US Rescue: a window of opportunity


The paradox of the current global crisis is that over the past five years, all more or less responsible and independent states have made incredible efforts to save the United States from the impending financial, economic and military-political catastrophe. Moreover, this was done in spite of no less consistent actions by Washington aimed at destabilizing the world order, which is rightly defined as Pax americana ("American World").

Since politics is a game with a nonzero amount, that is, the loss of one is not necessarily the gain of another, this paradox has its own logical explanation. The crisis of any system arises when its internal organization conflicts with the amount of available resources (that is, the latter begin to lack to maintain the normal functioning of the system in the usual way). The situation involves at least three basic resolution options:

1. Reforming, when the internal organization of the system is evolutionarily brought into a state of compliance with the resource base.

2. The collapse of the system when the same thing happens in a revolutionary way.

3. Conservation, when threatening a system of influence is eliminated by force, and relations within the system are strictly preserved on the basis of unequal relations (no matter between classes, estates, castes, or states).

The conservation method was attempted by Minsk and Ching China, as well as by Tokugawa Japan. He successfully acted until the beginning (in the XIX century) of the era of capitalist globalization. But both Eastern civilizations (internally strong enough) could not withstand a collision with a technologically more advanced (and hence more powerful politically-military) European civilization. Japan found an answer to the path of modernization (reform) as early as the second half of the XIX century, China plunged into the depths of semi-colonial dependence and bloody civil wars for a century, until the new communist elite under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping could formulate its concept of modernization reforms.

This example leads us to the conclusion: the conservation of the system is possible only if it is insured against any unwanted external influences, that is, it controls the globalized world.

The contradiction between the concept of overcoming the crisis, adopted by the American elite and the alternative concept proposed by Russia, supported by China, then by BRICS, and now by a large part of the world, was that politicians in Washington proceeded from their ability to fully control the globalized world and direct its development along the path they need. Therefore, faced with the exhaustion of the resource base to ensure the mechanisms of global hegemony, they tried to solve the issue by forcefully suppressing potential opponents, in order to redistribute the global resources to their advantage.

In case of success, the United States was given the opportunity to repeat the experience of the end of 80, the beginning of 90, when the collapse of the USSR and the world socialist system under its control allowed the West to emerge from the crisis by redistributing global resources to its advantage. At the new stage, the talk was about the redistribution of resources not in favor of the collective West, but only in favor of the United States. This move gave the system a reprieve, which could be used to create a regime of conservation of unequal relations, in which the determining control of the American elite over power, raw materials, financial and industrial resources provided it from the danger of breaking the system from the inside, and the elimination of alternative power centers guaranteed the system from breaking into , making it eternal (at least in a historically visible period of time).

An alternative approach (let's call it conditionally Russian-Chinese) suggested that the total system resource would be exhausted faster than the United States would manage to create mechanisms for the conservation of its global hegemony. In turn, this led to a stretching and overstraining of forces that ensure the imperial suppression of the global periphery in the interests of the Washington center and further to the inevitable collapse of the system.

Two hundred and even a hundred years ago, politicians would act according to the principle of "falling push" and prepare to divide the inheritance of the next collapsing empire. However, the globalization of not only world industry and commerce (such was achieved by the end of the 19th century), but also world finance, made the collapse of the American empire an extremely dangerous and costly undertaking for the whole world. Roughly speaking, the United States could have buried a civilization under its rubble.

In this regard, in the framework of the Russian-Chinese approach, Washington was strongly offered a compromise option, implying a slow evolutionary erosion of American hegemony, a gradual reform of international financial, economic and military-political relations based on the existing system of international law.

The American elite was offered a "soft landing", while retaining a significant part of the influence and assets, but with a gradual adaptation of the system to the existing realities (bringing it in line with the available resource base), taking into account the interests of humanity, and not its "best part" in the form of families, which in fact threatened to turn into no more than thirty families.

In the end, it is always better to agree than to build a new world on the ashes of the old. Moreover, the world experience of such arrangements existed.

It also includes the practice of buying out an enterprise from an owner during nationalization instead of simple confiscation, and the Russian practice of national consensus of the last decade, when the oligarchs were persuaded (through targeted repressions applied to the most indomitable and unintelligent) to share power and income with the people and the state. The result, of course, did not satisfy the radicals on both sides, but they managed to avoid civil war and the destruction of statehood.

Up to 2015, the American elite (at least, that part of it that determined US policy) was confident that the available financial, economic and military-political power would be enough to break the rest of the world and still preserve Washington’s hegemony on the basis of the deprivation of real political sovereignty and any economic rights of all (including at the final stage and the people of the United States). Eurobureaucracy was a serious ally for it - that is, the comprador, cosmopolitan part of the EU elite, whose well-being was based on integration into the transatlantic (that is, US-controlled) EU structures (in which the thesis of Atlantic solidarity became a geopolitical dogma) and NATO, contrary to the interests of national states - EU members.

However, the Ukrainian crisis dragged out much longer than originally planned, the dramatic military-political activization of Russia in resolving the Syrian crisis (to which the US did not have an adequate response) and, most importantly, the progressive creation of alternative financial and economic structures that challenge the position of the dollar as world currency, forced to activate a compromise-prone part of the American elite (which in the past decade and a half has been effectively excluded from serious influence Nia strategic decisions).

The latest statements by Kerry and Obama, ranging from readiness for a mutually acceptable compromise on all controversial issues (even Kiev receives instructions to “fulfill Minsk”), to continue the course of confrontation, are evidence of the intensification of the struggle in the Washington establishment.

It is impossible to predict the results of this struggle - too many status politicians and influential families linked their future with the course towards the preservation of imperial domination so that it would be painless for them to abandon it. In reality, multi-billion states and entire political dynasties are at stake.

