Migrants go north. The specifics of the migration situation in Scandinavia

When it comes to the migration situation in modern Europe, one can still understand a certain degree of responsibility of France or Great Britain for the fact that millions of inhabitants of yesterday’s French and British colonies migrated to these countries. After all, the French and the British were far from angels in Algeria and India, Mali and Nigeria. But what do the Scandinavian countries, which practically did not possess colonies, have to do with migrants from Asia and Africa? The policy of attracting migrants to the Scandinavian countries was a direct continuation of the general political course of these states and, for that matter, the socio-cultural paradigm that was chosen as the decisive factor for the development of the Scandinavian countries. It was in the Scandinavian countries that the model of the “welfare state” was established in the twentieth century, with many preferences for the unemployed, mothers of large families, refugees, political exiles, and so on. The standard of living in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland remains one of the highest in Western Europe, while the official policies of these governments are wholly implicated in a cocktail of liberal freedoms, social patronage and tolerance.

Sweden - a policy favored by migrants

Sweden has always been one of the most tolerant countries to migrants. Back in 1930-s. in Sweden, the construction of a “welfare state” began, the basic principles of which proclaimed social peace and the consolidation of the efforts of all the inhabitants of the country in order to enhance the well-being and welfare of the population. The notorious “Swedish socialism”, which was spoken about so much in the 1980-1990-s, being a very good and viable model of the country's development, in the changed political conditions, especially considering the transnational background of the changes, caused many of the country's problems. Among them, the migration problem is far from the last. Back in the middle of the twentieth century. The Swedish government has embarked on an extremely loyal attitude towards foreign migrants, based on the desire to integrate them into Swedish society on equal terms. In fact, every foreign migrant has equal rights with Swedish citizens, except for the right to vote in parliamentary elections.

From about the second half of the twentieth century. in the Scandinavian countries, there is a rapid aging of the population. This is a consequence of a general decline in the birth rate, an increase in the age of marriage, the spread of a childless family model and non-traditional sexual relations. The age of employees in the Scandinavian countries is constantly rising, while even increasing life expectancy and raising the retirement age are not able to solve the problem of reducing the labor force of the country. The paradox of the situation is that, right up to the end of the First World War, Sweden was not a host country, but a donor country of migration. Since the economic situation in Sweden before the beginning of the twentieth century. It was not prosperous, a significant number of Swedes chose to emigrate from the country. The main migration flows from Sweden went to the United States and Canada. Outflow of the population became the most serious problem of Swedish society at the beginning of the 20th century. - at least 1 / 5 parts of the population left the country. Mostly Swedish peasants emigrated, which had an even greater effect on the birth rate - after all, in cities it was traditionally lower. After the First World War, the outflow of population from Sweden gradually stopped, and from the middle of the XX century. the country itself has become a host state. In 2008 was up to 13,5% of Swedish residents were born outside the country, and 22% of the population were either immigrants or descendants of immigrants in the second and third generations. And if initially immigrants from Denmark, Norway and Finland, which were less prosperous at that time, were sent to Sweden, which practically did not carry serious sociocultural contradictions, then from the second half of the 20th century. The influx of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe — Portugal, Greece, Poland, and then from African and Asian countries — has intensified. Currently, the most numerous group of foreign migrants in Sweden are people from neighboring Finland who easily integrate into Swedish society. However, one should not think that the Finns make up the majority of immigrants. Collectively, a much larger number of foreign migrants residing in Sweden are represented by people from numerous countries in Africa, Asia and Southern Europe. First of all, these are Albanians and Bosnians, Iraqis, Iranians, Turks, Somalis, Eritreans. It is the African and Asian immigrants who demonstrate the greatest cultural differences from the indigenous people of Sweden, which entails many problems and contributes to the increase of the general social and political tensions in the country. A significant part of immigrants and Asian and African countries were able to quickly adapt to the living conditions in Swedish society, occupying vacant niches in the economy. So, immigrants are very active in such areas as the sale of food and clothing, consumer services, housing and communal services, hotel business, clothing, leather and food industries. At the same time, given the specifics of the migrant environment, one can hardly hope that at the expense of immigrants it will be possible to cover the shortage of highly qualified specialists in such areas of the economy as information technology, metallurgy, engineering, innovative and high-precision manufacturing, and health care.

The first problem associated with migration is the overall change in the “social face” of modern Sweden. The current Swedish population is no longer homogeneous - the citizens of the country have very different, sometimes - very exotic origins. Since a significant part of immigrants prefer not to work, but live on social benefits, or fill the niche of hard and unskilled labor, the overall social welfare of the Swedish population is changing. The share of lumpen and marginal layers in the total population of the country is increasing. The second problem related to migration is the increasing segregation of Swedish society. Both Swedes and many immigrants strive for maximum distancing from each other, which is associated with numerous stereotypes and prejudices that exist in the Swedish and in the immigrant environment. A significant part of immigrants, arriving in Sweden, does not seek to assimilate and even integrate into the host society. On the contrary, migrants are beginning to build "mini-Somalia," mini-Syria "," mini-Iraqi ", transforming low-prestigious areas of Swedish cities into conglomerates of colorful ethnic enclaves. The desire for isolation, in turn, promotes mutual misunderstanding of immigrants from African and Asian countries and the indigenous people of Sweden. Moreover, enclavization inevitably leads to such negative consequences as the growth of ethnic crime, the spread of religious and political extremism, and from both sides. Extremist religious sentiments are spreading among certain groups of migrants, nationalist slogans are increasingly heard among the indigenous population. Entire generations of migrants from Asia and Africa are unable or unwilling to find work, they are marginalized, they are embarking on the path of criminal activity. Given the conditions of detention in Swedish prisons, many migrants, especially from marginal groups, are not afraid of criminal punishment. The increased criminalization and isolation of migrants contribute to the emergence of xenophobic attitudes among the Swedish population, which in the most aggressive part of Swedish youth take the form of national extremist behavior. Considering that among migrants, in turn, the proportion of young men is extremely high, and the aggression is very high, migrants also often act as subjects of mass riots on the streets of Swedish cities.

