Andrei Fursov: The one who wins will live

Andrei Fursov: The one who wins will live

Andrey FEFELOV. My first question, Andrei Ilyich, to you, as a historian of modernity. We are talking about some kind of ultimatum, which was set by the West Russian oligarchs. We know that this ultimatum ends in February, Valentine’s Day. Behind this ultimatum what do you see? - the struggle of international elites, global elites with regional ones?

Andrei Fursov. There are several trends that overlap. On the one hand, this is a struggle of global elites, tops with national-regional, with national-state ones; on the other hand, it is increasing pressure on Russia, more precisely, on the power-economic regime existing in it, from a certain part of the ruling circles of the West, like both formal and informal - the so-called “deep-seated power”, which in the West is not only deeper, but also broader and more powerful than formalized state structures. Here it is important to talk about trends, and not about individual events and facts, because, as the CIA chief Allen Dulles correctly noted at one time, a person can be confused with facts, but if he understands trends, then he will not be confused.

One of the trends of the past 2017 year is the increasing pressure of global elites on the elites of the national-state level. This process has been going on for a long time, but it was clearly voiced, in fact, by declaring war on 12-13 on October 2012, Christine Lagarde in Tokyo at a joint meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Then she said that it was necessary to lay down the legal and moral basis for exemption, i.e. the expropriation of the “young money” dishonestly acquired. “Young money” is just the money of the oligarchs of Russia, China, Brazil and others, and the high-ranking officials associated with them, acquired, as Christine Lagarde said, in the trade in raw materials.

Immanuel Wallerstein would object to her very simply. At one of the meetings of the Moscow Economic Forum, Wallerstein said the following. Yes, of course, corruption in the developing world, including in Russia, but judge for yourself, corruption is most of all where there is most money, and most of all money is in America, just there corruption is wrapped in lobbying.

Andrey FEFELOV. Of course, there is a global wallet, where the regionals put their money, and globokratam sin to not use this wallet.

Andrei Fursov. Field of miracles in the land of fools. Moreover, once, in the years of the “fat financial cows”, it was possible to put in this wallet, and they were told - carry your money. And then, when the struggle for the future was seriously launched, the essence of which — who will cut someone off from the public pie — here, as the hero of a Soviet film said, is not up to the skirt honor, here the big fish devour small ones. And starts taking property. It is grounded in different ways: someone is accused of being oligarchs associated with a certain big boss, someone is simply corrupt, someone is not in the position that is needed by the owners of the world game. The basis is a simple fact: in the post-capitalist future there will not be enough social pie for everyone, this future itself will not be enough. And this concerns not only the lower classes and the "midles", but also the tops. And the fact that this post-capitalist future is approaching, more precisely, a certain part of the world leaders approached it and brings it closer as it could and can, there is no doubt. It is symbolic that in the centenary of the Great October Socialist (i.e. anti-capitalist) revolution, the Rome Club published a report postulating the necessity and inevitability of changing the world’s existing mode of production and consumption and the (neo) liberal ideology that shaped it. The end of capitalism and the coming left turn is an agenda that is becoming mainstream, never reaches the Russian ort, which apparently believes that pineapples and hazel grouses are forever.

Here a serious, and double, external-internal contradiction arises. The dismantling of capitalism requires a left turn, and we already hear the steps of this Global Commander, but the Russian elites - these "children" of the 1990s, criminal redistribution and Yeltsin's betrayal - do not want to hear these steps, they are scared. They did not even dare to worthily mark the centenary of the October Revolution (but the French, for example, the bourgeoisie was not afraid to celebrate the centenary and the bicentennial of the bloody French Revolution, which, among other things, demonstrated its historical maturity). This is outside the country. But leftist sentiments are growing and expanding within the country - especially among young people. This can be seen both in the polls regarding Stalin (more than 70% of the positive answers in the cohort of 18–24 years old) and in the polls who the Bolsheviks or their opponents would support in the revolution and civil war (more than 90% for the Bolsheviks). It seems that the government and the population, the people, are dispersing in different directions, not only socio-economically, but also ideologically, and this is very dangerous.

The bottom line: a significant part of the Russian top is increasingly at the same time under the external press in the short term - right (sanctions, etc.), in the medium term - left and under the inside, with pressure from both sides will increase as the geopolitical aggravation situations (“partners” will try) and as the economic situation worsens. In principle, the left turn would be the basis of the new program of power. As he said on the eve of his “left” turn, i.e. the abolition of serfdom Alexander II, it is better to cancel it from above than it will from below. The situation is the same today. “Top” is really preferable. I really do not want shocks in which the authorities in Russia have plunged the country three times - at the beginning of the 17th century, at the beginning of the 20th and at the end of the 20th century. Believers say, God loves a trinity, but about the fourth time nothing is known. In the end, at least the conservation instinct should be “experience, son of difficult mistakes” should prompt something, otherwise you will have to hope that an “accident, God the inventor” will happen, only his “wonderful discoveries” may turn out to be very unpleasant and will grieve someone to the impossibility.

It is necessary to note one more thing aggravating the problems of the Russian Federation. On the one hand, the Russian oligarchs have the very “young money” that Lagarde was talking about. At the same time, Russia is the only country with such a ruling elite that has nuclear weapon. This makes Russia the main target, and the more so, the more nervous the Americans are about losing their hegemony. When the USA declares Russia, China and Iran “revisionist states”, i.e. revision-oriented states, the revision of the American-centric monopolar world, they thereby fix their weakness - no one will revise the world for which strength. China is pushing the US in the economic sphere, the Russian Federation - in some regions - in the military-geopolitical, while having a weak economic base. In other words, post-Soviet Russia paradoxically makes the combination of strength and weakness a target. Russia's weakness, compared with China and India, lies in the huge gap between the rich and the poor. Of course, in India and in China, he too.

Andrey FEFELOV. Is he more, probably, still in these countries, Andrei Ilyich?

Andrei Fursov. It depends on what indicators. The concentration of wealth in the hands of 1% of the population of Russia gives 1: 71, followed by India - 1: 49, the average - 1: 46.

Andrey FEFELOV. That is, we still have no middle layer?

Andrei Fursov. However, the middle stratum in China and India is a rather difficult question. The Indian editorial of one of the most recent (13 – 19 in January 2018) issues of the London magazine The Economist is called “The missing middle class”. But experts, including Indologists, have been convincing us for many years that India has a powerful and ever-growing middle class. The article clearly states a simple idea: growing inequality in India impedes the development of the middle class. From 1980 to 2014, 1% of Indians put in their pockets nearly a third of all additional income related to economic growth. India moved from the salary level of 2 dollars per day to 3 dollars, but did not take the next step - to 10 or at least to 5 dollars, the article says. Only 3% of Indians have ever flown by plane, only slightly more than 2% have a car or truck; Of those 300 million Indians that HSBC (“Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation”) ranks as middle class, many live on the 3 dollar per day. And this is called the middle class? Worldwide, there is a decline in the number of the middle class and the deterioration of its economic position. There can be no other way in criminal capitalized capitalism: it does not fundamentally reward those who work. The subtitle of G. Standing’s book The Corruption of Capitalism published in 2017: “Why rentiers thrive and work does not pay off” (“Why rentiers thrive and work does not pay”) is quite indicative. We in Russia have been observing this situation since the beginning of the 1990s. And the “middle class” that the reformers swindlers promised us, resembling the King and Herzog from “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” turned out to be a hearth painted on canvas from another famous work.

