On the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation


In April, 2016 website “Military Review” published an article by Igor Panarin, professor, doctor of political sciences, “Russia will not win the“ Third Carthage ”without a new ideology” - Moscow (Third Rome) against London (Third Carthage). Link to article: //topwar.ru/94300-rossiya-ne-pobedit-tretiy-karfagen-bez-ideologii.html. The article proposes a draft state ideology with key theses. I want to continue, develop the theme and consider the ideology of the state by the national idea.

The definition of a national idea.

For an unambiguous understanding of the topic under discussion, it is required to consider the definition of the concept, the goals that are achieved with the help of the national idea. Considering the definition, I will do without academic definitions, analyze the components "on the fingers."

A thought, born in the mind of any person (person), awakens the desire to act or do nothing. The action is prompted and performed to satisfy the senses and needs. Thought, in the form of will, regulates feelings, limits momentary desires and needs. The thought takes shape in the idea. The idea set forth in a clear, brief verbal image carries the person along with him, changes his thinking.

- in the 19th century, a new idea emerged in the USA that united the images of wealth and freedom: “Be rich and free, and get everything in life!”. Having started in the USA, the idea has become a golden dream for people in many countries. People traveled to the United States poor, but with hope and faith in a new country to fulfill their dreams, to gain wealth, happiness, freedom. The state waited and attracted immigrants. For citizens for the first time in the new stories the principle of legislative rights and freedoms was implemented in practice. The idea has created a rich country that has attracted many people from all over the world to this day. Minuses. Imperfection of morality in the idea. The possibility of achieving permissiveness through money. The principle of exploitation of man by man with unequal distribution of profits is laid. A cosmopolitan personality is being formed, having forgotten its roots, its original homeland and culture, convenient for transnational corporations.

The idea is introduced into the consciousness of the majority of the world's population as the dominant one - the idea of ​​socialism-communism. Based on the equality of citizens and a fair distribution of profits. Slogan: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his work” (Pierre Joseph Proudhon). Incarnated in the Russian Empire after 1917, through revolution and civil war. The idea fascinated the population. The country was revived after two destructive wars. An incredible level of development has been achieved, the growth rate of the economy, science and culture. Formed a new model of social order. Social guarantees for citizens in the USSR ensured a transition to a new level of social security in capitalist countries. Discrediting the idea. The interests of the state in the person of the party elite began to prevail over the personal needs and freedoms of the person, the growing demands of the population were not satisfied, which caused the disintegration of the state. In some countries, transformed socialist ideas successfully exist today.

Considering the centuries-old history of the development of Russia, he concluded: all the ideas, the images, on the basis of which the Russian Empire, the USSR, the Russian Federation existed, from 1991 to the current day are unattainable images.

- the main religions of the Russian Empire (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc.) promised paradise in heavenly life with the obligatory observance of the laws established by religion in mortal life, however, describing the existence of paradise on earth (Old Testament exile from paradise);
- The USSR - the construction of communism, with unclear goals, the path to nowhere.

In the examples of the revealed contradictions. Man wants to create in earthly life, to achieve specific goals, to be realized in life. Thanks to this man is happy. Why does a person strive to live and not move away into another world that attracts him on earth? A person needs an incentive to achieve personal and social goals in society. I think the strongest feeling that moves a person is love. When a person leaves love, he feels emptiness within himself, with love he is full of strength and energy. Thanks to love between a man and a woman, a fundamental cell of the state arises - a family, children are born. Thanks to love, feats and discoveries are made, genius poems, music, paintings, dances are created. Therefore, I consider love as a separate type of energy. I am not going to argue with opponents for whom love is hormones, instincts, chemistry, etc., and not energy.

The state will consider as an organism with a system of connections. A healthy body consists of healthy cells, cells. A large number of infected cells destroys the body. The constituent and fundamental part of any state is a family, a single cell, a brick. Connections within families and between them are the cementing solution of the state.

Links include:
- family, kinship, personal relationships (parents - children, man - woman);
- relations between members of society (friendship, workers, neighbors, etc.);
- historical memory (genealogy, family history, the action "Immortal regiment", etc.);
- various types of freedoms: personality, labor, movement, creativity, speech, etc., in compliance with the norms of morality and security.

It is necessary to mention the concept of the patriarchal family. For a long time practiced in Russia after the adoption of Christianity, now among many peoples in the east. Parents make the choice of the condemned for life, under the contract, the mutual feelings of the future spouses are taken into account minimally. Divorce is almost impossible. A large family, care, respect for old age. Mutual assistance among all family members, a healthy lifestyle and so on. On the negative side, the patriarchal family is associated with rigid governance, restriction of freedom of choice. In the east, the patriarchal family has developed into a clan system. The concept of a patriarchal family came from ancient Russia, but what changes did it undergo? Conditionally denote the period of ancient Russia from time to time to Rurik. In Russia, family relations are characterized by freedom of choice and expression of will, personal responsibility for decisions. The statement is confirmed by the facts of the collection of the Veche, Russian folk tales, legends describing the freedom of choice of activities, the bride and groom in the old Russian society.

People believe in God, there are different religions. No one has been able to create a universal religion, and it is not required. Each religion is a foundation, tradition, history. For a multinational state with different religions, another force is needed that unites everyone. The Strugatsky brothers wrote in the 1991 year: "There can hardly be an opponent of communism in the formulation - freedom of society as the sum of the freedom of everyone."
Ideology should not contain artificially contrived provisions, abstruse philosophical attitudes. The national idea and religion always express certain slogans followed by people.

- Communism: “Freedom. Equality. Brotherhood "," From each according to his ability, to each according to his work ";
- Christianity: "Love will save the world", "Love your neighbor as yourself", "Hit on the left cheek - turn the right one";
- Buddhism: "Do no harm!";
- capitalism: "Nothing personal, only business" and close, in fact, slogans: "tooth for tooth", "eye for an eye."

The result of the analysis.

The national idea of ​​the Russian Federation should contain a clear, concise, intuitive slogan that carries along with it, carrying a clear profitable goal, achievable by every citizen of the Russian Federation. Following the slogan and the idea embodied in it, a citizen will freely satisfy his moral (moral) and physical (physiological) needs without violating the rights and freedoms of other citizens of the Russian Federation.

For the basis of a new national idea, the slogan is formed: “A happy family is a happy strong state”.

Goals of the national idea

At the moment in the Russian Federation there is no national idea and ideology. The state policy regarding the national idea is not defined. The absence of ideology significantly affects the prospects for the preservation and development of the state. The following goals are partially reflected in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31 2015 No. 683 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation”. Ideological provisions in the Constitution of the Russian Federation are not defined and not fixed.

State ideology is the ideology of a happy citizen living in a strong family. Personal goals of a citizen form a happy family, society, state. The national idea of ​​the state should stimulate the attainment by the citizen of personal and common goals of creating and developing a rich, happy society.

The goals of the national idea of ​​the state should be the cornerstone of government. The goals of the national idea are strategic for the state. Their production should take into account the history, geography, culture, national characteristics, personal needs of the population. The national idea should ensure the achievement of the strategic goals of the state and the movement towards them. The strategic path of the Russian Federation is not the West, not the East, not Eurasianism, not sacredness. The goal and the path are determined by the location of the country in the world, on planet Earth. From one edge of the continent to the other. Climatic conditions. The main people who lived without privileges, care from the authorities, throughout the official history of the Russian state.

The objectives of the state body to ensure the happiness of each family:
- ensuring the safety of citizens from external and internal threats;
- health of citizens of the Russian Federation: moral and physical;
- growth in the number and well-being of the population;
- development of free territories of the country by citizens of the Russian Federation;
- restoration and preservation of the natural ecosystem on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The goals of the national idea are consistent with the basic criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of state governance given by V.O. Klyuchevsky on the example of the evaluation of the performance of Catherine II (VO Klyuchevsky, Russian history course in 8 t., Politizdat, 1956):
- preservation or increase of the territory of the state (the sovereignty factor);
- change in population (demographic factor);
- state welfare (GDP factor).

The maximum territory of the Russian Federation in the world, stagnation in demography, reflecting stagnation in the growth of the welfare of the state, in comparison with the growth of population in the world, confirm the stated goals. When the above goals are achieved, most of the existing threats to the Russian Federation today are automatically leveled.

Suggestions for development and implementation

To confirm the proposed slogan of the national idea, well-known facts and proposals for their solution and development are given. For the formation of the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation, it is required to create an image in which residents of the Russian Federation will believe, to give them an understanding of the principles of the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation. Their implementation is possible through the achievement of a citizen's personal goals, giving happiness to him, his family, homeland.

1. Over the past 150 years, our homeland has survived 2 world and civil wars, 2 changes in the system, the migration of peoples, but survived due to the foundations laid in the roots of the peoples of the Russian Federation. There is a destruction of the foundations of the family, created over the millennia of the history of the peoples of Russia. This is confirmed by the statistics of divorces, re-marriages, payment of alimony.

In the slogan “A happy family is a happy strong state”, the foundation of a state is a happy family. When educating the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation, they did not receive an example and a model of a happy family; they have no idea or experience in it.

The solution will be the creation of new educational courses. I propose to call them: "School of the family." The objectives of training courses and modeling situations:
- the purpose of creating a family;
- means, search, choice of the only half for creating a family;
- mutual relations and mutual understanding in the family;
- planning of expenses and incomes, short-term and long-term planning;
- preparation for overcoming the obstacles of family life, for overcoming them together;
- the ability to enjoy large and small victories, weekdays and trifles of family life;
- children are joy, work, the biggest test. Children - a litmus test of the love of two people and their family life. All works in the phrase: "Educating children - educating yourself."

Schools and universities do not teach these elements. Most spouses do not understand and do not have an example of building a happy family. They cannot pass it on to their children by their own example, so that the children will pass on their experience to the next generations. We observe in family life a decrease in the level of happiness, a movement in a downward spiral. To change the situation, it is required to train citizens of the Russian Federation to create a happy family and live in joy. A happy atmosphere in the family is work, but it brings joy and great returns. The film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” as in the mirror reflects the fate of the people of our era and today, in fact, nothing has changed.

A vivid example of this approach. After coming to power, I.V. Stalin began investing in a growing generation, instilling new values ​​in them. Institutes, rabfak, pioneer camps, sports clubs, aviakluby were created. As a result, the country received enthusiastic engineers and enthusiasts who rose from the ashes of the Second World War, thanks to these generations of 1910 – 1930's. They died and the country fell apart. The system of education was not introduced into family foundations, and its principles degraded after the departure of the creators.

As a result of investments in education, we will get new full-fledged happy families, a generation will grow up with positive aspirations. The goals of the next generation will change. Create, develop your personality, the state, help other citizens. Anger will decrease, mutual assistance will increase. Citizens will more actively participate in society. The psychological principle will work: "It is pleasant for everyone to live in a comfortable environment, understanding that you create it yourself, support it, develop the results achieved."

2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not provide for provisions on the national idea. I think that the formed foundations of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation do not take into account the principle “A happy family is a happy strong state”. The Constitution of the Russian Federation laid down only democratic norms. In this regard, it will be necessary to make changes to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This is a difficult, long legislative path with a nationwide referendum. Amendments to legislative acts, etc. will be required afterwards.

