How does the hydrogen bomb work and what are the consequences of the explosion. Infographics

16 January 1963, at the height of the Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev told the world that the Soviet Union possesses in its arsenal a new weapons mass destruction - hydrogen bomb. A year and a half before this, the USSR produced the most powerful explosion of a hydrogen bomb in the world — a charge with a capacity exceeding 50 megatons was blown up on Novaya Zemlya.

In many ways, this statement by the Soviet leader made the world aware of the threat of a further escalation of the nuclear arms race: on August 5, August 1963 in Moscow signed an agreement banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, outer space and under water.

How does the hydrogen bomb work and what are the consequences of the explosion. Infographics
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  1. +7
    7 July 2017 09: 45
    I think that for such a headline and such a weapon, there is too little information.
    1. +9
      8 July 2017 11: 17
      it’s necessary to once again flip a few megatons, so that France leaves the NATO again, and the rest press their eggs a little and start to think with their heads ...
      1. +3
        9 July 2017 18: 03
        it’s necessary to once again flip a few megatons, so that France leaves the NATO again, and the rest press their eggs a little and start to think with their heads ...

        Be sure to bang, and more than once .... The whole world is in ruins .... But then.)))))) laughing
    2. +1
      8 July 2017 21: 04
      The technology, composition and other parameters are strictly classified to this day, so that is not enough rights for "ACKNOWLEDGMENTS" :)
    3. +1
      13 July 2017 19: 36
      Something the author with arithmetic does not stick to. In the first case, the "Khorosim" bomb was 8 kt, and in the second - 16? winked
  2. +6
    7 July 2017 10: 52
    There is already too much information.
  3. +7
    7 July 2017 15: 53
    50 megatons = 1000 tankers (DWT 50 thousand tons) filled with TNT belay

