When Russian tanks do not come

When Russian tanks do not come

When the Maidan Nezalezhnosti raged in Kiev, a threat hung in the air - according to reliable information - Russian special forces landed in Borispol. Information 100% ... And here it is, freedom, at a distance spitting, but at any time it can take away. And tears appeared in the eyes of conscious Ukrainians: how long they went to freedom, how they dreamed, how they fought, how they waited for her, but everything can be taken away ... Does the tyrannical system of Russia allow for the existence of a free, privileged Ukraine? Never for anything! In itself, the presence of a large cluster of “nerabas” near the frontiers of Putin’s empire is deadly dangerous for it. With their light aura, they could destroy the black chains of witchcraft and destroy this fragment of totalitarianism in a free Europe. For the sake of self-preservation, Putin was obliged to break the fragile sprout of Ukrainian freedom ...

But Mordor did not come. “Ad and Israel” passed the hospitable Ukrainian land. Ukraine took advantage of a unique chance and stood on the European way. All this is beautiful and even a little sublime, but a legitimate question arises: “But what about Ad and Israel, where did they get lost?” After all, we all understand (from the stories of children's fairy tales and Hollywood films) that “Mordor, Ad and Israel” - The guys are serious, and just so you will not get rid of them. All the time after the Maidan, the Ukrainian media told us terrible stories about Russian hordes who planned to invade / invaded the yellow-black map of Ukraine. From these alone News all Ukraine trembled with anger and horror (a thousand years of slavery, the Holodomor, and again ...), such messages came regularly, but the Russians Tanks never sparked from Kiev pavers. Evil did not show up for a decisive battle, good won over the absence of an opponent in the ring.

But with the construction of "heaven on earth" somehow did not work out right away - the Crimea left. Just took it and left. Anyone who talks about some abstract "territorial integrity" of Ukraine I want to remind you that the USSR had exactly the same "territorial integrity". Yes, that's exactly the way. By the way, Ukraine has gone very peacefully and calmly. Just “left the USSR” with the territory, population (not only Ukrainian) and industry (built by Russians). And she even refused part of the debt of the USSR — let the Russians pay their bills. At the same time, no one bombed or shelled Kiev. And no one even came up with such a turn of events. “Why?” - you ask. Russians understand politics too well, and they understood that if there were only power methods to save the USSR, then it was a little late to save him. It was quite possible to "pour blood" on the land of Ukraine. Yes, just to imprison especially zealous supporters of "independencia" (the KGB would never have done that to the SBU! You would have done it right away). And the question would be resolved. At first sight.

In fact, power methods work in a very limited range. Alas, they do not solve political problems. It was necessary to save the USSR in 70, the maximum at the beginning of 80. Then it was too late. Or rather, not even save, but reform (humanly). But he was preferred to "kill against the wall." But, at least, the leadership of the USSR did not try to keep the country "with the help of tanks." The 1991 putsch was a frank fake and false start. The USSR possessed monstrous "power" resources, but they were not involved in any way. And rightly so, the difficult political system of the industrial superpower cannot be saved by the Latin American operetta junta. All the “freedom fighters” in Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltic States could be instantly “neutralized”. And on completely legal grounds (remember: the principle of territorial integrity, sacred for every Ukrainian, is). But no one did this - “she died that way,” why is it pointless to shed blood?

Ukraine in 2014 moved in the opposite direction: the power structures of Ukraine were completely destroyed / corrupt. The legitimacy of the postmaid government was very, very doubtful, Russia defiantly refused to admit it, it boiled over the East. And then the Ukrainian "power" made the decision: to kill. No need to talk about the "American curators": civil war - this is too serious. “Free Ukraine” was being kicked out of the Crimea, and she didn’t even try to resist (scary). But she mobilized and threw the army on the insurgent Donbass (simultaneously telling tales of Russian aggression). A real bloody war began with hundreds and then thousands of victims. The construction of paradise was postponed - you first need to defeat the "aggressor". This topic sounds almost 2 year, we are told about the brave Ukrainian troops fighting against the Russian aggressor. And no one stuttered about the militia and their demands, all the fingers pointed at Putin. There would not be this one person and in the free land of Ukraine there would be peace and economic prosperity ... But the constant threat of Russian tanks brought to naught all the efforts of reformers.

In fact, the “government of the reformers” spent all its strength on theft and attempts to “reach out to the Donbass” and kill more people. And was covered with talk about the "Russian invasion." Gentlemen, Panov and seniors: we hear about him soon 2, and where are the Russian tanks on Khreshchatyk? That is, all this time we just lied? And brazenly and in the face. The constant theme of the "Russian invasion" sounded too long. And where is it? For 2, the new government Ukraine managed to destroy its economy and recruit unreasonable loans, and all this was done to stop those “Russian tanks” that did not come. And here is the winter of 2015 / 2016: there is no money, the country does not pay for foreign loans (but not bankrupt, not bankrupt!), There is no coal and electricity, there is no gas and there is no export, and 3 faces billions of debt to Russia. And Ukraine again runs to the Donbass (kill!) And blows up power transmission towers to the Crimea. And again the conversation about "Russian tanks". It turns out that the beggar, the dirty, fascist Bandera has something more valuable: freedom. And they want to take it away.

What surprises me is when, in full seriousness, adults assess the risks of “the arrival of Russian tanks”. Tanks will come to destroy "freedom", and this is the worst thing that can happen in the life of a "young European". To hell with the economy! The main thing - Russian tanks that come from the east. In any case, this is the policy of the official authorities of Eastern European countries. They do not want to answer uncomfortable questions: what about the economy, what about the jobs, what about the social sphere? How will we live, Panov, and what? These are inconvenient questions and unnecessary. Therefore, Dalia Grybauskaite and Toomas Ilves talk about this tank apocalypse ... I, knowing nothing more about these Estonians, Latvia and Poland, I can say right away that economic reforms have failed there. Completely and completely. No need in a well-fed, rich and prosperous country to frighten people with horror stories about drunken Russian tankmen. But if everything is really bad with the economy, and there is no money at all, and the people start asking uncomfortable questions to the rulers, then the “magic wand” works: Russian tanks, ready to crush the newly acquired freedom with crawler tracks.

They went bankrupt (not only Ukraine), hence the “tank hysteria”. It's simple, sad and sad. The leaders of some Eastern European countries are in the position of stealing farms before revision. And how can you not let the "red cock"? After all, it will remove all the problems: the Russian “aggressors” came and destroyed our rapidly growing economy. The situation is very serious, and if we see how the leaders of the nearby EU countries are running around with matches and kerosene cans in their hands, then this is not funny, not at all funny. Economic "miracles" ended, began the harsh everyday life. At the same time, an information standard is being worked out that any actions by NATO, even in a foreign territory (for example, in Syria), are correct, logical and wonderful. And any retaliatory actions of Russia are aggression ... This is bad and extremely dangerous.

Individually, all these events are not too terrible, but in total ... Even in Belarus, the subject is actively promoted: “what to do if the Russians come in”. That is, the “default” discussion is being pushed into that very “tank” course. I’ll draw an analogy: Imagine that on all channels every day you are told about the arrival of the planet Nibiru and the associated "bunt". On the radio, television, on the Internet, on large screens, at intersections and shopping centers there is only one plot - Nibiru ... Here you will think about the “volunte-nevalen”, and what are these lunatics? You lie at night, at home in bed, and in your head one single plot scrolls: “the solemn arrival of the planet Nibiru”. Here you will begin to write involuntarily. The Russian tank threat is about the same: people are brainwashed. And very, very professional. And there is nothing funny here - this is a very bad sign. The fact is that the war in Eastern Europe would solve many problems for the USA. First, it will sharply weaken and discredit Russia: it has suddenly committed aggression. Secondly, it removes all questions on the standard of living and prospects for Eastern Europeans: “the hamster / Putin devoured everything”. Thirdly, it seriously weakens Western Europe, completely severs its ties with the “Russian aggressors” and puts it in 100% dependence on the United States.

You know, in connection with all of the above, the position of Europeans, and especially Eastern Europeans, is surprising: it would be nice if they were going to be cherished, nurtured and protected from the “Russian aggressor”. Then everything is clear, and their behavior acquires meaning and logic, but, in fact, they are supposed to be used as cannon fodder / decoy duck. This is now absolutely obvious: the Baltics are part of NATO, theoretically entering those “Russian tanks” there is a reason for a big war, and the Kremlin is well aware of this. And in the White House everyone understands everything perfectly well, however, a strange “movement” with American heavy armored vehicles is happening. The explanation is quite strange: to stop the Russian invasion of the Baltic countries.

Well, think for yourself if a military confrontation (and even a direct collision) arises between NATO and the Russian Federation, then it will automatically be global, what exactly is the Baltic? What is so special, interesting in it? War, God forbid, of course, will be between Russia and the West, but not for the Baltic states. Baltic States can be one of the theaters of operations, nothing more. Let's try to reason logically: “why concentrate on this piece of the coast?” What can Russia win by suddenly capturing it? This is not London or New York. What for? Will Russians come to enslave freedom-loving Balts? But if we consider the version with the initiative to incite the war, then getting into the “very little bull”: there are inadequate Russophobic leaders, there is a common border with Russia, there is a Russian-speaking population declared “second-rate people.” See how it all happened? But it didn’t happen all by itself, this puzzle was folded long and hard, bit by bit. The current Baltic is a miracle as good from the point of view of imposing war on Russia, but absolutely hopeless from all other points of view.

