State cynicism

It is not a secret that a statesman, expressing this or that in public, says not what he really thinks, but what is beneficial for a certain group of people, class, class. Not in this exception, and our current prime minister. From his mouth came the words that he does not consider the collapse of the Soviet Union a geopolitical catastrophe. He also reminded about the time when there was “no goods in the country, it was scary to enter the store”.

It is here that I want to briefly discuss these points. Unlike the former president, who acknowledged that the collapse of the USSR is a catastrophe, and a catastrophe of enormous proportions, Dmitry Medvedev is following the course of those Westerners who have always been alien to a strong Russia, whatever name it bears - Kievan Rus, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union or Russian Federation. It was precisely these forces that made mad efforts for the collapse of the country's economy and the destruction of its mental and spiritual potential. The first in this series is, naturally, Yeltsin, under the “wise” leadership of which the country has lost a huge territory, enormous human resources and practically found itself on the verge of extinction.

What, in my opinion, is cunning in Medvedev's words?

First of all, this is, of course, the problem of people, because after the collapse of the USSR tens of millions of Russians were forcibly deprived of their homeland, found themselves in the position of second and third class people. They began to drive, poison, rob and kill. In an instant, they turned into outcasts, useless. In Chechnya, two bloody wars, deserted tens of thousands of people and pockets of representatives of the oligarchic stratum. Thousands of enterprises closed, hundreds of thousands of people were left without work. Free health care was eliminated (what remains free can only be considered a mockery). The army has become something amorphous, unable to fight a community of people under the leadership of generals, more concerned about their own well-being than about strengthening their defenses. As for the “fear of stores,” the younger generation will clearly lead to Medvedev’s statement. However, I remember well that empty regiments and fear appeared in 1989, when Yeltsin and Gorbachev clashed in a fight for power, not wanting to give in or share it.

You can also recall the notorious judgment of citizen Medvedev that the Soviet people as such did not exist. And who, then, raised the country from the chaos of 20's devastation of the last century? Who won the Great Patriotic War? Maybe a flock of sheep? Or a bunch of Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Jews and other nations? How he easily and simply destroys the "myths" of 20 of the century, as if following the book of Hitler's theorist Rosenberg!

And in the fight for sweets, all means are good. And craving power, they deliberately destroyed the backbone of the economy. Spiritual impoverishment has reached an extraordinary degree, pederasty has become not a vice, but valor, the main moral principle of the present time: profit, profit and once again profit. Drugs, alcohol and violence became the main components of the mentality of a large part of the population. Morality has become a sign of backwardness, and the inability to steal - dementia and inferiority. Prostitution has become so commonplace that even priests stopped talking about fighting it. The birth rate has dropped to a catastrophic level; young people do not want to continue their kin; now there are other desires in her blood, dictated by the norms of the consumer society. Result: the Russian people is dying out; its place is taken by people from the Caucasus and Central Asia. The officials do not want and will not create normal working conditions for their unemployed citizens, because this will require them to perform their direct duties for the benefit of society. Therefore, according to the EP, indigenous citizens may drink and die, and Russia can be settled by migrant workers, and there is much more money from this than from the legal employment of Russians. Since 1996, elections have become a fiction based on the Stalinist principle: it doesn’t matter how they vote, it’s important how they think. For ten years, the country was rampant in crime, a real sabbath of lawlessness. Crime has penetrated all spheres of society and has entangled everything, starting with the economy and ending with education.

In the political sphere, we have passed and continue all the positions that the Soviet Union had. We allow any country to kick us, starting with the United States and ending with Poland. Consciously bowing to the West, Russia is increasingly becoming a raw material (and silent) appendage of Western society. It is impossible to call these actions as genocide.

But such trifles do not touch the statesmen. Do not forget that the current president at one time headed Gazprom, whose interests are clearly more precious to him than the interests of its own people. Let us recall here that the unforgettable Viktor Chernomyrdin, who sincerely believed that what is good for Gazprom, is good for Russia also came from there. So Medvedev’s cynical reaction to the collapse of the USSR is well explained. But I, as a citizen of my country, do not want and cannot agree with her.
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  1. 0
    9 October 2015 05: 20
    You can also recall the notorious judgment of citizen Medvedev that the Soviet people as such did not exist.

    I would like to see, from the author, documentary evidence of the above written in the article. Links, No. of documents, etc.
    1. +7
      9 October 2015 05: 48
      Quote: aszzz888
      I would like to see, from the author, documentary evidence of the above written in the article. Links, No. of documents, etc.

      PS, the author is simply jarring from the name of Medvedev and that’s all. Just when a person wedges, then he turns into hatred and rushes.
      Everything that he said will be attributed to him, and any of his deeds will be perceived as a minus, regardless of the deeds themselves. Putin is good, but Medvedev is bad.
      1. -2
        9 October 2015 05: 55
        PS, the author is just jarring from the name of Medvedev and that’s all.

        Here I am, about the same.
        1. -2
          9 October 2015 06: 07
          Quote: aszzz888
          Here I am, about the same.

          And as for the documents, you will see a bunch of minuses, instead of them. But that is not from a great mind.
          1. PPL
            9 October 2015 07: 21
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Quote: aszzz888
            Here I am, about the same.

            And as for the documents, you will see a bunch of minuses, instead of them. But that is not from a great mind.

            It is a pity that many do not care about the source and they are content with subjective retelling.
            Here is how it was presented by RBC in 2011:
            "Russian President Dmitry Medvedev believes that for Russia the issue of coexistence of different peoples is a matter of internal harmony that has been created over the centuries, since Russia is an extremely ethnically complex state with a large number of peoples and confessions.

            The head of state expressed this opinion in an interview with Euronews, published by the Kremlin’s press service. As the president recalled, in the days of the USSR it was believed that the so-called single community — the Soviet people — had formed in the country.

            "In many ways, these constructions turned out to be theoretical. But this does not mean that we should get away from this problem and from this idea. We really should create a society of inner harmony, where people are tolerant of each other and at the same time people respect traditions, constituting the core of this or that ethnic group, "- stressed D. Medvedev."
            Read more at RBC:
            "You need to think less and think more." Quote from BROTHER 2
            1. +4
              9 October 2015 12: 19
              Even if we consider the collapse of the USSR a tragedy, then the subsequent 10 years of Yeltsin’s rule-a tragedy many times greater .....
              1. +10
                9 October 2015 12: 38
                Quote: DanSabaka
                Even if we consider the collapse of the USSR a tragedy, then the subsequent 10 years of Yeltsin’s rule-a tragedy many times greater .....

                This is a quiet assassination of the country and not only during the Yeltsin period.
                Unlike the former president, who acknowledged that the collapse of the USSR is a disaster, and a catastrophe of enormous proportions, Dmitry Medvedev follows the course of those Westerners who always

                Playing "in the paw", the power is thimblers, thieves, that is. Under the ostentatious good deeds, about which the media are constantly rattling, they do their dark deeds on a sly sly. Silently. It’s not supposed to know the details. IMHO.
                A little piece of the "Medvedev" time. The person who posted it should have at least read and made corrections to the text. And nevertheless, the position in power remained unchanged, bullshit is being driven on TV. All that we see is a performance, starting with Humpbacked.
                It's my personal opinion.
                1. 0
                  9 October 2015 13: 02
                  Quote: villain
                  Playing "in the paw", thimblers are in power. ... ...