3. The development of free territories by citizens of the Russian Federation. It is required to adopt new legislative acts on gratuitous allocation of land plots for citizens of the Russian Federation for life use throughout the territory of the Russian Federation for permanent residence and conducting various activities, the original state. financing for arrangement. Laws should take into account the shortcomings of the Law No. 119-ФЗ from 01.05.2016 signed by the President of the Russian Federation “On the possibility of providing land to Russians in the Far Eastern Federal District”. By law No. 119-FZ, land can be leased for a period of up to five years. After this period, a citizen of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to either rent a plot, or get it into ownership, but only in the case of land use. The type of work on the site is limited, it is possible to conduct including. agricultural activity.

Formation, development, analysis, discussion, approval of the slogan and the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation is necessary at the state level. It will require a large amount of financial investments, a long time resource, attraction of various institutions and the work of leading professional specialists. It is necessary to analyze the various variants of ideology by the points:
- development in historical perspective over several generations;
- psychological susceptibility of ideology by various nations;
- acceptance of ideology by emotions and human needs;
- ideological ties with religions and cultures of different countries;
- a comprehensive analysis of the data and the development of the final slogan;
- experimental confirmation;
- drawing up an implementation action plan.

It is necessary to use for the coverage and popularization of the media project (TV, radio, cultural circles (music, theater, dance, artists, cinema), Internet, mobile applications). Development and implementation of the project will require the appointment of responsible persons, the creation of a team, the organization of the legislative and executive bodies, the introduction of changes to acts and resolutions. It will take at least 5 years to implement and introduce the national idea to the masses (optimistic forecast).


After the implementation of the proposed national idea with the slogan "Happy family - Happy strong state", the time period from 7 to 15 years will pass and all declared goals for the classification of V.O. Klyuchevskoye implemented.

PS Questions unanswered.

You have already committed a heroic deed, having read an optimistic, partly romantic and fantastic idea. In conclusion, I will give a few questions:

Need a proposed initiative to the authorities and citizens of the Russian Federation? Does the state need the material well-being of citizens, accumulated over the years? After the implementation of the national idea “A happy family is a happy strong state”, the alignment in society will change. The population will become much smarter and more conscious, as a result, the ability of officials and those in power to steal and manipulate will greatly decrease. Citizens surrounded by good-neighborly relations will become harder to send to foreign countries to carry democracy, to fulfill international duty. A thinking person will turn from a “patriotic” person calling for merciless punishment to capitalists, masons, Jews, to turn into a real patriot who asks himself and particular authorities, and not from an outside uncle. Another scary story in the media about the new machinations of the West for him will not work. It will not lead to a loan and an offer "at a discount" and additional terms "under the asterisk", iPhon and other things for fooling. He will take care of the health of the family. A citizen will demand a return from the state, the basis of which he is. Do you need such a citizen or is it dangerous?

One after another, there are works from the KNOR series - How to equip Russia. The special Olympiad of the KNOR has been going on for centuries. Since the days of the Pochvenniki, the Westernizers, many recognized works have been written (see N. Chernyshevsky, "What to do?"). All words. Reality. In the country for the twentieth century, two systems changed. Planning and financing of revolutions was carried out in the interests of external parties. On the initiative and in the interests of the population over the past 1,5 thousand years no changes were made. Not scheduled? Veche bell removed and the people silent? Traditions forgotten and buried? Revival is not possible?
For centuries, Christian values ​​in pre-revolutionary Russia were officially the main norms. However, the question spoken in the society of the beginning of the 20th century: “Why are they not being observed?” A friendly quiet laugh was heard. Nothing changed.
The ideology long ago is known - “To live, to live and to make good!”, From childhood, from fairy tales, epics. It does not depend on religion, race or nationality, but this “fabulous” idea clearly divides people into rightists, who for life and good, and villains, no matter what mask (humanism, democracy, etc.) they hid . You can not circumvent the ideology of truth. It is at the root of our people. I remember the film "Brother" and the phrase: "What is the power? ... In Truth! The truth should be the same for all generations: grandfather, father, son. However, I will present the slogan on state papers: “Live, live and make good money!” Or “Happy family - A happy, strong state”. How many jokes and humor will arise.

The main question is, will the citizens of the Russian Federation want to follow the slogan, will he find a response in their hearts? Do citizens need changes in values, norms, will they perceive them? Implementation will require large personal changes and labor from everyone.
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  1. -39
    30 June 2016 12: 12
    On the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation

    Russia is such, but I do not know Russia .... hi
    1. +15
      30 June 2016 12: 16
      You said something wrong. I don’t even know what to answer .... belay
      Open your passport. Unless, of course, you are from Russia.
      1. +11
        30 June 2016 12: 20
        Another "smart guy".
        It is necessary to mention the concept of a patriarchal family ... Parents make the choice of a narrowed for life, by agreement, mutual feelings of future spouses are considered minimally.

        What kind of idiocy ???

        Dadenka, did you at least surf the Internet -
        patriarchal family(Greek pater - father + arche - beginning, power), the first historical form of a monogamous (paired) single-married family, headed by a man.
        This is what schoolchildren know.

        And all this scribble is like nonsense. Turns over as it can (or cannot, but itches very much)
        1. +10
          30 June 2016 13: 13
          Quote: Temples
          And all this scribble is like nonsense.
          Well, misinterprets. For example, he confused the communist idea with the socialist one. It happens ... smile But there is a sound grain in the author's reasoning. Indeed, "a happy family - a happy strong state" somehow sounds better and more intelligible than the slogan "Orthodoxy, statehood, nationality", which many are now pushing.
          However, our deputies have recently been awakened by amending the Criminal Code, which greatly undermines the authority of the family in the state.
          I will try to summarize. The concept of "close person" has been introduced into the criminal code (and these are all relatives and even those who run a joint household). Article 116 of the Criminal Code "Beating" is derived from the private order of accusation. Sanctions on it are being tightened precisely against the so-called. "close people" - up to 2 years in prison. Once again I draw your attention to the heavier Art. 115 of the Criminal Code "Intentional infliction of minor harm to health", the sanction in the form of imprisonment is not provided.
          Now I will try to chew: in short, any physical influence between family members, such as: a slap by the mother of a child, a slap in the face of a husband to a wife, etc., which caused physical pain, but did not cause harm to health, will be regarded as a criminal offense, and without the possibility of terminating the criminal prosecution of the perpetrator for reconciliation of the parties. Do you understand what this threatens? Under the pretext of “preventing domestic violence,” these families will simply be destroyed. An example of juvenile justice in the same Scandinavian countries will help you. As there, according to the statement of neighbors, children are withdrawn from prosperous families, and parents are sent to places not so distant.
      2. +8
        30 June 2016 12: 24
        Quote: hirurg
        You said something wrong. I don’t even know what to answer ....

        Yes, calm down. It's Mikhan. That's it. That’s it. Sometimes it brings such nonsense. stop
        1. +9
          30 June 2016 13: 17
          OK ... the attempt is valid. I propose to modernize the idea: "Happy I am a happy strong state." I took it with enthusiasm, went to implement it, while on the positive ...)
      3. -13
        30 June 2016 12: 36
        Quote: hirurg
        You said something wrong. I don’t even know what to answer .... belay
        Open your passport. Unless, of course, you are from Russia.

        They’ll not write to you in your passport yet ... Think of a head and not with your mouth ... (sorry ..) hi
        1. +5
          30 June 2016 12: 45
          UUU, really bad.)))
          1. 0
            30 June 2016 13: 12
            those that don’t reach are bad, then it will be about the national ideas of each subject of the federation of which it consists
      4. +5
        30 June 2016 12: 48
        Quote: hirurg
        You said something wrong. I don’t even know what to answer ....
        Open your passport. Unless, of course, you are from Russia.

        For him, the concept of Russia is more voluminous, which includes both Ukraine and Belarus (at least).
      5. +2
        30 June 2016 12: 50
        On the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation

        The main national idea of ​​Russia should be to provide all the indigenous nationalities of Russia with material goods backed up by the country's bowels. In the flesh before paying a life-long pension from birth to everyone. Everyone else wants to live with us. But do not forget that you are visiting. And you have your own countries .For coming to us, you even yearn for your flags in your cars. I propose a law on deprivation of citizenship for demonstrating someone else’s flag.
        1. +7
          30 June 2016 13: 28
          Quote: Observer2014
          The main national idea of ​​Russia should be to provide all the indigenous nationalities of Russia with material goods backed up by the country's bowels. In the flesh before paying every life pension from birth.

          I didn't understand the author at all. In our country, unfortunately, "being determines consciousness." What you called a national idea cannot be. Your thesis is good for providing a national idea. And the main idea is justice and equality of opportunity for all citizens of the country. And a fair distribution of national income as a reinforcement. Well, life pensions may be too much, but really free medicine and education would have to be returned. Not medical and educational services, but free medicine and education for all citizens. Well, jobs that were with a normal salary, and not with a minuscule to the point of madness, loans from 0% for housing. All this is within the power of the state, if not to steal billions up there. You can do Swiss socialism here too, if you give someone a hand. Not greasy, of course, but so that every person has a guaranteed piece of bread and a roof over his head.
          1. +13
            30 June 2016 13: 58
            Altona hi In my life I had "good" teachers from non-Russians. Thanks to them, they taught their nation to love. Who wants to love everyone. For God's sake, love. You can even visit your "friends" for permanent residence for the sake of interest to go live. And I've had enough. Let's talk about friendship of peoples in other countries. for example, how do Russians live in Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, etc. In Kazakhstan? What rights do they have there? And so on. And why in Russia Jews work anywhere and use its benefits, while in Israel only Jews can live for permanent residence? Germans and Greeks also concern Why are they shouting at every corner that Russia is their home and only their own are allowed into their home?
            1. 0
              1 July 2016 08: 30
              Quote: Observer2014
              In my life I had "good" teachers from non-Russians. Thanks to them, they taught their nation to love. Who wants to love everyone. For God's sake, love. You can even visit your "friends" for permanent residence for the sake of interest to go live. And I've had enough. Let's talk about friendship of peoples in other countries. for example, how do Russians live in Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, etc. In Kazakhstan?

              I didn’t quite understand your point. In the modern world, few people love anyone, under capitalism this is generally a bad quality. In the post-Soviet space, normal economic cooperation and the division of labor must be resumed, as it was before. The opposite causes the degradation of all post-Soviet economies, both Russian and any other. The West has great technological capabilities, it needs only resources in the form of raw materials, markets and someone else's developments.
          2. +3
            30 June 2016 18: 59
            Quote: Altona
            In our country, unfortunately, "being determines consciousness."

            Here I am forced to agree with you and disagree at the same time.
            I agree to the words "Unfortunately, we have" and disagree that "being determines consciousness."
            The fact that science and a society saturated with materialism give us is of course a fact and we are all boiling in this and do not allow us to get out of this vicious circle. But. If a person is at least a little on friendly terms with his head and has a conscience (this COUNSELOR), then seditious thoughts arise in him: “Why do we need to live this way according to the templates imposed on us by society and other organizations”. And here an interesting paradox arises on the supposedly suggested law "being determines consciousness" comes another, which is true and the opposite "consciousness determines being." In other words, everything that we want must first be created in the head, and then through this consciousness it is transformed (manifested, materialized) in life, in the society around us. The path is not so fast and smooth to this, but with intention, willpower, desire and faith, everything will work out, although not all at once and not everything, but gradually and in parts.
            Therefore, use the expression more carefully: - "being determines consciousness" for the opposite is also true.
            1. 0
              1 July 2016 08: 23
              Quote: Irokez
              Therefore, use the expression more carefully: - "being determines consciousness" for the opposite is also true.

