Talk about censorship and personality cult?

Yes, about the very, undemocratic Soviet censorship. When in each publishing house, at each radio station, and so on, a certain person worked, invested with the power to decide what the ordinary Soviet philistine should know and what is not worth it.

Talk about censorship and personality cult?

Over the past 25 years, we were firmly struck in the head that censorship is bad. This is not democratic, it is a violation of our rights and freedoms. And now, a quarter of a century, we have what we have. And to be honest, they have us. In the brain. Moreover, very successfully.

In no way do I want to say nonsense like “return the Soviet censorship!”, No. I understand perfectly well that this is simply unrealistic, but here the promise is different. And for starters, I would like to draw several parallel lines and comparisons.

The thing is that for quite a long time (as it happened) I have been doing a kind of comparison between the Soviet and the Russian media. And I find both similarities and differences.

1. Cult of personality.

Exactly: the Cult of Personality. The Soviet press and television really cultivated Personality. Unlike the Russian media, which often advocate the cult of impersonality.

Requires clarification. But those who spent time in front of the Soviet screens will understand me immediately.

So, the Personality dominated in the Soviet media. And this person was, of course, boring by today's standards. Milkmaids who achieved record milk yields, miners who pulled tons out of the ground over plan, combine operators, tractor drivers, and so on. Yes, the reports, let's say, were not entirely “hot”, but this was not required. The goal was different.

The goal was to show the Man of Work. Is it good or bad, but a certain social vector was asked.

But - not interesting, right? But effective. And considering all these orders, cars and other incentives, it was generally not bad, albeit a bit boring.

Today's day, of course, is different. Like heaven from earth. Tell me, who will be interested? There is no "yellowness", there is no scandal.

As an example, I’ll take a reportage that was broadcast on 6 TV channels shortly before the new year. It described how the spouse of a famous football player K was grabbed by the hand during the purchase of a certain bag of white powder. Well, they added a bit of a telephone survey showing how she, in a private setting, makes manipulations in the society of a man who is not at all like her spouse with another powder. But also white.

So, what did our TV channels show us?

Slacker and parasite (this, incidentally, applies to 9 of 10 Russian “stars” of football), who did not create anything in his life but a couple of critical moments at the opponents' goal (and could not have created it, it’s normal for ours) wife of a person who:

a) can afford to buy white powders of dubious properties;
b) lead a wild life, capturing it on video;
c) use the acquired powders in a known way through a straw, also allowing it to be removed.

About aspects of what shishi all this is done, I tactfully keep silent.

And if it was an isolated case ...

But what do we have at the exit? And at the exit, we have advertising frankly parasitic being. Which our modern media diligently chew and suck. How, scandals bring views and cause interest. And thus create advertising for all these "socialites" and other, not the best part of our society.

2011 th remember? This is when some kind of pop figure (let's call him G.) 35 years old successfully married colleague P. “only” 62 years. All Russia was discussing ... unearthly love ...

But not in the everyday perturbations of the essence. This, as they say, is a private matter of this couple. The bottom line is that our media, alas, purposefully cultivate a cult of a slightly different person. Let's just say, scandalous and not producing anything. Of course, this is not applicable to all, the same Mrs. P. plowed on the stage as a mining combine, and perhaps her numerous state awards are justified. As well as income.

The fact is that all the drummers of labor and the foremost workers of the production have sunk into oblivion with the Soviet Union. It's good? Unlikely.

The fact that today the overwhelming majority of shkoloty has some other values ​​in mind is the bitter truth. And the fact that the subject of imitation are not the working people, but all sorts of parasites, such as pop stars, football players, bankers and others, this is a dubious merit of the media.

"Socialite". The revived notion of a half-mono-half-light, and in actual fact - half-light and dirt in the flesh, which one from this category do not take. “Success” in the form of social life, presentations, parties, public and glamorous lifestyle, personal life for show, and with scandals - food for the media and, most shamefully, for the public.

But the public "hawkes" that give out the media. And the media, oddly enough, willingly goes for scandals. Under the new year, the Internet sphere was flooded with a video shot by NTV, in which a certain R. (also a "socialite", mediocrity living at the expense of her husband, and even with mental disorders) threw herself on the film crew.

Everyone enjoyed it.

Did they know in the NTV company that R. doesn’t tolerate them? They knew. Scandalous harvest collected already. And yet, still went. And got what they wanted. Because the co-group, and R., didn’t care about the problems of retirees, everyone needed SCANDAL. All and got it.

Dirt, scandals, advertising of parasites and frank mediocrity - unfortunately, this is our media today.

I will be distracted and project on my personality as a representative of the media. Alas, the fact is, sometimes the readership votes for such things that you are not proud of at all. A paradox, but it happens very often. Habit? Maybe. It is clear that a political article will gather many times more readers than historical or reportage. But this is a choice to work on.

In general, alas, the wrong person, or rather, mediocre impersonality, we cultivate, alas. Too much attention is paid to clowns like Ksyusha and Bozhena, and no attention is paid at all to truly interesting and wonderful people who just plow to their country and who therefore have no time to make trouble.

But this is not the worst yet. We turn to the second part.

2. The cult of the terrorist.

There is a place to be, agree. One has only to happen to something such as the hyenas of the pen / keyboard immediately rush to the topic. From Maskhadov to Breivik.

And whether it is necessary?

Do we really need to know in detail about the difficult and difficult life and difficult childhood of a killer maniac? Do I need to know the details of the last day of the terrorist? Are the comments of his friends and relatives so interesting?

Both terrorists and maniacs need one thing: lighting. Someone for the sake of momentary glory, for those who are ill with the soul, someone for intimidation. But those and others, fellow journalists actively help. Alas. Painting in detail what and how did the terrorist or maniac. Such a guide for those who want to "become a star."

You say nonsense? Yeah, and how many thanks to the media did Chikatilo have fans? What glory did the whitish maidens get, whose inheritance before the dancing in the temple was only in the filming of the half-hearted and stuffing frozen chickens into the places? And now? And now they are human rights defenders ...

And why very rarely talk about the victims? Apparently uninteresting. The same is for the most part ordinary people who are just unlucky enough to be in the concert hall, on the square, in the hypermarket.

And in the end, everyone revels in the identity of the killer. And the victims ... well, so ... in the background as statistics. Without which the terrorist in any way. After all, the more victims, the more attention.

Tighten the nuts? Yes, exit. Do not show terrorists and murderers. Do not fill the screens of TVs and monitors with their portraits and pictures from the places of their crimes. To tell not about the murderers, but about the victims. What they were, and, what is the most terrible, what COULD be the dead.

I, as a person, do not care deeply what guided the animal that killed Andrei Karlov. I don't care what he said, what he was thinking, and so on. He was killed, and had to be buried in pigskin like evil. I do not need his face in editorials, there should be a portrait of a soldier of our diplomatic front who died at the hands of this animal.

And so it should be in theory. Not killed, raspiarivat, waiting for the appearance of the same stupid followers, shizayuschih from the smell of blood. No need to talk about another monkey that sent a truck into the crowd. Tell us about those who died.

We must regret the loss, and not analyze the path of the terrorist. Yes, we normal people regret it. Against the background of all this advertising. We regret the soul, but who said that a journalist is necessarily a soulless brute? Living for the minute success of "hot" stuff?

“Careful need”, as Mikhail Zhvanetsky used to say. Careful ...

3. Where is the exit? Censorship.

Censorship ... Yes, for some reason, this is the way out. To prohibit or limit the dumping on the heads of viewers and readers of certain content. But for this, there should be a clear policy of the state and the body that will control it. “Roskomnadzor” in its current form is not in a position to do this unequivocally. But we will talk about the problems of Roskomnadzor separately.

But there are options. It is worth remembering the sudden decline in the popularity of Mr. Girkin. In November, 2015 of the year passed, as if in many media outlets, the recommendation “not to get involved”. From the three-letter. Whoever responded, we decided at the time that, on the contrary, we should offer help and cooperation. And they offered by visiting the press center of the Strelkov Fund in the center of Moscow. Then we received Boris Rozhin (Colonel Casad), well, Mr. Girkin ... honored by his presence. But then the foundation and the whole team were, as it were, on a certain rise, and did not become friends with us. Well, we are not particularly worried, to be honest. The choice was ...

But gradually everything turned out the way it did. The media stopped quoting and publishing Girkin’s views on Donbass, and everything went to naught.

That's the way out. "Ban" for specific characters. Makarevich, Sobchak, Rynska, Kiselev (Eugene) and the like should be forgotten and wiped out of information space altogether. There were a dozen petitions with a proposal to deprive Rynska and others like her Russian citizenship. With expulsion from the country.

The idea is not bad. The idea is also interesting because it suggests a return to normal. And it makes people think about whether the leaders of the Soviet Union were wrong in expelling Solzhenitsyn, Bukovsky, Voinovich and all the others in 70's?

But back to the terrorists.

The best weapon against a terrorist, who takes a life, and who takes a sober look around - complete oblivion. Not censorship, removing something, but complete oblivion.

Oh yes, many “journalists”, from among the “hunters for sensations,” may be left without work. Information space will be boring. Photographers who find themselves in the place of a state of emergency, do not poke people in the face with lenses. Video operators and correspondents do not climb under the hands of service specialists with idiotic cries “we are in the center of events, on the left you can see the bodies of the dead people ...” and so on, in the style of a television company, which many colleagues have now successfully copied.

No one climbs with cameras into the homes of relatives and friends of those killed in the first hours after the tragedy. All stories can be postponed in accordance with the norms of ethics. Ethics is something that today's media lacks. It is unrealistic to become more tactful on our own - it means that we must force it. The mechanisms for this are like dirt in modern information space.

All information about the incident is issued issued, taking into account the interests of the psychological safety of people. And in general, official news is often enough. Without savoring the bodies of the dead. Without close-ups of heartbroken relatives.

Is it boring But without dirt. You will say that there is enough dirt in social networks. I agree. There frank mayhem today. So, the owners of social networks are simply obliged to bear full responsibility for what is happening in these networks. So that Mr. N., the owner of the social network "Multinas" knew that if terrorists and other undesirable elements establish communication with his social network, he will receive a term. Real, not pixel.

Information terror? Lawlessness? Well, yes, it seems. But the preachers of sects and ISIL recruiters will disappear (especially for Roskomnadzor, which has nothing to do - it is prohibited in the Russian Federation!).

Is it worth being afraid that news will be the same and boring? The question of professionalism. And the question of security is another matter. And the third is that, indeed, if we want to be citizens of a great country, then the principles of building the information field should be appropriate. Educating citizens of a great country, and not who the hell knows, who is ready to turn upside down from a high-rise building because of a pair of dizlicas on his page.

It's time to start building a new personality cult. Personalities of a Russian person and a citizen. And any construction begins with cleaning and site preparation. Our territory should have long been cleared of all manifestations of "democracy" like "secular lionesses", "secular lions" and other representatives of zoology.

And vultures feasting on the blood, too, to remove.

Leave people. Real people do.
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  1. +20
    4 January 2017 06: 48
    It’s just an outrage that is going on in the media, a permissive holiday. But all this affects people's minds and it is beneficial for someone. I believe that it is necessary to limit the flow of unnecessary, false, anti-Russian information. And to remove this, the editorial board is not responsible ... editorial opinion may not coincide .... Bears, even as carries .. impurities in people's heads ..
    1. +17
      4 January 2017 08: 23
      I agree with Roman. But what can change if the main censorship in the media is profit? The point here is that our state ideology is generally prohibited, but in fact - under the cruel censorship of the West. And all that is behind it - complete freedom of "feces" in all liberal media.
      1. +1
        7 January 2017 15: 58
        It's time to start building a new personality cult. Personalities of a Russian person and a citizen. And any construction begins with cleaning and site preparation. Our territory should have long been cleared of all manifestations of "democracy" like "secular lionesses", "secular lions" and other representatives of zoology.
        And vultures feasting on the blood, too, to remove.
        Leave people. Real people do.

        I subscribe. All the same, it is time at the legislative level to decide on the deprivation of citizenship for insulting the memory of the fallen, for mocking state symbols, for treason and not only for this. hi
        1. +3
          7 January 2017 19: 14
          Very good and correct article! Everything is sorted out on the shelves.

          Remark. The collapse of the USSR began, including with the flow of chernukha. The same "600 seconds" ...
    2. +27
      4 January 2017 08: 40
      it is necessary to limit the flow of unnecessary, deceitful, anti-Russian information.

