Russian developers have completed the first stage of development work on building ship engines.

The company "Saturn" completed the first stage of development work (R & D) to create 3-x gas turbine engines: M-90FR, DKVP Assembly and M-70FRU reverse, which will be equipped with all new domestic ships, reports Expert onlin.


“We expect that by the end of December of this year,“ Saturn ”will report to us on the implementation and the second stage of this work,” said Maxim Kochetkov, Director of the Department of the Shipbuilding Industry of the Minpromtorg. - By the beginning of 2017, all gas turbine engines will already have been developed and the first prototypes will be developed, which will be sent for testing. And with 2018, the delivery of these units to ships for our Navy is scheduled. ”

According to him, "this project has the highest priority in the program of import substitution in the domestic military industrial complex, and the combat readiness of at least one and a half dozen under construction and projected frigates, corvettes, cruisers and amphibious ships" depends on its success.

Previously, as is known, marine gas turbine engines were either purchased ready-made in Ukraine from the Zorya-Mashproekt Nikolaev enterprise, or Ukraine produced them in cooperation with the NPO Saturn.
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  1. +30
    15 December 2015 15: 40
    Great news
    1. +28
      15 December 2015 15: 44
      The news is great, but it was necessary to think about it earlier. Instead of relying on "our Ukrainian partners". As it turned out, the momentary political interests are much more important than long-term economic benefits.
      And the Nikolaev People’s Republic would be the best way out.
      1. +2
        15 December 2015 15: 54
        Probably the priorities were different! At least I want to think so laughing
        1. +1
          15 December 2015 16: 18
          Previously, as is known, marine gas turbine engines were either purchased ready-made in Ukraine from the Zorya-Mashproekt Nikolaev enterprise, or Ukraine produced them in cooperation with the NPO Saturn.

          About the German MTU have forgotten that even now with the Chinese Leyba continue to come to the Russian shipbuilder
          1. +6
            15 December 2015 17: 03
            Quote: Eugene-Eugene
            About the German MTU have forgotten that even now with the Chinese Leyba continue to come to the Russian shipbuilder

            Maybe you do not know, but
            MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH is one of the world's leading manufacturers diesel engines for use in shipbuilding, railway transport, small energy, construction and industrial equipment. MTU engines are distinguished by high reliability, a long service life, a low level of toxicity of exhausts, an electronic engine management system with advanced functions for monitoring the operation of the engine as a whole, high structural strength of the crankcase made of gray cast iron, and low fuel consumption.
            The article is about GTU ship.

            MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH - GTU does not produce.
            Quote: Eugene-Eugene
            Now they continue to enter the Russian shipbuilding industry with the Chinese label
            can not do anything under the guise of gas turbines.

            there is still MTU Aero Engines, but as you can see from the name of her gas turbine for aviation

            And also the story with GTU began not with "Ukraine" 2014, but:
            In 2008 was The program of creating three types of Russian basic automated highly economical ship gas-turbine engines of the 4 generation, capable of ensuring the implementation of any shipbuilding program of the Russian Navy, as well as one type of diesel-gas turbine unit, was successfully completed. This list includes:
            - GTD M75RU (developer - NPO Saturn OJSC) with a maximum power of 7000 hp The engine successfully passed the GSI in 2006
            - GTD M70FRU (developer - NPO Saturn OJSC) with a maximum power of 14000 hp The engine successfully passed the GSI in October 2008.
            - GTD M90FR maximum power 27500 l. with. (the developer is ZAO Turborus, a joint venture of NPO Saturn OJSC and GP Zorya-Mashproekt, Ukraine). The engine successfully passed MVI in 2006, and DGTA on its basis - in 2008.
            1. +2
              15 December 2015 19: 00
              Quote: Just
              - GTD M90FR maximum power 27500 l. with. (the developer is ZAO Turborus, a joint venture of NPO Saturn OJSC and GP Zorya-Mashproekt, Ukraine). The engine successfully passed MVI in 2006, and DGTA on its basis - in 2008.

