Destroy Russia

A similar plan of the West will be implemented with the help of local national traitors and saboteurs

In his historic speech on the occasion of the return of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia, our President Vladimir Putin noted that the West is threatening Russia with a revolution, and in this case the Western elites are counting on their “fifth column” in Russian society. Unfortunately, it must be stated that the West has every reason for such hopes.

In Russia, there are conditions for a social explosion, and opponents of our country will take steps to initiate it in the near future. However, there are effective measures to neutralize the "fifth column" and prevent chaos.

The West is extremely interested in destroying Russia or taking it under its control at least at such a level as it was in Yeltsin's times. One of the most important reasons for the failure of the West’s campaign for resources at the beginning of the XXI century is the position of the Russian Federation, focused on the peaceful resolution of the crises provoked by the West. The very fact of the existence of Russia gave a chance and hope to the peoples subjected to the aggression of the West for the success of the national liberation struggle. This is most clearly manifested in Syria and Ukraine. Meanwhile, the crisis of Western civilization (which has acquired a global character), generated by the overconsumption of Western society, without establishing control over world resources, cannot be overcome within the framework of the existing social system in the countries of this civilization. Therefore, aggression against Russia by the West is predetermined. It can flow, given the nuclear potential of the Russian Federation, only by soft power methods. Unfortunately, there are all conditions for this kind of aggression to be possible to apply against our country.

The socio-political situation in Russia in all major indicators corresponds to that which occurred on the eve of the coup d'état in Ukraine. The split of society on the basis of property with exorbitant indicators of the income gap between the poor and the rich. The unfair nature of the formation of large states, based on the simple plundering of public property, accompanied by the collapse of the country's economy and the total impoverishment of the population. The development in the Russian economy of negative processes leading to stagnation, as well as plans for the further privatization of state property by domestic oligarchs and foreigners, which leads to a further decline in the standard of living of the population. All this creates favorable objective conditions in order to inspire a social explosion in our country.

The revolution is preparing a pro-Western elite

At the same time, there exists in Russia a powerful, “fifth column” of the West, which is fundamentally rooted in society and political elite, and which is capable of organizing and leading a revolution in the country. These are liberal-Westernist forces, which, having a clear ideology of liberal fundamentalism, a substantial material base, political organizations and parties, as well as a great influence in the media and a good organization, are a single highly effective force - grouping in Russian politics. It is capable not only of influencing political decision-making, but, if necessary, having organized an economic crisis, it can “Ukrainize” Russia. Didn't Yulia Tymoshenko talk about this at a rally after her release, noting that the Ukrainian Maidan raised the banner of the struggle against authoritarian regimes throughout the former Soviet Union? Maybe Yarosh is counting on these forces, declaring that the next Maidan will be in Red Square in Moscow?

Destroy RussiaThe basis of this grouping was formed in the 90-ies of the XX century during the seizure of public property in the framework of Chubais privatization, the purpose of which was to establish control by protégés of transnational and foreign capital over Russia's raw material resources.

These forces are most closely associated with foreign special services, transnational and foreign national financial and industrial groups, and are also rather tightly controlled by them through the following channels:

1. According to the incriminating materials available to the representatives of this grouping.

2. On the huge personal funds invested in foreign banks and overseas real estate owned by them.

3. The participation of foreign capital in the Russian enterprises of this sphere, the high level of dependence of individual Russian banks on foreign ones, and the dependence of the incomes of the enterprises of the commodity industry on foreign consumers.

4. Ideological, intellectual and psychological linking of representatives of this grouping to Western civilization and its values.

Structurally, this group includes:

The ideological core, the main task of which is the ideological substantiation of the process of the final transformation of Russia into a raw materials appendage of the West and its final colonization with the elimination of state sovereignty. Explicitly not decorated. Its activity is manifested in the ideological justification of the need to enter Western civilization at any cost, even at the expense of the loss of part of national sovereignty.

