Under the hood of perverts

The colonial “Nothing sacred” strategy developed in the USA is already being implemented in Russia

Under the hood of perverts

Global geopolitical technology, aimed at mastering foreign sovereignty and resources, is based on total control of a particular country through the large-scale use of unarmed (economic, political, ideological) violence.

Sociology teaches us that the functioning of society is characterized by its constant self-reproduction, the presence of a sustainable process of reconstructing the basic elements, structures, functional relationships, preserving the general principles of the organization, maintaining self-identity.

It all depends on the ability of people to comply with status-role prescriptions, institutional, cultural, group, legal norms, value orientations, the learning of which is facilitated by socialization mechanisms.

The presence in any society of deviants that act not according to the rules of the system, as well as the inevitable violations of the regulatory order, does not disturb the dynamic equilibrium. But under certain circumstances (the emergence of new values, the economic crisis, etc.), deviations increase, the balance is disturbed, society loses the ability to reproduce itself, loses its qualitative certainty, identity and collapses.

There comes a state of anomie (French anomie - absence of law, organization), society becomes atomized, personality desocialized, loses the skills of moral and legal regulation of its behavior, motivation becomes utilitarian, primitive-hedonistic, at the level of physiological needs. There is a state in society when, by definition, the French sociologist Emile Durkheim, “no one knows exactly what is possible and what is impossible, what is fair and what is unjust, you cannot specify the boundaries between legitimate and excessive demands and hopes, and therefore everyone consider themselves entitled claim all. "

The destruction of society can not only be caused by economic reasons, but also be the result of a focused strategy. The world is moving in the direction of globalism, in which differences are destroyed, tastes, attitudes, values ​​are unified, artificial norms are forcibly created and a single personality is formed. The information society creates other opportunities for capturing diverse resources.

The world includes a new type of war. Back in 2002, US President George W. Bush introduced the concept of "pre-emptive war." Its structure in the unity of the three elements was presented in the US Security Strategy-2006: regime change (regime change), construction of a nation (nation building), restoration of the country (remaking the country). The results of the pre-emptive war are final, without the possibility of subsequent revision, because as a result of the “regime change” and “construction of a new nation” there is no one to resist. Corresponding corporations secure the territory and resources of a particular country.

The scenario of the pre-emptive war was successfully worked out in Ukraine, where all the components of this process were realized: “regime change” (“Down with Yanukovich!”) With the destruction of state-forming mechanisms (burning the police and Berkut); "Reidentification of the nation" - the deformation of the language (the introduction of "movy"), replacement of cultural values, falsification stories, the mythologization of society, the creation of visual markers of “one’s own — someone’s” (pseudo-cult of “embroidery”), the destruction of Christianity (the plundering of the Orthodox Church) and the replacement of spiritual space by numerous sects; subsequent “restoration of the country” in a new capacity with the legalization of LGBT, the importation of GMOs and so on.

The main directions in the strategy of destroying states are denationalization (in the Middle East) and de-imperialization (tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union).

Bologna kurtosis

Elements of pre-emptive war are realized in Russia. Today, this is the “regime change” stage, which manifests itself in the form of “swamp” rallies, processions and “walks”, in the manipulative attitudes of the consciousness of the most passionate part of society to confront the authorities. There is a destruction of the centralized management system by maximally disconnecting the state from social life (its functions and duties are turned into compensated services), the destruction of power structures, the elimination of planning, the forced transformation of the political structure, the autonomy of various branches of government, corruption and non-execution of decisions. One of the key mechanisms of destruction is a change in the domestic legal field, due to the consolidation in the Constitution of the principle of the priority of international law over national law.

The most important element of the control system is a developed science. The strategy of its destruction in Russia includes cuts in funding, reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, “export of brains”, foreign control over universities (through introducing foreigners to the administration), imposing postmodern philosophy with a denial of the positive content of science, as well as the latest entanglement of religion into war ( even though Lomonosov emphasized: “Science and religion cannot come into a fight at all ... unless someone from some vanity and testimony of his wisdom on them doesn’t excite them”).