              Likely to this model, you can safely try on these words from the original source of the news.
              - A few years ago, all marine gas turbine engines for our ships were either purchased ready-made in Ukraine from the Nikolaev company Zorya-Mashproekt, or Ukraine made them for Russia in cooperation with NPO Saturn. True, in the latter case, Ukrainians made the most high-tech engine parts, including a gas generator and a high-pressure turbine, on their own. But at the beginning of last year, after the Ukrainian authorities banned the supply of dual-use products to Russia, this cooperation completely stopped. At the same time, the plants already manufactured and paid for by Russia were mothballed, and their delivery did not take place.
        2. +2
          15 December 2015 16: 20
          And the priorities of our rulers change instantly ... Take, for example, cooperation with the Saudis ... Damn friend found what next? Politics are dirty, but not to the same extent! I began to perfectly understand the policy of North Korea-only self-reliance. . It comes to the Kremlin with great difficulty (although it’s probably just not profitable for them). TELL THAT THE COUNTRY NEEDS INVESTMENTS AND FINANCE DO NOT NEED ... After the war, there wasn’t one or the other .. WAS A LEADER WITH A BIG LETTER, and not ... then yours, then ours ..
          Quote: Sosed_26
          Probably the priorities were different! At least I want to think so laughing
      2. +11
        15 December 2015 16: 45
        Quote: Ami du peuple
        The news is great, but you had to think about it before ...

        In truth, I am very confused by so many wise, far-sighted and visionary people.
        I wish I could give them free rein ...
        1. +3
          15 December 2015 17: 03
          Quote: hrapon
          I wish I could give them free rein ...

          And we are in captivity, think? In a special medical institution with iron bars on windows and walls upholstered with soft material? wink
          Along the way, some of the comrades who were previously responsible for defense and integration with foreign suppliers need to be relocated there. If not to other institutions with more severe conditions.
          1. -1
            15 December 2015 18: 36
            Quote: Ami du peuple
            Quote: hrapon
            I wish I could give them free rein ...

            And we are in captivity, think? In a special medical institution with iron bars on windows and walls upholstered with soft material? wink

            No way the reincarnation of Marat since the 18 Brummer.

            To be honest, I am wary of the "friends of the people": as if they didn’t take them somewhere again. Well, with a hangover - it seems like under anesthesia ...

            "L'Ami du peuple" (Friend of the people) rag, which was personally published and edited by Marat exactly after the taking of the Bastille.
            1. +1
              15 December 2015 21: 00
              Quote: hrapon
              No way the reincarnation of Marat from the time of 18 brumaire ...
              To be honest, I am wary of the "friends of the people": as if they didn’t take them somewhere again. Well, with a hangover - it seems like under anesthesia ...

              I am delighted with your erudition! And what about "getting somewhere" with a hangover - is this something from personal experience?
              1. -1
                16 December 2015 01: 13
                Quote: Ami du peuple
                Quote: hrapon
                No way the reincarnation of Marat from the time of 18 brumaire ...
                To be honest, I am wary of the "friends of the people": as if they didn’t take them somewhere again. Well, with a hangover - it seems like under anesthesia ...

                I am delighted with your erudition! And what about "getting somewhere" with a hangover - is this something from personal experience?


                You have chosen your nickname yourself. Why be offended if someone recognized your ambitions and vain desire to become like the great monsters of history.
        2. +2
          15 December 2015 17: 41

          As history shows, if you give free rein to the wise and perspicacious, this leads to the industrial revolution, industrialization, or other development of the country. There are always a lot of smart and perspicacious. It’s just that they are not allowed to steer the vile and stupid, who climbed up due to theft, nepotism and cruelty, and now they are afraid that smart people will throw them nafik out of warm rooms.
      3. +6
        15 December 2015 16: 52
        And the Nikolaev People’s Republic would be the best way out.

        Enough of these republics, would have sorted out the existing ones.
        1. +1
          15 December 2015 18: 43
          Quote: Shurik
          Enough of these republics, would have sorted out the existing ones.

          But what is there to understand if someone, in their opinion, figured it out in 1917, and now the other who has taken his place today shrugs his hands and complains, complains, complains to his voters that Russia has lost its territories most of all, and he just doesn’t know what to do with this, as BN Yeltsin did not know what he should do with the Kuril Islands when he was going to Japan for. But he, like all worthy men chosen by the people, found a brilliant solution - Let our children solve the problem of the Kuril Islands !!! Bravo BN Yeltsin, your people who chose you did not deserve another, there are no such questions that the twice chosen by the people of Russia BN Yeltsin could not solve.
          As long as I am alive, I will always remember you, even if Putin didn’t build you a museum that he had not opened long ago.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. 0
          16 December 2015 13: 40
          ... everything strategic should be on its territory ...
      4. +7
        15 December 2015 18: 11
        In our country, trade is of paramount importance, why build an enterprise for the production of microwaves, telephones, engines - when they can be bought and made at a re-purchase ...
        Therefore, we do not have half of the enterprises that we need, like any serious state, the question is - do we need such a government?
        1. 0
          15 December 2015 18: 41
          Quote: Shurale
          why build an enterprise

