The bluff of Western "well-being"

The bluff of Western "well-being"The phrase "economic growth" is one of the most commonly used in the vocabulary of liberal economists. At the same time, it is cleverly used by politicians and statesmen of the West in order to give white as black and vice versa. The term “economic growth,” as well as the statistics used to measure it, have long been a means of manipulating public consciousness. As well as a means of covering the destructive, and even suicidal, policies of the “golden billion” states in the economic sphere.

Recently, in the West, individual voices have begun to sound, criticizing the policy of "economic growth." Criticism basically comes down to the following:

behind the formal statistical indicators demonstrating the “achievements” of economic growth, there is a growing social and property differentiation of society. The threats posed by such economic growth are obvious;

economic growth is carried out due to the involvement in the turnover of increasing volumes of natural resources and environmental pollution. This threatens the planet’s ecological collapse;

economic growth increases unemployment, and those who continue to work become robots. Economic growth turns into Moloch, devouring man as a creative person.

Critics of the concepts and policies of economic growth most often offer the so-called “sustainable development” model as an alternative. True, this kind of model remains only good wishes. Few people dare to touch the deep reasons for the dominance of the ideology of economic growth in the modern world. And the reasons are rooted in the usury nature of the modern economy. Usury is based on charging interest. Modern usury is also based on credit money. Their release creates a debt, which in addition to the principal amount also includes interest. There is a shortage of money supply, which is just equal to the amount of interest charged.

Usurious capitalism generates money hunger, which generates aggression of economic entities seeking to get money at any cost.
Firstly, due to the economic expansion, which was called “economic growth”. Secondly, due to debt refinancing, i.e. getting new loans. From here emergence of infinitely growing debt pyramids. The terms “economic growth” and “usury” are one-root. This is the key to the domination of the ideology of "economic growth" imposed by modern money lenders and which has become the universal religion of the modern world.

Now we turn to a more specific question: Can we trust the indicators of gross domestic product (GDP) and other similar indicators that measure economic growth? - Definitely not. Firstly, the practice of statistical additions and falsifications has become widespread. Especially in this succeeded US statistical services. This is a special issue requiring separate distribution. Secondly, the methodology for calculating GDP is changing, as any “questionable” services are included as a “product”. As a result, in the structure of the US GDP, today the real sector of the economy (industry, agriculture, construction) accounts for slightly more than 1 / 5; the rest is services. There are, of course, vital services. For example, transport and communication. But at least half of all US GDP, according to our estimates, is “air”.

Due to the “air” and various additions, the statistical services of the United States and other countries of the “golden billion” can “draw” the “positive dynamics” of their economies.

But even taking into account these tricks and statistical "innovations", the growth of GDP in Western countries in the current century was no more than 2-3 percent per year. What looked extremely pale against the background of high rates of growth in China's GDP.

But all that has been said above is “flowers” ​​against the background of the main falsification associated with the assessment of the economic growth of the countries of the “golden billion”. Anyone, even a novice economist, knows well that a company, a firm, a corporation, another business entity has assets and liabilities. Assets - various property and claims (for example, claims on loans granted, goods delivered, etc.). Liabilities - above all, various obligations (for example, obligations for the maintenance and repayment of loans, payment of received goods, etc.). Even people who are far from economics and accounting are well aware that if liabilities (in other words, debts) begin to outweigh the assets, then a company goes bankrupt.

Surprisingly, with regard to countries such a simple and understandable approach to assessing their economic situation is rarely used. Especially to the so-called "economically developed" countries. And they, meanwhile, are either already bankrupt or are confidently moving toward bankruptcy. But few people notice it. The essence of the problem is extremely simple: the increase in debts of “economically developed” countries has for many years been exceeding the increase in their GDP. In other words, the increase in debts of an economic entity called “economically developed country” far exceeds the increase in its assets. The phrase "economic growth" in relation to these countries looks more than strange. This is “economic growth” with a minus sign.

Now specific data. I borrow them from the famous Finnish economist, entrepreneur and politician Jon Hellevig. He is one of the few foreign economists who exposes the falsifications of Western economics and statistics and shows that the US, EU countries and other states of the “golden billion” are completely bankrupt. The most generalized picture of the Western economy in 2013 year inclusive Hellevig gives in his work "Awara Group Study on the Growth Net Net-of-Debt". It contains calculations of real GDP indicators adjusted for changes in debt. " The adjustment is very simple: from the official indicator of the annual real (ie, adjusted for inflationary price changes) GDP growth, the increase in the country's debt for the same year is subtracted. This will be the “most real” GDP growth. True, it will most likely be “the most real”, or the real fall in GDP. Here is a picture for the period 2009-2013. In the eurozone countries, the decline in GDP over a specified period, according to official statistics, was 0,2%. During the same time, the real decline in GDP, taking into account the increase in debt in the eurozone, was estimated by the Finnish economist to be 27,2%. For countries such as France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States, the real decline in GDP, taking into account debt, ranged from 30 to 40%. Relatively "safely" on their background looked Germany. She has an official decline in GDP over the period 2009-2013. amounted to 0,7%, and taking into account the debt, GDP fell by 16,6%. Among the countries considered, the record for the fall in GDP, taking into account debt, was Spain - by 56,3%. In other words, over the five-year period, Spain’s GDP has more than halved, given the increase in the country's national debt.

But what is most surprising. Against the background of the catastrophic economic collapse of Western countries described by Hellevig, the position of the Russian economy looks quite different.
The increase in the GDP of the Russian Federation over the period 2009-2013, according to Rosstat, was 5,7%, while the real change in Russia's GDP, including debt, was a plus sign. Adjusted GDP in Russia increased by 28,5%. This was due to the fact that during the five-year period Russia managed to significantly reduce its national debt.

Even more contrasting is the comparison of Russia with the countries of the “golden billion” over the period 2005-2013. (9 years). Adjusted US GDP fell by 59%, eurozone countries by 30%, while Russia's adjusted GDP increased by 147%.

