Social elevator: children of different nations (part one)

Here at the IN, debates are constantly flashing about the “eternal questions” of the present: who are we, where are we from, where are we going, and most importantly, why? Dr. Emmett Brown from “Back to the Future-2” wanted to find out all this, but in the end he was almost not lost in time. Naturally, there are people who apparently believed in the “holy USSR” all their lives, that everyone was equal there, and equal opportunities were opened for the children of different nations and working people to take a place among middle and higher - that is, social groups named in the novel George Orwell "1984". For some reason, these people do not want to admit the obvious: that a child who has suffered a neck injury at the purely medical level will not be able to play basketball. That the victim of a drunken conception, at best, will go to a correction class, and not to a specialized gymnasium, well, but the deaf-blind and dumb (even if very few of them) will have to study in a special school from the very beginning. Plus, poverty. Not everyone could provide a son or daughter who had studied in Moscow even then, and just as everyone cannot today, even if, as a result of the Unified State Exam, a child enters a Moscow university. I know these personally. However, life is such that a variety of social elevators work in it, which lift someone up, and drop someone down. But, developing this topic, I am not going to refer to the figures, scientific data and opinions of various venerable scientists this time, but to “live stories", That is, ordinary memories. In this case, mine. Similar material here on the VO has also been. But ... for a long time did not have to continue. And not because George Soros personally forbade it to me, but simply somehow there was no corresponding mood, but at the hands of some old photos. That is, these are ordinary memoirs that, from a certain age, almost everyone would like to write. So…

It always happens that we remember our childhood years better than what we had just two or three years ago. And so I remember very well both my street, where I was born in 1954, and my playmates, although I “just saw” all this then. Understanding what I saw, it came, of course, much later. For example, I saw how and who lives on this street from my playmates comrades. On the section of Proletarskaya Street, next to my house, there were still 10 houses, although there were much more houses in them. For example, in my house, except for my grandfather, grandmother, mother and me, my grandfather and sister lived behind the wall. We had two rooms and a grandfather, the former head of the city board during the Second World War, who was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Badge of Honor, slept in the hallway at the door leading into the hall, and the grandmother was on the sofa in the hall. Mom and I were placed in a small room, where her desk and wardrobe still stood.

My house, view from the street. That was how it was before 1974. (He promised one of our regulars an article with his own drawings and now he found it. In childhood I did a good job of drawing, but not much remained, unfortunately)

And this is the hall. Left the door to the small room. Where you look from, the whole space is occupied by the Russian stove. The table has not drawn four more chairs. There is no kerosene lamp in the middle of the table, or a pile of newspapers and magazines. The portraits of the chest on the left in the center of the grandfather, on the sides of his sons killed in the war. Downstairs on the dresser is a very expensive Moser watch. In the buffet on the right, the KVVK cognac and a decanter with vodka infused on lemon rinds necessarily stood. But grandfather used it very rarely. The mirror without a table has been preserved and is now hanging in my hallway. Huge palm trees in tubs - date and fan at that time were very fashionable indoor plants, along with ficuses.

So the house was very crowded and I didn’t like to stay there. There was really no place to play. For example, laying out a grooved metro on the table meant removing everything from it, including the huge Matnodor 1886 kerosene lamp of the year in the style of Bernard Palissi. Although you could get on the couch with your feet and so listen to very interesting radio programs: “There are literary heroes in the country”, “Club of famous captains”, “Mail Stagecoach”, COAPS ... There were also large canopy rooms, a closet with banks and pans with candied jam. , three sheds (one with rabbits) and just a huge garden, which my wife still regrets, because he would be better than any summer cottage for us now.

One of the few surviving photos from a "childhood". Then we, the boys from Proletarskaya Street, looked like this in the school camp. The author is the leftmost one. I loved to play chess then.

These 10 houses had 17 households, that is, some houses resembled real burrows. But the children (boys) of my age plus or minus two or three years for these households, there were only six and four more from Mirskaya Street and the end of Proletarskaya. How many guys were on the opposite side I do not know. We were “not led” with them. But about the same. Only in one family of the Mulins there were two children. There were only two girls for all this boyish horde, and it is clear that they did not interest us. And now think about it. The street was working families. The parents of my comrades worked at a nearby plant to them. Frunze. And what a shortage of "frames"!

This is the most extreme house on Proletarskaya Street, where I once lived, because there was a clearing further, although the street itself did not end here. Of my friends the boys lived in it “Sanka-snotty”, who had such a nickname for the green snot constantly flowing from the nose. He was an outcast and therefore differed harmful character. I don't know where he went, but his mother still lives in this house. He was a rabbitcher, as you see, he stayed, but ... modern materials gave him ... a modern look!

