Joan of Arc, as a PR-project of her era

It is wrong to think that PR (or in Russian “public relations”) is a product of our era. First, the term itself was used for the first time back in US 1807 by US President T. Jefferson, who used the phrase “public relations” in one of his messages to Congress, after which it was used more and more and filled with different content. But ... “PR” was before that: in advertisements on the walls, in majestic temples and palaces, clothes of pharaohs and nobility, in manners of communication, customs and traditions, because its essence is “good rumor” about something or someone then ... changing the behavior of others through this very "good rumor."

Zhanna - Milla Jovovich, this is probably the best and most memorable "genre" in stories movie.

American specialists in the field of PR have a special role in the development of practical technologies in the field of political campaigns assigned to one of the activists of the War of Independence, S. Adams, who convincingly proved that to exert informational influence on society it is necessary:
- create organizations that can lead mass companies and bring people together;
- use emotional symbols and catchy, catchy slogans;
- organize actions that have a strong emotional impact on the masses;
- be ahead of your opponents in the interpretation of one or another event that is advantageous for you;
- to constantly influence the public opinion of large masses of people by various means.

All these principles became the basis of the practical activities of American PR and ... American concept of public relations. However, if we all apply to a number of historical events, then ... we will see that all of them are really nothing more than properly organized and conducted PR campaigns.

Joan of Arc, as a PR-project of her era

Here it is - the future "Bluebeard", Baron Gilles de Ré. Picture of Gulya de Naval 1835

For example, the story of Joan of Arc. According to such prominent Russian specialists in JI as A.N. Chumikova and MP Bocharova, it is nothing like the most real PR-project. The case, for example, is that, although there are a huge number of different biographical chronicles relating to her life, there is no real information about who the girl Jeanne really was, as there wasn’t before, there isn’t now, although the documents have been looking for centuries . But there are a lot of absurdities and inconsistencies in various documents and chronicles. And for a long time no one paid them any attention, and only later in the archives did they find documents indicating that a significant, if not most, of the chroniclers and all sorts of troubadours who signed Jeanne’s actions turned out to be in the service of King Charles VII. These were his nine court poets and ... whole 22 royal chroniclers. In any case, it is absolutely impossible today to find out where Jeanne d'Arc actually came from: although there is a version that she could be the illegitimate sister of Charles VII; although other historians believe that she was a pupil of the order of the Franciscans. Someone argues that she really was a simple shepherd from the village of Domremy, and went insane as a child. But so many things Jeanne for a simple shepherd knew and knew how! However, wherever it comes from, the “father” of the Great Maiden of France, who became her national symbol and national idea, was none other than Baron Gilles de Ré, from one of the most ancient and noble families in western France - Montmorency and Craon.

Stamp with the emblem of Gilles de Ré, 1429. The Museum of the Vendée.

Today we would call him a "political technologist", and at that time he was just a clever and educated person. He married profitably. On a certain Catherine de Truar, with whom he received more than two million livres of a dowry. With such money, Gilles de Ré was able to achieve the location of the dauphin Charles and as a result gained a place in his entourage. At the same time, he often lent his future king with money and ... thus made him completely addicted to himself. Well, all this happened just during the Hundred Years War, when the French and the British fought because they decided who would inherit the French throne: the English kings on the maternal line of the descendants of Hugo Capeet, or the French representatives of the Valois dynasty. That is, everything was like in a big family, where many old estates remained from the father’s old man, and where relatives divide property and accuse each other of all mortal sins. The fighting, however, were conducted, but rather sluggishly. After all, the overlord could serve 40 days a year or until the provisions were over. Therefore, during the entire war there were no more than a dozen major battles, which took a total of no more than a week in time. But by itself, this situation was very beneficial: any Frenchman, meaning only personal gain, could claim that he recognized either the existing dauphin, Valois's son, or the Englishman's king, a descendant of Queen Margaret, the legitimate daughter of Philip the Fair, who had died in the King's Bose, as his king. France. For wealthy taxpayers - owners of agricultural land and large trading cities - this situation with the variable choice of kings was very convenient: two treasuries in vain offered tax benefits to them, only so that they “became for us”. Having quarreled at a ball or on a hunt, one of the French nobles the next morning found himself on the side of the British, who, by the way, had to experience all the same afterwards during the Rose War. The man went to sleep as a supporter of York, and woke up as a supporter of Lancaster, and the same thing happened only in France before. The French nobility simply blackmailed the Kings of Valois, threatening to enter the Lancaster-Capeti camp, but for loyalty they received land, loans, and titles.

