In Slovakia, they are seriously thinking about the deployment of air defense systems on the Ukrainian border

After the incident with the Ukrainian helicopter, which crashed on Friday in the border region of Slovakia, the authorities began to study the issue of involving air defense units in the protection of the eastern border, reports Look With reference to the head of the Ministry of Interior of Slovakia Robert Kalinjak.

“Deploying air defense assets on our eastern border is not an easy solution. It comes to truly extraordinary measures. But this takes time, ”said Kaliniak.

“At the present time, all the means available to Slovakia for the protection of the airspace will be used,” the minister concluded.

On Friday, Slovak publications reported that “a civilian Ukrainian helicopter crashed in the east of the country, killing six people, of which five were non-Slavic in appearance.”

The information was confirmed by the Ukrainian embassy in Bratislava, suggesting that "the crashed helicopter most likely transported illegal migrants."

“On board the fallen helicopter there were two Ukrainians and four immigrants from the countries of Southeast Asia,” the Ukrainian border service reported.

The alleged cause of the crash is thick fog and low altitude.
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  1. +14
    14 November 2015 10: 46
    afraid that Svidomity to cross the border catapult uncovered fellow
    1. +21
      14 November 2015 10: 51
      Here you have the support of the cannibalistic regime of the junta, support it further, then you will have to deploy not only air defense.
    2. +3
      14 November 2015 10: 52
      Many in Ukraine do not see the coast.
      How does the US protect them !!!
      So they mess around while others endure.
      And they don’t see borders in the literal sense.
      1. +3
        14 November 2015 10: 57
        In Slovakia, they are seriously thinking about the deployment of air defense systems on the Ukrainian border

        The reason is serious .... US air defense naturally? Well, cunning ... bully bully These are the things Ukraine! hi
      2. +2
        14 November 2015 11: 05
        Quote: Temples
        How does the US protect them !!!

        what does the USA have to do with it? Banal smuggling, a border like a gateway with overbought-looking people. Cigarette double bass brings 1000% profit. Where is the "US hand" here?
        1. +1
          14 November 2015 11: 45
          Quote: Das Boot
          what does the USA have to do with it? Banal smuggling, a border like a gateway with overbought-looking people. Cigarette double bass brings 1000% profit. Where is the "US hand" here?

          Therefore, Khokhlov needed a visa-free regime ... Schaub for robbing a business of security ...
          1. +1
            14 November 2015 12: 04
            Quote: Altona
            Therefore, Khokhlov needed a visa-free regime ... Schaub for robbing a business of security ...

            Yes, the Carpathian contrabass players, IMHO, purple for shmiza visas. On the contrary, European integration promises a drop in profits for them) The funniest thing is that when a pack of cigarettes in Khoklostan becomes 3 euros each, they will carry contraband from Russia and Belarus)
        2. +2
          14 November 2015 18: 13
          what does the USA have to do with it? Banal smuggling, a border like a gateway with overbought-looking people. Cigarette double bass brings 1000% profit. Where is the "US hand" here?

          So, why should cigarettes get cheaper now? or write across our border to carry?
          1. 0
            15 November 2015 00: 30
            cheaper, it’s easier to tear three skins from us, under the guise of caring for our health, than taking a decent price for energy from a Ukrainian.
      3. +2
        14 November 2015 11: 05
        Quote: Temples
        Many people in Ukraine do not see the shores. How does the United States protect them !!!

        So you need what ...?
        It is necessary to extinguish the root cause!
        And for this you need to save up strength and money!
        True, not with this government ...
    3. +2
      14 November 2015 11: 00
      Then they will be caught with butterfly nets ...
    4. -1
      14 November 2015 12: 47
      S-300 nnnada laughing
    5. +2
      14 November 2015 14: 18
      The campaign ukrovertushka illegally flew over Slovakia. If it were our helicopter, it would rise such a howl that the penguins in Antarctica would hear.
  2. +9
    14 November 2015 10: 46
    This is the true attitude of Europeans to the mess that is happening in Ukraine. I also agree with them: "God protects him!" Although, on the other hand, it is not good for us.
    1. +7
      14 November 2015 13: 05
      Quote: venaya
      This is the true attitude of Europeans to the mess that is happening in Ukraine. I also agree with them: "God protects him!" Although, on the other hand, it is not good for us.
  3. +5
    14 November 2015 10: 46
    “Deploying air defense assets on our eastern border is not an easy solution. It comes to truly extraordinary measures. But this takes time, ”said Kaliniak.

    “At the present time, all the means available to Slovakia for the protection of the airspace will be used,” the minister concluded.

    condoms to help you.
    1. +3
      14 November 2015 11: 42
      gee gee !!! wink
      Quote: Gani
      condoms to help you.

      not them, their parents!
  4. +5
    14 November 2015 10: 47
    And how did they connect the fallen civilian helicopter with the need to install their own air defense. Maybe this is an occasion for an old dream.
    1. +4
      14 November 2015 12: 46
      Quote: katalonec2014
      And how did they connect the fallen civilian helicopter with the need to install their own air defense. Maybe this is an occasion for an old dream.

