MP from Poland: "Russia is a threat and it must be destroyed forever"

MP from Poland: "Russia is a threat and it must be destroyed forever"

Russia must cease to exist within today's borders, the collapse of the "aggressive empire" will bring undeniable advantages to the democratic states of Europe and Central Asia. The West must do away with Russia forever, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs and former head of the Office of the President of Poland, MEP Anna Fotyga, said in a statement.

The Western world does not need a strong and independent Russia capable of fighting back and standing up for itself. But divided into many small states, not owning its subsoil and natural wealth, the West is quite satisfied. Not without reason in Kyiv, following their overseas masters, they have repeatedly repeated the need to destroy Russia and even drew some kind of maps with "new" states.

Fotyga, an EP MP from Poland, spoke about the danger that Russia allegedly posed for "for centuries." According to her, if the "empire" is not stopped now, it will continue to move to the West and occupy all democratic countries. The conflict in Ukraine has shown that Moscow does not intend to stop within the existing territorial framework, so it needs to be done away with.

The European Parliament and many other parliaments around the world have called Russia a terrorist state and it must be liquidated

- said the representative of Poland.

She suggested that the Western countries think over the concept of creating "free and independent" states on the pro-Russian territory, the basis of which will be indigenous peoples. And Western countries will take care of their prosperity. The West will also establish control over the wealth of Russia, because, as it turns out, Russia has nothing, it all belongs to the peoples that Moscow "exploits mercilessly."

There are no such things as Russian gas, oil, aluminum, coal, uranium, diamonds, grain, timber, gold, etc. All these resources belong to individual peoples living in these territories.

- added Fotyga.

The collapse of Russia will bring some difficulties, but these risks are much less dangerous than the existence of Russia in its current form, summed up the member of the European Parliament.
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  1. Two
    30 January 2023 06: 54
    hi I'll sharpen my hoe and go get Fotyga!
    For this Fotyga is good for a hoe!
  2. 0
    30 January 2023 06: 59
    Fotyga is Fotyga... What else can you expect from Fotyga.
  3. 0
    30 January 2023 07: 15
    They have lost all shame and are masturbating in a public place laughing fool
  4. 0
    30 January 2023 08: 16
    Such antics of the pshekals are due to the weakness of our liberal elite.
    We must clearly “explain” to these idiots that the question of their existence depends on our “mood”.
    And this should not raise any doubts in anyone!!!!!
  5. 0
    30 January 2023 08: 24
    I've completely lost my fear! They live in a parallel reality, talking nonsense without thinking about the consequences.
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  7. 0
    30 January 2023 08: 48
    Oh, damn reptilians, they should fly to their planet.
  8. 0
    30 January 2023 08: 50
    Is this the reincarnation of Novodvorskaya?!
  9. 0
    30 January 2023 08: 55
    Why not send to such talkative deputies with reduced social responsibility? Each chatterbox has its own Mercader with an ice ax!
  10. 0
    30 January 2023 09: 12
    Again they started the mantra about the evil West, dreaming of our depths... We wish they would have taken everything long ago without any war. Some retired Fotyga is not an exponent of the desires and dreams of the West. Our photographers speak out even more radically.
  11. 0
    30 January 2023 09: 43
    It’s not for nothing that we started the operation to denazify Ukraine.... Poland will be next!!!!
    the eternally embittered Hyena of Europe!!! - it's time to show her where she is and demilitarize her!
  12. +1
    30 January 2023 09: 46
    The Gehenka of Europe yelps shrilly in the hope that if something happens, a crumb from the master's table will break off for her!
    But it would be good for her to read the story about how her great-great-grandfathers ate each other with appetite in the center of this most “aggressive” empire.
    I wonder what brought them there and how far it is from peaceful and democratic Warsaw?!
  13. 0
    30 January 2023 10: 28
    In my opinion, after such statements it is necessary to interrupt diplomatic relations. What is the point of an embassy in the enemy's country?
  14. 0
    30 January 2023 12: 08
    With such a face, all that remains is to rage in the direction of Russia. Life has passed me by...
  15. 0
    30 January 2023 16: 09
    But I believe that such a country as Poland should not exist! It was divided so many times and thanks to Russia, this spot appeared on the map of Europe again... Erase the Psheks and Anglo-Saxons forever with a couple of Sarmatians and they will sit in a boat and dump them in a puddle, they will fade away forever... But we are kind, we will send our guys to death !
  16. 0
    30 January 2023 18: 39
    This kind and grateful Poland is touching. Three times it ceased to exist as a state. And two out of three times it “came back to life” solely thanks to Russia.
    As my friend said, “do good to a person so that he has a reason to hate you”)
  17. 0
    30 January 2023 20: 14
    Poland (the Poles) poses a threat, so it (Poland) must be divided (once again, like for the fifth time?) and destroyed.
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. 0
    31 January 2023 00: 15
    Bravo. This doesn't even need any comments. The hyena barks.
  20. 0
    31 January 2023 00: 16
    Fatyga is already on the list for prosecution. And Poland should be divided between Russia and Germany. They don't know how to live independently.
  21. 0
    31 January 2023 12: 35
    The destruction of Russia must begin with the destruction of Poland, by dividing it. They did not justify the trust of the victorious countries in the Second World War. She'll have to replay the game, taking away everything that doesn't belong to her.