He saw the fall of socialism. In memory of Augustus Hayek

“The flight of the people from state power
made all the content of the people stories Russia ".
L. Sokolsky

23 March 2017 marks exactly 26 years since the death of Friedrich August von Hayek (1899 - 1992) - the great Austrian economist, philosopher, public figure and Nobel laureate 1974 of the year in economics. Friedrich von Hayek was a consistent supporter of the fundamental theory of "open society", and one of the most prominent thinkers of our recent history. Contemporaries Hayek note that he was "lucky" and he was able to see "the rise and fall of fascism, national socialism and Soviet communism."

He saw the fall of socialism. In memory of Augustus Hayek

Friedrich August von Hayek

And it was so that in the twentieth century the appearance of the economic picture of the worlds was determined by the views of only two, however, outstanding scientists: the father of a market economy, Friedrich von Hayek and Lord John Maynard Keynes, who was the founder of the foundations of state planning and interventionism in the capitalist, that is, market management.

Friedrich von Hayek believed that the main trouble of the socialists is that they always promise more to the people than they can really give, because in this case all the knowledge needed to manage their society is ultimately collected and processed by the sole authority. They do not understand, or rather do not want to understand, that modern society basically exists on the application of diffuse knowledge, which no central command structure, and especially one person, whoever it is - Duce, Führer, Caudillo, Paul Sweat, “ Baby Doc "or the general secretary, to process and use will not be able to physically. However, socialist doctrines gained great popularity after the end of the First World War, during which all the warring countries had to create a centralized military economy on the principles of administrative planning. And under these critical conditions, they did it. But when the war ended, in the same way they wanted to solve the problems of economic management and in the conditions of the coming peacetime.

So in 30-ies of the twentieth century in the economy of two schools arise. The first addressed the socialist principles in the economy and considered it necessary state control of all economic activity in the country. The second school, headed by Friedrich von Hayek, spoke out with sharp criticism of such state intervention in the economic life of the country. However, he has repeatedly argued that the requirement of equality in the material situation, in his opinion, can be achieved only by a totalitarian government, acting by the methods of the "Gestapo".

John Maynard Keynes was a representative of the Cambridge School of Economics. Friedrich von Hayek has been giving lectures at the London School of Economics since 1931, including lectures on the most pressing issue of the time, the Great Depression.

In 1935, he published the book "Collectivistic Economic Planning: A Critical Study of the Possibilities of Socialism." The answer to it was the book by John Maynard Keynes, published in 1936: "The General Theory of Employment, Income, and Money." One of the historians of the time wrote about the theory presented in it as follows: “The fact that Keynes’s economic system offered a painless solution to difficult problems and was politically possible guaranteed its popularity; all collectivists, socialists, liberals, and even conservatives like Macmilan were quick to accept it ... To defy Keynes's theory, it was necessary to be reactionary and, as they said, adamant.

Friedrich von Hayek responded to her with The Road to Slavery, published in 1944, and brought world renown to Friedrich von Hayek. The book was translated into 20 countries of the world, and in the USSR it was published in 1983 year.

W. Churchill was very pleased with the ideas of “The Road to Slavery”, and he constantly repeated to his ideological opponents, the Laborites, that socialism was somehow connected with totalitarianism and contemptible worship of the state. He even made a speech, which was called "Speech about the Gestapo".

Nevertheless, it was not he who won the 1945 election, but the Labor Party Clement Attley, who promised the British full employment for the entire population. During the period from 1945 to 1951, a wave of nationalization passed in Great Britain: the English bank was nationalized and such industries as coal, civil aviationTelecommunications, transport, electric energy companies, gas and mining companies, and iron and steel are just all of the British industries where many millions of English workers worked.

And although full employment could not be achieved anyway, Keynes’s theory became dominant in many countries of the world for many years. Hayek responded by creating the Mont Pelerin Society in 1947, which gave the world such Nobel Prize winners and public figures like Karl Popper, Milton Friedman and Ludwig Erhard - the creator of the economic miracle in Germany and subsequently the German Chancellor from 1963 to 1966 a year.

In the 1950 year, Friedrich von Hayek became a professor at the University of Chicago, where he worked until the 1962 year. Here he wrote the book The Constitution of Freedom (1960), which was published on the eve of the celebration of the 100 summer anniversary since the writing of the book On Freedom by the great nineteenth-century English philosopher John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873).

People do not like to think, much less follow the advice of smart people, because most of them themselves are profoundly ignorant. But even such people by the 70-th years of the twentieth century began to notice that in all countries with a centralized economy, inflation suddenly jumped from something, and the promised decrease, and significant unemployment, did not happen to everyone. . The works of Friedrich von Hayek were immediately in demand by M. Thatcher’s administration in England and the R. Reagan government in the USA, which, according to Hayek’s recommendations, began to reduce government spending, abolished government control in the economy and chose to limit the monopolistic influence of trade unions.

In 1991, the longstanding work of Friedrich von Hayek was awarded the Medal of Freedom, the highest and honorable US civilian award. 1988 revealed his work in three volumes: “Law, Legislation and Freedom,” which explored the legal norms necessary to maintain and develop a free society. In the conditions of high inflation and equally high taxation, it is this book that provides intellectual support for market reforms and gives grounds for an optimistic view of the modern industrial development of society. The latest work of Friedrich von Hayek was published in 1988, the work "Pernicious arrogance - the intellectual error of socialism."

Friedrich von Hayek 23 died on March 1992 of the year on the 93 year of life in the city of Freiburg-Breisgau, having managed to see the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the long-awaited unification of Germany and the decline of the era of world communism. Hayek personally observed the dismantling of the Berlin Wall and, as his relatives said, very much wanted to visit Moscow.

But the main result of the work of Friedrich von Hayek was a convincing victory over Keynes, which showed the advantage of decentralizing the economy, the victory of self-organizing synergistic systems of spontaneous order over any state control in public life. He proved that public order in a civilized society can be carried out without administrative coercion and orders from above. Well, the fall of the socialist economic system took place in the eyes of millions of people, and they all saw the truth of the ideas of Friedrich von Hayek.

In the era that followed the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Hayek’s ideas for a transitional period in Russia, no longer socialist, but not yet fully market-oriented, are more than relevant. The fact is that the main enemy for modern Russia, as well as for Russia after 1861, was the fear of a developing new capitalist economy and nostalgia that arose on its basis for the old communist regime. It is obvious that today we are encountering an increasing number of attempts to discredit the market economy and the fundamental principles of a democratic social order. It is conducted both with the aim of justifying the well-known policy of the "Red Terror" and the state non-economic coercion to free, in fact, labor. It seems to many, and perhaps not only it seems that they see the dangerous features of the country's return to the 30-s of the 20th century - a period which, by the way, has already received in scientific literature the interesting name of “feudal socialism”.

At that time, the country's economy was characterized by undeveloped trade relations, surrogate money, patriarchal and semi-patriarchal economic relations, barter and barter, as well as government regulation and pronounced state patriotism, which A. Bogdanov had warned about in his novel Red Star. Well, the ideology of state power, or rather, its foundation was the Russian Orthodox idea of ​​the nineteenth century. It is an idea at the level of belief in “holy communism”, because even its economic theory never really existed. The only person in the USSR who dared, by the way, to write “The Political Economy of Communism” was the Chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee N. Voznesensky, who was shot in 1949 for the “Leningrad Affair”.

Well, manipulation, and very ineptly, with public opinion with the aim of unattainable “unanimity”, significant ideological (and inevitable) demoralization of society, as well as the presence of a purely military manic-depressive syndrome in many respects cause the opposition of the government and society. Recently, there was an interesting piece of information on the fact that the government today is betting on large monopolies, that one thing is possible, while others just can't do anything. But about this at one time wrote Hayek. “Each has a special place: one is given to dominate, the other is to obey,” he noted. The spontaneous nature of economic relations is being replaced by a “vertical of power” in the form of the military organization of the state, which, as we know, is easiest to manage. The purpose of this economy is not the prosperity of the citizens of the country, but “economic security”. The spirit of enterprise begins to be replaced by the heroic spirit of the nation, which is vividly illustrated by the articles about the “legendary Hyberbore”, the homeland of the “great rusas”, the Egyptian pyramids in which the Slavic princes are buried, and the bearded god Quetzalcoatle, certainly Russian, sailed to sea from the sea. Kon-Tiki is also bearded, and, consequently, he was an ancient Rus!

However, Hayek poses an interesting question, why is this and “why are people so indulgent to pressure from the state and so mistrustful of the market?” Why don't they raise the question of the need to limit the power of officials in the country? Why aren’t laws restricting government functions, as many European countries have done? After all, everyone understands that it is impossible to live in a society where de facto capitalism exists, and de jure is still largely socialism.

But here again, thanks to the scientific work of Hayek, we have three imperatives of social progress: free movement of capital (“economic freedom”), protection of private property and private entrepreneurship, ensuring the realization of personal capabilities of a person for his productive work, as well as the desire use their individual freedom as a means of their own development. As a result of the adoption of such imperatives and the market reconstruction of the old state social mechanism, a system of laws of “self-organizing” or “spontaneous order” based on the principles of a free-market market economy will be created and begin to work stably.

Friedrich von Hayek was optimistic about the collapse of the Berlin Wall and thought that once people would feel the taste of freedom and prosperity and would like to preserve for themselves the freedom of spontaneous social order based on the power of private property. Hayek's life is an example of selfless service to an open society, so that people themselves can understand the simple truth that their own freedom and well-being depend only on themselves. And this is the only way to overcome corruption in the upper echelons of power, and not with the help of satellite photos.

