Inequality in education. Only affordable education will make Russia a strong state.

In the modern world, the availability of quality education is becoming an increasingly important component of the overall socio-economic and cultural development of the state. The development of science and technology, informatization and computerization of society determine the demand for qualified specialists who have high-quality and, most importantly, meet modern realities, professional education. At the same time, in many countries, higher education continues to be almost completely elitist, inaccessible to the general population. Global trends in educational development, such as its commercialization, only exacerbate the existing inequality of people in terms of access to higher education. However, even if there is no fixed payment for higher education, the latter may remain unaffordable for many families, in particular, if we are talking about a quality and competitive labor market education. Needless to say that the inaccessibility of education causes great harm to the country, since it prevents people from low-income families from getting an education. How many potential engineers and doctors, managers and teachers did not receive Russia because of the inaccessibility of quality education? And how many will not receive them in the future, in process of further commercialization of higher educational institutions?

Education system and social inequality

According to a common view, education can be seen as a tool for establishing equality of people. After receiving a higher education, even a native of the lower social classes can significantly change their social status. This point of view would be fair in relation to the Soviet period storieswhen a child of collective farmers or workers from a village or a provincial town could make a career in any field of activity and climb the highest floors of the state or party hierarchy. However, in the current situation, not everything is so unequivocal; therefore, many philosophers and sociologists working within the framework of the Marxist trend in the social sciences see the institution of education as a tool for asserting social inequality. In their opinion, education only exacerbates existing inequality and reinforces the division of society into "elite" and basic strata. After all, the very opportunity to get an education in a capitalist society does not exist among all young people. Some cannot afford education because of the need for employment - parents are simply unable to financially support matured children, others lack the cultural level and social connections to go to university. As a result, social inequality is only consolidated - more likely to go to universities, especially those that provide quality education, are people who themselves grew up in families of parents with higher education.

Inequality in education. Only affordable education will make Russia a strong state.
- Students of elite English school. Photo:

Many prominent sociologists paid attention to the fact that education, in the form in which it exists in the modern world, contributes to the consolidation of social inequality. So, Anthony Giddens argues that the transition to the practice of universal school education in the twentieth century was caused exclusively by objective processes - the needs of the developing economy for skilled workers and engineering and technical specialists. The scientific and technological revolution and the computerization and automation of production that followed it demanded that enterprises pay increased attention to the level of training of workers, including on the “working grid”. Naturally, the state and the companies had no choice but to facilitate the accessibility of education for people from various backgrounds. But the increase in the accessibility of education practically did not affect social inequality in Western societies. Moreover, there was a division of the institution of higher education into elite and mass segments. What is elite higher education today? This is a hundred "top" world universities, and at the national level there are dozens of universities and institutes that enjoy particular fame and prestige within the country. Diplomas of these educational institutions a priori imply the availability of quality education for their graduates, but even they alone do not guarantee employment for a prestigious and well-paid job. Inequality in the field of education, according to Giddens, is already laid from the school bench - the separation of students according to social characteristics. It is no secret that in Russia there are private privileged schools, "good" municipal schools and "ordinary" schools. Before the creation of non-state educational institutions was allowed, the schools were divided into “good”, that is, “elite” and “almost elite” and “bad”. The main criteria for this separation were, firstly, the quality of the knowledge provided, and secondly, the social affiliation of the majority of students. Specialized linguistic, physical and mathematical, natural science schools have always been considered better quality than regular district schools. In them, for the better in terms of knowledge and skills, the teaching staff differed, the set of subjects studied was more impressive. As a rule, in the elementary school, the study of the first foreign language began, in middle school classes - the second foreign language. The education received in the “elite” school was actually considered as a guarantee of entering a higher educational institution, and moreover to prestigious faculties and specialties. In modern Russia, the situation with the division of school education has worsened. Someone can pay for a private school, in which not just subject teachers teach, but recognized professionals with Ph.D. and doctoral degrees and work experience in institutions of higher education. However, the majority of Russian families are forced to send their children to regular district schools, the quality of education in which not only leaves much to be desired, but also tends to deteriorate. After all, the old teaching staff leaves for retirement or life, and young graduates of pedagogical universities do not want to get a job for a meager teaching salary.

Cultural and social capital as educational resources

However, in fact, inequality in access to quality education is laid in childhood and is associated with the social origin of specific students. French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu said that capital can be of three types - economic, social and cultural. Social and cultural capital are derived from economic capital, but it is they who primarily determine social inequality in education. Social positions in modern society are inherited, primarily through cultural and social capital. This is due to the fact that the transfer of economic capital in modern conditions has become more complicated compared to previous eras. Therefore, the transfer of cultural capital through the education system, which distributes cultural capital in modern society. Social inequality is a product of the reproduction of cultural capital. It is the possession of cultural and social capital that has a decisive influence on the advancement through the channels of vertical mobility in the modern world. Russia is no exception. After the overlap of the Komsomol and party social elevators, with the help of which any native of a distant village or working village could reach the heights of Soviet power, society in Russia is becoming more hierarchical and polarized. People living in the same city, perhaps even in neighboring houses or apartments (a relic of the Soviet housing distribution), may belong to completely different social categories, not even in terms of income, but in terms of possessing social and cultural capital. In fact, these people live in “different dimensions,” albeit in the same space. Quality education contributes to the employment in prestigious areas of activity and the rapid advancement of the career ladder, including in leadership positions. But if before the possibility of obtaining a quality education was determined, above all, by family income (and even earlier - by estate), now social and cultural factors are coming to the forefront. High-quality education with more confidence get immigrants from wealthy families with higher education, living in the capital or major cities - regional centers. Social relations, professional activities and education of parents, place of residence - all of these factors have a direct impact on obtaining high-quality education. Pierre Bourdieu calls these factors the objective resources of individuals. In addition to objective resources, subjective factors play an important role in the process of obtaining education. These are the personal qualities of each individual person, including his individual abilities, ambitions, self-esteem, life goals and values ​​that are formed.

According to Basil Bernstein, “language codes” are forms of direct dependence on social origin, forms of verbal communication that differ from representatives of higher, middle and lower social groups. At the same time, the main differences are not in the vocabulary or speech skills, but in the methods of language use by children from different social strata. For children from lower social classes characterized by a limited language code. In the process of communication, they do not agree much, because they are sure that the interlocutor owns this information. This is due to the fact that many families of lower social strata are carriers of a certain subculture, which sets values ​​and behaviors that are considered natural and understandable to everyone. Representatives of these social groups may not even suspect that other people are not necessarily aware of any phenomena, patterns, or behavioral norms. Limited language code allows you to effectively transfer practical experience, but it is very difficult to communicate on abstract topics. In the middle social stratum, the language code is more developed - here children less focus on the private context and are able to express their opinions, arguing about abstract processes or concepts. Accordingly, children with a more developed speech code show greater interest and ability to learn, adapt more easily in an educational institution and, subsequently, enter a higher educational institution without the problems faced by representatives of lower social classes.