In all Western countries, annual increases in national debt are many times higher than annual increases in GDP. Hellevig cites such figures for the period 2004-2013. The increase in US national debt over the decade amounted to 9,8 trillion. dollars, and GDP growth is about 2 trillion dollars. Thus, the excess of the increase in debt over the growth of US GDP was fivefold. Record among the countries studied this excess was in the UK - nine times. The Finnish economist notes that, probably, Japan, which is still considered by some as a model of the economic growth model, would have this excess even higher. But Japan did not get into the study due to a lack of statistical data.

But in Russia during the indicated period everything was the opposite: GDP growth was 14 times higher than the increase in national debt.
The most complete statistics for calculating real (including debt) economic growth is available in the USA. An interesting picture is the dynamics of the state (national) debt of the United States and gross domestic product based on data from the US Treasury and the US Department of Commerce.

According to the US Department of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis), US GDP in 2001 was 2010 billion in prices of 12.837, and in 2014, it was (in the same prices) 16.282 billion. Thus, real growth of US GDP for the period 2001-2014. equal to 26,8 percent. At the same time, the increase in US national debt from the end of 2001 to the end of 2014 was 3,14 times. The increase in national debt over the period 2001-2014. exceeded real GDP growth in the United States by almost 8 times. This proportion can be expressed differently: in the period 2001-2014. on 1 dollar national debt growth, real US GDP growth averaged only 12,5 cents. Simple calculations on the United States, made by us, fully coincide with the estimates contained in the article of the Finnish economist.

In the final part of his article Hellevig notes that in his calculations he took into account only that part of the debt, which belongs to the public debt (it is also called national). But for completeness, it would be necessary to take into account the other components of the country's debt - the private sector and the household sector. Unfortunately, statistics on these types of debt is incomplete and inaccurate. There are only data for individual countries. For example, the debt of the private sector of the economy of Denmark for the period 1996-2012. increased from 140% of GDP to almost 240%. Increase in debt by almost 100 percentage points! In the same Denmark for the period 2002-2010. household sector debt increased from 240% of GDP to 310%.

Judging by the figures given in the work of Hellevig, such countries as Denmark, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain and a number of other countries have already been effectively bankrupt. And such countries as the USA, France, Italy are already close to this.

Its bankruptcy and parasitic existence due to the continued construction of the country's golden pyramid of the "golden billion" cover the fig leaves of official GDP statistics.

In his last article, published in January 2016, J. Hellevig warns Russia against borrowing the Western model of the so-called “economic growth”: ““ Liberal ”critics of the Russian economy want us to believe that the West works perfectly thanks to some supposedly better economic model advertised as an innovative economy. The real picture throughout the West, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, the EU is sad with falling industrial production, reducing exports, huge budget deficits, frightening trends of impoverishment and huge chronic unemployment, which the government is trying to hide behind official statistics, eliminating unemployed people from it. The only real innovation in the West over the past decade is the innovation of perpetual debt revelry, but, alas, it will not last forever. ”

The economic degradation of the leading countries of the West, which says J. Hellevig. This degradation is particularly clearly highlighted when comparing the countries of the “golden billion” with such countries of the periphery of world capitalism, which are called “emerging economies”, i.e. countries with the most dynamic economies.

The “core” of the western world is the “Big Seven” (Group of Seven, G7), which includes the following countries: USA, Canada, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy. According to some estimates, after the end of the Second World War, only one United States created about half of the global gross domestic product. Later, the share of the United States gradually declined, but in general quite a long time in the last century, the G7 accounted for at least half of the world's GDP.

Jon Hellevig in his publications drew attention to the changes in the ratio of the levels of economic development of the G7 and the countries of emerging economies over the past quarter century. For clarity, it also includes seven countries in the second group, the “small seven”: China, India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico and South Korea.

The “Small Seven” today is already noticeably superior to the “Big Seven” in aggregate gross domestic product. The Small Seven went around the G7 after the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Jon Hellevig considers this a very significant event that has remained little seen by the world media, but which, in his opinion, will have far-reaching global economic and political consequences.

Today, there are already more recent GDP statistics (data from the International Monetary Fund). According to our calculations, in 2014, the share of the G7 in global GDP was 31,95%, and the share of the G7 was 35,83%. The ratio of the GDP of the “small seven” to the GDP of the “big seven” in 2014 was already 112,1%. That is, the gap between the “small seven” and the “big seven” continued to widen in favor of the emerging economies.

Jon Hellevig writes: “The problem is that changing this scenario is no longer possible, because the Western powers have lost their competitive advantages. Ultimately, their economies will shrink until they match their resource base and population size. ” For reference: the share of the "big seven" in the population of the planet is approximately 11,5%. Approximately this could be, according to Hellevig, the share of the G7 in global GDP. In other words, the G-7 will have to go down for a very long time from the current share of 32% to 11,5%.

There are few hopes for the economic recovery of the West. Even less than Western capitalism’s chances of overcoming the economic depression in the 30s of the last century (then it was managed to be overcome by completely non-economic methods - only due to the outbreak of World War II).
It is difficult to challenge the trends identified by Hellevig. One can only doubt the correct selection of the countries of the “small seven”. Mexico and South Korea are politically politically exposed to the West, under its strong influence. One can hardly imagine in real life the alliance of those seven states that the Finnish economist used in his calculations. But another alliance of seven states is quite real. These are the five countries that make up the BRICS. Plus Indonesia and Iran. Based on the IMF data for 2014, the share of countries in such an “alternative seven” will be as follows (% of world GDP): China - 16,63; India - 6,81; Russian Federation - 3,29; Brazil - 3,01; South Africa - 0,65; Indonesia - 2,47; Iran - 1,35. In total, the “alternative seven” in 2014 was 34,11% of world GDP. And on the “big seven” of western countries - 31,95%. And in this case, we see that the G-7 lags behind the seven emerging economies.

In 2014, a significant event was recorded: China in terms of GDP, calculated at par of the purchasing power of the yuan, came in first place in the world, overtaking the United States. The United States occupied this place for over a century. Namely, from the end of the XIX century, when the United States consistently bypassed Great Britain and Germany, becoming the economic power No. XXUMX. Then their share in global GDP reached 1%.

The third place in the world in terms of GDP for several years now has been occupied by India, confidently surpassing Germany first, and then Japan. In 2014, in the first seven of the countries in terms of GDP, there were only three countries from the G7 (USA, Japan and Germany) and four out of five countries that make up the BRICS (all except South Africa). In terms of its “weight” (cumulative GDP), the BRICS group was almost equal to the G7 (30,94% versus 31,95%).