    ... exploded simultaneously belay
    1. 0
      7 July 2017 19: 53
      The hydrogen bomb has no explosive effect, in an explosion, like in explosives.
      1. +7
        7 July 2017 20: 03
        hi ... Well, there is a blast wave, hence the power in megatons of TNT equivalent ... Right?
        1. +1
          8 July 2017 13: 02
          Not really. The TNT equivalent means that the atomic bomb released as much energy in joules as the equivalent TNT mass. In reality, an explosion of 58 million tons of TNT will bring orders of magnitude greater destruction than a single bomb of equivalent power, because most of the explosion’s energy is spent on radiation and soil heating at the epicenter.
          1. +1
            8 July 2017 18: 29
            The TNT equivalent is how much such a substance is needed to repeat a particular explosion or phenomenon - a volcanic eruption, etc.
            1. +2
              21 July 2017 13: 08
              Well, the TNT equivalent in joules is then measured - 1 ton of TNT = 4,184 · 10 ^ 9 J.
          2. 0
            21 July 2017 11: 22
            All these justifications look like bullshit. The fact is that the initiation of the explosion is caused by such a range of energy transformation of the nuclei that make up the bomb. which correspond to the changes that we observe in the atmosphere. What does it mean ? The fact that at micro levels we encounter similar phenomena during cavitation and sonoluminescent transformations in water. Therefore, the technology of using nuclear energy in simple devices consists in the fact that these processes can be called up in such a way that they take place in the algorithm of their natural transformations, but would not be accumulated and then initiated for an explosion. in space and atmospheric spheres, both in space and underground and in water, completely describe the properties of these media that scientists cannot read. In addition, the production of deuterium and tritium, and then their synthesis can be carried out in an elementary technological process and literally on the table. But of course, these concentrations will not be enough for bombs, but the process can be endless to generate the same thermal energy
        2. 0
          21 July 2017 11: 40
          m about these equivalents, why not include in the analysis the equivalent of the potential of the human mind aimed at destroying its environment. After all, this environment can be destroyed not only by bombs, but also by the unreasonable behavior of a person who also destroys this environment. Therefore, the result is one. and there are many ways and the question is that. that it seems that the ways and means are different, but the result is one. This means that all these processes, by their nature, are nevertheless connected, but at more fundamental levels. and actions and their description and analysis.
      2. +1
        8 July 2017 16: 14
        I’m a complete ignoramus in this, but I always believed that nuclear and thermonuclear munitions by the principle of destruction are precisely landmines!
        1. +4
          8 July 2017 19: 41
          Well, not armor-piercing that's for sure wink A nuclear explosion is much more dangerous than a simple landmine.
          1. A light flash igniting combustible materials within a radius of several km. , (and blinding)
          2. EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) incapacitating electrical appliances.
          3. radioactive infection.
          1. +1
            8 July 2017 21: 57
            This is clear! I was just interested in the phrase of Comrade Colonel "The hydrogen bomb does not have a high-explosive action, in an explosion, like in explosives." - So I think - how is it not? Is there a shock wave, there is destruction from it, but is there no high-explosive action?
            1. +2
              8 July 2017 22: 46
              In a nuclear explosion, nuclear fission occurs, thermonuclear fusion, in the process the surrounding air heats up to one million degrees in one ten thousandth of a second and huge masses of air are displaced around the plasma ball, which creates a shock wave, and during the explosion of conventional explosives, the mass of matter transforms into equivalent in mass is the volume of gas, respectively, the rate of conversion of a solid into gas; in a thermonuclear explosion there is no conversion of a substance into an equivalent volume of gas.
              1. 0
                21 July 2017 11: 52
                In a nuclear explosion, first of all, there is a transfer of an energy impulse initiated in the source. And the air is heated because there is cavitation of water vapor. Because there is an impulse of an alternating vector of pressure on the elastic medium. . The same thing happens with the explosion of any explosive, in the basis, but in the potential of perturbation, only of that level of the components of the medium. which are at the level of energy potential with this initiating source of the explosion. For example, “quantum bombs” can be generally the most “effective” because it is enough to initiate a fractal level space of the level of quanta and the energy density will be incredibly large. but it is possible to create even more serious effects if you get access to sources of initiation of this level. So quantum bombs can be created precisely at the level of sonoluminescent physical effects that occur at the micro levels constantly and everywhere, namely these are the life support processes of our existence.
      3. +2
        9 July 2017 07: 59
        Yet it is believed that there is. Not only that, underground and underwater explosions are inherently high-explosive, and there is a term: a nuclear high-explosive.
        High explosive action
        For example, when a FAB-250 air bomb explodes (explosive mass 70 — 100 kg), the high-explosive action creates overpressure in 10 atmospheres at a distance of 6 m, the wave velocity being equal to ~ 1000 m / s, which can destroy a brick wall with a thickness of 0,5 m, and also deadly to humans. At a distance of 14 m, overpressure reaches about 1 of the atmosphere, the wave speed is 460 m / s, this is dangerous for humans, and may require hospitalization.
        In the explosion of thermobaric ammunition (ethylene oxide) with a volume of 33 l, the shock wave creates an excess pressure of 20 atmospheres. The same pressure is generated during the explosion of 250 kg of TNT at a distance of 8 m. At a distance of 3 — 4 of radius (that is, 20 — 30 m) the overpressure is 1 atm, which is quite enough to destroy the aircraft.
        Nuclear bomb
        To calculate the radius of destruction of nuclear explosions, the formula is used:

