking enters entirely into our way of thinking? If the word "Honor" is completely forgotten?

The idol and mentor of the hussar-partisan-poet Denis Davydov, General Kulnev used to say: "I love our mother Russia because we always have a fight somewhere." How actual these words sound today, and they will sound like that for a long time. And how will those who have this obscene term in their minds fight, save Mother Russia: “Live to live”?

Crime is not only a dangerous nuisance, but also a humiliation for the person against whom it is directed. Our opponents, as arguments against personal armed self-defense and legalization for citizens of normal short-barreled weapons, bring many “scare stories”. One of them is supposedly that the criminals, knowing about the possible armament of the object of attack, will try to kill him immediately, so there will be more killings, and personal weapons will not only be useless, but will also become an additional danger for the owners. I will quote the answer of a Russian citizen who delighted me as a magnificent mindset of a true warrior. I do not consider and will never consider the criminals "superhumans" from whom ordinary people should and will always suffer inevitable defeats. And if I, the armed, are not lucky to survive a criminal attack, then so be it. I will know that the criminals will kill me because they are afraid, and this is better than, being unarmed, to stay alive as a wimp oppressed, whom the determined bastards cheerfully despise, hoping to have further.
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  1. +45
    27 March 2018 07: 53
    Well, the author swung.
    Today, the worldview * terpils * are trying to introduce into the basis of the RUSSIANs in RUSSIA.
    Just pay attention to ethnic gangs who feel at ease throughout Russia. It got to the division into zones of influence in certain regions or the specialization of these gangs. And always in the RUSSIAN victims, who are not even heard in the courts. Policemen * policemen * who don’t see or don’t * know * about gangs and drug traffickers look even stranger.
    It’s not even possible to defend oneself with one’s fists, God forbid the bandit will feel * bad *, and even * will complain about * humiliation of his dignity *. A thief caught at the scene of a crime will certainly complain and all his claims will be taken into account and taken to court.
    But what about the robbed? And with the dead? But what about those who were hurt by gangsters who pretended to be permissive?
    1. +27
      27 March 2018 08: 28
      A bunch of keys on a chain ... a screwdriver ... a fixture wrapped in a newspaper ... a kitchen knife ... The main thing to remember is that three of you will be judged better than four or you and your loved ones will be taken ...
      1. +1
        27 March 2018 09: 46
        leg from the stool!
      2. Fox
        27 March 2018 11: 40
        Quote: Vard
        A bunch of keys on a chain ... a screwdriver ... a newspaper wrapped in a newspaper ... a kitchen knife ..

        so you need to be able to use these items ... I taught the "pioneers" this, now they have grown up, they come, they ask me to continue their education.
      3. -1
        27 March 2018 15: 19
        Quote: Vard
        A bunch of keys on a chain ... a screwdriver ... a newspaper wrapped in a newspaper ... a kitchen knife ..

        Finely take. And the author hid behind this trifle his anti-governing, nihilistic essay, aimed at undermining the foundations. We all remember the observation of one very intelligent person that crime is at the heart of every great fortune. For free, capitalism is built in the country. To listen to you, this will not be the growth of the economy, but with a non-growing economy we (meaning our successful owners who have already committed their fundamental crimes and are building a great fortune), the Americans will win and lay the foundation of their big fortunes. It’s not patriotic. Therefore, weapons to citizens of the Russian Federation must be issued by the President of the Russian Federation in person or by regulation, and we, with properly received weapons, must die as one in the name of building large fortunes on the corpses of Americans who have received weapons in the proper American manner.
      4. +10
        27 March 2018 18: 37
        Korotkostvol is dangerous because you can’t turn back the fired bullet, however much you would like to. Korotkostvol requires responsibility and caution, because to lose control in different situations and apply - seconds. Those who wore a short barrel in service know relief when they lock themselves in a safe, because this is the responsibility and the cause of possible consequences for life. It’s true that it’s noticed, in exchange, edged weapons under household items are suitable: screwdrivers, hammers, chisels, heavy locks on a rope and other things for protection, because today the courts perceive the knife or trunk, even when defending, negatively ... But the first and main method of sambo, as the trainer taught, - 200 meters with obstacles, because dangerous situations need to be avoided, if necessary, and run away, this is not cowardice, this is tactics, because there’s no need to climb on the rampage in a losing situation ... There’s always a smooth trunk at home in the closet, because it’s already the last fortress that is not rented ... We live in emena reshaping morality and society, much turbidity, korotkostvol not save ,. and will aggravate the state of society, legally arming the criminal layer in the first place ...
    2. +4
      27 March 2018 08: 37
      Quote: Vasily50
      Well, the author swung.
      Today, the worldview * terpils * are trying to introduce into the basis of the RUSSIANs in RUSSIA.
      Just pay attention to ethnic gangs who feel at ease throughout Russia. It got to the division into zones of influence in certain regions or the specialization of these gangs. And always in the RUSSIAN victims, who are not even heard in the courts. Policemen * policemen * who don’t see or don’t * know * about gangs and drug traffickers look even stranger.
      It’s not even possible to defend oneself with one’s fists, God forbid the bandit will feel * bad *, and even * will complain about * humiliation of his dignity *. A thief caught at the scene of a crime will certainly complain and all his claims will be taken into account and taken to court.
      But what about the robbed? And with the dead? But what about those who were hurt by gangsters who pretended to be permissive?

      Question questions why so, who in the answer, what to do?
      1. +2
        27 March 2018 15: 28
        Quote: free
        Question questions why so, who in the answer, what to do?

        Marx read, Lenin read, identified on the basis of the read works of class enemies to reeducate up to the highest measure of social protection. On the basis of awakened proletarian enthusiasm, trample America and deal with the class enemies there, up to the highest level of social protection. In short: our salvation in the world revolution. And they’ll be sure to catch the cutter with the struggle and send it to the construction sites of the national economy, will they survive for 4 years?
        1. +2
          27 March 2018 21: 35
          Have you read Marx? That Russophobe was ...
          1. +2
            28 March 2018 13: 49
            Quote: cormorant
            Have you read Marx? That Russophobe was ...

            Do you answer also in 2 copies? I am Russophobe number Engels. I don’t remember Russophobia in the recommended Capital. Note that "I do not remember," but I am not saying that he is not there. Maybe he wrote a separate Capital for the Greeks, with Russophobia? Well you are there from the Roman occupation offended by all ... Turks dismissed you.
        2. +1
          27 March 2018 21: 37
          Have you read Marx yourself? That Russophobe was ...
    3. +5
      27 March 2018 10: 22
      Quote: Vasily50
      Well, the author swung

      This author did not wave, but got ... and already all
      amicably refused to publish just like-minded media to me!

      I suspect that the author has paranoia. He went nuts on his "short barrels." Already does not know which side to approach. And homosexuals came here ...
      1. +9
        27 March 2018 12: 24
        Two world wars mowed the color of the nation in the West, and there remained living opportunists. Russia also suffered not small losses among its best people, but so far it is holding, still the Russians have more internal power.
      2. +14
        27 March 2018 12: 30
        Quote: BecmepH
        I suspect the author is paranoid. He went crazy on his "short".