Miniature depicting the burning of Joan. For some reason she is wearing a red dress. Red is the color of nobles! In addition, she was burned as a witch, apostate, a heretic, who again fell into sin and ... where is the yellow cap with devils on her head?

The English economy at that time was more developed, England minted a full-fledged gold coin, so the French landlords, who still paid taxes to the house of Valois, believed that they were a great favor. Moreover, by the beginning of the 15th century almost all had already turned away from the kings of the Valois dynasty. Dauphin Charles was forced to arrange the most real robber raids on their own cities or the possession of still loyal to him seniors, so that at least to get food or money for his usual high society life.

American film 1948 of the year. In the role of Joan of Arc Ingrid Bergman. Pay attention to the helmets - just a class, real bugineta!

And here Gilles de Ré made Karl an interesting offer: he finances the creation of the militia at his own expense and recruits an army of professional soldiers. But the most important thing is that an ordinary country girl comes to the dauphin, asserts that saints came to her in a dream, and prophesies that France will once again become a happy and prosperous power when the dauphin Karl becomes her legitimate king. The army under the leadership of Gilles de Ré inflicts perceptible blows on the possessions of those French lords who pay taxes to the British, and this affects the rest of them soberingly. Well, the "divine" girl will be among the soldiers, people always like this, and they will willingly go to the militia, besides another something equally well-paid work in the country for commoners simply do not.

But Inna clothe in armor. By the way, and her armor is very good!

Well, the most important thing in this venture will be that the French feudal lords, dreaming to go over to the side of the British, will see that Karl is popular with commoners, and that they will set fire to their fields if they do not obey him. Jacquerie ended not too long ago to forget about it, and the memory of the rebellious "zhakh" in the memory of the French nobility was still fresh. No one would want repetitions of that horror, so she would have to make a choice: either to fight against the “holy girl” and the dauphin or ... “Or” nobody wanted to! The church also supported this plan. There are no peasants - no tithes, soldiers rob monasteries, the fear of God is no longer so terrible, and where does it fit? And what is the church in the middle ages? This is, above all, a connection! Beggars monks, from whom they have nothing to take, carry letters in their robes, and even verbally convey orders - to say this and that in the sermon. And now from the ambos of France, it sounds loudly: “Rejoice the brothers and sisters of the good news! For the Immaculate Virgin appeared and gave her power from the Lord, and she performed miracles, and came to the Dauphin, and said that God revealed to her ... ”- and so on, everyone can come up with himself further. The main thing is that it was so, and at the same time almost all over France!

There was such a Jeanne, shot in 1957 year.

