Are the Syrian special services capable of treason?


All those who dislike the Assad regime are celebrating a great victory: for the first time in 10 months of struggle, the Syrian army general Mustafa Ahmad al-Sheikh switched to the side of the opposition forces. This high-ranking military deserter, according to Western media, is either the leader of a large army unit, or was a representative of intelligence.

At the moment, opponents of the new regime are ready to bet on the possibility of organizing a palace coup. And if we take into account the fact that the Syrian special services have a great influence in the country, then such an attempt will be organized precisely with their participation.

Recall that all efforts aimed at overthrowing the Assad regime by the Syrian people themselves, did not bring results. Direct aggression is currently not possible for a number of reasons, and besides, the opposition has prepared a similar method for the most extreme case. Therefore, the most feasible is, if not a classical conspiracy, then at least a noticeable weakening of the regime, organized by bribing its most influential representatives.

This scenario is also possible because the representatives of the Syrian special services have long-term well-established relations with their counterparts from France and the United States of America.

2011 was a jubilee year in this cooperation, as after the events of September 2001, secret talks were held between the American and Syrian secret services, the subject of which was the rejection of communications with Iran and radical groups, including Hezbollah.

The cooperation of Americans with Syrians became more noticeable at the beginning of autumn, when high-ranking officials from the CIA, who represented the Anti-Terrorism Department, arrived in the capital of Syria. During these negotiations, ways to jointly fight against international terrorism, in particular, radical Islamic groups, which operated not only in Europe (Germany, Belgium, France), but also in the Middle East (Pakistan, Lebanon and Afghanistan), were subject to discussion.

Almost at the same time with these negotiations took place the other ones that took place in Beirut. US Ambassador Vincent Battle, who, according to some sources, is also an officer of the CIA, met with Ghazi Knaan, who is the head of the Syrian Muhabarat office in Lebanon. Assad was forced to take such measures. Thus, he hoped to deal with those Syrian Islamists who fled to the West in the second half of the twentieth century, and also tried to raise their image in the eyes of the countries of Europe and America. This, in turn, should have been a guarantee of the success of the economic reforms in Syria.

At the same time, the American government planned to use Syria to protect Israel from the Hezbollah group. And for this they promised the Syrian President to help establish peaceful relations with the Israeli state and return the Golan Heights. But on this the role of Syria in the American plans of reforming the Middle East region was not limited. The Americans also wanted to use Assad in the process of removing Saddam Hussein from power.

Negotiations were not in vain. Already in 2002, the Syrian secret services jointly in the Americans successfully prevented a terrorist attack against American facilities located in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, with the help of Muhabrata, Muhammad Haydar Zamar, who was suspected of involvement in the events of September 11, was caught. At the same time, a significant number of Islamists who had contacts with Bin Laden were arrested by Syrian security forces.

The 2001-2002 period was the most successful in stories relations between Syria and America. This also applies to politics. Official Washington has repeatedly stressed that he no longer considers the Syrian state an enemy of the States. Moreover, during his visit to Damascus, US Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East even gave the Syrian President thanks from his American counterpart for their active participation in the fight against international terrorism, especially Al-Qaida.

It is quite natural that such relations could not exist for a long time. And in the spring of 2002, both sides were deeply disappointed in them. A vivid example of this is the secret meeting of representatives of two states, which was held in Houston on May 20. In addition to diplomats, representatives of the special services were invited to it, as well as Arlen Specter, Chairman of the Committee on Intelligence, who had already managed to establish long-lasting ties with representatives of the Syrian special services. During this meeting, the US government accused the Syrian authorities of mediating between Palestinian and Lebanese terrorists and Iran.

The leader of Syria could not break up relations with the Palestinian resistance and Hezbollah, since this would inevitably lead to a loss of influence in Lebanon, which was of great strategic importance to Syria. And this, in turn, would cause the loss of the status of one of the leading states in the Arab region.

Despite the failure of the negotiations, representatives of the American special services still dared to achieve what they wanted, namely, to establish close contact with their counterparts from Syria, which may well be used against the Assad regime. Some American sources report that a significant part of the representatives of the closest circle of the Syrian leader repeatedly pointed out to him the need to revise state policy, in particular with respect to the Hezbollah grouping.

