There is nowhere to "dry" the economy


The report “The Economics of Growth” presented by the Stolypin Club offers urgent measures to get the economy out of the crisis by expanding the money supply and unprecedented benefits for entrepreneurs

First of all, many noticed that the report of the Stolypin Club was prepared by a group of authors whose economic views usually did not converge or were opposed (academician Sergey Glazyev, business ombudsman Boris Titov, deputy head of VEB Andrei Klepach, professor Yakov Mirkin and others). The main ideas of the report are not new, but their unexpected combination looks like an explosive recipe for economic recovery, the opposite of the current sluggish economic policy of the government. Among the key proposals that caused the greatest skepticism are the annual issue of money in the amount of 1,5 trillion rubles, the distribution to industrial companies of loans for 4 – 5% per annum, systemic ruble depreciation, and the creation of a single crisis management center for the economy with direct subordination to the president. What is behind these initiatives and, most importantly, to what extent all this is feasible, Boris Titov, a member of the Stolypin Club, authorized by the President of the Russian Federation to protect the rights of entrepreneurs, told Expert.

Boris Titov is sure that there will be no "fat years" when oil was expensive, and urgent measures are necessary for the re-industrialization of the country

- Boris Yuryevich, you are proposing to change the paradigm of the government’s financial unit and make a hundred and eighty-degree turn - from curbing inflation to stimulating GDP, which, in your opinion, can then grow to 10 percent per year. They have been arguing about this for a long time, but where does the confidence come from that the government will suddenly do?

- Yes, we argued a lot about this before, but there was no need to change something radically, since these were obese times of high oil prices, and they are unlikely to ever return. Taking into account the multiplier effect within the country, the contribution of raw material exports to the budget was up to 80 percent, and suddenly it was cut off twice. This gave rise to acute underfunding of the economy, moreover, the government chose a course to reduce lending to the real sector. Purposely drain the money supply will continue to be detrimental to the economy. Therefore, if today the government is not yet ready for drastic changes, apparently expecting that everything will be formed by itself, then the situation will soon reach an extreme. And it will be necessary to adopt systemic changes in the economy in order to learn how to earn not on raw materials, but in actual production, without fear of inevitable risks. And then we will move from talking about import substitution to real expansion of our production, from direct sale of raw materials to deepening its redistribution within the country, which means there will be an environment for the development of innovations and, as a result, more reliable sources for the budget.

- That is, when it comes to the handle and the authorities rush to look for the right tools, will they find them in the report “Growth Economics”?

- He will find them in the expert community, because our main task now is to organize a kind of public brainstorming. And when, in fact, the situation reaches a dead end (and this already manifests itself in places), the expert community will be able to propose solutions that have already been worked out. Let it be a variety of solutions, up to the elements of a planned economy in some industries (although I think this tool, if needed for a while, cannot work for a long time). By the way, therefore people of the most different economic views are ready to subscribe to our report. And liberal economists, and the so-called state dirigiste.

- Therefore, among the authors was Sergei Glazyev - as a step towards the symbiosis of ideas?

- Partly yes. By the way, with academician Sergei Glazyev we agreed on a compromise solution to include partly the idea of ​​additional emission. We believe that new money should be directed only to the creation of new industries and the expansion of existing ones. He offered to supply the defense industry, the municipal sector and others.

- That's just about the most controversial situation: you propose to print a half trillion rubles a year and thus double the money supply in the economy. But there is a fear that this will blow up inflation, even if only money is let into the production private sector. What can convince to go for it?

- The same need for cardinal changes. The problem is in the same habit that has been formed since the beginning of 2000, when all the key reforms were carried out, the economy started working, took off - and then it was enough just to restrain turbulence by tightening monetary policy. For a long time this was justified, but again, mainly because high raw material incomes were saved. The United States, for example, also tightly targeted inflation and tightened the belts of the real sector. But during the crisis of 2008 – 2009, they abandoned this policy and switched to quantitative easing at the expense of the printing press. To start the blood supply to the economy, they were issuing money, and it came to life. The European Central Bank has also resisted for a long time the change of the inflation targeting paradigm, but now, as a result, it releases monthly on the production stimulation by 60 billions of euro. We are objected that in the West it is possible, because there is low inflation, and we have high, therefore, they say, quantitative easing in Russian will not work. But if you look at what monetary inflation is now composed of, which should depend on the ratio of supply and demand in its pure form, then it becomes clear that when implementing our complex of proposals, it may turn out to be negative. The fact is that now it is high mainly due to exchange rate differences, while the demand that allegedly warms up inflation has decreased in many industries. We, in fact, import inflation together with the more expensive currency products. The second generator of current inflation is the rising costs of producers along with tariffs. Therefore, in such a situation, there is absolutely no point in restraining something by further draining the money supply.

- That is, do you think it is possible to make printed money turn into goods faster than prices rise on the market?

- If they are properly placed. It is necessary that they go to specific investment projects of new industries with high added value (of course, not to expand the extraction of raw materials). Then the ratio of assets will grow in proportion to the money supply, which eliminates inflation by itself. We offer three areas of application for such investments. The first is the refinancing of commercial banks for loans at a rate of four to five percent for specific private sector investment projects. We already have a law to establish project financing societies that will issue bonds for business plans, and the Central Bank will accept these bonds as collateral for refinancing loans with equity money. In this case, the money will not go to the currency market1, it will be difficult to withdraw them abroad, since project financing societies require special control, including that from banks. The second area for investment is housing. By making low mortgage rates and giving cheap loans to builders, we can significantly fuel the economy, as experience in many countries shows. The third direction is syndicated (with the participation of several banks or guarantors) loans to small enterprises. I emphasize: this is about stimulating only the private sector of the economy. The saturation of production with cheap money will provide another additional, but important effect: taking the business out of the shadows. In the new funded projects, everything should be transparent, and so many entrepreneurs want to work, who cannot withstand the general fiscal and credit burden.

- In the first five years of reforms, you propose to restrain the strengthening of the ruble, keeping its rate at least ten percent below the level of the currencies of trading partner countries. How does the balance of interests of importers, exporters, and also domestic producers, which are mostly dependent on imports, be calculated here?

“There’s nothing revolutionary here.” Holding the ruble rate at ten percent below the weighted average exchange rate of trading partners, we just get about 65 rubles per dollar. But at the same time we will receive a competitive advantage, which guarantees the return on investment of new projects and will gradually help to reduce the import dependence of other industries. We are objected that the massive expansion of enterprises will cause a shortage and a rise in prices for the means of production, materials, raw materials used and so on. At first, yes, but affordable financing will soon help to close this deficit due to the entry of new players into the super profitable types of business, while undervaluing the ruble exchange rate will just allow competing with importers.

In general, this point has caused, perhaps, the most heated debates among entrepreneurs, especially among large importing companies. But we must understand that everyone should participate in the restructuring of the economic model. And we decided that at the first stage of the reform, when imports are not so important, it is better to have low costs in the domestic market.

- Among the tools for undervaluing the ruble exchange rate, you call the payment of taxes by exporters in foreign currency and the limitation of banks' participation in currency speculation on the exchange. But the Central Bank can now do it, but it does not, because for banks it is a kind of airbag?

- I don’t think that large state banks should give such a pillow, but they don’t need to restrict small ones, they already have small volumes of trading on exchanges. Although indeed, such tools really exist now, but for some reason they are not used. For some reason, letting the ruble go free, stopping foreign exchange interventions, the Central Bank did not use the balances available to it. In the end, bubbles are obtained when speculators take money at five percent in the West, receive fifteen percent in a day on the Russian stock exchange — and so every day without any restrictions.

- We have already used the limitation on the growth of tariffs of natural monopolies as an anti-crisis measure, but you and your colleagues see it possible to tie them to the actual increase in producer prices over five years. Also an element of a planned economy ...

- Why not, but again for a short time. Today, we have an average of fourteen percent profitability of commodity enterprises, and four percent in the economy as a whole. This difference is a good start for growth. Another thing is that, along with this, it is necessary to stimulate the supply to the domestic market for processing, and not for export, what we are doing now by a tax maneuver, reducing the export duty. Therefore, we generally propose to refuse to refund VAT to primary exporters of raw materials.

- As for tax initiatives, everything is recognizable: the return of the unified social tax with a concession for small businesses, the progressive scale of PIT ... But isn't the general concept of shifting the tax burden from the producer to the consumer fraught with social discontent?

- There will also be no dissatisfaction here, since by that time new productions will start working at the expense of the initial shock tax measures - this is a tax concession (on VAT, tax on profits, property and land) in the amount of a quarter of the cost of the purchased equipment, as well as its accelerated depreciation . At this stage, you can enter a regressive scale of social tax depending on labor productivity. The logic is that at high-performance enterprises the earnings are higher, and the employee himself can decide whether to spend his money now or put it into a pension fund or additional medical insurance. And then, at the next stage, when the economy as a whole warms up, one can already lower the basic UST rates by canceling the funded part of the pension, but only if there are tax incentives for private pension savings. At the second stage, it is necessary to actively apply and differentiate the VAT by types and groups of goods depending on their social, regional and sectoral significance. Then you can begin to structure taxes on production in the direction of consumption, as in all developed countries.

- That is, to take more where they spend wasted, and less where they invest in business. But what about the proposal to levy a coefficient to offshore accounts that manufacturers are now using to invest in their own production?

- With a comprehensive implementation of the economic growth program, production workers will have fewer reasons to hide money in offshores. This will only be necessary for those who are hiding even from benign taxes. Thus, if a company has an offshore owner, then it pays a tax on property, land and profits here with a coefficient. Then it will be difficult to evade taxes. For example, in Spain, if the property is owned by a local company, the tax is lower than a percentage, and if it is offshore, then it is already much more.

- Let's go back to the procedural questions: how will you promote all this? How to make this tectonic shift primarily in the minds of the government?

- Or maybe it is not necessary there are shifts already. We believe that in order to implement urgent systemic measures to improve the economy, it is necessary to create a Development Management Center, which will report directly to the president. By analogy with the anti-crisis commission under Igor Shuvalov, in a crisis year of 2009, this structure will be able to make all operational decisions on the implementation of strategic initiatives. But first, the basic positions of the report should be discussed with a wide range of experts, calculated (by the way, positions on taxes, money supply are already calculated) from different positions and in terms of effect for key industries and related industries. In a word, it is necessary to form an intelligible program that can already be proposed for approval by the president. And then the government will no longer have to fear to take decisive steps, but only execute the relevant presidential decree in close cooperation with the new structure of economic management.
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  1. bad
    5 November 2015 15: 10
    article for specialists recourse
    1. +28
      5 November 2015 15: 28
      Quote: bad
      article for specialists recourse

      The official statistics of the third quarter of 2015. The recession of the Russian economy in July, August and September, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, amounted to 4,3% in annual terms.
      Of the 188 countries of the world for which economic statistics are conducted, Russia is in the 183-th place in terms of GDP dynamics this year. A deeper economic downturn than in Russia is observed today in five territories: Vanuatu (–4,5%), Ukraine (–5,5%), Venezuela (–7%), Sierra Leone (–12,8%) and Equatorial Guinea (–15,4% )

      According to Rosstat in Russia, over the three quarters of 2015, prices on average jumped by 10,4%. In terms of price growth, Russia turned out to be almost a winner, only Ukraine having passed ahead.
      In the relatively prosperous European Union, price increases since the beginning of the year amounted to 0,2%.
      In Kazakhstan, inflation over three quarters amounted to 2,9%. In Brazil - 7,6%, in Turkey - 6,2%. The closest neighbor to us in terms of financial instability is Belarus with inflation of 9,2%.

      You don’t need to be a specialist here either! The results of the actions of the liberal-Russian government. Putin (like Serdyukov) seems to be misled.
      1. +20
        5 November 2015 15: 50
        Quote: nils
        The results of the actions of the liberal-Russian government. Putin (like Serdyukov) seems to be misled.
        That's right - he is the most influential politician, and not the most informed ...