              I meant that the layman is forced to think about the pressing problems that he is constantly satisfied with.
            2. 0
              1 July 2016 10: 57
              Irokez! I liked your "justly and reverse" consciousness determines being.
              At the beginning of the article under discussion, the author has almost a similar statement, though the stated is more tedious and difficult for perception: "A thought, born in the mind of any person (personality), awakens the desire to act or inaction. Action is prompted and performed to satisfy feelings and needs. Thought, in the form of will, regulates feelings, limits momentary desires and needs. "
        2. +4
          30 June 2016 13: 38
          everyone born in the mortal world dooms himself to suffering. In a world where everything is transient, a free and eternal in nature soul becomes a captive of fear and obsession. But those who were born in the human body were more fortunate than the others, for by looking at the world through the eyes of man, one can free oneself from the shackles of illusion. Therefore, unlike other creatures of God, man should not have to work only for the bodily pleasures available even to stool eaters - pigs and dogs. In order to find peace, so necessary for understanding the meaning of life, a person must learn to moderate the needs of the flesh. One whose mind is peaceful can see the eternal among the passing. To find eternity, you need to abandon the vain, which only human reason can do.
          1. 0
            30 June 2016 18: 25
            Oh how wisely said. And here the whole meaning of life, but unfortunately not everyone understands this meaning, even in Russia.
            1. 0
              18 November 2016 17: 47
              Quote from Shramad Bhagavatam
      6. +1
        30 June 2016 12: 58
        Yes, from Russia, he simply, as always, brilliantly "shot" and forgot the moral: vodka in the morning, and even in the heat, affects the intellect and general physical condition.
      7. +1
        1 July 2016 20: 44
        Our idea should be determined by the fact that we Slavs, together with other peoples, make up the Russian world, which should flourish and develop.
    2. +16
      30 June 2016 12: 16
      Khariton, our state has the full name - the Russian Federation, abbreviated RF, and the short name - Russia. All this is written in our Constitution - an interesting book of books.
      PS RF is written in capital letters. We must respect our country!
      1. -12
        30 June 2016 12: 30
        Quote: Army 2
        Khariton, our state has the full name - the Russian Federation, abbreviated RF, and the short name - Russia. All this is written in our Constitution - an interesting book of books.
        PS RF is written in capital letters. We must respect our country!

        You grind it straight into my brains ...! I was born in the USSR and I know (in the 90s what it is ..)
        our state has a full name - Russian Federation, abbreviated RF

        I can hear right at your state Maybe you heard ...?
      2. +2
        1 July 2016 00: 10
        Quote: Army 2
        Russian Federation, abbreviated RF, and short name - Russia

        It is in the light of these statements that the question torments me: WHERE SHOULD THE RUSSIA OWN DO IT - THE RUSSIAN STATE ?! We have everything in the Russian Federation: Dagestan, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Chechnya, and even the Jewish Autonomous Region! belay And why not the Republic of Russia ?! And correspondingly, there are no rights to protect Russian interests, as representatives of their national republic within the Federation ..
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +6
      30 June 2016 12: 36
      what nonsense "Khariton"? - Federation (lat. Foederātiō - association, union) is a form of state structure in which parts of the state are state entities ...
      1. -7
        30 June 2016 12: 48
        Quote: Alexey-74
        what nonsense "Khariton"? - Federation (lat. Foederātiō - association, union) is a form of state structure in which parts of the state are state entities ...

        Many were banned ... left alone (ok google ..!)))))
        All smart are such, only without a soul .... I will shoot back to the last ..! soldier
        1. +3
          30 June 2016 13: 06
          By the way, Vitaly, why is Mozart's full name in the profile? Fascinated by classical music or such a fate, and the site alone Salieri?
          1. -7
            30 June 2016 14: 05
            Quote: lis-ik
            By the way, Vitaly, why is Mozart's full name in the profile? Fascinated by classical music or such a fate, and the site alone Salieri?

            I shoot accurately ... hi
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. 0
          30 June 2016 17: 44
          Quote: Chariton
          Many were banned ... left alone (ok google ..!)))))
          All smart are such, only without a soul .... I will shoot back to the last ..!
          Russia is like that, but I don’t know Russia .... hi

          I was also born and lived in the USSR, and I loved that country and still love it. And I can even give a turnip to any youngster who, without knowing anything, after watching the TV talks about the terrible GBN and the bloody regime .....
          Apparently the essence of such a thing in Russia, that from its rulers comes trouble, more than from enemies (This is me about Ebony and the spotted creature ..)
          But now I have the same respect for whatever name our country, at least the Russian Federation, at least Russia .....
          1. -6
            30 June 2016 17: 59
            Quote: Ramzaj99
            Quote: Chariton
            Many were banned ... left alone (ok google ..!)))))
            All smart are such, only without a soul .... I will shoot back to the last ..!
            Russia is like that, but I don’t know Russia .... hi

            I was also born and lived in the USSR, and I loved that country and still love it. And I can even give a turnip to any youngster who, without knowing anything, after watching the TV talks about the terrible GBN and the bloody regime .....
            Apparently the essence of such a thing in Russia, that from its rulers comes trouble, more than from enemies (This is me about Ebony and the spotted creature ..)
            But now I have the same respect for whatever name our country, at least the Russian Federation, at least Russia .....

            You don’t understand anything .... We are now bred again, as in the 90s! These are the deer (excuse me), who do not care what our country is called ... And they are ready to beat anyone! Just, then in the kitchens you will beat your head ... (biting your ambassador with cucumbers ..) Think and see .. And then they can call us the Commonwealth again! (The story was probably taught to the top three ...))) Or did they revise the telly ..)))? And how many are there in Russia ...
    5. -6
      30 June 2016 13: 50
      Quote: Chariton
      On the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation

      Russia is such, but I do not know Russia .... hi

      It seems that I'm on the site of Latvia ..)))) Minus everything ..... hehe I like it! hi
      1. 0
        1 July 2016 23: 02
        Quote: Chariton
        Minus everything ..... heh heh I like it!

        And you laugh, dear, in vain. There are enough adequate and thinking. And minus not so much what you write as how much. You can say differently, and get the appropriate reaction.
  2. +1
    30 June 2016 12: 14
    National ideology is simple and understandable to anyone - love for the motherland. No need to pile up masses of verbal husks. If a person is not imbued with love for Russia, no isms will help him.
    1. +3
      30 June 2016 22: 04
      Quote: joopel
      National ideology is simple and understandable to anyone - love for the motherland. No need to pile up masses of verbal husks. If a person is not imbued with love for Russia, no isms will help him.

      What is there to invent when everything has already been proposed - "POWER TO THE PEOPLE, FACTORIES TO WORKERS, LAND TO PEASANTS" ... But no damn thing - privatization and reforms brought everything to naught.
      Thousands of factories are closed, workers are not in demand and only managers with hairdressers are required, when for the Soviet 6 acres, now with the old women they want to tax such a cadastral value that it is easier to leave the cottage.
      The people are now not the power, but a source of replenishment of the budget of the mediocre Medvedev ruinous government, which, instead of expanding the taxable base by opening factories, is trying to compensate for the losses at the expense of what can be pulled out of the pockets of citizens. The most significant results in the development of the country were achieved when the slogan "The people and the party are united" was not an empty phrase. When the party nomenclature departs from this principle and begins to live only "for itself," then the state structure is broken.
  3. +1
    30 June 2016 12: 18
    spheres too high for me. keep silent
  4. +6
    30 June 2016 12: 20
    Quote: joopel
    National ideology is simple and understandable to anyone - love for the motherland. No need to pile up masses of verbal husks. If a person is not imbued with love for Russia, no isms will help him.

    And what is it called when the homeland and the people living in it do not respect its own government?
    1. -1
      30 June 2016 12: 34
      I would answer you, but in this case the ban is guaranteed am
    2. +1
      30 June 2016 12: 44
      The government comes and goes, and the homeland is always on.
      1. +5
        30 June 2016 13: 10
        Quote: joopel
        Government comes and goes

        I also thought so before)))
  5. +1
    30 June 2016 12: 21
    Too beautiful to be realized. fellow
  6. +12
    30 June 2016 12: 23
    In my opinion, the author submitted his abstract for discussion, although it is not clear to whom and for what he wrote. The desire to express one’s vision of a national idea is commendable, but in this case, the topic must be felt with the soul, and not with slices from various sources.
  7. -4
    30 June 2016 12: 29
    socialist patriotism!

    1. Love for the Motherland
    2. a large family
    3. marriage as a union of a man and a woman for the purpose of having children
    4. promotion of a sober, healthy and athletic lifestyle
    5. Respect for the Man of Labor - the cult of Labor
    6. A nation-wide socialist state with a policy of equalizing population incomes (leveling poverty)
    7. Belief in the One God, the Creator of everything as a cultural civilizational foundation of society
    8. state monopoly on the extraction of natural resources (except for living - fish, animals, etc.), energy, railway transport, transport hubs (stations, ports), for the extraction of gold, precious metals and precious stones!
    9. completely free primary, general (secondary), special and higher education in state institutions according to Soviet (updated due to technical progress) standards
    10. 100% budgetary medicine in public institutions
    11. solidarity pension system based on the record of seniority
    12. progressive income tax at a base rate of 13% but at the highest rate no more than 30%
    1. +6
      30 June 2016 12: 40
      The answer is the only one. The national idea so far is a life-giving golden calf. This is bad, but it is. While everyone knows that love, friendship, etc. - do not buy. And the work of government agencies often comes down to enriching oneself loved ones by any means. And economic crimes have become really unpunished from a certain significant level. So the work of the same government for the people comes down to Slepakov’s song - there are results, only there is no money.
    2. +3
      30 June 2016 12: 46
      Quote: Joe Stalin
      state monopoly on production natural resources (except living - fish, animals, etc.)

      - fifteen minutes under the table. From "living" "natural" (and not "useful", note) "fossils" laughing laughing laughing
      - fish and animals - they, it turns out, fossils ... YYYYYYYY ... laughing
      Quote: Joe Stalin
      Belief in the One God, Creator of all things

      - But will you baptize Muslims? Voluntarily forced?

      Quote: Joe Stalin
      a nation-wide socialist state with a policy of equalizing the incomes of the population (poverty alleviation)

      - and get, in the end, pack of parasites living on allowance (in Germany, France, Sweden there are already many of these)

      Mdja ... what
      1. 0
        30 June 2016 12: 53
        Do you yourself understand what you are writing?

        "Faith in One God, Creator of all things
        - Will you baptize Muslims? Voluntarily-compulsory? "

        For Muslims, is God one or not? Do you consider them idolaters?

        Google: "MONOTEISTIC RELIGIONS" on the Internet, so as not to write nonsense!
        1. 0
          30 June 2016 12: 58
          Quote: Joe Stalin
          For Muslims, is God one or not? Do you consider them idolaters?

          - Of course not wink

          Quote: Joe Stalin
          7. Belief in the One God, the Creator of everything as a cultural civilizational foundation of society

          - Mohammed, Christ, Buddha - who will we choose?
          - or - let them get along together? Then why "One"?

