Kikabidze said he was going to seek political asylum in Ukraine

People's Artist of the Georgian SSR, winner of the USSR State Prize Vakhtang Kikabidze and his wife decided to ask for political asylum in Ukraine. Reports about it Russia Todayreferring to messages in the Ukrainian media.

Kikabidze said he was going to seek political asylum in Ukraine

Words Vakhtang Kikabidze leads Ukrainian portal UNN:
Yesterday I told my wife, let's ask (from Kiev) for political asylum. She said - well.

It is reported that Kikabidze is inspired by the fact that there are several former Georgian citizens in the Ukrainian government. According to the artist, this supposedly will allow Ukraine to emerge from the crisis.

In the meantime, Kikabidze arrived in Ukraine to give a concert. Before the concert, he had already told the representatives of the Ukrainian media about his thoughts, stating that Vladimir Putin "took a terrible sin for the soul, unleashing a war between Russia and Ukraine."

It should be noted that Kikabidze at one time actively supported Saakashvili, declaring that "Russia launched a war against Georgia." At the same time, Kikabidze reacted very modestly to the data of the OSCE investigation team released a few years ago. Recall that the commission came to the unequivocal conclusion that Saakashvili, with his own hand, signed an order on the start of hostilities in South Ossetia. Apparently, Kikabidze and pulls closer to those leaders who unleash fratricidal wars. For a man of his profession, something strange ... Although there are plenty of such "artists" in Russia today ...
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  1. 0
    17 March 2015 18: 13
    Quote: Stalevar
    We are living in a wonderful time now, my friends. All the bastard crawls out on its own, without coercion, for everyone to see. All the rot from art, glamor, from the vulgar and obscene liberal intelligentsia, who could not wait for such a situation, stands up to his full height and shouts: “I HATE RUSSIA!!!”

    But on the one hand, freedom of speech is good for our society, imagine if there was a time when you could not shout something offensive, disrespectful, or show your hatred. What would be? They sang their soulful songs, enjoyed honor and respect, some material benefits, they would be interviewed, they would tenderly give flowers, people would take their opinion into account. Oh... of course, such a wonderful actor, singer, composer, director, almost an idol. And in the evenings this idol would sit in the kitchen and hiss with anger and hatred. Maybe he would have quietly morally corrupted those around him and his loved ones. And in a difficult moment for the country, these figures would crawl out of all the cracks and begin to finish off, break, Maidan, etc. Think about it, these are respected and public people and how many fragile and ardent minds would listen to them. Oh.. of course... our beloved..... is against it, which means we should be against it too. And now, here they are, in all their “glory”. They themselves showed their essence and revealed themselves.
    But I didn’t expect this from Kikabidze at all, he is the favorite of the entire USSR, who even needs him there in Ukraine or in the USA. Apparently I have lost my spiritual wealth, I have only years left...
  2. 0
    17 March 2015 18: 20
    The old senile man would be better off keeping silent and singing songs.
    After his first interviews about Russia and Russians, he died for me as a man and as a person.
  3. +1
    17 March 2015 18: 23
    Vakhtang was blown away a long time ago, he was a lot off-topic about 08/08/08, you old bastard! Let him go and take Akhidzhakova with him!
  4. 0
    17 March 2015 18: 26
    It is reported that Kikabidze is inspired by the fact that there are several former Georgian citizens in the Ukrainian government. According to the artist, this supposedly will allow Ukraine to emerge from the crisis.

    What, heaven has already arrived in Georgia?!...
  5. wanderer
    17 March 2015 18: 41
    Do not care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... don't give a damn!!
  6. 0
    17 March 2015 18: 43
    Quote: Orphan 63
    a Russian soldier will come, then a Russian tank will come, and then a Russian tarpaulin boot. I don't want Russian boots in my native Georgia. I don’t want them in my native Ukraine either.”

