This is not “Putin’s Russia” - this is “Putin-Russia”



Western observers often use the term “Putin Russia” when discussing events in Russian politics, economics, society and culture. It became a kind of "meme". It is usually used in an attempt to hint at the authoritarianism of the political regime in Russia - relatively soft, according to the author, under President Vladimir Putin. Raising the theme of Putin’s authoritarianism in his work, preferably at the beginning of any passage, is simply necessary if you want to see your work published. The phrase “Putin's Russia” often aims for the reader to make a conclusion like “Russia of Putin”, “Russia controlled by Putin”, “Putin controls Russia”, “Putin controls a part of (big) Russian life”, or even - it’s best “Putin controls everything in Russia.” However, the real dynamics of the development of relations between Putin and “his” Russia are completely opposite - this is “Putin - Russian”.

Putin, like most Russians today, is largely a product of the late Soviets and the post-Soviet experience of Russia. This includes all those who were born before 1980 a year or so, bearing in mind that they experienced the demise of the Soviets. For these Russians, the forming political experience was the collapse and collapse of the Soviets. In one way or another, the political, economic, social, cultural, and civilizational preferences of this generation of Russians reflect the preferences of Putin, and Putin himself reflects the views of Russia and Russians. We can ignore this phenomenon or the aspect of Russian Putin and consider Russia as a kind of warped state with unnatural subordination to Putin - created by Putin and his surroundings. But it would be better to recognize to what degree Putin really represents Russia and the main views of its population and to build a policy accordingly.

The main core of Putin’s meme is that the Kremlin controls all the Russian media and thus shapes the views of Russians in favor of Putin’s needs and preferences. I have participated in discussions many times and talked about how misleading this exaggeration is. In addition to the fact that far from all television in Russia controls the regime, the Internet remains almost completely free, and there are many independent radio stations and print media outlets. Moreover, in the state, “Putin's” media, there is a significant pluralism of opinions, including, for example, on state television, the main source News for most Russians. In fact, on various political talk shows on state channels, you can regularly see Americans opposed to Putin and other foreigners living in Moscow who openly express their dissatisfaction with Putin, Russian politics, and even Russia as a whole.

We can “destroy” the misunderstanding about Putin’s Russia meme, as well as the picture of the mythical full and comprehensive influence of television and state-owned media in general on public opinion by simply comparing Russian public opinion with Putin’s views on the eve of his coming to power. At that time - the end of 1990-x - when in Russia there was still no Putin in power, nor state-controlled media. To explore and test the myths about “Putin's Russia” and “state television society,” I will analyze Putin’s public opinion on three key foreign policy issues - NATO expansion, Ukraine and Syria - at the end of 1990 and later. I could refer to the consistency or lack of such between Putin and Russia on domestic issues, but this is another time. Now I will demonstrate that the “Russian Putin” meme is no less, and probably a much more obvious feature of today's Russia, than the “Putin Russia”.

NATO enlargement, “Putin Russia” and Russian Putin

The continuation of the expansion of NATO and the Yugoslav wars formed the overwhelming majority of NATO opponents in Russian public opinion. By March, 1999, 69% of Russians, according to VTsIOM polls, to one degree or another believed that Russia should be wary of countries joining NATO, and only 31% did not think so. [1] By June 1999, the VTsIOM found out that 73% of Russian citizens had a negative attitude towards NATO, 27% had a positive attitude. [2] This was especially true of the expansion of NATO to the former Soviet republics.

NATO’s reputation for Russians melted away with each round of expansion, especially after the bombings by the Yugoslav Alliance. For example, in April, 1996, a poll by VTsIOM showed that 55% of respondents were against NATO membership of the Baltic states, Ukraine and “other” former Soviet republics, and now independent states, 19% approved, and 26% expressed indifference. [ 3] As the Yugoslav crisis deepened, the West began discussing NATO’s participation in this war, and NATO was preparing to accept the Visegrad Troika as an alliance at the April summit of 1997, Russia in a repeat poll by VTsIOM showed that now 61% were against, 17% were in favor of and 21 % - indifferent. [4] A month after the start of the bombing of Yugoslavia, another VTsIOM poll showed that 64% were against, 19% were in favor, and 17% were indifferent. [5] By the time Putin came to power, the 2001 survey of the year demonstrated that the vast majority of Russians, 75%, were increasingly convinced that NATO was pursuing American national interests, and not member countries (25%). [6]

As the acquisitions of NATO and the Roadmaps of the NATO admission process in 2000 increased, an overwhelming negative attitude toward NATO developed in Russia. According to VTsIOM polls from November 2001 to November 2011, for the most part, the positive attitude towards NATO and, consequently, towards the United States and the West, which remained in the 1990, has disappeared. In November, 2001 and November, 2011, in VTsIOM polls, respondents were asked to choose Russian policy options regarding NATO; 16% and 4%, respectively, supported efforts to join the alliance, 36% and 43% chose to try to improve relations with him, and 16% and 29% supported the creation of an alternative alliance. [7] Similarly, surveys conducted from 2005 to 2009 showed that the percentage of Russians supporting the creation of a counter-alliance more than doubled - from 16% to 39%, and the share of those who supported cooperation with NATO fell from 52% to 33%. [8] Moreover, the share of those Russians who considered NATO a threat to Russia's national security doubled from “only” 21% in 2003 to 41% compared to 2009 [9] In 2009 - 2011. approximately 60% of Russians with minor variations (59% - 62%) considered NATO expansion to the East a threat to Russia's national security. [10]

A rare case, when Putin went against Russia's opinion (and his own), took place a month after the inauguration, when he suddenly changed his tone and said that perhaps Russia would one day join NATO. In fact, the VTsIOM poll showed that only 30% approved Putin’s statement, 31% expressed bewilderment, 21% was furious and 19% was indifferent. [11] This turns the beloved western expression “Putin's Russia” upside down. Putin’s views on the expansion of NATO are well known.

Less well known is the consistency between Putin’s habitual opposition to NATO expansion and the opinion of his predecessor, expressed in very similar words. Now it has long been forgotten that the Russians and Yeltsin personally began to oppose the expansion of NATO a long time ago, this concerned the former Soviet republics. The first open clash over NATO happened on December 1 on 1994, when the Russian foreign minister went to Brussels to sign the Partnership for Peace agreement with the alliance, but refused to sign it in protest against the NATO communique made public the day before with the expansion policy NATO. December 5 Yeltsin again protested against the attempt of the “one and only capital” - that is, Washington - to solve “the fates of all the continents and the world community as a whole” and warned against pushing Europe towards the “cold world”. [12] Yeltsin’s words sounded exactly like the words of his successor after a decade of continuing NATO expansion, and this demonstrates that the deterioration of US-Russian relations is caused by much more expansion than by Putin’s Russia.

Indeed, Putin seemed to follow his predecessor when 10 February 2007 came to the podium of the annual Munich Security Policy Conference and criticized NATO’s expansion, international unipolarity and American one-sidedness: “We are witnessing more and more departure from the basic principles of international law. In addition, the rights of one state dominate in individual regulations, and indeed in the entire system of international laws. The United States everywhere transcend its national borders - in economics, politics, even in the humanitarian sphere ... And this, of course, is very dangerous ... Russia is a country with historywhich goes back a thousand years, and it almost always enjoyed the privilege of pursuing an independent foreign policy. We are not going to change this tradition today. ” [13]

This demonstrates the continuity, coherence and relative ubiquity of Russia's opinion that the expansion of NATO does not bring anything good to the national interests and security of the country.

Russia's seeming expansion by NATO is more likely to relate to the traditional Russian sense of dignity and the ability to go on the defensive, regroup and take revenge, like a wounded bear in winter. President Bill Clinton’s famous mockery of the “Russian arm” of Assistant Secretary of State for Russia and the CIS, Strobe Talbot, during a private 1996 meeting in April during the Moscow summit demonstrates excellent awareness and concern that Washington and Brussels’s tough pressure in favor of NATO’s eastward plans created a very great tension between the liberal camp of President Yeltsin and the tough opposition: "We have not always played well with these people, we still did not understand how to say yes to them in order to balance How much and how often we want them to say yes to us. We continue to say to old Boris “Okay, this is what you will get next - more shit in the face.” It is very difficult for him, considering what he is set up against and what he has to deal with ... We need to remember that Yeltsin cannot do more than he will endure ... I have some kind of internal policy - nonsense, which I can not do as I would like, I do there what I do not like. But he is much harder than me. " [14]

Putin decided to stop accepting the one-sidedness of Washington — that is, “more crap in the face” —to much dissatisfaction with the West. In relation to NATO, we are now dealing not only with Russian Putin, but with “NATO-Russia Russia”.

This is not “Putin’s Russia” - this is “Putin-Russia”

Ukraine and "Putin Russia"

Putin as a whole reflected Russia's public opinion back in the 1994 year — that is, during the democratic period, when Putin was the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak for international relations — he warned a group of foreign specialists in Russia about 25 millions of ethnic Russians left abroad after the collapse of the Soviet Union: "For us, their fate is a matter of life and death." Ten years later, as president of Russia, Putin made a similar statement, only slightly softer, in response to the 2004 Orange Revolution: “We want to avoid a split between east and west of Ukraine. Russians in Ukraine deserve a safe future. We cannot return to the Russian Empire. But even if they wanted - it would be impossible. " ... "We are not against changes in the post-Soviet space. But we want to be sure that these changes will not lead to chaos. ” [15]

Russian society clearly considers Ukraine to be close, part of a broad ethnic Russian or Slavic culture. Although there is evidence of the identity of Russians as a Eurasian and / or European country, as already noted above, there is little or no information about the views of the average Russian regarding the relations of Ukrainians with any Eurasian civilization. The study of opinions shows that the majority of Russians consider Ukrainians to be "brotherly people", Russian brothers. So, in the 1998 year, almost two years before Putin came to power, 89% of Russians fully or for the most part supported the idea of ​​a “Slavic Union”, including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. [16]

The regions of Ukraine, dominated by Russians with a long historical legacy, such as the 300-year history of the Crimea as a territory of Russia, definitely play a role. So, according to public opinion polls, since 1990's, Russians have always overwhelmingly expressed support for the return of Crimea to Russia. In May 1998, for example, 77% supported the return of Crimea to Russia (in 2002, 80%, in 2008, 85%, in March, 2014, 79%). [17] In 1994, Russians in the same amount supported 25 of millions of ethnic Russians in other post-Soviet states [18], with the largest diaspora in Ukraine, in particular, in the southern and eastern regions, mostly in the Crimea and the Donbas.

