Posters of the white days of the Civil War

Creating an image of the enemy is one of the main tasks of any propagandist. Thus, among the ordinary soldiers of the white armies, the Reds distributed posters and leaflets with a reminder that landowners would come after the whites, who would again take the land. But beyond that, the Reds promised a new world - a world of freedom and labor, which they opposed to the old world, which the whites are going to return with their bayonets.

But white propaganda mainly focused on creating the image of the enemy, paying little attention to what it is for the soldiers of their armies to shed blood. Lenin and Trotsky on the White Guard posters acquired truly infernal features. The struggle of the Bolsheviks against the Church gave White another trump card in the ideological struggle, as well as the presence in the Red Army of units consisting of Chinese. And some White Guard posters resemble illustrations from the notorious Nazi newspaper Stürmer — after all, not only Trotsky was a Jew, but many other Bolshevik leaders. The phrase “Foreigners will help us” appeared in the famous novel by Ilf and Petrov, but the positive image of “foreign countries” could not fail to appear on the White Guard posters - Entente for us! But does the Entente need a united and indivisible Russia? Such a logical question remained “behind the scenes”.

Posters of the white days of the Civil War

The verse on this poster reads:

Through blood and through corpses piles,
Kissing on a pale mouth,
Sends again the grandson of Judah
On Golgotha ​​crucify Christ

I believe that the light of the day is near
Heart, wait! I believe and pray!
After hard days of Passion Week
God will rise again, and Russia will rise again!

This poster says that the Bolsheviks the place in hell.

Lenin and Trotsky are the doctors of sick Russia, who treat her with the help of bleeding.

Kolchak's poster

The expulsion of Trotsky from the Kuban

Two worlds, two systems

The poster is dedicated to the Campaign on Moscow undertaken by the Volunteer Army in 1919. As is known, for White this campaign ended in a crushing defeat.

another Kolchak's poster

and this poster is from the Kuban or Don

Japan on this poster is called friendly, but these, if I may say so, friends left a long memory about themselves in our Far East.

these days, this poster would fall under the famous Criminal Code article 282 on inciting ethnic hatred. But in the years of the Civil Penal Codes there wasn’t any at all — not whites, not red ones, not even green ones.

Red hand reaches for Siberian bread

If you change the national costumes of the unfortunate victims, then this caricature would be quite appropriately viewed in the pages of the notorious Nazi magazine Stürmer.

Here he is! The culprit of torture and death! Killer children and women! The bright image of L. D. Trotsky

The slogan from this poster was taken by the Nazi propagandists. But the Nazi version of the slogan during the Great Patriotic War sounded a bit different - “Take a twig, drive the Jew to Palestine!”.

