Actor Pashinin put on a T-shirt with the symbols of the Nazi unit

How many times has it been written that a pieman should bake pies, a shoemaker should wear boots, that an actor should play roles in theater and cinema, and politicians and political scientists talk about politics. However, there are always those "pirozhniki" who do not want to bake pies, but "cram their boots." These include, for example, the actor Anatoly Pashinin, known for such films as “Storm Gates” and “We are from the Future”. Mr. Pashinin, who left Ukraine at the time and moved to Russia, where he graduated from the Schepkin Higher Theater School and, in fact, became an actor, is now visiting his homeland, where Russia is throwing mud at him.

In the program "High Life" Pashinin in a T-shirt with the symbols of the Nazi battalion "Azov" (actually a copy of the symbols of the Nazi division "Das Reich") once again began to speak out not about his work, but the policy of the Russian authorities.

I hope the Ruses will wake up, throw off this nationally gangster power. The threat, in fact, is real. Everyone already understands, in my opinion. Therefore, when I spoke about this six months ago, everyone laughed at it ...

Indeed, there is no need to laugh. But what really needs to be done is to check the submitted and other recent statements by Mr. Pashinin, thanks to Russia who is making his career, for compliance with Russian legislation.

The full version of the interview with Mr. Pashinin in which, the presenter asks Pashinin, why does he still live and work in Russia, and not in Ukraine:
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  1. 19sergey53
    April 27 2015 17: 51
    ...and this SLUG is going to kill the riot’s time to send him home to develop his native film industry.
  2. 0
    April 27 2015 17: 52
    Quote: 53-Sciborskiy
    Another, previously hidden t-rd, showed its essence.

    This creature didn’t really hide!!!! At the very beginning of the maydaun, kvakakol!!! fool
  3. 0
    April 27 2015 17: 56
    Quote: pofigisst74
    He! Didn't his Bandera friends ban "Stormy Gates"? It's about Ross's feat. armies!

    it can’t be, because in the storm gates Porechenkov smile and in a bunch of other good films, “Poddubny” for example. In any case, Porechenkov’s pashinin won’t touch Porechenkov’s navel as an actor.
  4. 0
    April 27 2015 18: 10
    .the science is complete!!!!!!!where do these scum come from, who gives birth to them!??????(
  5. 0
    April 27 2015 18: 37
    The most offensive thing is that Russia invites people like Pashinin to work in cinema, television, and awards awards. These people must feel like outcasts in Russia.
  6. Olga Samoilova
    April 27 2015 18: 59
    Bandera's brute. He probably also has dual citizenship. But in general, ideally, his Russian citizenship should be taken away from him and deported to the same loyalists in Ukraine.
  7. 0
    April 27 2015 19: 04
    A traitor has appeared, we must drive him out of Russia.
  8. 0
    April 27 2015 19: 26
    In my opinion, he has nothing to do in Russia. Moreover, he calls for slaughtering the riot police. Add to the NON GRATA list.
  9. zol1
    April 27 2015 19: 29
    There are enough bridges in Moscow for such freaks!
  10. +1
    April 27 2015 19: 48
    On NTV, another such bastard drinks coffee in the morning. They poked their nose at me and cried. He continues to clown around as if nothing had happened.
  11. 0
    April 27 2015 20: 01
    wow... don! yes money makes everything
    April 27 2015 20: 05
    All this trash goes through a sieve and onto the bunk!
    Kill the riot police and participate in the fascist battle... for 10 years strictly!
    Let him piss to return to Russia dill
    April 27 2015 20: 06
    Deprive your passport! On the bunks! And deportation without the right to enter for life!
  14. +1
    April 27 2015 20: 24
    It seems that Donbass will now force many of the scoundrels to show their true colors... I don’t think that they should be forgiven.
  15. 0
    April 27 2015 20: 39
    How much more shit will still float to the surface?!,
  16. +2
    April 27 2015 21: 01
    running into an accident? Well, the **** is finished....
  17. +1
    April 27 2015 22: 33
    Quote: oakim
    meets with an accident

    Oh, come on! What are you like children?
    They are all so “brave” because the Russians do nothing in response.
    Either we are kind or squeamish.
  18. 0
    April 27 2015 22: 52
    I wonder which one will take him off after this?
  19. 0
    April 28 2015 00: 12
    eyes red like a drug addict
  20. +1
    April 28 2015 04: 13
    Well then. A person has his own point of view, which he does not hesitate to express publicly. We need to treat this with understanding. But there is no need to forgive. Keep track of where this... will be filmed after such statements. Who invites him to act? And to convey to our cultural figures that the time has passed “and this is how I see it,” if they continue to want to film in Russia.
  21. 0
    April 28 2015 05: 25
    It's simple. Expel him from the country to his beloved Krajina. Let him earn a stale piece of bread there. Maybe the gait will change after “earning money”)))! God! How many whores were scammed!!!