The ruins of Brussels satisfied

Now many compassionate Russians, Ukrainians and other Russian people, according to templates and templates already established by the media, are again beginning to hang on themselves, on their groups and pages in social networks the inscriptions: “JE SUIS BRUSSEL”, “Brussels, mourn”, “We are with you "and so on ... More recently, it has also become customary to carry flowers, bears and candles to some embassy as soon as something unpleasant happens in some foreign country.

Nicely, humanely, humanely and sorrowfully ... This is the message that all the media broadcast in reports from embassies and consulates, and such is the general trend today.

And even those who have claims to our European "partners" for a day of mourning about these claims are usually "forgotten" and turn into the next "JE SUIS of something there." Exactly one day. And that, only because "we don’t like their governments, but ordinary people are not to blame for anything there ..." Then the daily mourning ends and this hypocritical mask, the Zhesuisk, falls down from our embittered all Western souls. The very next day, the candles on our avatars are extinguished and all of them there, over the hill, again become for most of us pendos, scallions, bourgeois and Euro-homosexuals. And who will say that this is not so, I will first throw a stone at him!

Is this change in our attitude fair? After all: "there are the same people there, and the government simply has them, and also the government of their masters - #USA" ...

I can answer this question only to myself, according to my life experience. You, look for an excuse for such hypocrisy in yourself. Personally, those terrible things that are happening in Europe now are touched less than the explosions in Volgograd in 2013, but no more than the “sudden” epidemic of Ebola virus created in the USA and mowing down Africa today; and no more than photos and videos of torn people in the once Russian, and now European torn Yugoslavia, the time of its cut. I also feel mixed feeling when I look at the explosions in Brussels, when I look at the photos that Yandex gives me on requests: "#Livia", "#Syria", "# Iraq", "#Afghanistan", "#Maidan" .. And without any views on the network of various photos and videos about the attacks that the United Nations organizes around the world, I saw skewed "Euro-democracy" faces of "people" who wanted to kill my wife and me personally in Odessa 2-th May 2014goda . And while they waved the flag of Ukraine and the European Union. I think about the same associations with the flags and concepts of the guys from Berkut and the explosives of the call that were burned alive and threw cobblestones across all cities of Ukraine with European integrators waving these banners. I talked with many of them, so I do not even think, but I know. And we have these pictures with these flags and slogans that have passed this confrontation “European integration VS. common sense "will arise before our eyes until our death.

Already completely different, the same faces of failed European integrators looked at me in the LC. They were prisoners, and I was in their eyes, probably, a mound. Our unit used the labor of prisoners to clean our barracks and with simple cargo work to provide the local starving population with basic food. I remember this slightly ingratiating gaze of a guy from somewhere in western Ukraine, who cheerfully reported on the task of taking out the garbage and flooring and asked him to give him some other work so that only the head would not send him back to the camera where is boring. It was the same view of the European integrator - the workers' worker, from whom they simply took away the trowel, the bat, the cobblestone and the machine gun. But he was ready to serve the "separ", only because without service he was bored. I think nowhere in captivity about the great ukrah among the prisoners never talk. They dug, washed, screamed, wore. And all this was done with a curling tail.

I always realized that they themselves were not so vumnye that they could arrange a full kirdyk for their native country only for reasons - to find a richer owner for themselves, or that a new one at least would not beat so much. Such people have no opinion of their own for a long time and live on the fact that they feed the media. And for 25 years, the media managed to feed them with disabling critical perceptions about what is happening. And in those 2014 - 2015 years, the Ukrainian mass media fed them with a special “feed” called “you suffer for your children to live in Europe”. And they obediently chewed him and went to kill ... Here's how to be offended at such?

Because I never had hatred for such prisoners. But on those who pushed them to kill for the sake of European integration, to overthrow Yanukovosch, and then to "fight against separatism" in the ATO, I had an insult, is and always will be. Very angry resentment. So angry that determines the meaning of further existence and changes personality forever. And I will convey this resentment in the genes to my children and infect to her everyone with whom I communicate tightly and who I have influence on. And I am sure that all the guys from # BERKUT and # BB of that call, everyone who was on the front lines in the Donbas or who just got bombed there, live about the same wicked grudge throughout the West.

We will never forget how the European Union came to our home to kill us with the hands of our fellow citizens. And it was the European Union, represented by all those European politicians who supported the Maidan without exception, sponsored it, heated it with promises, and then provided their ambassadors to disgracefully violate their word the next day and merge the agreement signed at the highest level these ambassadors, the opposition and the president of Ukraine.

One can see Victor Yanukovosch really could not imagine, like Nikolai Yanovich Azirov, that at such a level there could be such a frank kidalo. History he probably skipped the world colonialists at school ... he doesn’t watch TV on the RT channel ... Gaddafi and Milosevic didn’t hear the last names ... The boy just lopped himself a loot, led the country to the European Union, bargained with the Russians about gas and compensation, and here the European business partners were so bent over and did not keep their word that the pictures about an African “dictator” who had recently been torn to pieces on the street in the same situation abruptly remembered the vegetable ...

