Iranian President: we had no economic ties with the United States, and now they are unlikely to appear

Iran has never had serious economic ties with the United States, and after the lifting of sanctions, Tehran does not seek to establish them, reports RIA News statement by President Hassan Rouhani.

On Saturday, Washington and Brussels confirmed the lifting of financial and economic sanctions from Iran in connection with the Iranian government’s faithful implementation of the agreements reached on the nuclear program.

“We didn’t have any economic relations with the United States and there will be no, unless the necessary conditions arise on the issue of airplanes or on the export of several types of goods, including pistachios and carpets. In the event that the US wants to invest in the economy and technology of Iran, they will face certain obstacles, but we are, of course, ready to provide certain benefits to those US companies that will not operate from the territory of the US ”,
said rouhani on sunday.
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  1. +6
    18 January 2016 08: 20
    They give it with one hand and take it away with the other.
    1. +9
      18 January 2016 08: 39
      What can I say? We'll see.
      4-01-2016, 22:59 Helping Iran to get out of the "network of prohibitions and embargoes", both countries - the USA and Russia, counted on the gratitude of the Persians.

      And this would be more than logical - through the efforts of authoritative countries, the “six” international negotiators released Iran “on the loose” on the night of July 14, 2015 - in exchange for Iran’s promises to stop the nuclear program. Incidentally - not without objection from Britain and France.

      Iran has received more than $ 200 billion of frozen funds, and since then, almost daily, it has been receiving refunds of oil payments. In particular, on January 4, Royal Dutch Shell Corporation and the National Oil Company of Iran came to an agreement on the order in which the Anglo-Dutch company would pay Iran a debt of $ 2.3 billion.
      In gratitude, Iran said it was not interested in buying Russian civilian aircraftalthough they are confident in Russia - Iran will acquire 15 Tu-204SM aircraft and a large batch of SSJ 100 until 2020.
      At the same time, the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization refers to the disinterest of Iranian airlines in the Sukhoi and Tupolev airplanes.
      But what did Iranian air carriers “have their eyes on”?
      For advanced passenger liners: Iran in the near future plans to order 450 new aircraft of the Boeing and Airbus models.
      Today's aircraft fleet has an average age of 22 years.
      I have to admit - the United States and Europeans have not “liberated Iran” for nothing ... Author: Alim Mantullinhttp: //
      1. +5
        18 January 2016 09: 47
        Well this is logical, the Iranians are always for themselves. They already have old watermelons, and in general, they buy the leaders of the market for passenger aircraft, not a pig in a poke. When there were sanctions, they had no choice and they were asking the Tu-204СМ. But now, they do not need him for nothing. Especially without certification.
      2. +2
        18 January 2016 10: 10
        At the same time, the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization refers to the disinterest of Iranian airlines in the Sukhoi and Tupolev airplanes.
        And what did Iranian air carriers “put
        -------------------------------------------------- -
        ... Another "partner and brother", from a series of many, with whom the forum were ready to kiss passionately. Who is next? By the way, they are still friends, partners? Question..
        1. 0
          18 January 2016 14: 16
          Iran needs about 400 - 500 aircraft, so Boeings will also buy SJ from Russia. They planned to buy Boeings in 2010.
  2. +5
    18 January 2016 08: 20
    We did not have any economic relations with the USA and will not

    God grant, but the East is a delicate matter.
    1. +5
      18 January 2016 09: 00
      Quote: cniza
      We had no economic relations with the USA and will not

      God grant, but the East is a delicate matter.

      oh well, but before 1979 what happened?
      and after...
      The US secretly supplied arms to Iran. With the help of the Israelis, the United States, in the fall of 1985, supplied Iran with Hawk anti-aircraft missiles. At the end of 1986, a scandal erupted that went down in history under the name “Iran-Contras” (“Irangate”). It became known that the United States secretly intervened in the Iran-Iraq armed conflict, supplying weapons and spare parts for military equipment to Iran.
    2. +2
      18 January 2016 09: 40
      Quote: cniza
      God grant, but the East is a delicate matter.

