6-I tank brigade. Living conditions

6-I tank brigade. Living conditions

The top photo shows an example of the barracks where brigade members live. Actually, this is not a barracks, but a dormitory, since in 2007-2008, the buildings were overhauled with redevelopment for a Kubrikov system.
As a result, there were two types of hostels: in one bathroom, showers one per floor, in others amenities in each cabin.
An example of location in one of tank battalions of 10 people


Leisure room The crew received the Tricolor-TV satellite sets for each unit, so each company has the opportunity to watch broadcasts from the basic package, and if there is a desire, for 600 rubles a year you can connect more channels



On each floor there are small gyms.


Soldiers issued sports uniforms, which can be more detailed here.



There is a washing machine. For those who do not know what the washing in the army looks like: all underwear is washed in the bath-laundry combine of the unit, the uniform is served by the serviceman himself.


These photos were taken at the location of the motorized rifle battalion of the brigade. Here the rooms are designed for four people.


Showers, sinks and toilets here are separate, there are in each double cockpit. I would like to express a separate "gratitude" for the "quality" overhaul to those builders who laid the sewage system and the water supply system in this barracks. They managed to do it in such a way that from time to time somewhere regularly and leaks. I really hope that the Commission of the Accounts Chamber, which worked recently in the brigade, will deal with the circumstances of the curvature shown by the valiant builders. Also, I think that the commission paid attention to the boxes in the park of equipment that need repair, and the building of an unfinished educational building



Food in the brigade for several years engaged in a civil organization.


A choice of several dishes.



This is what lunch looks like. Questions why there is little bread (ask after all, I know you;) to a specific soldier, because on the other photos you can see that they take on 5-6 pieces.


Medical brigade company.
Chambers for four people.




Various treatment rooms and dressings







In my opinion, doctors are the most dissatisfied with the change of staff in the army, because I repeatedly come across their statements that the number of doctors should be large. Again, they voiced the opinion that the number of beds in a field hospital, deployed in the event of hostilities by a medical brigade, should be at least one third higher. I would like to read a detailed explanation from the Main Military Medical Directorate on the issues of reform, but it is not. It's a pity.

Concluding the medical theme, I place a poster, which I photographed in the mammoth, and reminding of the sinfulness of life.


As with any unit in the brigade, there are psychologists working with military personnel. As elsewhere, this is either the wives of officers with specialized education, or young university graduates who want to gain experience and experience, or enthusiasts. In the brigade, instead of the two psychologists, there is only one, who are not willing to take the vacant position, since salary is quite modest - about 6000 rubles.
The psychologist’s automated workplaces, which were received last year and this year, save the head of the psychological aid center from a paper roll of work. This is a computer (plus a printer) with special programs that allow you to quickly, and most importantly, automatically (without manual counting) assess the psycho-emotional state of the newcomer to the part of the replenishment, or persons entering into outfits with weapons



Psychological discharge room



Let us turn to what a soldier can do in his free time.
You can go to the library


Not everyone, of course, walks, but there are a few hundred readers.


New books come, albeit in small quantities, but regularly


Filing of various prints



The first places in the ranking of free time share watching TV and playing sports, even despite the fact that the sport and in terms of official classes is full.
Summer volleyball, various competitions




In winter, skiing.
Warm up first


Then we dress skis and distance






The brigade also has its own ensemble, which regularly conducts performances, both for the military personnel and for the guests of the unit.
Guys, almost all lovers, but they play very well



Modern songs in the repertoire are present

Fiddler separate standings


As guests in the brigade, there are often local schoolchildren, as well as a sponsored cadet class.



Schoolchildren in the museum part. Strictly speaking, basically, this is the museum of the 245 th motorized rifle regiment, which was previously located here, but there are materials on the 100 th tank regiment, the progenitor of the current brigade


The museum has such an interesting form on stories tank regiment with rare photos of servicemen of the period of the Great Patriotic War and a description of their exploits



There are such guests in the brigade as, for example, the parent committee of draftees from the Moscow region. In the photo, his representatives communicate with the soldiers called up from Moscow region.


Well, on the day of taking the oath of guests in general, a lot


We continue the theme of the celebrations.
In December 2011, the brigade received a banner of the new sample. In the evening, the banner was solemnly nailed to the pole



And the next day, a banner was handed to the strongest snowstorm.