There is a systematic destruction of the education system with the help of the pseudo-project “Reform of Russian Education”, as well as the “Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation before 2020 of the Year”, the foresight project “Education-2030”, the program “Development of Education on 2013 – 2020 years”, “Target Program Concept development of education on 2016 – 2020 years ”and other similar documents. Education has been transformed into the service sector. The reduction of language, literature, history, cutting off schools from spiritual and moral sources and traditions, primarily from the Russian classics, eliminating the educational function, reducing the volume of the academic component, primitivizing, reducing education technologies to the level of games or projects, the constant increase in the cost of education all steps. In the Transbaikal region, the Kudrin Foundation's project to divide children on the basis of a portfolio (list of achievements) into castes is being implemented in pilot mode: a worker, a collective farmer, an attendant, a creative class with subsequent adjustment of school programs. Evaluation of the activities of governors will depend on the success of the project. After the run-in experience should spread throughout the country.

The EGE test system, which is part of a political strategy called the Bologna Process, is based on the ability to guess the correct answer from the options proposed. The “Dublin Descriptors” of this process turned higher education into two unrelated modules: a bachelor degree with a reduced number of class hours and a magistracy with a vague conceptual basis.

Since 2013, the project “5-100” has been used to reorganize universities, reduce their total number, merge regional institutions into basic universities, then liquidate faculties and areas, lose teaching staff, unify and reduce training courses, rank higher education institutions, and then isolate them from their numbers are “five of the best”, which then must create an English-speaking scientific environment in their space (publication of articles, creation of textbooks, lectures, research, defense and theses) and how to integrate the Russian segment of the global system in a number of "one hundred best universities of the world."

Tolerance instead of spirituality

The continually emphasized by the liberals of Russia's refusal of ideology as a relic of the totalitarian era contradicts simple logic. Ideology - the meaning of the existence of society, and it can be absent only in case of its death. But the meaning of existence can vary from primitive, physiological to high, sometimes messianic. For Russia, over the last quarter of a century, it has been reduced from an imperial-guard mission to the principle of economic expediency (“the market is everything”) and the fetish of the West. This is facilitated by the numerous technologies that carry out the degeneration of the country's past and the falsification of its history. The further presence of Russia in this space will lead to its irreversible self-destruction. In 90, the slogan “What is not prohibited, it is allowed” became a marker for the launch of deviations in society and the subsequent anomie.

“Re-identification of a nation” is a replacement for the cultural and civilizational essence of a people, when traditional values ​​are replaced by universal ones. In Russia, it is primarily aimed at deforming the language: introducing surrogates (Americanism, computer slang, drug jargon, Fenya), legitimizing profanity (the Cultural Revolution program, Gelman’s exhibitions, addressing several cultural figures to return obscene language to the cinema) , reduction of study hours for learning Russian at school, lack of moral control in the media.

Multiculturalism and subcultures are being planted, pseudo-institutes are being created (“Centers of Tolerance”, “Houses of a New Culture” (DNA), “Multifunctional Centers of Culture”), dubious bills are introduced. One of them, “On Culture”, leads to the erosion of a single field, its transformation into a multitude of cultural spaces, proclaims human rights to be the main value, whatever views it holds and whatever values ​​it promotes, cancels the state’s right to control the content of culture.

The corruption of society does not stop by imposing "sexual education" of children and the sexualization of their consciousness through the media, pop, advertising and cartoons that produce deviations, legitimizes asocial behavior and forms pathological values. Marketing projects create pseudo-traditions and replace meanings. Computer games and technologies change reality and destroy taboos. In the absence of licensing and certification, children's games and toys create a perverted integral image of the world for a child.

On the whole, there is a unified strategy aimed at privatizing not only the political structure of individual states, but also the mechanisms for the formation of the value dominants of nations. The main vector of re-identification of civilization is the destruction of Christianity with the replacement of faith by pseudo-spirituality (sect, occultism, ecumenism, renovationism), demonization of mass consciousness (Halloween). As a result, de-socialization occurs - the breakdown of traditional ties, atomization, the destruction of valuable attitudes, the inculcation of the norms of hedonism, the imposition of individualism, the exclusion of creative labor from human life, the formation of a consumer society.

The symbol of the 20th century was the supremacy of human rights over the rights of the people and the law, their compulsory sacralization: a simulacrum of the rights of the child to the detriment of the original parent’s right, juvenile justice as protection of human rights within the family, atomization of culture as a priority of human rights over the interests of society, the rights of perverts as protection human rights aggressively imposing their pathology.