Even at the height of the current Ukrainian civil war, 63% Russians retain extremely positive (13%) or simply positive (50%) attitudes towards Ukrainian citizens, although this is lower than in 2006 - 81% and in 2009 - 75%. The differences lie mainly between Orthodox Christians, ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking populations of Crimea and Donbass (Donetsk and Lugansk) and more ethnically Ukrainian and Uniate Catholic central and, especially, western Ukraine. Regarding Donbass, although a small minority supports the entry of Donetsk and Lugansk into Russia, most Russians support the Donbass rebels and treat their population better than the rest of Ukraine, remembering, in particular, that the western provinces of Ukraine are more or less hotbeds and home of Ukrainian ultranationalism , neo-fascism and hatred of Russia and the “Muscovites” (Muscovites, read Russian). In 2014, 80% expressed good or very good attitude towards the residents of Donbass, in 2015, 79%. Conversely, only 53% and 55% were positive towards the residents of central and western Ukraine. [19] Russians expressed unanimous support for the Donbass rebels and various assistance to them, but rejected the annexation of Donbass, preferring the independent state of Donbass (41%) and its autonomy within Ukraine (21%) to the Russian annexation (15%) or the non-autonomous status of Donbass as part of Of Ukraine (7%). [20]

Putin's Intervention in Syria

I have already touched on linking Russian public opinion with Putin’s interference in Syria. To sum up briefly, at the end of September 2015, a survey by the Levada Center showed no strong support for Putin’s military intervention in Syria regarding public opinion support regarding NATO and Ukraine: 39% approved Putin’s policy (11% - fully, 28% - for the most part parts), 11% did not approve (8% - for the most part did not approve, 3% - definitely did not approve) and 33% did not express interest. [21]

Levada Center conducted another survey of October 23-26 and found out that 53% of respondents now approve of Russia's policy in Syria, and a month earlier it was 39%. The number of those who did not approve doubled and increased from 11% to 22%. [22] It is worth noting that in the years of “complete control over the media”, a similar discrepancy appeared between Putin’s policy and public opinion in Russia.


For some, the Putin Russia meme is very convenient. He draws a totalitarian or rigidly authoritarian "fascist Russia", which is under the complete control of Putin. And this reveals the eternal disease of US foreign policy and the District of Columbia’s political community, which personifies regimes and countries; This model appeared rather strangely at the end of the Cold War, when attention was focused on demonizing or idealizing Mikhail Gorbachev. In Yeltsin’s time, some analysts cautioned against repeating this error, but this did not happen. And now this approach has taken root and turned into a "hatred" for Putin on the part of America.

This is consistent with the US orientation toward regime change through the promotion of democracy. The focus of discussions in American politics toward Russia is almost entirely focused on Putin. When will he fall? He is about to fall. He is mortally ill. He disappeared, where is he? He is mad. He is a strategist. He has a goal - “to restore the USSR” and so on and so forth. As long as such fundamental mistakes of Washington in assessing Putin’s personality and his views on the world, in assessing the regime of Russia and the goals of Russian foreign policy will continue, we will be wrong about Russia. Unfortunately, it is very likely that this will continue for many years, and several more US administrations, exposing us all to danger, will follow this approach.

Sources used by the author:
[1] “43. Est 'li osnovaniya u Rossii opasat'sya stran Zapada, vkhodyashchikh v blok NATO ?, ”VTsIOM, 30 March 1999, Link, last accessed 12 October 2015.
[2] “82_B. Kakoe znachenie immet dlya vas slovo: NATO ?, ”VTsIOM, 15 June 1999, Link, last accessed on 15 October 2015.
[3] “Kak by vy otneslis' k vstupleniyu v NATO byvshikh respublik SSSR - stran Baltii, Ukrainy i drugikh,” VTsIOM, 15 April 1996, Link.
[4] “Kak by vy otneslis' k vstupleniyu v NATO byvshikh respublik SSSR - stran Baltii, Ukrainy i drugikh,” VTsIOM, 10 February 1997, Link.
[5] “Kak by vy otneslis' k vstupleniyu v NATO byvshikh respublik SSSR - stran Baltii, Ukrainy i drugikh,” VTsIOM, 20 March 1997, Link.
[6] “50. Odni schitayut, chto NATO vedet samstoyatel'nuyu politiku v interesakh vsekh stran al'yansa; drugie - chto ono yavlyaetsya v osnovnom provodnikom interesov SShA. Kakaya iz etikh dvukh tochek zreniya kazhetsya vam bolee vernoi ?, ”VTsIOM, 15 March 2001, Link.
[7] The fourth option is available in the two polls. In the 2001 survey, the 32 percent chose. In the 2011 percent version, the 23 percent chose. “46. Chto iz perechislennogo, po vashemu mneniyu, bol'she otvechaet interesam Rossii: Vstuplenie Rossii v NATO, ”VTsIOM, 15 November 2001, Link and Rossiya i NATO: Realnost 'i perspektivy vzaimodeistviya (Moscow: VTsIOM, 2011), Link, P. 12.
[8] Rossiya i NATO: Realnost 'i perspektivy vzaimodeistviya, p. 13.
[9] Rossiya i NATO: Realnost 'i perspektivy vzaimodeistviya, p. 9.
[10] Rossiya i NATO: Realnost 'i perspektivy vzaimodeistviya, p. 10.
[11] “67A. Kak vy lichno otnosites 'k zayavleniyu Vladimira Putina o tom, chto Rossiya v budushem mozhet vstupit' v NATO: s odobreniem, s nedoumeniem, s osuzhdeniem, ili sravnitelmno bezrazlichno ?, ”VTsIIITI Link, last accessed on 12 October 2015.
[12] Coit D. Blacker, “Russia and the West,” in Michael Mandelbaum, ed., The New Russian Foreign Policy (Washington, DC: Council of Foreign Relations, 1998), pp. 167-93, at pp. 179-80.
[13] “Vystuplenie prezidenta Rossii Vladimira Putina na Myunkhenskoi konferentstii po voprosam politiki bezopasnosti 10 fevralya 2007 goda,” Izvestia, 12 February 2007, Link. For a video of the speech, see “Vystuplenie V. Putina na Myunkhenskoi konferentstii (2007g.),” Youtube, 10 February 2007,.
[14] Strobe Talbott, The Russian Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy (New York: Random House, 2003), pp. 201-2.
[15] Michael Stuermer, Putin and the Rise of Russia (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2008), pp. 43 and 50.
[16] “Kak by vy otneslis 'k perspective obrazovaniya' Slavyanskogo 'bloka (Rossiya-Ukraina-Belarus'),” VTsIOM, 15 March 1998, Link.
[17] Denis Volkov, “Rossiiskaya sotsiologiya ukrainskogo konflikta: vmeshivat'sya ne nado, no all pravil'no sdelali,” Moskovskii tsentr Karnegi, 26 August 2015, Link.
[18] Volkov, “Rossiiskaya sotsiologiya ukrainskogo konflikta: vmeshivat'sya ne nado, no all pravil'no sdelali”.
[19] “Ukraina: vnimanie, otnoshenie, peremirie,” Levada Center, 26 February 2015, Link.
[20] “Ukrainskii krizis: uchastie Rossii i ozhidaniya,” Levada Center, 4 March 2015, Link.
[21] “Voina v Sirii: Vnimanie otsenki IGIL,” Levada Center, 28 September 2015, Link.
[22] “Russians Increasingly Polarized by Syria Intervention,” The Moscow Times, 29, October 2015, Link.
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  1. +55
    3 January 2016 06: 23
    Yes, at least some - Russia is Russia, and our President is definitely Russian
    1. +77
      3 January 2016 07: 28
      Awakening website, Happy New Year to everyone! fellow
      About the GDP. There is a good saying that people have the kind of president they deserve. I have long been convinced of its truth by the example of Vladimir Vladimirovich, Assad, Hollande, Obama, and parashenka. We earned GDP, we can say we suffered in the 90s.
      1. +26
        3 January 2016 07: 47
        After all, the Grishek Rasputins, Yeltsins and Gorbachevs, Russia was obliged to give birth to Putin - Putevoy, different from these "Rasputins" Yes, not everything is easy and simple, but there is Russia and will always be! Take care of each other, your loved ones. Happy New Year !
        1. +23
          3 January 2016 07: 49
          Quote from the article
          The focus of discussions in American policy on Russia is almost entirely focused on Putin.

          I do not see anything special in this. The role of personality in history has not yet been canceled.
          The United States and other countries of "Western democracy" are guided by this rule always and everywhere in their own national interests. Moreover, if the leader of another country hands over his country to them in their external management, then he is good - he is a “democrat." And if not, then he is a dictator.
          All this is purely American subjectivity - and nothing more!
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +10
        3 January 2016 08: 22
        We would have put monuments to him during his life if he had dealt with the economy as much as with politics ...
        Quote: Cheshire
        Awakening website, Happy New Year to everyone! fellow
        About the GDP. There is a good saying that people have the kind of president they deserve. I have long been convinced of its truth by the example of Vladimir Vladimirovich, Assad, Hollande, Obama, and parashenka. We earned GDP, we can say we suffered in the 90s.
        1. +15
          3 January 2016 09: 45
          Putin's Russia, Russian Putin, but is this the main thing for the West? The main thing is that the West is afraid when we have such a president:
        2. +1
          3 January 2016 10: 04
          We would have put monuments to him during his life if he had dealt with the economy as much as with politics ...
          Quote: Cheshire
          Awakening website, Happy New Year to everyone! fellow
          About the GDP. There is a good saying that people have the kind of president they deserve. I have long been convinced of its truth by the example of Vladimir Vladimirovich, Assad, Hollande, Obama, and parashenka. We earned GDP, we can say we suffered in the 90s.

          I hope we will put it, and not one.
          1. +4
            3 January 2016 21: 27
            Quote: Cheshire
            I hope we will put it, and not one.

            Maybe it’s enough to sing? The personality cult is straightforward, okay, Stalin, but somehow it’s not pulling. The only merit I put is what Crimea returned.
        3. -11
          3 January 2016 16: 15
          Economics is the business of the government. And we have it about the western one and the GDP has no influence on it according to the law. ((
          1. +3
            3 January 2016 20: 08
            Quote: Dimmedroll
            And we have it about the western one and the GDP has no influence on it according to the law.

            On the basis of the fourth chapter of the Constitution, the President of Russia exercises the following powers:
            appoints, with the approval of the State Duma, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;
            has the right to chair meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation;
            decides on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation;
            submits to the State Duma a candidate for appointment to the post of chairman of the Central Bank, and also raises the question of the dismissal of the chairman of the Central Bank from the position before the State Duma;
            upon the proposal of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, appoints and dismisses the Deputy Chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers ...
            Powers are quite enough !!!
            December 17, 2015, President of the Russian Federation:
            "To begin with, I will directly answer your question. I support the policy of the Central Bank and the Government to ensure macroeconomic stability."
        4. The comment was deleted.
      4. -17
        3 January 2016 12: 09
        We earned GDP, we can say we suffered in the 90s.

        And really. The current dollar rate is a nice bonus for the suffering of the 90s. However, Santa Claus was generous with "gifts".
        But what to grieve? Hello 90s!
        Back to the past.
        And Lenin is so young.
        1. -11
          3 January 2016 14: 02
          But what to grieve? Hello 90s!