At the moment, it is not yet known whether the States will be able to realize all their plans, because they already have a similar practice in relations with Iraq and Libya. At the moment, the attempts of the Americans have not been successful, but who will be able to give a guarantee that the Syrian special services will fully support their leader?

The embodiment of the ideas of Americans is complicated by the fact that the system of state security of Syria in its structure has a large number of parallel organizations that monitor each other. And inside each of these special services there is also an internal security department.

Such a structure of the special services was formed by the father of the current president, and each organization is directly controlled by the president. However, taking into account the fact that Mukhabarat plays the leading role among all the special services, the American government can still achieve some success. Moreover, the Syrian special services are not only subjected to sharp criticism from the civilian population, but also subject to corruption.

In addition, the events that occurred at the end of last year, made it clear that all the legends about the omnipotence of the Syrian special services do not really have a real justification. Recall that 23 December in Damascus thundered two explosions, which killed not only security forces, but also civilians.

Even in spite of the fact that there are several types of special services in the country, and, it would seem, the situation should be completely controlled. There is even an opinion that every second in Syria is an undercover agent. But the fact remains that state security proved untenable in repelling enemy strikes against the existing regime.

And to track down real enemies still fails. After all, a situation similar to the one that occurred in Damascus does not take place for the first time. State security agencies failed to prevent a single major conspiracy, which were held at constant intervals in Dera'a, Deraz-Zor, Jisr-el-Shugure, Hama, Homs and Latakia. Representatives of the special services showed themselves from the worst side. It is assumed that some of them helped the Islamists for money. And this is not the only fact of corruption. And at the moment they are more like a mafia structure.

Not happy about the fact that in all the cities where the uprisings took place, treachery was noted to one degree or another. For example, in Jisr al-Shugur, one of the state security workers gave an order to the bandits, according to which it was forbidden to use weapon against those on the streets. Then the authorities still thought that the situation could be resolved without the use of force. However, an aggressive crowd rushed into the building of the State Security Office and inflicted cruel reprisals on people.

In order to somehow change the situation, it is necessary to reform the state security system and clear it of traitors. This is the primary task for Assad. In the most difficult time for the state, it turned out to be defenseless, and the security system, about which omnipotence was legendary, turned out to be completely incapable.

It should be noted that signs of such insolvency were already noticeable in 2008, when Imad Magnie, one of the leaders of Hezbollah, was killed in Damascus. And despite the fact that his whereabouts were kept secret, and very few knew him by sight. However, he was killed, and they did it in a zone protected by the Syrian special services.

As a result of the investigation, a significant number of so-called “moles” who worked for the security services of Saudi Arabia and Riyadh were identified and arrested.

Very often, it was the actions of the special services that served as the beginning of the riots. There are a lot of rumors in the country, confirmed by real facts, about the numerous atrocities of the mukhabaratchik, which even people who support the Assad regime call it frantic.