        where R is the radius
        X is the charge in kilotons,
        C is the overpressure coefficient.
        For overpressure 0,204 atmosphere, C = 1; for overpressure 1,361 atmosphere, C = 0,28.
        1. 0
          21 July 2017 12: 00
          At each point from the process initiating an impulse, occurs according to the algorithms of decreasing the striking potential. Therefore, it would be much better and more reliable to build a mathematical radial space in which the process is described as algorithms in the direction of changing this perturbed space right up to complete equilibrium. And also with a description of all residual changes that occurred in this changed space, which will entail all other changes according to the algorithms of their transformations.
        2. -1
          29 September 2017 20: 27
          T-sh Basov wrote wrote, write more how to create an atomic bomb in home (basement) conditions
          1. 0
            8 October 2017 10: 50
            And what, Germany already in an industrial environment can not? You hope for NATO, yes?
  4. +4
    8 July 2017 17: 25
    It was not necessary to test on the new earth, but on the British!
    1. +11
      8 July 2017 21: 20
      Enough for them, crap small goat peas. Kuzkin’s mother (the second name of this miracle bomb) totally stopped the real nuclear war, because I knocked on every window on the planet four times, so many times a wave passed around the globe. But at first they wanted to shy away 100 megatons, did not manage to do it a bit, time was running out, and the technologists had a breakdown. It is quite possible that this saved the Earth from any collateral disaster. But she completed her mission by 1000%. But all kinds of Limitrophs and Poles sometimes need to show a poster of visual agitation, what can happen to them if .... And the USA will not help here :) The principle of "what for us?" will not work here. They have forgotten it, and the young people don’t even know where the nearest nuclear shelter is ... if at all. An old joke from Cold War GO: What to do in a nuclear explosion? - lie down in the direction of the epicenter, cover yourself with a white sheet and crawl towards the cemetery :),
      1. +1
        8 July 2017 21: 55
        .... and there’s nothing to add! ...
  5. +4
    9 July 2017 08: 40
    Currently, the maximum power of the Russian thermonuclear charge is limited by the possibility of delivering it to the target with the help of a heavy Sarmat-type ICBM, the payload weight being thrown at a minimum distance of 11000 km is 10 tons.

    The power of such a charge in the form factor of the ICBM warhead can be estimated at 30-50 megatons of TNT equivalent.

    The main objectives for such charges are megacities - New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Paris, Berlin, Tokyo, etc. To maximize destruction, the detonation of 50-MT charges is carried out in air at an altitude of 2-4 km. The shock wave radius is:
    - underground structures of the order of 5 km;
    - complete destruction of aboveground structures and glass transition of the surface of the order of 10 km;
    - complete destruction of aboveground structures of the order of 20 km;
    - destruction of aboveground structures of the order of 40 km.

    Light radiation initiates fires within the line of sight of a fireball.

    There is practically no radioactive contamination of the area during an air explosion at an altitude of 1,5 or more kilometers.
    1. +9
      10 July 2017 10: 13
      In recent years, quite often articles appear on the Internet that explain the principle of action of a thermonuclear charge. Why is this done. On the one hand, this information makes people think in the opposite direction to what we were stuffed in the USSR, that with a nuclear strike, contamination of the area does not give a chance for further residence. I wrote a essay on nuclear physics in 10 in the 1991th grade and then already understood from the available literature (by the way, the literature found partly in our rural library, partially written out through the regional fund, explained quite reasonably about the principle of action of nuclear and thermonuclear charges - all ingenious very simple!) that the consequences are "embellished". But the goals are noble - to move the world away from a brutal war with huge sacrifices. But what drives now those who are trying to convey to the masses information that thermonuclear charges are not so "deadly", relatively even I would say environmentally friendly or something. Someone moves and moves humanity to disaster. It makes us think that "mutual annihilation" is a bluff and there may be a winner. The worst thing is that it really is so true that the earth will not leave its orbit, and there won’t be any winter (volcanoes in the aggregate throw out no less rubbish). And not all will explode in one fell swoop, no matter when. Someone will surely die and will not press the button (System Perimeter to help us). In general, as the hero of the famous film "... we will live ..." said.
      1. +1
        1 August 2017 20: 23
        Quote: alexddd
        The worst thing is that it really is so true that the earth will not leave its orbit, and there won’t be any winter (volcanoes in the aggregate throw out no less rubbish).

