We are waiting for a great era


Russia will have to create a truly world-class financial and credit system, providing the industry with affordable credit resources, recreating basic industries, and creating new industries of the 21st century. This should be the era of great growth and development. Otherwise, we are waiting for wilting, rotting and decay. It will also be greatness, but of a different kind.

If we try to formulate in four words that the main thing in capitalism is in addition to a market economy that has existed for at least a couple of millennia before its emergence, the result will be unequivocal: capitalism is affordable credit and industry.

Armless capitalism

Credit is because the main characteristic of capitalism, which distinguishes it from other socio-political formations (or, if in a different language, civilizations), is the expanded reproduction of everything, from goods to public relations. As Werner Sombart wrote, “capital dies if it is not realized, that is, if it does not reproduce itself with a certain profit”. And this is possible only under the condition that reproduction is supported by the main lubricant of capitalist development — money, the necessary amount of which is drawn from credit. That is why, according to the singer of capitalism and the prophet of his death, Karl Marx, “the credit system, on the one hand, is the immanent form of the capitalist mode of production, on the other hand, the driving force of its development into the highest and last possible form for it”.

Perhaps, it may seem trivial to someone, but the problem of Russian capitalism is that since its inception in the 90 of the 20th century, the Russian financial and credit system was built not on the basis of maintaining productive capital, but in fact only for the sake of financial and stock exchange speculations. Surprisingly, the “liberals”, busy reforming the Russian economy, did not realize that credit was the invisible hand of the market, which they liked to talk about. The capitalism generated by them appeared without this hand.

Production and consumption of metalworking equipment

An affordable loan is because financial constraints in those years contributed to the death of a significant part of Russian industry, primarily high-tech. Only when you begin to study the state of specific industries, do you understand the depth of their fall. But for the author of these lines, the death of the Russian fur industry, during the years of Soviet power, which was one of the main sources of foreign exchange in the country, which ranked first in the world in terms of fur production, became a symbol of the madness of the financial policy of those years. And this hen that laid the golden eggs was slaughtered - the cost of the loan was inaccessible to animal farms and hunting farms. The animals just died from hunger.

As with Ivan the Terrible

Now story repeats. Under regular conversations about fighting inflation, which also come from the 1992 year, the rates on loans, which never in Russia have dropped to reasonable values, are again raised to the heights completely inaccessible to industry. For some reason, the financial and economic authorities do not have a question: if twenty-five years of fighting inflation have not been successful, maybe it is necessary to change the economic policy?

What has been said about the connection between capitalism and credit only underscores what the majority (if you do not take into account big business and privileged government agencies) of Russian entrepreneurs-industrialists feel. And they feel, perhaps without realizing it, that Russian capitalism has so far been nothing more than “do-capitalism”. Because the market and material production existed before capitalism, but, unlike capitalist production, it was based on self-lending at the expense of its own profit and did not provide for expanded reproduction.

Marinus van Reimerswale. "Usurer", 1539

And the mass Russian entrepreneur-industrialist works the way the pre-capitalist craftsman worked, who did not have the opportunity to take advantage of a loan: from the order and from his own profit.

That is why dynasties of medieval artisans pass through the centuries, including creating unique and widely sought-after products that have not become Fords and Edison. They just had no money for it. After all, the modern banking system, aimed at the development of production, arose already at the end of the Middle Ages and marked the onset of capitalism. Prior to that, the state, trade, and usurers, whose very name of the profession became, from ancient times, a symbol of unjust enrichment, ruinous for those who used their services, mainly disposed of money. And it is very similar to the current Russian situation, the sensations from which Oleg Deripaska frankly conveyed, calling the Russian financial system usurious. It is not necessary to count on the fact that in such conditions Russia will have its own “Samsung” and “Intel”, a modern and diverse industry will rise.

But the possibility of access to the means of development is not only a problem for already established entrepreneurs. In Russia, a multimillion (up to 30 million) layer of people, mainly residents of small cities and rural areas, who live according to the laws of the primitive economy (in the magazine “Russian Reporter” it was called “garage”) has arisen. In small towns, the specialists of many city-forming enterprises after their closure moved from the workshops to their own garages and subsidiary farms, where they open the production of everything, everything from stools to helicopters. And the former collective farmers dig in the garden, engaging in self-sufficiency. Many of them, if they had access to cheap loans, could well create and develop their own business. But as long as they live as their ancestors lived somewhere in the era of Ivan the Terrible.

Russian policy formula

If credit is the invisible hand of the market, then industry is a natural form of capital investment in its development, distinguishing it from usurious income and from traditional agrarian production characteristic of the pre-capitalist era.

In the modern world there can be countries, especially small ones, with varying degrees of specialization both in financial services and in industrial production. And we know such countries, although this specialization is rather conditional. But on a global scale, credit and industry are inseparable. And there are countries that, by virtue of their size, are doomed to engage in both, if only because without their own financial system, sustainable sovereign development is impossible, which for large countries is a condition for their existence, and without industry in its present form, it is impossible to develop territories nor occupy the people. As Friedrich List wrote in the nineteenth century, another singer of capitalism, undeservedly ignored by modern neoliberals, “the manufacturing industry ... favors the sciences, arts and political improvement, increases people's wealth, population, government revenues and state power, provides the nation with means to expand trade relations with all parts of the world and to the base of the colonies, develops navigation and navy. " If we replace “colonies” with “international influence”, which corresponds to modern realities, then this is, strictly speaking, the formula for what the current Russian authorities are striving for, at least in words. And what should be the natural goal of the entire Russian society, in particular, domestic entrepreneurship. But while in Russia this formula does not work.

Production of agricultural machinery in the world

Thus, the authors of “Strategy-2020”, referring to the concepts of the so-called post-industrial society, write: “In the inertial scenario of innovation policy, priority support continues to traditional sectors of the previous technological wave (aircraft industry, nuclear energy, etc.). In the Progressor scenario, the priority is to support sectors of the new technological wave and access to growing markets (new high-tech, services, green growth, etc.). ”

We turned to this half-forgotten document to remind that, firstly, as shown in the article “We do not produce anything” (see “Expert” No. 47 for 2012 a year), it is the developed countries of Europe and North America that continue to be the centers of traditional industry of the highest level, primarily engineering. For example, Germany and today the actual monopolist in the field of precision machine tool construction. The Russian economy is faced with the task of achieving the same combination of traditional and new industries, which is characteristic of highly developed countries. And secondly, because those who are entrusted with the development of the “Strategy-2030”, it seems, absolutely nothing, consider Russia incapable, due to its inherent mentality, to mass production of high-quality products. Such an approach casts suspicions that the next strategy will again be imbued with the destructive spirit of post-industrialism, including from the promise that Russia allegedly cannot organize industry. And this is also not new. It is enough to recall how a recent economic official in modern Russia considered it necessary, referring to the low quality of our harvesters, to literally demand: “Rostselmash should be destroyed.” But despite everything, Rostselmash has resisted and is now one of the few Russian machine-building enterprises that also work for export. You can recall the same hysterical cries about the fate of AvtoVAZ.

Friedrich List: "Manufacturing industry ... favors the sciences, arts and political improvement, increases people's wealth, population, government revenues and state power"

All these tantrums are due to a misunderstanding of the causes of the problem of low quality products, which was typical of the late Soviet period and gave rise to capitulatory moods among people who had never had anything to do with industry. However, it had a completely different nature. The problem of poor quality was due to the fact that the Soviet industry, being isolated, was trying to produce literally everything that the rest of the world produces, and in large quantities, and overstrained it. The task of the modern development strategy of Russia should provide for the development of powerful industry in the conditions of reasonable cooperation and openness.