                  In addition to the above, I will quote the book "Durilka" by A. Menyailov, and then make yourself clearer:
                  "Aliens flew to Earth to study the aborigines. And it so happened that they landed next to a gas station - the life of which they began to observe. Life at a gas station is known: a car drives up, a man jumps out of it, gasoline is poured into one hole of the car, into another - oil, and the car, taking the person serving it, goes on. Another car takes the vacant place, a person jumps out of it ... And so on.

                  This process was observed by Martians. One car ... another ... third ... one hundred and third ...

                  The first conclusion of the guests: two-legged without feathers and with flat nails - a servant of cars, their slaves. Consequently, the meaning of people's lives lies precisely in servicing cars - this is evidenced by the facts of their behavior at a gas station. Facts are stubborn things. After some time, enlightened aliens got tired of the dull monotony and they decided to conduct an experiment. One of them got to the next car and changed the hoses - oil went into the gas tank, and gasoline poured into the crankcase. Then the appendage of the car ran in, ran in ... Fussed over. Rolled up his feet. He knocked his fists on the hood .. The Martians thought deeply: why did such a person as a change of hoses from a gentleman lose his ability to serve? And why did there appear a certain aggression towards his master? Strange ...

                  So it is with two systems of thinking - to make people controlled and (diots), it is enough to load logical thinking with the food of the unconscious, moreover, with such a “protective” system that would starve the unconscious with hunger. If this “achievement” is imposed on the inherited suggestion to believe in the system of any postulates (e.g. religious (my mark))and do not skimp on free "education" and circuses (TV shows and talk shows (brackets from me))(and with complete cretins, you can take money for it), then the performer will definitely remain in slaves, his children too, and the children of his children ... "

                  Respectfully. hi
              2. MrK
                10 October 2015 15: 17
                I agree Den. And complement.
                Broadcast from Putin's press conferences, encouraging “optimism”, production growth is such that paper is produced as in 1969; in coal mining, Russia dropped to the 1957 level of the year; oil production - 1972; steel - 1965; cement - 1962; chemical threads and fibers - 1959; TVs - 1958; building bricks are made - 1953; radio receivers - 1947; for the production of trucks - 1937; combines - 1933; metal-cutting machines and tractors - 1931; wagons and fabrics - 1910; railway wagons and shoes - 1900. Nearly 80% of the population used the air transport, and now only 15%. At the same time, production costs per unit of production increased: during gas production - by 6 times, coal - by 4,2 times, metal products - by 3,8 times, gasoline - by 3,1 times, etc. And for fans of sources, I quote the link [The collapse of the “Russian world”: crisis, decay, decay. URL: 456774-krah-russkogo-mira-krizis-gnienie-raspad.html].
                Adapted from the book of Alexander Kurlyandchik "Damned Soviet Power" ... on Prose. RU. This book is on hearing today.
      2. +7
        9 October 2015 06: 26
        The incumbent president once headed Gazprom
        but didn’t anyone notice that from this scribble it smells like moth and mothballs !? request
        1. +2
          9 October 2015 06: 30
          Quote: makst83
          but didn’t anyone notice that from this scribble it smells like moth and mothballs !?

          Do not forget that the incumbent president once headed Gazprom, whose interests are clearly more dear to him than the interests of his own people.

          That's right .. article about 2008-2012 of the year somewhere. The period of President Vedmedev.

          Obviously "second freshness". And where did it come from, and who, and why? These are the questions that arise wink

          PS: Mole, IMHO, yet doesn't smell laughing
          1. -3
            9 October 2015 07: 37
            Quote: Cat Man Null
            Do not forget that the incumbent president once headed Gazprom, whose interests are clearly more dear to him than the interests of his own people.

            Yeah, a serious accusation - he claimed. And he, sorry, goes to the toilet, but this does not mean that he dumped the whole of Russia. hi
            1. -1
              9 October 2015 07: 42
              Quote: Bayonet

              This is, in fact, a quote from the article .. if you carefully read the last paragraph - that’s where it is.

              Therefore, all questions - to the afftor, please Yes

              That's what I really do not understand - but what for, if I may say so, this article has now been pulled out of mothballs.
              1. +1
                9 October 2015 08: 52
                Quote: Cat Man Null
                Therefore, all questions - to the afftor, please

                No questions, just added hi
              2. +1
                9 October 2015 09: 41
                [quote = Cat Man Null] [quote = Bayonet] That's what I really don't understand - but what for this, if I may say so, article is now pulled out of mothballs. [/ quote]
                ... naphthalene ... Gazprom ... Naftogaz? ...
          2. BMW
            9 October 2015 07: 43
            Quote: Cat Man Null
            So yes .. an article from 2008-2012 somewhere. Period of President Vedmedev. Obviously "second freshness". And where did it come from, and who, and why? These are the questions that arise

            They even dug it right, and most importantly in a timely manner.
            In order to show people that for these 3 to 7, NOTHING has changed, and the tangle of problems and contradictions is only growing, and every day is faster. In addition, it shows all the flaws of the DAM-GDP tandem.
            1. -12
              9 October 2015 08: 05
              Quote: bmw
              In addition, it shows all the flaws of the tandem DAM-GDP.

              Yes, you go to another country, sits aching and aching, aching and aching. But rather, Putin would really transplant you all.
              1. BMW
                9 October 2015 08: 17
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                But rather, Putin would really transplant you all.

                Afraid that the free candy will float away.
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                aching and aching

                I do not whine, but try to convey to people that we are walking along the edge of the abyss.
                1. -5
                  9 October 2015 08: 35
                  Quote: bmw
                  I do not whine, but try to convey to people that we are walking along the edge of the abyss.
                  1. BMW
                    9 October 2015 09: 59
                    Quote: Bayonet

                    Cool, with humor you are all right.
                2. -3
                  9 October 2015 08: 36
                  Quote: bmw
                  go along the edge of the abyss

                  This is your personal opinion, agree. Or maybe you just don’t understand something?

                  Quote: bmw
                  trying to convey to people

                  Somewhat annoyingly you "try" it, IMHO. Tiresome Yes
                  1. BMW
                    9 October 2015 10: 14
                    Quote: Cat Man Null
                    This is your personal opinion, agree.

                    Absolutely right.
                    Quote: Cat Man Null
                    . Or maybe you just don’t understand something?

                    Explain, I judge from my bell tower, and am based only on what I saw myself and heard myself from specific people. And the Internet, only to find out what I cannot "touch" with my own hands and take into account that the information may be biased.

                    Quote: Cat Man Null
                    Somewhat annoyingly you "try" it, IMHO. Tiresome

                    An analogous answer: is it not too early to turn GDP into a god?
                3. -3
                  9 October 2015 09: 38
                  Quote: bmw

                  Afraid that the free candy will float away.

                  For freebies such as you are standing in line.
                  Quote: bmw
                  I do not whine, but try to convey to people that we are walking along the edge of the abyss.

                  And so for 15 years in a row, and we all will not fall. People like you are sitting on the site and waiting for when the article finally comes out, what to poke, but to convey to people.
                  There have always been a lot of stupid people in the world, and most of them listen to someone and have no own opinions and brains to understand who is who. You are the one who works for this audience, the rest will not listen to your whining.
                  1. +1
                    9 October 2015 10: 34
                    As part of sitting, but pony, you do not have a worthy competitor here. laughing
                    1. BMW
                      9 October 2015 14: 56
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      For freebies such as you are standing in line.