        If the main goal is to ensure safety, one’s own and those close to you, then the shortbridge has nothing to do with the word “absolutely”. The weapon of concealed carrying is intended to attack, but not to protect - covertly, without attracting attention, to approach the victim, to suddenly reach and attack. The dream of a criminal.
        Short-barred will not protect against a planned attack on the street - even if you have time to understand that the attack began (and in most cases do not have time), in those seconds while you take it out, they will send you a rest with a guarantee. More and take off too much for a try.
        To protect the house from robbers, a gun is much more effective.
        There are only domestic conflicts - taverns and roads. Both sides, as a rule, are guilty of them and give them weapons for disassembling ... Now they are disassembled with the help of injuries and that is not without corpses. They will start planting out of combat - there will be more corpses at times, and the bulk of them are outsiders, not participants in the conflict.
        Conclusion: if you are not a criminal element, you don’t need to carry a military weapon.
        In the place of the legislators, I would allow the population to wear rubber truncheons, but only openly, certified samples and in a certain way - like a sword on the belt. Want to have a weapon - please. Carry and let everyone see that you are dangerous. They will bypass, give way, conflicts are practically excluded. And if an attack does occur, it is much easier to fight off with a baton than with a barrel.
        In general, to ensure the safety of your family and friends, I recommend going to the gym at least once a week and thinking with your head constantly. Personally, this is enough for me to feel protected.
        1. +11
          27 March 2018 14: 06
          Quote: Luga
          In general, to ensure the safety of my family and friends, I recommend going to the gym at least once a week and

          As an option
          Quote: Luga
          and think with your head - constantly

          Here is a weak spot, "on a thin one."
          Quote: Luga
          Personally, this is enough for me to feel protected.

          I can only add, without calling anyone to the "cold" (with the same MPL you can simply not go into the subway) that, as an option, the same "grinders" or their analogues will do. In the noses there are met. plates. True, the weight of each is about 1 kg ... I got used to it over the years of wearing. When you change your shoes into something easy - immediately wild jumping appears. laughing Well, here, to the question of the gym - not everyone brings such "slippers." But, in the case of a junction, immediately minus the shin of the vzryna. Well, it’s so, for an amateur ... But in general there are a lot of options. Our people are creative, you can always find a fit, there would be a desire. And then right away - trunks, trunks ... The mattresses seem to have eaten up - they even protest ... but who will now give them back to play.
          1. +5
            27 March 2018 15: 06
            Quote: Paranoid50
            not calling anyone to the "cold"

            Yes, I’m talking about batons, more as a joke, I just forgot to put emoticons. The main thing is that the weapon of self-defense can only be worn openly, so that everyone can see at a glance and know that you are armed and dangerous. This is practically a guarantee of security. However, the club is really a very effective weapon and with a much lower lethality.
            If military short-barreled weapons were allowed to be worn by me alone - I am for. good I would sow with him exclusively good and ruthlessly kill only the bad. You can rely on me - I am good, calm and kind. And also smart, modest and accurate. wink But I'm the only one, all the others are the opposite. smile
            But seriously, knowing that any person I have encountered may have military weapons, it would be scary to go outside even if they could start shooting at me, but because they would start shooting at the villain, but they would get at me.
            1. +5
              27 March 2018 15: 51
              Quote: Luga
              If only one I were allowed to carry short-range firearms, I would. I would sow exclusively good with him and mercilessly kill only the bad ones. You can rely on me - I am good, calm and kind. And also smart, modest and apt. good
              Yes, yes, and with a heightened sense of injustice. hi There are many of us, and that is why I am against the weapons among the masses.laughing
              Quote: Luga
              it would be scary not even because they could start shooting at me, but because they would start shooting at the villain, but they would hit me.

              Duc, the harsh prose of life. 1993 year. Moscow. The leader of the Rostov group "Beijing Row Row" Sergei Timofeev went down to the stall for cigarettes. There was a showdown between the bandits or the grubby ones on the street ... A random bullet, a wound in the stomach, death ... Well, nafig, there’s enough lawlessness ... Well, here the local news definitely doesn’t lie.
              1. +2
                28 March 2018 14: 05
                Quote: Paranoid50
                Yeah, what the hell,

                In his youth, his grandfather served in the 2nd (?) Convoy regiment in Petrograd. His co-worker led a convoy along the Foundry with a three-ruler. The escort broke off, the escort, as they taught, shouted what he had learned, then he shot ... three. In the crowd, one bullet. After that they began to escort the Nagans. Before the "funnels" there was still no stick to stick - the twenties ...
            2. 0
              29 March 2018 20: 21
              And older women wear the same batons? Or frying pans in handbags .....
        2. +3
          27 March 2018 16: 11
          Protect, if he is not for boasting, if he is ready to apply, and defended. I don’t think that the gym will protect you from three or four, if they also have a knife. But the opportunity to run into a response to an attack on a fatal shot or very severe damage stops. Even from an attack on the physically unable to defend himself with his fists. I think if you look for relevant statistics (or studies), it will confirm this (if any). In my own rightness, I am convinced on the basis of personal observations and a little bit (experience).
          1. +7
            27 March 2018 16: 58
            Quote: victor50
            I do not think that the gym will protect you from three to four, but if they are also with a knife.

            Gym will help. But I also talked about “thinking”.
            How do you imagine the scenario of four attacks with knives on one? Answer options:
            a) Suddenly hit on the head from behind
            b) Come close, surrounded and demanded something
            c) Something demanded, not coming closer than three meters
            d) One approached and demanded something, the rest are three meters away.
            Determine what you think the probability of a particular scenario as a percentage.
            Quote: victor50
            But the ability to run into in response to an attack on a fatal shot or very heavy damage stops.

            It does not stop, but forces them to attack more energetically, more aggressively and more unexpectedly, forces criminals to additionally arm themselves and act more resolutely. The criminal cannot be stopped, he earns his living with this, therefore he will attack anyway, the only question is who will he choose as a victim. If you are in the 2X2 cabinet or have a stick in your hands, look for another one. And if there is no other victim in the district, he will pick up the rebar and meet him from around the corner. And since he himself will be afraid to shiver, then he will embed just in case with all the dope. Also with a gun: if you suspect that you can have it, it will strike with all its strength, simply out of fear.
            And further. If you allow the wearing of a short stub, then first of all it will appear in the villains. Normal people will be armed one through ten, and the criminals - all polls.
      3. +7
        27 March 2018 13: 46
        Quote: BecmepH
        I suspect that the author has paranoia.

        No, I won’t give it back am mine is ... laughing
        Quote: BecmepH
        He went nuts on his "short barrels." Already does not know which side to approach. And homosexuals came here ...

        It is what it is. Rather, it’s not even paranoia, but immoderate Wishlist, filed under the sauce of joy for society. And, after all, this time I went from far away - I, it was, decided that now the "regime will reel". An-no, give him the trunk. Well, what will you do? request And as for the fagots ... So, in fact, in the case of "legalization", they will also arm themselves - even imagine dumb ... In general, tin wassat
      4. 0
        27 March 2018 19: 30
        Quote: BecmepH
        And homosexuals came here ...