Economic guru tips

The connection between capitalism and credit only increases with the development of capitalism. As Carlota Perez, who developed the theory of the connection between technological revolutions and financial capital, emphasizes the innovative development of the modern capitalist economy based on the possibility of attracting free financial capital to innovations, which gives it dynamism, although it makes crises inevitable. The link between innovation and financial capital is determined by the fact that innovation can be developed only if the entrepreneur-innovator has access to sufficient financial resources. "It is the ability of these entrepreneurs to work with borrowed capital becomes a truly dynamic force ... With the increasing availability of funding for their projects and the resounding success of the pioneers, increasing the attractiveness of the new (technological. -" Expert ") paradigm, the number of such entrepreneurs begins to grow." It is at least naive to expect that the Russian economy will stand on the rails of innovative development under the conditions of the existing financial constraints in Russia.

Back in 2013, Carlota Perez wrote that inflation can only be overcome by supporting “the activities of national and regional development banks, which will issue loans at much lower rates for production, innovation, business expansion and job creation. This subsidy eventually pays off handsomely - through jobs, generating profits and taxes. Tightening belts and restrictive policies do not increase production growth rates. Restrictions can turn into a recession, the only way to rise again is to focus on growth, understanding the current technological potential. ”

We are waiting for a great era

Karl Marx: “The credit system, on the one hand, is the immanent form of the capitalist mode of production, on the other hand, the driving force of its development in the highest and last possible form for it”

The well-known Russian economist Sergey Glazyev offers the same measures, but we consciously refer to the opinion of the world-famous scientist, since the measures proposed by Glazyev are perceived with irony and are constantly rejected by current and retired officials and government economic theorists. Although the recent meetings of the Stolypinsky Club and the Liberal Platform of the United Russia party devoted to Glazyev’s proposals show that the business community, which is freeing itself from the shortages of quasi-liberalism, has finally begun to listen to them.


Suppose something happens: Russian capitalism will acquire its “invisible hand” and the loan will be available to economic agents. However, this will not solve the problem of high-tech development of the country. Because, as world experience shows since the days of Bismarck, innovative development is impossible without state support, without designating state priorities. Now it is fashionable to support the most advanced directions of NTP (or rather, to declare this support), which will have an effect after the 2030s. Within the framework of the National Technology Initiative, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) has developed a whole set of roadmaps for the development of such areas as digital design and modeling, new materials, additive technologies, quantum communications, mechabiotronics, neurotechnology, and many others. And it is right. Behind this is the future, but this future will come only if there are highly developed basic industries in the country that provide an opportunity for the development of breakthrough industries. Otherwise, this future will be completely dependent on other countries. No matter how we feel about our industrialization of the 30s of the last century, its main message - to create basic industries so that everything else can be developed on the basis of them, turned out to be absolutely true. Moreover, the scale of our country, certainly not smaller than that of Japan and Germany, allows it. As Carlota Perez wrote, “Russia has enormous advantages in the form of a large population, a vast territory and numerous natural resources. While many countries are forced to search for their specialization, Russia can strive for a diversified economy that includes almost all sectors. ”

However, surprisingly, neither the ASI nor the government, while making grandiose plans for the development of the most advanced industries, did not include the development of basic industries among the priorities for the future. But the simplest analysis of any product and its manufacturing technology allows us to determine that these basic industries are machine tool building and electronic engineering. After all, any product consists of parts manufactured on some kind of machine tools, and electronic components manufactured on machines that are created at electronic engineering enterprises. If you have these full-fledged industries, you can make any product - both traditional and the most modern. What is the cost of developing and manufacturing in Russia, for example, the most modern dronesif, as the developers admit, plastics, motors, electronic components and even fasteners (banal screws and nuts) for them have to be purchased in Europe? But all these components are products of traditional industry. In the modern world, as recent events have shown, such dependence can threaten the country that finds itself in it with an economic and political catastrophe. That is why developed countries or their associations have the entire set of basic industries.

Capitalist Gosplan

Moreover, this dependence gives rise to a sense of hopelessness: if we cannot even do some cogs, then ... As a result, we are raising a generation of people who have never been the first and do not even know the taste of leadership. For example, compare the feeling of a person who got to Zelenograd during the Soviet era, when he was one of the capitals of world electronics, and one who finds himself in the city now and sees business centers on the place of the legendary scientific institutes. Yes, and the media still advocate our secondary nature. It is impossible to hope for the innovative development of the country if the sense of leadership in the brains of a whole generation is destroyed. You can not go to the intellectual world ring with a sense of inferiority.

Export share in engineering products

An attempt to determine the development paths of the Russian economy through roadmaps in their current form, when, as already mentioned, everything in Russia is in short supply, from quality materials to cogs, clearly does not correspond to the scale of the tasks facing the country. Of course, the word "Gosplan" became a symbol of the Soviet planned economy and a scarecrow for those who, like the hell out of incense, shy away from everything that resembles the Soviet one. But even the example of drones shows that Russia cannot do without what can be called the capitalist Gosplan. Unlike the corresponding Soviet institution, it should not develop policy plans for the production of a product, but build pyramids of technological and logistical links, identifying bottlenecks, finding domestic producers who can embroider them and recommending them to take part in this pyramid. And in the absence of such manufacturers, to set before the relevant government agencies and the community of entrepreneurs the problem of organizing the corresponding production.

By the way, the absence of such a coordinating body was clearly felt during the construction of Olympic Sochi, during the construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome, where the president had to assume the functions of a coordinator.

And we will not be the inventors of the capitalist Gosplan. The planning role of such institutions as the General Planning Commissariat in France, the Economic Planning Office in Japan, and the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge in South Korea are well known. And in these, and in many other capitalist countries, quite to themselves, they adopt five-year development plans. Without detailed planning, it is impossible to imagine how to create - almost from scratch, and the development of Airbus Corporation, which united many European countries, which was based on a strategic research plan developed by EU experts.

And in China, the Gosplan still operates, created in the image and likeness of the Soviet. Moreover, the adviser to this Chinese department already during the reform period was John Galbraith, a world-famous scientist, who wrote: “The solution (which imposes economic development logic on the governments of capitalist countries. -“ Expert ”) consists in recognizing the logic of planning with the urgent need implementation coordination. Then a government body should be created to identify its violations and to ensure the coherence of growth in various parts of the economy ... It will take the creation of a state planning body ... Planning is needed that reflects not public interest, but planning interests. The creation of a planning apparatus, which the modern structure of the economy makes imperative, is ... the main task in the field of economics. " And this is an expert of world renown, and not advisers, fraudsters from the United States, who helped carry out privatization in Russia, and then were convicted for their fraud by a US court.

Carlota Perez: “It is the ability of these entrepreneurs [innovators] with borrowed capital to become a truly dynamic force ... With the increasing availability of funding for their projects and the resounding success of the pioneers, increasing the attractiveness of the new [technological] paradigm, the number of such entrepreneurs begins to grow”

The planning requirement applies to innovative companies. As the head of one of them, Yaroslav Petrichkovich Yeloslav Petrichkovich, Director General of Elvis Research Center, noted in an interview with our magazine several years ago (“These will be Russian eyes”, “Expert” No. 47 for 2009 a year), According to the method of Academician Oparin ". That is, to create a “broth” of “nutrients” in the form of, say, some laws, technoparks, special economic zones, “heat up” official decrees and money with lightning — and there, all of a sudden, an innovative life will arise.

This is a myth, because infrastructure investments are necessary, but not sufficient. The creation and development of large global companies has always happened with the participation of the state. The key companies for technologically developed countries are national treasure and are protected by the state. A free market at the level of a company like Intel is an illusion. The creation of Samsung is a decade of state support. How else could it have been in a poor and illiterate country, like South Korea, to create such a company without state support? Such state support can be carried out only at the level of such a comprehensive institution as the State Planning Committee, whose role in South Korea is performed by the agency with the saying title “Ministry of Economy and Knowledge”. In Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce is trying to play this role, but, frankly, its capacity is not enough.

We need to create several firms of this scale, like Samsung, in key traditional and new industries. They will become technological hubs, generating and uniting around themselves the very small innovative business that everyone in Russia dreams of. Because in the world there is practically no independent small innovative business. All such businesses revolve around large companies: in electronics - Intel, Samsung, IBM, in machine tools - Gildemeister, Yamazaki Mazak, in electronic engineering - ASML.