Under the pretext of protecting human rights in Western Europe and the United States, a project of moral degradation was launched. Here are the major milestones. In 1969, the Stonewall riots swept the United States, giving rise to the legalization of perversions. In 1995, the “Beijing Action Platform” was adopted, where the concept of “biological sex” was replaced with “gender” (social gender). In 1997, the European Union secured the Amsterdam Gender Mainstreaming as its official strategy, and the UN defined it as a “core global strategy for promoting gender equality”, binding on all UN member states. In 2000, the Nice Charter of the European Union on Basic Rights made Gender Mainstreaming an entry ticket to the European Union. The proclamation of the United States in the 2011 th course on "protecting the rights of LGBT people around the world" has become a new geopolitical dominant, which marked out fundamentally different value criteria and carried out a strict marking of "one's own - someone else's".

Dismember and dehumanize

In all cultures, the attitude of society to the concept of family, to the starting points of life of a person - birth and death - has long been anxious and respectful. Realizing them as sacraments, man gave them a sacred meaning.

Nowadays, desacralization of the family is actively carried out in the world through the promotion of so-called juvenile justice, when priority is given to the rights of the child, the abolition of the birthright and inviolability of the rights of motherhood or fatherhood, the imposition of the presumption of their guilt and ideas of incompetence. The necessity of professional training of parents is affirmed, their certification is imposed. There is a seizure of their rights to education with the prospect of nationalization of children.

Desacralization of death is gaining momentum in publicly performed rituals of mockery of the dead (“zombie” subculture), exhibitions of mummified corpses (“Secrets of the human body”), principles and strategies of the so-called posthumous donation. The dehumanization is fully manifested in the transformation of the body into an object of resource struggle, into a commodity. Thus, the right to the body of a still living person - the posthumous donation is based on the proclaimed principle of presumption of consent (everyone agrees by default) and the statement that a person is considered dead if he for some reason (temporarily or irreversibly - not specified) does not function in due to the brain, but the heart beats and there is breath. Then it is possible (by law!) To withdraw from him to 26 donor organs, information about which from June 2015 will be collected in a single Russian register, which is already partly included in the US.

Changing the image of the human body occurs through the imposition of the world of the abolition of biological sex, its replacement with a social role, through the expansion of perversions, the legalization of sodomite unions, giving them the right to raise children taken from their blood parents. The public movement "Russia 2045" promotes the ideas of transhumanism, that is, posthumanity. All information about a person (biometric data, work, study, addictions, habits, purchases, travel, health, treatment, organs for transplantation) is stored in personal data, which are combined into electronic databases and can be destroyed or falsified, sold, stolen. Information becomes a commodity, and the key to it gives access to a person, threatening the sovereignty of the individual, which leads to total control over the individual, all stages of his life.

The transfer of personality into the sphere of mechanistic and commodity devalues ​​the valuable essence of humanity. The dehumanization is a short way to the re-identification of civilization and the fatal consolidation of the murderous results of the new masters of the world.
61 comment
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  1. +19
    30 December 2015 14: 28
    The transfer of personality into the sphere of mechanistic and commodity devalues ​​the valuable essence of humanity. The dehumanization is a short way to the re-identification of civilization and the fatal consolidation of the murderous results of the new masters of the world.
    EBNovskie 90s so educated that for the rest of his life he won’t be pulled for shit. And now there will be no power to remain silent. A screw cutter with a shotgun is, what else is needed to meet old age angry
    1. +14
      30 December 2015 14: 38
      It is necessary to insert such an article into textbooks. We then ate on the most I can’t even under the Union (the same principle was applied), the children also had time, and the grandchildren ??? True, now in textbooks and even in recommendations for extracurricular reading this is inserted - "War and Peace" under the program "Russia" is studied ON THE FILM !!! This is really a complete skiff !!!
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +9
        30 December 2015 15: 14
        From the text of the article
        The world includes a new type of war. Back in 2002, US President George W. Bush introduced the concept of "pre-emptive war." Its structure in the unity of the three elements was presented in the US Security Strategy-2006: regime change (regime change), construction of a nation (nation building), restoration of the country (remaking the country). The results of the pre-emptive war are final, without the possibility of subsequent revision, because as a result of the “regime change” and “construction of a new nation” there is no one to resist. Corresponding corporations secure the territory and resources of a particular country.

