Putin "showed the movie" to the West

President Vladimir Putin’s message to the Federal Assembly of Russia 1 in March 2018 of the year was the message of the United States and the entire collective West, in general, a response to sanctions, attempts to isolate or surround Russia and, finally, the US’s “de-escalation by nuclear escalation” strategy, that is, the threat of tactical nuclear weapon on your own.

Putin answered all this in his message: Russia has a hypersonic nuclear, laser and other types of high-precision weapons equipped with small-sized nuclear power plants. "That's enough for today." Demonstration videos of the new weapons were shown, and this was a very impressive movie.

"There is nothing like this in the world," Putin added, and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu then called the American missile defense system "an expensive umbrella full of holes."

Vladimir Putin called this Message of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "milestone". This was the US message, comparable to the Soviet Union's installation of missiles in Cuba during the Caribbean crisis in 1962. “Putin has declared world war on the world,” some world media are now shouting, others are talking about Putin’s “stunning statement,” Bloomberg called Putin’s speech “a show of force and a tough US warning.” Our politicians, on the contrary, say that now "there will be no war." Like after the Caribbean crisis.

Putin’s speech at the Manezh can be easily put on a par with his Munich speech, 2007, when he called the United States "a comrade wolf who eats and does not listen to anyone." “Nobody listened to us, listen now,” Putin said. And they didn’t listen to 2004, what did they do all this time?

US President Barack Obama has blatantly lied to us that missile defense in Romania and Poland is directed against Iran and the DPRK, and not at all against Russia. NATO "peacefully" expanded to the borders of Russia, until it expanded to Ukraine, and the European Union embarked on a Euro-association of Ukraine in the 2014 year.

The world has long been at a fork, and not through the fault of Russia. "We did not leave the missile defense." In 2014, the United States and Europe crossed the red line in Ukraine, inspiring and supporting a coup against the legitimate authority of President Yanukovych. We did not cross the red line, so do not let us retreat.

Now it is clear why Russia, with 2014, is pulling the "Minsk rubber", and is silent on insults and rudeness of our Western colleagues. Russia was arming and now "everything happened", most recently, at the end of last year. A nuclear-powered cruise missile was tested at the end of the 2017 of the year. Putin himself controlled the creation of new types of weapons, spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Now Russia is offering the US talks, but from the position of the newest weapons reached by Russia. After the Caribbean crisis, detente began with the recognition of the mutual military parity of the parties, so there is a chance of a new detente in relations with the United States.

In “60 minutes” Nikita Isaev, the ex-president of the “Football Academy”, again distinguished himself with his speech in the spirit of Smerdyakov from Dostoevsky's novel. Nikita admitted that "the United States has the right to be a world gendarme." And our Ministry of Foreign Affairs defamed that he could not agree with this gendarme, that is, did not give him a bribe in the form of concessions. And now, instead of agreeing with the world gendarme, we gave him our latest weapons. Nikita wanted to serve the world gendarme, and now he received a complete bummer, and he was moaning about the backward Russia in sudrydakovsky, he was not at all pleased with our small-sized nuclear power plants.

Coincidentally, Gazprom refused to allow Naftogaz of Ukraine to supply gas to 1 in March due to the fact that an additional supply agreement was not signed, and returned the prepayment. And he accused the Stockholm arbitration of double standards in a lawsuit with Naftogaz. Perhaps this is not a coincidence, but a new economic policy of Moscow, and not only in relation to Bandera’s Ukraine.
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  1. +13
    2 March 2018 06: 45
    Putin "showed the movie" to the West
    let the popcorn stock up and look exhausted!
    1. +35
      2 March 2018 07: 42
      Quote: Uncle Lee
      Putin "showed the movie" to the West
      let the popcorn stock up and look exhausted!

      resembles the behavior of Una, also decided to shake with a club ...
      1. +70
        2 March 2018 08: 09
        With the difference that the club is fake, inflatable. The same “Sarmatian” is currently undergoing only throwing tests, and from throwing tests to putting into service it took 4-6 years, even in the USSR, in the Russian Federation with its degrading science, this path can take much longer.
        I’m afraid that Putin’s speech can only inspire the “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points, Western partners can only laugh at it, it can use it as an excuse to knock out large military expenses for cutting, no more =)
        1. FID
          2 March 2018 08: 32
          Quote: Cheerful
          I'm afraid Putin’s speech can only inspire the “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points,

          You + for AIKYU .... (did not begin to transfer to another mode, it is easier for me in Russian).
          1. +18
            2 March 2018 10: 40
            Now it’s clear why Russia has been pulling the “Minsk rubber” since 2014, and is silent on the insults and rudeness of our Western colleagues. Russia was arming itself and now “everything has happened”, most recently, at the end of last year.

            Now can we expect the Kremlin to abandon the treacherous “Minsk rubber” and recognize LDNR? And maybe, what the hell is not joking, will take to their native harbor?
            It seems to me that Viktor Kamenev again comes up with cunning plans.
            1. +11
              2 March 2018 21: 41
              Quote: Cheerful
              in the Russian Federation with its degrading science

              Sir, look at yourself.
              Liberated from anger. Russian people more than once put cancer and gave a kick in the ass scientifically advanced.
              Quote: Cheerful
              With the difference that the club is fake, inflatable.

              And what else do you have to moo something? The bridge to the Crimea is not real, missiles are not real.
              And the frost on the street is not real either? Ukrainians now believe that frost is linden and decided to live without gas. And before that they abandoned their brains. laughing But this infection from Europe came to Ukraine. Why are Germans called neighbors cheese heads?
          2. +8
            2 March 2018 11: 23
            I liked the continents on the globe, our rockets will start from the territory of an ancient hyperborea very similar to the earth.

            1. +6
              2 March 2018 13: 34
              Quote: figvam
              land of ancient hyperborea.

              And right across Atlantis! Nightmare and disaster!
              1. +10
                2 March 2018 17: 09
                Previously, the United States drew cartoons with its SDI, now Russia shows what they learned from them. wink
                It was reported that the states caught in the airspace over the ocean (in my opinion over the Pacific) radioactive particles of unknown origin.
                The NATO troops, under US leadership, have been fighting for 17 years and have spent trillions of dollars. How much will they need to answer new challenges? Eun scared them with his missiles - what will they do now ?! The Pentagon tomorrow will demand an increase in its costs from Trump and Congress. Yesterday they wrote that the United States can not pull the F-35, but here ...!
                Armata, Boomerang, Kurganets, Typhoon, etc. showed how the BTT of NATO is out of date. Now Tomahawks, Tridents, etc. against the backdrop of new developments in Russia, they already look obsolete. Small arms and nuclear submarines, air defense systems, electronic warfare systems, hypersound. anti-ship KR, etc ...
                It’s time for the United States to sit down at the negotiating table or go bankrupt on rearmament. It is clear that the shown GDP still needs to be further developed, but ... it is interesting that they will undertake in the White House. Spend money or negotiate? hi
                1. +6
                  2 March 2018 20: 04
                  About the club.

                  “I don’t understand how the Americans will work today. You come to work - and they hung a big club over you and said: if anything, this club will crack you on the head because you got us ... Now live with it, ” commented on the speech of Vladimir Putin political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky.
                  1. +11
                    3 March 2018 19: 57
                    Many thanks to Putin for our Siberian and Far Eastern forests! He signed the laws on the TOR, so that the Chinese that they want there, then they do. Moreover, their sales people work for the Chinese. This is called the destruction of the habitat of the nation!
                    1. 0
                      4 March 2018 05: 45
                      who is in the woods, who is by firewood (literally here)
                2. +1
                  3 March 2018 11: 10
                  Now Russia is offering the US talks, but from the position of the newest weapons reached by Russia. After the Caribbean crisis, detente began with the recognition of the mutual military parity of the parties, so there is a chance of a new detente in relations with the United States.

                  Now, in my opinion, Russia has included a countdown to World War 3 (the countdown has been launched before, but not by us and not by our conditions). Figuratively speaking, Russia only showed its hand on the switch of the launch of the irreversible process. But more important is how the United States regards it. I think that the United States has no doubt that Russia, by demonstration of armaments, has already lowered this switch. Therefore, we must proceed from the fact that the switch is omitted. Of course, the United States, in a situation of lagging behind in hypersonic (and other) weapons, firstly, they will drag out time, pretending to participate in detente negotiations in order to close the gap, and secondly, they will triple the sanctions and other pressure on Russia, for achievement of the main goal: disarmament and complete subjugation (political) or destruction (physical) of Russia. And it’s time for us not to propose negotiations for the hundred-first time, but to dictate the conditions for a further world order (as soon as we put into operation at least half of what Putin demonstrated). And do not make a mistake when concluding deals on "detente", but receive dividends, including economic ones, from leadership in armaments. Given that any leadership in armaments is temporary, we need to make the most of our temporary advantages, including through ultimatums. And for this, something will have to be demonstrated in action, for example, against the barmalei in Syria.
          3. 0
            5 March 2018 00: 14
            they didn’t begin to translate in vain (((((he - doesn’t understand, he needs to read his lips ((((
        2. +63
          2 March 2018 08: 44
          Above the nose, Unhappy. And more objectivity. It seems that you, too, did not listen to the entire appeal as and about the achievements of science there it was said about plans to raise the scientific sphere to a qualitatively new level. This is the first.
          As for the inflatable, Putin very objectively spoke about the degree of readiness of a particular type of weapon. I will not tire myself and you by repeating his words. Want - listen and hear. And yet - your lamentations about the degradation of our science against the backdrop of breakthrough projects (not only in the field of armaments, but also in the nuclear sector, in electronics, industry in general and agricultural in particular, and in the training of scientific personnel) are funny. . It seems that you are stuck in reading sources a few years ago, which posted information about the devastation and failure based on well-worn Western manuals. There would not be a decent level of science - there were no these achievements. The most combat-ready product to date is the aviation-based hypersound complex. The rest, as is clear, are in the final degree of readiness before adoption.
          And, if we take into account the fact that Putin’s words do not diverge from deeds, then adopting them is a matter of several months.
          1. +31
            2 March 2018 08: 47
            And those who raise science all the exam passed? And where do they raise it? In Skolkovo?
            1. +44
              2 March 2018 09: 11
              Quote: Vladivostok1969
              And those who raise science all the exam passed? And where do they raise it? In Skolkovo?

              It seems that Vladivostok1969, you have a very distant relationship with the school and rely in your conclusions on the opinions of people who are also far from education. Some deputies, speaking in the same style, themselves do not understand anything in the matter of education and judge on what - neither ear nor snout.
              Briefly - the USE - is not only a purely negative result. I think that in the near future he - the Unified State Examination will remain the base on which the best from the school of the USSR and the experience of the teacher-enthusiasts of our Unified State Examination will be applied. Baumanka, without denying the Unified State Examination, additionally introduced her selection methods and it is quite possible that this will be taken into account in the development of school education.
              Listen to Putin’s words about the successes of Russian programmers.
              Still - you recall - in the USSR everyone graduated from school and became Academicians? There were ignoramuses, and outright idlers, and dumbasses. Simply, before they did not have the opportunity to demonstrate this on the Web, and right now such an opportunity appeared for them and the impression of total illiteracy is created.
              Do not want to understand - I'm not a "prosecutor" laughing
              1. +21
                2 March 2018 09: 54
                Yes. Not everyone became academicians. But I still remember a lot from the school curriculum. What I can not say about many young people.
                1. +15
                  2 March 2018 13: 02
                  Do not remember the grammar exactly.
                  1. +1
                    2 March 2018 16: 47
                    Well, I'm sorry. I studied at a national school.
                    1. +8
                      2 March 2018 17: 29
                      Great excuse. But didn’t it occur to pull knowledge into your head? Since you live in Russia, you have not been taught the Russian language at a national school. It is easy and difficult to cherish the knowledge of others.
                      1. +2
                        3 March 2018 14: 08
                        I would have pulled it up, perhaps if it could have been done for free. And if not, then bear it.
                2. +7
                  2 March 2018 16: 45
                  Quote: Vladivostok1969
                  Yes. Not everyone became academicians. But I still remember a lot from the school curriculum. What I can not say about many young people.

                  Yes, but it’s your (and my) generation of missile defense / s / that has razed the Union .. Alas, this is a fact. Too much freedom, and in the case of Russia, permissiveness, does much more harm to young people than distortions in the education system. If the authorities do not succeed with education, then let them succeed with the Defense.
              2. +23
                2 March 2018 10: 11
                Quote: esaul
                There were ignoramuses, and outright idlers, and dumbasses. It’s just that before they didn’t have the opportunity to demonstrate this on the Web,

                Well said! good
                1. +4
                  2 March 2018 12: 29
                  I still remember how a classmate rummaged around Africa in search of the Danube lol
                  1. +4
                    2 March 2018 16: 26
                    How classmate rummaged across Africa in search of the Danube

                    Where to laugh? belay
                    1. +7
                      2 March 2018 17: 28
                      But if it’s normal for you that a fifth grader in the USSR searches on the Danube in Africa on a map, tady oh. Or do you think that he is there?
              3. +4
                2 March 2018 14: 05
                Quote: esaul
                I think that in the near future he - the Unified State Examination will remain the base upon which the best from the school of the USSR and the experience of the teacher-enthusiasts of our Unified State Examination will be applied

                So already "imposed"!) Look at the results of the "imposition" of enthusiastic teachers in Semin's films "The Last Call 1,2,3"
            2. +22
              2 March 2018 09: 16
              And where is it raised? In Skolkovo?

              In Silicon Valley, where even the same Skolkovo residents go as soon as possible.
            3. +5
              2 March 2018 12: 17
              Well, this is the "fifth column".
          2. +50
            2 March 2018 09: 00
            Do you sincerely think that 18 years of a policy of wonderful principles of equal pay among design engineers and Tajik janitors can lead to some innovative breakthroughs?
            And, taking into account the fact that Putin’s words do not diverge from deeds

            So what's up with the May decrees? Have you done everything?
            And so in everything. It seems to be 2018, and there are still people who believe Putin’s words. Which every year promises exactly the same as in the past, in order to promise the next, whether it is an increase in housing prices, fuel or a reduction in the tax burden.
            1. +41
              2 March 2018 09: 18
              You want to hear and know only what you want and operate on criteria that are convenient for your worldview. Do you yourself have gained such a sad experience or did someone thoroughly dive it for you .. put it into your head - I don’t know. Does it make sense for me to butt? Sure - no. You can regard it as arrogance, and I call this unwillingness to engage in the extra costs of nervous energy. Take care of yourself and others laughing
              1. +37
                2 March 2018 09: 37
                The experience of critical thinking is really a sad thing: it is much more pleasant to put on a simulacrum of state pseudo-patriotism through a vein than to observe and analyze reality as it is.
                1. +27
                  2 March 2018 09: 44
                  Well said good The only difference is in understanding such a concept (I apologize for the tautology) as patriotism.
                  if it’s important for you that the last word is yours - write, and I - take my leave laughing
                2. +9
                  2 March 2018 12: 37
                  It is much nicer to sniff into another country and bark and whine from there. Or where are you from?
                  1. +10
                    2 March 2018 14: 09
                    Quote: mkop
                    It is much nicer to sniff into another country and bark and whine from there. Or where are you from?

                    Talk to your computer settings and tomorrow you can "broadcast" from any country in the world sitting 100 meters from the Kremlin.
                    1. +6
                      2 March 2018 14: 43
                      I know how to do this. It is not clear why then he is hiding behind the flag of a foreign country for him. That is why I asked the question: "Or where are you from?" Or do not you see him?
                      1. +5
                        2 March 2018 14: 52
                        Quote: mkop
                        It is not clear why then he is hiding behind the flag of a foreign country for him.

                        Yes, at least for the lack of tracking on advertising.
              2. +6
                2 March 2018 13: 37
                take care of yourself
                If you do not go to this site, then you will save yourself, how do you like my offer?
                This is not arrogance; you simply have nothing to say.
            2. +6
              2 March 2018 13: 16
              Quote: Cheerful
              increase in prices for housing and communal services, fuel

              Wang! On the eve of the election, the price of gasoline will fall
              1. +13
                2 March 2018 14: 49
                Poor vangue. The maximum price for fuel and lubricants will not rise before the election.
              2. +1
                3 March 2018 13: 34
                The day before yesterday refuel, fell. It was 37,50, refueled at 36,70
            3. Oml
              4 March 2018 14: 51
              Quote: Cheerful
              Do you sincerely think that 18 years of a policy of wonderful principles of equal pay among design engineers and Tajik janitors can lead to some innovative breakthroughs? .