    Kikabidze’s turret is obviously jammed and he already “doesn’t want Marya Ivanovna”, he’s talking some kind of crap, like all the rubbish from “tse Europa” - first the Russian soldier will come, then the tarpaulin Russian boot, it turns out, separately from the soldier! If a Russian soldier is asked, he will come, but they will be “polite people” - warriors of goodness, perfectly equipped (tarpaulin is a thing of the past), selfless defenders of the weak and oppressed, and not a Svidomo DRUNK crushing young children with caterpillar tracks in Novorossiya!
  7. Vezhchel
    17 March 2015 18: 45
    Grandfather is senile. Or promoting himself.
  8. lankrus
    17 March 2015 18: 48
    What a blessing. It would be nice if the other liberal and US six would follow suit.
  9. 0
    17 March 2015 18: 50
    It runs in his blood. A vile renegade.
  10. 0
    17 March 2015 18: 51
    The process of self-exposure of Russophobes is underway. It is interesting that for some reason Russophobia makes a person loyal to Bandera, the Nazis and even Hitler.
  11. 0
    17 March 2015 18: 57
    Kikabidze is encouraged by the fact that there are several former citizens of Georgia in the Ukrainian government

    The old stump is also aiming to become a minister fool
  12. 0
    17 March 2015 19: 00
    Quote: larand

    It’s strange why he didn’t ask in Georgia?

    He is a citizen of Georgia.
    After the Russian-Georgian conflict in 2008, Kikabidze canceled his anniversary concerts in Moscow and made several harsh statements regarding Russia, and from that moment on he no longer visited Russian territory.
    Honored Artist of Ukraine (November 30, 2013) - for significant personal contribution to the socio-economic, scientific, technical, cultural and educational development of the Ukrainian state, significant labor achievements, many years of conscientious work.
    Wikipedia. hi
  13. 0
    17 March 2015 19: 12
    Quote: sanya.vorodis
    So he asks for asylum from Georgia! Is the political climate changing there? good

    What has Kikabidze done in Georgia if he wants to escape to Ukraine?
  14. Petlin
    17 March 2015 19: 14
    Kikabidze's years did not become his wealth. Shifted out of phase.
  15. 0
    17 March 2015 19: 18
    stating that Vladimir Putin “took a terrible sin on his soul by starting a war between Russia and Ukraine.”

    no, Vakhtang, it was you who committed sin by spreading lies and fabrications of Russia’s enemies and thus joining their ranks.
  16. Elena_pronenkova
    17 March 2015 19: 23
    Wouldn't he have gone ................ through the forest?
  17. Serglaps
    17 March 2015 19: 28
    You can understand people when they express their point of view on a particular issue.
    Of course, you can have your own point of view, which is not always shared by society.
    However, when people who have lived and worked here all their lives have received respect, popularity, recognition, various titles and regalia, but at the same time suddenly share directly opposite views on significant political events, in which our just cause in relation to opponents from the outside is obvious - this can only mean one thing - not everything is okay in the head. In addition, this can also be regarded as disrespect for their admirers, admirers and admirers - those who, in fact, created them.. It’s a shame to the depths of the soul for our vile compatriots and once friends of our Motherland.. The possibilities of the Internet have expanded the boundaries of the “smoking room”. By God, it would be better if they kept quiet - they would pass for smart...
  18. +2
    17 March 2015 19: 35
    Kikabidze supported Saakashvili in his actions against the Ossetian people, refused the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and now supports the Kyiv junta. Shame on you Mr. Kikabidze!
    1. 0
      18 March 2015 10: 08
      Well, he, apparently knowing his ins and outs, honestly refused the “friendship of peoples.”
  19. +2
    17 March 2015 19: 42
    American mongrel.
  20. +3
    17 March 2015 19: 50
    I don’t get it, because in Georgia there is a Pro-American Russophobic Regime (even after Mishiko left). So this Jester (from Georgia) is changing one Russophobic Regime to Another (even more Aggressive Russophobic or something). Or not ???? Why leave Georgia, where “146% of Georgians” already hate Russians and Russia??? Either I don’t understand something or One of Two (as they said in the cartoon “The Koloboks are conducting the investigation”)
  21. +1
    17 March 2015 19: 57
    During the Soviet era, Kikabidze and Akhedzhakova were so popular. But now they are getting into politics. They say correctly: old age is not joy.
  22. 0
    17 March 2015 20: 03
    Looks a lot like a stupid reverse
  23. +1
    17 March 2015 20: 32
    Maybe they will offer him the post of Minister of Culture. Georgians are now in fashion in Ukraine.
    Chiki-briki... and already a minister.
  24. zol1
    17 March 2015 20: 33
    He was a man, but he became a bastard!
  25. +1
    17 March 2015 20: 43
    How many clowns have you created in Russia guys......
  26. +1
    17 March 2015 20: 56
    That's where he belongs! - to the landfill...
    Just move quickly, otherwise you won’t have time! fool
  27. +1
    17 March 2015 21: 04
    Run, Buba, run. But there was a time when I sincerely respected this man.
  28. +1
    17 March 2015 21: 22
    Another one! Are they all being prevented from sleeping peacefully by Makarevich’s “laurels”? request Or did the Russians spit on this plate of kharcho? After all, there was everything - popular love, money, respect... Was life really bad? If it were not for the USSR, i.e. Russia, still galloping through the mountains for sheep.... fool
  29. NKV
    17 March 2015 21: 39
    This is something new! To ask for political asylum from Ukraine while in Georgia because of hatred of Russia, so what? Apparently the man's flask whistled))
  30. +2
    17 March 2015 21: 49