That's when the crisis began with the population of our country, and not at all in the 1991 year! The idea is that in all full families, except mine, there should have been at least two children, and all of them had one. That is, let's say, Proletarskaya Street (this piece of it) did not provide self-reproduction of its population. Now she has only one house from my childhood! At the site of my house is a building materials store, the neighboring house was rebuilt, and two cottages were built at the end of the street. The street itself is overgrown with grass. The workers at the plant didn’t walk along it for a long time, and it happened that they were going in a continuous stream, so I woke up from the solid tramp of their shoes - top-top.

This house appeared at the end of 90's ...

I went to my comrades' houses. But it was difficult for them to come to me. It hurt us in the house was clean! Around the carpets on the floor, velvet tablecloth, carpet on the couch and on the back of the sofa, the carpet on my wall by the bed, my mother ... There was nothing like that in their families. I was particularly struck by the conditions in which my friends Mulina live. In their house there were four apartments with five windows facing the street. That is, these were the dwellings of the “carriage layout”. So they had a porch, cold canopy, where in the summer kerosene cooked food, and one long room, divided by a stove into two parts. In the first one with two windows to the street, there was a one-and-a-half parents bed (and how they could fit on it, since neither their mother nor their father had the fragility of addition!), Between the windows there was a chest of drawers, a wardrobe near the wall, a shelf with a dozen books, table and ... everything. Behind the stove were the beds of my comrades Sasha and Eugene with blankets in the style of a patchwork and a chest on which their grandmother slept. Under the wallpaper were found such red bugs. Bugs! And I did not know what it was and told at home. After that, they stopped letting me at all.

Moreover, I saw all this in 1964, when I was already in the second grade. By the way, the first refrigerator and the first TV on our street appeared again in my house, just in 1959, when TV broadcasting began in Penza.

And this one following him too ... But there are no children in them!

Which of the guys on our street lived at about the same level of material wealth? There was another boy - Victor, the son of a pilot at the Penza airport. A full family, all parents worked, and they also had carpets, carpets in the house, and he had cardboard games and Meccano constructors.

Convenience at all, of course, were in the yard. But different "type". We have a spacious restroom, with wallpaper, a chimney and completely odorless. Grandmother there regularly washed the floor and it was even pleasant to be there, looking into the garden through the open door.

But this is already a nostalgia ... The house where my physical education teacher San Sanych lived. In our time, his heirs have besieged it with bricks and made gas heating.

Here is this house close-up.

Not so with the neighbors, including in the toilet with my comrades. There, the “grace of the womb” splashed almost at the very hole and there was a terrible stench. But worse than all was the toilet of one of the village women who lived in the same house in one of the “car apartments”. Ugly there was just indescribable. However, nobody paid attention to this. And then once, playing in my garden, I saw how one of these women, standing on the garden beds, did not even sit down, but lifted up his hem and ... large ... fell from it to the ground like peas, as if from a horse . And then she lowered the hem, pulled the fifth point and ... went to weed the beds further. To say that for me it was a revelation - to say nothing. It was just a shock! I, as I remember myself, were imparted with the skills of personal hygiene and cleanliness; after every meal I had to brush my teeth at the washstand and regularly change my underwear. And here ... I didn’t notice any underwear at this woman, and you can not even mention everything else. In general, I felt a real hatred for her, which people feel, probably, for a snake or a toad. One of her existence next to me seemed offensive and unacceptable to me. And ... he immediately decided to take revenge on her. Just for being so!

We go further along the remnants of the Soviet Proletarian and see a house with a collapsed roof (let's call it “Victor's house”, but not the pilot’s son, that house was demolished!), Which has not changed since 1967, when I was in it the last time. And since then he has not repaired even once! However, a brick extension with a heating system was attached to it.

Pocket money, since I was already at school, was given to me. So I went to the store, bought two packs of yeast - at school we did some kind of experience ... and, mixed with sugar, put it to ferment. And then at night he crept into her yard and poured it all into the hole.

In the morning, having forgotten everything that was done the day before, I go out on the porch and ... smell it ... and also hear screams from the neighbors in the yard and see ... the tilted roof of its toilet! Ran there, and there - a real eruption of Vesuvius. The men arrived at the "cleaning shop", but they refused to clean it, they said that they would break the car if they did. We must wait for the "completion of the process" - then. It is interesting that all the neighbors' boys did not like this woman, and because of the fence, so that she wouldn’t see who and didn’t complain to her parents, they teased her like this: “Oh, you old hag, you gave birth to a cat, laid it on a bed, started kissing her cheeks! "

Here is this house close-up. I always walk past him ... "shivering", as if by a "time machine" arrived in the past.