However, our people were no less talented, including such a philosopher as Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev. He proposed to “formalize” the territory of Russia, i.e. evaluate the entire land of the country in monetary terms. In the future, he believed, it was impossible to interfere with the sale of land, including land, through the Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, which would allow the market to monitor the circulation of land as a commodity. Land should be sold, and not distributed to the population of one hectare. Berdyaev believed that literally everything was subject to counting and counting: forests, water, mineral resources, land, and what was on the ground or in water. And from here there is only one step for such a profitable society and prospective taxation on resources, when those who enrich themselves from the sale of natural resources pay maximum taxes, and those who are straining their mind, no matter how much they get, pay only for renting a room. This is just where the “gold mine” is for Russians ’rich in talents, new Kulibins and Kalashnikovs! It should also agree with N.A. Berdyaev, that only the land market can ensure a stable paper-money emission and allow a maximum increase in the amount of money in circulation in the country. Capitalization of the state, as the total capitalization of national enterprises, includes, first of all, the value of the land on which the enterprises are located. And this is practically all that needs to be done in order for the economic miracle of 1913 of the year to be repeated right before our eyes.
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  1. +5
    31 March 2018 09: 00
    Well, Hayek asked why people are so distrustful of ““ the market? ”“ But because they feel falsity and a catch in this idea. As you know, there were people who did not fit into the ““ market. ”These were those who did not live in big cities and didn’t could move into the unknown under the pressure of circumstances. These were those who ended up without work or without pay for work, those who had several unemployed in their families. It happened that the former military ..... Do not hear about senior officials who did not fit. Only they fit into the new domestic world order with the greatest benefit for themselves. Conclusion? Free Market ---- not a market at all. What are the programs of the German DURDOM now!
    1. +2
      31 March 2018 09: 50
      Dima, the "governing" will always be able to fit into any system, they are for themselves and write the rules
      1. +3
        31 March 2018 10: 20
        Quote: Monarchist
        Dima, the "governing" will always be able to fit into any system, they are for themselves and write the rules

        Golden words, Glory! It will be so! At the turn of the century, he watched a movie, such as a political pamphlet, maybe even an Austrian one --- right in the subject! Called "" 1000 eyes "" !!!
  2. 0
    31 March 2018 09: 10
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Do not hear about executives who do not fit.

    Dmitry! Well, by God ... Of course, do not hear. And who do you want to compare them with? With the loaders? I worked "on the potato" and gave the norm. But you understand that even 100 of these “potatoes” from the village will not replace me alone in the department. And who is easier to fit in? And this is not their fault, but their misfortune! But how can I help them? No way! And who should I think about first? About them or about yourself? So why are you surprised - it was and will be so. And people don’t feel fake, Dmitry! And their modesty and kondovost, but they can not even admit it to themselves. Hence, everyone is to blame, but not themselves.
    1. +5
      31 March 2018 09: 44
      And I say that the market is not a market at all, but a screen ..
      However, the article does not indicate that Hayek also saw the collapse of colonialism .. Or did he not see, did not notice this insignificant fact?
      And he could not have imagined invitations from people with BV, migrants, hoping to solve the problems of the EU. In short, I see nothing remarkable in this country Hayek.
    2. +4
      31 March 2018 10: 46
      V.O., you are generally correct in reasoning and, in general, I agree: you say: "you worked on the" potato "and gave the norm." I willingly believe that you are a conscientious person, but "... 100 of these" potato "from the village will not replace me alone in the department," and they need your department in figs? This V.I. deigned to joke that the cook is able to rule the state. You imagined that you could replace the peasant, and you, excuse me for being straightforward, despise the peasants and the epithets have chosen "kondovost" or "modesty."
      You are a GOOD HISTORIAN, but for fun, imagine the following situation: I am peasants and do not want to sell you potatoes, but I will sell it to your neighbor or Lyuska from a neighboring yard. Are you going to eat your science? And you want to grow vegetables and I doubt that you will succeed.
      Among the peasants there are such PROKHINDEYS in a good sense of the word that "brains will compose" the two teachings.
      All this I said in order to show: the "potato" MUCH can, and therefore do not need so much down on the "potato". Let's do our own thing: you are history, and I am vegetables and we will live together. Do you agree? We are both of Orthodox origin and it’s easier for us to understand each other than the Zulus of us
      1. +4
        April 1 2018 17: 00
        It is not enough to read Lenin; he still needs to be understood. Read again in detail what Lenin wrote about the cook. You absolutely did not understand the meaning of what he said.
        1. 0
          April 1 2018 18: 28
          You must be more tolerant. What you know is that the meaning was the opposite of what was said well. But for some reason many people think so. And - is it strange? Where does such inaccuracy come from?
          1. +2
            April 1 2018 19: 36
            It’s different for everyone. Someone from stupidity, someone from the lack of necessary information, someone from the inability to put their minds over feelings.
  3. 0
    31 March 2018 10: 02
    Quote: Reptiloid
    However, the article does not indicate that Hayek also saw the collapse of colonialism .. Or did he not see, did not notice this insignificant fact?

    Dmitry, do not mix sour with square. Colonialism is not an economic, but a political system. Politics and economics are two big differences.
    1. +3
      31 March 2018 10: 25
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Reptiloid
      However, the article does not indicate that Hayek also saw the collapse of colonialism .. Or did he not see, did not notice this insignificant fact?

      Dmitry, do not mix sour with square. Colonialism is not an economic, but a political system. Politics and economics are two big differences.

      Vyacheslav Olegovich, change your mind! I would state that Politics and Economics are two sides of the same coin. Or that they reflect the world order, speaking the same thing in different languages!
      Where would the economies of those countries be without colonialism?
      1. +4
        31 March 2018 12: 00
        // Politics and economics --- 2 big differences //: ??? You wrote it, Vyacheslav !!!!!!. And I remembered the expression "" POLICY --- THIS IS A CONCENTRATED EXPRESSION OF ECOLOGY ""! I looked. It turns out that V.I. Lenin wrote this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And somehow NOBODY denied (except you)! And even countries of developed capitalism impose their economic sanctions precisely for political reasons. Didn't you know that?
      2. 0
        31 March 2018 12: 05
        "Vyacheslav Olegovich, change your mind!" I would gladly hear such advice, well, say from Chubaryan, or at worst, from Kuzmenko I.V. - He just at the Leningrad State University defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Colonialism: cognitive-political research models." And so I’ll take a little time ... And my advice to you is quite friendly, once again re-read Shukshin’s story “Cut” ...
        1. +2
          31 March 2018 12: 53
          Why re-read? Like I was reading! You know that I don’t even understand socialist films, humor, newspapers --- too!
          Relatives somehow had no problems in the market, their acquaintances too. And why? Unclear. So the chip went down. But after work I often see those who could not, and who were completely gone. Failed.
    2. +3
      April 1 2018 16: 57
      Quote: kalibr
      Politics and economics are two big differences.

      You still say that they are not interconnected. By the way, colonialism blooms and smells and it’s too early to talk about the collapse.
      1. +2
        April 1 2018 19: 58
        Is capitalism in bloom ?, say. Ohhh, he is very cunning, trying to adapt and get rich as before .... So far, at first thought, the British colonial empire has collapsed. The French ----- has greatly decreased, changed and is fighting for conservation.
  4. 0
    31 March 2018 10: 05
    Quote: Reptiloid
    I don’t see anything remarkable in this Hayek.

    Your opinion has a right to exist, Dmitry. "Every modern person has the right to be heard." That's just ... its value is extremely insignificant. Now, if you were ... well, at least ... Kudrin, and they said that your experience and research confirm or refute Hayek’s constructions ... then ...
    1. +2
      31 March 2018 10: 29
      Why should I investigate these two, Vyacheslav, when everything is already visible with the naked eye?
      And now, I take my leave. Someone has a working day, as often happens.
  5. +1
    31 March 2018 11: 00
    Hayek has a lot of soundness, but there are also mistakes: his favorite spontaneity is not Gut. It is necessary to control spontaneity, but in moderation.
    It’s impossible to control everything and here Hayek is 100%, but the “wild” market is a complete n ** c. We do not bypass state control over mineral resources and large monopolies at the level of energy carriers, the nuclear industry, and so on, and the rest is private business or mixed capital. A kind of NEP, but with more freedom for entrepreneurs
  6. wax
    31 March 2018 11: 53
    Hayek's ideas are good for a freely organized world system, and not for a SEPARATE state. Following Hayek of modern Russia will certainly lead to its enslavement of world capital.
  7. 0
    31 March 2018 12: 00
    Quote: Reptiloid
    when is everything visible to the naked eye?

    Who can be seen? You? I can see, for example, far from all, therefore. that I don’t know much, but I have a very superficial idea of ​​many things. Are you not? I can only envy you ...
    1. +2
      31 March 2018 13: 22
      Vyacheslav Olegovich, I'm not a theorist, I'm a practitioner. Perhaps this can be said about relatives and friends. And I think that the transition to the market should have been different from ours. Probably, something in common with the Stolypin reforms could work out. When the declared goal is one, and the present is another. Do not think of it somehow. Maybe in the evening, or tomorrow.
      1. +1
        31 March 2018 13: 29
        For the sake of curiosity, what do you mean by the word practitioner?
      2. 0
        April 1 2018 07: 16
        Practicing economist is cool! The foundry philosopher has already been found here, now he is also a practical economist. Great!
        1. +2
          April 1 2018 08: 43
          Quote: kalibr
          Practicing economist is cool! The foundry philosopher has already been found here, now he is also a practical economist. Great!

