Collusion in Suez

There is evidence that the Doomsday War was a joint special operation by the USA, Israel and Egypt

Collusion in Suez

Soviet weaponwhich were owned by Egyptian soldiers and officers, was better than the American, who were armed with the Israelis

“A real sensation,” I gasped, opening a black dermatine folder with a folder, where there was a clue to one of the amazing puzzles of modern times. One of the most secret secrets of American diplomacy and the modern world pattern peeped out of a folder containing an analytical note in the Politburo dated 1975. For a long time I got acquainted with Wikileaks and when opening the old archives, I did not see materials of such quality. Now we can definitely say how the world in which we live went on its difficult path. This historical the turnaround took place in 1973-1974.

At that time, the Soviet Union was the most powerful, foremost power of the world. By the pace of development, by the growth of national wealth, by the growing military power he was not equal. The United States and Great Britain experienced a severe crisis, France and Italy were leaning towards the Soviets. It is rightly said that by this time the Soviet Union had won the Cold War, although it did not try to humiliate and crush past opponents. The Vietnam War undermined America, the American people were dissatisfied with the many casualties, and the Soviet military equipment in the hands of the Vietnamese was undermining the power of America. Cubans struck blow after blow at positions of the West in Africa. The Vietnam War brought down the dollar, broke his bond with gold, and it rolled down.

The Soviet Union built new rockets, dreamed of conquering space, imported oranges from Morocco, listened to jazz, sang songs and believed in a bright tomorrow - absolutely justified. During these years, the brightest books of the Strugatsky brothers, full of joyful forebodings, were written. In the Middle East, Soviet influence was omnipresent; Soviet instructors and military advisers worked in Egypt, Syria, and Iraq, and the Americans barely kept on the Arabian periphery, where King Feisal and Sheikhs drove camels in oases in the eternal sands and watched foreign companies pumping five cents of oil per barrel. America relied on Israel, which was more a burden than a benefit: it had to be defended, and the rejection of the Zionist state by its neighbors spoiled the game for the Americans.

At this time, Henry Kissinger and his colleagues thought through a complex multi-path, which was implemented within a few months. As a result, players changed places at the chessboard. The dollar consolidated and became a world currency again - but without gold filling, the United States won back the leadership, the oil sheikhs began to swim in luxury, the Soviet Union lost its position in the Middle East and began to creep into the abyss. Socialism has lost, capitalism has become much more radical than in the past. And all this was the result of a special operation in the Middle East.

As we learned from the found memorandum, the rulers of Egypt, Israel and the United States entered into an agreement in 1973. They staged and fought the October War - the Jews call it the Yom Kippur War and the Arabs the Ramadan War. During this war, the autocratic ruler of Egypt, Anwar al-Sadat, betrayed the Arab cause, betrayed his military ally, Syria, and doomed its army to destruction, devoured the Palestinians, betrayed friendship with the Soviet Union. The United States won back Egypt and then other countries in the region. They initiated an oil embargo that hit the pockets of overly well-lived ordinary Americans and Europeans, but brought American bankers untold riches. The Israeli leadership sacrificed two thousand of their best soldiers - they were sent to their deaths to help America take over the region. Golda Meir, whom the Jews loved so much, without flinching, gave her soldiers to be torn apart in dugouts in the Suez and in tank battles at the Chinese farm. In gratitude, America backed Israel with dozens of Security Council vetoes, billions of dollars in aid, and gave it the green light for its most adventurous plans. After the defeat caused by Sadat's betrayal, Syria went into isolation and reached the present day when this regime - the last miraculously surviving chunk of the former Middle East - is undergoing daily attacks from Saudi and American henchmen.

The Doomsday War ended with a meeting on the lawn of the White House, where America's new and old friends spread pax americana to the Middle East. For me, this war was also an amazing page in my personal biography. A young paratrooper-paratrooper, I participated in it, crossed the Suez Canal, captured the heights of Jable Attack, withstand shelling along with my comrades and beat off the ranks of the infantry. My unit was abandoned by helicopter deep into the desert and cut off the main Egyptian communication between the rear and the front, the Suez-Cairo highway. We were left to stand a wall between the First and Third armies of Egypt, and then in our location, on the 101-m kilometer from Cairo, there were negotiations between the Egyptians and the Israelis. I know firsthand all the vicissitudes of that distant and, as it now turns out, fateful war that changed the path of human development. And with considerable pain I learned today that my comrades and I were a bargaining chip in a tricky game that we all - Russians, and ordinary Americans, and Israelis, and Arabs - lost.