If there was no middle class in post-Soviet Russia (and, obviously, it will not be), then in the West, the last 30 years, it has become increasingly shrinking - its happy life has been very short. In essence, the departure of this class undermines capitalism as a system. The leading expert on world economic inequality, the author of the best-selling book Capitalism in the 21st Century, T. Piketty, explains this simply: it is the presence of the middle class that ensures mass consumption, massive demand and massive investment in construction.

Unlike 1950 – 1970-ies, in the last 20 – 30 years, middle-class families formally cannot afford to buy housing. They are forced to rent it, which worsens their situation even more: for example, in the UK in 2013, housing fees rose 5 times faster than wages. According to economists, families who rent housing in the UK all their lives lose thousands of pounds more on 561 than do family owners; in London this figure is even greater - 1 million 360 thousand! However, despite this property is not affordable. Loss of property by the middle class - is this not camouflaged indirect expropriation, I ask? In other words, the disappearance of the middle class leaves a huge hole into which capitalism falls.

As for Russia, we still live by the achievements and legacy of the socialist era. Therefore, the poverty that is typical for India, the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America, as well as for many areas of New York, Paris, London is unimaginable not only in Russia, but even the current Central Asian "countries", the former Central Asian republics which the Soviet Union dragged into civilization and statehood and whose leaders, who managed from their villages and villages to get to the Soviet cities and their careers, were obliged by the USSR, the CPSU and the Russians, are watered today with mud and the Russian Empire and the USSR. It suffices to compare Dushanbe, Tashkent and Astana, on the one hand, and Mumbai, Calcutta and Dhaka, on the other.

Suffice to say that 732 has a million Indians - 54% of the population, this is the official Indian statistics - there is no access to toilets, neither public nor private. In China, this figure is 25%, that is, 340 million. Well, in countries like Ethiopia there are 93%.

Of course, Russia has a completely different situation. It is enough to drive around a large Russian city, relatively speaking, Togliatti or Irkutsk and the city of Mumbai and compare where civilization is and where not. At the same time, in different countries, depending on their historical past and cultural perceptions of social justice, there are different “moral and economic” ideas about permissible poverty, where poverty ends and poverty, rejection and deprivation begin.

A recent report from the Higher School of Economics says that 8% of the Russian population do not have access to medicines, 17% do not eat up. I think that these 8% are included in 17, but in any case we get 20% of people who, in general, social reality pushes, if you call things by their proper names - to the grave. There is no medicine, no food, a weakened organism - the whole bunch of diseases associated with malnutrition and these misfortunes. That is, in this respect, Russia is vulnerable. And it is absolutely clear that if the economic situation in Russia worsens, as economists say, both liberal and illiberal, this gap will widen.

On the other hand, the Russian Federation has nuclear weapons and it is impossible to talk with it as you can talk with Brazil or South Africa. Therefore, in pressure on Russia, the West is not on the path of an ordinary war, but an ersatz war, a hybrid war whose fronts are everywhere. For example, in the field of sports of the highest achievements, which has long been turned into a mixture of business, crime and politics. The Russian Federation received a serious blow on the front of the new Cold War as the Olympics, a very sensitive blow. The logic here is simple: is sport important to you ?! have you invested in sports ?! - then we will make you come under the white capitulary flag, repent and on top of everything, pay reparations –15 million dollars.

Andrey FEFELOV. By the way, with the Olympics, everything is mysterious: the fact that this is a military act - those who made the decision that the athletes still have to go under the white flag cannot help but guess. It was immediately clear that there they will chmorit.

Andrei Fursov. I do not understand only one thing - how could the officials who are responsible for this, so long, stupidly and irresponsibly sway? It was clear that the Russian Federation, after long humiliations, would not be allowed into the Olympics, and it was necessary to respond immediately and firmly. For example: they have a “Magnitsky list”, it was necessary to immediately roll out a “list” to them — of course, Bach or someone else, rather than chewing snot and bowing. Unfortunately, about the Olympics, our higher bureaucracy, as well as on many other issues, only wipes off, and the spit is getting more and more, because in the West they are used to it - they will die. And how not to wipe? Children in England, money in the States, yachts in Monaco.

Now Russian athletes are going to the Olympics, not representing the country, and all the talk that we know that they are ours is a poor consolation for idiots and negligent officials. We may know anything, but this is neither an international legal nor an international state fact. The cowardly and mediocre bureaucratic bastard has cracked the situation and seeks to save his own skin by sending athletes under any flag, under any sauce, so that in the event of their victory foully cling to it.

Perhaps the right, but a tough decision would be this: Russia does not travel as a state, the athletes say: guys, you can go, we cannot forbid you, but you go at your own expense, because you can’t imagine the state of the Russian Federation in this case. But then it turns out that athletes who are not guilty of anything are punished because of officials. And why are sports officials not being punished with a bang and disgrace? I repeat: I do not blame the athletes - the officials are to blame. And it is very strange that these officials still occupy their posts, it was necessary to knock them out of these posts in disgrace, because they are to blame ... What demand from the West? - this is the enemy, he should act like this, but why should he be substituted for these blows? So you fight badly, you lost the battle on this front. I am afraid that a similar action about the World Cup is not far off. In the West, intelligent people. And if, from the very beginning, Russia had a tough reaction, then the West would have behaved differently. The West understands power very well. Power and will were not manifested. There was a lack of will and willingness to substitute the offender cheek or another part of the body.

Andrey FEFELOV. Let us return to the global trend of social stratification. We touched the Russian Federation and India. And China?

Andrei Fursov. In China, of course, with Chinese characteristics, the same thing is happening as in the whole world. The growth of inequality in the PRC has reached such a level that this has already been reflected even in science fiction novels. Recently, in China, Hao Jingfang's sci-fi novel Folding Beijing was released, winning the Hugo Award — the prestigious international science fiction award. In the novel, Beijing’s near future is shown this way. In China, there are three groups of population: the top, the middle class and the lower classes, their numbers in Beijing are 5 million, 25 million and several tens of millions respectively. The differences between the groups are not only material, but much more profound, affecting sociobiology - the right to vital functioning form of wakefulness. Representatives of the top in the novel stay awake for a day, 24 hours - from 6 in the morning one day to 6 in the morning another. Then they take medicine and fall asleep. And then the middle class wakes up, awake from 6 in the morning to 10 in the evening of the same day, i.e. less. Then the bottoms wake up, they only have 8 hours - from 10 evenings to 6 in the morning.

Here, in a sci-fi form, shows the social process that concerns life itself. In this regard, I recall the film “Time”, where social differences are also associated with time, that is, with life, with time allotted to it. But in fact, class distinctions have already been transformed into socio-biological or, if you will, into anthropological. Just look - the average life expectancy, say, in the same Rome was 22 – 25 years. But the Romans from the higher groups lived on 75 – 80 years. The English aristocracy also lived for a long time, with an average life expectancy in 45 years in England at the end of the 19th century. That is, the rich and notable already the last 2-3 thousands of years living 80-85 years. This means that their socio-economic status is transmitted for a lifetime; This means that, among other things, exploitation is the appropriation of not only a foreign economic product, but also - through time - a foreign life. And if this process is reversed in the “happy thirtieth anniversary” (1945 – 1975), now, especially after the disappearance of systemic anti-capitalism in the person of the USSR, everything returns to normal. Capitalism takes on the usual shape of the "iron heel", devouring someone else's time. The Germans talked about Lebensraum - space for living, now it’s time to talk about Lebenszeit - time for life, time-as-life, devouring which dying capitalism is trying to prolong its life.

