Mayor of Dnipro Filatov urged to kill Russians around the world "in the largest possible quantities"


Ukrainian and Western media, which launched an information war against Russia, are spreading another fake about the alleged massacres of local residents in the city of Bucha near Kiev. Naturally, Russian servicemen who left the city three days ago act as the defendants.

A real information war has been launched against Russia, Ukrainian and Western media are riveting fakes one after another according to the manuals and in the "best traditions" of the West. Another fake, in which the Russian military is accused of the alleged massacre of civilians, quickly spread across the Web, prompting comments from Ukrainian politicians.

The mayor of the city of Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk) Boris Filatov also spoke out, calling for the killing of Russians all over the world and in "large quantities." According to him, Ukrainians now have a "moral right" to kill. Filatov said that the Russians are "non-humans" and they must be killed "methodically and without heroism."

It should be noted that this statement was made by a Ukrainian nationalist, who back in 2014 said the phrase to the residents of the recalcitrant Donbass: "We need to give the scum any such promises, guarantees and make any concessions. And hang ... We will hang them later."

At the same time, Filatov knows that the published pictures are a fake created by the Ukrainian media, but he calls for killings, declaring some kind of "moral right." The Nazis have no right, it is the Russians who have it after eight years of bombing Donbass, killing civilians and torturing Russian servicemen. And this is not a fake at all, the Ukronazis themselves admit this on camera, mocking the dead. The Russians have this right, but they will not use it, because they are people, unlike the mayor of Dnipro.

Well, again returning to the same Facebook * (banned in Russia as an extremist organization), on the pages of which Filatov calls for the "murder of Russians." The administration of the social network considered this call to be in line with moral standards and did not ban it. It is according to this very Western morality that Ukraine lives today, including Filatov.
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  1. 0
    April 4 2022 23: 20
    The mayor of the city of Dnepr (Dnepropetrovsk) Boris Filatov, being Russian himself, called for killing Russians all over the world and in “large quantities”! This insanity of the Russians can confuse any Englishman - the Russian calls for killing himself!!! Ward No. 6 with Napoleon and the prosecutor - kindergarten!
  2. 0
    April 5 2022 14: 00
    Quote: Vasily Krylov
    .Or are you talking about who brought the USSR to the Cuban missile crisis. So who are you talking about?

    As a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis, NATO removed thermonuclear missiles from Turkey and Italy that could reach the USSR. Imagine that in 2014 V.V. As a result of the crisis in Ukraine, Putin removed missile defense systems capable of firing tomahawks from Poland and Romania. But during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the world was much further away from nuclear war than in 2014 or 2022. At least during the Cuban Missile Crisis, orders to launch a US attack were issued sealed to bomber crews, and in 2014, maps with targets in the United States were open before calculating launchers. N.S. Khrushchev sold delicacies and other Chinese export products from China to Europe at a premium. and with the proceeds he was able to buy bread for the people. Under him, no one died of hunger. And bread with the addition of corn is much more nutritious and tastier than with the addition of quinoa. In addition, Khrushchev did not have to import rubber through French intermediaries. He purchased it directly from Vietnam, Cambodia and China.