From Europe to Eurabia?

In recent years, a neologism has appeared in Europe - “Eurabia”. This is the term that British writer and historian Bat Yeor uses in his book “Eurabia the Euro-Arabic Axis”. The term “Eurasia” denotes the prospects for the development of Europe, taking into account Islamist migration.

From Europe to Eurabia?

At present, the number of Muslims living in the European Union is reaching 16 million. At the same time, the population of the European Union totals 500 million people. In the near future in Europe is expected to further increase the Muslim population.

So, "Eurasia" means a complete change and transformation of the entire European continent into something completely different. These changes will certainly affect the demographic indicators of Europe. Will change her perception of her own stories and culture, their civilization, their laws and institutions, their policies and the totality of all those elements that create its present and determine its future.

Apparently, Europe, given the low fertility rate of the indigenous population compared to Arab-Islamic immigrants, will lose its identity over several decades. As well as their freedom and civil rights of the indigenous peoples inhabiting it. The fact is that Muslims, when they become a “critical mass,” can claim to be included in the various national legal systems of norms, as prescribed by the “sharia”. But “sharia” is a prescription that defines beliefs, as well as forming a religious paradigm and moral values ​​of Muslims who in no way belong to non-Muslims.

It should be noted that the political short-sightedness of the power elites in Europe is one of the most important reasons for the widespread Euro-skepticism among European nations.

In the new millennium, as Islam advanced into Europe, there was not a meeting, but, unfortunately, a clash between European and Islamic civilizations.

This was inevitable since the openness of European society does not impede the immigration of people from all over the world. Naturally, among all other cultures, only Islam could come into direct conflict with European culture.

All because Islam is not just a religion, like Christianity or Buddhism, is, above all, a political religion.

If we think that by destroying the leaders of extremists and destroying ISIS and al-Qaida (terrorist organizations banned in Russia - Ed.), We will stop the "jihad" - we are deeply mistaken.

Advocates of Islam argue that the concept of "jihad" refers not only to the conduct of war. But in a broad sense, it means constant aspiration and diligence in everything that contributes to the triumph of the ideals of the Islamic religion.

In addition, we must consider another element of Islam - “give”. Davat has nothing to do with missionary or humanitarian activities among believers of the same faith. “Davat” is a real political force, which is aimed at the Islamization of the country in which it operates. The goal of the “davat” is not to save souls, but, since Islam is a political project, “to change the institutions of society and replace them with sharia”.

Europe is not really ready to build that idealized multicultural and multinational community, which was so attractive in theory, and which we have so often spoken about lately.

There are two reasons for this, as I see it.

First, Europe is unable or unwilling, and perhaps no longer able to recognize its own cultural roots, as a result of which it may soon lose its own identity. That is, to lose the totality of qualities and achievements that enabled her to reach such a high level and take a worthy place in the world.

The main problem is that Europe has renounced its Christian roots and is now experiencing a process of spiritual degradation. Refusing their religious and cultural identity, the Europeans adopted the “non-values” of liberalism and individualism.
These ideas are alien not only to Europe, but to human nature itself to the extent that people, resisting them, go into nihilism or begin to look for alternative ideologies. For example, Muslims of the second and third generations who have been living in Europe for decades, as a rule, go to radical Islam.

We know that hundreds of radical Islamists from Europe have left to fight in Syria on the side of ISIS. This problem is not only political, but also socio-psychological. Indeed, despite the fact that these people were born in Europe, many of them feel marginalized. They sense the shortcomings of the capitalist system and begin to look for new political utopias.

A change of consciousness changes their ability to perceive the surrounding reality: barbarism begins to seem heroic, obscurantism - a revelation, and the military successes of the "Islamic state" - proof of the power of its ideology. First of all, ISIS is an ideology, and it is very attractive in the eyes of many European Muslims.

Secondly, for several decades Europe, according to the official version, in order to resolve its social and economic difficulties, even stimulated immigration from Muslim countries. Attempts were made to integrate Muslims into European society, which, it was thought, could help bring immigrants closer to Europeans.

However, the integration did not take place. The idea of ​​multiculturalism, proposed by the European political elite, did not work. On the contrary, this migration flow to Europe has become a “Trojan horse”. Opening the doors of Europe to this whole horde is a madness. This is a capitulation. This is an ethnocide.