          Quote: Joe Stalin
          Google: "MONOTEISTIC RELIGIONS" on the Internet, so as not to write nonsense!

          - weak excuse. Especially after "living natural resources" laughing
          1. -2
            30 June 2016 13: 21
            - Mohammed, Christ, Buddha - PROPHETS!

            God is a timeless beginning without a physical shell, which is not given to a mortal man, even Moses
          2. -3
            30 June 2016 13: 23
            God is one, the names are different ...) And what is the meaning of each word - God alone knows.)))
            1. +4
              30 June 2016 14: 05
              Quote: oblako
              God is one

              Infa checked?) Can a source?)))
              1. -1
                30 June 2016 14: 36
                שמע ישראל, יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד
                1. 0
                  30 June 2016 16: 16
                  Quote: Joe Stalin
                  שמע ישראל, יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד

                  Listen, Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one. -This is a translation. I look both in English and in Hebrew.
                  Quote: Joe Stalin
                  Mohammed, Christ, Buddha - PROPHETS!

                  So you are native Jews, but I said that he was mishandled.
        2. +4
          30 June 2016 13: 28
          In a quote from an article that will temper your ardor: "Each religion is foundations, traditions, history. A multinational state with different religions requires a different force that unites everyone."
          If you recall the history of the Russian state, you will see that residents on new lands are always assimilated, and not subjected to compulsory Christianization. Russian peaceful people and friendly.
          1. -1
            30 June 2016 14: 08
            "See now that it is I, I - and there is no God but Me: I kill and give life, I strike and I heal, and no one will deliver from My hand."

            Bible, Deuteronomy 32:39

            Man is the dust of the earth without the Architect of our bodies and the Engineer of our souls.

            History testifies: ALL godless civilizations collapsed.
            1. +3
              30 June 2016 14: 21
              Joe Stalin:Man is the dust of the earth without the Architect of our bodies and the Engineer of our souls
              Well, what are you reporting? about socialism and mass purges you better get.
              An architect is called a completely different character, and the engineers of our souls were called Soviet writers (as taught in the Soviet school), they were silent about the architect.
            2. +3
              30 June 2016 14: 24
              Quote: Joe Stalin
              History testifies: ALL godless civilizations collapsed.

              And ALL believers were dying.
              1. -1
                30 June 2016 14: 39
                ISRAEL lives - and does not die!

                Persians, Romans, Babylonians, ancient Egyptians disappeared ...

                "Blessed are you, Israel! Who is like you, the people guarded by the Lord, who is the shield that guards you, and the sword of your glory? Your enemies are servile to you, and you trample their heights."

                Bible Deuteronomy 33:29
                1. +3
                  30 June 2016 16: 12
                  Quote: Joe Stalin
                  Bible Deuteronomy 33:29

                  Stalin, Bible, Deuteronomy what what what I do not understand what is happening at all?
            3. 0
              30 June 2016 16: 13
              Quote: Joe Stalin
              ALL godless civilizations collapsed.

              So that's why the USSR collapsed. Yasnenko.
      2. 0
        30 June 2016 12: 58
        Quote: Cat Man Null
        - under the table for fifteen minutes. ... YYYYYYYY ...
        - But will you baptize Muslims? Voluntarily forced?

        a nation-wide socialist state with a policy of equalizing population incomes
        - and get, as a result, a pack of parasites living on allowance
        Mdja ... what

        ...Well, was mistaken human, byvat ...
        So much to laugh - well, don’t!
        1. -1
          30 June 2016 13: 02
          Quote: CONTROL
          ...Well, wrong man, byvat...
          So much to laugh - well, don’t!

          The anecdote reminds me, you know. About "orange peel, stumbled, fell on the knife .. And so - eighteen times" laughing
        2. +1
          30 June 2016 13: 24
          and get a state in which the income difference is 3 to 4 times, and not 16 to 20 as it is today!


          in 1956, the income differentiation coefficient of the population was 3,28, and in 1986 - 3,38, then, according to Rosstat, it increased from 13,8 (1998) to 16,8 times (2007). This means that official incomes, excluding shadow and criminal, 10% of the richest are 16,8 times higher than the incomes of the poorest citizens. Many experts, given the shadow economy, believe that the real gap indicators are up to 25-40 times.
          Now the share of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum is 15%. Under Stalin, it was possible to achieve an income level above the minimum for all citizens.
          According to research by the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 15% of Russia's population accounts for about 85% of all savings, 57% of monetary income, 92% of property income. According to the late head of the economic section of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Lvov, in the hands of a small group of oligarchs (approximately 1500 people, which is 0,001% of the total population of Russia) are concentrated more than 50% of the national wealth of Russia, 85 percent of the population, that is, in fact, all of Russia They do not have a penny of income from those riches that came from God - oil, gas, timber, gold and other resources - and should belong to the whole people by definition.
          And under Stalin, national wealth belonged to the people and the income from it was used in the interests of all citizens. Previously, people paid a penny for many of the necessary services, or just nothing (the state took most of the costs), now they are forced to pay the full program for housing services, and for communication, transport, culture, recreation, food, education and etc. - for all!
          1. -2
            30 June 2016 13: 32
            Quote: Joe Stalin
            and get a state in which the income difference is 3 to 4 times, and not 16 to 20 as it is today!

            - You (slightly) resemble a character with the nickname Uncle Joe (he was here like this once. True, he was ... thinner and more poorer)
            - all with two hands FOR such a cool state

            Question: Do you know how this beauty can really be achieved, or is it just yours girlish dreams?

            Just don't talk about the "Stalinist purges" and other "iron fists". In conditions open country (RF) this does not work. Just by definition Yes
            1. 0
              30 June 2016 13: 50
              read the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 - there is a detailed instruction on how such a state looks.
              1. +1
                30 June 2016 13: 58
                Quote: Joe Stalin
                read the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 - there is a detailed instruction on how such a state looks

                - do not believe it - I read it. And I know perfectly well "what it looks like"
                - the question was different: how to go from the current state of the state to "what it looks like"

                You know? If so, share your secret knowledge. If not - why the hell are you writing all this here?

                The question is clear, I hope Yes
                1. -2
                  30 June 2016 14: 15
                  1. accept the new socialist Constitution of the Russian Federation

                  2. restore the system of representative bodies of power - the Soviets

                  3. nationalize the extraction of natural resources, railway, energy - 100% of their income goes to the state budget, and not to the pockets of a handful of oligarchs

                  4. Conducts forced reindustrialization over 10-15 years according to five-year plans as in China

                  5. we restore the Soviet rights of citizens: for guaranteed work, free education and medicine, etc.

                  6. We introduce into the Criminal Code of the RF without penalty the death penalty with confiscation for bribes and embezzlement of more than 30 rubles, for the sale of any drug weighing more than 000 grams confirmed by online video recording and the involvement of children in the sale of drugs

                  7. we introduce the election of justices of the peace and district judges by the population of the region, and higher judges by the Soviets of the appropriate level for a period of 5 years, rotation of the chairmen of the courts for a period of not more than 1 year when they are elected by the court staff, 12 jury trials and 1 judge in each district (city court) )

                  8. we introduce an imperative mandate (right of early recall) of deputies of Soviets of all levels

                  9. privatization of any state property - only by decision of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation, approved by 2/3 of the deputies of both chambers of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation (State Council of the Russian Federation and State Duma of the Russian Federation) and approved by a national referendum by the majority of the registered number of voters in the country (so that the history of the theft of the USSR by thieves from party nomenclature!)
                  1. +1
                    30 June 2016 14: 29
                    Quote: Joe Stalin
                    1. accept ... 2. restore ... 3. nationalize ... 4. conduct ... 5. restore ... 6. enter ... 7. enter ... 8. enter

                    Blah blah blah ... You again did not understand the question:

                    - what forces
                    - what methods
                    - at what expense

                    Are you going to "accept, restore, nationalize, conduct, introduce" all this?

                    So - more understandable? fool

                    Without an answer to this question - all your delights here are just cheap trepidation, it’s a flood. Floods here and without you in abundance, there is such a Tolmach, for example request
                    1. -2
                      30 June 2016 14: 42
                      1. +1
                        30 June 2016 14: 48
                        Quote: Joe Stalin

                        Quote: Anecdote
                        - Dad, what was it ??
                        - Sea, son ...

                        That is, there will be no clear answer, as I understand it ... sorry, there was hope request
                      2. -1
                        30 June 2016 15: 09
                        you have either the Russian language - non-native or formal logic is missing, as you are not able to understand specific government events
                        forces - the president of the Russian Federation and the entire state apparatus
                        methods - comrade I.V. Stalin
                        means - of the budget from the nationalization of the huge raw material profits that today go into the pockets of private individuals
                      3. +3
                        30 June 2016 15: 45
                        Twenty five again - money for fish:

                        Quote: Joe Stalin
                        means - of the budget from the nationalization of the huge raw material profits that today go into the pockets of private individuals

                        - who and how will nationalize? fool

                        Quote: Joe Stalin
                        methods - comrade I.V. Stalin

                        - these methods do not work in the absence of an "iron curtain" (open financial system, open borders, ...)

                        Quote: Joe Stalin
                        forces - the president of the Russian Federation and the entire state apparatus

                        - especially touched "the entire state apparatus." They will start dispossessing themselves right now, yeah fool

                        All. You understand laughing
    3. +4
      30 June 2016 12: 56
      Quote: Joe Stalin
      socialist patriotism!

      1. Love for the Motherland
      2. a large family
      3. marriage as a union of a man and a woman for the purpose of having children
      4. promotion of a sober, healthy and athletic lifestyle
      5. Respect for the Man of Labor - the cult of Labor
      6. A nation-wide socialist state with a policy of equalizing population incomes (leveling poverty)
      7. Belief in the One God, the Creator of everything as a cultural civilizational foundation of society
      8. state monopoly on the extraction of natural resources (except for living - fish, animals, etc.), energy, railway transport, transport hubs (stations, ports), for the extraction of gold, precious metals and precious stones!
      9. completely free primary, general (secondary), special and higher education in state institutions according to Soviet (updated due to technical progress) standards
      10. 100% budgetary medicine in public institutions
      11. solidarity pension system based on the record of seniority
      12. progressive income tax at a base rate of 13% but at the highest rate no more than 30%

      Forgot to add to every woman a peasant.
      1. -2
        30 June 2016 13: 28
        if a man doesn’t have a woman - how to create a family and have children?
        1. 0
          30 June 2016 14: 07
          Quote: Joe Stalin
          if a man doesn’t have a woman - how to create a family and have children?

          Is it possible to have sex without being married? Or just ananism?
          1. -2
            30 June 2016 14: 43
            it's debauchery
    4. +2
      30 June 2016 13: 09
      Joe Stalin: Clause 7 of Socialist Patriotism.

