Harassment of alternative thinking


Some time ago, the respected economist Sergey Y. Glazyev proposed his plan to protect the domestic economy from sanctions (by maximally isolating it from the influence of speculators and locking resources in the domestic market, thereby protecting economic sovereignty). While experts are discussing the program itself, public attention was attracted by the violent reaction of influential liberal circles, who, with manic persistence, began to throw mud at it even at the stage of appearance as a group of theses. Harassment in the press continued even when the Kremlin, through the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, officially disowned Glazyev’s proposals:

We know that he is an economist, we know that he sometimes comes from his own academic background and makes an expert point of view on certain points. And not always this point of view is an expression of the official position of the president or the presidential administration.

However, Peskov’s statement meant that Vladimir Putin somehow familiarized himself with the program, and the domestic liberal elite had quite weighty reasons for concern. After all, if Glazyev’s proposals suddenly come to court, it would mean that not two or three dozen people were removed from the financial trough, but in fact a whole class of parasites who had been creating their own branch structure in the state apparatus for more than two decades.

We are talking about real institutions of a liberal economy, where local authorities, when they are in high positions, bring with them a whole pack of protégés, students, etc. In total, there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people with liberal and Russophobic views in their positions. capable of no activity other than indiscriminate theft.

For decades, sitting on the distribution of financial flows, the whole of this large friendly team has ensured an exceptionally comfortable existence. Coming to any of the key posts of a person with the views of Glazyev (not necessarily personally Sergey Yuryevich) will mean for the absolute majority of system liberals removal from the trough, since completely different people will start building a new economy. Glazyev’s plan, whatever its flaws, is the real alternative to the current neoliberal economic course. Not clarification, editing or adjustment, but a complete alternative.

It is possible that the Kremlin is increasingly aware of the disastrous consequences of following the same path. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, in January-August, Russia's GDP fell by 3,9%, and the trends are becoming less and less joyful: if in June the annualized decline (according to the same MER) was 4,2%, then in July it was already 4,6%.

In fairness it should be noted that the fall itself, of course, began long before the events around Ukraine and all the sanctions. Back in November 2013, the then head of the Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, reported to the president that by the end of the year, the decline in rail freight (which is one of the indirect indicators of the health of the economy) is expected to be at the level of 3,3%. And other figures did not shine with optimism. After the introduction of sanctions against our country and the fall in oil prices, the situation became only worse.

There is no doubt that liberal economists who have occupied all significant posts have repeatedly promised the head of state if not to stabilize the system, then at least to keep the decline in acceptable values. However, the situation is such that these same indicators nowadays do not just fall down, but simply fly uncontrollably downwards. Of course, the liberal bloc can explain as much as it pleases by the fact that the measures, they say, have not yet had an effect, and we must wait, but the fact remains. In Russia, any serious economic crisis almost always entails a political crisis. A complete collapse of the economy will inevitably end the country. Obviously, it was this circumstance that made the first person of the state turn to the theses of Glazyev, albeit in the form of a general acquaintance.

So far, the financial block liberals are doing everything to aggravate the situation as much as possible. As countermeasures against them and the arranged crisis, they are offering to save in every possible way. But to save not on oligarchs, top managers and the state apparatus, but on the social sphere, as well as on the Armed Forces. It is difficult to come up with a more effective plan for an agent of influence, thrown into the highest echelons of power.

Offering his plan on the Security Council, Glazyev could not help but understand that the upper class, hard-tied to the West, would initially be in the most severe opposition to his ideas. Now a simple thought reigns in oligarchic circles: we will make peace with the United States, and everything will be as before. Apparently, the Russian “top” is not at all familiar with the simple axiom that geopolitical interests are always above economic interests.

In February, 2014, Moscow attacked the exclusive right of the world hegemon to interfere in the affairs of other countries, and this is not forgiven. Since it is not yet possible to bomb Russia, like Yugoslavia or Iraq, it is a bet made on compradors. The latter are faced with the task of collapsing the socio-economic sphere in the shortest possible time, bringing it to full paralysis, weakening the Russian defense capability. In such circumstances, if Glazyev and his program were invited, then just before the collapse, in order to blame him for all the consequences of many years of destructive activity. Sergei Yuryevich obviously understands this and hardly wants to stand at the helm of a sinking ship, preferring to observe the collapse from the side, in order to offer his program again, but in completely different political conditions.

Glazyev’s plan is a plan of salvation, desperate and risky, but necessary. Now it’s not too late to change the course, although the price of such a reversal will be completely different than a year or two years ago. What this price will be in the 2016 year, now no one can predict.
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  1. +80
    22 September 2015 06: 18
    Glazyev’s plan is a plan of salvation, desperate and risky, but necessary. Now it’s not too late to change course, although the price of such a reversal will be completely different from what it was a year or two years ago.

    While the country is ruled by previous characters, there will be no reversal No.
    1. -29
      22 September 2015 06: 33
      Previous characters have shown different results over the years. Not the fact that with these "characters" nothing will change. Do you have someone else to replace? PS I recently read about "the Crimean head will be the new president of RF" ... ???
      1. +44
        22 September 2015 06: 47
        Quote: smith7
        Do you have someone else to replace?

        Will someone else be allowed to run the state? We have only one "irreplaceable and God-given". Why doesn't he disperse the government, which shows from year to year that it cannot correct the situation in the economy? So these "characters" suit him.
        Quote: smith7
        I recently read about "the Crimean head will be the new president of RF" ... ???

        And why not?
        1. -45
          22 September 2015 09: 11
          In Crimea, any adult will tell you that Aksenov is a former bandit
          1. +36
            22 September 2015 13: 03
            In Crimea, any adult will tell you that Aksenov is a former bandit

            was this summer in Crimea, all for Aksyonov and no one says that he is a bandit! Do you practice the State Department’s fee?
            1. -14
              22 September 2015 18: 51
              Yes, the people are for Aksyonov, but the fact that he has heard the former bandit repeatedly and from different people. What does the State Department's fee have to do with it?
              1. 0
                22 September 2015 21: 48
                In Crimea, any adult will tell you that Aksenov is a former bandit

                But Stalin - no?
                1. +12
                  23 September 2015 12: 57
                  An anti-Stalinist is either illiterate or a scoundrel. There is no third.
                  1. +1
                    23 September 2015 18: 38
                    Quote: ASK505
                    No middle ground.

                    Imbitsil, degenerate, traitor, there are many options!
                2. -1
                  23 September 2015 18: 03
                  Quote: Mahmut

                  That's always the case, you will say not what the townsfolk want to hear, immediately the minuses will fly. Hold on plus, comrade in misfortune!
                3. +3
                  24 September 2015 12: 35
                  I ask you not to offend Stalin
                4. -1
                  26 September 2015 12: 53
                  No!!! Got it? Obviously, this is not for your mind ...
              2. -16
                22 September 2015 21: 48
                In Crimea, any adult will tell you that Aksenov is a former bandit

                But Stalin - no?
                1. +4
                  23 September 2015 10: 55
                  And what is your comparison?
                  1. 0
                    26 September 2015 12: 55
                    Yes, he is from illiteracy and liberalism
                2. +1
                  23 September 2015 12: 24
                  Stalin is not.
              3. +6
                23 September 2015 08: 59
                It’s not necessary to proceed from the fact that the woman said in the bazaar that facts are needed and you don’t have them, so
                be prudent and do not label rumors.
                1. +4
                  23 September 2015 11: 08
                  Quote: Biget
                  I apologize for my contribution, but I want to clarify:
                  “Have you asked or not heard?”
                  Given: Yalta. The ban on the construction of high-rise buildings in the central part of the city. Opposite house 14 on the street Sohania from early morning until late evening is the construction of a multi-storey building. Can you guess whose structure the developer belongs to?

                  It is very significant that a person with an alternative opinion was minded for commenting on the article "Harassment of Alternative Thinking".

                  Fact: a skyscraper is under construction in a low-rise area of ​​the central part of the city of Yalta. What do you think will look like in the historical part of the city (where the houses are on 2-3 floors) such a meromantium in 16 floors? http://novostroy-crimea.ru/novostroyki?id=133
                  By the way the Console and Konstantinov are connected, I will not tell here.
                2. -5
                  23 September 2015 14: 47
                  this was told to me by serious men who were responsible for their words, not women in the market. I don’t glue any labels, I just wrote what I heard about repeatedly in different cities of Crimea
            2. +3
              23 September 2015 10: 54
              I apologize for my first comment on this site, but I want to clarify:
              “Have you asked or not heard?”
              Given: Yalta. The ban on the construction of high-rise buildings in the central part of the city. Opposite house 14 on the street Sohania from early morning until late evening is the construction of a multi-storey building. Can you guess whose structure the developer belongs to?

              It is very significant that a person with an alternative opinion was minded for commenting on the article "Harassment of Alternative Thinking".
            3. c3r
              23 September 2015 23: 25
              You saw the Crimea, my friend! I have been here for a year, and the roads, as they were broken-down in Yevpatoria and the Saki region, have remained, but the dirt and construction garbage dumps remained as they were, the people in the queues at the EEC take a queue from the night, to the children's clinic to see the doctor, "this is fantastic ", SABOTAGE !!! And how much money has already been thrown in. And also ruined farms (although still under the old regime, but under Russia, thieves also sit in their places) such as "Magarach" in Vilino. Maybe Aksenov is not a thief, but the administrative apparatus of Crimea, thieves, must be changed 100%. So, not by the bars, embankments and women of Crimea should be assessed, but turn into a side alley and take a closer look!
            4. -3
              24 September 2015 05: 02
              in the 90s of aksens, an active participant in the Simferopol organized crime group nicknamed Goblin is ALL in the Crimea
              1. +3
                24 September 2015 05: 14
                Quote: pinhead
                in the 90s aksenov an active participant in the simferopol gang

                In the 90s, you are either a bandit or a cop, or a sucker whom all
            5. -3
              25 September 2015 04: 43
              gentlemen minusers, you deny the obvious fact because it is inconvenient for you. and then you write about zombie Ukrainians. pov. and you are better? is it more difficult to come up with a dumber argument than the State Department’s fee
          2. +1
            22 September 2015 13: 39
            A bandit is one who keeps his word for exactly three minutes (Latynina’s principle).
            What do you mean?
            Honest in power are generally absent, because they are stupid (Zhirik principle).
            In addition, I would venture to suggest that all active people have violated or are violating the law, but "not caught is not a thief" (principle of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
            1. +2
              22 September 2015 18: 58
              that is, if a person steals and is not caught, is he honest?
            2. +24
              22 September 2015 20: 41
              As for the bandits, this is interesting.

              Here in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, one "privatized an aluminum plant" and everyone thinks that he is a bandit and a terrible 9-year suspended sentence, he was taken to his homeland from Hungary, now he is an authoritative businessman and an acting deputy. Another with a group of comrades "privatized", well, if you want to participate in the loans-for-shares auction, Norilsk Nickel, but he is not a bandit, now the acting Deputy Prime Minister.
              Here is the first one, who is considered a gangster, was engaged in a factory and tried (not badly by the way) to develop production and did not let the factory fall in the 90s, the second one who did not get a gangster bought a yacht like Abramovich’s and an estate in France (officially he is a wealthy person and most importantly within law).
              And here is the question of how the first differs from the second (except for the assertion that one is a gangster and the other is a deputy prime minister), because one and the second have been enriched by the removal of state property.
              And most importantly, both of them were allowed to do this at the very top, if in doubt, then at least try to participate in such matters.
              1. +1
                25 September 2015 09: 57
                A good example, and it was possible without hints, so the faces are clear. Bykov really didn’t ruin production, on the contrary, kept it. Norilsk Nickel, in turn, cut the entire social network and transferred part of its production to contracts, as if competitors might appear there. From a single complex they are trying to cut a virtual archiprofitable piece. They do not understand that it can only work in a complex. Norilsk was depopulated without obvious signs that there was a decline in prospects. On the contrary, the shortage of Norilsk Nickel raw materials only steadily grew in the world market.
                1. 0
                  25 September 2015 22: 44
                  What kind of hints are there, it’s just that the last names don’t play a role, well, if you want to take another acting deputy prime minister by the name of Shuvalov (the funniest thing is that we are talking about the current government, which is fighting corruption and so on, etc.), so only the type of activity will change there , on which this comrade, as they politely say now, made a fortune (his wife also did not have 500 million official incomes per year). The thing is that Putin does not have another spare bench, whether anyone likes it or not (including the VP himself).
                  With such figures in the current government, it is unlikely that anyone in their right mind is waiting for radical changes in the country.
          3. +2
            23 September 2015 16: 03
            Quote: pinhead
            any adult will say that Aksenov is a former bandit

            Ek surprised!
            And I.V. Stalin is also a former bandit (expropriator). wink
            And K. Voroshilov is an English spy. laughing
            It is necessary on the merits, and not who the bandit is there, who is the robber, but who is the honest frayer.
            Is modern economic policy bad? A lot of parasites?
            Yes it is.
            But after all, economic policy under the Soviet regime was also not entirely good. The total deficit of goods and services in demand and, figuratively speaking, ruined the USSR.
            I myself for Glazyev’s economic theses and forfeiture!
            However, still the truth, as always, is somewhere in between ...
            Here, for example, limit the circulation of currency.
            Do not overdo it here, otherwise we will recall "Birches", fartsa and the black currency market.
            On the other hand, why the number of banks that have the right to conduct foreign exchange transactions is not limited to a few authorized banks that would serve only foreign trade operations, without being carried away by currency speculation.
            It will be easier to keep track of cash foreign currency flows; it is easier to stop the illegal withdrawal of funds abroad.
            And the sale for rubles? Buy rubles from the Central Bank (authorized bank) and take any Russian goods for them.
            And let importers buy currency from the Central Bank, and not generate debts abroad.
            And there are many such measures, Glazyev described everything.
            1. 0
              25 September 2015 09: 58
              Quote: Alekseev
              But after all, economic policy under the Soviet regime was also not entirely good. The total deficit of goods and services in demand and, figuratively speaking, ruined the USSR

              It is a myth. Total deficit was only in the RSFSR. In any of the republics, life was better.
          4. DPN
            23 September 2015 19: 47
            In Russia, Chubais with Nemtsov and his comrades turned the USSR around, and Aksyonov gathered the country. It turns out HE is more noble than Chubais and his brothers.!
        2. +2
          22 September 2015 11: 55
          .... I recently read about "the Crimean head will be the new president of RF" ... ???
          And why not?

          .... Why yes ???? .... We already had one (Brokeback) .... He said, you will hear .... And the point ??? ... lol
          1. -1
            22 September 2015 19: 17
            Starikov will be the next president.

            Aksyonov, theoretically not savvy. Here it is necessary to be able to conduct international politics.
            Well this is a joke.

