How Petersburg became a “figure” in the big game of London

How Petersburg became a “figure” in the big game of London

210 years ago, 7 July 1807, was signed by Tilsit World. Russia and France signed a peace treaty that ended the 1806-1807 war, and a secret union treaty.

Napoleon believed that he had achieved the most important goal he had dreamed of since the reign of Russian Tsar Pavel Petrovich, a strategic alliance with Russia. However, Tsar Alexander looked differently at this union, he was supported by the Anglo and Germanophiles at court. As a result, this union was not long and fruitful, as the French emperor dreamed. Already in 1812, Russia and France once again clashed on the battlefield. The Russian-French conflict was beneficial to England, which saw Napoleon’s main rival in Western Europe, as well as Austria and Prussia, who wanted to regain their positions.

The French Revolution led to a series of wars, a number of European monarchies created military-political alliances against France. At first, France defended, but soon her revolutionary army gained new experience, was reorganized, led by young, talented generals, including Napoleon. France launched an offensive, showing the advantages of the new bourgeois-republican system over the old feudal monarchies. As a result, France has become a serious opponent of England within the western project. Napoleon planned: to crush the sea and colonial power of England, this traditional enemy of the French; oust the British from the Mediterranean, establishing the predominance of France in the Middle East (particularly in Egypt); conquer "natural boundaries" along the Rhine and the Alps, in Belgium and Holland; to establish the political and economic leadership of France in Western Europe (the “European Union” led by France).

Thus, France claimed leadership in Western Europe and in the Western project as a whole, which did not suit London at all. The British, focusing on the preservation of maritime rule and the struggle for the colonies, began to set the rest of the European powers against France by promises, intrigues and gold. The main opponents of France were Austria and Prussia, who did not want to cede leadership to the French in Western Europe. And Russia, although the Russians had neither common borders nor fundamental contradictions with the French.

Sovereign Pavel Petrovich, after the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A. Suvorov and F. Ushakov’s sea expedition in the Mediterranean, realized that Russia was fighting for the interests of England and Austria. He made peace with Napoleon, negotiations began on an alliance. Pavel set up an organization against the "Mistress of the Seas" of the New League of Armed Neutrality, which was supposed to include the strongest powers of Northern Europe - Denmark, Sweden, Prussia, who also suffered from the master's behavior of the British on the seas. There was a preparation of a campaign to India, the main colony of Britain. The anti-British union of Russia and France was deadly to London. Pavel is murdered by Russian Western masons, with the organizational and financial support of the British. The murder of the Russian sovereign was an excellent example of the British subversive, destructive policy. This monstrous action allowed the British to solve several important tasks at once: 1) the Russian Tsar was eliminated, who rose to an understanding of global politics (the need to fight the Anglo-Saxons, an alliance with France, a turn to the South Seas); 2) a young Alexander ascended to the throne, intimidated by the murder of his father and surrounded by young "friends" -masons, Westerners. Paul's murderers did not suffer any punishment. The new Russian Tsar as a whole pursued a policy in the strategic interests of England; 3) the Russian-French alliance was destroyed, the Russians were soon again turned into "cannon fodder" in the struggle of England against France. England was able to maintain leadership in the western globalization project for a century.

The tsarist government, instead of quietly watching the intra-European predators struggle, engaging in the development of the country (Siberia, the Far East, Russian America, the Caucasus), developing expansion to the East and the South, creating the project of Russian globalization, solving the millennial task of occupying Constantinople-Tsargrad and the straits, allowed himself to be drawn into a lengthy, bloody and very resource-intensive conflict with France.

