Tymoshenko's condemnation and the Eurasian choice of Ukraine. Poll


Is the prosecution and trial of Tymoshenko fair?

Yes, she should sit - 368 (69.83%)
No, she was convicted illegally - 65 (12.33%)
I don't care - 82 (15.56%)
Other, in the comments - 11 (2.09%)
Tymoshenko's condemnation and the Eurasian choice of Ukraine. PollRecently, the Czech newspaper The Prague Post published a material containing the opinion that after Tymoshenko’s conviction, the possibility of Ukraine’s European integration was a big question.

Indeed, after the conviction of Tymoshenko in the media, there were many reports that European politicians are massively canceling the meetings scheduled with Viktor Yanukovych, which unequivocally demonstrates that all attempts made by Ukraine to bring the EU closer to the EU have completely collapsed.

Brussels diplomatically stated that he would postpone the scheduled meeting with Yanukovych for another time, provided Ukraine took measures to strengthen democracy, as well as steps that would guarantee the independence of the judiciary in the country, which, of course, is true from the point of view of the outcome of the process in Pechersk court Of Kiev.

The trial of former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and the conviction she literally infuriated some Western politicians who tried to involve Ukraine in the European integration process and spent so much effort and money in the Ukrainian direction, putting them in the position of choice: either “endure” Yanukovych, questioning their democratic image, or enter into confrontation with it. Naturally, many anti-Russian Europeans will most certainly take the position of critics of the “authoritarian regime” of Yanukovych and will rely on the “struggle for democracy” together with the convicted Tymoshenko and the “oppressed” people of Ukraine. Thus, a second Lukashenko appears in Europe, who has no other choice but to come closer to Moscow, since he will have to resist external pressure from the “democratizers”.

Fears of European politicians that the EU’s position on the Tymoshenko case will force the Ukrainian authorities to turn towards Moscow and strengthen their strategic ties with Russia are not groundless. Moscow is not wasting time: the recent actions of the Russian leadership towards Ukraine are unequivocally aimed at making it part of the Customs Union, and later on - part of the Eurasian Union. And, fortunately, there really is hope for it, especially in the face of the actual outcome of future elections in Russia, when Ukrainian politicians of various kinds will no longer have any illusions about who they will have to deal with in the next six, or else and twelve years. In addition, the gas issue that has become a stumbling block more than once can now do a good service: Ukraine is being made unequivocally hinting that, when it takes the right position, the price of gas will become much lower.

So where do we go? The longstanding clashes in the ruling elite of Ukraine, the extreme degree of political disunity in this state, if one may say so, the state, total corruption and aggressive anti-Russian, in fact, disgusting and corrupt politics, all without exception, leaders and the overwhelming majority of political leaders of this country during the glorious period of its “independence "Put the current political elite of Ukraine before the fact: without Russia, it is nowhere! Yes, and the Ukrainian authorities are no longer able to close their eyes to the desire of the overwhelming majority of their people to Russian, and not to the European world. The people and their memory can not be deceived.

The time of bargaining is over. It's time to restore the natural course stories, rejecting in her dump the spirit of separation that tormented the Russian and Ukrainian peoples for so many years! How long will this shameful border between us be? How is it better than the Berlin Wall, which has divided a single nation for decades? Taking into account Putin’s promise to the authorities of the CIS countries that are not yet participating in the Eurasian project, Yanukovych and his team will have to answer these questions personally.

Really started Eurasian integration is a historical chance for our multimillion people, which the current leaders of Ukraine have no right not to take advantage of. Otherwise, what will they answer to their citizens? Therefore, for Yanukovych, the only way not to lose the support of citizens, most of whom with great hope accepted the beginning of Eurasian integration and expect from their authorities a real rapprochement with Russia and the restoration of a single state. This is what most Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians dream of. There are, of course, unpleasant exceptions, but we will not talk about them - this is a topic for another discussion.

Having planted continuing, by and large, to remain an “orange” Tymoshenko, Yanukovych, perhaps unwittingly, signed in his preference for the Eurasian European choice, whatever curtsies towards Europe would be attempted by Ukrainian diplomats in the near future. Over the years of the orange-blue confrontation, Tymoshenko and her policy became firmly associated with Western aspirations, and Yanukovych with pro-Russian ones. Moreover, such associations managed to form in Europe. Should Yanukovych somehow justify such an image?

The only thing that is worth agreeing with the defenders of democracy from the European Union is that Tymoshenko’s condemnation is the last nail in the coffin of any legal state in Ukraine, if such a existence was possible at all. And he does not need to mourn - it is not our business. This event only accelerates the natural course of events and brings the reunification of the fraternal peoples under a single beginning.