By chance, the personal archive of Ambassador Vinogradov fell into our hands. Vladimir Mikhailovich Vinogradov was the USSR ambassador to Cairo during the days of the 1973 war, and subsequently co-chair of the Geneva Peace Conference on the Middle East, USSR Deputy Foreign Minister and RSFSR Foreign Minister. Vinogradov witnessed many interesting pages of history: he established relations with post-war Japan, which no one suspected of a future power, the Islamic Revolution in Iran broke out with him, he knew the Shah, talked with Ayatollah Khomeini many times, informed him about the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, survived a raid on the embassy. His story about the Islamic revolution in Iran, also discovered by us in its archives, will still attract readers and analysts.

Vinogradov left numerous materials about his service in Cairo. Here is a detailed record of his conversations with Anwar Sadat, and a story about how Sadat came to power, ousting all supporters of Nasser, and then changing the foreign policy and internal course of Egypt. The full publication of the Cairo diaries of the ambassador, a man of high culture, perceptive and knew a lot, will reveal to the readers and researchers the secrets of the era.

But the archive jewel is an amazing document written by Vinogradov in 1975. This is typewriting with editing inks, a draft of the memorandum under the heading "The Middle Eastern game", apparently sent to the top leadership of the country. Vinogradov’s long participation in the Middle Eastern game allowed him to understand the essence of what was happening, although he could not foresee the dire consequences that Henry Kissinger’s cunning intrigue would cause.

Among the notes of the former Soviet ambassador to Egypt, Vladimir Vinogradov, there are quite a few remarks that allow deciphering the history of American penetration into the Middle East and the history of the fall of Egypt.

The school version of the 1973 – 1974 war is as follows. President Sadat, along with Syrian President Hafez al-Asad (the father of the current President Bashar), prepared a surprise attack on a relaxed Israel on Yom Kippur, or Judgment Day, when half of the Israeli army was on vacation. They managed to achieve some success, but then with a bold cast of the Israeli General Ariel Sharon broke through the front line, was deep in the rear of the enemy, cut off the supply route of the Third Army (stationed on the east coast of Suez), surrounded Suez and threatened Cairo. Under these conditions, the Security Council adopted a resolution on a cease-fire, and then negotiations began, culminating in the White House lawn.

Vladimir Vinogradov, a man who had two hundred conversations with Sadat, and throughout the war stood at the headquarters of the commander, rejects this official version. He argues that the attack of the Arabs on Israel was neither sudden nor unexpected. Nor was the surprise of General Sharon’s raid. All of this was planned and conceived by Henry Kissinger, Golda Meir and Anwar Sadat. Part of the plan was the destruction of the Syrian army.

Twenty five questions

Vinogradov’s memorandum begins with twenty-five questions. At first, he questions the version of the surprise attack.

1. The decision on the war was made back in April 1973, jointly by Egypt, Syria and Jordan, and what Jordan knew, and America knew, and consequently, Israel.

2. The Soviet Union a few days before October 6 massively evacuated members of the families of Soviet citizens who worked in Egypt and Syria. Could this have gone unnoticed by American and Israeli agents?

3. Under the guise of maneuvers, the Egyptians concentrated all their troops for a throw through the canal. Two or three days before the outbreak of hostilities, it was impossible not to notice this concentration of Egyptian troops.

Following this are other riddles.

... 7. Why did the Egyptian armed forces, forcing the Suez Canal, not begin to develop an offensive deep into the peninsula, although in this direction they were not opposed by serious Israeli forces (they simply were not there)?

8. Why did the Egyptian armed forces have no plans at all for a further offensive, even in the event that the crossing of the channel was successful?

9. Why did the United States not provide Israel with military assistance immediately after the outbreak of hostilities, but waited several days before starting air transportation over the air bridge? Why did the United States give the Egyptians the opportunity to beat the Israeli troops, having begun to act decisively so late?

... 12. Why were the flanks of the Second and Third Egyptian armies at Sinai not closed?