As for the concept of ethnocide, anthropologist Anthony D. Smith, in his study on the ethnic roots of nations (Ethnic origin of nations), states that in some cases external pressure, adding to some internal changes, leads to such radical changes in the very quality of the ethnic group, what is the "ethnocide".

In this case, the most important determining factor in a cultural mutation is a demographic mutation. Newcomers suppress Aboriginal people, both physically and culturally, by destroying the established ancient "myth-symbolic" complexes that are present in the old society.

When these changes are so extensive that they lead to the destruction of previous local ethnic forms and traditions, then in this case one can speak of a final “dissolution” of the old ethnos or ethnocide.

The Europeans hoped that newcomers would find ideas of democracy, tolerance, pluralism, equality before the law of all citizens, regardless of their gender and race or religion, attractive and worthy of support, and borrow these values ​​with enthusiasm. But this did not happen.

European values ​​were not only not perceived by immigrants, but on the contrary, they were used to the detriment of the Europeans themselves: immigrants acquired a number of privileges that, for example, in Italy are inaccessible even to the most needy segments of the local population.

This social contradiction, that is, the unfair distribution of rights and obligations, is today a powerful stimulant for mass riots.

Integration has not occurred. She, by definition, involves two-way traffic, a constant mutual rapprochement. It is based on mutual respect. But where is the respect from the new arrivals? From their side is not visible desire to perceive European values, culture. Even in spite of the fact that they are given everything that a European society can offer: social privileges, as well as the right and opportunity to freely practice their religion (just look at how many mosques were built throughout Europe).

From them, in return, no gratitude. But there is a degradation of cities, social aggression, violence against European women ... Increasing crime rates - this is a new, “multicultural” Italy.

In all public discussions on migrants, the main thing is not mentioned: the complete absence of European culture (in my particular case, Italian). Newcomers do not study, they simply refuse it ...

We are talking about centuries-old traditions, costumes, respect for art and architecture, love for the usual way of life, and culinary preferences. All this is simply swept away by this horde. They do not want and are not going to respect the country to which they came. For example, in the same Italy, which is unique in the world. A country that, by its artistic beauty, can truly be considered the cultural heritage of humanity.

Even the second generation of migrants is not able to fit into the Italian way of life. One generation is enough to destroy everything that has been built over a long history, and that you will never return ...

Europe over the past forty years has been passionate about one political and economic project. The essence of the project is that its goal is to replace the cultural-anthropological European reality itself with another, more “pliable” one. The authors of this undeclared project are the financial and economic manipulators of globalization.

Their ultimate goal is the implementation of the idea of ​​globalization, the creation of a “unified world government”. This includes bringing all peoples to a single behavioral model: choosing one language, turning the entire population into a single religion (the religion of the market, and not into one of the traditional religions), introducing a single currency into circulation, building a single identity, a single culture ...

According to Professor Alexander Dugin, a person is not universal, he is pluralistic, that is, he is different from others. Man as an individual, deprived of his circle, his religion, traditions, does not exist in nature. It can exist only as a concept, as a nihilistic idea.

Professor political scientist Kelly M. Greenhill conducted a study called “Mass migration weapon: Deportation, Enforcement, and Foreign Policy, published in her book (Kelly M. Greenhill, Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy, Cornell University Press, 2011). Previously, this work was published in 2008 year in the specialized journal "Civil Wars". In the study, the author emphasizes: she is able to eliminate any residual doubts that we are faced with a new unconventional weapon, "mass migration weapons."

Consequently, speaking of the Islamization of Europe, we must take into account the idea of ​​the “Global Village” - the definition of Marshall McLuhan, expressed in his book “The Gutenberg Galaxy: the Making of Typographic Man”.

Immigration, of course, is a consequence of globalization, which forces the people of the Third World to emigrate from their countries because of hunger and, in particular, in search of economic well-being to other countries that are painted by the West as a real paradise on Earth.

I am sure that identity is an integral part of a person. It is an internal component of ourselves that cannot be abandoned. For what reason we are offered to abandon it? Why endure such injuries? What exactly will we get in return?

If we delve into this issue, we can see that in talking about the possible future Islamization of Europe, bearing in mind the plan for its conquest by Islam through immigration flows, the reasons why the political elite of Europe supports this immigration process are never covered. .