          Yeah, there is a lot, my friend, Horatio, which our sages never dreamed of! ---- quote. I --- practitioner ---- market economy !!!!!!
          And you, Vyacheslav, when did you master the Faculty of Economics?
          1. 0
            April 1 2018 18: 24
            Never Dmitry! Enough for me and the Capital of Marx and PSSVIL, as well as the materials of ALL congresses, how many there were, and plenums, and there was enough economy. But the practice of practice is different. What area are you practicing in?
            1. +1
              April 1 2018 20: 03
              In what field? Basically, of course, in Leningradskaya, well, Peter, too. But last year in Moscow happened. 2 times went. And in that.
              1. 0
                April 1 2018 21: 53
                And what exactly do you do in the Leningrad region? Is it really so secret?
                1. 0
                  April 2 2018 09: 57
                  This is not at all secret, but the specifics of the work are not clear to everyone, since we are talking about places where a large number of both local residents and visitors live.
      3. +2
        April 1 2018 07: 41
        Quote: Reptiloid
        ...., something in common with the Stolypin reforms could work out. When the declared goal is one, and the present is another. and.
        As a result of the Stolypin reforms, it was assumed that someone's life would improve, that of large landowners, and someone would die. So, it is clear that in the domestic market model, it initially assumed a decrease in population
  8. +1
    31 March 2018 12: 06
    I am sure: many commentators are stupid from the article!
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, you mentioned nationalization in England, but you didn’t tell how it was done, and local specialists may have an opinion that this was done in the style of a robbed robbery!
    with regards to the article, in my opinion the truth is somewhere in between! until a certain point, the market, but from which moment the state! He is a supporter of the market, but I understand that he does not solve everything and it is effective until a certain point!
    And as regards the regrets of reptilians and others like him about those who did not fit in, I want to note why those who fit in should suffer? After all, those who did not sign up didn’t really care about people who themselves wanted to develop their business, and not to work as a hard worker all their lives!
    In general, the Soviet economic system made people of Dependents who sit on the priest exactly and wait for a good someone to come and solve their problems!
    When they say that there is no work in Russia, I ask a counter question, but how do immigrants from Ukraine and Central Asia find it?
    1. +2
      April 1 2018 20: 07
      Say, many commentators are stupid from the article? I don’t know about many, but one certainly:
      He stands on the pavement, shod in skis,
      Ski felts do not go, he is minted felts .....
  9. 0
    31 March 2018 12: 16
    Quote: Monarchist
    Let's do our own thing: you are history, and I am vegetables and we will live together. Do you agree?

    If you read my articles and comments regularly - the latter in the first place, then you should notice that I ONLY ABOUT THIS AND WRITE. Give, yes, each his own business. And I am “for” when a person writes - I didn’t like this and that ... but when they tell you that you are English, Japanese, or what kind of spy is there, what would you like to think about these people? And I do not despise peasants. All! I know many people worthy and deserving of respect ... in their place! And there’s nothing to respect them on their own ... I think that you will also agree with this. And again, I am only glad when a person takes possession of knowledge, seeks to learn something, asks questions. But ... when people begin to teach me after ... to teach, I do not accept this in principle. I don’t teach a turner how to sharpen a part, and I don’t advise a doctor how to put an enema? Or drill teeth? But for some reason, 80% of people believe that if they read a couple of books and regularly watch news on TV, then they are already cool historians, political scientists, and economists. And that I am right here, I think, you will also agree. And there were always exceptions, I agree, too, but to be on them is like peeing against the wind.
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 06: 47
      And here is the talk that let everyone do their own thing and turner - turnbuckle, and baker-baker do not correspond !!!!!!
      Vyacheslav Olegovich! You are a teacher! You forgot that in our capitalist state, the oligarchic government, there is a concept of educational services. What are you doing. Provide us with educational services. And everyone can give an assessment of the provided service, everywhere they ask about it.
  10. +7
    31 March 2018 14: 39
    The author likes to preface his articles with an epigraph. Epigraphs, most often small, short, take on a huge burden. Directly or allegorically, causing any associations, they are representatives of the main idea.
    Along with the heading, the correct reading of the epigraph is the “starting” moment on the way to the main idea.
    Let us also adopt this, of course, positive technique.
    Considering the topic of the article, we turn to the “Soviet Philosophical Dictionary” as the source of the epigraph.
    Fear is a negative emotion arising
    as a result of real or
    imaginary danger
    body life, personality,
    the values ​​she defends
    (ideals, goals, principles, etc.).
    Why did I turn to the philosophical definition of fear? Because it is precisely this feeling, caused by the advent of socialism, that has haunted the apologists of capitalism so far, even after more than a quarter of a century after the collapse of the USSR.
    The above is very well illustrated by Jesus Huerta de Soto Ballester, one of the leading representatives of the article by the modern Austrian school of economics so revered in his book Socialism, Economic Settlement and the Entrepreneurial Function.
    Here is what the Spanish political philosopher, professor at the Department of Political Economy at King Juan Carlos University says:
    “In fact, if you do not take measures to prevent it, then socialism as an abstract ideology, stemming from the rationalistic pride and self-confidence inherent in human beings from birth, will inevitably be reproduced again and again. In order to prevent his return, it is necessary to take advantage of the present unique historical opportunity, which can never be repeated, to thoroughly investigate the theoretical understanding of this phenomenon, to identify the mistakes made, to completely re-evaluate the previously used theoretical tools and not to allow any historical period to be considered complete before necessary theoretical conclusions are drawn, if possible final ones. ”
    So the USSR is destroyed, but its ghost is still the source of the nightmare of the representatives of the ideology of capitalism, the ideology of enrichment, an ideology based on a thirst for profit.
    Hence the vigorous propaganda of the myth that the whole nation must build capitalism and a campaign in a single impulse so that the “holy spirit of capitalism” descended upon us, about which Karl Weber spoke.
    However, it is “bashfully hiding” that “developed capitalism” does not develop, but suppresses mass initiative for the sake of monopolies, bureaucracy and opportunism, that world wars, predatory robbery of the planet, exploitation of countries and continents, a war of cultures are constant companions of capitalism.
    Moreover, the entire evidence base of the non-viability of socialism is based on a single argument - the USSR, unable to withstand competition with capitalism, fell apart.
    Anyone familiar with the design of experiments with a multivariate research method understands that this argument is not worth a damn.
    There is no arguing that the construction of socialism is a multifactorial experience.
    When drawing up a plan for conducting an experimental study, a certain number of levels of variation is selected for each factor. Therefore, the required number of experiments is determined by the number of possible combinations of levels of variation of independent variables, as well as the number of repeated experiments.
    And we conducted one unique experiment in building socialism, moreover, an experiment in completely unsuitable conditions of a hostile environment, which from the first moments of the experiment did not leave attempts to strangle it in the bud and not at all on the most advanced (and forgive me uriapatriti) equipment and materials and to insignificant historical standards period.
    So Hayek, of course, is a great man, but do not rush to break chairs in a loyal capitalist impulse. It’s too early to put a point in this confrontation. Time will put everything in its place.
    1. +2
      31 March 2018 16: 23
      "Because it is this feeling (fear) caused by the advent of socialism that haunts the apologists of capitalism" ////

      The opposite is also true: the leaders of the builders of socialism are afraid that the workers will get bored with egalitarianism, a low standard of living (albeit stably guaranteed), and the eternal sickening boredom of the “dear party we go ...”, etc.
      And it suddenly occurs to them that "mine" is more important and necessary than "folk."

      "And we conducted one single experience in building socialism" ////

      Far from alone. Socialism, following the example of the USSR, built at least 3 dozen countries on several continents. And they all stopped at some stages. And you cannot declare everything a coincidence, rather, the laws prescribed by Hayek.
      1. +3
        31 March 2018 17: 43
        Something you, Voyaka, in your comment are not similar to yourself. Usually you have informative comments. And then you went to beaten slogans. So what?
        1. +2
          April 1 2018 00: 56
          But you usually calmly react to criticism. But this time not. So what?
          Someone loves socialism, someone - capitalism. Every man to his own taste. fellow
          1. +3
            April 1 2018 01: 19
            ABOUT! And what was my concern expressed in? A deviation from the usual level was simply evident. This is so if, for example, a regular in the "News" section, a certain Mikhan wrote something clever. So I asked. But it turns out that this dislike of socialism has let you down. But socialism itself is just a doctrine, an object of study, and not an object of sympathy or antipathy. In a word, I realized that philosophy is not your forte.
            1. +2
              April 1 2018 07: 33
              Quote: Curious
              ABOUT! And what was my concern expressed in? ......... But it turns out that this dislike of socialism has let you down. But socialism itself is just a doctrine, an object of study, and not an object of sympathy or antipathy. In a word, I realized that philosophy is not your forte.
              Eeeeeh nooo, dear !!!! dislike for socialism, --- it is very mildly said. This is a very different feeling.
            2. +1
              April 1 2018 11: 22
              "In a word, I realized that philosophy is not your forte" ////

              It's right. Philosophy does not interest me. I am more interested in applied sciences.
              1. +2
                April 1 2018 14: 59
                Dear Warrior! Whether we want it or not, but first of all - fundamental sciences, including philosophy. But the knowledge that has been obtained in fundamental sciences finds practical application thanks to applied sciences.
          2. +2
            April 1 2018 17: 04
            It is rather not love, but a banal conjuncture.
  11. 0
    31 March 2018 15: 46
    Quote: Monarchist
    "brains will compose."

    Brains can be composted and can ... that's all else ... hardly!
  12. +1
    31 March 2018 15: 50
    Quote: K.A.S.
    In general, the Soviet economic system made people of Dependents who sit on the priest exactly and wait for a good someone to come and solve their problems!

    You noticed it well!
  13. +3
    31 March 2018 16: 16
    Great article about an outstanding economist. good
    1. +5
      April 1 2018 00: 57
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Great article about a prominent economist

      Who do you admire? Which Hayek is an outstanding economist? He criticized socialism, and he himself did not even have the slightest idea about the Stalinist model of socialism. In addition, one of his statements that National Socialism of Germany and fascism in Italy is not a reactionary form of capitalism, but a more developed socialism, what is it worth.
      Not a single competent economist will say that.
      1. +4
        April 1 2018 01: 24
        He received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974 wink
        The Stalinist model of the economy is the slave system of modern times. stop
        And the Brezhnev model of the economy is a semi-feudal system. If you compare these two bad ones, then I am for the second. And if you choose from everything, then I am for free liberal capitalism.
        I live in it, and I like it. good
        I know your point of view, I have already studied your posts.
        1. +4
          April 1 2018 07: 21
          Received the Nobel Prize? So what? Well, who got the peace? Black, Finnish and humpbacked. Exclusively for the destruction of 3 countries, for the gain of staff.
        2. +4
          April 1 2018 12: 33
          Quote: voyaka uh
          He received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1974.

          The Nobel Prize has become a political weapon against socialism, it is now given to traitors, dissidents and all other confusion.
          Quote: voyaka uh
          The Stalinist model of the economy is the slave system of modern times.
          And the Brezhnev model of the economy is a semi-feudal system.

          Where did you just get such nonsense? Read the book by V. Katasonov "Stalin's economy." He is an economist, cited in the book a clear analysis of the Stalinist model of socialism, and you will not succeed in blaming him for bias, because he has no communist beliefs.
        3. +2
          April 1 2018 13: 19
          Quote: voyaka uh
          The Stalinist model of the economy is the slave system of modern times. And the Brezhnev model of the economy is a semi-feudal system.