Red Army in the ring of enemies
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  1. mar.tira
    8 November 2011 17: 03
    I’m curious! What do you want to say with these pictures, dear author, translating into the plane of modern life in Russia.
    1. +2
      8 November 2011 19: 40
      They say that the first impression is the most correct. The impression of people who first encountered "perestroika" is displayed
    2. Tyumen
      8 November 2011 19: 47
      But just the information is no longer needed? Do you definitely need a translation into the plane of modern Russia? Kindle?
  2. mar.tira
    9 November 2011 07: 10
    But you must admit, for no apparent reason, and suddenly such a topic. Not long ago on this site were cartoons from V.O.V.How did our and German propaganda work. Does it understand who the enemy is and who is his own. And here? What would they didn’t forget what could happen if we go wall to wall, or what?
  3. patriot64
    9 November 2011 07: 40
    Look for the truth? But the truth is that the worst thing that can be in a state is a civil war. Who started it, remember? Then the question was different - losing the war in exchange for the power of the Bolsheviks. Grandfather Lenin was an unprincipled fellow, he took a handout among the Germans and kindled a fratricidal war in his Fatherland for this handout. The echoes of that revolution still ring around us. We were almost ahead of the rest of the planet, and now we are lagging behind, this is all the result of treacherous actions! The people died "for a just cause" - darkness! They were shot during the purges and repressions - enough for a small state! Is it how you need to hate your people in order to kill them by all means for the sake of power in the world? Or, without a revolution, have we still plowed the land on horseback? And how many inventions have we lost as a result " the flight of the bourgeoisies "abroad? Most of the innovative ideas at that time were proposed by Russian inventors and scientists. The rest acted according to the principle - You don't need to invent anything, here is an idea lying around - pick it up! and the revolution, or evil? I think the second. Everyone who you don't ask had a grandfather-great-grandfather, who had either a mill or a candle factory near Samara. And where are those beggars about whom the Bolsheviks crucified so much? In order not to be unfounded, read the satirist of that time Arkady Averchenko. The book is called "Grass trampled by a boot." This is just a tiny fraction of what was written at that time and about that time.
  4. patriot64
    9 November 2011 08: 06
    Let this be a little digression into history, but you won’t find the truth in Soviet films. The Red-Army Worker and Peasant Army was created as follows: they took away recruits under arms and left the soldier’s hostage. If the soldier escaped from the Red Army, his family was shot. This fanatic plan suggested Lev Trotsky. And anyway, there were plenty of deserters from the Red Army. Only those who left the front, despite the shootings of relatives, were in different years from 30 to 45%. And how much were afraid to flee? Probably the same. Here you have a voluntary army rebelled to the struggle against imperialism! Chinese mercenaries shot both whites and peasants. The communists hired them for the money they looted. Well, if only they paid the money, but there was no question who killed Sergey Lazo in the firebox of the engine, not the Japanese. they caught this bandit robbing everyone and gave them to the Rebels. They roasted him. So he was no hero. Yes, take any revolutionary criminal in the criminal! They would violate the law then, so whether it’s illegal. Kotovsky himself boasted about taking away bread from old women going to a city or a distant church on a pilgrimage. There are many examples. One Nestor Makhno kept his word and gave land to the peasants. Even though he lived a little, but in abundance! then the crimes committed by the Bolsheviks added to the crimes of the White Guard and all ataman-anarchists and not really, and the story was redrawn under the current dictatorship. Here and the whole simple scenario! ...
  5. Gur
    9 November 2011 09: 41