What I liked about the Mulins was the smell of fried potatoes in the evenings. When father and mother came home from work, the grandmother fed them such potatoes. They invited me too, and our ... "social differences" immediately became clear. It turned out that it was customary for them to fry the potatoes in butter, and half a pouch would be poured into the pan. My amazement was noticed and asked: isn’t it wrong with you? And I told that we have potatoes cut into cubes and the grandmother fries it in vegetable oil, which is why it turns out all fried and crispy. "And you have it kind of soft, everything stuck to the bottom ... and with a bow!" It is clear that they did not invite me to the table anymore. But at home they explained to me that you cannot fry potatoes in butter, because it burns. Whereas the vegetable can withstand a higher temperature, and the potatoes blush correctly.

At the site of this house was the "house of thieves." With the "front porch" All men were thieves and occasionally "sat" ... The house was completely rebuilt, as you see.

I must say that even then I felt that I know more than these of my peers, I can do more, but I was very shy about my upbringing. I remember how relatives came to visit us: my cousin with her son Boris. My mother was already working at the institute, first as a factory worker, and then as an assistant at the department of the history of the CPSU. Well, her sister taught at a music school, and Boris this very one came to us in short pants and with a bow on his shirt. They sat down to lunch and called me, right from the street, with dirty hands, in satin bloomers and in a T-shirt. I somehow washed my hands, sat down at the table, then she’s my brother and asks: “Borya, do you not want to pee?” And he said to her: “No, Mom!” I remember I barely waited for the end of dinner, ran out to my street boys and say: “Roby, to me right now, brother in a girl's shorts came with a bow. His mother is right at the table - if you want the pic ..., and he to her - no mom! He will come out on the street, we will beat him! ”He didn’t come out onto his street, and I just don’t know how we would finish it for this dissimilarity!

On the site of my house there is now this store and on the right a cargo yard. There were six windows on the street!

I went to school not simple, but to a special one, with English from the second grade. But not by special selection, and not by a call “from above”, as is happening now, but simply because it was a school in our district. No one in our district then understood the benefits of such a special school, and all the guys in it were “local”. Not like now. Now this is a gymnasium, where children on Volvo and Mersakh are brought in from all over the city, and there are already five languages ​​to choose from. My daughter also studied there, although, it’s true, things hadn’t come to such “frills”, but her elitism was already felt in everything. But the granddaughter is studying in a regular school. I do not want to deprive her of childhood and to engage in a race for survival from a young age. Yes, and a special role now who has finished what school does not play. Playing the role of who your child was preparing for the exam. And he can learn in the small school of the village of Maly Dunduki. So here the social elevator worked, one might say, by chance. By the way, from among my school comrades from the parallel class, I have completely risen to the top ... Oleg Salyukov, well, the same one that became a general and, together with Shoigu, is now taking parades on Red Square, well, another boy who became the most famous in 90 counterfeiter in Russia. I am proud of my acquaintance with both! By the way, the last son became a candidate of sciences (like my daughter!) And teaches at the university today. Another boy became famous gangster (!) Local scale. But already died.

At the site of this building there were three households at once: the Mulins' house, the "doctor's house" (three windows) and the "Victor-2 house" (the pilot's son).

Studying at this school was ... interesting, although learning for me because of poor performance in math was a lot of trouble. In history, I did not know how to get fours, but in algebra with geometry and a troika I was glad unspeakably. But with English (because I really didn’t understand his particular use at that time!) I started having problems with the 5 class. And in general, problems with studies after the 5 class, it was such an age trend. Today he moved to more advanced classes. And then my mummy told me that “you must meet the level at which your family is in society, and that if you continue to study like this, you will slide down and go to the factory. And there the first pay, “washing”, will come home all dirty and spelled out and I will ... tear you away from my heart and ... you will go and see! ”The threat seemed serious to me, but I already picked up the agitation at school and answered that we all are equal! And then she gave me the Orwellian (although Orwell, of course, did not read and could not read, but she could see that she thought!): “Yes, they are equal, but some are more equal than others!” And it was not here that I could not answer. But he remembered the patchwork blankets of my comrades along the street, and the “red bugs” they had under the wallpaper, and potatoes in butter, green snot from the nose of “Sanka-snotty,” their drunken fathers every Saturday, realized that she was right, and decided That will never look like them. Subdilagged to study and straightened to “excellent” everything except mathematics, well, yes, it was not required at the history department at that time. But when I came to take the English language test at the pedagogical institute, and sat down to answer the desk, I heard in response: “What school did you graduate from? Sixth! So why are you fooling us here! From this and had to start! Five - go! ”So I had this entrance exam, and then later at the institute, up to the fourth year, I rode on the baggage of knowledge gained at school. It was convenient to say that.

The house, which was opposite to mine in Proletarsky passage. It once seemed the highest among the single-story five-wall plants. Now for the 5-9-storey it is not visible. Moreover, it has grown by a meter into the ground, or rather, the level of the surrounding land has increased by a meter. I used to go to him uphill, but now I have to go down the stairs. This is how the relief has changed over the past half century.

