The Tale of the Unreal Man

The Tale of the Unreal Man

The Russian people from the epic warriors to Pavka Korchagin have always been great, first of all, with the strength of spirit, unselfishness, a keen sense of truth, justice and collectivism. The best owners of these qualities became national heroes and idols to follow. Does today's Russia have such symbol people?

In the recent Soviet past, every inhabitant of our great country knew the answer to this question. And their views, firstly, almost completely coincided, regardless of age, gender, social origin, region of residence, and so on, and, secondly, the views were not official, but meaningful and joint. These symbolic people were shrouded in extraordinary romance and an aura of glory. They were not like American superheroes with fabulous superpowers. These were ordinary people, but with extraordinarily developed features and qualities inherent then practically to all citizens of the country of the Soviets. Therefore, they felt an inextricable connection, sometimes through the centuries. They wanted to match. They wanted to be like and excel. Without this, if one may say so, chasing the hero, there would be neither Baikonur - a cosmic miracle that arose in the bare steppe, nor BAM, nor the feats of our servicemen performing international duty in Afghanistan, or much else. In general, we would live in another country. Everything that today's Russia holds on both materially and spiritually was laid then. On this foundation, on the rudiments of those notions of a national hero, a man of honor and conscience, according to which you measure yourself as a standard, the country still lives in many respects. But these rudiments are dying off more and more.

The last hero - the carrier of these qualities, a fair and honest national robber Danila Bagrov from the dashing nineties. Unfortunately, the late director Alexei Balabanov brilliantly called his film “Brother”. And a significant number of Russians still feel the fraternal connection with this hero. Not with a edge in his hands, but with his soul, attitude to life, people, meanings that fill the present and future. Nineties have passed. A new national hero level Danila Bagrov did not appear. Why?

A person is a set of needs, the first and foremost of which is the need to live. But then, as they say, options are possible. Variants of this set of needs and building them in a certain hierarchical sequence is the most important task of any society, for man is a social being. Even the classics said - it is impossible to live in society and be free from it. It turns out a closed logical circle: society forms a social order for its member - a person who is acceptable and necessary to him, and the mass of such individuals constitutes this society. And here comes the main question, and what is the mechanism for forming a social order? Who specifically motivates the society to indicate in its social order those or other qualitative parameters required from the individual? There are such people and structures.

With the collapse of the USSR, the main mission in the world of our former opponents was globalization in the Western style, which is based on national depersonalization, monetization and commercialization of everything and everyone, as well as the transformation of a person from a thinking and sensually evaluating individual life to a faceless labor and consumer resource. Russia has also fallen under this rink of globalization. It is he who in recent years has been shaping our new human objects to follow. It is the objects, because they cannot be called heroes. The formation of these objects is carried out by means of global information flows, which in the modern gadgetised world determine everything. They are followed by money, goods, economic crises, the ups and downs of politicians, political and military actions, revolutions, finally. With the help of special technologies of mind manipulation, developed by order of the so-called transnational financial elite (in 2011, Swiss scientists from the state institute of technology in Zurich proved that almost half of the world's wealth is controlled by all 147 corporations, interconnected) which, by the principle of a funnel, information waves begin to form. Each wave must necessarily contain from one to three "clinging elements". More people and do not remember and the severity of exposure decreases. Information waves, in turn, become part of global information flows, from different angles, in different packaging and dosages, which convey information necessary for a person to make decisions. The necessary, of course, not to him, but to the customer of informational impact. So that a person does not for a minute fall out of this global impact, information flows overlap and overlap in such a way that they become one huge information field, which is formed by carriers that are closely intertwined. Gadgets, Internet, television, radio, printed materials, all kinds of outdoor advertising - with their help and under their influence, a person’s perception of the surrounding world and himself in this world is formed. The underwater part of this impact is sewn into all kinds of scientific and educational programs, ratings, political and economic reviews, devoted to everything in the world from trade to fashion, popular shows, finally, feature films and programs for children. Almost everything is commercialized and involved in the formation of human objects to follow. In all countries where the aggressive environment of globalization has penetrated, in all spheres and environments, a person is under the influence of targeted information. He is involuntarily soaked with it and becomes exactly the building material for modern society, which is required for globalization strategists. That is why everything is being done so that the person in the intellectual plan is as simple as possible, and the information flows as intensely as possible. A limited person in a large stream of rapidly changing information is not able to figure out and make an informed individual decision. Therefore, it acts according to the principle of similarity. As everybody. Or according to the principle of “objective control,” if the same information comes from three different sources, then it is correct. To do this, representatives of the financial elite and run the information they need through different media and in different forms. We must be modern. It is necessary to adhere to such views, to have a fashionable value set, to love this and that. Need to be stylish.

Today, the information flows generated by analysts employed by the world financial elite, affecting society as a whole and for each individual member of this society individually, form an order for a human object to follow, a copy of which is a pseudohera of our time. Who is he, after all? An ideal resource unit!

Therefore, today everything is aimed at ensuring that a person is to a lesser extent a person and to a greater extent - part of the producing and absorbing mass. The revenues from both of these processes, as well as the pleasure of controlling the masses, are the goal of the representatives of the global financial elite, who invented globalization to do all this. To stimulate the functioning of both types of resources, the fetish of the growth of well-being and wealth of members of society has been put at the forefront of the impact of information flows. The main thing in this race provoked among people is to ensure the growth of soulless matter, and not the growth of spirituality. It is in this shift of emphasis that the semantic message of the appearance of such expressions as “a good person is not a profession” should be sought. The value of a good person is thus devalued to zero. It is necessary to be proud of material wealth, external attributes of success, and not the inner world, which is not visible. Strength of spirit, selflessness, a heightened sense of truth, justice and collectivism, today are increasingly becoming anachronistic and dying rudiments. A society globalized by the Western neoliberal model does not need heroes possessing these qualities, but not ready to work more on the owner just to buy more, again for his benefit. Modern business coaches conduct special trainings, at which people are hammered in that they need to present themselves, to be able to sell. In general, the most important art for us today is the art of selling. And a good person is not a tradable commodity. He will not sell himself, because, as goodness will not allow. It is not customary for the good ones to yakat, brag, boast and get stuffed. And if someone merges such a product, you will also “torment yourself”. They will begin: it is wrong, this is not human, this is deception, this is mean, I will not do this and I do not advise you. They try to get rid of such problematic heroes as quickly as possible.