Migrants go north. The specifics of the migration situation in Scandinavia

Meanwhile, a full-fledged social state is possible only if there is no mass unemployment in the country. At least 80% of the adult population of the country should have a full-fledged job, so that you can talk about a social state and social justice. Indeed, among Swedes, 84% of the adult population has a permanent job. But the number of working migrants does not reach and 50% - the majority of migrants from Asian and African countries do not work. It turns out that working Swedes are forced to keep arriving foreigners on their taxes, who receive social benefits. The second negative point is statistical data indicating the predisposition of the migrant environment to marginal forms of behavior. According to researchers, the majority of criminals convicted by the Swedish courts for committing serious crimes are foreign migrants. In Swedish schools, the majority of under-performing children are also represented by migrant children. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to change this situation, especially since these indicators are based on objective reasons - poorly speaking or not fluent in Swedish children of migrants are doomed to poor performance, and migrants themselves, who have completely different values ​​and notions about life than the Swedish population, Do not seek employment. And if you want, it’s not so easy for them to find jobs, especially given the lack of the necessary education, professional qualifications and also lack of knowledge or extremely poor knowledge of Swedish.

For a long time, Sweden adhered to a very liberal migration policy, accepting both labor migrants and refugees and forced migrants from the Third World countries. However, this policy has led to a number of the above problems. But the state is not going to abandon the overall multiculturalist strategy that Sweden is guided by in its national and migration policies over the past decades. Currently, the birth rate in Sweden has increased significantly, due to the presence in the territory of the country of significant number of migrant groups from Africa and the Middle East. According to the researchers, within one or two, maximum three generations, ethnic Swedes may become a national minority in Sweden. It turns out that in the country there is a gradual replacement of the population. Awareness of this unfortunate perspective contributes to the gradual “recovery” of a significant part of Swedish voters. In the opinion of the Swedish right, the approach of the authorities of Sweden and most of the Western European countries as a whole is fundamentally wrong. Instead of helping to create normal living conditions in Africa and Asia, European governments encourage migration to an already crowded Europe, the climate and natural resources of which are objectively worse than in the same warm countries of Africa and the Middle East. Mass migration from the countries of the “third world” to the developed European countries will never solve the main reason for the migration itself - terrible poverty in African and Asian countries. The Swedish right believes that the country's political elite, connected with transnational political and economic circles, do not protect the interests of the Swedish population and put them on the map in the name of very dark social experiments. The consequences of these social experiments are the bloody wars unleashed in Asian and African countries, the exodus of the Third World population from wars, revolutions and economic backwardness to Europe, the spread of extremist movements in migrant diasporas. Transnational elites want to form non-national amorphous communities, devoid of national identity and cultural identity, which would represent the ideal "slaves" and "consumers". In this case, the excessive liberalism of the Swedish and other European governments in relation to the mass migration to the territory of Sweden from African and Asian countries is quite understandable.

With the beginning of the mass arrival in Europe of refugees from the belligerent countries of North Africa and the Middle East and the so-called "refugees" - migrants from peaceful but underdeveloped states trying to pass themselves off as refugees, an even greater number of foreigners began to enter Sweden. Asylum seekers in Sweden, whose population is 10 million, have already been contacted by at least 80 thousands of refugees. Most of them are well aware that Sweden, in fact, is a “paradise for migrants” - there is a very liberal migration policy, high social benefits, and government agencies are focused on protecting the rights of migrants than on the rights of the indigenous population. But gradually and the Swedish authorities are beginning to realize the danger of the current situation - not only for the political and socio-cultural sphere of Swedish society, but also for the labor market. For example, the Minister for Migration Affairs of Sweden, Morgan Johansson, stressed that at present all European countries need to make joint efforts to accommodate refugees from African and Middle Eastern countries.

Most of the foreign migrants have been living in Sweden for more than 10 years, 60% of them are citizens of the country and, accordingly, will not leave anywhere, because they have the full right to live in their new country. In Sweden, there is a practice of granting citizenship after five years of residence in the country. Critics of mass migration offer their own recipes for solving this problem. Thus, according to the Swedish right, it is necessary to immediately “close the doors” and stop the experiment that has been going on for decades, turning Sweden into a multicultural state. The next step should be the development and implementation of a program for the repatriation of foreign migrants. For example, you can use a fairly common practice of paying compensation to immigrants, subject to their departure from the country. Presumably, the Swedish government will be able to offer half a million foreign migrants monetary assistance in the amount of 200 000 crowns per person. According to the Swedish right, this decision will not only improve the situation in Sweden itself and ease tensions in Swedish society, but also help migrants themselves who return home with fabulous money by the standards of their home countries. Speaking about repatriation, right-wing nationalists have in mind, above all, the repatriation of people from Muslim countries in North Africa and the Middle East, who today constitute over 6% of the population of Sweden and are the group of the population with the highest birth rate. This category of migrants is characterized by the greatest tendency to segregation and the formation of ethnic enclaves, the least adaptability to living conditions in Swedish society, the absence of a pronounced desire for integration and the adoption of lifestyles and values ​​and ideological attitudes of the majority of the population of the host state. The migration discourse was most active after the notorious events in Cologne, Germany. As it turned out, sex crime in Sweden, as in other Scandinavian countries, is largely due to the presence of a large number of migrants and refugees. A modern average migrant from Africa or the Near and Middle East - a young man 18-40 years, as a rule - not burdened with education, professional qualifications and almost no idea about living conditions in the host society, culture, lifestyle, values ​​and behaviors of the Scandinavian population.

