600 million rubles stolen from the military


According to Sergey Fridinsky, the chief military prosecutor of Russia, every fifth ruble is being stolen from the money allocated by the budget for the army and navy. According to the National Anti-Corruption Committee, kickbacks in the Ministry of Defense are the biggest - up to 70%.

On September 27, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev sent a number of amendments concerning anti-corruption legislation to the State Duma. They give the right to dismiss employees of law enforcement agencies in connection with the "loss of confidence." Without a doubt, we are talking primarily about the representatives of the defense department of Russia.

In particular, the president proposed to introduce the article “Dismissal due to loss of trust” into the Law on Military Duty and Military Service. Apparently, this law will be supplemented with an article on the procedure for carrying out penalties for corrupt acts. In addition, a number of laws are proposed to include an article “On the recovery of non-compliance with prohibitions and restrictions, requirements to prevent or resolve conflicts of interest and non-fulfillment of duties established in order to combat corruption”.

Pavel Baev, a professor at the International Institute for the Study of Peace in Oslo, said in an interview to journalists: “Funds for the army are a tangible concept, since most of these funds go in fact not to the armed forces, but to the military industry, to the defense industry. And then where that money goes there, it’s almost impossible to answer, since it’s total opacity. ”

Leonid Ivashov, president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, states: “... If the chief military prosecutor of Russia has already made a statement that every fifth ruble is being plundered by the Russian Ministry of Defense. In that case, what can I say? If we evaluate everything that is currently happening in our armed forces, perhaps the Minister of Defense, and even some like it, but no more. ”

The chief military prosecutor of Russia told about the corruption scale in the army and the reasons for their causes back in May of this year in an interview with one of the print media.

Sergey Fridinsky is sure that the state defense order is nothing more than a feeder for corrupt officials of various stripes. This is due to "the imperfection of the legislation, the imbalance of the systems of financing and control, the lack of professionalism and the sluggishness of some OPK officials, as well as, most often, uncleanliness of businessmen."

He further noted that with an increase in the military budget, corruption schemes for stealing this money from the state are also improving. “For allegedly performed work, there is a whole structure of fictitious reports and forgeries. All sorts of "kickbacks" in the implementation of government contracts. Here is an incomplete list of what is included in the main arsenal of fraudsters. As a result, huge funds are being plundered, every fifth ruble is deposited in their pockets incomprehensibly from whom, and the army still receives poor quality weapons and equipment. ”

As an example, Sarapulsky radio plant in Udmurtia. He did not promptly fulfill the obligations assumed under the four state contracts for a total of almost 120 million rubles. And those advances in the amount of 80%, which were received from the budget, the management of the company spent on their current expenses. The management of the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant in the form of an advance received 350 million rubles. After that, this money “scrolled” for two whole months.
There are cases when the manufacturer for the manufacture of military equipment uses counterfeit parts or even second-hand, while giving them out for new ones. When checking aircraft repair plants, the damage that was caused to the country exceeded 90 million rubles.

In 2010, the military prosecutor’s office investigated over 3 thousands of crimes under state defense orders. The damage that could be borne by the country's budget, estimated at more than half a billion rubles, was reimbursed.

In the middle of the summer of this year, at a board meeting of the department, Sergei Fridinsky stated: violence and corruption in military life, unfortunately, are becoming a reality.

The Chief Military Prosecutor, as an example of bribery, spoke about the emergency at the aviation center in Lipetsk. There, during the distribution of additional payments to officers, the commanders “enriched” at the expense of their subordinates by more than XXNX million rubles.

Igor Sulim, senior lieutenant of the Lipetsk aviation center, said that the commanders from the pilots were collecting "tribute". According to the results of the inspection, in relation to the commander of the unit, Eduard Kovalsky and his deputy for educational work, Sergei Sidorenko, due to the abuse of office, a criminal case was opened under Part 1 Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

On the facts of bribery and requisitions, investigations are conducted in almost all military districts and on navy. Sergei Fridinsky cited the following data: the damage to the state from corruption that his department revealed in the first half of the year amounted to more than 600 million rubles, six generals and more than 170 senior officers were brought to justice.

The share of fraud and fraud is 25% of crimes, the same amount - waste, bribery and misappropriation.

An example is the crime of the chief of the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Alexander Belevitin. In the early summer of this year, he was removed from service and detained. According to a source from the prosecutor's office, Belevitin "is charged with receiving large sums of money as a" kickback "for the purchase of medical equipment." His subordinate, Colonel Alexei Nikitin, was detained along with him. During the investigation, both gave confessions.

Another example is the corruption scheme: on the public procurement webpage, military unit No. 55056 placed an order to hold an auction for the purchase of the patrol boat HAINES 400 Aft Cabin (Offshore) or its equivalent for the so-called state needs. The technical conditions stipulated that this boat should be equipped with two cabins, a two-zone galley, 2 bathrooms, a stove, a sink and a refrigerator, a separate shower, a spacious lounge and a latrine. Also provided for the possibility of organizing additional beds. Separately, there was talk that the boat should be equipped with additional lighting for stairs, beds and cabinets. However, all glass on the boat should be tinted. Well, to patrol the waters of the Black Sea without a grill and a 19 LCD TV with a built-in DVD is simply not possible. As they say, comments are superfluous.