Therefore, modern Russian society is not cultivating its traditional historical hero. And then we wonder why there are no works of the “War and Peace” level, or at least Sholokhov's “Raised virgin soil”. No talented authors? No hero. About whom to write, about the resource unit? Who is replacing Danila Bagrov? It is this unit. Faceless "office plankton" and the same faceless "client".

Russia needs a new-old hero. A person from the Pleiad of carriers of “Russianness”, and not a global “resource”. Our society is far from being completely infected with this virus, although the lesions are already quite deep. A cure is still possible.

People inhabiting Russia, regardless of their natural nationality, have formed an unusually structural consciousness over the past centuries. They always wanted and want everything to be explained, understandable and logical. To the honor and conscience. Only in this case, the mind and soul are in harmony, and each passing day and future is filled with meaning, positive and to the best of creative abilities. That is why invented Hollywood superheroes do not take root. How is not born and its own fictional hero.

Our hero must be natural. To the flesh of the flesh. And so it turns out goes, there is a chain of heroes and suddenly it breaks off in our time. Attempts to continue this chain are being made, but instead of heroes we get gutta-percha dolls, who quickly leave the stage, as a commercial show that has not gained ratings. And the people are ready to nominate heroes from their midst. How ready and go for them. Only not in the form of a resource, but in the form of carriers of the Russian world.

In order for society to begin to nominate heroes from its midst, this society needs the meanings of existence close to it. He needs these senses to be generated not by overseas hirelings of the world financial elite and their Russian branches, but by worthy representatives of this society who do not suffer from the disease of “creacles”. Today, society is deprived of such an opportunity, because, firstly, between the elite of self-promoted privatizers of everything and the people and the people is a huge distance, and, secondly, social elevators practically do not work for the same reason. "The son of a thief will be a thief, the son of a prosecutor will be a prosecutor." Who will generate other meanings? While nothing will change, we will read and watch numerous stories about an unreal person.

So Alexei Balabanov came to the same conclusion. In his latest film “I also want,” he leads his heroes to a wonderful bell tower of happiness, with which they go into an unearthly world, because nobody needs them here, and they cannot find happiness. In the school essays of the Soviet era, we discussed the topic: the tragedy of an extra person in Russian classical literature, describing Chatsky, Bazarov, and other heroes of the wrong time.

Today we are once again experiencing a similar tragedy, only now not only the good person becomes superfluous, but the collective image of the absolute majority of the representatives and carriers of the Russian world. This can not be allowed, because if everything continues to move in this direction, we will get not only total-devastating degerization, but the degeneration of the best that has crystallized in us for centuries and generations. To prevent this, it is necessary to return to the practice of cultivating a real person. Not a successful moneybag, not a popular public talker, not “stars” made of foil and other neoliberal props. We need a cult of human conscience, truth and justice. For which the instinct of national self-preservation is higher than personal. For which to give, it gives more pleasure than to take.

Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote: “You can not destroy, deprave and eradicate the thirst for truth in our hearts, because of this depravity, no pressure and no humiliation, because this thirst is the most precious to them”. And indeed it is. We see how our people respond to the pain of others, injustice, untruth. Helping victims of the elements or protecting civilians of Donbass from nationalist punishers and mercenaries from around the world. But such heroes are treated as a certain element of the show, a part of the sensation shown in prime-time for the rating of the broadcast or the TV channel. And that's all. As a result, these people are perceived. And this is a completely wrong approach.

We need a targeted state program to create a cult of the national hero. Pride and honor of the nation. Salt of the earth. After all, we have a lot of such people among volunteer militias among so-called polite people who, in fact, defended the Crimea bloodlessly, defeated the Crimea, among children cadets, during the recent flood for more than three weeks with their bodies during the day and night defending Komsomolsk-on-Amur. And many, many more who.

In life there is always a place for exploits. Especially in our life, which in the present conditions, in itself is almost a feat. And people perform these feats daily and hourly. Just the country does not know about it. We are fed with sensations about the friendship of a goat with a tiger, about scandals in families of soap-public people and other information trash that softens the brains, but they don’t tell about their best sons and daughters of the people. And that they should not go off the screens, newspaper pages, public events platforms, classrooms of schools. Perhaps then life will start to change for the better. And the directors will not have to, like Balabanov, send their heroes to the next world, or, like Ryazanov, in his “Promised Heaven” on an engine to aliens.
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  1. -17
    16 December 2015 16: 33
    The thirst for a cult is a moot point. Ask the Asians, they have it in their blood to worship the leaders. With Russia, everything is different. Heroes, of course, are needed so that people can equal and respect for the strength and mind of a person. At the expense of the cult, this is more for savages.
    1. +32
      16 December 2015 16: 40
      Quote: dchegrinec
      they have it in the blood to worship the leaders

      Well, what have the leaders here? Is the cult of a brave, honest, "correct" person in all respects really bad? The cult of a hero soldier, an honest official (already ridiculous), a legal cop. what
      1. -10
        16 December 2015 16: 41
        These symbolic people were shrouded in extraordinary romance and a halo of glory
        This is when propaganda chose from one million. We do not like to pretend, we are all strong in spirit and faith. Propaganda does not affect the soulfulness and concepts of life of a Russian.
        1. +10
          16 December 2015 16: 58
          The second commandment:

          Having rejected Orthodoxy from themselves, people plunged into chaos.
          The Western way of life imposed on us creates a void in the soul.
          So many people are looking for idols and heroes.
          Dancers, clowns, actors and other jesters began to be called "stars" for a reason.
          Previously, one star was Jesus.
          And now "stars" are a dime a dozen.
          Here are just snouts as they say, these "stars" did not come out.

          Russians have always been strong in Spirit and Faith.
          So they kill in us both the Spirit and Faith.