              All the same, it doesn’t reach you how this poor man in Russia defends his homeland more fiercely than the wealthy who has stolen from him flees.
          3. +13
            2 March 2018 16: 09
            Yes, they should already explain the hare to them, because it is not interesting to the bot or the troll. Local liberals began to moan, and on Facebook in general the guard ....
            I myself am far from enthusiastic about what is happening in the country, and my mother also receives a pension of 15 tyr for 35 years of CONTINUOUS experience, but I, like all my friends, will not let the world gendarme trample Siberia and Altai. And I just do not sell for jeans, not for other good. That is why Putin said about our People.
          4. +7
            2 March 2018 19: 33
            Science does not build rockets with submarines, technologies are not fantasies shown to the president in the minds of scientists in the form of cartoons, but machine tools and working hands. A worthy level of science, of course, caresses the ear, but has nothing to do with realities ... We are waiting for the demonstration of a photon rocket in the next message.
            1. +1
              3 March 2018 13: 36
              Today, the brother-in-law's brother came. He works on the defense industry as a borer. Already on Saturdays
          5. 0
            4 March 2018 05: 50
            here it will be appropriate to add that Chebarkul has also been put into mass production, as it turns out. Well, nuclear dviguny also passed the last tests. So they say ...
          6. 0
            5 March 2018 12: 59
            Yes, all this is cool. Only people press buttons and people make decisions. Ready to believe in these "cartoons." But will it pull our economy? Each salvo "Caliber" several times every few months with us is presented as a "Victory Day". I agree that there are fewer calibers than tomahawks to achieve the goal. But still there are very few of them, so that we can sleep peacefully. As recently as last year, Mr. Rogozin was at a loss as to why such small salaries were paid by workers at defense industry enterprises in the city of Voronezh. But these are those who produce all this. Why do we have such an imbalance in wages between the worker (teacher, doctor) and the so-called "top manager" director of the corporation (chief doctor of the hospital, school director). I always remember the words of Svyatoslav Fedorov that the gap in the salary between the cleaner in his ophthalmological center and he should not exceed four times the gap. What is going on with us? If it will be interesting, look at the open access declarations on the income of rectors, chief physicians, and heads of corporations in general, it is scary to imagine. Here a new topic began to develop and gain momentum, if until March 1 people were scared by the 90s, now there’s a new fairy tale about the fact that for 18 years we tried to achieve parity with an adversary, we achieved it and now our eyes will be turned to domestic politics . From the messages of the “guarantor”, where he draws attention to medicine, that we have reduced it to such an extent that people simply have nowhere to be treated. The question is, what did these hospitals close with us on one dark night, when the "guarantor" was asleep? Today, according to local media, it was announced that in my area 50% of the medical staff is not enough (this is about 1 thousand people). Again, the question is, who will go to the village for 10-12 thousand to work, while neither housing nor any other help is guaranteed. The Country Doctor program failed miserably. Who is responsible for this? Who is responsible for squandering millions for this program?
            It’s very simple to call a person a “liberal”. This has become an antithesis to the word patriot who disagrees with the Kremlin’s policies. But I want to ask one more question, and who is our “guarantor”? Patriot or liberal? A person is evaluated not by words, but by his actions. Let's start in 2000, when the president gave the EBN the word that he would not touch his “family”, from 2000 to 2004, who was our prime minister, correctly, “Misha 2%,” and who is he? About Chubais and about the characters on the Gaidar forum, I also want to ask a question, who are they? I would like to hear a reasoned answer, on the basis of which our people will live better than now after March 18, if GDP remains in the Kremlin?
        3. +24
          2 March 2018 09: 05
          A strange and, moreover, strongly smelling reaction to "inflatable rockets" partners "showed.
          1. +12
            2 March 2018 09: 28
            Quote: Squelcher
            A strange and, moreover, strongly smelling reaction to "inflatable rockets" partners "showed.

            Noticed - super! good drinks
          2. +4
            2 March 2018 12: 33
            Or maybe they still know more than you know?
        4. +26
          2 March 2018 09: 37
          I’m afraid Putin’s speech can only inspire the “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points, Western partners will only laugh at it,

          Yeah, they are already laughing - judging by the hysteria in the media, speeches by senior military officials about the urgent need for an answer, and so on.
          Laugh, damn it.
          But on the other hand, some of us did not fail - they howl in a harmonious chorus to the voice that all this is not real.
          1. +6
            2 March 2018 12: 20
            And who has an IQ above 80 points, will they quickly run to the West or what ???
          2. +10
            2 March 2018 13: 14
            I wrote that under this whole thing they will start knocking out budgets for cutting.
            1. +6
              2 March 2018 21: 32
              Quote: Cheerful
              I wrote that under this whole thing they will start knocking out budgets for cutting.

              It’s sawed in a mattress so that everyone around them becomes frenzied. Lying, in order to spend five minutes to slander people like you? Is there a lot of honor to you? Here, too, such Martians wrote about Armata that all this was a fake and what happened as a result of what?
          3. 0
            3 March 2018 13: 39
            Mestny I think this is not ours, but who the hell knows.
        5. +27
          2 March 2018 09: 43
          Quote: Cheerful
          With the difference that the club is fake, inflatable. The same “Sarmat” is only passing throw tests so far

          Well, have Voivods and Poplars already ended? Even recently, old clowns of all stripes seem to have lamented “polymers," and already three Boreas on the go and how many Caliber in Syria they’ve broken, can’t count ...
          Quote: Cheerful
          I'm afraid Putin’s speech can only inspire the “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points,

          That's right, this is especially noticeable to you fool Apparently it inspired you so much that you even wrote here from incontinence. Because if you had intelligence, well, at least a couple of points more, then you would understand that GDP does not threaten with a club at all, he warns that if they continue to put pressure on Russia, then not only tanks and planes will climb from there .. Although to whom I explain it? fool
          1. +17
            2 March 2018 13: 39
            if they continue to press on Russia further,
            then Russia will respond by increasing investment in American papers.
            1. +9
              2 March 2018 14: 43
              Quote: Gardamir
              then Russia will respond by increasing investment in American papers.

              Investing in American papers $ this is in your mattress. But this is not an investment, is it the debt of the USA to Russia, but also to China, Japan, etc. Or are you not aware that the USA is a round debtor and possibly a potential bankrupt? In general, it is not surprising with the "not" your knowledge fool
              1. +11
                2 March 2018 15: 12
                US debt to Russia,
                Russia usually forgives debts. You, as your owner, express themselves with collisions, in patsansky. Does the case have anything to say? Or do you, everyone in the manuals said, insult your opponent and wait for it to explode?
                1. +7
                  2 March 2018 16: 22
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  Russia usually forgives debts

                  He doesn’t forgive, but gives, to the poor.
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  You, as your owner, express themselves with collisions, in patsansky. Does the case have anything to say?

                  Are you talking about the case? And you have a bad defendant citizen. Well, will you confess yourself? So to say sincerely? Or continue breaking the comedy? laughing ...
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  Or do you, everyone in the manuals said, insult your opponent and wait for it to explode?

                  Said a hacked bot hacked into USB wassat Tell your shepherds that fool no longer sent
                  1. +13
                    2 March 2018 16: 35
                    so that
                    The lover of Kudrin, Chubais, Shuvalov continued insults, but preferred not to answer questions.
                    and why do not you serve the people who live on this earth.?
                    1. +6
                      2 March 2018 16: 52
                      Quote: Gardamir
                      but chose not to answer questions.

                      That's when you know how and you will learn how to answer questions, then we'll talk.
                      1. +9
                        2 March 2018 16: 58
                        That's when you know how
                        Yes, you are right to talk hard with space, there is a cosmic language.
              2. +6
                2 March 2018 21: 24
                Quote: SPACE
                And this is not an investment, it is the debt of the USA to Russia, but also to China, Japan

                These are investments in industry in the USA, China and Japan, which are rigidly economically connected with the USA, unlike Russia. The central bank does this so that the ruble does not strengthen.
            2. +5
              2 March 2018 20: 29
              Quote: Gardamir
              then Russia will respond by increasing investment in American papers.

              This topic immediately revealed who comes to the site to discuss something or find out, and someone stupidly trolls and for the next 100500th time write about the papers, salaries, the Olympics in Sochi and the Zenith stadium.
              I’m only interested in one question - you and people like you come here to work out a denyuzhka or stupidly ideological Martians?
              1. +5
                2 March 2018 21: 44
                ideological Martians?
                As an ideological Martian, I would like to clarify, you wrote something about Armata above, so how?
                1. +5
                  2 March 2018 21: 48
                  Quote: Gardamir
                  As an ideological Martian, I would like to clarify, you wrote something about Armata above, so how?

                  All is well, dear, do not cough. They started talking about Sarmat and his tests in '13. Rubezh (Vanguard), that is, the RS-26 (in your Martian) was still in 16 a high degree of readiness for launching in the series, Status, is not sick ... look at the modernization Submarine Khabarovsk and Belgorod ...
                  And about Armata ... so from this year military tests at her. Do not cry, sickly. Can I give you money, thirty pieces of silver for example?
        6. +23
          2 March 2018 10: 31
          Quote: Cheerful
          With the difference that the club is fake, inflatable. The same “Sarmatian” is currently undergoing only throwing tests, and from throwing tests to putting into service it took 4-6 years, even in the USSR, in the Russian Federation with its degrading science, this path can take much longer.

          Yes, everything is bad, very bad crying . Get excited and rejoice that you hiccup! laughing
        7. +1
          2 March 2018 11: 20
          Eccentric letter M
        8. +9
          2 March 2018 13: 05
          It was always surprising that an overestimated opinion of one’s intellect was observed among various all-composers and other white petals. Maybe this is some kind of mental deviation? Are there psychiatrists on the forum?
          1. +7
            2 March 2018 16: 46
            Quote: Midshipman
            overestimated opinion of his intellect among various all-companionists and other white-collar workers
            The mind is always aware of its boundaries, only stupidity is limitless.
          2. +3
            2 March 2018 18: 01
            Quote: Midshipman
            Maybe this is some kind of mental deviation?

            this is a genetic mutation, a psychiatrist will not help here
        9. +3
          2 March 2018 14: 35
          The same “Sarmat” so far passes only throw tests, and from throw tests to putting into service it took 4-6 years even in the USSR, in the Russian Federation with its degrading science, this path can take much longer.

          It all depends on the military-political situation in the world, with the onset of wartime, these terms will be compressed to several months.
        10. +16
          2 March 2018 15: 02
          Quote: Cheerful
          and from throwing tests to putting them into service 4-6 years passed even in the USSR,

          Do not write about what you even have no idea ... Sarmat is replacing the Voivode. so in the USSR all tests , including LCI, three versions of the rocket were carried out within two years, and from the beginning of development usually took 5-7 years no more.
          1. +2
            2 March 2018 20: 45
            Quote: Ascetic
            Do not write about what you even have no idea ... Sarmat is replacing the Voivode. So in the USSR, all tests, including LCI, of three versions of the rocket were carried out within two years, and from the beginning of development, usually 5-7 years have passed no more.

            Can you imagine what will happen to a citizen’s IQ if he is told that the RS-26 Rubezh (Vanguard) has, since the age of 16, been in a high degree of launching mass production? And the fact that this genius has not heard about the 4202 or U-71 project, which 13 years go, so where does he come from if he lives on Mars.
        11. +9
          2 March 2018 15: 41
          Quote: Cheerful
          With the difference that the club is fake, inflatable. The same “Sarmatian” is currently undergoing only throwing tests, and from throwing tests to putting into service it took 4-6 years, even in the USSR, in the Russian Federation with its degrading science, this path can take much longer.
          I’m afraid that Putin’s speech can only inspire the “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points, Western partners can only laugh at it, it can use it as an excuse to knock out large military expenses for cutting, no more =)

          Oh .. I understand you personally follow the ongoing tests from your European "far" .. Or the local newspaper? Or according to reports on a direct wire? Be so kind as to give me a reference from where such incredible information was gleaned :)))) Gazeta.ru and Lenta.ru do not offer as sources ... I’m sure .... You won’t find ... But in irritation, throw out the slops - at once. ..

          And I like your reaction to people like you ... I’ll read below ... I hope that I’ll read about 20 of millions of poor people in Russia, who urgently need to give out the money spent on weapons .... The funny thing is that those those who threw me a link to the Roskomstat page themselves do not understand what is written there ... It is enough for them that is written in the training manual ... We look at the very bottom table and without raising our eyes above like some kind of animal to the other seven preceding it :)))
        12. +2
          2 March 2018 16: 17
          Valerian and Corvalol will help you for the first time ... but it’s better to help a psychologist calm down .... denying the obvious will not save you from stress
        13. +11
          2 March 2018 16: 26
          Quote: Cheerful
          I'm afraid Putin’s speech can only inspire an “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points

          We have a lot of them, what can I say if the GDP says: we will cut windows in the TU-160, fasten the seats and we will have a supersonic airliner, and this is shown on federal channels and everyone claps, how smart we are, such know-how come up with. What is the IQ?
          1. 0
            4 March 2018 17: 25
            > We have quite a few of them, what can I say if the GDP says: we will cut through the windows in the TU-160, we will fasten the chairs and we will have a supersonic liner

            and you still didn’t understand what exactly for this you created mobile, compact nuclear engines, in which the biological defense will be very compact. And with such engines on cruising supersonic, you can fly around the planet
        14. +4
          2 March 2018 18: 00
          Quote: Cheerful
          Western partners just laugh at him,

          now laughter in Western media and funny shows with Pentagon generals, as I understand it, their IQ is even lower?
        15. +5
          2 March 2018 20: 23
          Quote: Cheerful
          I’m afraid that Putin’s speech can only inspire the “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points, Western partners can only laugh at it, it can use it as an excuse to knock out large military expenses for cutting, no more =)

          And now, our ingenious friend with an IQ of under 170 units, turn on your “super brain” and answer me the question: For what period of time will the lie be revealed by Western intelligence, if it takes place?
          And the second question to the genius is - where is the logic or the point of launching a contest in the general access to the name of some types of weapons, if it is a bluff and fake?
          The third question is, you fell off the Moon or Mars and apparently didn’t hear about the development of Sarmat, Yu-71, and so on ... by the way, the same Status-6 was shown to the West even with the schemes 2 years ago. Tell me about the underwater drone is also a fake. .. well, creating such a torpedo is an order of magnitude cheaper than the new Sarmat-class ICBM.
          And the last question to the genius, did you write all this nonsense from the desire to just seem smart, or did you stupidly come to troll the news?
        16. +1
          3 March 2018 14: 02
          I'm afraid Putin’s speech can only inspire an “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points

          Something is not noticeable that you would be inspired
        17. +1
          5 March 2018 00: 39
          Well, yes, some "great leader" also said. that Russia is not real, "a colossus with feet of clay," and then swallowed the core in its hole. And in the South-Eastern Military District, a “dagger” is already in service, a very suitable tool for NATO’s excessively greyhound ships in the Black Sea.
      2. +22
        2 March 2018 08: 24
        When he decided to shake his club, then the “Caliber” flew from the Caspian to Syria, and now it’s more like a hint to calm down.
        1. jjj
          2 March 2018 10: 03
          Vladimir Vladimirovich showed "Kuzkin's mother" of the 21st century. But, unlike Nikita Sergeevich, he did this not with the help of a boot
          1. +15
            2 March 2018 10: 27
            Dear, Maize blew up a 50 megaton “K.M.”, and the boot as an emotional addition to the UN show.
          2. +3
            2 March 2018 11: 21
            Yes, but this is our Russian "bast shoe"
          3. +13
            2 March 2018 12: 22
            Comrade Stalin never pounded his boots, but only pointed with a pipe, but everyone was afraid of this.
          4. +5
            2 March 2018 21: 09
            Quote: jjj
            Vladimir Vladimirovich showed "Kuzkin's mother" of the 21st century. But, unlike Nikita Sergeevich, he did this not with the help of a boot

            There, Kuzkina’s mother is not the main thing, but a proposal that the West cannot refuse. Now Russia will speak not from a position of diplomacy and sanity, but from a position that mattresses and shavers understand best from a position of strength. Putin put a barrel in the temple of Western warriors and, affectionately and amiably asked, Well, will we agree?
        2. +4
          2 March 2018 16: 22
          You're right. Vladimir Putin bluntly said that the West should now begin to listen carefully to Russia. That is, he showed who is now the strongest ... If the US government and NATO are still adequate, then they will moderate their hostile attacks on Russia.
          1. +2
            2 March 2018 20: 40
            Quote: Natalia777
            If the US government and NATO are still adequate, then they will moderate their hostile attacks on Russia.

            I will tell you more that very soon the changes will affect everyone and everyone, especially in the CIS. Putin spoke the language of mattresses. The language that only mattresses understand is the language of power. At the same time, he proposed afterwards to come to an agreement ... but Russia in these agreements will not stand like a weak Kazan orphan. And in this regard, I think, soon the same Ukraine with the Nazis salt their masters ...
      3. +10
        2 March 2018 09: 06
        shake with a club ...
        and she is?
        1. +19
          2 March 2018 09: 22
          Quote: Gardamir
          shake with a club ...
          and she is?