A completely natural question arises: can one rely on such “specialists” in the struggle to preserve the state?
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  1. +3
    24 January 2012 08: 49
    the contagious sheep is capable of ruining the whole herd!
  2. +2
    24 January 2012 09: 37
    The most offensive is that betrayal is very likely. It was the same in Iraq, Libya.
  3. Desert Fox
    24 January 2012 09: 42
    Let us proceed from the old folk wisdom. Everything has its value !!! The only question is the price !!!
    Suppose the CIA, M6, Massad, etc. enough budget to buy a group of officials. Suppose that these officials take away a group of people loyal to them. But they will not be able to loosen the situation so that they would overthrow the government. Since there are two big differences, betray and incite to riot or organize an attempt, or betray and arrange a riot! The last option raises the question? And who will finance? Pay for the banquet. Any war is not worth a little money, even a civil one. Therefore, this option falls off by itself, and none of the Western intelligence will do it. There are a number of reasons. For example, it’s such that a civil war, like any other, is destructive, and you don’t want to rule any ruins besides any of the most stupid ones. Yes, and they have brains, they are also people and like us we love our families and children, and will not want to risk their lives. Therefore, a bad regime is better than a revolution.
    If such an option were so simple, come, buy and overthrow the regime ...
    We would have been a swami for a long time fell each other. In our country, too, a power unfavorable to the West, But you will tire of rats. It will be necessary to put two machine guns at the gates of the US Embassy, ​​since one will overheat quickly winked
    1. +2
      24 January 2012 09: 53
      The purchased generals surrendered Baghdad without a fight! It is one thing, having a multiple advantage in aviation, to scatter large groups in the desert, and another thing to fight in the city, the Pindos have already gotten hit on the forehead in Somalia and now their knees are trembling ...... and sticking green pieces of paper plus promises of immunity ... freedom and democracy "is developing over another state ...
      1. +1
        24 January 2012 20: 54
        In Iraq, all purchased generals have already leaned back. These are the methods of Pindos, buy and then destroy without witnesses and ends in the water.
    2. 0
      24 January 2012 16: 58
      Desert Fox - "We wake up to proceed from the old folk wisdom. Everything has its own value! The only question is the price !!!" ... the question of filling - what time to estimate, for the loot, your family, to roll it into asphalt ??? Or paraphrase, who you have to be to order, for the money, your family ... - can you answer ??? Do not try to make axiomatic what is a theorem and requires incompletely adequate proofs.
      Otherwise, I completely agree with you (except for the bogey of total intrigues of amers and Jews - our local "revolutionaries" can give them a head start on some points).
      My attitude to revolutionaries and the like is sharply negative.
      1. Desert Fox
        24 January 2012 22: 15
        Quote: viktor_ui
        what time do you need to evaluate, for the loot, your family, that would roll it into the asphalt ???

        I don’t know, and I don’t even guess. But I know for sure that there are such people who, for bucks and Mother, will put both Father and sibling on the asphalt ...
        That we normal people do not understand how? And all sorts of people!
        Here you read, the most terrible he is not the only one, a geek ...
        1. jamert
          24 January 2012 23: 32
          Not always the price in money ... if the price of betrayal is to preserve the life of the son, mother, wife - how many can refuse? I'm here to myself (pah-pah) not sure ...
  4. 0
    24 January 2012 10: 21
    Quote: Desert Fox
    that a civil war, like any other, is destructive, and that no other option but the most dumb one would want to rule the ruins. Yes, and they have brains, they are also people and like us we love our families and children, and will not want to risk their lives. Therefore, a bad regime is better than a revolution.

    If we knew for sure that such thoughts are in the minds of most Syrians, it’s possible to smoke smile But, I remember how Libyans waved their Kalash menacingly and where they ended up! One cannot be complacent and really want to hope that the Syrians have learned the sad experience of Libya.
    1. Desert Fox
      24 January 2012 10: 47
      Assimilated not assimilated yet see. And to smoke them all the more nonsense, if the threat of revolution disappears, then the threat of invasion from outside will not disappear.
      And if the pendos break off the swell in an attempt to get the Libyan script here, then they will move on to another plan.
      1. +2
        24 January 2012 14: 22
        Last November, the situation in Syria was assessed by Scott Stewart of the American organization STRATFOR, often referred to as the “shadow CIA”.

        «Our current assessment of the situation is, the expert writes on the pages of Eurodialogue (translation of the warandpeace website), “that the Syrian government and opposition forces have reached such an impasse when the government cannot suppress the unrest, and the opposition cannot overthrow the regime without foreign intervention” .
        Firstly, the fault lines along which Syrian society is divided are not so clearly drawn by region as in Libya. In Syria there is no such area as Benghazi, where the opposition can dominate and control the territory, which can be used as a base for a power project.
        Secondly, Scott Stewart continues, Syria, unlike Libya, simply does not have oil, and therefore we do not see the Europeans seeking military intervention in Syria with the same enthusiasm that they experienced during the invasion of Libya. Even France, which of all European countries was the most consistent supporter of tough measures against Syria, complains the author, recently abandoned the idea of ​​direct military intervention. The power of the Syrian army (in particular, its air defense systems, which are far superior to the Libyan air defense) means that military intervention can be much more expensive than in Libya, in terms of casualties and money spent.
        The least risky and least trackable option for a state intending to intervene is to build up intelligence activities in the target country, Stuart said. Such activities may include clandestine activities, such as developing contacts with the opposition or encouraging generals to carry out a coup or side with the opposition. Covert actions may also include working with opposition groups and non-governmental organizations to improve their information warfare. This activity can go into more obvious covert actions, such as killings or sabotage. Most of the actions taken in a secret reconnaissance war unleashed against Iran can be attributed to the above. Covert and subversive operations are often accompanied or carried out after open diplomatic pressure. This includes press statements condemning the leadership of the target country, initiating resolutions in international organizations such as the League of Arab States and the United Nations, and international economic sanctions.