The plan was adopted, and its implementation began: the villans (peasants), as well as the impoverished urban poor, went to the militia together, and in the meantime, the troops of Gilles de Ré beat several pro-English French feudal lords and even “liberated” several provinces from the English, where protection of their owners of the owners from ... dauphin were detachments of British soldiers. Thus, as a result of the implementation of this PR campaign, a year later they succeeded in crowning Charles in Reims, Gilles de Ré received the title of Marshal of France and officially became commander-in-chief of the French army, and the dukes and counts ... they were frightened, as Gilles de Ré had assumed , and together they stood in line to venerate the royal monarch, for they immediately sensed her power. The war began to come to an end, and the king suddenly realized that neither Marshal Gilles de Ré nor his cowherd cowboy (whoever she really was!) No longer needed him. The king simply did not want to pay the bills. And here the church again spoke its weighty word. For some reason, right across the whole of France, it was the priests who suddenly announced that God had turned away from Jeanne, punished her for pride, and very soon Jeanne was already truly dead, and from the point of view of the king, very well even died. The Burgundian traitors took her prisoner and sold it to the British - who has the money to sell it to, isn't it? - for 10 thousand pounds. Henry VI ordered her to be burned as a witch in Rouen, and did so, first of all, to cast a shadow on the newly-made French king. But it was too late! Interestingly, there is evidence that later Jeanne “resurrected” at least one more time, when the same Marshal Gilles de Ré took on some of this role a certain Jeanne d'Armoise, who also commanded a small military detachment. She was recognized by Zhanna’s comrades-in-arms, but on the way to Paris, she was stopped by the king’s soldiers, who took her to parliament. There she was convicted of imposture and sentenced to the pillory, but as soon as she confessed in her imposture, as she was immediately released, she went to the estate to her husband. That is, her hubby also had an estate where he was while his wife was trying to be heroic on the battlefield.

French serial 1989 of the year: “Jeanne d'Arc. Power and innocence. Not impressive. From the birthplace of Jeanne could expect more!

Gilles de Ré after his unsuccessful attempt to shove the king a new Joan went to the remote castle of Tiffej, where he spent time surrounded by alchemists and magicians, including well-known master of black magic Francesco Prelati. This circumstance was decided by the duke of Brittany, John V, to whom his lands seemed insufficiently extensive. How to increase them? Yes, it is very easy: to attach several castles to Gilles de Ré, and for this to accuse him of witchcraft. Of course, it was dangerous to attack the hero, who fought hand in hand with the “Virgin”. But he apparently knew about the king’s debts and understood that anyone who frees the monarch from the obligation to pay them will receive anything at all at the expense of others!

Canadian film 1999 of the year. Starring Lily Sobieski. But somehow she is too ... feminine. And by the way, only her hair is long.

The duke recruited a real “creative team led by Jean Le Feron, his treasurer, and the Bishop of Nantes Jean Maltrua. They thought and launched a real PR campaign against de Re in the toughest style - they hired people, recruited Prelati's servants, and they began to tell terrible stories in the markets about missing young children, who were sacrificed to Satan by the unholy de Re during the Black Mass. There is nothing more accurate than dissolving a bad rumor about your enemy.

And why does she have lilies on her armor? A convex incision is not typical for this time. Appeared later!

There will always be those in power who believe him. Gilles de René was arrested, tortured (this is a nobleman!) And he confessed under torture of everything. Well, and then ... then 26 of October 1440 of the year, by the verdict of the bishop's tribunal of Brittany, the wicked baron was burned at the stake, as a dangerous and evil sorcerer. Formally, he was charged on two counts - the practice of alchemy and ... insult to a clergyman. It seems that it is not burned for? But when the king himself wants it, everything is possible. The main thing is that the viewers of his execution in Nantes were sincerely convinced that during his studies with a fortune he killed precisely peasant children. That is, was the "enemy of the people." And in the head of the unfortunate Bretons it was so sunk that then several more generations of their descendants frightened their children. Although, when the writer Charles Perrault already at the beginning of the 18th century went to collect Brittany in Brittany, already killed wives appeared in the stories of the peasants, and for some reason the folk fantasy “stuck” the blue beard to the baron himself.

Battle of Path. Everything was so there that one might think that some Englishmen were simply paid in front of her ...

And the whole story ended in ... 1992, when, on the initiative of the writer-historian Gilbert Prutho, a second trial was initiated in the case of Gilles de Ré, in which he was fully rehabilitated. The archives of the Inquisition showed that there were no tortured peasant children, and the baron did not engage in bloody experiments. And how interesting it happens: there was no such word “PR”, and all its techniques were known and used!
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  1. +19
    29 July 2016 06: 25
    Do you remember such a Jeanne performed by Inna Churikova?
    1. ICT
      29 July 2016 06: 49
      Quote: svp67
      Do you remember such a Jeanne performed by Inna Churikova?

      yes, there was just
      yellow hat with devils on his head
    2. +11
      29 July 2016 07: 00
      Quote: svp67
      Do you remember such a Jeanne performed by Inna Churikova?