      Not overdoing this item? Unclear,Faith in the One God....
      Who is that? (this is the only one), there will be many dissenters, I will not say anything about the civilizational foundation of society.
      1. -2
        30 June 2016 13: 25
        Didn’t Russian civilization begin with the Baptism of Prince Vladimir?
        1. +3
          30 June 2016 13: 31
          Something pulled you towards the divine. I do not know how Russian civilization began.
          1. -3
            30 June 2016 13: 51
            Ivan doesn’t remember kinship?
            Are you not born in the USSR?
            and didn’t go to the Soviet school?
            1. +3
              30 June 2016 14: 02
              What about the Soviet school? I was born in Mesopotamia, two thousand one hundred twenty-five years ago ..... classics of the genre
              1. +1
                30 June 2016 14: 14
                Quote: bober1982
                I was born in Mesopotamia, two thousand one hundred twenty-five years ago

                good +100
    5. 0
      30 June 2016 16: 18
      Quote: Joe Stalin
      7. Belief in the One God, the Creator of everything as a cultural civilizational foundation of society

      Jesus Christ is the son of God !!!
      1. +2
        30 June 2016 17: 19
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Quote: Joe Stalin
        7. Belief in the One God, the Creator of everything as a cultural civilizational foundation of society

        Jesus Christ is the son of God !!!

        Stalin is the father of all nations.
        1. 0
          30 June 2016 17: 31
          Quote: Al1977

          Stalin is the father of all nations.

          Banned your father half an hour ago laughing
          1. 0
            1 July 2016 09: 40
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Banned your father half an hour ago laughing

            It’s a pity .. Nice was the uncle, uplifted.
  8. 0
    30 June 2016 12: 34
    And yet I am for Russia (USSR) ... and it is starting now, the liberals are brainwashing!
  9. +6
    30 June 2016 12: 37
    Well what is it - we’re reinventing the wheel again ?! Instead of taking it, sit in the saddle, put pressure on the pedals ... The main thing is not a bicycle, but WHERE to go! who, where and how steers! And we’ll push the pedals ...
    The article is another "fifty-fifty"! Logical inconsistencies, systemic inconsistencies ... finally, just insufficient knowledge of the material! The wind blows because the trees sway ...
    You can advise the author to re-read Kozma Prutkov - "On the introduction of like-mindedness in Russia" ... Or get acquainted with this opus for the first time! Will try to help! ...
  10. +6
    30 June 2016 12: 37
    For a happy family, you do not need to invent.
    It is necessary:
    1. Employment with a normal salary in production, and not 15-30 thousand rubles. A man should receive 150+ thousand rubles at current prices to provide for his family (wife, child).
    2. Housing conditions. For a family with a child, at least the provision of rental housing is necessary, as is done in normal countries with the possibility of redemption. And not like they give a mortgage now where the family pays 15 years at 10-20 thousand per month with a salary of 25-30.
    3. Provision of kindergartens and schools, at the expense of the state. And not like the family is paying for everything now.

    Then the family will think about the second, third child. There will be an opportunity to ride with children. Have funds for sports.

    That we have not yet touched honey. provision, crime, drugs that mow the young.
    1. 0
      30 June 2016 12: 45
      You all speak correctly. But for the rudders of our speeches such - GLORIOUS TUBE BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS, no more. Or campaign promises.
    2. +2
      30 June 2016 12: 58
      Quote: XmyP
      1. Employment with a normal salary in production, and not 15-30 thousand rubles. A man should receive 150+ thousand rubles at current prices to provide for his family (wife, child).
      2. Housing conditions. For a family with a child, at least the provision of rental housing is necessary, as is done in normal countries with the possibility of redemption. And not like they give a mortgage now where the family pays 15 years at 10-20 thousand per month with a salary of 25-30.

      So this is true in the West, but their values ​​are alien to us. You are a traitor or a fifth column, be aware immediately)))))
      1. -1
        30 June 2016 14: 00
        The material standard of living of the population of the USSR in the mid-50s was higher than in the USA, the richest country of that time, and higher than in modern America, not to mention modern Russia. In addition, the population of the USSR was provided with benefits unthinkable for any other country in the world:
        a dairy kitchen network that provided free food for babies up to 2 years;
        a wide network of preschool institutions (nurseries and kindergartens) with a minimum payment for the maintenance of children - 30-40 rubles per month, and for collective farmers for free;
        summer holidays for children in pioneer camps for a small fee or for free;
        children's music schools, which allow children to get a musical education and to identify musical talents at an early stage;
        children's sports schools, including boarding schools;
        free after-school groups in schools;
        Houses of Pioneers and Palaces of Pioneers, providing free leisure for children;
        Houses of Culture and Palaces of Culture, providing leisure for adults;
        sports societies that provided physical education for the population;
        a wide network of sanatoriums, holiday homes, tourist centers, providing treatment and rest free of charge or for a small fee, available to all segments of the population;
        the widest opportunities for free education and advanced training for all segments of the population in full-time, evening or correspondence;
        guaranteed housing and specialty work, maximum social protection, full confidence in the future.

        The overwhelming majority of citizens of modern Russia, from liberals to communists, are convinced that the population of the USSR has always lived much worse than in Western countries. No one suspects that it was under Stalin and only thanks to Stalin that Soviet people in the middle of the last century lived much better in material and moral terms than in any other country of that time and better than in the modern USA, not to mention modern Russia.

        1. +2
          30 June 2016 14: 10
          Quote: Joe Stalin
          The material standard of living of the population of the USSR in the mid-50s was

          Quote: Joe Stalin
          In 1946, a salary increase of 20%

          Quote: Joe Stalin
          some prices in 1955

          Quote: Joe Stalin
          March 1, 1949 - 1951 further price reductions occur

          - it was all. The only flaw in all of this is that it was 50-70 years ago what

          Quote: Joe Stalin

          - but from now on - more details, please .. enough to flood already, are there real ideas - or aren't they? fool
        2. +3
          30 June 2016 14: 15
          Quote: Joe Stalin
          The material standard of living of the population of the USSR in the mid-50s was higher than in the USA, the richest country of that time, and higher than in modern America

          My parents did not have a car, and they dreamed about it.
          I had a coat and hat, like everyone else in the class. There were no others.
          We did not have a VCR. We could go on vacation only in Sochi, and there, at horse prices, rent a house from a private trader. Service zero.
          It is also not clear what happened in the USSR, what the average American or German cannot afford now? Can specific examples and not general phrases from a book about a fantastic and bright future?
          1. -2
            30 June 2016 15: 31
            where did you see video recorders in the 1950s ???
            they were not even in your beloved West then!
            1. +2
              30 June 2016 16: 06
              Quote: Joe Stalin
              where did you see video recorders in the 1950s ???

              And what kind of video player got hooked, tell the man about the rest. And by the way the video player in 80, cost about 3000 r. It’s easier to kill against a wall than to buy it.
    3. +1
      30 June 2016 13: 39
      To ensure such a salary, a man must turn around and be a specialist, constantly improving his qualifications. And who wants it. The new equipment came all computerized, and everyone got used to editing only with a hammer and a screwdriver, and there it was necessary to make a couple of tusks. Crazy to attach. they don’t get education and they don’t tell children that it’s necessary to learn, to gnaw at the facets of science with our teeth; otherwise, in full r ... we will.
      We want to receive loot but for what? you cannot provide new knowledge and education for the employer. You don’t know how to work with new materials on the right technology. In building a production culture, 80 does not have% of workers.
    4. -3
      30 June 2016 13: 53
      this can only be ensured by the SOCIALIST state and the Soviet system:

      In 1946, the salary of workers and engineers and technical workers working at enterprises and construction sites in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East increased by 20%. In the same year, official salaries of people with higher and secondary specialized education (engineering, science, education and medicine) increase by 20%. The importance of academic degrees and titles is rising. The salary of a professor, doctor of sciences increases from 1600 to 5000 rubles, associate professor, candidate of sciences - from 1200 to 3200 rubles, university rector from 2500 to 8000 rubles. At research institutes, the scientific degree of a candidate of sciences began to add 1000 rubles to the official salary, and doctors of sciences - 2500 rubles. At the same time, the salary of the union minister was 5000 rubles, and the secretary of the party district committee was 1500 rubles. Stalin, as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, had a salary of 10 thousand rubles. Scientists in the USSR at that time also had additional incomes, sometimes several times higher than their salaries. Therefore, they were the richest and at the same time the most respected part of Soviet society.
      1. 0
        30 June 2016 13: 57
        some prices in 1955: rye bread - 1 RUB / kg, roll - 1.5 RUB / 0.5 kg, meat - 12.5–18 RUB / kg, live fish (carp) - 5 RUB / kg, sturgeon caviar - 180 rubles / kg, lunch in the dining room - 2-3 rubles, dinner in a restaurant with wine for two - 25 rubles, leather shoes - 150 - 250 rubles, 3-speed tourist bike - 900 rubles, motorcycle IL-49 with 350 cc engine cm - 2500 rubles., movie ticket - 0.5–1 rubles., ticket to the theater or concert - 3-10 rubles.
        1. 0
          30 June 2016 16: 04
          Quote: Joe Stalin
          some prices in 1955:

          Now lay out some salaries
    5. 0
      30 June 2016 13: 56
      This is possible only in a nation-wide, socialist state, in which the main value is not profit at any cost, but the general well-being of the people:

      1 March 1949 - 1951's further price reductions occur, an average of 20% per year. Each decline was perceived as a national holiday. When 1 March 1952, the next price reduction did not happen, people had a feeling of disappointment. However, 1 of April of the same year, the decline in prices still occurred. The last price reduction occurred after the death of Stalin 1 April 1953. During the post-war period, food prices and the most popular industrial products decreased on average by more than 2 times. So, eight post-war years, the life of the Soviet people has improved markedly each year. For all the known history of mankind in any country similar precedents were not observed.
  11. +1
    30 June 2016 12: 38
    In general, the state is primarily people, rulers and their ideas. Rome Trajan or Nero is a different Rome, although the state is the same. And with us, you can talk about democracy, conscience, equality, responsibility as much as you like, but all these words of those in power are broken up on geldings of class s with AMR numbers with a representative of the Caucasian people driving for 20 years on the counter. Therefore, the national idea is certainly good, but everyone chooses his own path.
  12. +4
    30 June 2016 12: 39
    Something I don’t see in the national idea of ​​the point related to the theft of state money, and it is also desirable to reflect whose natural resources the country is the people or the oligarchs. And then the idea is that some will develop, create, create, multiply, etc., while others simply put in your pocket. laughing request hi
    1. +1
      30 June 2016 13: 46
      There is in ps - "After the implementation of the national idea" Happy family - Happy strong state ", the alignment in society will change. The population will become much smarter and more conscious, as a result, the ability of officials and those in power to steal and manipulate will greatly decrease."
      Today you go to the clinic and you are offered paid services, without waiting in line, and later go and see in the CHI payment for the same services, i.e. they also spent free. Will you go to complain to the prosecutor? 99,9% will not work. They will tell themselves, then they will spread rot here, and treat diseases as. SHARING is shorter to defend their rights. Since Soviet times, the mentality has remained. Can it be the other way around? they themselves will be afraid and lick you?
  13. +3
    30 June 2016 12: 41
    The author is not embarrassed that such a national idea does not provide for, say, the development of the same astronautics. How can the colossal spending on space programs, pulled out of the pocket of taxpayers, make families happy? I do not argue that the family in Russia is a unit of society and its well-being depends on the happiness of the family itself. But, the criteria for happiness are different for everyone: for some, which is very small, it is a large friendly family with a bunch of children, while for others it is a Kruzak from her husband, Louboutins from his wife and trips to the Maldives, and preferably with their lovers at different times. And such, at least in dreams, are the majority. So what kind of "happy" families are you going to teach the society to your national idea?
    1. +2
      30 June 2016 13: 32
      Here, it is understood that the principle of taxation is valid, that all citizens of the company pay taxes, and the army, police, science, etc. are maintained for these funds.
  14. +1
    30 June 2016 12: 41
    Another "govnovbros"!
  15. +1
    30 June 2016 12: 42
    I would venture to argue with the author. In my opinion, everyone wants to build a state profitably on this, I agree here, but I would expand the cause-effect. "A happy strong state, a happy family", something like that. If you want paradise in your family, improve your state, plus insurance against pulling the blanket "whose seed will be happier." hi
    1. +1
      30 June 2016 14: 18
      WildFox, it turns out in your initial state, and officials, and not the citizens who create it?
  16. -4
    30 June 2016 12: 42
    "The USSR is the building of communism, with undefined goals, the road to nowhere."

