What moves on us, or the Nightmare of modern Europe

What moves on us, or the Nightmare of modern EuropeIn an interview with the newspaper "Tomorrow" Irina Bergset, who became a victim of the Norwegian sodomite mafia, talks about the "bright future" of Europeans, which they want to impose on Russia: "There is some folk tradition in Norway that is intimate with the children: with boys and girls, - perpetrated by blood relatives, with subsequent transfer to their neighbors "

"TOMORROW". Irina, tell us how you got to Norway, and what impression did this country make on you?

Irina BERGSET. In 2005, in Moscow, I married a Norwegian citizen. My son was then 7 years old. We went to live in Norway, in the commune of Aurskog-Hokland in the village of Aurskog.
At that time I did not know that half a century ago Norway was a country, in terms of civilization, comparable to the countries of Central Africa.
In 1905, Norway for the first time ceased to be dependent not only on Denmark, but also on Sweden. This country, as it was, and remains a state of serfs, and its inhabitants have never seen the master. Only the rent was paid. There was no development of culture. The inhabitants spoke either Danish or Swedish - that is, the languages ​​of the oppressors. Later, these languages ​​were mixed and made one artificial language called Bokmål. Although even now every family in Norway speaks its own dialect. Until now, the state language standard does not exist in Norway.
One could say that this country is only now being formed, if there had been no counter process. Norwegian society is rapidly degrading, copying American laws and regulations.
Oil was found at sea 50 years ago. It is clear that the country, which lacked science and culture, could not have the technology of extracting oil from the sea - Norway used foreign scientific and technological assistance.
I learned all this later. When I left Russia, I only knew that Norway has the highest standard of living in the world.
Despite the fact that I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and I am a candidate of philological sciences, Norway did not recognize my education.
I was offered to work as a teacher in the neighboring Fet-commune in a rural school of a new type - according to the progressive Danish model called "Riddersand", which means "school of knights". Compared to our Russian system, all Norwegian school state programs look like, in fact, for the mentally retarded. From 1st to 7th grades - there is an elementary school. The task of the state program is to learn the alphabet until the age of 13 and teach children to count - to read price tags in stores. You can't read aloud in class, because it's "embarrassing." A special teacher takes the child out into the corridor, and only there, so as not to embarrass the "kid", he listens to how he reads. The teacher has the right to analyze with the children two examples in mathematics a day, if the children do not master the material, then after three days he tries to explain to them what they have learned. Homework for the week - five words in English or eight, at the discretion of the child.
The Norwegian school is an example of the complete degradation of education. There is no literature, stories no, there is no physics, no chemistry, no natural science. There is natural history, called "review". Children study the world around them in general terms. They know that the Second World War was. All other details are violence against the child and his psyche.
The richest country in the world does not feed children in school or kindergarten. Rather, they are fed with a certain heap called "tomato soup" from a bag once a week. This is exactly the case, in both public and private kindergartens - food is only once a week!
My eldest son studied in Russia in a regular school. Therefore, in Norway, he became a child prodigy. Until the 7th grade, he did not teach anything - there is no need to teach. Advertisements are posted in schools: "If your parents ask you to do your homework, call. We will help free you from such parents."
The only way to train the son’s memory was the piano. I said: "Just pick up somewhere, that you have such a demanding mother ..."
Medicine in Norway is just a disaster! We needed to remove the mole - Sasha now has a 5 cm scar, it was cut with a knife. A surgeon from Oslo, with 20 years of experience, whose turn we waited for more than seven months, this surgeon worked like a village veterinarian.
You should know that there are no doctors in Norway. After all, this requires many years to study at the university. Therefore, doctors are recruited somehow all over Western Europe.
We were lucky that our local rural doctor in Bjorklangen did not delete the mole. That was a lady from East Germany. She told us directly: "You know, I never did it. I worked in an insurance company in Germany. It was like this: if someone broke my leg, then I would come and say: yes, that leg is broken." And then she suddenly added: "Do not worry, I will do everything ...". She opened a medical directory with us on her blue eye and said: "So, it says here: wet cotton wool with alcohol, wipe this place ...". Of course, I took my son in his arms and on the way out ...

"TOMORROW". All this “local flavor” can create certain problems, but at some point your life in Norway has become simply unbearable. Why?

Ib The misfortune happened after six years of my stay in Norway. I did not know anything about their Barnevarn system.
I lived with my cares: work, home, family ... I lived a little delving into the government of the country into which I moved. Somebody, I heard, took the children away, but I was a normal mother.
I divorced my husband after three years of marriage, after the birth of my second son. It was a cultural conflict. Now they say to me: "But there in every village house there is a toilet and a shower." Yes, - I answer this, - but at the same time the Norwegians habitually go to pee behind the house.
For three years I lived with children alone. I took a bank loan, bought an apartment, set up a normal life, was never a social client: I worked, I spent enough time with children. Children were only with me. As papa offended his son from his first marriage, I raised the question that there would be no dates.
He was legally obliged to date the little one. I held out as best I could so that the child did not spend the night with his father - there was a threat of beating. But the kindergarten, other government agencies pressured me to give the child. Therefore, the little son stayed with his father at first for two hours on Saturday or Sunday. But the last time I spent almost a week with him - the child was with a fever when he took him to his relatives in Trondheim in a thirty-degree frost.
In 2011, on March 7, I went to the police of the village of Bjorkelangen (Bjorlelangen), because my little boy said that his aunts and uncles, relatives of his father, hurt him in the mouth and ass. He told about things that I could not at first believe.
There is a certain folk tradition in Norway, linked to intimacy with children: with boys and girls, perpetrated by blood relatives, with subsequent transfer to their neighbors. At first I could not believe in this nonsense or hell. I wrote a statement to the police. On March XNUMXth we were invited to the Barnevernet Child Welfare Service. The interrogation lasted six hours. It was just me and my two children.
They have an exemplary system of child protection, created to pretend that they are fighting incest. Then I realized that the centers of Barnevarn, which are located in each village, are needed only to identify the child who had spoken and the dissatisfied mother or father and isolate them and punish them.
From the newspapers, I learned about a case when a girl, seven or eight years old, was sentenced by the court to pay court costs and pay compensation to the rapist for keeping him in prison. In Norway, everything is turned upside down. Pedophilia, in fact, is not a crime.
On the eighth of March, 2011 was seized from me for the first time of two children. Withdrawal takes place as follows: the child does not return from kindergarten or from school, that is, practically sneaks up from you, disappears. This is because it is hidden from you on a secret address.
That day I was told: "You understand, this situation, you are talking about child abuse. We need a doctor to examine you and say that you are healthy." I did not refuse. The clinic was ten minutes away by car. An employee of Barnevarn put me in her, saying: "We will help you, play with your children." The children were not left anywhere, but in the child protection service. Now I understand, it was illegal. When I reached the clinic, the eldest son Sasha, he was then 13 years old, called and said: "Mom, we are taken away to a foster family."
I was ten kilometers away from the children, who were being taken to a secret address. According to local law, children are seized without presenting any papers. The only thing I could do was to pull myself together. Crying is prohibited in Norway, it is regarded as a disease, and Barnevernet can apply compulsory psychiatry to you.
It turns out that Norway has a state plan, a quota for the removal of children from their parents. The guardianship authorities even compete in its implementation - this is a kind of state competition. Graphs, diagrams are published every quarter - how many children were selected in which district.
Recently I got a document - a report from the Swedes. This is a report on cases of the removal of children from families in Sweden and neighboring Scandinavian countries (http://www.familypolicy.ru/read/1403). This is a strange phenomenon. The report says that 300000 children have been removed from their parents in Sweden. That is, we are talking about a whole generation stolen from blood parents. Scientists, criminologists, lawyers, lawyers - people with traditional values ​​who still remember that the family was in Sweden - are perplexed. They say something strange is going on. There is a state pogrom of families.
Experts say the figure is 10 kroons (about 000 rubles) per day. This amount is received by a new family for one adopted child, and any one. A separate agent of the organization, Barnevern, receives a huge bonus from the state budget for destroying a family nest, for stealing offspring. This is the case in all Scandinavian countries.
Moreover, the adoptive parent can choose children, as in the market. For example, you liked this Russian, blue-eyed girl, and you just want to take her into reception. Then you just need to call Barnevarna and say: "I am ready, I have a small room for reception ..." And call the name. You just deliver it right there. That is, the “hired” family is first located, and only then the child is withdrawn from the blood parents “under the order”.
Norwegian human rights defenders are trying to fight the all-powerful punitive system of Barnevern. They seriously believe that this is a corrupt system for the sale of children. On May 3, victims of Barnevernet in Norway organized a rally to protest the state's forced separation of parents and children in Norway. In terms of theft of children from parents, Norway is ahead of the rest, here separation of children from their parents is a state project. Headline in a Norwegian newspaper: "One fifth of children in Norway have already been saved by their parents." One-fifth is, by the way, from one million of all children in this state - almost two hundred thousand "saved" and now living not at home with their mother, but in orphanages.
The allowance for a child’s shelter in Norway is about twelve million rubles a year. And if you make a child disabled, you get even more benefits and subsidies. The more injuries, the more profitable the shelter, which is nothing but a family-type prison.
According to statistics published in the Norwegian newspapers, out of every ten newborn babies, only two babies give birth to Norwegians, and eight of these ten are born to migrants. Migrants give a healthy population of Norway, because they do not practice closely related marriages.
Most of all children born in Norway from Russians came to Barnevarn. That is, Russian children are selected first. Almost all children born to one or two Russian parents are registered in Barnevarn and are in the risk group. They are the number one contenders for screening.