        13.10.2015/XNUMX/XNUMX Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the government and the Central Bank for acting in times of crisis. “I allow myself to say kind words to the government of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank. Despite all the difficulties and difficulties that the Russian economy has encountered, our economic management team has demonstrated a high level of responsibility, consistency and consistently achieved results, ”Mr. Putin quoted Interfax from the VTB Capital forum“ Russia is Calling! ” .

        14.10.2015/20151014/1301970265 Russian President Vladimir Putin has awarded Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, XNUMXst Class for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the corresponding decree was published on the official Internet portal of legal information on Wednesday.
        1. +6
          5 November 2015 18: 08
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the government

          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Russian President Vladimir Putin awards Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

          And in my opinion it was not necessary to do either one or the other!
          In foreign policy - well done. In the inside, there is nowhere worthless leader.
          1. +10
            5 November 2015 19: 47
            Quote: Saratoga833
            In foreign policy - well done. In the inside, there is nowhere worthless leader.
            Excuse me, of course, but this nonsense has already lifted up.

            Politics is an area of ​​interest.

            To pursue a policy means to take actions aimed at preserving or changing social or interstate relations in accordance with the goal, in the interests of any social group or class.

            Foreign policy IS ALWAYS! is a logical continuation of the internal.

            If domestic policy is aimed at upholding the interests of large, primarily raw materials, capital, then foreign policy will be aimed at upholding the interests of large, primarily raw materials, capital.
            1. +7
              5 November 2015 19: 59
              What is the "economic program"? What is "reindustrialization"?
              Comrades, what are you talking about here?

              Our authorities have other concerns - to increase the single tax for small and medium-sized businesses by 16,% (excellent anti-crisis measure),
              once again chatter: "the peak of the crisis is over",
              give Ukraine a discount on gas and extend a new pipe to Germany (did you want gasification of the country? Yeah, right now),
              pray again for an increase in oil prices to 70 $ / barrel against 2020,
              make the budget of the 3-year-old one-year budget (i.e., the government cannot say anything about the economic situation in the country, even in the short term),
              to hang Medvedev in one place (I mean iPhone) the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I degree,
              and, of course, to praise the Central Bank for its excellent work on Russia’s entry into world leaders in terms of inflation and the devaluation of the national currency.

              This is what you need to do now, but you have some kind of "reindustrialization".
            2. +3
              5 November 2015 21: 01
              Quote: Uncle Joe
              If domestic policy is aimed at upholding the interests of large, primarily raw materials, capital, then foreign policy will be aimed at upholding the interests of large, primarily raw materials, capital.

              Naturally. And these interests were one of the determining ones when deciding on assistance to Syria .. Why ?! Well .. request Guess wink
              1. +4
                5 November 2015 21: 37
                Quote: avia1991

                The pipe is the head of everything, and other people's heads can be very out of place.
          2. +7
            5 November 2015 21: 46
            Quote: Saratoga833
            In foreign policy - well done. In the inside, there is nowhere worthless leader.

            Foreign policy is a continuation by other domestic means.
            But what if we consider this postulate from the point of view of the corporation?
            What give the population of the Russian Federation some successes (???) in foreign policy?
            99% of the population is nothing !!!
            But large private affiliate companies will probably bring some dividends ...
            Those. the interests of big capital are put at the forefront, but it’s not necessary for the people to be vanged.
            What concerns me personally, I declare that income, for example, Lukoil, Mr. Alikhperov and so on. Well, they won’t affect the well-being of my family and many other families, which is the foundation people of our state.
            And just on our shoulders will lay down expenses on various bunches, attempts and public relations of our figures from the authorities
            1. +1
              5 November 2015 22: 01
              Quote: Stroporez
              What concerns me personally, I declare that income, for example, Lukoil, Mr. Alikhperov and so on. Well, they won’t affect my family’s well-being

              belay Is this your PRINCIPAL position ?! I respect .. lol
              You do not understand anything: this is not oil! The one from which gasoline is made! Here you will stop, in connection with the crisis, dissecting your favorite jeep - you won’t spend money on a solarium .. it’s crazy to go crazy, what a saving for a month! And in a year ?! And also the ecology will improve! wink
              So - you are disingenuous, Stroporez: the dependence here is direct! laughing
              1. +7
                5 November 2015 22: 13
                Quote: avia1991
                The one from which gasoline is made!

                In our country, gasoline is not made from oil, otherwise it would have become cheaper along with world oil prices lol
                Quote: avia1991
                Here you stop, in connection with the crisis, dissect in your favorite jeep

                jeeps in our reality is not a luxury, but a means to get to mother-in-law, dig up potatoes there and pick mushrooms, otherwise there’s nothing to eat in winter Yes
                and nejramshi I become socially dangerous angry laughing
      2. -8
        5 November 2015 16: 26
        Well, there is an unambiguous audience grazing on the economic branches, which you rarely see on other branches. It looks like the five-columnists still have their own section on. After each article by another "expert" who alone knows how to make the world happy and make the Russian Federation an economic superpower, the comments need not be read. From article to article the same nicknames and the same theses. At least they would diversify something. request Of course it won’t be interesting to read them, but at least there will be some kind of variety. laughing Okay, I won’t interfere with racially-corrected experts throwing poop at the government — it’s a fascinating occupation, although it looks disgusting. hi
        1. +1
          5 November 2015 20: 18

          I agree with you. The photo shows a pure liberal thief’s face. And Glazyev from the same liberal company.

          I’ll explain in three words. Again they want to fuck everyone.

          The state produces emissions through social programs. Thus, the money passing through the circulation through the hands of the consumer revitalizes the economy.

          These rats want direct investment. A khuhu not hoho.

          Natural monopolies are state structures. These are the funds from which the state takes funds for social programs.

          These want to bomb them and divide the loot without contributing to the industry.

          Damn liberal ...... No words.
          1. +2
            6 November 2015 02: 37
            Quote: gladcu2
            And Glazyev from the same liberal company.

            For your information, S. Glazyev is an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an adviser to the President on economics (though Putin does not listen to him, because there is another adviser - Kudrin), and a member of the Communist Party. It does not have a direct relationship with business, I don’t know about mediation.
            Before you put up a label like "liberal", go at least to his personal site, read what and how he writes .. and do not forget to apologize to him later, at least mentally.
            Py s: by the way .. but the concept of economics is crooked. This:
            The state produces emissions through social programs.
            doesn’t stand any criticism - it turns out you don’t know how the Central Bank works (which the ONLY has a formal right to issue national currency)
            1. 0
              6 November 2015 03: 06
              The main thing is to blather, not to think.
        2. 0
          6 November 2015 04: 23
          Quote: g1v2
          experts poop into the government rush

          That’s for sure, go away cheer so shout no brains - just claudia ..
          1. +3
            6 November 2015 04: 34
            Hi Nikolai. You have such a fellow countryman, and you are not a dream in spirit.
            1. 0
              6 November 2015 04: 42
              Quote: Babr
              You have such a countryman

              Hi Victor, but someone I’m not sleeping in a bad spirit .. about him
              1. +1
                6 November 2015 04: 46
                I just stepped on it shut.
                A man says smart things. We need to get to know each other better.
                1. +1
                  6 November 2015 04: 53
                  Quote: Babr
                  I just stepped on it shut.

                  A man says smart things. We need to get to know each other better.

                  I have someone's player sprinkled (stutters), now I will demolish and reinstall .. I will review hi
                  1. +1
                    6 November 2015 04: 55
                    Fix the player, check out. Share your impression.
      3. +15
        5 November 2015 16: 26
        Quote: nils
        Putin (like Serdyukov) seems to be misled.

        Putin will now find out that the evil boyars have stolen the treasury and will give out ten new theses of economic recovery with a bang, and then the "Medvedev plan" will arrive in time and we will live, comrades! We will have hazel grouses with truffles and bite off on silver dishes.)))))
        1. +4
          5 November 2015 21: 04
          Quote: tomket
          We will grouse with truffles and bite on silver dishes.)))))

          Yeah .. plastic! laughing
          Because on others, for one serving, the monthly salary will go away.
      4. BMW
        5 November 2015 16: 55
        Quote: nils
        Putin (like Serdyukov) seems to be misled.

        I’m just afraid to imagine what will happen if Putin finds out the truth about: Ukraine, Syria, the USA, world government, drug trafficking, GMOs, Masdonalds, medicine and education and the rest of the list ....
        37 years then not pass. laughing
        1. +2
          5 November 2015 17: 10
          Quote: bmw
          I’m just afraid to imagine what will happen if Putin finds out the truth about: Ukraine, Syria, the USA, world government, drug trafficking, GMOs, Masdonalds, medicine and education and the rest of the list ....
          37 years then not pass.

          There will be a Last Judgment .....
          1. BMW
            5 November 2015 17: 16
            Quote: tomket
            There will be a Last Judgment .....

            I mean, what is coming apocalypse? Then it is clear why the government does not itch, but steals and steals. Sweet death, well, really doesn’t want her. belay
        2. +9
          5 November 2015 17: 32
          Quote: bmw
          Quote: nils
          Putin (like Serdyukov) seems to be misled.

          I’m just afraid to imagine what will happen if Putin finds out the truth about: Ukraine, Syria, the USA, world government, drug trafficking, GMOs, Masdonalds, medicine and education and the rest of the list ....
          37 years then not pass. laughing

          Well this is necessary. what a happy person (VVp) knows nothing of this. sleeps calmly.
          1. BMW
            5 November 2015 17: 51
            Quote: atalef
            sleeps calmly

            Sleep President Sleep
            The lights went out in the country
            Sleep my president
            Together we will fall asleep
            Above our gas pipe.
            Lullaby DAMA.
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +3
              5 November 2015 18: 03
              Quote: bmw
              Quote: atalef
              sleeps calmly

              Sleep President Sleep
              The lights went out in the country
              Sleep my president
              Together we will fall asleep
              Above our gas pipe.
              Lullaby DAMA.

              There is a portrait of our daughter,
              In the portrait, Tom
              Lenin reads belatedly,
              Sitting at the table.

              It’s time for my daughter to go to bed,
              РќР ° ступР° РµС ‚РЅРѕС ‡ СЊ.
              - Mom, will Lenin soon lie down? -
              Asks the daughter.

              - You fall asleep - and Lenin lies down, -
              Mom answered her.
              - You get up - Lenin reads again:
              He gets up a little light.

              Daughter sleeps.
              But the light does not go out
              In the portrait, volume:
              Everything reads and reads Lenin at the table
              1. 0
                6 November 2015 04: 46
                Quote: atalef
                In the portrait, volume:
                Everything reads and reads Lenin at the table

                What are you doing .. squeezed a tear crying , "s.ionist" you are such .. laughing
        3. Alf
          5 November 2015 20: 10
          Quote: bmw
          37 years then not pass.

          For whom ?
      5. -1
        5 November 2015 20: 31
        There is nowhere to "dry" the economy

        Many bukaf
        1. 0
          6 November 2015 05: 15
          Quote: GSH-18
          Many bukaf

          Not without it..
      6. +3
        5 November 2015 20: 56
        In the economy, of course, we have nothing to rejoice about. Medvedev is no good, and the rest is not very good. And to live seriously, every day is more fun. Everything would be fine, but you need to eat periodically, and pay bills.
    2. +11
      5 November 2015 15: 30
      article for specialists

      Today, the most important specialist, the one who does not make decisions and does not bear any responsibility, even for his own babble .... so the members of this club, who never make decisions and are naturally free from responsibility, offer those who make decisions to take it for themselves. After all, if it does not work out, you can always say that they did everything wrong. But they offer one to one American method of management! But the fact is that the Americans are playing off the surplus money supply around the world, and most of it is burned in local conflicts, where will Russia go to the "extra" money? And nowhere, they will be destroyed only by one method, the method of inflation.
      1. -1
        5 November 2015 16: 18
        Quote: Asadullah
        where will Russia go to "extra" money

        The growth of consumption will not burn?
        1. +4
          5 November 2015 16: 38
          The growth of consumption will not burn?