For the Western Atlantic political and economic elite, the ultimate goal of transforming Europe is to turn it into a so-called “melting-pot” - a melting bowl, according to the American model. In this Europe, different ethnic groups will be represented (with typical ghetto quarters and corresponding social problems related to poverty, crime and inter-ethnic clashes), devoid of any culture and traditions. In essence, the ultimate goal is the creation of an individual who represents the ideal faceless “consumer” managed and used precisely because he is deprived of the deepest part of his nature.

That is why the Muslim mass became so important and was sent to Europe. The ultimate goal of the project of world domination is not just to Islamize Europe, but to destroy what is called European identity, the Europe that is the cradle of deeply rooted traditions and values.

So what will be the future of Europe? Will Europe soon become Eurabia? I'm afraid so! Demography is mathematics, and mathematics is not fiction.

Nevertheless, I do not think that Europe will so easily reach the total destruction of the identity of its peoples under the weight of immigration.

At the risk of being pessimistic, I am convinced that Europe will soon turn into a place of clash of civilizations. There will be no obvious front, but there will be a lot of outbreak of conflicts on the map of Europe, similar to the skin of a leopard. Entire areas that will increasingly go out of control of state bodies.

Many years ago, in 2000, before 11 in September of 2001, Cardinal Giacomo Biffi talked about what was already happening at that time in Europe. Many of his judgments were prophetic.

“Europe will again become a Christian or become a Muslim. What seems to me to have no future is the “culture of non-existence”, unlimited freedom without content, skepticism, lauded as intellectual profit. Profit which seems to be dominant in European nations, more or less rich in means and poor truth.

This “culture of non-existence” (supported by geodonism and liberal insatiability) cannot withstand the ideological attack of Islam, which is coming. Only the acquisition of Christianity again as the only salvation for man, only the firm resurrection of the ancient soul of Europe can offer a different result of this inevitable confrontation. ”

Today, unfortunately, neither “secular” people in Europe, nor Christians do not realize the inevitable catastrophe. "Secular" make it difficult in all respects the activities of the Church. They do not notice that they are fighting against the strongest inspiration, the most effective defense of Western civilization and its values: rationality and freedom. And believers, repaying the awareness of truth in themselves, prefer a simple “dialogue” with “other cultures”, unconsciously preparing their own extinction ...
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  1. +2
    14 October 2017 06: 08
    Maybe Reconquista 2.0 will help? Or again, one hope for Russia as in the 19th century. and in the 20th century?
    1. +2
      14 October 2017 07: 33
      Poitiers 2.0 and Reconquista 2.0 will no longer be ... Nobody ...
      1. +2
        14 October 2017 09: 37
        "Europe will again become a Christian or become a Muslim ....."

        this is where the systemic error probably lies ..... why precisely these religions, why not Hinduism-Shintoism, why not Judaism, Buddhism, Voodoo and 999 other cults? ... PLURALISM, democracy! .. .. pah ....
        in my understanding, interethnic society can only be built separately from religion .... only on an atheistic basis ....
        1. +3
          14 October 2017 09: 57
          why is atheism not a religion only without God
          1. 0
            14 October 2017 10: 08
            and therefore not religion, that WITHOUT God ....
            but if you want to consider atheism a religion, then please ... and here you have atheistic gods: Knowledge, Science, Facts ....
            1. +4
              14 October 2017 12: 34
              Quote: DanSabaka
              and therefore not religion, that WITHOUT God ....

              Specify: Where did you see God in Buddhism, and maybe remember what his name is ?.
              1. +1
                15 October 2017 10: 09
                You're right. Buddhism is more a philosophy than a religion ... However, a Buddhist does not deny the presence of gods, gods, Rakshasas and others. representatives of the Hindu-Sintaist pantheon .....
          2. +1
            14 October 2017 22: 41
            Quote: ilimnoz
            why is atheism not a religion only without God

            Believers believe, and atheists prefer to know, and therefore not religion.
            1. +2
              16 October 2017 07: 39
              believers believe in God, and atheists believe that there is no God, what is the difference? and there is no knowledge to prove either, and in the foreseeable future is not expected.
              1. 0
                16 October 2017 20: 27
                Quote: ilimnoz
                believers believe in God, and atheists believe that there is no God, what is the difference?