The deep-seated controversy between France and England led 1803 to a new war. The tsarist government, considering the problems of Italy and Germany as a zone of national interests, eventually again began to pursue anti-French policy. In 1804, defensive alliances were concluded with Denmark, Prussia, Austria and Sweden. In the 1804, an English-Russian alliance was concluded. In 1805, Russia signed an allied port agreement with Russia. The 3-I anti-French coalition was formed. As a result, Napoleon was forced to abandon the idea of ​​an amphibious operation in England, for which he prepared with great enthusiasm and made a roll to the east. Austria made a military-strategic mistake by launching an offensive before the approach of the Russian army. This allowed Napoleon, first in October 1805, to crush the Austrians near Ulm, in November to take the capital of the Austrian Empire, Vienna, and in December inflict a decisive defeat on the Russian-Austrian army near Austerlitz (Battle of the Three Emperors). This made the Austrians capitulate. The anti-French coalition was defeated and collapsed. but The British were able to solve the main problem for themselves - they destroyed the French fleet near Trafalgar and removed the threat of the French landing on the British Isles.

Prussia, who was going to start a war with France, after Austerlitz immediately changed her position and entered into an alliance with Napoleon. In payment for this changeable position, Napoleon presented Berlin with Hannover (French ownership of the English crown). With the Habsburgs, Napoleon was no longer on guard. Peace was signed in Pressburg. The Austrians recognized all French takeovers in Western Europe and paid indemnities. In addition, Vienna was inferior to Napoleon, as the king of Italy, the Venetian region, Istria and Dalmatia. The French went to the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. Austria lost the German allies of France to Tyrol and a number of other possessions. The Habsburg Empire lost a sixth of its possessions. In addition, the Habsburgs lost their leadership in Germany. 6 August 1806, the emperor Franz resigned from the honorary and sacred title of the German emperor. The "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" thus collapsed under the blows of the victorious French weapons. Between the Rhine and the Elbe, the primacy of the French state was asserted. The ancient dream of Richelieu and Mazarin was embodied in reality. In July, the 1806 of the year 16 of the West German states formed the German Union, headed by the French emperor in the person of the “protector”. According to the allied treaties concluded with France, each member of the new union pledged to supply military contingents to the Great Army of Napoleon.

Thus, with the creation of the Italian kingdom and the Rhine Union, the foundation was laid for the existence of a new great European empire, reminiscent of the times of Charlemagne. That is, Napoleon, in fact, created the "European Union" led by the French. France became the economic core of the new bloc.France’s affiliated and vassal dependent states became sources of raw materials for the growing French industry and markets. At the same time, the "pan-European army" - the "Great Army" was created.where the core was the victorious French army and guards, led by a number of talented and determined French generals and marshals. Napoleon also created the prerequisites for the spread of French influence in the Middle East, and then in the Middle East. The capture of Dalmatia on the Adriatic coast allowed Napoleon to influence the Balkan regions of the Turkish Empire. So Napoleon largely anticipated and united Europe, led by Hitler's Third Reich and the current European Union.

It is clear that this did not suit the British, they remained outside the united Western Europe, their “new world order” project (the world British Empire) collapsed, led by the Anglo-Saxons, Britain could lose the position of “world workshop” and “sea ruler”. Napoleon, having at hand the main resources of Western Europe and a calm rear in the face of Russia (what he was constantly striving for), would sooner or later put Britain on our knees or the British would have a way to eliminate it. It also did not suit Austria and Prussia, who lost their dominant position in fragmented Germany and Central Europe, and the Austrians lost hegemony in divided Italy. therefore Berlin, Vienna and London actively sought to use the main strike force in the fight against Napoleon - the Russians.

Napoleon’s victory over Austria and Russia in 1805 and the consolidation of the French on the Adriatic coast dramatically changed Porta’s attitude to Paris. Ottoman Sultan Selim III immediately changed his former allies. He recognized Napoleon as the “padishah of France” and, in his person, welcomed “the oldest, most faithful and necessary ally” of Turkey. The French representative, General Sebastiani, arrived in Constantinople, who tried with all his might to incite Porto to Russia in order to divert the attention of the Russians from European affairs. Under his influence, the sultan replaced the friendly rulers of Russia in Moldavia and Wallachia with francopile boyars. As a result, Russia sent troops into the Danube principalities. In December, 1806, Turkey declared war on Russia.