Social polarization is fixed in school

American researchers Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis viewed the education system in the modern world solely as an institution serving the economic needs of a capitalist society. In the process of schooling, social and technical skills are formed, which then allow graduates to work in enterprises or continue further education. Another major component of school education is discipline. At school, students gain an insight into the discipline and hierarchy they will face throughout their lives. In fact, the school is a reflection of modern society and allows children to gradually assimilate those behaviors that they will have to conform to. At school, a gradual differentiation of the children's team occurs - more capable people stand out who, after completing their studies, can enter higher educational institutions, and less capable, for whom education ends after graduating from school or a secondary vocational school. There is also the category of “rebels”, who drop out of school and replenishes marginal layers (of course, there are exceptions in this category that achieve a higher position than people with education, but we are now talking about a mass phenomenon). According to the sociologist T. Parsons, modern schooling is based on "two whales" - motivational loyalty and cognitive abilities of the individual. Cognitive abilities of the individual are innate and they also contribute to the formation of a certain intellectual level. Motivational loyalty is determined by the upbringing of schoolchildren, their social environment, and it is she who sets the presence or absence of a focus on achieving high results in the process of getting an education, diligence, attitude to the educational process and educational institution, interaction with teachers and fellow students. In different social strata, the attitude towards higher education is also different. For representatives of the educated strata of the population who form the upper and middle classes, higher education is seen as a mandatory attribute of preparation for work and just living in modern society, while lower social classes that do not require higher education in their professional activities may relate to the idea getting it is very skeptical. German sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf, who, among other things, considered the issue of inequality in education in Germany, identified four potentially discriminating categories in the field of education - children from rural areas, children of working families, girls and children of families of Catholics. Thus, class and gender are, according to Dahrendorf, the main criteria for the availability / inaccessibility of high-quality school and, especially, higher education.

- High School in Kenya. photo:

The social identity of students has a direct impact on two key points in the process of school education — on grades and on making a decision about continuing education or refusing to enter a higher education institution. “Both the decision to continue education, taken in the family, and the marks given by teachers at the school depend, with equal performance of children, on their belonging to one or another social stratum,” writes the German sociologist Rainer Gassler (Gassler R. on education: cause and effect // As it was established as a result of sociological surveys, the desire to continue studies, in general, does not depend on academic performance, but on the social status of schoolchildren’s families. So, almost all parents of “horoshist” from the higher social stratum and only 38% of parents of “horoshist” from the lower social stratum were going to send the child to continue education in the gymnasium. As for the students themselves, among the children from the upper stratum, about 75% of schoolchildren were going to enter the gymnasium, and among the children of the lower stratum - 11% of schoolchildren. Differences, as we see, are extremely significant. 43% excellent students from working families and at least 50% mediocre students from official families are aimed at getting higher education. Thus, the inequality of chances in obtaining a quality education in school is not only not smoothed out, but is also growing. Children from families with low social status are subject to exaggerated demands, they are expected to have much more knowledge in case they claim to continue their education. The inverse result of this approach is the revealed fact of poor academic performance in gymnasiums and higher educational institutions of students and students from families of higher and secondary social strata. After all, they find themselves in gymnasiums and universities, regardless of their own motivational attitudes, and from their real level of knowledge and sensitivity to learning. Rainer Gassler concludes that the equality of chances for education and academic performance does not contradict each other, and an increase in the availability of education would entail an improvement in student performance. Many talented guys, who, because of the social and material condition of their families, did not enter universities, could achieve a great deal and, perhaps, become “stars” of science, prominent statesmen, engineers and inventors. Inequality of chances of getting an education did not leave them such an opportunity.

As a result of the “massization” of education, in the twentieth century, it was possible to virtually eradicate illiteracy in developed countries, to provide a more or less tolerable level of basic knowledge in the main subjects of the majority of the population. However, the modern education system meets with ever more decisive criticism, especially in line with the trends that have become widespread in the past two decades. According to Bowles and Gintis, social inequality is preserved in schools and personal development is restricted. But it is not possible to change the essence of school and post-school education in the conditions of preservation of the capitalist paradigm, since education turns out to be only one of the institutions ensuring the smooth functioning of the established social system. It was not by chance that Pierre Bourdieu considered the establishment and preservation of the social hierarchy as the main function of the education system in the modern world.

Social factors of the Russian education system

The national tradition of higher education throughout the Soviet period considered equality of opportunities for admission to higher educational institutions as the main principle of the educational system. But market reforms have made their adjustments in the field of education. A large number of non-state higher educational institutions and commercial departments in state universities appeared, which provided an opportunity to get higher education for money. Naturally, the quality of education in the process of its commercialization has sharply declined, since it has become unprofitable for universities to exclude “commercial” students for the poor performance of students, on which a significant part of their financial income directly depended, including on faculty salaries. Therefore, any “commercial” student who has the opportunity to pay for his studies and does not drop out on his own initiative is guaranteed to get a higher education, regardless of real knowledge and abilities. As mentioned above, the possibility of obtaining higher education in modern Russia depends on both economic and social and geographic factors. In particular, living in remote regions or in rural areas, far from large university centers, automatically reduces the possibility of obtaining high-quality higher education. Not all families are able to pay for travel and living in another city for their child, especially since the financial burden of maintaining a student, in most cases, will have to be for five years. American and British sociologists, analyzing the situation in their countries in the field of education, also focused on ethnic and racial differences. African Americans, Indians and Hispanics in the United States have fewer opportunities to receive higher education than “white” Americans, immigrants from Europe and even from East Asia. This is primarily due to social factors - living conditions in “Negro ghettos” and Indian reservations do not at all favor good schooling, do not motivate a teenager to form a life strategy aimed at getting higher education. In Russia, it is hardly possible to consider the ethnic factor an obstacle to higher education. Representatives of various nationalities study at universities in the country, and often even language barriers do not become an obstacle to education. On the other hand, the last factor is dangerous in that it reduces the “cost” of a diploma in the international labor market. The possibility of obtaining education without any real effort acts corruptingly on the student body, and the employer, seeing that incompetent specialists who graduate from a commercial training or as a “target”, loses trust in this educational institution.

- a hostel vocational school in the city of Tara, Omsk region of the Russian Federation. Photo:

Negative consequences for modern Russian society have a tendency to shift the priorities of the domestic educational system towards higher education, which was formed in the 1990s, when industrial enterprises were rapidly closing, and more or less worthwhile work could be found only in the commercial sector of the economy. As a result, the mindset of compulsory higher education for children was laid in the minds of many Russian families. At the same time, the majority of applicants and parents did not hide the fact that admission to a higher educational institution is carried out solely for the purpose of “getting a crust”, without which they will not take a decent job. The result of such a “massization” of higher education was the colossal overproduction of graduates, who, however, did not have the necessary skills for employment in their specialty. "Trend" of Russia 1990-x - 2000-x. It was the emergence of a huge number of young lawyers, economists, managers, psychologists, who, of course, could not find a job in their specialty and occupied those vacancies for which, for good, no vocational education is required at all - neither higher nor secondary, since the functions performed can successfully cope with the presence of secondary school education.