13. How could it happen that the first Israeli tanks "imperceptibly" slipped on the west coast of the Suez Canal?

14. Why did Sadat stubbornly refuse to take any drastic measures to eliminate the Israeli breakthrough?

... 17. Why on the West Bank in the rear of the Egyptian troops did not have any reserves?

Vinogradov proceeds with the work of Sherlock Holmes, who, as the reader remembers, suggested: “Drop all the impossible - what remains, and will be the answer, no matter how incredible it may seem.”

He writes: “If you consider Sadat a true patriot of his country, you will not find answers to the simplest questions. But if we assume other motives for the behavior of Sadat, as well as the Americans and the ruling elite of Israel, then we get such a picture that even tremble: it turns out a picture of the collusion between Sadat, the United States and Israel’s top leadership. A conspiracy in which each member, however, pursued his own goals. A collusion in which each side did not know all the details of the game of the other side. Collusion, in which each side, despite the agreement, sought to replay the other. If we assume this, then all puzzled questions will receive logical and only possible answers. ”

Further, Vinogradov, from his ideal observation platform, the ambassador in Cairo, describes the attitudes of all the protagonists.


For Sadat, who came to power after Nasser’s death and took an anti-Naser course, the internal situation became increasingly intolerable. His authority fell catastrophically even among his own people, the Egyptian bourgeoisie. Outside, he was isolated. There was only one hope - on relations with the United States. In order to get along with the United States, it is necessary to abandon close relations with the Soviet Union, and then improve its precarious situation inside and outside the country with the help of America.

What could be better for this purpose than military action? No, not war, but such actions that would not lead to defeat, but would help preserve dignity. For Sadat, the action plan is clear. Must be military action, they will help "relieve pressure" that has accumulated in the army. They must show what the Egyptian armed forces are capable of. These actions should not be designed for a major victory, it is not needed, it can not even be - after all, everyone says that the Egyptian army is equipped with low-quality Soviet weapons. Costs, military setbacks, etc. - all this will be written off at the expense of bad Soviet weapons and the political position of the Soviet Union, which can be blamed for snatching the victory from the hands of the Arabs.

Therefore, the task before the troops will be set minimal: forcing the Suez Canal, the seizure of the bridgehead - no matter what size - and hold it until the Americans come into play. They had to enter the Middle East.


The wind of the national liberation movement threw the United States from the Middle East, and this area is very important for them: here are the world's largest oil reserves, here is the strategic Suez Canal, here are the southern southern approaches to the Soviet Union, here is the epicenter of the anti-colonial struggle. Here is the outpost of the United States - Israel, which rests on the fear of the Arabs. Israel needs to be supported, but the Arab states are getting stronger.

Israel needs to act more flexibly; by its policy - unyielding and rude - it prevents America from establishing ties with Arab countries. The United States has a double task in relation to Israel: to preserve it as its support, but also to bring down the pride, to force the Israelis to sacrifice the few to preserve the most important thing.

It is necessary to get the opportunity to "save" Israel, but first let the Arabs be able to beat the Israelis in a controlled manner: put a certain number of Israeli lives for the sake of the subsequent "salvation" of Israel.

The United States may have made it clear to Sadat that they have nothing against "limited" hostilities. So ironically, the United States knew about the upcoming military actions, and the ally of Egypt, the Soviet Union was not informed.


The Israeli ruling elite can not help the main patron and the feeder - the United States of America.

At the same time, the US also needs a stronger position in the Middle East. Who are their friends here besides Israel? One king Faisal. But if the USA enters the Middle East, the influence of the Soviet Union will diminish, and you can always agree with the capitalists, money does not smell for them. Americans need help, it is in the interests of Israel itself.

The weak link is Egypt. Everyone knows Sadat’s attitude toward progressive movement within the country and towards the Soviet Union. In addition, it is the largest Arab state. And with Syria, you can try to get rid of and by military means, there are good chances.

Together with the Americans, the idea was born to give up the line of defense along the canal and retreat to the passes. This also offered Rogers plan in 1971 year. But this, of course, as a last resort, but it is necessary to make war, not to give it away without a fight!

As for Syria, we must seize the opportunity and smash the Syrian armed forces. That is why the Israeli high command, having received information about an unprecedented concentration of Egyptian and Syrian troops, pulled all the troops to the borders of Syria and sent no reinforcements to Sinai, to the Suez Canal, from where much more powerful Egyptian troops seemed to be moving. Israeli soldiers in Sinai were to play their part in a political play - the role of martyrs who were predestined to slaughter.