                This is not your religion, atheists do not know whether God is or not.
          3. 0
            15 October 2017 02: 38
            Quote: ilimnoz
            eat atheism is not a religion only without God

            so that atheism is absence религии
    2. +1
      14 October 2017 09: 30
      and what will help Russia? we and our Muslims have enough ....
    3. +1
      14 October 2017 22: 40
      Quote: andrewkor
      Or again, one hope for Russia as in the 19th century. and in the 20th century?

      History has shown that Europeans easily solve the national question - by clearing the dissent.
      1. +1
        16 October 2017 19: 01
        Quote: Setrac
        History has shown that Europeans easily solve the national question - by clearing the dissent.

        That's just through all sorts of terrorist attacks, rape, the imposition of interethnic. marriages and other ... craps, in fact, only Europeans are cleared.
  2. +2
    14 October 2017 06: 36
    I have already said what to expect after Eurabia ... Israel is in full swing to convince the people of neighboring states that their ancestors were Jews, forcibly Islamized Arabs ... I think they can do a lot for money ... Arabs will gladly announce to Europe one day that they are not despicable Semites, but God's chosen ones - Jews.
  3. +3
    14 October 2017 07: 05
    The article is far-fetched, if in Europe 16 mil and in Russia 10 mil muslim then the guard, but in Europe the population is 500 mil and in Russia 120 mil is who is worse? Europe today is the second economic center and Russia in the first hundred in the middle, then who Are the economic opportunities higher to solve this problem in 24 hours? The migration problem in Europe was created by amers to destabilize an economic competitor, I don’t think that Europeans do not understand this, and they will find a solution, used force if necessary and justified beautifully.
    1. +2
      14 October 2017 07: 17
      And on the map given by the author of the article, Russia is not Islamized, Europe, by the way, extends to the Urals!
      1. +4
        14 October 2017 12: 36
        I would add that on the same map Hungarians, Czechs, POLES (funny is it true? Perhaps the most mono-ethnic state in Europe, xenophobes, convinced Catholics) and a few more. And they kindly forgot about the problems of Russia, but they are unfortunately much worse (the birth rate and migration from the CA)
        1. 0
          14 October 2017 16: 22
          Not funny!
          Russia has its own role in the structure of this future world order!
      2. 0
        14 October 2017 17: 19
        Quote: andrewkor
        And on the map given by the author of the article, Russia is not Islamized, Europe, by the way, extends to the Urals!

        Well, how does the Kaliningrad region go green. smile
        In general, Russia has for centuries included both Muslims and Buddhists and Tengrians, and all together and individually. Maybe it’s not in religion, but in human relations? All this migration to the EU is a commercial enterprise for the liberation of the lands on which they lived. The fate of Europe is a side effect of this operation.
        1. +1
          16 October 2017 19: 06
          Quote: Igor V
          Maybe it’s not in religion, but in human relations? All this migration to the EU is a commercial enterprise for the liberation of the lands on which they lived. The fate of Europe is a side effect of this operation.

          The thing is religion, Islam is now at the stage of active expansion, like Christianity in antiquity and the Middle Ages.
          There are only fears that Islam will not calm down until it becomes a religion of 90 percent or even 100 of the inhabitants of the earth. Rather, his followers will not calm down.
    2. 0
      14 October 2017 22: 44
      Quote: apro
      Europe today is the second economic center and Russia in the first hundred in the middle

      But-but-but, the fifth economy in the world - what is it like - “in the middle”?
  4. +6
    14 October 2017 07: 12
    One of the largest cities in Germany - Frankfurt - on - Main on 51, 7% consists of Muslim immigrants. “Germans, get out to your Germany, and this is our city, our home, and we live here according to our own rules and laws,” it may well become a protest slogan for immigrants. Muslim patrols, in any case, already exist.
    1. +1
      16 October 2017 19: 08
      Quote: Semenov
      One of the largest cities in Germany - Frankfurt - on - Main on 51, 7% consists of Muslim immigrants. “Germans, get out to your Germany, and this is our city, our home, and we live here according to our own rules and laws,” it may well become a protest slogan for immigrants. Muslim patrols, in any case, already exist.