      Not every defamatory is a lie. And not everything praising is true. Moreover, the truth is most often bitter and eyeballs oh how it hurts. And the Soviet censorship mentioned by night did not set itself the task of filtering out the truth from lies. The goal of Soviet censorship was to eliminate the bitter from the diet, leaving only sweet. But whether it was bitter truth, or bitter slander, or a sweet lie - Soviet censorship was not interested. People still learned the truth through other sources of information exchange. So what's the point in such censorship. If its power hides the whole truth from its population, then maybe it is not so much its own, this power. And enemy voices, sometimes telling the truth, may not be so hostile. So, thanks to censorship, vague doubt is born in the people, growing into a stormy and prolonged distrust of the authorities. What this can lead to, what glasnost, what perestroika, and what acceleration we already know. And we don’t need, Roman, to slip old rake. I understand that they are dear to you, like everything Soviet. But not necessary.
      1. +16
        4 January 2017 09: 28
        Mahmut. It’s a pity that the minuses were canceled, I would put 1000 minuses for your defecation!
        1. +19
          4 January 2017 10: 59
          Quote: Starik72
          Mahmut. It’s a pity that the minuses were canceled, I would put 1000 minuses for your defecation!

          In fact, Mahmut is right. But if you don’t like any criticism, there’s a solution - read, listen and watch our Belarusian state-owned media, they’ll only tell you the good lol
          1. +4
            4 January 2017 12: 28
            0255. Well, if YOU do not have brains, then listen and see, and I look, listen and analyze, and distinguish where the TRUTH and where the FALSE. And if this is not given to YOU, then this is not my fault, sorry.
          2. 0
            8 January 2017 20: 45
            Quote: 0255
            In fact, Mahmut is right. But if you don’t like any criticism, there’s a solution - read, listen and watch our Belarusian state-owned media, they’ll only tell you the good

            In our age of the Internet "you can't hide a sewing in a sack". But negative criticism (on the case) must be balanced. It is not the negative that determines the vector of development. When there is only criticism, and there is no information about achievements, this is not right. And it is not possible to please everyone, there is always a "baba yaga who is always against"
        2. +23
          4 January 2017 14: 40

          Instead of 1000 words.
          1. +1
            4 January 2017 15: 00
            Instead of 1000 words.

            Sophistry in pictures. True, this is pain. If it hurts, then the truth is nearby.
            1. +8
              4 January 2017 17: 56
              In the subject "Logic" in the second year we called it "The error of an imaginary consequence"
              which is also associated with "substitution of concepts"
              Truth = pain. It hurts you = it's true.
              The question of perception. True IMHO - a fact. The fact is not a pimple, it does not know how to hurt.
              1. 0
                4 January 2017 18: 23
                The question of perception. True IMHO - a fact. The fact is not a pimple, it does not know how to hurt.

                Is pain a fact or what? Logic is a sophistry tool. With its help, you successfully systematize completely illogical concepts. The only place where it has applied value is solid state physics. True, it goes beyond the boundaries of any generalization of thermodynamics, any methodology approach. True, this is the concept of 3D philosophy, and even the subconscious, you cannot describe it, because any description will distort it with your perception, you can only feel it.
                1. +2
                  4 January 2017 21: 53
                  There is such a book. Find, read. you will not regret!

              2. 0
                7 January 2017 20: 21
                At school, I taught that there are necessary conditions - ("if it is true, then this is pain") and sufficient ("if it hurts, then it is true"), and both must be proven.
          2. +6
            4 January 2017 17: 46
            Kontur your illustration is wonderful. hi
            In real life it is: look at one side is a rectangle, look at the other side is a circle. Both that and another truth, only this truth is different, and the truth is one. The human mind is a complex of functions formed on the basis of hereditary data in the process of education and as a result of the influence of the external environment. The task of the human mind is to find the truth in any situation.
            And today's media, with their propaganda of swagger, greed, superiority of certain groups that are the owners of the national treasure, achieved through lies and deceit, lobbying for lawless lawlessness, instill in the country's citizens a one-sided vision of any process. And it is on the one side that is beneficial for them, where they are white and fluffy and are a role model. And most of all they do not want to allow people to have a holistic worldview, i.e. people should not have the ability to see not only all the facets of what is happening, but to analyze and understand the truth, that is, as in your illustration, to see the whole figure along the edges.
            That is why the consciousness of people is clogged in all possible ways, starting with the declaration of "Western values", many of which even the West itself does not follow, the implantation of consumerism and lies: everything so that the truth remains not known, and people do not understand the essence of the ongoing processes, their destructiveness for people.
      2. +1
        4 January 2017 11: 04
        Quote: Mahmut
        Not every defamatory is a lie. And not everything praising is true

        As the classic said:
        "All the sauce, how to serve"
        It is not even the facts themselves, but how they are presented.
        Quote: Mahmut
        The goal of Soviet censorship was to eliminate the bitter from the diet, leaving only sweet

        But this is true - it turned out as in the saying about prayer and forehead.
      3. +9
        4 January 2017 13: 23
        Modern media work (or rather their leaders) for profit, money is everything. The bulk of our people are not interested in politics and its attendant points. And then the journalists saw everything right for themselves. Money is made mainly on human vices, such as vanity, greed, envy, hatred, etc. Many people are interested in gossip, and not only in our state, but in any country. So the guys make money. And if they order material that our ancestors arrived on permanent residence from the moon, they will write. But the state media, I agree with the author, should not stoop to the level of gossip. This should be monitored by our political leaders.
      4. +4
        4 January 2017 14: 13
        Quote: Mahmut
        ... And we don’t need, Roman, to slip old rake. I understand that they are dear to you, like everything Soviet. But no need ...

        Do you prefer a newer rake?

        You have a frankly weak argument to refute the quote:
        ... it is necessary to limit the flow of unnecessary, deceitful, anti-Russian information ...

        Mahmut, are you a supporter of false and anti-Russian information?
      5. +1
        4 January 2017 14: 58
        And we don’t need, Roman, to slip old rake. I understand that they are dear to you, like everything Soviet. But not necessary.

        I agree one hundred percent. Yes, and we all, IMHO value not Soviet, but youth, strength, dreams, plans, come true or not. Soviet, it was just a coloring, a background. All life was filled with hypocrisy, someone believed that they were broadcasting from high tribunes? Yes, they just did not listen, there was nothing to believe. Believe in yourself. For myself, I discovered Russia only in the nineties, trampled, torn to pieces, with pensioners nursing from the beds, with gangster lawlessness, with fat gold-chain merchants cutting Dzheyrana for metal. Because I saw the truth. The truth makes you stronger, because it shows where you are wrong, where you are weak and makes you correct mistakes. Lying, like a drug, introduces you into the world of illusions and mirages, and ultimately destroys laziness and lack of will. Who needs censorship, let them cultivate it in their narrow circle, no one forbids and they will not be sent to Siberia to wave a Kyle for this.
      6. +3
        4 January 2017 16: 39
        It is not necessary to go from extreme to extreme either, the qualification is needed for extreme manifestations. The people also need to know how the person from the "TV" lives, but digging into the "underwear" is already too much. Since childhood (70s) I remember there were rumors that the one mentioned in the article Mrs. P killed her daughter, and if there were any analogs of the "gossip" the interested people would be aware of her family life.
      7. 0
        6 January 2017 15: 52
        "And we do not need, Roman, to slip old rakes. I understand that they are dear to you, like everything Soviet. But it is not necessary."
        So he doesn't slip. He openly raises a problem (clearly overripe) for the people of VO. It is clear to everyone that this cannot continue, but other methods are needed. The point is not in terminology - "censorship", but in content - the culture of perception, communication, etc. In general, you have to start from kindergarten :)).
      8. 0
        8 January 2017 20: 30
        it is necessary to limit the flow of unnecessary, deceitful, anti-Russian information.

        You can't put a scarf on every mouth. BUT, when everything is screaming outrageously that everything is lost, everything has been merged, very much evokes. BB, by the way, is against Caesura, he spoke about this at the last press conference. But endless dirt and "everything is bad with us" is also not necessary from each iron. In Soviet times, anyone could listen to radio freedom and any other radio. Lies are always covered with a little truth, straight according to Goebbels. The truth is somewhere near. Example (negative) Ukraine
    3. +15
      4 January 2017 10: 48
      In the State simply should be IDEOLOGY!
      In the meantime, the Constitution of the Russian Federation will contain "Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1. Ideological diversity is recognized in the Russian Federation. 2. No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory"
      -What can we talk about ?? The state as a way of social being in the conditions of domination of political alienation cannot exist without ideology. !!!
      This wording of paragraph 13 on ideology was introduced for those who surfaced in the oligarchs in the 90s.
      to protect the private ownership of the main means of production (which (by the way, the Soviet people with the communist ideology did)
      1. +12
        4 January 2017 11: 10
        This article 13 is nothing more than a disguise of liberal ideology, which the liberals of the first wave imposed on Russia., Covering their ideas with recognition of the diversity of ideologies in Russia. There are NO ideologies in Russia - according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the really dominant liberal ideology!
        "Liberalism imposed on Russia contains many ideas that contradict the age-old traditions and system of values ​​of Russian civilization. Such ideas should include; diminishing the role of the state in the social, economic and spiritual life of the country, individualism, priority of personal interests over public and state interests, domination material values ​​over spiritual, the predominance of private property over state property, the admissibility of control of the national property by foreign capital.A special danger of liberalism lies in the emphasis it makes on human rights and freedoms to the detriment of the duty, duties and personal responsibility of every citizen to society and the country as a whole , as a result of which a whole generation has grown up with overestimated requirements for the state, not ready to make special efforts and bear responsibility ... The real danger does not come from the liberal constitution (which few people read), the real danger comes from information, saturated with liberal and neoliberal ideas. Liberalism, concentrating on material values, rejects the dominance of any value system (including the Christian one) in the spiritual life of people and society, clearing the spiritual space for the dominance of Satanism.

        An inevitable consequence of liberal ideology is the fragmentation of society into separate "atoms". Such a society is not mobilization, and can exist only in the absence of large-scale internal and external threats. As for the Western countries, their external threats are mostly far-fetched, while they still manage to keep internal threats under control. . "(
        m_content & task = view & id = 1913 & pop = 1 & page = 200 & Itemid
        = 7)
        1. +3
          4 January 2017 18: 46
          Quote: To be or not to be
          priority of personal interests over public and state interests

          If the state is a thief, then people should not even turn their pockets out themselves.
          Quote: To be or not to be
          on human rights and freedoms to the detriment of the duty, duties and personal responsibility of every citizen to society and the country as a whole

          If a country is robbing its citizens, then duties will be in last place.
          Quote: To be or not to be
          Liberalism, concentrating on material values, rejects the dominance of any value system (including Christian) in the spiritual life of people and society

          Well, this is an outright lie.
          Quote: To be or not to be
          clearing the spiritual space for the dominance of Satanism

          And this is a psychiatrist.
          1. +4
            4 January 2017 21: 49
            1". If the state is a thief, then people should not turn their pockets themselves. ”
            Knowingly false urge. Substitution of officials of thieves - by the state.
            It’s there .. in the story “Louis XIV de Bourbon, who was named Louis-Dyodonnay at birth (“ God-given ”, fr ... supporter of the principle of absolute monarchy and the divine right of kings (he is credited with the expression“ The state is me! ””
            And Zhiglov: "Like that.
            What other talk?
            And then tell him that they in England are stealing no less than ours.
            Yes, yes, and the rule of law in the country is determined not by the presence of thieves, but by the ability of the authorities to neutralize them.
            Like this."

            2. ".. If the country robs its citizens, then duties will be in last place
            3 “Well, this is an outright lie.
            4 "And this is to the psychiatrist."
            Here you have nothing .a "to the psychiatrist." ..-- Hello 6th ward from Fifth
    4. +5
      4 January 2017 16: 43
      And watch only Channel One and Russia 24. Well, well.
      1. +2
        4 January 2017 19: 46
        Quote: Deniska999
        And watch only Channel One and Russia 24. Well, well.

        By the way in Russia, 24 are the most beautiful presenters! the girls are fire !!! my wife is courting me with a towel when I stare, not even listening! wink but in fact, yes ... dull propaganda, lies, and vulgarity ... however, like on all TV channels, because I try not to watch or listen, but 24 on in the kitchen because of the girls ... I like it all ... i love women ... love
  2. +11
    4 January 2017 06: 52
    Thanks, Roman.
    - “secular lionesses”, “secular lions” ...
    1) .And call a spade a spade party-goers.
    2) .To take, for real. for GRANTOEDOV.
    PS Admire the act of F. Castro: in a short period of time he turned the "brothel island" into the "Freedom Island."
    1. +14
      4 January 2017 08: 47
      Fyodor Castro's deed is fascinating: in a short time he turned the "brothel island" into the "Freedom Island"

      My friend stayed on a business trip on this island for 4 years. So, freedom is not an obstacle to a brothel. On the contrary, it’s more affordable at a price.
    2. 0
      5 January 2017 12: 48
      The island as it was a brothel, and remained! In any travel agency, they will tell you this and tell you how best to use it there!
  3. +4
    4 January 2017 07: 03
    Yes Yes Yes!!!
    Media censorship !!!
    We got pseudo-news sucked from a finger, and also about what happened in Nicaragua!
    Give professionalism in journalism!
    1. +5
      4 January 2017 07: 08
      And why not write about what is happening in Nicaragua? What happened in the brothel, I agree, is not necessary. This is professionalism, to separate what is needed for people from the dirt.
      Quote: Dok.
      Yes Yes Yes!!!
      Media censorship !!!
      We got pseudo-news sucked from a finger, and also about what happened in Nicaragua!
      Give professionalism in journalism!
    2. AUL
      4 January 2017 17: 40
      Yes Yes Yes!!!
      Media censorship !!!