          Money from this will not disappear. This item is not consumable. If you produce the best teapots in the world, and the supply exceeds demand, then exports supplement the missing money supply in the form of currency. In this case, you do not have problems with loans, you are not looking for money to increase capacity, and you are constantly worried about banks offering services. For example, in many Asian banks, they automatically increase your credit limit, depending on turnover. Use it or not, your right. That is, for a successful business the issue of money does not exist. A fatal thing can’t be reanimated by any lotions. The question is not money, the question is the culture of entrepreneurial activity. In the West, she is in a state of chronic illness, no one wants to take up their business, even with soft loans with very, very little responsibility. Everyone wants to find a civil service or work for a large corporation. For Russia, this example is disastrous.
        2. BMW
          5 November 2015 17: 02
          Quote: afdjhbn67
          The growth of consumption will not burn?

          But what about the export of rubles to Ukraine, Moldova, Central Asia, the Caucasus? Not request Not okay. laughing What is not an American model. feel
        3. +3
          5 November 2015 18: 05
          Quote: afdjhbn67
          Quote: Asadullah
          where will Russia go to "extra" money

          The growth of consumption will not burn?

          Nope, for this, at least, the consumer must have the means to increase consumption.
      2. +9
        5 November 2015 16: 22
        Have you ever read the article? This Medvedev and the Central Bank push all our money into financial speculators. And here the proposal is addressed to the construction of factories and farms (in general), to the development of the industrial economy, and not raw materials.
        1. +4
          5 November 2015 16: 47
          And here the proposal is addressed to the construction of factories and farms (in general), to the development of the industrial economy, and not raw materials.

          So what? What comes first, supply or demand? Economy is not production, it is movement, like blood in the body. Five liters are circulating, not because the back of the brain is out of order, but because as much as necessary. Pour in more, leave everything in the toilet as urine. Start to "correct" it with chemicals, at best you will have a headache, at worst poison the weakest organs. Build factories, and oblige the population to buy these products, by law?
          1. +3
            5 November 2015 21: 27
            Quote: Asadullah
            Set up factories, and oblige the population to buy these products, legislatively?

            So far, the factories are one or two - and missed. Therefore, we rush about the "market", buying, as a rule, imports - and thus we bring profit to foreign "partners" and our traders .. where will the wealth of our own country come from ?! How will the same pensions and benefits be paid? With foreign loans ?! And where do people work - "all for trade"?
            This is how the country is slowly being sold out, through "external investments" - "share in the profit" -controlling block of shares, etc. And what if something happened - they cut off our oxygen with sanctions - and ?! ? HIS NOTHING. Except for raw materials ..
            The main thing, the main thing you forget, venerable Asadullah! What is the essence of economics? "Goods - money - goods"! This formula was once simpler when exchanged in kind. And the simplification was achieved by removing the element "money". THE PRODUCT IS PRIMARY for the existence of the economy - which means that the industry that produces it is needed! And which obeys the government of the designated country - that is, cannot afford to say: "I don’t want to sell my goods to you anymore!"
            Just like “a people who do not want to feed their army, sooner or later will feed someone else’s” - SAME, with exactly the same meaning, we can talk about industry! With all that it implies .. hi
          2. +2
            5 November 2015 22: 04
            Did you teach economics in your Vilnius or in the European booths? That's why half of the country has fled from "smart" economic activity. Probably there is work in Europe, at least some, and you are covering up the last Soviet factories. And soon the Negroes with the Arabs will arrive. God help you.
        2. +1
          5 November 2015 16: 55
          Quote: NordUral
          Have you ever read the article?

          Usually such articles are not read - at least the title, the first and last few lines. Based on this reading, uncompromising statements are made. It is difficult to read such articles - there are many "beeches", and there are some incomprehensible terms.
        3. +1
          5 November 2015 19: 53
          Quote: NordUral
          This is Medvedev and the Central Bank push all our money into financial speculators
          Did Medvedev also approve the budget rule?
      3. -2
        5 November 2015 21: 13


        You know how the state makes emissions.

        Behind this ingenious word lies the banal pechayane of money. Money is the blood of the state.

        So here. Maternal capital.

        Give each woman a piece of bucks for the new year. As maternal capital. This money will go through circulation and open jobs for the child's father.
        And women will receive an incentive to give birth to children.

        And many other methods.

        What this company offers, direct investment, is a theft feeder.
        1. +8
          5 November 2015 21: 19
          Quote: gladcu2
          Give each woman a piece of bucks for the new year. As maternal capital. This money will go through circulation and open jobs for the child's father.
          And women will receive an incentive to give birth to children.

          And it seems to me that the reaction to the new enrichment of the female population will be the rise in price of champagne and martini, and that’s all over.
          Quote: gladcu2
          And many other methods.

          You don’t understand why the Central Bank does not give money to the economy? Do you think because of the enemy Nabibulina?
          Everything is much simpler.
          Money (in order to benefit and give a point to the economy) - it is necessary to master and master it in a way that is not taken over a hill or bought a shampoo.
          Money should be invested in production - but production - not. Nowhere to invest. Business models are fleeting. They don’t build anything serious; light loans without a long-term investment will result in a very quick return of the money supply to the market and automatic inflation.
          1. -1
            5 November 2015 21: 47

            Everything is much more complicated.

            The central bank is not completely subordinate to the government of the Russian Federation. Integrated into the global economy, the Central Bank is pegged to the dollar. The ruble turnover in the Russian Federation works as a percentage, and maybe not big, for Papa Carlo.

            Have you read an article about Kissinger's opinion?

            Kissinger made concessions and began to tell the truth, only because the Russian government had not yet launched the industrialization program in 1937.

            This is just an assumption. And only speculation.
            1. +3
              5 November 2015 22: 08
              Quote: gladcu2
              The central bank is not completely subordinate to the government of the Russian Federation
              The Central Bank independently carries out exclusively its main function.

              Central Bank integrated into the global economy, pegged to the dollar
              The Central Bank is not integrated anywhere and is not tied to the dollar.

              The Russian economy is tied to the dollar, but not in some mystical way, but at least 75 percent dependent on imports, in exchange for which the seller wants to get the most stable, liquid and currently secured currency - dollars.
              1. -1
                5 November 2015 23: 55
                Uncle Joe

                I agree to the amendment.

                But let's look at the world through the eyes of the USSR.

                There was an internal ruble. There was a foreign currency ruble. Remember the shops "Birch". Thus, the USSR closed the influence of external influences on the domestic economy. Thus, the government has the means to exert pressure on the external environment, provided it has a strong army.

                I want to bring the country out of the world economy, but I want not. This is exactly what I wanted to say when I spoke about the banking system of the Russian Federation.
                1. +3
                  6 November 2015 00: 29
                  Quote: gladcu2
                  There was a foreign currency ruble. Remember the shops "Birch" [
                  Foreign exchange ruble to the Birch has nothing to do.

                  Thus, the government has means of pressure on the external environment, provided a strong army.

                  I want to bring the country out of the world economy, but I want not
                  Oho ...

                  Understand a simple thing; there is a political course that the country has been following since 1991 - they are leading in violation of the constitution adopted in 1993.

                  This course was clearly and clearly voiced back in 2009:

                  Putin: "You see, we did not nor large-scale nationalization, no creep towards universal administrative regulation. We saved free movement of capital и ruble convertibility. I am sure that all this was convincing a signal for investors, and I want to emphasize and say again: there will be no return to the past. Russia will remain a liberal market economy. Today I want to repeat again: we we will consistently continue the line on encouraging private initiative, on integration into the world economy, on creating a favorable investment climate".

                  In whose interests the actions highlighted in bold are carried out, it should be clear to any sane person.

                  That's it.
                  1. +3
                    6 November 2015 01: 11
                    Uncle Joe

                    That's fine. You yourself voiced what I wanted to indicate.

                    That is precisely this and there is a way to negotiate with partners in the foreign political arena.

                    And the Beryozka store appeared in the late USSR. He did not make the weather. This is just an example of the presence of foreign exchange rubles.

                    Yes, and on occasion I want to add. Not oil prices destroyed the USSR. This is liberal nonsense. The USSR was protected from market influence.
              2. +1
                6 November 2015 07: 58
                Quote: Uncle Joe
                Quote: gladcu2
                The central bank is not completely subordinate to the government of the Russian Federation
                The Central Bank independently carries out exclusively its main function.

                Central Bank integrated into the global economy, pegged to the dollar
                The Central Bank is not integrated anywhere and is not tied to the dollar.

                The Russian economy is tied to the dollar, but not in some mystical way, but at least 75 percent dependent on imports, in exchange for which the seller wants to get the most stable, liquid and currently secured currency - dollars.

                Briefly and clearly . good
      4. +1
        5 November 2015 21: 19
        Quote: Asadullah
        But they offer one in one American method of managing!

        You talk nonsense.
        Imagine that they printed 200 million rubles, allocated them in the form of a loan at 4% per annum, for the construction of a new plant. With this money they paid for: building materials, electricity, equipment, the initial volume of raw materials for the plant, paid salaries to builders .. created a bunch of new jobs. AND WHERE do you think the printed money has gone? The "surplus" ?! NO! In the growth of GDP, and in increasing the value of the ruble! Because a new company was added to the total value of the country's property, having a value higher than the amount spent on construction - because the company can produce modern products and saturate the market with it, which means it makes a profit, and for itself - and the state!
        This money will not become "superfluous". Bucks - yes, a dummy, little secured. And the ruble is secured, and even underestimated.
        In this case, when carrying out the proposed policy, it will be necessary not to save the "sinking" ruble, but restrain his active desire to gain a foothold!
        Paradox? YES FEW!
        1. 0
          5 November 2015 21: 57

          Ideally, you wrote it like that. Nearly. Under 0% percent is better. Because then the enterprise should belong to the state.

          Which property should be in third hands?
          1. +1
            5 November 2015 22: 16
            Quote: gladcu2
            Nearly. Under 0% percent is better

            4% - the rate announced in the article. Will make zero refinancing - even better!
            Although .. nevertheless, our businessmen should not be given a frank freebie - otherwise, the "dizziness" can begin quickly wink
            1. +1
              6 November 2015 00: 00

              Let them get what they want. Provided that state ownership is 80%.

              But the problem is the following. State control over the fulfillment of the obligation is in great doubt with a high level of corruption. Therefore, this gang wants direct investment.
        2. +1
          5 November 2015 22: 02
          Quote: avia1991
          Because a new company was added to the total value of the country's property,

          Your calculations are correct under one condition, if there is a demand for the products of this plant, which should not be expected soon in the conditions of the free market, now there are no problems in the world to find money and build a plant, the main problem is sales! Large Western companies already have retail chains where the number of sellers is greater than production workers. Try to get into the market where on the one hand powerful Germans with their magnificent goods, on the other cheap Chinese. We have so many factories working to the full extent, and why the heck to still build. Growth should be gradual and simultaneous, but distortions are unnecessary. And it makes no sense to open some factories and build factories, either because of the too low cost of the final product on the market, or it is easier to buy reliable western goods for which the producer will also yield a profit of 80-60% of its value and which will go away into your economy.
          1. +1
            5 November 2015 22: 13
            Quote: SPACE
            if there is a demand for the products of this plant, which should not be expected soon in a free market,

            It is thanks to this "free market" that the demand will be. I would prefer to buy a similar domestic product for 100 rubles than an imported one for 200 - in my opinion, this is normal wink
            In general, we produce very little OWN! If there are consumer goods manufactures, they are, as a rule, subsidiaries of foreign manufacturers.
            Quote: SPACE
            now in the world there is no problem finding money and building a plant
            Here again you are talking about this "in the world"! “IN THE WORLD” means taking a loan in foreign currency, giving it back in foreign currency too, and interest also in foreign currency, right? And all this will not leave Russia for a year or two - you will not be able to pay off until the plant starts working? And for some time more, a part of YOUR profit WILL BE DRIVING ABROAD! Or it could be - to YOUR budget (RF).
            Of course, when implementing such a plan, liberalism in domestic politics should be minimized. wassat
            1. 0
              6 November 2015 00: 05

              You can not completely integrate into the free market. Because competition will kill the manufacturer.