"TOMORROW". If a child is selected, what can parents do in this case?

IbA Russian woman commits suicide almost every month in Norway. Because when they come to you and take away your children, you are unarmed, you are one on one with the System. You are told: "You do not make an omelet according to the Norwegian recipe. You make the child wash their hands. You are limping, you cannot sit with the child in the sandbox. So, you are a bad mother, we are taking the child away!"
The child protection system in Norway is based on the presumption of parental guilt. Parent guilty knowingly. Parents fall out on the sea of ​​lies. It all starts with a simple statement: "You want to go to Russia." And you cannot refute this, because you have relatives in Russia. Or: "You want to kill your children." This is because the Russians in their hearts say: "I will kill you!"
You are constantly put in a situation where you have to make excuses. And you understand that it is impossible to justify. You alone will not stop the Norwegian state machine, built on fabulous awards to lawyers, care workers, judges, psychologists, psychiatrists, foster parents, experts and others ... Awards are given for each seized blue-eyed baby. You have no chance to save your son or daughter from a Norwegian orphanage, alas. I went through all instances of the Norwegian courts. Everything is under control, corruption is everywhere. Children are a commodity. They are not returned.
All materials of the Russian press about my children were translated by lawyer Barnevarn and were used as a charge in court. "She is crazy, she protects her child in the press!" In the West, there is no press freedom for children. Appeal to society is impossible. There is a law on confidentiality, which is actively being pushed now in Russia.

"TOMORROW". You made it clear that the family annihilation system in Northern Europe encourages child sexual abuse. How does this mechanism work?

Ib The Ministry for Children in Norway is called “literally” by almost the Ministry for Children and Equality of All Forms of Sexual Diversity. Sexual minorities in Norway are no longer minorities. Naturals are a minority ... Publicly available materials from sociologists testify: by 2050 Norway will be ninety percent homosexual. What is meant by "homo" is hard for us to imagine. They say that our Russian concept of "gays" and "lesbians" is the last century. At least thirty types of unconventional marriage have been legalized in the West. The most "advanced" country in this regard is Norway, where "man" and "woman" are obsolete concepts. And it is no coincidence that in Norway there is no way to protect a child born into a natural family.
It would seem that this does not concern you. You say to yourself: "Let them do what they want! What have I and my children?"
I also once reasoned, because I was completely unaware of the fact that sexual standards were introduced throughout Europe that regulate the upbringing of children in a certain way (http://yadi.sk/d/oa3PNRtG3MysZ). This regulation is mandatory for all countries that have signed the relevant convention, the adoption of which is actively being lobbied in Russia now. It says in plain text that parents, together with doctors and kindergarten workers, are obliged to teach tiny children "different types of love." A special section of this pan-European sex-standard tells why parents and kindergarten employees are obliged to teach European children to masturbation strictly up to four years and no later. For us, the cave Russians, this is very useful information. On page 46 of the mentioned document it is indicated that the newborn should realize its “gender identity”. At the time of birth, your child must determine whether he is gay, lesbian, bisexual, transvestite, or a transsexual by ordering sex questions. And since the concepts of "man" and "woman" are excluded from the equality of gender, then draw your own conclusions. If your child doesn’t choose "gender", then the all-powerful Norwegian Barnevarn or Finnish Lastensoelu, German Jugendamt, etc. will help him in this.
Norway is almost one of the first countries in the world to create a research institute at the Oslo University, which studies the suicides of children from 0 to 7 years. In the opinion of the average man, it is very strange. How can a newborn baby commit suicide? And in the opinion of the local Barnevarn this is natural. If children after sadistic orgies really die, then officially it can be attributed to "suicide."

"TOMORROW". Irina, let's go back to your personal story ...

Ib My children were taken away from me for the second time on May 30, 2011. Two policemen and two Barnevernet employees rang at the door. I opened the door with a chain, looked out. All the policemen have almost revolvers, even the police chief of Bjorklangen himself came and said: "We have come to take your children." I call the lawyer, she says: “Yes, according to the laws of Norway, you are obliged to give them back. If you resist, the children will be taken away anyway, but you will never see them again. You must give the children, and tomorrow they will explain to you what is the matter. ... "The children were taken away immediately, they were not even allowed to change clothes, and they did not show me any paper, no order. After the removal procedure, I was in a state of shock: now I had to prove that I was a good mother.
In the Norwegian newspapers they described a case: one boy who was taken away from his mother as a child was raped in all shelters. He lived to 18 years, bought a gun, came home and shot his adoptive parents.
Another Norwegian boy was taken away - he cried, wanted to see his mother. The doctors said it was paranoia. He was fed with drugs and made into a vegetable. After shouts from the press, he was handed back to his mother in a wheelchair. He could no longer speak, lost 13-15 kg. It was dystrophy, irreversible processes took place.
After a single date with me, my elder boy said that he wrote a letter to the Russian consulate: "I will die, but I will still run away from Norway. I will not live in a concentration camp." And he himself managed to organize his escape. On the Internet, he contacted Pole Krzysztof Rutkovsky, who had already managed to save a Polish girl from a Norwegian orphanage.
The Pole called me at the very last moment, when everything was ready, and said: "If I take your son out without you, it will be kidnapping, stealing someone else's child, and if with you, then I just help the family." It was hard for me to make up my mind, but the choice was terrible: to die for all three in Norway, or to save at least myself and my eldest son ... God forbid, anyone should experience this!
We stayed in Poland for three months. Only in Russia does a blood mother belong to her children and is a subject of family law. Nowhere in Europe. My child first got a Norwegian adoptive mother. Then we were stopped at the request of a supposedly "other" official Norwegian mother. The request read: "A certain aunt - that is, I - stole a child from the territory of Norway." Then Poland, according to the laws of Europe, provided my child with a Polish foster mother.
And in order to take a child from Poland to Russia, my mother - that is, my son's grandmother, became a Russian foster mother. Thus, an exchange took place between the Polish and Russian adoptive mothers. Here's Norwegian parent number one, Polish parent number two, and Russian parent number three. Mother in Europe does not count.