I think, at this stage, everyone who has finished reading has already understood my attitude towards Europe, NATO and their capital in Brussels. And what I will write further on the topic "JE SUIS BRUSSEL" will also be understood.

Russian people, do not be hypocrites. Even if you are forced to #Media. Yes, we all know by heart the fable about "Dragonfly and Ant", but in it the dragonfly did not kill the relatives of the ant while she lived merrily and did not build him any snares. We were brought up precisely on such good fables and fairy tales. They are the ones who make us merciful. Orthodoxy also teaches us "to substitute the left, if they beat on the right ..." But the history of the Kulikovo battle, the Ice Battle and the Kursk Bulge teach us a completely different morality. Our Russian morality! And it sounds like this: the more we regret and tolerate them, the more they become impudent. And I mean all of them. Because they have democracy ?! And the majority of THEIR electorate voted for their governments, who constantly invest in the collapse of our Motherland, rob it, create enemies for us, and then arm and incite them against us.

#Brussels is the headquarters of the European Union, the headquarters of #NATO, the headquarters of our eternal geopolitical enemies. I am not afraid of this word - I am not a politician. This is exactly the place where rockets were aimed at #SUSSR, whence war was planned with it, where all sanctions for Russia were planned, where Kiev Maidan was sponsored, where Valtsman was forced to turn #ATO into a real war with "Orthodox bitches." And, after all, they all themselves say that they have Russia - enemy number XXUMX.

You know, when at their headquarters, a bomb suddenly explodes, which they have long and stubbornly created for us, spreading out the whole north of Africa and killing so many people there to create this bomb, I will say no to "#JE_SUIS_BRUSSEL". I will quote the Russian folk wisdom: "Do not dig a hole to another, otherwise you will get into it". And I cynically quote the words of one well-known diplomat who perfectly describe all of this plan, which did not work the way they wanted and the work of their special services: "Morons, # @ be". And as for the dead people, in war people always die on a hybrid one as well. And sorry, but so far the victims are much more on our part ...
441 comment
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  1. 0
    29 March 2016 14: 57
    Quote: Author
    ...the more we feel sorry for them and tolerate them, the more impudent they become. And I mean all of THEM.

    The author, in my opinion, is right, plus the article.
  2. VB
    29 March 2016 14: 58
    The author wrote it correctly, well done. We are at war and weakening the enemy can only benefit us. They don't feel sorry for us. When something happens to us, they rejoice. When we win, then: “the feeling of revenge will not be replaced by contempt and pity” L.N. Tolstoy
  3. 0
    29 March 2016 16: 37
    Well done author. No irony. Only...
    It’s high time for us to learn to divide even bastards into good and bad. Because an explosion on our plane is bad. And the explosion in Brussels is good.
    There is one “but”... then we will cease to be RUSSIAN...
  4. 0
    29 March 2016 17: 10
    The author laid out all my thoughts, he never wished death on ordinary people, but I’m not going to be upset about the explosions in Brussels! I didn’t watch the news about this at all, because... specifically, I don’t intend to waste my time on them, “what they fought for, that’s what they ran into”, now sit in your West and tolerantly suck X#Y from emigrants and expose your liberal ass to them!

    Sorry for the harshness, the author is beautiful!
  5. -1
    29 March 2016 17: 15
    The ruins of Brussels satisfied
    This is of course blasphemy. But we are different, their politicians and all sorts of figures hate us and teach their citizens to hate people.
    But the worst thing is that after all the tragedies in Russia, journalists quickly switched to Brussels. What kind of craving is this, to know about every bunch of “civilized” barbarians?
    I don't care what happens there. I was taught at school that nothing good has ever come from these Brussels and can never happen. They are at full speed fighting with us. I’m not calling for them to blow up, but you can at least not notice them with the events in their hellhole. But no, all channels rose as one.
    They could find out about the recorders of the crashed plane in Rostov-on-Don and give a little more information.
    Apparently something out of the ordinary needs to happen for everything to turn upside down in the country.
  6. 0
    29 March 2016 17: 31
    Quote: 13 warrior
    And I can’t agree with the author EVERYTHING because the opponents of the current euro policy and children could be among the victims ... But I don’t choose the MVU.