In reality, the BRICS countries not only caught up, but significantly exceeded the G7 in terms of economic development.
The fact is that the two groups of countries should be compared using GDP indicators cleared of the so-called “foam”. Under the "foam" refers to the questionable (actually fictitious) services included in the total amount of the gross product - financial, trading and intermediary, associated with the real estate business, etc. It would be fair to compare only the “solid remnants” of GDP, representing the products of the branches of the real sector of the economy. Financial and various kinds of other intermediary operations of the social product do not create, but merely redistribute it. It was on this methodology that macroeconomic statistics was built in the twentieth century. At present, for the sake of the financial oligarchy and all sorts of speculators, the statistics of the public (gross) product have been “improved” and turned into a “curved mirror” of the economy.

Today, unfortunately, “foam” is present in the GDP of almost all countries of the world, but in the structure of the GDP of Western countries, its share is much larger. For example, in the US GDP for the products of the real sector of the economy (industry, agriculture, construction, transport and some other industries) accounts for only about ¼. It is noteworthy that in the US economy, the financial services and real estate brokering sector in 1,35 times exceeded the real sector. In the language of liberal economists and sociologists of the West, such an economy is called a “post-industrial society”. And in a less correct language, this is the economy of a thriving parasitism and casino. Even in Germany, whose economy is considered the most “industrial” in the G7 group, the real sector exceeded the financial one only by 23%. In the GDP structure of the BRICS countries, the sectors of the real sector of the economy occupy a significantly higher proportion - at least half, or even more. The real sector in India was more than 5 times the financial services and real estate sector, in the Russian Federation - 3,3 times.

The illusion of "well-being" and "high level" of economic development in the countries of the "golden billion" is supported not only by sly statistics. The main means is large-scale and constantly growing borrowings from the countries of the rest of the world.

To carry out such borrowing Western countries succeed due to the fact that they have "printing presses", creating astronomical amounts of money. The money coming from such “printing presses” is used not only and even not so much for servicing operations within the respective countries of the “golden billion”, as for buying goods, services and assets all over the world. Ultimately, this money accumulates in the international reserves of the countries of the periphery of world capitalism. These are indefinite and almost interest-free promissory notes of the West, which he is not going to repay. The system of parasitic existence of the “golden billion” is based on these so-called “reserve currencies”, which leads to the complete disintegration of the economy of the West. The total international reserves of the BRICS countries last year exceeded 15 billion dollars. At the same time, the international reserves of the G-7 amounted to only 2 trillion dollars. At the same time, the lion's share of this amount fell on only one country - Japan; the remaining six G7 countries only had 0,8 trillions of dollars. Also, it should not be forgotten that if the international reserves of the BRICS countries were formed mainly from reserve currencies (US dollar, euro, yen), then the G7 international reserves ( with the exception of Japan) gold prevails, not reserve currencies.

In his January article, J. Hellevig writes with alarm that "... Western economies suffered a complete fiasco and are able to maintain some kind of decency only thanks to huge loans ...". The G-7 countries, the Finnish economist concludes, “could have done this over the past ten years, using a strong monopoly of Western currencies, which made it possible to keep virtually zero interest rates and currency stability, despite the devastating and destructive nature of loans at all levels of economic activity: state, corporate and at the level of households. "

In conclusion, some statistics can be cited that reveal the secrets of the “economic prosperity” of the “golden billion” countries.

The US Central Intelligence Agency regularly keeps records of the external debt of almost all countries of the world (counted around 200 countries).

According to the latest data from the CIA, for 2012 a year, global external debt was equal to 70,60 trillion dollars (roughly comparable to the value of world GDP).
Here are the countries that occupy the first lines of the CIA table: US - 18,85 trillion dollars; European Union - 17,95; Japan - 3,02; Switzerland - 1,54; Australia - 1,48; Canada - 1,33. The total external debt of these countries of the “golden billion” amounted to 44,17. That is 62,6% of world debt. And here are the figures for the BRICS countries (trillion dollars): China - 0,78; RF - 0,52; Brazil - 0,48; India - 0,41; South Africa - 0,14. Total for the BRICS countries is 2,22 trillion dollars, or 3,1% of world debt.

The following picture emerges: the higher the level of foreign debt in a country, the lower its foreign exchange reserves. And vice versa: the more foreign exchange reserves, the lower the level of external debt. All this vividly reflects the parasitic nature of the countries that we are used to classify as “economically developed states”.
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  1. +23
    18 May 2016 05: 57
    Ever wondered if there is a point to economic growth? Lenin clearly pointed out that capitalism will inevitably await collapse, and imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism, and something tells me that he was right. And if the economy does not have a growth point, then, in fact, sooner or later we must go over to communism (God forbid, live up to this day)
    1. +5
      18 May 2016 06: 45
      Ever wondered if there is a point to economic growth?

      Neither GDP, GNP, nor "economic growth" expressed as a percentage or in currency does not reflect the real situation in the economy or the well-being of the country's population. For example, in the Russian Federation the ruble was devalued and "economic growth" immediately appeared. GDP - GNP is like showing the number of cars produced in the country in tons, or apartments in square meters (by the way, they often do this in our country!).
      1. +4
        18 May 2016 07: 12
        That's just the standard of living in these bankrupt countries is an order of magnitude higher than ours. It is he who is the most accurate and impartial indicator of economic development, and not these tricks with GDP and debt. Current ... If you look at it, it turns out that there is nothing more eternal than America, and life in Russia is complete shit. But in general, the article is propaganda. Again, they are trying to distract us from genuine problems with the US government debt.
        1. +4
          18 May 2016 08: 22
          Quote: Basarev
          That's just the standard of living in these bankrupt countries is an order of magnitude higher than ours. It is he who is the most accurate and impartial indicator of economic development, and not these tricks with GDP and debt. Current ... If you look at it, it turns out that there is nothing more eternal than America, and life in Russia is complete shit. But in general, the article is propaganda. Again, they are trying to distract us from genuine problems with the US government debt.