          He who wishes, let him see and hear. Not wanting - will break a physiognomy on asphalt since from a constantly lowered gaze the vestibular is disrupted
          1. +25
            2 March 2018 11: 29
            1. +11
              2 March 2018 12: 01
              But there Gardamir lives! laughing
              1. +6
                2 March 2018 12: 38
                and judging by the flag for a long time and without a break. wassat
            2. +8
              2 March 2018 12: 25
              Well, those who live in New York, Landon and Nevada, this is not ours. Our all live in Voronezh, Vladivostok, Norilsk.
            3. The comment was deleted.
            4. +1
              2 March 2018 21: 36
              Quote: Gardamir

              Shoigu's whole family lives in Russia but not in Voronezh.
        2. +3
          2 March 2018 16: 25
          And you did not see in Syria how the Gauges frolic and how the VKS trained over the ISIS American army ?! We have been talking about Sarmat for a long time and have successfully shown successful test launches. You lagged behind life ... like your American idols ...
      4. +9
        2 March 2018 09: 36
        But I think this is a warning to Amerite destroyers with tomahawks to know their place. And do not shake their tomahawks.
        1. jjj
          2 March 2018 10: 06
          It surprises me that no one liberals understood one important message: they will soon begin to plant. Dust shook off articles for treason in the Criminal Code. And that in the zones, too, someone should lead amateur circles and oratory
          1. +4
            2 March 2018 11: 23
            People like you need to be planted. Run before it's too late!
            1. +3
              2 March 2018 16: 27
              And you are a patriot with a swamp seems .... not otherwise ....
          2. +7
            2 March 2018 13: 16
            To whom, but in vain only if someone was planted / shot.
            1. +4
              2 March 2018 18: 06
              Quote: Cheerful
              and only if someone was planted / shot.

              who should build a new Belomorkanal? and then a lot of energy, go to the Swamp
              1. +2
                2 March 2018 22: 03
                Quote: Angel_and_Demon
                who should build a new Belomorkanal?

                Is New Belomor - from the words Belarusian Sea? If in place of the tribalt, I do not mind.
                And Old Man will not be embarrassed by the Belarusian shrimp. Although there will be any benefit from liberalism laughing
            2. +1
              5 March 2018 00: 47
              It’s already high time to clean up the country from the 5th column, and it’s even become impudent, because they feel a larger uncle behind their backs, but it seems that now there will be a weighty “argument” to the uncle.
          3. +4
            2 March 2018 13: 35
            Quote: jjj
            will soon begin to plant. Dust shook off articles for treason in UK

            I’m afraid that it will be the liberals who will not touch, the patriots and switchmen will get.
            1. +2
              2 March 2018 16: 31
              No ... the wind has changed for a long time. Liberants on the screens and in the media are all studied and thoroughly illuminated microbes and they are kept in order to create and increase immunity among ordinary people to pro-Western liberals.
            2. +1
              5 March 2018 00: 48
              Well, yes, it does. that artillery sometimes hits its own in a war, so now, do not fight because of this and immediately raise your paws?
          4. 0
            2 March 2018 14: 19
            Quote: jjj
            It surprises me that no one liberals understood one important message: they will soon begin to plant. Dust shook off articles for treason in the Criminal Code. And that in the zones, too, someone should lead amateur circles and oratory

            To do this, you need to change the RF OZ. They tried seven times and sent seven times to ... And without changing the OZ, the Criminal Code, you won’t “shake it” and all these messages will be the next bunch in the water.
        2. AUL
          2 March 2018 10: 17
          I listened very carefully to the president’s address. Of particular interest is the part where he spoke about new weapons. Impressed. Really, very interesting things. But confused one moment. It was presented as if all these things were already in service with the troops. But in fact, the same Sarmat has just passed the early stage of testing (according to open sources). I think the rest of the objects are also at about the same stage. So it’s very, very early to talk about equipping the army with these types of weapons. Even with full debugging of the product, launching it in a series is a considerable time and a lot of money, which, as always, is not. Therefore, to saturate the army with such products in the required quantities will take a very long time. So it's early to throw bonnets into the air!
          1. +12
            2 March 2018 10: 40
            Quote from AUL
            But in fact, the same Sarmat has just passed the early stage of testing (according to open sources). I think the rest of the objects are also at about the same stage. So it’s very, very early to talk about equipping the army with these types of weapons

            It seems not quite carefully. You listened lol , because the "Dagger" system has been in service in the troops of the Southern Military District since December 2017. For the rest, it was also said specifically what will go into service this year, and what is completing the tests or has already been tested and put into production.
            1. AUL
              2 March 2018 11: 42
              Quote: Captain45
              the "Dagger" system has been in service with the South Ossetian forces since December 2017, and the others have been specifically mentioned. what will go into service this year, and what will end the tests or have already been tested and put into production.

              And how many, in your opinion, pieces of daggers are already in the troops of South Ossetia? No, do not answer if you have accurate information, this is a military secret!
              And as for the rest - that's when they enter the troops in the required quantities, then we'll talk about this topic. And now we will not be likened to the “Messenger of Mordovia”.
              1. +9
                2 March 2018 12: 23
                Quote from AUL
                And how many, in your opinion, pieces of daggers are already in the troops of South Ossetia?

                I don’t know, I’m not the Commander-in-Chief. And if you knew and said, you still would not have believed and shouted that this could not be, because it could never be.
                1. AUL
                  2 March 2018 16: 15
                  So you, it turns out, know better than me what I will do? Maybe give me a forecast, at least a week in advance?
                  Do you actually understand what I wrote about?
                  And as for the rest - that's when they enter the troops in the required quantities, then we'll talk about this topic. And now we will not be likened to the “Messenger of Mordovia”.
                  Learn not only to read, but also to understand what they are writing about!
              2. +4
                2 March 2018 16: 49
                Everything is very simple:
                "According to the end of 2015, the Russian Aerospace Forces received 73 upgraded MIG31BM aircraft, and by the end of 2018 it is planned to upgrade another 50 units."

                Presumably, the modernization was with the expectation of a long term. Therefore, we attach to the MIG31BM rocket from Iskander, we get 123 "Dagger".
              3. +3
                2 March 2018 22: 27
                Quote from AUL
                And how many, in your opinion, pieces of daggers are already in the troops of South Ossetia? No, do not answer if you have accurate information, this is a military secret!

                You also become like local trolls ... the question is not how much is in service, but that it already exists and that at any moment, production can be increased and the Dagger can be placed as much as needed. At the same time, did they modernize the MIG-31? Have they put new glazing on the MIG-31BM? Put it. The question is, why was it necessary to babysit a fighter that will not answer 40 years on Thursday?
                And one more question, really, how many Daggers have been done since 17, and why did they show it right now if the rocket is not in good condition? Just don’t need about the electoral move, raising the rating, and so on ... Putin’s rating was higher than the roof without it, and only a full down believed that he would not win the election.
          2. +2
            2 March 2018 11: 24
            Trying to be smart?
            1. +7
              2 March 2018 12: 24
              Quote: Patriot of Russia
              Trying to be smart?

              Take away evil spirits! am
          3. +1
            2 March 2018 12: 41
            Bluffing is also politics, Khrushchev also shouted that we stamped missiles like sausages. And America in general only lives on lies.
          4. +2
            2 March 2018 16: 34
            AUL, you missed. Journalists asked Putin a specific question about readiness. He replied that some weapons had already been put on combat duty in the units, and some had already successfully passed all the tests.
          5. 0
            3 March 2018 11: 09
            Quote from AUL
            the same Sarmatian is just passing the early stage of testing (according to open sources).

            open source keywords
      5. +2
        2 March 2018 11: 54
        "Katz offers to give up?"
      6. +3
        2 March 2018 17: 54
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        resembles the behavior of Una, also decided to shake with a club ...

        only here it’s certainly not a cudgel, and it would be more interesting than anything striped saw, if there was a cudgel - there wouldn’t be so much screech
      7. 0
        2 March 2018 18: 35
        Yes, the only thing is that they respect the former (and be afraid), and the latter is a repetition and clowning before the election
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        Putin "showed the movie" to the West
        let the popcorn stock up and look exhausted!

        resembles the behavior of Una, also decided to shake with a club ...
      8. The comment was deleted.
    2. +9
      2 March 2018 10: 49
      Putin didn’t show a movie. And he told the West - don’t bother to live and don’t go to us .. Continuation of his Munich speech. But already with ARGUMENTS !!
      The main thing in the entry is Russia's internal affairs. How to live on? Yes .and experts of different stripes started artillery training before .. not before the general offensive ????
      Sivkov on the preparation of a hybrid war against Russia

      Shevchenko replaced Grudinin at the Solovyov debate. About the problems of power and people in Russia
      1. +3
        2 March 2018 14: 00
        Who do we have Stolypin now? That's right, Medvedev.
    3. +12
      2 March 2018 12: 06
      Someone thinks that the West is simply attacking Russia for the sake of entertainment.? So only completely illiterate people think. All that Putin shows is a bluff, or in other words, this is the last trump card he can operate on. And of course, the West knows that even single achievements are not able to solve complex problems. Moreover, there are no such achievements, this is justified by any physicist. There are only intentions and desires. All these questions are not an adequate assessment of reality.
      1. +20
        2 March 2018 12: 37
        gridasov Today, 12:06 ↑ New
        All Putin shows is a bluff
        Was it your Petyunya who told you or was personally reported from the State Department?
        in other words, this is the last trump card he can use.
        What are you doing ?! But what, Putin’s nuclear weapons have already ended ?! Oh yes, I forgot that you also reported to AbAma that he had already torn our economy to shreds.
        So think only completely not literate people.
        Well, you’re here, we’re a professor of near-sex sciences and you certainly know everything, even from the point of view of physics you can justify our lack of any achievements ... laughing

        P.S. It's generally funny to hear a bunch in a puddle from the country of 404 ... laughing Well, someone is someone, but it’s definitely not for you to talk about what Putin has in his sleeve. I feel sorry for you, you are somehow flawed, however, what to take from the poor, acre analyzes ?! request
      2. +3
        2 March 2018 16: 40
        And don’t hope ... don’t be fooled, don’t calm ... All that Vladimir Putin said and showed of course is .... Russians, unlike dill, are not going to go under the USA and NATO. Sarmat has passed all the tests for a long time ... and is already on guard.
        1. +2
          2 March 2018 18: 50
          I belong to those people who soberly evaluate real achievements and who distinguish politically directed slogans from scientific justifications and achievements. Moreover, I believe that the country's true patriots never underestimate both internal and external enemies. Therefore, I’ll simply say that Mr. Putin told the truth, but this truth is only for narrow conditions and flight outside the atmosphere of the planet and on all other issues.
          Well, the fact that Russia should and can maintain its identity and independence, as well as be the titular country of the world in scientific and technological achievements, is our goal and task, including with Putin or with all other patriots and leaders who advocate Homeland.
      3. +4
        2 March 2018 17: 09
        Quote: gridasov
        There are only intentions and desires. All these are questions of an inadequate assessment of reality.

        Usually I'm with you all here, but .... Do not disgrace the modest remnants of the normal people of your country! Do not express your opinion here!
        1. +4
          2 March 2018 19: 21
          The worst thing is that such a massive psychosis then affects those people who are simply deceived by such pseudo-patriots. If you do not know what war is and that it is merciless to everyone, then do not deceive others. It is necessary to think and create a powerful state without emotions. The race of technologies and scientific and technological achievements is a serious process with completely clear and definite consequences.
          1. 0
            April 20 2018 23: 38
            Quote: gridasov
            The race of technologies and scientific and technological achievements is a serious process with completely clear and definite consequences.

            You, my friend, are also a demagogue! hi
    4. +2
      2 March 2018 13: 59
      It is in the West that they make a movie that we are forced to watch. Already some are exhausted, but most are pretty!
  2. +32
    2 March 2018 06: 49
    Well, there was a debate with V.V. Putin. Any questions? No questions. What the army has in the bins is better not to see.
    But in fact, again, one naked PR. Cheburashka was also shown in the cartoon. But this does not mean that he is. hi
    1. +36
      2 March 2018 06: 51
      The Soviet Union had many powerful missiles and he defended himself from an external threat, but died from internal problems and contradictions. On internal problems, the president’s message does not just contain anything, but there is a huge minus.
      1. +17
        2 March 2018 07: 55
        Quote: populist
        died from internal problems

        what Those. The union died from internal problems? I apologize, but what were the internal problems of the end of 80's worse than the problems of the beginning of 60's?
        Quote: populist
        On domestic issues, the President’s message is not just nothing

        Did you listen to the whole message? Or just selectively?
        1. +11
          2 March 2018 08: 00
          Quote: Serg65
          Those. The union died from internal problems? I apologize, but what were the internal problems of the end of 80's worse than the problems of the beginning of 60's?

          in 60's there was still the energy of the Stalinist impulse
          1. +12
            2 March 2018 08: 15
            Rather, people were still alive pre-revolutionary "dressing", everything rested on them. As soon as this resource ended the union and was gone.
            1. +16
              2 March 2018 08: 19
              Quote: Cheerful
              As soon as this resource ended the union and was gone.

              Maybe yes! Those people were not interested in jeans and chewing gum, and they worked for the conscience, and not from 8 to 17!
              1. +4
                2 March 2018 16: 43
                But Putin came and gave the US the teeth in the Crimea and in Syroia and South Ossetia ... Who else did not understand this ... this or a simpleton or a pro-Western liberal.
          2. +18
            2 March 2018 08: 16
            Quote: Maki Avellievich
            in 60's there was still the energy of the Stalinist impulse

            smile My dear Israeli friend, in the beginning of the 60's due to the actions of the enemy of the Stalinist impulse Nikita Sergeyevich, a card system for receiving products was introduced in some regions of the USSR!
            I’ve been tormented by the question for a long time .... if in those fine times of “people's” power the present “mourners” and fighters for a “decent retirement” opened their mouths, how long did they stay at large?
            1. FID
              2 March 2018 08: 37
              Quote: Serg65
              at the beginning of 60's due to actions

              My dear opponent, you were poorly taught (I think so), you either did not study in the USSR, or you were, say, "underperforming" ... "Because of" it is written like this ....
              1. +17
                2 March 2018 08: 45
                Quote: SSI
                "Because" is spelled like this ....

                what And on the topic that is what? Polyglot-child prodigy you are ours!
                1. FID
                  2 March 2018 09: 52
                  Quote: Serg65
                  And on the subject, that is, what? Polyglot-geek you are ours!

                  On the topic of European Championship? What topic do you want? By aviation or weak?
                  1. +11
                    2 March 2018 10: 18
                    Quote: SSI
                    By aviation or weak?

                    belay Mister literature teacher, aviation is now being discussed ??? Or have you not noticed what you are talking about from the rapture of your intelligence?
                    "Weak" .... what and let's discuss on a neutral topic? For example, how do you like the Coriolis theorem?
                    1. FID
                      2 March 2018 10: 44
                      Quote: Serg65
                      and let's discuss on a neutral topic? For example, how do you like the Coriolis theorem?

                      AND...? And what is the Poisson's ratio? Or the elastic modulus of the second kind? And I'm not a "master", gentlemen, they have servants and slaves ...
                      1. +12
                        2 March 2018 10: 54
                        Quote: SSI
                        they are servants and servants.

                        Well, so the comrades of servants and servants have, there are so many of Mr. Zyuganov, a whole batch !!!
                  2. +6
                    2 March 2018 11: 09
                    Quote: SSI
                    "Because" is spelled like this ....

                    Quote: SSI
                    On the topic of European Championship? What topic do you want? By aviation or weak?

                    The second law of stupidity, states: "The likelihood that a person is stupid does not depend on his other qualities" hi No.
                  3. +6
                    2 March 2018 16: 49
                    On the topic that some comrades like you do not have time to realize how quickly the world has now begun to change. But unite South Ossetia, Our Crimea and Our Syria in one line. Do not you see that the USA received good LULY from Russia ..? . Do you see that the world has changed ..? If you don’t see, then you need to remove the pan from the eyes ..
              2. +9
                2 March 2018 09: 39
                Quote: SSI
                Quote: Serg65
                at the beginning of 60's due to actions

                My dear opponent, you were poorly taught (I think so), you either did not study in the USSR, or you were, say, "underperforming" ... "Because of" it is written like this ....

                "Do not judge, but you will be unprejudiced" ... Well said. It would not be superfluous for you to remember this.
                1. FID
                  2 March 2018 09: 50
                  Quote: esaul
                  "Do not judge, but you will be unprejudiced" ... Well said. It would not be superfluous for you to remember this.