          Build, God help you
          1. 0
            15 December 2015 20: 04
            Yeah, build it here, kickbacks, bribes and checks will be blown away. With us, perhaps, you can only trade and not your own.
        2. 0
          15 December 2015 21: 46
          Yes, it’s not the government’s business !!! It’s just SYSTEM. Whoever you put in, the same thing happens.
          Quote: Shurale
          In our country, trade is of paramount importance, why build an enterprise for the production of microwaves, telephones, engines - when they can be bought and made at a re-purchase ...
          Therefore, we do not have half of the enterprises that we need, like any serious state, the question is - do we need such a government?
          1. 0
            16 December 2015 19: 34
            do you understand what you said?
            the government is a conductor of the principles of the system, but it is also able to steal it ... the only matter is desire. if the government does not want to change the system - why do we need such a government? tautology
      5. +3
        15 December 2015 22: 07
        Quote: Ami du peuple
        The news is great, but you had to think about it before.

        You minus -! If I knew where to fall, I would lay straws - this is the first. Where to get so much money so that you can do everything all at once - this is the second. And the European Republic (from Portugal to Poland) would be the best way out - this is the third! hi
      6. 0
        16 December 2015 15: 38
        it was necessary to think about this back in 2005, when an amateur beekeeper became president, you see now you would make your own. And then it was possible to start production on lompops for the Navy, for the Yak-130 engines in the Russian Federation are made at full cycle and then it was possible to set the condition for part of the Russian Federation to do part of Ukraine and now there would not be any problems (big I mean).
      7. The comment was deleted.
    2. +8
      15 December 2015 15: 44
      I had no doubts about “Saturn,” there were some serious shots.
    3. +2
      15 December 2015 15: 47
      Quote: Sosed_26
      Great news

      FINE!!!! And the terms are adequate!
    4. hartlend
      15 December 2015 15: 49
      Excellent in the sense that it is different from others?
    5. +24
      15 December 2015 15: 52
      Quote: Sosed_26
      Great news

      The news is great, now they are building a test bench at an accelerated pace, but they started to build it 4 years ago, erected a frame, and froze it for 1.5 years, at the beginning of this year when they found the fried rooster and found the money and materials, now we work in 2 shifts and we'll see.
      1. +4
        15 December 2015 15: 55
        And better in three shifts wink
        1. +1
          15 December 2015 16: 54
          And where to get the shots? Two apparently scraped with difficulty.
          1. +8
            15 December 2015 21: 32
            Quote: varov14
            And where to get the shots? Two apparently scraped with difficulty.

            Everything is fine with the staff there, but in addition to the test bench, they launch a foundry building and several others, in addition, they import machines and equipment. Already, several sites were launched.
      2. +3
        15 December 2015 16: 10
        Quote: 79807420129
        when the roasted cock pecked found and money and materials are now working in 2 shifts