Meanwhile, Russia, after the defeat of 1805 of the year, did not abandon the war with France. Alexander, not wanting to tie his hands and hoping for new allies against Napoleon, sent only a minor diplomat Ubri to Paris. In July, a peace agreement was signed on 1806. However, Alexander Pavlovich did not want to ratify this document. As he wished, by the fall of 1806, the military-political situation in Europe had changed markedly. Prussia was irritated by the policy of France in Germany, the creation of the Rhine Union. Berlin again went on rapprochement with England and Russia. 1 July 1806 was signed a secret declaration in Berlin. The Prussian king Frederick William III confirmed his loyalty to Russia and assured that he would never "join France." At the same time, England promised subsidies to Prussia. The fourth anti-French coalition was formed.

1 October 1806, the Prussian king presented an ultimatum to Paris in 10-day to withdraw the French troops over the Rhine. The war began. The Prussians, who confidently launched the war and believed that they would crush the French army, repeated the mistakes of Vienna in the 1805 model of the year. They launched an offensive without waiting for the approach of the Russian army. October 14 Prussian army suffered a crushing defeat in a double battle at Jena and Auerstedt (How Napoleon destroyed the Prussian army). On the shoulders of the completely demoralized Prussian troops, Napoleon’s army, in a short time, effortlessly occupied the main strategic fortresses of Prussia and October 27 entered Berlin. The military catastrophe of Prussia was an important step towards the creation of the world empire of Napoleon. Being in Berlin, the French emperor 21 of November signed a decree that forbade all dependent and dependent countries any relationship with England and its colonies. No longer able to crush England by landing on the islands, Napoleon decided to economically strangle Britain, closing its markets for European countries.

The war with Russia and Prussia, meanwhile, continued. In December 1806, the fighting was transferred to the territory of Poland (Prussia-owned Polish regions) and East Prussia. The campaign was stubborn and bloody, the Russian and French troops fiercely fought, no one wanted to concede. It was a battle of the titans, equal in power opponents. However, in the spring of 1807, the French army was able to push the Allies back. 14 June, near Friedland, the Russian army was defeated in a decisive battle (Friedland Battle) and the French went to the Neman, the Russian border. Alexander had to ask for a truce. Napoleon, who also desired peace, immediately agreed. June 13 (25) 1807 occurred historical meeting of two emperors. Alexander and Napoleon met on a raft set in the middle of the Neman.

7 July was signed a peace treaty and an agreement on the union of two continental empires, directed against England. 9 July was an additional agreement on possession of Russia in the Mediterranean. Russia ceded ally Cattaro Bay in Dalmatia and the Ionian Islands. Napoleon went to meet Alexander in the Prussian question. Napoleon wanted to destroy the “vile dynasty” of the Hohenzollerns and the Prussian kingdom. At the insistence of Alexander Prussia as a state was saved. However, almost all of the Polish lands of Prussia (they departed to Berlin following the divisions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) rejected it, and from them created the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, dependent on Napoleon’s empire and inherently hostile to the Russians. Napoleon offered the amicable division of these lands along the Vistula, but Alexander, not wanting to get a new enemy in the person of Prussia, refused the lands of his former ally. But nevertheless he agreed to receive the Prussian kingdom belonging to the Belostok okrug. It is clear that the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw was a dangerous process for St. Petersburg. The Polish elite traditionally hated Russia and dreamed of restoring the Commonwealth from the Baltic to the Black Sea, of course, mainly due to the Russian lands. It did not help that many representatives of the Polish elite flourished in the Russian Empire. The Duchy of Warsaw became the bridgehead of the French empire in Eastern Europe, threatening Prussia and Russia with their existence.