                  Yes you really, really ....
            2. +2
              2 March 2018 08: 41
              Quote: Serg65
              My dear Israeli friend, in the beginning of the 60's due to the actions of the enemy of the Stalinist impulse Nikita Sergeyevich, a card system for receiving products was introduced in some regions of the USSR!

              There was a card system but the system held on. and in the late 80s there was no one to keep her.
              ps the fact that Khrushchov began to change politics does not mean that overnight the country has changed. changes leak into the system slowly, even if someone screams loudly from the podium.
              1. +6
                2 March 2018 08: 52
                Quote: Maki Avellievich
                card system was but the system held

                Of course I held on, because they held her tightly and were not led to candy wrappers!
                Quote: Maki Avellievich
                and at the end of 80's there was no one to keep it.

                Those. those who have to keep their debt stuck .... well, let's say ... in your pocket ?! Then where does the "internal problem" because of (
                specially for Russian language teachers) which the USSR allegedly died?
            3. +9
              2 March 2018 13: 54
              Quote: Serg65
              .if those “mourners” and the fighters for a “decent retirement” would have opened their mouths in those wonderful times of “people's” power, how long did they stay at large?

              Do you think that I should be glad that I have a pension of TR 14? Moreover, I was dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces due to disability. I was lying in hospitals in Moscow for 4 months, and then they shoved me out of there. Okay, at least they took me to the airfield by ambulance and loaded them onto a plane on a gurney. I earned a pension of 14t.r., protecting my homeland and you, in the above privacy, and Siluanov receives 58 tr. in a day. And this is only a salary. And you think that I should be glad that I do not even get what is supposed to?
              But under the USSR they did not open their mouths because they then received a well-deserved pension.
              I'll see how you whine when the pension creeps up unnoticed)))
              1. +11
                2 March 2018 14: 12
                and Siluanov
                There is also Sechin, Miller ... who are three million a day, but the lovers of the current president are silent about them for some reason ...
                1. +5
                  2 March 2018 16: 55
                  So capitalism is ... liberalism, the liberal constitution - Boris Yeltsin I tried, but the people accepted - I wanted sausages and Coca-Cola ... We saw what they were buying, eat at least get out ...
              2. +6
                2 March 2018 14: 28
                Quote: BecmepH
                and Siluanov receives 58 TR in a day. And this is only a salary

                In vain you went to the army! Do not take this for mockery! I was also “taken off” from the fleet, but the salary did not prevail in the desire to become a naval officer, I served for conscience and honor even when I did not see the ZP for six months.
                Quote: BecmepH
                Do you think that I should be glad that I don’t even get what is supposed to?

                No, my friend, I do not think so! But is Siluanov to blame?
                Quote: BecmepH
                I'll see how you whine when the pension creeps up unnoticed)))

                smile And I have nothing to whine about, because the pension from the state does not shine for me, the hope is only on my savings .... alas!
                Quote: BecmepH
                But under the USSR they did not open their mouths because they then received a well-deserved pension.

                My friend, we are talking about the beginning of the 60s, the pension was first introduced in the USSR in the 56s, and the collective farmers smiled at such happiness in 64s at all! Having worked 30 years on a collective farm, my grandmother received 30 rubles. retirement, and the mother at 2 pushed the nurse at the rate to receive 110 rubles. retirement, as a result of this, my early youth passed without maternal affection, while the personal pension of national importance was 250 rubles + a bunch of privileges + an annual double amount extra at the end of the year! Father-veteran received 120 p. retirement, still moonlighting and as a front-line soldier received flowers on 9 in May.
                Quote: BecmepH
                defending the homeland and you, in the above privacy

                For which many thanks and bow to the earth !!!!!
        2. +9
          2 March 2018 08: 30
          Quote: populist
          The Soviet Union had many powerful missiles and he defended himself from an external threat, but died from internal problems and contradictions. On internal problems, the president’s message does not just contain anything, but there is a huge minus.

          drinks Greetings Serg65
          It seems that populist, really did not listen or does not know how to hear. But, in this case, the proverb finds that "Big is seen from a distance." To confirm - an excerpt from a foreign forum, where foreigners about this very statement by Vladimir Vladimirovich:
          Leading Western media outlets, including Time, Fox News and the Daily Mail, covered the message of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federal Assembly.
          The editions paid special attention to the part of the speech devoted to the new Russian weapons, including nuclear.
          The materials caused an active discussion among readers. Many did not like the emphasis that the media made on Putin's words about new weapons

          Source: http://rusvesna.su/news/1519965683

          In this annual address, which I looked at, President Putin talks in detail about the situation in the country, about what has been done during the year in different sectors.
          Everything that he says is informative and said in a calm and objective tone, and there is nothing sinister about it. He wouldn’t act like that if he had an ominous plan, ”writes Judeobscure.

          Source: http://rusvesna.su/news/1519965683
          1. +14
            2 March 2018 08: 56
            hi Greetings buddy!
            Quote: esaul
            Putin talks in detail about the situation in the country, about what has been done during the year in different sectors.

            laughing for Narodnik, this is all garbage, because there is no election program like "20 Grudinin steps" !!!!
            1. +8
              2 March 2018 09: 32
              Quote: Serg65
              Greetings buddy!

              Hello my friend!!! drinks I'm glad to see you"!
              I, after a long absence, notice that all-crawlers are tenacious, like cockroaches laughing
              1. +3
                2 March 2018 13: 28
                Quote: esaul
                I, after a long absence, notice that all-crawlers are tenacious, like cockroaches

                Not only tenacious, but also multiply, as simple (sexless) ...
        3. +5
          2 March 2018 14: 19
          !! "That is, the Union died from internal problems? I apologize, but what were the internal problems of the late 80s worse than the problems of the early 60s?"
          The problems of the Union were in the party and state nomenclature ... Officials!
          They penetrated into the party and state bodies. Being essentially left to the petty-bourgeois ideologies ... a sweetheart ... Their circle expanded. the unwanted ones went into another world or retired ... They were not happy with the temporary stay of created communism for them, depending on the height of their flight. They wanted eternal benefits for themselves .. They received them during the creeping counter-revolution and the change of state system and form of ownership of basic means of production Look at Fursov: “After 1991, for the first time in Russian history, the continuity of the ruling stratum was demonstrated. Seventy percent of the nomenclature of the middle and lower echelons entered the new ruling stratum, and in the provinces this is 80 percent. That is, it’s not even a revolution, but just dismantling the old system with its middle and lower links. "At the highest level, a still higher percentage surfaced in the" new Russians "
          The goals of the internal counter-revolution coincided with the goals of the external enemies of the Union.
          Thatcher Margaret 1991 "The Soviet Union is a country that poses a serious threat to the Western world. I’m not talking about a military threat. In fact, it didn’t exist. Our countries are quite well armed, including nuclear weapons.

          I mean the economic threat. Thanks to a planned policy and a peculiar combination of moral and material incentives, the Soviet Union managed to achieve high economic indicators.

          The percentage growth in gross national product was about two times higher than in our countries.

          If we take into account the enormous natural resources of the USSR, then with the rational management of the economy the Soviet Union had very real opportunities to oust us from world markets.

          Therefore, we have always taken actions aimed at weakening the economy of the Soviet Union and creating internal difficulties for it. "
          (From Margaret Thatcher's report on the collapse of the USSR. USA, Houston, November 1991)

          Economic problems were created by the same officials of all stripes ..
          Only Russia began to rise and again, in the same ways they are trying to bring down again. But now the economically rising Russia
          Absolutely no ideology. Only their selfish interests ...
          1. +4
            2 March 2018 14: 44
            We’ll omit most of your “April theses” because it’s a long, boring and not in your favor conversation, explain in more detail this ..
            Quote: To be or not to be
            Only Russia began to rise and again, in the same ways they are trying to bring down again. But now the economically rising Russia

            Who is trying and in what ways?
            1. 0
              2 March 2018 14: 58
              Damn already. ... April ..
              It happens !!!
              You (in) the answer to wrap or how?
              1. +3
                2 March 2018 17: 15
                To be or not to be, as I understand it, those who are trying to overthrow Russia are Western politicians who organized an anti-Russian coup in Ukraine and announced sanctions to Russia and the fifth pro-Western column inside Russia. Russia will stand and become stronger. But the United States has already lost its status of Hegemon and is now rolling down. The USA is trying on its way down to spoil everyone as much as possible - both friends and foes and colonies, and even itself.
                1. +2
                  2 March 2018 17: 32
                  Natalia. judging by the flag, do you live in the land of ancient Turkestan?
              2. +1
                2 March 2018 17: 30
                Quote: To be or not to be
                You (in) the answer to wrap or how?

                It is advisable to answer of course!
        4. 0
          3 March 2018 11: 24
          Those. The union died from internal problems?

          Yes, of course.
          I apologize, but what were the internal problems of the late 80s worse than the problems of the early 60s?

          The problems of the 60s were serious and in some ways similar to the problems of the 80s. But in the 60s they found a temporary way out of them, and in the 80s it all ended in collapse. China in a relatively similar situation has found a new path.
          Did you listen to the whole message? Or just selectively?

          I listened to almost the entire message. The next day I read the text. Then I read all the posts on this thread and looked at 2-3 articles on this topic.
      2. +3
        2 March 2018 14: 07
        Quote: populist
        The Soviet Union had many powerful missiles and he defended himself from an external threat, but died from internal problems and contradictions.

        No one has scientifically established why the USSR arose and why it “self-dissolved”. This mystery is great. But we know that it is not from internal problems and contradictions, but as a result of the low quality of the elites, which led to the ideological degeneration and betrayal of the leadership of the state. The same thing happened in 1917. We have the same thing today.
        1. +2
          2 March 2018 17: 18
          About the "today" you prematurely draw conclusions. The elite is already being stalled and brought up. I hope the elite finally learns this lesson. And will no longer fall on the western cookies.
          1. 0
            4 March 2018 23: 28
            Quote: Natalia777
            I hope the elite finally learns this lesson. And will no longer fall on the western cookies.

            And who did you enroll in "our elite"? The real elite, if it studies, is only on the fatal mistakes of other elites. Our leaders prefer to go in a closed cycle from one revolution to another.
      3. +1
        5 March 2018 00: 58
        Any state has internal problems, it’s another matter that they did not cause the collapse of the USSR, but the fact that either power degenerates, slugs like Gorbachev, or outright traitors like Shevarnadze who "leaked" the country came to power.
    2. +26
      2 March 2018 07: 07
      It seems that the president was framed, using his technical illiteracy, as well as in the case of remaking the Tu 160 into a passenger.
      During the flight, the power plant reached a predetermined power, provided the necessary level of thrust. The launch of the rocket and the ground-based test complex make it possible to proceed to the creation of a fundamentally new type of armament - a strategic nuclear weapons complex with a rocket equipped with a nuclear power plant. Since the range is not limited, it can maneuver for a long time.

      Where to get the working fluid? For arbitrarily long maneuvering?
      I can say that Russia has developed unmanned submarines capable of moving at great depths and to intercontinental range at a speed several times higher than the speed of submarines, the most modern torpedoes and all kinds, even the most high-speed, surface ships. This is just fantastic. They have low noise, high maneuverability and are practically invulnerable to the enemy.

      Knowing the difference between the laminar and turbulent flows, it is clear that high speed and invisibility are almost incompatible concepts.
      And the hope of Wunderwaffe, usually does not bring to good ...
      1. +22
        2 March 2018 08: 53
        Quote: Bastinda
        It seems that the president was framed, using his technical illiteracy, as well as in the case of remaking the Tu 160 into a passenger.

        What are you laughing
        Quote: Odyssey
        Yesterday, of course, there was enchanting shame.
        Without involving conspiracy theories about some secret conspiracies, it is completely impossible to logically explain what it was yesterday.

        I don’t understand that you are so smart, versed in everything and everything, from the back of the toilet to the intercontinental rocket you are doing in, rather than steer the state, you would definitely show how to work, what needs to be done, what needs to be said, you know everything, you can do everything, only the difference between Putin and you is very small laughing He controls the state, you throw manure on the fan in the wink
        1. +9
          2 March 2018 09: 36
          good good good
          Quote: vovanpain
          I don’t understand that you are so smart, versed in everything and everything, from the back of the toilet to the intercontinental rocket, you are doing military missions, and do not steer the state

          These are still flowers, my friend. The whole strategy and tactics of government can be heard passing by the drunken company.
        2. +2
          2 March 2018 16: 01
          News from the videoconferencing !!!
          Commentary by the Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Surovikin
      2. Ren
        2 March 2018 09: 46
        Quote: Bastinda
        Where to get the working fluid? For arbitrarily long maneuvering?

        Do not consider the atmosphere as a working fluid (after withdrawal and reaching the required speed)? bully
        1. +1
          2 March 2018 10: 07
          No. The density changes too much, depending on temperature and altitude. Yes, and have two engines ...
          1. Ren
            2 March 2018 10: 16
            Quote: Bastinda
            No. The density changes too much, depending on temperature and altitude. Yes, and have two engines ...

            This is your right, but tests at the end of September (Kapustin Yar - Chebarkul) showed the opposite. bully
          2. Ren
            2 March 2018 10: 18
            Yes, and the Chelyabinsk car began to play with other colors bully
          3. +2
            2 March 2018 12: 57
            No. The density changes too much, depending on temperature and altitude. Yes, and have two engines ...

            Why 2 engines? Start-acceleration on the stock of the working fluid (even on water), then external air, when direct-flow flight becomes effective. Here you do not need to slow down the air to subsonic speeds for chemical combustion. fuel, the reactor can be heated and supersonic flow. Or just overclock with a solid fuel accelerator, or even drop it from an airplane.
            And with the “green”, Greenpeace, the defenders of flora and fauna in the case of
            nuclear war agree. Well, a fine will be paid for air poisoning. Then, maybe ... If there is anyone left.
            1. 0
              2 March 2018 13: 53
              Well, a fine will be paid for air poisoning. Then, maybe ... If there is anyone left.

              Then the name option: Flying (flying) Chernobyl ....
              1. +2
                2 March 2018 14: 37
                Then the name option: Flying (flying) Chernobyl ....

                So what ? Are you concerned about the fate of Bialowieza bison or American bison against the background of the predicted death of 250 million people on both sides? (Correctly calculated figures from the time of the USSR). A trace even from hundreds of engines cannot be compared with one low-altitude explosion at five megatons.
                Having removed their head, they do not cry through their hair. My name is Greenpeace, goodbye
      3. +10
        2 March 2018 15: 55
        Similar we heard from the Israeli comrades. Not plagiarism?
      4. +2
        2 March 2018 17: 19
        It is very funny when a fox scolds grapes .... Krylov was right ...
      5. +1
        5 March 2018 01: 02
        And the air of the atmosphere is the working fluid, just like in a ramjet engine, and the energy source is not kerosene, but the energy of a nuclear reactor, which is incomprehensible, or I do not want to understand, is not comfortable in my soul?
    3. +9
      2 March 2018 07: 42
      Quote: Vladivostok1969
      But in fact, again, one naked PR. Cheburashka was also shown in the cartoon. But this does not mean that he is.

      Also thought about it. Some words and cartoons behind the speaker. I think this will not stop partners. We need a real demonstration of power. And one does not have to be so righteous. Politics is a dirty business.
      To live with wolves, howl like a wolf.
      1. +1
        2 March 2018 08: 07
        Where and in what have you noticed righteousness?
        1. +14
          2 March 2018 09: 53
          Quote: Vladivostok1969
          Where and in what have you noticed righteousness?

          Well, what about? All the time we apologize, forgive, regret. Examples? Olympic games, a downed plane, a killed ambassador, sanctions, squeezed diplomatic property, a flag removed from the embassy, ​​etc. etc. Where is the answer? Adequate answer? Or, will we punish with tomatoes, and then forgive?
          1. +7
            2 March 2018 13: 01
            I think you call the president a righteous man. In the eyes of the citizens of the country, he could possibly look righteous only if he would apologize to them for the troubles brought by his government. If he obeyed his mistakes. Yesterday he was going to open hospitals and clinics again which were closed in recent years. And to people who will explain why this will happen again. We must admit our mistakes. But no, he is sinless with us. And he will not come down to an apology.
      2. +4
        2 March 2018 10: 51
        Quote: BecmepH
        I think this will not stop partners. We need a real demonstration of power.

        Suggest to bang? laughing
        1. 0
          2 March 2018 14: 31
          Quote: Captain45
          Quote: BecmepH
          I think this will not stop partners. We need a real demonstration of power.

          Suggest to bang? laughing

          Stupid ...
          We need an adequate answer. At least a mirror
      3. +1
        2 March 2018 13: 26
        Quote: BecmepH
        We need a real demonstration of power.