In parallel with the emergence of new non-state and state educational institutions, in which specialists graduated in specialties demanded by applicants - jurisprudence, economics, finance, psychology, management, the system of secondary vocational education was degrading. One of the most powerful systems of secondary vocational education in the world, created in the Soviet Union, was focused on the production of skilled workers for all branches of domestic industry and agriculture. In the conditions of the collapse of industry and agriculture in the 1990-s, the majority of working professions were unclaimed. Vocational schools began to close, the quality of education in the remaining secondary vocational schools plummeted. Meanwhile, today, when the country's industry began to gradually recover from the twenty-year crisis, many enterprises are not able to staff their staff with working specialists. There are simply no skilled workers. Many companies today are ready to pay a good lathe or miller much more than most lawyers, economists or psychologists, but people with high qualifications in working specialties are sorely lacking. The overall decline in the prestige of working professions, which were skillfully discredited in the media and popular culture, also played a role here. The process of discrediting the working professions and the status of the “worker” itself began in the 1980-s. and reached its apogee in 1990-e - 2000-ies, when the working profession became synonymous with life failure. It’s good that in recent years these naive ideas are gradually disappearing, but this is no easier for employers or potential workers - the tradition of secondary vocational education is broken, many educational institutions have ceased to exist or have lost teaching staff able to transfer really useful skills. The restoration of a full-fledged system of secondary vocational education today should become one of the urgent tasks of Russia's state policy in the field of education. Moreover, the revival of secondary vocational education will make it possible for many reduced teachers of higher educational institutions to find work, without forcing them to change their profession and occupation, to retrain at middle age.

The imbalance between higher and secondary education in favor of higher education, according to Giddens, is characteristic of the Third World countries - former colonies, in which industry and agriculture were at a low level of development and did not require a significant number of specialists, but a limited number of administrative workers and lawyers were required. , economists, which they graduated from universities and institutes, and in a quantity that exceeds the real needs of countries for specialists in these professions. In developed countries in the late XX - early XXI centuries. finally established a two-tier organization of the education system. The undergraduate and graduate programs became the two main stages of higher education, in effect legitimizing the “split” of educational space into the elite and the mass. The master is today the elite segment of higher education. Not all bachelor’s degree students can enroll in the magistracy in modern Russia, most of the places in the magistracy, especially in the required specialties, are paid. By and large, the magistracy was conceived as an institute for the training of managers and scientific-pedagogical workers, and a bachelor degree as an institute for the training of specialists in mass professions — teachers, engineering-technical workers, employees. In European countries, the need for a bachelor’s degree was motivated by socio-demographic features: as a result of the aging of the European population and mass migration flows from the Third World countries, it became necessary to accelerate the training of specialists with higher professional education among migrants. That is, the economic needs of European countries continue to determine their educational policies. In Russia, the need for bachelors was initially absent, because, firstly, not every employer is ready to take a bachelor, considered as “under-specialist”, “dropout”, and secondly, there is simply no need for accelerated training of specialists, especially to the detriment of the quality preparation.

Accessibility and quality of education - the key to success of the country

Many Russian scientists and teachers are very wary, and sometimes even sharply negative, about the reforms being carried out in the country in the field of education. In the past few years, a large number of articles have been published that critically analyze the Russian education system and the reforms being carried out in it. Among them are the studies of E.V. Balatsky, who believes that reforms in the field of education in modern Russia were accompanied by a large number of mistakes that now prevent the situation from being corrected ( Balatsky E.V. Arrhythmia syndrome of reforms in the higher education system // Journal of the New Economic Association - No. 4 (24) - 2015 ).

- photo:

In modern Russia, the number of students is growing, which seems to be evidence of the increasing availability of Russian education. But, on the other hand, the growth in the number of students is taking place against the background of the continuing commercialization of education. Already in 2001, the number of budget places in Russian universities was only 46%, after a decade and a half it was reduced to 40%. Meanwhile, the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science is talking about whether it is possible to reduce the number of budget places to 30% and even 20% of the total number of places in universities. In this regard, the question arises, what kind of accessibility of higher education in this case can we talk about if the absolute majority of places in Russian universities and institutes become paid? It is clear that this innovation can and will improve the financing of universities, which the state is trying to “lose” from its balance sheet, but it is doubtful that Russia as a whole will benefit from it - both as a country and as a culture and civilization. A paid and low-quality education will cause tremendous harm to the Russian economy, and will further undermine the position of domestic universities in the international educational market. Foreign students will not go to receive poor-quality education, even if it is cheap from their point of view. Accordingly, the income of universities from teaching foreign students will decrease. It is possible and not to talk about attracting foreign teachers to domestic universities - in the overwhelming majority of Russian universities, faculty salaries are at such a level that they are incomparable even with the wages of unskilled workers in European countries.

Very alarming is the idea of ​​identifying some "top" Russian universities, which should be focused on the entry into 100 of the best universities in the world, and the majority of universities, which are obtained, like as second-rate ones. This concept contributes to the further internal differentiation of Russian higher education, exacerbating existing social inequalities in admission to universities. After all, the "top" universities will receive the bulk of state funding in the form of grants, subsidies, allowances, scholarships. Accordingly, studying at “prestigious” universities will become more attractive than receiving education at regular universities and institutes. But attracting children of higher social strata to the “top” universities is unlikely to affect the quality of education in the latter, rather - for the worse, since the social status of parents or tuition fees will prevent the graduation of under-performing students and, accordingly, there will be a general decline in the level of graduates. Of course, Russia needs further reform of the education system, but the tasks of modernizing education should be based on the real needs of Russian society, given its specificity and carefully considering all the positive and negative consequences. Among the measures that can be proposed to increase the accessibility of higher education in modern Russia are, firstly, the general improvement in the quality of secondary education in the country, combined with the establishment of uniform standards that would equalize the chances of elite and regular school graduates. As we can see, the unified state exam still does not mean a true equality of chances of graduates of schools when enrolling in universities and, moreover, when studying in universities after admission. Secondly, talented and intellectually developed representatives of lower social groups of the population should receive a guaranteed opportunity to study in higher educational institutions - not only in the sense of providing free education, but also in terms of organizing material assistance during full-time studies at a university. The mechanisms for paying subsistence scholarships for such students, who are deprived of the opportunity to enjoy tangible financial support from parents, should be organized.

Thirdly, the state should pay for the education of gifted students from low-income families in commercial universities, provided that after graduation, students will work on their specialty for some time. Of course, conditions must be created for the normal remuneration of labor for the faculty, and the rates of professors, assistant professors, and teachers in higher educational institutions should be reduced to a similar denominator. The cardinal differences in wages between metropolitan and provincial universities, facilitating the outflow of teachers from the regions to the capital and, consequently, the deterioration of the quality of education in provincial universities, are unacceptable. The revival of secondary vocational education should also become the most important task in the general context of increasing access to education, and a system of retraining and advanced training should be worked out, including obtaining higher education on the basis of secondary vocational education on the job. By the way, continuing education should also be made as accessible as possible, since this step will allow fairly large categories of people - from housewives who leave from parental leave to former military and police officers, to retrain, get new professions or restore old professional skills. Considering the wide spread of information and communication technologies, the development of the system of lifelong education, as well as distance education, it is quite possible - of course, with the necessary level of financial, organizational, informational and ideological support from the state.