      And this is just the beginning. They expand their living space, since this Aloysych still preached.
  5. +2
    14 October 2017 07: 37
    So what will be the future of Europe? Will Europe soon become Eurabia? I'm afraid so! Demography is mathematics, and mathematics is not fiction.... Hmm .. Europeans create igilovism with their own hands ... while the flowers .. the berries are ahead ..
    1. +1
      14 October 2017 10: 04
      the fact of the matter is that ISIS was created by the USA, Europe and Israel, and it has nothing to do with Islam, it just hides behind it. it is a purely political project to discredit Islam. other religions have already been destroyed and are an appendage to the mass management system.
      1. +3
        14 October 2017 14: 06
        And here the Aigles igil there for several decades in Germany alone, how many Turks are Kurds, it’s all about democracy that will destroy Europe. The Germans have no more Teutonic flames, the Poles still resist
        1. +1
          14 October 2017 14: 29
          Quote: Lex.
          .. The Germans have no Teutonic flames left ..

          I’m wondering how many years I’ve been looking for the origin of these same "Germans", I can’t find everything. Can you tell me? Is it also a misfortune with the“ Teftons ”- what does this term mean: nationality, clan (people), political orientation, military fraternity (militarized gang) or something else?
  6. +2
    14 October 2017 07: 43
    The fact that Europe, by its own stupidity (“liberal values” above all else) does not expect anything good, is becoming more clear every day. It is also clear that Europe does not know what to do, and does not want to do anything, letting everything go by its own accord. It is more important for them today to see a “threat” emanating from Russia, which (in their opinion) will distract the European citizen from internal problems. Another 15-20 years and that’s all - drain the Europeans and get ready for circumcision (who will survive).
  7. +5
    14 October 2017 07: 51
    The Italian didn’t see it, it was written ten years ago. The book has been translated into French, Serbian, Turkish, English, Polish and Norwegian.
    1. +4
      14 October 2017 14: 07
      The Turks did something similar in Constantinople with the village of Sofia
  8. 0
    14 October 2017 07: 52
    “That's because Islam is not just a religion, like Christianity or Buddhism, - it is, above all, a political religion.” what nonsense any religion is politicized. religion, like any ideology, in one way or another affects the state, political decisions. and militant atheism, which turned into a religion without God, doesn’t it conduct its “dawat” influencing politics and believers. and it was atheism that destroyed the Christian community and made them its adherents. take the school from which the religious component was removed but left active propaganda of atheism.
    1. +1
      14 October 2017 08: 11
      It's hard to live without faith.
      Everyone believes and the commandments are alike.
      But this does not stop killing each other:
      Are Sunnis, Shiites, Protestants, Huguenots, Jews, even Buddhists slaughtered recently?
      God is one and lives in the heart and soul of everyone. And people invented religion in order to rule others.
  9. +1
    14 October 2017 08: 13
    and why, on this map Ukraine is not with Europe ???
  10. +2
    14 October 2017 09: 04
    here the most interesting thing is that Muslim immigration to Europe is more experienced in Russia than in Europe itself.
    education in Russia is built in such a way that Europe is all the best, Asia is backward and despicable. and here they see how the ideal that they followed for centuries and never reached, takes despicable Asians, while Russia (and Turkey for the last hundred years) stands and waits for visa-free and other integration.
    Lisbon-Vladivostok, according to which Putin agreed to be a cheap supplier of raw materials and a consumer of high-tech goods - refused!
    beginning with Peter the Great and even in Soviet times, Eurocentricity was at the head.
    complete break of the template!
    do not worry about the Europeans, they themselves will take care of themselves, believe me. and better than many on this planet. they have been doing this for centuries.
    you will not be granted visa-free and you won’t be there.
    1. +3
      14 October 2017 12: 08
      We will survive a visa-free regime, because it has never been, but Russia is standing.
      We need technology and trade from Europe.
  11. +2
    14 October 2017 12: 07
    If Europe falls, then we are next.
    1. 0
      14 October 2017 14: 20
      will fall from what? What scares you so much? and why so empathize with the problems of a strong, very strong Europe. they don’t need your help, believe me.
      as for the fact that there will be many Muslims? and everyone will speak Arabic? Have you been to Europe recently? looked where and how do migrants and migrant workers from eastern Europe work?
      if you remove the political correctness, then direct analogies with the slaves of the Roman Empire.
      they do dirty work, they clean, they build, seasonal workers in the countryside, doctors from Eastern Europe are mostly in harmful positions such as x-rays, from which cancer eventually appears or by nurses.
      girls with low social responsibility in most of Eastern Europe.
      Yes, with a bunch of illegal migrants, children are still taken and disassembled into organs of the old Europeans.