        A couple of downed American or Israeli planes in Syria would cool the ardor of the West much better.
        1. +1
          2 March 2018 16: 51
          In the meantime, "We are sorry."
        2. +1
          5 March 2018 01: 05
          So already fussed, one Israeli.
      4. +1
        2 March 2018 17: 21
        Yes, these omnipotent deny the obvious ... Foxes and grapes ... They amuse, however ..
    4. +5
      2 March 2018 09: 41
      I think when the caliber hit the bogeyles, it was done so that they confirmed to the all-propals that this is not PR, they really exist! Will we check next? What bogeyley would check?
      1. +1
        2 March 2018 16: 55
        And we showed and confirmed to whom, to the barmaley? And to whom are they dear? They are being bombed by the Russian air forces, the Syrian air force, and the coalition air force. So to whom did we show the caliber?
        1. 0
          3 March 2018 14: 01
          At that time, no one knew that calibers fly beyond 300km. But it turned out to fly.
  3. +31
    2 March 2018 06: 57
    Yesterday, of course, there was enchanting shame. Cruise missiles with nuclear-powered engines and with unlimited range of action, submarine nuclear drones plowing the expanses of the Bolshoi Theater, some ridiculous cartoons that illustrated all this. -God, who is it for?
    It’s impossible to imagine that such a trash was needed for the “elections”, but on the whole it’s quite a logical assumption that this message is intended to frighten the West, to force it to “sit down at the negotiating table” (that is, to agree that we don’t take money away and it doesn’t hurt beat) is also not functional.
    In the West, this caused only an attack of homeric laughter and further strengthened their confidence that the enemy was close to complete surrender and that he needed to be crushed. But from a propaganda point of view, there are some drawbacks - the Western press will now receive an ideal argument for stories about “aggressive Russia” which violates all agreements.
    Without involving conspiracy theories about some secret conspiracies, it is completely impossible to logically explain what it was yesterday.
    1. +9
      2 March 2018 07: 39
      How "what was"? This is the continuation (or one of the parts) of the HPP ... wink
      1. +6
        2 March 2018 14: 51
        Quote: Snail N9
        How "what was"? This is the continuation (or one of the parts) of the HPP ...

        KhPP is when we allow the shooting of Russian women and children in the Donbass saying that "we need all of Ukraine."
        And here is what kind of HPP? Like, the West will be scared and how will it start to love Putin, Karimov, Deripaska and other "patriots" again? So this is not HPP, but idiocy.
    2. SOF
      2 March 2018 07: 53
      ... wow .... And here is the "interest" club? "Mustache gone," "No polymers," or "Are you all lying?"
      Quote: Odyssey
      Without involving conspiracy theories about some secret conspiracies, it is completely impossible to logically explain what it was yesterday.

      ... enlightenment, without the "involvement of cospirological" .... banal erudition, any emotions and other rubbish there: yesterday there was a Message to the Federal Assembly. Please in advance ...
      Quote: Odyssey
      In the West, this caused only an attack of homeric laughter and further strengthened their confidence that the enemy was close to complete surrender and that he needed to be crushed.

      Chesna, Chesna ??? winked Oh so straight mustache and laugh ????
      The US military department commented on a statement by Russian President Vladimir Putin that Russia has hypersonic weapons. According to General John Hayten, chief of the Strategic Command (Stratcom) of the US Armed Forces, the United States needs to "allocate only a few billion dollars to create an orbiting radar." General Hayten noted that ground-based detection in the current environment is no longer enough.
      General Heithen:
      The new orbital radar will give us the opportunity to track the rocket in the middle of its trajectory when the warhead is detached. Such a radar will allow tracking and launches of hypersonic rockets.
      According to Heyten, he does not understand why the space component of American security had previously been “practically not funded.”

      .... Lyudk, and Lyudk .... look ... like an Omerian general laughing out loud ...
      ... and this, without exception, without the tantrums of Ichensk mass media ...
      Quote: Odyssey
      Yesterday, of course, there was enchanting shame.

      ...enchanting nonsense, a person with claims to intelligence and analytical thinking ....
    3. +15
      2 March 2018 08: 25
      All that you know and even the reaction of the West. Yes, there was computer graphics in some part, but this is not just about objects, but moving at hyper speeds. And how do you think to show this flight? Your hatred and, as a result, the wretchedness of thought is depressing. And let me remind you: the one who laughs last laughs well. So, for now, you can laugh with the whole West. Our business is to warn, and then your choice. I’m afraid I wouldn’t have to cry bitterly.
      1. +19
        2 March 2018 09: 21
        Quote: oracul
        it is not just about objects, but moving at hyperspeed. And how do you think to show this flight?

        The launch of the same missile can not be visually seen in low cloud cover, it starts at such a speed that the observer sees only a bright flash and nothing more ... They say when the airborne systems were included in the Strategic Missile Forces in 1997. (thanks to this, they sent me there after the academyrequest ) the leadership of the troops decided to introduce unfamiliar weapons and equipment. including the launch of a missile was shown, which the generals-missiles considered as a hoax because the missile itself had not been seen and there was a scandal until it was sorted out.
        Naturally, the video will not be shown to anyone, because the characteristics of all products are classified.
    4. +13
      2 March 2018 09: 43
      But the calibers are flying! And after all many did not believe that they fly ...
      As for the "aggressive Russia", the West has long been through the bottom here.
      1. +3
        2 March 2018 14: 48
        Quote: Victor Kamenev
        But the calibers are flying! And after all many did not believe that they fly ...

        Caliber ordinary KR. Technology that the USSR has been using since the 70s. It is extremely strange not to believe that "they are flying." From all the same, only Sarmat was shown to us yesterday.
        By the way, the only reasonable and patriotic version that you can come up with here is because we are very late with Sarmat’s placement on the database, and will again be forced to extend the shelf life of Soviet missiles (which have already worked out all the service life), we need 5-7 calm blood from the nose years to be in time until Sarmat is adopted.
        Hence all this bluff to avoid any direct blackmail during this time.
        The version, of course, is shaky, but all the others, unfortunately, are not patriotic.
        Quote: Victor Kamenev
        As for the "aggressive Russia", the West has long been through the bottom here.

        Yes, but why should they give such a chic occasion? We substitute ourselves. No, the Pentagon and the US military-industrial complex, of course, are only happy to add financing to them. But what good is it for us?
    5. +12
      2 March 2018 09: 56
      Quote: Odyssey
      Lord, who is this for?

      It is designed for us, for all residents of Russia. Now, if someone will ask, “What has been done for 18 years? What did the“ fat ”two thousandth money go to?”, They will answer him “That's for it” and show the cartoon.
    6. +6
      2 March 2018 14: 16
      ridiculous cartoons with which all this was illustrated - Lord, who is it for?
      Yes, I don’t want to believe Russia, it’s just a gas station, what the hell are rockets, fairy tales and cartoons. What if not fairy tales, but suddenly not a cartoon? No, the brain can’t stand it, this thought needs to be driven.
      But the Chebarkul meteorite is not talking about anything?
      1. +2
        2 March 2018 14: 55
        Quote: flicker
        But the Chebarkul meteorite is not talking about anything?

        Was this, like, a Chebarkul meteorite and was a CR with a nuclear engine? smile
        Then yes, we outplayed everyone. You can’t argue here. Shah and checkmate USA.
        1. +3
          2 March 2018 15: 12
          Maybe a meteorite, or maybe not smile
    7. +1
      2 March 2018 17: 25
      And you do not get killed so much ... read the Western press, look at their reaction, remember South Ossetia, Our Crimea and Our Syria with the Gauges and the Russian Air Forces and the destroyed ISIS ISIS ..... and your mood will rise and your opinion will change ...
  4. +3
    2 March 2018 07: 10
    It so happened that Gazprom refused to supply gas to Naftogaz Ukrainy from March 1 due to the fact that an additional supply agreement was not signed, and returned the prepaymenta.

    Ukronazistam cut enough for the first time. But without gas, let's see how they sing in the unnecessary. angry
  5. +14
    2 March 2018 07: 13
    Well, Putin began his speech with a new "cold war", so what? Do you think Russia will be better off from this? Think in your pockets add on this? On the contrary, they will now begin to empty out at an ever-accelerating speed, with all-new "military toys." And who said that if they had not listened to Russia before, now they will listen? On the contrary, the howling of the "Western partners" has already begun, which now, it is necessary to completely isolate Russia, like the DPRK.
    1. +14
      2 March 2018 07: 47
      Quote: Snail N9
      Well, Putin began his speech with a new "cold war", so what?

      Nuclear-powered cruise missiles cannot start the Cold War — they can only be mocked.
      And then no one is going to start any war with those people to whom you send money from whom you buy real estate and on which you look like "developed democratic countries". They are invited to make friends and invest in the Russian Federation.
      No, the point is different. The truth is still unclear what.
      1. +17
        2 March 2018 07: 58
        No, the point is different. The truth is still unclear what.

        I “fucked up” the same yesterday, watching these cheap cartoons — obviously in a hurry, blinded, especially cheered up the moment when the “guarantor” in such a “masculine” - “harsh” voice stated like: “you didn’t want to listen to us then, you will, now , to listen "(" Nobody listened to us, listen now ")? My eyes popped out on my forehead after these words — what, all this “got bogged down” just so that someone “them” (I understood the “guarantor” with those close to him) would listen in the “west”?
        1. +4
          2 March 2018 15: 02
          Quote: Snail N9
          My eyes popped out on my forehead after these words — what, all this “got bogged down” just so that someone “them” (I understood the “guarantor” with those close to him) would listen in the “west”?

          So the fact of the matter is that in fact this is the best way that no one will ever listen to them. If they hoped to deserve in this way the indulgence for the looted money, it’s just stupid.
          With all my desire, I was able to come up with only one patriotic-military version of what happened (wrote to V. Kamenev above). Everything else ranges from "they just survived from the mind" to the version that this is all for the electorate.
      2. +6
        2 March 2018 11: 48
        Quote: Odyssey
        Nuclear-powered cruise missiles cannot start the Cold War — they can only be mocked.

        Your hosts are not laughing at something. Can you explain to them and us what's so funny? Or is your knowledge lacking?
        1. +10
          2 March 2018 15: 09
          Quote: merlin
          Your hosts are not laughing at something.

          I am a communist, and with the Western masters this is for you to Putin, Sobchak, Chubais, Kudrin and other Vekselbergs. There they are, and by the way, your masters.
          Quote: merlin
          Can you explain to them and us what's so funny?

          There is no KP with NRE, and it cannot be. NRE in principle is effective only for space, and the creation of a NRE for spaceships is a grandiose project that no one has yet implemented, and unfortunately will not yet implement it soon.
          The bottom line is that you even need to lie skillfully. A hypersound aeroballistic missile with the stated characteristics is a bluff, but although this is a reasonable bluff, it is at least technically feasible.
          But KR with NRE and unlimited range of action is trash, waste, and sodomy. In the Chubais-Kerimov regime, the brains completely atrophied from theft.
          1. 0
            2 March 2018 15: 22
            Quote: Odyssey
            I'm a communist

            Do not tell my slippers. You at least start the manifesto for a start.
            Quote: Odyssey
            and with the Western masters this is for you to Putin, Sobchak, Chubais, Kudrin and other Vekselbergs. There they are, and by the way, your masters.

            What to say? Try to see a doctor - addiction is currently being treated.
            Quote: Odyssey
            There is no KR with NRE, and it cannot be.

            What is in the way? In general, everywhere you don’t know, was it worth writing?
            Quote: Odyssey
            The Chubais-Kerimov regime has already completely atrophied brains from theft.

            So far, this atrophy of the inter-muscular nerve node is observed only in you, unfortunately.
          2. +2
            2 March 2018 17: 39
            Dear Odysseus, if you are a layman in politics, this does not mean that everything seems to you ... And kudrins and dogs and bulk ones are an inevitable evil like a flu virus. If you take these away, they will come to their place even worse, and so it has been for centuries. It was VV Putin who understood this and is building the country in such a way that most Russians develop a stable immunity against pro-Western liberals. And about liberals, even before the Revolution of 2017, many Russian writers spoke negatively and this evil is ineradicable. Some part of the population is always marginalized, has mental deviations and goes against society along a radical path of betrayal .... I hope that today's elite realized that lovers of Western values ​​should not be allowed to power. The last 18 years of foreign policy have proven that Russia is on the right track.
      3. +4
        2 March 2018 13: 18
        Quote: Odyssey
        No, the point is different. The truth is still unclear what.

        Zero indicators of industrial production growth, but you must praise yourself. Here are the missiles and help. In itself, it’s good that Russia is creating advanced weapons, but the country is inhabited by people who need to live, and the livelihoods of the country are swept away by a panicle from the oligarchs, you know who you are. Well, God be his judge. Speech is clearly not drawn to Munich, but it will do for the arena.
        1. +2
          2 March 2018 17: 46
          Well, why? Boast a lot than there is. Go to the site of Rosstat.ru. Russia in the first place in the sale of grain for 3 consecutive years, in the first place in the sale of oil, in the second place in the sale of weapons, in sixth place in the gold and foreign exchange reserves, GDP grew 18 times over 24 years, wages 23 times, Our Crimea, Syria Our, South Ossetia and Abkhazia - Our ... Cars filled the yards, every second goes to rest in Antalya ...
      4. +1
        2 March 2018 17: 27
        The point here is in Ukraine ... so that the United States does not meddle in Tula with its samovar ...
    2. +6
      2 March 2018 07: 58
      Quote: Snail N9
      Putin began his speech with a new "cold war"

      what Did Putin start it ???
      1. +9
        2 March 2018 08: 14
        Well, it’s like in the “history” who first named the beginning, or rather, the reference point, and so it is then. As you know, the first "cold war" is reckoned from Churchill's "Fulton speech", in the West now they howl that the new "cold war" will lead the countdown from Putin's "March speech". I’m thinking that not one electoral upsurge of patriotism caused this “speech” in a compartment with it, it’s necessary to consider and flights of the “fifth generation SU” to Syria, there’s something else, most likely in the “West” we agreed to what is needed deliver a pre-emptive strike against Russia while it’s not armed as yet and the response from Russia will be largely leveled by the modern missile defense system, etc. Now Putin has shown in his speech that the West was late with such a strike.
        1. +1
          2 March 2018 17: 49
          Snail N9, you're right! +1000!
    3. +7
      2 March 2018 08: 34
      Apparently the main thing for you is to increase in your pockets. You called yourself a snoop, those. hope to sit out in the sink. A long-known truth - you do not want to feed someone else’s army, you will feed someone else’s. Apparently, are you a fast food lover? And as for listening, they don’t listen, I will answer this way: let them not listen, but they know that it’s not worth it to measure with us - it will cost you more. Well, and turn up, we are not to blame!
      1. +2
        2 March 2018 08: 44
        You are right — my home is where I feel comfortable and well. Where I feel comfortable. Shouldn't that be? "Feed someone else's army"? I still "feed" her and ... nothing ... wink
        1. +2
          2 March 2018 09: 48
          Glorious choice, you, as Czechoslovakians, before Hitler, seized (raped) your homeland, but didn’t destroy anything :(
      2. +1
        2 March 2018 17: 51
        oracul, in fact, the snooper said the same thing as you, only in other words.
    4. +3
      2 March 2018 09: 45
      Will you check, or do you still want to speculate, live so to speak?
    5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +6
    2 March 2018 08: 02
    Quote: Bastinda
    Where to get the working fluid? For arbitrarily long maneuvering?

    Yes from the atmosphere. The power plant is simpler than a conventional turbojet engine. Nobody is going to throw war blocks into space, maximum suborbital flight. Let blasters and scorchers now build to intercept hypersonic heads. Well, in a cruise missile there is enough space for electronic warfare equipment, and everything is in order with electricity.
  7. +9
    2 March 2018 08: 06
    Quote: Bastinda
    Knowing the difference between the laminar and turbulent flows, it is clear that high speed and invisibility are almost incompatible concepts.