              Any competition in the north of production works to lower profitability.

              Russia cannot compete with China in production. At least because 10 Chinese eat less than one Russian for physiological reasons.

              I exaggerate, but the example is clear.
              1. +1
                6 November 2015 01: 36
                Quote: gladcu2
                You can not completely integrate into the free market.

                Actually, I am just against the current "integration": it is thanks to it that we are turning into a "consumer society", using cheap supplies - not only in terms of price, but also in quality! - goods from anywhere, but not from Russian enterprises.
                1. +1
                  6 November 2015 01: 41
                  Quote: avia1991
                  Actually, I'm just against the current "integration": it is thanks to it that we are turning into a "consumer society"

                  Dear avia1991, I would like to hear more specific statements! request otherwise you pour water into the mill laughing
                  or are you mired in "consumers?" wink
                  1. +1
                    6 November 2015 02: 08
                    Quote: Stroporez
                    I would like to hear more specific statements

                    I, unlike you, have no checkers, therefore the specifics are calmer. And I've written enough here, as they say, "see above."
                    Suggestions like “We WILL DESTROY the whole world of violence” are not constructive - there is nothing to build a new one on, enthusiasm also does not correspond to THAT era. But people who consider themselves "power" must be driven out - definitely! I just don't see a suitable replacement. hi
    3. +1
      5 November 2015 16: 18
      Well, not under the so-called government and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
    4. +4
      5 November 2015 17: 20
      Quote: bad
      article for specialists

      What kind of specialists?
      The article is imprisoned under suckers.

      Another spherical horse in a vacuum.
      Given the international climate that exists at the moment, this "plan" is broken with one slight movement of the little toe of the Fed, which has the ability at any time to quickly raise the ruble to any level convenient for its purposes.
      And then the newly built enterprises will not be needed by anyone, bought up for nothing and destroyed, as in the 90s.
      article minus.
      1. 0
        5 November 2015 19: 56
        Quote: Wheel
        this "plan" is broken with one light movement of the little toe of the FRS, which has the ability at any time to quickly raise the ruble to any level convenient for its purposes
        States whose currencies are reserve do not have this possibility.
        1. +1
          6 November 2015 01: 19
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          States whose currencies are reserve do not have this possibility.

          Oh, they don’t have it?
          I have never considered you so naive ...
          Hypothetically, several "investors" come to the stock exchange, for example from Papua, Swaziland and Honduras, and throw in greens on a regular basis to the desired level of the ruble.
          It is impossible to prove their belonging to the "state whose currency is reserve", but the job is done.
          Hmm, the market is "free" to the point, I don't want to.
          1. +1
            6 November 2015 02: 08
            Quote: Wheel
            Hypothetically, several "investors" come to the exchange, for example from Papua, Swaziland and Honduras, and throw greens on a regular basis to the desired level of the ruble
            And in response, the Central Bank of the state focused on the reserve currency, which is not profitable for the growth of its own currency in relation to the reserve, in the same way lowers the rate of its own currency (although this can be done by purely administrative methods - as in China).

            This is one of the mechanisms of a terrible and terrible karensi board - to underestimate the exchange rate of its own currency in relation to the reserve, thereby ensuring itself a competitive advantage in foreign markets.
            1. +1
              6 November 2015 02: 17
              Quote: Uncle Joe
              And in response, the Central Bank of the state focused on the reserve currency, which is not profitable for the growth of its own currency in relation to the reserve, in the same way lowers the rate of its own currency (although this can be done by purely administrative methods - as in China).

              In our country, the Central Bank has removed itself from regulation. Not?
              1. +1
                6 November 2015 02: 53
                Quote: Wheel
                In our country, the Central Bank has removed itself from regulation. Not?
                Not. With all desire, he will not be able to settle down.

                Maybe only by agreement with the government, the State Duma, the Federation Council and the president, represented by the banking council, the ruble in free a fall swimming lower let it go.
    5. +4
      5 November 2015 17: 27
      These ideas are many years old. Mr. Primakov began to do something like this in the Government then, too, oil was very cheap, but they managed to give the movement an upsurge. And now it’s much easier. Everyone will only have to plow. And the result will be visible much faster.
      1. 0
        5 November 2015 18: 51
        Quote: igor.borov775
        These ideas are many years old. Mr. Primakov began to do something like this in the Government

        Correctly. And Primakov then managed. Now there is something to fear. The money will be printed to boost the economy, develop production, but the current government will be tempted to use it to plug holes: to raise the salary of state employees, to use retirement, and they will go for cutting, and not with a hacksaw, but with a chainsaw. The plan is good only if when there is someone to do it.
        1. +2
          5 November 2015 21: 49
          Quote: EvgNik
          the current government will be tempted to use them to plug holes:

          And here - sorry: when taking this plan as a basis, the current government is a kick in the ass! And on the leadership - the authors of the plan! To not only competent ideas - but also RESPONSIBILITY for their implementation. wink
  2. +4
    5 November 2015 15: 10
    In the commodity sector, profitability is 14%, in the economy as a whole 4%. And what are the interest rates for loans and how much interest is the rise in price? Another dregs. They will not do anything worthwhile.
    1. +10
      5 November 2015 15: 26
      34 region
      They will not do anything worthwhile.
      They just won't let them do anything. And first of all, "the galley slave."
      1. +9
        5 November 2015 16: 48
        Quote: WINovikov
        They just won't let them do anything. And first of all, "the galley slave."

        Well, why? A massive IBD will be carried out (imitation of violent activity) and voila again tighten the belts of the Imperials ...
        All these economic clubs, forums are a gathering of rich parasites who are trying to change one "pump" for pumping out resources for another, and by the way, they may not want that either.
        In the prevailing economic realities, it will be difficult only for the people, not for the Titovs, together with the eyes.
        Why do the bourgeoisie what to do in general if the people are silent and not only silent, but also idle, not even trying to understand that all power in the Russian Federation is incl. the president fulfills a single task?
        The song is half-forgotten a century ago: "No one will give us deliverance, neither the Tsar, nor God, nor the Hero,
        We will achieve liberation with our own hand! "
        and it won’t work differently ...
        1. BMW
          5 November 2015 17: 22
          Quote: Stroporez
          We will achieve liberation with our own hand! "
          and it won’t work differently ...

          Well, are we enlisting in the militia? Where is the gathering near the monument to Minin and Pozharsky? soldier
          1. +2
            5 November 2015 17: 26
            Quote: bmw
            Where is the gathering near the monument to Minin and Pozharsky?

            So, already three. belay On a pencil lol
            1. BMW
              5 November 2015 17: 32
              Quote: Babr
              So, already three.

              Three can’t, sniff. drinks Who will be the fourth, ay people.
            2. +3
              5 November 2015 17: 41
              Quote: Babr
              Quote: bmw
              Where is the gathering near the monument to Minin and Pozharsky?

              So, already three. belay On a pencil lol

              in the sense - Minin, Pozharsky and BMW laughing
              1. BMW
                5 November 2015 17: 57
                Quote: atalef
                Minin, Pozharsky and BMW

                "Big City Lights" wassat
                1. +1
                  5 November 2015 18: 05
                  Quote: bmw
                  "Big City Lights"

                  Quote: atalef
                  in the sense - Minin, Pozharsky and BMW

                  shh - sss! receive instructions later Yes
                  The lights are all here wink
          2. +1
            5 November 2015 21: 53
            Quote: bmw
            Well, are we enlisting in the militia? Where is the gathering near the monument to Minin and Pozharsky?

            Do not pull. Minin and Pozharsky were defending Russia from an external enemy - and here, like a hundred years ago: it’s necessary to deal with the counter, the Entente, and the Basmachi. So it’s more true - the REVOLUTIONARY GUARD wink
  3. +13
    5 November 2015 15: 13
    Crafty bankers! And these economists are fucking shitty. We open the famous book by Henry Ford (by the way, he hated bankers all his life). I quote from memory, so the only meaning is: "If you need credits, then something is wrong in your production." Nobody provided him with starting capital.
    1. +8
      5 November 2015 15: 37
      No one provided him starting capital.

      The start-up capital is: your friendship with Fortune, one, your education, two, your assertiveness and energy, three, and all the next ten points, - your iron will. If with all this, you have not earned real money, then you are playing "Monopoly". smile

      In reality, credit is the same as an additive in fuel, which increases the octane number by two orders of magnitude. It will go fast, but not for long. In the best case, a long and tedious change of the engine, in the worst, a wreath on the road .....
      1. +1
        5 November 2015 16: 31
        Are you saying this based on your own experience? And what is friendship with Fortune?
        1. 0
          5 November 2015 21: 02
          You say it based on your own experience

          And on my own too. When the goal is achieved, usually a normal person loses interest in it. This is so, once again remind myself that I am a normal person. And Fortune, a capricious woman, too carried away with her - will destroy. From that, pretend that you are indifferent to her, with incredible bodily attraction. wink
    2. +5
      5 November 2015 16: 23
      Then explain what he put his first plant?

      Here is what I found: Ford Motor Company
      Ford Motor Company appeared in 1903. Its founders were twelve businessmen from Michigan, led by Henry Ford, who held a 25.5% stake in the company and held the positions of vice president and chief engineer of the company.
      A former van factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit was converted into a car factory. The brigades, consisting of two or three workers, under the direct supervision of Ford assembled cars from spare parts that were custom-made by other enterprises. The first car of the company was sold on July 23, 1903. In 1906, Henry Ford became president and main owner of the company.
      Not bankers, so investors, in principle - at the same percentage.
  4. +17
    5 November 2015 15: 14
    I understand who such a financier is. Imagine who such an economist. But, excuse me for my Russian naivety, for me the ombudsman is associated with the word muddle.
    When the economy offers stimulation of decisive steps leading to a dead end ... negative
    1. -1
      5 November 2015 16: 04
      lobbyist, decided
    2. The comment was deleted.
  5. 0
    5 November 2015 15: 15
    It seems like smart people write, but can we print money, and why print it, take it away from the Fed slowly, otherwise it turns out to transfer $ to the Fed and print ...
  6. +2
    5 November 2015 15: 18
    We will do so, and so! Experimenters! The country is like an experimental rabbit.
    1. -1
      5 November 2015 22: 41
      Quote: Region 34
      We will do so, and so! Experimenters! The country is like an experimental rabbit.

      At the moment, by the way, it is. LET'S GOING TO CONTINUE DO NOT DO ANYTHING AT ALL? Like now..
  7. +2
    5 November 2015 15: 19
    Again, the grandmothers beg and create an investment background ... the liberals pulled up with their "demand will regulate", and you sit and spit at the ceiling while the grandmothers drip ... marginals, ugh on them ...
  8. +4
    5 November 2015 15: 19
    Changes in the economy are already ripe and overripe. To reduce the money supply means to reduce the mass of goods, it means to strangle the production of goods and services. It is necessary to saturate the economy with means of payment, thereby stimulating demand, which, as you know, gives rise to supply.
    1. +4
      5 November 2015 15: 36
      Yeah ...
      And who (or, if God has mercy, what) will determine the cost of your means of payment? Especially in an open / import-dependent / commodity economy ???
      By the way in the topic:
      -The State Duma supported the freezing of pension savings - ;
      -Real salary in Russia this year decreased by 9% - ;
      - A single tax for small businesses can grow by 16 percent - ...