Well, what about demography? With the economy? Industry? What will these countries look like in 20 years? What will Georgia look like in 20 years, Ukraine? Difficult questions, heavy and unpleasant. There is no growth, progress and development in these countries. Why? And did anyone even plan this “progress” there? In the border states, the economy is deliberately collapsing, inadequate nationalists are brought to power at any cost (even through a coup), why? Westerners that completely sbrenili? After all, it was possible to support adequate politicians, develop a quiet economy, etc. But they decided otherwise. We know about the position of these very "limitrofov", they openly laugh at them ... But no one asks himself, why? But a stable legal democratic state cannot be pushed so simply into some kind of adventure - resistance will arise (inevitably). But when people have nothing to lose (the economy is absent, there is inter-ethnic discord in the country, the power is “under the hood”), then there will be no resistance, there will be no one to resist. Today's Estonia, Ukraine, or Georgia make sense only within the framework of a global confrontation with Russia, but not by themselves. They were absolutely deliberately driven into a dead end in order to "blow up" there in spite of Russia.

The example of Georgia, Saakashvili, most clearly expresses this trend: Mishiko attacked Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia and finally killed United Georgia. Notice that everyone in the West speaks of the territorial integrity of Georgia and the “Russian aggression.” The fact of the execution of peacekeepers by Georgian artillery has been silently kept silent. From their point of view, it is necessary to return “everything backwards”. And everything will be cool. In principle, if it were not for Saakashvili’s demarche, everything could be cool. But he was gone. By the way, the fact of the existence of Abkhazians and Ossetians is also cute and just ignored, which is quite funny. Ossetians and Abkhazians are quite separate separate nations with their own language, customs and traditions. Moreover, if Ossetians live in Russia and South Ossetia is relatively small (no offense will be said to her), then Abkhazia is quite comparable with Georgia itself (without Adjara). But no one in the West notices Abkhazians point-blank, and does not want to talk with them about anything. For them, this is the territory occupied by Russia. Here the Russian invaders will leave and the expelled Georgians will return home. Wonderful, just wonderful. And the Abkhaz? Where are they going? Say, Georgia is a civilized, democratic state? Perhaps, but for some reason the only form of interaction between Georgians and non-Georgians on the territory of the former GSSR was inter-ethnic conflicts. And this is all strange.

Who hindered the Western advisers, to whom the Georgians bowed, bowed and will bow, to firmly explain to the “Georgians” the “basis of state and law”? That all nations are equal before the Law and that there are no "clean and unclean." The authority of the US and the EU could play its decisive role. I simply would not dare to object to Tbilisi (America is God). But for some reason no one in Washington and Brussels did not bother with this. Let the matter run ... Or not? Or was it intended? But having united Georgia on a confederative basis, the West strongly gave hands to the very “Russian tankmen”. Checkmate. Russia led its game, but the West led its game, but it didn’t save Georgia. Before the August war, Georgia could easily have been “glued together”. But the West was not interested. From the very beginning, provocation was conceived, and it took place. The West needed not a free, united, rich Georgia (by the way, very powerful PR in theory), but a picture of Russian tanks going to Tbilisi. This is precisely what explains everything, at first glance, illogical and absurd decisions. Picture at any cost. What would happen to the Georgians themselves was of no interest to anyone. Putin attacked Georgia! Yield headlines in all newspapers.

Moreover, these very “Russian tanks” are organized quite clumsily: a lot of dirt, blood and frauds. But the directors of the broadcast does not stop for a second - they need a picture and they get it. In Ukraine, they went the usual way: this whole bloody nightmare was needed for the sole purpose of providing the Western viewer with a picture of Russian tanks going to Kiev. The movie did not take place, and what to do now with the Bandera "extras" is absolutely incomprehensible. In theory, if the authorities of the same Estonia want to ensure their citizens security, they should be friends with Russia and not get into geopolitics. Well, or even sit quietly, like a mouse behind the stove. But one provocative statement is followed by another, military parades are held in 300 meters from the Russian border. What for? Explain to me why this whole circus? Based on the version that the West wants to build a rich, free, prosperous society in Estonia. Actions do not interfere with theory, do not beat, as one of my friends said. But if there is a preparation for broadcasting Russian tanks going to Tallinn, then yes, everything is very logical. But this, of course, is unrealistically cool - to merge the whole country for the sake of one reportage.

By the way, there is little that can be done. I'm a big pessimist here. Endless provocations sooner or later end in war, simply by the laws of the genre. It’s like with Ukraine and the Crimea - there was a very dirty coup (in all senses), there were open threats to the Russian-speaking population, there was bloody chaos, mass arrests and beatings of oppositionists. But all this remains "behind the scenes." Picture: democratic, popular revolution and Russian annexation of the Crimea. So it goes. In general, of course, affects the mental level of Eastern Europeans, who with great joy fit into this extras, what are they counting on? Of course, it is possible and necessary to hate Russians and love Americans, but it’s not up to self-sacrifice. What are these warriors of the divine wind of democracy? In such a situation, in principle, I do not see how we can get "dry out of water." In the summer of 2014, Ukrainian troops openly fired on Russian territory. So what? Europe is pretty cute on her eyes. It is said that at one time Yanukovych did somersaults on a handkerchief, avoiding going to the IMF for money (understanding, unlike Lukashenko, what is fraught with). So, Russia can very long perform the same "dance", but inevitably, sooner or later, will be forced to respond. The situation when any actions of our opponents are automatically declared legitimate, and our response to aggression - basically leads us to a dead end. We do not "get out." When the GSVG was withdrawn from Germany, who would have thought that as a result of this glorious action, shells would fall on the Rostov region, but that is exactly what happened.

Somehow it did not work out for us in a “common European home”. It is difficult to say who is to blame, but what is, that is. By the way, the latest destruction of the Russian “drying” by the Turks also fits into this simple scheme (although, of course, it is not known to the general public who gave the order). So, in general, the forecast is pessimistic: too many idiots are ready to drag chestnuts out of the fire for the USA, and for some reason they all are looking forward to Russian tanks.

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  1. +43
    29 December 2015 05: 50
    Actually, force methods work in a very limited range. Alas, they don’t solve political problems.

    True ... one cannot solve the problem of UKRAINE ...
    This is a complex task stretched over many years.
    On the other hand, why do we need this suitcase without a handle, the population of WESTERN UKRAINE are frank Russophobes, in central UKRAINE the population behaves like a weather vane in the wind.
    Contain this horde of parasites of RUSSIA to anything.
    Therefore, it is best to work in the same style that the Americans did there for many years before the overthrow of YANUKOVICH .... to bring pro-Russian people to power in UKRAINE ... the task is very difficult and long-term.
    Today, UKRAINE is waiting for the fate of BULGARIA, there will be no industry of its own, there will be no political and no economic freedom ... all serious issues for UKRAINE will be decided in WASHINGTON and, secondly, in BRUSSELS.
    It is unclear only who will contain UKRAINE .... a little expensive is a pleasure.
    1. +96
      29 December 2015 06: 14
      It seems to me that Russia can be completely self-sufficient without Ukraine. In order to bring pro-Russian people to power there, at least Russia should be more attractive to the majority of Ukrainian citizens than Zap. Europe. And for this we first of all need to restore order and build a more just society.
      In the meantime, all our neighbors are trying to get something from us without giving us anything in return. The same Belarus is now trying to survive not with us, but at our expense. And we will not wait for gratitude from them (neighbors).
      We need to think about our interests and pay less attention to how the West or our neighbors will look at us.
      1. +9
        29 December 2015 06: 31
        We need to think about our interests.

        That's right ... but you need to keep a balance of interests ...
        otherwise it will turn out like ERDOGAN.
        This gentleman didn’t give a damn about the neighbors, he decided to solve the problems of TURKEY at the expense of his neighbors ... as a result, he made enemies and a big headache for years to come.
        So in this matter you need to be very careful ... you need to calculate the consequences of your actions in your own interests.
        1. +11
          29 December 2015 07: 30
          Everything that happens in Eastern Europe is fully consistent with the work of Mein Kampf by A. Hitler. It seems that in the USA this "manifesto" of Hitler was worked out very thoroughly and carefully and now his methodology is being implemented. What, for example, Hitler wrote
          for psychological reasons, the masses should never point to two or more opponents at once, because this only leads to a decline in the fighting mood in their own camp.

          If at the same time the countries of Eastern Europe, as well as the EU countries and NATO countries, which are completely subordinate to the USA, are mistaken for a certain “whole” community, then it will not be surprising that Russophobia is in the first place for each of these countries, and as a common enemy Russia is indicated - and even if this is actually not the case.
          In other words, according to Hitler’s method, to unite Europe, the US special services need to find and point out to people in all countries to allegedly overcome their internal problems on ONE enemy, which should be supposedly GENERAL for all. Which we, in principle, are observing.
          1. +5
            29 December 2015 10: 58
            Then, for all countries of the World, the United States should be a common enemy. He will not be - immediately everything in the world is balanced. The bases will disappear. The EU will cease to blackmail other small countries with sanctions; there will be no talk of humanitarian bombing. The UN will disperse.
            1. -1
              29 December 2015 14: 29

              Let's reason.