          The oligarchs are probably minus. With a hangover.
          silently laughing
        2. 0
          3 January 2016 16: 17
          Heh 90, I think it is unlikely.
        3. The comment was deleted.
        4. +11
          3 January 2016 18: 21
          I’m embarrassed to ask, but still: what do you personally do with this dollar rate? Why does he care so much about you? Dear? Do not buy.
          Everyone bought it before the holiday, Novosibirsk - fruits are cheaper than greenhouse cucumbers: Abkhaz tangerines 85-100 rubles, frozen - 50, grapes - up to 100, persimmon - 80-100, etc., meat, cheese - local, everything was as it was, only now fresh and tasty. No dollars were asked anywhere. What else is needed at the household level? Last winter was at that time in the European part of Russia: meat is cheaper, fruits are more expensive (in our country, Tajiks sell Asian, Iranian). It’s never been so good before.
          About the dollar already put on and listen to on TV.
      5. -1
        3 January 2016 16: 01
        Have suffered - "yes".
      6. 0
        3 January 2016 17: 29
        I fully support an excellent comment !!!
      7. 0
        3 January 2016 17: 50
        Well said.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      3 January 2016 09: 58
      The title is certainly true!
    4. +19
      3 January 2016 10: 01
      No doubt, the Russian President!
      And I will be for him with both hands ... when he explains why the Twitter government, which has been fucked up almost everywhere, still "rules"? Why does the red face, which "... well, just a lot of money ...", still does not answer, where did he get that kind of money?
      Why are Vasiliev and Serdyukov not subject to justice?
      When they explain to us why the largest and richest country in the world cannot build its economy without looking back to the west, why we cannot feed ourselves, why we extract so much oil and gas, introducing (as they report) new power of electric power stations, we have predatory tariffs to the communal?
      Why is the Soviet education system, which many Western "partners" have adopted, is strenuously uprooted and implanted "Yegism"?
      And so ... yes, Putin is our President ...
      1. 0
        3 January 2016 16: 11
        Quote: Skif83
        Why does the red face, which "... well, just a lot of money ...", still does not answer, where did he get that kind of money?
        Why are Vasiliev and Serdyukov not subject to justice?

        - And, in fact, who is who's friends, and who is responsible for the whole "alignment" ?! - Goat understands !.
    5. +11
      3 January 2016 16: 20
      now this approach is rooted and turned into "hatred" of Putin from America.
      Happy New Year to all! We all wish happiness and prosperity, and on these pooh on them.
    6. -1
      3 January 2016 18: 51
      Bad .. that is slow. impossible to speak. Banshee - everything is normal ??
    7. +1
      4 January 2016 19: 37
      And we will defend him. They want to scold us too much with him.
  2. +23
    3 January 2016 06: 26
    Happy New Year everyone !!!

    Putin has decided to stop accepting Washington’s one-sidedness - that is, "still shit in the face" - to the utter dissatisfaction of the West

    The endless talk about a certain totalitarian regime in Russia is already quite fed up; on the contrary, Russia is striving to get rid of the totalitarian influence of foreign government. For some, this is becoming apparent.
  3. +19
    3 January 2016 06: 42
    This is not “Putin’s Russia” - this is “Putin-Russia”

    If about Russia, then it was before Putin, exists during his reign and will continue to exist. If about Putin, then he was once a citizen of the USSR, a communist, and now he is the President of the Russian Federation.

    In all historical times, in the absence of complete continuity, Russia went through the stages of government (Russia of the reign of Peter I, the age of the golden Catherine ...) Now it is Russia of the reign of Vladimir Putin. For all that I must say, not the worst of times and not the worst ruler ...
    1. -11
      3 January 2016 11: 18
      The author of the article is wrong conceptually.
      Putin's Russia "deserved", but not earned.

      She was "pregnant with Putin," but she didn't even push.

      All these patriotic screams and snot, about "Putin is Russia" and
      "Russia is Putin" is a whim of a pionerof and ahtyabryat ..

      However, as well as frank provocateur.

      He is not an alien. And even, surprisingly, Russian.

      (If you look at the current reality of nenki and the strife of the 90s - this is miraculous-not-judo). (To cover up with “Jewry” is an elementary move - “E2-E4”)

      Guys, you and I are not given to understand why this happened, and not otherwise.
      Chips are thrown on the table - what we have, then we have.

      Smoke will blow ... And we will see the battlefield completely. For some reason (although weak-believing) I believe that Putin plays on the side of Russia.

      I hope that “Putin” is not a person, but a brand name.

      This is a system.

      Russia suffered the Savior, without even creating a “miracle of democracy”.

      She did not choose him - they presented him with her.!

      And with this fact we must learn ff.

      No matter how “liberal democrats” pressured the existence of liberal democracy .. Although we clearly see in their Doprovsk basket only surgical and dental instruments of sadists.

      In their person, the Trotsky-Bronstein affair is alive as never before!

      But for each Bronstein, society will still grow its Dzhugashvili.
      1. +2
        3 January 2016 18: 36
        No, they chose it. After Yeltsin’s representation, he did not become president, but acting And his rudeness was ours. We all grew up as street children (I don’t mean bandits), and most of our children’s and teenagers were free, and it was a rampart, we spent time outdoors together, and joys and troubles together. What Putin said, any of us would say. They swallowed the leadership of a big man over society in the 90s, did not like it. And here it is! New old. Next is the trial and error method. Therefore, Putin is Russian. Grew up on the same streets, in the same companies, with the same holidays, this is understandable.
        When it, allegedly, did not pass the first time: the people were already lazy and got drunk, the logic: "Putin will be elected anyway" did not lift part of the electorate from the couch. But then panic set in and the second round drove fear to the polling stations: "How is it not Putin?" So support has always been high, even taking into account the natural lack of curiosity about polit. and economical. questions.
      2. -3
        3 January 2016 19: 55
        Among them are Lenin, Stalin ... Putin - the name is not superfluous.
        And in the series - Grozny, the Great, it’s not my honor to invent another adjective.

        People will call.

        I THINK SO
        1. 0
          4 January 2016 04: 54
          Sibiryachka, I do not know, "how are you doing in Sebiri."

          Mom brought a husband to the house and said - kids, here is your new dad ..

          And we, with all the agility, after a few months "chose" the "new" mother’s husband .. (?)

          "And this is idiotic - a friend’s dog !!!!!"

          I haven’t laughed like that for a long time

          I drove a bike for a very long time .......

          The result is a dry rubber residue ..

          Putin was given to you (us) ...

          Humble yourself and tame your shrew.

          What we have - do not store ..
          1. 0
            4 January 2016 05: 13
            specially left the logo of the channel "1 + 1".

            This is the Ukrainian channel ..

            and "let him channel"!

            Ukraine will not go anywhere from (s) a submarine ..

            It is important not to frighten BIG FISH ..!
      3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +19
    3 January 2016 06: 46
    For some, the meme “Putin's Russia” is very convenient.
    It is also less dangerous. The GDP personally attacks itself simply as a strong person, does not notice, or does not pay attention. But if you roll such a barrel to the whole country, they can pull it to account.
    1. 0
      3 January 2016 10: 47
      ... does the cat care what the mice say about it?
    2. +1
      3 January 2016 12: 08
      in a duel, good fighters in the human sense, try not so painfully to attach a “partner” to the mat surface. but here are some “fighters” for “democracy” who do not follow the rules and have to bring them to life.
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. +21
      3 January 2016 06: 57
      Quote: Private27
      Hurry the earplugs, go to Romanov.

      And Happy New Year
      1. +3
        3 January 2016 07: 19
        Hurry the earplugs, go to Romanov.

        I do not advise...
  6. +15
    3 January 2016 06: 49
    Western observers often use the term "Putin's Russia"

    This is one of the elements of the information war.
    Hello everyone! hi
    ... he is not new and you can logically fight against him using the same forms of response to our opponents ...
    for example ... POLAND has established a regime of restricting media freedom by the recently adopted laws ... a number of Polish journalists have resigned in protest ... so we can say that POLAND is sliding into totalitarianism where dissent is severely suppressed.
    Further, the Saudi regime supported by WASHINGTON recently executed 47 people, among whom was a well-known Shiite preacher .... how do you order to understand this ???

    In general, there is an information war with all the attendant attributes, and 2016 will be a year of heavy fighting of local importance with losses for both sides.
    But we don’t get used to fighting ... although we do not want war ....

    In war as in war.
  7. +5
    3 January 2016 06: 50
    Here's where the truth is, "the eternal disease of US foreign policy," sick all over the head.
  8. +17
    3 January 2016 06: 54
    Russia is a country with a history that goes back a thousand years, and it almost always enjoyed the privilege of pursuing an independent foreign policy. We are not going to change this tradition today ”
    He said so said. Russia was, is and will be the motherland for those who love, believe in it. There are many of us and Putin is one of us. It is impossible to defeat the one who does not give up! And I believe him. With him, Russia will be RUSSIA.
    1. -19
      3 January 2016 07: 15
      I have already grown old, waiting for him to do something. Some conversations and successive generations of jingoistic patriots. I believed. Each time, each new term thought: "Well, now the country will surely rise from its knees!" ... it's been 20 years. My son has grown, I have turned gray, Putin still promises against the new generations who believe in him. And the country is heading into deep depression, having turned from a power into a third world country. And all that we have achieved, all our industrial exploits and achievements is that our industry voluntarily becomes a sub-industry for other states and concerns.
      We are absolutely self-sufficient state, no one in the world has such territories with such resources! And we have how many people, how many minds! We can do everything ourselves. But this is not even a question.
      The biggest achievement is that we allow them to build factories in their homeland, thereby giving our people a chance to earn a piece of bread. There is no intelligible program where the country is going, what we want to achieve, what to build. The government lives one day ....

      Putin is a good performance for the people. This is what I have seen in the last 15-20 years. She will speak, promise, cheer ... She looks confident, solid. There are no alternatives on the horizon.
      But the country (globally) is only getting poorer. We are not talking about salaries (although about them, too).
      We are living on the remnants of the legacy of the USSR, we have not created or built anything. All branches, all institutions have been ruined. Look, we are even shown films "those", USSR. Because even here nothing was created. We didn’t make films, didn’t write pictures, our stage generally "mascaras the light" ...

      There is no alternative to Putin right now. And, I am sure, this is also his merit. Putin will suddenly leave - Russia will be torn to pieces. It's true. But with him everything is only worse. The whole world has gone forward, and we are treading and sliding. One can only hope that when he gets tired of being at the helm, he will put forward the correct receiver ...
      So I do not expect to heal normally with him. My son will live. And I waited 20 years and "believed" in him. It's time to think about old age - with a pension we have a problem with my generation.
      1. +28
        3 January 2016 07: 29
        Quote: Infernal Man
        So I don’t expect to live normally with him.

        Sit and wait for the state to give you a Bentley, three million salary and you will live well.
        To understand what it means to live well, one day you have to live badly or very badly. Perhaps you also have something to compare your life with and in the 90s you lived very well.
        1. +1
          3 January 2016 23: 30
          Blessed is he who believes (c).
          Allow me to inquire? And you are by chance not 16 years old? Such youthful maximalism I can only expect from immature youths with a fiery heart.
          Who told you that I was sitting and waiting for Bentley from the state? Didn't he plow like a horse (like everyone else and even better in places (without hesitation))? And how do you know what exactly I mean by the concept of "living well"? Although, judging by your cry, it's Bentily and three million in salary ...
          Continue to chase and pray for Putin - this is your right. But as already written here - the time for words has passed. It is time for action. And here, just, everything is sad.
          But I, in principle, said everything back in the first post - there is nothing to add.
      2. +13
        3 January 2016 07: 37
        Judging by the recall, you turned gray, looking at the torment of Russia from the outside? Prosralipolymers ...
        Russia has been living without a war (on its territory) since the end of the second Chechen war, nothing at all. We would have another 20 years of peace.
        1. +21
          3 January 2016 07: 44
          Quote: Cheshire
          Prosralipolymers ...

          Read this in his comment The whole world has gone forward, and we are treading and sliding. The world overthrows legitimate governments, crowds pederasts in churches, decays, and we still stomp on the spot, proclaiming the values ​​of family and peace. Is it really good, you need to follow the west, probably he thinks so.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +2
            3 January 2016 23: 34
            but besides the slogans and your attention to 3,14derasts, can you say something sensible?
            It would be more interesting to hear about new discoveries, breakthroughs, cities under construction, and more ...
            Even comment laziness.
            1. -3
              3 January 2016 23: 58
      3. +6
        3 January 2016 07: 44
        Quote: Infernal Man
        And I waited 20 years and "believed" in him.

