US media: "Turkey - a hotbed of terror"

On the eve of the American edition The Washington Free Beacon material has appeared that says that Turkey is building a “hotbed of terror”, trying to follow the path of restoring the Ottoman Empire. According to American journalists, Erdogan is positioning himself "the only ally of the West in this region," while trying to close his eyes to the fact that the IG has already taken root in the Middle East.

The Washington Free Beacon calls the fact that today the Turkish authorities are allowing themselves, with the obvious help of ISIS and attempts to gain for themselves the benefits of the cultivated Middle Eastern chaos.

From the material of the American information resource:
Ankara provides ISIS assistance, extracting the benefit from this chaos created by terrorists. At the same time, the Turkish authorities are trying to dust the eyes of the West. During meetings with officials from the USA and Europe, Erdogan only in words supports the importance of building democracy and developing partnerships.

US media: "Turkey - a hotbed of terror"

Recall that on Monday, March 28 from the American press, it became known that US President Barack Obama refused to Erdogan in a personal meeting, which the latter expected. At the same time, the press service of Erdogan tried to hush up the embarrassment, declaring that they did not know of any requests for a meeting between Erdogan and Obama.
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  1. +21
    29 March 2016 12: 20
    The United States is draining its "son of a bitch", making it extreme for its own policy in the region.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +1
        29 March 2016 12: 58
        Samoe glavnoe-kozla otpuschenija opredelili! Delo za malym-vseh dohlyh koschek navesit ....
        1. +1
          29 March 2016 13: 03
          Right now, Russia’s 24 video will be shown on German TV, condemning Erdogad’s policies. In short, it raced ... over the bumps.
          1. +2
            29 March 2016 13: 34
            Statements in the US edition of The Washington Free Beacon against Erdogan that Turkey is building a "hotbed of terror" are related to the election race for the post of future president of the United States between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Trump. And this is the second blow to Clinton in favor of Trump.
            The Republicans can be considered the first blow to Clinton from the accusations of the US Senator-Democrat and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the media of her deliberately permissive removal from the fight against the Islamic State during the time of its creation. Namely, the Republican, the former mayor of New York, Rudi Giuliani, said that H. Clinton, as Secretary of State, “had a chance” to develop a strategy to combat “IG”, but instead of implementing a suitable plan, “she helped create“ IG ”. -
            elovechestvo.html # comment-id-5726126
            Which is not surprising, because in the US Parliament, Clinton represents the interests of the Israeli Jewish lobby. And behind Trump, apparently, is the American Jewish lobby.
            Which of these 2 Jewish lobbies will be stronger will show the appointment of a particular person by the US president.
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +7
              29 March 2016 13: 41
              Quote: Tatiana
              Statements in the US edition of The Washington Free Beacon against Erdogan that Turkey is building a "hotbed of terror" are related to the election race for the post of future president of the United States between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Trump. And this is the second blow to Clinton in favor of trump

              I would not be looking for conspiracies here, this is a reality - Turkey under Erdogan became a country that sheltered terrorists of all stripes and trying to promote Davotoglu 0 pan-Turkism ideas with their help.

              Quote: Tatiana
              Which is not surprising, because in the US Parliament, Clinton represents the interests of the Israeli Jewish lobby.

              God is in you, Tatyana - God forbid (to us Israelis) Clintonsha in the chair of the US President,
              Quote: Tatiana
              Which of these 2 Jewish lobbies will be stronger, will show the appointment of a particular person by the US president

              Strange brain break.
              Two lobbies, they support seemingly different, but are they both pro-Israeli?
              is it like shampoo and conditioner in one bottle?
              1. +3
                29 March 2016 14: 28
                Quote: atalef
                Two lobbies, they support seemingly different, but are they both pro-Israeli?

                What's so surprising? How many parties do you have in the Knesset? And all-pro-Israel.
                1. 0
                  30 March 2016 00: 47
                  Strange brain break.
                  Two lobbies, they support seemingly different, but are they both pro-Israeli?
                  is it like shampoo and conditioner in one bottle?