              Each country has 3 independent components.

              1 Government
              2 state
              3 People.

              Practice shows that these components live absolutely their own lives. But the most unpleasant thing is that in the thoughts of people all these three components work as a single whole.
              Therefore, there is a serious misunderstanding of the situation. If the reasons for regressing the country are not correctly established, it is not possible to solve the problem.

              The regression is as follows.
              The government is not nationally oriented. The state as a soulless machine under the control of the government performs a function that works only on the needs of the government.

              The needs of the people are not satisfied and cannot be satisfied in principle.

              Feedback is not possible. The situation can be corrected only in a revolutionary way.

              To obtain a revolution, respectively, awareness, a leader and financing are needed.


              The world in global understanding is an organization of united nations. Independent members of which there are states. If a state suffers a disaster, which is reflected in a drop in production and a drowning in debt, then the neighbors of this state should raise the issue of discussion at the UN Security Council. And the reason for discussion looks quite reasonable.

              What I am saying, with a modern approach, already has common sense.
              1. +1
                31 December 2015 10: 41
                Quote: gladcu2
                What I am saying, with a modern approach, already has common sense.

                It seems to understand what you wrote, but did not understand, what does your story have to do with my comment? Do you agree or argue against?

                If you take the last paragraph, then it seems to be an excuse for my last sentence, where I said that the UN should break up. If so, then I do not agree with you, and that is why. Neighbors, as you say, raise the issue of discussion, although this is not the correct formulation, they raise the issue or discuss. So, if a country is a debtor, they have the right to impose fines and repayment of debt, although by logic and common sense they should, on the contrary, help to raise the country's economy, in tranches (as in Ukraine) and stop the civil war if there is one, so that the people calm down, there was one power to finally repay the debt. But what is real? The UN sanctions aggression and intervention, the latter happens even without a resolution, that is, the permission of the Security Council, there is such chaos in a problem country that not only does not lead to the return of debt, but also, on the contrary, kindles a hotbed of instability that it goes to neighboring countries, the country is rolling back several decades ago in economic and demographic terms, which we specifically observe by the example of Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.
                And another moment, this is not about debt, that is, this is only the only right by which the UN has the right to intervene in the internal affairs of a sovereign country. The revolution is not a reason for aggression until the new power that came after the civil war really threatens its neighbors. And what right do you think the UN has recently intervened in the affairs of a foreign country? The imposition of the notorious democracy, the reason for military aggression and economic sanction was only that a country did not respect civil rights and freedoms of citizens, and there was no democracy, in elections and everywhere, in the political and social life of society. Due to the fact that there is no criterion, for example, on a 100-point scale, whether there are democracies or not, all the pretexts for aggression are far-fetched, which means that everything the UN did is a criminal conspiracy of large countries to exploit small ones. That's all. Sincerely.
            2. 0
              31 December 2015 11: 28
              ... this is certainly true, but, excuse me, utopia ... at least for the coming years ...
          2. +6
            31 December 2015 09: 22
            Quote: Tatiana
            fully consistent with the work of Mein Kampf A. Hitler.

            At school studied, sir?)))

            The demonization of Russia (USSR, Russian Empire, Russia) began not yesterday and not a century - centuries ago! When Vladimir the Great made his choice in favor of Orthodoxy. The West succeeded in destroying Byzantium with the paws of the Turks (they did not help it in a brotherly Christian way, they guaranteed "non-interference"). But with Russia it does not work! It seems that they have already destroyed everything (Mongols, Poles, French, Judeo-Bolsheviks, of the same color "seven bankers"), but it is reviving again stronger than before! Who else, but I am proud of my Fatherland! And my second New Year's toast will be "FOR RUSSIA AND FREEDOM - TO THE END!" Happy New Year, Russians!)))) drinks fellow
        2. +4
          31 December 2015 09: 07
          There is one phenomenon in human (and interstate) relations: do good once - they will warmly thank you, the second time - they will take it for granted, and do not do it for the third time - they will be cursed! This paradox is completely surmountable, provided that the doing of good is parity. That very hackneyed "you-me, I-you". Otherwise, the recipients have a keen desire to stick to the donor forever. Until the last drop of his blood ... Do we need it? How long can you walk on a rake?
      2. +5
        29 December 2015 08: 00
        Quote: Victor Jnnjdfy
        It seems to me that Russia can be completely self-sufficient without Ukraine. In order to bring pro-Russian people to power there, at least Russia should be more attractive to the majority of Ukrainian citizens than Zap. Europe. And for this we first of all need to restore order and build a more just society.

        Russia with any authority in Ukraine should always have influence on the country, because otherwise it will be used as a battering ram against us. Now, quite a large part of Ukrainians remember the USSR, live with Russians and have common roots, but a new generation will grow up and through another 20 years, our influence will be 0.
        1. +14
          29 December 2015 08: 48
          What kind of country are you talking about, what the hell is the government loyal to us in Ukraine? !!! There should not be any separate Ukraine from Russia, it is part of us. The vile separatist under-Ukraine Ukraine should be eliminated.
      3. +18
        29 December 2015 09: 03
        I don’t like the attitude towards Ukraine as a foreign state. In 1991, they threw Ukraine under the feet of am and gay people. 25 years, and before that too, there was frank anti-Russian propaganda. And what did we do to counter this lie. And if so with us? And one should not be surprised at the anti-Russian sentiments, but at the fact that many, very many continue to remain faithful to the Russian world, Russia. For the sake of this, they fought and threw themselves under tanks in recent battles. And anyway, do they help for the sake of gratitude? How can I abandon Kiev, throw Odessa at the mercy, how can I refuse veterans who are forced to watch how Bandera people are honored, how can I refuse all who live in Ukraine and wait for the end of this nightmare? This is our story, it's all ours, Russian. And talking about why we need these neighbors, we need to think about ourselves, remind me of the years before the collapse of the USSR, when they argued just like who feeds whom. If this goes on, we will soon say why they say these Ryazan and Kaluga to us, why feed them, let them separate. Not I said, but let me remind you. Russia can be either great (although this is not easy), or it will not be.
        1. +7
          29 December 2015 11: 08
          Quote: vovan50
          How can I abandon Kiev, throw Odessa at the mercy, how can I refuse veterans who are forced to watch how Bandera people are honored, how can I refuse all who live in Ukraine and wait for the end of this nightmare?

          And who refuses? Putin or what? so apparently he is refusing, trying to stop the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine through Minsk negotiations, training Donetsk fighters with specialists, or even supporting artillery fire (boilers Debaltsevo, Ilovaisk), sending humanitarian aid, forgiving the junta debts, is that not enough? on yours it was necessary to enter Russian tanks? are you sure that everyone will be greeted with flowers? and so everything is on treason, but here it will be confirmed sho mo.s.k.a.l.i. attacked as promised by the junta, all theft can be attributed to the war. There you look and NATO will catch up, for some reason I am sure that the UN will give the go-ahead for the punishment of the "aggressor". Here and the end of the fairy tale, called "raising Russia from its knees", will be driven into a hollow until the 19th century.
          1. 0
            30 December 2015 02: 06
            Quote: Max_Bauder
            for some reason I am sure that the UN will give the go-ahead for the punishment of the "aggressor".

            Why? And what do we veto right? Not to mention nuclear weapons ... smile
            1. +2
              31 December 2015 10: 45
              Quote: Weyland
              Why? And what do we veto right? Not to mention nuclear weapons ...

              if the veto is the word, and yao is the gun. You know, one smart person said long ago that they listen to words only when they are supported by a loaded pistol. My regards. hi
          2. +1
            30 December 2015 22: 06
            Oh, and nah ... we are with the mother of Russian cities, this is not a mess for years, for decades ...
            And they will call us to rake up this haemorrhage, they will begin to reproach us: they say, brothers, help me, good people! But the instigators don’t care, they will dump me at the cordon.
      4. +5
        29 December 2015 10: 12
        Quote: Victor Jnnjdfy
        It seems to me that Russia can be completely self-sufficient without Ukraine.

        Well. You are already ready to give up the struggle for a part of the Russian people. Today you are self-sufficient without Ukraine. Tomorrow without Belarus. The day after tomorrow without Siberia and the Far East. That is exactly what Washington required. If only you did not have to feed the poor "hungry mouths". If only you had a bigger piece and fatter.
        1. +1
          30 December 2015 06: 23
          You need to feel that edge when the "piece is too large" to digest it. Otherwise, we will all be pulled to the bottom.
      5. +1
        30 December 2015 14: 22
        “We must always remember that we are surrounded by enemies and envious people, that we, Russians, have no friends. Yes, we do not need them, provided we stand for each other. There is no need for allies: the best of them will betray us. Russia has only two allies: its army and navy, Emperor of the Russian Empire Alexander III.
      6. +1
        30 December 2015 19: 19
        The same Belarus is now trying to survive not with us, but at our expense. And we will not wait for gratitude from them (neighbors).