        It turns out that you "believed in GDP" since 1996 ?! And how can this be, if he first became president-elect on March 26, 2000? !!!
      4. +4
        3 January 2016 07: 50

        InfernalMan RU  Today, 07:15 ↑ New

        I had already grown old in anticipation of HE doing something.
        Respected. Why are you so. There are successes and they can be seen. Not everything is as we would like, especially with the economy, But it seems to me that it will straighten up too. Not all now. Difficult? Yes. But you shouldn't whine and sprinkle ashes on your head. You have to do something yourself to bring it closer. And "ON", the Man, knows what he is doing. Believe and everything will come true, but if it didn’t come true, he didn’t believe well.
        1. +5
          3 January 2016 21: 20
          Quote: s.melioxin
          Not everything as we would like, especially with the economy

          And with education, with medicine, with social policy, with immigration, is that right?
          1. +2
            3 January 2016 23: 40
            and they do not see this behind the shouts of "Hurray!"

            Z.Y. .... and if you talk about it, then most likely you will be identified in a 5-column. Alas, here again the aggravation of the cheers-patriots began.
            1. -1
              4 January 2016 02: 37
              I didn't want to put a minus, but leave off the word "Hurray", please. People go to battle with him
        2. +4
          3 January 2016 23: 37
          Of course have. So many years have passed - something was done somewhere once ... But at the same time, EVERYTHING was lost, absolutely everything that made us a power. How many more years should I wait? ten? twenty? And you can right here, honestly, say that we are moving in the right direction and moving forward ???
      5. +26
        3 January 2016 08: 00
        Quote: Infernal Man
        And the country is rolling into a deep opa, turning from a power into a third world country.

        1. If now the country is "rolling into a deep ...", then what, in your opinion, was in the 90s: prosperity and a leap forward towards a brighter future ?!

        2. I remember very well the 90s, my husband served, I worked, and together we could not give the child the minimum of what a 10-year-old schoolchild needed, because we did not receive a salary for 4 months.

        3. My son grew up, I turned gray, buried my husband, I live on a pension and believe in myself.
        1. +4
          3 January 2016 09: 18
          Quote: B.T.W.
          I remember very well the 90s, my husband served, I worked, and together we could not give the child the minimum of what a 10-year-old schoolchild needed, because we did not receive a salary for 4 months.

          I fully support you. I can only add that in order to feed my family and learn my daughter, I left for work at seven in the morning, and came after midnight.
        2. +3
          3 January 2016 21: 24
          Quote: B.T.W.
          then what do you think was in the 90s: prosperity and a leap forward,

          And then it was not sugar, but I was unpleasantly amazed when I began to recall in which years factories in my city were closed. You will not believe, but nine out of ten are in two thousand. I am sure that this is true in many other cities. An example in Volgograd.
        3. +2
          3 January 2016 23: 47
          stop thinking like lumpen. For you 90s as a starting point? Before and after there was nothing?

          1) you will not tear from the history of pages. 90s is not the worst time our country has experienced.
          2) I served next to your husband and experienced the same problems.
          3) "you live on retirement and believe in yourself" -
          I won’t answer in one word, therefore:
          a) you already have a pension - what will happen to the generation of 90-2000x who worked in obscure firms with left wages and what will happen to the pension provision in the future is a separate topic for discussion.
          b) believe in YOURSELF! Into yourself, not Putin. Actually, this was originally a question.
          1. +1
            4 January 2016 07: 14
            Quote: Infernal Man
            stop thinking like lumpen. For you 90s as a starting point? Before and after there was nothing?

            Alexander, have you ever tried to live here and now, without waiting for what will happen there in the future ?! I dare, you, to assure that there were enough "blows of fate" in my life, one of the last was the death of my husband, he was not sick, he went to work in the morning, and after 40 minutes he went home with his last strength and, while the ambulance was traveling, died on floor in the hallway, in March it will be a year since he was gone. The pain is still strong, but life goes on. Yes, it has become more difficult financially, but I'm not going to sulk at the whole world like "a mouse on a rump". I am completely alone in Primorye, my relatives are in Sevastopol, and there is no possibility of returning there in the near future (the notorious housing issue), and that Putin must be blamed for everything ?! I didn’t "cry into my waistcoat," if anything. There is a saying among the people: "Trust in God, but do not make a mistake yourself."

            Rejoice at life here and now, then it may not be (I felt it in my own skin).
      6. +7
        3 January 2016 08: 01
        There is no alternative to Putin right now. And, I am sure, this is also his merit. Putin will suddenly leave - Russia will be torn to pieces. It's true. But with him everything is only worse. The whole world has gone forward, and we are treading and sliding. One can only hope that when he gets tired of being at the helm, he will put forward the correct receiver ...

        The world is gone .. to total lies, trampling on the foundations, sticking out by homosexuals of their flawed sexual orientation !!! So run to their arms! Together with the liberals!
        1. +2
          3 January 2016 23: 52
          Are you an adequate person? .... I reasonably expressed my personal opinion and attitude to the phrase "As long as Putin is, there will be Russia," and you sent me with the pederasts in a certain direction ???
          Ahaha, I am truly sorry for you. Do not splatter the monitor with drool?
          Yes, before whom, in fact, am I creeping in here ?!
          Your posts speak for themselves.
          The world is really heading for the abyss, but what have your promises to do with it?
      7. -1
        3 January 2016 08: 06
        Hellish man, well, so express your candidacy for president, and boost our economy to cosmic heights! Ps-All again, Happy New Year!
      8. +8
        3 January 2016 08: 31
        I work in production, so I know - the words that we cannot and do not create anything are groundless and, in general, nonsense. Development is in full swing. Another thing is that we are slowed down and put sticks in the wheels - this is.
        Regarding education and institutions - yes, there are many problems.
        In any case, Russia has not been such a strong and independent country for a long time as it was with Putin. He, namely, is a Russian, Russian person.
        1. +1
          3 January 2016 23: 59
          what are you speaking about? What kind of growth are we talking about? I do not even ask for a specific example. Just take a look at your production yourself in the prism of a great country, dribbling in the context of time. Are you creating something fundamental and archival, or are you simply screwing the threads on the nut now not automatically, but automatically?
          Medicine, agriculture, education, production, the social part, culture ... Just do not compare with the 90s, compare with the USSR, with Russia, otherwise it is very convenient not to see the great heritage, hiding behind the robber 90s.

          About independent Russia smiled, thanks.
          1. 0
            4 January 2016 09: 05
            He began to work in the 80s. And with pleasure I would have returned them, in my opinion, a lot has been debugged.

            I’m talking about Production with a capital letter, not about nuts (your irony is inappropriate). I myself participate in the development, I travel a lot around the country.

            I will not say anything about agriculture and culture, I do not have close contact. There are many problems in education, I completely agree.

            Glad you retained the ability to smile.
      9. +9
        3 January 2016 09: 42
        Quote: Infernal Man
        I already managed to grow old waiting for HE to do something .....

        I wanted to write a detailed commentary, but colleagues from the "squad of larks" have already answered in essence.

        It remains only to note: "Soon only cats will be born."

        Russia is not a fragile little boat, which will make you want to join some caravan, but a HUGE ICEBREAKER. You can spoil some mechanisms, shit on the deck, but it is impossible to break it. Of course, it takes more time to fix, gain momentum and turn on a new course. And when this happens, I do not advise you to cross the course - we will crush you. The role of the captain in these evolutions cannot be overemphasized. The Brownian movement of the "carriage" can create a soothing illusion of vigorous activity, but it will most certainly entail "yawing along the course." And we don't need that. So watch out for the comp 'som.

        As a consolation in old age, I can share a revelation - sclerosis will come soon. It helps to forget about hemorrhoids.
        1. +5
          3 January 2016 10: 59
          Quote: hrapon
          Quote: Infernal Man
          I already managed to grow old waiting for HE to do something .....

          I looked at how many "plus" ones this "Hellman" had and decided that I still had to work with an "X-ray".

          1. Let's start with a pseudonym. "Hellish man" does not sound in Russian. In Russia, it was generally not customary to identify oneself by associating with Hell. Not like writing, it is not comfortable to pronounce out loud. But Hellboy - a product of Hollywood and Marc Mignol's comics - sounds kind of "brutal". (The definition of "brutal" with a light hand, the media person has become synonymous with masculinity, but in fact means - bestial, animal, cruel). This nickname is very often found in the English-speaking blogging sphere and there he does not jar on anyone. So the alias of our vis and vi is just a stupid translation from English. Apparently, there is a problem with fantasy.

          2. The text has a concrete structure - four main points: 1) all successes are the heritage of the USSR; 2) Russia remains a raw materials appendage of the West; 3) Putin - only promises, but does nothing; all that he says is a show, a deception; ; 4) With Putin - there are no prospects.
          These theses are essentially spells that persistently promote all kinds of hopes, etc.
          If you look, they all sing like canaries on the same notes, you just have to remove the cover from their cage.

          3. In the final, a little drooling and whining about "unhappy old age" to reach the target audience.

          Interestingly, those who are led by this generally not cunning "cranberry" feel like a "herd of sheep" or not?
          1. +1
            4 January 2016 00: 05
            thanks, laughed.
            I especially imagined with what serious and complacent look you made yourself a psychologist, linguist, translator and political scientist.
            But, alas, I will disappoint you - everything is past. Zero hits.
            Try again.
        2. -1
          3 January 2016 17: 09
          I said correctly ... "boot" is felt)))) (well, in the sense I went to sea)
        3. +1
          4 January 2016 00: 02
          thank. Very figurative and capacious. And the ending is generally gorgeous.
          I ended this post about this, I don’t hope to see prosperity under Putin. There is no one to replace it with. So you just need to live and survive.
          1. 0
            4 January 2016 14: 49
            Quote: Infernal Man
            . Replace it with no one

            You shouldn’t be so. For me, Savchenko or Artamonov are so excellent candidates - the governors of the Belgorod and Kaluga regions, respectively.
      10. 0
        3 January 2016 09: 50
        This is written by a blind person or a disabled person who does not leave the apartment, or an American person. There is nothing more to add.
      11. 0
        3 January 2016 13: 08
        Quote: Infernal Man
        Putin will suddenly leave - Russia will be torn to pieces. It's true. But with him everything is only worse.

        and what do you suggest? "burst" by yourself?
        Quote: Infernal Man
        The whole world has gone forward, and we are treading and sliding.

        I personally do not want to "catch up" with the bygone world at all. he is not gone, but rather mad. I don't need such a "forward". I'd rather stand at MY stop.
        1. +1
          4 January 2016 00: 08
          and who said that we need to catch up, or move in one direction?
          You are funny. You see what you want. And give out your guesses for my words.
          I have already been smeared with liberals, married with pederasts, shot as a traitor, and all because I stopped believing in Putin .... Bravo. Military Review with such a community is not far from the Censor.

          Before you throw a stone, think.
      12. +7
        3 January 2016 13: 40
        Quote: Infernal Man
        ... And I waited 20 years and "believed" about

        Oh, how, Ilya sat on the stove for 33 years and 3 months and waited for when he would bring him a salary and a car and an apartment and parmesan with jamon, I did not wait for my beloved tears from the stove, I remembered that I had to work to get something.
        1. +1
          4 January 2016 00: 11
          Already answered such nonsense.
          After such "conclusions" (... a paradox, in this word one of the components of "mind"), it becomes immediately clear WHO are my opponents and their level of development.