        Well, I didn’t drag it, but let's say I mentioned the facts to the place. Nevertheless, these events took place. request
    4. +1
      27 March 2018 14: 29
      Quote: Vasily50
      Today, the worldview * terpils * are trying to introduce into the basis of the RUSSIANs in RUSSIA.

      It’s impossible for Russia to introduce something! Firstly, the main mass media in our country are owned by the state, and secondly, no more than 20% of the population has the opportunity to travel outside Russia. Thirdly, for 18 years we have an independent independent policy. And most importantly - blaming the rest for our troubles is a feature of the Russian character. We will always be guilty of Obama, forever someone expresses us and is plotting.
      1. +1
        28 March 2018 14: 12
        Quote: Semen1972
        Firstly, the main media in our country are state owned,

        True true? Or do you think so?
    5. +2
      27 March 2018 19: 16
      And they punished me for the term "Terpilism" with a warning!
      1. +2
        27 March 2018 19: 29
        Quote: andrewkor
        they punished me for the term "Terpilism" with a warning!

        Well, this is pure voluntarism. am
        1. 0
          28 March 2018 14: 14
          Quote: Paranoid50
          Well, this is pure voluntarism.

          And there is nothing to produce neologisms. In the local language - as much as you like. And do not touch the Russian!
    6. 0
      29 March 2018 15: 44
      He was unanimously refused to publish just like-minded media to me!
      Yes, this author is a liar, on the site the same article with the same campaign about refusing to publish.
  2. +23
    27 March 2018 08: 04
    A beast with rubles in its paw is, as I understand it, the personification of today's Russia?
    1. +10
      27 March 2018 08: 26
      Quote: Cheburator
      A beast with rubles in its paw is, as I understand it, the personification of today's Russia?

      He will be the personification as long as we (and you and me) will personify him. Why it happens? including because without looking back they let the most advanced “achievements” of the West go to Russia, where the main idol is the “Golden Calf” - buy-buy-buy, money-consumption -... It has been said a thousand times. To break ties with them to the "damn mother" or burn us with them in hell.
      1. +25
        27 March 2018 08: 32
        And I would add about the policies of the current government
        Which produced former fighters like Kadyrov in one of the first persons of the Russian state
      2. +1
        27 March 2018 14: 30
        Quote: Terenin
        Why it happens? including because without looking back they let the most advanced “achievements” of the West go to Russia, where the main idol is the “Golden Calf” - buy-buy-buy, money-consumption -... It has been said a thousand times. To break ties with them to the "damn mother" or burn us with them in hell.

        Why do you live in Hell, and did not move to Cuba, there is a "golden calf" thousands of times less !!!
        1. +2
          27 March 2018 21: 58
          Quote: Semen1972
          Why do you live in Hell, and did not move to Cuba,

          Reasoning go fool about the "degeneration of consciousness." In Hell, you obviously live, and I am in Russia.
  3. +11
    27 March 2018 08: 14
    Author..weapons, civilian, were banned in the country by the Bolsheviks in the 20s, but not in the same sense as you imagined it.
    After the Civil War, the presence of military weapons in the hands of the population. A direct path to anarchy, namely military weapons were seized, but the hunting turnover was preserved.
    Any dvoustovlka could be bought in an ordinary rural household-DO Khrushchev.
    But with this corn figure, yes, there has been tightening and regulation, which has now turned into an almost forbidden norm for the purchase of weapons.
    1. +3
      27 March 2018 08: 29
      Moreover, now all the security forces have the right to carry personal weapons ...
      1. 0
        27 March 2018 20: 46
        Quote: Vard
        Moreover, now all the security forces have the right to carry personal weapons ...

        Wow. What a news! But I didn’t notice ...
    2. +3
      27 March 2018 10: 31
      Quote: badens1111
      ... tightening and regulation has gone, which has now turned into an almost forbidden norm for the purchase of weapons.

      Well I do not know...
      3 years ago, quite calmly received permission, now the smoothbore is in the weapons cabinet.
      The plans - in the next six months or a year, take a smooth boar, and a couple of years rifled.
      Ammunition is also calmly bought by permission, about all sorts of "whistles and guns" for trunks - in general I am silent, would there be money (big money ... MDA).

      Korotkostvol - yes, trouble with him.
      On the other hand, even if they’re allowed, I’ll take it only when I pass the normal courses on handling it - before that, the entire short-barrels are show-offs and potential weapons, from which you will be shot if something happens ...
      So money for these courses is not a pity. In principle, you can go through them now - pay only. They will also learn the correct way of wearing, and grabbing, and using, and moving with it, and will deal with legal issues. They even teach you how to clean rooms - you pay, they teach you.

      In principle, you can take the injury without any problems if you have passed the above courses.
      The main thing in a weapon is its readiness to use it for self-defense, and not just to threaten it. If there is no psychological readiness, it’s easier to immediately cut the fly, it may not be so painful and insulting ...

      I myself am not particularly a hunter, I got more permission for the length of service for rifling and self-defense at home.
      I thought about it when my daughter was born. And if something happens, if you use some scum, I’ll apply it without hesitation - let them judge me better than what happens to my family, God forbid ...

      Threat There are additional advantages - I met the district police officer here, a normal man, major, very correct. They do not get it with inspections - once a year comrades will come in uniform, look, draw up acts ... In general, there would be a desire wink
      1. 0
        27 March 2018 21: 00
        Quote: ROSS_Ulair
        On the other hand, even if they’re allowed, I’ll take it only when I pass the normal courses on handling it - before that, the entire short-barrels are show-offs and potential weapons, from which you will be shot if something happens ...

        I’m wondering .. I, for example, have been connected with weapons all my life. I own all kinds of rifle, but according to some kind of stupid people, I am FORBIDDEN to buy rifled, I have to go collect a bunch of certificates, can anyone explain what kind of stupidity?
        So while you are serving, then at least start a YRS and get ready to apply, but if you quit, then you don’t understand how you made a slingshot as bureaucrats in uniform and until you get through, you won’t buy ..
        1. 0
          27 March 2018 21: 10
          So, the certificates seem to be not on the level of possession of a particular type of shooting, but on the state of mental health. It seems like the right to drive a car.
          And rightly so - once every few years, be kind enough to come and undergo an examination
          Another question in preparation is that in theory it is for everyone to decide for himself what ownership is. On the other hand, if you allow wearing, then if a person is oblique, like a hare, then this is already a danger level for citizens on the street - you’ll start firing at the robber, and your eyes are in a heap, and the fly in my head is crooked ...
          So, I think that no one canceled the elementary common sense, coupled with the minimum required skills for handling weapons. Well, then everyone decides for himself - to develop in this regard, or to engage in complacency
          1. 0
            28 March 2018 00: 54
            Quote: ROSS_Ulair
            then basic common sense

            An elementary army test gives one hundred percent result in determining who can be given weapons, and to whom it’s dangerous to clean potatoes and potatoes with a knife .. Individuals with a level of 3,4 are dangerous for society.
    3. +1
      28 March 2018 14: 20
      Quote: badens1111
      But with this corn figure, yes, there has been tightening and regulation.