            By the way, please fix the primacy of opinion. I was the first to say that liberals are nerfed.
            1. -5
              23 September 2015 08: 52
              Take Starikov to your place in Canada.
              *** all over his face, not the post of president.
              1. -2
                24 September 2015 07: 30
                In vain, comrades, they were busy.
                Kolya Starikov is a political prostitute, which, after Trotsky, we did not have spawn. But unlike Trotsky - he is a dummy - a talking head.
                From the go-ahead of the Kremlin, it blows into the ears, interfering with the lies with real facts.
            2. -2
              24 September 2015 16: 04
              if only liberals of honest monarchists are fiercely neglected, just look at my rating !!! bully
            3. The comment was deleted.
            4. The comment was deleted.
        3. -5
          22 September 2015 13: 05
          you Bongo, liberal, you just have to shout "you are Surkov propaganda" and offer Maidan!
        4. +2
          23 September 2015 00: 06
          This is it (GDP) while they are satisfied! sad
        5. -2
          24 September 2015 07: 14
          because the former rector cannot be president of the GREAT NUCLEAR POWER!
        6. -1
          24 September 2015 12: 28
          It would be naive to believe that someone would voluntarily refuse to parasitize and live at the expense of the people. Only the people can decide whether he agrees to continue to tolerate these parasites.
      2. -9
        22 September 2015 09: 27
        Quote: smith7
        PS I recently read about "the Crimean head will be the new president of RF" ... ???

        And why not Nabiullina, not Serdyukov at last, who is Aksenov?
      3. +5
        22 September 2015 22: 38
        Quote: smith7
        Do you have someone else to replace?

        Favorite excuse of all time
        I remember Kryuchkov on the rostrum of the congress of the People's Deputies said about Gorbachev: "they don't change horses on the crossing"
        This is the difference between our political system and the Western one - there you don’t choose anyone, the general course remains unchanged, with us every character wants to experiment
        1. -1
          23 September 2015 08: 39
          This is the difference between our political system and the Western one - there you don’t choose anyone, the general course remains unchanged, with us every character wants to experiment

          Because they choose a ruler, and they have a representative from the government.
    2. +17
      22 September 2015 08: 06
      Glazyev’s plan is a plan of salvation, desperate and risky, but necessary. Now it's not too late to change course
      Tell Putin.
      1. +1
        22 September 2015 08: 50
        In my opinion, this whole mess will be before the next year’s State Duma elections. Then Putin will have a real opportunity to appoint a new prime minister.
        1. +31
          22 September 2015 09: 30
          Quote: Amurets
          In my opinion, this whole mess will be before the next year’s State Duma elections. Then Putin will have a real opportunity to appoint a new prime minister.

          The prime position has never been elected. If desired, Vova Pe can give a kick to the plush Vini at any time.
          1. +7
            22 September 2015 18: 20
            Quote: Grenader
            If desired, Vova Pe can give a kick to the plush Vini at any time.

            You can recall how EBN changed governments like gloves ...
          2. +30
            22 September 2015 21: 47
            Quote: Grenader
            If desired, Vova Pe can give a kick to the plush Vini at any time.

            maybe, but doesn’t want, it’s one team!

            why many do not want to see the obvious:
            some directors of state corporations (Sechin, Yakunin) receive 5 million per day,
            and at the same time, the government will not index pensions, and then increase the retirement age.
            Pensioners in the Russian Federation on average receive 10 thousand rubles per month.
            So, for one daily wage top.manager can contain 500 pensioners per month, and for a monthly salary - 15000 pensioners !!!
            And how many such managers and officials are there in the country ?!
            That is, this is only the official part of the robbery of the population.
            And there is also unofficial ... - embezzlement, kickbacks, cuts, "great" out-of-jurisdiction ministers of defense with auxiliaries, regional leaders, pop-up collections of watches, gold writing utensils, paintings, icons, and just huge collections of denominations ...
            And all "this" is enough .., but pensioners and doctors have no money in the budget!
            and our president knows nothing of this ... crying
            1. 0
              25 September 2015 10: 01
              Quote: Stroporez
              why many do not want to see the obvious:
              some directors of state corporations (Sechin, Yakunin) receive 5 million per day,
              and at the same time, the government will not index pensions, and then increase the retirement age.

              All right, with the terrible quality of wage management and social inequality in pay, it’s just mocking. Any top manager can be replaced in a day. The competition is great. And try to replace the welder of the 8th category, if there are only two of them in the whole country, and both are over 70. These two create a real product.
        2. +24
          22 September 2015 09: 41
          Quote: Amurets
          In my opinion, this whole mess will be before the next year’s State Duma elections. Then Putin will have a real opportunity to appoint a new prime minister.

          Putin can resign at any time.
          It's time for Nabibulin and Medvedev - they have no place in the government
          Instead of Nabibulina - Glazyev
          Instead of Medvedev - Lavrov or Shoigu
          1. +17
            22 September 2015 13: 48
            Quote: vidmid
            Instead of Nabibulina - Glazyev
            Instead of Medvedev - Lavrov or Shoigu

            this is basically meaningless.
            It is not Nabibulin who decides on the policy of the Central Bank, but the current constitution, which gives the right to external control of our country.
            If you put IV Stalin at the head of the Central Bank, the effect will not be sufficient.
            We need systemic reforms.
            But Shoigu was not only in the financial sector. It is necessary where there is, like Lavrov.
          2. +18
            22 September 2015 18: 24
            Quote: vidmid
            Instead of Nabibulina - Glazyev

            Glazyev is the smartest man and patriot of Russia ... But he is not a fighter ...
            To each his own ... Glazyev with a team of smart peasants are developing economic policies and programs, and a team of sensible patriotic performers at TOP posts are implementing it ...

            That's just, if you do not smoke all the mold that hit everything that is possible, then this team will not be able to break anything ...

            Here persuasion and half measures can not do ...

            Or we are building a state with a strong economy and social, supported not by the Constitution in words, but by real politics, which will cause the support of the broadest sections of the population, or we will slide into nowhere, or rather - into oblivion ...
            1. +5
              22 September 2015 19: 25

              All of you are right. Glazyev’s team will be admitted a little later. After half a year a year.
              GDP does everything clearly and without excesses. That there were no hard shocks. Liberals are simply made to understand something.
              1. +6
                22 September 2015 20: 52
                So Putin said that he is for evolution, not revolution! In my opinion they will wait. And there will be no changes. After all, the guarantor for the liberal economy.
              2. 0
                24 September 2015 11: 49
                If only it were not too late And the liberals have long understood everything.
          3. 0
            22 September 2015 19: 21

            It’s too early to resign. International politics still does not allow. Another year and a half.
            But I know for sure that in 2 years the recession will end and there will be no big war.
          4. +1
            23 September 2015 00: 10
            Don't be so naive - he will only be allowed to replace some "good" ones with others, but not the economic basis of comprador capitalism in Russia! bully
          5. msm
            23 September 2015 11: 53
            Instead of Medvedev - Lavrov or Shoigu
            Well! Framed good people ... What will happen to them now?
        3. +13
          22 September 2015 10: 53
          After the elections to the State Duma, a mess may begin on a larger scale. If Putin does not make a party out of the Popular Front and does not replace EdRo with it, then he will have to draw interest to EdRu, and this is already a direct path to the Maidan. No wonder Zhirinovsky expressed in Rodnina’s Duma that they were preparing it.
          1. +12
            22 September 2015 13: 26
            Quote: VEKT
            If Putin does not make a party out of the Popular Front and does not replace EdRo

            ONF Central Headquarters

            Govorukhin Stanislav Sergeevich - EdRo

            Timofeeva Olga Viktorovna - EdRo

            Aitkulova Elvira Rinatovna - EdRo

            Batalina Olga Yurievna - EdRo

            Bogomaz Alexander Vasilievich - EdRo

            Bocharov Andrey Ivanovich - EdRo

            Vasiliev Alexander Nikolaevich - EdRo

            1. +3
              22 September 2015 14: 24
              But I’m not saying that the Popular Front is any better, I’m talking about changing the sign. One could play, as we like, on faith in evil boyars who did not justify trust. But I’m afraid they won’t guess.
        4. +1
          22 September 2015 22: 43
          Quote: Amurets
          Then Putin will have a real opportunity to appoint a new prime minister.

          The prime minister cannot pursue an independent policy without the sanction of the president. That means Putin is satisfied with Medvedev. By the way, the last ones who feel a deterioration in living standards are the ruling elite
          1. +5
            23 September 2015 00: 15
            Medvedev-looking on the economic front from the ruling oligarchs!
            Putin is looking after the place of oligarchs in the foreign economy. front i.e. political.
            This is where the legs of this "friendly" tandem grow from! wassat
            1. 0
              25 September 2015 10: 03
              Quote: Vlad5307
              Medvedev-looking on the economic front from the ruling oligarchs!

              Medvedev is a political pensioner, just like Matvienko, no need to assign additional functions to them.
      2. +12
        22 September 2015 12: 18
        "... then to offer his program again, but in completely different political conditions."

        And most likely already completely different people.
        The short-sighted, incompetent and talentless are very tired of them. In no case should such individuals be left unpunished. But not feeding in prisons, but getting along with a rope or one cartridge. And who is trying to convince us that traitors and "rats", together with their "hangers-on" and "tail carriers", must be forgiven ?!
        In my understanding, "forgive" means to understand. To understand the essence of "enemies of the people" .., yes, this concept is even unimaginable. Either we give them a cruel death, or they give us. Only if we endured them for a couple of decades, now, as it were, there is no time left. Who are we going to ask later and how?
    3. -3
      22 September 2015 08: 37
      We are talking about real institutions of a liberal economy, where local authorities, when they are in high positions, bring with them a whole pack of protégés, students, etc. In total, there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people with liberal and Russophobic views in their positions. capable of no activity other than indiscriminate theft.

      and family name is possible? should a country know its heroes, name, place of work, nationality?
    4. +55
      22 September 2015 08: 50
      1. Transfer of state assets and accounts in dollars and euros from countries included in the NATO bloc to neutral.

      2. The return of all state-owned values ​​(precious metals, works of art, etc.) to Russia.

      3. Sale of bonds of NATO countries before the imposition of sanctions.

      4. Cessation of export of gold, precious and rare-earth metals.

      5. Currency credit swap with China to finance critical imports and switch to settlements in national currencies.

      6. Creation of our own system of exchange of interbank information for payments and settlements in the Customs Union, CIS, with partner countries by analogy to SWIFT.

      7. Creation of a payment system for settlements with bank cards in "Evrazes", which would close, among other things, settlements on the Visa and MasterCard systems.

      8. Limitation of the foreign exchange position of banks, the introduction of preliminary declaration of large non-trading foreign exchange transactions. Introducing a capital export tax and financial speculation in the future.

      9. The transition to settlements in trade in the Customs Union and with other countries in national currencies. Conclusion of new contracts for the export of hydrocarbons in rubles.

      10. Currency credit swaps with countries to finance trade.

      11. The rapid decline in reserves of dollar instruments and debt to countries supporting sanctions.

      12. Replacing loans of state corporations and state banks in dollars and euros in rubles under the same conditions, conducting for this purpose a targeted issue with placement through VEB.

      13. Explanatory work with the population on the appropriateness of transferring euro and dollar deposits into rubles. In the case of a freeze of the assets of the Central Bank and state banks in the United States and the EU - a freeze of bank liabilities in dollars and euros.

      14. In response to the trade embargo, the implementation of critical operations through Belarusian and Kazakh enterprises.

      15. Transfer to the national jurisdiction of offshore property rights to strategic enterprises, subsoil use facilities and real estate.
      taken from here: http://www.vestifinance.ru/articles/42212
      So the discussion would be more substantive. The author is a small remark.
      But in generallooks reasonable... But the world economy after these steps will be "stormy" for 10 years, at least.
      1. +41
        22 September 2015 09: 35
        Quote: fennekRUS
        1. Transfer of state assets and accounts in dollars and euros from countries included in the NATO bloc to neutral.

        So far, unfortunately, the opposite is happening:Russia in May resumed active purchases of US government bonds. Over a month, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation acquired Treasury bonds by $ 4,1 billion, increasing its investments to $ 70,1 billion, follows from the data of the US Ministry of Finance. In a difficult situation, we finance someone else's in our economy. Sad friends.
        1. +11
          22 September 2015 16: 56
          let's just say - they make investments in their future comfortable life for themselves and their descendants, the country finally doesn’t have to do with it, by the way they wrote that a couple of other famous people asked for citizenship of the Russian Federation, but is there just how many officials Have US citizenship? - Officials and famous people of the Russian Federation are naturally :)
        2. +7
          22 September 2015 18: 30
          Quote: Grenader
          In a difficult situation, we finance someone else's in our economy. Sad friends.

          No matter how I puzzle, - I just can’t understand the reason for this ... I don’t even know what to call it ...

          We - ourselves - feed - our - enemies ....

          Well, it doesn’t fit in your head, and that's all ...
          1. -3
            22 September 2015 19: 40

            I will explain to you what the matter is. The Russian Federation purposefully finances the US economy. There are serious prerequisites for this.

            In the United States, lowering living standards to a living wage should go slower. If this is not done, then the general aggressiveness of the entire population should be redirected to another channel. How it was done in Ukraine.

            China is doing exactly the same. This is a policy of overcoming the recession.
            It is necessary to enable the United States to recover. They have already lowered bank interest to a minimum and have withdrawn excess money from circulation through financial pyramids.
          2. +5
            23 September 2015 00: 17
            To whom are enemies, and to whom are partners in the robbery of the country! hi
          3. +4
            23 September 2015 08: 58
            This is called betrayal.
            Treason to the Motherland.
        3. +4
          22 September 2015 19: 34
          And then Nabiullina becomes the best head of the Central Bank according to the British magazine. As in the case of Kudrin during the crisis of 2008-09. Well, just coincidence, coincidence ...
        4. +2
          22 September 2015 19: 34
          And then Nabiullina becomes the best head of the Central Bank according to the British magazine. As in the case of Kudrin during the crisis of 2008-09. Well, just coincidence, coincidence ...
        5. 0
          22 September 2015 20: 58
          it's just a business of the Central Bank. By May, the ruble strengthened and the Central Bank bought up debts that they had already sold, as soon as the ruble collapsed.
          1. +3
            23 September 2015 12: 11
            Strengthen to what figure? Up to 100, 150 or 200 rubles per dollar? Although, according to Putin, the Central Bank, under the leadership of Nabibulina, has already strengthened the ruble. I remember how last fall, on this site half of the commentators shouted that the ruble was being devalued on purpose, in order to redeem their assets, identify speculators, the fifth column, etc. And now, literally in a month, or maybe less, all enemies of the people will be removed, imprisoned, and the Russian economy, under the strict guidance of the wisest, will explode into the bright future. Well? Suspended, planted someone? Has the economy skyrocketed? Yes, there will be nothing. Putin, and his team, played, and will play by the rules of the IMF and the Fed. He is trying to sit on two chairs, and to conduct an independent policy, and not to spoil relations with the world banking and economic community. And until the sanctions are lifted from Russia, unless of course by some miracle oil does not rush up, the ruble will fall as they will. And in connection with these and the economy as a whole. What Russia will buy off from the West, we will see in the near future.
          2. The comment was deleted.
        6. +9
          22 September 2015 22: 15
          Quote: Grenader
          In a difficult situation, we finance someone else's in our economy. Sad friends.