However, it is absolutely possible to state that for any solutions there is a certain window of opportunity. So: the window of opportunity allowing the United States to land softly and in a compromise way is closing. The Washington elites will inevitably face significantly more serious problems than those that were expected of them 10-15 years ago. But for the time being it is still a question of landing, even if it is tougher and with costs, and not about a catastrophe.

Nevertheless, the United States must think quickly. Their resources are melting much faster than expected by the authors of the plan of imperial conservation. To the loss of control over the BRICS countries, a creeping, but rather fast loss of control over European politics and the beginning of geopolitical maneuvering of the monarchies of the Middle East are added. The financial and economic structures created and launched by Russia, China, BRICS are developing according to their own logic, and Moscow and Beijing are not able to slow down their development for too long in anticipation of the manifestation of the American contractual capacity.

Somewhere in 2016, the point of return will be finally passed, and the American elites will no longer be able to choose between compromise terms and collapse. The only thing they will then be able to do is to slam the door loudly, trying to drag the rest of the world with them into the abyss.

But they will succeed in suicide, but the problem of the killing of a civilization is not so easily solved even with American cash resources. And what will be left in a year or two?
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  1. -9
    6 November 2015 14: 28
    America is already being buried "100 years". Nothing will happen to her and let's not feed on illusions.
    1. +12
      6 November 2015 14: 31
      .... any financial system has a margin of safety ...... while it is ... tongue
      1. +3
        6 November 2015 15: 02
        I wrote this to test patriotism with a bang. The test showed that everyone thinks that America is about to end. Hm. Well, wait another 100 years.
        America will always be. It is necessary not to try to weaken it. And to become stronger ourselves.
        1. +8
          6 November 2015 15: 18
          ...... Yes, no one thinks what it is now .... but many understand that it is .... scam .... even the Americans! And the whole question .. how to get out ... at the same time - DO NOT LOSE !!! that's all.

          ... the world is not so naive .. that you .... nor that wink
          1. +16
            6 November 2015 16: 20
            I wrote this to test patriotism with a bang. The test showed that everyone thinks that America is about to end. Hm.

            Having received a couple of minuses do you draw such conclusions?
            Has everything become clear to you all? laughing
            Are there only fools around? wassat

            Do not take to heart !!!
            They did not accept your thought, so what?
            You have a lot of thoughts and ideas.
            And around people who love their homeland.
            But the Americans just got everyone.
            Well, the United States will not and ????
            Will life become different right away? Will prosperity come to home?
            Of course not. And everyone understands this
            But the United States and its henchmen really got their nonsense and sticks in the wheel !!!
        2. +5
          6 November 2015 15: 28
          Quote: AdekvatNICK
          I wrote this to test patriotism with a bang. The test showed that everyone thinks that America is about to end. Hm. Well, wait another 100 years.

          laughing Why immediately cheers-patriotism? The usual is quite logical reasoning.
          The most common impoverishment against the background of an inflated bubble of debt (internal social services, benefits, etc., aging and dullness of the working population), overproduction and loss of credibility, you cannot always threaten everyone with a club and simultaneously press your own allies at some point they will either exhaust their opportunities to support the "patron saint of all the Earth" or their shirt will become closer to the body, their life is much more important than the well-being of the United States.
          1. -11
            6 November 2015 15: 35
            not reasoning. Here it’s just not customary to reason sensibly. Here, if you don’t blame America, then you’ll certainly get a minus. Because it’s not usual if you say something to your friend about America. And everyone writes here about America, here’s America’s end .... and where would he begin this end. They have everything in order. State debt? Yes, at least 500 trillion will be anyway America will be America.
            1. +9
              6 November 2015 16: 39
              Yes, the continent America has been a continent for millions of years, so it will be for a long time. But about the US state aka America, I disagree. It's okay - this is, sorry, rose-colored glasses. Or propaganda, and unfriendly. Such a number of internal frictions with inert and hard power, which does not recognize almost any compromises, if it does not ruin it, then it will make life very difficult for the state.
            2. +1
              6 November 2015 16: 46
              Yes, at least 500 trillion will be anyway America will be America.

              ...... from a geographical point of view, you are right, America is in America, as well as the right to assert, "gypsies tse Europe" ... tell me why not? But PSH is not a territory, but ..... roughly speaking, a BANK! And now if the bank has debts of 500 trillion ... problems ....... let's put it mildly ... not only the bank! And ways ... with a decrease in the number of simple-minded suckers ... believers in this ... does not increase ... A critical mass has been accumulating ... not one day ... bully
              1. +6
                6 November 2015 18: 35
                Quote: EGOrkka
                And if the bank has debts of 500 trillion ... problems ....... to say the least ..... not only the bank! And the way ..... with a decrease in the number of simple-minded suckers .... believers in this ... does not increase .... The critical mass accumulated .... not one day ...

                By the way:
                1. 0
                  7 November 2015 04: 19
                  ... while the engine is moving, the whole PSSh from the feeder specifically: there was a G-8 became a G-20, there was an IMF became a Chinese analogue, there was a swift became a Russian and Chinese analogue .... calls then .... already on a bell ring. ..and if PSG do not go to a meeting .... and they will have to do this later or earlier ... will be for peace .... bully
            3. +5
              6 November 2015 19: 04
              Quote: AdekvatNICK
              Yes, at least 500 trillion will be anyway America will be America.

