Emirates ordered almost 5 thousands of aerial bombs from the US


According to the reports of Defense Aerospace, the UAE Ministry of Defense (United Arab Emirates) has ordered nearly 5 thousands of various bombs in the US, as well as control kits for them. The Pentagon DSCA (Department of Military Cooperation) notified the United States Congress. The estimated value of the transaction is 304 million US dollars. The aforementioned ammunition will be used on fighter type F-16 Fighting Falcon Air Force UAE.

It is worth noting that the UAE Air Force ordered a total of: 304 targeting systems (laser) type GBU-54; 304 sensor (laser) type GBU-40; 3 thousands of homing systems such as GBU-38 (v) 1 JDAM; 1 thousand homing systems such as GBU-31 (v) 1 JDAM and 600 homing systems such as GBU-31 (v) 3. All this will contribute to the transformation of the usual free-fall bombs in the guided. In addition, this order also included BLU-111-type bombs (225 weight kg) in the amount of 3,3 thousands; BLU-117 (weight 900 kg) in the amount of 1 one thousand; anti-bunker BLU-109 (weight 900 kg) in the number of 600 and training bombs such as BDU-50C in the number of 4 pieces.

After approval of the transaction, its executors will be appointed: the US aircraft manufacturing concern, referred to as “Boing,” and an ammunition manufacturing enterprise, referred to as “McAlester Army Ammunition Plant”. According to the DSCA, after acquiring new types of ammunition, the UAE will become quite an efficient state in the region and will be able to help the US restrain the expanding aggression in the Middle East. However, the military base balance in the region, clarifies the DSCA, will not change.
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  1. Satanail
    2 December 2011 18: 21
    They are about Americans and follow the rule of the game, and therefore live quietly. Buying bombs they say that we are yours ... Emirates go to OPEC countries Ours could have a rest in other places! They are preparing for Syria and Iran, legally arming the country. Then they will send their specialists or they are already there. They will teach them to dump and direct, on others ...
    1. Lech e-mine
      2 December 2011 18: 22
      1. Pavel V
        2 December 2011 18: 27
        Well, for small military exercises it will be a little expensive, but for a small war, they will just come in handy. Fortunately, there are plenty of candidates for the role of "scapegoat". So if they don't bomb themselves, they will hand over all this stuff into "good and skillful hands."
        1. +2
          2 December 2011 18: 39
          Quote: Pavel V
          Well for small military exercises will come out a little expensive

          Yes, the bombs are not for exercises, there are only 4 pieces, the rest for a serious penetrating war and smart bombs, although it may be a bluff purchase and the states are preparing to bomb Iran from UAE airfields IMHO of course
      2. +5
        2 December 2011 18: 30
        Quote: Leha e-mine

        And this is whom the owner will order
      3. lightforcer
        2 December 2011 22: 30
        Why bomb right away? Chavez bought thousands of machine guns from Russia, but he was not going to fight.
      4. 0
        6 November 2012 20: 06
        These (5 thousand guided air bombs) the UAE purchased for the US armed group in the Middle East. In short, for the war in Iran ...
    2. +6
      2 December 2011 18: 25
      Quote: Satanail
      they are about Americans

      This is true, and in Libya, they fought against the Colonel
    3. itr
      3 December 2011 06: 27
      The time will come all 5000 in the ass we push and turn a little
  2. +1
    2 December 2011 18: 25
    obviously not under the potato fields are going to plow
    1. Satanail
      2 December 2011 18: 34
      wink a series
      - I sell minefields for gardens and orchards)))) wink
  3. vadimus
    2 December 2011 18: 40
    That's who to roll to smithereens would be the topic!
  4. Owl
    2 December 2011 18: 45
    secondary intelligence sign of preparation for military operations against Syria and Iran
  5. Artemka
    2 December 2011 18: 48
    It means to be war soon.
    1. 0
      2 December 2011 22: 15
      This deal has not yet been approved even while the essence and the matter, there is time to prepare ourselves and help Syria and Iran.
  6. 0
    2 December 2011 18: 54
    perhaps these bombs are being prepared against Iran or Syria.
    1. Marat
      3 December 2011 01: 29
      They now have 3 enemies - Syria and Iran, and then we are next in line
      Every time you relax in the Emirates, remember that you are a potential enemy
  7. Motherland
    2 December 2011 18: 58
    Something considerable is ripening. And I think Russia will be drawn into it without even asking, and they will try to blame everything on us ...
  8. 0
    2 December 2011 19: 52
    the following will be appointed as its executors: aircraft manufacturing concern of the school named “Boing”,

    Is it a translation or a mistake?
    What is secondary school ???
  9. 0
    2 December 2011 19: 54
    if all these fagots are Sunnis and who are Shiites
    1. Marat
      3 December 2011 01: 26
      Saudis and Emirates - Sunnis - unfortunately like most Muslims of the former Soviet Union - which now contributes to the subversive work of emissaries from Saudi and Emirates
      Shiites - Persians - Iranians
      They do not carry out subversive work because they occupy a friendly position towards us - secondly, they could not - the difference in religion
      1. +1
        3 December 2011 09: 09
        and in Russia, who prevails?
        1. +2
          3 December 2011 12: 51
          Sunites. Alas.
          1. Marat
            6 December 2011 16: 52
            What makes us vulnerable to enemy propaganda unfortunately
  10. +2
    2 December 2011 20: 09
    The UAE is a small country, everything is in sight, if this warehouse "accidentally" flies into the air - the sheikh will even get insurance .... and Syria will not have to insure itself for some time from this direction
    1. 0
      2 December 2011 20: 33
      Effective sentence, that is, an assumption.
  11. +2
    2 December 2011 20: 14
    Pindos quietly pull in and prepare the country for the next conflict.
    Bombs are being handed out to the left and to the right. Soon there will be a notice, "I will give the bombs in good hands."
    1. lightforcer
      2 December 2011 22: 34
      Not the Pindos are pulling in, but "the UAE ordered." The emirates have almost all the equipment imported. Previously, it was probably irrelevant to discuss.
  12. 0
    3 December 2011 12: 48
    How will the UAE declare war on Iran? We are suni, and you shi?