"Offshore Wars"!

Probably not among the readers of the VO man, who would not meet the "scary" word "offshore" or "offshore business." So my students ALL heard about him and know that this is “bad.” Some even knew that "they do not pay taxes there." But how is it possible and why, where did this business come from, of course, nobody knew. Even at the Faculty of Economics!

Offshore map.

Meanwhile, modern life is such that to know, albeit a little, but about everything. And this knowledge should be comprehensive and of high quality. Therefore, it makes sense to tell in detail about the offshore business, especially since it is very powerful. weapon modern economic wars.

First of all, a little about how I relate to it. The most direct. When in the 1998 year in the country everything collapsed once again, and the university did not pay a salary for three months, it was necessary to somehow survive. And then I came across an announcement that the English company Swenson and Brown is recruiting regional representatives to work on opening offshore companies. It seemed to me interesting, and I sent a resume there. He came up and ... got a very valuable thing - a folder with documents, which told in detail how, how, where and from where. I learned all this and ... started working! That is, I went to Penza enterprises and persuaded them to open offshore companies or to acquire citizenship of Canada, Australia, Bolivia, Paraguay and Colombia. The company also provided this service.

I looked very impressive - a leather cap "a la Luzhkov", a winter leather jacket of American pilots with a fur collar (bought through some fashion magazine), plaid pants in a red-black-green cage from Scotland, bought in one of the first of our boutiques - in a word, our Penza firms immediately saw that they came to ... "a regional representative of a British company."

I have completely lost all respect for our businessmen after meeting them. They opened their mouths, looked at my outfit and ... no one asked me for any documents! They honestly confessed to me that they had a “black cash” (and I could have been a tax agent!), That they were treating the tax authorities with cake and champagne (!), That bribes the officials (!!!), that is, the first comer opened the soul wide open But ... no one agreed to open an offshore company. No one! And you think out of a sense of patriotism? H-ee! The reasons were the following: “we don’t know English” (as if one cannot hire a translator from a girl?), “We are afraid that we will be thrown!” (Well, of course, what we are doing, and we are waiting for others!) all this! "(that is, the mind is only enough for" buy-sell "). That was easier with passports. You say: “Look around ... The Communists will come back, they will take everything away and hang on the first bitch!” After that, the person immediately laid out a rather large amount of money on the passport of Bolivian citizen Senor Juana Julio or Echcheveria Ramona Mendoza and ... reassured listening to my explanation that now, if anything, you just need to get to the embassy of Bolivia and present this passport there.

Then I thought up lecturing businessmen about the offshore business, how to open it and what it is (a kind of educational program), and ... for tax officials about the same thing (a kind of educational program) - how to calculate those who deal with it. Three years had to do this, and then the situation improved, but experience and knowledge remained. And such that not every textbook could be read about it.

So where did the offshore business go from? At the beginning of the 20 century, the export of capital abroad allowed Lenin to be included in one of the hallmarks of imperialism. But then a legal incident arose: where should an Englishman pay income taxes if he has a company, well, let's say, is open in Russia? In England, after all, he is a subject of the British crown? In Russia, where is its plant? But he is not a subject of Russia, and in England he does not receive a profit! And double taxation is illegal, it interferes with business!

And here the cunning Englishmen remembered that they had a lot of small and also green islands around their green and large island, where there are no useful resources, but for some reason people live. They need schools, hospitals, ferries, bridges. And this is all money, money, money. And where to get them? And they decided to plant these territories for self-sufficiency, allowing the enterprises registered for them not to pay profit tax, no matter how big it is. But at the same time, the off-shore company (“offshore” means off-shore, that is, outside the main coast of the country) must pay an annual fixed tax at the place of registration. Gradually, developed international legislation on offshore business was created, the essence of which, briefly, boils down to several rather amusing provisions. So, registering a company in an offshore zone, you are based on the principle of free ownership of property, that is, you can be homeless in Russia, but have a company in the Cayman Islands. Russian law does not prohibit this. Just do not tell anyone about it and ... everything! However, you can not live at the place of registration of the company. You can earn money there, but you can’t live, and why this is understandable. Live - be kind, register and pay taxes!

That is, if you own an offshore company, then you live in one place, and your company is always in another!