    You can not read further.
    1. +3
      30 June 2016 13: 00
      Quote: Joe Stalin
      USSR - building communism, with undefined goals, the road to nowhere. "

      You can not read further.

      What is the successful country that built communism. I can’t find such something on the map.
      1. -3
        30 June 2016 13: 26
        1. +5
          30 June 2016 13: 35
          And in Switzerland, each according to his needs and from each according to his work and money was canceled? North Korea has almost built communism, but they don’t like mentioning it ...
          1. 0
            30 June 2016 14: 21
            Quote: Anglorussian
            And in Switzerland, each according to his needs and from each according to his work and money was canceled? North Korea has almost built communism, but they don’t like mentioning it ...

            If North Korea is the ultimate goal of communism ... then for me a geyropa is better, I'd rather go to Germany than to the communist brothers. The Communists overslept the country ... overslept))))
            1. 0
              30 June 2016 14: 46
              then for me a geyropa is better, I'd rather go to Germany,
              I also do not really want something to the galleys to the combat baby doll. Rotting UK is somehow getting for life.
          2. -1
            30 June 2016 14: 22
            the Swiss are so rich that they refused guaranteed income in the last referendum. money is already a rarity there - all payments by bank transfer (cards)
            1. 0
              30 June 2016 14: 49
              so rich that they refused guaranteed income at the last referendum.
              Not because of the extraordinary wealth this pseudo-communist idea was screwed up (the standard of living is not very high than anywhere else in northern Europe), but not to breed idlers and not to invite immigrants to work out rations to these idlers.
            2. +1
              30 June 2016 14: 51
              money is already a rarity there - all payments by bank transfer (cards)
              Not quite so, and what is the difference — money on paper, banknotes, or electronic card?
            3. 0
              30 June 2016 15: 58
              Quote: Joe Stalin
              the Swiss are so rich that they refused guaranteed income in the last referendum. money is already a rarity there - all payments by bank transfer (cards)

              So it turns out for you as for a true communist, the whole thing is in the dough, not in ideology. That's the news. Now I understand why the communists sold the USSR.
        2. +2
          30 June 2016 14: 19
          Quote: Joe Stalin

          This is the same part of the geyropa, which preaches values ​​foreign to Russian people.
          Don’t you read this forum? You bring a dozen comments How terrible to be a European and what worse place on the planet there ???? In fact, are you a liberal or something ... Switzerland ... better say Atlantis.
        3. 0
          30 June 2016 15: 57
          Quote: Joe Stalin

          So in Switzerland, communism wassat
      2. +1
        30 June 2016 14: 29
        Quote: Al1977
        What is the successful country that built communism. I can’t find such something on the map.

        Impossible is impossible!
        It is impossible to reach the speed of light (but strive for this ...). And if it were possible - is it worth the effort? Anyway, no one will see and appreciate ...
        (C)(V. Savchenko, it seems "Opening yourself")
  17. 0
    30 June 2016 12: 43
    I put the author a plus for the work (if I did not roll it up of course) .... in general the question is very serious. The concept of a national idea constantly appears at different stages of history .... But the most important thing is the one that we (our ancestors) adopted in 988 - the adoption of Christianity !!! Indeed, for so many centuries, the political system has changed, which in any case carries its national ideas for propaganda purposes, and Christianity is bequeathed to the forefathers forever and its commandments have special value !!!
    1. +3
      30 June 2016 12: 51
      Quote: Alexey-74
      But the most important is the one that we (our ancestors) adopted in 988 - the adoption of Christianity !!!

      Well, no matter how all the ancestors adopted Christianity, what should be done with them? Baptize?
    2. +7
      30 June 2016 13: 06
      The author became entangled in three pines, all of which slyly philosophizes are recorded in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

      The main idea is written in the Constitution - power belongs to the people.
      But here Figwam and not power, in Russia, the elite appointed by the tsar really rules.

      Everyone is equal before the law, and here is Figwam.
      In Russia there are persons equal to the law and above the law, starting with the tsar.
      1. +1
        30 June 2016 13: 51
        The Constitution does not specify the goal of achieving prosperity and happiness in every family constituting a state with the help of state institutions.
        1. -2
          30 June 2016 15: 05
          under the liberal Constitution of the Russian Federation, happiness is guaranteed in only one family - the presidential
          1. +1
            30 June 2016 15: 47
            Quote: Joe Stalin
            under the liberal Constitution of the Russian Federation, happiness is guaranteed in only one family - the presidential

            Not true. The president is divorced. And this year, more than 100 deputies divorced. The mayors, Sabyanin, for example, his deputies and other officials, also divorced.
            There is just no happiness in the liberal constitution, and our officials suffer the most, think about the people, work from morning until late at night, sacrificing personal happiness.
      2. +3
        30 June 2016 15: 59
        Quote: stas
        The main idea is written in the Constitution - power belongs to the people.
        But here Figwam and not power, in Russia the elite appointed by the Tsar really rules

        Power always belongs to one who has power. Who has the mechanisms to implement their decisions. Good, evil - the main thing, who has a gun!
        The GDP, by the way, across the country does not have such a gun. The specific princes with the appliance are put on presidential decrees, if it is possible to get enough of it and get off with a short, often conditional, term, and even without confiscation. Here many write about the need to rewrite the Constitution. And by the way, in order to do this legally, you need to have the support of legislative bodies of more than two-thirds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Article 136 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). And the question arises: how to provide such support from people who go to regional dumas just to steal and take bribes? And without changing the Constitution, Russia will remain the economic appendage of the West (through the global system of central banks, which are essentially branches of the US Federal Reserve).
        This is what the national idea should be: achieving full sovereignty of Russia. Its complete independence from the will of others. Then the families will be happy, and high earnings, and production, and science, and education, and medicine - everything will be as it should. Russia must become an independent country again.
  18. +6
    30 June 2016 12: 44
    No ideas will help us if Kvachkov sits and Chubais leads, if Vasilyeva came out without sitting really, her own and not 37 years old, Ignatenko closed the case, he knew a lot, he was very safe. Our power must begin with itself.
  19. +7
    30 June 2016 12: 50
    What a utopian opus.
    The solution will be the creation of new educational courses. I propose to name them: "School of the family."
    I understand that the teachers of the courses should be exemplary-happy people who are lucky in the life lottery to find the second half, and who will have the full moral right to teach the happiness of everyone else ?! Or will robots take up this noble task ?!
    I also cannot imagine that such courses of life will be of interest to the mass of "happy" people who are provided below the subsistence level. Will they be before that? I'm not even talking about idlers, alcoholics and drug addicts. Where to start then? Is the author in the know? request Most likely, he is far from real life.
    After the implementation of the proposed national idea with the slogan "Happy family - Happy strong state", the time period from 7 to 15 years will pass and all declared goals for the classification of V.O. Klyuchevskoye implemented.
    Well, how can you take such conclusions seriously ?! request
  20. +5
    30 June 2016 12: 57
    The national idea of ​​Russia? Justice - and that’s it! Only where will you find her darling.
  21. +1
    30 June 2016 12: 57
    "Citizens surrounded by good neighborly relations, it will become harder to send to foreign countries to carry democracy, to fulfill international duty. Thinking man from a “cheer patriot” calling for merciless punishment of capitalists, freemasons, and Jews, it will turn into a real patriot who asks himself and specific authorities, and not from an outside uncle. Another horror story in the media about the new intrigues of the West for him will not work"...

    Um ... Of course, I took the context out of the article ...

    I re-read it again and thought - is NOT THIS the core of it ???

    That is, we, Firstly, must begin to behave so that we become good neighbors ??

    That is, to repent before the whole "world" of conceivable and inconceivable sins and begin to live as the "good" neighbors tell us ???
  22. +7
    30 June 2016 13: 09
    A year or two ago, they already laid out this Theme on VO. They loudly declared that now the National Idea would be necessarily invented, invented, extorted, voiced! And they even created specials. Commission to work on it. And the Colonel General Ivashov was appointed the most important in this Commission (and they practically threw him under the tank). lol I remember in my commentary on that article I wrote that Nothing this commission will not give birth! No. For to create a slogan, according to which the ordinary Hard worker will smile equally proudly and joyfully (I write with a capital letter, for only he creates Gross national product, as here is the added value for it put in their pocket guys like Chubais, Gref, Friedman, Vekselberg, Usmanov and other other Dvorkovichs - Abramovich ) fellow
    My dear compatriots, remember the Victory Day Parade on Red Square (the National Holiday really unites everyone), when the military marching in field uniforms marching along the square, and sitting on a bench, sitting comfortably, they talk casually to the Minister of Defense of the country (in a civilian jacket) ) and the President of the same country !!! And you want to see the slogan uniting them (the ruling elite + oligarchs and embezzlers of all stripes) with ordinary people, whose often appointed wages are less than the subsistence level (to maintain the same at least working capacity) ??? In such a stratified society DO NOT BE THIS ( a-priory! ).
    Respectfully to all forum users hi
    1. cap
      30 June 2016 16: 57
      Quote: K-36
      And you want to see the slogan uniting them (the ruling elite + oligarchs and embezzlers of all stripes) with ordinary people, whose often appointed wages are less than the subsistence level (to maintain the same at least working capacity) ??? In such a stratified society, DO NOT HAPPEN to this (by definition!).
      Respectfully to all hi forum users

      I would put two pluses, but unfortunately this is impossible. hi
  23. +4
    30 June 2016 13: 10
    Putin has not yet come up with a national idea. Yes, and what kind of idea can there be under capitalism ... Profit in any way, unless this is an idea ...
    1. -3
      30 June 2016 13: 19
      Quote: Million
      Putin has not yet come up with a national idea. Yes, and what kind of idea can there be under capitalism ... Profit in any way, unless this is an idea ...

      Look here .. card! Shouting is not Russia ..... drinks

      This is also an idea .....
      1. 0
        30 June 2016 16: 01
        Quote: Chariton
        This is also an idea .....

        Oh, cool, but that it’s Stalin's minus you. You’re kind of rowing in the same boat.
    2. 0
      30 June 2016 16: 00
      Quote: Million
      Earn money in any way - unless it's an idea ...

      Did someone come up with such an idea for you, or is it your choice?
      1. +2
        30 June 2016 16: 22
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Did someone come up with such an idea for you, or is it your choice?