    Are you sure that they have a continuous overlap of the radar field? Well, nobody has yet canceled EW funds. This is for airborne purposes. As I understand it, you are the largest specialist in the field of hydrodynamics and have known DAO in sonar. Any underwater or airborne object has marching speed and attack speed, and these are different things and different sizes. An iPhone 11 or 15 is certainly cooler than a nuclear power plant, you can "drive a bully" in them, but this will not work with a NRE, well, it sucks. wassat
  8. +13
    2 March 2018 08: 40
    The hysteria of western mongrels is satisfied;)
    1. +3
      2 March 2018 12: 25
      Quote: vladimirvn
      The hysteria of western mongrels is satisfied;)

      Are you talking about Kudrin Shuvalov, Nabiulina Peskova Silanova Medvedeva, mother of Senator Sobchak and her miscarriage, and others?
      1. +2
        2 March 2018 17: 57
        Calm down, all liberal viruses are leveled, it is impossible to get rid of them, but immunity has been developed ... But you can’t live without immunity - the collapse of the USSR proved it when everyone suddenly fell in love with Coca-Cola, the West and sausage ...
    2. +1
      2 March 2018 14: 43
      Quote: vladimirvn
      The hysteria of western mongrels is satisfied;)

      Soloviev said?
  9. +6
    2 March 2018 09: 18
    Be sure, it’s still not shown. If we fart, the whole World will be circumvented, but for now ill-wishers can only stink, “this cannot be.” We honor the memory of our ancestors — they help us.
  10. +6
    2 March 2018 09: 25
    I will believe this movie only when the flag on the Kremlin is replaced, that is, it turns red, the monument to Dzerzhinsky returns to its place, the victory parade will be taken from the mausoleum, and not aside, and this is all an election move ....... ............
    1. +3
      2 March 2018 12: 59
      Oh my God, can you suggest washing packages and wiping yourself with newspapers? good
    2. +1
      2 March 2018 18: 01
      I also love Soviet power and the USSR. But you need to really look at things. The USSR will never be returned - you cannot enter the same river twice. Yes, and to live in isolation under the Iron Curtain will not work. The government is gradually building a socially oriented state. Russia now lives better than the West and many countries, and soon it will live even better.
  11. +8
    2 March 2018 09: 26
    Putin answered all this in his message: Russia has a hypersonic nuclear, laser and other types of high-precision weapons equipped with small-sized nuclear power plants. "That's enough for today." Demonstration videos of the new weapons were shown, and this was a very impressive movie.

    Trump promised to degrease our pseudo-elite, in response, Putin threatened with a nuclear club. And the rest of the message is the next election blah blah blah, timed for the elections and timed
    1. 0
      2 March 2018 18: 04
      No need to invent what is not. Trump adopted the doctrine of a low-power preventive nuclear strike against Russia. Putin answered him and immediately dissuaded him from a stupid step.
      1. 0
        3 March 2018 08: 57
        Putin answered him and immediately dissuaded him from a stupid step

        so directly and dissuaded ??? Did you immediately change the doctrine? Well now we’ll definitely heal.
  12. The comment was deleted.
    1. +10
      2 March 2018 09: 57
      I don’t know how the hohlotroles are there, but our cheers also do not lag behind them, and sometimes they even run ahead of them. About Caliber, who did not believe that they are? And who started whining? Our opponents have enough of their cruise missiles, and they know how to use them. Did you see that Russia has them? took note, and that’s it, about the number of CDs being adopted by Western countries and I think we should not mention ours? Su-57 and flew to Syria for 2 days to conduct tests, conducted them and flew back. How did the American F-35 and F-22 find out that the Su-57 was flying to Syria, so they flew away from fear right away? so it was your opinion? .... what kind of fairy tales did the American media and our jingoistic patriots (who picked up on them) not talk about the use of the Su-57 in Eastern Gut, the Arabs generally saw 4 for the 2x Su-57, and if we could take a new picture from different angles, then 6 and 8 would be in Syria. I don’t want to belittle the achievements and capabilities of our military-industrial complex, our army is one of the best in the world, but the patriotism in my opinion is completely different, and not just cheers)
      1. +2
        3 March 2018 22: 39
        Alexander 21 Respect!
    2. +14
      2 March 2018 10: 35
      Quote: Geksagena
      Fucked with hohlotrollly and their argument. They say the nuclear engine and the cruise missile are incompatible, so why?

      They finally waited for the overwhelming Javelins, we have cartoons on the Kerch bridge and nuclear engines.
      By the way, Russia resumed funding for development on the topic small-sized nuclear power plants (MAEU) 100 kilowatts and 1 megawatt for serial production.
      There was such a Soviet project "Pamir" to create a mobile nuclear power plant, but in 1986 it was closed almost at the completion stage. Two unique mobile nuclear power plants, ahead of their time, were simply cut with an autogenous. Not even the building of this complex remained as a museum exhibit. Perestroika plus the Chernobyl syndrome did not allow to bring the promising project to mind.
      First of all, such power plants were needed to power powerful military radars located in remote areas, for example, on Novaya Zemlya Island or in the endless taiga. Hidden in reliable shelters, mobile nuclear power plants, after a missile and bomb strike, could turn around in any necessary place.

      Naturally, for civilian purposes, such mobile powerful power plants are very in demand - if there is a powerful earthquake, similar to what happened in 1988 in Armenia, or an accident at a conventional power station, the mobile nuclear power station will always help out

      Well, for compact YaSU the future of a new technological structure, now it seems nonsense and fantasy, like all our modern devices at one time. The day is not far off when the ICE will supplant compact nuclear weapons, and the country that will be the first to master these technologies will become the leader of technological progress in the future ... actually, if you carefully read the Message, this is exactly what Putin hinted at when speaking about the new technological structure and digital economy of the future.
      1. +1
        2 March 2018 17: 46
        Quote: Ascetic
        Well, for compact nuclear weapons the future of a new technological structure

        That's right, a mobile nuclear power plant is cool! Yeah, it remains only to decide how to protect them so that the barmalei do not use for other purposes!
  13. +20
    2 March 2018 09: 35
    It feels like the Smerdyakovs are coming to this site! How they love their country! It’s not even clear what is more — hatred, contempt, or autocratic swagger! So I want to express myself in Russian specific language!
    There is neither pride in their country, nor surprise at the originality of the approach in Putin’s speech. There are only grumbling, snotty snot-everything is not the way they lie to us, and it will fit 10 times more into our gullets than asses will miss!
    However, it is difficult to suspect GDP as a scam. Well, at least, because our sworn partners will discover forgery much earlier than couch experts, and in the world of cheating-muhler it’s very fraught with politics!
    And yet, about all these new directions in armaments tryndel last, at least 5 years! Only those with bananas stuck in their ears did not hear! But if, after so many years of idle talk, a zilch came out, such as, the command confirmed the fact of the tests, but refused to comment on their results, then it would be possible to whine, everything was gone, everyone drank it, ah-ah!
    But when the current sample is shown on the video ... It may be that local craftsmen from congenial thought to a more intelligible kind of sample pass at least a dozen packages of hawthorn! But at RosVPK, there has already been a positive tendency that if someone clicks on a mittens loudly today, then tomorrow only the sign and profile change remains for his employees.
    How many local experts didn’t whine about the PAK FA, but as soon as he appeared in the SAR, the world shriveled around right away, and hell knows, they all lied around there, maybe there was only a warm-up (?), But he must have just been about to show, maybe it’s time to bring it down without looking back, yeah!
    So, to all whiners and whineers, before you throw up vomit, blot your lips with a napkin, or else there’s an acute shortage and deficit of all-protesters at various LGBT forums!
  14. 0
    2 March 2018 09: 44
    Cartoons cartoons ..... although the "defenders" failed, but at least "nuclear man with nuclear traction" will "iron man and to" drive away ....
  15. +11
    2 March 2018 09: 52
    Putin’s speech in the Manezh is a warning that there will be a dagger on any missile defense that will pierce it. However, if the United States collapsed missile defense, so we can put a dagger in the sheath ...
  16. +7
    2 March 2018 09: 55
    It’s funny to watch how the tone of comments changed after 9:00 Moscow time - the “Olgins” began their working day. laughing
    1. 0
      4 March 2018 21: 09
      > It's funny to see how the tone of comments changed after 9:00 Moscow time - the "Olgins" started working day

      it’s you, we have a freshly registered Troll, I live in Armenia, but I’m very glad of such a technological achievement as a mobile and compact nuclear engine, because it promises a breakthrough in reducing the cost of launching into space, because the main costs are in the first tens of kilometers.

      And before that, I was happy about the success of Mask, because he began to stir up the stagnant swamp of NASA and Roscosmos, and he does it very successfully. And yes, one piece of advice for you - you, when you are silent, pass for clever, do not neglect this opportunity to seek sympathy
  17. +5
    2 March 2018 10: 06
    To whom it threatens. After all, he probably knows where the children are studying at this federal assembly, and they are kept earned by overwork for the good of the fatherland.
  18. +3
    2 March 2018 10: 18
    In 1950, Venezuela had the fourth GDP per capita on Earth. The country was 2 times richer than Chile, 4 times richer than Japan, and 12 times richer than China:
  19. +14
    2 March 2018 10: 33
    Quote: esaul
    Above the nose, Unhappy. And more objectivity. It seems that you, too, did not listen to the entire appeal as and about the achievements of science there it was said about plans to raise the scientific sphere to a qualitatively new level. This is the first ..

    Science can be raised. It is possible even to an unattainable height, but not higher than the level of development of science in the world. And as for the development of science - at first we successfully ruined all science, now we are starting to feverishly "Raise" the level. But this is not done in a day or a year either. Ask how scientists now receive research grants. When these grants are considered, when money finally comes and real hemorrhoids begin. For he wasted them just as they were spent in the USSR — when a magnetometer was needed — a magnetometer was bought. Now I have to give an announcement in the newspaper, declare a tender, etc. And if the money comes in October, and the tender lasts 45 days, that’s all for a few days. And so, roughly, we are raising science. Especially those who did not spit on all this and did not leave the country ...

    Quote: esaul
    As for the inflatable, Putin very objectively spoke about the degree of readiness of a particular type of weapon. I will not tire myself and you by repeating his words. Want - listen and hear. And yet - your lamentations about the degradation of our science against the backdrop of breakthrough projects (not only in the field of weapons, but also in the nuclear sector, in electronics, industry in general and agricultural in particular, and in the training of scientific personnel) are funny ..

    Putin, as a presidential candidate, simply made an unkillable move. Now all that his competitors will say is not worth a damn. The electorate is already smearing tears and snot of tenderness.
    What did he say about the degree of readiness? Showed cartoons interspersed with 2-3 microplots of "documentary"? Do you seriously believe that what he said is true? For the crowd, the electorate - this is enough. For a serious "message" to the West - no. Its drafters of the report coarsely framed, writing what he voiced. Only someone who had two in physics at school could write to him that a hypersonic device would fly at a speed of 20M in dense layers of the atmosphere and at the same time energetically maneuver. Or does the author of this report for the president have alternative physics? So, under normal conditions, so that the hypersonic apparatus does not burn out, it must fly at altitudes of 30-40 km, and this author has dense layers ??? Does he even understand that he put his own president far from being in the best light5? Or an underwater vehicle that moves at great speed and is almost silent at the same time. And a huge one turns out on ordinary screws ...

    What is a new breakthrough in the nuclear sector? Have we created a fusion reactor? Or a breakthrough is the creation of a small-sized reactor. So no one knows how this reactor will work as part of not just a power plant, but as part of a complex (that is, as part of a rocket), What else is a breakthrough ???

    A breakthrough in electronics despite the fact that we are buying chips in the Space variant for space in the west and in China? Or maybe we ourselves began to produce such microcircuits, and even more advanced than the West produces? Yes, in commodity quantities ??

    A breakthrough in industry? They started to produce airplanes and drove the west out of our market, replacing Boeing and Airbus with Ily and Tu? Have they launched any plants in the amount of at least a few dozen? stopped screwdriver assembly?

    Agriculture? But has it made a breakthrough in the middle lane? It began to give unprecedented harvests, households began to grow rich, because the fuel for them became cheap and loans were not issued at 20-30%, but at 1,5-2? In the south, where you stick a stick in the ground and it sprouts - even less. But the south is not all of Russia. Yes, and in the south, people working in agricultural fields have the same problems: scanty purchase prices for their food at huge prices for the same fuel ... So you need to not only listen, but also analyze ....

    Quote: SPACE
    Well, have Voivods and Poplars already ended?

    What characteristically ends. Last year, in the middle of the year, out of 46 Voivods remaining at that time, 20 were written off. At the beginning of 2017, the number of Topol remained 36. I'm afraid there are no more than 2 dozen left. So end, if not sad

    Quote: Victor Kamenev
    But I think this is a warning to Amerite destroyers with tomahawks to know their place. And do not shake their tomahawks.

    If what has been voiced on the “Dagger” is true, then the authors of the report for the president themselves did not even set up the president. He says that Russia does not violate any treaties, unlike the “partners,” he himself voices such a violation. For if the “Dagger” is a rocket with a rocket, rather than a ramjet engine (then it could be considered a winged one), then this is a direct violation of the strategic arms treaty and the president himself said this - “YES, BREAK”, voicing the performance characteristics of this rocket. And that means giving the "green light" to the same "partners" - create analogues,
    1. +8
      2 March 2018 10: 50
      Quote: Old26
      For if the “Dagger” is a rocket with a rocket, rather than a ramjet engine (then it could be considered a winged one), then this is a direct violation of the strategic arms treaty

      This is a continuation of the Cold, Needle research projects started in 2011 in the KTRV corporation under the name GZUR.
      Another Russian development, designed to operate in conditions of strong enemy air defense, is a new operational tactical hypersonic missile, developed jointly by the parent company Tactical Missile Corporation Corporation in Korolev and GosMKB Raduga in Dubna as part of the Hypersonic program guided missile ”(GZUR). The military designation of this rocket to this day remains unsolved.

      According to reports, GZUR is a missile with a speed of M = 6 and with a flight range of 1500 km when flying along a high-altitude profile. The length of the rocket is 6 m, and the weight is about 1500 kg. As you can understand, the missile has mainly anti-ship assignment. The missile will be equipped with the Item 70 ramjet engine developed by PJSC Soyuz TMKB in Turaevo and will be equipped with a combined active-passive homing radar known as Gran-75, which is being developed by Ural Design Bureau "Detail" in Kamensk-Uralsky; the broadband passive channel (Gran-75PK) for this homing head is being created by the Central Design Bureau of Automation JSC (TsKBA) in Omsk. “Fringe-75” refers to the modification of the homing head “Fragment-K” used in the tactical anti-ship missile X-35U.

      According to sources in Russian industry, by 2020 it is assumed that the GZUR rocket will be mass-produced at a rate of “up to 50 products per year,” which suggests that it is currently being tested.

      Russia is currently implementing a two-stage program for the development of hypersonic missiles. The first stage envisages the development by 2020 of a “compact operational-tactical aviation missile with a flight range of 1500 km and a speed of 6 Machs"; This is the aforementioned HLD. It should be supplemented in the next decade with weapons with a speed of M = 12, suggesting a global range.
      New Russian aviation cruise missiles X-50 and GZUR
      If this is a missile, there is no violation of the INF Treaty because this is an air-based missile.
    2. 0
      2 March 2018 12: 13
      Your comment is very long and customized.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. 0
      4 March 2018 21: 46
      > And about the development of science - at first we successfully destroyed the whole science

      or maybe it’s for the better - when did you even bother to read what the scholars of the humanities write - in social studies, in history, in linguistics. For the sake of their vanity, these are corrupt (you can sell not only for money, but also for vanity, in this case vanity from the fact that you are accepted by the scientific community of the country X. There are no words, there are some among them who respect their peoples, but for some reason they are always in a minority) creatures are ruining their native peoples, destroying their history and culture.

      > Do you seriously believe that what he said is true?

      You would look at the Armenian politicum, then you would appreciate who is leading you ....

      > For the crowd, the electorate-that's enough. For a serious "Send" to the West - no. His authors of the report were massively framed by writing what he voiced

      For experienced warriors, you are strikingly naive, the American presidents regularly confuse Austria with Australia, and they FSU. Your president may have embellished some details for the sake of the desired effect, but he is a politician, not the chief designer, he is achieving political goals for his country by means of politics.

      > What's new breakthrough in the nuclear sector? Have we created a fusion reactor? Or a breakthrough is the creation of a small-sized reactor

      Have you ever looked at nuclear weapons, at least in drawings or diagrams - you saw its dimensions, you imagine how incredible the amount of research and those. the work lies in the fact that they would be able to make compact reactors. Could at least google, in these few days I read a sea of ​​literature on the topic of old developments on this topic.
      And here, besides, they are mobile and able to withstand large overloads and operate at high temperatures - this is a real breakthrough. You are a competent person, calculate the efficiency of the reactor according to the Carnot formula, which gives a coolant with a temperature of several thousand degrees at the output - and without such a temperature you can’t get an engine
      1. 0
        4 March 2018 22: 04
        I want to add to the topic of the reactor, so that it becomes clear how great achievement is mobility and work at high temperatures. Due to the fact that nuclear fuel can be damaged by a sharp change in temperature, and this will inevitably happen with a change in power, the rate of change in power is limited to a few percent.

        Westinghouse has tried to create hexagonal TVELs, so they spoil all the time - this is the most serious incident possible at a reactor. So even the creation of fuel, its new type for an already used reactor requires decades of calculations and experiments, and here we have a completely different type of reactor, with a completely different type of fuel.