Only a pity for a woman, for a long time she will have to sit. And I could babysit my grandchildren!
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  1. anb_
    31 October 2011 07: 27
    And when she stole what she was thinking? Finally, in Ukraine, a piece of truth triumphed! P.S.
    1. +9
      31 October 2011 10: 07
      Quote: anb_
      sorry for the woman, she will have to sit for a long time. And I could babysit grandchildren

      What the real should do wise woman, and not play dirty games,
    2. +2
      1 November 2011 12: 32
      right!. the thief should be in prison.
  2. ballian
    31 October 2011 07: 39
    You anb_ are talking nonsense - her sentence to "theft" has nothing to do with it.
    1. German
      31 October 2011 14: 08
      just really has! that SamuYuVT is well remembered and known in Dnepropetrovsk that her mother, who worked as a dispatcher in the 2nd taxi park! A bullseye from an apple tree ....
    2. +2
      31 October 2011 22: 18
      As Gleb Zhiglov said: A thief should be in prison!

      let's hope that after the "death with a scythe" (which is exactly what it is called in the Crimea), the rest will go to the bunks ...
  3. ballian
    31 October 2011 07: 59
    In general, it’s funny for many years to listen to these shamanistic reunion spells here. It is as if Yanukovych had stuttered this at least once, or some party with such an idea exists in Ukraine. Ukraine will never give up sovereignty. And there is no obvious majority of those who want to reunite in Ukraine, according to the most optimistic estimates, the layout of 50 on 50, in Belarus there are even fewer people who want it — the result of Fatherland propaganda by the way.
    1. Tolia
      1 November 2011 01: 38
      Yes, there are no 50 to 50 ... 20 percent of people in the southeast of old age and with low education ...
  4. +2
    31 October 2011 08: 00
    but nonetheless, they didn’t put her in the 90s, and she and Lazarenko ripped off the country, they caught her in the beginning of the 90s with 200 thousand greens - this is another factor of her honesty, and the UkrGazNafta desk is generally a joke - an intermediary which sells gas on the territory of Ukraine (gas from Russia is sold to Ukraine, and this office buys it from the Ukrainian state, as it were, and delivers it to every house). and Julia Vladimirovna - honesty itself! Yes, for her expressions alone, that she was ashamed to look the guests in the eyes at her daughter’s wedding - because the sols were empty, there wasn’t enough money — I was amused, and she didn’t count anything on her accounts and property - and everyone who was behind her vote - they believe that she is honest and poor! (poor politician and ex-prime minister — you will believe it !? even Khrushchev’s property is absent! ????) Yanukovych is certainly terrible, but now we know that politicians can be put in — we must start somewhere !? and then his time will come)))))
  5. ballian
    31 October 2011 08: 13
    Why was it planted then on such an obviously far-fetched accusation for everyone, if there is a story with Lazarenko?
    Tymoshenko, of course, is not a model of disinterestedness, and she does not seem to be attracted to patriotism and left a very muddy trail behind her and most likely got into politics so that she would not be cheated on her past.
    But neither the Belarusian-Russian Yanukovych, who was engaged in ripping off the hats from passers-by, and the Ukrainian one who learned only to be "independent" is clearly no better.
    Some politicians in Ukraine will come out as presidents and prime ministers rogues, and shifters or vice versa funny Natsiks who do not cause any sympathy - Kravchuk, Yushchenko, Yanukovych, Lazarenko, Tymoshenko., ..
    1. +5
      31 October 2011 10: 11
      Quote: ballian
      funny natsik

      Is this Julia Grigyan Natsik? Which is interesting? Armenian-Jewish? As far as it is known, she does not have Ukrainian blood at all, how did her Westerners generally support her?
      1. ballian
        31 October 2011 12: 16
        I’m talking about Yushchenko, in fact, she calls her maman a Ukrainian, and not only western but also central Ukraine voted for her.
        1. +3
          31 October 2011 16: 32
          Yulina is maternal grandmother - Maria Iosifovna, and her nationality is unknown, the only question is to whom?
          1. ballian
            31 October 2011 19: 33
            Why didn’t you understand this? My deceased grandfather's name was Joseph (by the way 100% of Ukrainian) so what?
      2. Sobibor
        31 October 2011 20: 49
        She is of Latvian-Jewish descent. Grigyan is a misinterpreted Latvian surname. They say in childhood she even inserted boys for such pussies.