      Alexander, there is a somewhat interesting opinion that, apparently before the crash of this helicopter, the Slovaks did not know that they had a visa-free aviation border crossing with Ukraine. laughing
  5. +8
    14 November 2015 10: 49
    They were puzzled .....

    In the meantime, these lunatics have been creating a hellish nightmare in their neighborhood for two years?
    1. +11
      14 November 2015 11: 17
      Quote: DEZINTO
      They were puzzled .....

      Young Europeans are beginning to sip the fruits of Western European tolerance in full handfuls. If they thought that the US-organized mess with the so-called. emigrants, if it "explodes" (and it exploded in France), then somewhere out there, far from them, no, it will cover the whole of Europe. And Bandera's hemorrhoids and their own Nazi organizations, about which well-fed Europe shyly mentioned: "onizhedeti", will be added to it. Now it will blaze - God forbid. Here, excuse the Europeans, every man for himself.
  6. BAT
    14 November 2015 10: 49
    Yeah, more minefields and anti-tank ditches. Well, then deep defense defensive fortifications ... UKRAINATSEEVROPA !!! Visa-free entry and all that jazz. Arrived at fools.
  7. +12
    14 November 2015 10: 49
    And before that, did archers protect the airspace of Slovakia? fellow
  8. +7
    14 November 2015 10: 51
    and four people from Southeast Asia

    Jokes about the greed and "entrepreneurial spirit" of Ukrainians will soon circulate in the EU as well. Poor Europe, who do you support?
  9. +1
    14 November 2015 10: 55
    Why for the umpteenth time, insert a photo of a downed Mi-26
    1. +1
      14 November 2015 12: 49
      Quote: Avis24
      Why for the umpteenth time, insert a photo of a downed Mi-26

      So time, Vlad, was running out with the release of information, so what to trouble yourself with realities then. No.
  10. 0
    14 November 2015 10: 57
    How the "gayevropoids" HAVE BEATHED, how difficult it is for them to get the OBVIOUS, how difficult it is to get up from the KNEE, on which the overseas monkey LOWERED them!
  11. 0
    14 November 2015 11: 00
    Let them buy from us, then no one will slip with a guarantee. laughing
    1. 0
      14 November 2015 15: 41
      Ours is delivered assembled together with base, support, tanks and marines. And above all this beauty our flag rises.
  12. +2
    14 November 2015 11: 01
    So the Slovaks woke up, the process began. bully
    1. 0
      14 November 2015 11: 59
      Soon all of Europe will wake up! And the Amerekosy too! Over your projects and actions! but there is no return, we must complete it to the end! and the end, "Close" !!
  13. +1
    14 November 2015 11: 10
    “There were two Ukrainians and four people from Southeast Asia on board the helicopter that fell” Business, nothing personal.
  14. 0
    14 November 2015 11: 13
    ... strange, but what about the defense against aggressive Russia ??? why from fraternal Ukraine ??? Well, we decided to take fraternal moderate robots for a walk - they are now not up to impunity for partying in Syria, the climate has changed there, global warming is a terrible Russian sun! Well, cooled down in Slovakia, walked, maybe cleaned back .. And where does Vilna Ukraina ??? Air rickshaws and no more! Look, Europe is not fenced off from the supplier. Moderate US refugees !!! Or do they think that this Russian special forces seeped through the Yatsenyukhov wall and throws the Asadovites from the Kadyrovtsy to them? ...
    Well, they don’t know what the loot was to be cut ... Yayseponyuhatelnoykrylechko snatched the loot, here are their last ones and they bite his nails from envy!
  15. +3
    14 November 2015 11: 15
    In Slovakia, they are seriously thinking about the deployment of air defense systems on the Ukrainian border

    I will sell S-300. Not expensive.
    1. +7
      14 November 2015 11: 28
      Quote: Angry Guerrilla
      I will sell S-300. Not expensive.

      inflate with helium! The pilot of a xoxlac helicopter, seeing directly in front of him at an altitude of 300 m, the S-300 will leave the cockpit on the go ...
      1. +2
        14 November 2015 11: 34
        Quote: Das Boot
        inflate with helium!