    And in what films did you find the truth ?? You grish a candle factory almost .. who do not ask ?? Yes, I’m also interested .. today, who didn’t ask, everyone lived prosperously .. (about half of the whole people being barefoot, now they’re embarrassed to grill .. everyone is looking for a piece of blue blood in themselves) then only a reasonable question arises .. and Who the hell then all this happened .. ?? Well, if I had a mill or a candle factory .. well, even if you didn’t get my eye out, I wouldn’t go to my brother or father with the war. They drove Grisha by force .. ruined the family under pain ?? Come on, come on .. maybe this was the case, but in rare cases .. Whom to shoot through .. in that troubled time .. a person was lost in time to spit .. And there weren’t enough wrestlers at all .. but later maybe but not civilian. In front of the whole planet .. this is what ?? Well and again .. well, from a good life .. the people themselves aren’t able to do such things ...
  6. patriot64
    9 November 2011 13: 00
    Вам,уважаемый GUR,читать побольше надо не той статистики,что при советской власти писалась,а той,что вели служивые люди.Процент приписок при царе батюшке тоже имел быть место,но как-то ниже-от 6 до 9,по мнению разных аналитиков.Случаи расстрелов за дезертирство из РККА были повсеместными,как и расстрелы.А 15 миллионов жизней Ваших же соотечественников,которые погибли только в период гражданской войны-это на кого списать?А затем чистки и репрессии-следствие выявления "врагов народа"?Объясните мне,как может быть народ врагом самого себя?Это только наночастица деяний большевизма.Вы оправдываете братоубийственную войну?Вам пора в те революционеры податься...По той же статистике около 16% крестьян до революции жили,что называется,за чертой бедности,во время советской власти все жили одинаково бедно,не считая номенклатуры.И не говорите мне что Вы,или Ваши родители жили зажиточно.В те времена зажиточных сажали!До сих пор помню фразу диктора из советского документального фильма о букинистах:"Жили они как то не по-советски богато...".Идеология-вот червь всех волнений!Каждому пообещали персональный дворец,а дворцов не хватило...Каждому обещали землю и скот-а согнали всех в колхозы.Тогдашней секретной директивой ЧК было:"Чтобы подчинить народ,отнимите у него все-ему не за что будет держаться и он не будет бунтовать!"Семь лет войны-это разве мало?Сейчас грязные америкосы воюют везде,подчиняя народы себе,ибъясняя,что несут они демократию.Вы много видели вояк с вилами против самолетов и бронетехники?15-70 тысяч хорошо вооруженных солдат ставят на колени страны с многомиллионным населением!Или Вы хотите сказать,что при царе батюшке у каждого крестьянина лежал "калаш" с боекомплектом?Чем может защитить себя семья без оружия пусть из десяти человек против одного с винтовкой?Бывало и такое-но паритет сложился не в пользу безоружных.А сотни подавленных бунтов?Куда это спрятать?А уж если так хорошо жилось при советской власти,что же тогда народ не пошел защищать "завоевания коммунизма"?И заметьте-четверо замутили поганку,получили по соплям от тысячи и начался новый строй для двух сотен миллионов!!!Вот так делаются революции,уважаемый GUR.Вы даже упустили из виду последние события!А ведь в СССР тогда все молча взирали на то,как грызутся за власть в стольном граде кучка политиков.Да и у нас с Вами не спросили,как мы жить хотим.Нам просто объявили,что мы свободны,хотя той свободой больно-то и не пахнет.Мне моя бабушка рассказывала,что ни о какой революции они не слышали и тем более не мечтали.Просто пришли люди с винтовками,объявили ту революцию и вдобавок расстреляли около сотни мужчин.Этого в учебниках истории Вы не найдете!Дед по отцовской линии рассказал,как его деда красные посадили в сани,облили керосином,подожгли и пустили лошадей вскачь.Этого Вы тоже не найдете в учебниках.Станет ли обыватель противиться такому?Страх за жизни родных и близких,за свою останавливал людей!А Вы мне про добровольную войну...Читайте больше,уважаемый GUR.И не советских газет,как говорил профессор Преображенский в "Собачьем сердце"...
  7. mar.tira
    9 November 2011 14: 19