          Well, at least questions began to appear in people.
          So there is a chance to survive.
          1. +5
            16 December 2015 17: 41
            So both Spirit and Faith are killed in us.

            smile How to kill the Spirit and Faith? They are either there or not. You can only weed out. Those who have it will remain.
          2. +10
            16 December 2015 18: 13
            This is not about idolatry, but in the best human features, which unfortunately we have less and less. After all, Gagarin knew that 50/50 might not come back, but for the sake of his homeland, and the entire space team in preparation was ready, and those who rushed into the embrasures and tanks so that others would live. The same bible says that sacrifice is the highest degree of virtue. This is not for you to dry Kirkorov.
          3. 0
            16 December 2015 18: 42
            Quote: Temples
            The second commandment:

            100% good
          4. The comment was deleted.
          5. +3
            16 December 2015 19: 55
            Quote: Temples
            The Western way of life imposed on us creates a void in the soul.
            So many people are looking for idols and heroes.
            Dancers, clowns, actors and other jesters began to be called "stars" for a reason.

            remembered ...
            ... remember - are you the names of the waiters in restaurants, or are there in a cafe, do you remember?
            - No, why?
            - Nothing. Just say - why don’t you remember them?
            This time my daughter thought about it - obviously, the question put her into a dead end. Kovalev internally rejoiced, because if a person even tries to think, then for him not everything is lost. However, trying to think and get a result, or at least give birth to a smart idea, are two big differences. So Kovalev had to explain.
            - You do not remember the names of the waiters because the servants have no names. They are not supposed to have such a luxury - they are all "hey, you" for us. They can be quite decent and decent people in everyday life, but at work they are a servant, nothing more. For the same reason, I have not memorized and am not going to memorize all kinds of singers - they are the same attendants, bring it out. The difference is that the waiter brings us food, and the singer brings us the mood, and their pay is different, but these are details.
            "Dilettante galactic wars" (c) Mikhail Mikheev.
            1. +7
              16 December 2015 20: 02
              Quote: PSih2097
              For the same reason I didn’t remember and I’m not going to remember all kinds of singers - they are the same attendants, bring-give-go. The difference is that the waiter brings us food, and the singer brings us the mood, and their pay is different, but these are details.

              Here are such Mikheevs I observed this year in Cyprus, a code like this was for, having spread my fingers, I screamed at the reception
              -I'm crying here and you will do what I told you.
              Any person and any work deserves respect and does not matter whether it is a singer, a waiter or a plumber.
              1. +3
                16 December 2015 21: 20
                Quote: atalef
                Anyone and any job deserves respect.

                Oh, is it? How is Schwartz in "Cain 18m" when scavenger rejects the post of prime minister:
                "No, Your Majesty, I don’t want to! It hurts the job is dirty!"

                Dancer! you are rich!
                Professor! You are wretched!
                Of course - the head
                fewer legs!

                ChSH, these verses are written, EMNIP, 270 years ago... What changed?
              2. The comment was deleted.
        2. +12
          16 December 2015 18: 28
          As long as there will be such "heroes" as Judas Gorbachev, awarded the highest order of Russia; the US puppet and drunkard Yeltsin, who was "taken away" from criminal punishment, but for that after opening the Yeltsin Center posthumously, he was elevated to a "national hero"; the destroyer of the Army, a thief and a corrupt official, taken away from punishment and re-appointed to a high position by Serdyukov, what attempts can we talk about in raising heroes?
          Is it possible in a society of the "golden calf", in a society of high corruption and social injustice for people, in a society ruled by comprador oligarchs and officials, some kind of "purposeful state program to create a cult of a national hero"?
          It is foolish and naive to expect that such a "program" will give any result.
          The authorities, the first persons of the state must show an example of honest and dignified service to the country, the people, and if this is not the case, when almost every region is in power, then what can you expect? What are the "national heroes"?
          People’s heroes will be those who struggle with this negative for a socially just and independent, sovereign Russia.
        3. +5
          16 December 2015 19: 46
          Propaganda does not affect the soulfulness and concepts of life of a Russian.

          You may not be able to teach an old dog new things, but a young one - easily. The stake is on the youth, they are "processed", and we will leave slowly along with "spirit and faith" smile

          Who is now jittery about the words "career growth"? And earlier it was jarring, here is a simple example.
      2. +11
        16 December 2015 16: 55
        You know, a good proclamation turned out, even though now release the leaflet. And the thoughts are true. Isn't everyone groaning about absence national idea? So here she is, darling. Yes, naive (in the world of purebred), yes idealistic, but far from utopian. Is it not from here that the legs of such a success of the Syrian operation grow among the masses? No, but deed. Yes, it has a double, triple bottom. But nonetheless.
        With the permission of the author, I will post an article on the social network. You see who will think.
        1. +6
          16 December 2015 17: 48
          Quote: fennekRUS
          far from utopia.

          I am glad that such an article appeared. Just talked with the pupils on this topic.
      3. +7
        16 December 2015 17: 03
        Is the cult of a brave, honest, "correct" person in all respects really bad?

        So the question is not in the cult, the question is in the Hero. The hero is the person who is lucky to show his "correctness". Courage and honesty, as concepts, would be highlighted in a separate column called "other". For the brave have already laid their heads in the field, while the honest are injected with another dose of haloperidol. That is why the article is a bold minus. The author is looking for some kind of heroes, like trees in a forest and wants to send him in a fatherly way to another place.