Russia recognized all the changes that Napoleon Bonaparte made in Europe. Petersburg withdrew troops from Cattaro Bay and the "Republic of the Seven Islands", which came "to the full ownership and possession of Emperor Napoleon." The signed treaty of alliance provided for: 1) joint action by both powers against any third European power hostile to them; 2) Russia's mediation in the conclusion of the Anglo-French peace treaty and the obligation, in the event of England's refusal to conclude peace on the terms proposed to her, to break with her by December 1, 1807, Russia's accession to the continental blockade was envisaged; 3) French mediation in the Russian-Turkish war and in the event of a joint war against the Ottoman Empire - the division of its European provinces among the allies, except for Rumelia and Constantinople. Thus, in Tilsit, Napoleon easily framed his Turkish "partner" Sultan Selim III, although he was promised the inviolability of his possessions. Napoleon wanted to restore plans for the division of the Turkish Empire and further movement to the East, to India, which he planned under Paul I.

Two days after the signing of the main Franco-Russian agreements, on July 9, a Franco-Prussian peace treaty was signed in Tilsit. Prussia was deprived of the Salba, Western, and also Eastern Polish possessions. The Prussian kingdom was almost halved in territory and population. Berlin pledged to join the continental blockade and pay a huge indemnity. Prussia, in fact, though preserved as a state, became a vassal state, especially before the withdrawal of the French occupation forces.

In the Russian aristocratic elite, where the positions of the Anglo and Germanophiles were strong, the news of an alliance with France was negative. Napoleon was considered a "usurper", a "Corsican monster" who illegally seized power in France and rapes Europe. In addition, England was the leading economic partner of Russia, Russian raw materials were brought there and received industrial and colonial goods. The dependence of part of the Russian nobility and merchants on trade with England forced the high society to look with disgust at the Tilsit union. Alexander himself also did not want lasting peace and alliance with Napoleon. Therefore, the Tilsit peace, perceived with great enthusiasm by the French emperor, did not last long. Soon the Russian and French valiant troops would converge again on the battlefields, shedding blood in the interests of Britain, Austria and Prussia. And France, after a collision with the Russian Empire, will no longer be able to compete on equal terms with Britain within the Western project.
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  2. +4
    7 July 2017 06: 40
    Sovereign Pavel Petrovich, after the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A. Suvorov and the marine expedition of F. Ushakov in the Mediterranean, I realized that Russia was fighting for the interests of England and Austria. He made peace with Napoleon, negotiations began on an alliance. Pavel started organizing a new League of Armed Neutrality against the “mistress of the seas”, which was supposed to include the strongest powers of Northern Europe - Denmark, Sweden, Prussia, who also suffered from British household behavior on the seas

    He didn’t understand anything. Paul was more a Maltese "knight" than the ruler of Russia: France invaded Malta, he fought along with England against France. England captured Malta; he, together with France, opposed England.
    Napoleon planned: to crush the sea and colonial power of England, this traditional enemy of the French; oust the British from the Mediterranean, establishing the predominance of France in the Middle East (particularly in Egypt); to conquer the "natural borders" along the Rhine and the Alps, in Belgium and Holland; establish the political and economic leadership of France in Western Europe

    Napoleon captured the whole of Europe, is it not natural that the states resisted and opposed this, uniting in alliances? Absolutely natural. And Russia, as the largest power in Europe, could not stay away, trying to stop the conqueror of Europe before he approached the Russian borders.

    Russia was NOT cannon fodder, but defended its national interests in the fight against global evil in the form of Napoleon.
    1. +2
      7 July 2017 07: 21
      Quote: Olgovich
      Russia was NOT cannon fodder, but defended its national interests in the fight against global evil in the form of Napoleon.

      That's just why in the end all the so-called world evil rushing east? I have the feeling that as soon as a world evil is formed somewhere, it sooner or later goes to war with Russia.
      1. 0
        7 July 2017 17: 21
        Quote: IGOR GORDEEV
        That's just why in the end all the so-called world evil rushing east? I have the feeling that as soon as a world evil is formed somewhere, it sooner or later goes to war with Russia.