      Leads to interesting thoughts about ... um ... "personnel issue" ts.
      1. 0
        6 November 2015 19: 55
        Quote: Yves762
        And who (or, if God has mercy, what) will determine the cost of your means of payment?

        Unfortunately, I don’t have any significant means of payment. And targeted financing of investment projects at a low interest rate is possible only through structures alternative to commercial banks.
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +3
    5 November 2015 15: 24
    Everything should be done if only the country's economy came to life and developed faster. Nobody will be waiting for us.
  11. +3
    5 November 2015 15: 26
    in our Russian economy it is not possible to develop real production since the rate of the Central Bank (starting inflation) is very high. you need to lower the rate of the Central Bank, limit the appetites of banks, so that there are no loans at 20-3-% per annum, and build a real economy! factories, factories - it is necessary to take people to work ..............
    1. -1
      5 November 2015 22: 44
      Quote: realist
      since the rate of the Central Bank (starting inflation) is very high. need to lower the rate of the Central Bank

      Read the article before commenting:
      distribution of loans to manufacturing companies at 4–5% per annum,
  12. +19
    5 November 2015 15: 28
    We urgently need the REINDUSTRIALIZATION of the country at a Stalinist pace - the Russian Federation should again, like the USSR, under J.V. Stalin, who was blessed in centuries, become the WORLD'S SECOND economy in terms of GDP - 20% of the world's industrial production should be produced in Russia again.

    What is needed:

    1) restoration of the State Planning Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation for the leading public sector in mechanical engineering,

    2) the nationalization of the oil industry,

    3) the Stalinist budget - 70% of all funds - in industry, transport, communications and agriculture,

    4) the speculative (banking) sector and the raw materials (oil industry) sector - at a MINIMUM profit, all of their "excess fat", profits - in p. 3

    5) for a bribe of more than 50 rubles - UNLAWFUL execution with complete confiscation of property.

    6) COMPLETE prohibition of all civil servants and municipal servants and their spouses, parents, children, brothers, sisters to have ANY property on the territory of enemy NATO countries and the British offshore (subordinate to the British Crown), Switzerland.

    7) the restriction of mass beyond the limit of alcoholism of the Russian people (18 liters per person per year!) To the level of 1960 - 3 liters of narcotic poison (paragraph 5.1 of GOST 18300 - 72) - alcohol per person per year by limiting time (strictly from 11 to 17 hours local time) and places (strictly in special shops separate from food) for the retail sale of narcotic poison - alcohol, similar to the countries of Scandinavia. All-round-the-clock (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) propaganda in all mass media and universities of a sober and healthy lifestyle, mass sports.

    8) stimulation of the population explosion - the policy of Ireland regarding the maximum restriction of infanticide (abortion), the complete exemption from ALL taxes on individuals of parents who have three or more children, a mortgage at 0% for such parents. All-round-the-clock (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) propaganda in all mass media and universities of the joys and necessity of motherhood, fatherhood, and large families. A traditional Russian family with 9 to 10 children is the ideal of Russian society in promoting family values.

    JV Stalin, November 19, 1928: "It is necessary to catch up and overtake the developed capitalist countries. Either we will achieve this, or they will overtake us."

    JV Stalin, February 4, 1931: "We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must cover this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us."

    1. +6
      5 November 2015 16: 23
      Quote: Alexander
      under the Blessed in centuries I.V. Stalin

      good And do you see around Putin - Molotov, Beria Mikoyan, Ordzhonikedze, Kaganovich, Zhukov, and other iron commissars ??
      1. +2
        5 November 2015 19: 12
        Quote: afdjhbn67
        Quote: Alexander
        under the Blessed in centuries I.V. Stalin

        good And do you see around Putin - Molotov, Beria Mikoyan, Ordzhonikedze, Kaganovich, Zhukov, and other iron commissars ??

        The first and last are essentially in the form of Lavrov and Shoigu, with the rest strained
    2. +7
      5 November 2015 16: 37
      I put you +. If I could put a hundred more ... In the lexicon of our rulers, the word "industrialization" is prohibited, because it is better to open a thousand "Horns and Hooves" offices to take money away from the population than to build one enterprise ... And no need to say, they say where to get the money ... the country will only raise nationalization and industrialization ..
      Quote: Alexander
      We urgently need the REINDUSTRIALIZATION of the country at a Stalinist pace - the Russian Federation should again, like the USSR, under J.V. Stalin, who was blessed in centuries, become the WORLD'S SECOND economy in terms of GDP - 20% of the world's industrial production should be produced in Russia again.

      What is needed:

      1) restoration of the State Planning Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation for the leading public sector in mechanical engineering,

      2) the nationalization of the oil industry,

      3) the Stalinist budget - 70% of all funds - in industry, transport, communications and agriculture,

      4) the speculative (banking) sector and the raw materials (oil industry) sector - at a MINIMUM profit, all of their "excess fat", profits - in p. 3

      5) for a bribe of more than 50 rubles - UNLAWFUL execution with complete confiscation of property.

      6) COMPLETE prohibition of all civil servants and municipal servants and their spouses, parents, children, brothers, sisters to have ANY property on the territory of enemy NATO countries and the British offshore (subordinate to the British Crown), Switzerland.

      7) the restriction of mass beyond the limit of alcoholism of the Russian people (18 liters per person per year!) To the level of 1960 - 3 liters of narcotic poison (paragraph 5.1 of GOST 18300 - 72) - alcohol per person per year by limiting time (strictly from 11 to 17 hours local time) and places (strictly in special shops separate from food) for the retail sale of narcotic poison - alcohol, similar to the countries of Scandinavia. All-round-the-clock (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) propaganda in all mass media and universities of a sober and healthy lifestyle, mass sports.

      8) stimulation of the population explosion - the policy of Ireland regarding the maximum restriction of infanticide (abortion), the complete exemption from ALL taxes on individuals of parents who have three or more children, a mortgage at 0% for such parents. All-round-the-clock (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) propaganda in all mass media and universities of the joys and necessity of motherhood, fatherhood, and large families. A traditional Russian family with 9 to 10 children is the ideal of Russian society in promoting family values.

      JV Stalin, November 19, 1928: "It is necessary to catch up and overtake the developed capitalist countries. Either we will achieve this, or they will overtake us."

      JV Stalin, February 4, 1931: "We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must cover this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or they will crush us."

      1. -1
        5 November 2015 22: 10
        Allow me to add:
        1) .Nationalization of the central bank. Reduce the number of banks to 3-4pcs.
        2) .Return all the offshores to Russia.
        3). The ruble should become an internal monetary unit.
        4). You do not have to fight alcohol, but make it a state monopoly.
        5) .Do not take taxes from small businesses.
    3. +5
      5 November 2015 17: 55
      Dear, here Stalin. The beginning of industrialization was laid much earlier. You probably don’t know about the GOERLO Plan. And the main question then was also identified, read the story you will learn a lot of interesting things. For youth, the task was to learn. This is at a time when the literacy of the population did not exceed 20%. The task is to eliminate illiteracy. And then the result. Cadres decide everything. Read what interesting decrees were adopted at that time. And they still work. We are just used to it and don’t notice. But in vain. Democrats of all stripes seek to limit those Decrees, which are very important for an ordinary Russian citizen. The Duma constantly revolves around them, slowly cutting off what our ancestors gave us in that distant time.
      1. 0
        6 November 2015 05: 04
        Quote: igor.borov775
        You probably don’t know about the GOERLO Plan. And the main question then was also identified, read the story you will learn a lot of interesting things. For youth, the task was to learn.

        Without Stalin’s iron will, would these projects take place ???
    4. -2
      6 November 2015 01: 25

      You wrote it right.

      But there are many "buts". If you start doing this, there will be a third world war.

      I.V. Stalin, when he began industrialization, understood this too. But then Russia had no choice. It will either disappear from the map due to weakness or save itself but survive the war. I.V. Stalin took the second path.

      In this period, the Russian Federation is not on the verge of a critical choice. The country is integrated into the global system according to general rules. And so there was a chance, avoiding the large-scale consequences, to conduct its independent policy.

      Somewhere, Uncle Joe quoted a GDP quote. On maintaining the course of liberal politics. That is exactly what allows the GDP to engage in dialogue with partners.

      If you follow what you have suggested, there will be no dialogue.

      Do you know what I mean?
      1. +1
        6 November 2015 01: 57
        Quote: gladcu2
        The country is integrated into the global system according to general rules.

        ..written in the White House ..
        Do you even understand what your phrase means? Today, Russia is integrated into the world economy as a market for drainage of goods, a "gas station", and a "whipping boy" when you need to "blow off steam"! In addition, powerful transnational corporations, thanks to the course towards a "favorable investment climate", pinch off a piece of our national wealth - the subsoil, take control of processing enterprises, penetrate the media, look closely at the lands .. This is done without haste, without fuss - gradually , consistently and relentlessly! Officials are being bought, shares are being bought up, working enterprises go bankrupt .. You call this integration! THIS is done by our leadership, at the head .. I don't even know with whom! And all the "dialogues" that are sometimes quite tough - they are designed to bargain for more advantageous positions, BUT NOT FOR THE COUNTRY! And for big capital - what, by the way, was mentioned by the one you mentioned Uncle Joe
        If we follow the "tough" scenario, yes, the world will shake. But Russia, technically and economically, will become stronger! And the 3rd world because of this will not happen! There simply will not be suicides willing to rebel against nuclear weapons of Russia. hi
      2. +1
        6 November 2015 05: 06
        Quote: gladcu2
        But there are many "buts". If you start doing this, there will be a third world war.

        It will not happen for these reasons at all ..
        but to sort things further into molecules your arguments in which you hardly believe yourself are not interesting, stock up with more serious arguments
  13. +2
    5 November 2015 15: 28
    State institutions live on taxes. They themselves do not produce any product. And why take taxes if you compress the money supply. If people stop paying, then there are no taxes from the wage fund, salaries, no pensions, there is no demand for goods and services, respectively, there are no taxes on business, production, etc. in a spiral. And if you start paying, then the situation is exactly the opposite. It should be noted that the dependence is not linear, and extremes must be found.
    1. +3
      5 November 2015 15: 51
      Quote: Jarilo
      State institutions live on taxes. They themselves do not produce any product. And why take taxes if you compress the money supply. If people stop paying, then there are no taxes from the wage fund, salaries, no pensions, there is no demand for goods and services, respectively, there are no taxes on business, production, etc. in a spiral. And if you start paying, then the situation is exactly the opposite. It should be noted that the dependence is not linear, and extremes must be found.
      You are right for the case when there is a domestic market, but we do not have it.
      The main share of taxes comes from export supplies (the colonial model), so the piano does not play to pay people or not to pay.
      It’s easier to stretch a couple of pipes abroad - less trouble.
      1. +4
        5 November 2015 16: 18
        I agree, but I, like most in our country, have nothing to do with the pipe, although this is mineral wealth, which all over the world belongs to the people. And yet, how to explain that in the face of declining money supply, i.e. less rubles, also inflation, and in America and Europe with the easing of monetary policy, i.e. the printing press does not turn off, there is practically no inflation. Something tells me that we live in a global world and the advantages of this are definitely not ours.
        1. 0
          5 November 2015 19: 42
          Quote: Jarilo
          Something tells me that we live in a global world and the advantages of this are definitely not ours.
          Well, so ...
          You can even try to guess from three times who in our country has the advantages of this "global" world ...
  14. +4
    5 November 2015 15: 33
    Quote: yuriy55
    I understand who such a financier is. Imagine who such an economist. But, excuse me for my Russian naivety, for me the ombudsman is associated with the word muddle.
    When the economy offers stimulation of decisive steps leading to a dead end ... negative

    It’s better not to say, they caught a few foreign words and think that everything will move and be decided by itself.
  15. +9
    5 November 2015 15: 36
    We believe that in order to implement urgent systemic measures to improve the economy, it is necessary to create a Development Management Center, which will report directly to the president.