                      The most interesting thing is never anywhere. After the institute, he plowed all the time, and not in the most monetary jobs, he mastered related and working specialties. Somehow, a finger fell into the sky.
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      For freebies such as you are standing in line.

                      Because, we are still eating through the Soviet backlog to the future, which should be enough for another 10 years. And then what, its hurt, so fig leaf, cover the shame.
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      to poke

                      Note, except for you, no one here whines that "whine and whine, whine and whine."
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      the rest will not listen to your nagging.

                      They will, therefore, as the TRUTH, and it always comes out, sooner or later, only when it's late, it will be painful and insulting.
                  2. ivan3211
                    9 October 2015 16: 05
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    People like you are sitting on the site and waiting for when the article finally comes out, what to poke, but to convey to people.

                    moderated moderator Romanov with a rating of three million. )))
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    There have always been a lot of stupid people in the world, and most of them listen to someone and have no own opinions and brains to understand who is who. You are the one who works for this audience, the rest will not listen to your whining.
                    -And this is your masterpiece. Well, we are talking about visitors to the site, as can be seen from all of the above, someone can perceive rudeness.
                    And you can understand that the commentator is afraid of competition, it's his prerogative of the unwise to set the right path on the road ...))))
              2. +2
                9 October 2015 09: 44
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Yes, you go to another country, sits aching and aching, aching and aching. But rather, Putin would really transplant you all.

                ... shaw, and me too? What about me?
              3. ivan3211
                9 October 2015 14: 52
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                But rather, Putin would really transplant you all.

                ))) Or maybe come on with machine guns right away ??? Like your namesake. )))
            2. -3
              9 October 2015 08: 12
              Quote: bmw
              for these from 3 to 7, NOTHING has changed, and the tangle of problems and contradictions only grows, and every day it’s faster

              A strong statement .. I would IMHO insert a thread into it, and you? Forgotten just, probably .. it happens wink

              For some reason, I don’t like it, when someone starts to speak for everyone .. and that means for me too. Despite the fact that I didn’t delegate such a right to him .. request
              1. 0
                9 October 2015 08: 21
                Quote: Cat Man Null
                But the allergy starts when someone starts talking for everyone .. and, therefore, for me too. Despite the fact that I didn’t delegate such a right to him ..

                This "patriot" with the most "patriotic" nicknames on the BMW website also speaks for me. I don't even know what is more in this nickname - Love for the Motherland or for German cars.
                1. BMW
                  9 October 2015 10: 24
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  This "patriot" with the most "patriotic" nicknames on the BMW website also speaks for me. I don't even know what is more in this nickname - Love for the Motherland or for German cars.

                  These are my initials, and nothing more. In the following sequence Fantasy sometimes needs to be held.
                  You don't need to hide behind the word "patriot" either, a lot of bad things have been done under its cover, don't rush to them, it's worthless.
                  1. 0
                    9 October 2015 11: 51
                    For example? What did the true patriots do wrong?
                    1. BMW
                      9 October 2015 15: 01
                      Quote: Old Warrior
                      For example? What did the true patriots do wrong?

                      All the salt is in the word "real", and "patriot" is "holy", only they begin to carry it, but this is not good.
                    2. +1
                      9 October 2015 17: 51
                      Quote: Old Warrior
                      For example? What did the true patriots do wrong?

                      For fun, interpolate your question as if from Ukraine and then get the opportunity to answer it yourself.
                    3. 0
                      9 October 2015 20: 41
                      Quote: Old Warrior
                      What did the true patriots do wrong?

                      Real patriots, as a rule, do not hit themselves in the chest with a fist - modesty does not allow. And those who constantly shout about their "patriotism" are just foam ...
              2. BMW
                9 October 2015 10: 16
                Quote: Cat Man Null
                Despite the fact that I didn’t delegate such a right to him ..

                Similarly, everyone has their own opinion, I voiced it, and in response to the pressure.
          3. +1
            9 October 2015 10: 07
            Quote: Cat Man Null
            That's right .. article about 2008-2012 of the year somewhere. The period of President Vedmedev.

            Obviously "second freshness". And where did it come from, and who, and why? These are the questions that arise

            Today, on the site, from this author, two articles are posted ...

            This one, currently being discussed, and this one:

      3. -5
        9 October 2015 07: 29
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        PS, the author is just jarring from the name of Medvedev and that’s all.

        That's for sure !
      4. +19
        9 October 2015 07: 40
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Tired of it already. Putin is good, but Medvedev is bad.

        Really tired.
        The one with ears - heard, the one with eyes - saw, and the one with the head - already understood that these guys are sitting in the same boat and rowing very well in one direction. In more detail, then you need to write a separate article, but in short, the "comrades" work in the interests of the oligarchic-bureaucratic stratum of society (big business is tightly merged with the state bureaucracy).
        Thieves' privatization? - "There will be no revision of the privatization results!"
        Are they plundering the budget and undermining the country's power? - "Now is not the 37th year!"
        Do you want to sue a government official? - Recently a law came into force according to which (if you live on one salary) "I can't even think about it!"
        Do not want to introduce a punishment in the form of a complete confiscation of property for bribes and embezzlers? - But soon the law on the secret of ownership will be passed, according to which the criminal will not be an oligarch or an official who bought the palace illegally or with stolen money, but you who publicly announced who bought it!
        Talk about health? And what about culture? And about education?
        And there are many more such things.
        And now, why are these two still better than Yeltsin and Kasyanov.
        So I live on a salary, not rich, but in my apartment, somehow dressed, rather well-fed, sometimes slightly drunk and I can't even imagine what would have happened if the Americans had crushed us. It probably would have been much worse, judging by those whom they trampled. But these "comrades" have a very clear idea of ​​what will happen in this case with them, with our officials and oligarchs (that is, with their class). This class would be much worse off than me (can you imagine being thrown from such a height?). So they are trying, as best they can, to strengthen the statehood, to strengthen the army, to raise the authority of Russia. And they don't give a damn about me, however, like everyone else present here. But while the main goal we have is one - to brush off the Anglo-Saxons, we will tolerate each other!
        1. BMW
          9 October 2015 15: 06
          Quote: Mihaylo Tishayshiy
          But while our main goal is the same - to dismiss the Anglo-Saxons, we will tolerate each other!

          Nope, until we put things in order inside, nothing will work out, one headache and frustration at least, because there are a lot of pain points, and they should not be.
      5. +13
        9 October 2015 08: 12
        I also respect DAM no more than my cat Nyusha.
        What's next?
        Who will deny that by his qualities and intellect he is not worthy not only to lead the country, but to be the chairman of the collective farm.
      6. +1
        9 October 2015 09: 22
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Tired of it already. Putin is good, but Medvedev is bad.

        Do you doubt it? In vain ...
      7. +8
        9 October 2015 09: 54
        I do not agree with the author in everything. But nostalgia for a strong country is understandable.
        As for the current "helmsmen" -
        Putin is good, but Medvedev is bad.
        Or maybe both of them are not very ...!?
        Regarding the twitter premiere:
        Everything that he said will be attributed to him, and any of his affairs will be perceived as a minus, regardless of the affairs themselves.
        . What are the real affairs, construction sites of the century, successes that are significant for the people?
        Here nothing similar comes to mind!
        1. +4
          9 October 2015 11: 20
          Quote: Skif83
          . What are the real affairs, construction sites of the century, successes that are significant for the people?
          Here nothing similar comes to mind!