        In general, she stole or not - but respect to her. The only man with eggs in Ukrainian politics
  6. +4
    31 October 2011 08: 35
    yes - but Julia was pulling to Europe (although Ukraine is already geographically located in Europe :) and did not disdain to vote by anything - by drowning and indulging the Western Ukrainian nationalist, and so the streets impregnated with S. Bendera and so on began to appear under L. D. I don’t remember Kuchma — although he led the collective farm and then the country — it was better to live, and the banker was generally ridiculous — today the decree — and tomorrow another — which cancels him, and about the parade — the soldiers were going to Kozatsky combatant step -! ????? a circus - historians searched - and didn’t find one!)))))))))) but they didn’t steal your hands at all !!!!!) and it’s generally criminal to put bankers or businessmen at the helm! and Yanukovych got out only due to fairy tales about warm relations with Russia, played on the feelings of the masses - and only because of this he was chosen! (although it’s a matter of chance - Ukraine may join the TS for starters) Julia said that she didn’t pay for the demonstration — and I myself had pledged 150 hryvnias (about 800 rubles) for BYT for an hour and a half — they paid very well! there are a lot of people - who were in the party and bought cars and apartments - the loot flowed! so, of course, they all need to be planted, but so far only her is planted.
  7. Splin
    31 October 2011 09: 08
    Do you know why Europe is mad? Yulka was jailed for exceeding her official powers. this is so far the only legally confirmed charge. If Europe recognizes this, then a precedent will develop. There are almost half of Europe's “rulers” like her. And it turns out that everyone can be condemned under their articles of abuse of power. It is clear why Pputin does not understand about seven years of imprisonment. The gas contract is already very good for Russia. Probably the most successful deal in Europe Gas at a price as in Italy, which is still 2000 miles away. Well, God bless him. But Europe is now furious not because of democracy in Ukraine and not because of an imaginary breakdown in the supply of gas in winter (because the Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine said that they would not sue Gazprom and Yulka-zek is also not a reason for this). The politicians of Europe are afraid that they will be transplanted by their people there for their decisions during the crisis of 2008.
    1. ballian
      31 October 2011 12: 24
      Well, you said, "precedent" :))))))))))))) What does Ukraine have to do with Europe and its legislation and judicial system ?? What other "half" is in your imagination?
      There have never been such accusations and sentences, which is why it looks completely absurd there.
      1. Splin
        31 October 2011 13: 07
        Ukraine is a European state that is not a member of the European Union, but has membership in all other institutes and organizations of the European component. And naturally, her example can be indicative. European courts of human rights and the like are advisory bodies for all judicial systems in Europe. To think that Europe is limited to only 27 countries of the Eurozone is a big mistake. And countries in which they made mistakes (mowed) premieres and the like, please. Iceland, Ireland, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Portugal, Italy, Denmark, Slovakia, Lithuania, and a few others to not immediately mention. And in Greece, the former prime minister must be wheeled, as the Greek say. Because it’s boiling because there wasn’t anything like that, but if the verdict is recognized and something like this can happen for them. This is how Ukraine does not recognize any unrecognized state from Taiwan to Kosovo in order not to develop such ideas in its own country. Ukraine is not Russia, and with bayonets like Chechnya it will not be able to keep neither Bessarabia nor Crimea nor Gallicia
  8. Maksim
    31 October 2011 09: 48
    For so many years, our gas has been stolen by Y. Tymoshenko, and now Ukraine wants to buy our gas for nothing, even if at the beginning it will pay off debts for an invaluable product (gas)
    1. +5
      31 October 2011 16: 35
      Maxim about "our" gas sang very well Smen Slepakov in a song Address to Gazprom shareholders

      Dear, beloved shareholders
      I beg you, take early action
      By enrolling me in it
      In your magical OAO.
      And although the proposal is very unexpected,
      Hopefully consider it positively.
      After all, after all, this is our GENERAL GAS,
      And dreams come true ONLY AT YOU.
  9. boos24
    31 October 2011 11: 00
    and who will determine the degree of democracy, isn’t this true democracy that the former prime minister was convicted of, I’m sure there is something to condemn it more seriously and the case of contract murder is already being considered, and this is no longer a controversial gas contract, finish with double standards and go about your business and don’t teach everyone to live by ourselves
    1. +5
      31 October 2011 12: 25
      The degree of democracy is determined by Washington, the degrees are three: No. 1, an already democratized country, everything is normal there, the bombs are on target, the head is hanging-lynch-poisoned, etc., people are cutting each other, wealth is now flowing in the right direction; No. 2 is a candidate country for membership in the Democrats, while problems and wealth flow in the wrong channels and the wild barbarians living there, because of their savagery, misunderstand the freedom bombs; No. 3 at this stage is a useless country for democracy.

      In general, I am already sick of these words "democracy", "democratizers", "struggle for democracy." "Have you already consolidated your democracy?" - you need to strengthen your defense, your mother. Ugh
    2. ballian
      31 October 2011 12: 29
      That is, you are unfamiliar and did not try to get acquainted with the Tymoshenko case and are "sure"? And have you even dreamed of murder somewhere?
      When they let you down and put you in prison, it will be too late to think about "democracy."
      1. +1
        31 October 2011 12: 36
        And you ballian would have removed his face from now on, you don’t see, and so you feel sick, go don’t poop elsewhere, you’re our democratic one.
        1. ballian
          31 October 2011 19: 29
          I’m only glad that I’m getting nervous like you :)
          1. 0
            31 October 2011 19: 43
            haha crazy right now takes the lopna, do not flatter yourself
            1. +2
              31 October 2011 20: 27
              And what does the murder have to do with it? As PAPANOV said, "and you don't steal." She is being tried for theft. for everyone. Then it will be a democratic country. If you can prove that Janek stole, he should also sit down. And not in a VIP prison, but in an ordinary one.
              1. Anatoliy
                31 October 2011 20: 33
                Yanukovych has already served. Twice. This is for those who do not know.
                Tomoshenko is not only tried for heaps, she goes through several cases.
                And the verdict was handed down to her not for a gas contract, but for abuse of power when signing a contract, forgery of signatures of members of the government and other frauds.
  10. +1
    31 October 2011 11: 26
    Maksim, For so many years our gas has been stolen by Y. Tymoshenko, and now Ukraine wants to buy our gas for nothing, let it pay off debts for an invaluable product (gas) at first, curiosity, Maxim - you are Turkmen! ????
  11. 0
    31 October 2011 12: 25
    Thank you for the article. everything is written in the case.
  12. 0
    31 October 2011 12: 49
    justice is blind! but nevertheless - where a lot of money is involved and politics - eliminating these or those individuals - is always present, although it’s not enough to believe that Tymoshennitsa ordered, and it’s kind of ridiculously seen - like not whining because we’re whining, but we’ll put him, but if not to plant is the return of the stolen, and let the fuck go away from politics! (although I think it’s precisely to push away from the political Olympus, and not conclusion, the main goal of all this turmoil and will soon release it, they will give it conditionally)
  13. Max
    31 October 2011 12: 54
    * This is what most Ukrainians dream of ... *
    As a resident of Ukraine, I can assure the author that at the moment a significant part of the population of Ukraine prefers integration into the EU. This shows different social. polls, and everyone is talking only about Europe. And second, most citizens are sure that one way or another, Russia will play according to the same European civilized rules, which, by the way, has been playing with us since the collapse of the USSR. And the issue of integrating a fraternal neighbor into the EU or the Atlantic Union is only a matter of time. We will be together, but only as part of United Europe.
    1. +1
      31 October 2011 13: 15
      The Atlantic Union, as part of United Europe, .... naive thoughts of a young man with z @ c_rannyh brains, at best, the Arabs will give you to the mercy. As they (Europeans) usually like to do - to merge their vassals in the days of danger. Take off the pink glasses for the last five minutes European (laughed heartily).
    2. -2
      31 October 2011 14: 00
      As a resident of which Ukraine do you assure that "at the moment a significant part of the population of Ukraine prefers integration into the EU"? What kind of Ukraine do you live in?
      1. ballian
        31 October 2011 19: 51
        You are too lazy to see the data social. polls instead of running into max?
        For example, this is completely fresh for you - in Ukraine as a whole, according to the latest sociological survey of the Razumkov Center, the majority of citizens (51,2%) support Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, 30,3% do not support it, and 18,6% found it difficult to answer.
        There you can see the alignment by region (west, center, east, south)
    3. +1
      31 October 2011 14: 44
      Quote: max
      Russia will play by the same European civilized rules