    Well well well! Calm down brother. In all troubles, as I understand it, blame the Reds. And who led the February Revolution, who created the provisional government, who did not want to live the old way? Are they red alone? You say yes, don’t talk. All the little parties wanted to come to power and rule the country. Some slogans wanted to lure people, others with the help of the Entente. Did Kolchak want to create his own state. So what would remain of us if the Bolsheviks didn’t come to power? We need to read more history, even then the Entente countries wanted to divide the Russian empire. And some figures from the White movement were not against giving the country to plunder, if only they would help them come to power. And Belyakov had terror, they were not white and fluffy either. Read in the originals of the same Sholokhov, Ostrovsky, Tolstoy, and other Russian writers. There the cruel truth about both the Reds and the Bely was simply whitened during the Soviet era. And now, on the contrary, everyone is blackening the Reds, and you’d be glad to even kick, It’s now fashionable to forget the past and the achievements of your country under the name of the USSR. And you didn’t answer, why did the white people lose? After all, we went through this at school! Well, you don’t believe anything Soviet, therefore you don’t want to know!
  8. Gur
    10 November 2011 13: 24
    Dear "Patriot", I certainly do not know .. from which newspapers you get information .. but since I am a person .. raised in the USSR, I use the information that was provided to me .. and I have a brain and my eyes, so I am not only I heard but also saw, and I don’t fuck like a prostitute, either for some or for others .. accordingly, no matter what is written now and no matter what rot is poured on people, for me Chapaev will always remain a hero like many others, but what is there for everyone in personal life .. so we all have dirt under our nails can be found.
    And do you know dear .. that during the reign of Nicholas 2, there were 9 hunger riots, and you know dear .. that the legendary Stolypin measured these people by hanging ... for which the noose at that time was called "Stolypin's tie", that since 1905, with the suppression of all kinds of actions of the people, both peaceful and not very ... about 3000000 million people were killed, that the education reform ... as such did not take place ... since it was not adopted by the Duma, and you also know that the share of foreign capital under the tsar it was 80%. About the fratricidal war .. tell me .... and who is who's brother ?? Your high nobility and a peasant from the Tombov province more than once cut by this nobility ?? Or those bar brothers that raped 300 women and girls for several years? ... I think not ... If you meant a brotherhood by blood .. then gentlemen whites spilled it to no less extent .. and also without disgust and with various perversions. How can the people be the enemy of the people ?? It depends on whom you consider the people, I think you are not combing ghouls, perverts, killers of traitors, among the people. So I .. I don’t comb .. doggie, pests and obvious enemies. The fact that you are talking about your grandfather .. I'm sorry, and such people had to go to the wall too .. (who arson) and for the most part .. they got to the authorities just like in the present time .. scoundrels, or people like you .. Do not be afraid they did not disdain in Soviet times .. to study for free, to be treated and all that stuff .. and not gundel, now it is possible now the government loves it. About the secret directive of the Cheka, I do not know anything .. they didn’t show it to me personally .. but this is how one old legend says .. how they collected tribute from the townspeople .. and until they began to laugh .. they did not stop collecting tribute .. (I think you you know this story), so this directive somehow contradicts.
    The fact that the people did not go to protect the owls. power .. because no one did not believe that history has a reverse course. So one of them was me. Dana hoped for change .. because "komunyaki" came to power and not the communists.
    1. Perseus
      29 February 2012 10: 21