          No. Brezhnev’s time, it’s just a slightly different regime of the same slave OEF. The slave owner (Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU instead of Dzhugashvili) was softer, that’s the whole difference.
          But the Ulyanov regime (starting from the beginning of the 20s) was indeed feudal. Not traditional feudal as the regime of Nicholas II, but "with features." But he did not last long, only until 1927. And then the Middle Ages returned to 64 years. Society has degraded, in short.
          Quote: voyaka uh
          And if you choose from everything, then I am for free liberal capitalism

          According to the canons of traditional political economy, the feudal system follows the slave system. Moreover, all of its steps, from the lowest to the highest.
          And capitalism, and even in its highest, liberal form, is very, very far ahead. Prior to this, society in some countries still needs more. Mentally, above all.
          1. +4
            April 1 2018 17: 14
            Again horses, people and other causes mixed up with the consequences. We have been building capitalism for 27 years, when is there to wait for a bright capitalist future? When will we build capitalism with a human face there?
            1. +2
              April 1 2018 17: 37
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              We have been building capitalism for 27 years

              I don’t know who you are and where exactly you have been building capitalism for 27 years.
              Also, drop this case. Capitalism is not communism or socialism. It cannot be built. Before it can only be expensive.
              First slave OEF. One of the varieties of which was the so-called "socialism".
              Then the feudal OEF. Including all its stages and stages.
              And only then, the capitalist OEF.
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              when is there to wait for a bright capitalistic future?

              When you grow up. In most capitalist countries today, the stage of feudalism continued for centuries. True, now time seems to be flowing faster.
              This degradation of society is fast. And its development, oh, how slow.
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              When will we build capitalism with a human face there?

              And this is even later than the initial, “animal capitalism” (its first, totalitarian form). Because it is a later stage of capitalism.
              1. +1
                April 1 2018 19: 24
                How is it to grow? Sitting and waiting until he falls like a snow?
                Thank you of course for the historical excursion, but I still have not forgotten all this.
                Clearly, somewhere over the horizon. Another carrot from changing shoes in a jump and successfully fit into the market. And by the way, what's next? The end of the story? The Marxists have something to offer, but do you have the apologists for capitalism?
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. +2
                    April 1 2018 20: 12
                    And how does the existence of different forms of capitalism prove the impossibility of building communism? If we had lived in the Middle Ages, you would have justified to me the impossibility of building capitalism in the same way.
                    You say evolve. That's it. And construction is development.
                    Some kind of OEF. But not communism. And no one can clearly explain why not and at least somehow in general terms describe how this OEF will look. However. Why am I not surprised. laughing
                    It is anecdotal only for the apologists of capitalism.
                    1. +2
                      April 1 2018 21: 23
                      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                      And how does the existence of different forms of capitalism prove the impossibility of building communism?

                      And where does capitalism? Communism cannot be built because its basic principles contradict the basic principles of people. Their basic instincts. Those. if you change the subject (for example, to Martians), then communism may very well become a reality. But with people this trick will not work.
                      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                      If we had lived in the Middle Ages, you would have justified to me the impossibility of building capitalism in the same way.

                      I don’t think so. After all, by and large, the difference between slave society and capitalism is not so great. No, in a sense, it is, of course, huge. But the essence of the matter is, in general, extremely simple - from century to century the mechanism has been tuned for a more effective “milking” of every member of society.
                      At first, they thought primitively that if you flog three times a day and feed less, then the return will be more. This was not so, so there weren’t enough carriages for everyone, and the class of slave owners and their protection was small.
                      Then we noticed that if we somehow stimulate labor in a different way, then its return (labor productivity) will be greater. This was only the beginning of the journey, so the stimulation methods were the most primitive. But they have already given an increase in the number of wealthier citizens.
                      Then the question moved into the field of total myth-making (more on that below). And the methods of squeezing juices have become more and more perfect and more perfect. As it turned out, the ideological fighter for banknotes works best. Moreover, we are not talking about the proletariat at the machine tool; a free man creates noticeably more productive things. And technical creativity is a powerful engine of progress.
                      As a result, it’s good for everyone, the creator receives a decent reward for his work, and the redistribution of the results of his work makes it possible to adequately pay for the other work of his compatriots.
                      Those. the basis of a successful society today is not a worker with a collective farmer. And not an instructor of the district committee with a CA officer. And not even a doctor with a teacher. And the Creator. The usual one is periodically drinking-smoking, slightly bald and pot-bellied civil laziness. But not simple, but ambitious. It is precisely to awaken these very abitions from as many members of society as possible and the whole ideological machine of the bourgeois countries is working. And this is the main "secret" of the success of bourgeois society.
                      I will not delve into the topic, but there is something to talk about.
                      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                      Some kind of OEF.

                      Socio-economic formation. Political economic term.
                      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                      But not communism.

                      But this is a mythical term.
                      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                      It is anecdotal only for the apologists of capitalism.

                      You see, dear. The whole world, and this is almost 8 billion people, is overwhelmingly the “apologists of capitalism”. At least those who are richer are those. And only a miserable handful of scoops, well, how many of them there were in the USSR, 30 percent, which means that 90-100 million (1,0-1,5% of the total number of inhabitants of the Earth) did “know the harsh truth”. And the rest, of course, ignoramuses and mediocrity. And they knew nothing.
                      At the same time, scoops lived in the USSR is extremely poor and wretched. So maybe they knew some wrong truth? Maybe they were wrong? Maybe it was not worth it to teach how to live, more affluent and more successful neighbors?
                      1. +2
                        April 2 2018 00: 18
                        Any visions or what? Or a dream about not a dream? The whole world is not apologists for capitalism. It is 1%. This 1% of the rest does not ask. No options. Such a capitalism, this kind of capitalism. Ah, you still have to earn it! Dear to him! Old songs in a new way! Now I must say that the Russians should repent for every step they take, and then, perhaps, after many centuries of testing and repentance, they will be given a crumb from the cake for the cake. !!!!
                        These are more tips leading to the destruction of Russia.
                  2. +1
                    April 2 2018 01: 19
                    Quote: fdgf
                    Develop. Actively evolve. And do not degrade, as it was in 1927-40.

                    Where did you get this nonsense? Over the 10 years from 1929 to 1939, more than 8 thousand enterprises were built in the USSR, and compare with how many have been built in the last 27 years, or even better, count how many enterprises were destroyed during this time.
                    1. +1
                      April 2 2018 08: 15
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      For 10 years from 1929 to 1939, more than 8 thousand enterprises were built in the USSR

                      It does not matter at all that 8 thousand, that 8 million, that just 8.
                      Society (public relations) has degraded. And the construction of thousands or millions of enterprises could not be rectified. Life has become noticeably worse and this is the result of that degradation.
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      over the past 27 years, it was built, and even better, count how many enterprises have been destroyed during this time.

                      Some sort of traditional shovel stupidity to measure everything on the number of enterprises in the country. The life of a person in enterprises in his country is measured. Remember this.
                      1. +1
                        April 2 2018 18: 24
                        Quote: fdgf
                        Some sort of traditional shovel stupidity to measure everything on the number of enterprises in the country.

                        No, dear, you have stupidity, you blurted out that from 27 to 40, either the country or the society has degraded, without any justification, so easily spat in the past, and even grass does not grow there. So, dear friend, remember that a degrading society does not build anything. In those years, there was just a rise in spirituality, enthusiasm, people were building a new life, and this construction was accompanied by a cultural revolution - the result is obvious, the country has become one of the most advanced.
                        What do we see today? The destruction of entire industries, the destruction of science, education, medicine, and all this against the backdrop of “black porn” that the media pours on us.
                      2. +1
                        April 2 2018 18: 55
                        Hello, Alexander! I miss, it turns out a lot of things .... Without knowing how you are about industry, I can only say one thing. ONE ARGUMENT I have for all lies and distortions!
                        As if the country had degraded, degraded, degraded, degraded ...... And then once ---- and won the Second World War! Once ---- and Europe freed! And recovered! And ---- SPACE!
                        One can only dream of such a "degradation". Here is another ------ our socialist camp was created ....
                        And they created an atomic bomb !!!!!
                    2. 0
                      April 2 2018 19: 09
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      that from 27 to 40, either the country or society has degraded

                      Is there any doubt about this? Yes, in the social science and political economics sense of the word, society in the USSR has degraded. And, as a result, it degraded in all other senses. Moreover, it does not matter what where and where it was built.
                      This is generally not interesting to anyone.
                      The fact is that living in a country like this was bad. The rest does not matter.
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      people built a new life

                      Yes, there were such not quite adequate individuals. But the bulk of the population, it simply survived in those difficult conditions. And did not build any rubbish.
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      that construction was accompanied by a cultural revolution - the result is obvious, the country has become one of the most advanced.

                      When you speak, it feels like you are raving.
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      Destruction of entire industries, destruction of science, education, medicine

                      Everything that is happening now is the logical outcome of "socialism." I will not repeat myself, see my profile comments. Maybe you will understand something.
                      1. +1
                        April 2 2018 22: 40
                        Quote: fdgf
                        Yes, in social science and political economics society in the USSR degraded. And as a consequence, it degraded in all other senses. Moreover, it does not matter what where and where it was built.