Course of the game

Game Sadat fell from the start. Everything went wrong, as expected, Vinogradov writes. The Soviet Union resolutely acted on the side of the Arab states not only politically, but also the supply of the most modern military equipment. In fact, he took the risk of confrontation with the United States. Sadat never counted on it.

Another blow: Soviet weapons, possessed by Egyptian soldiers and officers, turned out to be of the highest quality. It was better than the American armed Israelis.

(As an Israeli soldier of that time, I must confirm the ambassador’s words. The Egyptians had legendary Kalashnikovs, and we had old-fashioned FN Belgian rifles, they had infantry equipped with “little ones”, Russian anti-tank missiles, and we had old 105 guns without recoil guns. Mm to fight with tanks. Until the new American weapons came, we could not cope.)

Another blow: the training of troops, achieved at one time under the guidance of Soviet advisers and specialists and in Soviet military instructions, in many cases surpassed the Israeli one. Plus high morale of soldiers and officers. It was all unexpected.

Egyptian forces forced the canal several times faster than planned. Losses accounted for just 10% - while planned at a rate of one third! The Arabs beat the Israelis. It was bad news for Sadat: crumbled game plans. What should the Americans do now? Sadat, roughly speaking, outplayed himself, played too well.

And so the Egyptian troops, having crossed the channel, got up. They simply took and stood three or five kilometers from the canal - there was no further military plans. There were no Israeli troops in front either, the main forces of Israel were occupied on the Syrian front. And Sadat began to expect the approach of the Israeli forces! Unbelievable, but true: he stood and waited for the Syrians to take the brunt of the entire Israeli army! He was waiting to give the Americans the opportunity to join the game, and all plans were violated.

The Israeli military command and political leadership were alarmed by the results of the first days of hostilities, which began to evolve in a completely different way than expected. Everything was aimed at Syria, but its own losses were great, and every kilometer became a nightmare. Rescued, however, Sadat: he stood and did not move, although all the troops could be transferred to Syria. The Syrians retreated, but their armed forces were not destroyed, the Soviet equipment made up for the failed ones, and after all, Israel’s goal was to completely destroy Syria militarily. This did not work out, but the Syrians could no longer attack Israel. Now it was necessary to punish Sadat - his army turned out to be too effective, and most importantly, during these days, he not only moved away from the Soviet Union, but seemed to approach him: after all, it was not without reason that he was sent a weapon along the air bridge. And sea shipments? Soviet ships went to Alexandria one by one.

The Israeli attack on Syria stops, the troops rush to the south, on Sinai, with an accelerated march, where Sadat is looking forward to them.

Jordan could have cut this vulnerable path from north to south, but this was not part of the game plans of the Americans and Sadat. Israeli forces rolled southward unhindered.

The breakthrough of the Israeli troops on the west coast of the Suez Canal is generally the darkest episode of this war. Here is one of two things: either the amazing military illiteracy of the Egyptians (and it is impossible to admit it), or a deliberate action (it is difficult to admit, but possible).

The striking complacency, even the president’s indifference to the very fact of the penetration of Israeli tanks, is striking. To all the questions, when the channel still swam across only five tanks, he answered: nothing serious, this is a “political” (?!) Operation. Even when a solid Israeli foothold formed on the west bank, Sadat did not cease to repeat that this group has no military significance in military terms!

The measures that seemed to have been taken to eliminate the breakthrough were simply ridiculous, the president did not heed any advice given to him from Moscow. He deliberately let the Israelis into Africa. Apparently, to the Israelis themselves, all this seemed very strange - in any case, eyewitnesses write.

Why the Americans did not stop the Israelis? The answer may lie in their desire to have a lever to put pressure on Sadat, Vinogradov writes.


The United States "saved" Egypt by eliminating the Israeli breakthrough to the west bank of the canal.

The United States gave Israel an opportunity (with the help of Sadat) to deliver a strong military strike against Syria.

The United States, through subsequent disengagement agreements with Egypt and Syria, secured Israel, since zones were created with UN troops and the cease-fire commitments were again made.

The United States reimbursed Israel for all its losses in the war (of course, in technology, the Israeli casualties were not important to the United States).