The present and future of Russia as a strong and economically developed state directly depends on ensuring access to education. It should be understood that the policy of commercialization of education will only lead to its subsequent decline, which will inevitably affect the economy, science and the culture of the Russian state. Therefore, the task of ensuring the availability of quality education can be considered one of the priorities within the framework of the overall strategy for ensuring Russia's national security.
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  1. -2
    17 September 2015 06: 32
    Dlinnopost niochem.
    To give an education, one needs to understand, but will there be an opportunity to take advantage of it in the future?
    Now it’s enough to know English (another foreign language), the basics of working in 1С and take training courses. And that's all, nothing more is needed for work and a normal salary. I mean, there’s already getting courses, part time for money and normul.
    Techies, natural scientists, humanities are mostly not needed, or the proposed salary does not imply a normal standard of living.
    Elitism is now determined by the estate and connections, brains and education have nothing to do with it.
    1. +6
      17 September 2015 07: 21
      Dlinnopost niochem.
      To give an education, one needs to understand, but will there be an opportunity to take advantage of it in the future?
      Now it’s enough to know English (another foreign language), the basics of working in 1С and take training courses. And that's all, nothing more is needed for work and a normal salary. I mean, there’s already getting courses, part time for money and normul.
      Techies, natural scientists, humanities are mostly not needed, or the proposed salary does not imply a normal standard of living.
      Elitism is now determined by the estate and connections, brains and education have nothing to do with it.

      Well do not tell.
      Just knowing the language and 1C (this is nothing at all) is not enough to be able to earn money normally. Although, depending on what the concept is, it’s normal. To whom and 20 is normal, and to whom - 000 is not enough. )))
      But overall not. Education is necessary, although it would be just the presence of crusts that you have a tower. Sometimes so.
      About "having brains" and connections, that's right. It's hard to get to a good place.
      And such a factor, the less educated people, the easier it is to manage the people as a whole.
      1. +9
        17 September 2015 08: 12
        Quote: Glot
        And such a factor, the less educated people, the easier it is to manage the people as a whole.

        With the leadership of the Ministry of Education like ours, I’m afraid that in rural areas schools will turn into something like Kenyan, which is in the middle of the article in the photo, but probably true in general. Our government does not need a large number of educated people
        1. -1
          17 September 2015 22: 59
          In Soviet times, have you been anywhere in the rural outback, where to the regional center of kilometers 250 and this is in Europe? With the quality of education in rural schools, it’s much harder to enter a university then what is now, than a resident of the city, especially the capital. By the way, no matter how they scolded the exam, which really dumbens children, it gives more chances for the residents of the province to enter.
      2. +6
        17 September 2015 10: 42
        Quote: Glot
        Education is necessary, although it would be just the presence of crusts that you have a tower.

        This is where the "education process" has slipped down to today. For the sale of papers with seals.
        1. +2
          17 September 2015 10: 54
          This is where the "education process" has slipped down to today. For the sale of papers with seals.

          Sale, yes, you can buy a diploma, and law, and a passport if necessary.
          But not everything is sold all the same, and not everyone is on this path.
          Personally, I know examples when people at 38, 40 years old went and entered universities, without buying diplomas, namely, after learning how to get their coveted crusts. Although they could go the simpler way - to buy. But they went and studied.
      3. MrK
        17 September 2015 15: 50
        Quote: Glot
        And such a factor, the less educated people, the easier it is to manage the people as a whole.

        I agree. I will supplement it.
        Even in ancient Rome, they knew very well that "IF YOU WANT TO HAVE SLAVES, STUPIDLY RAISE AND TEACH THEM AS HOSTS".
        «Education is dangerous. It is enough if they (the Slavs) will be able to count to one hundred ... Every educated person is our future enemy. All sentimental objections should be dropped. It is necessary to govern these people with iron determination ... Any knowledge given to them (the Slavs), at best, turns into knowledge in them, which makes them unhappy and anarchistic. That is why the idea of ​​creating a university in Kiev should be discarded.. " (Adolf Gitler).
        «It is necessary to maintain a low educational level of the Slavs. Therefore, appropriate school policies must be applied. Three-year schools already give too high education». (Erich Koch).
        «A high level of education is dangerous for the country and leads to revolutions. Every education law has a revolution. The more highly educated youth, the more dangerous it is for us. They will overthrow power every 10 years. We need to restrain education, if we want stability ... If we promote education, we ourselves will doom our power to destruction».
        And whose last statement is this? Maybe it's Adolf Hitler or his henchmen: Martin Bormann, Erich Koch, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels?
        No. This is a speech in the State Duma of the Russian Federation by the Deputy Speaker of the Russian State Duma, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky in 2012 during the discussion of the law "On Education in the Russian Federation."
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. -1
        17 September 2015 18: 39
        Quote: Polar
        Personally, your brains and education will really only burden you. So go to success! Without brains and education. Waiting for results

        At least one normal response to "dolboklyuisky" comments. Plus polar.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +3
      17 September 2015 09: 35
      Accessible education and equality under the capitalist mode of production is impossible a priori. The article is not even science fiction. The system needs to be changed.
      1. +2
        17 September 2015 09: 41
        The current system does not provide for quality education. Sheeps are not only easier to control, but shear easier.
      2. +2
        17 September 2015 10: 45
        Quote: siberalt
        Accessible education and equality under the capitalist mode of production is impossible a priori.

        Here, a little lower on the branch, a man from Greece wrote (Bayonet). There, education, including higher education, is free. Isn't capitalism in Greece? Capitalism.
        And in Ukraine (and in the vicinity), mostly paid. And there is no smell of capitalism anywhere.
        Did you notice any contradictions of facts with your own words?
      3. 0
        17 September 2015 11: 00
        Quote: siberalt
        Affordable education ... with the capitalist mode of production is impossible a priori

        Yah? belay

        Higher education, both primary and secondary, is free for all UAE citizens. The main higher educational institutions: University of the United Arab Emirates in Al Ain (founded in 1977; St. 15 thousand students); Higher technological colleges in Abu Dhabi (founded in 1988), Al Ain (founded in 1988), Dubai (founded in 1989) and Ras al-Khaimah (founded in 1989); Etisalat College of Engineering in Sharjah; Ajman University of Science and Technology (founded in 1988); Sharjah University (founded in 1997); Sharjah American University (founded in 1997); Al-Bayan University (founded in 1997; first private university in Abu Dhabi); Dubai Aviation College (founded in 1991–1992). Many UAE citizens get higher education in the USA, Great Britain, and other Arab countries