      The question is small - who will appoint the censors, and who will these censors be? Edr members? or Zhirinovites? (oh, no - they are liberoids, and even shitcrats) or "children of dad ZY" Who will prepare them, instruct them on the topic of the day, interpret the party's policy? Shall we create another ministry, which will be headed by the next Suslov (or Ribentrop)?
      Shout - "give censorship!" just think first what it will result in!
  4. +7
    4 January 2017 07: 32
    In some respects, the author is right: relishing, for example, details of crimes is unacceptable, as well as invasion of privacy and pornography. But this should not be determined by any censor on the basis of manuals, but Law making inevitable exactly judicial punishment of the offender by huge fines. And the legislative framework for this, basically, is, but it is not applied properly.

    The main thesis of the author about the need to return to the cult of milkmaids and the need for censorship is somewhat naive: the press and TV don't dictate "what to watch" and satisfy requests from readers and viewers for this or that information.

    In the 1980s, spectators who have not been spoiled by anyone else watched the horrible "Slave Izaura" and others like her, "600 seconds", "Look" and "About this", and so on. It was for them interesting. And, it would seem, they should have indignantly rejected them. Alas, man is arranged differently.

    But no one watched the milkmaid on TV and did not read about them in the newspaper, turning them over immediately to the third or 4th page. Alas: from the point of view of education, it’s wrong, but the news is not interesting.

    A person today has a CHOICE, what to watch: the channel "Culture" or TNT, read "Literary Russia" or "NG"

    And, subject to the restrictions provided by the Law, this is correct, IMHO.
    1. 0
      4 January 2017 14: 29
      Quote: Olgovich
      ... this should be determined not by some censor based on training manuals, but by the Law that makes the punishment of the offender inevitable by huge fines ...

      Those. You are a supporter of punitive censorship. Wrong - sat down or went broke.
      Why warn and correct? Immediately "in the face"!
      Censorship (lat. Censura) - control of power over the content and dissemination of information, printed materials, musical and stage works, works of art, film and photo works, radio and television broadcasts, websites and portals, in some cases also private correspondence, in order to limit or prevent the dissemination of ideas and information recognized by this authority as harmful or undesirable
      Censorship also refers to bodies of secular or spiritual authorities that exercise such control ...
      ... By way of implementation, censorship varies preliminary and censorship subsequent (punitive).
  5. +20
    4 January 2017 07: 33
    And what did we expect after the changes in politics, economy and public life that took place in the country after the destruction of the USSR? Everything that happens is quite logical and logical. The system is changing, people are changing. It's just that today our country is different. I doubt that any censorship prohibitions will help here. They won’t help - because money, the thirst for profit, rules the ball. Here knn54 gives an example with Cuba, where F. Castro in a short time, the "brothel island" turned into the "Freedom Island". But it happened exactly the opposite. What a system, such a country.
    1. +1
      4 January 2017 14: 48
      Just applaud! Undeniable reusable +!
    2. +3
      4 January 2017 22: 58
      They are supposed to glue models by age ... but different.
  6. +18
    4 January 2017 07: 34
    But what do we have on the way out? And at the exit, we have an advertisement of frankly parasitic being. Which our modern media carefully chew and suck.
    The media is so powerful that with its ability, but in the right direction ... "I don't believe" that the leadership does not understand this. And if he understands, why doesn't he direct? Question. Hands do not reach everything, this is an excuse. “Sam” said that we need to choose the right priorities. What will the future be like? What moral values ​​will there be? Who and what will the person be? There is no more important task. And for this we must try to get what we love, otherwise we will have to love what we have received. 
    1. +2
      4 January 2017 23: 07
      There must be a middle ground, so talking about success alone in the presence of a huge number of problems is impossible. Virtually no one is interested now (and even then) the labor exploits of individual milkmaids and miners, but the scientific, industrial and military achievements of our country are of interest to many. It is also worth noting the sharply dropped level of professional training of journalists, especially in knowledge of history and the exact sciences.
  7. +3
    4 January 2017 07: 43
    Nothing will come of restrictions or censorship, all this is business. All the media are busy making money on the "hot", and the rest is not interesting, is not in demand or uses little. Consumers of this "hot" will not decrease, which means it will remain. We just need a state program to improve the culture of the population and education from a very young age, when a small person is already ready to master something. And it costs a lot of money, who will give it? If we start doing something in this direction now, then massive results will appear in 20-30 years, not earlier. If you start to do this now, then immediately a howl will start everywhere, exceeding all the permitted decibels to the pain limit, that the "scoop" is reborn and something else, and this is again "hot" - a new "hot", a new topic ... Are we ready for this? After all, you will have to fight hard!
  8. +6
    4 January 2017 07: 46
    + Article. But there is one caveat:
    Who should control and regulate the media? State? - then we will not have adequate opposition forces, sooner or later everything will slide to the line of the party in power.
    Civil society? So you need to develop it. In Europe, this process has been going on for centuries and not from a good life, but from m * Ducks in power. Those. in a year or two we will not build a civil society. Also not an option.
    Self-regulation remains. No matter how incredible it sounds.
    1. +8
      4 January 2017 09: 57
      Quote: habalog ...
      Who should control and regulate ...

      First you need to decide how we will live, what we are building - a society of justice for the distribution of benefits and equality in interpersonal relations or a society of animals, where the most arrogant rules everything.
      As soon as we decide on this, ideology itself will adapt to this and the media, as one of the tools of ideology, will in every way carry out its ideals to the masses.
      The war between homo sapiens and pithecanthropus continues. Everyone must decide for himself who he is and with whom he is.
      1. +2
        4 January 2017 22: 55
        Quote: Boris55
        First you need to decide how we will live, what we are building - a society of justice for the distribution of benefits and equality in interpersonal relations or a society of animals, where the most arrogant rules everything.

        Do not wait for the decree of the party, comrade, it will not be. Those. you can safely start if you have not started yet.

        Quote: Boris55
        As soon as we decide on this, ideology itself will adapt to this and the media, as one of the tools of ideology, will in every way carry out its ideals to the masses.

        The house is not built independently only from the foundation. And whose tool is the media? smile

        Quote: Boris55
        The war between homo sapiens and pithecanthropus continues. Everyone must decide for himself who he is and with whom he is.

        It’s not the first year that I’ve been fighting the neighbor Alconaut. He is drunk, constantly crap in the stairwell. But is he a pithecanthropus? Nope. He is a product of indifference. It’s not my friend or stranger.

        The bottom line is that the media needs self-regulation for harmonious integration into the life of the state. They have someone to take an example from - there are professions with an "oath".
        1. +3
          5 January 2017 07: 02
          Quote: habalog
          In the dry residue:

          I will allow myself to clean up the "dry residue" with a twig. First, about the oath, which is a common ritual. But there are times in life when honor and conscience conflict with an oath. In this case, a noble person has the right to refuse the oath.
          Quote: habalog
          I’ve been fighting the neighbor Alkonaut for several years

          Nature is one and exists on the same principles. The scattering constants are also true for humanity as well as for the automaton. The process of degeneration, as well as the separation of holes up and down, is quite expected and cannot be controlled. The task of the most reasonable part of society is "to constantly monitor the accuracy of the aiming and not to allow" pulling the trigger. "By the way, both Zionist revolutions in the Raseya took place precisely because of the" pulling the trigger "and the use of cartridges of another series.
        2. +1
          5 January 2017 08: 54
          Quote: habalog
          The bottom line is that the media needs self-regulation for harmonious integration into the life of the state. They have someone to take an example from - there are professions with an "oath".

          The media is just an instrument of ideological power, and ideology is a conductor of the concept. As an example: under the USSR there was a different ideology - there were other media.
          You can deal with the consequences to infinity. It is necessary to eliminate the cause.
          1. +2
            5 January 2017 10: 37
            Komrad, at least kill me, but I don’t understand how court decisions merge into Divine power :)

            Quote: Boris55
            The media is just an instrument of ideological power, and ideology is a conductor of the concept. As an example: under the USSR there was a different ideology - there were other media.

            I agree. But, as practice shows, if the media are danced exclusively by the state, they begin to drive the party line. If society dances to the media, everything slides into hedonism in the information sphere.
            You can make up a cool system of checks and balances, you can skip the media through many concepts and ideas. But what's the point?

            + The media are not an instrument of exclusively "ideological" power.
            ++ In the picture of conceptual power, it would be more reasonable to put Karl Marx's "capital" next to the Bible. As if the sources of two different concepts - materialism and idealism.
            1. 0
              5 January 2017 22: 15
              Quote: habalog
              Komrad, at least kill me, but I don’t understand how court decisions merge into Divine power :)

              Well, not by court decisions laughing "Indeed, Allah does not change the position of people until they begin to change themselves." Surah 12. Ayat 13. Judicial decisions are made by people and to what extent they are ready to change themselves - as much HE is ready to change them. Isn't this management of THEM?

              Quote: habalog
              I agree. But, as practice shows, if the media are danced exclusively by the state, they begin to drive the party line. If society dances to the media, everything slides into hedonism in the information sphere.
              You can make up a cool system of checks and balances, you can skip the media through many concepts and ideas. But what's the point?

              The media is an instrument of ideological power. Each ideology has its own nuances. The Communist Party has a communist ideology, the Liberal Democratic Party has a liberal-democratic ideology. The ED has a bourgeois slave ideology, etc.

              Quote: habalog
              + The media are not an instrument of exclusively "ideological" power.

              The purpose and purpose of ideological power to convey to as many citizens as possible the ideas of the concept in the most attractive form for society. Are the media and even a conductor of conceptual power - yes. To fulfill its mission, ideological power uses: paintings, books, posters, newspapers, movies, magazines, etc. ... trying to use the Internet.

              Quote: habalog
              ++ In the picture of conceptual power, it would be more reasonable to put Karl Marx's "capital" next to the Bible. As if the sources of two different concepts - materialism and idealism.

              Karl Marx's "Capital" is a secular version of the Bible, so to speak.
    2. 0
      4 January 2017 12: 00
      Quote: habalog
      Self-regulation remains. No matter how incredible it sounds.

      Self-regulation and self-cleaning. Turn your mind and soul to the origins. URA, URal, URman, Amur, Kursk, KURS, KURILY, KURLANDIA, STORM, censorship If in our great and mighty there are answers to all our "misunderstandings", then why blame everything on the State, invent Ideology? To finally see clearly and turn to the roots of the Slavic tree of life and thereby save all other peoples languishing in a thousand-year captivity of deception.
      1. AUL
        4 January 2017 18: 32
        Konoprav, when you wrote, you didn’t beat a tambourine with your other hand, by any chance? Your spells scare, make you remember the exercist! laughing
        1. +4
          4 January 2017 18: 56
          Not when I write, my hands are busy. And if in a tambourine, then only if by chance. Jarring, however, is an alien look at the entot world ?? I, too, at first fell into disarray, when I realized why all my life I had been saying "okay, bungle, dear", when I realized that Svarog and Lada are children of the God of the Family. And Rod is my sign! And now it's funny to hear about the year of the "rooster".
      2. +1
        4 January 2017 22: 34
        Quote: cunning
        To finally see and turn to the roots of the Slavic tree of life and thereby save all other nations languishing in the millennial captivity of deception.

        And what kind of peoples should be saved, because all white people are descendants of the four genera of the great race, and here I can’t find an answer for myself how it happened that only a part of them were able to preserve at least some memories and knowledge of who we really are the rest seem to be like former allies and co-religionists now trying to exterminate them. In my opinion, white peoples must be saved initially, that in Europe tolerant of what is happening everyone knows the dominance of blacks, but this is not good.
  9. +7
    4 January 2017 07: 53
    “The more monstrous you lie, the sooner they will believe you. Ordinary people rather believe big lies than small ones. This corresponds to their primitive soul. They know that in small things they themselves are capable of lying, well, and they are too shy to lie. It simply will not occur to them.That is why the masses cannot imagine that others would be capable of too monstrous lies.And even when it is explained to them that it is about a lie of monstrous proportions, they will still continue to doubt and will tend to count that, probably, there is still some truth here ... "
    Adolf Gitler.
    His business lives on in "our" media.
  10. +4
    4 January 2017 07: 59
    So, the Personality dominated in the Soviet media. And this person was, of course, boring by today's standards. Milkmaids who achieved record milk yields, miners who pulled tons out of the ground over plan, combine operators, tractor drivers, and so on. Yes, the reports, let's say, were not entirely “hot”, but this was not required. The goal was different.