Norway: multiculturalism, Norwegian cultural code and migrants

Neighboring Norway is also one of the countries where a large number of foreign migrants and refugees flock to. Initially, Norway, like Sweden, was practically a mono-ethnic state. Until the middle of the 1970-ies. foreign migration to Norway was virtually absent, but the Norwegians themselves, like the Swedes, migrated to the United States and Canada. The groups of foreigners living on the territory of the country — the Finns, the Norwegians, the Danes — were not distinguished by their culture and way of life from the bulk of the Norwegian population. The situation began to change at the end of the twentieth century. Already by 2002 The number of immigrants in the total structure of the Norwegian population was 6,9% of the country's population. According to Norwegian statistics, immigrants are people born outside of Norway, or children of people born outside of Norway. With a small population, Norway’s social and economic situation remains extremely good - the country receives high incomes from oil and gas production in the North Sea, which allows it to maintain the Norwegian model of a “welfare state”. In Norway - one of the highest in the world living standards of the population, a very high life expectancy. But, as in Sweden, one of the main problems of the Norwegian state is the gradual aging of the population. The high life expectancy, combined with low birth rates, has the effect of gradually “pensioning” the Norwegian population. But someone needs to replace aging Norwegian workers? It was precisely to solve the country's demographic problems that Norway once opened its doors to foreign labor migrants. The pseudo-humanistic position of the Norwegian government contributed to the fact that in Norway from the 1990-s. Thousands of refugees are being sent from virtually all the hot spots of the planet. Here foreign refugees find not only shelter, but also very high social benefits. Why can the policy of the Norwegian government be called pseudo-humanistic? Yes, because Norway is a member of NATO, a longtime strategic ally of the United States and, therefore, an accomplice in numerous war crimes of the American government against the peoples of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and a number of other states. But, instead of displaying genuine humanism and protesting against the aggressive US policy, promoting peace on earth, the Norwegian government is not outraged by the bombings of Asian and African states, but is ready to accept people fleeing from the US wars. The first numerous wave of refugees rushed to Norway in 1994. from the territory of the former Yugoslavia, where then there was a bloody war between the Serbs and Croats, the Serbs and the Bosnians, the Serbs and the Albanians. The consequence of the war in the Balkans was the arrival in Norway of 11 thousands of Bosnian refugees. For the five millionth Norwegian - not so small figure. Then refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria began to arrive in Norway.

Gradually, the presence of a large number of people brought up in a completely different culture and unaware of the rules of behavior in Norwegian and in general European society turned into a very big problem for Norway. Her quite defiantly and vividly marked the notorious Andreas Breivik. As is known, he was an ardent opponent of migration, a supporter of right-wing views, but preferred to act as an individual terrorist in the early twentieth century. The shooting of eighty people guaranteed him worldwide fame, drew attention to the problems of migration in Norway and in Europe as a whole, but at the same time discredited the nationalist movement, forcing him to dissociate himself from Breivik's action. Of course, Breivik, as an extraordinary person, would bring much more benefit to his country, if he did not take the path of crime, he would turn his activity and determination into the plane of political activity — even parliamentary, or even extra-parliamentary. But among the part of the Norwegians, Breivik’s deed found at least an understanding. The fact is that there are two acute problems in the country - the cultural incompatibility of migrants and the indigenous population and the heightened criminalization of the migrant environment. The second problem, by and large, stems from the first. Much of the migrants, especially those arriving from Africa and the countries of the Middle East, do not intend to integrate into Norwegian society. Moreover, migrants in every possible way show contempt for local customs, norms of behavior, local population. Police in the Norwegian capital Oslo admits that the majority of rapes and other sexual crimes are committed by migrants. In areas where migrants begin to account for 30% of the population and more, there is an outflow of the Norwegian population. Currently, only immigrants from the Muslim countries of the Middle East and Africa in Oslo constitute at least 10% of the population. Up to half of them do not speak Norwegian at all, which also affects the prospects for their employment. As in Sweden, many migrants do not work, and prefer to live on benefits or criminal income. An even more serious danger to Norwegian society is the spread of extremist religious views among migrants. Among African and Middle Eastern migrants, there are propagandists of radical organizations, including those associated with the international terrorist underground. In 2013 was The Norwegian Intelligence Agency has established that dozens of Somali migrants living in the country are sent to the countries of North Africa and the Middle East to take part in hostilities on the side of radical terrorist groups. Young migrants living in Norway seem to be refugees who arrived in the country with the aim of avoiding the horrors of war, but soon they join the ranks of militants fighting around the world.

On the other hand, in Norway, as in other European countries, a significant part of African and Middle Eastern migrants tend to segregate, tends to self-isolation from the local population. In closed diasporas, there is a feeling of confrontation between one’s own and others, and the receiving society is perceived as a hostile “alien” world, despite the migration and social policies that are liberal and quite friendly to foreigners. The self-isolation of migrant diasporas, in turn, generates among them the desire to preserve national identity by any means, of course, that religious identity in this case acquires a very significant role. It is in the migrant environment that radical preachers are active, having great influence on migrant youth, not only the first, but also the second and even the third generation of migrants. After the massacre undertaken by Breivik, the Norwegian authorities turned to a gradual tightening of migration policy. Although this decision was contributed not so much by Breivik’s actions as by the analysis of sentiment in Norwegian society itself. According to sociological research data, more than half of Norwegians are in favor of restricting migration to the country. On the other hand, the system of social guarantees that Norway provides to migrants gradually becomes an overhead for the Norwegian budget, given that the number of migrants and refugees is only increasing, and the number of Norwegian taxpayers is not increasing. Therefore, it is likely that in Norway, sooner or later, there will be a noticeable change in the country's political course, which will inevitably affect the migration policy of the Norwegian state. Moreover, the migration policy of Norway, which is also focused on the multicultural paradigm, unlike Swedish multiculturalism, still provides for the assimilation by the migrants of the “Norwegian cultural code”. The thing is, do migrants agree to learn this cultural code and become culturally Norwegian? So far, the general situation in Norway indicates that a significant proportion of migrants do not seek integration into Norwegian society.