        Quote: siberalt
        The system must be changed

        Duc .. change, who are we? wink
      4. 0
        17 September 2015 23: 19
        I can tell a real story about entering the Higher School of Economics, which is considered the stronghold of the current liberal economists, and therefore capitalists. For those who did not get 5 USE points for a budget set, the university offers at its own expense 90% discount for tuition on a paid form for the first semester. Further, if according to the results of the rating the student is among the best, he is presented with a discount from 50 to 100% for tuition or transferred to a budget form. The Institute pays a scholarship at its own expense to the best students.
    5. +1
      17 September 2015 11: 34
      Maybe so. But in a conversation with a person, even on the most mundane topics, within 10 minutes you understand his "classical" education or "take-off and landing". The narrow specialist is "like a gumboil" laughing The fact that education should be practically in demand in a person's future is indisputable, for this you just need to be more responsible in choosing a specialty, and not mindlessly bursting into economists and lawyers. Many organizations are currently training and educating employees for themselves due to staff shortages, paying for their studies, which is a great opportunity for beginners. In general, there was "something" healthy in the system of the Soviet state plan and the compulsory distribution of university graduates.
  2. +14
    17 September 2015 06: 47
    Unfortunately, the current generation has nothing to compare with, only with a tuberous education. And we, the older generation, will long, long remember the Soviet secondary and higher schools, and the quality of education that they gave ...
    1. -16
      17 September 2015 07: 00
      Which they gave ... very one-sided. Mathematics, physics - where were the interests of the country's defense - yes, but history and other sciences? There was no sociology at all. There was "scientific communism!" Or are you dragged along from lectures on the history of the CPSU? I - no, although I myself have read them.
      1. +13
        17 September 2015 07: 10
        Quote: kalibr
        Unfortunately, the current generation has nothing to compare with, only with a tuberous education.

        I'm in Greece now, so education here, including higher education, is free! This is the country where the economic heart was predicted. The country lives and thinks about the future. And here you are - "Geirropa" you know. hi
        1. +4
          17 September 2015 07: 15
          Quote: Bayonet
          I am now in Greece, so education here, including higher education, is free! This is the country where the economic heart was predicted.

          Maybe this is one of the reasons why it is spread rot?
          White crow?
          1. +1
            17 September 2015 10: 36
            Quote: Babr
            Maybe this is one of the reasons why it is spread rot?

            No one is spreading rot. Debts just need to be paid back. Alien, taken for a while. So it is accepted in a decent society.
            1. 0
              17 September 2015 13: 31
              No one is spreading rot. Debts just have to be paid back. ,,
              Of course, they’re not spread rot, they simply put the country on other people's finances, chopping off industry, farming, now everything is for sale. Basically, turning it into a colony.
              1. +2
                17 September 2015 13: 37
                Quote: kotvov
                they simply seated the country on other people's finances, chopping off industry, agricultural goods. Now everything is for sale.

                Those. they were forced to borrow money under pain of death?
                Quote: kotvov
                essentially turning into a colony.

                You are a big dreamer. Especially when you consider that today in the world 5 states that are more or less independent cannot be found.
              2. +2
                20 September 2015 01: 03
                Quote: kotvov
                Of course, they’re not spread rot, they simply put the country on other people's finances, chopping off industry, farming, now everything is for sale. Basically, turning it into a colony.

                And the Greeks themselves, well, resisted so much, so resisted ... Yes, they were lifelong lifters all their lives, only they lived on debt. The rare moments of the surge do not count. And so, for free, and education is free for everyone. Just do not forget that you still need to pay for everything.
      2. +7
        17 September 2015 07: 14
        Quote: kalibr
        Which they gave ... very one-sided. Mathematics, physics - where were the interests of the country's defense - yes, but history, and other sciences?

        - chemistry forgotten
        - literature (very good), some kind of history - but there was
        - work, damn it! Since the fifth grade, we had a locksmith, carpentry day after week .. then machines - turning, milling .. and not just like that - for the plant, every little thing was shamanized ..

        And a lot of everything else ..

        Quote: kalibr
        There was no sociology

        As for me, it’s good that there wasn’t

        Quote: kalibr
        There was "scientific communism!" Or are you dragged along from lectures on the history of the CPSU? I - no, although I myself have read them

        YYYYY !!! We had such a funniest lesson .. the group was not stupid and toothy ..

        - Yunovich! You are disturbing me!!
        - What already??
        - Yunovich, get out !!

        1. -1
          17 September 2015 08: 08
          Are we talking about personal or "voosche" here? You may not need it, but society needs it! Or this is "no story at all." Here it is to us "some-no" and backfires!
          1. +5
            17 September 2015 08: 40
            Quote: kalibr
            Are we talking about personal or "voosche" here? You may not need it, but society needs it! Or this is "no story at all." Here it is to us "some-no" and backfires!

            You and your sociology will be able to design a nuclear reactor, calculate the construction of the bridge, find new materials for a particular technique, bring new varieties of wheat? No way. Therefore, there is nothing to cry about sociology.
            1. -1
              17 September 2015 16: 23
              Can you and your reactor organize the elections so that the person you want wins?
              1. +2
                17 September 2015 18: 57
                Quote: kalibr
                Can you and your reactor organize the elections so that the person you want wins?

                I don’t know, I haven’t tried it. Do you have any positive experience in organizing elections with a reactor? smile
                1. 0
                  17 September 2015 20: 51
                  There is no reactor, but there are elections. I have been teaching PR and advertising since 1995, and our students and graduates do not work with whom and very successfully!
          2. +2
            17 September 2015 09: 02
            Quote: kalibr
            Are we talking about personal or "voosche" here? You may not need it, but society needs it!

            Um .. my IMHO, that too many different socio-boobies, polit-boobies and other political techno-boobies have now divorced.

            So loading these children in high school, IMHO, is silly.

            Quote: kalibr
            "no story." Here it is to us "some kind of no" and backfires!

            "Whatever" - referred to the "content" of the course. You probably know that the course of history - it corresponds with a renaissance worthy of a better application. Yes

            So, I had this course of the 70s. And that’s all.

            And taught - very high quality. I was really lucky with school.

            PS: Ahhh !!! I forgot the Russian language there !!!

            And now the "new generation" sometimes writes that you don't know whether to laugh or cry already .. and so - they also taught very well ..
      3. 0
        17 September 2015 09: 44
        Honestly, you wrote such garbage, uyu, that even to explain the reluctance of the short-sightedness of your thinking.
      4. dmb
        17 September 2015 15: 40
        Or maybe you read them like that? So this is not the subject to blame, but the teacher. In my humanitarian higher educational institution, one teacher spoke so talentedly about armored vehicles that even outright primitives did not sleep at his lectures. The other gave such a demonstrative layout of the socio-political situation that no lecturers of the CPSU Central Committee dreamed of. Love for history was instilled in me at school (far from Moscow), where, along with my parents, I was taught to think independently and to distinguish historical facts from nonsense about the "Slavs who built the Great Wall of China."
  3. +12
    17 September 2015 06: 49
    Yes, we put under the knife a system of social elevators. But she did a good job of revitalizing and healing the elite. Now the stratification of society is growing steadily. In cities already appear areas (and therefore schools) with a bad reputation, future ghettos. It is necessary to return the good old quality education.
    1. -8
      17 September 2015 06: 58
      This is when we had elevators? Gerontocracy - yes it was! And the elevators ... they are now! The girl’s bust room opens any door!
      1. +8
        17 September 2015 08: 54
        Quote: kalibr
        This is when we had elevators? Gerontocracy - yes it was! And the elevators ... they are now! The girl’s bust room opens any door!