The United States, with the help of Sadat, entered the Middle East, trying to demonstrate that they are the only possible peacekeepers in the area.

Sadat launched an anti-Soviet campaign to discredit the Soviet Union and everything connected with it as payment for services. And this was one of the main goals of the United States.

The position of Sadat in the first months after the October war in the country on the crest of "victories" was greatly strengthened.

Egypt in the first weeks after the war rightfully again took the lead among the Arab states.

The idea of ​​socialism in the Arab world was dealt a severe blow.

But a year has passed and Sadat's position has rocked. The authority of Egypt fell again, Vinogradov wrote in January 1975 of the year.

The Syrians quickly understood Sadat’s game: 12’s October 1973, when Egyptian troops landed on the east bank of the Suez Canal suddenly stopped fighting, Syrian President Hafez Asad told the Soviet ambassador that he was confident in the conscious nature of Sadat’s actions, which he called a betrayal of towards Syria.

Not only the Russian ambassador in Damascus, but also Jordan’s Prime Minister Abu-Zeid Rifai, told Vinogradov about Syria’s opinion, saying that Assad was firmly convinced that the Israelis ’breakthrough to the west coast of the Suez Canal was done by Sadat’s consent - implementing its far-reaching disengagement plan and the introduction of the US in the Middle East.

According to Rifai, King Hussein of Jordan wanted to enter the war and cut Israeli communications, but Sadat told the Jordanians not to move. Jordanians also suspect Sadat of foul play, Vinogradov finishes.

Although suspicions of this kind were spread earlier, Vinogradov’s memorandum is the first serious document of the participant in the events who owned the information. Among Vinogradov's notes there are quite a few remarks that allow deciphering the history of American penetration into the Middle East and the history of the fall of Egypt - deindustrialized, impoverished, torn by internal contradictions and controlled by the military junta, closely related to the “fake war” of 1973.
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  1. Anatoly
    10 March 2012 11: 50
    Awesome article ..
    How the tentacles of the United States began to slowly creep across the region. This is where the "roots of evil" are.
    It was interesting to know that Syria is an old bone in the throat of Amers and Israel.
    1. +2
      10 March 2012 20: 12
      That's where the amers are really leaders, so it’s in political intrigue. We should meticulously study the enemy’s experience and develop our ability to conduct large-scale military-political operations. Unfortunately, now such political multi-ways are not our thing.
  2. +10
    10 March 2012 11: 55
    It is sad to read about such facts in history and it is even sadder that hundreds and thousands of soldiers die in fulfillment of the ambitious plans of individual subjects. The courage of these soldiers (both dead and alive) deserves respect and memory, and their loyalty to duty - respect. It’s just monstrous that these soldiers died in order to please the ambitious thoughts of people who are not worthy of their soldiers. Another point - the scale of human casualties is visible, on which bankers are ready to push humanity in order to achieve their profits and influence. Horror! From this we must learn for ourselves and not repeat the mistakes made in the past.
    1. +2
      10 March 2012 14: 12
      Quote: esaul
      It is sad to read about such facts in history.

      Esaul will be even sadder to read about us in 20 years.
      1. +1
        10 March 2012 20: 14
        Quote: Kyrgyz
        Esaul will be even sadder to read about us in 20 years.

        What kind of defeatist mood is this, Kyrgyz? Do not lose heart the lieutenant ....
        1. 0
          11 March 2012 07: 22
          Quote: Nick
          What kind of defeatist mood is this, Kyrgyz? Do not lose heart the lieutenant ....

          Now the 50th anniversary of the 93rd will pass, and how will the archives about our "workers" be printed out and how it will pour from the toilet, who will pay whom for how much, etc. so don't rush to give historical characteristics to the figures of the 90s yet
    2. +1
      10 March 2012 15: 49
      History teaches us that it never teaches anyone anything.
  3. predator
    10 March 2012 11: 58
    Sadat received his full, in the fall of 1981, the terrorist groups of Islamic fundamentalists Al-Gamaa al-Islamiya [21] and Egyptian Islamic Jihad [22], united, organized a successful assassination attempt on the president, avenging him for rapprochement with Israel [23] and the rejection of further “Islamization" of society. [Source not specified 658 days] On October 6, a military parade was scheduled in Cairo in honor of the anniversary of the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. The parade began at exactly 11:00 local time. Having received a report from the parade commander, the President of Egypt, accompanied by a group of dignitaries and senior army officers, rose to the podium for guests of honor. Anwar Sadat took center stage in the front row on the podium. To his right is Vice President Mubarak, to his left is Minister of War Abu Ghazal. Everything went according to a predetermined schedule: speakers in two languages ​​- Arabic and English - commented on the parade [24]. [Source not specified 658 days]