      These are normal rules, today they kiss your hand (Berlusconi at Gaddafi) and tomorrow they will give you to the mercy of the crowd, well, if of course you like to live by these rules, please forbid.
    4. +2
      31 October 2011 15: 35
      for Ukraine, joining the EU will be tantamount to a death sentence. Take a look at the Baltic states, do they like the EU?
      1. Tolia
        1 November 2011 01: 46
        He came only from Poland .... in comparison, Russia resembles a public toilet in Udmurtia ...
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Evgeny B.
          13 November 2011 15: 10
          In China, there is such a parable: he lived in the deserted mountains of Tao, which comprehended Tao. People began to go to him and he helped many. Rumors of Taoism have reached the emperor. The emperor wanted to make him his adviser and assistant in public affairs. He sent a messenger to the Taoist, saying that he would not skimp on any promises, just to persuade the Taoist. Having suffered great hardships, the messenger got to him and began to persuade. However, the Taoist answered all persuasions - NO !. Then the messenger realized that he would not succeed in persuading Taoism, and asked why you persisted, because you don’t have any good clothes on you, you don’t have a house, but only a cold cave, you are starving — why do you refuse such great honor? To this, the Taoist answered him: I, like a turtle, prefer to Live, dragging my tail through the mud, and not be beautiful, inlaid with gold, an ashtray in the royal chambers.
          Here is a choice - to each his own.
      2. 0
        1 November 2011 10: 56
        more precisely for it will be a death sentence for the EU ....... winked
    5. 0
      31 October 2011 20: 34
      Do not write for all Ukrainians. What kind of fashion they took. One with a clumsy face shouted "give Europe" this does not mean that we all agreed with this. Something he asked for a referendum on Europe and the EU. And what would it be for? are you not afraid why not?
    6. Alexey Prikazchikov
      1 November 2011 01: 50
      About the brotherhood of Ukrainians and Russians
      History as a science is a faithful servant of politicians. We used to be brothers with Ukrainians. And now the Russian state originates from Rurik (German Eric, English Roderick), Truvor and Sineus, who were called "Germans" in the early Russian chronicles. Yes, and the now fashionable Norman theory speaks of the Scandinavian origin of the word Rus and the origin of the first Russian tribes from the Goths and Rugs. Anthropological studies a hundred years ago confirmed that the frequency of detection of epitolamus in Russians and Germans is practically the same - the lowest in Europe. And modern genetic studies show a significantly greater similarity of the north of Russia with the Balts and Scandinavians than with black-browed and dark-eyed Ukrainians. So that we are not brothers now, dear Ukrainians.
      1. Galina
        2 November 2011 02: 03
        Well, Prikazchikov, it turns out he went from the German ...
        But they talk about the Slavs, so German ideology is out of place here.
        1. Alexey Prikazchikov
          6 November 2011 00: 00
          wink My mother is German. But I brought you reliable scientific facts from Ukrainians with the Turks much more in common than with the Russians unfortunately
  14. +1
    31 October 2011 13: 53
    well yes! of course - that’s what the European Union lacks for us - something to fall apart faster! Mlyn - stupidity - incredible! The EU - is looking for markets - in order to support its producers, regarding Ukrainian products - there is nothing to offer besides raw materials, agricultural - there will not pass a single analysis! (except for vegetative cultures) - ak-that we will not sell them anything, respectively, they are only interested in the market - no more, and they will have enough of Greece, and while the main EU members (Germany, France, England) are increasingly saying about the exit, the super-optimists of Ukraine want to finally get in there! It is necessary to restore order and start working in the country and pay taxes and not live the dream that we will be accepted - and the next day everyone can afford to buy a Mercedes!
    1. Max
      31 October 2011 14: 23
      That's right, a fan of star wars :) The EU is looking for markets to grow their economy, Russia is looking for ... everyone is looking for. Just take the quality standards of the goods on the European market and on the Russian market? Our business understands that it is better to reach out to those who have achieved more success in quality and sustainability. And the ordinary citizen will only benefit from this, because our manufacturers will have no choice but to reach out and compete with European goods. The quality will grow, the potential of the earth will be enough to have the necessary capacity. And quality will grow, life expectancy will increase, and again there is something to compare (EU or Russia). And yet, gentlemen, format the old stereotypes in your brains, saying that the EU is evil, it’s time already :) WE are entering there and this does not mean that we are turning away from Russia, it’s stupid to think like that. We are united by millions of relatives in both countries and not only. And besides, you are almost in the WTO, and these are European standards, you have a little bit left. We will all be there (s):
      1. +1
        31 October 2011 15: 18
        About stereotypes - correctly noticed !!!! So, Russia is not evil! As for the quality - we won’t be better ..... if the average cow gives 9000 tons of milk and 11000 shit per year - then the question is - what do we produce !? the fact that in Germany milk is drained into the sewers if milk got there from a cow who was given an elementary vaccination of an antiseptic - and we have smoke poher - it will also be diluted with water, we have a tendency - that it is not better - but it’s necessary to boil and boil more! Israel in the sands receives a crop of three to four times more than in Ukraine on black soil, plants are ruined, technological chains are broken, engineering is in full 3,14zde, in Russia more Anovs are collected than in Ukraine, but Mercedes bought about the same, then only for the sake the United States refused to build an aircraft carrier for Russia - this would give a good impetus to the Ukrainian industry, which is barely breathing right now, and in Russia everything is not so hot, but with the EU it’s possible to do business without entry, you just need to develop and not wait for the EU manna . Where does anyone enter - which EU! ??? What planet are you from ?! Do not take it as an insult - but it’s hard when a man is waist-deep wooden (especially from above) - the EU said that neither Georgia nor Ukraine will be there! And - the fact that the States want to push them through something to suck Russia - the EU does not care much - they have not the best of times!
        1. +2
          31 October 2011 20: 40
          Yes, and with what can we enter Europe? Think before you teach everyone. What can we offer them? Have they entered the WTO and what? Has something improved in production? New technologies have appeared? Do not tell people so the lip cracked.
  15. Subarctic frost
    31 October 2011 13: 58
    Ukraine is a part of Russia. No one will ever even talk about any European Union. All this is nonsense. Ukraine will always be with Russia and only with it, period.
    1. German
      31 October 2011 14: 13
      I agree! but without zapadenschina! there the devil himself will not make out what kind of people! and not Russian and not Ukrainians, a mixture of a bulldog with a rhino ....
      1. +2
        31 October 2011 20: 41
        Unfortunately they have nowhere to go, but a pity.
        1. German
          31 October 2011 22: 57
          let them separate and live "vilno that independent"
        2. Alexey Prikazchikov
          6 November 2011 17: 09
          Cut them out and that's it.
    2. -1
      31 October 2011 18: 10
      probably the best part of Russia)))
  16. 0
    31 October 2011 15: 01
    Quote: max
    We will all be there (s):