        There is no concept of "gratitude" in politics, politics is from the evil one, therefore only force, coincidences and collisions of interests act.
        In other words, we are friends - as long as it is beneficial to someone.
      7. 0
        30 December 2015 20: 02
        We are already attractive enough for them, so many people are skating for us to work and there will be even more. Young people are raving about Europe. Well, for now ...
      8. 0
        31 December 2015 05: 24
        Quote: Victor Jnnjdfy
        Russia should be more attractive to most citizens of Ukraine than Zap. Europe.

        far more than half of the outskirts feed in Russia ..........
      9. 0
        31 December 2015 11: 26
        ... but Russia for once was at least someone grateful? The same Syrians, whom we are now helping, five years later, will say, yes, we finally didn’t want to, he came innocent himself and we are Muslims and why this Russia should have been from us still cannot understand ... that's exactly what we are all to helping try " survive not with us, but at our expense"and this is somehow ugly and sad ...
    2. +4
      29 December 2015 07: 24
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Today, UKRAINE is waiting for the fate of BULGARIA,

      It will be so if Russia does not take action ...
      These measures should consist in STRONG support (monetary and commercial) of any manifestations of the "Russian World" in Ukraine, starting with lovers of Russian culture and ending with pro-Russian military-patriotic organizations: these organizations do not have to be ukrophobic at all, but if this happens, Russia can't do anything about it ... fellow
      1. +3
        29 December 2015 08: 47
        And what a cool photo! I understand everything, no way, but I want it so much! hi
      2. 0
        29 December 2015 10: 14
        Quote: hydrox
        These measures should consist in STRONG support (monetary and commercial) of any manifestations of the "Russian World" in Ukraine, starting with lovers of Russian culture and ending with pro-Russian military-patriotic organizations: these organizations do not have to be ukrophobic at all, but if this happens, Russia can't do anything about it

        What is the "Russian world"? What are you talking about if it was turned off, or at best frozen.
    3. +2
      29 December 2015 10: 09
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      True ... one cannot solve the problem of UKRAINE ...

      The best solution to problems with fascism, the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag or over the Verkhovna Rada. Other ways are cowardice and indecision. For many years, the GDR became the best allies in the internal affairs department, while they sincerely respected the USSR, and not just in words like Poland. And unfortunately we chose the second way, lulling ourselves that the time would cure someone there.
    4. +3
      30 December 2015 19: 19
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Contain this horde of parasites of RUSSIA to anything.
      Therefore, it is best to work in the same style that the Americans did there for many years before the overthrow of YANUKOVICH .... to bring pro-Russian people to power in UKRAINE ... the task is very difficult and long-term.

      Well you issued. WE WOULD IN RUSSIA LEAD TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE PRO-RUSSIAN-SPECIFIED PEOPLE. And then Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and the rest. We have around ourselves hucksters, crooks, thieves and other valuable staff from the clip of Yeltsin and Sobchak.
    5. 0
      31 December 2015 05: 21
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      True ... one cannot solve the problem of UKRAINE ...

      they themselves will be asked, it was more than once, dill always bustles between Poles, Tatars, Turks, Swedes and Austrians, but they return to Russia .... it's time to put an end to the German-Jewish project and name all the territories by their names RUSSIA
  2. +6
    29 December 2015 05: 55
    Russian-speaking population declared "second-class people". See how it all came together? It just happened all by itself, this puzzle was stacked for a long time and hard, in pieces

    The desire for a certain freedom (it is not clear from whom) for some reason always turns into Russophobia, and ends in a truly full-fledged enslavement of the population. How to explain this to people? Here, perhaps, it is necessary to develop the technology of antidotes for such powerful destructive propaganda.
    1. -4
      29 December 2015 07: 29
      There is no need for antidotes and propaganda, but in Russia it is necessary to give the Russians, namely the Russians, and not the Chechens, Tatars, etc. - land who as much as reasonably wants, without the right to sell, give loans to Russians without predatory interest, pay the Russians for the birth of a child, give the Russians a weapon in their hands so that our boys can respond to armed thugs from Asia and the Caucasus, give the Russians the right to defend the Russian border, as the Cossacks did, give the Russians the right to sit in government bodies and issue laws protecting Russians --that is then Russia will bloom and rally, and next to the Russians and other peoples .....
      1. +8
        29 December 2015 08: 58
        Well, if the Russians give loans at lower interest rates than non-Russians, etc., then this is unlikely to unite the other nations with the Russians.
        1. 0
          29 December 2015 10: 16
          Quote: -Traveller-
          Well, if the Russians give loans at lower interest rates than non-Russians, etc., then this is unlikely to unite the other nations with the Russians.

          And if you give the Orthodox for example, without making amendments to nationality?) In Islam, money-lenders are prohibited in relation to co-religionists. Who's stopping us from making a similar scheme?
          1. +5
            29 December 2015 10: 59
            check on Orthodoxy how are you going?
            all this is some kind of nonsense.
            banks should determine the% of loans and loan conditions based on financial feasibility, and not nationality, religion or political views.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +6
        29 December 2015 09: 01
        Quote: Vasily123
        There is no need for antidotes and propaganda, but in Russia it is necessary to give the Russians, namely the Russians, and not the Chechens, Tatars, etc. - land who as much as reasonably wants, without the right to sell, give loans to Russians without predatory interest, pay the Russians for the birth of a child, give the Russians a weapon in their hands so that our boys can respond to armed thugs from Asia and the Caucasus, give the Russians the right to defend the Russian border, as the Cossacks did, give the Russians the right to sit in government bodies and issue laws protecting Russians --that is then Russia will bloom and rally, and next to the Russians and other peoples .....

        Well, do not believe me, I saw polar bears, there are no armed Chechens to the teeth smile
        Our borders are protected by the army and navy, and not by a crowd of armed thugs with whom they cannot cope.
        Earth, and so plenty, except that nothing but the potatoes has time to grow ..... frozen, winter, frost.
        And in the organs we have no time to sit. These organs are time to amputate, half.

        and indeed the whole comment from one give-give-give, we don’t need anything, we have everything. Give it all to you. And we are not expecting a third child for the sake of receiving money, but because children are happiness)
      3. +8
        29 December 2015 09: 32
        Vasily, the whole point is that both Chechen and Tatar and Kazakh and all nations are all RUSSIAN. I do not agree with my comrades offering to abandon Ukraine to Bandera and other gays, because this is also RUSSIA.
        1. +1
          30 December 2015 15: 55
          OK. What we are going to do? And in Russia itself a lot of Russian left? In my opinion, one rattle about the Russian world. From all of us. Even who cares about this world.
    2. +1
      30 December 2015 16: 25
      Quote: venaya

      The tempering?
  3. +11
    29 December 2015 05: 56
    Ukraine has chosen its own path, and let them follow it peacefully, and whoever does not want a bright Euro tomorrow, we will help them stay in the Slavic world.
    1. +3
      29 December 2015 07: 06
      So the problem is that they do not go in peace, but kill people, and moreover, Russian people.
  4. +7
    29 December 2015 05: 57
    Somewhat chaotic, but generally true. The failure of the economies of the Balts and Dill should have a clear and understandable explanation at the level of a moron - "The cat abandoned the kittens - it's Putin's fault!" And that's all. And emotions instead of analysis. The curtain.
    1. +5
      29 December 2015 07: 36
      Emotions are a good thing :: why don’t Russia distribute to the children in some border settlements of Ukraine, mainly with the Russian population, ordinary picture books, wall calendars (with Putin, ha ha ha!) Toys and gifts (like Soviet ones) with tangerines and sweets ?
      The costs are small, made easy when communicating in RUSSIAN, non-criminal, and the effect will be very significant.
    2. -2
      29 December 2015 09: 01
      failure of economies in the Baltic states? look at the data on GDP (at par, not PPP) per capita. the highest rates among all the former republics of the ussr.
      without any oil, gas, etc.
      1. 0
        29 December 2015 11: 32
        It’s more correct to compare exactly by PPP.
        1. -1
          29 December 2015 11: 52
          correctly? 100 dollars is 100 dollars and from what angle do not look at them at 300 they will not turn. all these tricks with the faculty are invented for poor countries so that they are not so upset looking at the depressing statistics of their own economy.
      2. +1
        29 December 2015 12: 31
        failure of economies in the Baltic?

        In the Baltics, it is not stupid request
      3. 0
        31 December 2015 11: 59
        ... yeah, it remains to count how many people there are left and what they start from, counting and deriving these percentages ... if we divide all the "infusions" into the "economy" of the outskirts and the Baltic states by the population remaining on their territory, then it’s kaneshna, they have everything by leaps and bounds, and they live even better than in Geyrope ... Kuwait and more! Like I took a loan of ten million and the income for each member of my family jumped right away, even scared to think how many times ... only now, without doing anything and squandering the money, what to give? And then oops! this very income falls below the plinth and even below the third level of groundwater ... so my friend, you first understand what this GDP is composed of and how the percentage for this very capita is calculated, and only then tear your shirt off ... look BASIC income items of the Pribolts and think about what state they are currently in, what is the profitability / profitability, how much is invested in the development of these industries and what are the general prospects ... and statistics is the most accurate science for those who pay for all these polls, analyzes and other movements for its benefits naturally ... adyu! hi
  5. +26
    29 December 2015 06: 02
    started reading, thought-author Alexander Rogers what but no, but it’s written well good
    1. +1
      29 December 2015 06: 26
      started reading, thought-author Alexander Rogers en no
      By the way, I would like to appeal to the "commanders" of the site to put the names of the authors at the beginning of the article.
      1. +6
        29 December 2015 06: 38
        Quote: BecmepH
        so that the names of the authors put at the beginning of the article.