    Toward the end of the parade, at about 11:40, the artillery truck, which was moving across the square in the ranks of military equipment, suddenly braked. The lieutenant Khaled Ahmed al-Islambuli, who was in it, jumped from the car in an amphibious uniform and threw a hand grenade in the direction of the rostrum. She exploded before reaching the target. Seconds later, another five paratroopers jumped from the truck platform and opened automatic fire on the government platform [25]. (Inaccessible link) Panic started, Anvar Sadat got up from his chair and said: “It can't be!” Standing motionless, Sadat turned out to be a target for a sniper: bullets pierced his neck and chest, touching the pulmonary artery. The President of Egypt was killed 20 seconds after the start of the attack. [26] According to another version, Sadat took what was happening for the unit’s attempt to express special devotion to him, since earlier at the same parade the paratroopers who landed from the air right on the parade ground did so and stood up to salute in response [27]. Sadat was taken to the hospital, where he died. During the shoot-out, some members of the government and foreign guests who were present at the parade were killed or wounded - in total, counting the head of state, 7 were killed and 28 injured.
    1. +4
      10 March 2012 14: 17
      Jude ends their life!
      But just do it strange to hear it from a Jew.
      1. predator
        10 March 2012 19: 04
        did not understand the humor, from which Jew?
        1. 0
          10 March 2012 19: 11
          did not understand the humor from which
          a Jew?

          I'm talking about the author of the article, Predator!
          1. predator
            10 March 2012 20: 57
            I'm sorry, I thought about me.
      2. German
        11 March 2012 05: 38
        he is only a participant in that war .... and how was he when he found out what is written in the article?
  4. +2
    10 March 2012 12: 24
    That’s what warns the West with MILITARY means at the end of the 20 and at the beginning of the 21 of the centuries, DO NOT WIN ANY WAR ... Here Iran stupidly reaches the Russian border ... But we so hoped for NATO ....
  5. +1
    10 March 2012 12: 40
  6. FiremanRS
    10 March 2012 12: 53
    Sadness .... ((((All this is prorriscorrrb, but Esaul is right - we need to learn lessons. Will these lessons only be useful?
  7. 0
    10 March 2012 13: 05
    Does it seem like Israel is a victim in this war?
    1. 0
      11 March 2012 12: 57
      Quote: Heinrich Ruppert
      Is Israel a victim in this war?