              Oh my God!!! What kind of kindergarten, or is it a "US Witness" sect? Dull belief that the impossible is possible? The USA will IMMEDIATELY collapse even from the fact of a declaration of intent to bring its debt to such a sum. The money will simply turn into trash. As of now, the largest holders of dollars have nothing to do with printed dollars. Lying dead weight at times exceed the volume in circulation, start spending and everything is devaluation. We agree to keep even a negative (!!!!!!!!!!) percentage in the papers. Further. The existing system is able to work with a constant growth in the consumption of goods and services. And the face is the crisis of overproduction of ALL. The paper bubbles are overpowered. Opportunities for internal borrowing were exhausted in 2012 (I understand, I don't know). And most importantly: AN ARTICLE ON THE COLLAPSE OF THE EXISTING FINANCIAL SYSTEM AND AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE LOSS OF THE STATUS OF THE WORLD HEGEMON. But the US state can exist for a very long time and be at the same time a large and influential state, but only one of many, equal. You don't even really know how to read, but there you go - into the analytics. hi
            4. +3
              6 November 2015 20: 40
              you can’t even imagine what tensions are in American society! our 80s is a weak parody! they don’t even have a natural nationality. if it explodes, then in an adult way
            5. +4
              6 November 2015 21: 53
              When the overseas monkey in 1776 declared independence of 11 states from England, Catherine the Great opened a BIG THEATER with a solemn performance!
              When rabble from all over the world in the USAvkii hung blacks, tore off scalps from the Indians and drove them into the reservation Russia put things in order in Europe! EKATERINA THE GREAT (always proud of her descent from the WESTERN SLAVS) that not a single gun in Europe dares to shoot without the permission of Russia!
              And we don't care about the Fashington rabble - sooner or later their hegemony will end! "As fighters, they are nothing!" These are the holy words of my father, the battalion commander of a separate sapper battalion, which is part of the division, on the tacit order of the commander of the 6th Stalingrvd army, "FEEL YANK!" , immediately crossed the Elbe and drove the Yankees, throwing weapons and equipment 30 km!
    2. +8
      6 November 2015 14: 33
      And it seems to me that the WORLD of justice will wait! Built on meanness, grief of the people "Temple" of lies, ravage will collapse!
      According to the law of the Most High!
      When will oversaturation really occur, i.e. "Vomiting" will begin and they will drown in their own vomit!

      PS: it says - not "feed on illusions, but" feed on illusions "(Respectfully!)
      1. +11
        6 November 2015 14: 42
        Do not scare our Israeli friends, where will they rest! negative
        1. +5
          6 November 2015 16: 08
          Quote: Major Yurik
          Major Yurik (2) SU Today, 14: 42 ↑ New

          Do not scare our Israeli friends, where will they rest!

          It will most likely soon be in the Khazar co ..
          1. +2
            6 November 2015 16: 33
            Quote: kare
            kare (2) SU Today, 16: 08 ↑

            Quote: Major Yurik
            Major Yurik (2) SU Today, 14: 42 ↑ New

            Do not scare our Israeli friends, where will they rest!

            It will most likely soon be in the Khazar co ..

            judging by the cons, "friends" have come
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +3
              6 November 2015 16: 49
              Yes, Roman, they do not want to materialize, but the "negative" smell is present! laughing
        2. +4
          6 November 2015 16: 47
          Major Yurik
          Do not scare our Israeli friends, where will they rest!

          ... here for whom it is not necessary to worry ... so it is for them!
          1. +1
            6 November 2015 22: 07
            And rightly so, COMRADE MAYOR YURIK! That we have few vacancies for critics (theatrical, music, film and literary), or many TV channels are not run by "God's chosen", who always provide "shelter" to the leading "politicians! After the 1st, 2nd and subsequent waves of emigration to the" second their homeland "many of them return with the words" and there is no one to be fooled, everyone is like that "to fill the above vacancies! And so that" it is not boring "they themselves incite ANTI-SEMITISM! (To yell:" They are beating ours!)
            1. +1
              6 November 2015 23: 33
              Vladimir! The point is not even in their departure or arrival, but in the eternal restless manner to teach and instruct everyone and everything, especially when their opinions are not asked. Moreover, these moralizations are accompanied by eternal evil sarcasm, because the truth is available only to them, and all the rest went out for a walk. Because of this, and all their troubles, but the overestimated self-cost does not allow them to realize this. Let them be malicious, it’s impossible to change them, but taking them seriously is counterproductive! Regards, Yuri! hi
    3. +1
      6 November 2015 14: 34
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      we will not eat illusions.

      They do not eat - they are fed. And so plus
    4. +7
      6 November 2015 14: 36
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      America is already being buried "100 years". Nothing will happen to her and let's not feed on illusions.

      She should not be buried, but should undergo liposuction, remove excess fat, and also give a dose of sedative, so that she does not make harsh military-political and financial movements ...
      1. +5
        6 November 2015 14: 55
        You don’t have to do anything with it, you need to move as far as possible :: when this cadaver bursts, the stench will be immeasurable!
      2. +1
        6 November 2015 22: 19
        For the entire Second World War, one bomb fell on the USA! Some crazy Japanese balloon fired a makeshift bomb!
        They have no experience to defend their homeland, and there is no one! Imagine the "Tea Town", the blacks of Harlem, the Puerto Rican, Italian diaspora or the Indians of the reservation with weapons defending the Anglo-Saxons (Indians and Negroes are likely to organize partisan detachments to help the liberators)!
        Thanks to our VKS guys who showed their place in Syria shit!
    5. +23
      6 November 2015 14: 39
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      America is already being buried "100 years". Nothing will happen to her and let's not feed on illusions

      The USSR also thought that the system under which we lived would be eternal. Kolya Gerasimov, a hundred years later, was in the future and saw a happy Soviet country there. He also flew on a flip ... wink
      Therefore there is nothing to wait for when America collapses. She will collapse when her time comes. And this time will come, because God is not blind, and some will have to pay for all the suffering that this country has brought to the world. For our imposed atheism of Soviet times, we already drank our chalice in the 90s. And those who live on someone else’s grief will drink their own in due time ...
      Personally, my opinion hi
      PS. The phrase has been verified on oneself that one has to pay for everything ... And this applies both to the individual person and to the state ...
    6. +5
      6 November 2015 14: 41
      The prediction of global catastrophes comes true, but only partially, and that is especially unpleasant mainly in our beloved territory ... The collapse of the Union, the collapse of the economy, the oil needle, lack of investment, technological lag, corruption, specific princes, lack of social elevators, etc. etc ... maybe it should pay more attention to this? The sun, of course, will someday go out, but up to this point you can not hold out because of your own problems ...
    7. +6
      6 November 2015 14: 42
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      America is already being buried "100 years". Nothing will happen to her and let's not feed on illusions.