    You really come on like a thread without generalizations, if you yourself are impatient to rush headlong into a barrel of shit - let's dive, they are already sitting there gurgling, "Latvia" is called through the gurgling, you can hear: "hit, hit, and eat somewhere where we will be gentlemen ? "
  17. NUT
    31 October 2011 15: 06
    just for her Julia is the Golden Handle, and for those with whom we do not drink, a benefactor and a nurse.
    In the process, I still didn’t have time to sell everything for nothing, and the interest for that revolution hung
  18. mitrich
    31 October 2011 16: 12
    I have my own version of the reasons why Tymoshenko was behind bars.
    It consists in the fact that Tymoshenko, having been heading the UESU since the mid-1990s, made money on various fraudulent schemes involving Russian gas and other deeds. For example, the Russian Ministry of Defense threw half a billion dollars.
    And so, when in 2009 there was a gas srach between Russia and Ukraine, Putin and Miller, already the prime minister of Ukraine, very competently divorced, they say, is it time for the girl to pay off the old bills with Russia. Julia, like any normal fraudster, did not begin to close her billionth transgressions with Russia from her own pocket, therefore, she went to sign gas agreements with Russia on conditions favorable to us, which turned out to cover her PERSONAL debts. Framed all of Ukraine, roughly speaking. Well, what is it to us, who pays?
    Therefore, I believe that Tymoshenko was imprisoned not because she threw Russia for many years in a row, but because she eventually threw her, that's why. I think so.
    1. zczczc
      31 October 2011 16: 47
      mitrich, so this is the generally accepted version :)
      I did not understand the conclusion only - and who has her own? Is it Ukraine?

      In fact, she was planted not just because she signed a contract disadvantageous for her country, but a goose was needed. Goose - to go to the market and bargain. So she became this goose. Or a goose. Why is she a goose? Because he screams loudly. So after all, if one reasoned, it was possible to plant Dubin, only he was an ordinary Russian man and he would not yell, and they would not intercede for him from Putin to Europe. And here is the goose.