And this is my most unloved house on the next street, Dzerzhinskaya, turned out to be right in front of my current housing. Then there was a “fire” in it (now it is empty, people are burning less!) And the only phone in the whole district where I was sent to call my grandfather and grandmother “ambulance”. In any weather, I had to go, crawl into my eyes, explain what and how, then meet the doctors at the gate and escort through the dark yard past the watchdog to the house. Oh, how I did not like it, but what was to be done - debt is debt.

Such preferences were given then by training in the Soviet special school, even in the most ordinary provincial city. In addition to “just language”, they also taught us geography in English, English literature, American literature, technical translation and military translation, and even taught us to disassemble the AK assault rifle and the Bran machine gun ... in English, that is all weapons we had to know the terms in their English version and be able to describe our actions; taught to interrogate prisoners of war and read a map with English inscriptions.

And this is a store opposite the previous house. In 1974, it was a one-story typical Soviet architecture “store-aquarium” - “Cooperator”, where my wife and I went for groceries. The store is here now. But ... how was it built on and how was it finished ?!

By the way, my street friends didn't get to this school, although they could. “Well, who needs this English ?!”, said their parents, sent them to a regular school next door, and our paths diverged forever after that.

And here time seemed to stop a second time. Nothing has changed in this house in 50 years, except that the roofs above the entrance doors on the pillars have been added. That is, there seems to be a lot of changes, yes, but even the old wooden wreck ("Victor's house") on Proletarskaya Street still stands ... It’s time to open a museum: "a typical family house of a Soviet worker who worked in the 60s of the last century at the plant . Frunze.

To be continued ...
61 comment
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  1. +25
    2 November 2017 07: 08
    Autobiographical materials are always interesting
    We all come from childhood
    Thanks for the interesting excursion
    1. +17
      2 November 2017 14: 17
      Quote: XII Legion
      We all come from childhood
      Thanks for the interesting excursion

      I am joining. Not mine, but nostalgic ... smile hi
      1. +17
        2 November 2017 14: 58
        Yes, we all come from childhood, I will join everyone. hi The author was pleased. Interesting.
    2. +3
      3 November 2017 17: 44
      Thank you Vyacheslav .... I read it in the morning before leaving for work .... I remembered my Moscow courtyard on Kirov, and the hut in which they lived ..... But I have friends, your peers and countrymen. Your material redirected to them .......
      Somewhere there is a city as quiet as a dream
      Dust is drawn on the chest.
      In a slow river, water is like glass,
      Somewhere there is a city in which it is warm.
      Our distant childhood passed there.

      At night from home I will hurry
      I’ll ask for a ticket at the ticket office.
      Maybe for the first time in a thousand years
      Give a reserved seat ticket to your childhood.
      Quietly the cashier will answer: No tickets.

      Well, my friend, how can she object?
      Road to childhood, where else to ask?
      Or maybe just only sometimes
      Only in our memory do we come there.

      In this city, fairy tales live,
      Naughty winds are calling with them.
      There we were sometimes driven crazy
      Pine trees to the sky, to the sun at home.
      There, in the snowdrifts, winter went inaudibly.

      An old song in our destiny
      Affectionate city, thank you.
      We won't come, don't wait in vain
      There are other ways on the planet.
      We have matured, believe us and forgive ...
  2. +20
    2 November 2017 07: 26
    As in my childhood I visited. True differences are still significant. There was no strengthened English, for that they began to study weapons from 10 years old. Still, the city and the school are located on the border with China. And then what happened, in China, it is better not to recall. But still these are bright memories of childhood. By the way, the area was about the same, with three enterprises and several military units around. What about a social elevator? I do not know? Just did not try to be in sight. And in common between the PRC and Russia, Blagoveshchensk and Heihe we only have the Amur River. The rest has all changed. Photos from the Internet.
    1. +5
      2 November 2017 10: 24
      On the other side of the China River?
      1. +13
        2 November 2017 11: 19
        Quote: voyaka uh
        On the other side of the China River?

        Yes, Heihe city. The width of the Amur at this place is approximately 800m. Above the Amur River, the Power of Siberia crossing is under construction at about 7-8 km. One tunnel has already been broken. Now they are preparing to break through the second.
        1. +8
          2 November 2017 13: 35
          Quote: Amurets
          Yes, Heihe city.