    The Russians drove away, and the Georgians too,
    I am now flying to Khokhland.
    Vsatu on the Maidan, and with a Georgian face,
    I will say whatever I want.
    Grandfather Ebrael will be paid for everything there,
    I will be at the same time with Poroshenko...
    It's only in appearance that I feel sorry for people,
    And in my soul there is corrupt shit.
  31. +1
    17 March 2015 22: 10
    Strange, not a single comment from Georgian representatives...
  32. 0
    17 March 2015 22: 35
    Khachi, zhYdy - they all love Russia only when someone is cutting them out, or when they need to make a career... The rest of the time they hate it! question: why should Russians respect and tolerate this trash on their land? we have to kill them, business...
  33. 0
    18 March 2015 01: 37
    What were you missing? You have reached the heights of Vysotsky, Okudzhava, etc. And in an instant I lost everything! Is it really possible to exchange people's love for some money, especially if you have one foot in the grave? I once read that many of our artists are members of Masonic orders.
    1. +1
      18 March 2015 10: 04
      I don’t agree with you, and he NEVER reached the heights of Vysotsky, it was in vain to compare him, and he was far from Okudzhava.
  34. +1
    18 March 2015 01: 56
    And let him take Akhedzhakova with him! "Mimino" is no longer the same
  35. +1
    18 March 2015 03: 38
    But I still don’t understand - from whom is this guy asking for ASYLUM? Putin and the Russian army appeared in Georgia again and the brave Georgians began to scatter again? or have the new Georgian authorities become not as democratic as the Western media portray them? At least dear Kikabidze could clarify why he suddenly had the desire to find refuge. Don't tell tales about evil Russians. winked
  36. +1
    18 March 2015 06: 59
    Quote: larand
    Quote: bort4145
    Another “restless Georgian wanderer”. That's right - let's "pile up" and then "drain" them all en masse.

    It’s strange why he didn’t ask in Georgia?

    So he LIVES IN GEORGIA!!!! After the “war between Georgia and Russia”, he stopped giving interviews to Russian journalists, he simply remained silent... It would be good for him to remain silent! Why get into politics??? fool So many people loved him just for his “Mimino”!!!! But it turns out he loves criminals and fascists... Well, we have time today... No. So it turns out there are a lot of people who hate the country that once fed them, gave them a free apartment and a comfortable old age... belay Only you and I are all talking about the same thing... "friendship of peoples is forever.."... recourse But it turned out that no... recourse
  37. +1
    18 March 2015 07: 09
    Ebanidze already exists in Ukraine. Well, how old are you?
  38. +2
    18 March 2015 07: 19
    Akhedzhakova, Makara and Ksyusha - take the horse with you.
  39. 0
    19 March 2015 17: 18
    Come on Vakhtang! The road is open!