      Israel is a victim from the very beginning, and the knife is sacrificial in the hands of the United States.
  8. 0
    10 March 2012 13: 27
    In which 73 .... or what will be ...
  9. suharev-52
    10 March 2012 15: 24
    Well, here's another confirmation of the proverb: "Everything is secret, it becomes clear." No matter how the ends are hidden, the truth still becomes available. Good article. Another confirmation that not all Jews are. Quite good analytics and at the same time information previously inaccessible to ordinary people. Instructive. Sincerely.
  10. +2
    10 March 2012 16: 26
    Interesting article. It becomes at least a little clear how the Arabs managed to lose the war with an overwhelming advantage. Banal betrayal. By the way, it seems that has entered the Western textbooks on the art of warfare. Recall Saddam. Although what am I talking about? Betrayal has always been and will be ...
  11. Mikula
    10 March 2012 18: 28
    The article was written by anyone but not an Israeli. The writer was completely unfamiliar with the Israeli realities and did not fight at all in Suez. This is confirmed by the stupidity of many asked questions: for example - Why were the flanks of the Second and Third Egyptian armies in the Sinai not closed? The answer is that they were closed. It’s just that Sharon, like any other general in his place, struck the joint of the enemy’s formations and broke through the front, first went to the channel and then forced it. Another example: why the Israeli high command, having received information about an unprecedented concentration of Egyptian and Syrian troops, pulled all the troops to the borders of Syria and did not send any reinforcements to Sinai. Such a stupid question could be asked only by a person who had never even seen the maps of Israel, let alone the Service in the IDF. Open a map of the Middle East, take a ruler and measure the distance from the Syrian border to Israeli cities and then the same from the Suez Canal - which enemy do you think should have been defeated first, especially since the Syrians broke through the defense on the golan. And Israel no longer had troops up to the sea. By the way, when I asked why Egypt didn’t have troops on the west bank of the Suez, I’ll answer because Egypt and Israel are not the USSR and Germany — they don’t have millions of armies for defense in depth and they have to put all their strength into the first blow. Another question - ... 7. Why the Egyptian armed forces, having crossed the Suez Canal, did not begin to develop an offensive inland, although serious Israeli forces did not oppose them in this direction (they simply weren’t there)? Well, in the first place, there were forces, and in the second, after crossing the channel, the Egyptians launched an offensive towards the Gidi and Mitla passes (inside Sinai) but, coming out of the range of the Soviet missile umbrella, were attacked by Israeli aircraft and tanks that came up and suffered heavy losses. Well and so on it is possible on all counts. If interested, you can find on the Internet a lot of descriptions of this war.
    1. +5
      10 March 2012 20: 58
      Mikula, everything is clear here.
      They sent their soldiers as pawns for slaughter for the sake of amer’s interests and now here you draw a hero. Ready to send further? Yes, for God's sake, the Iranians, the Chinese and the Chinese, and we have more than enough, please Amers with your victims, maybe they’ll appreciate laughing For me ... oh well, I'll keep it to myself.
      And yet - Russia will still return to the Middle East, whether you like it or not, well, at the same time, remember and reckon. And with Saudi Arabia for a vile pricing policy, with you for such games ... We already go, you hear? am Sy, we come back for debts! angry
      1. German
        11 March 2012 05: 51
        I would like it to be like you say AKSAKAL ..... but the realities of the present do not give reason for optimism (for now)
    2. +1
      12 March 2012 09: 45
      That's it Mikula
      I agree with the article, but it’s clearly with the logic of the difficulty .. If you read at least one article on the Doomsday War, you would know that everything is said about Sadat’s betrayal of his ally Assad. And that it’s still not clear why Sadat ordered his army, after such a successful crossing of the Suez, to stand up and wait until the Israeli troops come up and defeat them .. there has never been such military insanity .. At the expense of Sharon’s breakthrough, everything’s right you said, but the article says that Sadat did not do anything to liquidate this breakthrough .. And yet, on the account that the Egyptians did not have any reinforcements behind .. before comparing with the USSR and Germany, you would first compare their territories - Egypt has a population density ten times higher than the USSR and it’s much easier to create conditions for reinforcement than ours .. But in the end you generally contradict yourself, saying that the Egyptian troops were defeated by Israel, while the bulk of its troops was involved against Syria in the Golan .. is it like, interestingly, the most powerful Egyptian army, armed with the latest examples of Soviet technology, was destroyed by stubs? Yes, and how not to talk about betrayal, when not one of Moscow’s military recommendations was accepted, and there really wasn’t any sense in giving false advice to us, we were interested in the victory of the Arabs ..
  12. mnn_12
    10 March 2012 19: 06
    Yeah ... it’s hard to imagine that it was all a result of the betrayal of such a mashab. I don’t know the details of this war, but what Mikula says sounds convincing ....
  13. +3
    10 March 2012 20: 47
    I'm in shock! This is a revelation!
    And where is our Israeli friend of AB? What will be his comments? What is all this lies, that the Arabs are Israelis one left and the other?
    And one more question - Vinogradov signaled, but why didn’t anyone of the Politburo even move?
    Then the same Politburo could not at all see through the complex game of Zbigniew and allowed itself to be dragged into the Afghan scam! Here are two global losses in a row - the loss of the Middle East as a result of Sadat's scam and the Afghan failure! Was it at MGIMO that, if I may say so, they prepared "ELITE"? Yes, with such an elite, the USSR was doomed, so I am no longer surprised at such a fleeting collapse of the Soviet Union.
    And now the Russian elite needs to be taken seriously to replace all this "pseudo-elite" of dogs, prokhorov, potanin, fridman, bulk. Otherwise, again with such a pseudo-elite, Russia is doomed sad
  14. wax
    10 March 2012 22: 05
    The Internet will endure everything, but we know little specificity. But one thing we know for sure is that Sadat dismantled relations with the USSR in favor of the United States. It follows that in the war of 1973 he acted from the voice of the new owner. Sadat needed the return of Sinai to strengthen personal power. And Syria alone could not cope with Israel, and the United States would not have given it to it. But in the Syrian direction, the Shtatov hand is also felt. Around the same time, they provoked Saddam to occupy Kuwait, and a war was also waged around Iraq with Iran. And it was not generalized without provoking us to Afghanistan.
    It seems to me that the top leadership of the USSR lost the United States in the formation and play of interstate conflicts near the zone of our interests. Putin is the most capable of calculating options and holding a punch.
  15. LiRoy
    10 March 2012 22: 22
    There is nothing to say about the "Big Game" Americans are professionals. Well, we also need to learn so as not to involve ourselves in all sorts of adventures. The Yom Kippur War once again confirmed that Arabs are traders who, even with modern military equipment, scatter like cockroaches with a powerful kick.
  16. Kievan
    11 March 2012 00: 26
    Vinogradov’s memorandum is a set of questions, not proven answers. There are versions, but no real documents, unlike Wikileaks. There are not even any memories, even if not confirmed, of secret meetings, negotiations, etc. I don’t understand the sensation. The version of the Soviet diplomat that this is all a conspiracy against the USSR is a little predictable ... But what else should the ambassador from Cairo to Moscow write to?
    1. +1
      11 March 2012 15: 02
      Wikileaks was interesting only from the beginning. And after the miraculous resolution of the secular problems (artificially created) of Mr. Asange - this is another leverage of well-known structures.
  17. mind1954
    11 March 2012 02: 23
    Yes you do not worry! Everything became clear, naturally without nuances,
    when Sadat sent our advisers. I think I heard it on the Air Force.
    But this, even for the layman, and whoever needed it, knew, I think, about this long before the events.
    Nothing too complicated.
    You listen regularly to the Air Force, Voice of America, Deutsche Welle,
    Well, "Freedom" is a footcloth.
    You regularly read Truth, News, Abroad.
    Overlay information received regularly on assets.
    And approximately, imagine what is happening around!