Andrey FEFELOV. It is very interesting. Perhaps, we just often ignore the temporary category, although, as it turns out, it is very eloquent.

Modern Chinese futurology at such a high level indicates that society is heading for the future. In this case, we are talking about the dystopia, in which society reigns social and, probably, digital control over the population.

Andrei Fursov. And this is another trend - the strengthening of social control with the help of numbers (the flip side is the growth of digital dementia of the population). Someone is talking about chipization, someone is talking about the abolition of money and the introduction of cards - this is, indeed, increased social control. Our Russian optimism is that social control in Russia will not work out. Someone will steal or break something.

Andrey FEFELOV. Even during the presidency of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev there was an attempt to introduce a universal electronic card UEC. The Orthodox called this project the forerunner of the Antichrist, trying to resist it. A few years later, it turned out that our officials had managed to completely "cut" the Antichrist.

Andrei Fursov. In this regard, the Russian official is our support and reliability. As Nekrasov said, the truth, having in mind something else, “will endure everything”.

As for China, this is a fairly organized society, and there strict social control is the norm. In the West, the possibilities of social control, which over the past half century has been successfully turned into social training, are multiplying due to technical possibilities. There is an obedient, comfortable population, to whom they will say something - it will fulfill it. But in Russia the situation is still different both socially and technically. In addition, we have a wonderful thing - such a value as social justice. First of all, it exists in Russian culture, and secondly, it is powerfully nourished by socialism.

Andrey FEFELOV. That is, injustice is not the norm?

Andrei Fursov. Injustice is not the norm. If an Indian perceives social injustice as normal, the reason is the caste system; if, say, the Brazilian perceives it normally, because he lives in a peripheral capitalist country, then for the Russian it is not the norm. In addition, in Russia there were traditionally specific relations between the dominant groups and the oppressed. In 1649, the Council Code enslaved the population, and not only the peasants who served the nobles, but also the nobles who served the state, and the townspeople. Under Peter III, this agreement was terminated. The nobles received the right not to serve, although most still continued to serve, because the nobles were financially poor class. Therefore, Sukhov-Kobylin has a proud epitaph: “Never served.”

Andrey FEFELOV. And I thought it was already when Catherine usurped power.

Andrei Fursov. No, this decree was issued by Peter III literally several months before his death - in 1762. Ekaterina paid the impostor on the throne to others - by a decree on the liberty of the noble 1785 of the year. But this is one line. After it became clear that the nobles could not serve, the peasants decided that they would be released the next day. They were released, indeed, the next day, but after 99 years. Peter III's decree was from 18 in February 1762 of the year, and 19 in February of 1861 was released by the peasants. However, since 1760, the peasants perceived their relations with the bars as unfair: if the nobles can not serve the state, then why should the peasants serve the nobles. Sociocultural superimposed on class hostility — nobles and peasants personified two different sociocultural structures. But European nobility, especially English, managed to impose their values ​​as national on the bottom. Hence, the fundamentally different relations of the upper and lower strata in Western Europe and in Russia: Pushkin wrote about it this way: “The Russian peasant does not respect his master, but the Englishman respects his master.”

In BCNUMX, a reform was carried out that liberated the peasants, but at the same time deprived them of a third of the land - again injustice. Therefore, what is called everyday Russian rudeness is the reverse side of the described reality. Someone, I do not remember who, from our rich travelers, said that in Russia, unfortunately, even in an expensive restaurant, if the waitress has a bad mood, she will definitely make it feel, but in France or Germany it is impossible. Yes, this is one side of the matter, because people there are absolutely well trained. And our system did not roll a man, did not narrow it, as Dostoevsky’s hero would say.

Ultimately, the existence of social justice as a value determines that the population will never accept the results of 1991 of the year, and this creates a constant problem in the relations of the population and the lawyers. Attitude towards the rich and noble in the same India or in the same China is completely different. And Chinese socialism laid down on a completely different tradition than Soviet socialism.

Andrey FEFELOV. And, accordingly, social stratification and economic inequality also falls on different traditions in different countries.

Andrei Fursov. Moreover, the uneven development of different regions within the same country, including in the global processes some regions and excluding others, further reinforces inequality, finally depriving the losers to ever change their destiny.

In India, for example, there are super-developed sectors in electronics. But these are growth points that have minimal relevance to India. They are associated with the same points in China, in the United States, in Europe. Moreover, Indian capital has invested much more in British industry than the European Union: given the long-standing ties of Great Britain and India, the British are more relaxed in contact with Indians than with their European neighbors. Great Britain and India are very different countries, but they have one thing in common: perhaps in no country in the world are the leaders so cruelly and arrogant towards the lower classes, as in Europe - in the United Kingdom, and in Asia - in India. And these two traditions superimposed on each other. In many police stations in India, for example, there are still portraits of the chiefs of these sites from colonial times. Although India became independent in 1947, the tradition of the British rajah is preserved, especially since the British united the principalities and polities of the subcontinent into a single whole. Before the British, India in its present form was not, there were Great Moguls, there were Marathas, there were Sikhs, there were states of the south, and they fought among themselves. And the British came, they squeezed everyone with an imperious hoop and united them. It is symbolic that one of the claims of the leaders of the national liberation movement of India to the British was that they no longer observe their own rules, that white Sahibs did not behave as they declared correct.

Psychologically there were a number of very interesting moments in the development of colonial India. For example, sociopsychologists pay attention to how the attitude of Indians to white women changed during World War II. Prior to that, a white woman was looked from the bottom up as a special creature. And during the war in India, American comics and pin-up pictures began to spread, where women were slightly half-dressed. This convinced the Indians: a white woman is the same as an Indian woman, with all the ensuing consequences. In general, the war greatly changed attitudes towards whites in general and the British in particular - they were defeated by the Japanese, i.e. Asians. And then the national liberation movement, on the one hand, and the understanding that came to the West that in the new conditions it is possible to economically efficiently exploit the countries of Asia and Africa without political costs led to the dismantling of the colonial system, the main beneficiaries of which were the United States and American TNCs. The euphoria of gaining freedom in the former colonies of the Afro-Asian world very quickly changed to apathy and the realization that the gap between the West and the former colonies is growing, but now the metropolis does not bear any moral and political responsibility for those who were tamed. At the same time, while the West was engaged in the Soviet Union, China rose, which made an economic breakthrough. The latter, however, should not be overestimated: China, with all its purely quantitative economic power, is a workshop. The design office is in a different place. And in this respect, the Chinese understand their situation very well - both military and economic.

In addition, Russia, Russians for the West, are in a certain sense socioculturally less acceptable characters than the same Chinese or Arabs. For example, the Nazis announced at one time the Japanese honorary Aryans. Likewise, it will be easier for Americans to declare Chinese as honorable Americans than Russians. From the Russians comes the constant threat of non-standard thoughts and behavior, and consequently, victories.