But ... but where does she get you, if you can not go there? But for this there are intermediary firms that open such companies. How? And this is how: on the spot, well, let's say, on the same Cayman Islands there is a certain lord Augusto de Bordelly Motambo (half-Spanish, half-French-semi-African), who is found by the intermediary company and who becomes your companion. Two shares are issued - to him and to you, two sets of documents for the ownership of the company, that is, absolutely everything according to the law, and according to the law, all this is registered. That is, according to the documents, your company is owned by two people: this Augusto's senor and Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov. For opening a company, you pay an intermediary firm and tax in favor of the Cayman Islands. In 1998, it was a ridiculous amount - from one to two thousand dollars, but it was necessary to renew registration every year. That is, every year the islands dripped from you little by little, but regularly. Today, this pleasure has become more accessible: Seychelles - from 349 dollars, Belize - 519, British Virgin Islands - 549, St. Vincent and the Grenadines - from 1120, the company in Singapore is expensive - 6000, but there is paradise. You do not like a person with a narrow slit of the eye? In New Zealand it costs 1500 dollars. That is - every whim for your money! For a year! Package documents and print!

But the most interesting will be next. Immediately after registering, your partner is obliged by special letter to waive all rights to manage the company, for which he receives an annual rent from your own payments. And you become the sole owner of the company and can do with it anything you want! But ... while you can act on behalf of your partner. After all, that he refused everything in your favor, nobody knows. And so it turns out that you have a firm, and it seems like no. And if you trade from her, then ... as her hired employee, Mr. Julio, and not her owner.

Isn't it a very convenient way of working for local people? For example, in one of the offshore cities of the United States, and there are offshore Indian reservations, individual cities and even states, there is a law that a company must have a telephone and an office. And so the women there rent a room, register themselves in hundreds of offshore companies and ... "work." They sit in the office, knit, talk on the phone, watch TV, and on occasion - if someone calls "on business," they say that "Mr. Ivanov" is ... "far away, and it is difficult to contact him ...".

In this case, the most important thing is that here at the place of registration there is an offshore bank, where you transfer all your profits, and you do not pay taxes on it at all. Therefore, for example, if Swiss banks give 3% per annum, some offshore banks - up to 27%. In England, citizens are forbidden to keep money in offshore banks. This is considered a crime. But ... 30% of the British keep money in them. They leave England, open accounts there and ... bypass the law. “Fish is looking for where it is deeper, and man is where it is better!” In Canada, the offshore zone is Newfoundland Island, where there are only stones. But ... because of this, he has a steady income. There are a lot of offshore zones in the world. In addition to the above, these are the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, Panama, the well-known Cyprus, where I don’t remember for what year, but only Russian 15 thousands of companies were registered, as well as Gibraltar (offshore from the century!), Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Liberia, Malta, Maldives, Macau, Montserrat, USA again ... in short, the network of off-shore zones has entangled the whole world. And in the US, the examples of such offshore zones are the states of Delaware and Oregon, which are official offshore zones.
They believe that, although no one has calculated this for sure, it is in offshore that 60% of world finance is hidden! Here you have the money for weapons and what you want. And that is why all the offshore business is scolded, trying to fight him, but ... so until the end of nowhere and never refuse him. Control money laundering - yes, funding drug traffickers and terrorism - yes, but completely ban - n-ee! Very much profitable!

Now we come to the most interesting. To the money! Where do they come from? But from where: Imagine you have two pockets. Taxes are taken from one, and not from another. Where will you keep the money? Of course, in the second. From here comes the profit. There are many schemes to enrich the offshore business. For example, you want to immediately withdraw a large amount of money from the country to an offshore bank at 27% per annum. How to do it? Indeed, the amount of transfers abroad is limited ... And very simple. Your company here enters into a contract for the supply of expensive equipment with your company "there." But, of course, no one knows that this is a contract with itself. Condition - 100% prepayment. You transfer money under the contract, and your “partner” “throws” you. You go to court, and the court decides the case in your favor. You get a writ of execution and ... everything, your money. Another option is similar to this one: you organize a joint venture and import goods into the country for its work at a reduced rate. Then ... your partner leaves the JV and everything remains for you. You can already sell everything at full value. If you do not do this every three months, then no one will suspect anything. Or ... you (Juanito Julio) buy goods there for one price and pay for them through an offshore. In Russia, Juanito Julio sells you a product twice as expensive. You pay him (that is, yourself) offshore, and here you make a minimum markup on him. Minimum markup - the minimum income tax. That is, in the eyes of the tax authorities, you are a bad merchant, but in reality ... very good! And this can be done by both very large companies and very small ones!