    I do not agree ...
    Rather, the cult of the collective ... after all, it’s impossible to vilify against it as in the famous film ...
    1. +11
      4 January 2017 10: 12
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      ... you see, it’s not against him as in the famous film ...

      This film is a vivid example of the work of the media soldering people, turning them into animals. As Hitler said there, for the Slavs only vodka and tobacco ...
      Allen Dallas Directive 20/1 18.08.1948/XNUMX/XNUMX
      "... Having sowed chaos in Russia, we will imperceptibly replace their values ​​with false ones and make them believe in these false values. ... Episode after episode, the tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness, will be played out. ... Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will portray and glorify the most base human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called creators who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in short, all immorality. ... Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and no one will need it, they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all hostility and hatred of the Russian people, - we will cultivate all this deftly and imperceptibly, all this will bloom new color. … We will shatter thus, generation after generation. We will tackle people from childhood, adolescence, we will always place our main stake on young people, we will corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make young people - cynics, vulgar, cosmopolitan. This is how we do it ... "
      Practice is the criterion of truth. You may not believe in this detective story, but it is being carried out in full and for the most part by "our" media ...
  11. +7
    4 January 2017 08: 29
    All this, of course, is good ... But in practice it is impossible. Censorship is a dead end. It’s simply not possible to control everything under the dominance of the Internet. Even the Chinese are rumored to be failing.

    There are two ways out.
    The first, as already mentioned above, is jurisprudence. Only not selective, real. At the level "all are equal, and no political nuances can help to evade responsibility." I'm hinting at "Echo".
    The second is a really high-quality information product. A person is a lazy creature (laziness is generally the engine of progress), and simply will not climb up to look for something on the information washes if he has enough of what is "within walking distance"
    1. The comment was deleted.
  12. +10
    4 January 2017 08: 33
    The country lives without a goal, if only to survive. The people consume bread and circuses and slowly degrade. And some 30 years ago, many wanted to become astronauts!
    1. +3
      4 January 2017 10: 22
      I put a plus for your comment. And the last sentence evoked the memory of such a "Yeralash", 22 years ago it came out.
    2. +3
      4 January 2017 14: 33
      So how is it? Steel?
      ... We all wanted to become astronauts, had the best education in the world, the media told us only the good things about Personality and Man - how did it happen that in 1991 the vast majority with joyful howling jumped on a TV with Yeltsin's face on the screen?
      All that we now have, we deserve all this in full measure, having crushed and despised everything that our grandfathers and fathers created, believing it worthless and wrong in comparison with the American picture of a happy present.
  13. +12
    4 January 2017 08: 39
    any construction begins with the cleaning and preparation of the territory

    Only a return to the USSR can turn everything back. You can’t get rid of cosmetic cleaning here.
    Born in the USSR
    You were born to make it come true
    That fairy tale, that there’s only one at all.
    That fairy tale that blood-black dust
    Burned in the tank, and stood at the machine.
    The one that erased corns in the blood.
    What collected spikelets in the field.
    What a person raised to the stars.
    And perished from resentment and longing.
    You have been deceived, meanly and crafty,
    Scum, perverts of all stripes.
    But do not take away the grabbers of your glory.
    How not to understand the greatness of those days.

    Valery Siforov (DNR)
  14. +23
    4 January 2017 08: 46
    Thank you Roman! But since all the same holidays ....
    “Censorship should be” said sanity
    "And who will carry it out?" suspiciousness worried
    “A hook to the right, a hook to the left, a throw through the thigh both on the head and on the head” instincts yelled
    "Will not help" sighed intuition
    “What can’t you do for the sake of money” the insidious grin
    "Everything is possible, we would have a desire," muttered judiciousness
    “And I really want real art” I noticed a sense of beauty
    "Wow, and then we will live ..." fantasy broke out
    "Embed them all!" exclaimed honor and dignity
    "No matter how you were hit," the instinct of self-preservation whispered
    “Let everything remain as it is!” cowardly
    "Well no! We will still fight! ” exclaimed adrenaline
    “Aha! "And the criminal code will be in vain for you, and your deeds go to dust." grunted sarcasm
    “But it’s so painful to look at all this” my heart cried
    "Everything is relative…. compared? Do you get it? So censorship be! ” printed logic
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      4 January 2017 09: 40
      Thanks Egoza !!! Very accurately, clearly and even written with humor !!! Thank !
      1. +7
        4 January 2017 11: 58
        I read the words of Fidget, I support everything. But the thought went aside. The question is why under Soviet censorship there were such diverse lyrics, different topics besides the party: nature, different countries, comic? Although my childhood still caught some songs, by inertia .A pioneer songs or children's songs. What in return? Well, maybe there are some normal songs and that's it
        What about the article? I agree 100% ---- just how to make changes at the country level? I am happy to see that many people have "internal censorship" ", do not read, do not repeat the yellow news, but there is no time besides these a lot of news.
        1. +1
          5 January 2017 19: 41
          Dmitry, do you seem to be writing poetry? A contest of poetry has been announced. Note!
          NEW SERIES FROM ISP_Poetry
          Oksana Kovalevskaya[email protected]>
          To: undisclosed-recipients :;

          Today, 14: 31
          We invite authors to take part in a large-scale project,
          dedicated to modern Russian poetry
          1. 0
            5 January 2017 22: 58
            Thank you, Vyacheslav. Maybe you can read about it. Outside the city, the connection is bad. In any case, the recreation center is in such a place. Here I’ve tried all day to read and write detectives about detectives ----- it is interrupted. Maybe I will return home on Sunday. Or maybe no.
  15. +17
    4 January 2017 09: 12
    First, books are banned, then they are burned in the squares, and then those who wrote and read them are burned ...
    The media is one of the tools to promote ideological power. In all recent elections, the slave ideology conducted by EP won. Why now blame the mirror ...

    We will change the direction of our movement - ideology will also change.
    1. +4
      4 January 2017 23: 52
      Quote: Boris55
      The media is one of the tools to promote ideological power. In all recent elections, slave ideology won

      "social relations are divided into material and ideological. The latter are only a superstructure over the former, which are formed apart from the will and consciousness of a person, as (result) a form of human activity aimed at maintaining his existence.
      ... the superstructure performs the most important social functions in society. The dominant superstructure expresses and consolidates the economic relations of ownership of a given society."
      K. Marx
      1. +2
        5 January 2017 09: 02
        Quote: gm9019
        "... social relations are divided into material and ideological. The latter are only a superstructure over the former, which are formed against the will and consciousness of man ..." K. Marx

        The delirium of the son of two rabbis. Only a blonde at first does, and then thinks laughing
        First, the concept - how we will live, and only then ideology, to carry out the ideas of the concept to the masses ... "Until the idea takes hold of the masses, it is dead."
        Quote: gm9019

        And it really does not happen. With the bourgeoisie, paradise on earth cannot be built for everyone. The goal of any capitalist who we call an entrepreneur is profit at all costs. Their ideal is not to pay slaves at all.
        1. 0
          7 January 2017 09: 09
          And all paradise is simply unworthy!
  16. +7
    4 January 2017 09: 29
    Is fire good or bad? Fire is dangerous, often kills, but without it it’s bad. Therefore, it should burn in such a way as to be beneficial. It should not burn so much as to cause a fire, but also not go out when unburned fuel can form an explosive mixture and explode from any spark.
    I am for censorship, in the positive sense of the word.
  17. +7
    4 January 2017 09: 46
    What, Mr. Skomorokhov, are you putting Rynskaya (Kuritsyna) on the same line with Strelkov? You yourself are not fulfilling an order to discredit a person? How then are you different from all the writing fraternity? Can you tell me? Are we fulfilling the order of the same Surkov? Well, well, turn around together with the general line of the party, screw yourself up and you will be devoured by your "colleagues" in the pen. This has already happened in our country many times. Could you give examples or do you know? From the outside, you can see how your worldview has changed over the course of at least the last two years. Well, you are not the first, you are not the last, you want to eat, and the children are growing up. But still, at least some core must be adhered to, otherwise it is not solid look.
    1. +1
      4 January 2017 10: 28
      Quote: Tambov Wolf
      ... put on the same line Rynskaya (Kuritsyn) with Strelkov?

      They are both on the same side, although they perform different tactical tasks. Girkin's task was to drag Russia into the war in Ukraine. Did not work out. He threw people who believed him and fled from the battlefield to a warm Moscow apartment. The result of his activities in Donbass is that more than half of Ukrainians recognize Russia as an aggressor. And since you are so worried about him, can you tell us how much they pushed boxes from Boeing to our "strategic" friends?
      1. +7
        4 January 2017 11: 12
        Quote: Boris55
        Quote: Tambov Wolf
        ... put on the same line Rynskaya (Kuritsyn) with Strelkov?

        They are both on the same side, although they perform different tactical tasks. Girkin’s task was to draw Russia into the war in Ukraine. Did not work out. He threw people who believed him and fled from the battlefield to a warm Moscow apartment. The result of his activities in the Donbass - more than half of Ukrainians recognize Russia as an aggressor.

        And you remember February-March 2014, when on VO almost every day they wrote that after Crimea we will send troops to the South-East, we will protect Russians from Bandera, the Ukrainian army will not be able to resist the Russian army, and that Ukraine is a "wrong" country with " wrong "coat of arms, flag, anthem and language. Then no one knew about Strelkov, and the Russian media already promised protection of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. And many Ukrainians began to consider Russia an aggressor for the Crimea.
        1. 0
          4 January 2017 13: 34
          Quote: 0255
          ... Then nobody knew about Strelkov, and the Russian media already promised protection for the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. And many Ukrainians began to consider Russia an aggressor for the Crimea ...

          That's exactly what the media, and to whom they belong and whose Wishlist perform - everyone knows. Yes, the Council of Federations urgently allowed the war in Ukraine to be unleashed and Yanek was not opposed ... It is good that President Putin, not Girkin ...
          Think about who needs the Russians to kill the Russians and who works for it ...
          Maybe you know how much black boxes from a Boeing sold. What’s the reason for the birthplace?
          1. +1
            4 January 2017 14: 21
            Quote: Boris55

            Think about who needs the Russians to kill the Russians and who works for it ...
            Maybe you know how much black boxes from a Boeing sold. What’s the reason for the birthplace?

            In the Donbass, and so the Russians are killing Russians
            1. 0
              4 January 2017 14: 44
              Quote: 0255
              In the Donbass, and so the Russians are killing Russians