      All empires have periods of ups and downs, but they all collapse sooner or later. Not minutes this bowl and the USA.
    8. +4
      6 November 2015 14: 55
      Once the Roman Empire was eternal. And collapsed overnight. Where is she today?
    9. -4
      6 November 2015 15: 05
      minus what? then give the approximate date of the death of America if you are such a soothsayer hero.
      1. +3
        6 November 2015 15: 33
        Quote: AdekvatNICK
        minus what? then give the approximate date of the death of America if you are such a soothsayer hero.

        what I would say the sunset will be in the next 3 years, in theory it has already begun, but it will gain momentum for a long time, well, actually we don’t know what these gentlemen will throw out when it starts to press.
        1. -4
          6 November 2015 16: 20
          Quote: Corsair
          I would say the sunset will be in the next 3 years, in theory it has already begun,

          So, very interesting! And what can you tell us after 2020? Very interesting, even more than the collapse of America! hi
          1. -5
            6 November 2015 16: 26
            this is patriots cheers they can not ask, they will say that America will fall and we will always be.
            1. +2
              6 November 2015 16: 28
              Hey, anti URANepatriot, rest!
              1. -6
                6 November 2015 16: 29
                comments unusual for you to cheer patriots cause such aggression especially in the camp of marshals and marshal? )))
                1. +3
                  6 November 2015 16: 50
                  comments unusual for you to cheer patriots cause such aggression especially in the camp of marshals and marshal?

                  .... how much it was necessary ... to mimic .... and a mustache ... in vain ... lol
                  1. -2
                    6 November 2015 22: 23
                    So Dandruff from PACE, the whole site fell asleep!
                2. +2
                  6 November 2015 18: 40
                  Quote: AdekvatNICK
                  comments unusual for you cheer patriots cause such aggression

                  Be scared. No aggression, just nausea. bully
              2. +5
                6 November 2015 18: 13
                Quote: Baikonur
                Hey, anti URANepatriot, rest!

                Rude, not good! stop
          2. +1
            6 November 2015 17: 02
            Quote: Bayonet
            So, very interesting! And what can you tell us after 2020?

            Well, the cons have gone, is it really so bad there? crying
    10. +1
      6 November 2015 15: 24
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      America is already being buried "100 years". Nothing will happen to her and let's not feed on illusions.

      The union was also "not crumbling", no one believed, no ann, collapsed, ruined! So here, only the United States is being knocked down not only for plunder and not so much, but for something that is already impossible to pull!
    11. +7
      6 November 2015 15: 59
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      America is already being buried "100 years". Nothing will happen to her and let's not feed on illusions
      - I don’t remember just 15 years ago, not a single funeral in the direction of the United States, not a single one! On the contrary, she was more alive than all the living! And twenty-five years ago, it seemed that there was nothing more eternal than the United States with its cola, gum and jeans! What hundred years are you talking about? And most of the youth dreamed of moving to the United States, to the "promised land"
      They started talking about the collapse of the United States, in my opinion five years ago, well, seven. The beginning of the crash has just begun, be patient.
      1. -6
        6 November 2015 16: 19
        100 years in quotes are written as you think why?
        1. +4
          6 November 2015 18: 40
          The point is that the collapse of the United States is expected, because it will mark the fall of the world capitalist system. And then, when looking at China, who, unlike the USSR, did not turn off the Stalinist path, the world will finally realize that the only right way to develop was socialism in general and Stalinism in particular. The insight will decrease that the socialist path and the USSR personally fell not from what was predetermined - but because it was ruined by greedy rulers. People realize that Stalinism has simply been underestimated - and now there is already a step to the rehabilitation of the Generalissimo. And, most importantly, the recognition of Perestroika, the collapse of the Union and privatization - unjust, illegal and criminal - with the appropriate measure of punishment for the guilty and proportional compensation to the victims - that’s the point!
        2. +1
          6 November 2015 19: 22
          Quote: AdekvatNICK
          100 years in quotes are written as you think why?

          From ignorance. This is my version. 500 trillion without quotes pushed her hi
          By the way, where is at least one "adequate" argument of your version? Completely slogans. A slogan or something? Here we had one "Normal" with your own logic.
      2. -3
        6 November 2015 18: 17
        Quote: aksakal
        The beginning of the crash has just begun, be patient.

        There are many more interesting things in life than sitting and waiting for someone to crash there ... hi
        1. +6
          6 November 2015 18: 44
          Quote: Bayonet
          There are many more interesting things in life than sitting and waiting for someone to crash there ..

          Oh, how are you right:
          1. 0
            6 November 2015 20: 19
            Quote: Lelek
            Oh, how are you right:

            You can also add: "I must!" smileAnd the one who put me a minus, with this case, it seems generally krants! laughing
        2. 0
          7 November 2015 09: 16
          Quote: Bayonet
          There are many more interesting things in life than sitting and waiting for someone to crash there ...

          At least three prefer to sit and wait. Well, wait, wait .... The truth is, besides hemorrhoids, it’s unlikely that you will sit. hi
    12. +2
      6 November 2015 18: 41
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      America is already being buried "100 years"

      And who buried the USA in 1915 ??? Blurred, give the answer. She was not a superpower either. The colony ceased to be 232 years old laughing And the "empire" is only a few decades old.
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      There will be nothing with her

      Well, if you are renting, then - !!!!! YES laughing good
      1. 0
        7 November 2015 10: 03
        ONE MORE DUKE? look "100 years" in quotation marks is written in quotation marks !!!
    13. +1
      7 November 2015 01: 42
      Quote: AdekvatNICK
      America is already being buried for "100 years." Nothing will happen to it and let's not feed on illusions.