    Here is a perverse version of a planned economy. It is difficult to admit and say that you just need a planned economy, as under socialism. What if in the economy we get away from cash, and only give out wages in cash, then theft will disappear on a large scale. Entrepreneurs will not be able to manage all the money allocated to them for production. Destroy all private bloodsucker banks that have sucked in cash flows. What, the State Bank itself can not manage cash flows? Nonsense. 70 years could, but now cannot. Forbid everyone to have personal deposits in Western banks. There is nothing to feed our enemies. And to return our Russian money and gold to Russia, well, why do we need their debt obligations on such a large scale that if something happens, then we will not see them again.
    All the main structures should be made state-owned: banks, mining, energy and fuel production, communications and public transport, vodka and housing and communal services. And much more needs to be done so as not to rob Russia, for Russia to develop.
    And there were cases when the enemy of our country, Chubais, disconnected military units from electricity.
    Such traitors to the wall.
    1. +1
      5 November 2015 15: 43
      For the MASTER in the economics of engineering, transport - the public sector, the State Planning Commission and the Stalin five-year plans

      For the consumer services sector - comprehensive support for medium and small enterprises, elimination of administrative barriers.

      In fact, the economy should consist of TWO economies:

      leading socialist state sector of industry, administered by the State Planning Committee and the market private sphere of trade and services.
      1. +1
        5 November 2015 19: 18
        Quote: Alexander
        In fact, the economy should consist of TWO economies:

        leading socialist state sector of industry, administered by the State Planning Committee and the market private sphere of trade and services.

        Let me correct you: In my opinion, the economy should consist of a developed service sector (40%), a diversified economy (focus on consumer goods) in the amount of 35% of the entire economy, and large-scale agriculture (25%)
      2. 0
        5 November 2015 19: 45
        Quote: Alexander
        In fact, the economy should consist of TWO economies:

        leading socialist state sector of industry, administered by the State Planning Committee and the market private sphere of trade and services.

        This has already been passed ... NEP is called ..., but I had to give up, because embezzlement, bribery, "Horns and Hooves" and other delights ...
      3. +2
        5 November 2015 20: 09
        Quote: Alexander
        In fact, the economy should consist of TWO economies:

        leading socialist state sector of industry administered by the State Planning Commission and private market trade and services.
        Stalin would have fouled you very much for such thoughts, since you managed to mix commodity production with capitalist production.

        it is necessary to introduce, in agreement with the BRICS countries (China, India, especially), a return to the GOLDEN STANDARD of currencies (ruble), require the US to publicly present to the IMF and UN commissions their alleged "8000" ton "gold reserve" and thereby - to bring down the US dollar as an international means of payment, return the scope of its circulation to 1940
        Well, fire. wassat

        What cathedra of Katasonov have you read?
    2. 0
      5 November 2015 15: 51
      it is necessary to introduce, in agreement with the BRICS countries (China, India, especially), a return to the GOLDEN STANDARD of currencies (ruble), require the US to publicly present to the IMF and UN commissions their alleged "8000" ton "gold reserve" and thereby - to bring down the US dollar as an international means of payment, return the sphere of its circulation to 1940.

      Strictly PROHIBIT the use of the US dollar by legal entities (residents and non-residents) for external - and internal - economic calculations!

      Ruble, gold, yuan, euro - anything but the US dollar.
      1. 0
        5 November 2015 18: 04
        You though will take those measures which give effect. After all, China, India is next door to neighbors. Why not apply what really gives rise to the economy. And these liberal spells have been rattling everywhere for so many years. This can’t work for us. People are different or officials.
    3. 0
      5 November 2015 21: 03
      This is what kind of money that we, the businessmen, were given out, probably by the state, - I missed something. All Russian gold is already in the State Guard.
  16. +1
    5 November 2015 15: 37
    I don’t know what they can do. But inflation will be oo-oo-oo! Immediately pull out the entire industry, no money is enough! Maybe you need to choose some of some industries, and achieve success in them? And behind them, other industries will catch up. They all cling to each other!
    1. +2
      5 November 2015 16: 52
      As an example, Primakov led an economy for 8 months, and growth of 20%.
  17. +12
    5 November 2015 15: 37

    We do not need any industry to our liberal government of the Russian Federation V. Putin.

    There are raw materials (wood, gas, oil, metals) - no mind.

    Blessed in centuries by I.V. Stalin, in just 12 pre-war years (1928 - 1940) he created practically from scratch the SECOND industrial economy in the world:

    And for his 15 years, V. Putin built THREE pipes for pumping raw materials and made the Russian Federation a raw materials appendage of the EU and China.
    1. -3
      5 November 2015 19: 27
      Quote: Alexander
      We do not need any industry to our liberal government of the Russian Federation V. Putin.

      Once again I will correct you: the government is headed not by V.Putin, but by Dmitry Medvedev, appointed by the deputies of the united Russia-party, which he himself heads
      Quote: Alexander
      Blessed through the ages I. V. Stalin

      1) By whom blessed? Certainly not the defenders of Kiev in 1941, who were thrown at the mercy of the Wehrmacht. And not by the officers of the Red Army, thrown into prison for relations with the creators of the Soviet Army Trotsky
      2) On the topic: what would have happened if Germany hadn’t given loans to the USSR?
      Quote: Alexander
      And for his 15 years, V. Putin built THREE pipes for pumping raw materials and made the Russian Federation a raw materials appendage of the EU and China.

      Are you even willing to go for a penny to work for harmful production?
      1. 0
        5 November 2015 20: 27
        Quote: Sukhoy_T-50
        the government is headed not by V. Putin, but by Dmitry Medvedev, who was appointed by the deputies of the united Russia party, which he himself leads
        Putin headed the 4 government of the year.

        Putin headed the EP 4 of the year.

        Putin 2 of 3 times ran for the EP as president.

        Putin at a meeting with an asset of EP declared that he created EP.
        03.10.2013/XNUMX/XNUMX Putin - "Thank you both for the kind words and for the statement of the fact that United Russia remains - in fact, it sounded so - a reliable support of the state. You understand, this is an extremely important thing.
        Of course, support for the Government is very important, support for the President of a leading political force is very important, but the most important thing is that the party that I really created, and not just stood at the origins, to be precise, for all the years of its existence has turned into a reliable support of the state Russian. "

        Medvedev as a prime minister put forward Putin.
        Article 83 President of the Russian Federation:
        a) appoint, with the consent of the State Duma, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

        During the presidency Medvedev Putin campaigned.
        11.12.2007/XNUMX/XNUMX Putin supported Medvedev’s candidacy for president.
        "I fully support this proposal," the head of state said. He noted. that "he has known Medvedev for more than 17 years, worked closely with him all this time."

        The Medvedev Order was awarded to Putin.
        14.10.2015/20151014/1301970265 Russian President Vladimir Putin has awarded Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, XNUMXst Class for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the corresponding decree was published on the official Internet portal of legal information on Wednesday.

        The current government was formed by Putin.
        Article 83 President of the Russian Federation:
        e) at the suggestion of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, appoints and dismisses the deputies of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministers;

        The decision on the resignation of the government, and with it the prime minister, is currently being made by Putin.
        Article 83 President of the Russian Federation:
        c) decide on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation;
        1. -2
          6 November 2015 08: 53
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Putin headed the 4 government of the year.

          During these 4 years, there was a massive growth in the economy, a victorious reflection of Georgia’s aggression against Russia's allies (but this is more than Medvedev and Serdyukov’s merit) and other positive aspects
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Putin headed the EP 4 of the year.

          At the same time not being its member
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Putin at a meeting with the EP activist said that he created the EP

          Pure populism with the aim to gain respect among the electorate.EP created Shoigu (an excellent minister, but here I condemn him), Gurov and Karelin.
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Medvedev as a prime minister put forward Putin.

          It was exactly what he proposed. Just the EP told its puppet parties the LDPR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to support Medvedev
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          During the presidency Medvedev Putin campaigned.

          Quote: Uncle Joe
          During the presidency Medvedev Putin campaigned.

          And as it turned out, he was right about this candidacy.
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Order awarded Medvedev Putin

          Well, this, in principle, can not be considered at all.
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          The current government was formed by Putin.

          Perhaps, this is the only serious argument, so let's consider it in detail. Let's start with the fact that we have only 2 (two) normal ministers - S. Shoigu and S. Lavrov. In principle, there is also the former Ministry of Defense S. Ivanov. the list of those who understand their work ends. There are a lot of "economic experts" who supposedly know how to equip the economy, but the trouble is, they propose to use the methods of the 1920s-1930s. And now is not 1929, and Russia, thanks to very smart leaders and close-minded population (especially , thanks to the latter) - not the Soviet Union. Accordingly, our current situation is incomparably worse than what it was under Stalin. Hence the conclusion suggests itself: Stalinism is impossible, when you try to tighten the screws there will be unrest (remember how the population was seething when it was decided to destroy the sanctioned products, it was seething well, wasn't it? So, under Stalinism, you still have to live in a barrack and starve)
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          The decision on the resignation of the government, and with it the prime minister, is currently being made by Putin.

          Well, I wanted-set wants-will remove
          1. 0
            6 November 2015 18: 23
            Quote: Sukhoy_T-50
            Over these 4 years
            Putin, who has served in Beijing, has nothing to do with the dubious victoriousness of the conflict with Georgia, and the "large-scale" economic growth for 4 years of Putin's premiership amounted to 5.7% compared to 2007, while for the period 2004-2007 the economy grew by 33.7% to the level 2003.

            At the same time not being its member
            Like Medvedev, who was proposed by Putin as the chairman of EP.

            24.04.2012/XNUMX/XNUMX Vladimir Putin proposed Dmitry Medvedev's candidacy for the post of chairman of United Russia

            Clean water populism
            Do you blame Putin for lying? laughing

            Just EP told its puppet parties the Liberal Democratic Party and the Communist Party to support Medvedev
            And therefore, the EP said to its puppet president to nominate Medvedev.

            Well, this, in principle, can not be considered at all.
            Yes, you can not consider anything at all, and follow the paraphrased adage "There is Putin - no mind is needed."

            So, under Stalinism, you still have to live in a barracks and starve
            Like you - definitely smile

            Well, I wanted-set wants-will remove
    2. 0
      5 November 2015 21: 09
      Stalin for 12 years - you confused that time with the present, because now we have a market economy.
      1. -2
        6 November 2015 08: 55
        Quote: Vadim237
        Stalin for 12 years - you confused that time with the present, because now we have a market economy.

        You bring the graphs of the development of the German economy for the 1933-1945? American? There are such speed and size that the Stalinist enterprise in dreams did not dream
  18. +12
    5 November 2015 15: 39
    Meanwhile, in faraway Russia, in the vastness of the population and entrepreneurs, there is a further improvement in their standard of living and work. So in order to cheer up and stimulate activity to survive in the conditions of the ruble collapse, demand and export bans, the state from the bottom of the heart and for the unknown aspirations of small business entrepreneurs increases UTII by 7.5% to 16%, and so that every consumer can feel the state’s care about him, the state decided to present a gift and introduce a toll on all routes for trucks, but most importantly, the residents themselves will be able to personally thank the state for such care with their ruble by forcibly donating them when buying goods from collapsed salaries ...

    And you say that the state does not think and do not worry about its citizens and entrepreneurs, but in fact it cares about welfare so much that it cannot sleep and only thinks about new tools for improvement ...

    PS I recall zadorn and a poster on the election of the mayor with an improvement in life ...
    1. +1
      5 November 2015 21: 04
      Quote: IAlex
      but in reality it cares so much about welfare that it cannot sleep and only thinks about new tools for improvement ...