    PS This is all nonsense. As far as I understand, for our full
    the surprise was the agony of War Communism in China -
    - "Cultural Revolution".
    In 1949, about 20 of our residencies were transferred to the Chinese
    Remained completely blind and deaf?
  18. mind1954
    11 March 2012 03: 08
    Yes you do not worry! Everything became clear, naturally without nuances,
    when Sadat sent our advisers. I think I heard it on the Air Force.
    But this, even for the layman, and whoever needed it, knew, I think, about this long before the events.

    We are all the time in the Middle East on bird rights.
    Stalin created Israel to gain a foothold there. The United States immediately outbid him with giblets.
    Egypt requested weapons from the United States. Those did not give. He turned to us. We gave. Egyptian army
    had to see. When told, eyes were poking on the forehead. Our advisers, also on bird
    rights. They want to call, do not want to call. They want to ask, but they don’t want to, they do not ask.
    As far as I know, the Israelis crossed the Suez Canal with amphibious tanks,
    captured from the Egyptians, on which those, the day before, forced him.
    Egypt asked the United States to build the Aswan Dam, they broke the price. He is to us, we have built.
    By the way, when Sadat came to power, our timid attempts to press him
    economically, he said that he would pay us all the debts to the penny and paid!

    The leaders of these petty-bourgeois Arab regimes raised the question before the USSR simply.
    And you build us everything that we need, preferably for free, and we will look in your mouth and
    do whatever you need. But you can’t, then we will do what is beneficial to us.
    Well, maybe, sometimes, to support you, if it will be beneficial to us.

    Nothing too complicated.
    You listen regularly to the Air Force, Voice of America, Deutsche Welle,
    Well, "Freedom" is a footcloth.
    You regularly read Truth, News, Abroad.
    Overlay information received regularly on assets.
    And approximately, imagine what is happening around!

    PS This is all nonsense. As far as I understand, for our full
    the surprise was the agony of War Communism in China -
    - "Cultural Revolution".
    In 1949, about 20 of our residencies were transferred to the Chinese
    Remained completely blind and deaf?