      Russia has been buried for more than 400 years. laughing But nobody could predict the October Revolution of 1917 and the collapse of the USSR of 1991 for 5 years before these events!
  2. +14
    6 November 2015 14: 30
    However, it is absolutely possible to state that for any solutions there is a certain window of opportunity. So: the window of opportunity allowing the United States to land softly and in a compromise way is closing. The Washington elites will inevitably face significantly more serious problems than those that were expected of them 10-15 years ago. But for the time being it is still a question of landing, even if it is tougher and with costs, and not about a catastrophe.

    The main thing is that the collapse of the United States, and it is inevitable, went with little blood for the rest. It seems to me that this problem is being solved by Russia together with China and other states that understand this.
    1. 0
      6 November 2015 23: 25

      Vladimir Putin solves this problem as president of Russia and with the support of China.

      Know how to present information correctly.
  3. +12
    6 November 2015 14: 32
    I just read this article on another resource. The external signs show that the United States is not the same. Vassals come out of obedience, Washington’s diplomacy has lost outright in all directions, the military machine is also not able to carry out any successful operations, and the budget is cut and ISIS is not ordered to bomb. The world must carefully destroy the American colossus so that it does not cover it with its fat-cholesterol carcass, or rather dismantle or disassemble it into organs ...
    1. +1
      6 November 2015 14: 34
      Quote: Altona
      Washington's diplomacy lost outright in all directions

      Well, in Ukraine there are still results, maybe not quite the same as they would like, but there are.
      1. +8
        6 November 2015 14: 49
        Quote: Vladimirets
        Well, in Ukraine there are still results, maybe not quite the same as they would like, but there are.

        What kind? They wanted a bold and vibrant Ukraine, they slipped in fact a corpse that must be constantly embalmed so as not to stink ...
        1. +2
          6 November 2015 15: 02
          Quote: Altona
          What kind? They wanted a bold and vibrant Ukraine, they slipped in fact a corpse that must be constantly embalmed so as not to stink ...

          They and such a territory are poor and infected with fierce Russophobia near the borders of our country.
          1. +4
            6 November 2015 15: 15
            Quote: ImperialKolorad
            They and such a territory are poor and infected with fierce Russophobia near the borders of our country.

            Not all Russophobes are there, just a certain part of Bandera has played and this part is still in power, and normally minded people have long understood that this is the way to nowhere ...
            1. +3
              6 November 2015 18: 56
              Quote: Altona
              just some of the Bandera played

              Recently, at a meeting of graduates, our classmate (now retired in Russia, lives in Ivano-Frankovsk) went so far away, he just didn’t ziggle. And when we expressed our "FE" to him, he collected our little things and took the evening train "to Dikanka." But they were together 5 years in the school + 27 years of service side-by-side. These are the dumplings.
              1. 0
                6 November 2015 23: 29

                Siblings cannot talk together for two minutes.
                They don’t find a way to find a common language.
            2. 0
              6 November 2015 23: 27

              In addition to playing there, there is still a high level of educational degradation.
          2. +1
            6 November 2015 19: 56
            Quote: ImperialKolorad
            They and such a territory are poor and infected with fierce Russophobia near the borders of our country.

            So that we could always say: "Admire Ukraine. This is what Russophobia and life on American orders brings." good
      2. +2
        6 November 2015 15: 00
        Quote: Vladimirets
        Quote: Altona
        Washington's diplomacy lost outright in all directions

        Well, in Ukraine there are still results, maybe not quite the same as they would like, but there are.

        A negative result is also a result. hi
    2. +2
      6 November 2015 14: 55
      Rotten organs - no good for anything ..
  4. +11
    6 November 2015 14: 35
    The larger the cabinet, the louder it falls and the stronger the shock wave, mattresses need to do household chores, not world ones. Their entire economy is built on the robbery of colonies and vassal countries.
  5. +6
    6 November 2015 14: 37
    For them, one way out, another world war. Is it really not clear that they are striving for this?
    1. +1
      6 November 2015 15: 01
      Quote: Gloomy
      For them, one way out, another world war. Is it really not clear that they are striving for this?

      They are not suicides.
      1. +2
        6 November 2015 16: 31
        Well, who's talking about this? History shows for whom the first and second world war ended safely.
      2. +3
        6 November 2015 16: 44
        Hmm, I don’t know ... For the American elite, I think, anyway. NZ is hidden in a secluded place, in which few will get, and there is a personal bunker. This is an emergency. I believe that the Americans will again try to restart the system with world war. Fortunately, twice such a trick rolled.
  6. +11
    6 November 2015 14: 43
    May God wait.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      6 November 2015 16: 38
      Quote: mivmim
      May God wait.

      When you bury, do not forget to invite! hi
      1. +3
        6 November 2015 17: 52
        He just did not specify: who you are and who we are. Or are these habits for which Iosif Vissarionovich beat hands - "Nikita calm down!" ?
  7. +3
    6 November 2015 14: 44
    As the ancient Romans said during the war with Carthage "Carthage must be destroyed. "So we must do with America, it must be destroyed as a state with minimal losses for us :-)
  8. +3
    6 November 2015 14: 49
    Quote: Major Yurik
    Do not scare our Israeli friends, where will they rest! negative

    And for Israeli friends, why bother? Well, these in any way will not disappear.
  9. +8
    6 November 2015 14: 50
    Quote: AdekvatNICK
    America is already being buried "100 years"

    She will bury herself. Nuances, small, invisible details in what is happening in the world. It is they that allow you to look a little into the future and make a more or less truthful forecast. Did you notice that in recent times the states have begun to act much more impudent and rude? They constantly substitute their allies, put pressure on them, destroy the economy - and a lot of things have passed before us. And all this should end with something. Why not the collapse of the states? It is a likely event.
    1. -6
      6 November 2015 15: 12
      And all this should end with something. Why not the collapse of the states?