          All officials shout that collapse of the ruble is good for exporters!
          And what do we export?
          Except for raw materials, NOTHING! the fictitious devaluation stimulates the further "pumping out" of natural resources under pseudo-patriotic slogans and cries: put up with the imperials "krmzhenyayash", while the population is really impoverished ..
          There is no longer sad, but you need to beat the alarm!
          1. 0
            23 September 2015 19: 19
            I do not want to justify the authorities, but look for real information about what Russia sells abroad. It’s not very nice to rewrite stupidities and rumors. Of course, the raw materials may prevail, but I personally saw layouts with diagrams and all that on this topic (like the RBC office isn’t quite pro-Putin’s), but the final product is also enough. Trite, but more than half of all diesel fuel in the EU is Russian
      2. +10
        22 September 2015 13: 53
        Quote: fennekRUS
        Reflects the interests of exclusively local hucksters who are not able to compete through traditional "market" methods, and who want to secure preferences for themselves through administrative methods, without changing the capitalist model of the economy.

        The main issue for the young bourgeoisie is the market. To sell its goods and emerge victorious in the competition with the bourgeoisie of a different nationality — that is its goal. Hence her desire - to provide herself with "her", "native" market.
        I. Stalin T.2 s.305

        The bourgeoisie of the oppressed nation, constrained on all sides, naturally sets in motion. She appeals to the "native lower classes" and begins to shout about "fatherland", posing her own business as a cause for the whole people. She is recruiting an army of "compatriots" in the interests of the "homeland."
        I. Stalin vol. 2 p. 306

        Only the population of this plan will not be easier.

        1. +4
          22 September 2015 14: 26
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Reflects the interests of exclusively local hucksters who are not able to compete through traditional "market" methods, and who want to secure preferences for themselves through administrative methods, without changing the capitalist model of the economy.

          I agree with you, but there is one BUT. There was no competition in its original understanding. Importers are the same "local hucksters" "wishing to secure preferences through administrative methods, "(sorry for the ripped out phrase) And how competition is carried out (in all countries, not only in Russia) you know as well as I do.
          The difference is that the aforementioned plan envisages limiting the "export of capital", which will have to be spent inside the state. And the fact that everything is being done in the interests of certain groups of people is no secret to anyone. Therefore, limiters are provided for those very "hucksters". Only practice will show whether they will work.
          1. 0
            22 September 2015 15: 25
            Quote: fennekRUS
            Competition, in its original sense, was not
            It does not matter.

            Quote: fennekRUS
            The difference is that the above-mentioned plan envisages limiting the "export of capital", which will be forced to be spent within the state. And the fact that everything is done in the interests of certain groups of people is not a secret to anyone.
            But this is a false dichotomy - the case when both options are worse.
            And we need it?

            There is a third option that is not carefully considered, and which truly reflects the interests of the majority.

            Quote: fennekRUS
            Therefore, limiters are provided for those very "hucksters". Only practice will show whether they will work.
            Let them be, but only in the interests of other hucksters.

            Glazyev, under the guise of some abstract benefit for Russia, is promoting the idea of ​​changing the system that works in the interests of some hucksters to a system that will work in accordance with the interests of other hucksters, despite the fact that nothing but a change in the beneficiary will change, and the change will accompanied by a significant drop in living standards.

            All this has already happened.

            The national struggle under conditions of rising capitalism is a struggle of the bourgeois classes among themselves. Sometimes the bourgeoisie succeeds in drawing the proletariat into the national movement, and then the national struggle in appearance takes on a "nationwide" character, but this is only in appearance. In its essence, it always remains bourgeois, advantageous and pleasing mainly to the bourgeoisie.
            I. Stalin T.2 s.308
            1. +1
              22 September 2015 21: 25
              Quote: Uncle Joe
              and then the national struggle in appearance takes on a "national" character, but this is only in appearance.

              Do you rely on another? And what do you justify the decline in living standards? Lack of import? So he, excuse me now, is a capital letter G! (I had a BMW 93 years old, honestly drove away, and was sold. I took a ride on the current one, disappointed in the brand!) Globalization, however. Well, yes, this is purely my opinion.
              Here is a ball for you, on your side is the concept of quality of life familiar? Which is not a synonym for the notorious standard of living? You know, I agree to redistribute the benefits in favor of those who provide jobs and employment for our people. I have not believed in global happiness for the people for a long time. And where will the fall in living standards occur? In 10 million cities, or some sort of Red Dawns? I am afraid in the latter, they will not notice any deterioration.
              But if you are waiting for a revolutionary situation, then I am personally against it. The world has changed somewhat over the past 100 years. Iosif Vissarionovich, whose works you refer to, I respect immensely. Here are just your position, I do not understand, it is vague. It seems there are a lot of words, good and smart, but it is not clear, "Are you for the Reds, al for the Bolsheviks?"
              py.s. I can not vouch for the accuracy of the quote, I read for a long time hi
              1. 0
                22 September 2015 22: 28
                Quote: fennekRUS
                Do you rely on another?
                And should? smile

                And what do you justify the decline in living standards? Lack of import? So he, excuse me now, is a capital letter G!
                He is of course g, but this g is no worse than the domestic g, and while he is, he at least somehow restrains prices.
                If imports disappear, then their g will cease to be enough, and under the current economic model, this will lead to an even greater increase in prices and a drop in quality.

                Globalization however
                This is not globalization.
                Capitalism constantly needs new sales markets, and in the absence of these, it is necessary to artificially reduce the service life of goods, thereby providing a market for itself.

                And where will the fall in living standards occur?

                But if you are waiting for a revolutionary situation, then I personally am against
                And its offensive does not depend on you or on me - its leadership creates the country.

                That's just your position, I do not understand
                So check with me smile

                Are you for the Reds? Al for the Bolsheviks?
                For the international laughing
                1. +1
                  22 September 2015 22: 46
                  Quote: Uncle Joe
                  For the international laughing

                  Thank you))) cheered up!
                  But perhaps I am leaving the discussion (I want to sleep) It's nice to argue with you. And the question of a political position has disappeared. Good luck and respectfully shake my hand.
        2. 0
          22 September 2015 15: 57
          Great quotes. I recall the image that was replicated many times in Soviet cinema: "I am out of politics! I am an honest businessman!" :)) Yes Yes..
        3. +3
          22 September 2015 21: 09
          Reflects the interests of exclusively local hucksters who are not able to compete through traditional "market" methods, and who want to secure preferences for themselves through administrative methods, without changing the capitalist model of the economy.

          Dear Uncle Joe, well, you are learning to start the materiel!
          That is:
          and so:
          The problem is just that. that Russian and Western manufacturers are placed in unequal conditions. Western manufacturers lend to Western banks with long-term loans for several years, the discount rate is a few percent. Russian manufacturers, Russian banks lend for short periods at double-digit interest rates. To take out a loan in another country means to bear exchange rate risks and overpay to an intermediary bank, it turns out to be not much better than to take in Russia.
          From all this, the question is posed: what is the Bank of Russia actually doing? By definition, it should create conditions in which producers have enough money. And he creates conditions in which manufacturers cannot repay borrowed money, but enough money for financial speculators in the stock and foreign exchange markets.
          Hence the conclusion: you need to change the policy of the Bank of Russia to another. Question: which one? And the answer is elementary. Which countries do we want to catch up with in terms of industrial development? USA, EU and Japan? Well, let the Russian Central Bank work in the same way as the central banks of these countries. And what, free competition, equal conditions for everyone.
          1. +1
            22 September 2015 23: 08
            Quote: Assistant
            The problem is just that. that Russian and Western manufacturers are placed in unequal conditions
            Whose problem is it? laughing

            Enterprises were given to the private trader (the private trader did not rest, but was only for), and called the private trader an effective owner (the private trader joyfully indulged in this).
            And now the same private trader on a white eye declares that he is really more effective than the state, just an inefficient state needs to be created for him, otherwise he doesn’t have enough money wassat

            If these effective ones are not able to cope on their own, then this is not an occasion to create conditions for them, but to drive them with a filthy broom.

            From all this, the question is posed: what is the Bank of Russia actually doing? He must by definition
            What he owes by definition is recorded in the form of definitions in the law on the Bank of Russia.

            Hence the conclusion: we need to change the policy of the Bank of Russia to another
            The Central Bank does not have its own policy.

            4 Article. The Bank of Russia performs the following functions:
            1) in collaboration with the Government of the Russian Federation develops and implements a unified state monetary policy.

            And he conducts it in accordance with a given goal.

            Article 80.3. President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws defines the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the state.

            The goal is to provide the most comfortable conditions for raw material capital.
            Glazyev cares about the interests of producers who are disadvantaged by the tax system that is not comfortable for them and the difficulty of lending.

            But both Glazyev and his patron do not care that - Russian Federation - social statewhose policy is aimed at creating conditions ensuring a decent life and free development of man - and what exactly is the reason for dancing.
      3. +5
        22 September 2015 21: 10
        I also read his thoughts, but somehow he went around the topic of stimulating the demand of the population, or you and I missed it. In general, I personally think that one of the locomotives for increasing the purchasing activity of the population is improving the welfare of pensioners - first of all .... The vast majority of pensioners spend their entire pension on housing and communal services and all sorts of services. This layer of the population does not buy foreign currency and does not hide money abroad. (mostly) They also buy mainly Russian-made products. All this only stimulates the growth of the economy, and mainly the Russian segment of production. It is also important to make all lending targeted, to limit the margin of banks to a minimum. Although banks are the blood of the economy, in the current situation they are parasites. You need to deal with them.
        Well, in general, I agree with Glazyev, although earlier I sometimes read it and saw a lot of populism in his words.
        In any case, it’s impossible to break the existing system, but economic measures can still be used to squeeze out the greed of parasites, although in places it’s only possible surgically ...
        1. 0
          22 September 2015 22: 07
          Quote: AwaZ
          but somehow he circumvented the topic of stimulating population demand

          Uv Valery! Doesn't it seem to you that the presence of a stable income among the general population, and low interest rates on loans (which will be a necessary measure to keep inflation, in the conditions of "plugged drain for money") will be the best incentive for supply and production? Only one moment is seen - the economy cannot be turned down by a directive. It is necessary for at least 10 years to methodically and consistently launch financial instruments, and not rush every two or three years from edge to edge, for the sake of rating.
      4. 0
        24 September 2015 02: 11
        Quote: fennekRUS
        4. Cessation of export of gold, precious and rare-earth metals.

        How tired people carrying outright nonsense.
        Type in the search box "Gold reserve of Russia", find the site golgomania.ru and you will find out everything about the gold reserve for the last 10 years. I just can’t drag the plate into the comment. I could not read all your nonsense before.
      5. 0
        25 September 2015 10: 07
        This will not save the economy, but at least it will help get rid of speculation in the currency and securities market.
    5. +14
      22 September 2015 10: 13
      Glazyev’s report contained proposals on personnel issues in the government. They no longer deny that they are under the influence of the State Department, and some openly declare their mission in government positions in order to break up and sell off Russia. Really we will wait for the weather from the sea, and is it time to start an all-Russian discussion on all platforms about the future of Russia? And as a result, hold a referendum on constitutional reform. How long can I wait? Patience of the people is not unlimited.
      The progress has gone. For some, the news is that the Komi government was officially called organized crime groups. belay And in which regions is not the same? Then who is our state?
    6. +3
      22 September 2015 11: 28
      The transfer of the capital to Novosibirsk, a complete rotation of the government.
      1. +2
        22 September 2015 14: 28
        Quote: Igor K
        Transfer of the capital to Novosibirsk

        Money nowhere to go?
        1. +1
          23 September 2015 08: 53
          By no means, there will be no money with Moscow in the current system.
    7. -5
      22 September 2015 19: 50
      Quote: Bongo
      While the country is ruled by previous characters, there will be no reversal

      did you want that the bulk leader or the daughter of the Gaidar?
    8. -2
      22 September 2015 22: 19
      Quote: Bongo
      While the country is ruled by previous characters, there will be no reversal
      As politicized economists try to intervene in the economy, there will be a mess in the economy. Come on, flies separately, cutlets separately. Enough experiments with different models of economies. It’s time to already understand that all theories in Russia are breaking up on Russian reality. This is the same as pouring a different blood type into the patient. Glazyev simply does not understand that it will not work to take away from some and redistribute to others by economic methods, since this will lead to the curtailment of production. In reality, only the development of competitively capable production and business affects the economic situation in the country. And for this we need not theories, but the creation of favorable conditions for development. hi
      1. +1
        23 September 2015 00: 28
        There is no economy without politics - one is a continuation of the other! I will also remind you of this expression - "the theory is dry, my friend, and the tree of life blooms magnificently"! wink
        1. -2
          23 September 2015 08: 12
          Quote: Vlad5307
          There is no economy without politics - one is a continuation of the other!
          Who would argue! But if in the USA business uses politics in its interests, then in Russia politics uses business in its own. The essence of the question is who uses whom, hence the conclusion — only mutually beneficial cooperation based on respect for the interests of government and business can lead to the creation of a viable state.
          1. 0
            24 September 2015 06: 47
            I would not correct much: in the US, business is power, "money rules the world," "money is power" ... Therefore, the owner of a corporation is the inviolable master of the world, And any official, even such as the head of the IMF, is a pawn that is easily allowed in the expense. In Russia, power is a business, money is just an attachment, albeit inalienable, to power. Therefore, any owner of a corporation, even such as YUKOS, can be imprisoned and deprived of assets, the official is practically untouched.
            Which system is better to argue when private property is primary or when power is primary ...
        2. The comment was deleted.
    9. The comment was deleted.
    10. +1
      23 September 2015 05: 45
      That's right ..... Pu everything settles down ....... For us, dust in our eyes ...... !!!!!!!!
    11. 0
      23 September 2015 18: 36
      Quote: Bongo
      While the country is ruled by previous characters, there will be no reversal