Finally, the most "beautiful" option. You organize an investment company and offer to make deposits at ... 15% per annum. All by 12, 5%, and you are 15%! In a currency for a year. Not less than a thousand dollars, but more. Deposits are made out officially, with a notary, and people give you money as an official. Then, as a private person, you send them to your offshore bank. Of course, it is troublesome, it’s a fuss. But it's worth it. Exactly one year later, again, as a private individual, you send this money to yourself. And you give them to the borrower as ... official face. Everyone sees that you have an honest investment company. Where was the money all this time - your trade secret. And no one cares about you, because you pay all the taxes.

Only now you got 27%, and gave ... 15. 12% - “money out of thin air” - this is your real profit minus taxes, but in this case they are small!

So, this offshore business is the “sacred cow”, which, in general, cannot be insulted. Get on the Internet and you will see many offers to open offshore companies. And if there are offers, it means in stock and demand!

By the way, incognito in offshore zones is strictly protected. In the Cayman Islands, for example, trying to uncover it is punishable by eight weeks in prison. And there are prisons there ... that it is better not to get there!

Of course, in reality everything is far from being as simple as it is written here. An offshore business, like any serious business, requires studying, training, having many professional skills and high intelligence. The Ministry of Finance, by the way, is also not sleeping. There is a so-called “black list” of the Ministry of Finance, which includes most of the offshore zones and is constantly updated. Transactions concluded with companies registered in these zones are deemed to be controlled with all the ensuing consequences. However, some territories are excluded from it. For example, in the 2009, the Seychelles, who tightened their legislation, were excluded, then the island of Cyprus in 2013, and the Republic of Malta in 2015. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has its own list of offshore zones and there ... "its own difficulties". So, as in the war, here we see the age-old confrontation of sword and shield, a war without beginning and without end, without winners and without defeated, since both victories and defeats are short-lived. And it is only up to the professionalism of the people participating in it that it is necessary to conduct matters so that there are more victories in it, and less defeats, respectively.
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  1. +6
    15 December 2016 15: 22
    Auto RU.
    And that military in the described offshore.
    Having become skilled in tax evasion methods, you seem to have decided to attract additional customers via the Internet while such advertising is not punishable. This one is understandable.
    One thing is not clear - "What's new in this?"
    1. +12
      15 December 2016 15: 33
      Did you read so inattentively? That was in 1998. And today, 2016, a lot has changed. The second is not advertising. Otherwise, she would not have passed here. Secondly, if there is nothing new for you, then this does not mean that it is not for others.
      1. +5
        15 December 2016 16: 07
        kalibr (y)

        Firstly, it looks like you are reading inattentively or just not reading to the end, but undertake to make a complaint.
        Say that "a lot has changed", but do not say what has changed in essence. Is this an argument.
        The permanent "struggle" with offshore companies has been going on for several years already in the world, but more often than not this is a purely declarative struggle and has nothing to do with real actions.
        Therefore, it is not difficult for Russian business now to register in offshore, including tax evasion, because the Russian authorities do not have 100% leverage to impede this system.

        Secondly, advertising of goods, services and ways of avoiding taxes does not have to look like a car sale to the right of the column. Sometimes you can advertise such things in a banal article, explaining all the advantages of something in the form of an "analytical" article. So to me this article looks more like an advertisement for services than a fictional "offshore war".

        They have nothing against the fact that you liked it (the article), apparently a novelty, and I'm not going to convince you, I just expressed my opinion to the author of the article.
        1. +10
          15 December 2016 16: 47
          This is an incomparable news article!
          Many thanks to the author!
          1. +2
            15 December 2016 17: 58
            Yeah, only the author, an obvious financial genius, a certain seigneur Augusto de Bordeli Motambo (semi-Hispanic-semi-French-semi-African) , has no idea about "quarters" .... and "Creole" is not available at all. ... studied poorly in the Soviet school.
    2. cap
      15 December 2016 18: 00
      Quote: One of You
      And that military in the described offshore.

      Let’s go through the chain. Taxation in many countries is a criminal offense.
      Lost taxes are a hefty budget, unfinished military facilities and weapons, under-indexed pensions, undervalued science and education, including military. I think enough.
    3. +6
      15 December 2016 19: 52
      Quote: One of You
      And that military in the described offshore.