              Thank you for this, including Girkin, who made it possible for the Kiev junta to determine the enemy ...
              They hang noodles on our ears that if Kiev’s power comes to the Donbass, it will cut everyone, but nothing like this happens in the territory of the Donbass controlled by Kiev. Whether the SBU is atrocious there is certain, but it does not go to any gate compared to the unleashed civil war.
              The difference between the events that took place in Crimea and in the DPR / LPR - Crimea has always been autonomous from Ukraine by entering it. He voted to leave Ukraine and join Russia. DNR / LNR voted for an exit, but did not vote for an entrance - they want the same in Europe, but on the terms ...
  18. +7
    4 January 2017 10: 05
    censorship by censorship, and I would add: the central channels must belong to the state and show what the state needs, the concept of "prime time" has no place there, let Ernst put money elsewhere
    1. AUL
      4 January 2017 18: 52
      The state is a loose concept! And who specifically will censor, i.e. decide what the state needs? Ministers? Officials? Remember what the fight against corruption turned into when currency centners were discovered by a department colonel!
      1. +3
        4 January 2017 20: 30
        Well, it’s still wrong, probably, when the task of the central channels is simply to extract money, and not to promote state values?
  19. +13
    4 January 2017 10: 05
    Uncharacteristic for the current media article.
    But censorship has not gone anywhere. She just took on other forms. And before her are other goals, corresponding, as they used to say, to a socio-political formation.
    In Russia, as in the entire post-Soviet space, real capitalism triumphed, sometimes bashfully referred to as market relations. Consequently, in stock is a market economy. There is no use arguing.
    What is characteristic of such an economy. A market economy is a redistribution of NVP in favor of a small group of individuals. Who will challenge this thesis? And if in countries where capitalism won a long time ago, they came to the conclusion that it is more profitable to have a prosperous middle class, then we are going through the initial process of capital gain, we do not need this middle class.
    How can this process be carried out?
    There are only two ways.
    Effective redistribution in favor of few people is carried out by deception and force. Strength is applied in cases where deception is ineffective.
    Deception is effective only when people cease to understand something, then it is easier to deceive them. This may be a harsh language, but modern society today does not need thinking people,
    Hence the explanation of all efforts to reform education, the degradation of the media, etc. for the most valuable resource (I don’t want to offend anyone) is fools, and since they are rarely born in nature, only a fraction of a percent, then production of fools must be put on the conveyor. Today, the work of this conveyor begins with a kindergarten and then - in stages.
    And the media in this process has one of the main roles. Methods worked out and run-in. And modern means of communication represent unprecedented opportunities.
    1. +3
      5 January 2017 19: 24
      Remember, Victor, the novel by the Strugatsky brothers "Predatory Things of the Century"? Everything that you have just written is perfectly said there. But it was written in 1964 ... I was reading as a boy and thought that we will come to this in the future? And now ... COME!
      1. +3
        6 January 2017 01: 56
        We have come to a lot, which at that time was a bad dream. Maybe we didn’t make that fairy tale come true?
  20. +7
    4 January 2017 10: 24
    Roman, thank you. If you have time, read my article in "VO" "The history of one of my orders." I fully support you. I have the honor.
  21. +1
    4 January 2017 10: 25
    And if what the author suggested to spread to VO. The author will also be happy for what he wrote.
  22. +6
    4 January 2017 11: 20
    Hmm ... censorship in the media ... it's a double-edged sword .. The easiest way to ban. The forbidden fruit is sweet. Behind the sweet fruit, despite the watchman and the angry dog ​​climb over the fence ... First, units climb, then en masse .. .Author refers to Soviet censorship in the Soviet state with social justice, whatever it was, but there was ... Censorship in the bourgeois state ... it's interesting .. Yes, in Soviet times they wrote about milkmaids, miners, etc. .. And now introducing censorship about whom to write .. about a worker who replenished the capital of his master? How did he go out to work overtime, absolutely free of charge, with the only thought that the owner would have superprofits? .. Yes, the media are now writing, showing all kinds of crap, but they won’t show anything else ... they can’t ... it’s impossible .. that people I wasn’t overly excited .. The better the brains of the people are clogged up, the easier it is to manage them ... to manipulate ... What, let’s say corruption at the local level, when the love between singer P and a certain G. .. terrorists recruit innocent souls. 25 years ..state prepared souls for recruitment by terrorists. 25 years from the pages of newspapers and screens spills b, jaundice and all kinds of dirt .. On this not a single generation has formed .. and is being formed now .. Exit, I don’t know .. Probably like that .. Onjay Neff. 7,62 white cane
  23. +4
    4 January 2017 11: 21
    The wishes in the article are correct. Moving in this direction is necessary. Here are just concrete steps - tight with them.
    And the answer is not the lack of the political will of the leadership or the media’s reluctance, but rather the reason for the people’s instincts: all good things require effort, work on yourself, and mucks turn out easily ...
    1. +3
      4 January 2017 19: 58
      Greetings to all members of the forum!
      You are mistaken, dear "Roma" about the lack of political will of the leadership, it is just there, and all these 25 years after the collapse of the USSR. Only she (I mean the political will of the leadership) in my opinion concludes that most people need to be stupid to the level of an easily managed herd of sheep or cows, no matter how paradoxical my confidence seems to you.
      You will not believe the "Roma" that if it were otherwise, the country's leadership, through laws and law enforcement agencies, easily and without delay, "would screw the nuts", close or fine any of the media outlets, aimed at helping citizens to think, analyze, verify any information from several sources and learn not to listen to everything, hanging their ears, but to get acquainted with different opinions and appeals, each for himself to come to his own opinion.
      After all, if something does not suit the top leadership, then questions and problems within the country are resolved quickly, or not.
  24. +4
    4 January 2017 11: 24
    Just about the topic, yesterday on the seemingly opposition channel, Yevgeny Kisilev seriously discussed the inferiority of the Russian language compared to Ukrainian and English. Is there a bottom for such a lot?
    1. +3
      4 January 2017 15: 29
      And to compare the number of famous writers, poets, scientists in Russian and Ukrainian? I do not speak about English, because the comparison should be very painstaking ---- along with the territory of the English-speaking colonies.
    2. 0
      4 January 2017 18: 21
      Is there any channel and name of the program?
      1. +1
        5 January 2017 10: 15
        Channel of the opposition deputy Evgeny Muraev-News-Van. This deputy, although he cuts the truth-womb about the junta, but the main mouthpiece on his own channel are such planes as Yevgeny Kiselev and Mud oh Matvey Ganapolsky.
  25. +3
    4 January 2017 11: 59
    I fully support. It is high time to create a ministry of propaganda, and to include the impotent Roskomnadzor in its structure, with a preliminary analysis of the work done and the cleaning of the ranks.
    But unfortunately, while the media are guided only by profit. It is time to introduce penalties for the promotion of violence and cosmopolitanism. Say this is the return of 1937? Maybe just let’s remember what growth rates of the economy and the level of patriotism were at that time?
  26. +4
    4 January 2017 12: 03
    Consider the HE and ECHO of Moscow.
    Echo writes that officials are stealing from the budget, commentators on VO write the same thing.
    Echo writes that in a country of devastation, and pensions are small, commentators on VO write the same thing,
    Echo writes that Putin does not think about the people, commentators on VO write the same thing.
    Echo writes that ignoramuses are in power, and commentators on VO write the same thing.
    Echo writes about the stuffing in the elections, commentators on VO write the same thing.
    Echo writes that the exam, the commentators on VO write the same badly.
    Echo writes, industry is falling apart, commentators on VO write the same thing.
    Echo writes, hospitals are closing, commentators on VO write the same thing.
    In VO there are also many dissatisfied with power, as well as in the echo! and how to deal with them?
    Here, too, to apply jurisprudence is not selective, but real. Proponents of censorship Do you think that censorship will not affect you, and your opinion is correct?
    Regarding the fact that everyone is lazy. Well, there are also not lazy ones who will climb up to search and may find one that does not meet the official version. How then to be?
    For example, I share Putin’s policies and his actions in foreign and domestic politics, but what about those who doubt and pour mud at the president?
    I suggest planting. including commentators on VO!
    1. +4
      4 January 2017 15: 22
      Quote: Kostya Andreev
      I suggest planting. including commentators on VO!

      Get started!
      Only can the State, represented by affined representatives like Kostya Andreev, first sue such as Gazprom-Media Holding, the owner of Echo of Moscow, since he cites them as an example? Or is it more expensive to sue "Holding", easier with VO commentators? Or maybe we just "don't hand over our own"?
      1. +2
        4 January 2017 20: 11
        Are you talking about your echo or VO?
        Good! how do you explain the fact that the comments on VO and Echo Moscow are similar? Does the echo bother you? you can take other media in which they say the same thing !!!
        Only in one case are they patriots, and in the other case are State Department agents living on grants, which need to be closed, shot, etc., etc.
        And for what should I have to sue Moscow echo if on such a patriotic VO, where 80 percent say the same thing as some kind of nonsense with the liberal media. Maybe in the same bunch of liberals like an echo? just for beginners !!! which, if properly processed, then they will go to the Maidan, for cookies?
        About your? show me where I scold the authorities, I say that the president is a thief, that our country consists of thieves, that they need to be changed, accuse them of betraying interests?
        Maybe it was "yours" dug in on the echo of Moscow?
        1. +3
          4 January 2017 23: 24
          Quote: Kostya Andreev
          Good! how do you explain the fact that the comments on VO and Echo Moscow are similar?

          Maybe they are similar, I have not tested it. But the goals are different. Here at VO, as it seems to me, people are trying to get through to the authorities about preserving the country on the basis of equal justice for all, which cannot be said about the statements and goals at Echo of Moscow.
        2. +2
          5 January 2017 02: 29
          "Maybe in the same bunch of liberals as the echo? Just beginners !!! which, if properly processed, they will go to the Maidan, for pechenyuzhki?" (from)

          Kostya, you’ll just go. The most basic question for you is who will bring cookies.
          1. +1
            5 January 2017 06: 54
            And do not look for any meaning in bone words. He tries to spoil everywhere, even in the articles by Sophia Milyutinskaya, no one supports. And now ------ he decided with one comment to solve all the VO at once. Expose everyone and expose them all! Repressions! A terrible person. !!!!!!!! Somewhere the doctors went to VO, otherwise they would have made a diagnosis. Although, probably, they did it in the madhouse. The madhouse is good, the sick are busy, and we - read
            1. 0
              5 January 2017 10: 54
              Young man, try not to mention a third person in the dispute. especially a woman, since I can say "Who is Milyutinskaya? and for me she is not an authority." and already start quarreling with her, you are a gossip and a grumpy wench !!!
              In this case, your behavior resembles that of a jackal of tobacco when you try to add weight to your words using someone else's name and achievements. This behavior does not decorate an adult, but corresponds to the level of a child.
              Correct !!!
          2. 0
            5 January 2017 10: 45
            And why am I going for cookies, if life suits me? I do not whine unlike some. that enterprises are closing down, that officials and measures, governors are taking bribes, that Putin is ruining the country, unlike some. so cookies are intended for those who are dissatisfied with the authorities, and want to live well here and now, so that the state provides them with work and money. I do not belong to such!
            In connection with the crisis, it got worse, I had to tighten my belt somewhat, but I hope for the best.
            So the question of cookies is for you.

            in other sterns, too, everything is not in order, people will live differently and I will not compete with you in wit, only why there are so many aching people on the site that life is bad, what the government needs to do. for example, what did you do so that the country would develop, that enterprises would open, just sit on the VO and scold the authorities for not saving the zil and other plants. and yourself a penny
            1. +1
              5 January 2017 11: 53
              I will not be mistaken if I say that not only for me Sophia Milyutinskaya is a Journalist with a capital letter. Her activities are worthy of the highest praise. Your posts are such that you can see ----- you’re eating cookies all the time.
              Py.Sy.You deleted your schizophrenic fortune-telling about Stalin? Forgot about controlling you.
              1. 0
                5 January 2017 12: 14
                Great, about Sophia, they said, I share, it pleases! But now the conversation is not about Sophia's achievements, and with what letter she is a journalist.
                the other saddens you as a boy, trying not to prove something with your authority, but as a child; and here I am, and here I have, but I know that, you understand that you are zero. You also showed it well about posts, I liked that even you (to put it mildly ...) were hooked by a person who was thinking (not sharing my views) and even more so.
                Fu, what words "eat", people eat, and eat animals, pigs, reptiles.
                P.S. Control, control has grown, clown. trying to give weight and significance to his figure and the meaning of existence in the network.
                In the meantime, mouse up, mouse.
  27. +6
    4 January 2017 12: 33
    A long overdue, topical and necessary article.
    The media have long lost their sense of proportion in the pursuit of rating (profit), it is time to return them to the bounds of decency. Their programs, mixed with advertising, are cynical and empty. There is no kindness, no sympathy, no morality - squabbles, scandals, "extrasex ... - ns", "territory of the unknown" instead of the cognitive "Obvious incredible", instead of "You can do this" programs about the housing issue (frankly annoying people, living on a pittance).

    Need censorship in terms of ethics and cognition, usefulness and spirituality of programs.
  28. +3
    4 January 2017 12: 36
    Quote: Boris55
    Quote: The same LYOKHA
    ... you see, it’s not against him as in the famous film ...

    This film is a vivid example of the work of the media soldering people, turning them into animals. As Hitler said there, for the Slavs only vodka and tobacco ...
    Allen Dallas Directive 20/1 18.08.1948/XNUMX/XNUMX
    "... Having sowed chaos in Russia, we will imperceptibly replace their values ​​with false ones and make them believe in these false values. ... Episode after episode, the tragedy of the death of the most recalcitrant people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness, will be played out. ... Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will portray and glorify the most base human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called creators who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal - in short, all immorality. ... Honesty and decency will be ridiculed and no one will need it, they will turn into a relic of the past. Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other and shamelessness, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, above all hostility and hatred of the Russian people, - we will cultivate all this deftly and imperceptibly, all this will bloom new color. … We will shatter thus, generation after generation. We will tackle people from childhood, adolescence, we will always place our main stake on young people, we will corrupt, corrupt, corrupt them. We will make young people - cynics, vulgar, cosmopolitan. This is how we do it ... "
    Practice is the criterion of truth. You may not believe in this detective story, but it is being carried out in full and for the most part by "our" media ...

    "- How to say, how to say ... - Lakhnovsky shook his head, <...> - <...> Because your head is not filled with what, say, mine. You have not thought about the future. The war will end - everything will somehow settle down And we will throw everything that we have, what we have: all the gold, all the material power to fool and fool people! The human brain, the consciousness of people is capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we will imperceptibly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them into Believe these false values! How, you ask? How ?!
    Lakhnovsky, as he spoke, began again, for the umpteenth time, to become excited, to run around the room.
    - We will find our like-minded people: our allies and assistants in Russia itself! - Lakhnovsky shouted, breaking down. "(The most secret and murderous directive from The Dulles Plan).
    Enough to post all nonsense!
    1. +1
      4 January 2017 13: 20
      Quote: russkyvoin
      Enough to post all nonsense!