          When you have the opportunity to freely print money, of course you can live well and pour some of this money into your colonies. But this will not last forever.
          1. 0
            18 May 2016 11: 39
            Quote: Muvka
            When you have the opportunity to freely print money, of course you can live well and pour some of this money into your colonies. But this will not last forever.

            In other words, is it not the West that produces all the modern technology in the world, but simply prints money? This nonsense is easily refuted if you just look at the list of the richest companies in the world. It can be seen that high-tech technology companies are winning. The idea is always worth and cost more. And to come up with an iPhone is hundreds of times more expensive than to produce nails, albeit tons.
            And based on your logic, we just need to close the borders and print rubles, we can give a million to everyone and we will be happy ... alas, you are wrong.
        2. +4
          18 May 2016 09: 28
          Quote: Basarev
          That's just the standard of living in these bankrupt countries is an order of magnitude higher than ours. It is he who is the most accurate and impartial indicator of economic development, and not these tricks with GDP and debt.

          Unfortunately no. The real picture is as follows. The masters of the world are financiers who came to power through a fraud called "interest on loans." T.N. "economically developed" countries receive a larger ration per capita. Why? Because that is their "development"? Rave.
          Financiers give them more. Do you understand? Give. The difference is between salary and salary. You earn a salary, and give you a salary, because they consider it possible to welcome you. Off the shoulder, so to speak. Are you worth it or not ...
          The "development" of these countries lies in the fact that thieves have created this very well-being in them. For what? And so that they serve as a buffer between the scammers and the rest of the world, which the scammers rob. Interlayer, shell, armor. The whole world hates the USA and dreams of destroying it. Deservedly hates. But the United States is precisely the shell designed to contain the blow. Like NATO. Like everyone and everything! At any moment this "well-being" will disappear. Once the thieves decide so ...
        3. +1
          18 May 2016 11: 05
          Quote: Basarev
          That's just the standard of living in these bankrupt countries is an order of magnitude higher than ours

          It is strange, why, then, economic protests throughout the 20th and 21st centuries are most active in Europe, right down to street battles, why are they always dissatisfied with their economy? Apparently, a large part of their salary of 3000 euros goes to all sorts of taxes and payments for renting a house (owning an apartment there is generally unprofitable), etc., and there are pathetic pennies for life .. In the USA, there are severe restrictions on protests, and the police they’re not very tolerant there, by the way, they shoot to kill for any reason, and you cannot even imagine a stone to throw at a police officer ..
          1. 0
            19 May 2016 20: 58
            You are talking nonsense. From the beginning to the end. You see about life in the West on similar articles learned :)
      2. +1
        18 May 2016 17: 20
        I recently looked at the export-import ratio in large countries and got a little bit ofigel. Well, the United States is the largest importer, and the PRC exporter was known. But the fact that the EU as it turned out in the balance in the red was surprising for me. It turns out that only Germany and Italy are serious exporters in the EU, while the rest are practically importers. France is an importer, Britain is generally in the ass. It imports about $ 300 billion more than it exports. Japan is also an importer. Incidentally, compared with Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States or France, everything with the economy is gorgeous. But compared with China or Germany - not good. But now, when Americans or Britons teach us economics, I have a wild rzhach. They would solve their problems. not give us signs.
        1. 0
          19 May 2016 21: 57
          Have you heard anything about the domestic market? What does the ratio of import and export have to do with it? Germany has export-oriented euonomics, especially chemistry, auto and mechanical engineering. Britain has a strong financial market and it is customary to buy its goods whenever possible. But nowhere does it smell like oil or gas, but the standard of living of citizens is higher than Russian and much.
    2. +11
      18 May 2016 07: 41
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      Lenin clearly pointed out that capitalism inevitably awaits collapse
      To summarize: the main thesis of the article can be expressed by paraphrased army wisdom - "The collapse of capitalism is inevitable as demobilization!" smile However, given the current socio-economic model in the Russian Federation, in this case, too, nothing good is expected. Only the transition to socialist methods of management will avoid a catastrophe. Unfortunately, under the current government, such a turn is extremely unlikely.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +2
      18 May 2016 07: 56
      Clear. For BRICS to become more powerful, it needs to parasitize itself more. Otherwise, no economic growth. Or how can one live differently under the capitalist system of production relations? To find an ax under a bench is not to make a discovery. laughing Any "zyuganov" will explain this to you, not to mention the classics.
    5. +2
      18 May 2016 09: 05
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      Lenin clearly indicated that ...

      I did not expect, in the 21st century, to meet the apologists of Ulyanov-Lenin. I agree with both, imperialism is the highest point in the development of capitalism. In time, it can scale, that is, stretch. The deadly factor for capitalism is the disappearance of socialism, as the opposite created by the pole (antipode) in the paradigm of capital. Indeed, unlike imperialism, socialism had much to develop (communism). Consequently, capitalism could still live while the opposite pole existed, balancing the system ... By the laws of nature, such systems do not live ...
    6. +2
      18 May 2016 09: 32
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      Ever wondered if there is a point to economic growth?

      Not a point, but a ceiling, and of course it is, there is endless consumption (there will always be a person) but there is no endless increase in profits, for example, one corporation absorbed all world corporations, conquered the entire world market, becoming an absolute monopolist, but it reached its peak will not be able to produce more goods than the market is already saturated, otherwise all this will lead to a loss of price, and the price, as we know, grows with a deficit, when something is small. So the end comes and the bubble bursts. Therefore, you need to think not about increasing profits, but about increasing technology, when you use few resources and spoil less on the planet, and also do things necessary for a person that everyone will be willing to take it without advertising, for example, transport :)

      P.S. Stability is not a guarantee of stagnation, but rather a guarantee of harmony, this is how nature itself and the world as a whole are arranged.
  2. +1
    18 May 2016 05: 58
    Russia continues to adapt to the unfavorable external economic situation associated with low world oil prices and economic sanctions. In 2015, as a result of such a double shock, real GDP fell by 3,7%.
    1. +6
      18 May 2016 06: 02
      Quote: godofwar6699
      Russia continues to adapt to the unfavorable external economic situation associated with low world oil prices and economic sanctions. In 2015, as a result of such a double shock, real GDP fell by 3,7%.