20 years ago, a German woman came to one of our academic institutions with a dissertation on a specific topic - she explored the structures of Russian everyday life and analyzed those situations where Russians use certain subjects for other purposes. Well, for example, you come to the accounting department. What do flowers hold there? A plastic bottle is cut, the ground goes there - and here it is a flower. Or, say, a lock on the barn, so that water does not pour in there, a plastic bottle is cut off, a nail is nailed, and it closes it. The German woman called this phenomenon barbarism, because civilization, in her opinion, is when a thing is clearly used for its intended purpose, the function is rigidly tied to a substance. We have the same - "call at least a pot, just do not stick it in the stove." In our TV, in the framework of the program “Bye bye”, there was even such a rubric - “crazy hands”. This is a play on words: crazy and very skillful. The rubric showed exceptional ingenuity, adapting those objects that were originally intended for something completely different for various functions. It was the Russian ingenuity that helped us win many wars, including the Great Patriotic War. The irregularity of thought and behavior is due to the harsh natural conditions, the changing seasons, the short growing season, the special historical conditions that constantly forced us to look for ways to survive - and victories over circumstances and a superior opponent: the rich and well-fed Europeans did not encounter such problems on a similar scale. Hence the elevated conformism.

Andrey FEFELOV. This is a German civilization.

Andrei Fursov. No, Western Europe in general. Our civilization non-standard, the ability to survive in different conditions and creates problems for them. Andrei Platonov said this very well: “A Russian person can live in one direction, and in the other direction, and in both cases will remain intact.”

Andrey FEFELOV. When we talked about social control, I remembered how a balloon rose every morning over Kabul. This is an occupied Kabul, 2010 year, and this balloon carried out optical tracking. And in the evening on the winches of NATO, the NATO pulled up again to the ground. Huge American patrol vehicles were moving across Kabul, there were hefty Negroes who carried the burden of a white man in Afghanistan. And these pictures symbolized a lot ... Now you have made a very big trip around India - what pictures, what images do you have after your trip?

Andrei Fursov. Well, firstly, of course, these are colossal contrasts. They are visible to a much greater degree in southern India than in northern India. For example, Delhi is a city of contrasts, but Mumbai, the former Bombay, is an even more contrasting city, where when you leave a luxury hotel, you don’t get to the same elegant street as in Delhi in the center, but into a slum area. Moreover, in Mumbai, as such, there is no city center, these are several cities, but, nevertheless, in the city itself, and not at all on its outskirts, there is a Dharavi district - with an area of ​​two square kilometers, that is, two million square meters, where two million people live: one person per square meter. It is the height of 1,5 – 1,6 meters of a closet, and it’s not even the house of Kuma Pumpkin from “The Adventures of Chipollino,” because the house of Kuma Pumpkin was still made of bricks, and this is thin plywood, thick cardboard, pieces of a refrigerator, etc.

Andrey FEFELOV. It’s like Kobo Abe’s Man-Drawer novel.

Andrei Fursov. Nearly. Second floor, third floor. But the most interesting thing is that this is one of the sights of Mumbai, where rich tourists lead, show them how people live. In fact, this is a non-human existence. At the same time, there are 10 – 15% rich and super-rich Indians who live in a completely different world. These worlds practically do not touch, which is also caste. Of course, this does not compare with the stratification in the United States, because there is more social fat, but the process goes everywhere. Naturally, the worst situation is where there is little social fat. Once Marx used the phrase: "Pagan, withering from the plagues of Christianity." It is from the ulcers of capitalism that they languish most of all and suffer not in the core, which robbed the periphery, but in the periphery, because it is no longer needed. It was once needed, but now it is not needed, now it is thrown away.

Andrey FEFELOV. Squeezed lemon sandpaper.

Andrei Fursov. Yes, that's right. And the current periphery of the capitalist system is reminiscent of what happened in the northeast of Brazil at the beginning of the 19th century. In the 18th century, this area was actively exploited, then everything was squeezed out of it and thrown out. Most of the Afro-Asian and Latin American world is not needed in the post-capitalist digital world. And the problem arises - what to do with this population? This problem within the framework of the capsystem, in my opinion, is unsolvable. Huge masses of the population, which the wave of technical and economic progress is pushing into the abyss. Half a century ago, the American sociologist B. Moore noticed that revolutions are born not from the triumphant cry of the ascending class, but from the dying roar of that class over which the waves of progress are about to close. Today there are a lot of such people in the world, for whom the progress of the current owners of the world game leaves almost no chance. I am sure: they will give battle to their owners, and on “their field” - I mean African-Asian migrants in Western Europe and Latin American - in the USA. They will not be able to create a new world - rather the Dark Ages, but the old one will be destroyed. And the post-old world will be a world of uncertainty, a world of functions, walking on their own, regardless of substances - the world that is familiar to us, Russians. And the game in that world will require sophistication.

Andrey FEFELOV. And mobilization.

Andrei Fursov. Of course. Most importantly, a necessary condition for victory - the elite must associate itself with a society of which it is a part. The elite that associates itself with “Barvikha Luxury Village” and which, for this “Barvikha Luxury Village”, will surely surrender everything, and will lose everything. She will be cleared away.

Andrey FEFELOV. There is no other base other than Russia for these elite groups. They think that someone will take them somewhere for their money, but this will not happen.

Andrei Fursov. This is all the dreams of Ostap Bender - the very one that was accepted and completely cleaned off at the Romanian border. So, in this respect, the one who will be will win - and this is a paradoxical situation! - with the people.

Andrey FEFELOV. And the second point, I think, is very important, the only way to survive is to win.

Andrei Fursov. Indeed, victory is a condition for survival. As Confucius said: “He who jumped the farthest away will jump again.” We rephrase it: the one who wins will live. This is a tough condition, it is the imperative of the great crisis of the XXI century, which we are entering. Braudel called the time between feudalism and capitalism a social hell. And now we live in an era that is increasingly beginning to resemble social hell. And the same Braudel in his fundamental work “Material civilization, economy and capitalism. XV – XVIII centuries. ”Put the question: is it possible to escape from the social hell? Can. But not alone. Alone, no one will break out. You can escape only collectively. In the post-capitalist (post-catastrophic?) World, only those ruling elites who have a powerful magic weapon, unity with their people, will fall. A ticket to the future in the conditions of an impending crisis, war of all against all will be received only by those elites who identify themselves with their countries that are rooted in their culture and share the same values, interests and goals with their people. The only thing that can be the elite of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the 21st century crisis is unity with the people. This is a necessary condition for victory, sufficient - the will to win, which is forged in accordance with the principle "do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask."
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  1. +2
    28 January 2018 05: 40
    And what will it lead to ... Actions against our oligarchs ... To the fact that they will return to Russia ... Something like this happens in the West ... They want one thing, but the exact opposite happens ...
    1. +10
      28 January 2018 06: 48
      One of the recent reports of the Higher School of Economics says that 8% of the Russian population do not have access to medicines, 17% do not eat. I think that these 8% are included in 17, but in any case we get 20% of people whom, in general, social reality pushes, if you call a spade a spade - to the grave.
      Only those ruling elites who have powerful magic weapons — unity with their people — will enter the post-capitalist (post-catastrophic?) World. A ticket to the future in the context of an impending crisis, a war of all against all will be received only by those elites who identify with their countries, who are rooted in their culture and share the same values, interests and goals with their people. In the conditions of the crisis of the XNUMXst century, the elite of Russia’s weapons can only be one - unity with the people.
      - from article

