Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov." Infographics

Heavy Aircraft Cruiser (TAVKR) "Admiral Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov ”- a ship of project 1143.5, the only one in the Russian Navy in its class. Designed to defeat large surface targets, protect naval formations from attacks by a likely enemy using aircraft carriers and a large number of submarines; also has the task of supporting amphibious operations.

It is designed for basing and servicing 28 aircraft and 24 helicopters. Deck fleet aviation Russia on planes and helicopters is several times more than the number of aircraft carrier capabilities for its deployment, so the composition of the air group varies depending on the tasks. The basis of the wing consists of carrier-based fighter-bombers MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB number 26; in addition, 18 units of heavy carrier-based Su-33 fighter-bombers are in service. Depending on the tasks performed, it can also carry Ka-27 anti-submarine helicopters, Ka-29 airborne assault helicopters and Ka-52K attack helicopters undergoing testing. The cruiser also carries 12 launchers of 4K-80 heavy missiles "Granite".

Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov." Infographics
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  1. 0
    31 March 2017 08: 04
    Will you post it every week? Well, I’ll put it on it. I’ll add that they will install new generation communication equipment on it. Based on SDR technology, which allows you to change the operating parameters of the equipment using software. Dig in, maybe this article will come out?
    1. 0
      31 March 2017 13: 48
      Mar. Tina, beat me with a shovel by Satan if you understood why the article was already returned from Syria (leaving 2 new planes off the Syrian coast so that the “partners” could take it apart?), He got out of the repair, it’s just going to. They need a minus
  2. +2
    31 March 2017 10: 03
    The fleet of Russian carrier-based aviation on planes and helicopters is several times larger number of opportunities aircraft carrier for its placement

    Russian language lessons skipped, iconography bully
  3. 0
    31 March 2017 12: 43
    The size of this aircraft carrier is comparable to the size of some small celestial bodies --- asteroids!
  4. 0
    31 March 2017 13: 40
    The authors, what the hell posted an article: he is going on a long voyage, or maybe you decided to talk about all the cruisers of the Russian Navy?
    By God I didn’t understand why the article?