We are waiting for a great era

In the coming years, Russia will have to create a truly world-class financial and credit system, providing the industry with affordable loans, recreating basic industries, and creating new sectors of the 21st century economy. This should be the era of great growth and development. Otherwise, we are waiting for wilting, rotting and decay. The epoch of decay can also be great in its own way. But it will be a greatness of another kind.
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  1. +25
    19 November 2015 14: 27
    They would not destroy the self-sufficient Soviet economy, they would not have to recreate everything from scratch.
    "And in China, the State Planning Committee is still operating, created in the image and likeness of the Soviet one." and this does not interfere with the market, the whole world has been flooded with their junk and electronics.
    1. +1
      19 November 2015 14: 33
      Quote: volot-voin
      They would not destroy the self-sufficient Soviet economy, they would not have to recreate everything from scratch.
      "And in China, the State Planning Committee is still operating, created in the image and likeness of the Soviet one." and this does not interfere with the market, the whole world has been flooded with their junk and electronics.

      Yes, we did not destroy it. Enemy emissaries introduced into government structures. It’s just that the ideological platform of the USSR turned out to be inoperative, that’s the result. Collapsed ahead of time. Well, our intelligence agencies had enough time.
      1. +7
        19 November 2015 15: 13
        Ivan Vasilyevich did the life-giving cross.
        And the author's "Almighty Credit" will solve all the questions!

        I read the article and found in it the answers to all questions.
        Most importantly, the author has the word INNOVATION!
        Nowhere without innovations!
        Not just the word NEW, but INNOVATIVE!
        Having written it, and even more so having said it out loud, you solve almost all the problems!

        Under Ivan the Terrible, of course, they lived disgustingly, but we remember!
        But how could people live well under Rurikovich?
        Barbarians !!! Cabbage soup slurped!
        And who does not remember, he read.
        There are a lot of documents of the era of Grozny!

        So in general I take off my hat to the author!
        We lived poorly, now we live so-so, and tomorrow we will live elegantly or disgusting! The author knows what he is saying. And I believe him !!!
        It feels like talking to SAMIM YULYULYUKAYEV! wassat
        1. +1
          19 November 2015 19: 16
          Nevertheless, Russian enterprises and Russian Business SHOULD LOAN IN RUSSIA AND STRICTLY IN RUBLES! Then, there will be no such moronic speculation with the ruble in the foreign exchange markets, and the processing industry will trample uphill. And if we continue trying to talk about import substitution without solving the main problem (namely, EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING in Russia are credited over the hill, just in some places this is invisible because of the long chain of intermediaries), then we will drive oil / gas / forest and other resources and let nostalgic tears for the Soviet legacy. Wake up, or there’s almost no that heritage, and nobody is trying to do the new eternal and rational, only laments about how it was. Z.Y. And yes, a plan is a goal, a market is a means, that’s how it should be ideally
          1. 0
            20 November 2015 00: 40
            Do you think if among our industrial there are many who want to be credited in rubles at 20% per annum? Believe me, now only scammers can confidently pull such a loan, even in trade it is difficult to repay such a percentage, not like in production. Or do you offer to force a business to take loans?
        2. +1
          19 November 2015 22: 39
          Quote: Temples

          We lived poorly, now we live so-so, and tomorrow we will live elegantly or disgusting! The author knows what he is saying. And I believe him !!!

          The era of the Great Import Substitution has already begun. Now comes the era of Great INNOVATIVE Lending. And we will live like in a fairy tale. Everything in itself will be wonderful.
          Somewhere it was already. And about the Almighty Market, and about the Life-giving Optimization, and much more. Velikoukry, it seems like adults, but still believe in the EU.
          1. 0
            20 November 2015 16: 18
            Import substitution is our everything! laughing
        3. 0
          21 November 2015 17: 00
          I do not understand why the author of the article did not please you.
          This article is a call to business elite and political elite to consolidate in the interests of Russia and more.
          Another question is whether they hear the mood in Russian society? So far (as I see it) the voice of the people of Russia, this is the voice of one crying in the desert - unfortunately. I agree, now the majority lives so-so ... Therefore, something needs to be changed in the current system of political governance of the country. Is the current Politburo ready to do this? That is the big question.
          Passionate mood in society is growing .... This is evident both from the inside of the country and beyond.
          We are waiting for the just and righteous Thunder to break out? Half-measures do not solve anything, the whole of Russian society is aware of this.
      2. +8
        19 November 2015 16: 18
        Quote: Wend
        Yes, we did not destroy it.

        We were just silent when we destroyed it. We ate Snickers, drank canned beer, and stared at display cases of sausages. They waited for "the master (USA) to arrive, the master will judge", feed everyone, shower with blessings.
        1. +1
          19 November 2015 16: 30
          Quote: Homo
          We were just silent when it was destroyed. Snickers ate

          Well, well, not all. Some even went to rallies and were ready for anything .... only the sense of "0", the authorities defamed, the opposition betrayed (
          At 91 and 93 I had to go to rallies in support of "Chazov, Yazov, Pugo", and then the Supreme Council, but no one organized it. In this case, Putin turned out to be much smarter in 2013.
        2. +6
          19 November 2015 18: 56
          The graphs in the article are very visual.
          They reflect the real "successes" of the authorities in 25 years!
          There is still a couple missing ..
          By education, we are somewhere in the 50s and in medicine in the seventh dozen ...
          tandem has something to be proud of
          1. -1
            19 November 2015 18: 59
            Quote: Stroporez
            They reflect the real "successes" of the authorities in 25 years!

            They obviously fade in comparison with the dismemberment of the USSR by corrupt brainless.
            1. +3
              19 November 2015 19: 39
              They obviously fade in comparison with the dismemberment of the USSR by corrupt brainless.

              So those who dismember and rule Russia now ...
              1. 0
                19 November 2015 19: 45
                Quote: assam4
                So those who dismember and rule Russia now ...

                There are no others, but those farther ...
                I already wrote here more than once that if Putin had to destroy Russia, he just had to do nothing for a couple of years.
                Today, Russia is one of the leading countries in the world. The Russian army today is the second after the United States. Russia is the only country in the world that ACTIVELY designs and builds nuclear submarines and surface ships, ICBMs and cruise missiles of different bases, etc.
      3. -2
        19 November 2015 17: 43
        Quote: Wend
        Enemy emissaries introduced into government structures.

        Moreover, araaazdo sooner than you think.

        Quote: Wend
        It’s just that the ideological platform of the USSR turned out to be idle, that’s the result

        This is far from simple. Ideology has a second meaning after the concept.
    2. +3
      19 November 2015 14: 34
      That yes, they turned us off the beaten path, took us aside specifically, pounced on values ​​alien to us, and now with what difficulties is being restored.
      1. +3
        19 November 2015 15: 01
        Quote: v1tz
        That yes, they turned us off the beaten path, took us aside specifically, pounced on values ​​alien to us, and now with what difficulties is being restored.

        There is no need to walk the well-trodden path, this is not the case ... Our elites have become rigid, lazy and uncompromising, immune to new ideas, so they decided to preserve the status quo, ran to the West ... The West said "privatize and you will be happy", but happiness did not happen, because it is impossible to create happiness in a swamp ... It was necessary to engage in the development of planning, and not engage in planning every button ... And engage in the development of our own credit system, at the same time to put pressure on the West, and not shamefully yield to it ...
        1. +1
          19 November 2015 15: 12
          If you expand the shafts then there and there will be little sense. China, however, managed to maintain its political system and put the economy in one of the first places.
          1. +1
            19 November 2015 15: 56
            Quote: v1tz
            If you expand the shafts then there and there will be little sense. China, however, managed to maintain its political system and put the economy in one of the first places.