        Now, I would also like to know who this people suggested profiting from.
        I saw another "No money, but you hold on there, health to you!"
        What is not a national idea for the people? !!
  24. +2
    30 June 2016 13: 13
    - Communism: “Freedom. Equality. Brotherhood "," From each according to his ability, to each according to his work ";

    Nothing that is the principle of socialism?
    The principle of communism: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."
    The rest is blah blah blah: for all good versus all bad.
    The national idea of ​​the Russian Federation should contain a clear, concise, intuitive slogan, captivating, bearing a clear, profitable goal, achieved by every citizen of the Russian Federation.

    Such an understandable slogan was already: "JUSTICE"
    Thanks to him, thanks to a clearly visible perspective, thanks to the existing social elevators, he was able to prepare the country for a terrible war. And then restore it again.
  25. +4
    30 June 2016 13: 18
    The national idea is different for everyone.
    The dudes in power, stay in power on ... to earn more loot.
    For hard workers - so that their crumbs even pay stably, there was work and the woman did not change.
    The managers in Moscow, so that the ruble exchange rate is stable and prices for foreign cars are not raised.
    The Chechens, so that Kadyrov would be in power and the loot flowed further into the republic.
    And so you can continue.
    NOTHING of these people does not unite.
    The governor is deeply insane ... for the peasant from the factory, and the peasant does not understand the problems of the minister.
    Something like that. And everything else is just an acceptable coexistence of everyone with everyone.
    Whatever the war and x .. stood, here is my nat. idea.
    1. +1
      30 June 2016 14: 36
      Quote: Al1977
      The national idea is different for everyone.

      Whatever the war and x .. stood, here is my nat. idea.

      "My main task in fulfilling the five-year plan is not to lose weight! That is why I am fighting for its fulfillment ... heroically!" (FROM) (I. Gelman, it seems, is the play "The Man from the Side")
  26. +3
    30 June 2016 13: 27
    I’ll say a terrible thing, for many today it’s not very clear. For Russia, populated by different nationalities, we need not an international, but an international idea. All these measures - I am Russian, I am Chukchi, I am Chechen, Georgian, Latvian, Ukrainian - only disconnect people who once lived peacefully in the territory of a single state. On hand they are only to those who hope that they can deal with disunited peoples individually.
  27. +4
    30 June 2016 13: 32
    Nikonov Ilya! Did you publish your daughter's essay? Is she a first year student at a pedagogical university?
    I will not evaluate the essay itself, but I will say that the girl is well done. Encourage her to answer some questions: 1. What comes first, a national idea or a slogan? She turns out that slogan.
    2. Do not see the contradictions? So a national idea has a goal = personal goal of a citizen or is it achieved through the achievement of personal goals by a citizen
    The national idea of ​​the Russian Federation should contain a clear, concise, intuitive slogan, captivating, bearing a clear, profitable goal, achieved by every citizen of the Russian Federation

    For the formation of the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation, it is required to create an image in which the inhabitants of the Russian Federation believe, to give them an understanding of the principles of the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation. Their implementation is possible through the achievement of personal goals by a citizen

    3. Why would that be?
    The formation, development, analysis, discussion, approval of the slogan and national idea of ​​the Russian Federation is necessary at the state level. A large amount of financial investment will be required.
    1. 0
      10 October 2016 14: 34
      army man2! Did you understand the logic of the article or skipped on top? From the idea, a slogan is formed, followed by people. This is psychology. Form of attraction and hobby. This is discussed in the article. Or is the psychology of mass impact on consciousness wired here between the lines a different level? ))) You react in advertising first to a vivid picture, and then you realize that they slipped you? A slogan is a verbal image of a picture, idea, your personal future and being!
  28. +6
    30 June 2016 13: 33
    In fact, the only national idea now - rat rat - to deceive, steal from the neighbor - from highways to church and business - everywhere rats. In public, everything is very beautiful, and the essence is rat.
    1. 0
      30 June 2016 16: 02
      Quote: made13
      In fact, the only national idea now - rat rat - to deceive, steal from your neighbor - from roads to church and business - everywhere rats

      Well, not to hell with yourself, in what society do you communicate.
      1. 0
        10 October 2016 14: 53
        The story of the memorial plaque to Nazi collaborator Karl Mannerheim on Zakharyevskaya Street in St. Petersburg is not the only attempt to glorify fascists in different cities of Russia.
        In Omsk, on the building of the Omsk Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, among prominent graduates who immortalized the names of heroes and cavaliers of orders of the Soviet Union, designers and engineers, the surname of the Russian corps officer, Lieutenant of the Wehrmacht Nikolai Bialkovsky, was modestly "hooped up".

        And these in which?
        And .. they are strictly anti-Soviet, anti-communist, STRICTLY in Hitler’s, because this is such an effective Russian killer, the dream of all liberals.

        Byalkovsky’s story is not the only one, just two years ago, under pressure from the public and with the participation of State Duma deputies, it was possible to remove from the name of the Lesosiberian Cadet Corps the name of another “hero” of the Russian Corps - Alexei Yordan, whose grandson Boris contributed significantly to the establishment of the treacherous Yeltsin regime in Russia. In the collection of documents published by St. Petersburg University “Russian Corps in the Balkans during the Second World War (1941-1945). Memoirs of associates and documents. Second collection ”on page 443“ Order for the 1st Junkers squad of the 1st detachment ”N 85, dated September 12, 1942, where, among other things, it reads:“ ... he was promoted to second lieutenant, junior harness-cadet Jordan Alexei". At the end of the order, representatives of the German army, headed by Lieutenant Bredov, expressed the hope that the work of training freshly released officers officers “would benefit the destruction of Jewish communism and the establishment of a new fair order in the world.”

        But who puts such monuments - "Alexei's grandson, US citizen Boris Jordan Jr. became a prominent Russian oligarch, and initially did not even have a permit to work in Russia. Nevertheless, already at the first stage of privatization in the hands of the investment company Renaissance Capital "It turned out to be up to a quarter of the vouchers issued by Chubais, who became friends with him."

        Cool idea?

        As it turned out, this is a problem not only in Ukraine and the Baltic states, the surviving descendants of the Vlasovites and other traitors, who killed the Serbs along with the Ustash during the Great Patriotic War, not without the help of the CIA, are desperately trying to introduce the memory of their “heroes” into the souls of the younger generation. Why - understandably, to “steal” the Great Bloodthirsty Victory and then a victory from our people, equalize them with victorious veterans, and then take revenge for the defeat of the old version of the “European Union” - a long-standing dream of both overseas and many European partners.
  29. 0
    30 June 2016 13: 45
    For our king, the national idea is not acceptable, except for love for him.

    Since this idea will be higher than him, but he does not need it. Therefore, so many scum revolve around the king: Chubais, Kudrin, Gref, Fursenko and etc. Most liberal HSE graduates work in government. structures

    Here some write about love. As in 1991, many people in Russia loved EBN, they received it to the fullest, it became sickening of such love.
    Love is blind.

    Vova loves Dima, therefore, does not remove him from his post, Dima loves iPhones, but the majority hate DAM. Well, what is this idea on love.
    Love is a feeling, an idea is a material thing.
    1. -3
      30 June 2016 13: 55
      Quote: stas
      For our king, the national idea is not acceptable, except for love for him.

      Since this idea will be higher than him, but he does not need it. Therefore, so many scum revolve around the king: Chubais, Kudrin, Gref, Fursenko and etc. Most liberal HSE graduates work in government. structures

      Here some write about love. As in 1991, many people in Russia loved EBN, they received it to the fullest, it became sickening of such love.
      Love is blind.

      Vova loves Dima, therefore, does not remove him from his post, Dima loves iPhones, but the majority hate DAM. Well, what is this idea on love.
      Love is a feeling, an idea is a material thing.

      Well done! probably thought for a long time ..? These are now in the subject ... laughing
      1. +3
        30 June 2016 14: 23
        You correctly noticed everything. But the campaign author specially violated the logical chain.
        "A thought takes shape in an idea. An idea, expressed in a clear, concise verbal image, carries a person along with it, changes his thinking." then he gives ideas briefly and succinctly expressed in slogans.
        This is already a psychological question of crowd attraction. Remember 1917 year. They followed the idea, but with the slogans in which it was expressed.
    2. +2
      30 June 2016 14: 42
      Quote: stas
      For our king, the national idea is not acceptable, except for love for him.
      Since this idea will be higher than him, but he does not need it.
      Love is a feeling, an idea is a material thing.

      ... Azochen Way and our tanks are fast!
    3. 0
      30 June 2016 16: 06
      Quote: stas
      Vova loves Dima, therefore, does not remove him from his post, Dima loves iPhones, but the majority hate DAM. Well, what is this idea on love.

      Most love DAM, VTsIOM speaks about it, the majority speaks for EP, this shows the vote.
      Provide a link to your data. Do not pass off your opinion as the opinion of the "Russian people"
  30. -3
    30 June 2016 13: 53
    Whose site is it now, who will say vey ..? bully
  31. +4
    30 June 2016 14: 00
    If people don't interfere, they will build heaven on earth. But the parasites don't get in the way - they eat like that. And the habit of poisoning parasites with a pill or wetting them with a slipper, unfortunately, was completely lost. For "they know better how to do it."
    1. -1
      30 June 2016 14: 21
      Quote: Borus017
      If people don't interfere, they will build heaven on earth. But the parasites don't get in the way - they eat like that. And the habit of poisoning parasites with a pill or wetting them with a slipper, unfortunately, was completely lost. For "they know better how to do it."

      Nifiga myself .... I did not know! bully
  32. +1
    30 June 2016 14: 21
    For the basis of a new national idea, the slogan is formed: “A happy family is a happy strong state”.

    From Big to Great.
  33. -1
    30 June 2016 14: 25
    The Russian idea is when many Russians come to this thread and express their opinion ...! (Many at work, for now ..) These are being hungry here, as men can ..!
  34. -1
    30 June 2016 14: 45
    All our national idea is already set forth in the Constitution of Russia.

    All that remains is to force the government to fulfill it, and not to create the appearance of fulfillment.
    And you need to start with the king, in office no more than two terms.
    In all large and economically developed countries, all top officials have no more than 2 terms in office.
    And China went this way. But our king is smarter than everyone.
    Only our king interprets this in his own way, endlessly, with rest after two consecutive terms.
    1. +1
      30 June 2016 15: 12
      Quote: stas
      All our national idea is already set forth in the Constitution of Russia.

      All that remains is to force the government to fulfill it, and not to create the appearance of fulfillment.

      I don't remember who - some famous American actor, I think - said: "What a pity that all those who know how to run the state are already working as taxi drivers, hairdressers and bakers."
      ...we too!
    2. +1
      30 June 2016 20: 37
      Quote: stas
      In all large and economically developed countries, all top officials have no more than 2 terms in office.