      What unity of the people with the current oligarchs of the Russian Federation can we talk about, given the fact that "20% of people in Russia do not eat up," and if we take into account those who are slightly above this line, those who have enough food, but they live from paycheck to paycheck debt, with credit, which are entangled, then probably this number needs to be doubled or even tripled, and then we get that most of the Russian population hardly survives in these conditions created by the oligarchs for us.
      So what kind of union, unity with them can we talk? He simply does not and cannot be this unity.
      What can solve, and inevitably, this situation? There is no social protest, there is no other option, against the background of which the oligarchic power simply cannot manage the situation - chaos or revolution.
      Moreover, chaos will lead to even greater collapse of the country and poverty; revolution, if social protest leads the Left Front, the Communist Party, to the renewal of society and the state, to the construction of a more socially just state for the majority of the people.
      1. dSK
        28 January 2018 09: 08
        Hello Vladimir!
        Quote: vladimirZ
        On the unity of the people

        Russian Empire, USSR, Russian Federation - the stand is changing, the name, but not the content - Jesus Christ: "I am with you and no one at you." hi
        1. +23
          28 January 2018 09: 31
          Hello, dsk.
          You're wrong. Perhaps, unfortunately, “content is Jesus Christ” is no longer the essence of our people. And quite a long time since 1917.
          There is only an external form left, such as the photo you quoted, when a former member of the CPSU, an atheist, an employee of the KGB - a system that fought with religion, in his mature years, suddenly becomes a "believer". Do you believe that he is sincere? Me not.
          1. dSK
            28 January 2018 10: 03
            Quote: vladimirZ
            Me not.
            "Freedom is the will, and the saved is paradise!" One of the two thieves who were crucified next to Jesus - "and we are condemned justly, because we have received the worthy according to our deeds, but He did nothing wrong. And he said to Jesus: Remember me, Lord, when you come to Your Kingdom! And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, now you shall be with me in paradise. " (Luke 23: 41-43) On Sunday, get up at 7 and go into the nearest church.hi
          2. +6
            28 January 2018 13: 12
            Quote: vladimirZ
            Suddenly becomes a "believer"

            The cross was laid, and then not Orthodox, but Catholic! negative
            1. 0
              30 January 2018 23: 19
              It was because of that I mixed up that the water was cold))) And there everything sharply decreased))))) Well, I don’t remember what I had learned in this state)))) If he were a believer, he would have put the cross correctly in such a stressful situation for the body. .
          3. dSK
            28 January 2018 15: 03
            Quote: vladimirZ
            "content is Jesus Christ" is no longer an entity our people.

            "I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd puts his life for the sheep. But the mercenary, not the shepherd, to whom the sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees; and the wolf plunders the sheep, and disperses them. But the mercenary flees, because the mercenary, and does not care about the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know Mine, and Mine know Me. As the Father knows Me, so do I know the Father; and I lay my life for the sheep." (John 10)
            "Communist ideology in the Soviet Union has largely become a pseudomorphosis, a parody of Christianity and its social teaching. And this applies not only to the borrowing of ideas of social justice and the gradual moral evolution of the Bolsheviks from revolutionary cynicism in the spirit of "glass of water theory" to crypto christian "The moral code of the builder of communism". This is a clear confirmation. the impossibility for Russia and the Russian people to live without religion.
            1. dSK
              28 January 2018 15: 10
              Vladimir Vladimirovich: "Of course, in the most difficult days of the civil war and the struggle against the sea, when the seeds of schism were laid in Russian society, the seeds of unity always remained with us. First of all, thanks precisely to the Russian Orthodox Church... "No matter how the God-fighters themselves tried to divide our people, they failed. First of all, due to the fact that Russian people and in the Soviet years for the most part they remained Orthodox people, at the center of this teaching is not "class struggle", the inevitable consequence of which is fratricidal civil warand the commandment of Christ "love one another." And, of course, Christ Himself. "Valaam Theses" Vladimir Putin. (An article on the TV channel Tsargrad 15: 54., 15.01.18)
              1. dSK
                28 January 2018 15: 41
                Author: "whoever wins will live."
                Yes who will overcome Its envy, greed, vanity, irritation, laziness, despondency and as much as possible of others "enemies"of which there is no number, he will receive "reward" not only in that life, but also in this one. hi
              2. 0
                29 January 2018 10: 19
                Quote from dsk
                . First of all, just thanks to the Russian Orthodox Church ... "No matter how the God-goers themselves tried to divide our people, they did not succeed. First of all, due to the fact that the Russian people in the Soviet years for the most part remained Orthodox people,

                Can you explain how Orthodoxy differs from Catholicism? and why, thanks to Orthodoxy, are our people so special? hi
      2. +3
        28 January 2018 11: 22
        Quote: vladimirZ
        What unity of the people with the current oligarchs of the Russian Federation can we talk about, given the fact that "20% of people in Russia do not eat up"

        30% of people in Russia are fundamentally unwilling to work, how can they eat up?
        1. +3
          28 January 2018 11: 36
          Quote: KaPToC
          30% of people in Russia are fundamentally unwilling to work, how can they eat up?

          You can make them, nothing to be shy ... About 30% - absolutely agree.
      3. +3
        28 January 2018 13: 34
        How can one call for chaos, knowing the consequences ?!
        It is a crime!
        Everything must be done for an evolutionary change in the situation!
        2. Where do "20%" come from? Is every fifth starving? Yes, show those of the first 20 met by chance on the street. This is a deliberate LIE!
        1. +2
          28 January 2018 17: 58
          The author writes 20% are undernourished, but this is another thing. I can believe it.
      4. dSK
        29 January 2018 07: 44
        Quote: vladimirZ
        revolution if social protest leads Left Front, Communist Party
        "If, if only, mushrooms were growing in your mouth, then it would not be a mouth, but a whole garden." Bulk PR from the last forces, provokes scandals out of the blue. The city hall offered three different sites, but Navalny refused, urging supporters to come to an unauthorized rally. Even after the deliberate exacerbation of “hype did not work.” Behind the project “politician Navalny” stood both foreign (American) influence groups, as well as representatives of some clans within Russia. At a certain stage, not only liberal, but also some neutral-federal speakers saw him as an almost possible prime minister. Others are sure that Washington, having really looked at the situation, decided to support ... the Communists. Disputes are now more likely about what empire to restore: the USSR or pre-revolutionary Russia. Obviously, the collective West would suit the first option to a greater extent, since it is based on Marxism, which appeared in Western Europe and is a foreign ideology for Russia. Perhaps this is precisely why there has recently been a systematic fusion of “red and blue”: communists and liberals. (An article on the TV channel Tsargrad 00: 08., 29.01.18) The Communists are growing a new generation - Maxim Suraykin - Chairman of the Central Committee "Communist Party of the Communists of Russia." Zyuganov, who turns 74 this year, has relied on "sponsor" Grudinin.
    2. +3
      28 January 2018 13: 38
      Not all oligarchs will return to Russia, but only smart ones, it will be a little, because not smart and honest, but cunning and mean ones become rich.
      1. +2
        28 January 2018 18: 35
        Quote: Victor N
        Not all oligarchs will return to Russia