        Hero? Please, and not because he is the only one, but because my friend. And there are thousands of them. And hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of potential.
      4. Tor5
        16 December 2015 17: 23
        To the greatest regret, the generation of "Pepsi" and "who follows the Klin" has already grown up. The main thing is that the rod has been removed, even if it was erroneous (building communism), but it was! This rod was taken out .... as the song says "but the change has not come".
        1. 0
          17 December 2015 10: 47
          I am 24 and I have this rod. I can say the same about my friends. This is mainly an IT field. She is the most progressive and advanced. Moving to new horizons without hundreds of bumps in it is impossible. And those who survive from the smelter come out good people. Along with this, I also know representatives of other professions who do primarily on conscience. This is an artist, and an auto mechanic, a biochemist and an oilman (oddly enough). Therefore, not everything was lost in our country.
      5. The comment was deleted.
    2. +21
      16 December 2015 16: 50
      ... a new national hero of the level of Danila Bagrov ... "And what is Danila Bagrov, a level ??? And this film is undoubtedly a masterpiece ??? And with such" masterpieces "you propose to give a HERO or HEROES to the Russians ??? This is nonsense, the author !!! A hero must be a HERO! The strength of a Soviet hero is that he is one of ordinary people, he is among us until the time. Look around: Polar explorers and astronauts, the officer who covered himself with a grenade, employees of the Ministry of Emergencies and special forces, doctors (not surgeons-cosmetologists, no) and installers-liquidators of the hydroelectric power station accident, border guards and sailors, pilots and drivers - there are a lot of them, these unknown heroes around us. !!! That's what you need to shoot! And not about "robbers" ...

      1. +13
        16 December 2015 17: 01
        Quote: Denis Obukhov
        a new national hero of the level of Danila Bagrov

        Well, here the author of course got excited, but you, too, have lost the forest behind the tree. :) Danila is still a piece of cardboard, but not devoid of reflection and a sense of justice. "Product of your era" - do you remember this term? :)
        1. 0
          16 December 2015 17: 52
          Quote: fennekRUS
          Danila is still cardboard

          I have not seen this movie. And the rest I agree with the author.
      2. +10
        16 December 2015 17: 35
        Quote: Denis Obukhov
        ... a new folk hero of the level of Danila Bagrov ... "

        burn still the "thinker"
        laughing tongue fellow
        1. 0
          16 December 2015 18: 05
          Quote: Dryuya2
          burn still the "thinker"

          Interestingly, this is a "bot", or a real person decided to postebatsya? laughing
      3. +2
        17 December 2015 13: 44
        I would not be so categorical regarding Danila Bagrov.
        Danila in the USSR could become the Drummer of Social Labor, he could go into a hopeless attack in the one that went through the Great War ...

        It is not the fault of Danila and many others that the state could not offer anything to people like them.
        Danila, I beg your pardon for the comparison that will distort many of this "Pavka Korchagin" and Evgeny Stoletov of that troubled time.

        And it's better Danila Bagrov, albeit a narrow-minded, but honest kid from the provinces, than the "Internet troll", who writes disgusting comments on the topic that MTLB with oil workers disappeared on the Yakutsk winter road, or write in the comments to "Winter roads of Yakutia": "You look at these bullshit faces, drunkards and outcasts, there you belong" (for example).

        If there were more such "Danil", maybe there was not what is happening now, when we are only grunting:
        -Eh, it's hard, but you still need to be patient, and the Tsar-Father will "do good things" to us all, give each one a carrot and each will wipe the tears from his eyes!

        But with what I FULLY and FULLY agree with you and for what I put "Plus", it is with the fact that there are not enough "Heroes" now.

        Ordinary heroes, not lawyers and office plankton, not bandiukov, not a stupid shoe store seller or sports commentator (it's about TV shows on TV), but a hero, say, an ordinary electrician (for example)

        Remove the reality show about the work of the drilling crew or the cattle crew, shoot the series about the work of shift workers, but in general about the work of any honest hard workers ...

        But this is dog nonsense, isn't it?
        Make such a film, show, etc. After all, the people can again feel like a hegemon, as it was once a sweeping broom and sweep out all this riffraff ...

        By the way, what’s not the plot about the Heroes of our time?
        In a month, we built a business from scratch!

        They built it not only for banal banknotes, they built it simply by investing their whole soul, all experience and knowledge!
        The recipe is simple - the leaders of the Nordic Imperial, the Scots, allowed us to work the way we did in the USSR, when everyone’s work is important, when you give all of yourself to work.

        It has been 8 years, and still we, those who participated in this with nostalgia remember that time:
        - How good it is when your hands are not tied!

        But most likely, there will be no films, poems and shows about oil workers, drivers of the Yakut winter roads, turners and milling workers, and other simple and honest hard workers:
        -Time is not right, now, power is not that.
        What is needed now is an infantile, "consumer hero" who can be cut and cut ...
    3. +13
      16 December 2015 16: 54
      Congratulations to all those who attribute themselves to generations born in the USSR. We were told Western political technologists did not manage to take away our self-esteem from us, replacing it with the eternal chewing gum of virtual mass media.
      1. +6
        16 December 2015 17: 29
        Quote: Denis Obukhov
        Congratulations to all those who attribute themselves to generations born in the USSR

        1. +4
          16 December 2015 17: 55
          Quote: Dryuya2
          Quote: Denis Obukhov
          Congratulations to all those who attribute themselves to generations born in the USSR

          Comrade someone else's posts stealing or what? belay
          1. +3
            16 December 2015 18: 04
            Quote: Vladimirets
            someone else's posts stealing or what?

            on my last comments look bully
            For what and why ? a mystery to me recourse
    4. +5
      16 December 2015 17: 29
      Quote: dchegrinec
      The thirst for a cult is a moot point. Ask the Asians, they have it in their blood to worship the leaders. With Russia, everything is different. Heroes, of course, are needed so that people can equal and respect for the strength and mind of a person. At the expense of the cult, this is more for savages.

      You are either a "child of the 90s", or have not even read the article "obliquely". Otherwise it is impossible to explain how you managed to turn the main message of the article upside down. negative
    5. +6
      16 December 2015 17: 45
      There is no need to comb them all under one part so categorically. They have always been, are and will be heroes and true patriots in Russia. Their main distinctive feature is that they never stuck out their actions (exploits). Whoever wants to notice and appreciate them will notice and appreciate them. This is not the problem ..... The problem is antiheroes and attitudes towards them. Here Serdyukov and Vasilyeva were gently chided for everything they did - there is a discrepancy here - and this is just one example of many. The attitude of society towards them is "ON THE COUNT!" The attitude of the state towards them - "Well, okay, Russia has not become much poorer, you really don't be a hooligan anymore"
  2. +11
    16 December 2015 16: 33
    And I liked the author’s thoughts, fantastic and a little naive, but kind and absolutely correct. hi
    1. +4
      16 December 2015 16: 35
      I will only add that the genre "hitants" has become the most popular for whatever it is!
  3. -27
    16 December 2015 16: 34
    no fools to be heroic
    1. +9
      16 December 2015 16: 37
      Where do we get the heroes from? They are all in Ukraine. Yes
    2. Darkoff
      16 December 2015 16: 38
      Quote: Avtopilot
      no fools to be heroic