      I’m not ready to argue, but in my opinion even with early Brezhnev, single-barrels for 21 rubles (?) Were quite freely sold.
  4. +1
    27 March 2018 08: 35
    The picture does not match the content of the article!
  5. +2
    27 March 2018 08: 41
    Quote: M. Goldreer
    The word "geek", by which I have designated for myself what is now happening in the public mind

    In my opinion, the author got excited. 1 238 031 voters voted for the degeneration. But it is impossible not to notice them - all media are under their control.
    1. +1
      27 March 2018 14: 35
      Quote: Boris55
      In my opinion, the author got excited. 1 voters voted for degeneration

      And the rest for what?))) If we have 76% of a highly spiritual population .. is it worth paying any attention to what. With us, the government is trying its best to rid the people of the "golden calf." I personally very much agree with the government on this issue .. don’t think about money .. about the Soul !!!
  6. +6
    27 March 2018 08: 59
    Well, there have always been many theories about "degeneration," "degradation," etc. of generations. I have always been close to the Marxist approach, which argued that: "being determines consciousness", "the collective mode of production contributes to the unity of the masses and the development of collective consciousness," etc., etc. Now society is moving away from the collective mode of production — it goes over to individually possessive rails when workers divided and forced to observe the isolation of labor in order to maintain their need in the workplace. Hence the rampant growth of egoism. and not the desire to do something in the team (peep, nabednichayutsya, take a place, etc.) ... which naturally causes isolation of the individual, closure in his own "I". A person in these conditions no longer develops on the basis of the perception of collective skills, but develops his "ego", his "sensuality" - hence the hypertrophy of our youth in the emotional and sensual sphere and indifference in everything else. There is such a program "Naked and Frightened." I will not retell it (I hope many have seen it), but it is clearly visible when modern people get into a natural, non-civilized environment, then they just have a cultural shock, a kind of breakdown, like drug addicts, when they understand that they need to go over from his hypertrophied "ego" to collective methods in everything. Many do not stand it, but most are still restructuring sooner or later. So "being determines consciousness" - dialectical materialism "rules."
    1. 0
      27 March 2018 09: 08
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      So "being determines consciousness" - dialectical materialism "rules."

      Matter is transformed according to information. Adam and Eve only after they ate an apple from the tree of knowledge did they sin. So all the same, consciousness determines being.
      1. 0
        28 March 2018 14: 23
        Quote: Boris55
        So all the same, consciousness determines being.

        Yes, they did not think - it turned out ...
    2. 0
      27 March 2018 21: 26
      Mr. Fat, these “Naked and Frightened” ones are designed for the Merikos audience, our citizens simply do not understand this infantilism. It was ridiculous for me to imagine if “tolerant”, of course, “an Afro-American man with the same girlfriend weighing 130-140 kg, naked in pampas ...” But this “bullshit” of yours, just these “lovers of singing and dancing, but don’t work "and look ...
      On dates in the "dark" without clothes on the islands, I’ll just keep silent. Decadence, in the last stage of degeneration ... "With fat rage!", Says a simple Slav.
  7. +9
    27 March 2018 09: 01
    Again a new round of propaganda gunshot went. And I will assume that the organizer is the “right to arms” or something like that. And by a strange coincidence, it was precisely when Bolton became their adviser to Trump in the United States. It seems he still wrote down an appeal for them - no? wink
    And how competently written is that. Military traditions plus an old bike about the fact that evil uncles do not give weapons to people to control them and so on. Everything is written at a high level - it beats by the very emotions.
    But only in the states themselves, mass demonstrations go against the lobbyists of the rifle association. Because the mass shootings there already got everyone. Are we still missing this? There are fires, there are floods, there are plane crashes, there are terrorist attacks, but is there something missing? Massive school shootings? Come on, damn it. already. Really sickened.
    1. +4
      27 March 2018 09: 50
      especially touches. that Honor must certainly be protected by the barrel, interestingly. how then to explain in court?
    2. +3
      27 March 2018 10: 49
      They can not calm down. The likely profits from arms sales are overshadowed. All these stories about the noble loners shooting at light, sound and smell are just a commodity.
    3. +4
      27 March 2018 14: 34
      Demonstrations are taking place in cities. Urban long ago became almost rampant office planktonic substance, asexual and faceless. Ready to put you in jail for a couple of days for an oblique look at the fat woman in the elevator. I support short-term tenure. The most frostbitten will be quickly shot. Crime will be reduced.
      1. +2
        27 March 2018 15: 25
        Now a fat woman in Canada and she can easily shoot you. For the "oblique look". And she will not be anything for it. Especially if black. In short, write a will. Moreover, hurry up.
        1. +1
          27 March 2018 15: 57
          We’ll figure it out without you. Don’t hesitate, maybe if you "bull" you won’t save your skin without extra holes.
          1. +1
            27 March 2018 17: 04
            "The rifle gives rise to power." Mao.
            Cop, he is in Canada.
    4. +1
      27 March 2018 16: 34
      Quote: g1v2
      Because the mass shootings there already got everyone.

      Only here mass shootings mostly take place in the states, with the most severe regime for storing and receiving weapons. But where to get it easier, this happens less often
  8. 0
    27 March 2018 09: 17
    I always perplex law enforcement officers with the paradigm that I am a "national minority" (Komi-Permyak by mother) and if that, they will not find it enough for national discrimination.
    1. 0
      27 March 2018 09: 51
      cool! I sometimes classify myself as Kalmyks for the same purpose (well, there are three drops there)
    2. Fox
      27 March 2018 11: 43
      Quote: Altona
      I always perplex law enforcement officers with the paradigm that I am a "national minority" (Komi-Permyak mother

      and my grandfather has a fuck, can I also? feel
      1. +1
        27 March 2018 11: 50
        And we have "discrimination" (as well as "harassment") to the full use, those who are smarter. More recently, we had a major reduction in our company, and so: a couple of "comrades" announced that they were "gay" and they ... had not been reduced, although I know for sure that they were on the list of reductions ... wink
  9. +8
    27 March 2018 09: 27
    Once again, what comments FOR leave people who:
    - already have civilian weapons (again, their adequacy is confirmed by a certificate :)).
    - really concerned about their safety, the safety of their friends and relatives.
    - measures are already being taken to ensure this security (at least at the level of the iron door, regular communication with the district police officer regarding the criminal situation in the area, etc., etc.).
    - they really understand that storing weapons and being able to use them are completely different things.
    - have the opportunity and are ready to regularly train in the use of weapons and spend time and money on it
    - are convinced that the existing law enforcement system cannot ensure their safety
    1. +1
      27 March 2018 09: 53
      Quote: tasha
      the existing law enforcement system cannot ensure their safety