        Afraid to read the "dangerous" author? smile
        1. +2
          29 December 2015 07: 38
          Quote: Vladimirets

          Afraid to read the "dangerous" author? smile

          No, sorry for the time for nothing ...
      2. +1
        29 December 2015 11: 28
        What difference does the article have or not the author has, the name is in front of the article or behind. The bottom line in the article itself
        1. +1
          29 December 2015 12: 32
          What difference does the article have an author or not, the name in front of the article or behind.

          To save time!
          I read the name, added an article without reading it, and went on! laughing
  6. +9
    29 December 2015 06: 04
    I fully agree with the article. By the way, a good answer to those who are constantly yelling about the "drain" of the LDNR and trying to brandish an "army" club (sitting on a sofa or in a cozy office).
  7. +7
    29 December 2015 06: 06
    I liked the big article. I often thought about the whipping up of this hysteria - the Balts, the Poles .. In my opinion, this hysteria suggests that "there," Probably, the situation is getting worse in reality. After all, these are stupid paid teasers. no --- time will tell. But you cannot prepare for this in advance. Only --- Russia !!
    Again, if Yanukovych hadn’t run away, there could have been another scenario.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      29 December 2015 07: 43
      Quote: Reptiloid
      if Yanukovych hadn’t run away, there could have been another scenario.

      The flight of Yanukovych is the logical and final stage of those events. This fact did not solve anything - Yanyk leaked his power earlier, when he did not decide, in response to the first attacks on law enforcement officials, to disperse the Maidan. Plus, he lost the information war to the opposition media, which could easily be covered up, whether for political will.
      1. 0
        30 December 2015 16: 36
        Quote: Ami du peuple
        Yanyk leaked his power earlier, when he did not dare, in response to the first attacks on law enforcement officials, to disperse the Maidan.

        Even under Yushchenko he was in Mariupol, talking with small businessmen there. They were shaking even then from the surname of Yanukovych and from the family of Yanukovych, and from the methods of Yanukovych. Yanukovych’s power strengthened this attitude of the southeastern population.
  8. +1
    29 December 2015 06: 16
    That’s what surprises me is when in all seriousness adults evaluate the risks of “the arrival of Russian tanks”. Tanks will come to destroy “freedom”, and this is the worst thing that can happen in the life of a “young European”.
    and in general, in turn ... we still have the Baltic states to genocide feel
  9. +4
    29 December 2015 06: 32
    There would be more such articles for a western audience. We then here and so it is clear, in principle, how it all ends. Plus to the author and thanks, I completely agree with him.
    1. 0
      29 December 2015 09: 48
      And what media in the West dare to publish such articles?
      Although such a publication will find its reader, not everyone in the West is zombified, there are sensible people.
  10. +4
    29 December 2015 06: 34
    So, Russia can perform the very same “dance” for a very long time, but inevitably sooner or later it will be forced to answer.

    And with this, perhaps, we have to agree. The states are consistently and patiently (sometimes not very patiently) pushing Russia towards this decision. And in our VO sometimes exclamations are heard: "Let's hit that we have no strength!" The main thing for the states is that Russia makes a gesture - and then that's it. Draw down the curtain. World War III and the last one.
    1. -2
      29 December 2015 07: 45
      It is necessary to go from the other end :: in every possible way to develop the insurgent and partisan movement in the Novorossiysk regions - really, except for Surkov, we have NO ANYTHING that could deal with this issue ???
      This is a very big minus and a loud "FE!" Putin ...
      1. 0
        29 December 2015 10: 18
        Quote: hydrox
        really, except Surkov, we have NO ANYTHING that could deal with this issue ???

        So we and Serdyukov are an indispensable person)))))
  11. +2
    29 December 2015 06: 36
    Eg, burning diesel fuel and cartridges for sprats is not ice, an unprofitable tank cruise in the Baltics will turn out. Yes, and they have already chosen a large amber ... No, let the Danes and the Swedes take them for themselves again, then the proud Balts will be second-class people without their own writing and the prohibition to speak their own language in front of the "owners".
    1. +2
      30 December 2015 18: 44
      90% of the world's amber reserves are located in the Kaliningrad region. I agree with the article, but I didn’t like one phrase, perhaps a disclaimer: “You can and should, of course, hate Russians and love Americans ...” Tell me, what is the word “necessary” for?
      1. 0
        30 December 2015 18: 47
        Tell me what is there

        It's irony Yes
  12. +2
    29 December 2015 06: 45
    Economic “miracles” ended, harsh everyday life began.

    And neither the Baltic States, nor Ukraine were ready for these weekdays. It is one thing in rainbow dreams to live at the expense of Europe, and another is the bitter truth of life. And how to cover up the collapsed hopes for a comfortable and cloudless life, no matter how the Russian invasion. This will continue until they themselves die out.
    1. +1
      29 December 2015 07: 52
      And who is stopping us from organizing for the "non-citizens" of the Tribaltic republics a monthly free delivery of 20 liters of gasoline at the gas station closest to the border crossing?
      Inexpensive and very effective, as well as volunteers' entrances on Saturdays (Sundays) for charity events to distribute dinners to non-citizens
  13. +4
    29 December 2015 06: 45
    Ukrainians managed to bring to power gangsters controlled from outside, to irrevocably lose part of their territory, and that it would be even more fun, Ukraine started a civil war. It is clear that Ukraine as an independent state in the post-Soviet space did not take place. a public entity called Ukraine passed to Poland, and the other part to Russia, since they cannot live with their own mind
    1. 0
      31 December 2015 12: 06
      ... and that part of it that will leave Poland will immediately begin to hysteria that they were merged and they never tried to join the EU, and so it was wonderful for them and the like ... it’s time to already understand that h ... are two-armed, brainless and ungrateful, that to Poland, that to Russia ... yes they at least attach them to Bangladesh or to the Ivory Coast ... where there is no FREEbie it is simply unbearable ...
  14. +3
    29 December 2015 06: 51
    What is happening now is quite normal in the conduct of hostilities, only the battlefield in the global format was transferred from hot to other planes, no less intense, but at the same time sometimes more effective. There is a struggle for the minds of people, for their beliefs, for their faith, as well as many other things of no small importance for each of us. As a result, many are ready to sacrifice their short-term interests for the sake of general peace, which is what all leaders use regardless of the country of residence. bureaucratic, judicial, police lawlessnesses go around, which everyone is tired of, but all the same, despite all the assurances of the government, they don’t go anywhere, and sometimes it seems that their growth is happening at all. Governors steal billions, mayors hundreds of millions, who occupies important posts in the construction of residential and road infrastructure no less. Those officials and people in uniform who occupy positions of less than tens of millions, and so on. Since sometimes taxis, we often have conversations, so I meet people who directly declare that those salaries They don’t even look at the cards that they transfer to their cards and don’t know what amounts they have there, they just live on other incomes possible at their posts. But hope dies last, I hope they will put things in order here.
  15. +4
    29 December 2015 06: 55
    I think that the West is waiting for Russian tanks, because they would have done so. All their colonial past, all their snobbish attitude towards "savages", suggests that they would ..., too. They sit, now in a cognitive dissonance and cannot understand, "why the Russians did not attack!" They, sick people, judge by themselves. They cannot understand the Russian soul. They do not understand that the ability to think is endowed not only with the "white man". I wish the Lord further self-confidence and contempt for those around them, in their opinion, subhumans. I hope we will surprise them, and more than once, in the New Year.
  16. +6
    29 December 2015 06: 59
    The USSR possessed monstrous "power" resources, but they were not involved in any way. And rightly so All “freedom fighters” in Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltic states could be instantly “neutralized”. And on completely legal grounds (remember: the principle of territorial integrity, sacred for every Ukrainian). But no one did it - "Died so died» why it is pointless to shed blood?

    Nonsense is complete, because the time used force then would prevent the flow of blood spilled and pouring today in the CIS. USSR collapsed as a result treason of the communist elite , and not because he was terminally "ill". These traitors did not fulfill either the Constitution of the USSR, or the decision of the people of the USSR, expressed in the March 1991 referendum.
    Article minus.
    1. +2
      29 December 2015 07: 29
      The problem, in my opinion, was also that the CPSU, then everyone was tired of worse than the bitter radish. Everyone was waiting for change, but there were none. The people would not have understood if the repression began. It is not known how Moscow, Peter would react. How many people took to the streets in 1991? It seems to me that the top of the USSR knew about this and did not dare. The history of the subjunctive moods does not know. But, there was a chance when L.I., Brezhnev in the 70's began to refuse the post of Secretary General. Would come Yu.V. Andropov, then. But alas. Apparently, other party bonzes were afraid to be in places not so distant.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        29 December 2015 11: 05
        Quote: avva2012
        The problem, in my opinion, was also that the CPSU, then everyone was tired of worse than the bitter radish