      Lieutenant Colonel Sultangabiev, Major Solnechnikov, Marine Pozynich, who do you think?
    3. +9
      16 December 2015 16: 39
      Quote: Avtopilot
      no fools to be heroic

      You are mistaken, there are quite a few, only they do not talk much about them.
    4. +3
      16 December 2015 17: 25
      Quote: Avtopilot
      no fools to be heroic

      That is why Ukraine does not defeat LDNR. And do not dishonor the sickle and hammer, change the profile picture (if you have time). A star-striped mattress is more to your face.
      1. +2
        16 December 2015 17: 31
        hands off the hammer and sickle! they forgot how they stood in line at McDonald's for 10 hours in 1989, tasting a hamburger (pah!) and then I was accepted as a pioneer hi in the military engineer unit
        1. 0
          16 December 2015 18: 09
          Judging by your message, you stood. But that was not all. Do not try to put all the people of our country here. And now, except for the toilet, there is nothing good.
          1. -1
            16 December 2015 18: 42
            Of course, who is now admitting such a disgrace - to stand in line for a day. Aliens apparently stood? No - the Soviet man, hungry do not understand what.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +1
        16 December 2015 17: 59
        Quote: EvgNik
        A star-striped mattress is more to your face.

        Yes, there is just banter. Just a dummy.
    5. 0
      16 December 2015 17: 38
      Well, not all the same, like you, there are normal ones who, risking their lives, save strangers from the fire.
      1. -1
        16 December 2015 17: 40
        I saved the swallow, flew into my balcony and nearly bent over the door, so I picked it up and let it go, and what do you think? bit my finger until blood
        1. 0
          16 December 2015 17: 49
          Quote: Avtopilot
          bit my finger until blood

          This orderlies took blood from a finger, do not worry.
        2. +1
          16 December 2015 18: 12
          Quote: Avtopilot
          bit my finger until blood

          Here is the infection. No, to kneel down, thank the benefactor, and she bites!
        3. +7
          16 December 2015 18: 44
          Quote: Avtopilot
          Avtopilot Today, 17:40 ↑ New
          I saved the swallow, flew into my balcony and nearly bent over the door, so I picked it up and let it go, and what do you think? bit my finger until blood

          The swallow is a bird and it is very, very much forgivable ... And I have a favorite ownerless yard cat. It is already a mammal and is higher on the stage of evolution of zoological life than a bird. A very pugnacious black cat, angry and scratchy. And so he sunk into my soul that I let him go home every day and let him sleep on my bed. I feed me with meat and sausage, sing with milk and cream with sour cream ... I was thin, but in half a year I got so full and fat! Became like a bomb! And what? Yes, he runs towards me and rubs against my legs. Keeps aloof from others --- experienced. And what - he didn't scratch me anymore? No, just not yet. And then again he will not fail to scratch on occasion. But I love him anyway. As before, he loved his very kind and large gray cat. And I personify this evil one as the Wrathful Deity from the "Tibetan Book of the Dead". There are two types of deities who come in a posthumous state - the Good and the Wrath. My former good gray giant Vasya was a Good Deity. And this black one is the Wrathful Deity. But they are all seeing the same thing, only from different angles --- they are projections of their own thoughts and actions. You don't need to be afraid of them, you just need to perceive them as your nature. And remember your own sins.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  4. +5
    16 December 2015 16: 36
    “You will not destroy, thirst, and uproot the thirst for truth in the heart of our people by any corruption, by any pressure and by any humiliation, for this thirst is most dear to him”

    Such thoughts and not the leader are the basis of the culture of our people.
    This is precisely what arouses respect among the inhabitants of the entire planet for our country, people, and culture.
  5. +1
    16 December 2015 16: 37
    maybe they’re poking me in a minute now, nothing has been done about it and will go on until everything is turned upside down and back ...
  6. 0
    16 December 2015 16: 42
    What a "hero of our time" and without an iPhone, a winding tree!
  7. 0
    16 December 2015 16: 42
    Loud minus! The author wanted to be smart so much that "everything got confused, people, horses." A huge amount of water and some dull and strange conclusions that the information itself is somehow to blame. Dear sir, do not you understand that the works of the classics to which you are appealing are also information?
  8. +4
    16 December 2015 16: 46
    We have many heroes in the country about whom the country does not know at the right time to appear. Among officials Shoigu, Lavrov I think honest guys. Films about heroes of past times and try to be a little like them
    1. +4
      16 December 2015 17: 12
      Among officials

      The hero, essentially the one who put his life on the line with death, for the public good, and preferably won. And his occupation in the world does not matter, an official, a baker or a ballroom dance teacher.
  9. +13
    16 December 2015 16: 47
    Sitting in a warm little room at the computer, it is difficult to find the brave and courageous. But turning on the brains can be imagined. How many soldiers and officers in the army are engaged in permanent military service. Daily service for them seems commonplace and are silent about it. But imagine, daily with weapons, on alert not only missiles, but also signalmen, tank crews, airborne forces, etc. Try to be in constant readiness daily. And you say no heroes. They are among us and simply do not advertise themselves.
    1. +6
      16 December 2015 17: 39
      Quote: Batia
      They are among us and simply do not advertise themselves.