The boat, according to the terms of the order, should have been sent to Sochi, its initial price - from 21 936 628 rubles. It should be noted that the value of the contract (lot) was set on the basis of the lowest prices that were submitted by suppliers.

Not bypassed the corruption scandal around the new military uniform, which was developed by Valentin Yudashkin. As a result of a massive cold, 800 was hospitalized. It happened in the Voronezh region in the garrison of the city of Ostrog 30 September. According to military doctors, the diseases were associated with a weak soldier immunity. The military prosecutor's office has established a completely different fact - the form in which “people are freezing” turned out to be guilty.
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  1. +13
    1 November 2011 08: 52
    in relation to the commander of the unit, Eduard Kovalsky and his deputy for educational work, Sergei Sidorenko, a criminal case was initiated under part 1 of art. 286 of the Criminal Code.

    Mayhem definitely, but what would a bad Stalin do? with the rascal Kowalski?
    1. +10
      1 November 2011 08: 54
      On a stake he planted or on a barrel of gunpowder, let him fly ...
      Well, Ivan the Terrible (also "bad") would have done. ;)
      1. +8
        1 November 2011 10: 34
        Well, what will you do? In our country, it’s not a great statesman, a gatherer, but an executioner, but the land that squandered and blabbed the earth (and what could be more valuable?) They are being judged
  2. +13
    1 November 2011 09: 00
    Whoever doubts, it seems to me that the death penalty was canceled in vain, it would be useful in the current situation.
    1. itr
      1 November 2011 10: 49
      Apply wartime laws to these people
      1. ESCANDER
        1 November 2011 11: 16
        In this case, we will remain without a Senior Management ...
        1. itr
          1 November 2011 11: 31
          And this alpenstock to the head
  3. alnikar
    1 November 2011 09: 01
    The prosecutor’s office can be damned if it’s imperfect legislation, although we do not have one principle of justice voiced by one of the greats - "The main thing is not the severity of punishment, but its inevitability"; if they know that the punishment will come, the laws will be fulfilled, but it turns out that the phrase (I don't remember who said it) "The severity of the laws in Russia is compensated by the non-obligation of their implementation" works for us perfectly
  4. +4
    1 November 2011 09: 17
    as for me - so in relation to public funds there should be such a law:
    I stole (in any way) money, in the amount that would be enough to hire a killer (how much is it now? 150k rubles?) - so here's a life sentence for you (although I would have put it against the theft from the state treasury against the wall).
    And if the judge / prosecutor dismisses the case with embezzlers on the brakes - about 10 years of strict labor, so that amnesty could not be obtained under these articles. Send a couple of ministers to the bunk, you look and not every fifth ruble will be put in your pocket. angry
    1. +4
      1 November 2011 09: 18
      Stole wink
      1. 0
        1 November 2011 13: 46
        in this I agree with you, these creatures do not understand anything and are not afraid - to the point, and all this gang !!!!!
        1. +5
          1 November 2011 13: 49
          Only a suitable replacement must first be found. And then, spinning a duma with a stake, you go into the meeting, lock the chick-chick doors and start anal stimulation with the help of the stake.
    2. zczczc
      1 November 2011 15: 08
      KuigoroZHIK, it’s easier - stole by any means 5 million rubles - execution. He stole less - nothing at all, recorded and go to work further. He’ll pick it up, add up and consider whether it has accumulated by 5 million.
      1. +3
        1 November 2011 17: 12
        Aha, only he will summarize, until 4 999 999 reaches and stops.
        1. ESCANDER
          1 November 2011 17: 15
          Well yes. Everything is like in civilized Supermarkets.
        2. zczczc
          3 November 2011 03: 37
          Joker, if you are not satisfied that with 4 stolen people are allowed to work, then you need to lower the bar and so on down to a figure that from the point of view of society allows the thief to work for society.
          And the point is to plant - to keep him there? I have not heard that they come out morally stable, on the contrary, "experience exchange" is taking place.
  5. 0
    1 November 2011 09: 23
    In particular, the article “Dismissal due to loss of trust” - would sound better; "Shot due to loss of confidence" or at least revision of funds and property, including relatives for compliance, in case of violation with confiscation and the accompanying term of imprisonment !!!!! laugh - they know that they steal in an arrogant manner and do nothing, Joseph Vissarionovich was - would be extremely indignant ....... am
    1. +3
      1 November 2011 09: 33
      Well, you know, this is necessary of course, only in Russia usually only normal people are fired to cover their backside, all the rats are in their places.
      But imagine then they will lead to the execution to cover the ass.
      1. +1
        1 November 2011 09: 44
        and who said that the plan is perfect !? let's steal something less - we will raise salaries to them !? Allocating money to fight corruption is tantamount to allocating alcohol to fight alcoholism ....... Not everything is so bad - if you properly organize a judicial and punitive system for those crimes that were responsible for the accuracy of the punishment - no less than those under investigation, were good motivated as materially, ideologically, of course by fear, and otherwise - we only state the loss of every fifth ruble, which must now be paid, and then plundered there, and again ..... and instead, you can sponsor something useful, science , medicine, education .......... the forest is cut - chips fly - unfortunately always like that ......
  6. +1
    1 November 2011 09: 50
    (to dismiss employees of law enforcement agencies in connection with "loss of confidence") they will be fired first of all those who prevent theft. wink
  7. +1
    1 November 2011 10: 41
    And again, this witch hunt.
    You can’t just get rid of corruption in one fell swoop. Only over time reliable leaders, enterprises, officials will be filtered out, then several more stages of reforming state taxes, corporations, etc., which will still have to show themselves, will take place, and then they will get tired under the constant pressure of competition, PR, economic, social and political conjuncture.
    Having gone through all this fire, water and copper pipes in a natural way (without radical and shock therapies) only then we will get a legal organized society living in normative / ethical / canonical rules-norms.
    So there is no need for panic, hysteria, certainly this is not exactly what RUSSIA needs now.
    1. +1
      1 November 2011 11: 10
      Well, it’s almost a drift - punishment must follow the crime, otherwise the temptation to self-enrichment of such persons will prevail due to impunity! recourse and it’s not so long before the current moment that there will be no one to punish
  8. +2
    1 November 2011 12: 03
    I associate the situation in the military-industrial complex -
    as a herd of high-ranking pigs grunts a huge fat budget
    Well, gobble up - 75% - and for the remaining 25% you can do a great new development, because there is plenty of it (the existing budget is redundant), just don’t interfere with human work.
    If the remaining figure is reduced to 15% - serious problems begin to arise, and yet - the leading nonsense decently presses.
    If this figure is trimmed to the level of 3-5% - the task of those. Specialists usually come down to writing falsified reports.