      You have not confused the chronology of events for an hour? Directive from 1947, and the film began to be shot in 1973. From the fact that the words from official documents are embedded in the mouth of the heroes of the film, official documents do not cease to be official.
      And again for you: Practice is the criterion of truth. One may not believe in this directive, but it is being implemented in full and for the most part by "our" media ... This is the main thing that I wanted to say.
      More details about the directive:
      Original text:
      16/03 / Thomas-H.rar
      Original text from the scanner: NSC_20 / 1 -
      16/03 /
      1. 0
        4 January 2017 21: 19
        Zhidomassonsky conspiracy, enemies around ?! :-)))
        1. 0
          5 January 2017 09: 11
          Quote: russkyvoin
          Zhidomassonsky conspiracy, enemies around ?! :-)))

          Jews are only a tool in the hands of the GP.
  29. +4
    4 January 2017 12: 37
    We all know what to do, but we can’t do anything because you won’t be able to break the whip with a whip. Can you imagine what a whip should be !!!
  30. +4
    4 January 2017 12: 41
    The most important censorship is MORALITY and CONSCIENCE, and where to get THEM if THEM is lowered below the baseboard.
    1. +3
      4 January 2017 16: 05
      Morality and conscience must be taken in the spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy.
  31. +4
    4 January 2017 12: 48
    but who said that a journalist is necessarily soulless cattle? Living for the momentary success of the hot stuff?

    If this were not so, then this article would not exist.
  32. +11
    4 January 2017 13: 22
    Hehe hehe ....
    When I was a student, I had a chance to talk with future journalists. I, a student of MISiS (steel and alloys) and a couple from the journalism department of Moscow State University. Wow, how much contempt they suddenly became, as soon as they found out where I was studying. And to whom.
    Why did I remember all this.
    And to the fact that in the 90s of the last century it was prestigious to study at the Faculty of Journalism. And from these "prestigious" kids became magazines. Already in those days they dabbled in cocaine, ecstasy, drank expensive whiskers instead of vodka - they led a bohemian image, one might say. So what are you calling them to, Roman?
    To giving up their life? They won’t go for it. To ethics? And what kind of ethics can those who, from youth, are accustomed to look at all, like Lenin, the bourgeoisie? We are third-class people for them - they’re kind of like kings here ...
    There is only one censorship in capitalist society - money. And no morality, ethics and anything else - you can say and write the "correct" words as much as you like - but this is an empty phrase.
    Only a return to socialism, with its values, which are instilled in kindergarten - only then is it possible to change the media space. Only then "secular lionesses" will be called bl..mi, and party-goers - gigolo. And nothing else.
    So there will be no censorship - and if suddenly, then ... "Who are the judges?" :) Will we take another zakharchenka later? :)
    PS I remember, Roman, a couple of years ago, there was an advertisement for games on VO - why? And now, apparently, there are other sources of income. So it’s not for you to talk about censorship and moral standards.
    PPS When the devil cannot sin, he becomes an angel - this is about you.
  33. The comment was deleted.
  34. +9
    4 January 2017 13: 35
    [quoteIt's time to start building a new personality cult. Personalities of Russian people and citizens. And any construction begins with the cleaning and preparation of the territory. Our territory has long been necessary to clear of all manifestations of "democracy" such as "secular lionesses", "secular lions" and other representatives of zoology.] [/ Quote]
    I completely agree with the article, but as always, "BUT" ...
    In our country, the Constitution supposedly prohibits any ideology (though in fact, everything except the liberal one) and the "Cult of Personality" as well. From there and the policy of state power - develop as a "Personality" as you like, to your taste and color. Everything is given by the state at the mercy of society, and about society it is eloquently written about how it is "treated". So that's it. Until the state takes control of the strategy of the development of society, and not of individual publicized personalities, good things cannot be expected. But here's the question. Are those people sitting in the offices of power and are they capable of introducing a policy of improving society, if they feed us with signs to the Mannerheims, monuments to Kolchaks and Krasnovs, and finally, Yeltsin centers?
    It turns out wherever you throw it, there is a wedge everywhere! And where should the "poor peasant" go?
    Three options:
    1. Throw out the phone, computer, TV and move away from all these slops pouring from the screen and go to a remote village to the Old Believers.
    2. To unite in society against these "slops" and to fight. That is not realistic under the current conditions for various reasons: banal laziness, "myakhataskrayu", not the ability to change (it is not comfortable to change something), and just those imposed "values" in the form of "secular lionesses".
    3. Change of state policy. But this will require new people interested in improving the society.
    Are there these people? If, in the absence of an alternative, all together in the elections to the State Duma voted for the United Russia, which then voted with its full complement for the anti-child law "Contingent"?
  35. +7
    4 January 2017 13: 41
    All this lawlessness in SMRAD is created with the direct connivance of our absolutely not respected leading and guiding party of the United Russia.
    The feces pouring from the SMRAD are the result of the work of internal enemies, the liberals and the leading political party of the United Russia, sticking together with the former in a single rush.
    1. +3
      4 January 2017 14: 05
      I am for Russia, the President, and EP will fall apart, I will stick out the morgals.
      censorship is necessary, so that such gorlopanov like you, rot in prison, if the fine does not help. You are the representative of the fifth column, admit how much you were paid, on the echo or in the State Department, in order to discredit the current government elected by popular vote in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
      You are the horn of Western propaganda hiding, but we will bring everyone out into the open, give time.
      Censorship is definitely needed, because I'm tired of reading libel about power !!!
      I am for censorship !!!
      1. +10
        4 January 2017 14: 20
        Kostya, you made me laugh, greatly made me laugh ...
        Colonel Zakharchenko - a member of the EP? And Ulyukaev? Maybe they are not ERovtsy?
        Or maybe the officials / governors who were taken for "warm" - they are not members of the United Russia?
        And, you just don’t know how business owners were driven into this party in 2005-2006 ... Well, yes, yes ...
        And speaking of the elections, only 25% of the population admitted to the elections voted for EP, taking into account the turnout, if that.
        So you can scream further about horns and echoes ... as much as you like.
        But if you don't call white white, and black black, then, dear, you get a one-sided picture of the world. Not to see the shortcomings and not to point out them - is this not a betrayal? :) Although it is difficult for you "uryakalka" to understand.
        1. AUL
          4 January 2017 19: 13
          Kostya, you are probably uncomfortable in the straitjacket to pound on the clave? In vain the head doctor lets you on the Internet! laughing
          1. 0
            5 January 2017 07: 20
            Quote from AUL
            Kostya, you are probably uncomfortable in the straitjacket to pound on the clave? In vain the head doctor lets you on the Internet! laughing

            It’s a pity that I didn’t get your comment, I wrote a similar one above. Perhaps human rights and all kinds of democratic transformations are now in the madhouse too?
            In one, Kostya was right ----- there would be a caesura, he would have been deleted from VO !!!! Having gone everywhere, now he began to hide behind Russia's interests. However, the most notorious liberals and traitors do it.
        2. 0
          4 January 2017 21: 46
          Dear, and what it should show! a person will always steal when there is an opportunity and no moral attitudes and fears of getting a term. This was the case in the CPSU, with the Union, this is now., It will always be, regardless of the party affiliation of the faith. nation and color.
          You probably found the Union when a person with a membership card was not subjected to the same responsibility as a person who did not have it. for example for theft. Then did you also resent injustice? or how did they explain this situation or tried not to notice?
          driven into the party. I do not argue maybe. you better tell what kind of businessmen hephaestus received from joining the party.

          about the elections again, twenty-five, and what do you really think that EP had competitors? How am I going to vote for the Communists if they have billionaires and businessmen in the party. but there are no workers?
          Eligible for election, how is it? Well, I guess I need to see Moscow’s echo there and they will explain to me what you meant, and you probably took information from there either from other non-worthy media, and official info is a deception of the people. And about the elections, I had a chance to work with one person for a while (for a long time), I can only say one thing, they will vote for someone for whom it is necessary, only money is needed to hire talkers (simplified). I know how the elections took place, but for the most part voters for EP.
          It is interesting how statements on VO often coincide with Ekhov’s, even surprisingly. There they also talk about shortcomings and, like here, they urge to point to them. only they are American litter, and here patriots are rejoicing for future fatherland and that would not allow a one-sided picture of the world.
          I forgot to add that I agree with your assessment of journalists by 120%. And in the Soviet Union there were no Alphonse, which are now called secular lions? Oh well
          1. +4
            4 January 2017 22: 51
            I will answer out of order.
            1. Elections: see Pamfilova’s statistics - she’s not working on an echo, but the official representative of the CEC. Admitted to the elections - well, at least in Russia there is a lower age limit.
            2. By theft. Interesting. Very interesting. Why is it now that any position in state structures is perceived as a "feeding trough" - an official, mayor, governor are just feeding troughs. And under the USSR, when such people were caught, as a rule, they were given a tower. Or SUCH real terms - that little seemed to anyone.
            3. On the question, they were driven into the party. Kostik, if before the businessmen just came and "squeezed out" the money for the elections - now they "voluntarily and with a song financed ... EP". Or they were just running out of business. So the question about gesheft, which they did not have, should be posed differently - they were simply given the go-ahead for further ... business.
            4. For whom to vote ... Well, as an example - the Air Defense Party - there are also patriots from the Putin community - but it's amazing - the party that actually collected live signatures - it was not even allowed to vote. Is it not out of fear? And they voted ... according to the principle, it is better to be stable badly than badly and unstable. Ferstein? Not for the best, but for the continuation of "Sucks" - and this is a choice, yes ... Awesome, I would say so ...
            5. The difference between an echo and a patriot is imperceptible to you. For one simple reason - you see the effect. And there and there the type is the same. And the difference, meanwhile, is enormous. There, on the echo, they want the collapse of the country, and here, on O, they want the prosperity of the country and so that "the authorities would begin to listen to the people" and not to the electorate. The line is thin, not perceptible by everyone, but therefore no less effective.
            Something like that.
            And pseudo-patriots who are only "uryakalki" are true opportunists, true enemies. They need to plant corn in the permafrost, or turn rivers to sleep - if only the elder ordered them. They have forgotten how to think with their own heads - that's what is sad.
            1. 0
              5 January 2017 11: 21
              1 In Russia, there are certain requirements for voters !.
              .2. Of course you know better. But for example, Rezhnev’s daughter was not imprisoned, and who was associated with her too, and many examples can be cited from history and from her own experience.
              3. I know a person who, after the election, became very successful as a guest, and I don’t believe in business nagging. Well, let it be the one you said.
              4. I do not know why you call the situation stably bad, you need to work to be better. I don’t whine that I can’t buy a car like my friend for 4 million, I know that he worked for her for several years. and if someone promises me that tomorrow I will have one, I will laugh in his face. And for a better future, which one they promise?
              5. Honestly, there is no difference. We probably have a different concept with you about patriotism. for example, to slop the power with slops, accusing it of its worthless life, I do not consider manifestation of patriotism.
              About the fact that the echo want the collapse of the country themselves invented. they want Russia without Putin, for the president to be elected by the people, not by the Ozero cooperative, and for the standard of living to be the same as in the West, and production work, for the country to get off the needle of minerals, so that power considered the people, read their posts (just don't cite odious idiots as an example, because I will also start citing only others)
              Regarding to listen to the people: to whom, who pokes keys on the VO and dreams of a freebie or whoever creates jobs, pays taxes, develops production. This is also a people, and there are no fewer such people (or even more) than patriots in the Soviet Union, whose patriotism is to give advice on what and how to do. with a complete lack of desire to do something.
              Here with these words

              Quote: Skeptic Self-taught
              Forgot to think with your own head - that's sad.