      But Dubin, to be honest, he was sorry when he rushed between all these frames:
      1. mitrich
        31 October 2011 17: 21
        I did not know that this is a generally accepted version. From what I read in the press and on the Internet, we could only conclude that Yanukovych was crushing a competitor, nothing more.
        1. zczczc
          1 November 2011 00: 49
          mitrichthat Julia wanted to throw everyone, but they threw her? So it was said in the news one way or another. More correct, of course. Well, of course, they didn’t talk about "paying off with Russia", but it’s quite clear that no one would just agree to such a thing, contrary to the direct demand of President Yushchenko.
          As a result, Putin outplayed her, of course.
  19. zczczc
    31 October 2011 17: 54
    mitrich, everything is very simple - put Yulia, yelled in the West, went to negotiate, bought accession to the EU, freed Yulia. But Europe sneezed on Julia, like the United States - she has long fulfilled her role. Or maybe Volodya promised Merkel something for sending Yanyk there.
    Time will tell.
  20. Anatoliy
    31 October 2011 19: 54
    Yulia Vladimirovna has a strong reputation as a thief, since the 90s.
    Recently, her lawyer thanked Russia for its tough stance in a difficult moment for the TJV. Was it worth it to defend it like that? UgA tin case against Tymoshenko was opened in Russia, concrete evidence was obtained of her theft, and this year the generals who were convicted in the Tymoshenko case have already left prison. Most of the people who had "business" relations with YUVT have either served time (starting with Prime Minister Lazarenko) or are preparing to sit down (ex-Minister of the Interior Lutsenko and others).

    And according to the article: "Long-term showdowns in the ruling elite of Ukraine, the extreme degree of political disunity in this, if I may say so, the state, total corruption and aggressive anti-Russian, in fact nasty and corrupt policy, of all leaders without exception and the vast majority of political leaders of this country during its glorious period" Nezalezhnosti "confronted the current political elite of Ukraine with the fact: without Russia, there is still nowhere! And the Ukrainian authorities are no longer able to turn a blind eye to the desire of the overwhelming majority of their people for the Russian, and not for the European world. . " So this opinion could arise only if you watch the news on the first channel. First, there is political stability in Ukraine now: the Cabinet, the majority of the Verkhovna Rada and the President are represented by one political force, while political competition remains - the most optimal option for the development of any country. Anti-Russian hysteria in Ukraine, if not disappeared, then at least subsided. The notion of Holodomor has practically disappeared from the vocabulary of Ukrainian officials, historical events are more or less adequately covered in the new textbooks on the history of Ukraine (this has not happened in the last five years), the legislative consolidation of Ukraine's NATO aspirations has disappeared from the doctrine of Ukraine's foreign policy, sea ​​"Forvater of Peace", training of Russian pilots at the NITKA training ground was resumed, the lease of the Russian Black Sea Fleet was extended, negotiations on the rearmament of the Black Sea Fleet are underway with difficulties, while the Ukrainian side made statements that Ukraine will not oppose the rearmament of the Black Sea Fleet, the construction of the AN military transport aircraft has been intensified -70. There are many more positive facts that are omitted only with one-sided lighting.

    And what about Russia? Russia handed over and surrenders its compatriots living in Ukraine. This was recognized last week by the Consul General of Russia in Sevastopol. The policy of Russia in the post-Soviet space is the policy of letting out snot. For the position of the Russian language in Ukraine, Russia bears at least no less responsibility than previous orange leaders.

    And further. To have allies - you need to be attractive to them. Over the years of Medvedev’s presidency, the image of Russia as a partner has suffered greatly: Libya was handed over (there was a verbal skirmish with Putin on this issue), there was a refusal to supply the S-300 to Iran, etc. With this approach, counting on allied assistance is strange.
    1. ballian
      31 October 2011 20: 22
      So they tried to plant Yulia under Kuchma and with the help of Russia - but they could not dig up anything on it - where is the "proof"?
      And even under Yanukovych, there is no need to talk about the "problem of the Russian language." (Minister Tabachnik is worth something). What problems does the Consul General in Sevastopol have?
      1. Anatoliy
        31 October 2011 20: 29
        "So they tried to plant Yulia under Kuchma and with the help of Russia - but they could not dig up anything on her - where is the" evidence " - evidence is more than enough. The late deputy Ilyukhin also spoke about them. The case was closed in 2005 solely for political reasons.

        A very good article about the comments of the Russian consul on Russia's position on the Russian language in Ukraine:
        ny / rossiya-priznalas-chto-predala-rus
    2. zczczc
      31 October 2011 22: 30
      Anatoliy, Julia always played her game against everyone. She even "outwitted" Yuscha. Like Serzh Sargsyan in a skirt, he will also cum most likely.
  21. ballian
    31 October 2011 21: 41
    Quote: Anatoliy
    more than enough evidence

    And that they were embodied in reality under Yanukovych. ? In Ukraine, her "case" was closed in 2001. after digging, although they really wanted to put him in prison, including relying on materials sent from Russia, they even put him in jail for a month. Ilyukhin is generally a politician.
  22. +3
    31 October 2011 22: 12
    Of the whole story, it seems to me that the best thing is that no matter how much one would like, the process of rapprochement between Russia and Ukraine begins to take on real forms, and a full-fledged customs union is visible. The trial of Yulka gave Yan Kukuevich a chance, without losing his face, to turn to Russia. Like Europe now does not like us, we have to customs union with Russia. And the wolves are full and the sheep are whole.
  23. Anatoliy
    31 October 2011 22: 57
    Quote: zczczc
    Julia always led her game against everyone

    - for sure.
    Quote: zczczc
    She even "outsmarted" Yuscha
    - also true.