                        That is the thought. Vertex. Judging by this thought, it is you who have degraded, you are either a victim of the USE, or perestroika.
                    3. The comment was deleted.
                      1. +1
                        April 3 2018 00: 59
                        Quote: fdgf
                        From myself, I’ll add that in my opinion you are clearly unhealthy. At

                        It’s not you who are healthy, you consider perestroika, which deprived the Soviet people of their country, a blessing for them. But most likely there is already something else, more serious ....
                    4. The comment was deleted.
                2. +2
                  April 1 2018 20: 43
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  ...... Another carrot from changing shoes in a jump and successfully fit into the market. And by the way, what's next?
                  Those who fit into the market 20 ---- 25 years ago now have grandchildren. Under capitalism, an entire generation has grown up, which has never worked at a state-owned enterprise, often did not have a fixed salary, but works for %%%. What is the alternative? Or, working for a small salary at a state-owned enterprise, they earn extra money later in private ....
            2. 0
              April 1 2018 18: 14
              And you will build six more! So the people voted 75% for V.V. Putin and others like him! He said his weighty word!
              1. +3
                April 1 2018 19: 27
                Please clarify. This is a comment in support of whom? Putin and others like them, Madame Sobchak and others like her or in support of the winners?
                1. +1
                  April 1 2018 21: 45
                  People, Makar - people! "Why is he strong, not with weapons, not with Polish help, but with opinion, yes, popular opinion!" And read the work of G.V. Plekhanov "On the role of the individual in history." And then we are in different weight categories.
            3. +1
              April 1 2018 19: 14
              The transition from Soviet socialism (100% state capitalism) to private is very, very difficult.
              Russia managed to come to the so-called Latin American oligarchic capitalism. And she decided (voluntarily) to get a little stuck. I think, for another generation, at least (25 years). But the transition from oligarchic to private capitalism is still easier than from socialism. So in 25 years, a jerk and economic recovery is likely to begin.
              1. +1
                April 1 2018 19: 52
                To put it bluntly, it was not quite socialism. As it turned out, the inertia of public consciousness is somewhat stronger than expected. So in 1991, in fact, capitalism defeated feudalism with a socialist face, in any case, at the moment I have such an opinion. I would not say that this is Latin American oligarchic capitalism. Still, we do not have Latin America. Its specifics. For 25 years, a country can simply go into oblivion and with such a roar that it will become worthless to the whole planet. Demography is very crushing. And I do not see how this problem can be solved within the framework of capitalism. In general, forecasts must be made carefully for the next 25 years. So far, our government can only offer some moderation of diving in the swamp.
              2. 0
                April 1 2018 20: 41
                Quote: voyaka uh
                Transition from Soviet socialism (100% state capitalism)

                Where in "socialism" have you noticed the elements of capitalism?
                Can you list them?
              3. +1
                April 2 2018 10: 12
                Quote: voyaka uh
                The transition from Soviet socialism (100% state capitalism) to private is very, very difficult.
                Russia managed to come to the so-called Latin American oligarchic capitalism. And she decided (voluntarily) to get a little stuck. I think, for another generation, at least (25 years). But the transition from oligarchic to private capitalism is still easier than from socialism. So in 25 years, a jerk and economic recovery is likely to begin.

                Well, it’s just SUPER !!!!!!! For the ease of life of the entire population, sometime later, it’s not enough that the oligarchs would have earned extra profits for 25 years, but this time should be prolonged !!!!! Only not for 25 years, but for the whole future time. Because, if not done right away, it never will be!
                Warrior, someone's brother! Did you come up with this yourself or who advised?
                It turns out that I read non-contractual comments and not all!
                1. 0
                  April 2 2018 21: 15
                  Now this time will last another 6 years. 75% of voters said ...
        4. +3
          April 1 2018 17: 09
          Obama got it too. laughing
          Capitalism, whatever it may be, always remains capitalism. Therefore, if tomorrow he will drive you through the rink of a new war, don’t cry how the world is unfair to you, you deserve it by protecting this system
          1. +1
            April 1 2018 19: 20
            We have wars about every 10 years. They were under Labor socialism (until the 80s) and under liberal capitalism (from the 90s). Nobody is crying, they’ll have to fight more than once. But peaceful life under liberal capitalism is much richer and more pleasant than under socialism.
            1. +2
              April 1 2018 19: 58
              For those who survive. I think you would live in the era of the formation of capitalism, you would have the same opinion about it as it is now about socialism. It’s good to live on everything ready, building is always harder.
              1. +1
                April 1 2018 21: 35
                Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                I think you live in the era of the formation of capitalism

                The era of the formation of capitalism is in some countries a very recent past. For example, in Germany, the formation of capitalism began in 1918. Only 100 years ago. In Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland. A lot of European countries entered bourgeois society only 100 years ago.
                In 1917, an unsuccessful attempt was made to transfer to such a society and Russia. But "hurry, you make people laugh." Unfortunately, Russia didn’t make fun of anyone, because the victims in the end were tens of millions of people. Plus, the degradation of society, of course. Figuratively speaking, in December 1991 Russia found itself, as it were, in about 1861, 130 years old, a dog down the drain, while the neighbors did not doze, but evolved.
              2. +1
                April 2 2018 11: 48
                “On everything ready” - does not apply to Israel. The country began as a poor socialist country with kibbutz collective farms and the export of oranges. But in Israel, smart people realized that you can’t get far on socialism, and began to smoothly rebuild the economy towards capitalism. And it was completely possible.
                I agree with you that in Russia, the transition to initial capitalism (which I called oligarchic) ​​was tough and very unpleasant. Therefore, people prefer to "slow down", even to become impoverished, only do not change anything else. And this can drag on, unfortunately. But the transition to private capitalism from the current stage will be relatively easier.
  14. +4
    31 March 2018 23: 57
    Quote: "Well, the collapse of the socialist economic system took place before millions of people in front of them, and they all saw the truth of the ideas of Friedrich von Hayek"

    The article is amateurish because the author does not know the real political economy of socialism. He studied at the university already according to distorted textbooks, so he is so frivolous and declares that "everyone saw the truth of Hayek's ideas."

    By 1991, the socialist economy of the USSR was already completely destroyed. Khrushchev began this dirty business, continued Gorbachev and completed Yeltsin.
    The economy of the USSR was truly socialist only until the mid-50s. After the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU, under the guise of fighting the so-called “Stalin personality cult,” Khrushchev began to slowly curtail socialist relations, which ended with the Kosygin-Brezhnev reform in 1964-1965, and finished off the socialist economy on the threshold of the 80-90s years Gorbachev with the adoption of laws on cooperatives and labor collectives and Yeltsin his privatization.

    Quote: “Obviously, today we are encountering more and more attempts to discredit the market economy and the fundamental principles of a democratic social system”

    There is no need to discredit the market economy - it discredits itself. The result is evident, the richest Soviet republics today are all ruined, the whole people have become poor, only large owners and those who serve them live well. In no country did the market solve economic problems. Please note that periodic economic crises have become more frequent, longer and more painful for the people, during which not only the people are poor, but many owners of private property go bankrupt. This is the last call to capitalism. Do not forget that the development of mankind still leads to socialism.

    Quote: "The only person in the USSR who dared, by the way, write" Political Economy of Communism ", was the chairman of the USSR State Planning Commission N. Voznesensky, who was shot in 1949 on the" Leningrad affair. "

    What kind of nonsense? First, how can one write the political economy of communism when it was not there. In the USSR, the first phase of communism was built - socialism, so the political economy of socialism was written, which is included in the textbook Political Economy, as a section on the Socialist Mode of Production, but Ascension is not related to it.
    The student of political economy was written in 1954 by a team of economists led by Acad. Ostrovityanova K.V., member box Shepilova D.T., Moreover, the issues of political economy of socialism were widely discussed in the USSR.
    The textbook itself and how it was created can be read on the website

    Quote: “The capitalization of the state, as the total capitalization of national enterprises, includes, first of all, the value of the land on which the enterprises stand. And that’s practically all that needs to be done so that the economic miracle of 1913 would be repeated directly on our eyes "

    Firstly, there was no miracle in 1913, the miracle was at the turn of the 40-50s. The fact is that while the USSR had a real socialist economy, no one could compare with it. They talked about her around the world as a Russian miracle, they even shot such a film.
    Secondly, under Stalin, a two-level price scale system was created, when the means of production, raw materials were withdrawn from the framework of commodity-money circulation, they were distributed between enterprises by bank transfer. All industries were focused on reducing the cost of their products, which annually allowed the Soviet government to reduce retail prices. In such a system, the interests of the state and the people coincided. In the limit, prices tended to zero, which practically led to the abolition of money and in the future led to complete communism.
    The truly socialist economy can be found in the book of V. Katasonov. The economy of Stalin, 2014
    a-stalina-16898462 / chitat-onlayn /
    and on the site
    socializma / 1-1-0-55
    1. +4
      April 1 2018 01: 24
      "The amateurish article ... " The correct remark.
      1. +2
        April 1 2018 07: 25
        Great comments from the former Soviet Socialist Republic! Respect !!!! ++++++
        1. 0
          April 3 2018 09: 21
          Dmitry is the main word in your comment - “Former”, mind you!
          1. +1
            April 3 2018 14: 47
            Quote: kalibr
            Dmitry is the main word in your comment - “Former”, mind you!
            Yes, I do not mind fixing it, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
            So be it --- From the future Socialist Republic.
    2. +1
      April 1 2018 07: 10
      Everything is so beautifully described that I even wept. Complete well-being! But the petty-bourgeois consciousness failed and the spies - Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin ...
      1. +4
        April 1 2018 12: 40
        Quote: kalibr
        But the petty-bourgeois consciousness and spies-Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin failed.