      That's right. Law enforcement agencies can only deal with crime prevention and the inevitability of punishment.
    2. 0
      27 March 2018 16: 30
      I agree completely, except for the last paragraph.
      You can't put a policeman at every door. But the ability to protect yourself and your family - it is worth a lot
      Legislation is crooked, yes ... It should be so - if you climbed into my apartment / plot and ran into a bullet - then you are a suicide. If the two climbed together, one died from the bullet, the second survived - then the one who survived, besides the fact that according to the robbery’s article, he is still suing, for he did not dissuade his dead friend, and even convinced him to go to work ...
  10. +3
    27 March 2018 09: 49
    Well yes. The tendency noticed by the author began to increase from the moment when the melee weapons began to give way to firearms. Because in order to defend their country, practically "everyone capable of carrying weapons" was no longer needed. When all the citizens were a fighting force for the country, they had to put up with their independence. There was a need for less for the authorities - they immediately took part of the force.
    And now citizens are not needed. Absolutely. At least in the West. Need consumers. And who are consumers? This is such a mass that works and exchanges the results of its labor for all nonsense. What criteria should they meet? A simple one.
    There should be as many as possible, because there is more exhaust from them. They should be placed as compact as possible, because it is easier and cheaper to maintain and cut. They should be as stupid as possible, because the more stupid they are, the less effort is needed to manage them. And they should not enter into conflicts with anyone, so as not to reduce their population and not create difficulties in owning them for the authorities.
    The question for our country specifically is that in Russia consumers are practically useless. We have huge territories that need real conquest - monstrous swamps beyond the Urals, taiga, permafrost ... And they are trying to devour our country all the time. We need fighters, they are needed, more urgently! But our authorities do not cope with the fighters. To manage a nation of warriors, one must possess not the qualities that those who have chosen to our "elite" possess. Thieves petty. Not some giants of evil, but simply the infamous, petty thieves. Dirty tricks.
    Well, they redraw the people on their own! In the consumer. It’s better for them, but they’ll devour the country! With them! Now there is a fun process. They realized that without a mass of warriors, they too would end. That no one will shelter them with stolen goods, no one will protect them.
    And now they want to awaken the Russian people ... dispensing with the Russian people. How to make non-warlike warriors. Aware of the fact that “dear Russians” are good when it is possible to steal together, but Kadyrov will not put them a hundred divisions to go into battle. On the contrary, it will also poke a knife in the back, as is always done with weakened godfathers. And it’s scary to turn to the Russian people ...
    We can be destroyed in direct opposition. Because of this. In some moment. Fearfully...
    1. 0
      27 March 2018 17: 02
      Quote: Mikhail3
      Well yes. The tendency noticed by the author began to increase from the moment when the melee weapons began to give way to firearms. Because in order to defend their country, practically "everyone capable of carrying weapons" was no longer needed. When all the citizens were a fighting force for the country, they had to put up with their independence. There was a need for less for the authorities - they immediately took part of the force.

      Mass conscription army appeared with the proliferation of firearms - simple and affordable in training. Prior to this, in the Middle Ages, there was a special military-obligated estate - the nobility. Even earlier, in ancient Rome - there was a professional army that fought for money. So, so as not to be scary, you need to learn history, Comrade Michael.
      As for the society of "one-dimensional people," I advise you to read Marx, Fromm and other Freudomarxists - they wrote many clever books on this subject at one time. Articles promoting a hand-held firearm are unlikely to fully reveal this topic.
      1. +1
        27 March 2018 17: 22
        When it was necessary to pinch the neighbors - the nobility. When Sparta attacked Athens ... And on the one and on the other hand everyone went into battle. The issue of war is a matter of energy conversion. However, this will come out a bit long ... In general, those countries that had troops consisting of the most skilled, strong and disciplined fighters defeated with edged weapons. It turned out such a nationwide selection - the best warriors were needed. Versatile (in those terms) developed, strong and smart. The best received the nobility, yes.
        And in the "gunshot" army, the selection criteria sharply decreased. High standards were no longer needed, and even tried to do without high combat qualities. Please note that in World War I they simply threw them into the furnace, most often without training. Of course, they came to the Patriotic War, but this did not change the general direction.
        Advertising or not, I'm not interested. Causes some thoughts, and I am satisfied. The short-barrel is almost irrelevant to the problem under consideration.
  11. +10
    27 March 2018 09: 57
    The article is an attempt to raise the issue of civilian weapons. I repeat my point of view for the thousandth time: You can’t let the military short-barrels go to the masses in Russia! We do not have a culture of possession and handling of weapons! First, you need to introduce NVP lessons in schools, to teach children how to use weapons and combat shooting without fail, only after that, we can talk about the arming of the people.
    The idea that the authorities do not need armed people that are difficult to control is speculation from the finger, because we are controlled not with weapons, but with propaganda, and give us at least a tank, the situation in terms of controlling the masses will not change!
    The author’s theory about the formation of a military character through carrying weapons is not close to me, I respect the views of the author, but do not share.
    1. +3
      27 March 2018 21: 09
      Quote: raw174
      The article is an attempt to raise the issue of civilian weapons. I repeat my point of view for the thousandth time: You can’t let the military short-barrels go to the masses in Russia! We do not have a culture of possession and handling of weapons! First, you need to introduce NVP lessons in schools, to teach children how to use weapons and combat shooting without fail, only after that, we can talk about the arming of the people.
      The idea that the authorities do not need armed people that are difficult to control is speculation from the finger, because we are controlled not with weapons, but with propaganda, and give us at least a tank, the situation in terms of controlling the masses will not change!
      Always struck a similar answer. What kind of culture can we talk about if there are no weapons on hand. And none of those in power will allow this. NVP was removed from schools (we are a peaceful country). And the power? The authorities are afraid for themselves loved ones. He is afraid that a desperate citizen will come to her to defend their rights with the help of weapons.
      1. +1
        28 March 2018 14: 28
        Quote: Sma11
        What kind of culture can we talk about if there are no weapons on hand.

        What comes first, an egg or a chicken? (I know the exact answer wink ) First you need to teach how to use, shoot, create a backlog, and then give the trunks a stroke! It is foolish to first buy a car, and then learn to drive it! I repeat, first, an NVP course at school, from the 5th grade and always with live firing (shooting from about 7-8th grade), and then, to this generation who has reached 23-25 ​​years old, you can sell civilian combat short-barreled weapons.
        Quote: Sma11
        The authorities are afraid for themselves loved ones. He is afraid that a desperate citizen will come to her to defend their rights with the help of weapons.

        As they said in the old film, "Yes, nothing like that, philistine talkers."
        Once again, we are controlled not by weapons, but by propaganda and the armed population threatens only itself. If someone goes to the mayor's office to fight with the barrel for an edge, he is simply insane with a diagnosis ...
        1. +1
          28 March 2018 15: 07
          Quote: raw174
          Once again, we are controlled not by weapons, but by propaganda and the armed population threatens only itself. If someone goes to the mayor's office to fight with the barrel for an edge, he is simply insane with a diagnosis ...
          So whence then, in the hands of those in power (in percentage terms) there are more military and award weapons than a simple average man. Who are they afraid of? After all, everything is protected by the FSO or similar structures.
          1. +1
            29 March 2018 06: 23
            Quote: Sma11
            After all, everything is protected by the FSO or similar structures.