              I agree to all 120 percent, everyone expects someone to come and do everything for them, find a job for them, stand a plant, protect rights. increase salary.
              1. +2
                5 January 2017 15: 13
                "But for example, Rezhnev's daughter was not imprisoned, and who was associated with her too," (c)
                Brezhnev’s son-in-law was sitting.
                After this comment, I think the discussion with you is over - for you definitely do not understand what you are writing, and you have zero knowledge of history.
                1. +1
                  5 January 2017 18: 23
                  Actually, he had three of them, (not counting Galina’s hobbies). Churbanov was sitting, and after Brezhnev died, that is, the roof was gone. and the story was interesting there.
                  Yes, a connoisseur of history, I really am far from your knowledge.
                  And you still tell me about ignorance of history and my misunderstanding. Oh well.
                  grab the tops and all consider themselves great historians.
                  well, we won’t discuss it, we won’t, I’ll go to raise education to your level.
                  Respectfully goodbye.
  36. +6
    4 January 2017 15: 02
    Judging by how the Soviet Union collapsed, the problem is not censorship, propaganda and ideology, but something else. And still in the USSR there were 20 million communists who were ready to defend the socialist fatherland, but were not ready. What is brother weakness?
    1. AUL
      4 January 2017 19: 17
      Everyone, and not just communists, would rise to defend the fatherland. But to tear the ass for the regional committees and the Politburo of the bad was not enough.
    2. +1
      4 January 2017 20: 45
      The problem is that of them there were much fewer Communists.
  37. +5
    4 January 2017 15: 02
    With two hands - "For"! Indeed - it hurt.
    On the one hand, the channels are almost all private and they are making up the broadcasting network based on their commercial interests and calculations, but, on the other hand, the TV tower is still in state ownership, and the substation and cable network that feeds this entire stable with the "national property" - everything should be under the control of the state (and its organs). If the State in the person of its authorized bodies looks "through its fingers" or - as at all this information trash, then it must be so!
    Do we believe our state, or are we already doubting its capacity?
    And, also this: "But the preachers of sects and ISIS recruiters will disappear (especially for Roskomnadzor, which has nothing to do - it is prohibited in the Russian Federation!)."
    Three times the publishing system "Ridero" returned to me for editing the text of the book "The Source became aware" with a recommendation to remove from the text any mention of this needle itself.
    I wrote the book myself, and therefore I know the text by heart, but, just in case, I re-read it three times. No ig-la, even cry, and Rospotrebnadzor insists - remove all mention!
    I pumped the text through the "new censors" program. It turned out that not people / humans understand there, but computers. So we found a combination of needles in the word annihilation.
    How to explain to a soulless machine that physical laws cannot be canceled or forbidden, no matter what High Signature they are bound together.
    1. +2
      4 January 2017 15: 52
      Quote: capitosha1rang

      I sympathize. Great and Mighty suggests a synonym for "mutual destruction", for example. It's good that they didn't find fault with "... trousers, tailcoat, vest" - you know the continuation. Best wishes for the New Year.
    2. +1
      4 January 2017 18: 30
      capitosha 1 rank
      Replace the Russian "r" (ge) with the Latin "r" (er) - the computer does not recognize, and the article will pass.
    3. 0
      5 January 2017 19: 05
      It is necessary to work with live editors !!!
  38. +2
    4 January 2017 15: 22
    First of all, there should be a clearly defined state ideology, a cultural program for the development of society, clearly marked moral and ethical guidelines. And then censorship - to destroy everything that does not fit into the outlined framework. Citizens of our country should understand from childhood what is "good", what is "bad".
    1. AUL
      4 January 2017 21: 06
      According to the "certain state ideology" Chubais is good. Serdyukov is good. All sorts of Vasilyevs, Zakharchenks and Ulyukayevs - judging by the reaction of the state to them, it's also not bad.
      Understand, the ideology and morality of society can come to the masses only from above, and not by order, law or with the help of censorship, but by the personal example of the leaders of society! Calls "Let's be honest!" from the side of the thief somehow do not take root.
      1. +1
        5 January 2017 16: 00
        And here I completely agree with you. Such a systemic impact on public consciousness is possible only "from above", but the "top" does not need this nafik, because they themselves are morally decayed, and work not for the good of the country, but for the good of their own pockets.
  39. +4
    4 January 2017 15: 39
    Good article, well done Roman!
    The main thing today is that there is a purposeful processing of consciousness, consumerism, greed, snobbery are being cultivated, falsehood is becoming the norm.
    And the media do it on a special basis - this is the order of those who pay them. The propaganda of the supposedly "independent media" hides those who are dependent on those who pay them. Those who place advertisements pay, they need to strengthen in the minds of people the inviolability of their own superiority. In the end, the ultimate payer of an expensive advertising product is the people who buy products, not even advertised, but manufactured at enterprises owned by advertising customers.
    People pay for their own fooling. Like this.
    As for the Soviet era: then the model was a man of labor, and this bore fruit. The USSR was able to withstand the main monster -USA. When I follow the current policy of the Russian Federation, I often get the opinion that in many issues the country makes half-hearted decisions, precisely because there is no way to resist.
    And it's not that we were young during the USSR period. The fact is that young people currently living consider deception the norm. For many people who are going to apartments or offering services on the Internet that they are not going to provide, young people cheating and misleading people, taking advantage of their insecurity, is not something reprehensible, they believe that they work! And this is scary.
  40. The comment was deleted.
    1. +4
      4 January 2017 16: 26
      Quote: Zulu_S
      Normally, the brain in order to separate the grains from the chaff. Or seek out and find the pearl seed.

      Excuse me, do you have such an interest in "looking for a pearl"? Well, you know, for an amateur. For me, it’s easier to watch channels that do not "explode" the chernukha brain - stress and so in this life in abundance.
      Due to his "weakness" for the positive, he limited himself and the child only to "Zvezda", "OTR", Russia K "and" Carousel. "The rest of the channels broadcast on the air are" dead "for me.
    2. 0
      4 January 2017 18: 21
      Quote: Zulu_S
      Normally, the brain in order to separate the grains from the chaff.

      In nutrition, do you act on the same principle, or do you prefer buckwheat without husks and fish without scales?
      Why lay out unhealthy dishes in the dining room?
      1. +2
        4 January 2017 20: 44
        The problem is who will select. And then you will get husk without buckwheat and you won’t even know what buckwheat is.
        1. AUL
          4 January 2017 21: 21
          Sotskiy, are you really such a gullible person that you want to delegate the formation of your opinion to someone else, and you don’t even know who? Or is it just the process of independent thinking that bores you so much? Tell me, did you know your wife before the wedding, or what did the union give out, did you marry it? laughing
        2. +1
          5 January 2017 13: 09
          Quote: Kenneth
          The problem is who will select. And then you will get husk without buckwheat and you won’t even know what buckwheat is.

          "Selection" should be carried out by those to whom you (we) have delegated authority, based on applicable law.
          In the dining room - this is the cook (buckwheat without husks), in the state - the authorities: legislative, executive, judicial.

          Censorship, and is currently being implemented, should not broadcast frank pornography, promote drugs, fascist ideology, etc.
          The problem is that this is not being done effectively enough.
          1. +1
            5 January 2017 21: 05
            I read in parts, maybe I missed that. If I repeat it --- accidentally. There is probably censorship on TV that is not quite the same as the respected Caretaker wrote above. There are some strange huge inserts and unfinished broadcasts. And something else. Such undeclared censorship in whose favor?
            About drugs. They somehow look like pictures on TV in one way or another. Well, and alcohol as well. Like hidden advertising.
            1. +2
              5 January 2017 21: 20
              There is preliminary censorship, and sometimes subsequent (punitive).
              In our country and in most European countries, censorship is officially applied and punitively unofficially preliminary. The problem is in the legislation and law enforcement practice within the framework of the legislation.
              "The law is that the tongue, wherever you turn, went there."
  41. +4
    4 January 2017 16: 30
    Despite the prohibitions established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, we also HAVE a cult of personality, you know who, and the ideology of official superficial patriotism, based on an external threat and the need to protect the property of domestic bourgeois from their Western "brothers", seasoned with the nostalgia of the majority of the beggar population in the USSR and the times of social justice and really working social lifts. All this is there. And the domestic media also secretly follow this "ideology." simultaneously fooling the population with informational consumer goods. After all, it has long been proven that fools are easier to control and manipulate. It is enough to look at the bulk of modern youth (under 30) and defective managers. Everything is clear without words.
    1. +1
      5 January 2017 19: 01
      That is how it is!
  42. +4
    4 January 2017 17: 08
    First of all, it is necessary to remove all those annoying faces calling themselves "stars" from TV, although there even the "lionesses" are not drawn to the sparkle, although there are only associations with a woman of easy virtue.
    And few good journalists. Especially few people who love their country.
    1. 0
      5 January 2017 08: 17
      Quote: Razvedka_Boem
      And few good journalists. Especially few people who love their country.

      Can you use these words of yours to your article about journalists? In a personal email, if not difficult.
  43. +4
    4 January 2017 17: 30
    But what do we have at the exit? And at the exit, we have advertising frankly parasitic being. Which our modern media diligently chew and suck. How, scandals bring views and cause interest. And thus create advertising for all these "socialites" and other, not the best part of our society.
    And if you show it every day on TV and in YouTube, then this behavior becomes kind and acceptable.

    Alas, the fact is, sometimes the readership votes for such things that you are not proud of at all.
    Of course. It's easier, it's cheaper.

    Do we really need to know in detail about the difficult and difficult life and difficult childhood of a killer maniac? Do I need to know the details of the last day of the terrorist? Are the comments of his friends and relatives so interesting?
    Accustomize vaccines soon the norm is cannibalism.

    Should you be afraid that the news will be the same and boring? A question of professionalism. And the issue of security is another matter. And the third is that indeed, if we want to be citizens of a great country, then the principles of building the information field should be appropriate.
    The distortions were and will be. Money and power tempt
  44. +7
    4 January 2017 17: 30
    From an article on a neighboring thread to the topic:
    "The threshold of hell is a Western paradise. Or the European model of family destruction."

    Today in Russia we are trying to impose various forms of insanity, which have long been considered the norm in Western countries. But our country remains great precisely because we can not accept the obvious evil as the norm. We can not call sin righteousness, even if sin is legal. Those who do so in our country, either agents or traitors, or forgot to remove the "green glasses" bought in 90-x on sale somewhere on the outskirts of Finland.

    "The absence of intimate shame is a sign of schizophrenia"

    We live in a society in which gross psychiatric symptoms - precisely those symptoms that belong to real psychiatry - stand out as models of fashion and behavior, says Irina Medvedeva, director of the Public Institute for Demographic Security.

    Psychiatric lesions lead to a violation of morality, and moral distortion necessarily entail mental strain.

    According to Medvedeva, there is an artificial mental infection of the Russian people, especially the younger generation, and even children. Sometimes this is called “sexual enlightenment”, sometimes something else is offered, while all sorts of nasties that are poisonous to the morality of a person are served for his psyche in very beautiful “humanistic tricks”.

    "Pay attention," says the psychiatrist, "now you're actively promoting sloppy dirty greasy hair, ragged stockings, torn jeans, coat or shirts of different lengths, or buttoned up the wrong buttons. In psychiatric hospitals they know that in the history of the disease there is such a graph: the patient's neatness. If the patient is not neat, this is an indicator of a very serious psychiatric disorder. When a person constantly wears ragged socks or stockings, does not wash his hair or improperly clasps his shirt, this is a psychiatric symptom, which today, unfortunately, exists as a sign of youth fashion. "

    "Or we'll take the heroes of many militants and thrillers - these are super-strong people who solve their problems, crushing and destroying all the living and nonliving on their way. This effect in psychiatry is called hypoid schizophrenia, which combines juvenile pathological cruelty with pathological stupor of the heart, that is pathological insensibility, "Medvedev notes.

    Another quality of a person is excessive rationalism, which today is imposed as pragmatism. This is also a sign of schizophrenia. A man in the street often thinks that schizophrenic is irrational. This is not true. Schizophrenic is unduly rational, but at the same time insensitive. Actually, this is “less emotion, more pragmatism” —and the ideologists of the new fashion are calling young people today, but this is a very difficult symptom.

    And what is the destruction of intimate shame from the point of view of psychiatry? In the opinion of Irina Medvedeva, "this is not just the imposition of various kinds of perversions, such as voyeurism (when television shows what is happening in other people's bedrooms), but also the popularization of sexopathological abnormalities. And sexopathology is part of psychopathology. "

    But the most important thing in the destruction of intimate shame is that by telling young people about safe sex, they are encouraged to satisfy their sexual interest, belittling the value of family and marriage relations, which are an essential element in building a normal psyche. In their absence, various disorders are inevitable, very painful for the psyche. This leads, in particular, to the mental degradation of the entire society. "
    1. +1
      5 January 2017 08: 16
      You just need to add that this does not affect people with a high culture - like water from a goose, but where do you get so much of them ...
  45. +5
    4 January 2017 18: 25
    Every year the authorities reward TV channels and other media outlets for their good work. For what? For dehumanizing the population, for endless crime on all channels, these endless "footprints, broken lanterns", talk shows about the Russian people who have sunk to the very bottom. Why in the news, out of ten news stories, eight should be bad? To create an atmosphere of hopelessness? Isn't this genocide and hybrid warfare? Censorship won't help here. This must be stopped urgently. Where do "presidential councils, popular fronts" look
    1. +1
      4 January 2017 18: 54
      Quote: Bear forehead
      ... For what? For dehumanizing the population, for endless crime on all channels, these endless "footprints, broken lanterns", talk shows about the Russian people who have sunk to the very bottom ...

      Here is Putin about it:
  46. +5
    4 January 2017 18: 57
    No censorship, true. But she will not be allowed in the media, because it contradicts the interests of these so-called elites. That's when the truth will be told on TV, for example, that this is not a successful secular lioness, but simply an ordinary unprincipled slut who got legs spread, or they say that this is not a Russian successful billionaire but a Jewish rogue who illegally obtained the wealth of the country and people in 90 years - then it will be possible to say that we become a real STATE, and not a source of welfare of the elites (in simple terms - filth)
    1. +2
      4 January 2017 20: 19
      It remains to agree what the truth is. And freedom is just what is needed so that there are different opinions.
      1. +5
        4 January 2017 22: 13
        Quote: Kenneth
        And freedom is just what is needed so that there are different opinions.