      Why collapse? smile
      lately states have become much more impudent and rude

      And if this is a sign of strength, not weakness? (More precisely, our weakness)

      What, industry disappeared in the USA? Agriculture? Army in the end? Why should they fall apart? Well, they will give in a bit, and even then VERY strongly will have to be asked. After the collapse of the USSR, they got very drunk, Well, they burp too much, just business ...
      1. +4
        6 November 2015 15: 39
        Quote: dauria
        And if this is a sign of strength, not weakness? (More precisely, our weakness)

        what In my opinion, a sign of strength is when he said in a calm voice to sit and sit in silence, not rock the boat,
        and when it’s already like that with fines and sanctions of its own - it’s already called: the fence is broken - the herd scattered across the fields, each one catch and restrain.
        But you’ll look bad and put manure on the threshold, or you can raise it over the horns over time.
      2. 0
        6 November 2015 22: 37
        So their brains with fat finally swam and the head is not friends with them!
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +1
        7 November 2015 02: 18
        Quote: dauria
        What, industry disappeared in the USA? Agriculture? Army in the end? Why should they fall apart?

        What, in 1991m the industry disappeared in the USSR? Agriculture? Army in the end? Why did he fall apart?
  10. -7
    6 November 2015 14: 51
    Well, as much as possible, the seizing evil empire will fall apart, Wall Street will burn and the like!
    I have been hearing these delusional articles and the utterances of all sorts of experts for more than a year and a half, even striped! Tired already!)) But for the next hope anyway +
    1. 0
      6 November 2015 17: 15
      Quote: dukalis
      Well, as much as possible, the seizing evil empire will fall apart, Wall Street will burn and the like!
      I have been hearing these delusional articles and the utterances of all sorts of experts for more than a year and a half, even striped! Tired already!)) But for the next hope anyway +

      Yes, what is it? Have you even read the article? In the same place it is written in black in Russian that America will not do anything if its elites make the right choice. So it applies to any country and person, yet it depends on them. In the USSR, at one time they made the wrong choice, the result is obvious, the same applies to America in spite of all their "exclusiveness".
  11. +4
    6 November 2015 14: 52
    Stock reserve, but if their resources at some point simply collapse, we get on the whole continent, such a good training ground for running in the post-apocalypse.
    The United States has a very large army and navy. Where will these guys go when resources for their maintenance at hundreds of bases around the world become scarce? Well, they don’t even know how to plant potatoes, it's the military, what will they do in their civilian life?
    What will happen to a bunch of nuclear missiles and bombs, including those shipped around the world? Could a general offended by the government push a couple of bombs to the left?
    And the most interesting, where will billions of dollars of unsecured money go? What will the United States pay for imports? And for what means to sell their goods made true in China?

    I would love to see how this closet collapses, but it is better to stay away from it and, just in case, keep your reserves to yourself.
  12. +1
    6 November 2015 14: 58
    The Amer colonization "free-comfort-fat-luring" political system was very effective in the confrontation with the USSR, you can't argue with that. Now this fat has spread and requires even more feed. It's time for liposuction ...
  13. +3
    6 November 2015 15: 02
    Quote: mivmim
    May God wait.

    I think we’ll survive, it’s not long left.
  14. -1
    6 November 2015 15: 03
    But they will definitely succeed, but the problem of killing civilization is not so easily solved even by American resources available.
    In vain is such a conclusion, resources to almost kill civilization from unfinished eyes. When the rat in the corner doesn’t care who to throw at! From a bunch of oligarchs who are afraid of losing world domination (Not the citizens of America themselves will be at war.), You can expect anything — they have nothing to lose ... Why are the BRICS leaders very cautious in this matter.
  15. +3
    6 November 2015 15: 04
    Indeed, really, how much you can sponsor America, Nehai live their work!
    1. +6
      6 November 2015 15: 06
      They suck out all the juices from around the world.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  16. +4
    6 November 2015 15: 05
    Quote: Wedmak

    What will happen to a bunch of nuclear missiles and bombs.

    Issues, and not very simple ones, a wagon and a small cart, and they will have to be addressed.
  17. +1
    6 November 2015 15: 08
    The United States is in fact an empire, many countries are subordinate (not very vowel), and history has many examples of the collapse of empires, and there are simply no examples of the long existence of empires. During the collapse of the United States, I want in the foreseeable future.
  18. -6
    6 November 2015 15: 24
    Nevertheless, the US needs to think fast. Their resources are melting much faster than anticipated by the authors of the imperial conservation plan.

    The chatter of the author is annoying. What resources are we talking about. The USA has a huge territory on which there is almost the entire periodic table. What is going to end for them, because of what the country will collapse? The United States currently does not have conquered territories, like the Roman or others, such as the Napoleonic, Hitler, and empires. Just some oligarchs will go bankrupt, it will be a difficult economic time. But greed is forcing other businessmen to make money and industry, new, will begin to develop. There Russia was in complete collapse and nothing slowly lives and slowly develops.
    And now about the army and navy. These organizations are always needed to suppress and pacify. And in America there will always be a group of oligarchs who, even with a collapsing economy, will use armed force to suppress dissent and from breaking up into smaller entities.
    Do not even dream of the disappearance of the United States. Only if a global geological or space catastrophe occurs with the United States. But this disaster will affect Europe, and Asia, and Africa, and Australia. Then all economies will simply collapse, because all countries will find themselves almost instantly in the Stone Age: without food, energy, industry, without houses and heat. But small arms will be in bulk and everyone will begin to destroy each other, like gangs. Russia already passed this stage during the civil war, when a bunch of armed detachments arose that fought with all at once and tried to control not very large territories.
    1. -6
      6 November 2015 15: 28
      no one will explain this to you; look urapatriotic comments everyone thinks America has come to an end but there are boobies with pink glasses.
      1. -1
        6 November 2015 16: 43
        Quote: AdekvatNICK
        here are boobies with pink glasses.