        Yes, she did not cause sympathy. But she was the only organized and powerful force capable of stopping nationalism and decay; moreover, she positioned herself precisely as the defender of the Union. And it was precisely in this capacity of her that she was the guardian of a large Russia (USSR) - the majority supported her, even me. We should not forget that the leadership of the CPSU is state leadership. And it was precisely the betrayal of the commander’s head that paralyzed state resistance to disintegration, and the commanders immediately became both nationalists and liberals, ugh on them ....
        1. +2
          29 December 2015 12: 21
          Yes, if she had positioned herself, at least somehow! Then the majority would support it. But the decline began when the Politburo became a joke in the country. It should not be! Power, people must respect. Therefore, they remember Yu.V. Andropov, and regret that he did not live much, did little. Indeed, then, in addition to clowns or sick (more often) dissidents, people regarded the communist ideals quite favorably. The top would have been cleaned, all sorts of majors tamed, and the country would still have lived.
          1. 0
            30 December 2015 18: 53
            Andropov did little. But even managed to make fun. Do not remember the checks in cinemas and cafes - why here, and not at work? Stupidity is complete. People walk or don’t work at all - it’s necessary not to check in the cinema, but to make sure that they don’t go out with fake certificates, and if it doesn’t work at all, they checked it by crime, because there was no way to just not work and live on something. Yes, any policeman in his area knew who was doing what. And if such a question was so stupidly decided, what to speak of more serious ones.
  17. 0
    29 December 2015 07: 02
    Quote: izya top
    and in general, in turn ... we still have the Baltic states to genocide

    And roll call. And exclamations - you didn’t stand on the Russian genocide! Poland occupied us! laughing
  18. -1
    29 December 2015 07: 05
    Funny article, sins inaccuracies.
    "And she gave up even part of the debt of the USSR - let the Russians pay the bills."
    The author apparently does not know. that this agreement on the rejection of claims of Ukraine on the property of the USSR was aimed at ratification of Ukraine, but it never was. Those. in fact, Russia paid off debts of Ukraine in the amount of 17% of the USSR currency debt to the Paris club. Well, of all the other republics of the USSR, having received all the foreign property and assets of the USSR for this. Pavda in this case of non-ratification and appeal to the international court of Ukraine is still unknown which side he will take. They may say that Russia is well done, this is its good will, but Ukraine has nothing to do with this and return to it the 17% of the property of the USSR owed to it.
    1. 0
      29 December 2015 09: 48
      that this agreement on the refusal of Ukraine’s claims on the property of the USSR was sent to Ukraine’s ratification, but it was never

      That is, Ukraine and the debt (17%) did not repay and did not refuse foreign property?
      Interesting position
  19. +2
    29 December 2015 07: 06
    If there was no Russian threat, it would have to be invented ... Ivan the Terrible was a "bloody tyrant" for Europe at that time. Peter1, Stalin, Putin, in every historical period the West always found something to scare itself with.
  20. -12
    29 December 2015 07: 13
    "When the Russian tanks don't come"

    When there is no oil with gas ...
    1. +1
      29 December 2015 12: 33
      When there is no oil with gas ...

      We have to "promote" democracy
  21. cap
    29 December 2015 07: 16
    "In the summer of 2014, Ukrainian troops openly fired at the territory of Russia. And what? Europe kindly turned a blind eye to this. They say that at one time Yanukovych did somersaults on a handkerchief, avoiding going to the IMF for money (understanding, unlike Lukashenko, what it is fraught.) So, Russia can perform the same "dance" for a very long time, but inevitably sooner or later it will be forced to answer. A situation where any actions of our opponents are automatically declared legitimate, and our response to aggression fundamentally leads us to a dead end. We will not "get out." When the GSVG was withdrawn from Germany, who would have thought that as a result of this glorious action shells would fall on the Rostov Region, but that is exactly what happened.
    To the author + and thanks for the sensible presentation.
    In the highlighted fragment, the author makes it clear in a simple and understandable way that, one way or another, it will be necessary to get out. I would add that Ukraine is a bargaining chip in a big game. With great human resources and potential. But the main goal of Russia in this confrontation is of great importance. Back in the distant 80s, he served in (in) Western Ukraine. Already then the influx of Poles and their statements in private conversations directly indicated that maximum efforts would be made to divide Ukraine, and at best, the collapse of the USSR. That is, what is happening now are plans that have been written since the Cold War and all the subsequent time. It will not be possible to break the situation over the knee. Ukrainian society is not homogeneous in terms of territorial-ethnicity. For some, Russia is a liberator, as happened in Crimea, for others, an occupier. This is the territory beyond the Bug River and up to the border with Poland. Since the backbone of the national battalions from western Ukraine, they will be engaged terror (which is happening now), in relation to all who do not share their ideology. This makes them similar to radicals of all stripes (Syria, Iraq, Turkey and further on the list). The chief puppeteer is known. There is a play in the theater of the absurd. The organizers need to return money for renting a stage, costumes and scenery. How much blood will be shed at the same time "Karabas" does not care. He needs a "golden key" Russia. Something like that hi
  22. 0
    29 December 2015 07: 27
    The article is wonderful. The author is well done, everything is clearly laid out on the shelves. All causes and effects are indicated correctly. A rare example of well-thought out thoughts.
    I will definitely save it!
    1. 0
      30 December 2015 15: 12
      Quote: marxlight
      The article is wonderful. The author is well done, everything is clearly laid out on the shelves. All causes and effects are indicated correctly. A rare example of well-thought out thoughts.
      I will definitely save it!

      The article is a call to the outbreak of hostilities. There is nothing good in it, only cliches and myths. You will be respected only when you respect yourself and behave with dignity - where you must be silent, where you must say, where you must - give in the face. If the sprats howl - then the dog - dog death. Small mongrels are yapping, so is that a reason to start a world massacre?
  23. +3
    29 December 2015 07: 32
    Just an enormous amount of effort to start a war. You just need to understand the meaning of this action. In this case, Europe and the United States have one task - the war, but the goals of the war are different. Europe needs a war to save the economy, and the United States needs a war to completely destroy all industrial centers. TOTAL destruction along with the population.
    And it is not the first year that all US efforts are directed at incinerating Europe by the hands of Russia. The most important thing is not to buy into this war, what "benefits" it would not promise.
    Today it is not necessary to deal with militarization, but with the development of a new production model. At a new technical level. And as it is not funny, even the actual de-industrialization of modern Russia is not an obstacle in this. A new level of industrial production is based on scientific knowledge and an excess of raw materials, and not on the old technological equipment. In Russia, everything you need is there. There is not only the will to change the model of social production and the economic model of society, taking into account the new technological structure.
    The Industrial Revolution and changes in the economic model are the best response to all provocations, and strikes at the most painful places in Europe and the United States - the ideological superiority of a "flourishing democracy" and the industrial economy of "private enterprise". Yes, simply because it has long been not a democracy, and has long been not private, not entrepreneurship.

    There is only one way out of the geopolitical trap - technological superiority and a change in the economic model.
  24. -3
    29 December 2015 07: 36
    Comparison of the secession of Crimea from Ukraine and Ukraine from the USSR is incorrect. All left the USSR, including Russia, and one can say "amicably" and Ukraine was not going to let go of Crimea at all.

    The Russians are too well versed in politics, and they understood that if only the force methods of saving the USSR were left, then it was a little late to save it.

    What nonsense at all? Yeltsin, on behalf of Russia, was for leaving the USSR, and supporters of preserving the USSR were not only in Russia but also in other republics.

    The author wonders what Ukrainians think about "Russian tanks" and not about the economy. In Russia, of course, everything is different. There are no constant statements that America / NATO is about to surround / attack us. There is almost no talk about the economy, because there is almost no economy.

    The author should remove the log from the eye before searching for straws.
    1. +1
      29 December 2015 10: 00
      Comparison of the secession of Crimea from Ukraine and Ukraine from the USSR is incorrect. All left the USSR, including Russia, and we can say "amicably".

      Who prevented the USSR from "crushing with tanks" all those who disagree?
      No one, it was just a decision (reasonable) that it is meaningless and useless.
      In general, the collapse of the USSR could cost humanity a terrible price. But the Russians are not Germans ... No one didn’t demonstrate the death of the gods

      What kind of nonsense in general? Yeltsin on behalf of Russia was for the withdrawal from the USSR

      And who was Yeltsin? Virtually none; he could have been easily removed from politics. But the "alternative" option was Yugoslavian or something. And the Kremlin understood this (even before Yugoslavia)
      Therefore, no one suffered from garbage. The USSR was dismissed "quietly" and this is a plus. Saved a lot of human lives. And if in 91 the Russian Federation began to "clarify the borders" it could end with Bosnia and Herzegovina. (it might not end, but God protects the saved)

      and the Crimea Ukraine was not going to let go

      And who asked her (US semi-colony at that time)? And what did Crimea have to do with Ukraine?
      Ukraine in the Donbas clearly demonstrated
      an "alternative" to federalization or bloodless divorce.

      The decision of Moscow 1991 of the year - a very wise decision
      Kiev's decision 2014 of the year - the road to disaster
    2. 0
      29 December 2015 13: 57
      All left the USSR, including Russia, and one can say "amicably"

      You never wondered - WHY?
  25. +2
    29 December 2015 07: 43
    Quote: Tatiana
    Everything that happens in Eastern Europe is fully consistent with the work of Mein Kampf by A. Hitler. It seems that in the USA this "manifesto" of Hitler was worked out very thoroughly and thoroughly and now his methodology is being implemented.