Raw oligarchy. Its main function is to consolidate and retain control over the raw materials sectors of the Russian economy, creating, through the manipulation of energy prices on the Russian market, economic problems in the country. These include cosmopolitan oligarchs who are closely associated with transnational corporations.

Financial oligarchy. By controlling a significant segment of the Russian financial system, it provides funding for the liberal opposition, and can also disrupt the normal functioning of the Russian financial system. These are banking structures that are under the full or dominant control of large financial magnates, closely associated with transnational financial structures (such as the World Bank, Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc.).

The liberal lobby in the executive branch implements a liberal policy in the system of the Russian executive branch, as well as practical measures to further increase the dependence of the Russian economy on the West while simultaneously hindering actions to restore the economic and scientific-technological independence of our country. They serve as the "roof" of the liberal opposition in the executive authorities of Russia, creating all sorts of obstacles to countering attempts to organize a social explosion. In addition, by their actions they will deliberately create conditions for the exacerbation of social contradictions, the growth of social tension. This lobby is represented by a liberal and cosmopolitanly oriented bureaucracy in all power structures, including power structures, as a rule, closely related economically to financial and raw oligarchs.

Political liberal opposition. It should provide official representation of the liberal-cosmopolitan direction in the political spectrum of Russia. We are talking about political parties and movements of the classical liberal trend.

There are also active protest layers in Russia that are sufficient for organizing a social explosion, which the organizers of the revolution can be drawn into in various demonstrative and forceful actions. These are predominantly groups of the population with a pronounced cosmopolitan and liberal-Western ideological position or do not possess clear ideological guidelines, as a rule, with unsatisfactory material support and social status.

First of all, these are youth organizations of a liberal orientation. As a rule, they have a clear ideological platform and quite good financing, but usually they are very few in number. The basis of such organizations is made up of young people from affluent groups, with a good level of education, mainly cosmopolitan orientation, which should become the next generation of Russia's liberal cosmopolitan elite.

Special mention should be made of groups of liberal nationalists. This is a liberal mutation of Russian nationalism, in fact Russian separatism. These mutants, parasitizing on Russian nationalism, demand to separate the Caucasus from Russia, express opinions about the uselessness of the Russian Far East for our country, agreeing even to the point that Russia doesn’t really need Siberia and “can be let go”. The idea of ​​the usefulness of turning the Russian Federation into a confederation, where each region will have its own laws and is not very dependent on the central authorities, is being actively pushed. In fact, they preach the idea of ​​the destruction of Russia on the model of the USSR.

Most dangerous are groups of radical political Islam, which have set themselves the goal of alienating its separate regions from the Russian Federation.

All these forces are ideologically motivated to initiate a social explosion in Russia.

In addition to the above, there are marginal political organizations with vague ideological orientations, working mainly among young people. They have an insignificant material resource and intellectual potential, practically have no influence in government bodies and access to the media. The number of their supporters is relatively small. For them, the most effective way to declare oneself as a political force are various scandalous speeches, which can also be paid for. In their mass, they consist of low-income, low-educated groups of young people.

All these groups, being relatively small, have to some extent organization and aggressive desire for power. It is this that gives them reason to expect that unorganized and politically immature protest masses will go after them, who in the conditions of social chaos will be able to solve their personal material problems and satisfy their ambitions. These are the unorganized, politically immature part of students, working and non-working youth, part of criminal structures and small entrepreneurs, as well as middle-aged social groups without clear ideological guidelines, dissatisfied with their social status.

This mass will be able in a short time to increase the potential of organized opposition political groups several times, just as the number of the Right Sector in Kiev’s Maidan has increased from several hundred to several thousand militants just a few days.