      I think that it was at the command of the "characters" and it became a vowel, but the fact that the liberals were fussing, says that it's not so simple, it means that something has changed in the characters.
    12. DPN
      23 September 2015 19: 40
      That's right until VV Punin surrenders to Chubais, nothing changes in this WORLD, and he does not surrender his own.
      1. 0
        23 September 2015 20: 17
        Yes, and on sites of this orientation thriving alternative opinions flourishes. If you are not for the ruling oligarchic regime, then you are a liberalist, white-winged soldier and traitor. From the liberal camp one can hear exactly the same words: if you are not for their plan — to finally surrender Russia to the collective West for the lifting of sanctions — then you are a Kremlin boat and a scoop. Personally, I am extremely negative about both of them, because I’m a Stalinist.
    13. 0
      24 September 2015 17: 06
      the article is full of lies = propaganda, I personally see from my average economist education = that the president’s team is doing the right thing.
      I will say this 1) there is accumulation and purchase of physical gold, so the ruble exchange rate is high - all dollars are sent for this purpose. 2) the collapse of the dollar. 3) RMB is at the forefront, now they are the largest consumers of resources and producers of goods. And we, with our banking system and labor cost, are not competitors, subsidizing production as in Europe = printing unsecured currency — we will not return to the economy of the country of advice — we won’t, there are many who don’t want to be workers and peasants ...
  2. +33
    22 September 2015 06: 27
    And who will deploy? Shuvalov dvorkovich and other liberal rubbish?
    1. PPD
      22 September 2015 12: 07
      And who appointed them there? Have you come?
  3. +21
    22 September 2015 06: 37
    Liberals just can not give power. It's not like there will be a U-turn. They will put everyone to the bottom, whistling the US anthem.
  4. +32
    22 September 2015 06: 38
    The replacement of the chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, as well as of the entire financial and economic bloc of the government, has long been ripe: for for such an economic policy these ministers should be held accountable under the article for treason to the Motherland, with appropriate punishment, because they do much more harm than all economic sanctions against Russia from the West ...... It only remains to hope that the President personally will have enough political will and decisiveness to restore order in the country's internal economic life as soon as possible and finally finally put an end once and for all with this liberal legacy of the 90s of the Boris era Yeltsin .... For in connection with the current difficult external political situation at the present time, it is very dangerous to be able to "behind the back" of such pests .....
    1. +9
      22 September 2015 08: 59
      Quote: denchik1977
      It only remains to hope that the President personally has the political will and determination to restore order as soon as possible in the domestic economic life of the country and finally finally end this liberal legacy of the 90s of the Boris Yeltsin era once and for all ....

      That's it, the whole matter is in the political will and determination of the president, and not in any crap, like future elections, the final rearmament of the army and other nonsense that pops up here from the users. We will wait and hope.
      1. 0
        24 September 2015 07: 10
        Is he, Lord God, that everything depends only on his will? Even Stalin had to clean up, for ten years, his entourage from Trotsky to Yezhov, in order to implement only his will into life. Now nothing like this is observed, he even could not put Serdyukov! Why Serdyukov, even Serdyukov’s mistress, couldn’t do a scapegoat, despite all the reputational losses! And you say: political will, determination ...
    2. +12
      22 September 2015 14: 10
      Quote: denchik1977
      The replacement of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the entire financial and economic bloc of the government, has long been overdue: because for such an economic policy these ministers should be held accountable under the article for treason
      Article 80.3. President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws defines the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of the state.

      It only remains to hope that the President personally has enough political will
      What does the will have to do with it?

      President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, said that the Central Bank is "persistently following" the path of strengthening the national currency. The official euro exchange rate for the first time since February rose to 70 rubles. http://top.rbc.ru/finances/10/08/2015/55c87eae9a794741b9302136

      But to hope - yes, you can: so the victim of a maniac until the last hopes that the maniac will change his mind.
      1. +1
        22 September 2015 14: 23
        Quote: Uncle Joe
        But to hope - yes, you can: so the victim of a maniac until the last hopes that the maniac will change his mind.
        And what do you suggest? Maidan? Is it really easier to bring Crimea back than to push the "liberal bloc" aside? Accept Glazyev's plan.
        1. +2
          22 September 2015 15: 41
          Quote: Stirbjorn
          And what do you suggest? Maidan?
          Does your vocabulary strictly correlate with the stamps of federal channels, as a result of which the phrase "orange revolution" that you utter so intoxicatingly has been replaced by the phrase "Maidan", pronounced with no less enthusiasm? smile

          Stopping self-deception is what I suggest.

          Is it really easier to bring Crimea back than to push the "liberal bloc" aside?
          What kind of liberal bloc is this, and who appointed the representatives of this bloc to their posts?

          Accept Glazyev’s plan.
          And move some hucksters for the interests of others? No, thank you.
          1. +1
            22 September 2015 16: 28
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            Stopping self-deception is what I suggest.

            This is not an argument) Anyway, we will all die.
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            What kind of liberal bloc is this, and who appointed the representatives of this bloc to their posts?
            Yes, you know very well yourself. Nabibulin, Gref, Siluyanov, Ulyukaev, etc.
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            And move some hucksters for the interests of others? No, thank you.
            Well, I don’t know, everywhere there are hucksters - then either over the hill, or following the example of Sterligov, to the village) is there any point in wailing to VO?
            1. +7
              22 September 2015 17: 11
              Quote: Stirbjorn
              This is not an argument.
              And the rhetoric from the series "What do you propose? Maidan?" in relation to a proposal to really look at things - is this an argument? smile

              All the same, we all die
              And after death we get into the Maidan laughing

              Yes, you know very well yourself. Nabibulin, Gref, Siluyanov, Ulyukaev, etc.
              I also know very well who appointed them.

              Therefore, it is ridiculous to talk about some kind of liberal bloc when our "non-liberal" trust openly declares:

              Putin: "... I want to emphasize once again and say: there will be no return to the past. Russia will remain a market liberal economy. Today I want to repeat once again: we will consistently continue the line on encouraging private initiative, on integration into the world economy ... ".

              then either over the hill, or following the example of Sterligov, to the village
              Either stop being led to a false dichotomy, one of the variants of which is "either over the hill or into the country", to look at things realistically and act accordingly.

              But how would history develop if capitalism did not strive to maximize profits, but to systematically improve the material conditions of the masses? If he could have turned his profit not to satisfying the whims of the parasitic classes, not to improving the methods of exploitation, not to exporting capitalism, but to systematically raising the material situation of workers and peasants?
              - Then there would be no crises. But then capitalism would not be capitalism.
              To destroy crises, it is necessary to destroy capitalism.
              I. Stalin vol. 12 p. 242-245
              1. 0
                23 September 2015 08: 53
                Quote: Uncle Joe
                And the rhetoric from the series "What do you propose? Maidan?" in relation to a proposal to really look at things - is this an argument?
                argument to accept Glazyev’s plan, for lack of others
                Quote: Uncle Joe
                Either stop being led to a false dichotomy, one of the variants of which is "either over the hill or into the country", to look at things realistically and act accordingly.

                How to act then? Charles!!! as they say now) Destroy capitalism? and how is it? drop a nuclear bomb on him? Even Comrade Stalin could not destroy him - on a global scale.
                1. -1
                  23 September 2015 13: 36
                  Quote: Stirbjorn
                  argument to accept Glazyev’s plan, for lack of others
                  This is not an argument, but stupidity based on a false thesis.

                  Firstly, the plan is adopted not in the absence of others, but in accordance with the goal.
                  And secondly, the same CPRF (as an example) does not have a plan, but a whole program that affects all spheres of society, and therefore the thesis "for lack of others" does not correspond to reality.

                  How to act then?
                  To begin with, stop engaging in self-deception, realize your class interests, and understand where it is beneficial for society to go - so that by the time the next revolutionary situation arises through the efforts of the authorities, the former thieves and people who decided to fish in muddy waters would not be indulged.
                2. The comment was deleted.
          2. +1
            24 September 2015 07: 14
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            And move some hucksters for the interests of others? No, thank you.

            If you choose between the oligarchy of financial and raw materials and industrial, I am for the industrial. Do you have a third option? Or are you for leaving everything as it is?
            1. +1
              24 September 2015 07: 18
              Sorry to get in, just the topic is close to me.

              Quote: AllXVahhaB
              If you choose between the oligarchy of financial and raw materials and industrial, I am for the industrial.


              Quote: AllXVahhaB
              Do you have a third option?

              Read carefully :

              Quote: Uncle Joe
              stop self-deception, realize your class interests

              Quote: Uncle Joe
              to the moment when, through the efforts of the authorities, the next revolutionary situation

              Uncle Joe is a revolutionary. Fiery. But at the same time - room.

              Because, apparently, also alive Yes
    3. +4
      22 September 2015 18: 38
      Quote: denchik1977
      It only remains to hope that the President personally will have enough political will and determination

      Hmm ... After Gorbach and EBN, I once perceived GDP sharply negatively ... However, over time I became ... well, as they often call names here - pro, a traveler .... I will repeat several times - compared to Gorbat and EBN ...

      However, time is passing, my life is coming to an end, and hopes are gradually melting away ... It is precisely the hopes that the GDP will have the determination to give this liberal mold under the ass and rely on a completely different group of people ...

      However, I understand that this will not happen ... A pity ...
      1. +5
        22 September 2015 20: 35
        I read you here and it became sad, how great is our faith in the good gentleman. It seems that people are adults and should understand that visible figures are just representatives of the forces that put forward them ...
        Do not be like a bull throwing a red rag in the hands of a bullfighter.
    4. -2
      23 September 2015 07: 12
      Quote: denchik1977
      The replacement of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as the entire financial and economic bloc of the government, has long been overdue:
      Holy simplicity! fool As always in Russia, a good king and bad boyars. We are happy when Russia conducts its policy against the interests of the United States, and we are surprised when we get an answer (and we are for that!) And then we begin to look for the guilty and give advice to the respected people (the king, the leader, the president). And again I hear the words from 36 years old, pests around them, and I pray to God that Russia would not be flooded again.
  5. +14
    22 September 2015 06: 52
    Putin will have to drive almost 90 percent to the neck or kicks of Ov's henchmen. They work only for themselves, sometimes for the state, but none of this cube will work for the people. Servants of the people damn it.
    1. +12
      22 September 2015 10: 59
      Putin collected them for 15 years, and now he’ll drive them? It’s not funny by ourselves.
      1. -3
        22 September 2015 11: 29
        Maidan as a remedy against laughter, comrade.
        1. +6
          22 September 2015 14: 38
          Well, those who think higher think that if day and night on television to show that the Maidan is bad, then you can rob twice as much.
      2. +1
        22 September 2015 18: 41
        Quote: VEKT
        Putin collected them for 15 years, and now he’ll drive them? It’s not funny by ourselves.

        And suddenly, as in that joke: "I, b ..., collected you for 15 years on one ship" ...
  6. +9
    22 September 2015 06: 54
    Everyone clung to their feeders. There is no time to think about a huge country and millions of people.
    1. -2
      23 September 2015 07: 26
      Quote: strelets
      Everyone clung to their feeders. There is no time to think about a huge country and millions of people.

      And that these millions of people have no brains? Again, someone should think and do something for everyone! Do you want your feeding trough!? - do it.
    2. msm
      23 September 2015 12: 20
      Everyone clutched at their feeders
      Yes, steal, steal ... After all, they allow! So why not take advantage of the current state of affairs in the country? An example of Taburetkin, Vasilyeva and others clearly show - steal! Under Yeltsin there was a slogan - "take as much as you can swallow", but now, when not a piece is left to privatize, the new slogan "steal".
    3. The comment was deleted.
  7. +10
    22 September 2015 07: 10
    who, with manic persistence, began to pour mud on it even at the stage of appearance

    And what was to be expected from the liberal traitors. No way I can not get used to the idea that our leadership is too tender for those who spread rot in our country. At one time, personally to me, the statement of the GDP in relation to Kudrin distorted me - we understand you, and always listen to your opinion.
  8. +25
    22 September 2015 07: 14
    Glazyev is in many ways right. Very much, if not all, of what he says. And it’s very interesting why suddenly he started talking about it right now out loud and quite mediocre. Of course I want to believe that the Russian Federation will move away from the existing liberal model of the economy, but ... of course I wanted to believe that Vasiliev would still not go unpunished am
    On the other hand, it may finally come to GDP that if he does not immediately remember the economy, then he personally will be very bad, because all his initiatives in this case will lose the basis on which they could be implemented. Then - yes, Glazyev’s ideas will receive a green light.
    1. +7
      22 September 2015 09: 02
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      And it’s very interesting why suddenly he started talking about it right now out loud and quite mediocre.

      Yes, the fact of the matter is that he began to talk about this a year ago. In Russian Spring, he was regularly uploaded, including about high interest rates on loans that kill industry. But then, at the top, apparently they thought that it would cost and nothing should be broken, let Nabibulin steer and Co.
      1. +3
        22 September 2015 10: 16
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        let Nabibulin steer and Co.

        Ko, by the way, is very heterogeneous.

        Look at who and what Dmitry Tulin is doing (deputy chairman of the Central Bank since January 2015) - it will pleasantly surprise you, I guarantee.
    2. +2
      22 September 2015 09: 29
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      he will be very ill, since in this case all his initiatives will lose the basis on which they could be implemented. Then - yes, Glazyev’s ideas will receive a green light.

      Nothing from the past reminds? :-)
      1. +2
        22 September 2015 10: 19
        Quote: rosarioagro
        Nothing from the past reminds? :-)

        How can it be :))) GPV 2020 :))) Less than 15 years have passed, they remembered the country's armed forces :))
    3. dmb
      22 September 2015 10: 10
      I read your comment and remembered Zadornov: "Well, stupid." Yes, yes, it's not me, but you mean the Guarantor. How many years did not reach him. Unlike you, I do not consider a guarantor as such. You just want him to build socialism with a mysterious "capitalist face", and he builds capitalism. And this capitalism, unlike you, is very happy with him and his homies.
      PS And it is completely incomprehensible what relation Vasilyeva has to the liberal economy. She, as well as her former bosses, are all patriots-statesmen and United Russia. The liberals in our Just Cause and Parnassus hang around.
      1. +1
        22 September 2015 10: 29
        Quote: dmb
        You just want him to build socialism with a mysterious "capitalist face", and he builds capitalism.

        You don’t need to tell me what I want :) You don’t know this, and why wonder if you can just ask: "What did you want?"
        So, I am not against capitalism per se. But capitalism can be built by various methods. In Russia, capitalism is built on the basis of the following premises:
        1) Regarding the participation of the state in the country's economy - monetarism
        2) In terms of the predominant segment of the economy - the banking system
        I would like to:
        1) In terms of state participation in the country's economy - Keynesian model
        2) In terms of the predominant segment of the economy - industrial production
        So, I dare to notice NOT ONE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, professing monetarism has not achieved economic success. But there are many examples of Keynesian model success.
        Quote: dmb
        And it is completely incomprehensible what relation Vasilyeva has to the liberal economy.