      Have you forgotten the real estate tax from "Khrushchev" from the market price, taxes on summer cottages of 6 acres and many more "nishtyachki" for the population ...
      well, ole ole ole, we believe in the team, the president belay
  19. 0
    5 November 2015 15: 43
    Well, what kind of experts are they who expect the ruble to strengthen at low oil prices? And even for the whole five years! something is somehow not joyful
  20. +5
    5 November 2015 15: 50
    I'm definitely not an economist or financier. In these matters I’m thinking like a fish on the shore ... But, in my mind, I always have the same idea ... If I had a salary at the level of a minister, but rather, on the contrary, there were no problems with the production of necessary goods would. I’ll decode a little .. The salary is like that of a minister, so I can buy more, so the one who produces this (what I bought) will have to produce again and probably in large quantities. The salary of the Minister, like mine, means there is more free money in the budget. They can be put into production of goods necessary for the population. The more goods, the prices, in theory, should become less, the faster this product will be sold out, the more it can and will need to be produced. I anticipate indignant reviews and cons to my comment .. I will not argue. And, honestly, the Medvedev government does not cause sympathy with me. When Brezhnev was stagnationbut I didn’t have much anxiety for my TOMORROW, under Medvedev, the impression of the situation in the economy - PORRIDGE, which is cooked over low heat, and it seems to have come up, but still raw, and if it burns a little more and it will have to be thrown out. And to throw out, in my opinion, it is high time and it is necessary to refuel a new one.
  21. +4
    5 November 2015 15: 55
    All these "reversals" indicate that no one thinks about the "ordinary" Russian and is not going to in the foreseeable "future." All points to the decline and impoverishment of pensioners, workers' wages, scholarships, benefits, social payments. Where are we going, dear, leaders of the STATE?
    You, have not forgotten what you chose, you, PEOPLE! Which elementary "care" is NOT OBSERVED!
  22. +5
    5 November 2015 16: 00

    We DO NOT have the RF Ministry of Finance - we have a branch of the US Department of the Treasury in Moscow.

    We DO NOT have the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - we have a branch of the US Federal Reserve in Moscow.

    We DO NOT have the Government of the Russian Federation - we have the COLONIAL Administration of the liberalist D.A. Medvedev working exclusively for the property of its members in NATO countries and serving the interests of the OWNER - USA.

    The liberal "Government of the Russian Federation" credits with might and main to the economy of the ENEMY - the United States, while its own industry and agriculture are bent over from the exorbitant rate of the "Central Bank of the Russian Federation":

    Liberators of the "government of the Russian Federation" are completely NEGLO committing the act provided for by Art. 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and the valiant FSB of Putin is silent.
  23. +5
    5 November 2015 16: 00
    My personal assessment, to the Government of the Russian Federation, today, KOL! It's time to completely change the entire lineup. Purpose: to remove "distortions" in the Social SECURITY Policy of Russia!
  24. dmb
    5 November 2015 16: 03
    Very good article. The "wisdom" of the leader's "patriotic advisers" cannot be demonstrated brighter. Our naive public still believes that the economy is separate, but politics is in itself. Glazyev and Titov demonstrated the hope of this public. All their proposals again at the expense of the bulk of the already impoverished people, but God forbid, to touch the income of the owners. They offer us to tighten our belts, but not to ourselves or to Sechin. He just suggests to them, at our expense, to throw them to the next center, in order to provide high incomes to their growing minor relatives.
    1. 0
      5 November 2015 23: 13
      Quote: dmb
      God forbid, touch the income of the owners. They offer us to tighten their belts, and not to himself or to Sechin. He just offers them money at our expense, to another center,
      If placed correctly. It is necessary that they (money) go to specific investment projects of new industries with high added value (of course, in no way to expand the extraction of raw materials).
      return of the unified social tax with a privilege for small business, progressive personal income tax rate ...
      request It seems like everything is said ..? The ending just let us down.
  25. 0
    5 November 2015 16: 05
    Vova in the furnace.
    1. +1
      5 November 2015 16: 21
      on 9 - deck galley of a friend Abramovich
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      5 November 2015 19: 30
      Quote: hens
      Vova in the furnace.

      You would be in the furnace. For public calls for murder
  26. +4
    5 November 2015 16: 16
    Even I, a simple techie, understand and believe that it’s time for the country to tie the ruble to the petrodollar.
    It is time to saturate with ruble the opening of production in industry and agriculture. Targeted investments in the creation of factories and farms will lead to a jump in inflation, but will create conditions for the rise of industry and agriculture.
    But only targeted and with tight control over spending of invested funds.
    1. 0
      5 November 2015 16: 24
      The gold standard of the ruble must be returned by agreement with the BRICS countries!
      1. +1
        5 November 2015 17: 00
        Why did JV Stalin not introduce the gold standard?
        1. +1
          5 November 2015 19: 35
          Quote: asiat_61
          Why did JV Stalin not introduce the gold standard?

          Because all the gold was thrown on Lend-Lease, which had to be compensated for losses in technology at the beginning of the Second World War, caused by the lack of talent of the leadership, in turn, due to the fact that most of the normal commanders were killed after the Tukhachevsky plot, because of the paranoia of the then Supreme
        2. +2
          5 November 2015 20: 02
          Quote: asiat_61
          Why did JV Stalin not introduce the gold standard?

          How not to enter?
          The resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of February 28, 1950 transferred the ruble to a permanent gold base. The declared gold content of the ruble was 0.222168 grams of pure gold; the selling price of 1 gram of gold was set at 4,45 rubles.
          1. 0
            5 November 2015 21: 58
            Quote: Wheel
            The resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of February 28, 1950 transferred the ruble to a permanent gold base. The declared gold content of the ruble was 0.222168 grams of pure gold; the selling price of 1 gram of gold was set at 4,45 rubles.
            You confuse the gold standard (guaranteed collateral) with the gold equivalent (equating to determine exchange rates)
            1. +2
              6 November 2015 01: 44
              Quote: Uncle Joe
              You confuse the gold standard (guaranteed collateral) with the gold equivalent (equating to determine exchange rates)

              By no means.
              Exactly at face value in small letters ...
              1. 0
                6 November 2015 02: 19
                Quote: Wheel
                Exactly at face value in small letters ...
                In gold as well as precious metals and other assets of the state bank.
                1. 0
                  6 November 2015 02: 30
                  Quote: Wheel
                  Exactly at face value in small letters ...

                  Quote: Uncle Joe
                  Gold, as well as precious metals, and other assets of the state bank.

                  why are you arguing up to a dozen "all the property of the Union", and then "gold and precious metals and other assets of the state bank"
                2. +1
                  6 November 2015 03: 45
                  Quote: Uncle Joe
                  In gold as well as precious metals and other assets of the state bank.
                  Uh-huh, but the word "are provided"You kind of ignored it?
                  1. 0
                    6 November 2015 18: 48
                    Quote: Wheel
                    How would you ignore it?
                    You ignore the fact that the gold content was established to determine the exchange rate, and that collateral refers to the currency as such (its total mass), and not to each particular banknote with which you can come to the bank and exchange it for gold, precious metals or other assets.

                    And you ignore the fact that the gold standard to which you are trying to draw the gold equivalent in a certain period made sense specifically for freely convertible currencies.
        3. 0
          5 November 2015 20: 42
          Quote: asiat_61
          Why did JV Stalin not introduce the gold standard?
          For 2 reasons:

          1 Was smarter than Katasonov.

          2 The aim was to build socialism, and not personal PR or pleasing the interests of the bourgeoisie.
          1. 0
            6 November 2015 03: 47
            Katasonov does not offer to introduce a gold standard. For this is the death of the economy. Nikolay 2, the result is known.
      2. 0
        5 November 2015 19: 37
        Quote: Alexander
        The gold standard of the ruble must be returned by agreement with the BRICS countries!

        Nobody will return him in the next 30 years, most likely one of the leaders of the BRICS will die of cancer
    2. The comment was deleted.
  27. Riv
    5 November 2015 16: 29
    Amused. Oldfags remember Yavlinsky's "500 Days" program. Quite a lot in common, by the way. But this is so, by the way ...

    At the time of Joseph Vissarionovich, everything was simple. You put forward an idea. They think it over and say: "Do it!" If after a couple of years the results are not visible, and you are wasted money allocated for the implementation of your ideas, then you quietly disappear and appear somewhere in Komi, at a felling. And now there is no such thing. Razgildyai spends six months under investigation, then comes out under an amnesty and again - a respected businessman.

    That is why I have no confidence in any "programs" there. Let them practice on the cats first.
  28. +3
    5 November 2015 16: 29
    The question is, who is more competitive and successful in this picture, in the world market?
  29. +2
    5 November 2015 16: 33
    need nationalization and not this madhouse
    1. 0
      5 November 2015 20: 44
      Quote: severbob
      need nationalization and not this madhouse
      Putin: “In the conditions of an acute crisis, many enterprises raised the issue of completely transferring their business to the state, were ready and even offered it themselves. We did not take this path, we chose a different path - we offered a shoulder to the business, built a whole support system, but did not take the path of nationalizing the economy. This is a fundamental choice of the government "

      Vladimir Putin: “You see, we have not experienced any large-scale nationalization or a slide towards general administrative regulation. We have preserved the free movement of capital and the convertibility of the ruble. I am sure that all this served as a convincing signal for investors, and I want to emphasize once again and say: return there will be no way to the past. Russia will remain a market liberal economy. Today I want to repeat once again: we will consistently continue the line on encouraging private initiative, on integration into the world economy, on creating a favorable investment climate. "

      Putin: "We must think about what to do, how to build our policy. Of course, we will act in the logic of a market economy."

      Putin: "Under the capital amnesty, the issue is not the return of capital, but its legalization"
  30. +4
    5 November 2015 16: 33
    First, Elvira Nabiullina felt for the bottom, then Siluvanov, and when will we float later? Here is an article for you to think about, and as for Putin, I will say this, he will not change his economic sponsors and friends, I will not vote for him.

    Russia risks being left without a fleet and missiles

    The latest events in the life of Russia have entailed serious changes in the structure of budget expenditures. According to the report of the HSE Rector, Yaroslav Kuzminov, this may entail the most negative consequences for the country. The authors of the report are concerned about the fact that spending on defense and the state apparatus continues to grow, while investments in human capital are actually "behind the scenes" "The main macroeconomic problem of building the federal budget is balancing income and expenditures in the face of a sharp drop in oil prices. The draft budget for 2016 shows that the solution to this problem has been postponed for subsequent years, "RBC quotes Yaroslav Kuzminov.
    According to the authors of the report, the problems associated with the lack of necessary, but at the same time unpopular, reforms accumulate and overlap. Thus, the growth of pension expenditures, which cannot be compensated for by reducing the indexation of pensions, means that the reform of the entire system is inevitable. But the longer this reform is delayed, the more severe its consequences will be in the future. Experts are also worried about the growth of spending on the state apparatus and defense, while the costs of health care and education are being cut. “There are no several rings: on one we are successfully launching rockets from the Caspian Sea, and on the other, we are cutting spending on science and education with the wording“ we need to tighten our belts, ”says Kuzminov. tomorrow there will be no missiles, no fleet. " Experts are alarmed by the situation in the social sphere. Thus, according to the report, pensions in real terms in 2016 will decrease by 3-4% (due to inflation, "eating up" insignificant indexation), pension savings are again frozen, and the inevitable increase in the retirement age does not occur again. The authors of the report are also concerned about the reduction in spending on education and health care, which has become "systemic". "In January-August 2015, compared with the same period last year, the volume of nominal expenditures was reduced by 18 regions. At the same time, 27 regions during the same period reduced their expenditures on education in nominal terms," ​​the report says. The saddest thing is that it is no longer possible to save the situation thanks to the rise in world oil prices alone. According to HSE experts, today oil production in Russia is rapidly shifting to the complex and poorly developed regions of the north and east. This means that the production cost here will be quite high. This may indicate that further tightening of taxation of oil companies will be ineffective. Consequently, in the context of low world oil prices and growing competition in the European gas market, it is highly probable that revenues from hydrocarbon exports will decline.
    Yuri LEVYKIN 03:25, 05.11.2015/XNUMX/XNUMX.
    1. BMW
      5 November 2015 17: 27
      Quote: epsilon571
      and as for Putin, I will say this, he will not change his economic sponsors and friends, I will not vote for him

      No, the wheel will not reach Kiev.
      What they say to you is that the whole elite is retired. crying
    2. +2
      5 November 2015 17: 39
      You did not put a minus, although it might be worth it.
      An article from the HSE rector that they couldn’t find anything more interesting? For example, on the media2 very worthy stuffing also comes across ...
    3. 0
      5 November 2015 20: 06
      Quote: epsilon571
      and as for Putin, I will say this, he will not change his economic sponsors and friends, I will not vote for him.