        There is a Russian proverb "Until the thunder breaks out, a man does not cross himself" here she is in the flesh, in all its glory, so to speak.
      3. +3
        15 December 2015 16: 53
        It looks like fried roosters do not stock up. Heads need to be changed, but how the cockerel bites, the last mind completely knocks out, yesterday the decisions made are not remembered.
    6. +3
      15 December 2015 15: 54
      Well done, keep it up !!!
    7. +12
      15 December 2015 15: 55
      How much more do we need to “get in the face”, wipe the “spit” from our “brothers”, so that it finally dawns on us that ALL production in one way or another connected with the “defense industry” should be with US ??? It is clear that these are echoes of the collapse of the USSR, but since the 91st how many years have passed !!!
    8. +15
      15 December 2015 16: 03
      In total, our country used about 180 components of Ukrainian production in the production of domestic military equipment. The vast majority without problems can be quickly replaced by Russian counterparts. But not marine power plants for large surface ships. In addition to Ukraine, such engines are manufactured by several other companies around the world, in particular, the British Rolls-Royce. And to find an alternative supplier in such a situation, of course, is impossible. As a result, of the six naval ships of Project 11356 that the Yantar Kaliningrad plant was to build, our Navy will receive only three on time: Admiral Grigorovich, Admiral Essen, and Admiral Makarov. And three more of these ships: “Admiral Butakov”, “Admiral Istomin” and “Admiral Kornilov” - remained without units. Things are even worse with the frigates of project 22350, which the St. Petersburg Severnaya Verf is to build for the Navy. b
      It was assumed that this enterprise will produce a total of six frigates. But the engines managed to get only for two of them. Moreover, on the lead ship of this project - “Admiral Gorshkov” - the Ukrainian turbine caught fire during the tests and partially collapsed. Now it has been delivered for repair to NPO Saturn. “Specialists dismantled it to the last screw nut and found a number of design features and production flaws that Zorei-Mashproekt made: from the reliability of the engine control system to the low quality assembly of the compressor and turbine, as well as the welding of rotation parts. Naturally, all of them will be eliminated when creating Russian turbines of this class, says Kochetkov. “As for the unit on which the fire occurred, it should be repaired next year.” Note that in addition to frigates due to the lack of offshore gas turbine engines, our shipbuilding enterprises are not yet able to produce a number of other ships provided for by the current state arms development program. In particular, amphibious assault landing ships of the Bison and Moray type. Nevertheless, it is now safe to predict that such a situation will not last long. As Maxim Kochetkov told us, in parallel with the development work of NPO Saturn, by decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, it is now actively engaged in the capital construction of an assembly-testing complex and a stand on which marine engines created at the enterprise will be tested. In 2016, this work should be completed, after which the plant will be ready to conduct all types of tests.
      1. +1
        15 December 2015 21: 53
        Your data contradict what MO reported to Putin in the summer. According to the report of the deputy minister, it is necessary to replace 826 items of Ukrainian products for our military-industrial complex and 127 items of western ones. In 2015, it was planned to replace 102 items of Ukrainian products. It is planned to replace in the period until 2025. I think it will be faster, but not earlier than 2020. All this will cost tens of billions of American Tugriks. That is, in essence, we need to build the entire production of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex at home. hi But the main problem areas will definitely be closed until 2018.
        1. 0
          16 December 2015 00: 12
          Quote: g1v2
          All this will cost tens of billions of American Tugriks

          The very ones that we diligently put into the Stabilization Fund and the Reserve Fund for several years, diluting it with the debt "candy wrappers" of the FRS .. WHO HAS BEEN INTERVENTED TO INVEST IN OWN INDUSTRY ?!
          And now, of course, now we are mobilizing the people in three shifts, but we will cut their salaries - why should they pay too much, they won't die of tea! - so we will do it, and we will be "on horseback" - but what about: it's not for nothing that "our anti-crisis plan has given positive results in all areas!" (LADIES)
      2. +1
        16 December 2015 02: 20
        Quote: Denis Obukhov
        In total, our country used in production

        Denis finish already - or links to "your" thoughts come on
    9. Tor5
      15 December 2015 16: 33
      I want to believe that everything that is planned will come true!
    10. The comment was deleted.
    11. +1
      15 December 2015 16: 34
      The trouble of our fleet ... for three years, so many projects got up.
    12. 0
      15 December 2015 19: 35
      blinnnn ... wait another three years
  2. +15
    15 December 2015 15: 42
    All this is good, many thanks to the developers.
    But one thing saddens: - Was it really impossible to reduce dependence on Western "partners" and "Ukrainian brothers" to zero, in such a strategically important industry as shipbuilding, the aviation industry, and indeed, in the entire defense industry? Anticipate this turn of events?
    I consider all this dependence on the West either the result of the shortsightedness of those who were engaged in defense orders, or covert actions to the detriment of national security.
    1. +5
      15 December 2015 16: 33
      Nit, you can’t, for we are lagging behind, and we are lagging behind.

      The same choice in favor of German diesels was made after our Kolomna engines were tested at sea, first of all on the 20380 .... And they were horrified at what kind of crap they got in the end. The quality is full GU, reliability also does not shine, and 2350 there’s enough hemorrhoids now with them .. That's where they decided to put something normal, but only the chest didn’t take cover in time ...

      And with turbines, sho? There is a plant in Nikolaev, but it supplies, why change the shoto? No one thought, sho with the Square everything will turn as it turned. Everything turned out according to the principle, "until you kick it, it doesn't fly."