          Here's another one. You can see it better here.
    2. +3
      3 November 2017 18: 06
      I remember, I remember the Amur coast of 1972 of the year ... I entered the TWO .... Sakhalyan was a one-story building, only a three-story hotel with a huge portrait of Mao .... And the mass of Chinese are all in blue and black sitting on their promenade. .. For some reason none of them swam .... And the flood .... The water rose very high ... Almost under the level of the embankment ....
      1. +2
        3 November 2017 19: 55
        Nikolai Ivanovich, as I understand it, you served, and the main part of life. I wasn’t in 1972, only in ten years I will appear with shouts: "From now on I will live forever!" fellow laughing And time was ... well, how to say .. three years before that there was a conflict with China. You do not want to write any of the memories? The image of the past fluttered in you now, and it’s bright. Yes Why not “catch him” and write an article? With your thoughts, just remember and spread your thoughts on paper. Moreover, you have EXPERIENCE of publications. good With respect, Nicholai hi
        1. +2
          3 November 2017 21: 14
          Nikolay. Thank you for your kind words .... Your proposal is very interesting ... But I can’t assure you that it will be feasible .... The fact is that I have already outlined and set certain priorities ... I am completely passionate about creating our small family history. About his Father, a knight of 4's battle orders, who was awarded for fighting the Oder with the "Red Banner of War", he already made a description of his military path (which I worked on for three years) .... Now I am writing about Mother, who went through the war with 1942 of the year, first in air defense then a nurse ... I think within five months I can cope with the work .... Then, in my thoughts, process the letters of the Father to Mother ... and only then notes about my life for sons and granddaughters ... In addition, I have to be distracted for writing fairy tales to granddaughters ....
          So, I dare to assure you, in years through 7-8 .... Maybe .... But meetings with the participants of the events indicated by you really took place .... Their names, titles and positions appear on one of the stands at the Museum of the Armed Forces. It used to be called the Museum of the Soviet Army ....
          1. +1
            4 November 2017 00: 12
            Their names, titles and positions appear on one of the stands in the Museum of the Armed Forces. It used to be called the Museum of the Soviet Army ...

            Nikolai Ivanovich, you wrote a half-article text. And the fact is that you already have a passion for creativity. Therefore .. you can do several things at once. Process memoirs and write articles. About the participants. With Bubenin and Babansky, come and see yourself and talked?
            Or about the family!
            1. +2
              4 November 2017 11: 11
              Which one, right, categorical .... With your permission, let me decide what to do myself ....
              And in the second you are right ... Many people know Bubenin and Babansky and, as if the status of the "border conflict" does not allow us to speak about the participation of the Soviet Army in the battles ... But the merit of the 135 motorized rifle division is crucial in repelling the attack. 199 SMEs, as well as the howitzer regiment and the Grad division of this division, repelled aggression and for a long time taught a lesson to those wishing to reconsider the borders ....
              1. +1
                4 November 2017 11: 27

                and further...
                and this is a very small part ....
                56 people who gave their lives in battles for their Motherland ... More than a hundred people have been awarded .... Losses of the adjacent side are still classified ..... Our experts believe that from 700 to 1000
                1. +1
                  4 November 2017 11: 30
                  and more
                  If you wish, you can find more information ....
                2. +1
                  4 November 2017 12: 09
                  Which one, right, categorical .... With your permission, let me decide what to do myself ....

                  oh well, the Lord is with you! hi just for some time now a fascination with certain aspects has come into life. And .. notice smart people .. It’s up to everyone to decide. Yes
                  You can find more information. Previously (about 15 years ago) information on this conflict was extremely scarce. And the one that was, sometimes gave extremely veiled information. For example, in the book Border Outpost (which I read as a child) in an essay about Democrat Leonov, the attackers are not named by country of residence and nationality. "Provocateurs" - and all! I got the main detailed information from the book of Dmitry Ryabushkin "Damansky Myths". In detail, soundly.
                  But Bubenin and Babansky - well, people are legends. Who did the impossible on the first day. soldier
                  Many people know Bubenin and Babansky and, as if the status of the “border conflict” does not allow talking about the participation of parts of the Soviet Army in battles ... But the merit of the soldiers of the 135th motorized division is crucial in repelling the attack. 199 SMEs, as well as the howitzer regiment and the Gradov division of this division repelled aggression and for a long time taught a lesson to those wishing to reconsider the borders ....

                  but almost everyone knows about it. The border guards fulfilled their duty - they met the enemy at the border, died, but did not retreat (and here without pathos). Yes, and the first test of "Grad" in combat conditions was decisive. Moreover, the order did not seem to come from Moscow. Losses of the Chinese, perhaps, are greater. But the history of this conflict in China is presented extremely deceitfully, so we will never know their losses. In this, the "sworn brothers", the Chinese and Japanese, are the same - in the way of describing their own failures. However, when Zhou Enlai arrived at the scene of the battle, he looked at the craters, according to legend, he said: "It's time to stop testing the Russian patience" ... belay
      2. +2
        4 November 2017 01: 53
        Quote: moskowit
        I remember, I remember the Amur coast of 1972 ... Then I entered the DVOK .... Sakhalyan was one-story, only a three-story hotel with a huge portrait of Mao ....