        S-300 missile hanging in the air belay ...
        1. +2
          14 November 2015 11: 36
          Quote: Angry Guerrilla
          S-300 missile hanging in the air

          for leva-1 no air defense is not terrible
          1. +1
            14 November 2015 11: 45
            Quote: izya top
            for leva-1 no air defense is not terrible

            No need to say stupid things fool!! And the "Raptor"? [/ Center] [center]
            1. +2
              14 November 2015 11: 57
              Quote: Angry Guerrilla
              A "Raptor"

              Well I do not know recourse sneaker, in my opinion, more reliable feel
              1. +1
                14 November 2015 12: 03
                Quote: izya top
                sneaker, in my opinion, more reliable

                You are hopelessly behind Progress, Colleague request ...
                1. +2
                  14 November 2015 12: 08
                  Quote: Angry Guerrilla
                  You are hopelessly behind Progress

                  retrograde? recourse
              2. +1
                14 November 2015 15: 43
                A home frog can be made in a portable swamp. And the bloodsucker eats regularly, and croaks musically.
        2. 0
          14 November 2015 21: 04
          Quote: Angry Guerrilla
          S-300 missile hanging in the air

          it's stylish laughing
  16. +2
    14 November 2015 11: 16
    But, for Ukrainians, this anti-aircraft defense is aimed exclusively at protecting against attacks by Iran and North Korea)))
  17. +3
    14 November 2015 11: 29
    For the sake of interest, I went to censor. I'm lying in the same topic. Nothing interesting, but one link interested me.
    -bombili-ix-soyuznikov-v-aeroportu-damaska ​​/
    Anyone in the subject?
    Today, unknown planes launched bombing raids on Damascus airport, destroying a large batch of heavy weapons provided by Iran to Russia's ally and dictator Bashar Assad, the Hezbollah terrorist organization. At the Damascus airport, after air strikes, there was a strong detonation, explosions and fire continued for about an hour. News agencies reported that unidentified aircraft, which most likely belong to the Israeli Air Force neither during the air strike nor after it met no resistance. And the Russian planes deployed in Syria did not even have time to react to the raid, so they did not fly into the air. There is also the opinion of experts, according to which the “silence” from Moscow is explained by the overwhelming technical advantage of the Israeli Air Force over the Russian Air Force.
    1. +1
      14 November 2015 11: 39
      Damn, the link does not work ... Have you deleted that?
      Then so ...
    2. +1
      14 November 2015 11: 48
      Quote: sabakina
      Anyone in the subject?

      Jews in the subject smile :

      And even so: The planes of the Russian Air Force, stationed in Syria, did not rise towards Israeli fighters. From this, a number of journalists concluded that the Israeli attack was coordinated with the command of the Russian group in Syria. Moreover, in some publications the idea is being made that Russian intelligence sent Israeli colleagues a load of weapons in gratitude for the information transmitted by the Israelis about the crashed Airbus and the situation at Sharm al-Sheikh airport. (
      1. +1
        14 November 2015 12: 19
        Thanks for the answer and the link! hi I knew that censors were blowing from an elephant's fly!
        1. +2
          14 November 2015 12: 44
          Quote: sabakina
          Thanks for the answer and the link! I knew that censors were blowing from an elephant's fly!

          Thanks for the screen) My censor is blocked, you can enter this psychosis only from a Facebook mirror) Yeah, I'll tell you ... This is a "gallery of types" (c)
  18. The comment was deleted.
  19. 0
    14 November 2015 11: 45
    )))) etozh svidomye in Babalayki (gorilkovy fuel) jumped through the air and jumped in carcasses of boars, helping the moderate! NEWEST STELS !!! At what frequencies can you light wood-alcohol-pork ???! Whoo !!!!
  20. 0
    14 November 2015 12: 31
    Quote: wicked partisan
    In Slovakia, they are seriously thinking about the deployment of air defense systems on the Ukrainian border

    I will sell S-300. Not expensive.

    Ha ha !!!!!!
  21. 0
    14 November 2015 14: 55
    Quote: Das Boot
    Quote: Temples
    How does the US protect them !!!

    what does the USA have to do with it? Banal smuggling, a border like a gateway with overbought-looking people. Cigarette double bass brings 1000% profit. Where is the "US hand" here?

    Oh oh oh!
  22. 0
    14 November 2015 16: 03
    Well, what kind of bogos do refugees need to have in order to hire such a letok? We can pin. Dosi supply them to Tihar. And what about green printing machines are not idle. They can afford it.
  23. 0
    14 November 2015 19: 07
    Ukrainian partisan detachment "Shadows": bullshit of an impostor
    The group of valiant and fearless guerrilla Ukrainians “Shadows”, thoroughly propagated by the Ukrainian media and social networks, supposedly successfully acts in the rear of the proclaimed republics. However, only in the seriously inflamed brain of her self-proclaimed commander. And the only participant. And then - committing heroic sabotage exclusively using his computer keyboard on the merciless battlefields of Facebook.

    To such a monstrous conclusion was by no means “Russian propaganda”, but racial Ukrainian blogger Ruslan Karimov.
  24. 0
    15 November 2015 00: 26
    They make their contribution to Europe.
  25. 0
    15 November 2015 19: 37
    So much for tolerance and tolerance, and if something happened so soon the neighbor keeps the valuin ready)))) Europe however.