        In a word, mobility and the ability to work in conditions of a sharp change in parameters - temperature, pressure, acceleration in itself requires a huge amount of research and development work, at least to ensure the necessary fuel resource in the entire volume of requirements of the Kyrgyz Republic

        I'm not talking about the fact that the reactor needs control so that it does not turn into a kind of atomic bomb, and all this must be accommodated in a small volume
  20. 0
    2 March 2018 10: 37
    So that everyone is convinced, I think soon they will experience something in Syria
  21. 0
    2 March 2018 10: 58
    It is sad that these systems will become a bargaining chip.
  22. +11
    2 March 2018 11: 19
    I did not like the speech of our leader. In addition to the military-political and military-technical part, everything else - with regard to the real economy within the country and the social issue - was heard as a mixture of inarticulate cliches with manilism. I would have thrown such report developers out onto the street in the place of the Great, let the laces sharpen with Tajik wipers. Take, for example, the question of the development of production technologies: here is “robotization”, and “innovation”, etc., etc., which “will lead to an increase in salaries”. Bitter laughter parses. Who has the salary increase? - Until now, this has only concerned top management, cheerfully mastering the state budget funds. It is unlikely that this will affect the salaries of designers, engineers and technologists — we do not live in that order. And the notorious "increase in labor productivity" means a reduction in jobs - for this you do not have to hack at lectures at the HSE, it is understandable to a turner-baker. But not to the referents of the president. And where, excuse me, the thrown out “human resource” will direct its feet? - To the village? To master the earth? - So there is also a seam, a small private trader does not have the possibility of its own sales in the retail market. - everything is covered from above with a "copper basin" of agricultural holdings in conjunction with mega-chains, and is polished by different guardians from certification, licensing, and the like. The economy is weak. Social - fake. Armaments - all means for sharpening a saber. Oil painting - “Inhabited Island” in all its glory, with “Unknown Fathers” and “Honti” hating us with “Pandeas” in the form of Ukraine, PriEbaltiki, licking the ass of “Island Empire” of the USA.
    1. +4
      2 March 2018 12: 15
      Quote: andrew42
      I would be in the place of the Great such report developers would drive out into the street, with Tajik wipers let the laces sharpen

      Yes, you sho! And who will steer the country? In Russia, there is a shortage of managerial personnel! They can change the current in places.
    2. 0
      5 March 2018 09: 52
      Quote: andrew42
      I did not like the speech of our leader. In addition to the military-political and military-technical units, everything else

      Apart from the fact that he made statements about what to talk with us 10 years ago in Munich and nothing has changed, the military unit with cartoons is purely for domestic voters. If there is nothing to promise in the economy, then let the people be proud of the rockets, they won’t check it .. the rockets are very secret)) The meeting was in fact about nothing, like an election campaign .. for a solid 4k, his electorate likes it)) We but the people ... be two condates, one will talk about the economy, and the second about rockets, they will choose the second .. for no one believes in wealth, people don’t know another life .. and on TV they say that they want to attack us. ..so Putin’s report is just a gum for Putiners and senior citizens.
      1. 0
        16 March 2018 09: 26
        The fact that the people in the “one of two” scenario chooses missiles is normal. Our people are reasonable. Without rockets, thoughts about the economy are intellectual masturbation, because an independent state will never have a full-fledged economy, and what happens will work for an uncle. So the people here are normal, they live by reason, and not by little mind. The mind is in the head, but the mind with the Wishlist is much lower.
      2. 0
        16 March 2018 09: 27
        However, the behavior of the people does not justify the Guarantor.
  23. +2
    2 March 2018 11: 24
    They don’t want to live together and have friends, so they got what they deserve. THE BEST STUDY OF THE HISTORY, HOWEVER!
    1. +8
      2 March 2018 16: 09
      Quote: viktorkowtun
      They don’t want to live together and have friends, so they got what they deserve. THE BEST STUDY OF THE HISTORY, HOWEVER!

      Please clarify how the world has changed since 1.03.2018. do I understand correctly that after watching these cartoons, the United States decided to destroy all weapons, and transfer the headstock to Russia? Just somewhere I missed this news ...
      1. +1
        3 March 2018 05: 42
        Quote: Semen1972
        Quote: viktorkowtun
        They don’t want to live together and have friends, so they got what they deserve. THE BEST STUDY OF THE HISTORY, HOWEVER!

        Please clarify how the world has changed since 1.03.2018. do I understand correctly that after watching these cartoons, the United States decided to destroy all weapons, and transfer the headstock to Russia? Just somewhere I missed this news ...

        This means that in the event of a nuclear war, they will receive a response from which no missile defense will protect.
        1. 0
          5 March 2018 09: 39
          Quote: Alexey G
          This means that in the event of a nuclear war, they will receive a response from which no missile defense will protect

          Until March 01.03.2018, XNUMX this was not ???? You kind of write to VO, but did not hear about our nuclear forces ... why then, comment on something ??? And one more question ... a reference can be made to the statement of the US president about the outbreak of war with Russia .. with cartoons of a blow to Moscow?
          Okay, Troll, don’t answer.
  24. 0
    2 March 2018 11: 30
    Well, it became clear what the GDP was occupied for a considerable amount of time — forged a shield and a sword to fame! I am satisfied.
    Now it’s clear where he will use the time that he has left. Tremble, internal, hehe .... no one has escaped from these hands. Objections can not be read, we all were not mistaken in GDP, and he will not fail this time either., Everyone knows that, the objections will look like the whine of the losers, hehe.
  25. +5
    2 March 2018 11: 56
    Sarmat passed only throwing tests and firing engines. For debugging, according to the statements, it will take 2 years and from 2020 it should be adopted. The saturation of the troops is planned to start from 2020 and finish by 2025. By the way, from the most shown, the most real project that has a chance to be implemented on time! A dagger in the form of a hypersonic missile is being tested. And they are very far from being put on combat duty there. Everything else is only in the plans or in the form of experiments. the laser would not have been shown better. Especially against the background of the fact that the Americans broadcast a drone on the air back in 2015. And from this year they plan to mount laser guns on their Zamvoly.
    1. +1
      2 March 2018 12: 05
      As for the lasers, it is not necessary to drive the blizzard. It was Tolstoy’s all-encompassing "hyperboloid engineer Garik." The use of laser weapons is limited because we do not live in space, and energy supply is generally mega-expensive. So far this is an expensive toy, no more. Until a portable thermonuclear for cars is invented.
      1. +5
        2 March 2018 12: 27
        Quote: andrew42
        Until a portable thermonuclear for cars is invented.

        And you do not know what you have already invented? For cars, this was not and is not necessary, but cruise missiles are already flying.
    2. +4
      2 March 2018 14: 05
      I understand, it's hard to believe it all. But ... but now you have to live with it request
  26. +3
    2 March 2018 12: 11
    “Perhaps this is not a coincidence, but the new economic policy of Moscow, and not only in relation to Bandera Ukraine”

    More often it is necessary to arrange presidential elections in Russia! You can even once every two years. Look, and economic policy has changed, you look and the debts of other countries we will no longer forgive, and we will make the relaxation of the prices of our resources for our citizens. And there you look and salaries with human pensions will become, or some kind of probes for the most part.
  27. +1
    2 March 2018 12: 16
    At the beginning of the 80 of the 20 century, Ronald Reagan said that in the USA there is an SDI and showed a cartoon and the USSR believed
    1. +1
      2 March 2018 13: 18
      He did not show that there was an SDI, but asked Congress for money for a soybean project, showing a cartoon how it would look. And it was from the filing of military corporations, because according to scientists at that time it was almost impossible.
  28. +4
    2 March 2018 12: 25
    I don’t know how anyone, but since yesterday and today I have a good mood, it seems like the long-awaited holiday has arrived. soldier
    1. +2
      2 March 2018 12: 52
      A rifle is a holiday, who is arguing
      1. +2
        4 March 2018 02: 33
        Letov looked into the water. laughing
  29. +3
    2 March 2018 12: 33
    Well, after all, "hohlos.rach" seems to have come out ...
    But - revive the topic.
  30. +5
    2 March 2018 12: 43
    In general, Putin once again declared to the whole world that Russia, as it was Nizhny Volta with a nuclear baton, remained. laughing
    1. +4
      2 March 2018 13: 45
      Quote: Saling
      that Russia, as it was Nizhny Volta with a nuclear club, remained

      Unlike anyone else, Russia with this club only shrugged off the enemies running into it and always fought back, and now Russia shrugged off once again simply showing everyone this club. Let them not climb.
      1. +2
        2 March 2018 13: 57
        Yes, yes, Russia just brushes it off laughing and when Crimea captured and when the war went to Georgia.
        1. +3
          2 March 2018 14: 31
          The neighbors suddenly became violent, they had to be vaccinated against violence ... We will still have to pacify, do not touch us and we will not touch you soldier Guys let's be friends Yes
        2. +1
          2 March 2018 14: 42
          Quote: Saling
          Yes, yes, Russia only waved it off, laughing when it captured the Crimea and when it went to war with Georgia.

          A worthy sparring partner ...
          1. +1
            2 March 2018 15: 24
            For whom? For the weak of Georgia and Ukraine? laughing And in Syria, from the United States, it has been warped as never before. Even had to classified. Tomorrow, God forbid, oil prices will fall, and the country will fall apart much faster than the USSR with a nuclear missile. laughing
        3. +3
          2 March 2018 17: 43
          and when the war went to Georgia.
          I wonder what would the Americans do with Georgia if they put a platoon of US Marines?
        4. +2
          2 March 2018 18: 20
          Quote: Saling
          Yes, yes, Russia only dismisses it, both when it captured the Crimea and when it went to war with Georgia.

          You understand that trolls, but I don’t seem to answer like I can’t, damn it! In Crimea, the appearance at the referendum was the same as voiced by all the world media and this is definitely not a fake! You, in view of your remoteness from those events, are still not up to date, but the annexation of Crimea to Russia coincided with the desire of the majority of the Crimean population. Who went to whom war, dear ?! 08.08.2008/0/5, this is only the so-called the official beginning of the conflict, which has already been studied from all sides, as well as the chronology of events. Here you climbed - no information! Sorry! You can read in detail here: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D1%A80%D0%XNUMX%DXNUMX%BE%
          1. 0
            5 March 2018 08: 39
            First of all, my grandmother didn’t tell you that not everything that is written in Wi-Fi is true. Secondly, since when did the seizure of state buildings and institutions, as well as the military bases of one state, by the armed forces of another state come to be called the expression of the will of the local population, whatever your favorite ORT and Russia television channels would say? laughing This is what you call the expression of desire of the Crimean population:

            Or do you disagree with VV Putin that the so-called was the refund carried out by force? laughing
            And believe me, my sources of information are not limited, like you, ORT, Russia, and Wikipedia. laughing
            1. 0
              April 20 2018 23: 45
              Quote: Saling
              And believe me, my sources of information are not limited, like you, ORT, Russia, and Wikipedia.

              That amused, so amused! I LIVE IN SEVASTOPOL! I SAW and KNOW how, where and what happened! And, son, do not call anyone on this site a kid and all Crimeans, like me, do not care about your "sources", as well as your opinion, or what you think about this! A lock has been made. and not the seizure of all government agencies, and even then not immediately! hi
              1. 0
                April 23 2018 15: 15
                wink What went brave Crimeans. even Putin’s words do not care. laughing "Blocking, not seizing government agencies" golden quotes laughing . And explain to me, kid, what is the difference between the capture and your "blocking".
  31. +1
    2 March 2018 13: 39
    Look how!
    Manezhnaya speech ............... is not bad.
  32. +2
    2 March 2018 13: 41
    Looked all srach in comments. Nothing new: some drive others.
    I won’t say an expert opinion, but if these developments were really made and delivered or will be put into the arsenal of the country, it’s kind of good for the whole world.
    And I'm not talking about peaceful deterrents, the global war between the USA and the Russian Federation or other nonsense, because we all know how this will end for the whole world. The response to aggression from either side will be sent one hundred percent and no matter how many advanced systems (or how many) each country has, you will never drop all the missiles. Something will reach the goal in any situation.
    The creation of such systems is useful to the world in that a country, for example, now the United States, which has some shortcomings in this industry, will begin to develop this. And the more development of such technologies, the more adaptation of technologies for ordinary inhabitants of this planet.
    And gentlemen, at least listen to the "experts" screaming about the war and the incineration of the entire planet or specific points. It feels like you don’t have enough to do in your life. If one rocket takes off, super / not super sound - rockets will fly from all over the world. And absolutely all country leaders understand this. Look at all this as a new round of development of world technologies and nothing more.
    1. 0
      2 March 2018 17: 58
      And gentlemen, at least listen to the "experts" screaming about the war and the incineration of the entire planet or specific points. It feels like you don’t have enough to do in your life. If one rocket takes off, super / not super sound - rockets will fly from all over the world. And absolutely all country leaders understand this.

      I agree completely. One reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, a third of Belarus and a quarter of Ukraine became infected. And what happens if several missiles with several warheads fall, I can’t even imagine.
  33. +3
    2 March 2018 13: 59
    Nikita Isaev ... admitted that "the United States has the right to be a world gendarme." And defamed our Foreign Ministry for not being able to agree with this gendarme,
    And he does it with some kind of genuine emotional anger, as if something personal were hurt. I also liked the faces of some of the government, well, very puzzled.
    The shock of the West, you can even hear through social networks: fairy tales, everything is inflatable, it can’t be ... lol moreover, they don’t even understand how valuable such statements are. Yes
  34. +2
    2 March 2018 14: 07
    Quote: Dartys
    Well, it became clear what the GDP was occupied for a considerable amount of time — forged a shield and a sword to fame! I am satisfied.

    Well, yes ... We remember Serdyukov. and the one who appointed him ...
  35. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      2 March 2018 14: 41
      Quote: Ryszard Ewiak
      Nothing Can Stop the Americans

      And what do they pull and wait while we arm ourselves, what do you think? And who will win the war according to you?
    2. +2
      2 March 2018 18: 26
      Quote: Ryszard Ewiak
      The hot spot may be Georgia.

      Why not Ukraine? She is much closer, barks louder and took much more money from the west! May require action to cover debt.
  36. +8
    2 March 2018 14: 40
    The headline explains everything. Putin is more interested in communicating with the West than with the Russian people. For the people, he set the Solovyov-Kiselyovs ... he all grasps this herd .. so he believes. And they will whine about the bad schools of the hospital, so see which bathyscaphe is there !!!
    1. +1
      3 March 2018 06: 08
      Quote: Semen1972
      The headline explains everything. Putin is more interested in communicating with the West than with the Russian people. For the people, he set the Solovyov-Kiselyovs ... he all grasps this herd .. so he believes. And they will whine about the bad schools of the hospital, so see which bathyscaphe is there !!!

      He devoted about a quarter of his speech to the military commissar. Yesterday, he also discussed medicine-hospitals-schools when he arrived in Kaliningrad. But apparently you are not interested?
      1. 0
        4 March 2018 13: 37
        Look, the same pluses were brought to this semen, the most important thing for them is a shovel, dung, a fan, and not hospitals.
  37. +7
    2 March 2018 15: 22
    Cheerless: “It seems to be 2018, and there are still people who believe Putin’s words.”
    Yes, that’s okay. It is absolutely amazing that there are people who believe in the analytics of the author of the article. Try to explain this.
  38. +7
    2 March 2018 15: 50
    Quote: Gardamir

    Gardamir .... YOUR information is out of date for 10 years ...

    And to cover this shop:

    1. Ekaterina Sergeevna Vinokurova, daughter of Lavrov, really lived 17 years in the USA .... Exactly as long as her father served as the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United States. Living there, she successfully graduated from Columbia University and, on the recommendation of that, she studied at the London School of Economics for a year ...
    2. Since 2007, lives in Moscow. Ekaterina Sergeevna - co-owner of Smart Art, a company that promotes contemporary Russian artists. And she began as a guide in an art gallery, then six years of work at the representative office of the Sotby auction.
    3. “I never hid who my father is. But I almost never talk about it. And everyone who knows me knows that few people have helped me in life. Of course, the main help was the education that was given to me,” quotes the daughter of the Minister glossy edition Marie Claire.

    Catherine admitted that the most important lesson given to her by her father was self-confidence. "I am an only child, and they always told me: you must rely on your strength, you must achieve," said Vinokurova.

    The husband is successful, two children 6 and 3 of the year .... Maybe stop pouring slop? Themselves have long been messed up ...
    1. +3
      2 March 2018 16: 55
      co-owner of the company
      or journalist. However, this is not important. They all attached sons and daughters. Son of Rogozin, daughter of Shoigu. Even Navkin’s husband attached his daughter to some head of the Crimea.
      Who is on the lists, he is forced to portray a patriot, the rest is still in London.
      And let's talk about raising the retirement age, and that pension is no longer shining for everyone.
      However, I read your passage below, it's about people like your Lavrov.
  39. +3
    2 March 2018 15: 55
    Quote: rennim166
    Well, yes ... We remember Serdyukov. and the one who appointed him ...