        The return will mean a willingness to work at home, and to deprive the rest of all assets in Russia (real estate, enterprises, etc.). But if you become like Sharikov and constantly talk about nationalization, no one will return. Indeed, the most intelligent ones will return, and their experience and skills will be useful to us in the upcoming confrontation.
      2. +2
        29 January 2018 04: 48
        Quote: Victor N
        Not all oligarchs will return to Russia, but only smart ones, it will be a little,

        How would I not completely agree, will return because of what? Because I’ll squeeze the tail there, and not from conscience, but only smart they will not leave request
    3. +3
      28 January 2018 21: 50
      The oligarchs will not return, many have a second Israeli passport, obtained by law ... So also look at what kind of Russian oligarchy it is, by no means Russian, and that’s its behavior ...
  2. +16
    28 January 2018 05: 44
    Weaponry elite Russia in the crisis of the XXI century there can be only one thing - unity with the people.
    the word "elite" is repeated endlessly in the article, but no one said "who is it." for me, this is clearly not the oligarchs or the self-proclaimed "stars." here is Sasha Prokhorenko-Elite.
    1. +5
      28 January 2018 10: 44
      ... doesn’t even reach the Russian ilk

      Here is a clear and concise definition of the current government and its capital merged with it.
      It seems that individuals included in the elite have higher intelligence, talent, abilities, competence, as well as higher morality in comparison with the average indicators of a particular society.
      The best representatives of society or any part thereof (working-class elite, cultural elite, etc.). People with the highest scores in society and states in the field of their activity.
      1. +5
        28 January 2018 18: 38
        Quote: Pax tecum

        Here is a clear and concise definition of the current government and its capital merged with it.

        Rather, another name comes up - the state mafia.
  3. +16
    28 January 2018 05: 47
    Fursov chopped up the truth-uterus into a cabbage. The income gap in Russia is simply wild. What middle class can we talk about? At all times, from the advent of the state there were two classes - the exploiters and the exploited. The former appropriated part of the social product to themselves, while the latter produced it. At the same time, the first understood that more than tithing is fraught with their existence. In our country, judging by the income of officials and deputies, the main exploiter is the state.
    1. 264
      28 January 2018 07: 46
      hi Don’t say, I, an oilman, don’t understand which class I belong to? I don’t seem to be homeless, but I don’t have a yacht either ... Who am I? But it’s not the middle class, on which all countries are held closer to the rogues I will ...
      1. +8
        28 January 2018 10: 29
        Do all oil workers have yachts?) I’m also an oilman, so I have enough salary to eat and get dressed)
        1. 0
          28 January 2018 13: 48
          The oilman cannot walk in silks. Be more modest
          Although you are cunning: I doubt that a modest hard worker will read such an article.
        2. +3
          28 January 2018 21: 06
          Health to you, colleagues. drinks The oilman to the oilman is strife. Someone has a production operator for 30k per month, and someone has half a month. And I'm not even talking about Gazprom with Rosneft, but, for example, whores or halos. I myself also don’t know which class to classify myself with. If by European standards - then to the middling
    2. dSK
      28 January 2018 09: 14
      Hello Oleg!
      Quote: siberalt
      the main exploiter is the state
      Long live anarchy is the mother of order! what
  4. +5
    28 January 2018 05: 49
    but the Russian elites - these "children" of the 1990s, criminal redistribution and Yeltsin’s betrayal - do not want to hear these steps, they are scared. They did not even dare to worthily mark the centenary of the October Revolution
    It’s ridiculous. Do they need it? They owe something to Vosr?
    for example, the French bourgeoisie was not afraid to celebrate the centenary and the bicentennial of the bloody French revolution, which, among other things, demonstrated its historical maturity
    Bad example. fr. bourgeoisie thanks to fr. revolution came to power. Still not to drink champagne on anniversaries.
  5. +9
    28 January 2018 07: 00
    So, the realization of unity with the people of our Russian elite is, in principle, beyond their power.
    They are not the elite in the understanding of this word rather scum. No tradition, no ability to lead. The same descendant of a knight of the Middle Ages has an understanding, he is obliged and must protect his people. But our scum does not have this, and what idea can scum move for unity? Stealing and cheating is not an idea.
    1. dSK
      28 January 2018 10: 59
      Hello Victor!
      Quote: saigon
      what idea ... for unity?

      "Jesus, having called them, said to them: you know that revered by the princes of nations rule over them, and their nobles rule them. But between you so it will not be: but tohe wants to be greater between you, that he may be your servant; and whoever wants to be the first between you, be all a slave. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but that to minister and give His soul for the redemption of many." (Mark - 10: 42-45.)
  6. +8
    28 January 2018 07: 05
    This is already clear, the world is moving towards a new feudal-slave system, technocracy, the bond of moneybags with progress in technology. The future of mankind is the creation of mono-city-states closed from the rest of the plebs forced to grovel in the mud and for which the highest achievement will be the opportunity to get inside such a closed city. It is funny that such a future of mankind was described by science fiction writers in their works in the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. In the meantime, to clarify the latest trend in world politics and economics, read this
    e =
    1. +6
      28 January 2018 07: 08
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      The future of mankind is creation mono-city-states closed from the rest of the plebs forced to grovel in the mud and for whom the highest achievement would be the opportunity to get inside such a closed city

      This is not the future - this is the present.
      1. 264
        28 January 2018 08: 06
        good And for a long time already, uncles ... wink
      2. +3
        28 January 2018 08: 20
        They say the link is broken, try again
        e =
      3. dSK
        28 January 2018 09: 40
        Quote: karish
        This is not the future - this is the present.

        "In Paris, the water level in the Seine has risen to 6 meters due to heavy rains. So, Notre Dame de Paris, Museum d'Orsay, Field of Mars are almost completely closed. The Louvre is partially flooded. Also, residents say that the water level continues to arrive at 1-2 centimeters per hour. Almost all the coastal streets were under water. " (Channel "Tsargrad" 08:32, 28.01.18/XNUMX/XNUMX)
        1. dSK
          28 January 2018 09: 45
          "Most of the Paris "subway" is also inoperative at the time of flooding, all tourist excursions that were held earlier are completely canceled. Local residents publish records that even such "Venetian streets are visible hordes of rats that attack the city. "
      4. 0
        28 January 2018 10: 31
        No ... this is the future ... Now this is still not close
    2. +1
      28 January 2018 11: 25
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      This is already clear, the world is moving towards a new feudal-slave system of technocracy

      This is a natural historical process, development proceeds from the complete freedom of the primitive society to the complete dependence (slavery) of man of a developed civilization.
  7. +17
    28 January 2018 07: 39
    The cowardly and mediocre bastard official scammed the situation and seeks to save his skin by sending athletes under any flag, under any sauce, so that in case of victory they foully stick to it
    You can’t say better about the upcoming Olympics. In relation to the Russian "elite" - they themselves have appointed themselves as such, because in their concept, the elite are those who are rich, and not those who are educated, educated, root for the country in which they were born and live, work for the good of this country ...
  8. +2
    28 January 2018 08: 17
    . In the conditions of the crisis of the XNUMXst century, the elite of Russia’s weapons can only be one - unity with the people. This is a necessary condition for victory, sufficient - the will to win, which is forged in accordance with the principle of "do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask."