      It is so, but the heroes should not advertise themselves. This is exactly what writers, filmmakers, artists, and the media, in the end, in the first place, exist for. Only they are doing exactly the opposite: creating "heroes" according to the Western model. The kids' hero is Harry Potter, although the heroes of all the boys should be the teenagers of Oleg Vereshchagin's books. Only I haven't seen his books on sale. And bespectacled Harry is on every bookshelf.
  10. +3
    16 December 2015 16: 49
    Yes, there is no "financial elite", now we ourselves form these information flows. We are society.
    We ourselves are part of huge corporations, consuming their products, and thus creating this "new" and "wonderful world". And corporations were created by us, and existing at our expense, exist for only one purpose - profit!
    You just need to understand the totality of parts is not a whole. And the corporation does not share the interests of its constituent people.
    We are part of the system we created. We ourselves are to blame for what is happening, and it depends only on us whether it stops or not. It is enough to stop participating in the system, it is enough to stop following the principles of personal enrichment, and rightly bear an answer to your conscience. More is not required.
    It is the responsibility that is needed. You need to stop being children "relying on adults and reasonable", it's time to grow up and be responsible for your actions. For all actions and thoughts.
    1. +1
      16 December 2015 22: 27
      It is enough to stop participating in the system, it is enough to stop following the principles of personal enrichment, and rightly bear an answer to your conscience.

      Great conceived. One inconsistency is that its own conscience is also a product of education, standards of behavior are not born with a person, but are instilled in him. In fact, conscience is the signal of a mismatch between the standard and your behavior.
      It turned out technically smile But this is so, the mechanism is developed by the evolution of herd animals.

      Example - the old women did not think to go out without a scarf to people, for them it was like a naked. And the grafted behavioral patterns are torn out oh how difficult (for example, try hanging on the square smile ), but new ones after a certain age cannot be vaccinated. You can make it (a modern aunt in the church will put on a scarf, otherwise they will hiss) But then he will take it off without any torment.

      So it’s naive to call for conscience of an already grown egoist and tradesman.
  11. +9
    16 December 2015 16: 50
    For me, the heroes of our time are Mozgovoy, Zakharchenko, Motorola Givi who are fighting against fascism, both grandfathers, one in the rear, the other on the front line, at one time, fought.
  12. +4
    16 December 2015 16: 51
    We have no idea or ideal now. And this is the essence of the problem of the people and the country. And he was touched upon in a timely manner, and it is not too late.
    1. +2
      16 December 2015 16: 55
      I’m sure about the idea, but I also agree with the ideals. I think it’s necessary to introduce some idea and ideals so that, for example, for which you could fight or perform feats in civilian life
    2. +2
      16 December 2015 17: 48
      What nonsense are you talking about, submit ideas to him, just be a normal person, help someone who needs help, give a dime to the insolent. Respect the elders, love the Motherland, all the same, there will be no other. And do everything so that your family, your friends can be proud of you. And if necessary, stand up for the defense of the country. Here you have the whole idea. And you will be so, you yourself will become an ideal for others.
  13. 0
    16 December 2015 16: 52
    That's interesting.
    Let me give you one question and one piece of advice:
    -question: how does the ordinary, nation-wide, it turns out-to the stupid Russian to appoint for himself the real Hero? Who is he, our new Hero? It would be nice to get acquainted with the entire list of candidates.
    -Tip: do not refer, never refer to Dostoevsky, the Americans have already burnt out on this. (so that the enemies do not understand and do not take into service - just take an interest in the biography of this writer, his family relationships, which led to gambling, etc.).
    1. +3
      16 December 2015 17: 56
      And what does his biography have to do with it?
      How does she fit in with "Demons", "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot"? That is why he is a genius, that in spite of his vices, he wrote about something else, about the human spirit, his eternal struggle with evil. If you read biographies, then Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol are far from being saints. I've already heard about this somewhere. There are gentlemen who want to cheat A.S. Pushkin, Lev Nikolaevich (the same Bushkov). Why are they doing that? Yes, it is very simple, to answer this question, "they want to vulgarize the fact that the main thing in these works is humanity."
    2. +2
      16 December 2015 18: 19
      They once told me: what about Mozart? A drunkard and a reveler!
      Quote: capitosha1rang
      take an interest in the biography of this writer, his family relationships, as a result of gambling, etc.).

      An interesting approach.
    3. +1
      17 December 2015 10: 57
      My personal hero was a "simple" guy from Abakan, who came to Tomsk to study several years earlier. Here he replaced my older brother. By my example, I was able to complete the hardening that my parents laid down as a child. He showed that there is no need to give up after the twentieth bump. That you don't have to lie to yourself. That even dirty and vile deeds have to be done. And be responsible for them with honor. In a word, thanks to Pasha Kim, I became who I am now.
  14. +7
    16 December 2015 16: 55
    After reading the article and answering the question "Well, how?", I want to answer "yes and no."
    As an essay on the course of sociology, a first-year student will probably do it. But, to bring Danila Bogrov as a hero of our time, I would beware. Yes, he has a keen sense of justice. But there is absolutely no threshold for murder. Would the author want a hundred Crimson to live on his street? Probably not.
    And with the heroism of Soviet times, I think, bust. Remember the criminal wars of the early 90's? Where did the fighters come from for them? - From the Komsomol and sports. Dostoevsky’s quote, too, I think, is not entirely successful. Dostoevsky is the most cited and most screened Russian writer in the West. Why? - Yes, because he described the Russian man exactly as they want to see him in this very West.
    Of course, spirituality must be educated. This is the task of the state and society. The efforts of the state in this direction are visible, but alas, there is no society.
    1. +1
      16 December 2015 18: 26
      Let me disagree - the efforts of the state are not only visible, they are not even zero! They are in the red!
      But society, in my opinion, is trying to at least do something! Only very clearly the state prevents this.
      It is the state that is trying to contrast the interests of a handful of compradors with the interests of the public majority.
      From this all the ups and downs.
    2. +3
      16 December 2015 20: 12
      And with the heroism of Soviet times, I think, bust. Remember the crime wars of the early 90s? Where did the fighters come from for them? - From the Komsomol and sports.

      I'll give you "+" (maybe it's purple for you). As in one of the songs of "Trofim" - "Who is in the cops and who is in the lads ..." In February 1991 he came from the mine to the police (probably from the last "idiots" (according to the late mother-in-law) with a big salary for a small There was no one among the "brothers" in the 90s. "Afghans" to a fig and more on both sides. And as for the "Komsomol and party" shape-shifters, so we still shovel it with a shovel. One "loaf with ears" and "Sanek Drochinov" What are they worth? And the ideologist of the Communist Party of Ukraine Kravchuk?
    3. +2
      17 December 2015 00: 34
      - Yes, because he described the Russian man exactly as they want to see him in this very West.