        Finally, a sober thought flashed through you.
        1. 0
          April 1 2018 18: 10
          About spies or petty-bourgeois consciousness? Specify ...
      2. +5
        April 1 2018 17: 20
        Do you deny the existence of petty-bourgeois consciousness, citizen Shpakovsky? smile And what do you have in that case? Is it really socialist? laughing
        1. 0
          April 1 2018 18: 10
          Never! Mine is mine! "I will not give the pipe, the horse and the wife to anyone!"
          1. +2
            April 1 2018 19: 33
            Yours is only if you can protect it. But you can’t, it’s not yours.
            As far as I remember, under socialism there was the concept of personal property. And yes, you see
            in part, you confessed to the wrecking activity of the destruction of the USSR. Confess a little more. laughing
            1. 0
              April 2 2018 01: 32
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              ... well, you see
              in part, you confessed to the wrecking activity of the destruction of the USSR. You confess a little more and in betrayal

              Bravo comrade!
              1. +1
                April 2 2018 08: 23
                What is so fluid? They already wrote here that I am an English spy, a Japanese spy, and this is much cooler. They wrote about suitcases with pounds and dollars that I bring from London. And then there’s some “wrecking”. Applaud the wrong comment! It should be cooler, even cooler ... And again ... here he wrote it, you ... And the total number of views is just a little over 2000. But the article about the Wild West rifles was read by more than 41 thousand. But there are 100 comments, and there ... 16. And what is important for any information portal? His attendance! So write more, try, I will only thank you. Therefore, by the way, I answer ... But you ignored my question with a request to clarify the petty-bourgeois consciousness and spies ... Not good!
                1. 0
                  April 2 2018 10: 21
                  Now I also agree with those who have been advising you, Vyacheslav, to write articles about weapons, equipment, the Ancient World .... Why do you need these innovations, we are talking about 2 more articles.
                  Well, 100 comments. Mine --- 20, Makar and Warriors, probably, as well. Yours, maybe a little more .... Where is the point, where is the logic ......
                  1. 0
                    April 2 2018 20: 56
                    Dmitry, let's do it, only no offense. Do not agree with anyone ... You just do not understand. Arms, equipment, knights - these are all my hobbies. I have a different specialty, I have been doing it since 1982, although tanks since 1980 ... And if you understand the “hobby”, it’s only because ... You don’t know either one or the other. It is an illusion that these materials are better. They are simply simplified to the limit. And you seem more understandable. In fact, it is historical and social materials that I have written deeper and better. And it is a pity that you do not notice this. But here it’s all according to the saying “By Senka and the hat”. So I don’t need any advice, neither from you, nor from anyone else ... Those who could be here do not advise me ...
                    As for the meaning and logic, the deep meaning is not immediately recognized. Would you buy the book "Internet Journalism and Internet Advertising" - perhaps you would understand.
                    1. +1
                      April 2 2018 21: 31
                      Why should I be offended, Vyacheslav Olegovich! I never advised, but now I decided to join. Probably, to a hundred of such tips. And you know that such advice is written by so many authors here, quite often. And what? As everyone knows, advice should be given when asked, but this is violated. It’s just that the numbers can be extended in this way, if there are a lot of my comments, then I go to the article 5-6 times more often. Believe me. And if others also? Is it necessary to write an article for several people who disagree with you? I don’t understand this. Moreover, as I understood earlier, the more clicks, the more $$$$$ and €€€€€ and ¥¥¥¥¥¥ ------ ?????? But what needs to be done that brings banknotes? In your. Not to mention that there are substantive questions, and interest, and communication are pleasantly friendly. So you ----- no offense.
                      1. 0
                        April 3 2018 09: 19
                        The best thing, Dmitri, is that you can read the recommended book.
                    2. 0
                      April 3 2018 13: 26
                      As for the book on work, ---- somehow it doesn’t go ..... It’s easier for the seminar, then when I get used to the methods, 3-4 months later. Although I read a lot, it somehow doesn’t go for work. But ----- Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
                2. +1
                  April 2 2018 18: 35
                  Quote: kalibr
                  But you ignored my question asking for clarification about petty-bourgeois consciousness and spies ... Not good!

                  Comrade Makar (IS-80_RVGK2) answered this question well to you. "Do you deny the presence of petty-bourgeois consciousness, citizen Shpakovsky? Smile And what is it like then? Is it really socialist?"I agree with him 100%, what's the point?
                  Quote: kalibr
                  ... what is important for any information portal? His attendance! So write more, try, I will only thank you.

                  I will also be glad if the number of readers of Military Review increases, you imagine how many people will read the truth about Stalin, socialism and the USSR, and become supporters of the ideas of communism!
                  And on your example, the anatomy of typical renegades and degenerates is perfectly illustrated.
              2. 0
                April 2 2018 21: 00
                What do you applaud? Your Makar, like you, plows on the oligarchs. And at the same time something portrays itself. The independence of thinking is played, kid ... Funny! I also plow on them, but I do not portray - and this is bad, right? Double funny! The man is stupid, but you rejoice that he does not understand elementary things and lives on illusions? You live in a country that is head over heels in ... will be in it for a very long time, which, by the way, is only to Russia's advantage, and you are comforted that somewhere ... sometime the "scoop" will return. It doesn’t climb into any gates. It is clear that this is cruel to you, but what to do. The truth of life, she is so ...
  15. +5
    April 1 2018 06: 44
    After the place in the article where Lord John Maynard Keynes was called an outstanding scientist, the article can no longer be read.
  16. 0
    April 1 2018 07: 11
    Quote: Curious
    "An amateurish article ..." Correct remark.

    Another amateur professional spoke out!
  17. 0
    April 1 2018 07: 13
    Quote: Curious
    It’s too early to put a point in this confrontation. Time will put everything in its place.

    That is, again the hegemon with the red flag, the dictatorship of the enth hegemon and the commissars in dusty helmets? Not tired?
    1. +3
      April 1 2018 09: 52
      Vyacheslav Olegovich! You know how I respect you. But, following Plato, truth should come first. Therefore, your article cannot be appreciated otherwise. If you limited yourself to Hayek’s biography and a neutral description of his scientific activities, everything would be fine. But you hooked on philosophy, political economy, and economy, which are not your strong point.
      After all, socialism is not walking with flags in budenovki.
      Now, if you were writing an article on hilalism, would you really describe hairy illiterate priests waving censers at the head of the procession wandering around the village with banners? Or would they have turned to the Old Testament prophets, apocrypha and the history of Christianity? Why, then, when it comes to socialism, which is also a theory, do you get lost in the hegemony in budenovki and under the flag, completely forgetting such a discipline, no doubt well known, as the methodology of historical science?
      And it is not only me who believes that it is too early to put an end to the dispute between socialism and capitalism. Tony Blair also believes in this. Really, and he was going to walk in a budenovka with a flag?
      1. +3
        April 1 2018 12: 42
        Quote: Curious
        And it is not only me who believes that it is too early to put an end to the dispute between socialism and capitalism. Tony Blair also believes in this. Really, and he was going to walk in a budenovka with a flag?

        Bravo, Victor !!!
      2. +1
        April 1 2018 19: 33
        "Tony Blair also believes in this. Surely he is in a budenovka" ////

        Tony Blair believes in Kautsky’s socialism, which has nothing to do with the Soviet version. Or, in another way, "Scandinavian socialism", "Swedish socialism" - there are different names.
        And Mr. Tony Blair has exactly the same negative attitude towards Lenin-Stalin-Brezhnev as mine (and my like-minded people).
        Relapses of socialism will undoubtedly arise in various forms (the point has not yet been set, you are right), as well as outbreaks of nationalism, fascism, militarism, etc. No one is insured.
        1. +2
          April 1 2018 20: 45
          Warrior, yet theory and theoretical debate - not your path. Firstly, I did not write anywhere specifically about Soviet socialism, but about socialism as a doctrine. As for Blair, he is a representative of the Fabian movement. This is not functional socialism of the Scandinavian sense, and Kautsky has nothing to do with it.
          1. +1
            April 2 2018 11: 58
            Dear opponent! I have never once told you that - your path, and that - not yours.
            Although you have stronger topics (in my opinion), there are weaker ones. You have the right, like me, to speak out on any topic. And you have the right, of course,
            criticize all my posts. So let's continue the discussion peacefully drinks
            1. 0
              April 2 2018 12: 42
              Alexei! My comment about the path was exclusively peaceful in nature, containing no indicatively aggressive elements. There was not even a thought about any military operations. Moreover, if for some personal reasons the topic of socialism causes you negative associations, I am ready to close the discussion.
              1. +1
                April 2 2018 20: 16
                Here are the goodies. I “attack” many who defend the socialist path of development of society, not just you. Because I believe that a relapse of Soviet socialism in Russia will be dangerous, as for the West as it is for my country too. Although neither Western countries nor Israel are immune from the internal upsurge of socialist forces.
                1. +1
                  April 3 2018 07: 01
                  Quote: voyaka uh
                  Here are the goodies. I “attack” many who defend the socialist path of development of society, not just you. Because I believe that a relapse of Soviet socialism in Russia will be dangerous, as for the West as it is for my country too. Although neither Western countries nor Israel are immune from the internal upsurge of socialist forces.

                  Thus, out of fear, and most likely, out of fear, the Warrior, someone's brother, pulls an owl on the globe, exposing socialism, talking about the shortcomings of socialism, or simply pouring a bucket of mud.
                  Well, I'm just glad for two self-disclosure comments !!!!!!!
        2. +2
          April 2 2018 01: 39
          Quote: voyaka uh
          "Scandinavian socialism", "Swedish socialism" - there are different names.

          These are just “stickers” for ordinary capitalism.
          True socialism was only in the USSR from 1937 to 1961, then the basic law of socialism was in effect. “Ensuring maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the whole society through the continuous growth and improvement of a socialist society based on high technology”The finest hour of which occurred in 1947-1954.
          1. 0
            April 2 2018 08: 19
            Including the continuous growth of drinking in a country of high cultural needs ...
            1. +1
              April 2 2018 18: 46
              Quote: kalibr
              Including the continuous growth of drinking in a country of high cultural needs ...

              Though they say that "Russian man works to death, drinks to deathbut it’s an exaggeration, in those years they didn’t drink as much as they do now.
              1. 0
                April 2 2018 20: 46
                Soon there will be accurate data from the secret reports of the CPSU OK Penz. area. From there it is interesting how much they drank then ...
                1. +1
                  April 2 2018 22: 48
                  Quote: kalibr
                  Soon there will be accurate data from the secret reports of the CPSU OK Penz. area. From there it is interesting how much they drank then ...

                  You better disclose the current figures, how many people in our former republics have died from alcoholism and drug addiction today.
                  1. 0
                    April 3 2018 09: 16
                    Then compare!
    2. +2
      April 1 2018 17: 23
      Shpakovsky, are you a learned historian at all, or just passed by? What are these demagogical quick-interpretations of?
      1. 0
        April 1 2018 17: 59
        What audience - such interpretations!
        1. 0
          April 2 2018 18: 51
          Quote: kalibr
          What audience - such interpretations!