    Tatiana, you are absolutely right. This tree has the same roots. Hitler did not take his ideas from Chinese philosophy. Before him, everything was beautifully written by the English. And about the "domination of the white man", and anti-Semitism, all from the same bed. And the British used these ideas even before the birth of Adolphus. So, they are promoting their ideas now, in fact.
  26. +6
    29 December 2015 07: 57
    Quote: Vasily123
    There is no need for antidotes and propaganda, but in Russia it is necessary to give the Russians, namely the Russians, and not the Chechens, Tatars, etc. - land who as much as reasonably wants, without the right to sell, give loans to Russians without predatory interest, pay the Russians for the birth of a child, give the Russians a weapon in their hands so that our boys can respond to armed thugs from Asia and the Caucasus, give the Russians the right to defend the Russian border, as the Cossacks did, give the Russians the right to sit in government bodies and issue laws protecting Russians --that is then Russia will bloom and rally, and next to the Russians and other peoples .....

    You suffer from xenophobia, dear man, it smacks of nationalism. And what, there are no other peoples in Russia ?!
  27. -1
    29 December 2015 07: 57
    The article is good, but about the reforms that needed to be carried out in the USSR, I disagree with the author. Perestroika was just such a reform. Where it led, most of us were living witnesses. From my point of view, A. Zinoviev was more right here, who wrote that any reform in the USSR "from above" would lead to disaster. And from the bottom there are no reforms, this is already called a different word. And I would not consider the East Europeans to be blind fools, they just are not yet ready to arrange revolutions for our disagreements with the West. Tops, bottom and all that, you get the idea.
  28. 0
    29 December 2015 08: 17
    I do not agree that the military confrontation with NATO will automatically go global. Just this scenario is not beneficial to anyone. But a local conflict of high intensity on a limited theater of war is more than likely. We ourselves significantly brought such a scenario closer without giving a military response to the downed SU-24. The main shock force of NATO-USA has the psychology of a gopnik, once bent, two bent, and by the third it is already clear that the client will rub off. In Georgia, Ukraine and SU-24, we have already bent three times.
  29. 0
    29 December 2015 08: 22
    It is not symptoms that need to be treated, but a disease.
    Mattressoids will continue to print their candy wrappers and distribute them to degenerates so that they rush at us.
    There are only two options - either to bring down the dollar or to explode mericosia with nuclear bombs.
    Why, by the way, our authorities do not blame the false America for all its sins on all significant gangways and not so, hints, and specifically, with examples, figures and facts. Like turkey. Is there nothing to say or what?
  30. +2
    29 December 2015 08: 51
    Russia has entered the Ukraine tanks or not Ukrainians will still hate us, because someone should be to blame except for them (and Russia is an obvious option), that their stupid dream did not come true to live beautifully and for free.
  31. -1
    29 December 2015 09: 31
    ... Russian troubles are not important to us,
    and Lansbergis and Prunskene
    We’ll die, we won’t let them go.
    On the world, death is red to us ...
    Untitled song. A. Gradsky

    maybe let everyone live as they want, do our own business? we learn at least something other than tanks to do, and then oil of 15 is just around the corner, and there is no other economy either.
    1. 0
      29 December 2015 10: 32
      They want to live at our expense in one way or another. And also at the expense of Syria, stealing oil. At the expense of Ukraine. And generally at the expense of everyone (duty). Respectfully.
      1. +1
        29 December 2015 11: 02
        who are you writing about?
  32. Hey
    29 December 2015 10: 00
    What do we have in Ukraine at the moment. What are our trump cards "against" Ukraine. Here I see Ukraine as our land and our people, therefore "against" in quotes.
    Immediately make a reservation that Russia at the moment is only gaining strength and its imperial actions against Ukraine will be somewhat delayed in time.
    The first, most important and trump ace. A referendum of the peoples of the USSR on the preservation of the Soviet Union. By analogy with the Crimea, the Duma, the Federation Council, the Constitutional Court will decide on the illegality of the Bialowieza Agreements or in part of them in relation to Ukraine (as a variation). For the validity of the accession of Ukraine. That is why the Belarusian and Kazakh leaders were virtually silent about the actions of Russia in Ukraine, realizing that measures could be taken against their countries in case of any complications.
    The second and a trump card of a lower rank - the border between Ukraine and Russia has not been demarcated. Therefore, if it’s rude, then we can determine and draw the border as we like because we are the successor of the USSR. As a variation, and to calm the West, and at the moment until the next conflict, we can cede part of the land to a number of European countries such as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. Poland can not even give all the land, warning her if it will be aroused, then we will not mind if Germany requires her own land.
    And the third one more year - two and the population of Ukraine will ripen for reunification with the Russian Empire. In this case, the entry should take place on the right of Russian lands such as New Russia, Little Russia.
    1. 0
      29 December 2015 11: 42
      Unfortunately, the majority of the population of Western, Central and even a significant part of the population of Eastern and Southern Ukraine are against joining Russia. There, many RFs are perceived not as the heiress of the Russian Empire or the USSR, but as the former Union Republic of the RSFSR, which has taken too much upon itself. Both the USSR and the former Russian empire there are many negatively related, again, unfortunately. We missed a lot in Ukraine in the 90s and in the zero ones.
      1. +1
        29 December 2015 12: 39
        Unfortunately, the majority of the population of Western, Central and even a significant part of the population of Eastern and Southern Ukraine are against joining Russia.

        And no one offered. Offered TC, and this is not the USSR-2

        But they did not.
  33. 0
    29 December 2015 11: 15
    Quote: bashkort
    No, let their Danes and Swedes take themselves again

    But first, they will return the amount that Peter 1 paid in gold "efimkas"
  34. +8
    29 December 2015 11: 16
    Affar burns! "She died like that, why is it pointless to shed blood." (Cit)! And how much blood was shed "meaningfully"! After the collapse of the USSR! How many Russians died in the former republics? And how many were not Russians, but still "ours"? how many children were not born at all? And what are they doing now with the veterans in the Baltics, how many Russian "non-citizens" are there, what is happening in Ukraine? And all this has been going on since the collapse of the USSR. All these victims! No, it was necessary to strangle in the bud. The Chinese understood well, and they did it on the Tian-An-Men Square. And look, everything is in order. They kept the country from collapse by force, and it worked. But in the USSR they were afraid of victims. And they received GREAT victims and the collapse of the country. And Yanukovosch was afraid Victims Received: colossal victims among the peaceful Russian population and the collapse of the country.
    Next, what I want to say about the industry in Ukraine, "built by the Russians." I myself am Russian, both of my grandfathers are Russian. But I lived in Ukraine since the 30s of the last century. And they built factories in my city. Together with Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews (yes, are you surprised?). Built by the whole Union, and not exclusively by "Russians." Building materials are local, workers are local, equipment is SOVIET. The author seems to have written an article for "plus signs" and not for a serious conversation.
    1. -1
      29 December 2015 12: 35
      Affar burns! "She died like that, why is it pointless to shed blood." (Cit)! And how much blood was shed "meaningfully"! After the collapse of the USSR! How many Russians died in the former republics? And how many were not Russians, but still "ours"? how many children were not born at all?

      In the year 1991 alone, the tanks of the USSR would not have saved.
      1 Idea
      2 Leader
  35. +1
    29 December 2015 12: 33
    Quote: Victor Jnnjdfy
    In order to bring pro-Russian people to power there, at least Russia should be more attractive to the majority of Ukrainian citizens than Zap. Europe. And for this we first of all need to restore order and build a more just society.

    It's not about the attractiveness or unattractiveness of Russia! Already for many years (since the Soviet period, especially during the reign of the maize who gave Crimea to Ukraine), nationalism has been secretly cultivated in Ukraine, and since Ukraine gained independence, it has become, in practice, a national idea, moreover, hypertrophied to a state of "loss of pulse" the essence of which is in fostering a sense of Svidomo, rejection, hostility to "mos ... lam", the Russian language, culture, everything Russian, up to hatred, since it is they, in the opinion of the Svidomo, are the main and main cause of all the problems and troubles with which they constantly faced and is facing Ukraine and its individual citizens! This national idea, hatred of "mos ... lam" was literally hammered into the heads of the young generations of Ukraine, and with the active help of "our" Western "partners", as a result of which today we have in Ukraine a "JUMPING MOST BANDERLOGS", which rules ball and for which all the successes of Russia, the growth of its attractiveness cause and will cause only envy and bouts of impotent rage! So, more than one generation must change in Ukraine for relations with Russia to become relatively normal!
    1. 0
      29 December 2015 12: 42
      as a result, today we have in Ukraine a "JUMPING MAJORITY OF BANDERLOGS", which rules the show and for which all the successes of Russia, the growth of its attractiveness cause and will cause only envy and bouts of impotent rage

      For most I will not say (I do not know), but something like this. If Russia is 10 times richer, we will not become more attractive for Ukraine. Paradox - the majority of young East Germans wanted to the West. In Ukraine and in Belarus, Russia does not cause such feelings, despite the obvious success.
  36. +1
    30 December 2015 16: 03
    Something a lot of attention in the article is paid to how the USSR collapsed "correctly" and bloodlessly. Not like urcaina. And for some reason, the experience of China, which the fucking Tiananmen with hipster studiosus wound on caterpillars, was completely forgotten. And he continued on his way. The author is moved by how they figured out in time that the SSR was doomed and did not do anything. Well, yes, jr .., but in 93 they even became. Under the hooting of the civilized world and with its direct participation (as it turns out, the same snipers). Doesn't it remind you of Urkainu? We had all this. We have gone through all this. And ATO in the Caucasus. And in our power people (the same language turned) are the same, only then they were younger, diplomats wore. The fire was simply flooded with a rain of "oil money" and a kind of "agreement". We eat in 3 throats, but you also get crumbs. Will there remain stability in this situation in the economy?
    1. -1
      30 December 2015 17: 17
      China, who reeled on the tracks