            The FSO protects only the first persons of the state (the very first) and 2-3 governors (Leningrad, Moscow, Dagistan), about "similar structures", I have not heard of such. Previously, guards were guarded by private security companies, now they are being transferred to the Russian Guard. In reality, a layman can only come to the municipality, nobody guards anyone there (in our district administration there is no guard at all, not even a night watchman). It is foolish to think that an armed man will go to a regional minister’s showdown (I’m not talking about federal ones), because an average person blames the earth’s power for his troubles.
            Quote: Sma11
            So whence then, in the hands of those in power (in percentage terms) there are more military and award weapons than a simple average man.

            Those in power, they were not born with a briefcase, but traveled a long way to the chair (for the most part). They do not have weapons for defense or attack, it is a symbol of strength and masculinity. The owner of the war trunk, from the point of view of psychology, is by default stronger than the unarmed, he is an alpha male. So all of these award trunks are symbolism.
            Now there are a lot of weapons on hand (I’m a hunter myself and have had weapons for 18 years) and there isn’t any armed crowd breaking into the governor, moreover, our Dubrovsky came to the village, went without security at all, only with secretaries ... There is nothing to fear from the authorities, There are no protests in society.
    2. +1
      29 March 2018 10: 31
      I agree with you, my colleague, I also constantly oppose the short-barreled.
      The arguments of the apologists for the legalization of the Constitutional Court are untenable. The armed people are afraid of power - are you serious? A dozen "representatives of the people" with pistols, if I have to clash, I’ll put my pistol out of my carbine before approaching it, the SVD - albeit slightly lightweight - is this worse than the PM in their opinion ?? I have such a “toy” in the safe, and the 4 trunk is even easier, and the state is not afraid of me, it officially allows and store and carry it. And What kind of wisdom is to throw away for the fact that they took away his weapons and be proud of it - that’s absolutely stupidity. Few, apparently, stories of how freaks from traumatizing people are killed for a parking spot. Too simple a solution to the security issue cannot be right. The right to violence belongs to the state, and it is necessary to ask him for the fact that criminals walk in the streets and are not particularly afraid of committing atrocities, it’s understandably harder, it’s easier to buy a barrel more powerful and shoot everyone you don’t like, who you yourself considered criminal, it turns out. And if you made a mistake or got into it by accident? or to me, my beloved, it’s excusable, but I’m not on purpose, I wanted it better. And then the same fighter for the short-barrel, having heard the shooting, ran out of the gateway, sees how the champion of legalization shoots, people are around, and he firing in bursts at a lady with a child, grabs his parabelum and a couple of bullets in the back of his head, and he is in death cramps you have time to say: she has a martyr’s belt and a bomb in a child’s backpack. It's a shame, yes. Only it will not help either one.
  12. +4
    27 March 2018 10: 01
    Everywhere they impose external symbols of success - expensive cars, villas, yachts, costumes and watches for thousands of dollars, “live beautifully”, films where the main characters do not earn, but receive money through scams and robberies.
    Where they say - "if so smart, why not rich", etc.
    Decent people are made a laughing stock, same-sex marriage is becoming the norm, and trampling on one's own dignity is becoming commonplace.
    What to do?
    To change the world, you first need to change yourself. Start at least with exercise in the morning. Physical changes will entail psychological ones. You start going to the gym, you will see other people, you will begin to read, you will stop watching TV, your social circle will change, and this will entail other changes, including new work, new impressions, new opportunities.
  13. +2
    27 March 2018 10: 03
    The author solved the problem simply by issuing weapons. Alas, the problem cannot be solved in this way; this problem can be solved longer and with more serious tools. You can read the decision in the book of Kontorovich, the cycle of the Ancients, the seventh book - The Hour of Retribution ...
    And in short - it is necessary to change the value system at the state level. But while the liberals are in power, they will not let us change the system. There is only one way out - armed rebellion. This is if you want to quickly ... By the way, I'm not talking about communism right now, you can not resent.
    1. 0
      27 March 2018 16: 44
      Quote: Shurale
      You can read the decision in the book of Kontorovich, the cycle of the Ancients, the seventh book - The Hour of Retribution ...

      Sergey Tarmashev - to be exact.
      1. 0
        April 1 2018 19: 57
        Thank you for the amendment, but I'm more interested in whether you agree with the book or not?
        1. 0
          April 2 2018 08: 31
          Quote: Shurale
          Thank you for the amendment, but I'm more interested in whether you agree with the book or not?

          As far as I remember, in the book everyone who was not going to be a normal member of society and so fled. The same thing happened with us not so long ago: in 1917. Then, too, everyone who did not agree to build communism ended up in Paris. What can I disagree with here?
    2. +4
      28 March 2018 14: 33
      Quote: Shurale
      There is only one way out - armed rebellion.

      Yes, you are inciting an article of the Criminal Code ... A call for a violent change of state system ... Not good! Then some neighbors turned this scam, did they feel better?
      1. 0
        April 1 2018 19: 58
        I'm just going to remove from power those who were engaged in the final collapse of my country, my proposals do not apply to a change in the state system, you yourself could understand this if you thought a little.
        1. +2
          April 2 2018 06: 30
          Quote: Shurale
          you yourself could understand it if you thought a little.

          Well, you yourself say:
          There is only one way out - armed rebellion.

          This is an article of the Criminal Code, and in any country in the world ...
  14. +2
    27 March 2018 10: 17
    Interestingly, but many ordinary visitors will understand that a competent team of commentators is playing in support of the author, playing the argument? What part of the commentators on both sides are playing the dispute, directing the discussion in the right direction to the author? laughing
    1. +1
      27 March 2018 14: 41
      Quote: g1v2
      Interestingly, but many ordinary visitors will understand that a competent team of commentators is playing in support of the author, playing the argument?

      No, here everyone just shares their opinions .. just as frankly and sincerely, as on the programs of Sheinin and Solovyov. High standards of niche media are an indicator of the population’s literacy .. unlike corrupt liberal media.
  15. +2
    27 March 2018 10: 55
    The article is controversial and much contrived: according to history, money has come to replace weapons, it’s less expensive and more profitable (for example, at least Ukraine would buy elite and robbery).
    In Russia, if you want to be armed with 24 for hours a day, go to law enforcement agencies, no one holds it and is everywhere required.
    1. +2
      27 March 2018 21: 14
      Quote: naidas
      In Russia, if you want to be armed with 24 for hours a day, go to law enforcement agencies, no one holds it and is everywhere required.
      Here is another of the dreamers. In what power structures with weapons 24 hours a day?
      1. 0
        28 March 2018 10: 31
        But you didn’t hear about service weapons in the power structures, or according to yours, Wagner and the police are persuading.
        1. 0
          28 March 2018 13: 15
          Quote: naidas
          But you didn’t hear about service weapons in the power structures, or according to yours, Wagner and the police are persuading.