      There is no oil and gas in Armenia, but the shock here will be stronger than in Russia. hi .
      1. +5
        18 May 2016 07: 12
        The shock in all countries of the world that are not included in the dollar (+ euro) economy, and it is simply associated with the monetary policy of the Fed. The "+ euro" also includes Japan, Israel, etc. Well, yes, in Russia this shock is not what was expected in Russia itself, and not what the puppeteers of the sanctions expected.
  3. +6
    18 May 2016 06: 00
    Lies and meanness are the basis of Western "economy"
    1. +4
      18 May 2016 07: 17
      Lies and meanness towards strangers. To my own in the West with all my heart. Is it not time for us to stop seeing brothers and friends in everyone? And then seven skins are torn from the Russians, they tear off the latter, and they feed all sorts of parasites and parasites. And all those who disagree are easily called retrospectively extremists and are led by 282 articles.
      1. 0
        18 May 2016 14: 59
        Whom did we put in retroactively for "disagreeing"? Imprisoned for specific actions under the article
  4. +13
    18 May 2016 06: 01
    I don’t know how they got about their posts .. But living with such a system (in Russia) is unthinkable. Capitalism is fucking.
    1. Riv
      18 May 2016 06: 08
      "And if your salary does not allow you to live,
      Then you don't live. Nobody slaves. "
    2. +5
      18 May 2016 07: 24
      Quote: dmi.pris
      I don’t know how they got about their posts .. But living with such a system (in Russia) is unthinkable. Capitalism is fucking.

      Well, if they managed to attribute prostitution to GDP growth, then clearly something is wrong in the Danish kingdom.
  5. +2
    18 May 2016 06: 04
    "a lot of bukaff"))) when I read to the end, I realized that I did not understand anything ... confused and tricky, Katasonov is a smart man of course, apparently the global economy is not mine ... recourse
  6. +1
    18 May 2016 06: 08
    Quote: razmik72
    Quote: godofwar6699
    Russia continues to adapt to the unfavorable external economic situation associated with low world oil prices and economic sanctions. In 2015, as a result of such a double shock, real GDP fell by 3,7%.

    There is no oil and gas in Armenia, but the shock here will be stronger than in Russia. hi .

    It looks like you guys are in shock already
  7. +6
    18 May 2016 06: 11
    It turns out that OUR Finance Minister and the Central Bank, Bank Rossiya are of the opinion that if public sector employees increase wages excessively, this will accelerate inflation and we will not achieve any positive results. know better ... but not in human terms somehow. And you are here talking about some kind of America and the golden billion.
    1. +4
      18 May 2016 06: 19
      That's right, because our government does not know how to control prices !!!
      1. +4
        18 May 2016 06: 39
        I am not very strong in economics, but Gaidar and Co seems to have decided that the market will settle everything. The main thing is more freedom, said our home-grown Marxes and Engels. But here it was lucky with high oil prices and about the canonical economy. you can forget. And multiplied by the covetousness of the bureaucrats, I already do not know to what structure our economy belongs and how to call it correctly.
        1. +3
          18 May 2016 07: 21
          Only very soon it became clear that the free market is a myth. Even in the EU, the stronghold of the liberal economy, quotas and distribution are the backbone.
        2. +2
          18 May 2016 07: 50
          It is correctly called - "The real economy in Russia" sad
        3. +1
          18 May 2016 09: 26
          For a long time, all our ears buzzed about some invisible hand of the market ... Which never came back !!! Gaidar forums are held, chatter on TV every day ... Yes, you yourself know all this.
        4. 0
          19 May 2016 22: 20
          That's right, the market was ruining it, which led to the growth of the economy and investment in the Russian Federation. What does the penny oil cost. If the rain of oil tanks had been sent to infrastructure, science, education, the road network and starting aid for business, or land, today Russia would have stood no worse than Sweden, which would have provided completely different opportunities for foreign policy.
  8. +4
    18 May 2016 06: 28
    But the West has "democratic", "free" media, which will intelligibly explain to local aborigines that you need to believe only them, that Putin is to blame for everything, that the US debt is a blessing for the world economy and you better love each other under rainbow flags (damn , even the rainbow was taken away from children fool ) than seek the truth in the numbers of statistics ... request And if something, then point out the guilty and brand Yes . Trite and simple, but the fourth power does its job what
  9. +7
    18 May 2016 06: 32
    What is America, we again have Kudrin as an economic adviser, and this is just a reflection and a bad copy of US economic policy, they ask it, we crookedly copy, nothing good can come of it
  10. +3
    18 May 2016 06: 35
    That's why Anglo-Saxons live by the principle of war will write everything off, and parasitize on this. Only small regional ones no longer suit them, something more is necessary ...
  11. 0
    18 May 2016 06: 49
    In the United States, for the first time, a civilian specialist, an open pederast, became the Minister of the Ground Forces. He was nominated for this post by Obama, and the Senate unanimously supported. He will be responsible for the personnel. Gone fun !!!!!
  12. +1
    18 May 2016 06: 54
    The article is interesting. When the countries of the "golden billion" declare themselves bankrupt, the world economy will completely collapse. Therefore, they will never do it. This will further drive the world into the coming storm. It is difficult to predict the consequences of the collapse of the dollar and currencies close to them. I think either a war or a leap in development (the creation of radically new technologies) can influence the situation. Unfortunately.
    1. 0
      20 May 2016 00: 36
      How many decades have this nonsense been procrastinated about the allegedly rapid collapse of the capitalist countries, and things are still there :)) Not tired? If a country is bankrupt, then it is bankrupt, regardless of whether it declares itself bankrupt or not. Or do you think that they are actually bankrupt, but they don’t recognize the bastards, and therefore they live happily :))
  13. aba
    18 May 2016 07: 04
    for the period 2005-2013 ... but the adjusted indicator of Russia's GDP increased by 147%.