      "3000000 million people" ?????? Did he hang the Chinese ?? Stolypin destroyed just such "orange" ones like now, while he said that "the descendants will distinguish the blood on the hands of the surgeon from the blood on the hands of the executioner." Due to Stolypin's reforms during the reign of Nicholas II, the population of Siberia increased by 2 million people, the profit from the sale of oil from Siberia exceeded the profit from the sale of diamonds (!), It was because of these reforms in 10 that Russia came out on top in terms of economic development, and in the language of the then journalists "filled up the whole of Europe with bread" in our entire history, we have never reached such indicators. Of course, there was terror both on the part of the Whites and on the part of the Reds, but if the White leadership condemned all this (and this is natural due to the fact that there were also representatives of the clergy), the Reds had terror as an official doctrine. It is just not necessary to dump all the Reds in one heap, it is unlikely that ordinary soldiers wanted blood, when Trotsky gave the order to destroy Makhno's army, the Makhnovists went through almost all of Ukraine without fighting, people did not want to shoot them in the back because the Red Army was allied with them at this time, but there were those who carried out this order. Many do not know, but Lenin did not plan to kill the tsarist family, there was no question of the family, he wanted to publicly condemn Nicholas 1913, Lenin did not think to destroy the Cossacks, the red army was originally called the RKKKA - workers and peasants, Cossacks, red army. But according to the directive of Trotsky-Sverdlov, 2 Cossacks were destroyed, their lands were empty, and now in the south we have a problem of migrants. The commissars came to their homes and demanded to exchange land for their boots, or the jacket (!) Raped the girls right in the house. I am not inventing anything myself from the Don and I say that I know, the Cossacks have not seen the USSR for all 2 years, for this. This hatred intensified when in 000 in Novocherkassk striking workers of the plant were simply shot, almost 000 people died. Only here it is still necessary to judge not the executors but the customers, as the cops would say. The same Trotsky, Marx, Engels, after all, they did not even hide that they hated Russia, Trotsky, even in his protection and service, did not allow the Slavs, all his servants and guards were from Romanians and Lezghins. He sowed the whole country with concentration camps in which they tortured thousands of people. In contrast to this animal, for example, Dzerzhinsky openly said "how, by killing people, you can attract them to the side of the Soviet regime? After all, if you kill one, then all his relatives and friends will hate us." He proved all this by deed, having saved the post-war country from homeless children in a few years, and not just shoving them into orphanages, everyone was in business and normal people grew out of them. And among the whites the same thing, there was Kolchak who, along the way, firmly believed that the Japanese would help to overthrow the Communists, and there were other generals and military who planned to give them the Far East for a fee to the Japanese. I just think that there is no point in condemning the authorities, because they are not itself formed, you need to know the truth about the people who created it.
  9. patriot64
    10 November 2011 21: 03
    I didn’t even change my views in childhood. I was not accepted into the Komsomol and I didn’t aspire to go there for one reason - unreliable! In the Soviet sense of the word! Why should I love the Bolsheviks? For the fact that almost all of my roots were shot? that grandfather and grandmother, under the councils, could not get out of poverty? Because they had a large family, and ate crumbs every other day? Yes, I have a lot of such "because ..." And I'm not alone. my grandfather was a member of the party, served with faith and truth, did not steal a single ruble, but taught me-communism-lies and liars at the helm! Yes, and the very idea of ​​communism has raised and raises doubts - from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. And who will work? We will bring Negroes from Africa, or will we enslave someone else into slavery? A human being is a lazy creature. Nobody wants to work! Only need makes So, someone should work for the one who takes it according to need! And historians own the information and do not hide it from anyone. Look at the battles between Kurginyan and Mlechin. It's interesting how unknown facts emerge ...