          You, my friend, have reviewed the series. No need to be so gullible. The security forces have a permanent weapon only on duty, during operations, on business trips, with a database, etc., etc. Until nowhere to put it in storage. And then all this is carried out by a separate order. Private security. Well, there are their own regulations. And Wagner, well, he is "outlawed", so far wink The carrying of weapons of military weapons is very strictly regulated by the state and the rules for the use of the category “it would be better if you didn’t have it”. So only in words, only by persuasion good .
  16. +5
    27 March 2018 11: 06
    Good attempt to sell us weapons again. The author acts strictly within the framework of an invented concept - considers me as a representative of a consumer society, tries to create a nonexistent need for me and immediately offer something to buy to satisfy this need. Thank you, but I'm fine with brains, I won’t spend money on pistols. I have an injury, spiders live in it and weave cobwebs. This is enough for me, I think.

    And as always, this dense cliche about allegedly decaying Europe.
    Now this form of public consciousness is already very strong, and in some countries of old Europe it completely dominates all state institutions, decisively determining their policies and actions.
    Apparently, the author lived a good half of his life in Europe, felt in every detail how it was and what dominates and determines their policies. Such a life experience, such knowledge!
  17. +3
    27 March 2018 12: 26
    Dear Mikhail Goldreer, your article was wrapped up because you dared to criticize Europe, the beacon of democracy, a place where everyone lives happily and freely, where everyone respects each other, etc. etc.
  18. +3
    27 March 2018 12: 36
    “So I ask the concerned readers to tell me in their comments: what, in their opinion, borders, red lines and flags did I cross in this text?”
    If you strictly follow your message, dear author, I will answer. First, you wrote the truth. The truth, which is unpleasant and dangerous for the current powers that be. In addition, your text clearly reveals the features of a bright, Vedic worldview, which is for degenerates - the spokesmen of the parasitic way of thinking, like a bone in the throat. Well, the interests of the pigeons are affected. There are many in power now. For a significant number of our political members, the anus has become a political elevator, and they will not like your text, nasty. Here are perhaps the main red lines and flags.
  19. +4
    27 March 2018 13: 05
    The idol and mentor of the hussar-partisan-poet Denis Davydov, General Kulnev used to say: “I love our mother Russia because we always have somewhere to fight". How actual these words sound today, and they will sound like that for a long time. And how will they fight, to save Mother Russia, those who have in their heads zayadet this geeky saying: "To live, to live"?
    You are at the door, they are at the window ... Now Denis Davydov and Yakov Kulnev, our “defender of armament” remembered. Yes, the words are very relevant, but it’s more interesting to fight while being armed. It would be better if Mr. Goldreer commented why even in the United States the protest of the armament of society is growing. You read the articles of the author, presumably, soon he will reach the creation of the world in his agitations. If the society itself hurts, an increase in the weapon will not cure it. Lattices on the windows, iron doors in the apartments, in the entrances, iron fences around the houses ... Everything is small, shops are bursting with weapons, not enough, Goldreer has his own truth, already from the sources, from Mother - Russia. The very self-defense, clarity and clarity of the laws, it seems to the author the fifth thing, the main thing is to push through the legalization of the short stem, and to arm, arm, arm. Photos from the events in the States.
    1. 0
      27 March 2018 14: 36
      And what, are there any solutions when in a country the size of Singapore, is everyone happy? And in Singapore, for the "consensus" mercilessly beat dissent on the head ... Demonstrators can be understood. Most of them are simply cowards. And for a coward it’s quite typical to be offended not by people (people are dangerous, take offense at them, they can even crash!) But by tools. Well, like a dog, a rag of awe, which she got on the head from the mistress.
      A smaller part honestly thinks that they will take away the weapons from people, and they will lay down their paws and will not offend each other. I’ll take the child’s car, and there’s nothing for him to beat the sister ... Are you serious? Seriously think that will not?
    2. +2
      27 March 2018 15: 49
      In what place is it growing? In the United States, everything is as it was, part of society (which is mainly characteristic of blacks, Latinos and others like them) supporting local liberals against, white working people support conservatives for arms as well.

      And this is not what I say, this is what the Americans say.

      And then they scattered across the states and now in liberal California where arms laws are one of the most prohibitive mass kill people, but in the completely opposite Vermont there. And all because it does not kill weapons, but a man.
  20. +1
    27 March 2018 15: 37
    Dear author! Under the dressing of caring for humanity in general and the people of Russia in particular, you are trying to "sell" to yourself the real product of oligarchs from arms companies. Therefore, there is less pathos, more understanding of the realities of life, and you will understand that the problem is not in the pampered generations, in the presence / absence of weapons, etc., the problem itself is in the very idea of ​​liberal capitalism, which is destructive both for humanity as a whole and for the people Russia in particular. This entire article is indicative of this. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MANIPULATE MEANINGS AND KEEP THE PEOPLE FOR FOOLS !!!
  21. +2
    27 March 2018 15: 46
    It’s all mixed up. We must start with the fact that the first recorded quote that youth degenerates belongs to one Greek man with a beard. And dates back to our era.

    “Today's young people are accustomed to luxury, they are distinguished by bad manners, despise authorities, disrespect elders, children argue with adults, swallow food greedily, and harass teachers.”

    And since then we have degenerated, degenerated, but we cannot degenerate. Such conversations were before us and will be after us.

    At first, in Western and world civilization, a military worldview prevailed, which required a person to be ready to exert all his strength to achieve personal or social goals, to be prepared for the most severe responsibility for his actions, for the actions of his team, for mistakes and failures.

    At first, the people were few, very few, social relations were primitive and in these conditions there was no bureaucratic legal system. But as the people developed, it always appeared because otherwise it was impossible to regulate social relations, it was impossible to progress. And if then you could kill anyone and would not even begin to look for anyone, then today they are conducting an investigation.

    In the 20th century, the natives of the European colonies almost kicked their conquerors armed to the teeth

    So kicked out, so kicked out that it was Britain who decided what the state system of Southern Rhodesia would be, and not the Rhodesians themselves. Well, now everywhere in Africa there are foreign companies, a foreign military contingent, and valuable resources are being mined for nothing. Chased so chased, to say nothing! Well, besides the fact that the author should learn a story because everything was wrong with the colonies.

    The slogan of the new era was the slogan "live to live," that is, a minimum of tension, a minimum of risk - a maximum of consumer pleasures.

    As if at least somewhere and once it was different lol

    In Luxembourg, where the prime minister is a LGBT representative, a civilian firearm is banned. In England in 1997, after the Labor Party came to power, among which there were also many LGBT people, the possession of the short barrel was banned.