      Good question...
      I hint: "Military Industrial Company", practically the only supplier of wheeled armored vehicles to the RF Armed Forces, O. Deripaska, British Virgin Islands
    4. +1
      16 December 2016 13: 15
      The author of the article hints where to get the money for a small tank army.
  2. +3
    15 December 2016 15: 33
    the author took out the whole brain (or its remains). and in general, I believe the most honest golovokomanduyuyu plague-said-blind trust, then blind trust stop
    1. +4
      15 December 2016 15: 35
      And it seemed to me that it was easier to write about such serious things ...
    2. Cat
      15 December 2016 18: 00
      Well that's it! It started! Who is the first on Shpakovsky !!! wassat
      Dear friends, we kindly ask you to stop "biting" people for what and how. To be honest, it becomes nauseous when the people I respect start "dogging"!
      Well! Forgetting "Caliber" and what? who will write to us about medieval armor, weapons, tanks, etc.
      To be honest, I liked the article!
      And the last one is always to remember that knowledge is a weapon!
      Yours faithfully! Cat
      1. 0
        15 December 2016 18: 22
        Quote: Kotischa
        To be honest, I liked the article!

        no one argues. I just didn’t understand from my bell tower what the author wanted to convey request
        1. Cat
          15 December 2016 19: 08
          Perhaps Vyacheslav will challenge my conclusion. But I believe that the purpose of the article is to draw our attention to another type of hybrid war! What I think succeeded.
          Thank you for attention!
          1. 0
            15 December 2016 20: 36
            And I thought it was obvious! It turns out that it’s obvious, but not for everyone ... Well ... it’s not without reason that it was said, learning is light, and unlearned is darkness.
      2. 0
        18 December 2016 16: 50
        Quote: Kotischa
        it must be remembered that knowledge this is a weapon!

        "Knowledge is power". http://www.znanie-sila.su/
  3. +10
    15 December 2016 15: 36
    The author of the article decided to "somehow survive" by helping the hucksters in tax evasion through offshore schemes. Very well. Well what can I say. There are many compositions in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, apparently, everything can be explained by the need to somehow survive and feed the family. This is how the collaborators in the Second World War probably explained their actions in the service of the Germans. In my life I had to work on different sides of the "barricades". So, I can confidently say that honest and decent people are the exception rather than the rule among domestic merchants. And it is not necessary to explain all our muddy affairs and convictions by the fact that we live in Russia and we need to somehow survive. Like, we are not like that, life is like that. Once again, I repeat, there are many trains in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for "economic" trains, however, the sanctions are purely symbolic. Well, it's not over yet.
  4. cap
    15 December 2016 15: 52
    So, as in war, here we see the centuries-old confrontation of the sword and shield, war without beginning and end, without winners and without vanquished, since both victories and defeats are short-lived. And it is only up to the professionalism of the people participating in it to conduct business in such a way that there are more victories in it, and, accordingly, fewer losses.

    The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has its own list of offshore zones and there ... "their difficulties."

    A simple iron 220 V.50 A + FSB powers to remove quotes in "their difficulties", all offshore money will be in the budget, and no difficulties.hi
    1. +4
      15 December 2016 16: 11
      It just seems that it is "simple" when you do not delve into the nuances of the country's economy and politics.
    2. +3
      15 December 2016 17: 21
      This is not our method, it is the Gestapo methods, long condemned by the Nuremberg tribunal.
      1. cap
        15 December 2016 17: 39
        Quote: kalibr
        This is not our method, it is the Gestapo methods, long condemned by the Nuremberg tribunal.