That's how it looked on the video

But in December 2011, on its own, it was decided to congratulate the children of the brigade officers on the New Year.
In the role of reindeer sleds - UAZ "loaf"




Finally, traditional videos in which soldiers talk about their service.

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  1. +1
    8 February 2012 10: 11
    does the author of the article serve in this brigade?
  2. dmitri078
    8 February 2012 12: 20
    the photograph of what the brigade calls "lunch" is pitying ... just as the Russian soldier was a semi-serf "biomass", it remains so! .. one can only guess what the American marines would do if they were offered this " swill ".... brains would fly away right away ... for reference," hurray-patzriots ": at the Marine Corps Marine Corps there is cottage cheese, strawberries, grapes, juices, coffee, yogurt, croissants and you take as much as you like ... the food of the soldiers is one of the MOST IMPORTANT indicators of the state of the army and the attitude towards the soldiers-citizens of their country! think "patsriotics" .... a pitiful sight
    1. hellbringer
      8 February 2012 12: 28
      Yes, food is important, but no need to exaggerate, one should be proud of such people, after all, they do not serve for "Strawberries, cottage cheese, juices, coffee, grapes".

      Read "Vanka company" to find out what they ate in the trenches, and think about what would happen to your marines.
    2. -2
      9 February 2012 06: 25
      those who put the minuses, apparently did not serve themselves ... from the "lunch" shown in the photo, you can easily stretch your legs in case of intense physical exertion .... young guys, organisms growing and with such a "assortment" probably go hungry all the time ... or they steal in the kitchen not like a child, or one of two things ...
      1. Mahamont
        9 February 2012 17: 10
        Yes. That was all. And lack of vitamins, nutrition. And as I stood in the guard and saw how the chief food factories dropped the food, I wanted to pull the shutter off and shoot and the guard raised all of them all in a sense of alarm, and they wanted to take off the guard more than once for half a year. From 80 kg, the weight dropped to 65 and ran marching for 30 km with full calculation. All this was and when did it end or already ended ?! If not ... God bless the Russian army, even though they feed on the holy spirit, as we ate. Oh, these nineties. And they all wrote to Chechnya as one, but at least they fed them normally, because there was no one to dump the products behind the fence.
  3. 755962
    8 February 2012 12: 29
    I'd like to believe a soldier from the last video
  4. 750
    8 February 2012 12: 34
    Despite the liquid sum, there is meat in the second. We had no meat, swill soup, undercooked porridge, unshaven bacon, or razb. boiling water sprat, tea, meat nishtyaki only in erotic dreams.
  5. French Legionnaire
    8 February 2012 13: 13
    Norms of daily allowance of servicemen of the Soviet Army

    In 1934, in the Red Army, by the decision of STO No. K-29ss dated 06.03.1934, the following daily allowance rates were introduced for the main Red Army ration (Norm No. 1):
    Product name Weight in grams
    1. Rye bread 600
    2. Wheat bread 96% 400
    3. Wheat flour 85% (bolt) 20
    4. Various groats 150
    5. Pasta 10
    6. Meat 175
    7. Fish (herring) 75
    8. Salo (animal fat) 20
    9. Vegetable oil 30
    10. Potato 400
    11. Cabbage (sauerkraut and fresh) 170
    12. Beetroot 60
    13. Carrot 35
    14. Bow 30
    15. Roots, greens 40
    16. Tomato puree 15
    17. Pepper 0,5
    18. Bay leaf 0,3
    19. Sugar 35
    20. Tea (per month) 50
    21. Salt 30
    22. Soap (per month) 200
    23. Mustard 0,3
    24. Vinegar 3

    In May 1941, norm No. 1 was changed with a decrease in meat (up to 150 g) and an increase in fish (up to 100 g) and vegetables.