        So that but that. BUT if in itself the nuclear weapons do not finish off the land, then the man-made disasters that follow completely will be done .. The dams of the largest hydroelectric power stations will be destroyed, which will leave the countries without electricity and plus will wash away a lot of cities with people, enterprises and other goods and materials, dangerous production will be destroyed which will by no means improve the environment, and what will happen when the NPP blocks are torn to shreds? At Chernobyl, one block was overheated, little seemed to anyone, but here around the world .. Who will restore everything and what? Does anyone really think that after an exchange of blows it will all end? And everyone will do peaceful work? Hell no! The massacre will begin and the meat grinder of those who survived will go into operation, including TNW in huge quantities lying in warehouses .. And all this against the background of hunger, the absence of any infrastructure, epidemics and very possible climate change .. By the way, there’s still a nuance where the survivors will take minerals for the restoration of civilization, because everything that could be easily obtained was already mined, and the rest requires high-tech equipment, but to take it from where production was destroyed people documentation died too .. Optimistic picture isn't it? it is thought that humanity will stretch for another 100-150 years, gradually dying out and fading .. And after 200 years only lonely ruins will remind of a person
        1. 0
          4 August 2017 10: 19
          Quote: max702
          So that but that. BUT if in itself the nuclear weapons do not finish off the land, then the man-made disasters that follow completely will be done .. The dams of the largest hydroelectric power stations will be destroyed, which will leave the countries without electricity and plus will wash away a lot of cities with people, enterprises and other goods and materials, dangerous production will be destroyed which will by no means improve the environment, and what will happen when the NPP blocks are torn to shreds? At Chernobyl, one block was overheated, little seemed to anyone, but here around the world .. Who will restore everything and what? Does anyone really think that after an exchange of blows it will all end? And everyone will do peaceful work? Hell no! The massacre will begin and the meat grinder of those who survived will go into operation, including TNW in huge quantities lying in warehouses .. And all this against the background of hunger, the absence of any infrastructure, epidemics and very possible climate change .. By the way, there’s still a nuance where the survivors will take minerals for the restoration of civilization, because everything that could be easily obtained was already mined, and the rest requires high-tech equipment, but to take it from where production was destroyed people documentation died too .. Optimistic picture isn't it? it is thought that humanity will stretch for another 100-150 years, gradually dying out and fading .. And after 200 years only lonely ruins will remind of a person

          I agree to 1500% !!! Few people think, and what will happen AFTER? Yes, there are all kinds of mushrooms on the horizon, a shock wave, a radioactive infection, a nuclear winter .... it's all clear, we regularly read and watch fiction. AND BECAUSE IT WILL BE THEN? In my understanding, there are only two options:
          1. The rapid total extinction of everyone and everything due to various post-nuclear factors. Those. this is somewhere around 2-6 months of complete mess and lawlessness, where the remnants of people will survive solely on the basis of the strongest, on the remnants of what they can find in ruins. Total hunger, cold, all kinds of epidemics and other "charms" will turn the survivors not even into animals, but into something indescribable. Zombie movies are resting on such a background.
          2. Slow extinction. If it is possible to find a small patch of relatively clean territory, then perhaps a small fraction will be able to survive. But only after going through P1. And what kind of society will it be? And how will they restore civilization? Mankind has come a long way, until it got to its present state, but it all began with OPEN deposits of ore, coal, huge forests and fields. Now in an open way you won’t get anything, everything has been worked out for a long time. All the main modern mineral reserves are at great depths and without high-tech equipment you can not get to them. Fields and forests will burn out, and the remains will be infected and not suitable for use. There is only one way out - a club, a bonfire, a cave ...
          There is an extremely useful book on this topic - "Black Day" is called. Oooochen I recommend reading !!! This is not Hollywood tales about the warrior of roads.
    2. 0
      13 July 2017 14: 38
      Quote: Operator
      the weight of the payload cast over a minimum distance of 11000 km is 10 tons.

      Frank stupidity. Where did 10 tons come from?
  6. 0
    13 July 2017 20: 17
    Before the beginning of the Golden Age, or interspersing in the Kali Yuga, as now always happens thermonuclear mess. This has happened more than once in the history of the Earth, and now this well-tested method for millions of years of the existence of mankind on the planet will help us "cure" of the desire to torment each other.