      Nonsense, just Dostoevsky knew how to illuminate the whole soul, all the dark and light corners. And the dirt is good, and the goodness of the bad. There are only a few such writers in the world. Therefore, and quoted. He is the only one reading which you literally think on every page. About what? Yes, the dog knows him, usually about his life. Reading it is flour, not pleasure. But sometimes you need to read to scrape off your dirt.
      1. +2
        17 December 2015 04: 31
        But sometimes you need to read to scrape off your dirtb.
        Although figuratively, in essence, it’s still true!
  15. -1
    16 December 2015 17: 01
    Quote: DarkOFF
    Quote: Avtopilot
    no fools to be heroic

    Lieutenant Colonel Sultangabiev, Major Solnechnikov, Marine Pozynich, who do you think?

    they are of course, but no one will create and promote the new Pavku Korchagin as an example to follow and educate at the current status quo - why do the capitalists need it? Although we have our own Rambu in the form of Brother 1,2 :)
  16. +8
    16 December 2015 17: 08
    But a new national hero of the level of Danila Bagrov did not appear. Why?
    Why not, maybe the author was looking badly? This is not a new epic hero of our time:

    - The road? - Jörg frowned, - And what a way ... For the Swiss it’s horror, of course. But I do not pay attention. I like…
    Jörg thinks.
    - Yes, yes, yes, I damn love Russian spontaneity! he suddenly burst into flames. - Russian lives freely. He doesn’t live tomorrow, but now! I come to Switzerland and offer my friends - let's get together in six months and talk. They pull out diaries - no, not suitable, they have something planned there. Or for example, in Europe you will go to your birthday, one toast is pronounced there - for a birthday, that's all. Then at the table, some talk about politics, others about sports. Boring! And in Russia, there’s even a special saying - “we have come to eat what!” Combine tables, raise glasses, spontaneous celebration !!! Now I drive free firewood to my grandmothers - I come, and in the hut they sit, celebrate and drag me to the table. They didn’t wait for me - but their name is! In Switzerland, where everything was planned, they would have carried out - they say, you are not on time.
    “Hmm, Jörg,” I laugh. - You correctly understood Russia.
    “But you don’t understand how boring it is in Europe!” - the Swiss shakes his head. - When I come to my homeland and look at my Swiss friends, I think: Lord, how good it is that I left! They do not live, they exist - they have everything planned from January 1 to December 31, they are waiting for Friday on Monday, and I have freedom, I live!

    If anyone is interested, here is a link to the entire article: http: //
    1. +1
      16 December 2015 18: 12
      Quote: Gomunkul
      If anyone is interested, here is a link to the entire article

      Jörg Duss, watched a documentary with him. Rather, about him.
      1. +1
        17 December 2015 00: 39
        good luck to you Jörg, a little sad, but I believe in the future and there is an example of someone to level off, again)))
  17. +5
    16 December 2015 17: 10
    We need a targeted state program to create a cult of the national hero. Pride and honor of the nation. Salt of the earth. After all, we have a lot of such people among volunteer militias among so-called polite people who, in fact, defended the Crimea bloodlessly, defeated the Crimea, among children cadets, during the recent flood for more than three weeks with their bodies during the day and night defending Komsomolsk-on-Amur. And many, many more who.

    One can only admire the heroes of our modern times ... Admire the fact that they exist "despite ..." and "despite ..." ... Despite the propaganda of the cult of money, the success of some businessmen and disguised beauties, and in spite of the unenviable lot that befell lone heroes.

    And, actually, why, more precisely, for what reason to heroize. After all, everything is fine with us, everything is wonderful ... And after 2020, full prosperity awaits us ...

    It is possible to create hundreds, thousands of state programs for the formation of a Russian hero ... Only people in the country are not deaf, not blind, and not speechless. They see in what damp ground the heroes lie and in what chairs "non-heroes" sit ...
    Yes, the Motherland is really waiting for Heroes !!! And the production of fools is growing ...
  18. 3vs
    16 December 2015 17: 15
    "The last hero is the bearer of these qualities, the just and honest national robber Danila Bagrov from the dashing nineties. Unfortunately, the late director Alexei Balabanov brilliantly called his film Brother."
    In my opinion, Danil Bagrov should not be considered a model hero.
    Especially in "Brother 2", where he indiscriminately shoots in the office in the states, although not here,
    but in people who did nothing specifically to him ...

    I think that the death of his group in the mountains by the Lord God was not prevented by chance.
    A talented guy, but who made the idol of millions of these films a killer in fact.
    1. +3
      16 December 2015 18: 10
      who made the idol of millions of these films a killer in essence.
      The killer is, for all that, despite the fact that the person is charming, which is scary. This image has risen, of course, for a reason. Against the background of national humiliation in the 90s, such a "hero" is needed. I would say, at that time, is necessary. "Not a brother, you are me, black-haired", this is true from another film, but it is true in essence to the image. Now, unfortunately, there is no such thing. Films are stamped, to be honest, there is nothing. It is probably necessary to "create" a person, a "new Russia", but no one knows what kind of new Russia it is.
  19. +5
    16 December 2015 17: 15
    I do not understand the people who put a minus to this article.
    You can cling to words and phrases, but the essence is nowhere to be gained. Thanks to the author!
  20. +3
    16 December 2015 17: 29
    "... they always wanted and want everything to be understandable, understandable and logical. To be honest and conscientious. Only in this case the mind and soul are in harmony, and every day lived and the future is filled with meaning .." This is all ideal, but in real life there is a place for everything, and not everything can be explained logically and clearly. That is what we who have lived and seen, and we must explain to our children and educate them, and prepare them for a decent life. And partly it succeeds, and the state ideology is lagging behind.
    1. +2
      16 December 2015 18: 31
      Yes, you raised the main question!
      Quote: vobels
      and we must explain to our children and educate them, and prepare them for a decent life.
  21. +3
    16 December 2015 19: 03
    I read the article, read the comments. Immediately make a reservation: I am an atheist, not militant. But I don’t understand why someone should create a hero for me, some kind of national idea. I have lived enough in this world. There is a normal idea - LIVE, LOVE. I can add: do not SR and into the pockets of your neighbor, do not offend the weak, put in place the strong, i.e. Be human. And this is very difficult.
    Who will come up with this idea? In Germany, one talented, if not brilliant ghoul, came up with a national idea. How did it end? I don’t want to enter into the discussion that we are not like that, but the most spiritual, remember the civil one, when one brother cut spiritually (for an idea) another brother.
    Being determines consciousness. When a neighbor pulls someone else's, no national idea will help. By neighbor, I understand not only the one who lives nearby, but all who are around and above (power). Do not think that this is agitation for Soviet power. The one I saw was thievish and vile. I’m probably out of luck. I, an officer of the Soviet Army, participated in the defense of my people, which means that I also had to defend the government. Therefore, I do not have a complex: how good it was then and how bad it is now, or vice versa, everything was and is.
    1. 0
      17 December 2015 08: 28
      I fully support and completely do not understand the whining about ideas and ideals.
  22. +2
    16 December 2015 19: 04
    I’m a spider-man, not a bug-man, ugh what muck. I hope that over time our country will spit out this muck.
    Article needed, author +.
  23. +5
    16 December 2015 19: 58
    Quote: Tor5
    To the greatest regret, the generation of "Pepsi" and "who follows the Klinsky" has already grown up.