    Only now went all-in and lost. And Ukraine lost. Not a single country in Europe dipped like this during the crisis: 30% of industry was destroyed, a fall in GDP of 15%. Until now, they have not reached pre-crisis indicators.

    Quote: zczczc
    Poured Serzh Sargsyan in a skirt
    - She reminds me more of Saakashvili.
    1. zczczc
      1 November 2011 00: 33
      Anatoliy, no ... Michiko, no matter what the crap he is, he has principles. Let Kukui, anti-Russian, anti-Georgian in part, but principles. And a person with principles is already a person.

      And Yulia, just like Sargsyan, has no principles - this is a substance. And Yushchenko spoke about this a thousand times in allegorical form. Once Sargsyan spoke a couple of years ago, somewhere about relations with Russia, he was asked a question from the audience in the spirit of "why, in general, should Armenia develop relations with Russia?" Armenia is part of such a regional serpentarium that Russia should never rely on any agreements with the countries of this serpentarium. Just look at the news headlines:

      "There is no Armenia in the Israel-Turkey-Azerbaijan triumvirate"
      "Israeli Foreign Minister offers Armenia to be friends against Turkey"
      "Turkey is friends of Iran's friend with Azerbaijan's friend"
      "Armenia and Turkey did not agree to be friends against a third party"

      Once in grade 1 I asked a classmate why he has so many friends, and when they beat him, they don’t protect him. He did not find an answer.
      1. Anatoliy
        1 November 2011 00: 56
        Yes, probably.

        Tymoshenko is a opportunist, always offers what is in demand, to anyone and anything. For the West, he writes an article "Hold Russia", in Russia he giggles like a fool when Putin sneezes Yushchenko. It is interesting that during the trial, when Azarov spoke and she was asked to comment on his speech, she stated that she did not understand anything in Russian. At the same time, there are people who believe her, and go to rallies for her. Even without money. And her party, this is some kind of leader-type organization, almost a sect - with all the attributes. And about the lack of principles - I completely agree. I am sure that in order to win the elections, she would become a Muslim, if this guaranteed her victory (at the same time, I have nothing against Islam and its representatives). Not a man, but a machine. Now the truth is, the car skidded.
        1. Tolia
          1 November 2011 01: 51
          That's right, she is the past, the future is for VO Freedom. Katzapchegi time to worry, their rating is growing inexorably)))
          1. Anatoliy
            1 November 2011 02: 03
            I only agree that She is the past. But ultranationalists from VO Svoboda can only claim a high rating in Western Ukraine. They have nothing to offer except the slogan - "Get out of the Muscovites", they have no economic program, no economic reform program, no proposals for the development of the armed forces. Nowhere - not in Europe, not in Russia, not in the rest of Ukraine - they are not taken seriously. Their rating is growing, but growing from scratch and growth has slowed down at 3-4% nationwide. They do not pose any threat to Russia - they are too small.

            If Ukraine begins to comply with European standards, this party will propagate Hitler’s accomplices.
          2. +2
            1 November 2011 10: 36
            Great Tolyan!
            How healthy is he alive? Well, let’s omit the courtesies. Tell us better, to those here present, how you are a proud descendant of the Bandera movement, a thoroughbred Slav, unlike the hatreds of the “descendants of the horde” hated by @ Tsap_chegov, allowed yourself, the true bearer of Slavic culture, such an obscene “nickname” - Tolya, this is a diminutive derivative on behalf of Anatoly, but what do the sources tell us about the meaning of this name, are you ready Tolya?

            The ancient Greeks called Anatoly the inhabitant of Anatolia (the ancient name of Asia Minor, located in the east of Greece). `Anatole` - translated from Greek means` east`.

            Ai-Ii Tolya, if you don’t believe the buzz came with a nickname, or it was your parents who treated you so cruelly when they called you how you, a purebred Slav, to call you such an infamous name Anatoly, which in translation means “Asian” as Tolya further ah? That the right guys, bearing the correct names Vasil, Taras will say, you’ll probably have to change your name and don’t forget to change your homeland, change Tolya to your homeland on the island where the Anglo-Saxons concentrate, because you love reading books written by them, we have already noticed all of this here, because the story of your small homeland written by “Brita” is the most correct story, is it true, Tolya?

            Well, don’t get sick Tolya, health in a foreign land will come in handy for you, it’s dank and damp there, and there are some mists ...
            1. Anatoliy
              1 November 2011 10: 58
              If you noticed, then there was a dialogue between two Anatolievs - under the nickname Tolya and under the nickname Anatoliy (there is still Anatoly on the forum, though there are no comments in this article). And if you carefully look at the comments they have absolutely the opposite. Yes, the name Anatoly means East. But this name is not Asian, but Greek - the cradle of European democracy. And there is such a figure in Russia - Anatoly Chubais - his name doesn’t interfere with being the main Westerner of the country and pulling the country through the knee from the east is not clear where. But what does the name have to do with it? I never paid attention to the names, but I decided to see what your nickname means, Mikhail. Here is what I found:

              "The name comes from the Hebrew name Mikael, which means `equal, like God` He can get any specialty: teacher, lawyer, turner, driver. Mikhailov makes good leaders of the highest level. They also succeed in a career in military service " -

              there was such a figure in the post-Soviet space with the name Mikhail, the surname Saakashvili, a lawyer by profession, achieved a high post of leader, reformed the army quite well according to the Western model, - only those who died from his idiotic adventures did not at all perceive him as "equal and like God" but a clinical idiot.