          But on the mind, Dear Skif83, the reforms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, healthcare, pension, army and Serdyukov from Skolkov, as well as Rusnano and this list can be continued unfortunately for a very long time.

          But for some reason, it doesn’t come to the mind of real affairs related to DAMA. Apparently something wisely, so what. hi
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. The comment was deleted.
      8. +4
        9 October 2015 10: 05
        Well, not everyone is ready to kiss the prime minister all the time, like you, in Brezhnev's style!
        By the way, the Kremlin has long appreciated its inaction during the conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia. And when he canceled the contract with Iran for the supply of the S-300 complex. And much, much more, in the same spirit.
        It is no coincidence that his last birthday was marked so that no one noticed.
        But, they remembered and noticed his phrase, spoken publicly:
        "My not a replica already, but a verdict. You have replicas. And what I say is SHAPED in granite." laughing
        - Cicero! Whatever the word, then pearl! A worthy successor to Viti Chernomyrdin and Kozma Prutkov.
        He showed his "nonsense" in all its glory!
      9. +3
        9 October 2015 10: 31
        Do you consider him (Medvedev) great? Pounce on everyone who is against, but not a single argument in favor of this your client was brought. Listen to what he has to say. Try to think and understand what he is about. If you are objective, then you will agree - always about nothing. Socialist and perestroika "to improve" and "deepen" in comparison with his speeches immediately become significant.
    2. +5
      9 October 2015 06: 08
      Quote: aszzz888
      ... the notorious judgment of citizen Medvedev that the Soviet people as such did not exist.

      I would like to see, from the author, documentary evidence of the above written in the article. Links, No. of documents, etc.

      Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide documents, but I really heard it through the box a few years ago.
      1. -3
        9 October 2015 06: 16
        Quote: venaya
        Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide documents, but I really heard it through the box a few years ago.

        If there was such a video, it would have spread over the network in a matter of hours. But even if he once said something like that, then this is only the opinion of one person. Everyone has the right to have an opinion. Whether someone likes it or not is another question.
      2. -1
        9 October 2015 07: 24
        The GDP, too, somehow said that he was just a Clerk, thank God, he changed his mind in time. At such posts, it is necessary to SERVE the Homeland, not work.
        I will not give a link either, but I heard it myself.
        article rubbish.
    3. -1
      9 October 2015 06: 20
      Really - unintelligible article! I myself am not so hot with Medvedev, but I need the facts of his attitude towards our recent past!
      1. +6
        9 October 2015 06: 51
        It's all right ?

        Medvedev spoke about the collapse of the USSR

        20 June 2011, 02: 01

        Russian President Dmitry Medvedev does not consider the collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years ago the biggest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century.

        “I don’t think so, I already spoke about it, I don’t think so. It really was a very dramatic, very difficult event, I remember it very well, because I was already an adult boy, I was 26 years old. I can’t consider this (the collapse of the USSR) the main geopolitical catastrophe, because there was World War II, during which 30 millions of our citizens died, the Civil War was very terrible, during which millions of our citizens died, ”Medvedev said in an interview Financial Times.

        He noted that the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred almost bloodlessly.

        Medvedev is satisfied with how the country developed over these 20 years. “I believe that in this sense the generation of people who, relatively speaking, remembers Brezhnev and who studied under Gorbachev or later and lives now, is perhaps the happiest generation of our people. Why? Because we have the opportunity to compare what happened in previous eras, with the previous political system, and what is today. And this is the most important human quality - to compare and compare, ”said the President of the Russian Federation.

        He recalled the time when there were “no goods in the country, it was scary to enter the store”.

        Of course, Medvedev admitted, I would like as much progress as possible, but, according to him, when he was a university student, a graduate student, he did not dare to put on even a tenth of the current progress, RIA Novosti reports.

        Quote: Finches
        I myself am not so hot with Medvedev, but I need the facts of his attitude towards our recent past!
        1. -5
          9 October 2015 06: 59
          Quote: skifd
          . I cannot consider this (the collapse of the USSR) the main geopolitical catastrophe, because there was World War II, during which 30 million citizens of our country died, the Civil War was very terrible, during which millions of our citizens died, ”Medvedev said in an interview Financial Times.

          Well, that's right, he said, I think so too.
          What is Medvedev wrong about?
          Actually torn words from his speech and suffered some.
          1. +6
            9 October 2015 10: 18
            If you think like him, you can only sympathize ...
            1. -1
              9 October 2015 12: 24
              Quote: Bison
              If you think like him, you can only sympathize ...

              Empathize with yourself
              1. BMW
                9 October 2015 15: 12
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Empathize with yourself

                Oh, the official was born, the moderator, although small, but the official.
    4. +15
      9 October 2015 07: 25
      It looks like an old article from the time of the presidency of D. Medvedev. But the meaning and essence of the character of this person, now the Prime Minister of the Government, does not change from this.
      Stupidity does not change over time.
      I just remembered the recent speech of this "statesman" husband in Sochi, at the economic forum it seems, where he said that we will not build industrialization by methods that are criminal for the people, as it was in the 30s in the USSR ?!
      The poorly educated Medvedev did not even remember that the industrialization of the 30s saved our country, our entire people from destruction in the impending war. He probably does not even know the words of the then political Leader of the state, I.V. Stalin: "Either we will catch up with the West in industrial development in 10 years, or they will crush us, destroy us."
      A stupid person in power is a disaster for the country and the people who allow it to power. The principle is valid at all times.
      1. ivan3211
        9 October 2015 07: 44
        Quote: vladimirZ
        A stupid person in power is a disaster for the country and the people who allow it to power. The principle is valid at all times.

        And where do they come from? Again, the country and the people allowed. Again we messed up ...
        And the boyars are bad. and the people are not very ...
      2. -3
        9 October 2015 09: 54
        Quote: vladimirZ
        Poorly educated Medvedev

        He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University in 1987 and graduated from Leningrad State University in 1990. Since 1988, he taught civil and Roman law at the Law Faculty of Leningrad State University, then St. Petersburg State University. Theme of the Ph.D. thesis: “Problems of the implementation of the civil legal personality of a state enterprise”, Ph.D. in Law (1990). One of the authors of the three-volume textbook “Civil Law” edited by A. P. Sergeev and Yu. K. Tolstoy.
        Where is he up to you ... hi
        1. +8
          9 October 2015 11: 11
          Quote: Bayonet
          He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University in 1987 and graduated from Leningrad State University in 1990. Since 1988, he taught civil and Roman law at the Law Faculty of Leningrad State University, then St. Petersburg State University. Theme of the Ph.D. thesis: “Problems of the implementation of the civil legal personality of a state enterprise”, Ph.D. in Law (1990). One of the authors of the three-volume textbook “Civil Law” edited by A. P. Sergeev and Yu. K. Tolstoy.
          Where is he up to you ...

          Dear Alexander, the evidence suggests that, unfortunately, higher education does not give the mind, it only develops the existing one.

          Something like this. hi
          1. 0
            9 October 2015 15: 06
            Quote: Vladimir 1964
            according to these facts, the idea suggests itself that, unfortunately, a higher education does not give a mind, it only develops the existing one.

