To the failure of Maidana-on-Manezhke. How we suddenly matured and who thanks for it

Dear readers! If someone missed, then on Sunday we had to have our Maidan on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow. It was assumed that hundreds of thousands of disgruntled citizens will come out under nationalistic slogans, tires and police will be burned with Molotov cocktails. This event was so widely announced that it seemed to take place without fail. However, the Maidan did not happen for a vulgar reason - no one came. Why it happened and who is to blame is extremely interesting. Let's figure it out.

The Russian Maidan was scheduled for May 18 and advertised in early April on Kiev Maidan. Under the joyful sounds of the masses below, the leaders of the Kiev protest asked conscious Ukrainians to call their relatives in Russia and persuade them to go to Manezhka. They promised that in such a simple way it would be possible to gather "several million people - and then Russia will be different, the dictator will fall!".

But apparently, few people called. Or very few people listened. Or few have obeyed. And absolutely no one - except for law enforcement officers and some microbloggers, who came to cover the 18 event of May - did not appear. It was a classic report from the street where nothing had been happening for two hours already.

So that you understand what hopes were pinned on this event, let's briefly go over the messages in the Ukrainian social networks that preceded it:

“May 18 throughout Russia - Manezhka-2014. 100 thousand on Manezhke and a million throughout Russia. All these people came out to support us! Down with Putin from the Kremlin! Destroy Russia! ”;

“I bought beer and chips, waiting for the Great Manezhku-2014. A grand affair. Who does not know - in 21.00 the action will begin ";

“My Russian friends are going to the revolution. Tens of thousands of the same guys and girls will be with them. Someone is preparing to burn. Someone is preparing to testify peacefully that there is another Russia and it does not agree to fight with Ukraine. They will come out and defend their rights ”;

"The Russians have a chance to prove that not all of them are cattle and quilted jackets."


When, at the appointed time, numerous online broadcasts began to demonstrate a calm and uncrowded Manezhnaya Square, comments of a different kind came up:

"I did not understand, Manezhka where?";

“Journalists are 200, onlookers are 200. Where is the opposition in the gay club? ”;

“Has the bloody already left the Kremlin?”;

"Posans, jump, chtol?)))".

It turned out like with the arrival of some destructive killer comet. A simple person wakes up in the morning and out News learns that yesterday the Earth was supposed to be destroyed by a celestial body, but it flew past at a distance of one hundred million km. But in anticipation of this event, a whole crowd of eccentrics has already shaved their heads, burned all their property and ate passports. Now they stand naked, shaved and without passports - and they are not at all funny, stop laughing.

However, the psychology of the Maidan contingent is such that they explain all their failures and frustrated hopes only by the wickedness of the Muscovites. And now, as soon as the first shock from the failed revolution had come to rest, it rustled like an ukroblog:

“The buzzers are all ... they have even been shown what and how, but they are still not able to free themselves. To whom it is written to wear the yoke, that bull, the bull does not need a whip, and who by nature loves his will, you cannot wear a yoke. As already mentioned, even the “great” Russians are the people of slaves ”;

“Yes, this slave country will never rise. There are too few adequate ones, let them better move to us, and the rest of the slaves rot in their happy Putin race ”;

“Yes, they would have been torn there even by the cops, but by ordinary quilted jackets that support Putin. There is no chance; only one way is adequate - to dump from rashki ”;

“We are at least capable of Maidan. And you are afraid of your dwarf ... sorry Russia. Slaves ... ".

And here we come to the most interesting. One might think that the revolution at Manezhke did not take place because of poor organization. However, it is not. All opposition forces in Russia were invited, but the Left Front, Solidarity, PARNAS, and others and others, dissociated themselves from the action. Even ardent Russian nationalists chose to stay away, although a nationalist context was supposed to be on Manezhke.

The latter is particularly interesting in light of what happened just a couple of days before the tragedy in Pushkino near Moscow. If someone missed, then there, in the next market, a native of Uzbekistan killed a Russian guy (presumably a football fan) during a domestic quarrel and tried to escape. On this occasion, even a popular gathering took place, which could easily turn into something like Biryuleva-2. But not overgrown - and that's why The police responded so quickly and efficiently, that not only established the location of the alleged killer, but also returned him from his native Uzbekistan, where he managed to fly hastily. The market was promptly closed. 140 illegal migrants were promptly expelled. In general, Biryulyova-2 did not happen. However, the reason, nevertheless, could well have been played out at Manezhka (after all, the dead cannot be returned, and the promptness of the reaction of the authorities does not justify the absence of preventive actions on its part). The same market where the trouble happened existed contrary to the laws - and the officials habitually turned a blind eye to it. However, nobody began to promote the topic anyway.

This makes one timidly hope that the Ukrainian events have caused a serious rethinking of reality in all of us. We suddenly remembered (and someone first discovered) that the state is better than a non-state. We suddenly realized that evolution is better than revolution, that people who smoke in the squares and the blood of their fellow citizens do not guarantee a better life, no deliverance from oligarchs and corrupt officials, or any kind of justice. And we also understood that any state, even the most seemingly invincible, can be destroyed most truly from the inside, by the hands of its citizens themselves, literally for a bag of cookies. In short, we matured.

Who to thank for it? First of all, all those whose comments we cited above. Unconsciously, they themselves gave us the best vaccine from the Maidan that can be imagined. Thanks to them, because the examples of Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq turned out to be not enough for us. And only when it flashed underneath, only then did we finally wake up and began to think correctly.

Thank you to all of us who have heeded this new reality. One should not hope that the Moscow oppositionists did not come to Manezhka because they suddenly became supporters of the current government. No, they just correctly calculated the chances and realized that to leave on this occasion and with such slogans now, when people have a common opinion on a number of key issues, is pure and irrevocable political suicide. They also smarter, yes.

But the power has become smarter. Let's admit that today it is no longer that four years ago. No, it still has a lot of shortcomings, it is still possible and necessary to criticize, but nevertheless it has become clearer and closer for all of us in recent months. It is for these reasons that Maidan-on-Manezhka did not take place. And he could not, had no chance to take place now. And the fact that the Kiev comrades do not understand this, speaks only of the degree of their isolation from reality.

They continue to wait for their killer comet, which will make a circle and will certainly return. It remains to hope that by that time they will also mature.
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  1. 0
    24 May 2014 02: 22
    The liberal community understands perfectly well, while deceiving others, it itself knows for sure that all those people who took part in the March of Brotherhood and Civil Resistance were not hired by anyone and do not receive anything for their participation, they are volunteers and patriots. And it’s better for them not to meet this force.
  2. 0
    24 May 2014 15: 40
    Quote: _my opinion
    I agree with you - I myself have long noticed that if I don’t like something in others, it is in me ... and it has become for me the most accurate indicator of what needs to be fixed in myself. It’s difficult to correct yourself. ..but the result is magnificent - something that used to annoy and dislike how it disappears from the path.
    I can also add that evil people also exist in order for good people to see what they can turn into if they let evil into themselves ... Evil people and their deeds as warning signs of danger ... this allows us to become better and evade dangers ...

    I don’t put bad people on a pedestal, but the world would be much worse without them. We need bad people so that we know who we shouldn’t be. I don't remember the author.
  3. ya.alksndp
    24 May 2014 19: 06
    Quote: Stalker
    they are thrown into ditches not covered with earth!!! RESULT: The Donbass militias only need to make more “wounded wounded animals” - and then they will cut up their own with knives

    True, over time they will try to arrange a “new Srebrenica” in the sense of blaming the Donbass Militia, opponents of the junta, for this!