        Yes. In 1972 there was a great flood, water rising under the DVOK. The EMNIP even seeped into the pistol shooting gallery.
        And here’s what they are writing about the FOCUS now: In the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur Region, artillery half-caponier, erected in 1940 on the embankment of the Amur River as part of the fortified area covering the State Border, is recognized by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation as a cultural heritage monument of regional significance.
        Half-caponier was preserved almost in its original form thanks to the cadets and officers of the Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky (DVOKU).
        This year it is a museum exhibit.
  3. +16
    2 November 2017 07: 28
    Let's wait for the continuation ...
  4. +25
    2 November 2017 08: 12
    I want to note the multi-vector approach of the respected Vyacheslav Olegovich - he can do articles of any genres and on any topics.
    Literally any nuance turns it into an interesting article - like a soldier who made porridge from an ax.
    In this case, it is worth learning from senior comrades. hi
    I also remember the element of my childhood - p. Upper Baskunchak, where fathers relatives lived, in the north of the Astrakhan region (near Salt Lake is akin to the Dead Sea of ​​Israelis), a private house with a large stove - and driven sheep flocks. You need to see your sheep, separate and bring home.
    Inspired by ...
    Thanks to the author
  5. +8
    2 November 2017 08: 36
    Quote: V. Shpakovsky
    I always walk past him ... "cringing"

    Cringing ?! Yes, you look what a beauty !!! What a flight of thought and compare with the squalor of remake.
    1. +2
      2 November 2017 09: 53
      Regarding your photos - I agree.
      1. +9
        2 November 2017 11: 35
        Quote: kalibr
        Regarding your photos - I agree.

        And here is the building of the Amur Museum of Local Lore, the outside has not practically changed.
        Firstly, the museum, one of the oldest in the Far East, and secondly, is located in one of the most beautiful buildings of the city, the former Koons and Albers store built in 1894. This is how we relate to stone buildings of historical construction.
        1. +7
          2 November 2017 14: 58
          Chur, I’m playing with you. If you manage to “break through” the next edition in England, I’ll ask you to take a picture there ... A little, it won’t tire.
    2. +8
      2 November 2017 09: 56
      Quote: Boris55
      Cringing ?! Yes, you look what a beauty !!! What a flight of thought and compare with the squalor of remake.

      Also noted this. With what kind of love did the people relate to their homes and decorate them. Near me lived several carpenters and joiners, they have long been gone and the houses decorated by them are still standing, but alas and unfortunately they are replaced by tasteless brickwork

      Also a photo from the Internet. I don’t have digitized photos, but believe me, about 30 years ago it was a real handsome man. We don’t do this with stone buildings, historical buildings are being restored, but the wooden ones leave forever. This is also gone. Residential building built in 1902.
      1. +8
        2 November 2017 11: 27
        I am planning a series of articles in Penza under the code name "Homes." There will be photos - old houses, original houses ... Maybe something interesting will come out for VO.
    3. +7
      2 November 2017 15: 17
      it all depends on the owners .. If zealous and with the money, then the house will be in order. Sometimes you’ll drive into a summer cottage 50-80 km from St. Petersburg - where you have been living for decades (and work in the village once or twice, it’s true!), There is devastation, where summer residents come to personally purchased plots - there is order and beauty. what By the way, in Suzdal, Boris, one of the sights is the "Balsaminov House", the one in which the famous film was shot. hi
  6. +18
    2 November 2017 08: 43
    Social elevator is a very important thing
    Thanks to the author for the story.
    From life
  7. +15
    2 November 2017 08: 45
    We go further along the remnants of the Soviet Proletarian and see a house with a failed roof (let's call it “Victor’s house”, but not the pilot’s son, that house was demolished!), Which has not changed since 1967 when I was in it for the last time.

    It can be seen that the house was made with great love - a luxurious carving of cornices, frames, painting ...
    It is a pity, the descendants could not maintain the beauty ....
    1. +11
      2 November 2017 09: 55
      Yes, and besides, what kind of strength it has withstood for so many years. But you yourself see in the photo what state it is, and even the roof is even more so.
  8. +2
    2 November 2017 11: 24
    I'm probably cynical ... But what does this (good) article do on VO? !!
    1. +9
      2 November 2017 13: 11
      The topic of social elevators does indeed appear from time to time in discussions. So, given the blurring of the boundaries of the history of VO, its publication is quite acceptable.

      With a great desire, you can find fault with almost half of the articles in this section. What does Russian monarchs and their favorites, creativity and its diversity, or death sentences for minors in the USSR have to do with military review? But, in my opinion, all these articles are much better than yellowness and cheers-patriotism, flooded with news, opinions and especially analytics.