    I just ask you not to interfere with everything. I love my country and my people. But I hate those who "gave it to the vandals to be torn apart!" (I. Talkov)
  10. patriot64
    10 November 2011 21: 29
    My grandfather was shot in the attack by four bullets, but did not die. After two days spent unconscious, he was captured and in a concentration camp. After five months he fled. But he was put as a traitor! They planted him because he wasn’t finished by the fascist, because he survived, because he fled! There were thousands like him! Don’t say that there was such a time. There was such power that people’s life was valued no more than the life of an insect .He had to prove his courage in a penal battalion. He came to Berlin and fought on Khalkhin Gole. He won’t count! But how many were broken? After all, there wasn’t such a state in any country! However, you may have a different opinion ....
  11. mar.tira
    11 November 2011 04: 10
    And now the better! Tell me! Please us! After all, do you want to live under this power, or that a piece is fatter skipped during sharing (privatization) and are you satisfied? Or have you been promised a fat and sweet life? You don’t have to deceive yourself. And what you remember about your ancestors, I can also say about mine, I live where my ancestors were exiled. And my father went through the stages throughout the Kolyma region. And what? For this I must haunt the country that I loved, and I love now. Those people with whom I lived and built my life. Or didn’t we know what happened? They knew and wanted punishment for those people who committed those atrocities, but this does not mean that we must destroy everything and sell it for the sake of changing ideology, and bringing people like Yeltsin and Chubais to power. But in general I’m tired of this baby talk bye!
  12. patriot64
    11 November 2011 06: 04
    Whoa !!! Eck you got carried away !!! Firstly, we shouldn't have ruined everything "to the ground, and then ..." Secondly, I absolutely don't care about any selfish interests that you want me to to impose, thirdly I explain once again - it is not the people who are guilty of everything, but the power that has done with the people and with the country! For me, it's better to have a monarchy than Bolshevism or the current democracy! Our history teacher, a former KGB officer, was then surprised it was in the 80s, when I said that under the tsar-father it was not bad, probably life was and offered to stay after lessons for a conversation. He did not tell me about the tsar-bloodsucker, he said that I should build communism for the sake of his victory in everything And I was tempted to ask him about the dictator Pinochet and how his dictatorship generally differs from the dictatorship of the proletariat (this meant that he explained to us that dictatorship is the violence of a handful of power over those who are from the people) That is, in the present Understanding American Justice! They do what they want, but only for their own good!
  13. mar.tira
    11 November 2011 18: 16
    Here I agree with you. Because all those in power who led us 20 years ago and their methods of government have not changed a bit are in power. The only difference is that then we had to work for the good of the Motherland as they said. And now we must plow them for a simple piece of bread, without any rights, and as they say. Because they do not promise us equal rights, and they will not promise in the future. Here is my alignment.
  14. patriot64
    11 November 2011 20: 28
    You and I have slightly different views on the same things. But this is not a reason to accuse each other of mortal sins! For me, the memory of ancestors is a holy feeling. They gave us life, they protected us from fascism. I think you will not renounce them either. Whoever they are! It's just that this feeling in me is very heightened. They say that a fool is the one who seeks the truth and finds it. And time will tell which of us was right in our dialogue. Maybe we will not find out ... It all started with the fact that my grandfather, being the chairman of a collective farm and a communist, found a very interesting document, which I secretly read from my parents and grandfather. And the document was a shorthand record of the interrogation of a peasant woman in the Cheka from the Simbirsk district (the homeland of Vladimir Ilyich) Korotko- it said that the husband of that peasant woman died of hunger, and she was left with six children. She dismembered her deceased husband and fed them to the children so that they would not die of hunger. all! But my husband no longer belongs to you! He is dead! Give him to me! " small that it is a horror story (and studied in the sixth grade), and asked my grandfather about this paper. At first, the grandfather got scared, then got angry, and then gradually began to tell such things that were happening in front of him. He told me in the evenings about his difficult life, about the ordeals, about how he, wounded, was tormented first by German dogs in a concentration camp, then by our dogs in Siberia. From there he went to the penal battalion, although this rarely happened under his article. and a veteran of three wars, whose 12 sheep skins had rotted due to an oversight, and the family of that caretaker died out all from hunger and when he tried to write out a sack of grain for them, he himself was almost blamed for aiding the enemies of the people, about how his youngest daughter accidentally forest found half-rotted money and with that money they bought a cow, which they had to hide in the cellar, that his children survived only thanks to that cow, and there were eight of them ... And he was not the only one like that! it was not such a time, but the power that She didn’t appreciate it and at the expense of which she lived! Now the same is observed, only on a macro scale. The people are needed only so that a bunch of bloodsucking bugs fill their pockets. And I don’t understand one thing, why do they have so much money and property? !!! After all, it is impossible to live in five houses at the same time, it is impossible to sit with one ass on five chairs and drive five cars! It is disgusting to watch how thieves from the authorities take their dogs to dog restaurants, and near homeless people writhe from hunger! I believe that this is all from the short-sightedness of the ideologues of the revolution. They thought not of the people, but of power over the people and the whole world!