          But especially for you I repeat - you have no idea who I am, how I lived and what I did during this period.
      13. +1
        3 January 2016 17: 05
        If, as I do, you remember the coupons for everything ... as they say, and our army. survived then we will survive now. and there is no one better than him at the moment. Like in a cartoon ... "send the best of the worst ...". but if you look at it, he already has enough problems ... with all sorts of lobby there, etc. they have all the loot .. and make it so that they forked out)) you need to be able to. So stop moaning. Arbeiten and again arbeiten.
      14. +1
        3 January 2016 18: 40
        Deprecated This is all that was written and said in the 90s about the last stages of developed socialism (late 70-80s). Obsolete training manual.
      15. 0
        3 January 2016 20: 27
        It's a pity for this "hellish man". The country is developing, new factories, spaceports, bridges are being built, specialists or just working hands are needed everywhere, and this suffering, offended creature is still waiting for the chest to fall from the sky. And the son of the same, apparently, raised. Countries from all over the world are recruited for construction sites, and in the villages young and old men drink too much, but they do not want to get up from the stove, there is not enough brains, but moaning and finding fault is great. And as always with people of this kind - Putin is to blame for everything. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL CONGRATULATIONS! BE HAPPY MY HOMELAND - RUSSIA !!! HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND PATIENCE TO YOU, VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH !!!
        1. +3
          4 January 2016 00: 23
          Thank you for your sympathy, tell this to the millions of guest workers at the "construction sites of the country."

          Friends (or not friends, whatever you want. (But I am peaceful towards everyone and have long been philosophical. Without youthful maximalism, with which the forum is full)), of course it’s difficult to answer one to so many aggressive and negative texts. But nonetheless, I expressed YOUR PERSONAL OPINION. He did not send anyone, did not insult, did not make fun of.
          The person wrote that "under Putin, Russia will be Russia" - I do not agree. Russia is a great country with a great history and culture. To identify her with Putin is somehow not entirely correct, especially since the person had enough time to prove himself. Perhaps I am shocking you by saying that without him Russia will be Russia. And personally, I am tired of believing and waiting (I repeat).

          And most importantly - my post was addressed to a specific person, on his specific thesis.
          Read carefully, you will not look stupid in your comments.
  9. +3
    3 January 2016 07: 01
    All that you say about me, you say about yourself, I’ll tell about myself. Americans are positioning their political system on Russia, thoroughly corrupted and totalitarian repressive. Russia is no better and no worse than other states and is ill with the same diseases and vices. It is said that Putin controls and I would not rule the autocratic Russia, there are many decisions that are contradictory and sometimes harmful, not well thought out.
  10. +45
    3 January 2016 07: 05
    I’m sorry, that’s not the topic. Snow fell in Syria, a lot of snow. Cold throws the thugs from the IG from the holes, and in their fashionable black rags, they can be seen in the snow, to put it mildly, not bad. They are wet there, as Happy New Year is congratulated.
    1. +16
      3 January 2016 07: 17
      I look fighters are already dressed in jackets and hats wink And thugs from the IG to wear, no one, there are many in the beach slippers running around. The offensive continues ..? wink laughing fellow
      1. +1
        3 January 2016 08: 46
        It seems that Russian Putin has a direct line with the Almighty ...
        Happy New Year everyone!
        1. +1
          3 January 2016 09: 24
          a person should have everything.
        2. +2
          3 January 2016 10: 01
          Quote: sabakina
          It seems that Russian Putin has a direct line with the Almighty ...
          Happy New Year everyone!

          Let him ask Bozhenka -30 for Petyuni Poroshenko for three or four months, for the Crimea without electricity ...
          1. +1
            3 January 2016 11: 55
            -18 Kiev

            for them it is cooler than in Siberia -35 (probably the order has passed ...))
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      3 January 2016 09: 23
      behold, even nature itself is for justice, history repeats itself.
    3. +4
      3 January 2016 09: 56
      Quote: novobranets
      I’m sorry, that’s not the topic. Snow fell in Syria, a lot of snow

      Well, why not the topic? New Year, our tail brought. This is if you want a punishment from heaven, the psychological effect be healthy, a sort of shot at the limbs from Santa Claus))))
      Glad to see all colleagues in the coming !!!
  11. +1
    3 January 2016 07: 11
    Such a harmonious chorus of fanaticism howls the Russian "democracy", wishing to please the stars and stripes friends.
  12. +7
    3 January 2016 07: 15
    Thank God, Putin is not "Mr. Gobi" and EBN (traitors to the interests of the country and the people).
  13. +8
    3 January 2016 07: 15
    Such definitions are more suitable for those countries where the people do not elect the president directly, for example, the same USA! This is really "Obama's USA", since the majority of the people not only did not elect him personally, but also do not support his foreign and domestic policies.
    Obama in general, in 2015, the rating of the most influential politicians on the planet according to AFP did not even get!
    It is noteworthy that Obama leads the popularity rating of world leaders - only on Echo of Moscow! I wonder how long this hornet's nest will be tolerated?
  14. +12
    3 January 2016 07: 18
    For a Western analyst, this is a fairly objective article. I wouldn’t trust the polls so unconditionally; they do not always fully and unconditionally express the opinion of the people. But the boorish attitude of state presidents towards other nations (and first of all towards Russia) is shown very well.
  15. +1
    3 January 2016 07: 21
    And how many Americans have subscribed to read his blog?
    1. 0
      3 January 2016 08: 48
      Quote: trantor
      And how many Americans have subscribed to read his blog?

      Who cares? They, Americans, are not at all willing to read if there are no comics.
      1. 0
        4 January 2016 08: 44
        Quote: udincev
        Quote: trantor
        And how many Americans have subscribed to read his blog?

        Who cares? They, Americans, are not at all willing to read if there are no comics.

        The difference is that what is described in the article is obvious to us, but not to them at all. And I would like them to understand something too.
  16. vmo
    3 January 2016 07: 40
    The endless talk about a certain totalitarian regime in Russia is already quite fed up; on the contrary, Russia is striving to get rid of the totalitarian influence of foreign government.

    After all, they endure Novalny and the corrupt Americans, the rest of the fraternity
  17. AX
    3 January 2016 07: 52
    If the GDP is scolded, then everything is doing right.
  18. +4
    3 January 2016 07: 55
    The more they scold Putin, the more calm I am for Russia!
    1. -2
      3 January 2016 10: 01
      The more they scold Putin, the more calm I am for Russia!

      Scold for pranks! And here they simply brazenly take away their favorite toys back, and here the squirrel and dismissed.
    2. 0
      4 January 2016 17: 25
      The more they scold Putin, the more calm I am for Russia!
      Mikhalych, open your little secret - how, having 11 penalties, to manage not to be in the eternal bath?
  19. Riv
    3 January 2016 08: 04
    Good, good article. First of all, in terms of analyzing the actions of the States. There the presidents completely stopped thinking about the future. The maximum duration of the analysis of a position in the world is 4 years, the term of the presidency. The logic is simple: "I'll leave and what's next is none of my business." Therefore, each next president clears up the rubble left over from the previous one. He does not have enough strength, he throws this business, he does his term and everything repeats. The blockage is growing ... Obama is not stupid or mediocre. But he got the problems of both Bush and Reagan's problems. Try it, figure it out!
    It seems the last person in America to think about the future was Kennedy.
    1. +3
      3 January 2016 09: 16
      Quote: Riv
      It seems the last person in America to think about the future was Kennedy.

      The first time I deployed American RSDs in Turkey ...
      The second time the USSR deployed RSD in Cuba ...
      Third time... crying
    2. 0
      3 January 2016 10: 06
      Quote: Riv
      It seems the last person in America to think about the future was Kennedy.

      He learned more than what he needed, and his brains corrected him, and now everyone understood how right he was. Yes, and families saw each other's legs be healthy for a chair on the capitol.
    3. +4
      3 January 2016 16: 20
      “There, the presidents have completely stopped thinking about the future.
      The maximum duration of the analysis of a position in the world is 4 years, the term of the presidency. "////

      In the US, it is not the presidents who care about the prospect, but Congress.
      Development programs are usually drawn up for 50 years. Very easy to trace.
      on the example of the construction of aircraft carriers: 50 Nimitsevs were built in 10 years, one in 5 years.
      Now the program is 10 Fords. After 50 years, they will be in operation 10 pieces.
  20. +5
    3 January 2016 08: 09
    In Russia, there will always be those who are dissatisfied with everything. No one can even arrange everyone, and there is no need for this. The policy pursued by the President is in Russia's interests, and it is impossible to belittle his dignity. Strong Russia, not only by the Armed Forces, but and the faith of the people in their President is worth a lot.
    1. +1
      3 January 2016 09: 19
      Russia ... by the faith of the people ... is worth a lot.
  21. +1
    3 January 2016 08: 14
    It seems to me that most of the "zaputintsy" do not believe in a specific person, Putin, but in their dream that a worthy person should someday be at the head of Russia. Therefore, they close their eyes to everything that does not correspond to this, and themselves seek and find reasons to justify all the actions of the guarantor.
    As the saying goes "" waiting for a mighty horse, you are able to find the hooves even of an ant "(c) tongue
    1. +3
      3 January 2016 08: 22
      Quote: arlekin
      I think

      It seemed to you
      1. Riv
        3 January 2016 08: 42
        When it seems - it is necessary to be baptized. :)
        People are different and everyone is mistaken to the best of their ability.
        1. +1
          3 January 2016 08: 52
          Quote: Riv
          When it seems - it is necessary to be baptized. :)

          PROBABLY, in people, as in phones, stereotyped expressions are crammed. This one triggers the word "seems." smile
          1. +1
            3 January 2016 11: 28
            Quote: arlekin
            This one triggers the word "seems."

            You flew a template, it happens.
          2. +3
            3 January 2016 18: 52
            That word itself: it seems.
            It is a parasite word, in itself does not carry a semantic load and does not call for an answer. Well, it seems and it seems. At the same time, the forum is still a military one, the people of a specific way of thinking, "it seems" evokes only one association. Can you imagine: it seems it's time to shoot, it seems it's time to jump out of the plane (with a parachute)?
    2. +2
      3 January 2016 08: 56
      The clearest example of Western "democracy" I now observe in Montenegro, and at the same time Putin is asking the opinion of the Crimeans about the contract with Ukraine for electricity supply. Here, as they say to whom, which is closer, each has its own dictatorship wink And remember joining the WTO, with the most liberal of the liberals ... Look, compare, choose ... But it seems, it does not seem, this is a matter of perception.
      1. +2
        3 January 2016 09: 27
        The most sure thing is that there has never been a "sinless" person or a person consisting of solid virtues in nature. Well, really, Jesus !?

        So, like-dislike:
        From west to east there is no man without vice.
        Fire without smoke, man without sin does not exist.
        All untruth is sin.
        Sin does not walk in the forest, but in people.