    I know Fefelov’s questionnaire - a normal man, even with a beard. But who is He Fursov? I hardly read it in the morning, it seems like everything is verbalizing correctly, and things are still there, if not to push.
    Who will be the pusher?
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +2
        28 January 2018 15: 45
        Quote from dsk
        Hello Valery!
        Quote: Fedorov
        Who will be the pusher?

        Lesha will pile up.
        Reply Citir

        don't like strawberries, use leather like now ...
  9. +4
    28 January 2018 08: 40
    While the world has a one-way ticket .... A one-way ticket, the Eruption band sang in 1978. Oh, Oh, I have a one-way ticket to the point of longing ... I'm leaving for a lonely city, ... ... My journey begins and I will never return ....
    1. +2
      28 January 2018 11: 00
      Quote: parusnik
      While the world has a one-way ticket .... A one-way ticket, the Eruption band sang in 1978. Oh, Oh, I have a one-way ticket to the point of longing ... I'm leaving for a lonely city, ... ... My journey begins and I will never return ....

      What a sad song ... crying
      Sorry for the offtopic, but I will come later.
      Eruption performed a disco cover for the 1959 song, which gained popularity in the performance of Neil Sedaka.
      But even from this song, which reveals the spiritual devastation, selfishness and social loneliness inherent in the person living in the world of capital, the Soviet masters of culture, under the guidance of the advanced party of Lenin, leading humanity to universal happiness and progress, managed to create a piece of music filled with subtle lyrical optimism.
      © Volnoper lol

      Here is a Soviet cover, similar in style to the original.
      Blue song.
      Muses Hank Hunter and Jack Keller (N. Sedaka), next A. Azizov
      1. +3
        28 January 2018 11: 44
        Eruption performed a disco cover for the 1959 song, which gained popularity in the performance of Neil Sedaka.
        .... In the know ... But Neila Sedaki did not mention, few people know this hit of 1959 and its artist ... And the cover of Eruption and the Blue Song are still loud ...
        1. +3
          28 January 2018 15: 48
          Quote: parusnik
          generation of the sixties, all with this ticket ... hi
  10. +10
    28 January 2018 09: 11
    Perhaps one of the most interesting articles on this topic. ... And there is even a “spoon of optimism” (Russia will still survive!) It is unusual that the author calls many phenomena by their proper names. Usually, pro-communists or their various opponents draw reality to "their vision." There is practically no nonsense about the Olympics or an empty discussion of the "statements" of Peskov, Poroshenko, Zakharova, etc.
    ps It is a pity that the author’s thoughts are not set forth in separate blocks of facts and ideas.
  11. +5
    28 January 2018 09: 27
    Thank you, the author is a wonderful article, I believe in our homeland, people. There should be a scarlet banner!
    1. +1
      28 January 2018 18: 47
      Quote: free
      Scarlet flag to be!

      It was under this scarlet banner that all this "elite" grew up and "husbands", which then gutted the big Country. This is not enough for you, do you want to grow new world-eaters?
      1. 0
        29 January 2018 10: 07
        Quote: EwgenyZ
        Quote: free
        Scarlet flag to be!

        It was under this scarlet banner that all this "elite" grew up and "husbands", which then gutted the big Country. This is not enough for you, do you want to grow new world-eaters?

        You write nonsense because you don’t understand what a communist is. By the way, it’s just people like you who are sure that friendship and love can be bought. The root of your mistakes is ignorance and misunderstanding of the essence of the things you are trying to talk about.
  12. +6
    28 January 2018 10: 52
    Bravo author! The elites, including Putin, need to decide with whom they are, with the people or the West! But Putin needs to do this especially, because it may turn out that the elites will betray and the people will not support.
    1. 0
      29 January 2018 10: 09
      Quote: andrej-shironov
      Bravo author! The elites, including Putin, need to decide with whom they are, with the people or the West! But Putin needs to do this especially, because it may turn out that the elites will betray and the people will not support.

      Only if he’s too late, he painfully decided for a long time. It seems that the people have already decided for themselves who and with whom.
  13. 0
    28 January 2018 13: 11
    Quote: Dead Day
    the word "elite" is repeated endlessly in the article, but no one said "who is it."

    Apparently those who managed to convert power into money and vice versa in post-Soviet times.
  14. +2
    28 January 2018 13: 13
    Quote: samarin1969
    Perhaps one of the most interesting articles on this topic. ... And there is even a “spoon of optimism” (Russia will still survive!) It is unusual that the author calls many phenomena by their proper names. Usually, pro-communists or their various opponents draw reality to "their vision." There is practically no nonsense about the Olympics or an empty discussion of the "statements" of Peskov, Poroshenko, Zakharova, etc.

    The thought here is one and it is simple. The West already denies our "elites" legitimacy. With such a policy, the people will also be ready to surrender our entire "elite". Now our "elite" is in limbo.
    1. 0
      28 January 2018 21: 13
      About the elite and legitimacy - I agree with you, dear. The purification process is underway by the US financial department, an intriguing process with its consequences ... With the people, I think it’s more difficult - it is very different. What he is ready for is hard to say. Citizens of Russia may well create economic personal problems, add restrictions on the Internet, freedom of travel abroad, etc. Many can buy high-profile promises.
  15. +4
    28 January 2018 13: 19
    In the final analysis, the existence of social justice as a value leads to the fact that the population will never accept the results of 1991, and this creates a constant problem in the relations between the population and the privatizers

    Which is supported by the existing government led by the President. How to cut this "Gordian knot" bloodless? No way. In the face of the threat of existence and the complete blockade (sanctions) of the State, this will still force the ruling elite to nationalize resources and strategic sectors in the name of survival. True, under one condition: this ruling elite is oriented toward the State, and not toward “partners” and friends. Isn’t this why our “elites” are so afraid of a complete blockade? What if Putin will throw them for the sake of "plebs"? If this happens, it will be their collapse no longer in the external arena, as in the internal. But this will still be a better finale for them and the State than if Putin didn’t take on this finale, but this very “plebs”.
    In general, the conclusion is simple. The more sanctions and the Iron Curtain, the faster the collapse of this layer of national resources that has sucked into the "artery". Although I admit that the first who will feel the “charms” of change in their own skin will be ordinary people. Well, as they say it has always been so - not to get used to it. For this reason, I believe that social justice is an irritant that does not let the very “stability” to which the current government in Russia calls to sleep soundly.
  16. +2
    28 January 2018 14: 15
    Russia must defend its interests in the world by force, up to the threat of a massive use of nuclear weapons. The whole world, like that of the USSR, should be considered the zone of our interests. Such an approach would mean an inevitable armed clash with other centers of power, but our trump card in the civilizational confrontation is a fist of 8 thousand nuclear weapons standing on the database and lying in the storage facilities of 12 GUMO RF.
    In 1962, in Cuba, we first announced to the world that we were ready to fight on distant approaches (Operation Anadyr), which came as a complete surprise to the “partners”. Then dozens of primitive R-12s put mattresses on their knees, forcing them to negotiate with us.
    1. 0
      28 January 2018 20: 59
      These "negotiations" ended with the withdrawal of R-12 from Cuba. The cleanup of the Jupiters from Turkey was not particularly reduced the threat to the USSR.
      "Trump" (yours and those like you) is not nuclear charges, but the readiness to die in a nuclear apocalypse, proving the complete hopelessness of Russia as a country capable of being an efficient economy.
      By the way, not everyone is ready to die with you
      1. +1
        29 January 2018 01: 22
        Operation Anadyr is the absolute success of the USSR, forcing the United States to negotiate on the division of spheres of influence in the world. Then we put a gun to their head, placing nuclear weapons a hundred kilometers from Florida. It was the fear of burning in a nuclear fire that made the true "masters" of the United States take into account our interests in different parts of the world. The balance of power was observed for 25 years, but was disturbed by the spotted reptile in the late 80s. Today, the risk of war is much higher than in the 70s, because staff members feel weak from afar. Our willingness to die in battle by destroying the enemy is the key to peace, not war.
        1. 0
          29 January 2018 16: 25
          But you can’t somehow make it so that you — as ready (ready) to die — do this separately from us?
          And then we have all sorts of plans for a business and a new home ...
          1. +2
            29 January 2018 23: 38
            Quote: a.sirin
            But you can’t somehow make it so that you — as ready (ready) to die — do this separately from us?
            And then we have all sorts of plans for a business and a new home ...