            China succeeded, but we failed. There are many factors and it’s not in the State Planning Commission why they succeeded, but we do not. Because our elite always strives to become, by pillar nobility, not leaders ...
            1. 0
              19 November 2015 17: 50
              Quote: Altona
              China succeeded, but we failed.

              China lay down west after the dismemberment of the USSR. Actually, the West built China's industry because of the poor population in China.
              The merit of China is a poor population.
              1. +1
                19 November 2015 18: 30
                Quote: VseDoFeNi
                The merit of China is a poor population.

                The merit of China is the confrontation with the USSR, whose rulers he declared "revisionists". This confrontation allowed China to draw closer to the United States through former President Nixon, who was friends with Mao Tse Tung, and not long before Mao's death. After the death of Mao, the political capital of this friendship was converted into investments under the rule of Deng Xiao Ping. The impoverished population and other advantages of China came afterwards. Now the poor people in Cambodia, for example ...
                1. 0
                  19 November 2015 18: 38
                  Quote: Altona
                  Servant of China-confrontation with the USSR, whose rulers he declared "revisionists"

                  You are mistaken. If it were not for the miserable wages that allowed Western corporations to drastically reduce the cost of goods manufactured in China, today China would have a bald industry.
                  Nothing personal, just business. wink

                  So that you do not have illusions.
                  China's sustained growth has fueled a historically unprecedented reduction in poverty. The World Bank uses the poverty line based on home real consumption (including consumption of produced crops and other goods), fixed at $ 1 per day, measured at the purchasing power parity of currencies. In most low-income countries, this amount is enough to guarantee each person approximately 1 calories of food per day, plus other essentials. In 000, this line corresponds to approximately 2007 CHINA per year. Based on home surveys, the poverty rate in China in 1981 was 63% of the population. This rate decreased to 10% in 2004, indicating that approximately 500 million people rose out of poverty during this period.

                  Khazin in 2012-2013 talked about one and a half dollars a day for China.

                  Combodia Population: 15
                  And what are they producing, uncle? laughing

                  PS Minushek from the bounty of the soul withered? laughing
              2. 0
                19 November 2015 18: 48
                Our population was also a beggar!
                1. 0
                  19 November 2015 18: 53
                  Quote: question
                  Our population was also a beggar!

                  Give data, please.
                  1. 0
                    19 November 2015 22: 49
                    Quote: VseDoFeNi

                    Give data, please.

                    What the official statistics writes, I do not know, but from the 95th to the 2000th I received (sometimes) about 80 dollars. True, not every month.
                    1. 0
                      20 November 2015 07: 04
                      The citizen did not have a picture. It was not for this that the USSR was dismembered - the largest (or so) producing economy of the world in order to re-conduct industrialization in it.
        2. 0
          19 November 2015 17: 47
          Quote: Altona
          It was necessary to engage in the development of planning, and not to plan each button ...

          "Plan is nothing, planning is everything." Eisenhower.
          Actually, the arrogant Saxons are engaged in strategic planning in accordance with which the USSR was dismembered by the hands of corrupt brainless ...

          Quote: Altona
          And engage in the development of their own credit system, at the same time put pressure on the West, and not shamefully concede to it ...

          It had its own system and worked successfully. It was not the economy. The reasons for the dismemberment of the USSR were ideological.
          1. +1
            19 November 2015 18: 25
            Quote: VseDoFeNi
            It was not the economy. The reasons for the dismemberment of the USSR were ideological.

            And who speaks only about the economy, implying the collapse of the USSR? Disintegration, not dismemberment. But it wasn’t dismembered by military force. But the economy also played an important role, because its unsuccessful reform and sabotage of managers eased other tasks — ideological, legal, and others ...
            1. 0
              19 November 2015 18: 41
              Quote: Altona
              Decay, not dismemberment.

              What, he fell apart, like plutonium? laughing
              And the period of half-life do not hope? wassat
              1. 0
                19 November 2015 20: 44
                Quote: VseDoFeNi
                And the period of half-life do not hope?

                November 1929, XNUMX
                1. 0
                  19 November 2015 20: 52
                  Quote: Sukhoy_T-50
                  November 1929, XNUMX

                  October 1917.
      2. +1
        19 November 2015 19: 17
        Quote: v1tz
        That yes, they turned us off the beaten path, took us aside specifically, pounced on values ​​alien to us, and now with what difficulties is being restored.

        What are you talking about, colleague? Who is recovering?
        Russia will have to create a truly working world-class financial and credit system that provides industry with affordable credit resources, recreate basic industries, and create new industries of the XNUMXst century. It must be an era of great growth and development.

        These, albeit pathos, words will not stick to our government from the side of the Ladies of the Unified Model because of the complete absence of the above-mentioned body in the body responsible for creation.
        Sorry, colleague for sarcasm, but look around you. hi
        1. 0
          19 November 2015 19: 24
          Quote: Vladimir 1964
          What are you talking about, colleague? Who is recovering?

          State, even though you do not want to see it. Aircraft are built themselves, nuclear submarines themselves, ICBMs themselves ...
          1. 0
            19 November 2015 23: 08
            Quote: VseDoFeNi
            State, even though you do not want to see it. Aircraft are built themselves, nuclear submarines themselves, ICBMs themselves ...

            Alexander, the Army is good and you are right in this. But answer, Dear colleague, what is developing in our country or at least not degrading except the Army. Agriculture, education, medicine? Even for the Army, we do not fully manufacture products from Russian components.
            Something like this happens, colleague, if you look at life realistically, not through the prism of jingoism. Although patriotism is an important thing and I am a patriot of my homeland, I’m just not observing patriots in the EDRotny government, every hut over the hill and children are not studying in our schools and far from the Russian patriotic ideology. hi
            1. 0
              20 November 2015 07: 12
              Quote: Vladimir 1964
              Agriculture, education, medicine?

              So without Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. took second place in the world in grain exports. We provide ourselves with poultry meat ...

              Well, how much can you spread rot on your country, being carried on by any libel and custom ratings ???

              Quote: Vladimir 1964
              Even for the Army, we do not fully manufacture products from Russian components.

              Tweet ... THE REASON FOR DISSEMINING THE USSR By corrupt brainless communists in 1991.
              How can we replace the same MAZ, BELAZ, YUZHMASH today?
              Why are you. How do zombies behave ???
              Evil takes also bewilderment, how can adults and seemingly capable people think so primitively without seeing causes and effects?

              Quote: Vladimir 1964
              at every hut beyond the hillock and children study not in our schools and far from Russian patriotic ideology. hi

              Your namesake has said more than once - turn back, they will take everything away ... Not for that purpose they bred sheep to put them at the same table with them. fool
    3. +10
      19 November 2015 14: 43
      Yes, it’s not written here, Russia does not develop according to some laws, our country is a country without sovereignty, a country which is dictated what to do and what not to do, that’s the whole economic law. Billions of people are flowing out of the country who knows where, but what sometime gref - "we will not invest our economy, because this leads to inflation, and you cannot tell people the truth" - this is the whole answer

      1. +1
        19 November 2015 15: 46
        Quote: war and peace
        Yes, it’s not written here, Russia does not develop according to some laws, our country is a country without sovereignty, a country which is dictated what to do and what not to do, that’s the whole economic law. Billions of people are flowing out of the country who knows where, but what sometime gref - "we will not invest our economy, because this leads to inflation, and you cannot tell people the truth" - this is the whole answer

        What was it? Apparently a heavy gref of Russia. To the count of a demon and a demoness! am
        1. 0
          19 November 2015 19: 46
          gref - "we will not invest our economy, because this leads to inflation

          Actually, according to Putin, inflation is good for the Russian Federation.