      This is the result of short-sightedness, in the case of gas turbine engines, and our backwardness in a number of things, and harm is obvious somewhere, but the latter occupies an extremely small niche.
  3. +2
    15 December 2015 15: 44
    You see, how glorious ... And then in a previous article about the lack of domestic engines Zelenodolsk shipbuilders suffer. Nice, nice. Let them get in line ...
  4. +2
    15 December 2015 15: 50
    Well, I would very much like our leaders to always remember that we have no friends, we need to develop and restore our production, we must be independent in everything !!!
  5. 0
    15 December 2015 15: 51
    We urgently need to revive the production of Zvezda diesel engines, of course, you can do with the descendants of aircraft and diesel engines, but there was a leader in the industry at one time.
    1. 0
      15 December 2015 17: 58
      Well, if you do not take a diesel engine for shunting diesel locomotives, then with diesel engines for mainline diesel locomotives, we have complete seams. There is one single Kolomna plant with D49 diesel engines, so for some reason they are scolded by sailors.
      The Ministry of Railways would be happy to buy, no matter if it’s over the hill, conducting various tenders, but somehow it’s not very good and it turns out.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +3
    15 December 2015 15: 51
    Just great news! SUCCESSES!
  7. +2
    15 December 2015 15: 51
    Quote: Ami du peuple
    The news is great, but it was necessary to think about it earlier. Instead of relying on "our Ukrainian partners". As it turned out, the momentary political interests are much more important than long-term economic benefits.

    Wise people are always valuable.
    Please announce the whole list of what else you will need to think about.
    You would be an assistant to Putin, in order not only to think, but also to embody in the time pressure of time and money, surrounded only by "friends".
    1. +3
      15 December 2015 17: 33
      Quote: tomcat117
      Please announce the whole list of what else you will need to think about.

      Stop broadcasting on TV purely propaganda advertising of Gazprom about the "Power of Siberia", the stronger this "force", the weaker the future of this country.
      But Putin does not need such advice, like all the assistants who would tell him about it.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      15 December 2015 19: 00
      Quote: tomcat117
      You would be aide to Putin, not only to think, but also to embody

      It is enough for V.V. Putin to be expelled from the Medvedev government and replace him with an independent person who thinks and is responsible for his actions. I do not think that in Russia there are no people who know and support the task entrusted to them! If only Putin had the desire and the will to abandon nepotism and the goal, to make Russia a powerful, independent state!
  8. +3
    15 December 2015 15: 51
    Ukraine is destroying with its own hands, the last thing that remains is with it. Specialists most likely moved to us.
    1. 0
      15 December 2015 16: 10
      This is not destroying Ukraine, but the United States.
    2. +1
      15 December 2015 16: 31
      It would be interesting to learn about the current state of Zorya-Mashproekt ...
      1. 0
        15 December 2015 17: 05
        It would be interesting to learn about the current state of Zorya-Mashproekt ...

        If you are interested in how they live without Russian orders, read on the factory’s official website. Here is one of the news.
        Since October 1 of the current year, the company has increased salaries and tariff rates by 10%.
        Since 2015, the company introduced the practice of one-time bonus payments based on the results of work for the past quarter. In particular, bonuses were paid based on the results of the first and second quarter in the amount of 50% of salary.
        The average salary for the complex in September 2015 of the year was 5912 hryvnia.
        In October, it is planned to reward the team for the third quarter also in the amount of 50% of salary. On the eve of the New Year holidays, employees of the enterprise will receive a bonus based on the results of the production year.
        Today, the complex employs more than 12 thousand employees. The plant fulfills obligations to pay wages in full and within the deadlines set by the collective agreement.
        Also, the collective agreement, which is concluded annually, stipulates the mandatory growth rate of the average wage during the year. These requirements are also carefully implemented by the administration. All measures taken in 2015 to increase the average wage will ensure its growth by 20%.

        link: http: // rubs = press_tsentr & prub = 1245352916
        1. +1
          15 December 2015 17: 44
          Thank you for the information ... But why - then the site is in Russian. Yes, and basically declared plans ..
  9. +3
    15 December 2015 15: 52
    The Russian defense industry should not depend on foreign suppliers. All components should be only domestic production, not inferior to foreign counterparts
    1. +7
      15 December 2015 16: 07
      It is strange to read such articles, do we really have no people in our leadership who can analyze the political and economic situation in the world? Is it possible that in 2005, when Yushchenko came to power in Ukraine and announced his desire to join NATO, our leadership did not have enough sense to think about our security? Why did we keep our missile troops on the components of the Dnepropetrovsk Yuzhmash until 2015? Why were turbines for ships and engines for helicopters purchased in Ukraine until 2014? Why were homing heads for missiles purchased before 2014? What has our management been thinking since 2005? What did you hope for? Who will be responsible for this? Since 2005, they knew and did not move, and now at an accelerated pace ... during the sanctions.
    2. 0
      15 December 2015 16: 25
      In this regard, we are far behind in the element base. Fortunately, the Chinese are helping out. Its practically not.
  10. +6
    15 December 2015 15: 52
    Sanctions are a good thing. The brains were turned on, the enemies appeared (they are partners). And you should always remember the great words of Emperor Alexander III "Russia has only two allies - the army and the navy."
  11. +5
    15 December 2015 15: 58
    And I'm not happy with the pace of such "great news" ...
    Already the second year has come to an end, since when it became clear that the engines to our ships are being made in the wrong places.
    How to understand this the first stage is completed?
    What did you think all this time before?
    In a real war, they would have been left without engines.
    1. +3
      15 December 2015 16: 19
      Quote: Mama_Cholli
      And I'm not happy with the pace of such "great news" ...
      Already the second year has come to an end, since when it became clear that the engines to our ships are being made in the wrong places.
      How to understand this the first stage is completed?
      What did you think all this time before?
      In a real war, they would have been left without engines.