    Here's the facts
    A typical topic in our research institute is 2-10 million,
    A similar development on the left for a domestic customer - 80 thousand rubles (now - delivery is already underway to Finland and Hungary)

    The fantastic project of our Scientific Research Institute "Diagnostics" is going somewhere around 190 million a year.
    On freelance, the customer paid a total of about $ 10000 for a relatively complex project.
  9. Alexey Prikazchikov
    1 November 2011 13: 09
    People, well, you’ve caught a hundred, they’ll catch everything, they will judge now, so it’s normal to rejoice that the relevant services are working, I personally would be suspicious if they said that the reform is going on without knots, because after so many years of a mess it’s impossible and it’s obviously working .
  10. +1
    1 November 2011 13: 10
    At the military college of the Ministry of Defense, a more impressive figure of the damage inflicted (on the state?) Was announced.
    But this "sleek" statistics is terrifying. If only for the first half of the year the prosecutor's office revealed (and how much has not been revealed?) Damage of 600 million rubles .. But we know that chickens (bucks) are counted in the fall ...
    The law has always existed in the army: FOR EVERYTHING (what happens in a unit or division), the COMMANDER RESPONSES.
    Hence the question to the Supreme. How was the Minister of Defense punished for such ugliness? And on what basis was he allowed to transfer the proceeds from the sale of property of the Moscow Region funds to purchase gold bullion and place them in banks, in anticipation of rising gold prices and receiving margins ???
  11. +2
    1 November 2011 13: 28
    The fish rots from the head!
    If we are falling apart and falling apart are not touched, then what to ask from their subordinates?
    If the minister does not comply with the court decision, and the commander-in-chief pretends that everything is in order, and from the high tribune he will teach others how to punish others, regardless of their posts. And the thief and the bribe-taker sits nearby and grins, What respect both of these people deserve . The president, who is blind, doesn’t read newspapers, doesn’t hear what the people are saying? Or doesn’t he see that his orders are not being followed? It would be better if I didn’t speak from the stands, I didn’t disgrace!
    People see that this is boltology! A simple person is not blind, and the time will come, ask !!!
  12. +2
    1 November 2011 14: 09
    why on earth is dismissal punishment? the punishment should be harsher - confiscation inappropriately, a multiple fine with a full check of the compliance of the Babos with the taxes paid by the whole family - it is very simple but very scary even for corruption fighters
  13. +1
    1 November 2011 14: 45
    “Dismissal due to loss of confidence” is a way to pretend that the bad type is punished. Moreover, giving him a chance to quickly make his legs (for a cordon for example), otherwise he will be pressed all the same, he will start to chat ...
    1 November 2011 18: 38
    Eh, in Russia there is no mother order ... recourse And even worse, there is no one to bring it yet wassat