          Why didn’t you like our audience? Or do you clap your hands a little? So write the right thing - don't run into criticism.
          1. 0
            April 2 2018 20: 38
            I like the audience - why not. It was about the level of awareness ... And it’s not the pops that interest me, why is this? Here are 42 thousand article views about rifles - yes. The fact that you write is not criticism. And besides, I'm not hot from her, not cold. Already wrote to you - you can just as well criticize the wall. Recently, for example, I conducted a survey of my students: who heard about Fomenko or read it? None! They don’t even know what he is and who he is ... Great!
            Then he asked who assesses the activities of Stalin. 80% - the answer is no. I didn’t ask anything else, they continued to study cultural studies.
            1. +1
              April 2 2018 22: 50
              Quote: kalibr
              It was about the level of awareness ...

              In my opinion it was about something else. A friend asked you: "Why are these demagogic quick treatment?", and you answered: " What audience - such interpretations! "
              1. 0
                April 3 2018 09: 15
                Once again: what is the audience - such and interpretations.
                1. 0
                  April 3 2018 18: 54
                  Caliber. I quote your dialogue
                  IS-80_RVGK2 (Makar) April 1 2018 17: 23 Shpakovsky, are you a learned historian at all, or just passed by? What are these demagogical quick-interpretations of?
                  kalibr (Vyacheslav) April 1 2018 17: 59 What audience - such interpretations!

                  From this dialogue it is obvious that you are reading our readership "Demagogic bydrotracts". I see here an elementary disrespect for the audience of military observation.
                  It was for this your arrogant contemptuous attitude towards us that you received a corresponding comment, after which you began to stutter a little.
  18. +2
    April 1 2018 07: 16
    The collapse of the USSR is not a confirmation of Hayek’s rightness. The collapse of the country happened because the leadership did not know what to do.
    In the case of the development of computers in the USSR, there were prerequisites for this, much could be different.
    1. +2
      April 1 2018 17: 25
      To reduce everything to computers is, to put it mildly, wrong. There was a whole set of reasons of varying degrees of importance leading the country to death.
  19. 0
    April 1 2018 18: 07
    Quote: Curious
    Why, then, when it comes to socialism, which is also a theory, do you get lost in the hegemony in budenovki and under the flag, completely forgetting such a discipline, no doubt well known as the methodology of historical science?

    Because from 1982 to 1991 I was just doing that! I read all the volumes of Marx, Engels, Lenin, The Short Course and all the transcripts of the congresses and plenums of the Central Committee. He wrote and defended a dissertation on the party leadership of university science. NIRS. You have never dreamed of such preparation. And I did not think that it would be needed again. Threw everything in the trash. But I see that people are trying to reanimate the corpse. And he is no longer even a mummy. Rotted. Comforted by the thought that ... time will tell. Well, let it show. I absolutely do not care. And this is Blair. The material came out, the topic is being discussed ... people are drawn to knowledge, trying to think logically, even read something. What else do you need? In my opinion, this is enough for the eyes.
    1. +1
      April 1 2018 20: 14
      "I read all the volumes of Marx, Engels, Lenin, The Short Course and all the transcripts of the congresses and plenums of the Central Committee."
      Yes, you, Vyacheslav Olegovich, re-read the classics. Although, in principle, not so much.
      50 volumes of Marx and Engels, 55 volumes of Lenin, 28 congresses and 22 plenum. The rest is on the little things. Total - two hundred volumes. For nine years, it’s perfectly acceptable.
      1. +1
        April 2 2018 01: 56
        Quote: Curious
        Yes, you, Vyacheslav Olegovich, re-read the classics. Although, in principle, not so much.
        50 volumes of Marx and Engels, 55 volumes of Lenin, 28 congresses and 22 plenum. The rest is on the little things. Total - two hundred volumes. For nine years - quite acceptable

        He didn’t read anything, he studied them by reading books or quotations, in the 70s there was such a “Quick Reference to the History of the CPSU”, which summarized the materials of all party congresses and the main works of the classics. That's all his studies. Just as he was a dvoechik, he remained the same, having rewritten other people's abstracts in his student years, and today he continues to rewrite other people's works, though in his presentation, so as not to be accused of plagiarism. This is now called REWRIT - rewriting in a new exposition, unlike COPYRIGHT - rewriting one to one (i.e., full copying).
  20. 0
    April 1 2018 18: 18
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Read the book by V. Katasonov "Stalin's economy."

    Why read all sorts of nonsense? You won’t be richer from this. We need to read books that say how, where and how at the minimum cost with the benefit of "raise dough." Just recently, I got such a "PR-design and PR-promotion" - specifically on examples it tells how ... to earn money. With a minimum of investment, although, of course, it takes a bit of intelligence.
    1. +2
      April 1 2018 20: 29
      Well, yes, yes, yes, there are books like HOW TO EARN A MILLION IN 3 DAYS, but this is somehow not serious at all. In fact, a lot of techniques have been developed for different specialties. Trainings, seminars, advanced training .... strange
      Quote: kalibr
      Why read all sorts of nonsense? and.
      Here, everyone has different ways. I’ll try to read Katasonov’s book. Or listen. Thank you Alexander.
  21. 0
    April 1 2018 18: 19
    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
    There was a whole set of reasons of varying degrees of importance leading the country to death.

    No! You're not right! There were spies and they destroyed everything!
    1. +1
      April 1 2018 21: 38
      Quote: kalibr
      There were spies and they destroyed everything!

      But they were all captured and "slapped" by Yezhov and Yagoda. Then it got worse. And only then did everyone understand that these very Berries-Yezhovs were the main spies.
  22. +1
    April 1 2018 21: 30
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Well, yes, yes, there are books like HOW TO EARN A MILLION IN 3 DAYS

    You are right - you cannot earn a million in three days. This is not serious. But the book in question still teaches a lot, Dmitry.
  23. 0
    April 1 2018 21: 38
    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
    And yes, you see
    in part, you confessed to the wrecking activity of the destruction of the USSR.

    For pennies again! Tell me, how could a teacher of history of the CPSU and a lecturer of the RK CPSU, controlled by the regional committee, district committee, party committee, KGB ... students ... engage in activities to destroy the USSR? What they commanded, he did and did well. And the second ... already wrote about salaries and benefits to teachers of the history of the CPSU. You had to be a fool to cut the branch on which you sit ... Nobody cuts golden hens! So I would be glad to do harm, but even my rich imagination refuses to think of how this could be done without losing all this.
    1. +3
      April 2 2018 02: 03
      Quote: kalibr
      Tell me, how could a teacher of history of the CPSU and a lecturer of the RK CPSU, controlled by the regional committee, district committee, party committee, KGB ... students ... engage in activities to destroy the USSR?

      Very simple. We had a teacher in Marxist-Leninist philosophy from the same field of a berry as you did, his real anti-conscience was only revealed after the counter-revolution of 1991, so he simply turned us away from studying philosophy by his training and attitude towards us and the subject. , so many of my comrades have a wrong opinion about this subject.
      1. +1
        April 2 2018 08: 06
        You read my articles here and reviews on them? Is it badly written? And this is a written speech ... but I tell you even better! And if I "turned away" people with my stories from "Leninism", then I would not be invited to give lectures at factories and hairdressers. And no lectures - no money, right? And any Penza will tell you, including those who studied with me in the 80s, that ... they still remember my studies and greet me. It's nice, you know, to walk around the city, and strangers stop you and say: "I studied with you ... then!", "We did go to you as a group," and so on. Although, yes, fools and dumbasses among the teachers have always been enough and still are. I do not argue. But this is not about me. By the way, my former students came here and greeted, albeit a little. So there is no need for fantasies about a person whom you do not know at all. Take comfort in the fact that ... someday the "scoop" will return, and I will work to ensure that he never returns.
  24. +1
    April 2 2018 08: 14
    Quote: Alexander Green
    As he was a doppelganger, so he remained

    How do you want it? But ... you know why this is not necessary to write? Because ... not true. Imagine reading it here is a man who ... knows me. Penza, my fellow student, classmate, classmate ... a graduate school friend, in which, by the way, it was impossible to pass the candidate minimum on the "quote book". It was very strict with that. Again, work colleagues ... students ... And what will they all think of you? Of course, such people are generally few. And they may never enter VO. But ... "never say never", you never know what happens. And why so substituted? Remember: high moral behavior is the only rational!
    1. +2
      April 2 2018 12: 03
      You write interesting popular articles in an easy, readable language. When social or political issues are raised, emotional debate naturally arises.
      This is normal. Further success!
      1. 0
        April 2 2018 12: 52
        I support, Alexey. Do not confuse the subject of discussion and the personality of the author - who created this subject. Moreover, there are no queues on the site who want to publish authors of the level (for example) Vdovin or Bukharin and the like. It is worth appreciating what is. And then Samsonov will remain with Polonsky. Moreover, no one forbids to show their knowledge and express their views in the article.
        1. 0
          April 2 2018 19: 08
          Quote: Curious
          Do not confuse the subject of discussion and the personality of the author - who created this subject. .... It is worth appreciating what is. And then Samsonov will remain with Polonsky. Moreover, no one forbids to show their knowledge and express their views in an article

          Dear, I would not affect the personality of the author, but read his comments, which are full of cynicism and disrespect for all who are “below his height”. Moreover, he himself runs into such criticism.
          1. +2
            April 2 2018 20: 04
            There was brilliance and wealth, the power of the throne,
            World fame, praise and honor ...
            And king Solomon had a ring,
            There was an inscription on it: "And it will pass."
          2. 0
            April 2 2018 20: 31
            And what cynicism is prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation? As for disrespect, by no means - I even respect you as ... a citizen of an independent country. And all your errors are your own business. Elections in the Russian Federation have clearly shown who, where and for what has subscribed for another six years. A lump, as you see, does not smell.
      2. 0
        April 2 2018 20: 34
        voyaka uh (Alexey) This is exactly how I regard it! Thank!
    2. +1
      April 2 2018 19: 15
      Quote: kalibr
      Remember: high moral behavior is the only rational!

      I quote from your "highly moral" statements without comment: Why read all sorts of nonsense? You won’t be richer from this. We need to read books that say how, where and how at the minimum cost with the benefit of "raise dough." Just recently, I got this "PR-design and PR-promotion" - specifically on examples of how to ... make money.
  25. 0
    April 2 2018 20: 26
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Quote: kalibr
    But you ignored my question asking for clarification about petty-bourgeois consciousness and spies ... Not good!
    Comrade Makar (IS-80_RVGK2) answered you well: "Do you deny the presence of petty-bourgeois consciousness, citizen Shpakovsky? Smile And what is it like in this case? Is it really socialist?" I agree with him 100%, what's the point?