        And what floor are you up to? Do you want to immediately become the presidents and general secretaries of the Central Committee? But why is this actually? Because you want it so much? The elevators were and did not always work well, but they worked. And now they are not needed because where am I going to relate all my relatives if these same talents take all the warm places not to send them to the plant as locksmiths?
        1. -1
          17 September 2015 16: 26
          And why such snobbery? Not to the factory ... Or maybe they are more and not worth it? Or do you have a sealed assurance of the opposite? Masseurs are now well received ...
          1. +1
            17 September 2015 19: 12
            Quote: kalibr
            And why such snobbery? Not to the factory ... Or maybe they are more and not worth it? Or do you have a sealed assurance of the opposite? Masseurs are now well received ...

            Well, what snobbery, what are you talking about? It’s just that I’m not interested in your interests, nothing personal, but business. If in order for me and my relatives to live in luxury, you and everyone else should work for food, why not, if there is such an opportunity. Alas, there are not enough palaces and yachts at all. smile
            1. +1
              17 September 2015 20: 53
              They never and not enough and not enough. It's clear. But you ironically over my words. And I'm above yours!
    2. +2
      17 September 2015 23: 25
      In Soviet times, an important social elevator was not education, but membership in the CPSU. We had one Komsomol member here who complied with any wishes of the party’s senior comrades. So she later grew to the Deputy Governor.
  4. +1
    17 September 2015 06: 57
    Quote: moskowit
    Unfortunately, the current generation has nothing to compare with, only with a tuberous education. And we, the older generation, will long, long remember the Soviet secondary and higher schools, and the quality of education that they gave ...

    This is exactly Yes

    Quote: strelets
    Yes, we put under the knife a system of social elevators. But she revived and healed the elite well

    And what kind of "elevator system" was that? In the 80s and beyond there was one, in my memory - through the Communist Party. And the Communist Party of the Soviet Union at that time was still a gadyushnik (starting from the city committee - that's right .. natural serpentarium).

    IMHO, yes ..
    1. 0
      17 September 2015 08: 13
      So I also wrote about this and immediately got a minus. So for someone there was a system ... And then I remembered a rhyme from my youth: "One deputy from the pre-war period went to congresses persistently, his eyes turned red from red caviar, his soul turned black from black!" It was not I who invented, but "the new historical community of people, the Soviet people."
      1. +1
        17 September 2015 08: 59
        Quote: kalibr
        "One deputy from the pre-war period went to the congresses persistently, his eyes were red from red caviar, his soul was blackened from black!"

        Wow, the years go by, nothing changes. We change the "new historical community of people, the Soviet people" for "the new historical community of people, the Russian people" and the bast fits exactly in line.
      2. +2
        17 September 2015 14: 55
        "One deputy from the pre-war period went to the congresses persistently, his eyes were red from red caviar, his soul was blackened from black!" It was not I who invented, but "the new historical community of people, the Soviet people."

        Well, let’s exaggerate.
        My daddy at the factory all my life, then a smelter or a locksmith. Mother, an ordinary accountant. But caviar was eaten both red and black. It was available.
        And now, who can afford black then? MP / banker / topmanager, etc. ..? Yes, and then, not always. Although someone is always. )))
        So what about caviar is not necessary. Remember those times then.

        And here we are talking about history. Like "something" was taught before. But now there is expanse. Choose whichever you want. ))) Such a pancake will tell and write, oh, science fiction writers nervously smoke on the sidelines. ))))) And that's all - "true". )))
        1. 0
          17 September 2015 20: 55
          Are you reading my articles here? And where is the lie or "whatever you want" in them? Where do science fiction writers nervously smoke? Find at least one example!
          1. 0
            17 September 2015 21: 55
            Are you reading my articles here? And where is the lie or "whatever you want" in them? Where do science fiction writers nervously smoke? Find at least one example!

            No, I didn’t read it. Do they have any? )))
            And about problems with history, this is not about you, this is a general trend of our time.
            Everyone is an "academician" to himself, and a former car mechanic or a musician, a journalist, or may not know who at all can teach history.
            But if you write something on history, give a reference, I will read.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. MrK
        17 September 2015 15: 58
        Quote: kalibr
        So I also wrote about this and immediately got a minus. So for someone there was a system ...

        Colleagues. DO NOT FEED TROLLS, such as kalibr!
        Do not get involved. Trolls, like cockroaches, cannot be completely washed away. Get rid of one, a new one will always come in its place - there are a lot of idiots and sociopaths.
        The worst thing for a troll is when they don't pay attention to him. The troll will simply get bored and leave for new "pastures". But before that, he will crawl out of his skin in order to still attract attention to himself - personal insults, flooding, and so on, and so on will be used.
        Best regards
        1. -1
          17 September 2015 16: 28
          Did I personally insult someone? Just communication...
  5. +7
    17 September 2015 07: 53
    The present and future of Russia as a strong and economically developed state directly depends on ensuring access to education.... Somehow they’re still poorly understood ... Thank you, Ilya, for the material presented ...
  6. +10
    17 September 2015 08: 01
    Whatever one may say, but the Soviet education system really gave a chance to anyone who studied at any school! I mean basic knowledge, not "scientific communism". Now, a stupid and lazy child is shoved into an "elite" school. At best, he will come out of it as a well-trained "middle peasant" and will be pushed further, but a really capable one simply will not be able to get the necessary knowledge, because the parents are not "elite".
    I'm not nostalgic, but look, in Soviet times, how many great scientists, cultural workers, just great people came from the farthest "bear corners". And now? "An uneducated herd is easier to drive - where necessary!" Moreover, the gaps in our education are being filled with the "necessary knowledge" of the "teachers" who have Russia down their throats!
    1. -7
      17 September 2015 08: 10
      Have you seen Putin's meeting with modern talented children from the most bearish angles? Many people just ... such! So this is not a crap. Such talents have always been and will be, it does not depend on the system!
      1. +7
        17 September 2015 09: 10
        Quote: kalibr
        Such talents have always been and will be, it does not depend on the system!

        But how many of them really will be able to realize their talent and benefit the homeland depends on the system.
        1. FID
          17 September 2015 10: 01
          Quote: IS-80
          But how many of them really will be able to realize their talent and benefit the homeland depends on the system.

          In former times, on the fingers count: Lomonosov, Kulibin .... In Soviet times - the mass of general designers, artists, etc. Nowadays - nobody at all, some effective ...
          1. 0
            18 September 2015 00: 08
            Quote: SSI
            In former times, on the fingers count: Lomonosov, Kulibin .... In Soviet times - the mass of general designers, artists, etc. Nowadays - nobody at all, some effective ...

            Sergey Ivanovich let me disagree with you, before the revolution there were many outstanding scientists in Russia, the scientific school was quite strong, at a high world level.
            It is now in Russia that something incomprehensible is happening, the top is not worried about the future.
  7. +4
    17 September 2015 08: 06
    The author looks at the problem from the wrong side. If we take my two "towers" as an example, then the first was received before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the second already in the two thousandth. So: the approach was completely different. The second time I was taught to solve problems, and the first time I was taught to look for ways to solve problems. And now we also have to deal with young specialists who, when faced with an unfamiliar problem, simply stupidly click their beak. But if the production is new, then any problem has to be solved anew. Why be surprised if our youngest technologist is 35 years old and he is alone, who is less than forty?