    3. -1
      3 January 2016 09: 54
      Quote: arlekin
      It seems to me that most of the "zaputintsy" do not believe in a specific person, Putin, but in their dream that a worthy person should someday be at the head of Russia. Therefore, they close their eyes to everything that does not correspond to this, and themselves seek and find reasons to justify all the actions of the guarantor.
      As the saying goes "" waiting for a mighty horse, you are able to find the hooves even of an ant "(c) tongue

      There is no need to try on us with the "small scope" ...
  22. +4
    3 January 2016 08: 17
    USA is a country without history. They will never understand such countries as Russia, China, India and other countries that have a thousand-year history, centuries-old traditions and customs. As gangsters wandered with colts on their sides, they wander. As they chased after the golden calf, destroying everything around them, they are chasing. All their films, literature and so on. have the same plot, which is based on the realization of the desire to get rich at any cost. There, the heroes for the opportunity to grab a handful of dollars are ready for any action under the guise of either religion or democracy. Dollar slaves who consider themselves free and exceptional. The only thing they are strong with is to buy the best minds in the world, create conditions for them to work and use the results of this work. Dollar slaves simultaneously became slaveholders of the 21st century. From what they left, to that they came.
    1. -2
      3 January 2016 09: 24
      Quote: Stinger
      USA is a country without history.

      The USA is not only a country without history, but also without historical memory, because there was no good state in the history, and no one wants to remember the bad.
      1. 0
        3 January 2016 13: 17
        Quote: Amurets
        USA is not only a country without history, but also without historical memory

        moreover, it is a country without a nation. that Hollywood shows how this "Babylonian pandemonium" is "proud" of what it is American against the background of a mattress, there is only a picture.
    2. +2
      3 January 2016 16: 17
      USA is a country without history.

      But the school course of history disagrees with you. Like a bunch of historical sites and information resources. They have it shorter, but for you it is a shock, it is.
      All their films, literature and so on. have the same plot, which is based on the realization of the desire to get rich at any cost. There, the heroes for the opportunity to grab a handful of dollars are ready for any action under the guise of either religion or democracy. Dollar slaves who consider themselves free and exceptional.

      The main character of "Island of the Damned" tried to get to the bottom of the truth for the sake of money! The main characters of Brothers in Arms and The Pacific Ocean fought only for the money! In "Saving Private Ryan" the main characters ran through the German rear just for the money! In general, I agree with you. Better, instead of this Western capitalist-gay-nonspiritual cinema, watch our domestic comedies about vodka, vomit and farting, as well as the brilliant films of Mikhalkov.
    3. -1
      3 January 2016 20: 28
      Quote: Stinger
      They will never understand such countries as Russia, China, India and other countries.

      Been in China over the past 5 years 7 times. What immediately catches your eye - they have no history, no religion. Ancient imperial palaces, and after them - a space, modern skyscrapers. In China, they honor and remember only their communist party ...
      Do not write about what you do not know.
  23. +7
    3 January 2016 08: 20
    For me personally, this is how I perceive the current state of affairs as a projection of the Great Country in today's time. I fully support and advocate for the Russian ethnos to live according to their own laws of justice and respect, according to their moral principles, and not according to that shit ... sorry ... that they are trying to impose on us not only from outside, but also from within (liberals and other venal riffraff) ... And all Russia's actions in foreign policy should be aimed at winning the respect that was literally a generation ago. In the years of bacchanalia and degradation, we all saw what the "democratic" principles (hypocrisy, lies) lead to, and in order not to turn into something that some countries represent after "democratization" (the most recent example literally behind the wall is Ukraine) you need to take your destiny into your own hands. And pay less attention to the different "partners" there.
    And this article is written in line with Western standards, with a lot of numbers and ratings. It is not necessary to look at the ratings, but at that mass of people that comes out on May 9 to celebrate the Victory and honor the memory of fathers and grandfathers. hi
  24. +1
    3 January 2016 08: 27
    Quote: Infernal Man
    I have already grown old, waiting for him to do something. Some conversations and successive generations of jingoistic patriots. I believed. Each time, each new term thought: "Well, now the country will surely rise from its knees!" ... it's been 20 years. My son has grown, I have turned gray, Putin still promises against the new generations who believe in him. And the country is heading into deep depression, having turned from a power into a third world country. And all that we have achieved, all our industrial exploits and achievements is that our industry voluntarily becomes a sub-industry for other states and concerns.
    We are absolutely self-sufficient state, no one in the world has such territories with such resources! And we have how many people, how many minds! We can do everything ourselves. But this is not even a question.
    The biggest achievement is that we allow them to build factories in their homeland, thereby giving our people a chance to earn a piece of bread. There is no intelligible program where the country is going, what we want to achieve, what to build. The government lives one day ....

    Putin is a good performance for the people. This is what I have seen in the last 15-20 years. She will speak, promise, cheer ... She looks confident, solid. There are no alternatives on the horizon.
    But the country (globally) is only getting poorer. We are not talking about salaries (although about them, too).
    We are living on the remnants of the legacy of the USSR, we have not created or built anything. All branches, all institutions have been ruined. Look, we are even shown films "those", USSR. Because even here nothing was created. We didn’t make films, didn’t write pictures, our stage generally "mascaras the light" ...

    There is no alternative to Putin right now. And, I am sure, this is also his merit. Putin will suddenly leave - Russia will be torn to pieces. It's true. But with him everything is only worse. The whole world has gone forward, and we are treading and sliding. One can only hope that when he gets tired of being at the helm, he will put forward the correct receiver ...
    So I do not expect to heal normally with him. My son will live. And I waited 20 years and "believed" in him. It's time to think about old age - with a pension we have a problem with my generation.

    And you know, you are wrong. Why do you think that we are not creating anything ??? Leave the apartment and look around. There are a lot of large construction projects in the country, at least take an interest in the Internet. Now, of course, the pace has somewhat slowed down, but the construction has not stopped, even new facilities have appeared on the contrary. Here you have been waiting 20 years there was no waiting, you have to work, no one will just give you anything.
    Article +
    1. +2
      4 January 2016 00: 39
      I’ve been doing construction work for 20 years.
      Large construction projects are shopping and hotel complexes, foreign assembly plants, private palaces, or gas pipelines over a hill and so on ???
      Of course, objects of federal significance are being built in the country, how without it? Something is needed for the current needs of the state, something has become unusable and needs updating, but what are we building globally?
      For one "built" object you will be given an example of hundreds of closed city-forming and unique enterprises. Alas.
  25. +5
    3 January 2016 08: 32
    I remember, while still at the institute, I just read back then, at the very end of the 1980s, a republished book by the Marquis de Custrin "Nicholas Russia" (published in Paris in 1843), in which a French traveler of the XNUMXth century (or simply - European spy) talks about his trips to Russia, meetings with landowners, peasants, tsar, courtiers, etc. An interesting little book. Much of what this Frenchman wrote about almost two hundred years ago is relevant in understanding today's time, and, most importantly, in understanding what we should avoid in the future, reading, listening and communicating with these "kustrins".
    But, you know, after reading this book I came to one conclusion: “What the hell, gentlemen, foreigners? life, steal our wealth, achievements, resources. You will wait, by God, wait and again get snot! "
  26. +12
    3 January 2016 08: 36
    My MOM, and she is 89 years old and has something to compare with, says - God save Putin! I myself always vote only for the Liberal Democratic Party - so that others do not relax and do not hide this in all polls. I do not want to find fault with anyone, but I also do not want to again look at the hungry eyes of children in 90x.
  27. -1
    3 January 2016 08: 37
    Neither in the West nor in the East are equal to him ...
  28. 0
    3 January 2016 08: 41
    This is because in the American administration in recent times, mainly, arrogant, illiterate upstarts and useless analysts began to work. Yes, and they brought down the heads from the awareness of the imaginary government of the world. This will come to an end sooner or later.
  29. +2
    3 January 2016 08: 51
    Quote: Infernal Man
    And the country is rolling into a deep opa, turning from a power into a third world country. And all that we have achieved, all our industrial feats and achievements, is that our industry voluntarily becomes a sub-industry for other states and concerns.
    We are absolutely self-sufficient state, no one in the world has such territories with such resources! And we have how many people, how many minds! We can do everything ourselves. But this is not even a question.

    Some kind of dualism. Either the country is heading into ... an abyss, then we are absolutely self-sufficient. Firstly, there are no absolutely self-sufficient people, because they live in human society and depend on it in one way or another. And secondly, if roads, junctions, subways, factories, gas pipelines, farms, etc. they are building for the Chinese, they are developing the Arctic so that American cargoes can be transported to Europe along the Northern Route for free, and a cosmodrome in the Far East to launch French or Ukrainians from there, and a bridge to Crimea for the same, then yes, then it’s bad, for sure, because it’s idiocy, which means we are a country of idiots. Then you need to start writing posts by stating: "Gentlemen, I'm going from, and I think the following ..."
    But I think that this is not the case at all, and the future belongs to Russia, and we are building and working for MYSELF, which means that both our and your children have a future.
    1. +1
      4 January 2016 00: 45
      wonderful venigret You blinded from my post. Bravo.
      Only now I did not write about self-sufficient people, but I wrote about the state’s capabilities in terms of resources, both natural and human.
      Also, I did not write about the future of Russia ANYTHING. He wrote nothing about the future of our children.
      For some reason you misinterpreted my post and dazzled the conclusions out of the blue. Although absolutely logical, if we were talking about something else.
  30. -6
    3 January 2016 08: 52
    Dear, of course, the GDP is the president who made Russia strong and independent, but the actions of the GDP in relation to Ukraine raise questions, we can see Ukraine already, Russia has lost, the Ukrainians themselves have lost faith in Russia, double standards, without action with the hope of deciding on its own understandable "games" with the Poroshenko regime, even more questions on economic relations, as soon as it comes to decisive measures, so the GDP, Ukraine is an independent state, in everything else (especially the media) show a complete lack of a coherent policy, alas, Ukraine has already been made a buffer zone, and even in the future and with a population hostile to Russia, all the tales of our media about how Ukrainians are rushing directly to Russia, to put it mildly, does not correspond to reality
    1. +3
      3 January 2016 11: 21
      ... about how Ukrainians are directly eager for Russia, to put it mildly, does not correspond to reality ...

      ...yah! And you, dear, where do you live? I’m in Siberia, and to be honest, the refugees from the outskirts are somehow annoying ... not, the Easterners are working as they should, the people are economic and rugged, but give the Zapadents better work with more salary (less than 40-50 thousand and they don’t raise their ass), and so they live well for the allowance ...

      ... and about "games with parasailing mode" ... these are games just not with him, but with amers and how these games will end have patience and you will see ... you don't need to vibrate ahead of time and troll comments are not needed here either, you put them on the censor, please post them there will be happy ... well, at worst, in Odnoklassniki ...
      1. +3
        3 January 2016 12: 40
        Belgorod region, border with Kharkov region, next to the border crossing, I communicate with Ukrainians every shift, people are different, from different regions of Ukraine, I’ll say right away what our media show far from the true life of a simple layman, and it’s not anyone who’s interested, need a policy
    2. 0
      3 January 2016 12: 32
      Enough for you with your Ukraine worn like a written bag. "They lost Ukraine, they found Ukraine ... Tse Europe, tse ours, ours." They destroyed the industry, drove people below the baseboard, sold land to the Chinese and Germans, sit on handouts, and are glad that you can sell matches at the Zagreb train station! Not ashamed? Having an institute of cybernetics in Kiev, a studio of popular science films, outstanding scientists, cosmonauts, you can do nothing and be proud of torchlight processions. We've seen that before. It remains to be hoped that the Americans, unlike us, will correct the brains of those who still have them.
      1. +1
        3 January 2016 13: 31
        You dear watch TV and read the Internet and have little idea that right now, with our tacit position in Ukraine, a monster can "grow", the preconditions have already been created, only time and money are left, then it will be too late, alas, but everything is going to this Donbass and Lugansk, it will not stop
    3. -1
      3 January 2016 17: 22
      another politician !. and what are you doing here and not sitting in the Duma? (Oops, sorry in the parliament?))
  31. +7
    3 January 2016 09: 00
    Quote: s.melioxin
    Why are you doing this. There are successes and they are visible. Not everything as we would like, especially with the economy,

    And you can get more details about the successes! We are just waiting for changes in the economy. But the state Putin likes the government, his work suits him and we will not see any changes! Maybe there are these "successes" somewhere (mainly in cities with a population of over one million) - but we have "seams". All the former miners went to the builders, but the construction sites have already been standing for half a year — unemployment benefits — 4900 rubles.
    Of course, many people like Putin’s position on relations with NATO, the EU, Ukraine, Syria, it’s true, but a complete failure in the economy crosses everything out, you need to think about the Russians first, well, where to put us, we live here! hi
    1. -1
      3 January 2016 11: 28
      ... the army was raised, but such a rise is impossible with a "failed" economy, or all by magic? All over the country they are building something, breaking something and rebuilding something, selling and reselling something ... there is some kind of movement, and whoever wants to live moves, and whoever wants to live only shouldn't pay attention to such things ...
      1. +3
        4 January 2016 00: 48
        funds will be found for the army, if necessary, in any case, no matter how the crisis is in the yard. And this is normal.