    It’s good for Russia to see the period from 2014 to 2015, the GDP may have improved, but the positive dynamics of changes in the quality of life of ordinary Russians are in question ...
  14. +1
    18 May 2016 07: 04
    Blagоreceiveie - they produce these benefits all over the world, receive (appropriate) exceptional ones, this is the meaning of phrases.
  15. +2
    18 May 2016 07: 13
    Kudrin is a specialist (tool), and you can build a tool with a tool, it’s not necessary to break it down. There is hope that Kudrin is in the reliable hands of the master. Rough, but essentially true. There are no bad tools, there are bad navigators. The article is essentially accurate. God grant that Amerov’s capitalism will die slowly, with local conflicts, and not in the global nuclear fire.
  16. +6
    18 May 2016 07: 17
    Quote: avg-mgn
    Blagоreceiveie - they produce these benefits all over the world, receive (appropriate) exceptional ones, this is the meaning of phrases.
  17. +4
    18 May 2016 07: 24
    Western "prosperity", as well as their entire strategy is focused on the outer gloss. And the inner state is just such a mess and empty-heartedness that makes you sick.
    1. 0
      18 May 2016 07: 27
      They do not have Souls, therefore, clothes are in the first place.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  18. +1
    18 May 2016 07: 25
    And the king is naked!
  19. +2
    18 May 2016 07: 35
    The author reasoned logically, but not quite correctly.
    The so-called non-manufacturing sector includes the intellectual component (meaning the development of high innovative technologies), this is a piece-wise item, but extremely expensive. Take computer software development for example. Microsoft's revenue is comparable to the earnings of large oil companies, which today are considered the most successful financially.
    There are some other aspects not noted by the author, but this is a long conversation.
  20. +3
    18 May 2016 07: 36
    As long as the country or countries are technological leaders in different areas of industry, they will be treated with confidence, regardless of the size of the debt, because she / they produce goods that are bought on the market, and there is an opportunity for the country / countries to pay what
  21. +4
    18 May 2016 08: 01
    Dear, what about the economic development model of Russia? And why are we (the government) so diligently introducing the Western development model in the economy, social, educational, and everywhere? So, who is trying to prove something to anyone?
    1. +1
      18 May 2016 17: 45
      Quote: 31rus2
      Dear, what about the economic development model of Russia? And why are we (the government) so diligently introducing the Western development model in the economy, social, educational, and everywhere? So, who is trying to prove something to anyone?

      Because people want to live like in Munich, and not like in Uryupinsk.
      Just don’t need me to tell tales here that the Russian people have something else important.
      Everyone needs money and the benefits of civilization. Even the Papuans in Africa.
  22. cap
    18 May 2016 08: 08
    "The essence of the problem is extremely simple: the increase in the debts of 'economically developed' countries has already exceeded the growth of their GDP for many years. In other words, the increase in the debts of an economic entity called an 'economically developed country' is much higher than the increase in its assets. The phrase 'economic growth' as ​​applied to these countries look more than strange: this is “economic growth” with a “minus” sign.

    The essence of the problem is that no one was able to live forever robberies.
    As you say classic capitalism solves the problems of crises through war.
    Well, or something like that.
  23. 0
    18 May 2016 08: 09
    About the welfare * of the West * a lot of things are said and very rarely analyzed with numbers. Recently, numbers flashed about the official homeless US and about homeless children and other similar * strata * of the population. Many things in the USA are secretly just like that * so as not to violate reporting *. The US reasons are understandable, the reasons for home-grown adherents * of the West * are not clear. This is when the picture of well-being is painted just like in * kinas *, this is when everyone has a three-story house and several cars, an airplane, and certainly a lover, all in diamonds and furs, and put in RUSSIA’s reproach that we have only a few that meet such criteria. The most economically prosperous, it turns out, was tsarist RUSSIA, when the highest nobility lived in such luxury that it was not accessible to many millionaires today, well, except for technical * gadgets *, and therefore in modern RUSSIA the economic regression compared to the year 1913. And the Soviet Union didn’t * have an economy * at all.
  24. 0
    18 May 2016 08: 14
    The total international reserves of the BRICS countries last fall exceeded $ 15 billion.

    Something wrong. In billions - a little, in trillions - a lot. what
  25. +1
    18 May 2016 08: 16
    Completely exclude the attachment to green-fantasy from the economy. And then we will have real growth, and the West will have to live within our means, which is actually kirdyk for them.
  26. +1
    18 May 2016 08: 16
    The article very well ventilates the brainwashed by the Western media.
    It follows from Katasonov's article that the "trap" in the face of the Anglo-American bankocracy has finally gone to bed, "lost its shores" and is leading the case to the third world war.
    Wars with humanity for changed is the natural state of the soul (if these creatures have it ...) and the body. It is wars, like nothing else, that drive the warring states into the debt bondage of a usurious bankocracy. Every drop of blood, every tear turns into cash for them! "To whom the war, and to whom the mother is dear" - this is primarily about the world usurers!
    Conclusion. To strengthen and once again strengthen the defense and expose the machinations of the satanists of the Satanic States of America and Co., the wolves in sheep's clothing, that Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov, chairman of the Russian Economic Society. Sharapova successfully does!
  27. Mwg
    18 May 2016 08: 22
    Good article. It is just right to recall the planned economy of the USSR. And Stalin, who realized this planning and planted for posts turma. And Khrushchev, who refused to implement computers for state planning of economic development and statistics in the USSR. Because you can agree with people, but not with the car. And they knew about it under Nikita Sergeevich and they know about it under Barack Khusainovich. Let's get back to a planned economy, it will be right. Only with technologies for planning and processing statistical data by machine, without human intervention.
    1. a71
      18 May 2016 22: 43
      Yeah, only a person will enter data into the enthumous machine anyway, and imperfect people will write software. Therefore, the human factor is nowhere.
    2. -1
      20 May 2016 01: 29
      A planned economy is nonsense; everyone has abandoned it, except for the DPRK. Why is it needed at all ??? So you want Putin’s decree to sew so many cowards, make shovels and bake pies? And what if they do too much fucking, then what to do? And if not enough? Queues again? The fact that so far about 40 Russians have no sewage and hot water in the house, there is no adequate health care, about 10 thousand salaries and a lot of other troubles are not to blame for the market economy or some kind of mythical liberals, but the lack of conditions for the successful development of the country. The authorities in the first place are self-enrichment and nepotism in priorities, and this is not effective both financially and personally.
  28. +1
    18 May 2016 08: 29
    Correct if I am mistaken.
    But now, no university in the world is studying "Political Economy". They teach "macro ...", "micro ...", "banking", something else! But political economy - no, no!
    And all because it is she - political economy that reveals the essence of what is happening in the world and the true "grin of capitalism"!
  29. 0
    18 May 2016 08: 38
    Western countries have always lived off robbery. The barbarians plundered the Roman Empire, its accumulated resources ran out to the Middle East, the Arabs fought back, began to seize the colonies, the colonies began to resist, organized two world wars and plundered Russia during the intervention. Now they are fighting suicide, they live on debt, which they are not going to give. But those who are robbed are gaining strength, because they work, and do not print money. Soon it will dry up, and this source of strength will demand the return of debts, and all that remains is to rely on God so that they do not start a third, last war.
    1. 0
      18 May 2016 13: 35
      That's right, and our capitalism is robbing its own, so whose better
  30. +1
    18 May 2016 08: 42
    Well-balanced and informative article. The West lives beyond its means, hoping for the usual way for them to write off debts, through blood and war. Parasites cannot do otherwise. It is necessary to crush these lice.
  31. +1
    18 May 2016 09: 25
    Well, why not remember the immortal:
    Quote: Tale of the Three
    - Here, Comrade Actio explained everything to us: the rectifiers are there, the stands are different ... He did not explain one thing to us: he did not explain the facts to us. And there is an indisputable fact: that when you ask a car a question, then you get an answer right away. In a written form. And even when not to her, but to whom else you ask a question, you get the answer back. That's what I can’t understand ...