"TOMORROW". After your return to Russia, information about similar cases began to flock to you. Tell us about your social activities.

Ib Here is the situation: Irina S. lived in England for eighteen years. She had a friend there. A daughter was born. Once Irina accidentally found out that her roommate was a member of a sadomasochistic club. Her girl is watching TV - they show a local racer. My daughter says: "Mom, this uncle came to me to play doctor. Oh! And this aunt played with me in the bathroom ..." Can you imagine when your child says that to you? ..
Irina went to an English child psychologist, and he said to her: "Honey, you suck, you are yesterday. This is not perversion, this is creative sex for the elite." She shut up and slowly began to pack her things, prepare her retreat to Russia. Wise woman…
First, same-sex marriage was legalized in Norway. Then the adoption of children by same-sex parents was legalized. There, priests - women and men - openly declare their non-traditional orientation. And now there are daredevils among the same-sex people who raise the question of the right to marry children, to marry children.
If we, traditional parents, sit and wait like vegetables, we will lose this battle with same-sex or other genders for our own children. Today the experimental zone is Northern Europe, Germany plus the USA and the former British colonies: Canada, Australia, New Zealand - these are "hot spots" from where I receive "SOS" signals from Russian mothers. These are the first flashes of war for the sacred image of the traditional Russian family.
The idea of ​​the need for open resistance gave me the opportunity not to break down, not to go crazy, there, in Norway.
Each of the parents in Russia must understand. Over the past 30 years, structures interested in child trafficking, engaged in the redistribution of the demographic masses, have legalized the position that parent and child are not at all one whole. Now children belong to some abstract society or state. Moreover, according to the 1980 Hague Convention on theft of Children, which Russia signed in 2011, children belong to the territory in which they have lived for the last three months.
The philosophy of these nonhumans is partly revealed by the project of the ruling Labor Party in Norway, which I just recently read about in the Norwegian media. Lisbakken, the Minister for Children, says unashamedly: "I am a homosexual. I want all the children of the country to be like me." He initiated a state program to conduct an experiment: all literature such as "Cinderella", all the tales of the Brothers Grimm were seized from kindergartens. Instead of them, other literature was written, sexual - "schen literary" like "King and King" or "Gay Children". There, for example, a prince falls in love with a king or a prince, a princess girl dreams of marrying a queen. According to the law, children already in kindergarten on pots are obliged to read such fairy tales and show pictures.
There was such a case. Russian tourists went to New Zealand on a short-term visa, for example, a 7-day visa - mom, dad and child. The parents either shouted at the child, or the child was crying loudly - from a cafe or hotel they called the child protection service. A squad of "rescuers" arrived, and the child was taken away, "rescued" from "sadistic parents". Russian diplomats have been fighting for over a year to ensure that the child can have dates with his biological parents.
I myself have been fighting for two years for the right to get a date with my younger son. Breivik, who shot the 80 man, has the right to call his relatives every day. Persons sentenced to death all over the world have the right to correspondence and to call, and the mother is not able to even talk to her child!
By the way, Breivik "saved" Norway from this ruling pariah "Arbeit Party", and announced that he hates Muslims. Breivik was raped by a Norwegian mother at the age of four. His "Barnevarn" selected and launched "on the stage." Every family tasted it. Then for nine years the youth prepared his action. I think it is now isolated and said: "We will build a palace for you, anything, just keep quiet on this topic!". This aspect gradually pops up in the media. Swedish journalists have already unearthed this story.
Every five years, Barnevernet reports on the migrants with the largest number of children in Barnevernet. The top list is topped by Afghanistan, then Eritrea, then Iraq. Of white children, Russia is in first place, in the general list of countries - in fourth.
Blood parents receive permission from the state to meet with stolen children - 2 hours once every six months. This is maximum. Now my eldest son, who fled to Russia, is virtually obliged to stay in their orphanage, as the property of the Norwegian bifolkning (population), until the age of 23.
We should not talk about pedophilia as such. This is another phenomenon. In Norway alone, 19 000 non-state societies for the conversion of children from "ancient" (male, female) to other non-traditional genders.
A child forcibly develops in a specific non-traditional gender category. What my baby-son told me is no longer a primitive pedophilia, but a kind of “organized” training aimed at a different orientation.

"TOMORROW". All these horrors are hard to believe ...

IS While you are reasoning, to believe or not to believe, a whole generation of parents has already appeared, who have to live with this horror.
All this in modern Europe is presented as a kind of tolerance. They say that children allegedly have the right to sexual preferences from scratch, have the right to sex diversity. Against us, against parents and children, there is a well-organized criminal world network. And it seems that the time has come to recognize this honestly and openly and to begin in every regional department of the Russian police and throughout its vertical to introduce special forces to counteract these international groups of demographic gangsterism.
I urged people on the Child Protection march to see behind the beautiful mask of Western "juvenile justice", which is presented to us under the guise of "saving children from alcoholic parents" - a global experiment to change the gender of our children. A monstrous experiment that has been going on all over Europe for almost thirty years.
There, in Europe, and in Canada, and in the USA, in Australia and New Zealand, everywhere outside of Russia, parenting is crushed and divided. Parenting, as a parent-child bond, is systematically destroyed. The figures of the seized children - 200 thousand in Norway, 300 thousand in Sweden, 250 thousand in Finland, Germany, Israel - the same huge number is the stolen generation.

"TOMORROW". Against this background, our country Russia looks like an island of the Christian way of life ...