        Well said!
        In general, the entire article is magnificent in scientifically sound political literacy and content!
        1. 0
          30 December 2015 17: 36
          Quote: Tatiana

          Well said!
          In general, the entire article is magnificent in scientifically sound political literacy and content!

          The article is good, correct, only it does not consider the causes of what is happening.
          It is understood that there is some kind of evil will that wants to subjugate the whole world. And it really is, only it is not the human mind, but our natural nature. Unfortunately, evolution does not consider our human qualities useful and drives trees again))) We, the human civilization, are confronted with the universe itself ... Over the past several tens of thousands of years, people have lost about 300g. brain. It seems to us that we are the pinnacle of civilization, but in fact, the peak has long been passed and we are simply rushing to our original, bestial state. And technical advances contribute to this even more, because the brain no longer needs to fight for survival and it is degrading as the most expensive part of the body. T. h. If anyone thinks that everything is bad, then this is not so, everything is much worse)))
          1. 0
            30 December 2015 18: 08
            ... in NATURE everything goes in a spiral and the larger the circle around, the farther from the center, that is, from the sources ... by itself, a person will not return to his primeval state, but will most likely be worse ....
      3. 0
        31 December 2015 06: 37
        Quote: NDR-791
        "War and Peace" under the "Russia" program is studied ON THE FILM !!! This is really a complete skiff !!!

        I am an opponent of modern school education - I graduated from school in 75. But, do not believe me, "War and Peace" in the "original" and did not master - killed all desire the first 20-30 pages in France, tired of reading the notes. I don’t think I lost much, I even wrote an essay for 5. By the way, I just recently learned that the title of the novel in modern language is incorrect. In the original it was written as "War and Peace", which meant "people", "society" - do you feel the difference?

        There was a lot of unnecessary things in that program too. Let's take, for example, Sholokhov with the program "Virgin Lands Raised". I read this novel after the extra-curricular "Quiet Don". The hand of the master, of course, is felt, but, compared to Don, this is a comic.

        So studying from film adaptation is not a bad idea. There is such a documentary series "The Great War" (more than 20 episodes about the Second World War) - that he would definitely be included in the program. There all numbers and dates from textbooks come to life.
    2. 0
      30 December 2015 14: 58
      And what does the EBN have to do with it?
      This one has died, and the liberals have remained and continue their dirty work.
      1. +6
        30 December 2015 15: 43
        Uh-huh. Oii are now very often called patriots. At night, RenTV's wife turned on. Spit. Advertising of the new year "Be a patriot" ... This word has already been dragged out and fouled. Everything that the market touches and the liberal turns into shit
      2. jjj
        30 December 2015 15: 45
        On the one hand, they introduce compulsory study of two foreign languages ​​at school and reduce the study of the Russian language and Russian literature. On the other hand, the Masha and the Bear cartoon project is starting a new season. Russian children have already absorbed the correct outlook on life. Masha really helps to bring up kids in our traditions. You won't take us
      3. +1
        30 December 2015 18: 17
        ... these same liberals are an integral part of ANY society, they were, are and will ALWAYS be ... the only difference is in what position they are in society, in the days of the USSR they were also dissidents, sectarians and other evil spirits, but they sat quietly in their holes or "sat" for the good of the Motherland, but now you can't drive them into the holes, on the contrary, they rally in the squares, the media advertises them for them, and with the help of this advertising they are fastened to them that are not strong or simply knocked off sense "minds" and this, comrades, is very scary ... sad
    3. +2
      30 December 2015 15: 41
      AGS, CORD, Pecheneg, ammunition and associates. One with a shotgun - old age will be bright, but not for long. Although maybe this was supposed to be? I don’t feel like living in such a society.
    4. AFS
      30 December 2015 18: 32
      Andrei Aleksandrovich Fursenko.
      Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2004-2012)
      A. A. Fursenko as Minister supported the advancement of Russia in the Bologna process. Supporter of the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the transfer of part of its employees to commercial contracts.
      He believes that higher mathematics kills creativity and is not needed at school. By his own admission, he did not study higher mathematics at school, and at the same time, "not fool others."
      He is a big supporter of the exam.
      Andrei Fursenko at the annual youth forum on Seliger on July 23, 2007 said that in his opinion: ...the drawback of the Soviet education system was the attempt to shape the creator of man, and now the task is to nurture a qualified consumer who is able to skillfully use the results of the creativity of others.
      Fursenko was a neighbor of V. Putin in the dacha cooperative "Lake"
      Question: "What does the EBN, the State Department and libkrasti have to do with it."
      1. +1
        31 December 2015 01: 43
        Quote: AFS
        higher mathematics kills creativity and is not needed at school.