        Anything happened, and the south attacked (Punic wars, then the capture of the Roman Empire, later the Khazar Khanate), from the east, "Horde invasion." Russia has always been rich, therefore desirable prey for all conquerors. It is only now that they have almost successfully managed to clean, trim and trim it.
      2. 0
        7 July 2017 19: 31
        What is the “east” here and who is hiding there? In 1812, there were two identical wars in America and in the east of Europe. In America, the British fought from the youngest states, for exiting from Hudson to the lakes, beyond the Appalachian mountains. You could move further along the lakes deep into the continent to Chicago. Further central America. So in the east of Europe. Sharashka Napoleon with Alexander, punched river routes to the Volga, Central Caspian and Siberia.
    2. 0
      7 July 2017 10: 40
      Quote: Olgovich
      He didn’t understand anything. Paul was more a Maltese "knight" than the ruler of Russia

      true, the Saxons would have circled him around the finger in any situation
      1. 0
        7 July 2017 16: 11
        Quote: A1845
        the Saxons would have circled him (Paul) around his finger in any case

        Is not a fact! Take a look at the article:
        This monstrous action allowed the British to solve several important tasks at once: 1) was liquidated the Russian Tsar, who rose to an understanding of global politics ..

        The rulers of England kill only those whom in fact it is no longer possible to deceive. that is, according to the Talmud: "kill the best of the goyim." Still quite effective tactics. This happened later on with Nicholas I and Alexander II, the latter was killed just before the time of the heir of Michael, Nikolai II as an heir was clearly less promising then.This trend continues to this day, many similar examples can be cited. The article itself is clearly quite deep, it is difficult to assess it from the floundering bay, hence some misunderstanding of many commentators.
      2. 0
        7 July 2017 19: 36
        How can the Saxons circle their protégé? Why should they circle? If you can change at a time?
  3. +1
    7 July 2017 08: 21
    Quote: Olgovich
    Russia was NOT cannon fodder, but defended its national interests in the fight against global evil in the form of Napoleon.

    Can you elaborate on the peaceful evil of Napoleon than he became famous there? Concentration camps? Such an evil that the French are still praying for it!
    1. 0
      7 July 2017 15: 13
      Quote: Rey_ka
      Can you elaborate on the peaceful evil of Napoleon than he became famous there?

      Millions of the dead. Captured and robbed states of all Europe. The deserting of France and its defeat.
      Quote: Rey_ka
      Concentration camps?

      Restored slavery in 1802
      Quote: Rey_ka
      Such an evil that the French are still praying for it!

      Not long ago. You know Austerlitz, Jena and Friedland (the great victories of France), but the French do not. They have nothing to be proud of.
      1. +1
        7 July 2017 19: 38
        Do not tell shag, it is so funny.
  4. 0
    7 July 2017 08: 26
    I have a feeling that as soon as a world evil is formed somewhere, it sooner or later goes to war with Russia