            ABOUT THE DOG'S TEAM

            D.M. Sobchak, in my opinion, never formed a team based on some deeply rational ideas. I think maybe he was guided by his human contacts, by the chemistry of relationships that arose with him with someone. Naturally, I was also guided by the certifications that were given to a person. So Vladimir Putin appeared in this team, I appeared. For me, this happened immediately after defending my Ph.D. thesis in 1990. I went somewhere to rest, and sometime at the end of August he called me and said that he would like to call me to work. He was just elected chairman of the Leningrad City Council. I agreed. Said it was very interesting for me. I was 24 years old, I was already a candidate of legal sciences. But at the same time, we agreed with him that I will not completely leave the university. "
        2. +5
          9 October 2015 13: 49
          / Medvedev / graduated from the Law Faculty of the A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University in 1987 and graduated from Leningrad State University in 1990. Since 1988 he taught civil and Roman law ...
          - Bayonet (5)

          And you think let's put on the post of head of state, head of government, put a person:
          - with one higher education, who does not have serious practical work experience in the profession, life experience, from the student's bench became a teacher of the university, turning into a "teacher" of lectures;
          - who stepped from the classroom into various pre-election headquarters of the Sobchaks, and from there, after the "victory" of the latter, into all sorts of "advisers", "honorary representative chairmen" of numerous JSCs, LLCs, heads of administrations.
          Is this permissible?
          That is why we live badly because in our heads of state there are all sorts of Gaidars, Chubais, Medvedevs, Dvorkovichs, and other people who do not have serious and long training, professional and life experience, who become leaders of large state structures, and the state itself.
          And from Medvedev, the legal knowledge of the university that he once received there a long time ago, due to the lack of proper and long legal professional work, is worthless. This is confirmed by all his public speeches, bloopers and failures in the work of the Government. And then he has nothing. The naked king. Keeps in public office because of "friendly" or some other kind of ties with President Putin V.V.
          That's all.
          1. -1
            9 October 2015 14: 06
            Quote: vladimirZ
            and other people who do not have serious and long training, professional and life experience,

            Well, what did the senile Politburo and the Central Committee of the CPSU bring to the country, having rich life experience and relevant education, we remember ... hi
            1. +6
              9 October 2015 14: 41
              By the way, I remembered, dear, there was a teacher who was left at the department after graduation from the university, yesterday's student with a "red" diploma, also Medvedev, in the last courses of the institute, which is why he remembered.
              Fun. They hung on him several secondary academic disciplines, gave him a bunch of old lectures, or maybe he still had his own from his student days, and he began to "teach" us 4-5 courses using these notebooks. Not whoa, not well. He cannot but explain clearly, but say, because he himself does not know anything. He will bury himself in his notebook and mutter under his breath over the synopsis. "Teacher", one word.
              It seems that D. Medvedev is one of those, in 1987 he graduated, and six months or a year later, in 1988 he began to "teach".

              But according to the old Politburo, they did nothing, the system itself worked for them. The heads of enterprises, military units, state structures were experienced people who had gone through a professional school of life. They were doing business. The planned state system worked, not allowing stupidity to responsible posts.
              And if not for betrayal in the highest echelons of power, it would still work.
              1. +2
                9 October 2015 17: 48
                The heads of enterprises, military units, state structures were experienced people who had gone through a professional school of life. They were doing business. The planned state system worked, not allowing stupidity to responsible posts
                Golden words!

                Yes, "nepotism" and so on was in the days of the USSR, to be honest!
                But rather as an exception than the Rule.
                I can compare construction sites of the times of the USSR and today's.

                Yes, now it is somewhat "easier", in terms of a custom campaign, design and recruitment of workers - there are a lot of firms and firms of intermediaries, designers too, and there are even more people ready to work for a penny (though there are fewer "pros")

                But the work does not go, there is a "drank" and the larger the object, the more.
                And the more complex the object, the more and more noticeable that both managers of the pros and, most importantly, professionals of working specialties (which are REALLY lacking) are needed.

                Just returned from the shift, stayed 2 months. A rather complex facility was launched, but launched only thanks to the dedicated work of the operating personnel.
                There are also people for whom the word "working conscience" is not an empty phrase.

                In general, how to demand something from the installers, our subcontractors. which do not pay money (essentially a penny) for 2 ... 3 months, and at the same time tranches are successfully transferred to the General Contractor?
                However, this is a departure from the topic.

                Yes, the article is "beaten by moths", but really
                -What has changed ?!
                Yes, as a real patriot (no matter how vulgarized this word is now) of my Motherland, I am glad that our Darling "knocked his shoe on the podium" and "shook his finger" at the "bad guys", but I still don't see any changes in relation to simple to the hard workers who both feed and hold this country on their shoulders, to the "rise of production", about which there are so many noisy speeches - rather the opposite.

                And the fact that LADIES is a "candidate" of some kind of legal sciences?
                But how many were there in the days of the USSR?

                There were unkempt people, true adherents of science, but there were MNFs who flickered jeans and chewing gum, did nothing for science, just sat out their pants.
                Yes, and in general it was not so difficult to defend the candidate, it would be a desire.
              2. -2
                9 October 2015 17: 55
                Quote: vladimirZ
                And if not for betrayal in the highest echelons of power, it would still work.

                Well, I don’t understand how a well-functioning system could allow betrayal in the higher (!!!) echelons of power ??? After all, there are not anyhow who sat and knew each other for more than one year - colleagues! hi
                1. 0
                  9 October 2015 19: 31
                  Well, I don’t understand how a well-functioning system could allow betrayal in the higher (!!!) echelons of power ???
                  - Bayonet (5)

                  Unfortunately, the post-Stalinist change of "reformers", represented by Khrushchev and his followers, protected themselves and the top leadership of the party and state from under the control of the USSR special services, which the Americans and the West calculated, finding in this the weak link of the USSR.
                  It remains only to make efforts and lead traitors into the leadership of the USSR who can destroy the USSR from the inside.
                  This began to be carried out already in the mid-50s, when the first swallows were recruited in a group of Soviet trainees in the United States - Yakovlev, a future employee of the CPSU Central Committee, diplomat - USSR ambassador to Canada, and Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee for ideology when Gorbachev was staying; Kalugin, future major general of the KGB, resident in the United States, head of the external counterintelligence department of the KGB PGU, People's Deputy of the USSR.
                  Not everything is clear with Gorbachev himself, who was involved in protecting the shadow business in the Stavropol Territory, bribery and extortion, and nevertheless was nominated by Andropov to Moscow, to the CPSU Central Committee for the post of Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee for agriculture. Damn they found an "agronomist". There is also officially unconfirmed information about Gorbachev's recruitment in one of his foreign trips to Italy on vacation, when his "secretary" was in the Stavropol Territory.

                  Has this system of lack of control of the special services for the top leaders of the state changed now the question? But judging by the large number of US agents of influence in the highest leadership of state power, no has not changed.
    5. +6
      9 October 2015 09: 29
      and what are your liberalists giving links other than Solzhenitsyn’s nonsense? If you are interested in Medvedev’s maxims, try to find it yourself or are there enough victories from Syria?
    6. -2
      9 October 2015 10: 17
      full-time defender? or convinced hater of the author?
    7. -5
      9 October 2015 10: 19
      Quote: aszzz888
      I would like to see, from the author, documentary evidence of the above written in the article. Links, No. of documents, etc.