      Well, this is from the series, with friends like the United States, and no enemies.
      And on the topic, it’s just a delicate matter, who will outplay someone, the cunning Muslim east, or the equally cunning Jewish west.
      Although I think the score is still 1-0 in favor of the East, Germany is groaning. Let's look at the answer. Everyone leads his own game.
  3. +4
    18 January 2016 08: 24
    That's right, the Americans first lifted the "sanctions" imposed for the "atomic" program, but yesterday they imposed them again, this time for the "missile" program!
    1. +7
      18 January 2016 08: 32
      They practically didn’t remove anything. The United States lifted only secondary sanctions against Iran related to the ban on doing business with Tehran for individuals and legal entities of third countries and foreign branches of American companies, while restrictions are still valid for American residents. In addition, all accounts of the Iranian government will remain frozen. By and large, only oil restrictions have been lifted, well, you understand why ... wink
  4. +2
    18 January 2016 08: 27
    type will not be and immediately makes a reservation, well yes :-)
  5. +7
    18 January 2016 08: 28
    When the SGA needs something, then it is more profitable - they spit on their own sanctions! An example is the purchase of Russian RD-180 and titanium alloys for Boeing. It will be the same with Iran - we will take what we need, but we won’t give what you need! Here is the lifting of sanctions!
    1. 0
      18 January 2016 09: 07
      Yes. This is the basis of the exceptional policy. And only the grave will correct the hunchback.
      1. 0
        18 January 2016 11: 20
        we will take what we need, but we won’t give what you need!

        This is strength and superiority.
        What is not clear here?
        Give to those who wish, who fulfills counter requirements.
        To be independent means to be independent, which means that you don’t cry that they don’t give something.
    2. 0
      18 January 2016 10: 52
      Quote: Tol100v
      When the SGA needs something, then it is more profitable - they spit on their own sanctions! An example is the purchase of Russian RD-180 and titanium alloys for Boeing. It will be the same with Iran - we will take what we need, but we won’t give what you need! Here is the lifting of sanctions!

      We have no choice, if we want the factories to exist and develop, then we will have to sell. And those technologies that we cannot get, I think we need to "just" steal (rather, this is what we are doing, because there were cases when we tried to take out certain components), both in the USSR and in China.
  6. +3
    18 January 2016 08: 28
    Iran has never had serious economic ties with the United States, and after lifting the sanctions, Tehran does not seek to establish them

    And the point is to strive if on the other side they see you as an enemy. Iran would now quickly return its "frozen" billions (the Americans used other people's money in full) in American banks. This will already be some kind of victory.
  7. 0
    18 January 2016 09: 56
    Iran will certainly become the main player in the east. As long as the Saudis interfere with them .. Well, and we, in turn, saved them from destruction, I hope they do not forget this as the peoples of Europe.
    1. 0
      18 January 2016 10: 55
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      I hope they do not forget this as the peoples of Europe.

      They may not be forgotten, but they will act as beneficial to them, and not as beneficial to us.
  8. 0
    18 January 2016 10: 05
    Hope dies last, but I'm afraid that they will forget ...... Everyone thinks only of themselves and only we often think of others !!!!
  9. 0
    18 January 2016 10: 24
    Only if Iran has time to withdraw the money, or who will give it to him, although for this they probably all prepared to throw it somewhere to Cyprus or to other places?
  10. 0
    18 January 2016 10: 32
    They didn’t have time to lift the sanctions when they reintroduced new ones against Iranian companies and private individuals in response to ballistic missile tests.
  11. 0
    18 January 2016 10: 41
    Quote: cniza
    We did not have any economic relations with the USA and will not

    God grant, but the East is a delicate matter.

    This notorious "subtlety of the East" does not give them the right to "prostitute" on our trust, which the Americans saw through and imposed sanctions for a reason. After all, we, too, can turn our backs on such "friends" with too "fine" mental organization of the soul, and we will not lose anything much.
  12. 0
    18 January 2016 11: 08
    31in Iranian oil-filled tanker is waiting for Monday to head to European consumers.
  13. +1
    18 January 2016 11: 32
    And we Iran, a friend or ally? So, a temporary companion. With the same temporary coincidence of interests on certain issues.
    A series of betrayals and frauds from different "partners" should accustom us only to politics exclusively in the interests of Russia.
    No more fraternities. Brothers only within the Russian State.
  14. 0
    18 January 2016 12: 14
    In the Amer’s congress (parliament), the Jewish lobby is very influential, which is very unprofitable for strengthening Iran and therefore, under some sauce, some of the sanctions will not be lifted. Israel is especially afraid of Iran’s nuclear program, so the United States has been jumping around it for so many years that it would stop and ban the development of nuclear weapons in this country. Now, after the partial lifting of the sanctions, the United States (at the request of Israel) goes further (today it was transmitted on the Euronews TV channel) - it forbids Iran to develop missile systems - means of possible delivery of nuclear weapons.
  15. 0
    18 January 2016 12: 50
    The less any relationship with American shaitans, the better for any country, not just Iran. And sell oil for the yuan.