          1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +3
        19 November 2015 19: 31
        gref - "we will not invest our economy, because this leads to inflation, and you cannot tell people the truth" - this is the whole answer

        But there are so many awards he has, including from GDP:

        The Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, III degree (October 19, 2011) - for his great contribution to the development of the domestic banking system and many years of conscientious work.
        Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, IV degree (August 6, 2007) - for active participation in ensuring the victory of the application of the city of Sochi for the right to host the XXII Olympic Winter Games in 2014.
        Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014).
        Order of Honor (February 13, 2014) - for achieved labor successes, a significant contribution to the social and economic development of the Russian Federation, achievements in the humanitarian sphere, strengthening the rule of law, protecting the rights and interests of citizens, many years of conscientious work.
        Stolypin P.A. Medal of the II degree (2009) - for merits in the development and implementation of the economic development strategy of the Russian Federation and many years of excellent work.
        Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation (February 11, 2009) - for many years of conscientious state activity.
        1. +1
          19 November 2015 20: 38
          Quote: assam4
          gref - "we will not invest our economy, because this leads to inflation, and you cannot tell people the truth" - this is the whole answer

          But there are so many awards he has, including from GDP:

          The Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, III degree (October 19, 2011) - for his great contribution to the development of the domestic banking system and many years of conscientious work.
          Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, IV degree (August 6, 2007) - for active participation in ensuring the victory of the application of the city of Sochi for the right to host the XXII Olympic Winter Games in 2014.
          Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014).
          Order of Honor (February 13, 2014) - for achieved labor successes, a significant contribution to the social and economic development of the Russian Federation, achievements in the humanitarian sphere, strengthening the rule of law, protecting the rights and interests of citizens, many years of conscientious work.
          Stolypin P.A. Medal of the II degree (2009) - for merits in the development and implementation of the economic development strategy of the Russian Federation and many years of excellent work.
          Certificate of honor of the President of the Russian Federation (February 11, 2009) - for many years of conscientious state activity.

          FATHERLAND, NEVSKY, STOLYPIN, ORDER - rogues, traitors, forgivenesses with double morality are given awards of our country, and recall the younger Sechin, who was undeservedly given by VLADIMIR, all the BEST, all the most expensive was plundered in this country, these are strangers ...
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. +4
      19 November 2015 14: 45
      Capitalism is not a market, and vice versa. Our most important delusion, not even the destruction of the Khrushchev-Brezhnev economy, it still had to be rebuilt to the Stalinist model, but that Gorbachert had to "rebuild" it.
      1. +3
        19 November 2015 14: 57
        Is it so:
        Long live the Russian people - the builder of a bright Capitalist future!?!

        For a specific part or for everyone?
        If for a certain - then we have already built it. If for everyone - then this does not happen.
        1. 0
          19 November 2015 18: 56
          Quote: Passer
          Long live the Russian people - the builder of a bright Capitalist future!?!

          And without kratii with isms in any way?
          1. 0
            19 November 2015 22: 02
            Quote: VseDoFeNi

            And without kratii with isms in any way?

            Unfortunately no. From the fact that the phenomenon is hushed up, it does not cease to exist.
            1. +1
              20 November 2015 07: 17
              Quote: Passer
              From the fact that the phenomenon is hushed up, it does not cease to exist.

              You ask about constructivism, greatly surprised. wink

              The Russian Empire was not a prison of peoples, but this thought was imposed on everyone. The idea was imposed on everyone that the USSR was an evil empire.
      2. +1
        19 November 2015 16: 27
        Capitalism is not a market, and vice versa.

        Immediately start with an objection to the author of the article
        Credit —... the main characteristic of capitalism ...

        According to the postulates of the fathers of political economy, the BASIC SIGN OF CAPITALISM IS THE AVAILABILITY OF THE PRODUCTION MARKET (SALE OF PLANTS, VILLAGES, BANKS, NEWSPAPERS AND STEAM PACKS ... etc.), and not just the consumer goods market, which is typical for socialism. And CREDIT is an instrument of a capitalist economy that allows the existence of this market. In the capital community of Europe, the cost of goods includes its cost, loan deductions PLUS PROFIT OF THE OWNER (usually not more than 5 - 10%)! This allows you to have a low price of goods, which means its quick sale and demand in the market of consumer goods. The value of PRODUCT COSTS includes deductions not only for reproduction, but also for EXPANSION AND MODERNIZATION OF PRODUCTION! This allows you to increase the output of more goods and better quality, reducing the cost of goods. This accordingly increases the demand and revitalization of the consumer goods market, WHICH RESPONSIBILITY TO REDUCE THE CAPITAL TURNOVER!
        In Russia, the manufacturer does not fall in calculating net profit, with rare exceptions, below 50-70%. At the same time, few people go to capital investments for EXPANSION AND MODERNIZATION OF PRODUCTION. Everything is squeezed out of the existing equipment! This is eloquently indicated by the diagram for the position of METAL-PROCESSING EQUIPMENT (MTO)! Here we are both in production and in consumption of MTO behind the entire planet! And the world practice of developed countries shows that if you do not invest at least 12-15% of the income for EXPANSION AND MODERNIZATION OF PRODUCTION annually, then YOU MAY FORGET THE PROFITABLE PRODUCTION SOON! Hence our low productivity and quality, high cost of goods ... which means low capital turnover, low profit!
        Yes, our loan rate is very high! And its value depends on the level of inflation. BUT NOT AT THE ACCOUNT OF THE ADMINISTRATION INFLATION REDUCES! To do this, we need market instruments and, first of all, to untie our money from RAW MATERIALS AND DEPENDENCE ON PROVIDING CONVERTING CURRENCIES. Now we cannot print the ruble without bringing in the dollar ... euro ... pound! And for this we have to sell something ... and THIS SOMETHING IS RAW MATERIAL! This is where the POLITICAL WILL AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE ECONOMIC BLOCK OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MEDVEDEV IS NEEDED! BUT! ... For the third year now, the President has been saying that we need to move away from the dollars, and the indestructible block of Dvorkovich-Ulukayev-Siluan-DAM from the NB only draws us into his beloved pro-Western liberal swamp! It was EVERYTHING FOR THE GOVERNMENT E. PRIMAKOVA ON THE SHOULDER (that's why they dragged us from default), and the current economic bloc of the Government EVERYTHING FOR ...! They have grown so much that it’s not bullshit for them ... they don’t notice from the height of their position ... what they are doing! What swamp lead the country to!
      3. 0
        19 November 2015 20: 47
        Quote: ava09
        Capitalism is not a market, and vice versa. Our most important delusion, not even the destruction of the Khrushchev-Brezhnev economy, it still had to be rebuilt to the Stalinist model, but that Gorbachert had to "rebuild" it.

        Brezhnev and returned Stalinism, no matter how you would deny it: reconciled with the West, began to increase spheres of influence.
        1. 0
          20 November 2015 12: 40
          Quote: Sukhoy_T-50
          Brezhnev and returned to Stalinism, no matter how you deny it: reconciled with the West, began to increase the sphere of influence.

          Do you believe in what you wrote yourself? What kind of "Stalinism" are you talking about? And how did Brezhnev surrender the sovereignty of the USSR in Helsinki in 1975, launching dissidence through the struggle "For Human Rights" in exchange for the alleged "Inviolability of Borders", you call "made peace with the West, began to increase the spheres of influence"? "Spheres of influence" whom and where did the "black-browed" increase?
    6. +4
      19 November 2015 15: 58
      The whole problem was not that they wanted to switch to a market model of the economy. The problem was greed - grab more for free! THIRST FOR FREE - this is the true desire of the "gentlemen" from the party, we understood all this only years later, but ... it was already too late! Ichtoria does not know the subjunctive mood! It's a pity!
      1. 0
        19 November 2015 18: 58
        Quote: A.Lex
        The problem was greed - grab more for free! THIRST FOR FREE - this is the true desire of the "masters" from the party

        The question is - how many "grabbed" Gorbachev, since they really like to blame everything on him alone?
    7. +1
      19 November 2015 16: 13
      Quote: volot-voin
      They would not destroy the self-sufficient Soviet economy, they would not have to recreate everything from scratch.
      "And in China, the State Planning Committee is still operating, created in the image and likeness of the Soviet one."