      Thanks a lot to the author! As if transferred to those times. Special thanks for such an honest story! Personally, today I would hardly dare to publish such personal and not always attractive memories.
    2. +1
      2 November 2017 18: 18
      Probably when we get up from the trench ... remember exactly this ...
  9. +19
    2 November 2017 14: 20
    Well obtained by the author of such excursions
    It seems to be a domestic theme - but historical and specific wink good
  10. +3
    2 November 2017 15: 14
    That's when the crisis began with the population of our country, and not at all in 1991!

    The village compensated. For example, my mother has two sisters and one brother. Despite the fact that early childhood had to be spent in a dugout. I don’t know where, how, but in Western Belarus houses were normally built only in the mid-50s. It would seem that the forest is around. But in winter it’s not until construction, in winter survival. And the rest of the time is the collective farm. And of course, one of the signs of success was getting an education and dumping in the city. This is the resource of the USSR that has been achieved for almost 30 years. And then everything, education, civilization, contraception. What kind of children can there be and why?
  11. +10
    2 November 2017 15: 23
    "including the 1886 Matodor kerosene lamp in the style of Bernard Palissy."
    Hello, Vyacheslav Olegovich. Considering that the light of a kerosene lamp belongs to my childhood memories, I wanted to please you, but the style of Bernard Palissy confused me, because among the famous kerosene lamps of the Berlin company "Ehrich & Graetz" nothing similar to the style of this French ceramist of the XNUMXth century did not exist.

    And the lamps were beautiful. But "Matador" is not the name of the company. This is the name of the type of torch these lamps were equipped with. Didn’t they save such a thing?
    And the Moser watch is generally unique. Judging by the fact that they stood on your chest of drawers, this is probably from their table clock or mantelpiece. There such mechanisms met !!!.
    1. +10
      2 November 2017 15: 35
      Thank you, dear Victor Nikolaevich. There were a lot of lamps at home. "Palissi" was a huge poppies and green leaves, very beautiful. A lamp similar to yours with the photo was also. Almost exactly the same. About "Matador" grandfather spoke. I myself did not know anything about it. The lamps were sold to a collector of antiquities. He offered a lot of money and it all took him. The point was that they would "demolish us" and where to drag it all into Brezhnevka? And they demolished it in 1975 ... And Moser’s watches were in a transparent case with carved columns of mahogany with flutes and a pendulum. They beat us very loudly, and at night they often woke us up. They could be repaired by only one master watchmaker, and he is with us for 300 p. and begged.
      1. +7
        2 November 2017 15: 39
        The point was that they would "demolish us" and where to drag it all into Brezhnevka? And demolished in 1975 ...

        sorry, the magazines are not saved .. well oh well! hi with the honed ability to go to the archives you can find everything there.
        1. +5
          2 November 2017 17: 58
          In my opinion, I already wrote that I still stumble in the library of our museum of local lore on the magazines ARCHAEOLOGY of the USSR with my bookmarks and notes from the 1975 of the year. So strange...
          1. +2
            2 November 2017 21: 29
            Nothing strange. You know how to choose topics, and the archive is the archive. Maybe someone has already read your notes ..
            1. +2
              2 November 2017 21: 56
              That is the point, Nikolai, that no! There are extradition notes. So most magazines since then no one took! Now I’m being hit by one publishing house to write a novel about a fellow traveler - "Time Wars". I decided to try it. And it will feature this mirror from the hall. Well, we want to return to the past, what to do ...
              1. +3
                2 November 2017 22: 03
                yes there is a whole site for this, "what would happen if" .. Try, of course, the topic is now interesting to many! It is strange that people live and are not interested, but they can also be understood, they say, "the Internet has replaced libraries, and you don’t have to go anywhere." request I remember my feelings when I visited by chance in one archive, you hold this folder in your hands, and it is so thick that it almost falls apart, and you think: “these are real treasures” .. belay
      2. +5
        2 November 2017 16: 41
        "And the Moser watch was in a transparent case with carved mahogany columns with flutes and a pendulum."