        Fursenke burn in hell am. And regarding mathematics, Mikhailo Lomonosov also said that it should be taught after that, that it will bring the mind in order. hi. And without any creativity (what a word ... bad) the great Russian scientist lived, managed with a creative impulse good
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +6
    30 December 2015 14: 32
    The world is going crazy, more and more idiots are around!
    1. 0
      30 December 2015 15: 00
      They are not, just the zombies of the current generation of the SYSTEM of education exceed all permissible limits :: it is not, it is just such a norm established by the liberals ...
  4. +1
    30 December 2015 14: 34
    As early as 2002, US President George W. Bush introduced the concept of “pre-emptive war.”
    Probably the smartest person was fellow This Bush !!) "Himself" was able to think of being ahead of the curve in destruction)))
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      30 December 2015 15: 40
      sssla (6)
      Back in 2002 year US President George W. Bush introduced the concept of "pre-emptive war."
      ....I myself "was able to think of ahead of the curve in destruction)))
      Not myself!
      World financial capitalists, global bankers do not spare money on the study of the psychology of personality and the crowd, on the development of Machiavellianism, on the perversion of philosophy as a doctrine of rational mental and mental programming of human behavior in society - and all to achieve their goals in establishing their world domination . For a long time, global financial capitalists have been working not only with universities, but with entire research institutes, as well as secret communities.
      And US presidents only helpfully voice all their developments.
    3. -1
      30 December 2015 15: 45
      His speechwriters and advisers were smart. Not the ones that came up with the ChN from Su-24 to open for reporting to foreigners.
    4. +1
      30 December 2015 16: 31
      Bush IQ 77 of 150.
    5. The comment was deleted.
  5. +7
    30 December 2015 14: 35
    Guys, last time I wrote "The Times of the Ochakovsky and the Conquest of the Crimea" by Lermontov "Borodino".
    This is wrong. recourse Correctly Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Sorry! hi
  6. +6
    30 December 2015 14: 41
    For some reason it seems to me that all this was already before and after 1917, just the number of people who did not want to lose the country prevailed and the values ​​were returned and the institution of marriage was restored and, just in case, “processions” were prohibited, but how much blood was needed for this. .. and now we see the same thing in the world, only the end could be sadder - globalization
  7. +6
    30 December 2015 14: 41
    to tell the truth. indeed this comrade’s and looting is in the majority of the population’s priority. and it’s possible to improve it only when the top authorities are not a vivid example in the race ... who will grab more and who will shed more dirt in statements about the people living Russia.
    1. 0
      30 December 2015 18: 33
      ...that's it! The substitution of historical spiritual values ​​with "candy wrappers" is in no way! But people were put in such a position when there is no stability in the state, but there is debility ... in Soviet times, there was so much for young people and almost everything was free !!! sections, circles and so on and so forth ... I do not idealize those times, but ... it would be interesting to look at the gay parade held at that time ... for homosexuality-ARTICLE, for parasitism-ARTICLE, for embezzlement on a large scale-SHOT , for murder-SHOOTING, treason to the Motherland-SHOOTING! And now? The liberian opposition invents laws first of all FOR ITSELF ... for 2 billion 650 million people will give 10 ... maybe ... then ... if they put it ... and stole a loaf of bread, because they don't take a lot of food, but they don't take to work for 2 years, that is, three times less than for the above amount ... where is the justice, citizens? crying
  8. +3
    30 December 2015 14: 41
    Satanism of pure water, we still resist, but someone has already surrendered to the mercy of the winner, it becomes scary when you think in which world our children and grandchildren will live.
    1. +1
      30 December 2015 18: 33
      ... yes they already live ...
  9. +4
    30 December 2015 14: 44
    Good article. As if Satanovsky was listening. The sad truth.
  10. 0
    30 December 2015 14: 47
    It was already Sodom and Gomorrah, the cries of bread and circuses, in ancient Rome, merged with the noise of orgies during bloody entertainments.
    The enemy of the Human race hates people, having changed marketing marketing, brings in the same ideas, pursuing the same goal, and this is not human well-being!
  11. +6
    30 December 2015 14: 48
    The topic is relevant, but the authorities do not notice this, as if with tenacity of a worthy, better application, they are reforming education. A reform of fundamental science. It seems that the current authorities are not going to live in Russia.
    1. +1
      30 December 2015 15: 04
      Just woke up?
      Liberasty NEVER expected to LIVE in Russia :: grab and sniff - this is the model of their behavior. Only those who carry out the responsible tasks of the State Department are detained in Russia! laughing
  12. +7
    30 December 2015 14: 49
    Quote: PTS-m
    to tell the truth. indeed this comrade’s and looting is in the majority of the population’s priority. and it’s possible to improve it only when the top authorities are not a vivid example in the race ... who will grab more and who will shed more dirt in statements about the people living Russia.