      Yes, what confirmation? A set of cliches, half-truths and verbiage. Customized article
    8. +2
      9 October 2015 13: 26
      October 9th. - Pensions for working pensioners will not be indexed, said Olga Batalina, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, on Friday.

      The news is fresh, believe me. Caring for the people directly comes from every word. I am a working pensioner and my employer transfers about 16000 rubles to the Pension Fund every month, which is equal to my pension. I don’t understand who is sick of this money?
  2. +5
    9 October 2015 05: 26
    Hard. But without considering today. A few years ago I would have agreed. But now you can argue.
    The problem is huge. Therefore, only one aspect will be affected. Birth rate.
    The author is right. Russian women give birth to few. A little catastrophically. But where is it? Where all the benefits of a new life are concentrated. Capitals, central regions. And on the outskirts? There the situation is not so deplorable. Russia was preserved there.
    For many years, the center gathered lovers of well-fed life from all over the country. A whole generation (or maybe more than one) has already grown in the post-perestroika animal period. And this is foam. Traders. A foam tends to settle. This is the process we are witnessing today. The rudiments are dying. Or maybe unsuccessful attempts at evolution. A healthy organism remains.
    If we can provide a healthy part of the social organism with decent living conditions, we will be reborn. Not dead subtle metropolitan inhabitants, but strong and healthy guys and girls from the outback.
    1. +7
      9 October 2015 05: 42
      [quote = domokl] This is the process we are witnessing today. The rudiments are dying. Or maybe unsuccessful attempts at evolution.

      Something Medvedev has little resemblance to a dying rudement ... yes, just as young people fled to Moscow from the provinces, this "foam" is eternally respected.
      1. 0
        9 October 2015 05: 51
        You have not looked at statistics. But, really runs. And why? Just because living there is easier and more satisfying. So read my last sentence.
        1. +4
          9 October 2015 07: 01
          And he will run. Moscow is a separate state in the state. They took all the major taxpayers to the center, and then they wonder why such a situation develops in the regions
          The same Omsk and Sibneft former (which is now Gazpromneft)
        2. +9
          9 October 2015 09: 17
          You are your excellency "domokl" you reason like a laboratory assistant from the "Academy of Sciences", "The people are fleeing to the Centers, because life is more satisfying there, and therefore a mighty tribe of Russian people will revive in poverty and unemployment on the outskirts ..."
          It's time for you to apply to the "deputies from the United Russia", they will definitely accept
          1. 0
            9 October 2015 20: 00
            Quote: Polar
            , and therefore on the outskirts in poverty and unemployment, a mighty tribe of Russian people will be reborn ... "

            Tribe? Is it so bad ... what
        3. +5
          9 October 2015 09: 18
          Quote: domokl
          Just because living there is easier and more satisfying.

          Just because there is work. And on the outskirts, things are much worse. I do not take Moscow and Leningrad as an example; just look at the regional and regional centers. And I ride every day for 100 km to work in Krasnodar and vice versa, not from what is easier and more satisfying there.
      2. BMW
        9 October 2015 06: 01
        Quote: afdjhbn67
        Something Medvedev is a little like a dying rudement.

        More on growing.
        Quote: domokl
        But excluding today

        The question is, what will we take into account? The war in Syria? Or a profaned economy with social security?
        Quote: domokl
        A healthy body remains.

        What are you talking about, each next generation is less healthy than the previous one.
    2. 0
      9 October 2015 05: 52
      Quote: domokl
      Russian women give little birth

      Definitely Medvedev jamb. Sanya hello! And I would have scored. The layers of society are different, some (communists) are sitting on the site and all day they are proving that the country is heading into the abyss and everything is gone. Others are sending them to hell. Third Medvedev far and wide. Previously, Chubais was to blame for everything, and Today is the new trend of Medvedev. Human stupidity is ineradicable hi
      1. BMW
        9 October 2015 07: 54
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Previously, Chubais was to blame for everything, and today, a new trend is Medvedev.

        Everyone believes, including you, that DAM is an empty place, and Chubais is an enemy of the country and people, and the GDP knows about it, so what? Everyone is shown an elongated middle finger.
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        the country is heading for the abyss

        And what is wrong or wrong?
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Human stupidity is ineradicable

        I think so too. hi
        1. -3
          9 October 2015 08: 02
          Quote: bmw
          Everyone thinks, including you, that DAM is an empty place

          You don’t need to speak for everyone, much less for me. He is the second person in the state. Therefore, a priori, there can be no empty place. It is only your desire to see him as such.
          Quote: bmw
          and Chubais is an enemy of the country and people,

          I do not care about Chubais, he has long been out of power.
          Quote: bmw
          and the GDP knows about it, so what? Everyone is shown an elongated middle finger.

          Oh, this Putin took and showed you the middle finger laughing I emphasize YOU, not me. Putin didn’t show me anything.
          Quote: bmw

          And what is wrong or wrong?

          Stupidity and stupidity.
          Quote: bmw
          I think so too.

          Well, at least they started to understand something. Although it is still far from a breakthrough.
          1. ivan3211
            9 October 2015 09: 02
            This Romanov is strange ... In one comment there is one sense, then just the opposite ... Does the surname make itself known, maybe?
            1. The comment was deleted.
        2. -1
          9 October 2015 10: 14
          Quote: bmw
          Everyone believes, including you, that DAM is an empty place, and Chubais is an enemy of the country and people, and the GDP knows about it, so what? Everyone is shown an elongated middle finger.

          ... someone's quote (I don't remember): "Is it possible to imagine something more abstract than the Lord God and the Lord Ministers?"
    3. +9
      9 October 2015 05: 52
      I live in a small Ural industrial city. Children greet me at the entrance. Well, it's in the doorway. So after all, on the outskirts it happens that unfamiliar children are the first to greet adults! But, you are right, for example in Yekaterinburg, from the words of relatives and friends, children at the entrance rarely greet even their acquaintances.

      Huge figurine despised premiere fool and liberastam am ! You did not win the people! Huge respect hi parents and teachers of these children!
      1. -5
        9 October 2015 06: 09
        Quote: My address
        At the porch, children greet me.

        This is clearly a merit of Putin.
        Quote: My address
        But, you are right, for example, in Yekaterinburg, according to relatives and friends, children in the entrance rarely greet even friends.

        Here is Medvedev a scoundrel.
      2. 0
        9 October 2015 07: 41
        Quote: My address
        , for example, in Yekaterinburg, according to relatives and friends, children in the entrance rarely greet even friends.

        Well, this is already the fault of the parents of those children! Maybe they are "liberals"? hi
    4. -1
      9 October 2015 10: 10
      Quote: domokl
      If we can provide a healthy part of the social organism with decent living conditions, we will be reborn. Not dead subtle metropolitan inhabitants, but strong and healthy guys and girls from the outback.