        He who knows how to mislead the crowd easily becomes its master; whoever seeks to reason with her is always her victim. Gustave Lebon
        1. +1
          5 January 2017 08: 10
          That you found a very good quote! Tomorrow I will bring her to my studios!
        2. 0
          5 January 2017 13: 26
          But the crowd has a choice. Although some systems are easier to walk.
    2. +4
      4 January 2017 23: 13
      Quote: Just a human
      or they say that this is not a Russian successful billionaire, but a Jewish rogue who criminally gained the wealth of the country and people in 90 years - and then it will be possible to say that we become a real STATE

      What are you! Then the state will have to react to such statements, otherwise the people will demand, and Putin clearly said that there would be no revision of the results of privatization. At least with him. So why should the media once again troll the "guarantor" with such statements? lol
  47. +1
    4 January 2017 20: 17
    It would be useful for the author to know that the wonderful and undoubtedly his favorite film, Officers of Soviet Censorship, almost slaughtered, assigning him a third category
  48. +7
    4 January 2017 22: 37
    Quote: To be or not to be
    In the State simply should be IDEOLOGY!
    In the meantime, the Constitution of the Russian Federation will contain "Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1. Ideological diversity is recognized in the Russian Federation. 2. No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory"
    -What can we talk about ?? The state as a way of social being in the conditions of domination of political alienation cannot exist without ideology. !!!
    This wording of paragraph 13 on ideology was introduced for those who surfaced in the oligarchs in the 90s.
    to protect the private ownership of the main means of production (which (by the way, the Soviet people with the communist ideology did)

    Finally I heard a serious, mature comment, with which I completely agree! good
    1. 0
      5 January 2017 09: 42
      Quote: Radikal
      Finally I heard a serious, mature comment, with which I completely agree! good

      But do not we have the ideology of the ruling party? The fact that we do not like it, so we had to choose a different party, with a different ideology.
      Return of the 6th art. Brezhnev’s Constitution to the current Constitution - stupidity, meaning a ban on dissent. The ban on the coexistence of all other parties as carriers of other ideologies.
      There are people who like the ideology of EP. I don’t. And you? Do you agree to consolidate its role as the leading and guiding party in Russia? If not, then why are you happy? And if so, then change the profile picture.
  49. +4
    4 January 2017 23: 27
    Finally I heard a serious, mature comment, with which I completely agree! good

  50. +7
    5 January 2017 00: 01
    Censorship is needed as a means of protecting the population from the effects of enemy propaganda. Our media should not show people who pour shit on the country and people, although they carry a Russian passport in their pocket. It’s even useful to periodically show hostile foreigners in a box, so that part of the country's population can finally dispel the illusions of a good foreign country that wishes us well and prosperity.
    On federal channels, they should not play stupid programs about oskotinivshisya, sticking out majors, a star party, TV shows about bandits in uniform and other shit. Channels with state financing should show only news, concerts, patriotic films and TV shows, foreign classics of cinema, historical and educational programs.
    Private channels can show anything if it does not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation. Naturally, insulting the country and its inhabitants is not allowed. Violation - deprivation of a channel’s license and a criminal case against its producer.
  51. +3
    5 January 2017 08: 09
    Good morning, Roman! “The whole point is that for quite a long time (it just so happens) I have been engaged in some kind of comparison of the Soviet media and the Russian media.” It turns out that you and I are colleagues, doing the same thing. Do not write to me in a personal message, what years of your interest, what media (newspapers), how much viewed. The goal, again. I do this from a professional standpoint, but why are you doing this? I'm very interested, please kindly...

    Roman, aww! (added already at lunch)
  52. +1
    5 January 2017 09: 47
    Here on Starikov’s blog Andron Konchalovsky, a famous director, talks about censorship, read it at your leisure...
  53. +8
    5 January 2017 09: 51
    Quote: mr.redpartizan
    Censorship is needed as a means of protecting the population from the effects of enemy propaganda. Our media should not show people who pour crap on the country and people, although they carry a Russian passport in their pocket.

    For some reason, the New Year's shows were opened by Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru, a sponsor of the ATO. Films with Zelensky and Ada Rogovtseva were shown with all their might. Makarevich and Kortnev grinned from the screen. Russophobes were busy making New Year's loot.
  54. 0
    5 January 2017 12: 49
    Quote: Dok.
    Give professionalism in journalism!

    Well done! And not only in her, eh?
  55. +2
    5 January 2017 12: 53
    Quote: mr.redpartizan
    Showing hostile foreigners in a box from time to time is even useful

    What about positive-minded foreigners? Or completely indifferent? And %%% how many of which? That would be good, right? And for some reason, more and more hostile ones are being shown... And what are really more of them? Are you sure about that?
  56. +3
    5 January 2017 13: 18
    Demand gives rise to supply.) People like it especially Women and old ladies. Please note - 70℅ of airtime is occupied by women's programs and series)). I’m not pleased to write this, but our women (not all) have banana brains. So we're watching the snowstorm.
  57. +2
    5 January 2017 13: 24
    To establish censorship you need the desire of power. So far she has no such desire.
  58. +3
    5 January 2017 15: 47
    If there are media outlets writing crap about crap, that means someone needs it. To whom? And our anti-people power, which mixes the people with this crap.
  59. +2
    5 January 2017 16: 35
    And who believes our media and the box? Are there still naive people? recourse
    1. +3
      5 January 2017 17: 30
      Believe it or not, there are very, very many such people. This is how biomass is created and “reproduced”, incl. from the younger generation. For the real owners of our media, this has a deep meaning. Fools are easier to control and manipulate. Otherwise this shit wouldn't be pouring out of the screen. And the absence of censorship in the good sense of the word in our country is explained by democracy and pluralism of opinions. And anyway, this is business and nothing personal. You have to make money, what kind of people are there with their problems?
  60. +4
    5 January 2017 22: 28
    Quote: mr.redpartizan
    On federal channels, they should not play stupid programs about oskotinivshisya, sticking out majors, a star party, TV shows about bandits in uniform and other shit. Channels with state financing should show only news, concerts, patriotic films and TV shows, foreign classics of cinema, historical and educational programs.

    I agree, by the way, this is true all over the world. Who wants some entertainment, welcome to TNT and STS.
  61. +4
    5 January 2017 22: 30
    Quote: fif21
    And who believes our media and the box? Are there still naive people?

    By the way, sometimes it’s useful not to watch Solovyov and Kiselev for a couple of weeks. Then you look at them with different eyes, they often pour buckets of propaganda.
  62. +2
    5 January 2017 22: 32
    The article is bad and doesn’t show everything. Like in the past the media equated it with something good, but now it doesn’t. And the pseudo-patriots fell on her like flies on the city... I can say briefly that the media in the USSR were not so good. Yes, they advertised labor. And what's left? In essence, it FORCED a person to work, this is a media machine, it brought people to the point that the person looked DEFECTIVE IN THE EYES OF SOCIETY. This is, roughly speaking, an IDEAL SLAVE. This is how the BEE HIVE works)) - A rough comparison, but appropriate. What about the cult of personality? If the doctrine of the USSR removed the god whom the Lyuli looked up to, then another one will definitely take it - a PERSONALITY. THIS IS CROWD PSYCHOLOGY. What now - the media are scandals, dirty laundry, etc. What has changed? Never mind. They skipped then and now, they drank before and now. Now it has become worse in some ways, and certainly the current government is less to blame than the communist one. The legs of the current moral lag in the USSR. Remember the films “irony of fate”, “operation y”, etc. How much drunkenness there is - essentially advertising. I can say so. The root of everything is not in the government, but in people, who, both then and now, are stupid. NO ONE WILL PERVERT ANYONE UNLESS THE PERSON HIMSELF WANTS. SOMEONE WRITES THERE - ABOUT THE IDEA))). IT IS NOT. and then it wasn’t. “The idea of ​​the USSR and present-day Russia, like any other state in the USA or China, is that the citizen should work and what it is and with what it is presented is NOT IMPORTANT. THE MAIN THING IS WHATEVER THE CITIZEN THINK.
  63. +3
    5 January 2017 22: 33
    Quote: Satum
    Please note - 70℅ of airtime is occupied by women's programs and series)).

    Well, all women want relationships, but most of them are only on TV. You put on a weekend suit, take your wife to a cafe, give flowers, not necessarily expensive ones. And so, the demand among women for programs and films “about relationships” is simply huge.
  64. +1
    6 January 2017 08: 50
    Quote: siberalt
    I agree with Roman. But what can change if the main censorship in the media is profit? The point here is that our state ideology is generally prohibited, but in fact - under the cruel censorship of the West. And all that is behind it - complete freedom of "feces" in all liberal media.

    I agree with Roman 200%, but as for the profit of the media from the demonstration of “chernukha”, you can argue here, it is necessary to return state regulation to the media, if you promote debauchery, parasites, you will lose your license for an indefinite period of time, and forever and let the owner pay the fine , then there will be no wives of football players and socialites on TV
  65. 0
    6 January 2017 08: 52
    Quote: Altona
    Quote: fif21
    And who believes our media and the box? Are there still naive people?

    By the way, sometimes it’s useful not to watch Solovyov and Kiselev for a couple of weeks. Then you look at them with different eyes, they often pour buckets of propaganda.

    Who are these people anyway? I’ve never looked, please enlighten me.
  66. +3
    6 January 2017 14: 38
    Why so timidly, Comrade Skomorokhov? G. yes P., shadow on the fence, around and around? Are you afraid? And who is the cult of personality or censorship? All the current media, like your article, are completely two-faced and deceitful. It seems that he is for EVERYTHING good, and against everything bad, but at the same time with antics and omissions, and what if he has to answer for the market. I, of course, agree with the main premises of the article, but the author expresses himself too timidly. The fact that all these Basques, Kirkorovs, Belans and other Petrosyans are weeping and are already sick of them, I think all TV viewers will unanimously support. But here’s the catch: we can’t influence this in any way. Let’s say I won’t go to Mikhailov’s concert, it will have a negligible impact, but it will. How can one influence the television screen, where some Lord forgive me “Chaliapin” with his grandmother Kopenkina is tumbling and raking in a lot of money for advertising? And the channel owners are not interested in our opinion; the main thing for them is profit! Therefore, what kind of censorship does Comrade. Is Skomorokhov reasoning? By definition, in a state where a market economy has been proclaimed, there cannot be censorship. Do you want to limit the profits of Ernst and others like him?! Who will let you? That’s why they don’t just put us in the brain, but they give it to us for a long time, haven’t you noticed? Therefore, if you want to fight this evil, then let’s use names and positions, not P. and G. Or are you afraid of getting gored in the courts?
    1. +1
      6 January 2017 16: 32
      Yes, everything is written normally." "g"" and "p"" You speak Russian, dear Alekspel, you didn’t write the name, censorship.????
      1. 0
        6 January 2017 18: 31
        If interested, open my profile and read. Well, everyone has their own opinion about the article, and I respect yours.
  67. 0
    6 January 2017 20: 49
    I subscribe to every word! Material for a real petition and public support!
  68. 0
    7 January 2017 13: 44

    Point of view
  69. +1
    7 January 2017 20: 55
    It's a shame, but the author is one hundred percent right. He is right, and the State, including the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, at someone’s suggestion, follows the lead of the liberals and does nothing really. It's time for everyone to understand that Russia is a democratic state, and, therefore, all government bodies are obliged to act in the interests of the majority. The majority really doesn’t need to be bullied with all sorts of dirt in the interests of an insignificant minority. You should not listen to any liberal wishes; they have long turned into liberal ones and are aimed at harming the country and its people.
  70. +1
    9 January 2017 08: 49
    I agree with the author completely and completely.

    It seems that the moment has finally arrived - when society, overflowing with negativity, presented in the most dirty light and generously pouring from everything that can be broadcast, is ready to accept censorship on a conscious level, as a necessity.

    As the only possible means of fighting that chaos (“controlled”) and spiritually dangerous rubbish - with which our fragile (from the 90s) souls are burning...

    In my humble opinion, the smallest threat does not even lie in a shift in orientation or the habit of being “edgy” - the main threat is in violating the very subtle structures of the good and bright inside young people.... The poison is terrible, many may not recover at all.

    Execution cannot be pardoned by the media - put the comma yourself.
    I made my decision
  71. +1
    10 January 2017 11: 46
    So much text has been written, but the author simply does not know how to look deep into the problem. The problem is not censorship or its absence - the problem lies on a different plane altogether. The problem is that the Russian Federation does not have its own ideology. Those. no one knows what is good for the Russian Federation and what is bad. After all, even the most obvious can be looked at from different angles, for example, is an increase in oil sales good or bad? From the point of view of making money now, it’s good. But from the point of view of the development of the country, the creation of processing and economic development, this is bad.
    After the collapse of the USSR, they partially accepted the Western ideology of the golden calf - this is exactly what we see on the screen. I am sure that if you turn on TV here and in the USA, you will not find a difference, just change the name of the country.
  72. 0
    17 June 2017 08: 41
    Everything is written correctly. Once my boss and I were talking about this topic, almost word for word, as the author wrote about. Remove these idiots from screens and newspapers.