        This is, of course, sarcasm, which makes it difficult to drive "we know who" through the same "lie detector".
        For a long time, a "physiological" method with an appropriate methodology has been developed, which is used by large companies when hiring employees. The main thing is to want the rest a second time.
  5. +8
    15 December 2016 16: 09
    In Belize, you can open a company by mail for a thousand dollars, you will be sent by mail an envelope with documents, a seal, and a credit card. And for extra. The company will issue a fee at the local. No intermediaries are needed.
    1. +4
      15 December 2016 16: 15
      Class !!! But Belize seems to be blacklisted by Sberbank.
      1. 0
        20 December 2016 15: 26
        And what?) There are non-bank payment systems, the same paypal, the Sberbank will not even know what the payment went to.
  6. +4
    15 December 2016 16: 57
    Thanks to the author for an interesting article!
  7. +2
    15 December 2016 18: 11
    I heard that security forces and officials were forbidden to have companies and property abroad through third parties. Is this law about offshore?
  8. 0
    15 December 2016 20: 27
    But Putin promised to punish the offshore "Banderlog", but you see his hands are short. It’s hard to budge a lump.
    1. +1
      15 December 2016 20: 44
      Promise and punish verbs with different meanings ...
  9. +2
    15 December 2016 20: 34
    Maladess author!
    Offshore educational program in full profit!
    I’ll tell you a story about offshore in our wonderful town.
    Our Merin, I learned from Shpakovsky and KO, at one time, namely, here are not my thoughts, but excerpts from an article by our local communist leader in a local newspaper:
    ..So, our mayor, all the money received in the accounts of the ERC was withdrawn to Cyprus offshore.
    Along the way, he sold the entire city land at fictitious tenders at a price of one ruble per hectare to himself, Then he sold at tasty prices to all sorts of "magnets", "ribbons" and other "five".
    Then he gave half of the city budget, again through fake tenders, to the most successful business woman of the city, lo and behold! who was his wife, to the "Russification" of half of the city.
    And it doesn’t matter. At times, injuries among citizens on icy paving stones have grown
    .So what!? Are we worse than Muscovites with a "reindeer breeder"?
    ... So, the author did not discover anything new ...
    1. 0
      16 December 2016 07: 39
      He's already in jail, of course, this "worthy gentleman"?
      1. 0
        17 December 2016 17: 21
        Are you laughing? Flowering.!
    2. 0
      16 December 2016 21: 49
      Quote: guzik007
      .So what!? Are we worse than Muscovites with a "reindeer breeder"?

      Well ... not a reindeer herder-eyed.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. 0
    15 December 2016 21: 02
    Quote: guzik007
    ... So, the author did not discover anything new ...

    Of course not. If I had opened it not here I would have reported it. But the educational program is also not bad. And then we have - offshore, offshore ... and you ask what it is ... the answer is "it's bad".
  12. 0
    15 December 2016 21: 07
    Quote: Skeptic Self-taught
    Laurels of the book "guest worker" do not give rest?

    Actually, in Germany I have a novel "Pareto's Law" in 3 books and 6 volumes. In Russian. For those who do not want to lose cultural ties with Russia.
  13. +2
    15 December 2016 22: 33
    Thanks to the author. As a minimum educational program - interesting and intelligible.
  14. +4
    15 December 2016 23: 38
    Vayacheslav Olegovich!
    You do not get tired of surprising the versatility of your abilities.
    I want to say that over the past 18 years, tax evasion, and generally money evasion through offshore companies, has reached such perfection that you, as one of the fathers - founders of this criminal business, should not be ashamed. Pupils have repeatedly surpassed teachers.
    Yes, and some citizenship of Bolivia is not in fashion now. People firmly settle in London and on the other Cote d'Azur.
    By the way, the United States today, oddly enough, is a popular offshore. For many years, companies and wealthy people in America have sought to hide their money in offshore companies. Recently, however, the United States has become a "tax haven" for wealthy foreigners and large companies.
    Resisting the introduction of global disclosure standards, the US is creating a new market in which wealthy people from around the world can save their capital.

    Both lawyers and large companies help wealthy companies and individuals transfer their accounts from offshore companies such as the Bahamas or the Virgin Islands to Nevada or South Dakota.

    Rothschild, one of the oldest European financial institutions, opened a trust company in Reno. The company is engaged in the withdrawal of funds of wealthy clients from offshore companies to the Rothschildolv Trust Fund in Nevada, which received an exception to international rules requiring the disclosure of information about accounts.
    Therefore, logic suggests that your next plot will be about the work of FATF and OECD.
    1. 0
      16 December 2016 07: 30
      Quote: Dekabrist
      Therefore, logic suggests that your next plot will be about the work of FATF and OECD.

      But they didn't guess. The point is that I try to write only about what I know from my own experience. With what did not he himself, write about it how? As for the offshore business in the United States, yes, today it is flourishing. He wrote that the reservations are offshore (but don't complain about the Indians!). And the fact that "the students have surpassed the teacher" is not surprising. Any practitioner surpasses the theoretician, and I have remained that way since the 90s. But it is very interesting for my same students within the framework of the theme of cultural studies "Economic Culture".
  15. 0
    16 December 2016 02: 58
    They should keep their money in their own country, and with the help of their money, feed, strengthen and improve their soldier’s defender, their people, their country, and not take them out to a foreign soldier and to a foreign country.
    1. +3
      16 December 2016 03: 13
      Quote: Al. Peresvet
      They should keep their money in their own country, and with the help of their money, feed, strengthen and improve their soldier’s defender, their people, their country, and not take them out to a foreign soldier and to a foreign country.