      yeah, they are still crime. exactly the same crime was in Rome from freedmen and runaway slaves. the myth that they are sitting on benefits leave for yourself.
      all those who come to them for dirty and harmful work, attendants and nannies.
      1. +1
        14 October 2017 22: 46
        Quote: ukoft
        they don’t need your help, believe me.

        They need another kick from Russia.
  12. +4
    14 October 2017 12: 41
    Curiously, why is Russia not included in Eurabia? The percentage of Muslims will be even higher, and the birth rate / growth of migrants from CA is rather big, and the problem is even more acute. And no measures are being taken. Won in France / Austria, the ban on the wearing of "garbage bags" was accepted, and in Chechnya they caved in under Kadyrov with his demand for "religiously correct" clothes for educational institutions.

    And on the map, Poland (xenophobic Catholic Catholics) - Muslims, Hungarians (see Poles) and a few others - also Muslims. Brrravo! wassat
    1. +1
      14 October 2017 14: 23
      because Russia is not Europe. they do not consider you part of their civilization and their world.

      unlike France and Austria, Muslims in Russia live on their land
      1. +1
        14 October 2017 20: 45
        Quote: ukoft
        unlike France and Austria, Muslims in Russia live on their land

        For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg wassat Original Muslim land
        1. 0
          14 October 2017 21: 27
          Well then, the Pale of Settlement must be removed. you are part of Russia, but you are a nini beyond the borders of your republics. do you offer it?
          Russia, like any other empire, gathers in its centers gathers obedient peoples. it was so it is and it will be so
          1. +2
            14 October 2017 22: 51
            Quote: ukoft
            Russia, like any other empire, gathers in its centers gathers obedient peoples

            There are no conquered peoples in Russia; the Communists invented this lie. The areola of Russian settlement from Laba in Germany to the Amur in the Far East, no other genetics were found in the sites of ancient people.
            There is only one indigenous people in Russia - Russians, the rest of the nations came and began to live here after. The last newcomers - the Jews - were given their autonomy by the Germans, but they liquidated German autonomy due to the war, other nations received their autonomy in the same way.
          2. +4
            15 October 2017 13: 00
            Quote: ukoft
            Russia, like any other empire, gathers in its centers gathers obedient peoples.

            And one conquered people dictates its will to the "conquerors" in their capital. Who conquered someone? request
            Quote: Setrac
            There are no conquered peoples in Russia; the Communists invented this lie.

            Pokes with a stick to Siberia, Yermak's campaigns and others. Urgently remove this falsification!
            Quote: Setrac
            other nations came and began to live here after.

            We found the diggers of the Black Sea, dear sir. Protoethnos laughing
            Quote: Setrac
            The last immigrants - these are Jews - were given their autonomy

            Sent to Belarus, so as not to callus tsar’s eyes = speak normal language

            Quote: Setrac
            other nations have received their autonomy in the same way.

            Yes, those who lived on those lands for thousands of years were especially surprised at this. laughing
            1. 0
              16 October 2017 20: 30
              Quote: Black5Raven
              Sent to Belarus, so as not to callus tsar’s eyes = speak normal language

              Is it your dream to go under the wing of the chosen ones? But alas, in Russia there is a Jewish autonomous region.
  13. +2
    14 October 2017 20: 43
    What are the titles under nicknames and how to get them if not a secret?
    1. +3
      14 October 2017 21: 00
      Quote: Fatoss
      What are the titles under nicknames and how to get them if not a secret?

      No way. Automatic machine. It’s like a rating. I click on the star, they increase the rank. Previously, there were also cons, but they were removed. It's a pity. crying
      1. +1
        15 October 2017 13: 02
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        It's a pity.

        And then all those who disagree with the party line were simply swept away by the minuses and crushed and hid the alternative opinion. Not the best of times, either.
        1. +3
          15 October 2017 13: 19
          Quote: Black5Raven
          And then all those who disagree with the party line were simply swept away by the minuses and crushed and hid the alternative opinion.