        I wrote
        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
        Of course I want to believe that the Russian Federation will move away from the existing liberal model of the economy, but ... of course I wanted to believe that Vasiliev would still not go unpunished

        Those. it was understood that the hope of a departure from the liberal model of the economy would die in the same way as the hope of a fair retaliation by Vasilyeva
        Quote: dmb
        She, as well as her former bosses, are all patriots-statesmen and United Russia

        There are very few patriots in United Russia, and even statesmen cannot be found there during the day with fire.
        1. dmb
          22 September 2015 11: 37
          So, after all, the first option is: “Well, stupid.” So what do you expect from him then? As for your desires in terms of social and economic relations, I proceeded solely from your previous comments. Sorry, wrong. True, it is not entirely clear how the construction of capitalism (albeit Kneissian) fits in with the approval of the goals and methods of the communists in general and Stalin in particular (see your previous comments). But with a small number of patriots and statesmen in the United Russia, well, I just can not agree. They are all there all the time for industrialization, import substitution and assistance to brotherly Syria. Small detail - within the framework of meeting the needs of the ruling class.
          1. +1
            22 September 2015 12: 08
            Quote: dmb
            So the first option is, "Well, stupid"?

            I just will not call anyone stupid. But there is a fact - during the 15 years of presidency / premiership, Putin has not been able to go beyond the ideas of monetarism and the free market, and this does not testify in his favor.
            Quote: dmb
            The truth is not entirely clear how the construction of capitalism (even if it is Kneisian) fits in with the approval of the goals and methods of the Communists in general and Stalin in particular

            It’s completely free. Stalin and the Communists faced one task, the GDP - completely different. What the communists needed to accomplish the capitalist methods of management could not give, because it required a sharp, rapid extensive expansion of industrial production (education, medicine and so on and so forth). What GDP needed to be accomplished — providing intensive growth in industrial production — capitalism can give in its Keynesian model.
            Stalin, having a difficult task ahead of him, chose the appropriate tool for solving their (albeit stern) GDP - no. Hence the criticism of GDP and the endorsement of communist methods.
            Quote: dmb
            But with a small number of patriots and statesmen in United Russia, well, I just can’t agree. They are all there for industrialization, import substitution and assistance to fraternal Syria.

            Oh come on :) EP is just a place where the GDP collects something significant in the power hierarchy of people, selecting them according to the principle of loyalty to the current government. Neither a statesman nor a patriot needs to be there.
            1. +5
              22 September 2015 17: 03
              as I saw the picture, how much gasoline can be bought for 100 rubles, something in 15 years, the amount of gasoline decreased by several times and by an order of magnitude, like oil was not imported ....
          2. +2
            22 September 2015 15: 25
            So the first option is, "Well, stupid"?

            Why "dumb" at once? He just does what his employers instructed him to do. I mean, oligarchs. He CANNOT exceed the authority. Don't jump above your head. Don't you see, where they gave carte blanche - on the external front, there are many successes, albeit not always unambiguous. And on the home front, one cannot touch the master's "good". He must protect what is stolen from the people both from external forces and from the owner of good - the people.
        2. -4
          22 September 2015 12: 14
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          So, I dare to notice NOT ONE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, professing monetarism has not achieved economic success. But there are many examples of Keynesian model success.

          Conventionally, only in the theory of doctrines and the declaration of their actions, these two models are essentially different, but in fact they are closely interconnected and, as a rule, can be applied together and the difference is not even in the forms of impact on the economy, but the degree of this impact. The essence of the problem is, as you say, Kessianism, but in fact manual control can only work in small, closed, unbalanced systems, for example, developing ones, there are no fuel resources, etc. a vital necessity, but even in that case, success and the absence of distortions are not guaranteed, since it depends to the greatest extent on human, political and external factors, we can say Kessianism is already a consequence of the crisis, if such tools had to be resorted to. And in the conditions of the world economy, such mechanisms, when everyone will be engaged in protectionism and each pulling in his own garden, will lead to what the actual world has come to a tight, global crisis and does not know how to get out of it. And business and success will always strive to where more
          of freedom.
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          2) In terms of the predominant segment of the economy - the banking system

          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          2) In terms of the predominant segment of the economy - industrial production

          The last time you claimed that production suffers from a lack of money, and so the economy just allows you to create mechanisms that increase the monetary volume, without resorting to emissions. So stating here the priority of one over the other is foolish.
          1. +4
            22 September 2015 13: 03
            Quote: SPACE
            The essence of the problem is how you say kessianism, but in fact manual control

            Here are the trees :))) Okay, let's go from the beginning.
            Keynesianism is not manual control. In short, Keynesianism explains the theory of economic cycles by changes in demand, i.e. Under certain conditions, demand falls and supply collapses (since there is no solvent demand). so Keynesianism implies that in a period of lower demand, this same demand should form the state. In other words, it is assumed that the state minimizes its budget expenditures during a period when the economy is developing rapidly, and maximizes them when a recession is planned in the country.
            Those. during the period of stagnation / decline, the state acts as a customer, forming solvent demand (government order) in the industry, which it considers to be priority for the state. At a time when these industries are already growing, government procurement is minimized so as not to create excess demand.
            Do you understand?
            What are we doing? While we have oil as a waste from the bathhouse, we:
            1) We invest in the economy of the West (capsules kudrinomiki)
            2) We inflate budget spending with all sorts of crazy olympiads, football championships, skolkovo and fuss we invest in sectors that are not priority for the Russian Federation.
            As soon as we fall into a crisis (oil prices fall) we
            1) We create an industrial crisis - we raise dollar prices and thereby save the budget due to industrial and agricultural production.
            2) we pump up money in banking structures so that they do not suffer during the outflow of imported funds
            3) We are reducing budget spending, that is, we are dropping off the solvent demand for our own production in three areas - a drop in the purchasing power of the population, a drop in industrial demand due to a decrease in production caused by games with the dollar, and finally a drop in budget purchases.
            Quote: SPACE
            kessianism, but in fact manual control can only work in small, closed, unbalanced systems

            Yeah laughing For example - the USA of the thirties of the last century, which Roosevelt pulled out of the Great Depression by Keynesian methods :))
            1. +4
              22 September 2015 13: 04
              Quote: SPACE
              And in the conditions of the world economy, such mechanisms, when everyone will be engaged in protectionism and pulling everyone into his garden, will lead to

              In the context of the global economy, protectionism and pulling into one's own garden are inescapable and eternal and have nothing to do with Keynesianism or monetarism. See how the countries that invented the WTO protect their economies.
              Quote: SPACE
              Last time you claimed that production suffers from a lack of money

              Right. Not only do we profess the wrong theory of monetarism, but we still do it wrong.
              Quote: SPACE
              and so the economy just allows you to create mechanisms that increase the monetary volume, without resorting to emissions.

              How's that? :))) Witchcraft? :)
              1. +1
                22 September 2015 15: 38
                How's that? :))) Witchcraft? :)

                I understand that we are talking about the speed of capital turnover. Which banks must provide by lending to the real sector. That's just sadness, our banks are designed for profit. And it is more profitable for them to invest money not in long loans for industry, but in short ones for financial and servicing sectors. Plus, there is a higher rate of return and they can pull in more interest than industrialists. Therefore, any money that is pumped into banks to the manufacturer does not reach or reach too late and too expensive.
                By the way, there was an article on VO that the military-industrial complex began to advance directly, and the banks were left with only the function of tracking the targeted expenditure of funds. That already is just a turn to Keynesianism, as you describe it. Also, big money revolves in the public procurement sector. True, not all of them are budgetary there, but, nevertheless, this is also direct financing of the economy by the state.
                1. -4
                  22 September 2015 18: 25
                  Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                  For example - the USA of the thirties of the last century, which Roosevelt pulled out of the Great Depression by Keynesian methods :))

                  Quote: SPACE
                  We can say that Kessianism is already a consequence of the crisis, if such tools had to be resorted to.

                  Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk

                  In the context of the global economy, protectionism and pulling into one's own garden are inescapable and eternal and have nothing to do with Keynesianism or monetarism. See how the countries that invented the WTO protect their economies.

                  And what is your WTO, just this is the mechanism, provide equal opportunities and a balance of interconnected economies, and it is within the framework of the monetary system. But do not confuse with today's reality, politics is now not a priority over the economy, otherwise would there be sanctions.
                  Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                  How's that? :))) Witchcraft? :)

                  Quote: alicante11
                  I understand that we are talking about the speed of capital turnover.

                  Not only that, it also means various speculative banking funds, i.e. derivatives, and money and goods and inflation control in one bottle;) which allow you to squeeze real money.
                  Quote: alicante11
                  That's just sadness, our banks are designed for profit.

                  Not only here, but generally everywhere, money is looking for profit and this is normal, which allows the banking sector to quickly pump up the economy with money, which in turn is necessary for production,
                  but production will only be able to grow if it is efficient, and if not, then no money and no most efficient banking sector will help, that's why they invest in successful foreign assets.
                  1. +4
                    22 September 2015 20: 24
                    Quote: SPACE
                    We can say that Kessianism is already a consequence of the crisis, if such tools had to be resorted to.

                    This cannot be said, because Keynesian methods primarily serve to prevent crises, treating consequences is possible, but not the main function.
                    Quote: SPACE
                    And what is your WTO, just this is the mechanism, provide equal opportunities and a balance of interconnected economies, and it is within the framework of the monetary system. But do not confuse with today's reality

                    Well, you are strong to express something :)))) What does it mean BY MY WTO? WTO - it’s not in my opinion and not in your way, it simply exists and is called the World Trade Organization. Theoretically, it was supposed to create the same equal opportunities that you are writing about, but in fact the WTO is to consolidate the dominant position of the economies of developed Western countries.
                    The thing is that the developed countries initially "bargained" for themselves very decent preferences (exaggerating: for example, producers of some agricultural products (let it be cane sugar, for example) of all countries should freely compete with each other, relying only on their own resources and their support However, agricultural producers in my particular country (say, Germany) are entitled to government subsidies in the amount of 20 billion euros. As a result, the idea of ​​free competition collapses, since they have to compete in initially unequal conditions.
                    So, the preferences of the main European countries are such that you simply will not enter there with any high-tech products and / or services. On the other hand, your high-tech industries should compete "honestly", i.e. in initially unequal conditions - either subsidies that you do not have, or customs duties that will be imposed on your goods (yes, you can’t, but the founders of the WTO can) and so on.
                    In essence, the WTO system is focused on providing raw materials for the "golden billion" and providing markets for the products that this "golden billion" produces (although it has become very lazy recently)
                    Therefore, the WTO from free competition, as it were, is no further than communism :)))
                    Quote: SPACE
                    Not only that, it also means various speculative banking funds, i.e. derivatives, and money and goods and inflation control in one bottle;) which allow you to squeeze real money.

                    I’m even scared to ask what you mean by a derivative :))) But I tell you in all seriousness - nothing that you mentioned IN PRINCIPLE can not solve the problems of lack of money in the economy
                    1. 0
                      22 September 2015 21: 09
                      By the way. About bullying. Dissent is always severely punished. They’ll either scatter, or throw stones at them. This is not the first time that Glazyev has been hit by opponents. But he still conveyed his thought! Let in a trimmed form. By the way, it’s not at all a fact that after accepting his proposals we will all find ourselves in chocolate, no matter how attractive they look. I hope to give a convincing example. 2000 years of the Sermon on the Mount of Christ. Who is keeping the proclaimed 10 commandments now?
                      "And if anyone is without sin, let the first one throw a stone at me."
                      Not just thrown, but crucified on the cross!
                      By the way, pay attention, dear forum users, how not even dissenters, but simply who have their own point of view on this or that problem, are being bullied in VO. Sometimes it’s just without explaining the reasons. And more often, I'm sorry, but I will tell the truth - according to the laws of the pack.
                2. +1
                  22 September 2015 21: 31
                  Which banks must provide by lending to the real sector. That's just sadness, our banks are designed for profit. And it is more profitable for them to invest money not in long loans for industry, but in short ones for financial and servicing sectors.

                  And that's why in the composition of the state management system there is such an organization - the Central Bank. Which is the only one entitled to create primary money. And there is such a very good experience in Western Europe before the formation of the EU, when new money was issued only for investment projects of enterprises. If such an enterprise presented an investment project from a lombard list to a commercial bank, and the results of the bank's assessment of this project were positive, then he (CB) submitted a request from the Central Bank of his country for the transfer of money. The Central Bank printed (in fact - created non-cash) new money, they went through the CB to the enterprise, the CB received a percentage difference between the Central Bank rate and its own, but was responsible for controlling the intended use of this money. As a result, we received an increase in the money supply, which was offset by an increase in the volume of industrial production that the enterprise produced.
                  And if the KB wanted to give money at a high percentage to the players of the financial market, then they needed to be collected through deposits themselves. Let his own Wishlist provides.
                  In such a situation, the strategy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which gives loans to the CB uncontrollably, for a month and at a high percentage, is absolutely incomprehensible. This money move only to the financial market, nowhere else.
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. -2
            23 September 2015 07: 50
            Quote: SPACE
            So stating here the priority of one over the other is foolish.

            Argue, argue! Practice your eloquence, call each other gracefully, show your erudition, but I beg you do not meddle in real politics and economics. Whenever I get tired of being a "guinea pig".
    4. 0
      23 September 2015 09: 04
      He is "bored" with economics. He left it at the mercy of the specialists of his government. He himself said this at a regular conversation with the people last or the year before.
  9. +2
    22 September 2015 07: 22
    Glazyev’s plan is a plan of salvation, desperate and risky, but necessary.

    Totally agree!
    1. 0
      22 September 2015 09: 03
      And I would add that the only one at the moment that takes into account the modern realities in which the country finds itself.
  10. +6
    22 September 2015 07: 23
    Video topic:

    The report offers two scenarios. Optimistic and pessimistic:
    1) modernization with a change in financial and credit policy and the establishment of the State Planning Commission;
    2) modernization while maintaining the current course, but with the creation of (at least) a special fund for state investments with the potential of 3-5 trillions of rubles.
  11. +4
    22 September 2015 07: 35
    The Kremlin, through presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov, officially rejected Glazyev’s proposals... It was not in vain that I disowned ... apparently everything is not so simple there ... The darkest, cautious .. it didn’t work out swiftly, I checked the reaction .. It didn’t .. I reassured the liberals with Peskov’s lips
  12. +8
    22 September 2015 07: 39
    The more resistance to Glazyev’s plan, the more confidence in him. Perhaps, taking into account external and internal factors affecting our country for the large-scale implementation of this plan, the time has not come yet. Those who completely dismiss it completely behave inappropriately. This plan was not created from scratch and its developers are highly professional people in their matters. It is necessary to develop options for its implementation and the selection of an appropriate reserve of personnel. One must be prepared for any surprises that Russia may face.
  13. 0
    22 September 2015 08: 14
    I wonder, what about Putin? Why didn’t he like Glazyev’s plan?
    1. +3
      22 September 2015 08: 36
      Quote: Million
      I wonder, what about Putin? Why didn’t he like Glazyev’s plan?