Ib They often say about me: "Well, first I fled to the West, and now I have become an ardent patriot!" Yes, I am a reluctant patriot. In order to appreciate our Russia, perhaps, we must first lose everything. I paid too dearly for my mistake - with my own child and terrible experience.
More than a hundred Russian families today are kneeling around Russia and shouting: "We are guests from your future. Our children were stolen from us in the West. Look at our grief and learn. Wake up, stop the plague of the third millennium. Put the iron curtain on tolerance to perversion." Squeeze this evil out of Russia! "

Interviewed by Andrey FEFELOV
International Public Movement "RUSSIAN MOTHER"
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  1. +1
    17 May 2013 21: 10
    Opponents of the action in defense of LGBT people broke through the police cordon in Tbilisi

    13: 01 17.05.2013
    TBILISI, May 17 - News-Georgia, Tsitsia Mamulashvili. Opponents of the action in defense of the rights of sexual minorities, who gathered on Rustaveli Avenue on the morning of Friday, May 17, broke through the police cordon after learning that LGBT supporters had gathered in Pushkin Square, the correspondent reports. "News-Georgia" from the scene.
    As representatives of the patrol police stated, more than ten people supporting the rights of sexual minorities gathered in Pushkinsky Square. The action was initially planned near the old parliament building, but the organizers, representatives of the NGO Identity, decided to change the location of the meeting in order to ensure the safety of the participants.
    When opponents of this action broke through the cordon and chased the defenders of sexual minorities, they hid in a bus previously located on Freedom Square. Despite the fact that the protesters caught up with them before the bus started moving, there was no physical confrontation. Most of the LGBT rallies were women.
    By this time, according to various estimates, there are several tens of thousands of opponents of the LGBT action on Rustaveli Avenue and Freedom Square, mainly representatives of the clergy and flock, as well as representatives of public organizations.
  2. -1
    17 May 2013 21: 12
    Only Orthodox Christians fight the gay plague
  3. 0
    17 May 2013 21: 15
    Opponents of the action in defense of LGBT people broke through the police cordon in Tbilisi

    13: 01 17.05.2013
    TBILISI, May 17 - News-Georgia, Tsitsia Mamulashvili. Opponents of the action in defense of the rights of sexual minorities, who gathered on Rustaveli Avenue on the morning of Friday, May 17, broke through the police cordon after learning that LGBT supporters had gathered in Pushkin Square, the correspondent reports. "News-Georgia" from the scene.
    As representatives of the patrol police stated, more than ten people supporting the rights of sexual minorities gathered in Pushkinsky Square. The action was initially planned near the old parliament building, but the organizers, representatives of the NGO Identity, decided to change the location of the meeting in order to ensure the safety of the participants.
    When opponents of this action broke through the cordon and chased the defenders of sexual minorities, they hid in a bus previously located on Freedom Square. Despite the fact that the protesters caught up with them before the bus started moving, there was no physical confrontation. Most of the LGBT rallies were women.
    By this time, according to various estimates, there are several tens of thousands of opponents of the LGBT action on Rustaveli Avenue and Freedom Square, mainly representatives of the clergy and flock, as well as representatives of public organizations.
  4. shpuntik
    17 May 2013 21: 21

    Bomb article! We need such witnesses to unite the nation so that we can resist the soul-selling elite, the elite that divides people into classes, into goyim and the elite. Many thinking people have understood this. One of them is David Duke. Here is a fragment of an interview with one of the activists (she looks like Novodvorskaya, only thinner).

    Некорректный код видео http://video.yandex.ru/users/han-uman/view/293/user-tag/%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B8
  5. +1
    17 May 2013 21: 45
    Quote: kvirit
    Quote: Joker
    it’s with such articles that they distract attention from internal problems to external ones

    I agree with you 100%. From myself I will add an article with a religious bias:
    "TOMORROW". Against this background, our country Russia looks like an island of the Christian way of life ...

    Who distracts whom from what is another question. And what doesn’t suit you about Christianity is that it calls for pedophilia and other perversions... Just the opposite, everything that is good in this world is all the Gospel commandments, all this is Christianity. Just one line about religion and you’re already worried about who we work for, what we smoke?
    1. we are from the past
      21 May 2013 22: 46
      I fully support!
      And this is not just Christianity, but ORTHODOXY.
  6. +4
    17 May 2013 21: 55
    Unfortunately, we also have a lot of p......s. Recently I was on a minibus and there were a lot of people. A girl stands in front: tight jeans, a bright jacket, hair just below her shoulders. I tell her: “Girl, please give me the fare.” He turns around and it’s a male with stubble and a mustache. I almost choked on my words!
    1. +2
      17 May 2013 23: 36
      -Girl, please pass me the fare.
      -I am not a girl!
      -I found something to be proud of :-)
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. KononAV
    17 May 2013 22: 11
    Western Europe has become morally, nationally and territorially decomposed, and we all take their example from them. Russia is a country with its own traditions. We don't need them, they need us.
  9. yur
    17 May 2013 22: 19
    What is happening in Europe today is worse than fascism, worse than Hitler. They killed our bodies, these are going to destroy our souls.
  10. Dimkapvo
    17 May 2013 22: 29
    We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself. Episode after episode, a grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on Earth, the final, irreversible extinction of their self-awareness, will play out... Literature, theaters and cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will support and raise artists who will plant and hammer into human consciousness the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal... We will thus undermine generation after generation. We will place our main emphasis on youth, we will begin to corrupt, corrupt, and corrupt them..." A. Dulles
    It's time to wake up from our good nature, it's time to say - fuck you!!! The wrong ones were attacked!!! We can still show our teeth in such a way that the devils will feel sick!!! Why the hell do we need such “partners”? Why the hell should we have good neighborly relations with them?!!!
    1. Shah100
      19 May 2013 13: 04
      Gelman Gallery is exactly following Dulles' script. For 13 shekels... (?!) for each spit on Christian shrines
    2. we are from the past
      21 May 2013 22: 53
      The world is ruled by the golden calf, and as long as the corruption of youth and children in the media, cinema, and television brings fabulous profits to someone, nothing will change.
      This is not socialism with a ban on the promotion of pornography, violence, etc.
      If you wanted freedom without censorship, you will get it.
  11. +3
    17 May 2013 22: 50
    Damn, it’s a shame I just read about the Champs of Mars. I would be happy to take out my blue and white vest and tell him that the blue color refers to paratroopers and special forces reconnaissance forces, and not......well, I don’t know what to call them without swearing. And they also tell us that we must be equal to CIVILIZED Europe???!!! Comrades!!! I think we have a different, our own road, and the West is not an example for us!!! Now there comes a moment in the life of our Motherland and the rest of the world when it’s time for us to stop fighting with each other and unite. Either WE will defeat everyone, or we will be destroyed one by one.
  12. +1
    17 May 2013 22: 55
    On April 23, the French parliament voted to legalize same-sex marriage. 331 deputies voted in support of the “marriage for all” bill, while 225 legislators voted against it. French Justice Minister Christine Tubira, whose department was entrusted with work on the document by President Francois Hollande, was present in the National Assembly during the vote and said that this was a “historic day.”

    After this, protests against the legalization of same-sex marriage swept across the country. At least 15 thousand people took to the streets of Paris; protest marches also took place in Dijon, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Rennes, Strasbourg, and Toulouse.

    “We do not lose hope that the bill will not be signed by the president. Such examples have already occurred in the history of the Fifth Republic,” said the leader of the protest movement, Frigid Bargeau.

    “The French need jobs, not same-sex marriage,” chanted participants in the Paris demonstration, hinting at rising unemployment in the country.

    In total, the rallies were supported by over 1 million people. Opponents of the reform announced their readiness to continue the fight. Their next mass action will take place on May 26th.

    Are the French men?
    1. Nika
      17 May 2013 23: 19
      Quote: _Sibiryak_
      After this, protests against the legalization of same-sex marriage swept across the country.