      Fucking leaders with their restructuring tried to drive us into the Stone Age! and partly they succeeded, left almost without industry ...
  2. -3
    19 November 2015 14: 36
    There is no birth without destruction! Now, in view of such economic and geopolitical changes, the birth of a new one must be expected! Moreover, in principle, these processes are proportional. We will observe that these changes will follow!
    1. +9
      19 November 2015 14: 52
      Sorry, but who will give birth under the current rulers? Medvedev or what? Ulyukaev and Nabiullina with comrades? It’s not possible to destroy it. But it’s unlikely to create it. It’s not for this that they destroyed the USSR so that they can now engage in geostrategic planning. Steal and chop the loot, that's their slogan. What have you been doing for fifteen years? Planners, damn it.
      1. +1
        19 November 2015 15: 18
        Quote: Tambov Wolf
        Sorry, but who will give birth under the current rulers? Medvedev or what?

        My friend, Tambov Wolf .. laughing But if you shy away from the personalities - the article is powerful, don’t blunder on your knee .. I read and wondered who the author was ... I didn’t guess laughing
        1. +1
          19 November 2015 16: 14
          Quote: afdjhbn67
          My friend, Tambov Wolf

          minus upset, your callousness .. crying And now my friend is a gray Bryansk wolf .. laughing
      2. +2
        19 November 2015 17: 42
        Sorry, but who will give birth under the current rulers? Medvedev or what? Ulyukaev and Nabiullina with comrades?

        We will be modestly silent about the main comrade, and if questions accumulate, we leave on January 9 and ask, Gapon will take it away.
  3. +10
    19 November 2015 14: 36
    self-sufficient Soviet economy,

    The Soviet economy also had wild distortions .... The USSR kept free half the world of parasites giving interest-free loans that never returned.

    I remember very well the times when the Chukhons in the Baltics lived better than in the Russian outback due to her.

    When people traveled from the periphery to MOSCOW for sausage and popsicle ... many of these miracles of the Soviet economy can be dug up and these problems have not been solved.
    The advantages of a planned Soviet economy were killed by stupid miscalculations in the form of free fraternal assistance to neighboring republics and countries oriented to the USSR, and most of the Soviet people will speak bluntly from paycheck to paycheck.
    1. +2
      19 November 2015 14: 57
      I completely agree. The policy of "exporting revolution" in the form of material support (almost always gratuitous) to the "fraternal" peoples nullified all the advantages of the social economy.
      1. 0
        19 November 2015 20: 50
        Quote: Sharapov
        The policy of "exporting revolution" in the form of material support (almost always gratuitous) to the "fraternal" peoples nullified all the advantages of the social economy.

        And it was possible to reduce this support to the distribution of grants to the left parties of various countries.
    2. +1
      19 November 2015 15: 14
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      The Soviet economy also had wild distortions .... The USSR kept free half the world of parasites giving interest-free loans that never returned.

      I remember very well the times when the Chukhons in the Baltics lived better than in the Russian outback due to her.

      When people traveled from the periphery to MOSCOW for sausage and popsicle ... many of these miracles of the Soviet economy can be dug up and these problems have not been solved.

      Here you mentioned not quite the economy, but how much politics ... The USSR did not pursue a policy equal to all nationalities, contrary to the declarations ... I believe that one should be equal for everyone, and not make a showcase and priorities ... To be elementary honest, unfortunately The USSR did not implement this principle to the end ... As for aid, this is also a stupid practice, when ideology was ahead of the economy ... It was necessary to offer help after the West, and not before ... And the offer "before" initially loses ...
      1. 0
        20 November 2015 08: 48
        Quote: Altona
        ut you noted not quite economics, but politics.

        Is it a policy to drive from Tula to Moscow for sausage?

        Quote: Altona
        I believe that we should be equal for everyone

        Equal pedophile with the father of four children? Actually, this has already been done in Europe and even gay marriage has been allowed. Yes

        And in the USSR there was egalitarianism — complete crap.
    3. 0
      21 November 2015 15: 03
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      The Soviet economy also had wild distortions .... The USSR kept free half the world of parasites giving interest-free loans that never returned.

      The point is not in the "Soviet economy", but in those scoundrels who did not make balanced decisions, but simply destroyed the Soviet system. By and large, both the system and the economy were popular only under Stalin.
  4. +3
    19 November 2015 14: 37
    a comprehensive institution, like the State Planning Commission, whose role in South Korea is played by the department with the self-explanatory name "Ministry of Economy and Knowledge". In Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is trying to play this role, but its capacity, frankly, is not enough It would be said that our officials do not have enough brains! They only think about their "pocket".
    1. +7
      19 November 2015 14: 52
      Quote: Vitek
      So they would say that our officials lack brains!

      They lack conscience. The system of kickbacks has not gone anywhere, as well as the system of transferring the "dolyashka" up.
      I would like to ask everyone who does not doubt the honesty of Putin, Shoigu, Kolokoltsev - If you were a boss and knew that your subordinate was taking kickbacks, what would you do?
      There are only two ways out - to plant, or to demand to share. Judging by the FACTS, those who have not shared are sitting in our country.
      1. 0
        19 November 2015 16: 52
        Also, let me add, there is a completely legitimate option: "returned and compensated" - you are released from real punishment.
        Ah, this is already - viciously at the root! And overly liberal, however. Well, not scary at all.
    2. +4
      19 November 2015 15: 11
      Rather, simply incompetent and mediocre. And this is all from impunity and permissiveness.
      1. +3
        19 November 2015 15: 48
        Quote: SibSlavRus
        Rather, simply incompetent and mediocre.

        but greedy. laughing
        1. +1
          19 November 2015 16: 47
          ..and yes, greedy!
          1. +2
            19 November 2015 17: 05
            In the context of the topic under discussion, let me suggest the site "People's Initiative" http://ni.kprf.ru
            under the auspices of the Communist Party, but so there are right and fair initiatives!
            And a real (and not imaginary) opportunity to participate in the political life of the country by voting for initiatives, moreover, competently submitted by various initiators.
            The information architecture of the site is very interesting.

            For example, one of the latest initiatives:
            Cancel all duties for citizens applying to any courts.
            Now, to defend their violated right, citizens are suing. In most cases, the tax code requires you to pay money for this, and considerable (sometimes, well, very large, depending on the jurisdiction) - beautifully called the state duty. Of course there are benefits, but they are insignificant. That is, for the ordinary citizen to find the truth with him, the state requires money. Is that normal?

            Then why shouldn't the state go further and supplement the legislation: each call to the police should cost .... rubles (depending on the arrogance of the legislators), to the prosecutor’s office: multiply the cost of contacting the police by three ... To any official without a check paying the state fee and don't come.
            Then we will heal .... Raise the main budget.

            The main thing is that with every initiative there is a description of the problem and its solution!

            Very interesting and informative. Let me recommend.
  5. +6
    19 November 2015 14: 40
    In the coming years, Russia will have to create a truly working world-class financial and credit system ...

    In fact, the credit and financial system does not need to be invented. New is simply discarded as unnecessary and forgotten old. Foreign exchange reserves need to be invested in production, and not stored in American banks and securities.

    The number of banks in Russia must be reduced. Fuck them, not additional capitalization. Let them merge their common funds into one. And the authorized capital must be checked.

    Those who invented such a banking system live happily ever after. And for those who are forced to use it, she is a noose around her neck ... As for loans:
    1. 0
      19 November 2015 20: 53
      Quote: yuriy55
      Foreign exchange reserves need to be invested in production,

      To whom, and to the hens of hay. Did you see the level of production of the western industrial monopolies at least? They don’t give us anything in the external market, they don’t allow us to develop
  6. +1
    19 November 2015 14: 45
    Russia has to create a really working financial and credit system

    Dreams Dreams. As they say - whoever can, he does not want, and whoever wants, he cannot. sad
  7. +2
    19 November 2015 14: 46
    Our capitalism is administratively commanding. In short, we stand naraskoryaku and already go crazy in the "groin"!
  8. +6
    19 November 2015 14: 48
    "And in China, the State Planning Committee is still operating, created in the image and likeness of the Soviet one." ///

    However, China is fully integrated into the global global economy.
    and accepts all its laws. Without this, he would have remained a backward socialist
    country of the 80s. Gos. plan and state. investment - help capitalist
    economy, not a replacement for it.
    Even the Communists of Vietnam understood this.