      Of course. Only her Jeanne is too intellectual, Jeanne performed by Mila is more like the truth, a pronounced obsession with a touch of madness ...
      1. +4
        29 July 2016 07: 15
        Summer: pronounced obsession with a touch of madness ....
        It’s better not to say, that’s it. And the actresses correctly noticed.
      2. +11
        29 July 2016 08: 23
        Quote: svp67
        Do you remember such a Jeanne performed by Inna Churikova?
        Of course. Only her Jeanne is too intellectual, Jeanne performed by Mila is more like the truth, a pronounced obsession with a touch of madness ...

        "Shades" of madness are often paired with high intelligence.
        psychopathy, manic depression ...

        but still I agree with you, Mila seems a believable heroine who would lead people.

        ps as a rule, bi-polar personalities can possess strong magnetism and charisma when in affect. I think our Dark was like that.
        1. +3
          29 July 2016 08: 39
          Quote: Maki Avellievich
          "Shades" of madness are often paired with high intelligence.
          psychopathy, manic depression ...

          I can get better, Churikova is not just intellectual, she has, as Zheglov said, “ten grades are written on her forehead,” which Zhanna clearly could not boast of. Vyacheslav gave versions of her origin here, but this is only speculation. As far as I remember, the "protocols" of her interrogations have been preserved, and there her simple origin is confirmed. I doubt that during interrogation they could not establish her true origin if she were of noble blood, the presence of a lawyer was not required then, not to mention the prosecutor's checks ...
    3. +1
      29 July 2016 10: 08
      Quote: svp67
      Do you remember such a Jeanne performed by Inna Churikova?

      From the film "Inception".
  2. +1
    29 July 2016 07: 08
    Thank you for the article. It is interesting to read and at the same time see the comments of the armor on the actors.
    1. +2
      29 July 2016 17: 58
      Quote: demiurg
      Pay attention to helmets - just a class, real bascinets!

      Yes yes armor Pay attention to helmets - just a class, real bascinets!.
      I read the phrase and realized Shpakovsky could not do without it. And after that, I won’t see Churikov. This is destiny.
      By the way, But Inna clothe in armor. By the way, and her armor is very good! I can’t say anything against armor, but Ingrid rather IngaThan InnaYou do not find? Even if they called her that, then only close ones. Are you so close to her?
      therefore, the French landlords, who still paid taxes to the house of Valois,
      Please clarify the origin of the French term landlords.
      Friend Arkady, do not speak beautifully. Speak correctly.
  3. +3
    29 July 2016 07: 17
    Quote: Leto
    Joan performed by Mila is more like the truth, a pronounced obsession with a touch of madness ...
    And some masculinity, in the sense of somewhere male features. In general, Mila and the director fellows, with general femininity, could precisely draw attention to male features.
    The author, as always, touched on an unstressed topic. And he presented the material in an interesting and peculiar way.
    1. 0
      9 August 2016 00: 38
      Quote: qwert
      And some masculinity, in the sense of somewhere male features. In general, Mila and the director fellows, with general femininity, could precisely draw attention to male features.

      According to the description of contemporaries, there was no "masculinity" of "peasantness" in Joan of Arc, she was a rather fragile young girl. Therefore, the image of Lily Sobesski is much more consistent with the historical picture than the image of Mila.
  4. 0
    29 July 2016 07: 24
    For whom, and for Jeanne and this hundred-year period, hundreds of volumes are written down much more reasoned than this article. Why without good reason to shit in someone else's story ?!
    1. +3
      29 July 2016 08: 48
      the article is not about Jeanne as such, but about PR and public relations .... And the article gives an example of OOO Very competent public relations, the customer received power and money, and the performers are DEATH glory ....
      1. 0
        29 July 2016 21: 43
        Quote: DanSabaka
        the article is not about Jeanne as such, but about PR and public relations .... And the article gives an example of OOO Very competent public relations, the customer received power and money, and the performers are DEATH glory ....