      Oh, my mummies, but I’m explaining the same thing to you in the article about the Kuril Islands. Do you have a sequence? request
    2. +1
      16 December 2016 07: 37
      Probably yes, but then the state should not only milk the business, but also help it. Just recently they called me from one company - they ordered to remove the facade of their office by the new year! Otherwise, the fine and further the amount of the fine. And women work there. Hiring a crane, then? Where to get the money? Removed from the inside as a result. But ... why not include the clearance costs in your tax credits? There are no taxes separately - "and decoration is your business." With such an approach, people, as they said, “how much you don’t steal from the state, but you won’t return the stolen,” they will say so. We do not understand why taxation on resources is not being introduced - and I know why. The system of proportional representation during voting is not being introduced and I also know why, finally, the second taxation in the countryside is not introduced directly. So you shouldn't be surprised that people keep their money in Cyprus.
  16. 0
    16 December 2016 13: 04
    Quote: kalibr
    He's already in jail, of course, this "worthy gentleman"?

    Of course sits, in the State Duma now, the deputy from EP. )
    1. 0
      16 December 2016 21: 17
      That is, your communists had the strength and mind to dig and paint all this, but did not have enough to plant it? And you still say that such stupid people can be trusted with power? Did not manage to put the person stuck in such dirty affairs? Well, you don’t know how to do it yourself - you would have hired ... but here the toad is strangling! And why ... did they even dig it then?
  17. 0
    16 December 2016 17: 33
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    Quote: Al. Peresvet
    They should keep their money in their own country, and with the help of their money, feed, strengthen and improve their soldier’s defender, their people, their country, and not take them out to a foreign soldier and to a foreign country.

    Oh, my mummies, but I’m explaining the same thing to you in the article about the Kuril Islands. Do you have a sequence? request

    But what about the article about the Kuril Islands, isn’t it? I didn’t understand. Are the Kuriles given to the Japanese, or is the money taken to Japan?
  18. +1
    16 December 2016 17: 48
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    Quote: Al. Peresvet
    They should keep their money in their own country, and with the help of their money, feed, strengthen and improve their soldier’s defender, their people, their country, and not take them out to a foreign soldier and to a foreign country.

    Oh, my mummies, but I’m explaining the same thing to you in the article about the Kuril Islands. Do you have a sequence? request

    You better tell me, are these deputies, generally your overeating, introducing a law on paid entry into the cities? The same tax. [Media = https: //auto.mail.ru/article/63290-d
    _v_goroda /? frommail = 1 & fromnews = 1]
  19. +2
    17 December 2016 08: 12
    And you are also a snitch, it turns out that it just fits in Polypova ...
    To annoy the administrators that comments would be erased is beautiful, cho ...
    Five steps!
    1. +1
      17 December 2016 08: 20
      I wrote that VO is the territory of polite people! And polite people do not poke strangers. Another such "comment" and I guarantee you a ban.
      1. +2
        17 December 2016 08: 22
        Those. you also confirm that you are a snitch.
        1. 0
          17 December 2016 16: 41
          The last time I remind you that rudeness is punished here.
          1. 0
            17 December 2016 18: 52
            Caliber - rudeness is punishable. Well, a snitch is not rudeness, it is a statement of fact.
            1. 0
              18 December 2016 22: 12
              You are, however, trainable. "You" is gone - I praise. A little more and you will quite decently express your thoughts in relation to people you do not know personally. Here, after all, as in the army: if you do not know how, we will teach, if you do not want, we will force you!
              1. 0
                19 December 2016 07: 13
                And you do not take much on yourself?
  20. 0
    17 December 2016 13: 53
    The article is complete nonsense. The only correctly written about Penza, about their fear that they could throw. They’ll block the account and that’s all, only because you didn’t get rid of mugs. And litigation will cost more than your funds on a blocked account. English language advertising? Yes and only ....
  21. 0
    17 December 2016 14: 01
    We also had offshore zones: Ingushetia, for example. Only customs and tax on all goods that came to the jur. persons registered in Ingushetia paid special attention. So special that it would be better to register at Basmannaya, and immediately.