    In the hunchback-pohmeltsinsky period of fraternizing with the West, the euromultisexulturalists, with the help of our liberated ... riffraffers who emerged into power, literally imposed on us a new ideology - the ideology of CONSUMPTION .. and in many ways this continues today! And in such conditions it is very difficult to appear for new true national heroes - the successors of the affairs of our heroes of past times! We need a different ideology that corresponds to the tasks that Russia sets for itself in today's fierce competition for the minds!
    1. -3
      16 December 2015 20: 22
      Quote: Goldmitro
      And in such conditions it is very difficult to appear for new true national heroes - the successors of the affairs of our heroes of past times!

      In order for national heroes to appear, for starters they (heroes) must perish, preferably those who knew them closely should perish. Then you can create a myth. And it can happen as with many myths of the Soviet era, which will only introduce an unnecessary confrontation into society.
  24. +6
    16 December 2015 20: 17
    I do not know how to answer the question. Real people have always been, and today they are, there are many examples, but few become heroes. Why do many consider Danila Bagrova a hero, because his actions with his justice healed wounds in many hearts, and therefore became legendary. “... Tell me, American: What is the strength? Is it really about money? .. You have a lot of money - and why? .. I think that power is in the truth: whoever has the truth is stronger ... So you deceived someone - you made money ... And why - you became stronger ? No, I didn’t ... Because there is no truth for you. And the one whom you deceived, the truth behind him ... So, he is stronger ... ". The same can be said about other characters in this literature, we have a lot of them, you just need to choose the right one ...
    Everything about real people is much more complicated. Our whole life begins with imitation: a father, a teacher, a workmate, a heroic deed, and therefore the more right people there are, the richer and more interesting our world will be. "Heroes are not born, they become heroes!" Or you can say so - "Tell me who your friend is, and I will say - who you are!" There is no more correct definition today, because where our heart is, there is our wealth, in my opinion.
  25. +1
    16 December 2015 20: 35
    I agree with the author, a very necessary article!
  26. Darkoff
    16 December 2015 21: 05
    Over the last day in Dagestan, 30 militants were destroyed.
    Who destroys them, if not the heroes of our time?
  27. +1
    16 December 2015 22: 51
    Unfortunately, the point of view of the author of the article and most of the comrades on the forum and outside it is diametrically opposed to the point of view of our government and the media-TV, which this government supports.
    You don’t need to go far for an example - I just read an article about Mat-TV and Besogon Nikita on VO. That one has also been having trouble with the heroes recently, the saga in the 3 parts about extremely tired, and about what he just hit with the sun (in the hit ones, one officer of the Russian army quietly strangled another officer of the Russian army, as a result all the officers were drowned on the orders of the half-witted Jewish commissar), such were then customs - according to Nikitka.
  28. +4
    16 December 2015 23: 23
    From the memoirs of Polevanov (Goskomimushchestvo 92) "When I came to the State Property Committee and tried to change the privatization strategy, Chubais told me in plain text:" What are you worried about these people? Well, thirty million will die out. They did not fit into the market. Do not think about this - new ones will grow "... Terrible words and" new "ones are already growing. Ambitious, arrogant, negligent and incompetent. I don’t remember whose quote, but it was said correctly ... Russia is not possible to conquer, only it is able to destroy itself.
  29. +3
    16 December 2015 23: 38
    Someone smart said that the value of ideas is determined by what a single person is willing to sacrifice for them. During the Second World War, our march went for the Motherland, for the bright future of mankind, that there are no female graves in the field, and so on. Someone believes that today they will want to give their lives for the ideas of liberalism?
  30. +1
    17 December 2015 00: 25
    In one country, Heroes constantly shout glory. They did not live better.
  31. 0
    17 December 2015 04: 23
    We have heroes, only they speak little about them. Serik Sultangabiev recently received a hero.
  32. 0
    17 December 2015 17: 44
    Quote: Denis Obukhov
    ... a new national hero of the level of Danila Bagrov ... "And what is Danila Bagrov, a level ??? And this film is undoubtedly a masterpiece ??? And with such" masterpieces "you propose to give a HERO or HEROES to the Russians ??? This is nonsense, the author !!! A hero must be a HERO! The strength of a Soviet hero is that he is one of ordinary people, he is among us until the time. Look around: Polar explorers and astronauts, the officer who covered himself with a grenade, employees of the Ministry of Emergencies and special forces, doctors (not surgeons-cosmetologists, no) and installers-liquidators of the hydroelectric power station accident, border guards and sailors, pilots and drivers - there are a lot of them, these unknown heroes around us. !!! That's what you need to shoot! And not about "robbers" ...

    I never loved this film with all due respect to Bodrov ... I believe that the Caucasian captive is precisely his best role and not Brother!