    School (including higher education) no longer teaches us to include brains - this is the problem, and not the payment for education.
    1. +2
      17 September 2015 10: 03
      Quote: RiverVV
      School (including higher education) no longer teaches us to include brains - this is the problem, and not the payment for education.

      I completely agree. Any unusual situation puts young people in a stupor. And when you start saying that there can be many ways to solve a specific problem, it generally causes a brain rupture. So give a step-by-step instruction (or as it is fashionable to say now - a road map), then another thing. True, there are exceptions, which is very pleasing.
    2. +1
      17 September 2015 11: 42
      Higher education in Israel is gradually becoming
      Those. all studies are a continuous chain of course projects.
      Each project is given to a group of 3-4 people.
      Topics for projects are usually compiled by private firms on "hot topics".
      They participate in the verification of results. Top students
      immediately take to work in the laboratories of firms in parallel with study.
      At a fraction of the rate, and pay well. Such a student with experience immediately after receiving
      diploma can become a middle manager in a company.
      Less lectures, more self-study on textbooks, materials from
      network and scientific articles.
      And, of course, continuous control and intermediate exams.
      But one cheating, one cheat sheet - you fly out of uni
      or college "with a wolf ticket" (ban for two years to study in any
      1. 0
        17 September 2015 12: 13
        Quote: voyaka uh
        Higher education in Israel is gradually becoming
        Those. all studies are a continuous chain of course projects.

        It is not in Israel, it is in the world like that. In the world and treated differently. And they teach. And in general, they live.
        The world, he generally lives in a slightly different dimension. Modern. The world looks and moves forward, rather than "defending historical gains." Whoever has time to rebuild will survive. Those who do not have time will disappear. Will dissolve in the mists of time. It has always been, and it will always be so. The evolution of human society is called.
        1. 0
          17 September 2015 13: 29
          I wonder why, then, Israel is fighting all the time? Everything is smart there, well-read ... but for some reason they don’t like them. It’s strange. Probably he will soon also dissolve in some depth of centuries, as it once was ...
          1. 0
            17 September 2015 13: 34
            Quote: RiverVV
            Probably he will soon also dissolve in some depth of centuries, as it once was ...

            Everything can be. But this question is not for me.
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. -1
            17 September 2015 14: 45
            "They are all smart, well-read ... but for some reason they don't like them" ///

            They themselves answered their own question: therefore they do not like ... fellow
            1. +3
              17 September 2015 15: 11
              Probably still for something else. Hence the moral: well-read does not mean that a person is able to get along with neighbors.
  8. +4
    17 September 2015 09: 11
    It’s easy to destroy any system,
    but to create, not everyone succeeds.
  9. 0
    17 September 2015 09: 37
    The article would have been forwarded to the President ... In order for the Ministry of Education to invigorate, and they ceased to lurk about it.
    1. FID
      17 September 2015 10: 05
      Are you sure that he will want to read it?
  10. +4
    17 September 2015 09: 59
    In the meantime, as ...... we are waiting for the meeting of the US Federal Reserve System (FRS), which will be held tonight, which determines the near future of oil prices, the dollar and, ultimately, the ruble.
  11. +2
    17 September 2015 10: 05
    We may disagree with the author in some ways, but he raised the problem of Russian education competently and reasonably.
    The article is interesting and necessary.

    That’s just, it would be nice, if, if

    Many Russian scientists and teachers are very wary, and sometimes sharply negative, of the ongoing reforms in the country in the field of education.

    the category indicated in the phrase, would start to carry out any actions, and not just state the "comatose" state of Russian education, imposed on us by the Gaidars and similar monsters "made in USA"

    Here it is like that. Spelling is intentional.
  12. +2
    17 September 2015 10: 31
    Too many beeches. wink On the whole, this is correct, but some essential aspects are only slightly touched upon. For example, in one university (the name of which contains the word "State"), where I worked until retirement, the average age of the teaching staff is 65 years. That is, some 5 more years and this university will cease to exist by itself ...
  13. 0
    17 September 2015 11: 02
    The availability of quality education, both secondary and higher, has markedly decreased and unfortunately continues to decline.
    What to do with this, what measures to take, what leverage is possible is a question. Use a sample of Soviet education or develop a new standard to meet modern requirements and realities, but the situation needs to be changed and as soon as possible.
    And the modern requirements are such that it is already necessary to learn to learn.
  14. +2
    17 September 2015 11: 17
    The requirements for higher education must be raised at times in Russia. Higher education should not mean the usual crust that can be acquired in any transition. This should be a document certifying a high level of professional knowledge, the presence of good skills and a high intellectual level of its carrier.

    Half or more students of our universities go there only to hang out, not doing in-depth study of their subjects, not respecting the work of teachers that they put into their empty heads. Many learn only on the basis of bribes, which are so small in provincial universities that almost everyone has the strength to pay them.

    The level of knowledge, the program due to such negligent students is very low. When I studied at the University of Civil Engineering, I advocated strengthening subjects and a more thorough selection of applicants. According to my estimates, only 25-30% are worthy of getting a higher education. These are people who really study and move science. They do not treat education as a normal crust. All the rest, if it were my will, I would gladly expel, redirecting funds for their training to those 25-30% of the population who will cope with the program.

    According to the same logic, I would leave only 25-30% of Russian universities, re-qualifying the rest as professional schools or shutting down as unnecessary and lack of demand due to the reduced status of the institution.
    Only in this way higher education in Russia will be able to move to a qualitatively higher level, give a good start to specialists in their field and strengthen the authority and strength of our state.
    1. +1
      17 September 2015 11: 27
      Quote: aviator1913
      I would leave only 25-30% of Russian universities, the rest being re-qualified as professional schools

      Here. A very correct approach. In fact, today they are just something like a technical school. But the "crusts" give out as normal. On this and welded. And the general level of education falls from this.
      1. -3
        17 September 2015 11: 52
        Here. A very correct approach. In fact, today they are just something like a technical school. But the "crusts" give out as normal. On this and welded. And the general level of education falls from this.

        Not only the level of education is falling, but also its prestige. Getting a higher education is not a big deal, even for a not distant person. Therefore, admission to an institute should be very difficult, obtaining grants for training, winning the Olympiads which gives an entrance ticket to a prestigious university should become the norm. It is also necessary to greatly increase the cost of studying at a "real university", especially for specialties that are not so relevant for the country's viability, for example, getting a lawyer or economist education should become truly expensive, along the way to develop credit programs for education, which will be dated by the state at a low interest rate.
        1. 0
          17 September 2015 13: 43
          , for example, getting a lawyer's or economist’s education should become truly expensive, along with developing credit programs for education, which will be dated by the state,
          and what do you decide. dad-mother of the rich can pay and then attach to a bread position. and how many years the poor will pay these loans? despite the fact that he can’t find a decent position. if there were competitions for education, it would be all to another.
          1. +1
            17 September 2015 15: 43
            and what do you decide. dad-mother of the rich can pay and then attach to a bread position. and how many years the poor will pay these loans? despite the fact that he can’t find a decent position. if there were competitions for education, it would be all to another.