        «The likelihood of hostilities against Syria is low, ”Mr. Stuart summarizes his analysis. “Instead, we should pay attention to more subtle signs of foreign participation,” he believes, “which will signal us about what is happening at lower levels of this conflict.”

        In Syria, there is now a war of special services and Russia is probably not the last player there, which is indirectly confirmed by the latest events with the "detained ship" and Lavrov's harsh statement.
        1. 0
          24 January 2012 18: 29
          Quote: Ascetic
          Syria, unlike Libya, simply does not have oil, and therefore we do not see the Europeans striving for military intervention in Syria with the same enthusiasm that they experienced during the invasion of Libya. Even France, which of all European countries was the most consistent supporter of tough measures against Syria, complains the author, recently abandoned the idea of ​​direct military intervention

          See how simple it is, lads! All this civilized pack of people’s life does not put in anything! The main thing is OIL! Here is the God of the oligarchy and its derivatives - money and power!
  5. +2
    24 January 2012 11: 41
    One can only hope that the backbone of special services in Syria consists of the Alawites, that small branch in modern Islam, to which Bashar Assad also belongs. In the event of a loss of power, the Alawites will be destroyed in Syria by both the Sunnis and Shiites. Therefore, they have something to fight for.
  6. Hauptmannzimermann
    24 January 2012 11: 50
    Unfortunately, money has already begun to "work" in Syria. Its defeat is a matter of time. But you need to hold on to the last, and if destined to die, then with dignity. Assad is his last patron.
    1. +2
      24 January 2012 20: 49
      Something I began to doubt, and not only in the Arabs, but also in our officials, they would sell the people for a sweet quisling soul.
  7. General
    24 January 2012 12: 28
    the Syrian special services were also left because of this, there are Iranian special services helping to survive the Assad
  8. 755962
    24 January 2012 20: 41
    Not without money, ash pepper. Not from patriotic thoughts. In this case, the gingerbread method worked
  9. +1
    24 January 2012 20: 47
    Is it possible that these Arabs will sell themselves to the Pindos. Tolley all Arabs are corrupt, or even all corrupt. And this means that we are not immune from the betrayal of our top officials.
  10. +1
    24 January 2012 22: 25
    the Syrian army general Mustafa Ahmad al-Sheikh sided with the opposition forces. Well, here is the first fat rat from the ship. As the bank strengthens, there are others, green pieces of paper and pressure are doing their job.
    Sandov, I share your concerns. When the kids, house and money outside the country that the official serves, he is vulnerable, and therefore the interests of the country are vulnerable.
  11. SAVA555.IVANOV
    25 January 2012 01: 56
    A quite natural question arises: is it possible to rely on such "specialists" in the struggle to preserve the state? The KGB was also formidable in peacetime, and when it came time to work to preserve the country, they crap, they started asking businessmen as security guards, motivating them with special training and connections in law enforcement agencies, but even then they crap, either they could not save, or they themselves "brought down" their new owners, taking over their business, in general, you can see now how they live and do not live in poverty. If you ask a question whether ours will be sold or not, I will answer SOLD. Like the Arabs.
  12. zulu
    25 January 2012 18: 28
    I would like to point out some annoying factual errors in the article. There is no Palestinian Hezbollah. There is the Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah and there is the Sunni Kurdish Hezbollah. The style of the article suffers as well. "The situation took place in Damascus" - maybe in Damascus it is possible to say so, but it does not sound very Russian. "Conspiracies were carried out" - conspiracies are either organized or carried out. The article is generally superficial. The essence of what is happening in Syria is an ethnic and religious war - of the Sunnis, who are supported by the Saudis, Turks and Qatar against the Alawite elite. Not a word has been said about this