    And in the Russian Empire, where the upper strata had a general fashion for pederasty, which was openly and massively distributed and directly encouraged (sic!) In military schools, a civilian firearm was permitted. And it was banned by the Bolsheviks who, after these same pederasts, completely pursued themselves, albeit at times, but they persecuted. What am I doing? To the one, that:

    1. When something comes down to LGBT people, as a rule, they have nothing to do with it. Rome itself did not fall apart because of them.
    2. Before talking about specific topics, it’s worth at least trying to understand them. I.S. Kon, for example, read, he wrote a lot of interesting things.
    1. +1
      27 March 2018 17: 19
      I don’t know how the author is, but I took and coped with the history ... Southern Rhodesia is now called Zimbabwe, and when did the UK decide what? That she herself now does not remember, just crying for forty years, as the local Negroes spread rot to their remaining white farmers. In the Russian Empire there were criminal laws against pederasty, for it was imprisoned, but not encouraged. The Bolsheviks, having come to power, had just abolished these laws, People's Commissar Inodel Chicherin, Lenin's friend, was a fagot and promoted his favorites. And Stalin began to chase this public with 1934, at the same time deploying terror against the "Leninist Guard". In military schools, the empire instantly knocked out all those who gave even the slightest suspicion of their sexual abnormality. Where did you get what you stated here is not clear. Would you at least then read the newspaper then, as the police opened and smashed the shops pederasts in St. Petersburg.
      1. 0
        28 March 2018 02: 28
        I don’t know how the author is, but I took and dealt with the history ... Southern Rhodesia is now called Zimbabwe, and when did the UK decide what was there?

        Did not manage. Southern Rhodesia itself declared its independence and decided to become another country across Great Britain and refused to comply with the electoral system requirements and much more. Ian Smith then prophetically said, "Elections in Africa, one person, one vote, once." But they started a war against it, imposed sanctions and replaced the legitimate authority that refused to comply with the requirements of Great Britain.

        By the way, during the "spread of the white farmers" Negroes were killed more than whites ... with the support of Great Britain.

        In the Russian Empire there were criminal laws against pederasty, they planted for it, but did not encourage it.

        And again they failed. I will give only one of the most famous and mild examples.

        According to the calculations of V. I. Pyatnitsky, from 1874 to 1904 1 men and women were accused of sodomy, of which 066 were convicted (Pyatnitsky, 440. Quoted from: Healy, 1910.
        C. 387). Most often these were persons of free professions, servants or artisans. Representatives of the upper classes accounted for only 5% of this number. Government officials were especially uncommon. Engelshtein rightly remarks, “the relative disregard for sodomy on the part of the judiciary indicates more about the inefficiency of the rule of law than about active tolerance for sexual diversity"(Engelstein, 1995. P. 158).

        It is quite a bit that the morals of that time would be understood. In what newspapers and what was smashed to the participants of those events is unknown. Where did you get it? Mentioned I.S.Kon - one of the most respected Russian sexologists, one of the founders of the modern Russian sociological school, etc. More specifically, his scientific works "Another love. Human nature and homosexuality" and "Strawberry on a birch: Sexual culture in Russia." It says very, very much, with links to sources, about those times, but even the most innocuous passages are not allowed even by the censorship of the site.

        You can still recall the "Adventures of the Page", but I do not recommend reading this to anyone. Abomination as it is.
  22. +1
    27 March 2018 16: 56
    Skoka beech
  23. 0
    27 March 2018 20: 36
    Author Goldreer - no comment. He knows that.
    1. +1
      28 March 2018 05: 23
      That's why he is a gold reer - a golden cutter (cutter) ...
  24. +1
    28 March 2018 05: 18
    War is the favorite pastime of real men.
    So they want to fight a little ...
    Well, just a little! ..
  25. 0
    28 March 2018 13: 00
    Gold words! I will support everything essentially and as it is! I just think that the prohibitions and owners of the “awards” for the money will most likely disagree with you, they are sure that they are special, they have the right and we don’t
  26. 0
    28 March 2018 17: 22
    Exactly 100 years have passed since Oswald Spengler wrote The Sunset of Europe. Any civilization, like a living organism, is born, developed, reaches its peak, and then degrades and dies. This fate befell the civilizations of ancient Egypt, antiquity, etc. Europe survived the era of military prowess and high culture, then followed by high social standards and effeminacy, now it is moving towards self-destruction. Our civilization is younger. Yesterday, we were leaders in culture - science, art. We won many victories on the battlefield. But now we are moving on to the next stage - higher social standards, the pampering of people. After 200 years, the same sunset awaits us as Europe.
  27. 0
    29 March 2018 10: 25
    How not to twist! But personally, I am against the free circulation of short-barreled weapons in Russia!
    The author’s attitude is patriotic, but I can’t support the article!
  28. 0
    29 March 2018 10: 31
    BLAH BLAH BLAH! All article rating! About six years already I read VO, and almost every day! I understand that we have freedom of speech, but I spent about 10 minutes reading this article, after which there was only a taste in the mouth of something nasty, which did not become meanness, but already claims to be it! I turn to our valiant site managers — are you the articles that you print and read? Design special nameplates for articles so you don’t have to spend time reading this, use polls to evaluate public opinion! Ready to get another warning, especially since I read more than I write! Thank.
  29. +3
    29 March 2018 20: 09
    Today I read the story at Factrum. Standing in a German supermarket, a Russian mother is talking to a child at the checkout. And next to it is a merryman-type grymza. And so she looked in the basket to her mother and turned away and said rather loudly: "When did the Russians start using toilet paper?"
    Smiling Russian calmly says: "Since then, when you stopped licking our ass!"
  30. +1
    31 March 2018 09: 38
    Kind! We started for morality, and switched to pistols :-)
    Ladies and gentlemen! Regarding the legalization of the short-barrel, let's put aside emotions and turn to the facts. Look at those countries / states where it is allowed (and especially hidden wearing) and where it is forbidden and compare the statistics on the number of crimes per capita.
    In general, it's time to ban kitchen knives long ago - this is the worst weapon! :-)
  31. +2
    April 3 2018 14: 34
    A sense of honor and dignity is in no way associated with the presence or absence of weapons. If this feeling is there, then the main thing is not so much to protect it as to not lose it (but with a weapon or without a second question). If this feeling does not exist, then there is simply nothing to protect with the help of weapons or something else.
    Along with army weapons, weapons always existed and were constantly worn to protect personal honor from insult or humiliation. Somewhere at the end of the 19th century ...
    There were dueling, there was not necessarily a personal weapon.
    Psychopaths arrange mass shootings exactly where it is forbidden to carry any weapons
    Psychopaths arrange mass executions not at all because others do not have weapons, but because they have a psychopath.
    Everyone has heard the New Year mass rape committed by migrants on the streets in Cologne, in England, after the ban of the short-barrel, the streets became the most dangerous in Europe, the terrorists killed a soldier (!)
    Did the weapon help him?
    Since the beginning of the 20th century, a form of power has been established in it, which was inconvenient for the people, consisting of independent individuals with the right to arms, with whom it is necessary to negotiate, but you cannot just build and command. Therefore, the right to weapons and full protection with its help was canceled for citizens. But at the same time, through universal military duty and patriotic education, military outlook and respect for the traditions of honor among the people remained.
    Well then, where does this conclusion come from:
    Therefore, everyone who is now fighting to restore the right of our citizens to self-defense with personal weapons is saving the country ...
    because people are higher devoid of personal weapons saved the country during the years of World War II ...
    Z.Y. Article, golem propaganda to legitimize personal weapons. with all the ensuing consequences. Previously, the father (the cult in the family) passed on the tradition and culture of handling weapons to his son, today the son is brought up by the Internet, so give him (the teenager) more weapons and see what starts on the streets and in schools.