        And everything else that you have written is the "movement" of private capital and interests. It has not the slightest relation to the state.
  32. +1
    3 January 2016 09: 11
    It seems that everything is correct in the article, but one phrase is alarming (either the author is illiterate, or "so conceived").
    "... To summarize briefly, at the end of September 2015 a survey by the Levada Center showed unsteady support Putin's military intervention in Syria regarding public support for the position towards NATO and Ukraine: 39% approved of Putin's policy (11% - completely, 28% - mostly), 11% did not approve (8% - mostly did not approve, 3% - definitely did not approve ) and 33% expressed no interest. [21] ... "

    "Intervention (lat. Interventio - interference) - military, political, informational or economic intervention of one or more states in the internal affairs of another state, violating its sovereignty."

    This term has become increasingly common in our media. Or journalists, commentators, politicians illiterate or paid!
    1. 0
      3 January 2016 17: 24
      illiterate ... how many times already convinced. Constantly such shoals in military terms. Here also. just in a hurry to put the material on the air or in print.
  33. -1
    3 January 2016 09: 14
    Dear fa2998! Anyone who wants to work he works, although it may not be by profession and not next to the boobs. But men work hard at two jobs, if they are MUSIC. And then they have grown their asses to their swamp and sit n .... t.
  34. 0
    3 January 2016 09: 25
    The author really worked: everything is clear, neatly laid out by the points. Everything is clear, even to me.
  35. +2
    3 January 2016 09: 53
    Quote: fa2998
    Quote: s.melioxin
    Why are you doing this. There are successes and they are visible. Not everything as we would like, especially with the economy,

    And you can get more details about the successes! We are just waiting for changes in the economy. But the state Putin likes the government, his work suits him and we will not see any changes! Maybe there are these "successes" somewhere (mainly in cities with a population of over one million) - but we have "seams". All the former miners went to the builders, but the construction sites have already been standing for half a year — unemployment benefits — 4900 rubles.
    Of course, many people like Putin’s position on relations with NATO, the EU, Ukraine, Syria, it’s true, but a complete failure in the economy crosses everything out, you need to think about the Russians first, well, where to put us, we live here! hi

    I live in the Far East, we don’t have millionaires, and there is work, and how correctly a.hamster55 wrote, break away from your boobs, go to shift work, for example, and the salary is worthy there, and you will see that the country is working and moving forward. So no need to whine.
    1. +3
      3 January 2016 18: 59
      Yes they can not - while diapers are hung on the battery, they wait until they dry.
  36. +3
    3 January 2016 10: 04
    With all the pros and cons of GDP, there is no alternative to it. Dot.
  37. +1
    3 January 2016 10: 28
    And from the singing of the white bellies there appeared pensioners with the theme - retirement is impossible to live on. A neighbor from the top lives alone in a three-ruble note and stops everyone and complains that there is not enough pension for a communal apartment, etc. And when you talk to her about a change of housing, the stupid answer is - I'm used to it.
    1. +2
      4 January 2016 00: 50
      and tomorrow you offer a neighbor to sell a kidney?
      1. 0
        4 January 2016 14: 06
        With commercial offers, please in PM or by phone hotline laughing
  38. 0
    3 January 2016 11: 01
    And I have a question for Alexander Romanov. A survey was conducted here: how do you feel about the fact that VO will receive state. support (something like that)? Apparently the VO blog received state funding. And for this, it has ceased to be a discussion platform for free expression of one's opinion. Here is my opinion, judging by the licking of the loin parts of the president's body on this page. And yet, if you are viewing this page, I ask you to openly answer the questions that are of great interest to me (and maybe many others): 1) That VVP, being Sobchak's deputy on foreign economic issues, participated in economic scams with multi-million dollar embezzlement, known to every resident of St. Petersburg who lived at that time. The question is: who "picked up" and employed VVP when it was left without work and connections? 2) What was A. Chubais, who was a member of the inner circle of the YOBN Semya organized crime group, in the government, and is it true that more than 30 agents of foreign special services worked in Chubais's team as “advisors” at that time? 3) What is the probability that Chubais and his entourage (including VVP) have not been recruited or attempted to be recruited by foreign special services? 4) Who helped in the fantastic career growth of the GDP from the deputy mayor to the president of the country? To whom does he owe? Conclusion: Chubais is inviolable as long as the GDP is in power; the government is untouchable because it suits Chubais. The basic principle of GDP 6 is everything for friends, law for the rest. Sorry to interrupt the orgy.
    1. +3
      3 January 2016 11: 32
      Quote: user3970
      Apparently the blog received state funding

      Not received.
      Quote: user3970
      judging by licking the loin parts of the president’s body

      Don't lick
      Quote: user3970
      Sorry to interrupt the orgy.

      Yes, it's okay, you look in my brain such an orgy that when you hear the name Putin you are ecstatic.
      Good luck in the fight against Putin. Glory to Ukraine
      1. 0
        3 January 2016 11: 36
        Yes, we do not have fat for Ukraine))) Go to the censor, there your brothers are waiting for you.
      2. +5
        3 January 2016 12: 42
        Yes, from Vologda I am! And in (in) Ukraine, I really worked for three years on the construction of the Odessa ATEC. Belyaevka, Yassky, Troitskoye, Gradanitsy, Belgorod-Dniester, hello. Traveled all over Odessa region and Moldova. Mova did not hear.
    2. -1
      3 January 2016 11: 32
      Quote: user3970
      being deputy Sobchak on foreign economic issues, participated in economic scams

      Do you want to go upstairs with clean hands? Any person connected with big politics in the closet has a lot of skeletons, in no other way, and even more so at that time.
      Quote: user3970
      The basic principle of GDP 6 is everything for friends, for the rest the law

      This is the principle of any power. In the USSR it was the same, the same in the USA and in any other country. And all kinds of stories with revelations echoes of internal showdowns.
      Quote: user3970
      have not been recruited or attempted to be recruited by foreign intelligence agencies

      Syria, Ossetia, Chechnya, New Russia.
      1. -1
        3 January 2016 11: 59
        Well, add here? what Everything is said ..
        It remains only to sing while standing fellow

        right up to tears joyfully
      2. +6
        3 January 2016 12: 49
        Something I have not heard that during the reign of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, their relatives and friends were greatly enriched or had career preferences. You know, there was such a period in the history of Russia - the "Time of Troubles", all the rabble tried to rule the country ... So it seems to me that now such a time of Troubles in Russia and Putin it does not end.
        1. +1
          3 January 2016 13: 33
          Quote: user3970
          during the reign of Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev

          The problem is that any system is based on a hierarchy and those who are at the top want to live well, and then pass on their position to their children and do nothing about it. When in the 30s they cleaned the "Leninist guard" they found a lot of things. But these are flowers and the story of the collapse of the country cannot be attributed to stupidity. There are no people who made their way to power from the bottom as fools and slobber. Traitors are.
    3. +1
      3 January 2016 17: 47
      Well, somehow I can answer:
      1. I am a native Leningrader !. And not Petersburg is in the first place. Secondly, then they dragged everyone as best they could. thirdly, everyone knows .. you have documents signed by him .. "I took so much dough from such a chela?" If not ... then ... exactly there ...
      2. You can imagine with whom and with what amount of dough (people who have this dough) have to deal with? Do you think they will give everything themselves? voluntarily?
      3.Recruitment? Then why aren't you on the galleys yet, sir? or don't you get coal in the mine with a pickaxe? I would have been recruited a long time ago I would have given up everyone and lived "in Sochi" as it was said earlier.
      4. Really orgy .. New Year hiccups .. not enough or too much? If you read the article ("... On December 5, Yeltsin again protested against the attempt of the" one and only capital "- that is, Washington - to decide" the fate of all continents and the world community as a whole "and warned against pushing Europe towards a" cold peace ". [ 12]) then this is the only thing for which I can respect EBN, then only for his choice of the receiver.
      I could be wrong. I can believe, not believe. But compared with what it was before ... By the way, what are you doing here? And why are you so smart and not in the Duma? and where are your deeds on the prosperity of the Russian Federation? Screaming off the couch or clapping on the clave and I can. Regards
      1. -1
        4 January 2016 17: 39
        I can respect EBN, then only for his choice of receiver.
        And in my opinion this was the last drunken joke of the ever-booming: like you had Ras Putin, so why not two Putin. Well, what else hit the bull's-eye, old horseradish.
  39. 0
    3 January 2016 11: 04
    Dear, please justify your minus
  40. +6
    3 January 2016 11: 17
    Quote: a.hamster55
    . And then they have grown their asses to their swamp and sit n .... t.

    You respected tongue held back! Your Torzhok is still standing, or is everything already in Moscow ?! A person must realize himself in his city, otherwise there will be desolation in Russia. And don't worry about me, my hands are growing from where it is necessary, they save the shabbos, I will live but not to Rostov and Moscow I will not go from "my swamp"! smile hi
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      3 January 2016 12: 36
      I have the right "not to hold the tongue" - already three times a pensioner and I do not whine like some soplezhui. In Torzhok, there is an interesting tendency - homeless people and bums, due to the fact that they are no longer given for free, periodically begin to earn money. Not long ago, the locals were putting up flyers!
  41. -3
    3 January 2016 11: 45
    Quote: Dimon19661

    I live in the Far East, we don’t have millionaires, and there is work, and how correctly a.hamster55 wrote, break away from your boobs, go to shift work, for example, and the salary is worthy there, and you will see that the country is working and moving forward. So no need to whine.