      Who will listen to them, like us, unfortunately? There are those who benefit from all the disgrace that is happening and they still rule the roost. I hope that “for now” is not too long.
    2. Shah100
      19 May 2013 13: 11
      All hope is for Muslims, for normal healthy Muslims - the native French are weak and effeminate
  13. Alexandr0id
    17 May 2013 22: 55
    the green banner of Islam over Europe seems the most wonderful outcome))
    1. Shah100
      19 May 2013 13: 18
      Remember the Albanian intervention and the still ongoing massacre of the Christian population in the occupied territories, as well as the mass trade in organs, declared taboo!... the green banner is the color of the grass on your graves...
  14. Ivga_lis
    17 May 2013 23: 07
    Quote: Alexandr0id
    the green banner of Islam over Europe seems the most wonderful outcome))

    Yeah, the awl will change into soap
  15. crest 57
    17 May 2013 23: 18
    There is a wonderful trilogy called “The Tree of Life”, author Kuzmenko. I recommend it to everyone. Read it, you won't regret it.
  16. +2
    17 May 2013 23: 24
    once served a conference on illegal migration (printed materials
    I read and chuckled at our “unfortunate” girls who are mercilessly exploited in sexual slavery.
    one of them was deported from Greece 20 (twenty) times and went there illegally the same number of times

    if everything is so terrible, well, why the hell are you rushing there, well, live in Russia, give birth and raise children here, fry the food as you like, no, we need to go to Europe, well, now eat their freedom with a spoon full
  17. fenix57
    17 May 2013 23: 25
    Quote: Stiletto
    And if so, how is this any better than fascism?!

    This is worse, worse than fascism...
  18. +3
    17 May 2013 23: 38
    It’s been a long time since there have been such resonant (as it is now customary to put it pompously) articles, that the discussion stretched over two pages! It's nice to see such unanimity among readers and visitors to the site. Not everything, therefore, is lost for our Motherland. The enemy will not pass (I hope with our and God's help)!
  19. +2
    17 May 2013 23: 48
    you read and your hair stands on end, here you have Europe, Stalin is not on them!!!
  20. +1
    17 May 2013 23: 50
    zennon (xnumx)
    Quote: Stiletto
    Is that really true? And if so, why is it all better than fascism ?!

    You know, you have a perverted idea of ​​national socialism. No, no, I’m not justifying anyone, and unfortunately I don’t know much myself. It’s a pity! But I know for sure that the social security system in Germany at that time was the best. For Throughout Hitler’s reign, not a single worker was unfairly fired. They really cared about people there...

    In Stiletto’s question: “Is this really true? And if so, how is this better than fascism?!” Probably what was meant was not fascism in relation to the Germans, but fascism in relation to other peoples. As for the question of whether it’s true or not, I think it’s true. My nephew married a German woman and they left for Germany 15 years ago. His son was 2 years old. At the age of 7 he went to school, the boy was very active and it was difficult for him to sit at attention during the lesson. They told their nephew that you are raising your son incorrectly and do not look after his health. He needs to be shown to a doctor and given tranquilizers, otherwise he will be sent to a foster family. The nephew had to “clearly” explain to his son what awaits him if he is “naughty.” Thank God the boy was able to “press” himself. But everything is progressing, and I think now they would no longer warn, but would simply take the boy away.
  21. 0
    17 May 2013 23: 51
    Apparently another historical cycle is ending, the so-called Western civilization is approaching its collapse from dawn to decay and decline, which we can now observe. All that remains is to wait for the arrival of a new civilization and the cycle will begin anew.
    1. Nika
      17 May 2013 23: 57
      Quote: Standard Oil
      All that remains is to wait for the arrival of a new civilization and the cycle will begin again.

      And the “new” one has already arrived. And is settling in Europe. No?
      1. +1
        18 May 2013 00: 12
        Of course, I can only make assumptions, but the situation is painfully reminiscent of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, the same corrupted and rotten indigenous population, ultra-liberal ideology, economic crisis and energetic barbarians who already live in the spaces of the empire and are increasingly wondering, what the hell? do we need these snickering Romans (Europeans)? History repeats itself word for word. As the study of history shows, all the great civilizations that existed went from energetic expansion, the fight against some enemy, to stagnation and decay and then collapse, after which the cycle began anew, as an example, the Sumerian civilization, the Maya, the Egyptian civilization, the same as Rome, apparently humanity exists according to a certain program.
        1. +2
          18 May 2013 02: 26
          Standard Oil, bad man)))), got ahead!
          He expressed what I wanted to say, and expressed it well.

          “We are Russians, what a delight!”
          A.V. Suvorov

          I am Russian. Lord, thank you!
    2. Shah100
      19 May 2013 13: 26
      Eh, Breivik shot the wrong ones. ..although his native “justice” did not scold him very harshly, he got excited, they say, the little guy doesn’t happen to anyone...
  22. Raven
    18 May 2013 00: 29
    I want to go back to the USSR in the 50s and 60s. And revive 3 REICH in order to clean out this abomination in Europe
  23. Seraph
    18 May 2013 00: 33
    Europe is Sodom and has always been so, only maturing. Sodomy is not only sexual perversion, it is an overall perversion of human nature, consciousness, feelings, and will. And this Sodom will inevitably perish, just like the Old Testament. From the hands of Muslims, from the civil war, from our Poplars - it doesn’t matter, the grave has almost been dug, the corpse is on the way. But no one will bring wreaths
    1. 0
      18 May 2013 00: 45
      Too bad, no answer. Sodomy has flourished and is flourishing everywhere and always - both in the Christian and Muslim worlds. In ancient Rome and Greece in general it was an everyday occurrence, but the first Christians came and made a splash. Then, in the so-called Renaissance, there was another surge - and again the Puritans came this time and everything calmed down a little. For example, the glorious city of Reading in the county of Berkshire is famous for its prison, where Oscar Wilde served his sentence precisely because of his, today, politically correct orientation (and his former lover wrote a stink about him!). So I would like to hope that healthy forces will win. At least in Britain this is the general mood.
  24. +1
    18 May 2013 01: 22
    My God!!!! Is that really true?!!! This is hell on earth!!! Glamorous, packaged, clean and well-fed hell! This is what hell is. This is not devils with frying pans, not lava with sulfur, but a complete lack of love. This is when a child is raped, and they are assured that this is in his interests! Does Europe really not see that it is being destroyed? They destroy deliberately, purposefully, with her own hands! And I even know the nation of these people who are destroying. And I can guess why. Although I am not a believer, I can’t help but think that the coming of the Antichrist (the Jewish Moshiach) is already close. "It's nearby, at the door"
  25. +1
    18 May 2013 01: 52
    We must renounce the West and their vile values. If all this is true, what is written in the article, then I do not want to consider myself a Western civilization. Alexander Blok was right in turning to the West...

    Zillions - you. We - the darkness and darkness and darkness.
    Try, fight with us!
    Yes, we are Scythians! Yes, Asians - we,
    With slanted and greedy eyes!

    For you - centuries, for us - a single hour.
    We are like obedient slaves
    Holding a shield between two hostile races
    Mongols and Europe!

    Century, century your old horn forged
    And drowned out thunder, avalanches,
    And a wild fairy tale was a failure for you
    And Lisbon, and Messina!

    You looked east for hundreds of years
    Digging and melting our pearls
    And you, mocking, counted only the term,
    When to train cannon vents!

    Here - the time has come. Wings are beating trouble
    And every day resentment multiplies,
    And the day will come - there will be no trace
    From your Paestums, maybe!