      Campaign, he was already scared? laughing
      No matter how you vote, it is important how your vote is counted.
      And they will always count "correctly" ...
    4. -1
      5 November 2015 20: 49
      Quote: epsilon571
      First, Elvira Nabiullina felt for the bottom, then Siluvanov, and when will we float later?
      I remembered something about the Kursk nuclear submarine.
      1. -1
        6 November 2015 01: 48
        Quote: Uncle Joe
        Quote: epsilon571
        First, Elvira Nabiullina felt for the bottom, then Siluvanov, and when will we float later?
        I remembered something about the Kursk nuclear submarine.

        She drowned ... ©
        1. 0
          6 November 2015 02: 01
          Quote: Wheel
          She drowned ... ©

          nothing to add here ...
  31. +1
    5 November 2015 17: 04
    Kuzminov, by the way, the husband of Naibulina. So the article is about nothing.
    1. -1
      5 November 2015 20: 51
      Quote: asiat_61
      Kuzminov by the way, the husband of Naibulina
      By the way, not only.

      12.05.2015/XNUMX/XNUMX Rector of the Higher School of Economics and Moscow City Duma deputy Yaroslav Kuzminov was elected chairman of the All-Russian Popular Front in Moscow, an unnamed representative of the movement told RBC.
      1. 0
        6 November 2015 03: 53
        I, so I believe, there is a family contract.
  32. +1
    5 November 2015 17: 04
    I’m not an economist, but emission on the contrary will increase the crisis, damn it, you just need to lower energy tariffs and that’s all, the economy will raise itself and money will appear
  33. 0
    5 November 2015 17: 29
    I am absolutely sure that the assumptions about not informing the president are stupid, just the difference between experts and advisers not burdened with responsibility and practical implementation, and the government, which should implement everything and answer for the result approximately as the difference between the map on the table and the real area with forests, ravines and rivers. The whole plan of these experts and all of them is based on the injection of related target money, but there is simply no sensible tool for linking this money, it’s like privatization in theory everything was fine if anyone got acquainted with the theory and in practice everyone got acquainted. As a result, there is a huge risk unsecured money in the foreign exchange and consumer markets, which will be comparable to 93-98 years, and a detailed development of the instrument without legislative holes is not proposed, and if it is offered it is a decent package of laws and law enforcement practice for polishing mistakes, you understand that this is years.
    1. +2
      5 November 2015 18: 33
      Quote: Kyrgyz
      you understand that these are years.

      Given political will, YEARS are not needed! And for six months you can manage, there would be a desire!
      1. 0
        5 November 2015 21: 46
        Quote: Saratoga833
        Given political will, YEARS are not needed! And for six months you can manage, there would be a desire!

        Political will ends where the support of the loot holders, the elites and entrepreneurs collapses, and without the dough the country can only be kept in terror but not for long, you can remember Stalin, but now you can force him to work for food and condense the population into communal services, as well as make the population sacrifice everything material for the sake of the bright the future will not work, and Stalin then acted from hopelessness by and large. Politics is, first and foremost, negotiations of checks and balances, and the will of demands and orders is the road to making enemies and building up resistance, so you need to find a path without sharp corners that will be longer but safer.
        1. 0
          5 November 2015 22: 02
          Quote: Kyrgyz
          making people work for food now and compacting the population into communal services as well as forcing people to sacrifice everything material for a bright future will not work

          it is easier for the current authorities to kill the population, and in fact this is the main goal of the authorities.
          The people for today's authorities are a burden that needs to be treated, taught, employed, etc., and this is a big hemorrhoid for them, because the people still continue to say something and continue to beg, pensions, for example, sn, well, etc. d ...
          Quote: Kyrgyz
          Yes, and Stalin then acted from hopelessness by and large

          is it something with your stomach wassat
  34. +1
    5 November 2015 18: 24
    All troubles come from impunity.
    If for failures they did not stroke the head, but gave the bream with hollow confiscation and execution, then the economy worked like a clock.
    Do not thank, everyone knows this recipe.
    1. 0
      5 November 2015 18: 26
      Quote: gammipapa
      If for failures they did not stroke the head, but gave a bream with hollow confiscation and execution, hours

      You are worse than a fascist. why then?
      1. 3vs
        5 November 2015 19: 41
        Comrade from Israel is burning with "napalm"! fellow
        Yes, damn it, "you work badly", you have a little bream on you,
        with confiscation!
        Yes, generally shot at x ... th! wassat
  35. +2
    5 November 2015 18: 25
    A ruble with a stick resembles a grave cross. Whose "bright" head came to draw it like that ????
  36. 0
    5 November 2015 18: 26
    You can say anything, but a weakening ruble will not save Russia. What is beneficial for businessmen does not always correspond to the interests of the state and the main population. Our Saving will be saved only by the SOLID POP. Only when it will be possible to buy some product on it, only then will our economy become effective.
  37. +1
    5 November 2015 18: 32
    Quote: atalef
    Quote: gammipapa
    If for failures they did not stroke the head, but gave a bream with hollow confiscation and execution, hours

    You are worse than a fascist. why then?

    How much money do you have for the people and for entrepreneurs?
    1. 0
      5 November 2015 18: 42
      Quote: Shtynsky Dwarf
      Quote: atalef
      Quote: gammipapa
      If for failures they did not stroke the head, but gave a bream with hollow confiscation and execution, hours

      You are worse than a fascist. why then?

      How much money do you have for the people and for entrepreneurs?

      depending on the season. phases of the moon and the cost of watermelons in the Uzbek market - the price per kilogram (money) can vary significantly in the time period.
  38. +1
    5 November 2015 18: 39
    Obviously: the people have rubles, which for some reason needs to be weakened, and entrepreneurs have dollars and eureka, which for some reason are unjustifiably growing in value.
    1. +2
      5 November 2015 21: 48
      Quote: Old Warrior
      Obviously: the people have rubles, which for some reason needs to be weakened, and entrepreneurs have dollars and eureka, which for some reason are unjustifiably growing in value.

      The bulk of entrepreneurs have the same rubles and assets in Russia just debts, but debts are often not in rubles, though less often.
  39. +1
    5 November 2015 18: 47
    I have only one question for economists of all spills: how did a simple Georgian peasant create an absolute world record of economic development, not broken so far without selling gold and oil?
    1. -2
      5 November 2015 20: 55
      Quote: antiexpert
      I have only one question for economists of all spills: how did a simple Georgian peasant create an absolute world record of economic development, not broken so far without selling gold and oil?
      The goals were different.
    2. 0
      5 November 2015 21: 14
      The economy at that time was different and the time was different.
    3. +2
      5 November 2015 21: 50
      Quote: antiexpert
      I have only one question for economists of all spills: how did a simple Georgian peasant create an absolute world record of economic development, not broken so far without selling gold and oil?

      He saved a few on salaries, I think this is the wrong scheme
    4. 0
      6 November 2015 02: 25
      Quote: antiexpert
      simple Georgian man

      Well, firstly, not very simple.
      And secondly, do not forget that the revolution happened "just now"! The camp was prepared to global change, enthusiasm over the edge whipped! Plus, there were enough Explicit enemies, whom at that time were beautiful PARTNERS NO ONE GREAT! wassat And this is also a strong incentive for rallying society - a COMMON ENEMY who needs to be defeated!
  40. +1
    5 November 2015 18: 58
    if today the government is not yet ready for drastic changes, apparently hoping that everything will form by itself, then soon the situation will go to extremes

    And they only do that they hope that everything will be nicely resolved. Those. do nothing in the plane of economic recovery. They drove into their bl ... liberal heads that inflation should be kept, at least crack it, don’t give money, they are looking like cracks in the cracks, as if grandmothers could be added at a percentage anywhere. What is the use of asking them when they will start working? Well, they can’t. They don’t know nichrome, except for their HSE dogmas. Really furious already. Inflation will not go anywhere. It will gobble up everything, and they just drag out time. And then they will pound their heels in the chest - so we kept the economy, and now? Now comes for those who come after them to a broken trough, but it would be necessary now for a broken face of someone.
  41. +1
    5 November 2015 19: 24
    The Stolypin club, the expert community, brainstorming ... It seems that we have ministries and the government. Is it that explanations are being prepared in advance? Or complaints, as with "incorrect privatization"? It is others who are to blame.
  42. +1
    5 November 2015 21: 07
    "... the annual emission of money in the amount of 1,5 trillion rubles, the distribution of loans to manufacturing companies at 4-5% per annum, the systemic weakening of the ruble ..." - is this the "brainstorming of academics"? ...

    again, at the expense of Russian citizens to cover the mediocre private business of thieves from the 90s? ...
    So, only the last letters remained of the ruble ...
  43. 0
    5 November 2015 21: 52
    Quote: atalef

    There is a portrait of our daughter,
    In the portrait, Tom
    Lenin reads belatedly,
    Sitting at the table.

    It’s time for my daughter to go to bed,
    РќР ° ступР° РµС ‚РЅРѕС ‡ СЊ.
    - Mom, will Lenin soon lie down? -
    Asks the daughter.

    There is a typo in the surname ...
  44. +2
    5 November 2015 23: 27
    "And then the government will no longer have to be afraid to take decisive steps, but only to execute the corresponding presidential decree in close cooperation with the new structure of economic management."

    And our government is so direct and rushes with shouts of "hurray-ah-ah" at the implementation of the presidential decrees - so far not a single of his decree has been fully implemented - "our Yegorka always has excuses!" laughing laughing
    Yes, the entire economic bloc, with their mossy principles of regulating the economy, and not development, is high time under the knee. They are not able to solve such problems - think small! We need completely different uninfected people in the government and real patriots, and not just economists! angry
  45. 0
    6 November 2015 03: 56
    Excuse me, but this is all complete crap! Putin from the rostrum says we will not raise taxes for business, a moratorium for three years, etc. So what? Yesterday I learned that: "The unified tax on imputed income (UTII), which is paid instead of almost all other taxes by small business enterprises operating in certain areas, will be increased in 2016 by 15,9 percent." Where do you think this will lead? Correctly to the rise in prices and, accordingly, inflation! We will continue to fight inflation by shrinking the money supply, and everything in a circle looks like a sabotage!
  46. -1
    6 November 2015 15: 50
    Quote: ZAGOD
    Excuse me, but this is all complete crap! Putin from the rostrum says we will not raise taxes for business, a moratorium for three years, etc. So what? Yesterday I learned that: "The unified tax on imputed income (UTII), which is paid instead of almost all other taxes by small business enterprises operating in certain areas, will be increased in 2016 by 15,9 percent." Where do you think this will lead? Correctly to the rise in prices and, accordingly, inflation! We will continue to fight inflation by shrinking the money supply, and everything in a circle looks like a sabotage!

    This means that the country has dual power. Someone is acting against the will of Putin, and clearly with the support of the United States.