      - Who told you that Putin "did not like" Glazyev's plan?
      “Do you always do what you like yourself?” wink

      Let me remind you about only one "little thing" in the current domestic policy of the Russian Federation:

      - Until December of this year, offshore businesses are invited to legalize
      - those who are not legalized are declared "earthworms"
      - until December of this year, the authorities promised, in this regard, "not to make sharp movements" in the legislative and financial spheres

      So maybe he liked the plan ... he hadn’t come yet ..


      PS: Minusators, try to argue .. argument laughing
      1. +1
        22 September 2015 09: 05
        Quote: Cat Man Null
        - Until December of this year, offshore businesses are invited to legalize
        - those who are not legalized are declared "earthworms"
        - until December of this year, the authorities promised, in this regard, "not to make sharp movements" in the legislative and financial spheres

        1. 0
          22 September 2015 09: 18
          Quote: Stirbjorn

          Well, you asked .. what

          - Until December of this year, offshore businesses are invited to legalize
          - those who are not legalized are declared "earthworms"

          Federal Law No. 376-FZ "On taxation of profits of controlled foreign companies and income of foreign organizations"

          - until December of this year, the authorities promised, in this regard, "not to make sharp movements" in the legislative and financial spheres

          I can’t find it now. Say IMHO. Although - a fairly obvious move in order not to frighten and so frightened ostriches businessmen.
          1. 0
            22 September 2015 13: 04
            Well, really interesting, I might have told someone else, but I can’t just refer to a user with VO hi
      2. +1
        22 September 2015 18: 42
        I argue - why the plan was not adopted 15 years ago?
        Come on, don’t bother, I will answer. Because the Soviet Union did not bring down in order to build a strong cap in its place. Power Ala USA.
        But for many, there is a "multi-way" ... What to talk about?
    2. +7
      22 September 2015 09: 31
      Quote: Million
      I wonder, what about Putin? Why didn’t he like Glazyev’s plan?

      Because a return to a planned economy, nationalization and building a socially just system is a turn on 180 gr. from the current course of the Kremlin.
      1. +4
        22 September 2015 14: 29
        Quote: Mangel Alys
        a return to a planned economy, nationalization and building a socially just system - this is a 180 g turn. from the current course of the Kremlin.
        Et yes. Only Glazyev offers nothing of the kind.
  14. 0
    22 September 2015 08: 15
    the liberals squeal again, here they definitely have no trust and never will.
  15. 0
    22 September 2015 08: 15
    Now in oligarchic circles, a simple thought reigns: make peace with the United States, and everything will be the same.

    Those. oligarchs, liberals want the US to allow them. But then one cannot speak of any independent policy. Then we will do their will.
    1. +7
      22 September 2015 08: 47
      Quote: Jarilo
      Those. oligarchs, liberals want the US to allow them. But then one cannot speak of any independent policy. Then we will do their will.

      Do not forget that everything is "good" (not acquired by hard work lol ) of oligarchs-liberalists is in dollars on accounts of not our banks. Therefore, the bow of America is beaten.
      1. +4
        22 September 2015 09: 00
        And most importantly, they do not believe in their own country and betray / sell it constantly at any opportunity. There is no question of returning capital, although GDP has spoken about this more than once. What time will tell who was right.
        1. -1
          22 September 2015 09: 47
          Quote: Jarilo
          What time will tell who was right.

          That's just the time that we do not have, we need to act and moreover decisively. Remove iPhone, make it the main social. networks (this post is just for him lol ), and put Glazev prime minister, let him try to bring the economy out of the "tailspin". How much time did we lose under Yeltsin while he was swimming in a glass. If you remember history, there was a reformer in the country who began to raise Russia. P.A. Stolypin.

          P.A. Stolypin.
          1. +2
            22 September 2015 14: 18
            This is the one that introduced the military-field courts, smashed whole villages of peasants, do not dismiss our country from such reformers, how it ended, we remember 1917. Our guarantor respects him very much and Solzhenitsyn too. Everything will end 1917.
            1. -1
              24 September 2015 16: 11
              unlike Stalin, he didn’t kill several million peasants and workers by starvation, and did not shoot the flog ... statistics compare how many were executed under the Tsar and how many under the Addict (and the litter of the People’s Commissar fellow ) like that so immediately bloody Stolypin and the king ... at least they didn’t poison their people with gas !!!
          2. MrK
            22 September 2015 22: 06
            Quote: Athenogen
            If you recall the history, there was a reformer in the country who began to raise Russia. P.A. Stolypin.

            Just do not need about Stolypin. Reformer, damn it. The usual demagogue, chatterbox and dreamer. Read about it at E. Kurlyandchik.
            In Russia there was only one reformer acting in the interests of the people - Stalin.
            1. msm
              23 September 2015 12: 43
              Read about it at E. Kurlyandchik
              And also many ... different schneins.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. -1
              24 September 2015 16: 12
              question in inter Yes what people ??? not interested?
          3. -3
            23 September 2015 11: 38
            Stolypin - the figure is very ambiguous. And the reforms that he carried out were not balanced, along with the benefit they caused, and not a little harm. But he somehow tried to move forward.
        2. +3
          22 September 2015 14: 32
          Quote: Jarilo
          There is no question of returning capital, although GDP has spoken about this more than once.
          Putin: "Under the capital amnesty, the issue is not the return of capital, but its legalization"
          1. +2
            22 September 2015 15: 46
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            Putin: "Under the capital amnesty, the issue is not the return of capital, but its legalization"

            Right And yet - in taxation .. laughing
            1. +5
              22 September 2015 18: 05
              Quote: Cat Man Null
              Right And yet - in taxation
              In fact, it is: tax reform of the beginning of the zero is a brilliant wiring for suckers the electorate.

              Allegedly "flat", but in reality regressive, the scale shifted the tax burden onto the poor and allowed the wealthy to pay less.
              1. -2
                22 September 2015 20: 00
                Quote: Uncle Joe
                In fact, it is: tax reform of the beginning of the zero is a brilliant wiring for suckers of the electorate.

                Allegedly "flat", but in reality regressive, the scale shifted the tax burden on the poor and allowed the wealthy to pay less

                May be..

                But how is this sideways to No. 376-FZ "On taxation of profits of controlled foreign companies and income of foreign organizations"?

                Just really wanted to say? Oh well..
                1. +1
                  22 September 2015 21: 37
                  Quote: Cat Man Null
                  Just how sideways is it
                  The ultimate goal is the same - to ensure the interests of a particular class.
                  1. +1
                    22 September 2015 21: 50
                    Quote: Uncle Joe
                    The ultimate goal is the same - ensuring the interests of a particular class

                    Somewhere I already heard it. And more than once wink

                    Is there an answer to a specific question? How does your criticism of taxation in the Russian Federation compare with No. 376-FZ "On taxation of profits of controlled foreign companies and income of foreign organizations"?

                    The answer is: no way. Just "by the way, I had to."
                    1. 0
                      22 September 2015 22: 16
                      Quote: Cat Man Null
                      Is there an answer to a specific question?
                      See above.
                      1. -2
                        22 September 2015 22: 20
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        Quote: Cat Man Null
                        Is there an answer to a specific question? higher

                        You said above that the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.

                        This, too, can explain everything (literally - everything) laughing
                      2. 0
                        22 September 2015 23: 48
                        Quote: Cat Man Null
                        You said above that the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea
                        I said above that tax reform, in fact, included the legalization of non-payment of part of taxes — that is, it did the same as the amnesty of capital that legalizes criminal money.
                      3. 0
                        22 September 2015 23: 55
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        that tax reform, in fact, legalized the non-payment of part of taxes - that is, it did the same as the amnesty of capital legalizing criminal money

                        Well, I see .. Uncle Joe, and I'll tell you that Lake Baikal looks like a cucumber ..

                        Your "arguments" are the same. Unfortunately.
                      4. 0
                        23 September 2015 00: 16
                        Quote: Cat Man Null
                        Your "arguments"
                        And where did you see the arguments with the "arguments"?

                        I explained my idea, and did not argue the position.
                      5. -2
                        23 September 2015 00: 23
                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        I explained my point, and not argued the position

                        Do not cling to the tongue tongue

                        And an owl on the globe .. well, don’t:

                        Quote: Uncle Joe
                        tax reform essentially legalized the non-payment of part of taxes - that is, it did the same as the capital amnesty legalizing criminal money

                        Mdja ..

                        I understood your thought, I have no more questions hi
                      6. 0
                        23 September 2015 00: 58
                        Quote: Cat Man Null
                        And an owl on the globe.
  16. +18
    22 September 2015 08: 22
    My acquaintances are sometimes forced to communicate with people who do not occupy the last places in the upper echelons of power. So, in their words, almost all major government officials, managers, as well as their advisers and deputies underwent training in the United States and one might say there with "mother's milk" absorbed: 1) complete admiration for the primacy of "Western" economic thought, 2) they consider the "Western" economic model as an ideal economic model, 3) they despise all sorts of "half-educated self-taught" like Glazyev, whose ideas and programs do not fit into the training manual of Yale University. Something there to explain to them, to prove from the opposite what they were taught in the United States is impossible, they simply do not hear you, they look at you like a fool, sarcastically smiling, like "Emelya is stranded, your week." It is useless to prove something to them, they just need to be removed, the entire state apparatus must be shaken up without pity, this pro-American economic heresy must be gotten rid of, and new officials and managers must be sent to study and internship in ... China, Hong Kong and Singapore.
    1. -5
      22 September 2015 09: 31
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      you need to shake up the entire state apparatus without pity

      We need a good reason, but it is not
      1. +1
        23 September 2015 08: 42
        There are no good reasons not to shake.
    2. +1
      22 September 2015 12: 37
      This means declaring them Enemies of the People and killing! It’s dangerous to leave these alive. These are inveterate enemies, as well as their children. All under the knife and only then can everything be changed. It requires a complete rebuild of the system and you need to start from the head!

      For the Honor and Glory of the ancestors!
      1. 0
        23 September 2015 08: 43
        There is also solar Magadan for the application of their lebral thinking.
        1. -2
          24 September 2015 09: 05
          No. You probably don’t understand when you offer it. Sorry of course, I do not want to seem rude in your direction. But people who suffer from Russophobia, fiercely hating everything Russian, must be destroyed. And their children too. You can not give such a reptile to multiply and live.

          For the Honor and Glory of the ancestors!
    3. +1
      23 September 2015 08: 41
      I agree, full rotation with the transfer of the capital to Novosibirsk.
  17. +4
    22 September 2015 08: 35
    I consider the very fact of "exposure" to the alternative Glazyev's course in the media a good wake-up call.
    And again I want to believe in miracle!..
  18. -1
    22 September 2015 09: 44
    Putin needs a battering ram who would not be afraid of anything, and even losing his life. This person would clear the way for him to make his plans a reality. All discontent, criticism, threats would concentrate on him, and our darkest one, without prejudice to himself, would cover him a little from the "enemies" of Russia.
    I think that’s how things would go faster with him to improve the economy and Russia, unless of course he is interested in this.

    P.S. Of course, I (we all) don’t know a damn thing about what really happens there, but this is just a suggestion.

    P.P.S. Is there only such a person?
  19. +4
    22 September 2015 09: 51
    Do not fuss! Glazev’s proposals will never be implemented, but generally taken into account.
    For this to happen, we must drastically change the socio-economic structure of the country.
    Unfortunately, current affairs are not talking about the presence of individuals not just not wanting to. Abilities and determination are not the same. Where there before the breakthrough five-year plans. Now, if it was necessary to organize something for themselves, for relatives, for their nobility, then yes. And so, vanity, vanity, but there is no broth.
    Look and life will end like Stalin. In the service hut, but with the only boots and uniform. Not comme il faut!
  20. +2
    22 September 2015 09: 55
    I fully support his ideas. Enough to endure these thieves from power. There is only one life. And there is no point in waiting until all kinds of sechin and Chubais are stolen, since they do not know the limit in enrichment.
  21. 0
    22 September 2015 10: 17
    On 180 column the U-turn has already begun, the blocked offshore is proof of that ...
  22. +1
    22 September 2015 10: 45
    yes, yes, no one will give you power and money, they will really grab it until everything collapses, and when it collapses west, there is money and real estate and enterprises, GDP either does not want or does not allow reform, then according to Delyagin destruction phase is coming
  23. 0
    22 September 2015 11: 00
    Quote: Athenogen
    Do not forget that all the "good" (not acquired by hard work) of the oligarchs - liberals is in dollars on the accounts of not our banks. Therefore, the bows of America are beaten.

    And even about ... you can lose everything you gained ...
    And in terms of economic recovery:
    We need long-term credit programs for the production of (real) at ... 2-3% (but we are not Cyprus, and not Greece !!!)
  24. -1
    22 September 2015 11: 02
    we have only one plan, the plan of the Libberists. For 24 years now, they have been defining the economic and domestic political activities of the government. And it seems that only reaching the bottom of the economic crisis can change something (or an election company, whichever comes first).
  25. +2
    22 September 2015 11: 30
    One gets the impression that all this reform of the economy is needed only by Glazyev himself. Our government seems to have forgotten how to think and think logically. Or maybe someone, even in the highest echelons of power, this situation is at hand. And if so, then such proposals will never be considered. There will only be attacks and condemnations.
  26. -1
    22 September 2015 11: 39
    For the persecution of S. Glazyev, liberals of all stripes must clean the scent.
  27. 0
    22 September 2015 12: 26
    Quote: Igor K
    The transfer of the capital to Novosibirsk, a complete rotation of the government.

    and what is so timid, immediately to Birobidzhan or Tel Aviv
    1. -1
      23 September 2015 08: 45
      Why are you comrade, Tel Aviv, where is it? And Birobidzhan with China through the river, learn geography.
    2. +2
      23 September 2015 08: 52
      I explain:
      The first reason is regarding safety, maximum flight time
      The second reason, the governance of Russia, the temporary middle of the motherland
      The third reason is personnel, it’s easier to make maximum rotation (remember Peter 1)
      The fourth reason is morally ethical, Moscow, as the capital in the eyes of the territories, completely discounted itself, being mired in debauchery and theft.
  28. 0
    22 September 2015 12: 34
    Which one are you asking? WAR!
  29. +1
    22 September 2015 12: 42
    Glazyev’s plan is currently the most painless way out of the current situation in the economy. If the Kremlin does not accept this plan, it will become completely clear whether we need such servants of the people and in general for the people? Or maybe someone is just a coward!
    1. 0
      22 September 2015 21: 39
      Quote: rennim
      If the Kremlin does not accept this plan, it will become completely clear whether we need such servants of the people and in general for the people?