            Easily, a suitcase ticket station!
            1. 0
              31 January 2018 00: 51
              The main freedom of the Free Man is freedom from the mind ...
              1. 0
                1 February 2018 08: 03
                Quote: a.sirin
                The main freedom of the Free Man is freedom from the mind ...

                In vain you are so, I care about you. In a quiet backwaters of the West you can realize your dreams without fear and without modesty!
                1. 0
                  1 February 2018 19: 01
                  I already do it and it is there
                  1. 0
                    2 February 2018 11: 36
                    Quote: a.sirin
                    I already do it and it is there

                    Then what is the problem? What are you offended? Really uncomfortable?
                    1. 0
                      2 February 2018 20: 37
                      The problem is that I wanted to work at home.
                      1. 0
                        3 February 2018 09: 00
                        So this is not a complaint to me, is it?
  17. +9
    28 January 2018 18: 11
    There is no elite in Russia! You can not be considered an elite of people who rose on the robbery and murders of compatriots!
    That's why I think that the grandchildren of today's oligarchs will remember this bloody money.
  18. +2
    28 January 2018 19: 49
    Quote: vladimirZ
    Hello, dsk.
    You're wrong. Perhaps, unfortunately, “content is Jesus Christ” is no longer the essence of our people. And quite a long time since 1917.
    There is only an external form left, such as the photo you quoted, when a former member of the CPSU, an atheist, an employee of the KGB - a system that fought with religion, in his mature years, suddenly becomes a "believer". Do you believe that he is sincere? Me not.

    good Yes
  19. 0
    28 January 2018 19: 57
    Quote: EwgenyZ
    Quote: free
    Scarlet flag to be!

    It was under this scarlet banner that all this "elite" grew up and "husbands", which then gutted the big Country. This is not enough for you, do you want to grow new world-eaters?

    What options...? wassat
    1. 0
      28 January 2018 22: 02
      Quote: Radikal

      What options...? wassat

      I already “designated” it above: those who will “return” to ensure state orders for their enterprises, the opportunity to develop new markets and guarantee against nationalization, those who prefer the “West” to deprive everything (of real estate and business in Russia). Before the country to put a super task and "forward"! And do not need any idiologies and "isms."
  20. 0
    28 January 2018 20: 53
    "the post-old world will be a world of uncertainty, a world of functions that walk on their own, regardless of substances - the world familiar to us Russians. And playing in that world will require sophistication."
    How, nevertheless, I want to get a "new, old" world by the destruction of modern ones. Western civilization, and then be able to shoot - to bomb, without fear of the so-called "otvetki"! It’s impossible to compete with the West (which is objective), to integrate - to deal with it also somehow didn’t work - let it all go to waste then!
    We stay - and the savages!
    It will be possible to cope with them (or not?)

    Many words, many desires - let them all collapse there!

    I think everything will be completely wrong, but even vice versa
  21. +1
    28 January 2018 22: 35
    Quote: EwgenyZ
    Quote: Radikal

    What options...? wassat

    I already “designated” it above: those who will “return” to ensure state orders for their enterprises, the opportunity to develop new markets and guarantee against nationalization, those who prefer the “West” to deprive everything (of real estate and business in Russia). Before the country to put a super task and "forward"! And do not need any idiologies and "isms."

    Here is how. I sympathize with you! Sincerely! No.
  22. 0
    29 January 2018 08: 10
    "Our" elite already felt the fifth point that something bad could happen and quickly repainted "our" oligarchs into "... good working socially responsible businessmen who care about the country ...".
  23. +1
    29 January 2018 08: 58
    Even during the presidency of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, there was an attempt to introduce a universal electronic card UEC. The Orthodox called this project the forerunner of the Antichrist, trying to resist it. A few years later it turned out that our officials managed to completely "saw through" the Antichrist.
    Here he smiled)
  24. +1
    29 January 2018 09: 43
    A ticket to the future in the context of an impending crisis, a war of all against all will be received only by those elites who identify with their countries, who are rooted in their culture and share the same values, interests and goals with their people.

    This is the "secret" of the appearance and takeoff of Grudinin. The people subconsciously felt that the current leader did NOT "share the same values, interests and goals" with his people, and began to look for another. Grudinin is not yet a search result. This is only a symbol of the beginning of such a search. Someone else will appear.
    1. dSK
      29 January 2018 15: 05
      Hello Vladimir!
      Quote: Hlavaty
      takeoff Grudinin.
      At the last Duma elections, Vladimir Volfovich outperformed Sergei Mikhailovich Mironov, caught up with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and set his fighters to become second party of Russia. Vladimir Volfovich stands for candidacy sixth time to the presidency and may well get around the newcomer Grudinin.
      1. 0
        29 January 2018 15: 29
        Quote from dsk
        and may well get around the newcomer Grudinin

        And-and-and ...?
        1. dSK
          29 January 2018 17: 35
          Gennady Andreyevich will not be forgiven for this by his party members - they will be dismissed. hi
          1. 0
            29 January 2018 21: 59
            And is Gennady Andreyevich still interested in anyone else? He has long been in fact retired. Together with his party. It's just that the party only noticed it and wanted to somehow return to the game. "At least a stuffed carcass." And Grudinin is quite suitable for this - thanks to him there was a reason to mention the Communist Party. lol
  25. 0
    30 January 2018 12: 56
    Now the so-called The West invests in our politicians, lures the so-called businessmen.
    Here - God forbid, of course - P. will leave) (as freak Rodchenkov released) - to relatives.
    Who will Russia be with?
    That one and that.
  26. +1
    3 February 2018 14: 36
    To d ... ku with candy wrappers what claims? the problem is that you have nothing to lose. Therefore, you are eager to fight. Where to get from you is unclear. You can’t fix your life, tearing someone else’s