      + unconditional ... But - not without sediment in the form of "foam" ... a character, or what, such? ...
      ... In "early" times, for example, I, for example, a provincial (even one who had become "into the people", polished and aristocratic!) Recognized by "potato belly" - an excess of starch in the diet since childhood: an unbalanced diet is called (now); this "defect" can hardly be stopped even with age and a change in lifestyle ...
      And in terms of culture and ethics and morality - yes, the province leaves the "advanced capital" far beyond the barrier! But physical health ...
      (a provincial himself, with such a "potato belly" ...)
    5. The comment was deleted.
  3. +8
    9 October 2015 05: 44
    The question is correctly raised in the article. We have no rear!
  4. +1
    9 October 2015 05: 48
    The author forgot, or maybe did not know that:
  5. -8
    9 October 2015 06: 42
    Do not judge, but we will not be convicted. It was interesting to look at the author's author as the prime minister, the Russians probably would have rolled like cheese in butter and dairy rivers flowed across the country with jelly banks.
    1. +2
      9 October 2015 06: 55
      Quote: A1L9E4K9S
      It was interesting to see the author’s role as prime minister,

      Why do you not like Russia so much.
    2. -3
      9 October 2015 07: 43
      Quote: A1L9E4K9S
      It was interesting to see the author as prime minister, the Russians probably would have rolled like butter in cheese and milk rivers flowed across the country with jelly banks.

      Everyone imagines himself a strategist, seeing the battle from the side.
  6. +6
    9 October 2015 07: 20
    To assess the work of the Prime Minister of the country is a thankless and impossible task. The bulk of the "connoisseurs" and the three diggers did not try to organize, and therefore do not even represent the complexity of leadership that faces the top echelon of management. But questions arise, and out of the blue. For example, why is the price of gas falling on the world market, while on the domestic retail market - growing? Or, by what parameters did Medvedev assess Stalin's work as negative? Indeed, at the time of this assessment, Medvedev was not a human rights activist, but the President of the country. Maybe you compared it with your own achievements? I don’t rate Medvedev, but there are questions for him.
    1. +1
      9 October 2015 07: 24
      Quote: ARES623
      For example, why is the price of gas falling in the global market and rising in the domestic retail?

      Why were exporting cars cheaper in the USSR than for their own citizens?
      1. ivan3211
        9 October 2015 09: 28
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Quote: ARES623
        For example, why is the price of gas falling in the global market and rising in the domestic retail?

        Why were exporting cars cheaper in the USSR than for their own citizens?
        Because they are all the same, in principle ....
        1. +1
          9 October 2015 09: 36
          Quote: ivan3211
          Because they are all the same, in principle ....

          Do not tell tales, I had Six export - earth and sky! Especially the finish and corrosion protection!
          1. ivan3211
            9 October 2015 14: 19
            I'm talking about those who are at the helm. Not in the top six export. )
  7. +8
    9 October 2015 07: 36
    From the shoals of Medvedev that I remembered:
    - Libya, although the "no-fly zone" was already introduced in Yugoslavia, ended with bombing, if you forgot your iPhone, you had to listen to your elders, Putin explained on his fingers, Anatolich just threw a hysterics: who is the president in the house. Now let's take the rap in Syria.
    - Yak-42 closed after the accident, without waiting for an investigation, and the pilots were to blame, although when the airbus and Boeing slammed, there were no bursts of hysterical activity by the Vedmedev.
    - he took iPhones as a gift with maximum PR in the media / advertising of foreign products by the president of the country / reminds Gorbi with pizza //, persistently promoted the iPhone to government agencies.
    - drove the Rain channel into the broadcast grid, created the OTP channel / differs from the rain by slightly less toxicity /.
    - merged the election company into the Duma, in the presidential election he was swaying cool from side to side until the last moment.
    - created some kind of left-wing freelance "government". On the faces of this "government" / not to be confused with the government of the Russian Federation / although there is also enough // without a gag reflex it is impossible to look.
    - oh yes, he gave the order in 2008, but forgets to add that 08.08.08 was being prepared by the former president, and he was entrusted with the go-ahead.
    1. -5
      9 October 2015 08: 45
      Quote: Degree
      From the shoals of Medvedev that I remembered:

      I should have added: "In my interpretation" - it will be more honest.
      1. ivan3211
        9 October 2015 09: 14
        Quote: Bayonet
        Quote: Degree
        From the shoals of Medvedev that I remembered:

        I should have added: "In my interpretation" - it will be more honest.
        Only our sins on millions of people, lives and destinies are not reflected.
        And their assessment is different and demand ....
        And so I completely agree, everyone is mired in sin.
      2. +2
        9 October 2015 14: 34
        You can not judge and condemn this neighbor for something ... But the prime minister must be judged by his affairs! Yes, yes, it is JUDGMENT for all his affairs !!!
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. -1
      9 October 2015 19: 21
      Quote: Degree
      - drove the Rain channel into the broadcast grid, created the OTP channel / differs from the rain by slightly less toxicity /.

      Are you forced to watch it? lol
      Quote: Degree
      - oh yes, he gave the order in 2008, but forgets to add that 08.08.08 was being prepared by the former president, and he was entrusted with the go-ahead.

      That is, after all, Russia is an aggressor? belay
    3. The comment was deleted.
  8. -3
    9 October 2015 07: 45
    What are you arguing friends? After all, talk about the same thing, but don’t hear each other! Sick? And you try to remove the name of Medvedev from the article (because the fig is not proved the bad meaning of his words about the collapse of the Union), then - for all the minuses of life in modern Russia - which the author brought, show the pros (well, in the sense, what’s good ?) and compare. And you will see that everything is not so scary, you can live! Well, when else will the foam settle ...! Then we’ll live! Less envy and anger towards others. Talk less, work more! And then argue about nothing. Remember - paradise life only from the outside seems to be such, but if you look from the inside - nothing special - life is like life.
    1. 0
      9 October 2015 08: 37
      Quote: Dembel 77
      Less envy and anger towards others. Talk less, work more!

      good good good
    2. ivan3211
      9 October 2015 09: 19
      Quote: Dembel 77
      Remember - paradise life only from the outside seems to be such, but if you look from the inside - nothing special - life is like life.
      -How shoud I understand this? Tell me, please, when did you manage to visit paradise? And how was it again on the sinful earth?
    3. +5
      9 October 2015 09: 34
      Quote: Dembel 77
      to all the minuses of life in modern Russia - which the author brought, show the pros (well, in the sense, what’s good?) and you will see that everything is not so scary, you can live! Well, when else will the foam settle ...! Then we’ll live!

      Why don’t you put on bast shoes and zipun, and go across Great Russia with your "good news", which you smeared here liquid ...
  9. +7
    9 October 2015 07: 47
    There are no grounds to separate these senior and junior rulers on the question of what the USSR is, given that the youngest has no opinion at all.
    As with all other issues.

    But DAM is still like a smaller and less intelligent type, who got into the big bosses directly from the kindergarten, no, no, and not restrained not to spit in the USSR (empty shelves, scary to go in, sausage for 2.20, etc.).
    Liberal, however.
  10. +2
    9 October 2015 07: 58
    Quote: Degree
    - drove the Rain channel into the broadcast grid, created the OTP channel / differs from the rain by slightly less toxicity /.
    - merged the election company into the Duma, in the presidential election he was swaying cool from side to side until the last moment.
    - created some kind of left-wing freelance "government". On the faces of this "government" / not to be confused with the government of the Russian Federation / although there is also enough // without a gag reflex it is impossible to look.
    - oh yes, he gave the order in 2008, but forgets to add that 08.08.08 was being prepared by the former president, and he was entrusted with the go-ahead.