                  There is no "brain break"! Neither I nor you! You even thought of me in your conclusions. It’s just that the pro-Israel lobby of Jewish Jews stands for Clinton, and for secular American Jews who also adhere to the interests of Americans (being themselves US citizens in which they live), and not just Israel. But given that Ziono-Nazi Jews divide the whole world into only two temporary parts — Israel and everything else — then all Jews, wherever they live, reckon with the presence of Israel and its national interests.
                  Therefore, both Jewish lobbies in the US Parliament are, as you rightly noted, truly pro-Israeli, only one more and the other less. That's all!
              2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        29 March 2016 13: 06
        After all, it is like in the "civilized world", if you love and obey the striped master, they love and praise you with the whole camp, and if you disobey, you showed independence, and it doesn't matter in the name of good or evil, the same crowd will kick you with squeals and groans. dog wedding, however! negative
        1. +1
          29 March 2016 18: 55
          is it different with us? feel
    2. +6
      29 March 2016 12: 34
      Quote: Thrall
      The United States is draining its "son of a bitch", making it extreme for its own policy in the region.

      It became very difficult to hide the obvious, that is, they deny themselves, at the same time, all sins will be hanged on him.
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 15: 48
        Yes, they do not care about the obvious. What CNN will show is true. It seems to me that Uncle Vova fussed. Traded for something Erdoganych ...
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. 0
      29 March 2016 12: 56
      This is the beginning of the end of Erdogan.
      The devil himself gave the go-ahead.
      Yesterday, an article about the King of Jordan: before Congress, he said almost the same thing.
      Those. states: "no matter how we start!" Forgive us Erdogan.
      -Sorry, Erdoganushka!
      And he (plaintively): Guys, well, let's live together! (m / f about cat leopold)
      And they him:
      -Guantan wolf is your friend!
    6. The comment was deleted.
    7. +1
      29 March 2016 12: 56
      "In the American edition ...", and why not write it correctly - in the American Internet edition. In fact, this is a publication from the Republican Party (at first it was published in the form of a blog, if I am not mistaken, in 2012) It is understandable, Trump is a Republican, the election race, the corresponding rhetoric. But to say that the American media is talking about it is an exaggeration. Although we are pleased, and Erdogan is not very much. hi
      Yesterday, for some anti-Turkish article in Germany, a representative of the German embassy was called to the carpet in Turkey. Let's see what they do with the Ambassador of America to Turkey laughing
      1. +1
        29 March 2016 13: 34
        In the meantime, in the Turkish press
        Casuistry performed by Anadolu's agency "Assad regime has seized Palmyra"
        That is, government forces are invaders, and DAYES bearded men are the legitimate owners of Palmyra
        1. 0
          29 March 2016 14: 11
          Under the heading it says that in the morning Assad’s forces recaptured the center of Palmyra from the terrorist organization Daesh.
    8. 0
      29 March 2016 13: 13
      They also made a discovery for me. Apparently Erdogan has become unnecessary, and that's drained.
  2. +9
    29 March 2016 12: 21
    It did not work to provoke Russia into the war, so Erdogan was not needed. Preparing to drain in full swing.
  3. +2
    29 March 2016 12: 22
    Turkey builds a hotbed of terror