              This is not the first time you wrote a post about the meaning of a name. Crisis of the genre? Do not judge people by nicknames, judge by thoughts expressed on the forum.
              1. 0
                1 November 2011 12: 50
                Anatoly, I'm sorry, but my koment is not for you, click on the arrow next to my nickname and you will understand, litter again. I wrote a post for the third time, making it possible that roofing is silent;
          3. +2
            1 November 2011 11: 32
            Just before the outbreak of the First World War, in February 1914, the former Russian Minister of the Interior P.N. Durnovo wrote in his prophetic “Note” about Galicia: “It’s obviously unprofitable, in the name of the idea of ​​national sentimentalism, to join our country with a region that has lost any live connection with him. After all, for an insignificant handful of Russians in the spirit of the Galicians, how many Poles, Jews, Ukrainianized Uniates will we get? The so-called Ukrainian or Mazepa movement is not scary for us now, but we should not let it grow, increasing the number of restless Ukrainian elements, since in this movement there is an undeniable germ of extremely dangerous Little Russian separatism, which under favorable conditions can reach completely unexpected proportions. ”[19]

            In the eastern regions of Galicia (that is, on the former territory of the Galicia-Volyn principality itself), the Ukrainian population was significantly predominant, and the western part of Galicia was mainly populated by Poles. According to data from 1910, out of 5 residents of East Galicia, the Polish language was native to 317 inhabitants (158%), and Ukrainian was 2 (114%). It should be borne in mind that the composition of the Polish-speaking population included not only Poles, but also Jews, who during the second half of the 792th - early XX century, for the most part, switched from Yiddish to Polish
            You love traveling to Poland so much, so that roofing leaves comes out of you flowing Slavic blood as much as in a rabbi from the nearest synagogue
          4. zczczc
            1 November 2011 15: 48
            ToliaYes, Tyagnybok will do nothing, who collected the marginal electorate a lot, but where are they all? All the forces who, one way or another, relying on the mistakes of their ancestors or making future mistakes, quarreling the Slavs among themselves, will die. As a political force for sure. With the intensification of their actions and as people.

            Well this is obvious. Do not be fooled, Tolya.
        2. zczczc
          1 November 2011 15: 43
          Anatoliy, fools are always found, alas. I conducted a blitz poll some time ago among my acquaintances from Ukraine, asking everyone one thing - "Do you know who Yulia Grigyan is?" Only one knew. I showed a photo that no one recognized either:

          It is obvious that a lot of plastic surgery, a scythe came from somewhere. Well, making an Ukrainian from an Armenian is not easy, you know. The people were very surprised.
  24. SL.Kocegar
    1 November 2011 05: 26
    Ukraine was swept by the ninth wave of Russophobia and propaganda of national exclusiveness. Judge for yourself. Here, for example, the famous “Ukrainian ethnographer and writer” S. Plachindoy wrote in the Dictionary of Ancient Ukrainian Mythology (Kiev, 1993): “ARII (orii) - the oldest name for Ukrainians. The first plowmen of the world. Tamed a horse, invented a wheel and a plow. The world's first cultivated rye, wheat, millet. Their knowledge of agriculture and folk crafts brought to China, India, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Egypt, Northern Italy, the Balkans, Western Europe, Scandinavia. The oriye tribes became the basis of all Indo-European peoples. ”

    And these are still flowers. Ukrainians learn from mass media that the heroes of the Sevastopol Defense, the sailor Koshka and Admiral Nakhimov, actually had the names Kishka and Nakhimenko, but the vile Muscovites misinterpreted everything. Epic hero Ilya Muromets was actually not from some distant Murom, but from the west of Ukraine. Roman poet Ovid in the XNUMXst century A.D. e. wrote poetry in ... Ukrainian. Noah spoke the same language, building the ark. And who discovered America? Who inhabited Atlantis? Who was Jesus Christ by nationality? Guessed? All right! And all this evil-Muscovites hid from the long-suffering Ukrainian people.

    If ours are not fools, it is necessary to play on situations in order to restore normal relations. And there you look and reunite.
    1. +1
      1 November 2011 11: 01
      I also forgot to add, if I’m not mistaken in the textbooks written by Yushchenko’s brother that at the genetic level, Ukrainians are different from Russians (more perfect !!!) and he wrote a lot of other garbage, spent a lot of money on these textbooks - and who sows enmity and trying to sow enmity !? where is his wife from ?! like his godfather Mishiko - right with the USA! See the root !!!!!!!
    2. +1
      1 November 2011 11: 05
      Do not offend your list is incomplete, there are not enough of many historical and now living personalities you missed mom and tamerlan, and Candoliz rice with Obama can not mention such garnish in such a glorious list.
  25. -1
    1 November 2011 12: 54
    the question is not why Tymoshenko? But why only Tymoshenko?
    it’s also good for Khodorkovsky, and then the Ukrainians themselves will figure it out, we’ll probably have more of our worries, and the issues of equality and fraternity are stupid and untenable among any brothers, no matter how you say the elder
  26. 0
    2 November 2011 02: 09
    And with makeup, she's prettier.