Denmark’s anti-immigration policy

Like Sweden and Norway, Denmark is one of the most socially and economically prosperous states in Europe. Until recently, Denmark was also practically a mono-ethnic country, however, in the second half of the twentieth century. began to attract foreign migrants. Like other Nordic countries, Denmark is experiencing a certain lack of highly qualified specialists associated with the aging of the Danish population. However, migrants arriving in the country are not able to cover this shortcoming. But foreigners occupy those low-prestigious and low-paid places where the vast majority of Danes do not agree to work. In particular, up to 80% of workers in the restaurant and hotel business, serving the population are foreign migrants. Over 30% of foreign migrants are employed in the field of cleaning, housing and communal services and consumer services. In principle, the dispersal of migrants by specific sectors of the economy in Denmark also differs little from the situation in Sweden, Norway, and other developed European countries.

But, unlike Sweden and Norway, Denmark has one of the strictest immigration control policies. To a certain extent, Denmark can be an example for its northern neighbors on how to build a migration policy in modern conditions. In the 9st century The migration policy of the Danish state was significantly tightened. Currently, a foreigner who is in Denmark can be permanently deported from the country for any offense, regardless of whether he has a residence permit or even real estate in the country. If a foreign migrant has lived in Denmark for less than nine years, then he can be deported from the country for any crime punishable by six months in prison. Migrants who have been in Denmark for more than XNUMX years can be expelled from the country for committing a serious crime against a person or in the field of drug trafficking. The tightening of the migration policy of the Danish state was the result of the problem of penetration into the country of migrants from African and Asian states, who have enormous differences in the cultural sphere from the bulk of the country's population. As in other Scandinavian countries, refugees from the warring countries of Asia and Africa, labor migrants, are sent to Denmark.

Only at the beginning of 2015 3 359 people sought refuge in Denmark, most of whom were people from Syria, as well as from Somalia, Iran and Afghanistan. However, unlike other EU countries, Denmark declared its unwillingness to join the policy of granting quotas for the stay of refugees from the Third World countries. Therefore, the Danish government has introduced new measures aimed at tightening migration policies and reducing the amount of benefits paid to refugees. Soon the reluctance of Denmark to place refugees on their territory was understood by the refugees themselves - currently the majority of refugees from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and other countries are walking past Denmark, heading to Finland and Sweden. Sweden has agreed to provide a residence permit to all refugees from Syria, so numerous flows of refugees prefer to follow through Denmark, not registering in this country. The Danish parliamentarians also proposed a very interesting and controversial measure, received hostile by the European left-liberal public - the deputies of the country proposed to withdraw from the refugees valuable items worth more than 400 euros. According to Danish deputies, it is possible to partially cover the costs of maintaining centers for the accommodation of refugees, and MPs beat off criticism of opponents, claiming that indigenous Danes sell expensive things if they want to receive state social benefits. Another very effective measure to limit migration, undertaken by the Danish leadership - the requirement of mandatory knowledge of the Danish language from migrants who want to settle in the country. Since Denmark has not had colonies for a long time, and the majority of migrants enter countries that have never had anything to do with Denmark, this requirement is very difficult to fulfill. Therefore, undoubtedly, its effectiveness in terms of regulating the number of migrants in the Danish territory. If a person goes on to learn a new foreign language and passes the exam to own it, then he has really serious intentions and, most likely, he is focused on working in a new country of residence. An increasing support in Denmark is gained by the right-wing People’s Party, which advocates restricting migration and further tightening migration policies. On the basis of differences in views on migration policy, Danish leaders even entered into polemics with the leadership of neighboring Sweden, which is pursuing a liberal migration policy. When the Swedish politicians seriously criticized the position of the Danish authorities, the representative of the People’s Party, Pia Kjсrsgaard, spoke quite frankly: “if they (the Swedish authorities - approx. author) want to turn Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo into Scandinavian Beirut with clan wars, murder under the laws of revenge and gangs of tyrants, let them act. We can always close the bridge across the Öresund strait. ”