    Well, they want to live strictly according to Zhvanetsky:
    You collect bicycles - you are 120.
    You collect bikes well - you are 120.
    You collect bicycles badly - you are 120.
    You don’t collect bicycles at all - you’re 120.
    They don’t want to work, what to do. Previously, the cops were kicked out of work, but now the need compels, which will be stronger than any cop and article for parasitism.
  42. +4
    3 January 2016 12: 05
    this is “Putin is Russian”

    That's right. But there is a huge distance between Russian and Russian.
  43. -2
    3 January 2016 12: 16
    it’s not in vain that people say ... every cricket know your sixth ... and ... you go quietly, you will continue ... and also nimble louse, the first to get on the scallop is about ruin-ruin.
  44. +9
    3 January 2016 13: 19
    Alexander Romanov ... Let's not label each other. Offer to go to the state. I didn’t offer financing, but the consequences, you know, is the loss of independence. Who pays dinner, that girl also dances ... To have one’s own opinion is expensive, including the material plan. So you are a plus if you are independent. The state, Putin and other bureaucratic and military people are not the whole country. Is it strange to hear? But is it not a strange fact that the number of explosives (internal troops) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is several times greater than the VKS, the Navy and the ground? With whom and from what threats will these and not slightly armed people protect and protect us and me, including? And further. I live in this country, do not have another citizenship, and believe me, it does not matter who up there determines the future of my life. A careful study and analysis of the life of GDP and its environment unfortunately do not inspire me with optimism in the future. I’ll pay attention if you try to prove the opposite.
    1. +2
      3 January 2016 18: 14
      Quote: user3970
      I didn’t offer financing, but the consequences, you know, is the loss of independence. Who pays dinner, he and the girl dance.

      And of course, then Echo of Moscow is a pro-Kremlin radio, because who pays .... laughing
      Quote: user3970
      But it’s not strange that the number of explosives (internal troops) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is several times greater than the VKS, Navy and land

      Cool, but what is the number of police and explosives in China or the USA. You can't write anything else at all, the same thing for years.
      Quote: user3970
      With whom and from what threats will these and not slightly armed people protect and protect us and me, including?

      So what do you say we have the number of explosives in the country, announce the number of plis wink I just asked for a question. lol
      Quote: user3970
      . Careful study and life analytics of GDP

      REN TV?
      Quote: user3970
      . I’ll pay attention if you try to prove the opposite.

      I’m afraid that I won’t succeed. No one will be able to prove the opposite. There are people who cannot prove anything. hi
  45. +1
    3 January 2016 14: 19
    Quote: user3970
    Alexander Romanov ... Let's not label each other. Offer to go to the state. I didn’t offer financing, but the consequences, you know, is the loss of independence. Who pays dinner, that girl also dances ... To have one’s own opinion is expensive, including the material plan. So you are a plus if you are independent. The state, Putin and other bureaucratic and military people are not the whole country. Is it strange to hear? But is it not a strange fact that the number of explosives (internal troops) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is several times greater than the VKS, the Navy and the ground? With whom and from what threats will these and not slightly armed people protect and protect us and me, including? And further. I live in this country, do not have another citizenship, and believe me, it does not matter who up there determines the future of my life. A careful study and analysis of the life of GDP and its environment unfortunately do not inspire me with optimism in the future. I’ll pay attention if you try to prove the opposite.

    Please provide statistics on the number of Russian Armed Forces in comparison with the Internal Troops and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, otherwise it would not be grateful to affirm something, either, you know.
    1. +2
      3 January 2016 20: 58
      Allow me to answer in seniority first to Alexander Romanov, and then in the order of turn to DIMON ... So: I have not watched or listened to radio Echo of Moscow and Dozhd for three years. From the word - absolutely. Ren TV is a sinner, I look. One of the owners of Ren TV was my fellow countryman = the owner of Severstal UAZ and other factories and a friend of VVP - Mordashov. I collect information that interests me from sources I trust. Now, the answer about the number ... The total number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year was!, 325 million. man. Of these, 39% of the personnel are "nonfederals". In the same structure there are 200 employees of the Interior Ministry. The strength of the FSB is classified. According to scattered data, from 000 to 80 people. SVR - 000 people. Composition Min. Defense: 100 million troops + 000 civilians on contract. The number of professional military personnel is 20 people, with military men without shoulder straps - 000 million people. The ratio of the number of the military and the number of civilians in other countries was considered a chore and worthless. Hope to answer your questions. I have the honor.
      1. +2
        4 January 2016 17: 43
        Let me answer in seniority
        Lost security desks - about a million hefty loafers
        1. +1
          5 January 2016 06: 57
          Quote: guzik007
          Lost security desks - about a million hefty loafers

          There is also the Ministry of Emergencies, by the way, armed and very internal.
      2. -1
        5 January 2016 09: 55
        By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2015, the number is set at 1 003 172 units of personnel.
        At times more, because your words.
  46. -2
    3 January 2016 14: 28
    if the topic is so? That this enemy must be forced to peace () victory at their gates does not happen !! And our president and the people who built this structure in Russia (it’s just necessary to roll the stub overseas partner) we will succeed. We have ideas and goals !!! The main thing is to carry out the tasks that you need to set for yourself and perform them, striving for your goal. And we’ll turn the ranetka to them, there are no people there and no ideas. They believe in money and non-Platonic love, and with such a formulation of the question, the population turned into manure and on this fertile ground we need to teach our way of life our views of the world, otherwise the southern peoples will come with their own world understanding and take everything into their own hands ..... Unless of course this has already happened. But we must rest in this direction !!!!!!!!!!! set goals and complete tasks to advance towards our goals !!!!!!!!!!
  47. +1
    3 January 2016 14: 40
    I often listen to the "ear" .. I try to understand their logic .. I still can't do it! But it's true! laughing bully
    1. 0
      4 January 2016 03: 11
      Don’t try, I’m listening to the ravings of Matsi for 5 years (for a change and fun), I couldn’t figure out their ingenious plan wassat
      P / S. My brains are in the wrong system (not lebiraght)
  48. +3
    3 January 2016 15: 25
    Thanks Mikhalych1! I made fun! laughing We still have a lot of bulk - but I think we’ll clean it up ... And an old recipe for fighting corruption.
  49. +2
    3 January 2016 15: 50
    Russia ... it is Russian Russia, not Putin's, Medvedev's, Yeltsin’s, or whatever.
    Perhaps, only in the corresponding periods of history could Russia be called Peter's and Stalinist, when it was Peter and Stalin who practically personally formed and put into practice the ideology with practical personal gigantic efforts to realize it.
    And then, at the same time, in general and in particular, they corresponded to the averaged national moods, in spite of the elites, the elites both of them had to be severely broken and replaced.
    Now a certain ideology is groping by Putin, voluntarily or forcibly - another question, but there is nowhere to retreat - this is what changes brains and concepts, we observe the evolution of views on the air every year. Whose merit is the question, of course, not far from the truth of the proposal to award Obama, Biden and Nuland with medals "For the liberation of Crimea".
    As for the elite, it is a question of questions, the Leader does not want to change it out of some of his inner principles. Although she, to one degree or another, daily and hourly engages in national betrayal and sabotage. What will serve as a trigger here is unknown, although Donbass and Crimea seem to have helped to crystallize positions, have become a litmus test ... but the same Gozman continues to eat state money, of which his friend Chubais' patron has "incredibly many", and so on, there are a lot of examples ...
    So, I think we have not yet "Putin's Russia", maybe this will come in the next presidential term.
    Thank God they were not “Yeltsin's Russia” in the 90s, the crocodile tears of the Americans that “they didn’t finish off Russia in the 90s” are groundless: all the necessary actors of the strategic nuclear forces were on duty at their posts, the “guarantor” himself barely climbed the second term with the help of selective tricks, and then was in an almost incapacitated state (healing the nose), being consistently under the wraps of 1) Impeachment; 2) Military coup (Rokhlin and the Union of Officers) 3) Collapsed economy (default); 4) Loss of illusions about "partnership" and control over the army (Yugoslavia and the paratrooper rush to Pristina) 5) Loss of influence on the economy (the country's budget for the 99th year is $ 20 billion, the fortunes of many freshly baked oligarchs are comparable, and maybe even exceed); 6) In gratitude for the drain of the victory over the Wahhabis in Chechnya back in 96 (the Khasavyurt peace), he received an attack by the same Wahhabite international on Dagestan.
    So you can’t call that Russia Yeltsin, it’s more correct to call it uncontrollable.
    Now Russia is manageable. But only Medvedev and Nabiulina to an almost no lesser extent than Putin.
    1. +4
      3 January 2016 17: 31
      Quote: faterdom
      Now Russia is manageable. But only Medvedev and Nabiulina to an almost no lesser extent than Putin.

      Why are you separating Putin from his own team?
      This is a single cohesive team that adheres to the same liberal ideology.
      And their actions (team-systems), within the framework of this ideology, are absolutely normal.
      Taking into account the fact that our country has not even a raw material, but a colonial-raw material economy, which is justified by the index of the ratio of extracted raw materials per 1 raccoon to the surplus value for this raccoon, and so for 1 bucks mined from us, 1,5-2 bucks surplus !!! .
      In the commodity economies of Canada, Australia, and Norway, these are 5–6 Baku, and in developed 10–12.
      Vladimir Vladimirovich always says that we are built into the world economy, he just doesn’t say what. And in fact, we are a raw materials appendage and + a huge sales market for the products of developed economies, this is what we occupy in the world imperialist (global) system of division of labor . In this scenario, the team’s actions are completely justified, especially since when the resources run out, the entire nomenclature simply migrates to their money and children.
      I also do not want to put up with this at heart, but this is a fact.
      But Vladimir Vladimirovich well done and you yourself must understand why wink
      1. -2
        3 January 2016 21: 09
        It is mainly people who "bear" on Putin who have never done anything in their lives with their own hands, and only a tiny fraction of them really "suffered" during his presidency. Well, there's nothing they can do about it, it's easier for them to blame the "bad president" than to do something themselves.
        Therefore, for them, whatever happens - Putin is to blame laughing
      2. +1
        4 January 2016 00: 51
        And where exactly am I separating? And who from whom or what? I am just separating Russia from the epithet "Putin". And that it, unlike the 90s, is controlled.
        But there is a chance to conquer such an epithet, only the ideology will have to be formulated clearly and clearly, and the elite should be recruited for it, not compradors.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  50. -1
    3 January 2016 16: 32
    The term "Putin's Russia" is the most concise, voluminous and
    consistent with the state of things. hi
    1. +2
      3 January 2016 16: 43
      What nonsense.
  51. -3
    3 January 2016 19: 20
    Yes! Glory to Vladimir Putin!!!
  52. -1
    4 January 2016 00: 33
    Putin's Russia or Russian Putin, what's the difference? Verbalists will turn any meaning of words and combinations inside out and turn them to their advantage. This is our Russia, not a state in Russia, which we, in fact, must build ourselves, but namely Russia. Russia existed before Peter the Great and under Peter the Great, it exists now, and it will exist after us too. It’s necessary, what an unhappy person on the forum, who is waiting for something, still waiting and never gets it, he’s already grown old. There are no more revolutions foreseen, the entire limit has been chosen, so there is nothing to wait for. Putin said - the evolutionary path of development, period. If you were hit on the left cheek, turn your right cheek, but don’t let them hit you, and remember your last name... (that’s what Putin said at the time, I remembered it word for word). Forward, I will meet the dawn! Without haste and carefully. God forbid that what you need falls off the cart, but you can’t go back, there won’t be a road...
  53. +3
    4 January 2016 11: 39
    Here, read the archive
  54. 0
    4 January 2016 18: 33
    I know exactly who put him in power. I know for sure that he betrayed the interests of the Office. I know for sure that his interests have nothing in common with the interests of the PEOPLE, his goal is to preserve the gains of the oligarchs. I have been watching his activities for 25 years, my opinion about him has not changed. I voted for him once, after my last fucking binge.
    Even the CRIMEA, this is his candy (Our Russian Land), which he took care of with United Russia under the dachas under the guise of the PEOPLE, to cover his interests. Which there is nothing to cover, they are like the horns of a goat.