    But the bottom line is that economically the United States, Great Britain and other henchmen, of course, are bankrupt. But they have their own Mashkin Edelweiss Zakharovich: this is a lot, a lot of weapons, including nuclear ones. Try it, lousy intellectual, I, so-and-so-well, get the debts back! And I'm a club on the nose for you! And I’ll trample your glasses with my foot ... Is there a smoke? And if I find it? Unfortunately, Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Syria and others were not smokers. They found it. Only Vietnam gave a shit to the world gopnik, and that’s because he went to Sensei from three years old and learned to beat the muzzle. Oh, where is that sensei now ...
    1. 0
      20 May 2016 01: 37
      Quote: kit_bellew
      Unfortunately, Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Syria and others were not smokers.

      Did the US owe them money?
  32. +2
    18 May 2016 09: 26
    Oh, this notorious "economic growth". There are two types of economic growth - "real" and "paper-mythical". There are simply no others and cannot be. "Real growth" is when everyone sees how life is improving - roads, houses, enterprises are being built, new territories are being developed, wages are growing, there is no unemployment, something "new" is being created, etc. "Paper-mythical" is when no one sees the "growth" of the economy, but it does exist, according to the crafty "statistics" - it's like the saying: "Do you see a gopher? No? And he is! " So about the notorious economic growth: the economy really "grows" when there is "demand" for this economy, that is, when the economy is "in demand". What does this mean? This means that the state has clearly set goals and objectives for what it needs this economy. The goals of the existence of the economy: satisfaction of the "needs" and "wants" of society. Well, for example: the economies of the main countries grew at a tremendous pace before the Second World War because everyone was preparing for this war, these economies were growing after the Second World War - some because they had to rebuild their countries, others because they had to prepare to a new round of the "cold war" and, in addition, the utilization of technologies that appeared during the Second World War, gave a chance to bring the "wishlist" of world society to a new level of comfort. That is, the foundations of "economic growth" are only two "things": 1-necessity, 2- "Wishlist". "Wishlist" means what the society wants and wants to work for - you can call them "dreams" - it can be anything - a new "iPhone", a new car, a house, an apartment, a yacht, a trip to another country , diving. etc. "Necessity" is quite understandable things: satisfying hunger, making clothes, moving around the country, providing services, protecting the country, extracting resources, etc. At this stage, the "need" in the countries of the "golden billion" is no longer relevant - everyone is already provided with a minimum of everything "necessary", the same is with "Wishlist" - the society has already "got drunk" with all the benefits of civilization on "I can not" and does not want to "invest" anywhere - there is no "super goal". The absence of a "super goal" leads to the dispersion of funds on various small "goals" that are constantly changing and do not lead to global growth. Only a "super goal" can lead society out of "economic laziness" and force the world economy to develop. In the "west" only one "super goal" is seen - to create "green" energy. But this "supergoal" is not a special engine for the economy as it is based on "restriction" and "substitution" that is, it restricts consumption, "desire" and replaces something else (such as nuclear, coal, etc.) power engineer). The world society needs a real "super goal" that would really move the desires and dreams of people, for example, the development of the ocean, the creation of underwater and floating cities, the development of the Moon and planets, the creation of flying cities (based on a hydrogen "nano sponge"). Such a "super goal" would entail the creation of new spheres of the economy and production, a surge in financial investments, the emergence of a mass of new jobs, etc.
  33. +2
    18 May 2016 10: 42
    "The total external debt of these countries of the" golden billion "amounted to 44,17." ////