    Do not come to play football with your rules. First learn to play by
    international, and then - when you become one of the leaders - say: "I want
    replace this and that. "And then they will listen to you.
    1. +1
      19 November 2015 20: 55
      Quote: voyaka uh
      Do not come to play football with your rules. First learn to play by
      international, and then - when you become one of the leaders - say: "I want
      replace this and that. "And then they will listen to you.

      Golden words! Here many people dream of closing from the whole world, and then dictating their will to all
  9. +1
    19 November 2015 14: 52
    Our government needs to buy the book Capital, let them study and take notes, and then put it into practice.
    But the main thing is consumer demand. For this, the people of Russia should have means - wages must be paid taking into account the expanded reproduction of the workforce (self + wife + 2 children). Without this, at least it will be produced, and there will be nowhere to go.
    1. +4
      19 November 2015 15: 03
      What a capital! Marx was not standing next to Gaidar. Egorushka. With the formula Loot money is a problem.
  10. +2
    19 November 2015 15: 01
    In the coming years, Russia will have to create a real world-class financial and credit system that provides industry with affordable loans, recreate basic industries, and create new sectors of the XNUMXst century economy.
    And is anybody from the country's leadership apart from the author about this in the know? laughing
    1. +2
      19 November 2015 15: 16
      What time will they create? With our miracle bankers, we will soon walk in loincloths. We need to remove 90% of commercial banks and create a normal state bank, and not a savings bank with a valiant Gref.
  11. +6
    19 November 2015 15: 02
    Many letters, not mastered. I will say one thing: first of all, our managers should learn not to scatter their own money (more precisely, taxpayer money, which they perceive as their own). And then we have the center of Russia (the one beyond the MKAD) similar to the Middle Ages, but soon we will forgive three billion evergreens for our skakam (that’s what’s coming). And how many have already forgiven - Cuba, Africa, Vietnam, etc. etc. We ourselves dream of attracting ephemeral investments in the economy, meanwhile giving real money to the governments of other countries, none of which (the same friend Old Man) have even thanked us for this.
  12. +2
    19 November 2015 15: 07
    In the country of dox .... (a lot) people who know "how we should live well and how we shouldn't have done it", and those "who know what to do so that everyone in the country would live well" are very few and they either don't want it , or they cannot.
  13. 0
    19 November 2015 15: 07
    Mechanical engineering, machine tool engineering, Zyuganov has long said. For all that, I prefer power superiority, and machine tools, etc., are derivatives. - Then the economy. No matter how gentlemen the businessmen scammed up in their business singing, with their enormous influence, they absolutely do not solve anything. Is it just another revolution somewhere to arrange, Yes, the crowd raise a hundred thousand, like the opposition. And shoot at ordinary civilians. Zhirinovsky completely agrees with Zyuganov on these issues, which is why there is great support for Putin.
  14. +3
    19 November 2015 15: 08
    The moldy Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the KGB surrendered the country for some preferences from the "reformers-thieves" according to the Chubais and Gaidar scheme! Over 20 years, a layer of "fat cats" has formed, resting on the sale of the country's resources, unwilling and unable to master production. it is necessary when you mortgage assets for loans over the hill (for 3-5%), in the future, or open a usurer's shop (bank), already ripping off 15-20% from your citizens? Or, grossly speculating, receiving information from corrupt officials. Is this a business in Russia?
  15. -1
    19 November 2015 15: 08
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    I would like to ask everyone who does not doubt the honesty of Putin, Shoigu, Kolokoltsev - If you were a boss and knew that your subordinate was taking kickbacks, what would you do?

    I would clarify how important what such a subordinate is doing within his duties, and whether it can be replaced by someone without prejudice to the case.
    And on the basis of this information I would make a decision, possibly a compromise.
  16. +4
    19 November 2015 15: 13
    By the way, in 1996, in the election of an alcoholic, the Communists had a chance to fix everything, but Comrade Zyuganov was afraid, showing himself to be untenable, and the members who accompanied him were scared or bought them.
    1. +2
      19 November 2015 15: 44
      but Comrade Zyuganov was afraid, showing himself insolvent, and the members of the Orobeli accompanying him, or bought them.

      It's just that the Communist Party is a "systemic opposition". Or you can also say "professional opposition". They are more comfortable in opposition, warmer. There is no need to do anything, but state funding is dripping and some projects for their "communist" businessmen to push through and protect, using the access to resources granted by parliamentary rights.
  17. +1
    19 November 2015 15: 14
    Another blah blah blah. It is not for us to prove obvious things here, it is for the iPhone to be sent, yes every day, and for a hundred mailings, it may reach a wretched one.
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. +8
    19 November 2015 15: 18
    How many times have they repeated to the world ...
    Loan interest raised capitalism, but it also buries it. First, banks provide loans to the manufacturer. Which is forced to raise the price of the goods, since loans must be given with interest. Then the banks begin to lend to the consumer, who does not keep pace with the increase in the cost of goods produced in the credited industries. Then the state is credited, which is forced to take loans in order to support demand through investments in the public sector and an increase in salaries and social spending. Then he begins to rob someone, increasing the size of his economy at the expense of the robbed. If, of course, there is an opportunity to rob someone. But the problem is that the lending interest is wound up ALREADY ON EVERYTHING. And for production and consumption, and even for government spending. Therefore, the value of everything is growing at an ever-increasing rate. And this is called inflation. Compare the dollar of the 60s and the century and the dollar of 2015. It's a pale shadow of that buck. And all thanks to "his majesty credit". So, when the predatory infiltration is over (and globalization has almost exhausted it), WHERE will you, capitalists, take new resources to further expand the economy?
    You have already REACHED with your loans! Who can afford to treat teeth without credit now? Obviously not the average worker. EVEN in 90 it was not. But even winter boots are already offered to be bought on credit, to collect a child for school - all on credit. Soon we will start to take food on credit? The art of an economist used to be to reduce the cost and price of a product and thereby outperform a competitor. And now the economist should be able to take out a loan on the best terms. And do not care for the suboptimal managerial apparatus and unprofitable production, when you can restructure the loan. But it was worth covering up the loophole with cheap restructuring and immediately ran for help to the state. What does it have to do with manufacturers and banks. Because they have completely forgotten how to work.
  21. 0
    19 November 2015 15: 20
    Amazing Such a situation and such internal decisions in the country. Don't we have locomotive people on the farm? Or, pure consumerism, as a version from the United States and the hell west, has paralyzed all those who resolve such issues. There are no people who see the prospect
  22. +2
    19 November 2015 15: 23
    It seems like a simple idea - replacing a loan with free access to capital goods and borrowed resources at the expense of the state does not take root in the minds.
  23. +5
    19 November 2015 15: 26
    In fact, the credit and financial system does not need to be invented. New is simply discarded as unnecessary and forgotten old. Foreign exchange reserves need to be invested in production, and not stored in American banks and securities.
    The author is right. Commenting rights.
    it is joyful that VO also finally began to join this topic.
    Poor Glazyev who just did not kick in the nearly 10 years that he is an adviser to the president. Remember Illarionov? Where is he? But Glazyev stood and stood firmly on his own, no matter what they gossiped about.
    Back in 2006, a successful year for the country, when there were no signs of crises, Lev Chernoy (there was such a large businessman in Russia, now he is not heard, the wine "left him") said that Russia should get off the oil needle and start industrial production, otherwise an abyss awaits us. Remember how many copies were broken around the placement of reserves of the NWF (in industry or in green papers), Mr. Kudrin convinced the whole of Russia what was needed in these very pieces of paper. And now we have what we deserve.
    Russia only in the last century proved to itself and to the whole world that it is rising from its knees even when, it would seem, there is no strength left. We twice from a country destroyed by wars became a global industrial giant. Yes, as always with the distortions inherent to us, but they did.
    How many says Glazyev, print money, the economy needs it to make loans cheaper, to make industry more accessible to loans, and to lower interest rates. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, and the Central Bank stand their ground. Due to the turnover of the money supply, there will be an impetus for movement in the industry. Remove the stranglehold from entrepreneurship in the form of various corrupt SROs that do nothing but "cut down" money for entering. Tens of thousands of such SROs and other licensing companies are forced to increase the cost of everything for business.
    We are a country with a tremendous wealth of natural mind and natural grip of the nation. That is why they are waiting for us everywhere behind the cordon with our ideas, and therefore a brain drain. They finance, create conditions there, and spread rot in their homeland and force them to buy what was born of the Russian mind, but made on THEIR money and on their production.
    Remember Professor Preobrazhensky: "Chaos in the heads."
    And so, until we begin to remove this devastation from our heads, until we understand that the country does not need tens of thousands of shopping centers and supermarkets, where soon there will be no one to stock up on, because of prices and poverty, innovative high-tech production, we will be a global appendage, as if on all graphs in this article.
    1. 0
      19 November 2015 16: 07
      I fully support and everyone who is interested in the full text of the Glazyev report https://yadi.sk/i/jqAjQraMkFw3E
  24. +1
    19 November 2015 15: 42
    I will not speak not about the State Planning Commission, not about competition. Our way will be to cut the throats of the West, and it will climb itself. After that, they will become much worse than in Russia. Then the envious eyes will finally calm down. Take away a few requests and make yourself happy. And there are children and a family. We are not sent to Earth to stuff the belly.
  25. +2
    19 November 2015 15: 54
    Quote: ibragim
    What time will they create? With our miracle bankers, we will soon walk in loincloths. We need to remove 90% of commercial banks and create a normal state bank, and not a savings bank with a valiant Gref.