    With two hands for the exam, although proven, schoolchildren are dumb
    And he gave the go-ahead after kicking Putin from China.
    Now puffing to become a receiver again, I liked it.
    1. 0
      9 October 2015 12: 21
      Quote: N-SKiy
      although proven schoolchildren are getting dull

      Yeah !!!
  11. +3
    9 October 2015 09: 09
    Since 1996, elections have become fictitious on the basis of the Stalinist principle: it doesn’t matter how they vote, it matters how they think.
    put a minus for it.
    1. -2
      9 October 2015 09: 40
      Quote: Kazakh
      put a minus for it.

      I put it right, because such "elections" were ALWAYS!
  12. 0
    9 October 2015 10: 25
    Do not forget that the incumbent president once headed Gazprom,
    An interesting message. This is when Putin was the head of Gazprom. ???? Medvedev was, but he is not the current president. The author confused something on the dates and dates, or it was written about 6 years ago.
  13. -1
    9 October 2015 10: 31
    Well, the author splashed out the accumulated irritation and anger, and so what? Feel better?
    We need to work on the revival of Russia. To each. You can silently.
    I personally think that "the glass is half full" and "the bugs smell of cognac."
    1. -1
      9 October 2015 18: 55
      Quote: Rostislav
      We need to work on the revival of Russia. To each. You can silently.

      good good good
    2. The comment was deleted.
  14. +2
    9 October 2015 10: 37
    For some reason, I’m sure that he will ruin the country in one and a half to two years.
    When the first and the last came to power in 1985, everyone was also moved, put themselves in his place and said how difficult it is for him, how he thinks "in a new way"! Yes, it was not easy to surrender one position of the USSR after another to the worst enemies. But then the idea came to radically cut the Gordian knot - to give the Union to be torn apart, and leave himself, like a pioneer who had not collected the required amount of scrap metal.
    This is the same option and personality type!
    1. 0
      9 October 2015 20: 32
      Quote: 1536
      For some reason, I’m sure that he will ruin the country in one and a half to two years.

      I'm not sure!
  15. -1
    9 October 2015 10: 42
    The whining of a liberalist! And what did you do for RUSSIA ?!
  16. +1
    9 October 2015 11: 46
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    Why do you not like Russia so much.

    Alexander, I love Russia, it’s my homeland and I’m not going to change it (like some), only some authors are such commanders and strategists looking from the side, and when it comes to concrete cases, it turns out to be an empty place.
  17. +3
    9 October 2015 11: 51
    Guys, well, let's live peacefully. Aiphon, he is from the "chosen by God", he is good, he is from the "tandem." Look how some "marshals" protect him. He does not want to raise the retirement age, he does not freezes, he loves American gadgets, his hands are shaking, he will not cut the military budget, he is the first friend of our "partners", he is, in general, a "sweetheart." they love, appreciate and respect, especially Ulyukaev, Nabiullina, Gref. And how important it is, but everything is concerned about the future, it’s a pity the golden toilet bowls do not promise, but even then bread. And in general, he is half of our guarantor, how can he live without him it will be, not with the radish Glazyev. Come to your senses, kiss his photo on the curly forehead and everything will be fine with you.
  18. -3
    9 October 2015 11: 58
    The article is clearly dusty ... minus.
    1. -6
      9 October 2015 18: 53
      The government will not work better if it shouts insults at it. Give Napoleons and Caesars to the author for ministerial posts ...
      1. 0
        10 October 2015 02: 06
        Quote: ALEA IACTA EST
        The government will not work better if it shouts insults at it. Give Napoleons and Caesars to the author for ministerial posts ...

        Will it work better if you kiss him at the train station? wassat
    2. The comment was deleted.
  19. +7
    9 October 2015 12: 58
    Eck how everyone rushed to protect the iPhone! And you list his merits, that he did the right thing for the country? But precisely for the country, since we have no domestic policy at all, and no strategy for the country's development. Maybe eat? So let him voice it. And so only theses and appeals. Whom and where is he calling? Maybe someone does not want the ministers to "understand and understand"? Then you need to scold such a minister and call it again. When the oil price is 120, the country is easy to steer, but it is precisely to "steer". And puff out your cheeks. The price of oil fell and the GDP was blown away. And I don’t need Rosstat to bother about 48% of exports from energy resources, a country that is not sharpened for oil does not fail. I work and live in the Far North, and so 70% of enterprises have stopped, leading them to bankruptcy. This is in the North, but in the country? They bent the whole country with cancer under loans and are happy. They report on the welfare of the people. And why did you allow banks to borrow money in the West, so that later they could put their people in the Romberg pose. And now we all go and think what to steal for a loan, since the salary for June was only given. But we will help the banks, we will not let the banking sector collapse. And the fact that this "will not give" again from the budget - nothing. Doctors, medicine, teachers, education will tolerate. The main thing is that the head does not hurt when heating. The prime minister is an executor, not a reasoning head. Do you know why there is no vocational school in the country? Because there is nothing to teach and nothing to work on. And soon there is no one. Well, they cannot all go into small business and the market cannot decide anything without coordination, otherwise there will only be monopolies. And no matter how trite it sounds, but only industrialization, not "buy everything we need". DO NOT sell, it turns out.
    1. +2
      9 October 2015 14: 30
      Everything to the point and to the point !!! Someone must tell the truth ...
    2. The comment was deleted.
  20. +4
    9 October 2015 14: 28
    It is high time for this "statesman" to retire - away from public affairs and worries ... An absolutely mediocre, faded personality trying to play an important role in the life of the country. But in fact, he is more busy with photography and iPhones than with government affairs. Today, education and healthcare are being finished off under him. They finish it off clearly, brazenly, openly! And before that, with him, industry and other important areas of the country's activity collapsed. And everything is like water off a duck's back. In fact, he should be judged for all his deeds !!!
  21. +1
    9 October 2015 15: 16
    It would seem, and here
    1. -2
      9 October 2015 16: 21
      Quote: Kaiten
      It would seem, and here

      I still think Samsung came up with this, so that iPhones would not be bought in Russia! Subtle move and what kind of coffinism, isn't it? hi
  22. -3
    9 October 2015 18: 37
    The article is a set of complaints and laments. I, too, can shout from my couch about "bad government, people mired in vices, widespread drug addiction" ...
  23. +1
    10 October 2015 00: 50
    The article is clearly five years overdue, moreover, it is very poorly written, although this topic is still relevant today. The problem is that neither the president nor the head of government can change anything, because they do not decide. They, too, were once invited there so that they imitate a stormy public activity, as the late Boris Abramovich used to say today: "A cardboard fool". As I understand it, because I personally, and the people, have many questions for these top officials that have remained unanswered for decades.
  24. 0
    10 October 2015 03: 01
    “If a person does work, we must conclude that he has not completely lost his job function and, therefore, he makes up for some of his additional needs through work, he has the strength to work. Then, it would probably be fair to think that such a category of citizens would not receive indexation in our country, ”the Prime Minister said.

    Work means you can. Carry money to the FIU as much as you can, my monthly installment 16 thousand rubles.My indexing could be somewhere 500 rubles per year.DAM forgot how to count? With the departure of the people in the gray schemes of the economy, and this is inevitable, the losses of the FIU will be much higher than the savings on indexing money.
    At least, it is unwise to spit in the heart of their veterans. The immediate benefits will bring significant losses in the near future. I will also keep silent about the ethics of the statement, although it is very insulting.