  15. mar.tira
    12 November 2011 06: 39
    My grandfather told you, and I myself saw corpses wrapped in rags sticking out from a collapsing spring of the taiga Vasyugan river, floods were not even given to bury them humanly. These were the Baltic states, Germans, and ours. And all kinds of corpses were both children and adults . These were dead and executed people who were deported. Nearby was the village of Vysoky Yar, there were Ostyaks who had food there, and people who were dying of hunger were not allowed to go to them. Already in our time, children ran under the spring and brought coins, beads, all kinds of trinkets .It was interesting, unconscious, but it was scary to me, after so many years, I felt like in those days. And my grandfather also disappeared in the taiga when he fled from the Bolsheviks. He was a priest in Narym, and there, as you know, Stalin and other figures were in exile. And when the priests were taken, the parishioners warned him, and he ran away through the window. He lived in the taiga, the parishioners went to communion and other church holidays, and no one betrayed him. So he disappeared somewhere. Together with church books, and treasury. You won’t live in a hut for a long time. And I’m familiar with the former secretary of the district committee, who himself is from a repressed family, I know his worldview from 80 years old, were friends of families. He said: for this I myself would kill those people who did this to the people! So there are different people, and the circumstances in which they fall. And there it’s how a person will behave. And about the current rich, but wretched, that’s where it comes from. They, like us, there was one upbringing, believed in one thing, and now it turns out that that life was not right, immoral, criminal, nor anything good and valuable in it, live differently. Here they live differently, and it’s good for them. Because the authorities said to live like that. And friendship , revenue, support in difficult times, as our parents raised us in Soviet times, this is not for them. Here I am grieving that it seems that life has just begun to improve after all those repressions and wars, in the years 70-80, let people live, because they got used to it, started to rise! No !! They took it, and again they threw us into the abyss, live as we say, and we will live our own way.
  16. patriot64
    12 November 2011 07: 34
    I don’t agree with you. What they really instilled was love for the Motherland and patriotism. The number of patriots in the USSR was countless more, everyone rejoiced at the country's success in space and the construction of huge objects. But it never occurred to anyone that the gullible people again used for their own purposes the authorities! What happened to the people, if all my life was on coupons, and the money went to support the regimes in the countries of Africa and the Middle East? The Bulgarians lived only at the expense of our work, and after the collapse of the USSR we became for them enemies, and they forgot how thousands of Russian soldiers died, freeing the Ottomans from Bulgaria under Tsar Alexander 3 and demanding nothing in return — no money, no land! Wasn’t it better for money that was given for no reason at all 9 (Soviet norm) to build meters of housing per person, and more, wouldn’t it be better to subsidize agriculture for that money, because the peasant’s work is ungrateful and very hard so that young people do not flee to the cities for ghostly happiness and dubious cult All these riches could and should have been used not for future revolutions in foreign countries, but for the support of their people, who fed and maintained that power and without which it is not worth a penny! See how the Emirates treat subsoil- they really belong to the people, because from that oil each newborn is entitled to a part of the capital. Would our nation die out if we introduced the same system? Not a miserable two hundred three hundred thousand and only for a second child, but to ensure its normal development and upbringing ... I’m sure the Russian people would flourish in such a situation! The greed of those in power and the insatiable thirst for their slaves is the scourge of everything! There was no freedom for the commoner or an acceptable standard of living! And to be an eyewitness to the crimes of power over him but the people are worth a lot. You saw those unfortunate people who weren’t even buried in a Christian way, tell everyone about it! So that you won’t be seduced by the promises of either the bourgeois, the Communists, or the imperialists and not indulged in the most vile civil war! It will tear the country to pieces and will not already have that greatness in it! I don’t want much, just let the thieves leave the government alone and its people! The deception of the Bolsheviks was that in declaring in the country Soviet power, that power did not exist at all! But it was supposed to live according to the laws adopted by the council of the whole people, and not a handful of slave owners! Now they have again declared freedom and democracy. Only what it consists of is incomprehensible. It may be that the people gave a choice to die on their own from this situation?
  17. mar.tira
    12 November 2011 07: 58
    And I was taught not to believe in anyone, and to rely only on my own strength, and the help of my loved ones. And I live by my labor and my household. And as for burials, so everyone knows about it, all Siberia is in memorial crosses and slabs .There is such an organization "Forgiveness and Memory"! Type search and read everything.
  18. patriot64
    12 November 2011 14: 01
    Thank you. I will definitely read it.
  19. 0
    20 May 2013 13: 36
    All the same, the agitation of the “red” was done better. Both artistically and in terms of fantasy. Here, for comparison, 2 variations on one topic:
    , signed up for a volunteer
    _ (1920) .jpg
    "Why aren't you in the army?" they ask from a White Guard poster, as if they were offering to take a walk to the war as a pleasure trip.