    This is not an answer! You perfectly understand what I meant. It was not about my mind at all.
  26. 0
    April 2 2018 20: 27
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Quote: kalibr
    Remember: high moral behavior is the only rational!

    I quote from your "highly moral" statements without comment: Why read all sorts of nonsense? You won’t be richer from this. We need to read books that say how, where and how at the minimum cost with the benefit of "raise dough." Just recently, I got this "PR-design and PR-promotion" - specifically on examples of how to ... make money.

    Since when has it become immoral to make money?
  27. 0
    April 2 2018 20: 48
    Quote: Alexander Green
    The finest hour of which occurred in 1947-1954.

    A time of terrible poverty! Continued on my Proletarskaya street in 1964 and only by 1968 was somehow overcome.
    1. +2
      April 2 2018 22: 26
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Alexander Green
      The finest hour of which occurred in 1947-1954.
      A time of terrible poverty! Continued on my Proletarskaya street in 1964 and only by 1968 was somehow overcome.

      Yes, you do not understand this.
      Socialism in the USSR was only 74 years old. By historical standards, this is a meager time, of which the Soviet people had to fight and rebuild a ruined country for more than 16 years, and for 35 years the opportunists distorted, distorted and destroyed it.
      Here is what the dissident, Alexander Zinoviev, said about this: “A real communist society existed for too short a time, and in extremely unfavorable conditions to draw definitive conclusions about its failure.”
      Communism has not won, but it is not buried. It is impossible to bury the ideas of goodness and justice, as well as stopping time. And I believe that new people will come who will draw the proper conclusions from our mistakes and come to the victory of communism. The current development of events in the world is incessant systemic economic crises and people's unwillingness to live according to the laws of capitalism.
    2. 0
      April 4 2018 09: 07
      There are words in various sources that after the 2nd World War II all countries experienced various hardships for a long time, including famine. Although I did not read specifically on this topic. And have to !!!!!
  28. 0
    April 2 2018 21: 18
    Quote: Reptiloid
    And they created an atomic bomb !!!!!

    And with the bomb he drove into the 91st and the bomb did not help.
    1. +1
      April 2 2018 22: 13
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Reptiloid
      And they created an atomic bomb !!!!!

      And with the bomb he drove into the 91st and the bomb did not help.

      How did this not help? And who helped? Bomb ---- this is our EVERYTHING !!!!!
      1. +1
        April 3 2018 02: 15
        .... our EVERYTHING !!!!!

        Concisely. good I liked it. +
        1. 0
          April 3 2018 09: 05
          I’d think that “our everything” is schools, universities, hospitals, improving the culture of the people ... but it turns out ... a “bomb”. Putin, however, once said: "that we won’t do everything, the Kalashnikov rifle comes out." But this pearl is even cooler. However, knowing to whom it belongs, one should not be surprised.
          1. +1
            April 3 2018 15: 07
            I assumed, of course, that you do not know about the material and technical base of the USSR, but not so much. I have not heard expressions that the Soviet legacy is being consumed. You do not know that it was due to the plunder of the USSR under Clinton that the budget surplus was first achieved for the first time in 30 years, that the states became the hegemon in the unipolar world, pushing the USSR, then Russia.
            So it was the Stalinist legacy ---- the atomic bomb that saved the Russian Federation in difficult times.
            1. 0
              April 3 2018 17: 03
              Yes, Dmitry! What a fellow was Pushkin, who wrote "Boris Godunov!"
            2. +1
              April 3 2018 19: 13
              Quote: Reptiloid
              So it was the Stalinist legacy ---- the atomic bomb that saved the Russian Federation in difficult times.

              It is true, Dmitry, if it were not for nuclear weapons, Western liberals would have eaten Russia with giblets, but for the “Shpakovskys” it doesn’t matter, they will adapt to any occupying power.
    2. +1
      April 2 2018 23: 03
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Reptiloid
      And they created an atomic bomb !!!!!
      And with the bomb he drove into the 91st and the bomb did not help.

      But this is an example of demagogy, such as "in the garden of elderberry, and in Kiev dyak." The comrade emphasized the achievements of science and industry of the USSR, and you turned everything upside down.
  29. 0
    April 3 2018 09: 07
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Reptiloid
    And they created an atomic bomb !!!!!
    And with the bomb he drove into the 91st and the bomb did not help.

    But this is an example of demagogy, such as "in the garden of elderberry, and in Kiev dyak." The comrade emphasized the achievements of science and industry of the USSR, and you turned everything upside down.

    Well, I won’t turn it over. I’ll simply write: “And all these achievements haven’t been taken away from the country for 91 years, and now it’s simply not on the map. It’s simply not.
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 13: 13
      Now there is a legal successor of the USSR ---- RF. And there could have been many small regions, villages. How did you, Vyacheslav Olegovich write --- it is better to be the first in the village ..... Or do you think it would be better to drink Bavarian?
  30. 0
    April 3 2018 09: 10
    Quote: Alexander Green
    Communism has not won, but it is not buried.

    And I completely agree with this. Fools in this world are 80%, and smart ones are only 20. "Pareto Law." Therefore, it was and will be so. But only these 20% have now become smarter, and 80% who they were ... they remained!
  31. 0
    April 3 2018 09: 23
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Here's another ------ our socialist camp created ....

    Today, members of the "camp" remember him with horror.
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 13: 09
      Everything is like ours ---- some with horror, some with hope recalls! And who is who, you can think as you like. So the Poles thought that now they are in occupation.
      But most of all I was pleased with the Warrior's brother. For how many years since he left the USSR out of anti-Sovietism, how many years, when there is no USSR, but he fears socialism ..... And where? Very far from here. Comes here, watches, even on Saturdays, slanders, denigrates, pulls an owl on the globe, looks like here, if socialism will return soon ...... Well, I’m just sincerely glad of his fears
      1. 0
        April 3 2018 16: 55
        Dmitry whether you rejoice or not does not matter. The main thing is that you work for whom you should, consume what follows, and make clicks. Otherwise, you are free! Everything is just like Orwell's - "proles and animals are free!"
        1. +1
          April 3 2018 17: 38
          To know, Voyak will probably be deprived of the prize for unnecessary words. After all, the comments on Saturday speak of work. Yes, you, Vyacheslav Olegovich, may be the fears of the Voyakins themselves, they will make a comment. I, generously click on your article and, perhaps, more than all the others. That’s how I am a highly moral person, I give another an opportunity to earn money. .
  32. 0
    April 3 2018 16: 52
    Quote: Reptiloid
    So be it --- From the future Socialist Republic.

    Perky optimism is a property of perky youths, but it doesn’t decorate adults.
    1. 0
      April 4 2018 15: 45
      Healthy optimism - it’s like your jokes, like, how did you write about beer below? Well, there they were having fun over the audience, and much more.
  33. 0
    April 3 2018 16: 56
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Now there is a legal successor of the USSR ---- RF. And there could have been many small regions, villages. How did you, Vyacheslav Olegovich write --- it is better to be the first in the village ..... Or do you think it would be better to drink Bavarian?

    No, not Bavarian. I personally like Zatecky Gus more.
  34. 0
    April 3 2018 17: 00
    Quote: Reptiloid
    So it was the Stalinist legacy ---- the atomic bomb that saved the Russian Federation in difficult times.

    I am not as well informed as you, Dmitry, I repent. But when he was in Saratov five years ago and talked with the Minister of Social Affairs, he told me that Obama's first visit, when he became a senator, was in Saratov, in Engels, where he looked at how Russian nuclear weapons are stored on American money. I was surprised, but why should I lie to the Minister?
  35. 0
    April 3 2018 17: 02
    Quote: Reptiloid
    who recalls with hope!

    Who did not meet with hope. Neither in Poland, nor in the Czech Republic, nor in Germany ... Not once ...
    1. +1
      April 3 2018 19: 39
      Quote: kalibr
      Quote: Reptiloid
      who recalls with hope!
      Who did not meet with hope. Neither in Poland, nor in the Czech Republic, nor in Germany ... Not once ...

      Residents of the eastern part of Germany (the former German Democratic Republic), for example, are very sorry for Soviet times, they also do not accept capitalism with its market, they do not go anywhere, they live separately from the western lands of Germany, you will say that these are also scoops, but also to the inhabitants of the western part Germany is also not sweet, that’s what one German woman wrote to her friend from Ukraine, who envied her that she lives in a free world:
      “... The Germans work very hard, suffer a lot from mental and physical exhaustion. Depression has already covered millions. The retirement age was raised to 67 years. They simply strangle us with taxes ... "
      1. 0
        April 6 2018 21: 06
        I don’t know, I haven’t met anything depressing. Normal people, friendly, masters to work. They cook quickly, tasty - beer is also tasty, always ready to help. Ours before this ... and even the food in our restaurants and there is heaven and earth. Quite often, businessmen invite me in gratitude ... they say, I will treat, then yes - I have to explain that I don’t eat shit even for other people's money for a long time.
        1. +1
          April 6 2018 21: 39
          Quote: kalibr
          I don’t know, I haven’t met anything depressing.

          This is a subjective opinion, who communicates with whom: you are with successful businessmen who can invite you to a restaurant, especially if they need something from you. And we communicate with ordinary people: he has a different mentality (I mean the inhabitants of West Geromania), they love our Russian home hospitality for free, but they themselves do not invite to their home, and if they invite to a restaurant, everyone pays for themselves, they have one like ours: "I treat you!" - No.
        2. +1
          April 7 2018 07: 11
          Quote: kalibr
          . and the food in our restaurants and there is heaven and earth. Quite often, businessmen invite me in gratitude .......
          What kind of restaurants are we talking about, and where are they? I would like the whole list. Terrible doubts about this ...
          There, somewhere above, there was something about free animals. Well, I feed the free, in the sense of the homeless, animals.
  36. +1
    April 4 2018 01: 17
    Is the author late with his revelations for a quarter of a century?