    Well, “they don’t change horses in the crossing,” said VVP in extreme pressconf. Although in the mind this is the stupidest statement !!! Where, if not at the watering hole, and change them. New "families" are growing. When EBN not one was, now it seems not to uproot. At the same time, the EBN was not afraid to shuffle even the government, even the warrior in full. So, by the way, we got Putin. People are definitely no worse than the government. Often, while watching news on state channels, life-affirming neighs are heard in our shed ... especially when we are talking about financial politics.
  13. +5
    30 December 2015 14: 50
    The colonial “Nothing sacred” strategy developed in the USA is already being implemented in Russia

    Well, how much can you endure the experiments of our pro-Western liberals from education? For komentov all this was only a mat!
    1. +4
      30 December 2015 15: 07
      An example from a daughter's physics lesson for the 9th grade. With the given parameters of the planets "Earth" and "Venus" determine the ratio of the orbital velocities of the planets. It doesn't matter which planet to put in the numerator and which one in the denominator. The ratio will be the same, but the number itself may be different. When checking, the teacher takes the tracing paper and puts a big minus. My daughter has a big psycho because she decided this way and that. At a meeting at school, I ask a specific question and get a specific answer - AND THIS IS A NUMBER IN THE METHOD !!! What was taught to a person for five years ??? read the manual ???
      1. Riv
        30 December 2015 15: 50
        That is, how will this "attitude be the same"? If you swap the numerator and denominator, it can be the same only if the numerator and denominator are equal and different from zero, and in this case it is not.

        In general, KO hints that the parameters of the planets have nothing to do with it either. The mass of the Sun is still orders of magnitude larger and the mass of the planets can be safely neglected. Therefore, in the case of a circular orbit, only the distance of the object from the Sun matters. The speed of the pellet and the planet in the same orbit is almost the same.