      The development of gas turbine engines lasts 10 years on a full cycle. 10 !!!

      Here, all the same, modernization is development, and not a fundamentally new project, which is why it is so fast.

      But what they did before is an open question. those. until the cock pecked ...
      1. +5
        15 December 2015 16: 44
        Dear Falcon, in 2005 in Ukraine, Yushchenko became president. He stated during the election program about Ukraine’s desire to join NATO. 10 years have passed, and where is the TBG? What did our smartest leaders in the world think?
        1. 0
          15 December 2015 17: 19
          Quote: Falcon
          Quote: Mama_Cholli
          And I'm not happy with the pace of such "great news" ...
          Already the second year has come to an end, since when it became clear that the engines to our ships are being made in the wrong places.
          How to understand this the first stage is completed?
          What did you think all this time before?
          In a real war, they would have been left without engines.

          The development of gas turbine engines lasts 10 years on a full cycle. 10 !!!

          Here, all the same, modernization is development, and not a fundamentally new project, which is why it is so fast.

          But what they did before is an open question. those. until the cock pecked ...

          Quote: captain
          Dear Falcon, in 2005 in Ukraine, Yushchenko became president. He stated during the election program about Ukraine’s desire to join NATO. 10 years have passed, and where is the TBG? What did our smartest leaders in the world think?

          Both are right ... You can’t say better. They like to appoint slow-thinking people upstairs.
        2. 0
          15 December 2015 22: 20
          They thought that everything was under control and who should be bought. Everything went well, put a more loyal Yanuk and relaxed.
      2. 0
        15 December 2015 18: 26
        Quote: Falcon
        Here, all the same, modernization is development, and not a fundamentally new project, which is why it is so fast.

        Most likely you are mistaken in the news about the "modernization-development" of the previously created, nothing is said.
      3. The comment was deleted.
  12. 0
    15 December 2015 16: 09
    Well, now you still need to tighten the marine diesel.
  13. 0
    15 December 2015 16: 09
    Good news! The fleet needs large ships with domestic engines. Without its engines, the required fleet will not be. And the industry needs to be developed for the international market.
  14. +2
    15 December 2015 16: 23
    FAIL. You certainly remember the spring of this year and the descent of several ships at the Admiralty shipyard, and my words about "towing to the wall and let them wait for the engines." And now I'm glad. And half a year has not passed, and here they are, ENGINES, our RUSSIAN. They didn't have to stand for long. Good luck to our engine builders.
  15. +1
    15 December 2015 16: 29
    In terms of engines, it pleases Russia that it has abandoned its dependence on components. New engines for military equipment, including ship ones, are the basis of promising developments that are now actively being produced and manufactured.
  16. +1
    15 December 2015 16: 38
    "What has our leadership been thinking since 2005? What was it hoping for? Who will be responsible for this?" - you know, no one is going to be responsible for anything ... does not seem to be interested in the dollar rate. and by how much prices in stores have jumped. The main thing is that gas and oil are sold, and what remains of income can be as an addition to the pension, to increase the rating. Although the engines are important, they are still a trifle, there are many mistakes. When are they going to fix them, and will there be enough time for this? And are they going to change anything at all? Or maybe they naively hope that it will resolve itself, the sanctions will be lifted, oil will rise in price and again nothing needs to be done?
  17. 0
    15 December 2015 16: 59
    Our man will not cross himself until thunder strikes. Apparently thundered.
  18. 0
    15 December 2015 22: 21
    2018 in the current political situation is a long time. We need ships yesterday.
  19. 0
    16 December 2015 05: 40
    happy, but slowly, but on the right path we go, comrades ...