        And what do you want? Vyacheslav is a teacher of advertising and PR. Yes, there is such a profession and we forge specialists, otherwise we will have khan without them.
    2. +2
      29 July 2016 10: 29
      For whom, and for Jeanne and this hundred-year period, hundreds of volumes are written down much more reasoned than this article. Why without good reason to shit in someone else's story ?!

      Do you think you need to crap in your own?

      But in my opinion a wonderful article.
      Wonderful in that it shows birth creation and use national myth

      Everyone has national myths, no one could have done without them. And they are all more or less vulnerable (well, myths!).
      That is why the enemy agents of influence (and the local intelligentsia that joined them are not the smartest) are striking at them. Well, if the myth collapsed, then what follows ... perestroika. Or a revolution. Or something else.

      Myth is an important part of national identity and self-determination.

      And in this case, Shpkovsky quite correctly demonstrates this.

      I offer him the following example, about Shakespeare (also a myth). (I even have some material - just recently there was a battle on a subject)
      1. +3
        29 July 2016 17: 41
        In this article, by and large, an unreasonable version, created according to the principle "And he could," is set as the starting point of reasoning, albeit true in general.
        Starting from the fact that the power of Gilles de Ré was far from being only in the dowry of his wife, the courtyard was also far from lending to him alone, the dauphin lived in debts like silk. The main income of the landowners, influential at the court, the peasants, and not the war - the war is a very expensive obligation for the majority, and the tax-paying population is very impoverished and demographically decreased during the war. For most feudal lords the war was just as devastating as for the church - the largest feudal lord. Here the article contradicts itself.
        The splendor of the life of the courtyard - a very dubious thesis - is far from the 17th century in the courtyard.
        The economy of England was not a developed economy of France - it simply suffered much less, it is difficult to issue full-fledged money when your country is a passage yard for enemy armies and former mercenary units.
        Dauphin’s raids on his flaxen area, from which the English detachments protect her — generally pearl.
        At the time of the appearance of Jeanne D'Arc, it was beneficial to carry out the operation just against Dauphin, because the chance would have been much greater, the same Church, for example, which basically did not really support Jeanne for various reasons. , at least I have not come across more than one document confirming the opposite, but if it happened as shown in the article, they would have survived.
        There are still an enormous number of questions to the text of the article. It is impossible to draw such far-reaching conclusions based on such unsteady material.
        Moreover, of course - PR existed. The foundations of PR are in the writings of Latin authors, Machiavelli. Semi-conscious or intuitive PR was used in a million far less controversial moments in history. In many cases, such PR moves have been fully studied.
        But no - you have to choose the most unstable of them.
        Z.Y. Yes, I am very biased towards Jeanne - the author spat in my heart personally.
    3. -1
      29 July 2016 21: 39
      Quote: Maegrom
      For whom, and for Jeanne and this hundred-year period, hundreds of volumes are written down much more reasoned than this article. Why without good reason to shit in someone else's story ?!

      There was such a motto: "Who else, if not me." But personally, I don't mind. As long as he, as you say, shits "in a stranger, ours may oklimaetsya. Yesterday he wrote about the Stalinist terror, he was still nonsense. And the Battle of the Ice generally reduced to gangster squabbles. No, let it be better to shit to his masters."
  5. +1
    29 July 2016 07: 28
    In 1962, a book was published in the ZhZL series of Anatoly Lewandovsky "Jeanne dArc". I tried to read it, but apparently, for me, ten years old, it was difficult and incomprehensible. I took this book from a friend. Now I download it, read it ... Now the knowledge of history should be enough to understand what I have written ... I hope ...
  6. +1
    29 July 2016 07: 34
    And this book looked like this ...
  7. +2
    29 July 2016 08: 01
    In my opinion, even in the XNUMXth century, Voltaire promoted Joan of Arc best of all with his poem "The Virgin of Orleans", where the life of Joan of Arc, by the way, a saint that was not yet canonized, is presented in a comic vein, French knights and the Church The popularity of this work was enormous ... "The Virgin of Orleans" was banned by the Catholic Church. During the XVIII-XIX centuries. In various countries, "The Virgin of Orleans" was censored many times, its publications were confiscated and burned ..
    1. +2
      29 July 2016 10: 20
      In my opinion, even in the XNUMXth century, Voltaire promoted Joan of Arc best of all with his poem "The Virgin of Orleans", where the life of Joan of Arc, by the way, a saint that was not yet canonized, is presented in a comic vein, French knights and the Church The popularity of this work was enormous ... "The Virgin of Orleans" was banned by the Catholic Church. During the XVIII-XIX centuries. In various countries, "The Virgin of Orleans" was censored many times, its publications were confiscated and burned ..