    This is mostly not external, but internal debt. 18 trillion US debt is debt
    US government own central bank. Which is bad, but not catastrophic.
    The same is with Japan. Which countries should Japan? - But not at all. 100 billion export
    exceeds import. But her government is in debt (and serious) with its own central bank
  34. +7
    18 May 2016 10: 43
    The article is typically "Katason's"!
    "Capital countries" - countries with a pro-Western model of the economy - are actively creating the 6th technological order, investing in innovative projects and sectors of the economy (hence, most of the external and internal debts are the so-called "risky investment", where losses are 1 / 5, and the terms "to beat off their grandmother" - so 20 years or more). And Russia is safely moving back - to the 4th stage, from which both the GDP growth and the changes in the Central Bank's interest rates on loans three times - or even more! - in year!
    By the way, the "capitalist countries" are guided by the works of the Russian and (!!!) Soviet economist Kondratyev ... And what are we guided by? Undercover games of oligarchs, yesterday's "Komsomol leaders", desires of the "left leg of the Central Bank ... and freshly downloaded melodies on the iPhone? ...
    The first copy-paste that came across:
    Russia has very little time left
    - Only a few years are left before the sixth technological structure
    and if Russia does not have time to integrate into a new picture of the world, it most likely will not ....
    “Russia in the context of globalization has no chance - its economy will never be competitive.
    Two thirds of the country's territory are in permafrost.
    This means that we will always have an order of magnitude higher construction costs, an order of magnitude more expensive labor that needs to be heated and well fed, an order of magnitude higher energy costs, and so on and so forth ”...
    “On our territory is 30% of the world's natural resources ...
    And our contribution to the global product is only 3%. Such countries do not live long.
    All Russian oil is about 60 billion dollars, weapons - 6 billion.
    Meanwhile, India is now releasing software worth $ 40 billion and plans to reach $ 60 in the near future. ... That is, they earn as much with their brains as we sell oil. ”
    The situation in Russia is characterized as “innovative rout”.
    Compared to Soviet times, the flow of innovation fell 15 times.
    One Japanese corporation, Panasonic, is now registering patents for various inventions and new technologies 4 times more than all of Russia.
    We reign, so to speak, the dictatorship of accountants - it all comes down to how to make money, how to "cut" the budget.
  35. +2
    18 May 2016 10: 44
    We need to define goals and priorities - which industries we need to develop, where we want to be the first, ”says the vice president of the Russian Nanotechnology Society.
    There are 50 think tanks in the United States that design the future.
    They are based on the work of Kondratiev (Russian and Soviet economist, founder of the theory of large cycles of economic conditions). He developed a system of technological structures. According to this theory, the 5th technological order is now underway. At one time, the USSR won the race for the 4th way, where leading sectors were such industries as engineering, heavy industry, energy, and so on.
    “We completely missed the 5th technological structure,” says Georgy Malinetskiy, deputy director for science at the Institute of Applied Mathematics named after MV Keldysh RAS, Vice President of the Nanotechnology Society of Russia, a leading specialist in the field of mathematical modeling.
    - These are computers, chemistry, the Internet and so on.
    If we now build a plant for the production of mobile phones, it will burn out, it is not needed.
    In Russia, 180 million mobile phones and all of them are manufactured abroad.
    6th technological structure will be based on biotechnology, nanotechnology,
    robotics, virtual reality technologies.
    It is now determined which countries will be leaders. ”
    The 6th way will come according to the calculations of scientists in 2014-2018.
    By the way, according to the scientist, full transparency of cash flows can give
    Nanotechnology - special nanotech allows you to track every bill.
    But, according to Malinetskiy, he has already been repeatedly hinted that it is better to keep silent about this opportunity.
    But how nanotechnologies are developing in Russia, figures show that everyone understands.
    “Let's say you have a wonderful project. You come with this technology to Rusnano.
    Go through the examination and so on. But Rusnano has nothing to do with the creation of prototypes, it gives a loan at 20% per annum, and continue to survive and develop yourself.
    The manufacturing industry will survive when the loan does not exceed 12%, and high-tech - 5-6%.
    We need to answer the question: do we want to be, or are we just trying to seem, ”the scientist concluded.
  36. +2
    18 May 2016 11: 00
    Maybe it’s enough to fill it up, as everything is bad for everyone, and how is the US and the EU about to become impoverished, rot and fall apart? Is everything wonderful in our CIS countries? Why do people leave the CIS countries west for a better life, and not vice versa?
    Something Russian propaganda reminds me of our Belarusian. Look at the Belarusian state TV channels, where our "economic experts" will also tell you how bad it is everywhere, but everything is fine in our "islet of stability and primacy".
    Did the author of the article happen to have an internship in Belarus, at the Belteleradiocompany or in the editorial offices of the newspapers Sovetskaya Belorussia, Zvyazda, Respublika? laughing
  37. +4
    18 May 2016 11: 22
    Can someone really believe what is written in the article;)
    Perhaps the article was written by a man from a parallel universe. I have not yet read more isolation from facts and life ... the author sprinkles with ideas of illusions.
    In recent years, there have been many ordered False Patriotic articles. The question is, who needs it? And who is the customer?
    What a strange ideological message: ... Everything is bad there, they fall apart and rot ... We don’t really need to do anything ... We have the real, everything is invented and artificial. The economy in the west is about to fall apart (with the reprints of some unknown analysts). The army is also breathing in the wings (just about everyone will run away)
    Either it’s our craftsmen, the same squinting (as in Ukraine they worked with the project for Russia 24, remember, winter -Ukraine-everything will freeze and the primitive system) or it’s the Americans that have lost their temper.
    But, excuse me, in terms of handwriting and essence, it reminds us of our armless and headless political strategists. "Now we will ... throw it ... Let the people hawala." The handwriting is similar to the students and graduates of the Yeltsen political technology schools ...
    Am I the only one to see this?
    1. +3
      18 May 2016 11: 57
      Quote: Romin
      But, excuse me, in terms of handwriting and essence, it reminds us of our armless and headless political strategists. "Now we will ... throw it ... Let the people hawala." The handwriting is similar to the students and graduates of the Yeltsen political technology schools ...
      Am I the only one to see this?

      I see it too. But most seem to believe in this nonsense sad And he calls liberals and the 5th column of those who do not believe.
      1. +2
        18 May 2016 13: 14
        Dear, the author himself does not believe in this nonsense, but the order needs to be worked out, people now communicate, drive, see with their own eyes what and how and if someone is trying to put everything from top to bottom, not how it will not affect either countries or opinions but about our Russian security, including economic no-no, we are ahead of everyone
  38. +2
    18 May 2016 14: 10
    After the Second World War, there was a qualitative and quantitative gap between the capabilities of the armies of different countries. Only thanks to its army, the United States establishes the rules of life on the planet. It doesn’t matter what size public debt of mattresses is, if not whom to ask this debt.
  39. -2
    18 May 2016 17: 47
    The essence of the current model of the global economy is set out in the last paragraph of the article.
    "The following picture is emerging: the higher a country's level of external debt, the lower its foreign exchange reserves. And vice versa: the larger the foreign exchange reserves, the lower the level of external debt. All this clearly reflects the parasitic nature of countries that we are used to referring to the category of" economically developed states "
    The United States and the West are booing for the money of other countries and are developing their economies. Can the rest of the world live better if it supplies resources for banknotes that the buyer prints and leaves the proceeds to the buyer.
    Think about why the US and EU do not accumulate reserves in their currency?
    Yes, because they know the real price of their currencies.