        Yes, there are glasses in general overgrown with cobwebs! smile hi
    2. +2
      6 November 2015 16: 17
      It is enough just to read what the Americans themselves write. Moreover, published on the same site - "The Coming Bankruptcy of America (" The American Conservative ", USA)
      1. -2
        6 November 2015 16: 24
        The American Conservative ??? newspaper with a circulation of 8000 copies? Lord, stop it. This is not even the level of cellular echoes of Moscow and RBC.
        And why did you choose this newspaper ... oh yes, she writes the death of America pleasant to your hearing. Well, if so then yes is this true information.
        1. +1
          6 November 2015 20: 11
          Quote: AdekvatNICK
          The American Conservative ??? newspaper with a circulation of 8000 copies?

          And in a newspaper with a large circulation in the United States this will NEVER be written. American Freedom of Speech.
          Quote: AdekvatNICK
          doodles with pink glasses.

          This is your "adequate" argument. Well, at least ONE argument in support of your version. ONE!!!!!!!!
    3. +3
      6 November 2015 17: 02
      ..... I do not even doubt that ... PSSh ..... will continue to exist and develop ..... we are talking about a change system.... wink
    4. 0
      6 November 2015 21: 10
      Quote: Алексей_К
      The chatter of the author is annoying. What resources are we talking about. The USA has a huge territory on which there is almost the entire periodic table. What is going to end for them, because of what the country will collapse? The USA currently does not have conquered territories, like the Roman or others, for example Napoleonic, Hitler, empires

      let me tell you about the resources of political influence. yes there are minerals .....
      you forgot texas, you forgot california. did you mention the civil war in the Russian empire which was falling apart? Well, let's try to imagine how Mexico will "land" its expeditionary corps ... and the most interesting thing in this corps will be bandits of all stripes from all countries, a very tasty piece. blacks, Latinos and the rest of the public have been forgotten. These will rob and kill without a twinge of conscience, there is no conscience (probably), in the mass. then every bagatei can only control his own territory and sometimes attack someone else's. I wonder how many people will die in that war? will they be able to split into whites - can one of the sides win the red? or will there be many sides? tasty morsel !!! personally, I am not even against the Russian expeditionary corps. Well, what would technology snatch.
      and so agree America will remain !!! like samali, for example, or where is there for bread to stomp into a boutiques with a cart of money?
      1. 0
        7 November 2015 00: 20

        Everything in the USA is both a resource and a productive force. And the system is expensive.

        There is one problem. The economic system of relations requires revision.

        Capitalism systematically works for regression.

        If reform fails, the country will decline. Well, if slowly, when everyone can adapt.
  19. 0
    6 November 2015 15: 33
    The most DIRTY financial system. And all the oligarchs are trying to save her. Crash is inevitable! - What to beat - that cannot be avoided!
  20. +2
    6 November 2015 16: 40
    Quote: EGOrkka
    ...... Yes, no one thinks what it is now .... but many understand that it is .... scam .... even the Americans! And the whole question .. how to get out ... at the same time - DO NOT LOSE !!! that's all.

    ... the world is not so naive .. that you .... nor that wink

    And this is the main task and problem.
  21. +2
    6 November 2015 17: 24
    Quote: dauria
    And all this should end with something. Why not the collapse of the states?

    Why collapse? smile
    lately states have become much more impudent and rude

    And if this is a sign of strength, not weakness? (More precisely, our weakness)

    What, industry disappeared in the USA? Agriculture? Army in the end? Why should they fall apart? Well, they will give in a bit, and even then VERY strongly will have to be asked. After the collapse of the USSR, they got very drunk, Well, they burp too much, just business ...

    If you follow the news, you know that the key Fed rate is now at an extremely unhealthy level of 0,25% per annum, and that even the Fed’s intention to raise its interest rate on a quarter-percent in September almost led to a collapse of US stock markets. The Fed representative had to reassure investors, explaining that nothing had been decided yet, and that they might not raise the rate. Only after this the hysteria in the markets ended and the uncontrolled drop stopped.
    It is clear that in such conditions it’s ridiculous to even think about an increase of 1% - a much more modest increase will reliably drive the US economy into a severe recession. However, it is also impossible not to raise the rate, if only for the simple reason that a near-zero rate is guaranteed to finish off the entire “social network”.
    As you can see, the choice among the Fed bureaucrats is now even more difficult than 15 years ago ... And if someone tells you that the US GDP is growing and the dollar is getting stronger, ask him a simple question: how is the US Fed going to solve the problem with the interest bid. Trying to give a reasonable answer to this question will inevitably lead to a sharp decrease in the level of optimism of your opponent.
  22. +4
    6 November 2015 17: 39
    The whole world will be saved by America, including Russia. not because the people want this, it’s not easy for us anymore, this is how the world system works.
    I will repeat my comment on the next branch.
    Bankruptcy of the USA is unrealistic; their expenses are paid by the whole world. The whole world puts all the national wealth on the pedestal of the dollar, changing it to the production of a paper machine that prints dollars. In addition to $ 18 trillion of public debt, there is a huge unaccounted for amount of dollars all over the world, crowding the national currency provided with various goods. Why, with a double increase in the dollar exchange rate, all goods not related to imports doubled in price? Yes, because injecting the same amount of dollars into the economy was 2 times more expensive, and this rate was compensated for by citizens who began to buy the same cereals not at 30 rubles / kg, at 60 rubles / kg. The scheme for reaping the dollar by all countries is controlled by the Fed, and the financiers of the countries devalue the national currency in proportion to the amount of dollars poured.
    If you want, then the dollar is not inherently a currency, but a special standard, which is consistently in the first place in all countries of the world, the goods that remain after purchasing this coupon are bought in national currency, the price of which increases as the number of dollars poured into the economy increases.
    This system for the dollar as a win-win lottery, it always gets its full, and the buyers of local goods pay for it in national currency. So, for the fact that the United States places military bases in all corners of the world, those whom they threaten pay, it is we and other peoples who, through the efforts of domestic financiers who buy dollars, pay for color revolutions, terrorism, weapons, propaganda and demonization of the Russian Federation.
    Believe us, the default is not terrible, for their default we will pay other countries too, but not the Americans. This is how the world dollar system works.
  23. 0
    6 November 2015 19: 01
    The US pressed everyone down to stay upstairs. Everything comes to an end.
  24. 0
    6 November 2015 19: 14
    For the displeasure of one and for the sake of others - IMHO:

    - If you constantly inflate a balloon, it will first acquire enormous dimensions, and then it will burst.
    - Ancient empires fell apart for a long time due to the lack of media and high-speed transport.
    - There are no minerals in the United States that can provide the economy. They have paper and the Fed.
    - The dollar will collapse as soon as oil is sold for something else.
    - Everything in the world is in the hands of the Lord, and the Yellowstone Caldera is also ...
    1. -2
      6 November 2015 19: 34
      Quote: yuriy55
      - Everything in the world is in the hands of the Lord, and the Yellowstone Caldera is also ...

      It is interesting, but in the states there is also a dreamer who is waiting for Russia to crack along the Urals? smile
    2. -3
      6 November 2015 19: 40
      Quote: yuriy55

      - The dollar will collapse as soon as oil is sold for something else.

      Gaddafi tried to sell oil for gold dinars, remember how it ended for him? Putin announced that we would be trading oil without using dollars, and our plane crashed in three days. Coincidence?
    3. 0
      6 November 2015 22: 50
      There are two more "remarkable" faults along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, according to one of our specialists, VERY convenient for the inconspicuous laying of the YZ, capable, after initiation, to cause a tsunami up to 1500 km inland!
  25. +1
    6 November 2015 19: 41
    There are definitely such dreamers in China.
  26. -1
    6 November 2015 20: 40
    The US has built a very stable state support system.
    The structure itself is protected from external and internal negative influences.
    And the collapse of this structure can only happen on command,
    when the decision is made to bury the United States.
    Until then, you shouldn’t even dream about
    that America is soon kapets.
    1. -1
      6 November 2015 22: 10
      Quote: Zomanus
      the collapse of this structure can only happen on command, when a decision is made to bury the United States.

      and who should give such a kamanda? is the state president himself? so how can a system be protected if kamanda can destroy this system? like that, your logic (in my opinion) is lame.
    2. 0
      7 November 2015 11: 47
      The US has built a very stable state support system.

      .... state support of what? .... and with what? ....... more specifically, On what material base ??????
      scam ... keeps ... on the number .... involved in the scam .... suckers .... bully
  27. +3
    6 November 2015 20: 54
    Quote: AdekvatNICK
    Gos debt? Yes, at least 500 trillion will be anyway America will be America.

    Well, yes, America will remain America. And what? Well, America will be like Samali today. So what ? you at least told what criteria you put in the word America. the inviolability of borders? saving currency? maintaining political order? national joy? low prices ? ...... what do you put in your statement America was, is and will be? otherwise it’s difficult to talk with you. you shout your chant and send everyone else .... your right! the question is your adequacy.
    1. 0
      6 November 2015 21: 57
      Quote: sanyavolhv
      What do you put in your statement America was, is and will be? otherwise it’s difficult to talk with you. you shout your chant and send everyone else .... your right! the question is your adequacy.

      So I was not the only one who noticed it. "+"
  28. -2
    6 November 2015 21: 48
    Quote: AdekvatNICK
    I wrote this to test patriotism with a bang. The test showed that everyone thinks that America is about to end. Hm. Well, wait another 100 years.
    America will always be. It is necessary not to try to weaken it. And to become stronger ourselves.

    Quote: AdekvatNICK
    I wrote this to test patriotism with a bang. The test showed that everyone thinks that America is about to end. Hm. Well, wait another 100 years.
    America will always be. It is necessary not to try to weaken it. And to become stronger ourselves.

    Quote: AdekvatNICK
    I wrote this to test patriotism with a bang. The test showed that everyone thinks that America is about to end. Hm. Well, wait another 100 years.
    America will always be. It is necessary not to try to weaken it. And to become stronger ourselves.

    Quote: AdekvatNICK
    I wrote this to test patriotism with a bang. The test showed that everyone thinks that America is about to end. Hm. Well, wait another 100 years.
    America will always be. It is necessary not to try to weaken it. And to become stronger ourselves.

    Quote: AdekvatNICK
    I wrote this to test patriotism with a bang. The test showed that everyone thinks that America is about to end. Hm. Well, wait another 100 years.
    America will always be. It is necessary not to try to weaken it. And to become stronger ourselves.
    Stupidity. There is nothing eternal. And America, at least in its present form, will not exist, or maybe not at all. We simply live in a period of time when it has knocked almost the whole world. How can we become strong if they won’t give us, first we need to get rid of the influence of America. And only then we can become strong. We just can’t survive physically or die in wars, so it’s more convenient for you personally to leave everything as it is. Hence, such a stupid comment.
  29. 0
    6 November 2015 23: 31
    Thanks to Rostislav Ishchenko for such an inflatorial and informative article.

    :) I have been talking for six months that the GDP was able to agree with them.
  30. 0
    7 November 2015 01: 49
    US Rescue: a window of opportunity

    Well, yes - only through the window!
    And it is advisable that they do it themselves.