    Has the United States finally opened its eyes to see reality? What is it for? It’s just that the Americans don’t do anything, and even Obama refused to meet "one-on-one" with Erdogan.
    1. +3
      29 March 2016 12: 30
      Eo is like "opening a second front": p.i.n.dos and we realized that Erdogashka was taxed and let's drown him !!!
    2. +1
      29 March 2016 12: 54
      So what is there to open up if they jointly armed and trained ISIS, it’s just that their dosed control did not take place, and the merged partner is drained.
    3. +2
      29 March 2016 13: 00
      Gde-to cto-to krupnoje sdohlo ....
  4. +5
    29 March 2016 12: 23
    it seems that the Yankees will make the Turks a scapegoat, but the second hotbed of international terrorism is Saudi Arabia, but so far loyal to the Yankees policy
  5. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 24
    I like the publication The Washington Free Beacon - good articles sometimes slip through.
  6. +2
    29 March 2016 12: 24
    Wah-wah-wah) how to sing) it was clear for a long time) like you didn’t know about it before)
  7. +2
    29 March 2016 12: 25
    Interestingly, the US ambassador will also be called on the carpet now in the Turkish Foreign Ministry ..? :)
  8. 0
    29 March 2016 12: 27
    Well, who now - "not handshake" ??? )))))
    ... The Turk is "Erdik the greedy" !!!
    Hide in your burrows!
    Fly our "sappers" !!!
  9. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 28
    Looking at this mug I want to give him a start from the foot, and then ... there’s a lot of human blood on his hands ... am
  10. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 30
    It seems like a distracting maneuver. Those offended in Russia always have priority. The main thing is to shout from the top, but there will always be someone offended. The offended urine has already received its blessing.
  11. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 30
    Here is a kindergarten - leaked. Nobody, nobody. Just picks on the nose. Erdogan will stand in the corner, and with a new prezik the performance will continue.
  12. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 31
    Something star-striped again muddied. Either a cunning plan, or political impotence? We will see.
    1. +2
      29 March 2016 12: 33
      Or maybe they began to understand, if you maintain an erdogashka, then keep the answer together!
  13. bad
    29 March 2016 12: 32
    US media: "Turkey - a hotbed of terror"
    .. who would doubt .. to wash yourself, you have to throw mud at the "ally" .. but in fact the most important breeding ground of terror is mattresses .. laughing
  14. +6
    29 March 2016 12: 32
    Banal translation of arrows. At first, Erdogache was hinted that they say do what you want. Spoiled the son of a bitch, and now to the answer. Themselves white and fluffy Normal move.
  15. +3
    29 March 2016 12: 33
    The conclusion is elementary. No wonder the CIA director and Kerry flew to Moscow. There is a partition of Turkey, where the United States and Russia will have their own share. Erdogan zvizdets. The Kurds will have something resembling a state. Over time, it will become a state. All this reminds, well, very reminds, well, I just want to remind you: the partition of Poland before the Second World War.
    1. +1
      29 March 2016 12: 50
      Quote: Abbra
      Well, I just want to remind you: the partition of Poland before the Second World War.

      June 1941 stipulated September 1939. Do not mess ...
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 12: 54
        Not a damn thing. Putin and Shoigu read the story.
  16. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 34
    The USA just does not need another empire! An empire can only be one.
    1. +1
      29 March 2016 12: 44
      Quote: Siberia 9444
      The USA just does not need another empire! An empire can only be one.

      May there be no more empires, that west will convulse, the Darkest has arranged a reformatting of the world, it will slowly begin to reach the rest of what is happening. The Turks have 0 chances that the carpenter is against the joiner, the America has even less, because they are sycophants.
    2. 0
      29 March 2016 12: 59
      The USA is not an empire. It’s just that their trouble is like night urination: they think of themselves as an empire. Well, what the hell is an empire when Russian is spoken in Manhattan bars. Both the US president and the governor dream at night: what will these Russians, Chinese, and so on do. and so on. when will HOUR X come?
  17. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 37
    Erdogan became just a "son of a bitch" instead of "our son of a bitch." And that explains everything.
  18. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 41
    Yes, a specific drain! but it will be fun if Perdogan starts to open cards when draining! # OBAMASILILTURKA laughing
  19. +1
    29 March 2016 12: 43
    Erdogan could make Turkey a prosperous country. He could send money for transit from the gas flow to strengthen the army, could continue dialogue with the Kurds ... but he decided to turn on the afterburner without thinking that all the neighbors do not like Turks around. this is a losing option. The American is an honorable kidalovo planet Earth. And they are neighbors, here everything is nearby.
  20. +3
    29 March 2016 12: 48
    Quote: Thrall
    The United States is draining its "son of a bitch", making it extreme for its own policy in the region.

    Drained? It is unlikely that they are putting it in a corner for now. They will make it clear where his place will be and kiss again, (maybe Abamkoy will have time too).
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 17: 51
      Quote: avg-mgn
      Drained? It is unlikely that they are putting it in a corner for now. They will make it clear where his place will be and kiss again, (maybe Abamkoy will have time too).