      How? Again? And after all there are people who are still asking this question ...
      One of my comrades, a couple of years ago, spoke the same about the Serdyukov case. Pathosly declared - this is a test for the authorities! Yes, and many here also thought.
      What else has to happen, what "miracle" has to happen to understand xy from xy?
    2. 0
      26 September 2015 06: 22
      The question "do we need such servants" requires an immediate decision. Otherwise, the "people" can only take offense at themselves, for a "good master", a priori, cannot keep unprincipled, mediocre and irresponsible servants, whose thieves' activities lead to ruin and poverty of the owner himself.

      Twenty years have passed marking time
      A series of unfulfilled hopes sped past.
      The spirit of consumption in a special honor now
      It is time for scum and ignoramus.

      So far, only world-eaters rule Russia,
      In the hands of which are the authorities and the banks, and the law.
      We are doomed again to age-old troubles,
      Tolerate this genocide by the silent crowd.

  30. +2
    22 September 2015 13: 17
    Quote: fennekRUS
    Glazyev's plan (...)

    Explain someone who is literate, but I don’t stick it in. To me this "horse in a vacuum" reminds me of the very spherical one ..

    1. Transfer of government assets and accounts in dollars and euros from countries included in the NATO bloc to neutral

    Of the reserve currencies (dollar, euro, pound sterling, yen, Swiss franc), only the Swiss franc remains (Japan, although not a NATO member, is a "main partner", nafig is necessary). And what - "all in francs"?

    3. Sale of bonds of NATO countries before the introduction of sanctions

    Wondrously. Let's say they sold it. And what will happen instead these bonds?

    6. Creating your own interbank information exchange system for payments and settlements ... similar to SWIFT

    It's not fast, at least ..

    9. ... Conclusion of new contracts for the export of hydrocarbons in rubles

    For shih bis! And tomorrow the ruble was dropped, but the contract is in rubles .. and imports should be bought for bucks nevertheless .. some kind of nonsense ..

    11. Fast reduction in reserves dollar instruments and debt obligations to sanctioning countries

    - did not understand what kind of "debt obligations" in the reserves? Or does it just mean "debt reduction" (debt recovery, in a simple way)?
    ... and again - replacing these "debt obligations" and "dollar instruments" - with what? Yuan? So that one too .. that .. For gold? So where can you get it so much, and the price will jump as soon as they start purchasing in large quantities.

    12. Replacing loans of state corporations and state banks in dollars and euros in rubles under the same conditions, conducting for this purpose a targeted issue with placement through VEB

    .. well, yes .. while the ruble is jumping like a squirrel ..

    I do not understand (c)

    13. Explanatory work with the population on the appropriateness of transferring euro and dollar deposits into rubles. In the case of a freeze of the assets of the Central Bank and state banks in the USA and the EU - a freeze of bank liabilities in dollars and euros

    Cool. I keep a stock of food in the form of .., for example, stew, and with me "they conduct explanatory work" that this stock should be stored in the form of .. ice cream .. We guess from three times where I will send such a "clarifier" ..

    Quote: fennekRUS
    the world economy after these steps will “storm” for 10 years, at least.

    In vain it is you, IMHO. RF - it is large on the map, and in the global economy - it is very small, unfortunately.

    Therefore, it doesn’t particularly hinder anyone No.

    Something like that.
    1. 0
      22 September 2015 16: 05
      Your criticism is certainly on the fly, but with common sense. if these theses in Glazyev's terms are considered as completed actions / result, then of course this is utopia. And if we consider alternative approaches introduced in parallel, and gradually with correction, then it’s not such a utopia.
      1. -1
        22 September 2015 16: 27
        Quote: andrew42
        Of course you have criticism on the fly

        Yes, I, in fact, do not pretend ... not an economist nirazu, but still:

        9. The transition to settlements in trade in the Customs Union and with other countries in national currencies. Conclusion of new contracts for the export of hydrocarbons in rubles

        And in what way, damn it?

        - the ruble is unstable, and "one way". Apparently, he is not going to grow up in the foreseeable future.
        - for purchases abroad (anything .. even spare parts for the same Gazprom) need bucks
        - business will still "think" in a "stable" currency. Not in rubles

        Here they said: "We will conclude contracts in rubles, and they will have to buy rubles from us" .. yes they will, they will be forced .. only at what rate?

        You can, of course, fix the ruble exchange rate in the contract lolbut, if I were a buyer, I wouldn’t do that. For obvious reasons, probably.

        In general, how specifically is this ninth paragraph -

        Quote: andrew42
        consider as parallel introduced alternative approaches, and gradually with correction

        - I don’t understand .. stupid because .. sad
    2. 0
      26 September 2015 06: 48
      Most likely, your doubts are well-founded, since by and large these items with proposals for adjusting the financial system are unlikely to have any positive effect on the Russian economy.

      Today, any sane person is well aware that with the existing Russophobic, liberal government, all personal plans and interests have long been aimed at the "adored" West, the revival of the Russian economy at a new qualitative level, in order to improve the living standards of the entire people, is simply not possible.

      A peaceful solution to these problems requires new people from among professional statesmen who are able to take responsibility for the radical modernization of the entire political and socio-economic system of the state and mobilize the main part of the INTERESTED society to solve these problems.
  31. -1
    22 September 2015 13: 32
    Here is Putin's answer to all of you through the lips of his secretary. Draw your own conclusions. It would be better if this "poor" secretary kept silent.
  32. +1
    22 September 2015 13: 41
    Glazyev is right or not - only practice can show. Today Glazyev is an adviser to the President of the Russian Federation. He is allowed to express an alternative point of view.
  33. +4
    22 September 2015 15: 15
    It's time back to the future. And those who are against the construction of roads!
    1. +2
      22 September 2015 16: 06
      Briefly and clearly. I agree.
  34. 0
    22 September 2015 15: 44
    "... but in fact a whole class of parasites, which for more than two decades created its own branching structure in the state apparatus." Exactly parasites.
  35. 0
    22 September 2015 19: 05
    Quote: pinhead
    In Crimea, any adult will tell you that Aksenov is a former bandit
    Bullshit. There are friends who have known him since his youth.
    They respond only positively.
    Uropes recently joyfully spread that he did not finish VU, etc., etc.
    So, he enrolled in training in 1989 refused after a few years to swear allegiance to Ukraine .. For which, of course, he was subjected to all possible punishments. The consequences, as they say did not force ...
    I’ll add from myself. I agree with those who appreciated his step.
    On which, not everyone would decide ... This is absolutely unique.
    In this connection, there was a post in that topic discussed by IT, about the fact that it was precisely on such and similar people that Russia has long held on. And that, he is completely, MAY HAVE (and will not, which is important to note) be in the country's leadership up to the post of President. So, don’t trick the grandmother here!
    1. -1
      23 September 2015 10: 08
      he himself was very surprised, but absolutely adequate people spoke without an American accent, and here they nominated me and declared me an agent of the State Department.
    2. 0
      23 September 2015 10: 08
      he himself was very surprised, but absolutely adequate people spoke without an American accent, and here they nominated me and declared me an agent of the State Department.
  36. +2
    22 September 2015 19: 26
    Glazyev is 100% right, but we live with the "rats", how to negotiate with them?
  37. +1
    22 September 2015 20: 02
    The old and obsolete ones should be replaced by the new, fresh and useful at this stage.
  38. -2
    22 September 2015 20: 56
    Quote: Uncle Joe
    Stop self-deception - this is what I suggest

    More specifically?

    Quote: Uncle Joe
    stop being led to a false dichotomy, one of the variants of which is "either over the hill or into the village", to look at things realistically, and to act accordingly

    And more specifically?

    Uncle Joe, you know exactly what and how we all have to do in order to live a long and happy life. Duc, share your secret knowledge already?

    You’ll move out again .. on already crippled quotes, pieces of the Constitution and other .. pieces negative
    1. -1
      22 September 2015 23: 22
      Quote: Cat Man Null
      More specifically?
      Do not pull the owl on the globe in an attempt to justify the actions of the leadership. smile

      And more specifically?
      People have always been and always will be stupid victims of fraud and self-deception in politics, until they learn to seek the interests of particular classes for any moral, religious, political, social phrases, statements, promises. Proponents of reform and improvement will always be fooled by the defenders of the old, until they understand that every old institution, no matter how wild and rotten it may seem, is held by the forces of one or another ruling class. And in order to break down the resistance of these classes, there is only one way: to find in the society around us, to enlighten and organize for the struggle such forces that can - and according to their social position - have to form a force that can sweep away the old and create the new.
      I. Lenin t. 23 p. 47

      So, share secret knowledge already?
      So you do not want to listen - to you self-deception is prettier.

      You’ll move out again .. on already crippled quotes, pieces of the Constitution and other .. pieces
      Read the constitution and I won’t have to quote it.
      1. 0
        22 September 2015 23: 40
        Quote: Uncle Joe
        So, share secret knowledge already?
        So you do not want to listen - to you self-deception is prettier

        Uncle Joe, I already have one big ear ..

        Just don’t have to tell me anymore what and why am I sweeter, OK? Closer to the topic, if possible .. this one:

        what and how should we all do to live long and well
        1. -1
          23 September 2015 00: 32
          Quote: Cat Man Null
          I'm already all one big ear
          You are not an ear - you are a breeding ground for toxoplasma.

          what and how should we all do
          To begin with, stop engaging in self-deception, inventing excuses for the actions of the leadership and hope that the "maniac" will correct himself and stop "killing"
          1. -1
            23 September 2015 00: 37
            Quote: Uncle Joe
            You are not an ear - You are a breeding ground for Toxoplasma

            Are you hinting at this? laughing

            Quote: Wiki
            The main owners of toxoplasma are representatives of the cat family

            Quote: Uncle Joe
            To start (...)

            He said - move out. And I would like to make a mistake .. request
            1. -1
              23 September 2015 00: 44
              Quote: Cat Man Null
              And I would like to make a mistake
              So you are mistaken.

              Want specific answers - ask specific questions.
              1. -1
                23 September 2015 00: 50
                Quote: Uncle Joe
                Want specific answers

                Quote: "Sweet porridge" by C. Perrault
                pot, pretty ..
                1. -1
                  23 September 2015 01: 06
                  Quote: Cat Man Null
                  "Sweet porridge", C. Perrault
                  pot, pretty ..
                  Reread it better - Baby Zahes, nicknamed Zinnober.

                  Plot: The kind fairy Rosabelverda out of pity enchants the ugly body and soul of the little baby Tsahes, who looks like an alrauna, so that most people, mainly philistines, cease to notice his ugliness. Now people are drawn to him. Any commendable deed committed in his presence is attributed to him, Zahes, who changed his former name to a new one - Zinnober. And vice versa, if he does something disgusting or shameful (but he does nothing else) - in the eyes of those present, someone else seems to have made an abomination; most often the one who suffered most from the tricks of Zinnober ....
                  1. -2
                    23 September 2015 01: 26
                    Quote: Uncle Joe
                    Reread it better

                    Kab You in the case also answered in detail. Yes

                    And with "what to read" - I myself somehow .. without an ensemble ..
  39. 0
    23 September 2015 07: 05
    Apparently, this is a plan for future generations. Now we need to prevent these so-called "liberals" from ruining Russia. It is most important! Further, if the youth understands that they cannot do without their own country, free, large, not torn by strife, local kings, then Glazyev's plan will be taken out of the archive and put into practice.
  40. +1
    23 September 2015 07: 28
    Peskov's speech looks like an attempt to calm the liberals. They say "nothing will happen, dear ones, you can calmly continue to plunder and ruin Russia, no Glazyev will bother you"
  41. +1
    23 September 2015 07: 33
    Today, a Hindu drove me to La Guardia Airport while they rode talking. He was so happy when I said that I am Russian and support the policy of the President of Russia. Why would a Hindu taxi driver in huge New York be so happy? But he says that in their homeland and India, everyone has high hopes for Russia and they associate the future with it. Everyone talks and writes about it. All support the policy of Russia in relation to America (the idea did not develop). He said a lot more about the fact that we have a similar faith !!!! And then it began to rock me for sure. I asked why? He said that we believe in nature and the creator god a (THEY) do not believe anyone, only the dollar. I refused dozens of tips. Then me and hiccups began.
  42. 0
    23 September 2015 08: 22
    "to watch the collapse from the side, in order to then propose their program again, but in completely different political conditions." Not an option! It is not known what will become of Russia. Most likely it will be torn apart into vassal states of America, Germany, Britain, Japan, and China will not remain on the sidelines. There will be nothing to restore, there are enough of their own restorers! They have been raised and educated in recent decades, and are already in our Government, the highest echelons of power! And the struggle for influence in the Middle East can cost us all dearly in terms of Russia's integrity!
  43. VB
    23 September 2015 08: 30
    Very correct article, do not diminish not add. Only with this guarantor and his government with officials and oligarchs, nothing will change. It is necessary to change the entire vertical, starting with the president. He created this system, he must answer.
  44. -2
    23 September 2015 08: 43
    And I think that the next president will be Ragozin!
    1. +3
      23 September 2015 11: 28
      Rather, R. Abramovich!
      The children of Zion have sprouted well on the fertile and grain financial "virgin soil"!
    2. +3
      23 September 2015 11: 28
      Rather, R. Abramovich!
      The children of Zion have sprouted well on the fertile and grain financial "virgin soil"!
  45. +1
    23 September 2015 10: 07
    Back in November 2013, the then head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, reported to the president that by the end of the year, a drop in rail freight (which is one of the indirect indicators of the health of the economy) is expected to reach 3,3%. ©
    And before Yakunin, he removed freight from RZD and handed it over to two affiliates, where his people are at the helm and pushed up freight prices, many companies simply ceased to exist, including agricultural ones, because the price of transportation did not correspond to the possibility of these activities firms. By the way, a refrigerator car from Khabarovsk to Moscow will cost a million rubles. This is how you need to fill it in order to sell and make a profit? And there are darkness such figures in the country as you don’t pour into the economy, until cargo transportation, electricity and fuels and lubricants are inaccessible, not a damn thing will come of it.
  46. +1
    23 September 2015 10: 26
    The "liberal circles" mentioned in the article must simply be destroyed, having previously confiscated the property they robbed in favor of the state.
  47. -1
    23 September 2015 10: 50
    Pichove, how is the economy of economics still dead, how can a dinosaur be replaced by a human, with a human intellect? Who will be awarded the Nobel Prize for economics? And for the world, not even mi ce pita! And with "I de!
  48. +2
    23 September 2015 11: 08
    No one doubts that the crisis is man-made, and it was made by the hands of the State Department hirelings sitting in our government. All this pack is necessary for the 58th Stalin article, confiscation, and themselves to the wall.
  49. 0
    23 September 2015 11: 19
    Glazyev offers a radical step, the need for which is not obvious to everyone
  50. +4
    23 September 2015 11: 23
    It's time to just shoot them, red, Yakunevich, naebullin and other curly, and the oligarchs!
    And I do not understand why everywhere active GDP with these types is almond. This leads to sad thoughts.
    1. 0
      23 September 2015 17: 47
      Because he is the same only to hang noodles on his ears with a mastiff. Is this really not clear. None of what he promised was done. He collapsed medicine and education, he promised to increase GDP by 2 times, and he tumbles downhill. He promised to create 20 million high-tech jobs. Unemployment is growing like a snowball. Yatsyk to wag bags do not toss. He would serve as an outpatient in the army; they were called propaganda there.
  51. -1
    23 September 2015 12: 44
    The easiest way is to raise taxes, cut pensions and wages, cut up factories, but for some reason they don’t talk about their pensions and wages?????????How much money will they use to buy watches and gold pens))) )
  52. 0
    23 September 2015 12: 48
    Glazyev is obviously not a mathematician or a “modeler” (this is when “I model what I see”). But all the more valuable and weighty is his proposal: See the path in a changed world.
    I studied the history, theory and practice of import substitution. The essence of American scientific publications is “this is not the path to prosperity. These Brazils, Argentinas, Indias and Vietnams will never be equal to us” - well, they will create jobs and will make an unprofitable third grade.”
    Models of optimal development have been made: here, to meet the needs of the region, what is needed can be a) imported; b) localize production; c) create your own production. Moreover, subject to optimal control in a), b), c). If we take into account the “premiums for job creation (with the exception of financial channels), then (the modeling showed) sustainable development today is in the reasonable self-sufficiency of the region (alternative in) and strengthening the exchange of information and technology with the whole world. It’s time to stop importing and exporting bananas, cars, oitpads - today it is destructive for all parties
  53. +1
    23 September 2015 12: 54
    It's high time to bring order to these circles. It’s not trivial to name the project - “Project -37”. The time has already come
  54. 0
    23 September 2015 12: 58
    Quote: pinhead
    that is, if a person steals and is not caught, is he honest?