        It seems to me that it’s not the difference between the Soviet and Russian schools? ..;)
        1. 0
          30 December 2015 16: 10
          I’m sorry, it was a long time ago, I clarified the problem book - not the attitude, but the difference. Dumb example 1 \ 2 = 0,5; 2 \ 1 = 2; There are two answers, and with such a statement of the condition the difference is the same - twice.
          1. Riv
            30 December 2015 16: 23
            Sorry ... The difference is when they subtract another from one number. And the attitude is when the numbers DO. And if in the difference the first and second numbers are interchanged, then the sign of the result will change.
            I am intrigued!
      2. jjj
        30 December 2015 15: 52
        Our oldest granddaughter is studying in the second grade of one of the gymnasiums of St. Petersburg. So they are taught and think and think. Their tasks are such that children need to understand, for example: they cannot be assembled from bicycle wheels alone (see Mih. Zadornov), we also need a frame with a steering wheel, brake and pedals. And whoever doesn’t figure it out, lower their grades. That is, the student must correlate the condition of the problem with common sense, the laws of nature. They are constantly carried on city tours, told about history and culture. Granddaughter really knows a lot of useful things and, most importantly, knows how to feel it with her soul
        1. 0
          30 December 2015 16: 21
          That's exactly what they teach to think !!! This makes me happy in spite of what happens at times. And I would not say that there are so many more children that the teacher himself has no time to think. The point is rather that she has something to break her head about without children, so she takes that "tracing paper", or it may end badly - the simplest thing is to discourage the desire to learn. It's just as easy as shelling pears. There are only 26 children in the class. There were 42 of us in the tenth graduation. And our teachers had enough time for all. Moreover, all sorts of rubbish such as ratings for behavior, etc. they hung on them ... Now, at best, they only teach, the rest does not bother them, only the result is drawn up in hours (money).
        2. +1
          30 December 2015 17: 22
          Dear, I don’t boast, but the grandson will actually assemble a bicycle without a frame and not only ride on it, you must learn to think, analyze, you and your parents are obliged to teach, otherwise your granddaughter will think what they say
          1. 0
            30 December 2015 21: 59
            Yes, and I do not boast. When the SCHOOL teaches you to think, this is the third thing, first parents, then grandfathers, and then school. The only way!!! And then you want what you do, from a lathe to advertising.
            1. 0
              31 December 2015 20: 44
              Welcome! Happy New Year!
      3. 0
        30 December 2015 18: 44
        ... they don't study at all, they leave, buy and go "to the people", you come to the hospital and they ask you: What is going to be boom? At school, the child, with the whole class, called the teacher a moron, I came to figure it out, and she told me: But he didn’t learn half a verse. I told her: Come on, dear Onegin from and to by heart ... stands clap eyes: Are you kidding me? that's what I'm kidding! They are not TEACHERS with the current education, but some announcers from the train station, rattled off her watch, received a salary for this, and that's all ... for "" "and for the fact that" "" is also on "" ", well, what to expect from children, brought up on all sorts of valtrons, flying ponies and such "teachers"? At the Khiluin school they also spend Valentine's Day! Better if the children knew who Veles is, what day Ivan Kupala and Solstice ...
        1. 0
          31 December 2015 02: 00
          Quote: 2C5

          IMHO, X O L U AND N, it will be more correct hi
  14. +5
    30 December 2015 14: 50
    Plus to the author of the article, everything was written competently clearly, logically.
    The article is bitter, but alas, it is true.
    The worst thing is that the ruling elite is pushing the country towards globalization and destruction.
    The people must defend their rights, identity, cultural values ​​and traditions. To unite and resist the imposition by the West of murderous values ​​that turn the people into slaves.
    1. +1
      30 December 2015 15: 08
      The people must defend their rights! That's right. The question is how? Raised the price of housing and communal services and much defended the old price? And so on all issues. The last was Plato. The result. As the authorities conceived, they did so. So think after that what you want.
    2. cap
      31 December 2015 03: 53
      Quote: olimpiada15
      Plus to the author of the article, everything was written competently clearly, logically.
      The article is bitter, but alas, it is true.
      The worst thing is that the ruling elite is pushing the country towards globalization and destruction.
      The people must defend their rights, identity, cultural values ​​and traditions. To unite and resist the imposition by the West of murderous values ​​that turn the people into slaves.

      I agree. I read it and thought where such a smart woman came from, and the surname was not at the hearing.
      Searched on the Internet.
      It turns out that:
      Ryabichenko Lyudmila Arkadyevna - psychologist, publicist, analyst, public figure, chairman of the Interregional public movement "Family, Love, Fatherland", member of the Presidium of the Central Council of the public movement "People’s Cathedral", member of the Central Council of the Joint Public Committee for the Protection of Family, Childhood and Morality ”, Initiator and host of the“ Permanent Round Table for the Protection of the Family, Childhood and Spiritual and Moral Values ​​”, author of more than 40 publications on the topics of protecting the family, childhood and spiritual and moral values, author and host of the radio program“ Territory of the Family ”on the radio“ Radonezh ".
      His sphere of interests is the right of parents to live with their children, preservation of the sovereignty of the family, protection of traditional cultural, spiritual and moral values ​​in Russia, human security in the information society.
  15. 0
    30 December 2015 14: 57
    Many thanks to the author. What you wrote should have been said 20 years ago. These processes are launched in all countries of the world. And there is no way to stop them.

    It turns out a paradox. These processes simultaneously unite all the people of the world, so the American Russian brother in view of the current situation. :) bitter irony.