    You will probably be given a toad when you find out that Serdyukov was awarded for what he did ... He took upon himself all and all the dirt, portraying a complete idiot ..... Forcing the West to not just believe ... Believing that Serdkov is already close to full the destruction of the army and navy, the West reduced the cost of armaments and almost stopped funding R&D. And he sent the released funds to the social network, increasing unemployment benefits, refugee and emigrant benefits ... Well, now take it away :))) Because they are in a panic .... Of the 6 submarines of the Geramn fleet, the latter broke down last year, almost going to the bottom off the coast of Norway ...

    And behind the screen of serlukovschina new industries were created, and money for new units and new weapons passed by the Ministry of Finance while there they knew who .... Any funding needs foundation. According to which moles in the Ministry of Finance could calmly know all the details of new developments.

    People are gnawed at by anger that they did not consult appointing Serdyukov, and they deceived like the West ... But they didn’t tell the truth ... BUT they would believe in the West - at first they had to convincingly believe their ...
  40. +3
    2 March 2018 15: 56
    Vladimir Putin GOOD Fellow! He took care of an unprecedented defense against the threats of the united West and made it clear that the United States would not sit overseas in the event of NATO aggression against Russia. This will reduce the Western warriors of warlike fervor. I hope that the United States and NATO will soberly assess the situation and stop their numerous sabotage against Russia. Russia is SUPER!
    1. +6
      2 March 2018 16: 08
      Quote: Natalia777
      I hope that the United States and NATO will soberly assess the situation and stop their numerous sabotage against Russia.

      Please specify what specifically will be no more? We won’t put the asphalt in the snow again even after the GDP’s speech ... this is sabotage ... when will the rocket arrive in them ???
    2. 0
      3 March 2018 23: 10
      Vladimir Putin GOOD Fellow! He took care of an unprecedented defense against the threats of the united West and made it clear that the United States would not sit overseas in the event of NATO aggression against Russia. This will reduce the Western warriors of warlike fervor. I hope that the United States and NATO will soberly assess the situation and stop their numerous sabotage against Russia. Russia is SUPER! [I] [/ i] once in your post, according to the training manual, you forgot to mention that our Crimea, our Syria, Abkhazia and Ossetia are ours too. Yes, our Crimea turned out to be Syria, like in that song by "Beasts" " "this is just the beginning". Abkhazia and Ossetia are conditionally ours, until the moment when we are sweeping money out of the budget there, and then the shafts will immediately turn the other way around.
  41. +9
    2 March 2018 16: 06
    Quote: Santor
    Quote: rennim166
    Well, yes ... We remember Serdyukov. and the one who appointed him ...

    You will probably be given a toad when you find out that Serdyukov was awarded for what he did ... He took upon himself all and all the dirt, portraying a complete idiot ..... Forcing the West to not just believe ... Believing that Serdkov is already close to full the destruction of the army and navy, the West reduced the cost of armaments and almost stopped funding R&D. And he sent the released funds to the social network, increasing unemployment benefits, refugee and emigrant benefits ... Well, now take it away :))) Because they are in a panic .... Of the 6 submarines of the Geramn fleet, the latter broke down last year, almost going to the bottom off the coast of Norway ...

    And behind the screen of serlukovschina new industries were created, and money for new units and new weapons passed by the Ministry of Finance while there they knew who .... Any funding needs foundation. According to which moles in the Ministry of Finance could calmly know all the details of new developments.

    People are gnawed at by anger that they did not consult appointing Serdyukov, and they deceived like the West ... But they didn’t tell the truth ... BUT they would believe in the West - at first they had to convincingly believe their ...

    Very good it's funny. Do you yourself believe that? I do not ... Because it is nonsense.
    But then I see destroyed military units and equipment ... Research institutes and military looted and destroyed by the Serdyukovschina. schools. He will only believe that all this was to convince someone there. Isn't the FAT price too high? At the same time, we are still reaping the fruits of this mediocre cutting and contraction.

    They are PANICING about de there ... don’t tell. How can we frighten high-tech countries ... a state without an economy and a national idea ... with endless "problems" in which we blame anyone just not ourselves. Ready to believe in anything if only not to admit to ourselves that we are stupidly fooling us!
    1. 0
      4 March 2018 13: 43
      A quote from the movie is "..Uncle, you d ..... to ??"
  42. 0
    2 March 2018 16: 39
    Quote: Sovetskiy
    Quote: mkop
    It is not clear why then he is hiding behind the flag of a foreign country for him.

    Yes, at least for the lack of tracking on advertising.

    At the time of writing of my comment, all 34 comments of that comrade were made under one flag. And so as not to be watched they need to be changed at least. Basic safety rules :)
  43. 0
    2 March 2018 17: 34
    the name of the Sarmat-SMOG missile (in any sense it will cover)
  44. 0
    2 March 2018 18: 18
    Quote: Serg65
    Quote: To be or not to be
    You (in) the answer to wrap or how?

    It is advisable to answer of course!

    I answer - "Of course!"
    Quote: Serg65
    Quote: To be or not to be
    You (in) the answer to wrap or how?

    It is advisable to answer of course!

    Only this blind person does not see and the deaf person does not hear.
    Sivkov did not try to watch? About hybrid hydra against the Russian Federation
  45. +1
    2 March 2018 19: 09
    Quote: Vladivostok1969
    I think you call the president a righteous man. In the eyes of the citizens of the country, he could possibly look righteous only if he would apologize to them for the troubles brought by his government. If he obeyed his mistakes. Yesterday he was going to open hospitals and clinics again which were closed in recent years. And to people who will explain why this will happen again. We must admit our mistakes. But no, he is sinless with us. And he will not come down to an apology.

    Pick yourself up to start your courage and say thanks to him, for the fact that you, your loved ones, your country and people are still alive, unless of course Russia and its people are yours ...
  46. +6
    2 March 2018 21: 01
    2018 Presidential Election: Sent? Sent!

    Indeed, the guarantor, a long-term record holder and an absolute champion in messages among all the former messengers of all time, peoples and gardens, this time threw and set the indisputable world record for the distance of sending the first time.
    Our message flew so far that it could only be seen with the help of a giant magnifying screen over the entire wall, on which an entirely new rocket launched at an unknown distance to hit the horizon of an unprecedented but vicious enemy, probably the one who stole from us and harbored from our people in his bins about one and a half - two trillion of our dollars ...

    Nobody listened to the guarantor, but we were partners, and brother, we are partners, not freeloaders! And now - they have become enemy partners, and if so, then he, the enemy (former partner), should do so! Let the enemy (partner) know! If anything! The people and the party are one! We are peaceful people! Getting up from your knees! But the armored train is on the siding! Under pairs and with a rocket (Barguzin did not remember)! But we make rockets! Sarmatians! Alans! Scythians! Ants! Goths! (and where are the Russians ...) Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
    All serious people in the audience are getting up ...

    The rest for the sent ones should not be important, the rest is nonsense, so nonsense, not for serious people who have everything, so they will be enough for the next 6 years and cartoons about how spaceships plow open spaces about missile launches. True, cartoons are still weak for such a great division as elections.
    That’s why they are serious, adult, responsible people, unlike agents of the State Department, lovers of totalitarianism, sighs of sausage for 2.20 and other dandruff.

    Online Survey Candidate Ratings

    At http://president-rf.ru (17 579 people, started over)
    Grudinin - 74%, Putin - 18%, Zhirinovsky - 3%
    At http://basetop.ru (88 032, people started again)
    Grudinin - 61%, Putin - 15%, Zhirinovsky - 6%
    At http://pr2018.ru/ (10 709, people started again)
    Grudinin - 65%, Putin - 17%, Zhirinovsky - 6%

    No comment, the election will show
    1. dSK
      2 March 2018 22: 49
      Quote: akudr48
      Grudinin - 65%

      Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region satisfied the lawsuit of three shareholders "State farm named after Lenin"who demanded that the transfer of land owned by the state farm to TT Development, of which the director of the state farm is illegal, be recognized Pavel Grudinin, RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the courtroom. RIA Novosti14: 19, 02.03.18.
    2. +1
      3 March 2018 05: 37
      Message from Vladimir Vladimirovich on the 2000 of the year https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/141144
    3. 0
      4 March 2018 13: 46
      stop screaming. Just say: "Enviable!" sad
  47. +2
    2 March 2018 21: 59
    Why argue, (-If life is on Mars or not) quote from the film. It's simple: - 1) NATO missile defense is located around Russia? - yes, -2) a missile defense system for protecting s after a preventive nuclear strike against Russia? - yes, -3) Russophobic hysteria, provocations on the part of the Russians towards Russia as a trigger for war - yes -4) Is there a nuclear war? - No, why not? Yes, because Uncle Vova, with God's help, once again does not allow plunging the world into tartar. At the end of the message, he clearly said this. I am sure that the next doomsday is very far away :)
  48. +9
    3 March 2018 02: 50
    I will not judge the technical characteristics of the new weapon, but the level of decline in science, production and 2% of world GDP says a lot.
    The main question is why we need such a weapon and against whom we are able to use it, if the potential adversary - the West has become an icon for the Russian government, a new religion, a longed dream. Our elite has long become their elite, as Brzezinski said, and no one will use such weapons in their own beloved home. Yes, and somehow his appearance coincided strangely with the elections, apparently also will disappear after the election. But there are still many idiots in the country, they will behave, believe that Putin threatens the adversary with the truth.
  49. +7
    3 March 2018 05: 11
    As long as our Power consists of a concern to monetize everything up to conscience and betrayal, we are not talking about any defensive ability and real sovereignty!
    There is Noodles of replacing failures in the social sphere and economy with the patriotism of the electorate and voting for our Everything (but who else can you see on the throne except the Great and the Mighty?)
    2-e There is a scarecrow-Response to foreign partners with cartoons for Syria, Chevk and Prigogine, cocaine from Argentina transported by the government squadron, Mudko and the Olympics, Deripasko and Deputy Prime Minister Prikhodko, legitimacy to stolen and taken offshore ...

    The message does not contain the Main thing - changing the ideology of ignoring and betraying the people to justice and retribution for sins and merits! Without the Stalinist purge at the top of Russia, there is no way to survive!

    About war and science https://youtu.be/KWaPN_Tf7aA
  50. 0
    3 March 2018 10: 10
    It is wonderful. It is under the umbrella of the latest weapons that we can now make the country strong and economically. But preparation for a conventional war is also necessary. NATO plans to capture Kaliningrad. Infrastructure is being prepared and equipment is being deployed to deploy more than 500 thousand armies in Europe. We must persistently modernize all the tanks at our disposal and urgently prepare the infrastructure for the instant deployment of not one, not two, but several shock armored armies, including those ready to use tactical nuclear warheads in battle.
    1. 0
      3 March 2018 10: 16
      Quote: andrew 07
      It is wonderful. It is under the umbrella of the latest weapons that we can now make the country strong and economically

      how ?
      Make you lift the sanctions?
      Make you trade with you?
      Quote: andrew 07
      NATO plans to capture Kaliningrad.

      Come on belay
      Quote: andrew 07
      We must persistently modernize all the tanks at our disposal and urgently prepare the infrastructure for the instant deployment of not one, not two, but several shock armored armies, including those ready to use tactical nuclear warheads in battle.

      Well, in general, we have already passed this, in the USSR the result is known.
  51. +6
    3 March 2018 14: 51
    In the current situation, this is an inevitable position for Putin. We need to sharpen the game... Turn over the board with the pieces.

    What exactly is the current pre-election moment? It is necessary to explain to his circle and the population why he is serving another term, if for 19 years he could not do what was expected of him and what he himself promised?

    With his current actions, he is pitting the Country against the West, and the West against the Country.

    And in this situation, he can count on being a mediator in resolving this conflict.
    1. He seems to be saying to the West: look how aggressive our people are, only I can restrain them from a nuclear strike on you.
    2. To the people - “as long as the great strategist Putin is in charge, the West will not dare!”
    3. He says to the elite - while I’m in charge, well, if I don’t protect you from the West and what you stole, then at least I’ll save your skins from the ungrateful people, who will hang you all after me.
    1. 0
      3 March 2018 18: 29
      In the last term, GDP will clean up the “Augean waste” inside and outside the hill.
    2. 0
      5 March 2018 14: 13
      1. This looks bad, because it actually demonstrates the Russian person as a gopnik. And not for some reason, but as a simply prevailing worldview among the people. But we, the leadership, they say, are not like that and it is still possible to reach an agreement with us, but there is little time left.
      Well, just enough time to make this “fairy tale come true.”

      2. Most unfortunately, there is a real deflection of the GDP itself (which I personally have always respected and there was a reason for it) before, apparently, the people in its immediate circle have spread their hawkish wings. I think so because until now in the foreign policy of the GDP, tricks have not been common. He was more likely to drive Western politicians into hysterics, while he himself remained balanced and free to make decisions.

      3. This mistake that he made not only does not present him as a defender of these and these, but makes him a person who has actually publicly taken the step that war is approaching. Yes, not some local one, but it gives confidence that now we are exactly as close to “we are all going to die” as quickly as the fairy tale will be made true, because no one will lower the temperature and no one will sit down for negotiations in the light of the assertion of the fact that Russia is from a country demonstrating weapons of confident deterrence has turned into a country declaring a desire to use at least two types of weapons of aggression, which do not fundamentally change anything in the context of a conflict with such powers as the States or China, but bring “Armageddon” very close to any local conflict on the territory of any other countries of the world.

      It is very sad that GDP succumbed to pressure from not very smart hawks. I always thought better of him.
  52. 0
    3 March 2018 18: 25
    A crying wall awaits Isaev and Nekrasov. hi
  53. +4
    3 March 2018 19: 04
    “showed a movie” - not a movie, but a cartoon that has nothing to do with life, and we must not forget that the United States is 50 years or maybe more ahead of Russia in terms of technology. Satellites have probably already been launched to all planets, and beyond the solar system. At the same time, Russia cannot get further than the ISS, and the whole world is showing off how cool we are.
    1. 0
      4 March 2018 00: 07
      What kind of nonsense did you write?
      1. 0
        4 March 2018 09: 32
        The usual question is analogous to the Internet - but in reality, there were cartoons! Now we are cooler than Disney :)
    2. 0
      5 March 2018 10: 19
      USA 50 years ahead? - Well, why go overboard like that, huh? Polemics are polemics, but we should have the honor to know, as they say. On the scale of Introduction (!) of production technologies, yes, the USA is ahead, but not in all sectors. There is no need to flaunt the consumer sector - that’s enough already, once I replaced the Rhythm tape recorder with Buran with a Hitachi video recorder with Bubblegum. I don’t want to be Kesha’s parrot anymore, and I don’t advise you to. The Japanese have been “technical” for more than half a century, but Fukushima was caught in one or two, samurai roboticists. The lag in the introduction of technology is OUR PROBLEM, not the coolness of the USA and Co. And the reason here is internal political, not even economic. States can afford “civilized” corruption with an inexhaustible supply of green papers. We cannot, we are not allowed to draw candy wrappers, because in the end commodity production is rotten, and there is no economic demand for the “production of means of production.”
  54. 0
    3 March 2018 22: 56
    ... somehow all this reminds me of the story about “one Voroshilov salvo and conducting airborne forces on enemy territory...'', and how it all ended, remind me, however, I began to forget my age...
  55. 0
    4 March 2018 00: 05
    Quote: Cheerful
    With the difference that the club is fake, inflatable. The same “Sarmatian” is currently undergoing only throwing tests, and from throwing tests to putting into service it took 4-6 years, even in the USSR, in the Russian Federation with its degrading science, this path can take much longer.
    I’m afraid that Putin’s speech can only inspire the “electorate” with an IQ below 80 points, Western partners can only laugh at it, it can use it as an excuse to knock out large military expenses for cutting, no more =)

    You are probably aware
    Your place of work is at least MO
  56. +2
    4 March 2018 15: 49
    It seems to me that the purpose of the message is one. Distract citizens from pressing problems. From unemployment, from the lack of money to clear the streets, even from bad medicine, from the refusal to index pensions for working pensioners, from the arbitrariness of local authorities, the lack of fight against corruption (do you all remember the Vasilyeva case?). Instead, they are pitting themselves against America - where are they sending their children....
  57. 0
    5 March 2018 07: 41
    phenomenal, the animation is super, the main characters are even more beautiful, at least the Oscar is already awarded, and then you look and the Nobel prize is guaranteed, you give peace to the world, the main thing is that the competitors are not even close...
  58. 0
    5 March 2018 10: 04
    Well, yes, you don’t have the Internet to download the textbook.