Probable intention to change power

The scenario of initiating a “fifth column” of social crisis is obvious: after artificially created economic and social problems, forcing the population of the country to start mass protests, lead them by their appointees, putting forward demands for the resignation of the president and the government, the dissolution of the State Duma and the Federal Assembly with subsequent early elections. In the future, peaceful protests will be smoothly transferred to a forceful confrontation with the authorities, in the course of which to achieve a transition to the side of the insurgent parts of the security forces, and also to form a puppet quasi-government from the people prepared in advance. After accelerated recognition by its leading Western countries with strong political and, possibly, strong foreign support, bring this quasi-government to power in Russia.

Today there is reason to believe that certain signs of the beginning of this process are present in Russia. And they appeared relatively long ago, increasing social tensions in society. As an example of such activities, we can cite “reforms” of education, in particular, the activities of education officials in Moscow, who arbitrarily, sometimes seriously harming the interests of children and parents, teaching staff, “shuffle” schools, uniting some and disbanding others on the basis of taking "criteria" based only on financial calculations. There are signs of such deliberate activity in the sudden fall of the ruble exchange rate, leading to an increase in tariffs on almost all socially significant goods.

Undoubtedly, it contributes to the growth of Russia's dependence on the West by intensively “pushing through” the introduction of electronic documents proving the identity of citizens of our country. Created on the basis of the American electronic infrastructure - the Internet, this system will allow the United States to monitor the state of Russian society in real time and, accordingly, effectively influence it in the desired direction using information and other methods. Meanwhile, the already introduced foreign payment systems Visa and Master Card showed the vulnerability of the Russian financial system to Western actors.

The upcoming new wave of privatization of state property will lead to increased dependence of Russia on foreign business and, most importantly, to a decrease in the industrial potential of our country. Foreign business does not need competitors, and domestic businessmen, more concerned about the growth of income than the development of Russian industry, will restructure their businesses, trying to get rid of the allegedly unprofitable, but so necessary for the country industries. Privatization of infrastructure facilities, especially transport, will lead to an inevitable increase in transportation costs and, accordingly, higher prices for all consumer goods. Large-scale layoffs will follow. So it was earlier, so it will be now. All this significantly contributes to the growth of social tension.

These are just some of the most prominent examples. And they can still bring a lot.

In the near future, we should expect more activization of such activities in order to create conditions for the emergence of mass discontent among the population by the end of this summer, which should allow organizers of a social explosion in Russia to organize mass protests in the fall. Internal sabotage will be supported by various external actions, mainly economic in nature, which will look like natural changes in the world market in times of crisis. Although possible and sanctions. Probably a sharp activation of terrorist activity, especially in the Caucasus, as well as in other regions of Russia.
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  1. 0
    April 3 2014 02: 21
    While the West is dreaming, the following is happening in Russia:
    Don’t be lazy to read and calculate the pace of development.
    1. 0
      April 3 2014 05: 07
      Well, you know, every “true” patriot knows that what we made is exclusively photoshopped and a complete lie. But in fact, they screwed up all the polymers laughing
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      April 3 2014 06: 04
      Any economic development is expressed in an increase in GDP. One and a half percent for the year is almost a recession.
  2. 0
    April 3 2014 08: 20
    "Good liberals don't sweat!.."
  3. economist
    April 3 2014 13: 19
    The article was ordered, in the style of "investigative journalism" on NTV.
    I haven't read more nonsense.
    I immediately remembered how in 82, in our limited military contingent in one African country, there was a political officer, a former instructor in Komsomol work, who branded LIBYAN in all political information! intelligence services, which, in his brain, were the personification of universal evil and the main threat to the USSR.
    It's the same case here.
  4. 0
    April 3 2014 19: 27
    Did the author write out of fear? not everything is so bad and there is no need to create panic.
    The socio-political situation in Russia, in all major indicators, corresponds to that which took place on the eve of the coup in Ukraine.
    - and this generally looks like sabotage and provocation!
    Russian GDP: 3,373 trillion. (WB data) $ (6th) (2012)
    Ukraine GDP: $176,310 billion (52nd) (2012)
    I wouldn’t touch the political situation either.. There’s simply no one to compare Putin with..
    Yes, in general, and without arguments.. a strange comparison..