Finland pays huge benefits to refugees

Until the second half of the twentieth century. Finland, like most other Scandinavian countries, was not an attractive country for immigration. Moreover, the Finns themselves sought to leave their country, leaving in search of earnings in more developed countries - from neighboring Sweden to the United States and Canada. The first large group of foreign migrants who arrived in Finland in the second half of the twentieth century were 182 political refugees from Chile who left the country after the military coup committed by General Augusto Pinochet. Basically, these were representatives of the Chilean intelligentsia, who did not cause any trouble to the Finnish society and returned to their homeland after Pinochet left. The next wave of migration was already more exotic - at the beginning of the 1990's. Somalia's citizens who fled from the civil war that began after the overthrow of the regime of Mohammed Siad Barre began to enter Finland through Russia. Almost at the same time refugees from Yugoslavia rushed to Finland - Bosnians, Albanians, Serbs, Croats who also fled from the war. Further complication of the migration situation followed the entry of Finland into the European Union. First, labor migrants from Eastern European countries rushed to Finland. Secondly, from other EU countries, refugees began to enter Finland - Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, Eritreans. In the 2014 year, 3650 refugees entered Finland, mainly from Iraq, Somalia, Russia and Afghanistan. During the first five months of 2015, 1361 refugees entered the country, mainly from Somalia (446) and Iraq (454). Naturally, the emergence of several thousand refugees, culturally very different from the Finnish population, led to the strengthening of nationalist sentiment in the country. According to opinion polls, 52% of Finns believe that the arrival of immigrants in the country should be limited. The behavior of the migrants themselves contributes to the radicalization of the mood of the Finnish population towards migrants. So, in November 2015, two migrants from Afghanistan raped a Finnish schoolgirl, which caused a flurry of public criticism of the migration policy of the Finnish state. Like Sweden, Finland is currently pursuing a very liberal refugee reception policy. Thus, a refugee arriving in Finland receives an allowance of 2 thousand euros per person per month. Given that the Finnish unemployed person receives an allowance in the amount of 800 euros. This factor also causes outrage of the Finnish population.

Thus, we see that the migration situation in the Scandinavian countries contributes to the growth of social and political tensions. The most effective model of migration policy management is demonstrated by Denmark, which has resorted to strict control over migration, the most vulnerable positions are in Sweden, Finland and Norway. The solution to the migration problem in these countries largely depends on what political forces will come to power in the near future and how they will shape the political course of states.
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  1. EFA
    26 January 2016 06: 01
    Well, in general, the Scandinavian countries have an indirect relationship to the "crisis" with refugees, which is expressed in the form of NATO membership and the open borders of the EU.

    And it is even strange that a significant part of migrants is not sent there, because according to social guarantees, these "refugees" would not be badly paid either. But everyone goes to Germany ...

    Aren't the "Breiviks" scared? The Germans are sometimes more tolerant, with their own guilt complex.
    1. +8
      26 January 2016 09: 43
      It is noteworthy that high-ranking Germans from Germany seek to impose their supposedly positive experience of migration policy in Germany on other countries, and in particular the Russian Federation.
      In May 2015, I had to participate in n / a. International (German-Russian) conference on the expansion of migration policy for foreign labor migrants in the Russian Federation on the example of the experience of receiving migrants in Germany. The conference was attended by high-ranking guests from Germany, representatives of the city administration and the FMS of Russia, scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, faculty, graduate students and students, young scientists. The Germans came to teach Russians not only tolerance towards foreign migrants, as such, but also the growth of social security of foreign labor migrants in the Russian Federation, following the example of Germany.
      I didn’t really hear anything intelligibly critical from the Russian side - one blind imitation and assent of Russian officials to the West. But the problem, after all, is extremely serious and multilateral for the Russian Federation!
      And only when I - the only (!) - at the "round table" spoke out against such a policy in Russia, the Germans began to very cautiously agree with me that, they say, yes, in Germany, in fact, not everything is so safe with foreign migrants. In Germany, society raises questions about the threat of German identity, there is an increase in German national identity; questions arise about the glut of foreigners in the German labor market, about parasitization of visitors in the social sphere, etc., etc.
      It is noteworthy that at the conference only 1 people supported me from the Russians - this is a professor of political science, my old friend. He said that this policy of Germany is erroneous and will have grave consequences for the whole of Europe.

      At the conference at different levels from the Russian Federation, the regions were represented - St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Urals, the Volga region, Krasnodar Territory, the Chechen Republic (I don’t remember everyone).
      Tajikistan was also represented !!! It is noteworthy that the representative of Tajikistan 2 with my hands was FOR the German migration policy in Russia.
      1. +7
        26 January 2016 10: 01
        In the summer of 2013, social activists of the city of St. Petersburg initiated the collection of signatures under a letter demanding the resignation of the head of the Federal Migration Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast Elena Dunaeva. On 16 of September, she met with signatories and social activists of the city. She defended migrants, and everyone complained about the dominance of migrants in the city, and most of all about discrimination against indigenous professionals when applying for jobs in transport, commerce, housing and communal services, and construction. And this is in the absence of the corresponding professions and qualifications of migrants. On the prosperity of illegal business in the city markets on the part of the so-called foreign "labor" migrants and its "protection" by the police of St. Petersburg and the LO. On dens and illegal residence of migrants' crowds in resettled houses, on all kinds of their crimes, which have already got everyone. To the question: “If they live so badly here, why are they coming here ?!” - E. Dunaeva replied that they were “saving” the country's economy, and why they were coming, she could not intelligently answer. In the end, it all came down to the fact that she understood everything, but she could not break the law. It is necessary to change laws on foreign labor migration, but our officials do not want to come up with an initiative to change them, because you can lose your position.
        Unskilled slave. power cannot save Russia. Migrant workers buy certificates of profession and specialization in their homeland, and their own population of the Russian Federation is also marginalized - i.e. Russians can’t find work in their specialty and in their qualifications; they’re interrupted by the Devil who knows what kind of work or leaves the country.
        1. +2
          26 January 2016 10: 50
          Wrong migration policy in the Russian Federation translates into local ethnic aggravation between our indigenous ethnic groups and hostility to those in power locally.
          For example, an excerpt from the Internet came from the speech of A. Rozendaum, a member of the public council of the Federal Migration Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Oblast, from the above meeting on September 16 of 2013 of the year with signatories and social activists of the city of St. Petersburg on collecting signatures under a letter demanding the resignation of the head of the Federal Migration Service in St. Petersburg and LO Elena Dunaeva. And this is not the most excited passage of the meeting. But on it you can still imagine the passions of the citizens of the city in 2013. And this is still a peaceful option of communication with the authorities compared with the spontaneous events about the behavior of migrants in Biryulyovo and other places in Russia.
        2. +4
          26 January 2016 10: 55
          Quote: Tatiana
          and Russia's own population is also marginalized - i.e. Russians can’t find work in their specialty and in their qualifications; they’re interrupted by the Devil who knows what kind of work or leaves the country.