    In 1990, the last adjustment of the food supply norm was made:

    Norm No. 1. According to this norm, soldiers and sergeants of military service, soldiers and sergeants of the reserve when they were at the training camp, soldiers and sergeants of long-term service, and ensigns were to eat. This norm is only for the Ground Forces.
    Product Name Quantity per day
    1. Rye-wheat bread 350 g
    2. Wheat bread 400 g
    3. Wheat flour (highest or 1st grade) 10 g
    4. Various cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat, pearl barley) 120 g
    5. Pasta 40 g
    6. Meat 150 g
    7. Fish 100 g
    8. Animal fat (margarine) 20 g
    9. Vegetable oil 20 g
    10. Butter 30 g
    11. Cow's milk 100 g
    12. Chicken eggs 4 pieces (per week)
    13. Sugar 70 g
    14. Salt 20 g
    15. Tea (brewing) 1,2 g
    16. Bay leaf 0,2 g
    17. Ground pepper (black or red) 0,3 g
    18. Mustard powder 0,3 g
    19. Vinegar 2 g
    20. Tomato paste 6 g
    21. Potatoes 600 g
    22. Cabbage 130 g
    23. Beetroot 30 g
    24. Carrot 50 g
    25. Onion 50 g
    26. Cucumbers, tomatoes, greens 40 g
    27. Fruit or vegetable juice 50 g
    28. Kissel dry / dried fruits 30/120 g
    29. Vitamin "Hexavit" 1 dragee
  6. French Legionnaire
    8 February 2012 13: 40
    American soldiers food
    1. 750
      9 February 2012 00: 22
      this is an enemy sabotage with the help of a photo-ass in order to break the will of the conscript and lure him into NATO.
    2. -1
      9 February 2012 06: 30
      they have a different level of funding and security .. more likely, from the kitchen, cooks crawl out at the end of the working day, bending under the weight of bags of groceries ....
  7. 0
    8 February 2012 15: 08
    And what about the left assistant of the standard-bearer, a smaller hat, what was not found? Also, the filling of beds in the divisions, or there is a bad foreman, or they do not pay due attention, also causes criticism. Although it is believed that there are no trifles in military service: today you made a bad bed, tomorrow you made those bad. maintenance of equipment and weapons or violated military discipline, which in the end will lead you to defeat in a real battle. As for the dinner, as far as I understand, apart from the "show", like the distribution line and the aunt sitting at the head of the table, in reality, nothing has changed in the menu or in the selection of products. Is this a portion for a healthy, young man who spends the whole day in the cold in physical exercises or near frozen equipment? It would be nice to punch the neck of the head of the rear of this brigade, and at the same time to its commander, who does not show proper concern for his soldiers, with whom he can go into battle tomorrow!
    1. Mahamont
      9 February 2012 17: 23
      He would have shot any nachprod or the beginning of the dining room, even a bread-cutter, and conscience would not have tormented him. Fortunately, one of the best shooters in the battalion was.
  8. +3
    8 February 2012 15: 59
    I want to say that during my service in the SA, even if there were no showers and cramped toilets, as in the picture, and there was no upholstered furniture either, although in my deep conviction a real soldier who came to the army to go through a harsh school of life and learn military art it was useless, but the parquet in the dormitory was real, you could cut yourself on the "edging" on the beds, the middle of the beds did not sag like in the pictures and the food, although it was cooked in the cauldrons, was delicious, the portions were "from the heart". And the combat readiness was appropriate, more than one ruler of the then NATO members shuddered at the mere recollection of 20 thousand Soviet tanks in Europe. I would like to ask the brigade command a question, how do they plan to organize food for their servicemen during hostilities? The aunt in the white coat won't be around. And field kitchens without scoops are probably gathering dust in warehouses and cooks, according to a combat schedule, train from time to time. See that the potatoes do not freeze in the cold, otherwise the soldiers will have nothing to feed!
    1. Mahamont
      9 February 2012 17: 26
      To hell with these cantics. Nowadays, they do not particularly follow this and do it right.
  9. Conquistador
    8 February 2012 20: 20
    And I think what nutrition is plus! Because if you throw your favorite marines into the forest and there is no cottage cheese with strawberries, they will die! And ours, if they find a mushroom, they will already be glad if they arranged a banquet for them!
    1. -2
      9 February 2012 06: 29
      they themselves understood what they said? .... more stupid and difficult to come up with ....
  10. schta
    9 February 2012 12: 43
    Canary, aquarium, TV, library .....
    What are the servicemen doing there all year ??????
  11. mega_jeka
    10 February 2012 20: 59
    even nonsense busy in all photos. Not a single moment of combat training belay