      Hmm ......
      And yet it seems that the Obama administration is draining this demoniac. Erdogan gave rise to a bunch of problems, he did not cope with the "task" in Syria, he burned the whole world with the purchase of oil from the bearded and their support with weapons, got involved in hostilities with the Kurds and confidently marches into a civil war in Turkey, he blackmails Europe without hesitating to extort 20 of them lard .... if you support him, it means admitting your complicity in all these processes, and Obama's image has already fallen below the baseboard.
      So until November, Erdogan probably will not have the support of the mattresses.
      After the US elections, depending on who becomes president, Erdogan's "potential" can be used .... But he still has to live until November.
  21. 0
    29 March 2016 13: 01
    Obana, hello Erdogan! They leaked you, although they are surprised, a typical Amer’s move now all the shoals of its policy on the BV will be hanged on Erdogan, they wanted on Assad, RUSSIA has bought it.
  22. 0
    29 March 2016 13: 03
    Damn, if you look at the pasha's face, it's a nice face. And what does the "son of a bitch" do.
  23. +1
    29 March 2016 13: 13
    Erdogash, imagines himself the Sultan and Turkey in the Ottoman Empire, but what about the Saudis, and the other monarchies of the Middle East, the question? Such a friend they apparently do not really need it at hand. So they decided to merge it. East is a delicate matter...
  24. +1
    29 March 2016 13: 22
    Turkey - a hotbed of terror

    And the USA is their sponsor.
    Two of a Kind.
  25. 0
    29 March 2016 13: 39
    The fact that Turkey is a stash of terrorism has long been known, ever since Turkey helped Dudayev’s Islamic terrorists by all means. Another thing is interesting - Why would the US start talking about this ?!
  26. +2
    29 March 2016 13: 50
    Just guess what! And the Turkish president is their "emir", only the fool has shaved off his beard!
  27. 0
    29 March 2016 14: 29
    Another "superhero" has registered in the USA - Captain Obvious laughing
  28. 0
    29 March 2016 17: 03
    The Turks wanted to ask for a meeting, but they forgot the phone number crying
  29. 0
    29 March 2016 17: 30
    US media: "Turkey - a hotbed of terror"
    Thanks to the American media, otherwise we did not know what Turkey is like. fool Well, as they say: better late than never (this is about the realization of their mistakes)
  30. 0
    29 March 2016 17: 33
    (The Washington Free Beacon calls what the Turkish authorities today allow themselves to be, with the explicit help of ISIS and attempts to benefit from cultivated Middle Eastern chaos.)

    What are you talking about? And before this decade, Turkey (or rather its rulers) was white and fluffy and no one in the world noticed the training camps for militants for our Caucasus, for the "Taliban", for "Muslim brothers", for "al-Nusra", for Daesh; no one noticed the theft of resources, slaves and plunder of spiritual values ​​of neighboring countries. And all this the Western world did not see, or rather did not want to see, because Turkey's geopolitical position required that. So what happened to the eyes of the West now? Suddenly they saw the light. Russia made you wear glasses and see the situation in real color. Well, God forbid. Yes
  31. 0
    29 March 2016 18: 00
    Yes, the Turks were kneaded because of one goblin all the people will suffer
    1. 0
      29 March 2016 18: 17
      Quote: mr.grin19z
      for one goblin all people will suffer

      Well, 60% of Perdyukan held the state of the Naked.
      1. 0
        29 March 2016 21: 50
        Quote: V.ic
        Well, 60% of Perdyukan held the state of the Naked.

        And what are honest democratic votes? I propose not to pay attention to these figures at all, they do not carry anything in themselves.
        1. +1
          30 March 2016 06: 42
          Quote: elektroleg
          And what are honest democratic votes?

          There are times when the men "on the bubble" fold!
  32. The comment was deleted.
  33. 0
    29 March 2016 21: 46
    Quote: Thrall
    The USA drains their "son of a bitch"

    ... as Paisius of Athos prophesied. A couple of years ago, no one even thought about such a turn of the situation. As a result, the Armenians will wait for their lands, and the Kurds with the Greeks - their tongue