      Hehe ...
      The fact is that Voltaire was ... English influence agents. Well, of course, that he decomposed. It is also natural that it was precisely the national legend that was decomposing: generally speaking, all nations have mythology, and any ANY nationalist myth in real life is quite vulnerable --- there is no big mind to drip under it.
      From our own experience, we all know examples of such undermined myths in perestroika / liberalka - but the fact is that in the same America, as in any country in general, there are also a lot of myths (ridiculous, with a critical eye).

      That is why I said earlier to Shpakovsky: you should not dig under Nevsky, this is part of a national legend. All these juggles are vulnerable, but that’s why you don’t need to dig under them.
      1. 0
        29 July 2016 11: 07
        Before Voltaire’s work .. Jeanne, she was somehow not very popular .. even in France, and Voltaire aroused interest with his poem .. all over the world ..
        1. +2
          29 July 2016 11: 28
          Before Voltaire’s work .. Jeanne, she was somehow not very popular .. even in France, and Voltaire aroused interest with his poem .. all over the world ..

          Did Voltaire tell you this?

          And Nevsky, before the Eisenstein film, was not very popular in Russia.
          1. +1
            29 July 2016 14: 18
            ..Did Voltaire tell you this?.. I’ll tell you a secret, yes .. sometimes we correspond ... yes and not only with him, even with Shakespeare, we bang with Cervantes, argue with Plato ... over a cup of tea ... and here not long ago with M. Pokrovsky talked ..
            1. +3
              29 July 2016 15: 26
              Plato with Cervantes okay, these people will not teach bad (should not). But here Pokrovsky is of course a clinic ... With this you finish, in your own interests
      2. 0
        9 August 2016 00: 41
        Quote: AK64
        The fact is that Voltaire was ... English influence agents.

        Also Prussian in addition (if not more).
    2. +1
      29 July 2016 10: 20
      Yes, Alexey, whoever has not promoted our Jeanne, d'Arc.
      We have failed.
      And then - it would be possible.
      Of all the PR, I only really like Mila Jovovich.
      She to me. actually, I like it since the "Fifth Element".
      I'll go, once again PR ... The fifth element.
      1. +2
        29 July 2016 11: 03
        I like Churikov more ... Mila, our Jovovich is also nothing, better than the rest of the foreign actresses who played Zhanna .. But Churikova is the best ..
    3. 0
      29 July 2016 17: 30
      Yes, I read it in the volume of the Library of World Literature dedicated to Voltaire's work. It is impossible to judge the historical facts of that time by the "Maid of Orleans". This work is satirical, atheistic ... In the same volume there is also the story "Candide". It's much more interesting ...