    It remains to ask ourselves and everyone. What have the aliens captured us and are making us brainless biomass, ciliates of shoes?

    Mankind can be saved only by atomic warfare, everything against everyone. Fuck with this civilization. Stone Age is the best environment for survival.
    1. 0
      30 December 2015 15: 14
      In your opinion, a reduction in the population is obtained in any case. One may be pleasant, the second terrible. Although in the first case there are two options. One through one, the second through war (s). And all actions go through associations. Consolidated and shrunk. Fun however. crying
      1. 0
        30 December 2015 15: 31
        34 region

        You made the wrong conclusion. This is not a reduction in the population, it is the destruction of the species.
    2. cap
      31 December 2015 04: 01
      Quote: gladcu2
      What have the aliens captured us and are making us brainless biomass, ciliates of shoes?

      They finish that they haven’t completed it. A man is still far from perfect laughing .
  16. 0
    30 December 2015 15: 28
    Author, please write more publications on this topic. It is necessary to talk about such things. Awareness of the problem is 70% of success towards its solution.
  17. 0
    30 December 2015 15: 55
    Everything was confused in the Oblonskys' house. GMO, LGBT, spirituality, juvenile justice, USA ... What does the author want to offer? Auth. Arkia and a forced return to "traditional values"?
    1. 0
      30 December 2015 18: 50
      ... therefore, in your opinion, "non-traditional values", forcibly planted more valuable or what? Minus for such questions ...
  18. 0
    30 December 2015 15: 57
    The harsh reality. Modern pre-school, school education in Russia is no longer able to educate a person and is aimed at raising another sheep for education from the herd people.
  19. 0
    30 December 2015 16: 05

    Global geopolitical technology, aimed at mastering foreign sovereignty and resources, is based on total control of a particular country through the large-scale use of unarmed (economic, political, ideological) violence.

    the apotheosis of hysteria. Iron Curtain to Help, and North Korea as an example of a "bright future" ...
  20. 0
    30 December 2015 16: 07
    The author is huge +!
    Once again we are convinced that our women are not Psaki, any.
  21. 0
    30 December 2015 16: 43
    Capitalism is modern slavery ...
  22. 0
    30 December 2015 16: 48
    To the author + 100500. There is nothing to add.
  23. 0
    30 December 2015 17: 24
    Dear, what about the USA?
    1. -1
      30 December 2015 18: 52
      ... and not as usual ...
      1. +1
        30 December 2015 19: 08
        ... at what is it interesting minus? He asked a stupid question, got a stupid answer ... nothing personal ... offensively kaneshno for the United States, but what can you do?
  24. 0
    30 December 2015 18: 35
    And the dolphin
    Cut the belly with a screw!
    Shot in the back
    No one expects.
    On battery
    No shells already.
    Need faster
    On a bend!
  25. -5
    30 December 2015 19: 29
    COMMUNISM and NAZISM deny religion as well as morality. No religion - no god - no responsibility for atrocities. As they say, get what you fought for. The direct duty of the church is the spiritual health of the nation.
    1. +1
      30 December 2015 20: 09

      Go to the censor.

      Communism does not deny morality. Morality is the foundation of communism.

      An example of community commons, this is an all inclusive resort.
      1. -2
        2 January 2016 15: 57
        First, read the manifesto of the communist Marx.

        The abolition of religion is the abolition of those same 1 commandments. do not kill, do not deceive, do not steal, etc.

        “But,” we will be told, “religious, moral, philosophical, political, legal ideas, etc., of course, have changed in the course of historical development. Religion, morality, philosophy, politics, law have always been preserved in this continuous change.
        In addition, there are eternal truths like freedom, justice, etc., common to all stages of social development. Communism, however, abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes religion, morality, instead of renewing them; therefore, it contradicts the entire preceding course of historical development. "
        As we see, Marx denies all eternal truths, including freedom and equality and justice.
  26. +1
    30 December 2015 20: 34
    I liked the article. Also recently there were articles about RT, about liberasty, about recruiters of terrorists, as well as "a premonition of the Apocalypse." They somehow continue each other. Everything is correct. Anxious. Sorry for those of our fellow citizens who fall into traps, but what is being done? Questions without answers. And the government?