      F.D. Roosevelt rolled over in his grave ...
      1. -1
        1 July 2016 07: 54
        You are an eccentric (starting with M), still remember Genghis Khan or Ivan the Terrible.
  35. +1
    30 June 2016 14: 55
    I do not want to offend the author of the article, but who can answer the simple question - "Why did not Russia fall apart in the early 90s?" After all, if you remember - there was no idea, there was no state, there was no leader (Take as much sovereignty as you want).
    In my humble opinion, both in the Soviet Union and even earlier, and even more so now, Russia lives by values ​​that are essentially a national idea. The question is that it (the idea) has not yet been formulated (articulated) - but this is the problem of the "blind" - isn't it? In order to see the big one you need to look a little further away and at the right angle. It is necessary to answer the age-old question - "Who is to blame" and "What to do". Answers to the questions asked exist and by the way they are not complicated.
    The main thing to remember is Russia has no past! Russia has a beginning, present and future!
  36. -2
    30 June 2016 15: 27
    How many people - so many ideas.
  37. +1
    30 June 2016 15: 54
    The national idea is what they attack for (people, state, leaders, faith, history) .... The author is trying to come up with an ideological "Frankenstein" ....
    We must live in the traditions of our ancestors and be strong. And without regard to "conventions", "declarations", "tolerance", "globalization", "multiculturalism" and other sweet blizzard from world business.
    1. +2
      30 June 2016 16: 02
      Quote: samarin1969
      The national idea is what they attack for (people, state, leaders, faith, history) .... The author is trying to come up with an ideological "Frankenstein" ....
      We must live in the traditions of our ancestors and be strong. And without regard to "conventions", "declarations", "tolerance", "globalization", "multiculturalism" and other sweet blizzard from world business.

      The world is changing, what does it mean to live without looking back ... According to the traditions of our ancestors, does this mean walking over the plow in bast shoes? Can he hunt a mammoth and pray for the god Perun? What traditions? Under Ivan the Terrible, some, under Lenin, others, Stalin - the third, Gorbachev - the fourth.
      Nonsense full.
      The world has become global. Aircraft allow you to move from point to point in hours. The Internet allows you to communicate in real time. Companies have become multinational.
      Now in the world one idea is to be successful in comparison with others.
      And when they tell us, no, we are worse, but we honor traditions - this is a rotten excuse.
      Be the best in your field and people will reach for you
      1. +1
        30 June 2016 18: 25
        "The world has become global. Airplanes can move from point to point in hours. The Internet allows communication in real time. Companies have become multinational."

        Globalization is, but war is still there. And countries that lose their national identity become prey for young predators (Rome 476, Constantinople 1453, France 1940). The whole story is a war of some peoples against others. And always the rich lose to the strong. We are waiting in Europe for millions of hungry guys without prejudice with a machete in their hands. Most Europeans will press the buttons ...

        A country dies when its citizens say: "I am a man of Peace."
        P.S. "Airplane" is a good weapon.
        1. -3
          1 July 2016 09: 38
          Quote: samarin1969

          There is globalization, but war is still there.

          And they always will be. This is human nature. And there are crimes and murders. Is Russia somehow different from the world, are other people living here? Our ancestors did not fight?
          What are you talking about ???
          We are waiting in Europe for millions of hungry guys without prejudice with a machete in their hands. Most Europeans will press the buttons ...

          Wait. You can also wait for the attack of the Martians. Let's talk about what it really is, not what you "see" when you drink 0,5 liters.
          A country dies when its citizens say: "I am a man of Peace."

          Who in the USSR said that he was a man of peace?
          What are you talking about again ??? Maybe about Atlantis? Are you sure to write in a sober mind? The feeling of delirium does not leave me ..
          P.S. "Airplane" is a good weapon.

          In short, sober up - write. Although it’s better not to ... go ahead, the weekend is ahead, it's yours at all. You will talk to drunks in a drunken stupor about the poor Europeans and the plane as a weapon, they with smart faces, pouring vodka on fire will believe you.
  38. fix
    30 June 2016 17: 45
    In my opinion, the author confuses principle of social order (citing examples of capitalism or socialism) and the idea of ​​national identity for the purpose of self-identification. That is, the state ideology of IMHO is not a synonym for a national idea.
    As for the slogan “A happy family is a happy strong state,” it certainly does not correlate with both the social structure and national identity. Maybe it is necessary, but not sufficient.
  39. -1
    30 June 2016 18: 05
    Family is the root of the people

    “The smallest unit of society is a family, an association of people linked by blood ties.
    The family grows into relatives, relatives in the clan, and the clan in the people.
    The people are the soil, the family is the garden, and the child is the plant. "
  40. +2
    30 June 2016 18: 52
    I only know one thing, here they have a national idea that works great
  41. +2
    30 June 2016 19: 13
    There is a contradiction in the very formulation of the question. The "national" idea, despite the fact that nationalism is declared phchism and is harshly persecuted, and multinationalism is considered a model and ideal, is an oxymoron of some sort.
    Russia already has a "national idea" in which we live - it is a multinational, multiconfessional federation in which representatives of minorities own and govern the majority in their interests.
    The fact that the people are being fooled by some absent "national idea", which for some reason cannot be formulated or invented, says only that no one wants to voice the existing "national" idea, but to fool their heads with pleasure.
    The national idea can be only one, it is the same and simple for all normal states as mooing - building and developing a powerful national state, in the interests of the people living in it.
    1. 0
      30 June 2016 20: 31
      The lower classes will always tolerate what the upper classes do - in Russia the upper classes do not want, but the lower classes cannot and do not want - the river of life will continue to flow in a similar direction - "There is no money, but you hold on there, happiness and health to you."
    2. +2
      1 July 2016 11: 27
      You confuse, mixing up concepts - nationalism, Nazism.
      There is the concept of a national idea, but have you heard of the federal idea? Suggest, describe, with fundamental differences.
      In Russia, the de facto basic people have the least rights. Benefits from different nationalities. Who behaves impudently in Russia? Russian or other nationalities. Or are you for turning the second cheek up to the stop?
      But in general, in the article - "In the country in the twentieth century, two systems were replaced. Planning and financing of revolutions was carried out in the interests of external parties. On the initiative and in the interests of the population, no changes were made over the past 1,5 thousand years." or not?
  42. -1
    30 June 2016 19: 31
    I think the national idea will be inspired from above. It will be acquired immediately and (or) gradually by millions. And by mutual agreement they acknowledge its presence, vitality, will be passionate about it and will follow it. It will comply with the laws of the Dharma. Simple, logical, but with the Heart, harmonious. This idea will necessarily connect our earthly life with Heavenly Father and the Living Mother Earth, and religion with science and philosophy.
    But in order for people to accept it, they must be ready. Not so, some in the forest, some for firewood. A minimum of love and a maximum of self-interest. Cruelty, boundless cynicism, unlimited egoism, etc., a disregard for oneself and Nature.
    Only the Most High can breathe such an idea into such a mighty people, the people of Russia. He can do this through the Demiurge, the Prophet. But people must hear, understand and accept this Prophet. If people are not ready, it will be like with Christ. At least they will not hear him.
    Therefore, all current and past rhetoric related to the national idea of ​​Russia is philosophizing about the national idea, about its necessity, about its searches, its searches, about the non-viability of Russia without an idea, etc.
    However, I see that Russia will not be satisfied with any domestic narrowly national idea. It will be for all of humanity. But she will appear in Russia.
  43. -3
    30 June 2016 20: 18
    OH! what horror how much has been written ... various garbage, but there is no sense., everything that is indicated in the title - "About the national idea of ​​the Russian Federation" is not even mentioned in the discussion, even though you crack one demagogy ... and the chatter is 99 percent. or wrong ...
  44. 0
    30 June 2016 20: 46
    To begin with, ensuring the independence and security of Russia and its peoples from external and internal "democratizers, liberalizers" and the like. I think the majority will agree with this, few people want to look out for enemy bombers, for example. And then - we'll see.
  45. -1
    30 June 2016 21: 09
    In order for the national idea to appear, it is necessary to create conditions in the state so that the citizens of this state are created conditions for a normal life. If such conditions are realized, then the state will be strong. Therefore, the national idea does not need to be sought or invented, it is next to us and consists in ensuring that all citizens can safely and comfortably live in their own state.
  46. 0
    30 June 2016 21: 42
    Many bukaf and the idea itself, the author did not formulate.
    Well, was it worth it to strain so? Another blah - blah - blah.
  47. -1
    1 July 2016 02: 08
    This opus reminds of the hero Sergei Nikonenko from the film "Yolki-sticks" with his idea of ​​"universal statehood", and our discussion is a dialogue between the hero of the film and the hero of Yevgeny Yevstigneev.
  48. -1
    1 July 2016 09: 35
    To understand what the national idea is in Russia, you need to look at what is respected among people.
    Wealth? No. Be a man even a multi-billionaire, but if by nature he is a bastard, then he will not see respect. Fear - maybe respect - never.
    Power? The same picture.
    Mind? To a greater extent, yes, but again, if a person is smart, but of low moral principles, then there is no respect.
    But if a person is honest and fair, then he is respected regardless of whether he is rich or not, an academician or a simple locksmith. For just leaders, even excessive rigidity is forgiven, and his authority does not drop them.
    Justice is the real national idea of ​​Russia. Briefly and clearly, without gritting and excessive snot.
    That's just the current powerful, such an idea as a knife to the heart. They will never voice it.
  49. 0
    1 July 2016 09: 47
    It was pulled from various textbooks, common sociological truths, and according to the principle "It seems to be in the subject, then we stick it." Ideas in one paragraph are immediately refuted in another. Easy, I would say such an airy explanation of the collapse of the USSR. Here it turns out to be the "growing needs of the population" for everything. The main religions of the Russian Empire. Well ... And in other empires, what are the main religions? (it is clear that I will not take China and Japan). This is so, light criticism of the text. In my opinion, this very article could be reduced to a "simple and understandable slogan" (by the author): "The idea can be anything ..." In Hitler's Germany, it was Nazi, but in a fairly short time this did not prevent Germany from becoming a strong Power ... After its collapse in 1945, the idea changed dramatically, but nevertheless, again in a fairly short time ... then the same text. In turn, the idea in the USSR until the 53rd year did not differ from the idea after the 53rd until the 86th and then until the 91st. At the same time, we see three completely different hypostases of the state of society. After 91 to this day, there is no idea at all. However, the period before 2000 and after, I would separate from each other. I would even separate the period after 2014 and maybe even say that today one could say that the national idea in Russia has somehow dawned. Even if it is not clearly formulated. So we will continue the slogan: "The idea can be anything. The question is that it would be accepted by society and protected like the apple of an eye, along with the state, as such, state symbols, citizens, history, memory. And to this idea, as an application should such a system of functioning of the state, a car, a tank, should be created so that the most stupid and deceitful "driver" would rather break his forehead, but would not be able to disable it or sell it, like some. " I am inclined to believe that, as A. Raikin said, “we don’t love her,” but Great Britain has been a great example of this for many centuries.
    1. 0
      1 July 2016 11: 34
      The idea in the USSR before the 53-th year did not differ from the idea after the 53-th until the 86-th and then until the 91-th. At the same time, we see three completely different hypostases of the state of society. After 91, and until today, there is no idea at all. However, the period before 2000 and after, I would separate from each other. I would even separate the period after 2014 and maybe even say that today it would be possible to say that the national idea in Russia somehow

      How to separate them periods?
      The idea in the USSR before the 53 year and after the report of Khrushchev radically changed or not. Curtailed consciousness. Stalin from God became a villain. Or not Functionaries came to power, business executives were removed. that this is not a quiet change.
      91. people with the mentality of the USSR still have this problem. Moses why exactly 40 years of the Jews drove through the desert? so that new generations can grow and invest in them a new faith.
  50. -1
    1 July 2016 14: 23
    The national idea of ​​Russia is to love the Motherland !!!!