          Here it’s generally interesting, it happens that you read the requirements of employers on the headhunter for applicants and you consider, once a specialty, two, three and all for one salary, and of course there are justifications, then the dollar exchange rate, then the crisis is permanent, but easier greed
          1. +3
            26 January 2016 15: 56
            Quote: sa-ag
            Here it’s generally interesting, it happens that you read the requirements of employers to applicants on a headhunter and you consider, once a specialty, two, three and all for one salary

            Requires an employee, age 20-25 years, higher education, work experience in the specialty of at least 5 years, job duties are unlimited, the schedule is not standardized, salary is up to 20 000 rubles. smile
        3. +1
          26 January 2016 21: 22
          So our official rabble suffers from the same disease of culturalism and if in the national republics the local elite somehow struggles with this, then our native impudently imposes it in the Russian environment. First of all, the native apostates need to unscrew their heads, plug their filthy mouth. I treat my own peoples very well, let them live wherever they want, there are no questions, everyone else has nothing to do.
      2. +4
        26 January 2016 10: 52
        Quote: Tatiana
        It is noteworthy that the representative of Tajikistan with two hands was FOR the German migration policy in Russia.

        No wonder, this is how life will be facilitated for President Emomali Rahmon, to transfer so many people to the balance of another country at once
      3. +2
        26 January 2016 20: 59
        It is time for officials to open the hunting season, and the state to sell licenses. Two problems will be solved, the treasury will be replenished and the number of Os.lov will decrease.
        1. +3
          26 January 2016 22: 56
          Quote: varov14
          It is time for officials to open the hunting season, and the state to sell licenses. Two problems will be solved, the treasury will be replenished and the number of Os.lov will decrease.

          join the ONF Yes
  2. +6
    26 January 2016 06: 19
    On the contrary, migrants begin to build "mini-Somalia," mini-Syria "," mini-Iraqi ", turning low-prestigious areas of Swedish cities into conglomerates of motley ethnic enclaves

    This is another confirmation of the words of the late M. Gaddafi. Grief will be grabbed by all who have attached, or supported the wars in the Middle East. Harvest Scandinavia and Geyropa! laughing
    1. 0
      27 January 2016 00: 19
      Quote: aszzz888
      Grief will be grabbed by all who have attached, or supported the wars in the Middle East. Harvest Scandinavia and Geyropa! laughing

      well, the Russian Federation in the person of "chupa-chups" also followed ...
  3. Riv
    26 January 2016 06: 34
    Is it time to amnesty Breivik? It seems that time has already proved it right ...
    1. -3
      26 January 2016 08: 51
      Is it time to amnesty Breivik? It seems that time has already proved it right ...

      Are you joking so badly or do you really think so ?!
      If Breivik were shooting "come in large numbers" of migrants, then your proposal could somehow be understood in the light of the New Year events in European countries. But Breivik shot exactly WHITE Norwegians on the beach !!! Killed about 75 people! Why is he better than the same foreign migrants and "refugees" from BV and North Africa on New Year's Eve in the same Cologne ?! I don't see much difference between him and them.
      Or do you know nothing about Breivik? Breivik is a vulgar coward and a national provocateur with ambitions for the world-wide fame of himself and nothing more. In theory, his psyche is not all right.
      1. +8
        26 January 2016 10: 54
        But the Norwegian authorities were afraid of an open process over this, as you write a coward and a provocateur. And where did his manifesto go? But Breivik did a good job of avoiding his problems with bank debt. Government officials ranged as putting refugee issues above indigenous issues. There, near Krasnoyarsk, a man really went nuts, ditching his family.
      2. +4
        26 January 2016 16: 36
        But Breivik was shooting WHITE Norwegians on the beach!

        Breivik hit the root. He stabbed a party that is breeding migrants in the country. Do not pretend that you do not know this, as everyone knows about it.
        He showed great thought in this matter, although for populism he certainly should have chosen to target migrants. But if my memory doesn’t refuse, they kneaded on that island.
        An analogy begs - to fight the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is useless to hit the proletariat, it is logical to act like Fanny Kaplan.
        1. 0
          26 January 2016 17: 22
          But Breivik was shooting WHITE Norwegians on the beach!

          Breivik hit the root. He stabbed a party that is breeding migrants in the country.
          So I would shoot at officials - at members of this party in power. Why kill ordinary people on whom nothing depends in the politics of the authorities? Where is his logic? Just wanted to kill more people?
          He showed great thoughtfulness in this matter, although for populism he certainly should have chosen to target migrants
          I do not see thoughtfulness. He showed cowardice. For the shot migrants, seven skins would be removed from him for a crime against migrants. And so - for the murder of the Norwegians - he very gently escaped. Therefore, he shot white Norwegians. But at the same time, he provocatively exposed the nationalists under the intensification of political repression in the country.
          An analogy begs - to fight the dictatorship of the proletariat, it is useless to hit the proletariat, it is logical to act like Fanny Kaplan.
          Well, here you have a more logical conclusion.
          1. 0
            26 January 2016 20: 13
            I would shoot at officials - at members of this party in power. Why kill ordinary people

            He shot not at ordinary people, but at members of the youth wing of this party. Pioneer - you understand? And there were not only Norwegians, I remember for sure that there was, for example, a Chechen.
            I also think that it was more effective to shoot adult party members, but his choice is also clear - he shot at the future of Norway's rotten politics.
            I’m not making a hero out of him, but the man at least tried to do something. It seems to me that already without mass executions the situation cannot be reversed (
  4. +5
    26 January 2016 06: 40
    Sometimes you think; Maybe it’s good that we have such a difficult climate, poor economy, infrastructure and social protection. But lovers of freebies and free money do not go to us. Of course, do not forget migrants from Central Asia, but they work here and work well.
    1. +4
      26 January 2016 08: 28
      Sometimes you think; Maybe it’s good that we have such a difficult climate, a weak economy, infrastructure and social protection. But lovers of freebies and free money do NOT go to us. Of course, do not forget migrants from Central Asia, but they work here and work well.