    Doesn’t it seem that you have double standards, how Georgia violated the peace treaty with Ossetia, so Russia's actions are coercion to peace, and how Alexander was constantly wiped out by treaties, is this a wise European policy? Put yourself in the place of Napoleon how to make the young diving assassin of his father keep his word
  5. +2
    7 July 2017 08: 40
    Of course, he put a plus, but the topic "How Petersburg became a" figure "in the big game of London" was not disclosed. How unsolved is the topic of why Napoleon attacked Russia in 1812, if Russia was already not, as it were, an enemy of France.
    1. 0
      7 July 2017 09: 38
      Russia in the person of Alexander violated the commitments made at all times. Bonoparte was tired of such an attitude because the war of 1812 from France had the meaning of "peace enforcement." N the nobility of Napoleon played a cruel joke. The nobility is that he did not go to the capital of the empire, but to Moscow. Hoping there and sign the final treaty of blockade of England
      1. +1
        7 July 2017 10: 40
        Wow, why such a noble one in a campaign to Moscow and not a noble one in a campaign in St. Petersburg? So then go to St. Petersburg, Napoleon could not have fallen cavalry even faster, and the Russian army would hang on communications, and from the other flank the coast, which also had to be covered with something.
        1. +2
          7 July 2017 10: 51
          The plans of Napoleon did not occupy Russia. As he said and wrote to harm even in Vitebsk: “The war in Russia is a war of 2 years. In 2013 I will take Moscow. In 2014, St. Petersburg. But when he saw the rear guard of the Russian army, he rushed after it like a fox-terrier with a fox tail so to Borodino and chased along the way half the time, although at that time it was customary to score an arrow to gather in a clean field and go wall to wall until only one was victorious, so Barclay and Kutuzov were not in vain taking him by the nose for six months.
      2. +1
        7 July 2017 10: 42
        And Napoleon himself violated the blockade and in any case would have attacked Russia, because otherwise he would have been bored.
        1. 0
          7 July 2017 12: 49
          Napoleon was a real statesman! Who, after his death, took care of his soldiers (read the testament of Bonoparte)
    2. +1
      7 July 2017 10: 38
      Quote: Trapper7
      How unsolved is the topic of why Napoleon attacked Russia
      a mystery covered with the gloom of the world behind the scenes .. suddenly everyone danced to the tune of the Saxons
      1. 0
        7 July 2017 10: 52
        So Europe doesn’t suddenly still dance
        1. +1
          7 July 2017 10: 54
          and some are already jumping ..
    3. 0
      7 July 2017 19: 39
      And the author will not reveal it, because the topic is sucked from the finger, even though there were completely different movements.
  6. +2
    7 July 2017 11: 17
    An anti-scientific and biased approach to the events of the beginning of the 19th century. If there were doubts while reading the previous article, now everything has fallen into place. The author is a bad, anti-Russian person. How can Petersburg be made a victim. Again there is a substitution of concepts. Petersburg is one of the predators in a flock of European hells, who torn to pieces the ancient, Russian-Ukrainian state. They are now trying to bring such Samsonov to us, those near-by events like the war of France and England. Prominent authority in matters of military history V.N. convincingly refuted such speculation. How do you imagine the war between close relatives? And with whom then did these "enlightened" Europeans fight? It is here that the author has problems that he is trying to camouflage with stolen slogans. Such people do not shun anything, go to forgeries, outright lies, rewrite history to please the crowd. They even go for the repression of those who disagree. Conclusion, the author must be banned.
    1. 0
      7 July 2017 12: 47
      In St. Petersburg (Petrograd Leningrad) did not live live Russian and the emperor is not real?
      1. 0
        7 July 2017 13: 35
        The unequivocal answer is, you will not receive from anyone. Most of those who are not indifferent to the true history of the Ukrainian-Russian Khaganate believe that the basis of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg was not Russian nationalities. And only by the beginning of the 20th century, with the help of such as Samsonov, they appropriated other people's names and achievements. And now these people, under patriotic slogans, are conducting destructive activities. They are so disguised that even thoughtful readers, such as Benjamin, were seduced by their cheap propaganda (I did not expect this from him). These will be worse than K. Therefore, I believe that every thoughtful reader should make every effort to put a barrier to the Samsonovs and others like them. It's time to stop spitting on our shrines. You will not believe these people persecute even VN. If, you own the logic, subject Samsonov to linguistic analysis and much will be revealed to you. Why Benjamin has not done this so far is a mystery. Maybe also disguised? Yes, and about the emperor. The emperor, the real one, that's just what kind of empire?
        1. +1
          7 July 2017 13: 53
          minus one it's me about my brain. Excuse me, I apparently also do not live. I live in the Urals, but to Moscow I somehow do not break very much, although our office is in Moscow. On our part, there was also an attempt to ruin you, we sent our EBN Trojan horse to you, but his Petersburgers left. Here we are preparing a new messiah
          1. 0
            7 July 2017 14: 11
            You see how, you have already been zombified. "Well, I'm sorry, apparently I also do not live, I live in the Urals, but I somehow do not break very much into Moscow, although our office is in Moscow." You have an antipathy to the newcomers, which Samsonov sings on the gene level. Most likely your gallogroups do not coincide with the pseudo-patriotic ones, from here you experience an antipathy to Moscow. On a subconscious level, you are attracted to Kiev or Vladimir. Genetics is hard to fool. That's why I had questions for Benjamin. For some reason, he has no antipathy to such opuses.
          2. +1
            7 July 2017 19: 41
            You end up raving there, bring your head in adequately, otherwise you will look frivolous.
      2. +1
        7 July 2017 19: 44
        Petersburg, the Oldenburgskys were chosen as a bridgehead for the capture of Muscovy. Not Riga, although it has a better channel, and Peter, the sweat that it runs from there three river routes to the middle of Muscovy or Tartarria, who will take it apart. From Peter the closest way to the Volga .
  7. 0
    7 July 2017 19: 45
    Quote: Cartalon