            Dads of rich mothers do this. The question is why does a person who does not need a higher education 5 years old shit kicking in classrooms, instead of working where he wants. If a person really knows what he wants, then let him take the risk, take a loan, participate in olympiads, improve his performance and go through a competition to the university, where he studies with a sweat. If there is no particular desire, it is better to go to a vocational school or immediately to work as a manager in a store or wherever he wanted there.

            It's just that the bulk of students simply lose time within the walls of the university, eat up their parents' money or work half-time and do not want to work in the specialty in which they have been taught 5 for years, but only cherish themselves with dreams of a coveted crust with higher education.
  15. +2
    17 September 2015 18: 28
    Educated people are hard to manage. It hurts all the smart ones turn out, on their own mind, they don’t put dumb managers in the penny. Therefore, everything is done to teach to read and count to 100. Teachers no longer want to learn, they no longer want to study in school in the 2nd grade. Students in the classroom, according to eyewitnesses, have empty eyes. But this suits our anti-people power more than. The authorities will not forget themselves, they are formed somewhere in Europe-America. And for the electorate they already want to build a central vocational school! GDP blesses!
  16. LCA
    17 September 2015 20: 32
    We need a different school.

    What is needed is not a school of factology, but a school of methodology for mastering factology!

    Awareness of the problems of cognitive and creative potential and orientation of culture as an informational and algorithmic system to its development by all means that a metrologically sound theory of cognition and creativity should inevitably arise and develop in society, correlating which with Life, everyone would be able to develop their personal cognitive - creative potential , help others in this matter and educate children so that their cognitive and creative potential is freely revealed and mastered.

    Cognition and creativity are interconnected:

    - cognition includes the knowledge of the existing and the knowledge of the possibilities of existence of that which does not yet exist, at least within the limits of perception of the subject;
    - and creativity includes the realization of the possibilities of implementing something identified in the process of cognition.

    The development of skills requires the individual to develop in him the most appropriate personal culture of mental activity - the algorithms for obtaining and processing information and managing it on the basis of his body (primarily) and circumstances in life.

    Effective cognitive - creative skills - their combination can be called the "methodology of cognition and creativity."

    The first result of cognition is the improvement of worldview and outlook.
  17. LCA
    17 September 2015 20: 33
    The future school should become a completely different one - a school for educating people:
    - the development of their personal creative potential - this is necessary for the independent development of new knowledge and skills at the rate of emergence of needs in life for them;
    - self-education skills - this is necessary for the independent development of new knowledge and skills developed by others.

    All this is described in detail in the work of the USSR Supreme Council "We need a different school." Analytical collection of pedagogy. Working materials for the development of a reform strategy for the education system. February 2004 - May 2005

    And for this, go to the site

    Currently, the system (statehood) is aimed at debilitating society through the impact on the school, and not only.
  18. LCA
    17 September 2015 20: 35
    A person must know how “truth is produced” and be able to “produce” it. And if in essence - then make a subjective approximation to the objective Truth - Truth, good enough to carry out activities on its basis.

    This skill is called the methodology of knowledge and creativity.

    This has been thoroughly stated in the work of the USSR Supreme Council “Dialectics and atheism: the two essences are incompatible" on the site
    Today, education is the future, the battle for which has already begun and the loss of which means erasing from History.

    Knowledge is the only “thing” in the world that is not for sale, is not bought and is not alienated, even at the request of the owner, but access to which is given by God by morality.

    Therefore, knowledge can only be mastered by one’s own labor, but at the same time, the results of its implementation will always be associated with a certain system of the psyche (animal, zombie, demon, human). Hence knowledge is only attached to the structure of the psyche.
  19. LCA
    17 September 2015 20: 40
    If there is no one to entrust the power, in order not to be a slave to the circumstances caused by scoundrels and fools with the connivance of a carefree thoughtless majority, the reins of government should be taken into their own hands so that descendants do not rank the scoundrels and fools admitted to power.

    And the last condition requires certain knowledge, understanding, skills.

    In both senses, the words "course":
    • and as the recommended direction of travel,
    • and as an exposition of some knowledge in order to transmit it to those who lack knowledge.

    To manage this - on the basis of knowledge of possible states, to bring the system (in this case, society) to a chosen specific option out of many possible.

    Naturally, the choice of option is due to the true morality and arbitrariness of those who have risen to foresight and control on its basis.

    The healers are engaged in the self-serving exploitation of society on the basis of the knowledge they have mastered, for which purpose they deliberately cultivate ignorance and perverted knowledge in society.
  20. The comment was deleted.
  21. LCA
    17 September 2015 21: 25
    Russian universities continue to distort students' worldviews with pseudoscientific socio-philosophical and financial-economic nonsense, the purpose of which is to reproduce in the succession of generations a corps of zombies incapable of thinking - officials and deputies of the colonial administration recruited from the natives who will govern the country in full accordance with the goals of the owners formally legally sovereign cryptocolonies.
  22. +3
    17 September 2015 23: 35
    Somehow I went to a job search site via a link. Idiocy just rolls over!
    For example: an organization will hire drivers. Categories "B" and "C" are required, others are desirable. B / O required.
    I am not opposed to drivers with higher education, but why should I include him in the obligation in this case. And similar pearls at every turn. And what kind of specialists will our educational system prepare based on such requirements?
  23. +1
    18 September 2015 14: 31
    I agree with all the facts and conclusions of the author.
    The only clarification: we must give decent salaries to specialists, because they, and not economists, lawyers, or directors, are a productive force. Whatever the accountant or lawyer, they will not create an iPhone or VKontakte. In fact, administrative staff, in addition to production management, should be in the conditions of the modern market, serving - for people creating a product and technology. Everything is upside down on us. If the specialist can not be found at all, because a lot of factors must develop in order for it to reach a sufficient level, then accountants can be found in any garbage can, they line up in a queue. However, salary stimulation is completely different. This indicates the financial caste of society, which was characteristic of the period of early capitalism. Now capital has become more cunning and is fighting for the sales market, where the decisive tool is technical, aesthetic and other perfection, which are the result of intellectual and technical genius. Accordingly, the incentive went there, but in a minimum sufficient amount to outperform a competitor by some percentage. There is no systematic stimulation of the producing layer. The financial caste rigidly keeps a distance in income, and suffers such a situation only forcibly. Before other market capture tools.
  24. 0
    18 September 2015 19: 36
    Quote: kalibr
    Which they gave ... very one-sided. Mathematics, physics - where were the interests of the country's defense - yes, but history and other sciences? There was no sociology at all. There was "scientific communism!" Or are you dragged along from lectures on the history of the CPSU? I - no, although I myself have read them.

    I am interested in this topic ---- HISTORY OF THE CPSU. It is interesting, both the teaching of the subject, and the history itself. I wonder how mythologized?
    Probably, many representatives of the 5th column have 2 higher ones. And which ones! And for the country it’s harmful!