    Your logic is strange. On its basis, you can be declared a thief, you just haven’t been caught yet. And anyone can be accused, denigrated, etc. What then about the presumption of innocence? Legality
    1. 0
      23 September 2015 18: 56
      Legality p... (???)
      And the legality should be as follows: you filed a declaration, after which some multimillion-dollar discrepancy was discovered - prepare your property for the treasury, and your head on the chopping block!am
    2. 0
      24 September 2015 05: 08
      I clearly wrote IF A PERSON STEALS!!! a person becomes a thief after the first theft and not by a court verdict
    3. The comment was deleted.
  55. 0
    23 September 2015 13: 50
    Quote: Bongo
    Quote: smith7
    Do you have someone else to replace?

    Will someone else be allowed to run the state? We have only one "irreplaceable and God-given". Why doesn't he disperse the government, which shows from year to year that it cannot correct the situation in the economy? So these "characters" suit him.
    Quote: smith7
    I recently read about "the Crimean head will be the new president of RF" ... ???

    And why not?

    Before asking such questions, read the Constitution - all the rights and responsibilities of the president are spelled out in it. And they are equal to the rights and responsibilities of an ordinary notary. He cannot even impose a final veto on the law.
  56. 0
    23 September 2015 14: 47
    Until they take all the relatives of the oligarchs by the gills, or rather the big guys, including the entire top of the family clan sitting within the walls of the Kremlin, everything is useless! hi
  57. 0
    23 September 2015 14: 53
    Even the most brilliant surgeon cannot alone without a team of professionals who are clearly doing their job for the common goal of saving a serious patient. Will Glazyev have such a team?
  58. -5
    23 September 2015 17: 46
    In total, there are thousands, if not tens of thousands of people in positions, with liberal and Russophobic views, incapable of any activity other than general theft.

    The article is excellent. Disperse the liberals from the government. You give Aksenov as prime minister and Glazyev as deputy prime minister for economics, and even if Putin doesn’t interfere or interfere with them, he still doesn’t understand anything about economics. Let him tell his tales to his foreign colleagues.
  59. +3
    23 September 2015 18: 01
    Today Artemyev from the Antimonopoly Committee said: “Wherever you go, there is either a wife, or a brother, or a daughter.” So the guarantor knows everything and while he is “rowing”, and he is going to “rowing” until 2030, he will not change anything of his own free will. And the “partners” won’t allow it.
  60. -1
    23 September 2015 18: 16
    In general, psychiatrists are engaged in alternative thinking. And the “baiting of alternative thinking” is a gem! The authorities didn’t accept it, let’s turn to the people! The guards are being bullied and oppressed! Advice to the author - let's not turn VO into a political and economic review. Not every cook understands politics and economics, although each has her own opinion.
    1. -1
      23 September 2015 18: 39
      If you're a cook, then why are you wearing a general's shoulder straps? Put on an apron and put on some lipstick.
      1. 0
        23 September 2015 19: 01
        Quote: soratnik
        If you're a cook, then why are you wearing a general's shoulder straps? Put on an apron and put on some lipstick.
        That's what I'm talking about ! I don’t want to discuss articles on topics not related to Military Review. And to you, the sergeant major for rudeness - (all I can, all I can).
  61. -1
    23 September 2015 19: 55
    Purely in fact:
    Glazyev Who is this? Like an oppositionist to “What is now”? Yeah, yeah... He warmed up (like Rogozin, who was in opposition - WHEN THAT - It was to this regime that he was now in opposition and joined it)..
    He has a plan...So let the Plan SMOKE! In the country of Power-Business, the Large one belongs to the “War Friends”... They are not responsible for anything... Only Loot-Loot.. Management, here many people remember Stalin, such that it’s time for everyone to leave the wall long ago... and Personal fortunes are fabulous!
    And what? Who is Glazyev? That's funny!
  62. -1
    23 September 2015 20: 01
    What are you talking about, read the report first, there is such complete monetarism there that even “opponent” Kudrin will not find it enough. The struggle of the liberal-Nanai boys is uncomplicated.
  63. -1
    23 September 2015 20: 06
    Simply just wished to state Now i am ecstatic I happened onto your website page!
  64. -1
    23 September 2015 22: 56
    Each vegetable has its time. At the end of the second millennium and the beginning of the 70s of the last century, the GDP of the country called the USSR was approximately 680-700 billion rubles ($ cost 90 kopecks), and so, officials and other people stole about 17% of the GDP. This is official data.
    We don’t have other people, but we can whine endlessly. Who created the Popular Front? Yeah, I see. And who is "protecting"? also clear. And who wants to say that GDP does nothing? Join the Popular Front and make life better, rather than whine.
  65. +1
    23 September 2015 22: 58
    Accepting the opinion of the author of the article and respecting his work, after reading the article, one involuntarily feels a feeling of excessive emotionality in the presentation of the material. Russia has been closely monitoring the developments in Ukraine for at least 10 years and has been developing an action plan in case the vector of Ukraine’s political orientation is negative for Russia. A clear confirmation of this is the brilliantly carried out Crimean operation. I don’t think that the so-called Western sanctions were not envisaged at the conceptual level. The problem was different, how to rebuild in a short time the open liberal economy of Russia, without violating international law and the economic interests of investors, private foreign capital? It seems to me that the Russian leadership is still coping with colossal, epoch-making difficulties.
  66. 0
    23 September 2015 23: 30
    I would also like to add that it was Medvedev who kicked the liberal Kudrin out of the government. Kudrin really insisted on cutting the military budget. What would happen if everyone listened to Mr. IMF Kudrin.
    1. 0
      25 September 2015 02: 22
      It would be a sad story...
  67. +1
    23 September 2015 23: 53
    Quote: Pilat2009
    Quote: smith7
    Do you have someone else to replace?

    Favorite excuse of all time
    I remember Kryuchkov on the rostrum of the congress of the People's Deputies said about Gorbachev: "they don't change horses on the crossing"
    This is the difference between our political system and the Western one - there you don’t choose anyone, the general course remains unchanged, with us every character wants to experiment

    Somehow I don’t remember such words from Kryuchkov at the congress, but everyone remembers his words about the work of Western intelligence services in acquiring and training “agents of influence” in the USSR. hi
  68. oof
    24 September 2015 06: 04
    The gang is in power, they won’t do anything while their money is over the hill.
  69. +2
    24 September 2015 07: 06
    Quote: Russian_German
    Quote: pinhead
    that is, if a person steals and is not caught, is he honest?

    Your logic is strange. On its basis, you can be declared a thief, you just haven’t been caught yet. And anyone can be accused, denigrated, etc. What then about the presumption of innocence? Legality

    according to your logic, former minister Serdyukov is a crystal honest person
    1. -1
      26 September 2015 07: 05
      Serdyukov is not only an honest, but also a clean person. Vasilyeva tirelessly licked him with her tongue at all court hearings, calling him “the best defense minister in the entire history of Russia.” And if the best minister, then the Supreme High Command, whose role was alternately played by Putin and Medvedev, is also the best. This is how we live, in poverty and devastation in the main part of the country, with the best and irreplaceable, who imagine themselves to be God’s chosen ones.
  70. 0
    24 September 2015 07: 33
    Quote: Stirbjorn
    How to act then?

    Here is what I (with great difficulty) managed to squeeze out of the patient on this topic:

    Quote: Uncle Joe
    Quote: Cat Man Null
    And then - what do we, the poor and wretched, do?

    And then there is a need for questions like “And then - what should we, the poor and the poor, do?” will disappear completely, because after the first condition is fulfilled, insight occurs.
    And when it happens, it becomes completely clear to you - when, where and with whom you need to walk, in what cases to engage in collective parasitism, and what demands to put forward

    I.e :

    - "light up"
    - let's go on a rally, go on strike and do other funny things

    It's like a "program". What will happen to the country in this case - we don’t care, “that’s what the great Lenin bequeathed.”

    After this, I personally find Dad Joe interesting... but only from the point of view of scratching my tongue. Revolutionary, damn it... room-sofa. I've read a lot of books..

    So that they can see all this in a scary dream, how it will be in real life fool
  71. -1
    24 September 2015 08: 02
    aggressive ignoramuses harm Russia no less than liberals
  72. 0
    24 September 2015 10: 11
    Quote: Bongo
    I recently read about "the Crimean head will be the new president of RF" ... ???
    And why not?

    It’s hardly easier for them to lobby.
  73. 0
    24 September 2015 12: 17
    It is not possible to change the economic path of development without changing the executive branch, at least some of the ministers of the economic bloc. Yes, the laws need to be changed, but nothing can be done through this Duma. Take, for example, the law on the Central Bank - they failed.
  74. 0
    24 September 2015 13: 48
    Glazyev certainly proposes a deal. But to implement it, it is necessary to remove all “effective managers and owners” from the trough, and how can this be done without civil war? 95% of the population will support this initiative, but what to do with the oligarchs and their hangers-on? They control the money and the security structures, including the armed ones, are also under their control. But if Putin does this, a monument to him should be cast in gold and forever inscribed in the annals of the history of the Russian land, this is no joke. Because the resistance will be steeper than in 1917. But we have to do it, otherwise sooner or later the Chinese will privatize us without a fight.
  75. -3
    24 September 2015 22: 30
    I may be writing in the wrong place, but I didn’t find a suitable topic here. Friends just recommended an awesome site http://mobsetod.biz/?s=514
    to find the best partner for intimate meetings, and possibly for serious intentions. In other words, it is simply a large free network for private meetings for friendship and communication from all large and small cities of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
    A huge number of profiles from all over the world. I found partners there a couple of times from my city, didn’t pay a single ruble, it seemed like everything was grown up.
    Once again I shared my personal secrets with you and I really hope to provide at least some service.
  76. -1
    25 September 2015 12: 46
    Quote: gladcu2
    Starikov will be the next president.

    Aksyonov, theoretically not savvy. Here it is necessary to be able to conduct international politics.
    Well this is a joke.

    By the way, please fix the primacy of opinion. I was the first to say that liberals are nerfed.

    and he will separate them according to their concepts
  77. 0
    25 September 2015 18: 15
    Quote: Uncle Joe
    Putin: "... I want to emphasize once again and say: there will be no return to the past. Russia will remain a market liberal economy. Today I want to repeat once again: we will consistently continue the line on encouraging private initiative, on integration into the world economy ... ".

    This was said almost 6 years ago. Has it finally dawned on Putin that our people are not on the same path with liberal Russophobes who are intentionally or carelessly working to the detriment of Russia? The fact that the systemic replacement of the entire power elite in the financial and economic blocs has long been an objective necessity is clear to every sane person.

    Another thing is that the pocket opposition has still not bothered to create an alternative government capable of, without causing any shock to the people, proposing a reasonable program for the operational modernization of the economy and financial system and ways of its gradual implementation.
  78. 0
    7 October 2015 22: 05
    Interesting heated discussion. I will say this, everyone earns as they can. Those who do not know how to earn money with their heads and/or hands go into crime or become homeless. In the 90s, a lieutenant colonel, a graduate of an artillery school from our city, was brought on duty. He was wounded in Karabakh, then hospitalized. Further failure... Loss of family. Bum. TV people from our local channel showed the story, they seemed to promise to help, but I don’t know how the story ended. Difficult times in the 90s. Among the refugees and homeless people were former military personnel who barely managed to escape from the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Baltic states, losing their families along the way.
    For me, people are not a mystery with all their show-offs, antics, antics, lies... The measure of a person is his actions. I am always surprised by the warm manifestations of nobility, breadth of soul, scrupulousness, politeness, sincerity, kindness, and everything that we call intelligence.
    I repeat once again, everyone earns as much as they can, but this should not infringe on the interests and rights of others, not violate written and unwritten laws, ethics and morals. The positive image of a man in uniform has done its job, society is somehow becoming cleaner, you hear blatant jargon less often, the attitude of young people towards the army has changed. As for construction projects in Crimea... There is not enough space. If the house is of historical or architectural value, there should be a green area around it, some kind of mini-park with benches, a fountain where people could relax. I am for modern cities with wide avenues and modern houses. Not a builder, but at the institute more than half my life ago we had such a subject, actually one lesson: Urban Planning Hygiene. I am for the return of Soviet SNPs and norms when designing urban planning and strict punishment for any deviation from them.
    I grew up in a basement slum in the city center. Now everything there has been demolished and the same 2-3 storey slums have been built, the houses opposite each other are almost 6 meters away. But this is the center. On the contrary, I would build one long high-rise building along the entire street with underground garages and shops and offices on the ground floors. And in the end, the Hermitage garden, which was behind our houses, is being built up. Beautiful? No. The center should be spacious, with high-rise buildings, taking into account the wind rose, so that it is ventilated and there is no smog.
    As for the article, theories are tested by practice. hi