    Oh, the old world! Until you perish,
    While you languish with sweet flour,
    Stop, wise as Oedipus,
    Before the Sphinx with an ancient mystery!

    Russia - Sphinx. Rejoicing and mourning
    And bleeding black blood,
    She looks, looks, looks at you.
    And with hatred, and with love! ...

    Yes, to love as much as our blood loves,
    None of you have loved for a long time!
    Forgot you, that in the world there is love,
    Which burns and kills!

    We love everything - and the heat of cold numbers,
    And the gift of divine visions,
    Everything is clear to us - and a sharp Gallic meaning,
    And the gloomy German genius ...

    We remember everything - hell streets of Paris,
    And the Venetian coolness,
    Lemon groves are a distant fragrance,
    And Cologne smoky bulks ...

    We love flesh - and its taste, and color,
    And the stuffy, mortal flesh smell ...
    Guilty if we crack your skeleton
    In the heavy, gentle paws?

    We used to get used to the bridle
    Playing horses zealous,
    Breaking horses with heavy sacra
    And pacify the slaves of the obstinate ...

    Come to us! From the horrors of war
    Come in peace hugs!
    Before it's too late - the old sword in the sheath,
    Comrades! We will become - brothers!

    And if not - we have nothing to lose,
    And we are not above treachery!
    Century, centuries you will be curse
    Sick later offspring!

    We are wide in the wilds and forests
    Before Europe, prigozhey
    Let's part! We will turn to you
    His Asian mug!

    Go all, go to the Urals!
    We clear the place of battle
    Steel machines, where the integral breathes,
    With the Mongolian wild horde!

    But we ourselves are no longer a shield to you,
    From now on, we will not enter the battle ourselves,
    We'll see how the mortal battle is boiling,
    With his narrow eyes.

    We will not move when the ferocious Hun
    In the pockets of corpses will fumble,
    Burn the city, and drive the herd into the church,
    And fry white brothers meat! ...

    For the last time - come to your senses, old world!
    On the fraternal feast of work and peace,
    The last time for a bright fraternal feast
    Cries the barbaric lyre!

    1918 A. Blok

    P.S. Maybe this verse is prophetic?
  26. +1
    18 May 2013 02: 02
    By the way, in the Russian newspaper dated January 15.01.2013, XNUMX, there is an article that...

    St. Petersburg students of the 239th Physics and Mathematics Lyceum became winners of the international mathematical Olympiad, held on January 9, 2013 in the Chinese city of Shenyang.

    According to the press secretary of the city education committee Larisa Kuzmina, tenth-grader Daniil Klyuev won the gold medal at the Olympiad as part of the Russian national team, and 11th-grade student Anton Zhevnerchuk won the silver medal.

    In addition to them, the Russian team included young mathematicians from Moscow, Petrozavodsk, Izhevsk and Naberezhnye Chelny.

    And after the article there is an interesting note from the editor...
    The PRC Open Mathematics Olympiad is one of the most difficult national Olympiads. Mutual participation of Russian and Chinese teams in each other's national mathematical Olympiads has been taking place annually since 1993 on the basis of a protocol of cooperation between the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Mathematical Society of the People's Republic of China.

  27. RUkola
    18 May 2013 02: 14
    Everything is much better here, it’s enough to look at Moscow on the day of Eid al-Fitr, or rather just on an ordinary day, at the chaos of Kadyrov’s “guards” and then it will become clear to any norg that it’s time to pack their bags and move to Russia
  28. Rubik
    18 May 2013 02: 18
    Clumsy propaganda. Are there really people who believe in all this? Judging by the majority of likes, maybe I’m wrong and the majority just want to believe it?
  29. olegsan
    18 May 2013 02: 45
    In Europe, many abominations are happening, this is a fact. I also surfed the net and came across “Irina Bergset’s ex-husband revealed the secrets of the main “Russian Mother”: http://www.mk.ru/social/family/interview/2013/03/09/823331-byivshiy-muzh-irinyi -
    bergset-raskryil-taynyi-glavnoy-quotrusskoy-materiquot.html Then some more material: http://file-rf.ru/news/12126 It seems to me that the truth is somewhere in the middle... Nowadays you can’t take everyone’s word for it. We need to check any information. We live in such a century of lies and hypocrisy... But the fact that the Scandinavians are very different from us in worldview, mentality and general way of life is 100%.
  30. 0
    18 May 2013 04: 46
    “Civilized Europe” made a p....v. out of the Vikings. They want to do the same with us.
  31. 0
    18 May 2013 04: 50
    Civilized Europe made a p..... from the Vikings.
  32. The comment was deleted.
  33. +1
    18 May 2013 04: 58
    For myself, I personally decided: the first juvenile on the threshold of my house will get an empty pumpkin with a hammer. I will sit with the awareness of my duty accomplished.
  34. +1
    18 May 2013 05: 12
    The civilized world made a p..... out of the Vikings.
    Complete degradation of liberal Europe.
  35. 0
    18 May 2013 06: 48
    This society has no future. The Nords have degenerated.
  36. 0
    18 May 2013 07: 37
    Who came up with the idea of ​​polluting the entire earth???
    1. sincman
      18 May 2013 11: 17
      Quote: SlavaS
      Who came up with the idea of ​​polluting the entire earth???

      This is only a consequence...The cause is a total reduction in the planet's population! Based on this, you will understand the reasons for the current general insanity and chaos.
      If you are really interested in understanding the current events, take a look at the channel
      http://poznavatelnoe.tv - узнаете много интересного!
  37. 007jamesbond
    18 May 2013 09: 01
    For me, let her deal with her Norwegian “friends” herself. Otherwise, first she runs with the devils abroad, and then crawls back to Russian society with her half-breed son, saying that her son was taken away, as in this case, as if the consuls and others should understand and solve the problems she created
  38. marikoukou
    18 May 2013 10: 15
    Kochmar kakoy (((
  39. 0
    18 May 2013 10: 28
    Quote: Onotolle
    I do not justify geyropa, but I am interested in how much this writing corresponds to the truth? Again, the newspaper “Zavtra” seems to be very interested in creating a certain view of reality among readers. Therefore, I propose that you first carefully understand the issue, and only then execute.

    Quote: Onotolle
    ZY: The main article is about the fact that the joint Russian-Norwegian exercises have ended. And according to their results, “the interaction of the sailors was considered successful.” Somehow too good for sodomite serfs with several classes of education, don’t you think?

    I’m surprised how you haven’t written about the excellent quality of Norwegian seafood yet?! This is clearly your omission! And of course, you are absolutely right - the editors of the newspaper Zavtra have a certain view of the current reality and this view is diametrically opposed to all the colorful Moscow Komsomol members!

    Quote: Nika
    I agree, the article discussed in this trend is about something else. But, hmm, let’s say, the inaccuracy at the beginning blurs the impression, don’t you think? And it gives rise to new questions. I suggest looking for answers.
    Are you not satisfied with the scandals in the Scandinavian countries, in Finland for example or in France with the taking away of children from our fools looking for a better life?!
    By the way, same-sex marriage has been legalized in France. I think this is already the 14th sodomite country! Do you really need any more truth?!