    I completely agree, explain to the stupid, why there are so many banks in Russia, why there is one bank in China - the state one, why in the USSR there was one bank, because all these commercial banks are speculators, parasites ruining the people and the country !!!
  26. +3
    19 November 2015 16: 07
    I dream about the return of Soviet lending terms to engineering enterprises. They cannot develop and work successfully if the loan rate exceeds 6%. Gorbachevschina and Yeltsinism deprived the enterprises of working capital, which were stored in the accounts. After that, the design bureau and aircraft factories began to sell their aircraft, which each company had - passenger, transport, administrative, special ... Then they sold machine tools, cars, buildings, land. Ceased to build housing for employees. They began to lose frames.
    An enterprise that does not have its own funds does not have any creative initiative. It is no secret that in Soviet times, many projects were implemented on the initiative of the OKB leadership, for example, the Yak-40 aircraft.
  27. +3
    19 November 2015 16: 09
    We are waiting for a great era

    successes in foreign policy and failure within the country. Officials in power both pulled and are pulling the country to the West. For this, analogues of Western laws are adopted and, most importantly, not the best.
    The tax burden on citizens and other requisitions from ordinary citizens has grown significantly. It infuriates me especially when they introduce new taxes on citizens, allegedly out of concern for the health and safety of these citizens.
    Only there, on what the health of citizens really depends (the quality of food and modern medicine) there are practically no legislative changes.
    The Russian people will give the last for the sake of the sovereignty of the country and the preservation of their lifestyle, but not in order to turn the country inside another piece of shitty West.

    I don’t see the great era for the country but I see the desire for power in the country's internal life according to Western patterns.

    I will paraphrase the saying and write "What is good for a German is death for a Russian." The welfare state is the one that cares about citizens and does not take the last out of their pockets.
  28. 0
    19 November 2015 16: 21
    Curious, but as a business article is rather weak. Planning is similar to Gosplan's absurdity. Loans for the development of production at an acceptable interest rate will require a huge add-on to counteract their use in speculative operations. The only thing true is a hint at the exceptional weak intellectual level of actions of the economic bloc of our Government. It is not constructive to copy the actions of foreign specialists, in a changed situation. An example of a solution that will provide money for development: legislatively limit the bank's income from a loan, for example, 1 as a percentage of the loan amount and 50 as a percentage of the net profit received from its use. See how many industries will appear and how effectively these loans will be used.
  29. 0
    19 November 2015 16: 29
    All Putin’s reforms are stretched (and calculated) in time for 50 years of his reign ...
    Not all (zealous members of the forum) will live to see this "bright future" crying , but ...
    this is a topic for another article about Russian (political) centenarians laughing
  30. +2
    19 November 2015 16: 35
    Previously, a bank employee had a salary of about 90 rubles. per month, and the beginning engineer in the production - about 120-150. Today the ratio is the opposite - the moneylender extracts the lion's share of the profit, and the creator is satisfied with the crumbs from the master's table. And until the situation changes, nothing good can be expected.
  31. Riv
    19 November 2015 17: 55
    After the definition: "capitalism is affordable credit and industry" - did not read. Clearly nonsense.
    That usury exists is neither good nor bad. It has always existed. And the fact that wealth is concentrated in a particular class is always the case. Only a classless society is free from this. Cheap credit does not mean enchanting prosperity of industry, and a rapid increase in production does not mean an increase in the well-being of citizens. Russia at the beginning of the 20th century guarantees this.
    It seems that they forgot to give the author an injection of galaperidol. It hurts too much he has Napoleonic plans. "Create" ... "Organize ..." And who will do it? Will we entrust Serdyukov, or Chubais?
  32. +2
    19 November 2015 18: 13
    Russia will not build anything with the liberals until they move nothing in power. Pass from Rostov to Moscow by train, and there you can make films about the 1945 war, all the bastards have collapsed. They will not let us build anything.
  33. +2
    19 November 2015 18: 25
    You’ll look at such charts, you’ll understand what. Our leaders led us to! All the winning TV shows are full of bullshit. What is the growth of GDP, salaries, etc. This is a dust in the eye — they just got more gas and oil, and officials just got more . negative am hi
  34. +2
    19 November 2015 19: 18
    In Russia, not two troubles, fools and roads, but ONE - that the rich can not get drunk in any way !!!
    And, as everyone can see, their appetites are only growing. And yes, there are no hints of shifts - except blah blah blah blah - that would have blabbed the people and gobble up the mouth and zh.p.
  35. +1
    19 November 2015 20: 30
    The topic covered in this article is one of the key for all of us. What are we living for and who are we if we cannot increase the goodness of God? When the soul swims with fat, and conscience becomes a burden, then a fresh loaf of bread seems like a cracker. For a Russian, this state is worse than any disaster. This is probably why our State flourishes in difficult years, when it is necessary not to think about our own, but about the general, but without it only death. Well, that’s our time, the time of change and loss, it’s time to think about the Homeland! I will not argue that the egg or the chicken is more important, when the chicken is healthy, then there are many eggs, albeit not gold ones, and economists will understand without me. Do not forget Folk wisdom, read your ancestors, and everything will be fine with us!
  36. +1
    20 November 2015 01: 01
    As the experience of the Stalinist USSR shows, state-financed financing based on state planning is quite capable of working better than the capitalist credit, financial and banking system. And the merchandise of commodity production in this case had only to not interfere with work - and it would feed and circumvent people themselves (the private sector under Stalin was still very different from zero in the share of GDP, and destroyed by the Stalin detractor - Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev).
    So, there are all the recipes, just unpack, and it would be nice if the top didn’t do it forcibly, like a hundred years ago, but sighted and reasonable. And then this science was very expensive for us.
  37. 0
    20 November 2015 01: 07
    Great capitalist future! And examples of Sweden and Switzerland are not necessary. Yeah, for the dollar and FRS, how can I harness ...
    Only socialism! It is not only the wealth of the country, but also the moral and moral health of the nation.