        Imagine how much they are now in good condition. The Moser firm does it now. Cost up to $ 10.
        1. +8
          2 November 2017 17: 56
          Yes, they are. It's amazing to see this ... Well, who would give me 10.000 in Soviet times ... In gratitude I can tell you one thing. Download, now it’s possible, my novel LAW OF PARETO and there in the first part “Iron Horse” there is also about watches and lamps. My house is described in full detail there ... Well, and adventures, of course ... Thanks again!
  12. +13
    2 November 2017 19: 23
    Vyacheslav Olegovich. You are a great storyteller!
    You read and touching memories of childhood pop up in your memory. Thank! love
    And I remember the kerosene lamp from childhood, when I was in the village in the summer. True, she was ordinary. But the memories are very warm.
    1. +3
      2 November 2017 21: 46
      Thanks for good words! A kind word is also pleasant for a cat, and even more so for the author. Now at home with his wife they remembered both this lamp and the clock ... She still pities the old house and garden. Especially the garden. I can advise you the same thing: download the novel "Pareto Law" and read. Now it seems to be possible. He appeared on the net.
      1. +3
        2 November 2017 22: 11
        How right is your wife that spares the garden. When trees bloom in the garden in spring, it’s almost impossible to take your eyes off such beauty.
        Thanks for the advice, I already took advantage ..
        1. +3
          2 November 2017 22: 40
          I'm glad about the advice. Now I will look forward to your opinion. Write to the profile.
          And the garden - yes ... 6 apple trees, 3 plums, rayka, three cherries, 6 currant bushes, how many gooseberries, white and red currants, raspberry, blackberries, roses, peonies, lilies, tulips in beds. Under a large apple tree stood a Viennese table and chairs. We never planted cucumbers and tomatoes, only strawberries. And grandmother sold flowers at the market ... Many roses ...
  13. +19
    2 November 2017 20: 27
    Hello fair campaign
    Author - congratulations on new horizons of creativity
    Oh, expand - and to infinity
    1. +2
      2 November 2017 21: 59
      Vladimir Mikhailovich, good evening! The author generally wrote about some things for the first time in Russia, I think. what There is a binder of the magazine "Technique and Armament" for the 90s. We take the number, look at the composition: Kolomiyets, Svirin, Shirokorad, Shpakovsky. I suspect I had to shovel a lot of literature in the era of "lack of Internet" hi
  14. +3
    2 November 2017 21: 02
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, very "depressed." Is there anything good in Penza? Well, the regional center cannot be built up, with rickety huts and barracks.
    1. +2
      2 November 2017 21: 50
      A lot of good! The city does not recognize. I admire him all the time from a high mountain, as I go from work. But the topic is something else. I am writing about the past, which was life that seemed the only possible, but became only a handful of wind driven dust. By the way, it will be about new homes and even their photos ... but everything has its time. By the way, why are you not happy with photo documents? This is not photoshop !!!
      1. +2
        2 November 2017 22: 28
        Vyacheslav Olegovich, it's not about photoshop. Just by looking at such photographs, the thought involuntarily creeps in that your childhood was spent in some kind of "ghetto". You know, I lived in a house that is 150 years old, but it looks like a palace against the background of such photographs. Vyacheslav Olegovich, further there will be at least a “positive” about Penza? And palm trees, why did they keep them in the house? This is a creepy plant, cut down one, a dozen are already growing nearby, only bamboo and bananas are worse.
        1. +2
          2 November 2017 22: 37
          Palm trees ??? Grandmother held the palm trees, but why didn’t I ask her. And about the ghetto ... it was a street which in Penza was very much, and now they are. It was. And she wasn’t the worst! The point is that the workers lived like this, they had such a wealth, so many children. Did you have a "palace"? So it was! We had this on the street. But there were worse streets and houses!
          1. +3
            2 November 2017 23: 31
            We did not have a palace, but everything was maintained in proper form. Previously, there were no facade paints, but there was lime and natural pigments, a little labor and imagination, and the dwelling takes on a new look. This, what kind of lumpen with bugs under the wallpaper? A person engaged in physical labor is also adequate. Do-it-yourself worker is much easier to make repairs in your own home than you. Sufficiency affects the area of ​​housing, the quality of materials, but not on bed bugs. Well, you probably had normal neighbors, and you had normal houses. There is so much negativity around, and you V.O. exacerbate. Probably in contrast to the castles of the Czech Republic they wrote that they would not relax.
            1. +1
              3 November 2017 07: 29
              But this is true, and the truth cannot be offended, even if it is bitter. By the way, in those years in the Czech Republic it was no better. The Czechs told me that Krumlov Castle was abandoned in Soviet times and only after the 91 was put in order and began to receive tourists. And when did the Dresden Gallery be completely restored?
        2. +4
          2 November 2017 23: 19
          Quote: mar4047083
          And palm trees, why did they keep them in the house?

          Sorry to interfere, but in our city, there were still ficus and tea roses in fashion. In our house grew similar to this.
          1. +5
            2 November 2017 23: 33
            And I'm sorry to interfere. All the same, they kept roses at home like that. Yes, they were called tea or Chinese rose. They are still being held.
          2. +2
            2 November 2017 23: 55
            Well, that’s positive. It turns out you can decorate your home with minimal cost. In contrast to weeds. . It’s good to set fire to such a plant; we were so “naughty” at school, instead of lessons, the arrival of firefighters burns “fantastically”.
            1. +1
              3 November 2017 22: 52
              We set fire to the ping-pong balls.
              1. +3
                4 November 2017 12: 47
                we are so "naughty" at school .. We set fire to balls from ping-pong.

                "playful minions" wink and the older generation poured yeast into the cesspool! laughing
  15. +17
    4 November 2017 14: 36
    Oh interesting how
    House like from childhood
    Probably me and the weather author
    Shoutbox love