      Dear oldav! If you only knew how wrong you are in your understanding of migrants and migration policy in the Russian Federation !!!
      I strongly advise you to read the analytical article “Financial Risks of the National Security of the Russian Federation from Foreign Labor Migration” from March 23 to 2015.
      The United States also implements the Harvard project of the United States, as a continuation of the Houston project, to establish a “new world order” in the replacement of the indigenous population in sovereign nation-states.
    2. +10
      26 January 2016 09: 01
      Dear comrade.
      About 30 million came to us.
      Some industries, such as food retail, are completely controlled by migrants.
      Migrants work well in our pockets, crowding us out of the most profitable industries.
      In addition, ethnic crime. Drugs. Housekeepers.
      Robberies and killings of collectors, so common lately.
      It is only forbidden to mention in our media, because crime has no nationality.
      Well, this is how to look.
      1. -2
        26 January 2016 14: 40
        Quote: Cap.Morgan
        About 30 million came to us.

        It seems to me that the numbers are much too high.
        Quote: Cap.Morgan
        Some industries, such as food retail, are completely controlled by migrants.

        So tell them what exactly cashiers and loaders control in this very "retail trade".
        Quote: Cap.Morgan
        Migrants work well in our pockets, crowding us out of the most profitable industries.

        What kind of industries are these?
        I need to call, for example, a friend of the Chief Architect (or somehow there) and tell him that it's time to "panic"?
        Quote: Cap.Morgan
        Robberies and killings of collectors, so common lately.

        I don’t know this. I know personally that the Chechens used to rob Tatars engaged in illegal gambling. I do not hear about the mass attacks on collection by Russian citizens for the first time request
        Quote: Cap.Morgan
        It is only forbidden to mention in our media

        Mention, and even show the FACE of criminals. Nationalities are not mentioned at the same time - but it’s correct, the stupid habit was previously MANDATORY to mention the nationality for some reason.
        1. +5
          26 January 2016 16: 48
          a stupid habit was previously MANDATORY to mention for some reason nationality.

          Why not mention her? It is a given and, obviously, is related to the behavior of the individual. Citizens of the country should represent who is inclined to what, in order to draw certain conclusions. Well, although they already perfectly understand and understand everything.
          You can not even mention gender then citizenship. After all, all people are brothers)
        2. +2
          26 January 2016 19: 58
          The brother of the famous KVN scholar Guzman, the man is not the last in our media, as he proudly said, they say that we, journalists, should not indicate the nationality of the criminals, so as not to incite something there ... to the stormy and prolonged applause of those present.
          Well, this pepper sees life from the window of his personal Mercedes.
          Yes, nationality is not mentioned.
          But we all know that the housekeepers are all Georgians, the man purse is Ossetian, and the armed robbery of cars carrying money is Dagestanis.
          In retail, they are the owners.
          They own stalls, markets and shops.
          All the owners in the markets are non-Russian.
          Most of the owners of stalls in the markets selling fur coats, sheepskin coats, leather goods, outerwear are Caucasians. Here the seller they may be a Russian woman from the province or Ukrainian. You walk for the sake of interest, see who sells there, at stations, for example, at the most passage places.
    3. +5
      26 January 2016 11: 02
      I know how they work. The current and do that the teas drive. Their brother forced them to redo the same work three times, then he drove him out to Benin’s mother.

      This is me Oldavu.
      1. -2
        26 January 2016 13: 17
        Tajiks worked for me on a site, plowed like damned from 7 am to 10 pm. Russian will not work like that, sweep the streets and wash floors, too, especially Muscovites. They do not perceive Russia as a place of permanent residence, but dream of saving up money and leaving for their homeland. Now they have become smaller due to the course and the crisis.
        1. +10
          26 January 2016 13: 55
          They only work when they know that they are being watched. The whole trick is that I worked nearby, and they did not know that I was the brother of the landlord. The next team was a copy of the first. And about the Russians less need to lie. I have a cousin in Moscow soap 6 9-storey entrances in 84 year.
          1. +2
            26 January 2016 18: 12
            They work when they understand WHAT they work for. That is, they work WORKLY. I put a brick - I got, say, a ruble. Then they work from morning to night. When they (and this applies to Russians, by the way) are paid on time, they drive accordingly teas.
            1. +7
              26 January 2016 19: 31
              Have you ever tried 14-16 hours a day? I am yes. After 3 weeks of such work, everything falls out of hand, and the desire to send everyone to hell. And you put this brick in the way that Allah decides. By the way, the Asians were paid piece by piece, and they, as I wrote above, did not tear up the navel. But, anyway, they did everything through the opu. But there were no complaints against the Russians.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +19
    26 January 2016 07: 21
    The same case when the natives do not need to take an example from colleagues from across the ocean laughing :
  7. +4
    26 January 2016 07: 26
    They don’t come to us because of the climate, because it differs little from Finnish, but because of the laws and the lack of benefits. They are not provided for migrants. Yes, and for our population, especially. Is there housing besides benefits?
  8. +3
    26 January 2016 07: 27
    They let strangers into the house.
    And now they’ll either teach / force strangers to live by their own rules,
    or strangers will teach the local rules.
    They probably forgot how the Caucasus tried to crush us?
    Europe is about the same.
    And as the authorities in our time didn’t pay much
    attention to this problem, telling us about the friendship of peoples and that not everyone is bad there,
    so in Europe we see the same thing.
    At one time, only open lynching forced our government to take real measures,
    when they began to punish strangers too.
    1. +12
      26 January 2016 09: 17
      Would you be so kind as to reveal more broadly the activities of our authorities in this area.
      I will tell you more.
      A Russian returning to Russia, where his parents were sent to raise wild national suburbs, will face officials' bones and hostile legislation. To get a Russian passport, the Russian will have to go through all the circles of hell.
      However, dark-skinned guys with running eyes have long been citizens of the Russian Federation.
      How is that?
      What kind of real measures do you mean? I don’t know what these measures are.
      In Moscow there was a huge market Cherkizon - a city in the city, living according to its own laws. Where the owner was a Caucasian Jew, celebrating a day with the Moscow mayor and Pugacheva, in the rain from dollars falling from somewhere above. It was such a movie.
      For about 15 years, the people fought to be closed.
      And so it happened. Have closed.
      But they discovered another. 5 versts from the former. More. This is what you call measures?
      There, notice the uncontrolled circulation of money and goods.
      What kind of lynching, by the way, do you mean?
      1. +1
        26 January 2016 10: 59
        Quote: Cap.Morgan
        However, dark-skinned guys with running eyes have long been citizens of the Russian Federation.
        How is that?