      At the critical moment in the USSR, there was not a single communist leader who was ready to tell the people the truth.
      And you are all about tank tracks ...
  37. 0
    30 December 2015 17: 03
    Something a lot of attention in the article is paid to how the USSR collapsed "correctly" and bloodlessly. The experience of China, which wound on caterpillars, is forgotten

    The hinge and the ax are good servants, but bad masters. Just killing someone in August 91 was pointless.
    Neither the intelligent leader nor the program was not. And murder for the sake of murder is today's Ukraine.
  38. +1
    30 December 2015 17: 28
    In my opinion, a gorgeous analysis, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Western ss..i, those who lead id..mi, are well aware that we can’t start a nuclear pi ... q, just because we want to live on this earth. And the current twisting of Russia's hands, in the long run, plays into the hands of the West, which has more powerful resources. By the way, I am 90% sure that the fascist states of America would use their nuclear weapons in my country if there were no guaranteed answer.
  39. +1
    30 December 2015 18: 40
    Quote: tomket
    Quote: -Traveller-
    Well, if the Russians give loans at lower interest rates than non-Russians, etc., then this is unlikely to unite the other nations with the Russians.

    And if you give the Orthodox for example, without making amendments to nationality?) In Islam, money-lenders are prohibited in relation to co-religionists. Who's stopping us from making a similar scheme?

    For example, I am a Jew and an atheist. Where should I go then? To Israel? And if my homeland is here. If my family fought for this homeland in the Second World War and then only one grandmother remained alive? And for me, religion is just the traditions of the people and nothing more. Which I respect but do not believe. Maybe we will stop dealing with the division on religious and ethnic grounds. The good thing about the USSR was that it didn't matter who you were, Kazakh, Russian, Jew, Buryat. Religion didn't matter at all. There was friendship of peoples. And not "come in large numbers", "black" and other "brilliant" statements.
    1. +1
      30 December 2015 19: 09
      Normal Russian Jew. good
  40. 0
    30 December 2015 18: 51
    Quote: Olezhek
    Something a lot of attention in the article is paid to how the USSR collapsed "correctly" and bloodlessly. The experience of China, which wound on caterpillars, is forgotten

    The hinge and the ax are good servants, but bad masters. Just killing someone in August 91 was pointless.
    Neither the intelligent leader nor the program was not. And murder for the sake of murder is today's Ukraine.

    The meaning was. And big. Then there was just the last chance. But there was no man who could organize the purges of the Democrats.

    No murder in Ukriya is not for the sake of murder. A neo-Nazi wolf cub is born there. Which in the future will constantly gnaw the Russian Federation at any cost. And also exactly because the snot on the fist shook, but everything was playing giveaway with the EU and amers. It was possible to resolve the issue in 2013 in a tough way, to help Yanukovych and make him completely a puppet for a while. In 2014, it could have been resolved with blood, but relatively quickly. But we played "partners". The result of the Minsk agreements and the Donbass with tens of thousands of killed and exactly like a suitcase without handles, and inconvenient to carry and leave a pity.
  41. +1
    30 December 2015 19: 01
    Quote: Olezhek
    Unfortunately, the majority of the population of Western, Central and even a significant part of the population of Eastern and Southern Ukraine are against joining Russia.

    And no one offered. Offered TC, and this is not the USSR-2

    But they did not.

    Who refused that? The people of Ukraine? Who asked him? A group of people in power and with money refused, with the active help of our "partners". They are not all of Ukraine. Yes, in the western regions, aspirations in the EU prevailed. But in the central and eastern regions, everything was more complicated (I have relatives in these areas). And the vast majority, in principle, do not care. The main thing is that there is something to eat, where to live, etc. And so, for example, in Moscow, there are quite a few people who want "lace panties in the EU". Infantile and creative are everywhere. But don't be guided by them. They are terribly far from the people ...
  42. +2
    30 December 2015 19: 01
    Kiev must return to the fold of Russian civilization. Kiev is a Russian city, temporarily fouled by Bandera-Kholatsk mud !!!
  43. 0
    30 December 2015 22: 04
    Why are our current allies trying to distance themselves (not talking about the former)? What about Belarus? But we are one people, with the Ukrainians, by the way, too. The answer is always economy and idea.

    The image of Russia is the rickety hut in which the poor Russian lives and in the yard there is a supertank and a rocket. And the anger for the beautiful life of others, we as a gift. There is no idea, they tried to impose proclamation, but the priests immediately discredited themselves - cool cars, chicks and a booze. So we live without an idea.

    In economics, this is generally a failure. And the craziest of all is the lack of confidence for tomorrow. We don’t even give birth to children - they are afraid. One child against all odds. Look at the amount of child support! It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. The Russian people are dying in spite of the Air Force and VKS.

    And now the EU - yes there are crowds of Arabs fleeing. You can live on a benefit (not bad) if the child is like cheese .. I know a couple in Finland - three children, a good house, two cars and everything on the ersatz of our desires. Does not work. Gee - Russians!

    So where do our brothers want to live? And the allies? Only to rob and away, away .. This mattress skillfully manipulated.

    In the USSR, everyone had confidence! And free education! Free medicine! And pride in the country! And ahead was "beautiful far away" and communism. And what is there in Russia now?

    For us, the name “tolerant” was invented by all sorts of EBNs - Russians.

    Only I consider myself Russian!
    1. 0
      30 December 2015 23: 15
      Russians are, by the general fact of living in Russia, dozens of nationalities.
      Russian is in fact one of the Russian nationalities, although the largest in number.
      And no one bothers you to consider yourself Russian and define yourself as a "Russian person" hi .
  44. 0
    30 December 2015 23: 17
    In Latvian, unlike Russian, there is, for now, no opportunity to be called a Latvian, not a Latvian. Perhaps in this lies the basis of the misunderstanding between Latvians and Latvians.
  45. The comment was deleted.
  46. 0
    31 December 2015 00: 01
    Quote: sharp-lad
    Russians are, by the general fact of living in Russia, dozens of nationalities.
    Russian is in fact one of the Russian nationalities, although the largest in number.
    And no one bothers you to consider yourself Russian and define yourself as a "Russian person" hi .

    I can not agree with you. In the same Germany, an indirect appeal to the population is Germans, the Germans say, then the Germans. About representatives of other nationalities - a German citizen.
    In Russia, the titular nation is Russian, but the appeal is only to non-titular nations - Chechens, Dagestanis, Biryat, Yakuts ...
    As if the word Russian does not exist and there is no such nationality. But there are Russians - and you won’t understand the roofing felts; it’s already a cross between the roofing felts of the Dagas.
    My opinion is that this is a manifestation of the information war against us, the destruction of the self-identification of the Russian people.
  47. Mwg
    31 December 2015 13: 12
    Until the nests of the world conspiracy are destroyed, the attacks on Russia will not stop. And there will be no peace in the whole world. Since there is always a greedy and unprincipled idiot, ready to yell for the customer’s money what they say.
  48. 0
    31 December 2015 17: 11
    S N.G. they just wanted to live worse (dill), they got it))
  49. +1
    31 December 2015 18: 07
    Article class. Respect and respect to the author. good
  50. 0
    31 December 2015 20: 15
    Who knows ? Maybe if our tanks would have appeared, at one time on Khreshchatyk, as Strelkov called, history could have gone differently and not the fact that for the worse. And if the fascists were given a chance, wait for them on our borders
  51. 0
    31 December 2015 21: 23
    What exactly is the essence of the problem? Is it that the Russians did not oppress national minorities in the republics of the former USSR? That they weren’t assimilated, weren’t forced to forget their so-called identity, etc.? What for? Russia after 1917, and even before that, brought education, science, industry to these lands, and improved agriculture. Look, when serfdom reigned in central Russia, in Ukraine and in the same Baltic states, and in Poland, in Finland the peasants were free. But, excuse me, they didn’t take advantage of their freedom at all, with the possible exception of Finland, and then only because of the fear of being completely destroyed by the Swedes. Syphilis and gonorrhea became the calling cards of conscripts arriving in the Soviet army from the Baltic republics, and only the lazy did not discuss bribes in Georgia. Conclusion? And it suggests itself. And it is equal to the fact that these peoples are not worthy of their statehood, and cannot have it. In 20 years, what will happen, the article asks, in these territories? Demonstrative “ensembles” in national costumes, following the example of the Australian aborigines, will please the Americans and Germans, and that’s all.
  52. 0
    1 January 2016 16: 02
    What kind of country are you talking about, what the hell is the government loyal to us in Ukraine? !!! There should not be any separate Ukraine from Russia, it is part of us. The vile separatist under-Ukraine Ukraine should be eliminated.

    The idea is quite sound, but this is where the dog rummaged... how to solve this problem? Cut to the quick, but these are people. The example of the DPR and LPR shows how much blood and death there is. There are both “ours” and “not ours” sometimes in the same family. You won’t be able to swing a saber; you need a very thin scalpel. And patience.