          Do I always agree? But I’m very interested in knowing the balance of power.
          Quote: Black5Raven
          Not the best of times, either.

          And now full of tolerance. I do not like.
  14. +1
    14 October 2017 21: 34
    Quote: ukoft
    will fall from what? What scares you so much? and why so empathize with the problems of a strong, very strong Europe. they don’t need your help, believe me.
    as for the fact that there will be many Muslims? and everyone will speak Arabic? Have you been to Europe recently? looked where and how do migrants and migrant workers from eastern Europe work?
    if you remove the political correctness, then direct analogies with the slaves of the Roman Empire.
    they do dirty work, they clean, they build, seasonal workers in the countryside, doctors from Eastern Europe are mostly in harmful positions such as x-rays, from which cancer eventually appears or by nurses.
    girls with low social responsibility in most of Eastern Europe.
    Yes, with a bunch of illegal migrants, children are still taken and disassembled into organs of the old Europeans.

    yeah, they are still crime. exactly the same crime was in Rome from freedmen and runaway slaves. the myth that they are sitting on benefits leave for yourself.
    all those who come to them for dirty and harmful work, attendants and nannies.

    They give birth more than the indigenous population of Europe. You look at the census in Europe, there is already a difference between generations from 5 to 10 percent in almost all countries. For 1 generation, and what will happen next? The threat to Russia will be in the sense that their high birth rate can affect us in the same way, but that’s only in the future. And about the slaves, ha. Yes, I was in Dortmund, quite often I saw people of Arbish appearance, especially in the evening. And so, I haven’t seen too many of them, but I will still trust the census of Europe’s population by country, I don’t think they will lie there.
    1. 0
      14 October 2017 22: 00
      So look at the statistics. how many children have immigrants in the second generation.
      You can also see statistics on Turkey and Iran. the birth rate directly among the Turks and Iranians fell below the plinth. in Turkey, a little more Kurds are correcting the situation. Iran has some provinces, but the situation is not so hot. This is a global trend.

      about Arabs, look, as I told you, how many children they have in the second generation.
      and even with high birth rates, it will not affect Russia in any way. vseravno you on equal terms will not be allowed there whether it will be Europeans adored by you or Arabs. look for other ways
      1. 0
        16 October 2017 19: 28
        Quote: ukoft
        and even with high birth rates, it will not affect Russia in any way. vseravno you on equal terms will not be allowed there whether it will be Europeans adored by you or Arabs. look for other ways

        We don’t want to go there, but if the Euro-caliphate ascends at the borders, it will be worse than now.
  15. +1
    15 October 2017 13: 04
    Quote: ukoft
    So look at the statistics. how many children have immigrants in the second generation.
    You can also see statistics on Turkey and Iran. the birth rate directly among the Turks and Iranians fell below the plinth. in Turkey, a little more Kurds are correcting the situation. Iran has some provinces, but the situation is not so hot. This is a global trend.

    about Arabs, look, as I told you, how many children they have in the second generation.
    and even with high birth rates, it will not affect Russia in any way. vseravno you on equal terms will not be allowed there whether it will be Europeans adored by you or Arabs. look for other ways

    Look at the football team in France, England - almost all players are black skinned. Hmm, strange. Yes, nothing threatens them. Germany is already changing. What other examples do you need? Well, yes, the number of whites among children for 1 generation in Wed across Europe fell by 5 percent, yes, that's okay.
  16. +2
    15 October 2017 17: 34
    To understand the consequences of unification, gentlemen, read the code of Islamic Sharia. Although in the Russian translation. So the whole system of values ​​in the Islamic world is very clearly stated there. And the first thing to say is that a true Muslim should never work. Instead, slaves should be working, which in the Russian translation are called slaves, And only the roles of a merchant and a warrior are intended for a Muslim. In second place in importance, a Muslim is indicated in Sharia. She must stay at home according to this set of laws. Although this, in my opinion, is absolutely correct. The lower and completely powerless is the role of a slave. And then all the relationships between them are clearly described. And our media should have opened their eyes wider Europeans to all this.
    True, I see in terms of Sharia law and very good provisions. For example, moneylenders, that is, our lending offices and others, must be stoned. But then, to the same Macron from the Rothschild office, a complete and final end will come. Haha