  40. sincman
    18 May 2013 11: 08
    And at this time, while we are indignant, Francois Hollande legalized same-sex marriage
    The French President signed a law according to which same-sex couples will now be able to officially register a family and adopt children. Previously, this law was approved by the Constitutional Council of the Republic. The first marriage ceremony between members of minorities in France could take place as early as early June.
    After the adoption of this law, France became the sixth EU country after the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden and Spain where same-sex marriage is fully legalized.

    1. sincman
      18 May 2013 11: 11
      Quote: sincman
      between minorities in France

      At this rate, very soon normal families will be called representatives of minorities!
  41. +3
    18 May 2013 12: 07
    but nothing surprises me personally anymore.. The Iron Curtain is one of the main reasons for the collapse of the USSR If we knew then Really!!! and not from beautiful pictures and wrappers and movies about their morals and culture.... I remember the joke: A righteous man goes to heaven. Well, there are beautiful gardens, birds sing, in general, peace and grace And then he became curious, what is there in hell? for what?. Well, I went to St. Peter.. I don’t want to say he’s here. Hell is supposed to be much better. Yes, please, here’s your stamp you can go to.. Well, he’s going to hell and then the devils immediately throw him into the frying pan. He screams.. I don’t understand, where are the Restaurants Wine Girls???.. And in response to him, don’t compare emigration with tourism. .
  42. Kostya pedestrian
    18 May 2013 12: 10
    1. They are all children, at least 7, at least 70, in accordance with the Vatican doctrine. They don't have an age scale 1/2 problem, which causes envy ( fool ) adults in front of children.
    2. (1 1/2) They have no distinction between men and women - Greek philosophy, worse than nuclear weapons!
    3. Are you Russian or are you criminals with access to the Internet?

    Hut* - Belarusian, house, wooden house, large family house
    The rooster in Russian culture is a bird that helps in preventing troubles and preventing misfortunes.

    Cock's hut* - for criminals, a presumptuous with a homosexual factor - Do you need to change Russian culture to Norwegian?

    Why operate with a criminal ideology. Here you need to feel sorry for those children who had the fate to be born there, and worry about who to believe and who not!
  43. 0
    18 May 2013 13: 42
    You are ALL wrong: It was a lady from East Germany. She told us directly: “You know, I never did this. I worked in Germany at an insurance company. It was like this: if someone broke their leg, then I came and said: yes, their leg is broken.” And then she suddenly added: “Don’t worry, I’ll do everything…”. With a blue eye, she opened a medical reference book in front of us and said: “So, it says here: wet a cotton swab with alcohol, wipe this place...”. Of course, I grabbed my son and headed out...
    Do you want Western healthcare and education? Support the liberals.
    I deserve free honey. service, but I also want high-quality service, and for everyone, not those without finances.
    For those interested, I can tell you the difference between the Vladivostok hospital, Tomsk (former), Gvardeysky, Kaliningrad region (former)
  44. 0
    18 May 2013 13: 47
    You are ALL wrong: It was a lady from East Germany. She told us directly: “You know, I never did this. I worked in Germany at an insurance company. It was like this: if someone broke their leg, then I came and said: yes, their leg is broken.” And then she suddenly added: “Don’t worry, I’ll do everything…”. With a blue eye, she opened a medical reference book in front of us and said: “So, it says here: wet a cotton swab with alcohol, wipe this place...”. Of course, I grabbed my son and headed out...
    Do you want Western healthcare and education? Support the liberals.
    I deserve free honey. service, but I also want high-quality service, and for everyone, not those without finances.
    For those interested, I can tell you the difference between the Vladivostok hospital, Tomsk (former), Gvardeysky, Kaliningrad region (former)
  45. 0
    18 May 2013 14: 05
    Honestly, after reading to the end of the article, tears almost came to my eyes for the horror that this woman and, as it turns out, many others went through. If you think about it, Russia is really next in line, they are promoting juveniles, LGBT people are being activated by the very caring USA and Europe, in general, everything is very sad.
  46. 0
    18 May 2013 14: 09
    Only a du.ak can not see how the West is trying to impose this on us. Any healthy person who reads this article cannot remain indifferent. The future of our children and country depends on us. Bought media, swamp masses, attacks on the church, constant attempts to rewrite our history, activated LGBT people - all these are links in one chain. We must show all our will and the firmness of our convictions, otherwise we will lose everything.
    1. OTAKE
      19 May 2013 12: 17
      stole media, swamp masses, attacks on the church, constant attempts to rewrite our history, activated LGBT people - all these are links in one chain.

      If you think about it, Russia is really next in line, they are promoting juveniles, LGBT people are being activated by the very caring USA and Europe, in general, everything is very sad.

      IMHO, your concern about LGBT movements is very alarming, why are the Patriots so itching for these gays? They say that Homophobe = Latent Gay - haven’t you heard that? Many people like me didn’t give a damn about them, let them fuck around in peace at home, dress like faggots, personally, I don’t care, why does this bother you so much? Are you afraid that they will screw you up and join their community yourself or what? Are you worried about Europe and America, but the fact that TV and the whole show business + government (the Duma has long turned into a place where any partygoers from the “elite” of show business can get) is essentially a lair of fagots? Did the Americans or Europeans bring them to Russia?
  47. 0
    18 May 2013 14: 27
    Civilized Europe made the Vikings into p........
    She destroyed the institution of family. And she wants to impose this nasty thing on us.
  48. Ataman
    18 May 2013 14: 28
    If in the near future the Duma does not prohibit the giving of children for adoption to countries where same-sex marriage is allowed, then everyone will go on an excursion to Barnevarn so that everyone will be hurt in ...
  49. -1
    18 May 2013 14: 55
    About the article.

    Wow! I didn’t know that everything was so neglected!

    But doesn’t this woman show resentment towards her husband and his country? Is her opinion objective?
    1. sincman
      18 May 2013 18: 23
      Quote: aviamed90
      But doesn’t this woman show resentment towards her husband and his country? Is her opinion objective?

      The described case is far from isolated. My employee’s relatives living abroad had their child taken away for similar reasons. Well, what is the cost of legalizing the adoption of such children by LGBT couples?! Can such a “family” adequately raise a child taken forcibly from his parents? So there is no smoke without fire. Even if we allow the influence of emotions on the story.
  50. Ivga_lis
    18 May 2013 17: 59
    Quote: aviamed90
    About the article.

    Wow! I didn’t know that everything was so neglected!

    But doesn’t this woman show resentment towards her husband and his country? Is her opinion objective?

    I don’t think that the opinion of a mother who has lost a child can be completely objective.
    However, based on the article, it is worth thinking about something else - about juvenile justice. After all, in essence it turns out that in the 21st century, in “civilized” Europe, there is almost legalized “trafficking” of children. When the family, the cell of society, is already considered almost a relic of the past, and normal gender relations are replaced by physiologically and psychologically ugly same-sex relationships, and moreover, when such (excuse the epic comparison) “cancer cells” of society are the law adoption of children is allowed, you inevitably begin to wonder how long such a society will last and what will replace it.
    The problem is that under the guise of tolerance, respect for human rights and other shiny husks, “metastases” of the same disease are trying to penetrate into our society and our country.
  51. -1
    19 May 2013 14: 29
    Well, it’s nonsense, my aunt is talking hell.
  52. +1
    19 May 2013 19: 20
    The Social Democratic Party (SDP) of Finland has decided to resign Social Services Minister Maria Guzenina-Richardson. Since 2011, as Minister of Social Services, she has been responsible for child protection and the Finnish juvenile justice system.
    Commenting on the resignation of the Minister of Social Services, Finnish human rights activist Johan Beckman noted that Maria Guzenina-Richardson is Russian and Orthodox. Guzenina gained fame because she categorically refused to make any decisions in favor of Russian mothers in Finland. She was a key figure in Finland's rejection of constructive cooperation with Russia in the field of child protection, including the creation of a family affairs commission.
    For example, in an interview Guzenina said: “Whoever wins more children, grabs more money from the state.” She frankly said that children are now on the list of the most popular goods in Finland, reports the press service of the International Movement “Russian Mothers”. And she compared Finnish children (and children of emigrants living in Finland) with Finnish consumer goods, although, the minister explains, this “is in full accordance with European and international modern standards.”
  53. 0
    19 May 2013 19: 25
    I recalled a bearded joke.
    - By screws! yelling carlson
    But the fagots did not disperse.