    Cartalon Today, 10:42 PM ↑ New
    And Napoleon himself violated the blockade and in any case would have attacked Russia, because otherwise he would have been bored.

    Russia was in St. Petersburg, and who did Napoleon attack? Correctly, he was breaking through the river routes to the Volga.
  8. 0
    7 July 2017 19: 47
    Quote: A1845
    How unsolved is the topic of why Napoleon attacked Russia
    a mystery covered with the gloom of the world behind the scenes .. suddenly everyone danced to the tune of the Saxons

    But he didn’t attack Russia. Russia is Peter. And to the south, what happened?
    1. +1
      7 July 2017 21: 11
      Oh, what did I write about? We just deeply rethought your hypotheses and draw conclusions deeper. Therefore, hidden enemies are more quickly discovered, despite the fact that they are hiding under the guise of patriots. Whose mill is Samsonov and his henchmen pouring water on?
      1. 0
        7 July 2017 22: 20
        Not mine, Greek read Archi-Logos.
        1. 0
          7 July 2017 23: 10
          We carefully study this material. Since you are a conductor of these hypotheses in VO, I have conditionally called them yours. I hope you will not deny the facts presented on Archi-Logos? We believe that on Archi-Logos many things are stated correctly but superficially, they require a deeper understanding, the latest discoveries of geneticists and archaeologists are not taken into account. The history of protoucres is hushed up. The period of the Russian state of the 1st century BC is not considered at all. The issue of ethnogenesis of Slavic tribes is not considered. I don’t understand why the Greek ignored Blavatsky’s work on the origin of peoples. It is there that the sources of the struggle against world massism should be sought. You studied Blavatsky? Another thoughtful researcher is also present on the site. I really don’t understand how he relied on Samsonov’s cheap tricks. You agree with Samsonov’s passages, this is a continuation of the struggle with Russia. Again, howls on the theme of the northern capital, patriotism and other nonsense. What about Moscow? Is it really hard to look at the map and understand the artificial city, built in the middle of the 19th century. It is like the capital of Brazil, for five years it was built in the jungle to completely distort the ancient Brazilian civilization.
          1. 0
            8 July 2017 07: 03
            I have to think primitively and just can't do it differently. Regarding your questions. The facts are presented superficially. I’ll assume that we don’t recognize the subtleties, either for a fee or the interest in them has disappeared from the Greeks. So far, serious people do not trust the geneticists. Something was written about I don’t remember this crap right away. Grek himself, a former tracker, always decides specifically, not in general. If he doesn’t do something, it means that this does not fit into the logistic theory of civilization. I am not interested in Samsonov.
  9. 0
    9 July 2017 05: 05
    Well, and what's new, everything has long been known, Tarle's retelling?