        It’s just that it was necessary for the Russian base to remain in Tajikistan, so it was easier to accept these dark-skinned guys as a condition
    2. +1
      26 January 2016 11: 58
      Quote: Zomanus
      And now they’ll either teach / force strangers to live by their own rules,
      or strangers will teach the local rules.

      As our "marked" used to say: "The process has begun." The collapse of the EU has begun, and this threatens with shocks throughout the continent (and in our country too). The only one who benefits from this is our sworn friend USA. The theory of controlled chaos in practical application.
  9. +1
    26 January 2016 08: 47
    History always repeats itself. There were times when the Swedes asked the Russians to help the army, we helped. I think the story will repeat soon :) And who else will help them? But this time we won’t make a mistake, and we’ll put our regent in the kingdom :)
  10. +2
    26 January 2016 09: 08
    I do not condone Breivik's methods, but it turns out that on the whole he was very right.
    1. +5
      26 January 2016 09: 21
      And I justify these methods.
      Otherwise, our descendants will live in Greenland. And not the pupils, as Telemon optimistically suggests.
      It’s time to tell the truth to ourselves. We have already surrendered everything around.
  11. 0
    26 January 2016 09: 09
    Greenland, the very place. Instantly cool and learn how to build a needle.
  12. +1
    26 January 2016 09: 50
    Do not imagine that a refugee in Finland receives less benefits than an unemployed - 600 euros, of which food and housing are paid. In addition, they require full adaptation and no one will tolerate national areas, as in France. Do not write what you do not know. No one will tolerate people who do not want to accept the culture and customs of the host country. And then here people do not suffer tolerance, especially in those areas where migrants are resettled (this has nothing to do with right-wing radicalism).
    1. +1
      26 January 2016 10: 40
      And it is right! Hold on, lahti-trahti, mentally we are with you :)
    2. 0
      27 January 2016 00: 20
      Quote: JääKorppi
      And then here people do not suffer tolerance, especially in those areas where migrants are resettled ( it has nothing to do with right-wing radicalism).

      Well, it will not be relevant for a long time, some time will pass and fun will begin ...
  13. 0
    26 January 2016 10: 20
    I witnessed how one of the representatives of the hotel business in Salzburg asked the St. Petersburg OMON to come for a "vacation". It sounded in such a joking manner, but it looks like they cannot correct the situation there themselves, and the EU does not want to listen to anyone.
    If nothing changes, the inhabitants of Germany are left with either Islam or Nazism
  14. +1
    26 January 2016 11: 00
    Quote: Tatiana
    I didn’t really hear anything intelligibly critical from the Russian side - one blind imitation and assent of Russian officials to the West.

    They assent, because their money, homes and children are already in the West.
    The most terrible enemies of Russia are its officials and the bourgeois owners of production (who need this cheap labor force).
    Comrade Breivik will be erected a monument - as he said.
    And they will shoot at us - both migrants and figures who support them.
  15. +5
    26 January 2016 11: 09
    “Thus, immigrants are very active in such spheres as food and clothing trade, consumer services, housing and communal services, hotel business, clothing, leather and food industries. At the same time, given the specifics of the migrant environment, one can hardly hope that at the expense of immigrants it will be possible to cover the shortage of highly qualified specialists in such spheres of the economy as information technology, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, innovative and high-precision manufacturing, healthcare.It should be borne in mind that the majority of African and Asian migrants do not have a sufficient level of education, professional qualifications, to work in a complex production, and many of them do not strive to master new specialties, preferring to parasitize or work in positions that do not require high qualifications. "...

    Yesterday at a meeting of Putin in Stavropol with representatives of the NF. A comrade from one of the Caucasian republics speaks out and demands for Caucasian youth to quote places in large projects or to provide them with jobs and good salaries. Putin says that it would be necessary for these comrades to improve their educational level and already compete for vacancies. No, do not like it. Here's the type of project we have to build a road through the mountains to the sea. But you give money and guarantees for this, and then we will make this road toll and we will earn on it. Well, one to one as in Scandinavia. You give us, you owe us, etc.