    My husband and I read the comments on the “events” in Tbilisi... we laughed... A huge + to all NORMAL people! And to you for the joke! It seems that all NORMAL people are on this side of the screens, and on “TU” - from the poster about the rooster! And not only on TV, but also in the government, otherwise such programs as Durdom-2, “Happy Together” and the like would have been closed a long time ago.
  54. 0
    19 May 2013 21: 00
    I read it, I was just in shock, my head was spinning - it was just some kind of crazy dystopia. It's a funny world we live in, for sure.

    The main thing now is to prevent this liberal-tolerant plague from coming to us.
  55. +1
    20 May 2013 08: 54
    I have always been very surprised by the persistent desire of some depraved freaks to lower those around them to their wretched level!!!
  56. Grigorich 1962
    20 May 2013 19: 55
    Three days have passed since I read this article and then listened to the interview itself..... The horror does not leave me. I don’t even want to comment on anything anymore.......I JUST WANT TO TEAR AND THROW!!....where the valiant power is pulling us....but we won’t give up for the hell of it....we’ll castrate all the homosexuals... ....and we won’t hand over our children to be torn to pieces by any scum
    1. we are from the past
      21 May 2013 22: 36
      And what do you want? The world is ruled by the devil, this nightmare will only grow, because the evil one wants to destroy the CHURCH, AND THE FAMILY IS A SMALL CHURCH. And we are only able to slightly postpone the time of the coming of the Antichrist with our prayers to God, but the coming itself is inevitable.
  57. Kamal
    21 May 2013 13: 15
    Quote: Farik
    Quote: Uhalus
    The so-called "world community" organized and supports this.

    This is our plan. Europe itself will die out, and we will remain and all of Europe without a single shot will be ours !!! Joke wink ,Or maybe not... what

    If it goes extinct, it won’t be in one generation. but 1-2 generations before the final decay and death of Europe, a generation of perverts will grow up in Russia. There are 2 options: either the Iron Curtain or counteraction. Their tolerant culture has already penetrated Russia with might and main. And why the hell do we need their extinction? We have plenty of land and we don’t seem to wish harm on anyone.
  58. +1
    21 May 2013 14: 46
    It's time to write in the Constitution that the people of Russia consist of men and women of normal orientation. All the rest - let them either quit, or get treatment, or better yet, hang themselves.
  59. we are from the past
    21 May 2013 22: 27
    Some kind of horror, I would never have thought that this was possible in a civilized country!
    Apocalypse is just around the corner.
  60. -1
    22 May 2013 15: 07
    I love my country very much, it is the best (I mean the USSR). Naturally, it is better than any “Norway” and other Europeans. but I can’t believe THIS. I can't wrap my head around it. Maybe the article is a provocation?
  61. smershspy
    24 May 2013 15: 26
    Gentlemen! Much has already been written and commented on, but where is the world community looking? This is pure chaos! I read it again and again and I can’t... Today I went to the shooting range and it became easier... I have the honor!
    P.S. Many thanks to the author! You need to know everything about your enemies...!
  62. peti2005
    28 May 2013 16: 56
    I wonder how much Irina Bergset was paid to throw mud at a normal country? And if this is really “partially”, then it’s just her husband being a pedophile, and a heterosexual one at that!
  63. aviso-serg
    29 May 2013 12: 38
    Some incomprehensible lady married an incomprehensible Norwegian, gave birth to a child and, of course, after the divorce she returned with her first son, because the second son was born in Norway, from a Norwegian citizen....
    And regarding pedophilia - perhaps this was a special case with her pedophile husband. At the same time, her husband is hetero, and here it has already begun that in Europe all are gays, all are pedophiles, all children are taken away. Give at least one official statistics, and not the unfounded statements of some incomprehensible journalist who returned from Norway and began to throw mud at the whole of Europe.
    And those who are defending Breivik here should be imprisoned immediately!!! Think about it - anyone could have been in the place of those shot by Breivik! God forbid there are Breiviks here who will shoot your own children just like that.
  64. 0
    29 May 2013 13: 01
    what a mess. nothing, Muslims will straighten out the brains of the gayropa. It’s better to have a European caliphate than a whole continent of depraved beasts
  65. berth
    30 May 2013 15: 40
    God, what a dirty lie is written in the article... I’ve been living in Norway for more than 5 years and I’ve never heard of anything like this, I’ve never encountered anything like this, and any of my friends who moved here have never heard of this! What kind of nonsense are you writing????
  66. pavlec007
    21 June 2013 23: 45
    Geyropa was populated by tolerants (
  67. jed
    30 October 2015 19: 51
    I, of course, am not female, and in my entire life I have been abroad the former CIS only 4 times, but. The author of the article purposefully left for a successful country, and she found what she was looking for - this life, when a sum is paid to the child’s recipient family , even taking into account the high prices for EVERYTHING in Norway, but the amount for Russia is HUGE. An unimaginable amount, This is amazing.!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    When my father bullied me in class in the 3rd-5th grade, so that I learned my homework, with a belt, when I tore out pages from the diary with deuces, so that my diary decreased in thickness.. When they gave me Burroughs’ book “Martian Stories” in the 5th grade for the day born - and I. Instead of doing my homework, I put a book on the table top, read it, and hid it when someone came into the room... yes, I still have problems with will, but these problems, since my father I tried to solve them - they don’t dare like that, you know? And he’s a good father. I won’t say that he’s a bad one, it was 1993. When he tore up this book, when he found me reading... I still don’t communicate with my father in a special way I want to, but my mother is the antipode - she is a stick. May the universal mind forgive me.

    And what, you think this is bad - such justice. like in Norway? Is it bad that they teach the 5th grade to make investments that generate income, and teach this until the end of school? They teach you to rely only on yourself in life,??? Is this bad? When on TV they talk about nuclear ash and about the bad unsecured dollar, in which all the smart people keep their money in the most severe crisis. Because the USA outplayed everyone in the last century.

    In general, everyone judges for himself. I’m sure that until you try this life in Norway, you won’t taste it, you won’t understand. I would rather like it all. And before homosexuality and its upbringing... I like girls, sometimes they excite me, but I don’t sleep with them, and for same-sex, male scenes, I rather have a complete dislike, like an electric shock. But I don’t have sex with girls in my life. Then I am a theoretical homosexual and I don’t condemn homosexuals (I’ll call them that for brevity, and not as a reproach). If nature says this and that, nothing can change it. No amount of training!