    Are there not enough people there who can stand up and protect their children from such a government? And these little ones will be crushed like kittens. The war is in full swing. Hybrid war! We didn't start it! All complaints against those who kill their citizens by allowing the enemy into their country.
  7. 0
    29 March 2016 18: 22
    Excellent article, yes, we are pitiful, but maybe this gives us the opportunity not to become petty like
    Europe, and how much do they mourn when tragedies happen here? The dome of the Capitol is very similar to the dome of the Reichstag - why would that be?
  8. 0
    29 March 2016 19: 34
    Neither add nor diminish.
  9. 0
    29 March 2016 19: 46
    That's how many people I know, and having EVERYTHING learned about the explosions in Geyrope, be it in France or as now in Brussels, they say with one voice; ... "that's what they (the Gay Europeans) need, even if they blow them all up and slaughter them..."...and in general, I don't give a fuck about these freaks, the Gay Europeans....they are on their own, we are on our own..let them At least everyone can rest there, but the world will become cleaner... just let them take their food with them...
  10. +1
    29 March 2016 20: 05
    When the Arabs fuck their women and when the same Arabs start cutting off the heads of the Gay Europeans, this “news” will cause nothing but gloating...
  11. +1
    29 March 2016 20: 42
    I completely agree with the author. I subscribe to every word he says.
    In 1965-1968 and 1972, I lived under constant American bombing - our place was bombed on average 15-20 times a month (there were some days when they bombed 3 times from morning to evening). Many of my fellow villagers, relatives and peers died. Nobody knew whether he would live until the evening, until tomorrow. I have seen with my own eyes the results of American “democracy.” Western European “democracy” is no different from American one. Most people in the West are hypocrites. When they won in Grenada, Yugoslavia, Libya, etc. - yeah, how clean and kind they are! Therefore, when they deservedly get hit in the face by their victims, everything is normal. And no “Je suis”!
  12. SOF
    29 March 2016 21: 18
    Quote: Diana Ilyina
    And yet, on flight 7K-9268 flying out of Sharm el-Sheikh on October 31, 2015, there were 25 children, our children and I somehow do not remember crowds of condolers gathering at our embassies in Europe!

    Everything is correct... The author expressed out loud what everyone had been thinking about for a long time, but due to our mentality, we could not move our tongues to say it.
    ... and every day, the gap between our worlds is widening... and GOD knows... it’s not our fault.
  13. +1
    29 March 2016 22: 12
    I definitely give the author a thumbs up...
  14. 0
    30 March 2016 01: 10
    I was in Brussels in 2014. Even then, I was struck by the huge number of women in hijabs filling some quarters of the Belgian capital. And the guide complained to us that hundreds of jihadists live in these neighborhoods, and the local police know about this, but do nothing about them.
  15. 0
    30 March 2016 01: 53
    I wonder what Ebdo will... draw? some kind of cartoon...
  16. 0
    30 March 2016 09: 26
    Quote: kot stepan
    You and people like you call yourselves patriots? Why the hell do you give labels to others? “Your patriotism” will quickly end when you get hit on the nose

    1. I am a patriot. (DOT)
    2. You are either an idiot or a provocateur! I want and distribute labels! (EXCLAMATION MARK)
    3. If I get hit on the nose, I’ll wipe it off and turn the offender’s entire face into mush.
    If they don’t want to respect us, let them be afraid! This will suit me just fine!!!
    1. 0
      31 March 2016 13: 29
      So quote in full, don’t take it out of context.
      To turn your face into a mess... everything is written there that is needed for this. And, until you have learned the lessons of history, you will belong to one of the three groups of “patriots” that are designated there. At best, to the first.
  17. 0
    30 March 2016 15: 20
    I read the article and comments and had some mixed feelings. Yes, they Western bitches gloat when something like this happens here, but I’m not a bitch and I don’t give a damn. My condolences go out to the Belgians. Terror is an absolute evil. And we need to become stronger and richer so that Western biomass respects its owner.
  18. 0
    30 March 2016 16: 11
    Honestly, like a man! My respect to the author!
  19. 0
    30 March 2016 16: 19
    Well written by the author. Exactly SATISFIED. And not “satisfied” or anything else.
  20. 0
    30 March 2016 16: 38
    I absolutely’s not a pity...Why should I feel sorry for them? Philanthropy, compassion? Fuck you!!!
  21. 0
    30 March 2016 20: 49
    In terms of the presence and level of hypocrisy and insincerity, it is unlikely that anyone can compare with Europe and North America. It is only DEEPLY indignant that during terrorist attacks in Russia, Syria, Pakistan, Nigeria, Yemen, etc. None of the American Europeans bring flowers, candles and other attributes of grief to the embassies of these countries. And in Europe... Do they think that posters, candles and flowers will stop terrorists!? No, Europeans!!! Take assault rifles in your hands and defend your homeland with your own hands!!! What, thin guts!? Then close your mouths and sit quietly below the grass and be patient!!! Shitty patience! Your place...near the latrine (excuse the pun)!
  22. 0
    April 2 2016 13: 27
    Quote: Igor K-grad
    I was in Brussels in 2014. Even then, I was struck by the huge number of women in hijabs filling some quarters of the Belgian capital. And the guide complained to us that hundreds of jihadists live in these neighborhoods, and the local police know about this, but do nothing about them.

    Because this country does not have leaders in this same country. They are overseas.