      The impression of reading time ... I think that I was not even thirty then. So this is the end of 70's ...
      1. 0
        29 July 2016 17: 34
        I remembered. Tom 49
  8. +2
    29 July 2016 09: 44
    Very dangerous publication, very.
    Vyacheslav Olegovich didn’t just expect from you.
    According to the newspeak - the gap pattern is complete.
    And from whom?
    From V.O. Shpakovsky.
    Here is what you write .....-
    1. "...But there are a lot of absurdities and inconsistencies in various documents and chronicles. And for a long time no one paid any attention to them, and only later documents were found in the archives, testifying, hthen a significant, if not most of the chroniclers and all sorts of troubadours therewho painted the acts of Jeanne, ohseems to have been in the service of the king Charles VII. These were his nine court poets and ... as many as 22 royal chroniclers. In any case, find outwhere Joan of Arc actually came from, today is absolutely impossible:
    2. "... A miniature depicting the burning of Jeanne. For some reason she is in a red dress. Red is the color of nobles! Besides, she was burned as a witch, apostate, heretic, who fell into sin for the second time and ... where is the yellow cap with the devils on the head? ... - But what about the eternal mention that artists write what they see, or write not what they see, but how they represent it?
    3. "... The point, for example, is that, although there is a huge number of different biographical chronicles concerning her life, there is real information about who the girl Jeanne really was, as it was not before, so it is not now , although documents have been searched for centuries .... "
    These three remarks, it is worth replacing only Jeanne and the king with dots - they apply absolutely to any story from the ancient world. From the ancient world. From the new and recent history. And especially - to written evidence.
    Yes, you are a freethinker, Vyacheslav Olegovich.
    Subverter foundations !!!
    New chronology, case, do not indulge? On the sly ...
    I did not expect, honestly.
  9. +1
    29 July 2016 10: 15
    Zhanna - Milla Jovovich, probably this is the best and most memorable "Zhanna" in the history of cinema.

    Because she is a kid (and it’s not clear whether a woman, in the full sense of the word)

    By the way, one of the most interesting (and ridiculous) national PR legends is the "super-genius Shakespeare"
    1. 0
      9 August 2016 00: 30
      Quote: AK64
      Because she is a kid (and it’s not clear whether a woman, in the full sense of the word)

      Physiologically, a woman and a virgin (before being raped by the guards in the Rouen prison) - confirmed by the royal commission and the church tribunal.
  10. 0
    29 July 2016 10: 23
    War of Independence S. Adams, who convincingly proved that in order to have an informational impact on society, you need:

    - create organizations that can lead mass companies and bring people together;
    - use emotional symbols and catchy, catchy slogans;
    - organize actions that have a strong emotional impact on the masses;
    - be ahead of your opponents in the interpretation of one or another event that is advantageous for you;
    - to constantly influence the public opinion of large masses of people by various means.

    Hehe .... The Americans have attributed this to themselves. But in fact, they got these know-how in finished form, from the French. That is, in Europe at that time (the end of the 18th century) it was a well-developed technique. Only she was not advertised.

    It was this technique that the British turned in France (The Great French Revolution)
  11. +2
    29 July 2016 10: 32
    By the way (hehe) notice that today Jeanne is being promoted ... by the Americans: it would seem, to them, what matters?

    And this is part of the ideological war of the United States against .... Britain. Yes Yes. That’s why Jeanne, because the cinema has such a budget (which, generally speaking, didn’t promise a return - the American people don’t go for historical films).
    1. 0
      30 July 2016 22: 58
      Do you see conspiracy theories and conspiracies in everything, or are there exceptions? smile
      When the Americans put on the film "War and Peace" or the British "Anna Karenina"
      it is also part of the ideological war of the USA against ... and England against ...
  12. 0
    29 July 2016 10: 51
    Battle of Path. Everything was so there that one might think that some Englishmen were simply paid in front of her ...

    Vyacheslav, justify this thesis, pliz
  13. 0
    29 July 2016 10: 54
    Would read "the best feather of Europe" François Marie Arouet "The Virgin of Orleans". feel
  14. +1
    29 July 2016 17: 48
    But Inna clothe in armor. By the way, and her armor is very good!
    In the sense of Ingrid? Ingrid Bergman as Joan of Arc in 1946 Broadway production
  15. 0
    29 July 2016 23: 59
    So the Kingdom of England was at that time most recently conquered by William of Norman (Normandy-area of ​​France)
    In France itself - the king was the king of Ile-de-France only, the duke of Burgundy spoiled so much blood (but because the king was richer)
    And Normandy is a convenient springboard for the offensive.
    Incidentally, the Hundred Years War at some point became Liberation and after the British only Calais remained. But then it started with Normandy and almost a third of France.
    It’s foolish to dismantle a hundred-year war, so much is written. But here is the point. The Jeanne phenomenon is also described more than.
    About PR .. she was promoted by the higher authorities, but she herself had a sense of faith and quickly became a symbol. It is instinctive for the people, if you want to raise him to war, you need a leader (people's leader-divine leader) given his religiosity, the authorities and the church had to approve him .. They both approved. And that means in every church they prayed for her and the king. So any commoner heard for her (from the people - "our" saint) For a symbol that won victories and only confirmed symbolism --- that's enough!
    War gives birth to heroes.
    About the burning. This is uncharacteristic. Everyone perceived the burning as a political process. Judged by prominent figures from science and the church. They were very well prepared legally (I remind Zhanna had no education) and carefully selected phrases.
    That is, the main role of the process is the destruction of symbolism! Both secular and religious (civil accusation and apostasy from the church and demonic)
    The task was to destroy the symbol of the possible victory of France. But as it turned out, it’s possible to kill a symbol .. but it’s extremely difficult to debunk an opponent .. France won.
    Crazy and genius are two extremes of the same. She was both.
    Gilles de Retz slandered for a reason. There are no less legends than about Jeanne.
    1. 0
      9 August 2016 00: 24
      Quote: Retvizan
      Gilles de Retz slandered for a reason. There are no less legends than about Jeanne.

      Do not slander him, read the surviving materials of his process, they are quite accessible in French.

      Although no, it’s better not to read, otherwise you will have to get rid of cognac - in general, the Marshal of France and the comrade-in-arms of Virgin Jeanne have rolled down in general to the usual serial pedophile maniac.
  16. 0
    30 July 2016 01: 30
    What does the term PR have to do with it?
    This is history. Each country has its own historical characters, its heroes. Own legends, own folklore.
    Then they write about the heroes of the book, put films ....

    You don’t say: Ivan Susanin, who was spread by Glinka, Kutuzov, who was spread by Leo Tolstoy ...
  17. 0
    4 August 2016 23: 17
    Quote: Vyacheslav Shpakovsky
    For some reason, she is in a red dress. Red is the color of nobles! Moreover, she was burned as a witch, apostate, heretic, who again fell into sin and ... where is the yellow cap with the devils on her head?
    According to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, the cap was still there, and there was no red dress. Classic witch auto-da-fe. Trusting thumbnails is not worth it.

    Quote: Vyacheslav Shpakovsky
    Pay attention to helmets - just a class, real bascinets!
    You mean bascinets with a hundsgugel visor - "dog's face". Heaps of simple bascinets.

    Quote: Vyacheslav Shpakovsky
    But some she is too ... feminine. And long hair, by the way, only she has one.
    On Jeanne’s only lifetime lifetime miniature, she still wears long hair. To get a haircut in a circle would be too much a challenge to society (when even knights were supposed to wear long hair, only slaves would cut their hair short).

    Quote: Vyacheslav Shpakovsky
    Gilles de Rene was arrested, tortured (this is a nobleman!) And he confessed everything under torture. Well, and then ... then on October 26 of 1440, upon the sentence of the episcopal tribunal of Brittany, the wicked baron was burned at the stake as a dangerous and evil sorcerer. Formally, he was charged with two counts - alchemy and ... insulting a clergyman. It seems to be not burned for this? But when the king himself wants it, everything is possible. The main thing is that the spectators of his execution in Nantes were sincerely convinced that he killed peasant children during his witchcraft exercises. That is, he was an "enemy of the people."
    What is torture? The Inquisition and the officials of the king had such a right.

    The charges of pedophilia and black magic were very serious, the bodies of the victims were found (mainly boys, few girls). It's just that the person got fed up with the "right" - and Jeanne the Virgin was his companion, and served Christ, and then decided to go over to the "dark side". And in modern France now whoever you want will be acquitted ...