Stalin and the wind of history

Once, Stalin said that after his death, a lot of garbage would be put on his grave, but the wind stories dispel it. Everything happened just as the leader had foreseen. Less than a few years, N. Khrushchev (exactly at his request to increase the quota for execution, Stalin wrote: “Calm down, you fool”) began pouring dirt on the leader as one of the main “Stakhanovite terror” 1930s. Khrushchev was not the first in this regard: the systematic watering of Stalin (albeit interspersed with real criticism) was begun by Trotsky, well, the former Trotskyite Khrushchev, who did not come out of his mind, left only watering. Then Khrushchev was joined by the most zealous of the Sixties as "scavengers", and there is nothing to say about dissidents who "sang" against other people's voices "and" floated "on others' waves," they were part of Western anti-Soviet propaganda.

Perestroika marked a new stage in the defamation of Stalin. Here, however, not Stalin was the main target, but Soviet socialism, the Soviet system, Soviet history, and behind them Russian history as a whole. After all, one of the demons of perestroika declared that with perestroika they broke not only the Soviet Union, but the entire paradigm of a thousand-year Russian history. And the fact that Stalin was chosen as the main figure of breakdown once again testifies to the role of this man-phenomenon not only in Soviet, but also in Russian history - Stalinism, among other things, became an active and great-power form of Russian survival in the 20th century. in the conditions of an extremely hostile environment, aiming at the "final solution of the Russian question" - Hitler is not the only one in this regard, he simply - in a plebeian manner - shouted the loudest of all, repeating what the Anglo-Saxons had gathered.

("The USSR collapsed, the Soviet system was destroyed. It would seem that Soviet-style fools can calm down about Stalin and the USSR. But no, it’s bothering about them. True, the current de-Stalinisers are mostly farcical and odd, they look even small compared to the tuning rod. On the screens TVs grimace miserable social types such as the half-educated, bakery-fake publicist, the under-educated academician with snitches of a snitch, an alcoholic with a claim to the role of an international businessman and other meddling. Then you will remember Karel Chapek ("they come as and faceless masks "- about salamanders) and Nikolai Zabolotsky (" Everything is mixed up in the general dance, / And they fly to all ends / Hamadril and the British, / Witches, fleas, dead ... / Candidate of the past centuries, / Commander of new years, / Reason my! These freaks - / Only fiction and nonsense ").

Indeed, it’s not a delusion not to mention what the "carpet anti-Stalinists" serve as "arguments." These are either continuous, on the verge of hysterical emotions in the spirit of amateur club activity with shouts of "nightmare", "horror", "shame", very reminiscent of a jackal Tabaki from Kipling's "Mowgli" with his "Shame on the jungle!" - emotions without any facts and numbers. Or operating with fantastic numbers of victims of "Stalin's repressions": "tens and tens of millions" (why not hundreds?). If something is referred to, then Solzhenitsyn’s GULAG Archipelago. But Solzhenitsyn was a master of legend and the production of "linings". For example, he did not claim in the "Archipelago ..." for tsifirnuyu accuracy; moreover, it was expressed in the sense that this work has an impressionistic character, so to speak. Insured "Winds" - that's what the school means.

But over the last quarter of a century, on the basis of archival data (the archives are open), both our and Western (primarily American) researchers, most of whom are not at all noticed in sympathies with either Stalin or the USSR, or even Russia, have calculated the real number of repressed people. in 1922-53 (recall, by the way, that although the “Stalinist” era formally began in 1929, in fact, only with 1939 can we formally speak of Stalin’s full control over the party and the government, although there were some nuances here), and there are no "tens of millions" or even one "ten millions" there.

In recent years, well-documented works have appeared that show the real mechanism of the 1930-x repressions, which, like the mass ones, were unleashed by the “old guard” and “regional barons” like Khrushchev and Eiche in response to Stalin’s proposal on alternative elections. The leader could not break the resistance of the “old guards”, but a pinpoint (not massive!) Blow to their headquarters was dealt. I leave aside the fight against real conspiracies — the opposition of Stalin to the left globalists of the Comintern, like Trotsky, who believed that Stalin had betrayed the world revolution, etc. Thus, the real picture of the “repressions of 1930's” is much more complicated than Stalin’s detractors try to imagine; This is a multi-layered and multi-vector process of ending the civil war, in which the Stalin segment itself occupies far more than a small part.

Similarly, the second main block of Stalin’s charges fails - in the way the Great Patriotic War took shape in the first months: “missed”, “overslept”, “did not believe Sorge”, “believed Hitler”, “ran away from the Kremlin and for three days was in prostration " etc. All these lies have long been refuted by documents, the researchers are well aware of this - that Stalin didn’t oversleep anything, and that he never really believed Hitler, and that he didn’t believe Sorge correctly, or real guilt. Generals on the eve of June 22. This is not the place to sort out all these questions, but I cannot refrain from a single comment. Oh, how did the anti-Stalinists squirt over the TASS statement from 14 June 1941; the statement said that everything was fine in relations between the USSR and Germany, that the USSR continued to pursue a peace-loving course, etc. “Scavengers” interpret this as “Stalin’s stupidity and weakness”, as “currying favor with Hitler”. It does not occur to them that the addressee of the statement was not Hitler and the Third Reich, but Roosevelt and the USA. In April, 1941 of the United States Congress decided that in the event of a German attack on the USSR, the United States would help the USSR, and in the event of a Soviet attack on Germany, Germany.

The TASS statement recorded the complete absence of aggressive intentions of the USSR towards Germany and demonstrated this absence precisely to the United States, and not to Germany. Stalin was well aware that in the inevitable battle with the Reich his only real ally could be the United States, they would also keep the UK from slipping into the German-British anti-Soviet alliance. And, of course, it was impossible to prevent the careless movement, to which Hitler was pushing the Russians, to provoke the emergence of the North Atlantic (or rather, the world - with the participation of Japan and Turkey) of the anti-Soviet bloc. In this case, the Soviet Union (relative military potential on 1937 g. - 14%) would have to confront the USA (41,7%), Germany (14,4%), Great Britain (10,2% without imperial possessions), France (4,2%), Japan ( 3,5%), Italy (2,5%) plus jackals smaller. By the way, taking into account these figures and the fact of the decision of the US Congress, the entire falsity of the Rezun scheme and others like it about the alleged preparation by Stalin of an attack on Germany in particular and on Europe as a whole is obvious.

There is one purely psychological nuance in the accusations of the scientific and near-scientific brotherhood to Stalin. In everything, more precisely, in everything that is considered negative in Stalin’s rule (the positive is held along the line “against Stalin”) they blame one person as allegedly endowed with absolute power, and therefore omnipotent. But, first, Stalin managed to consolidate his power only by the end of the 1930s; before that - a struggle not for life, but for death, walking along the edge, constant readiness to respond to the joyful cry of the pack: "Akela missed." War is not the best time for sole decisions. Well, the period 1945-1953. - this is a time of constant undercover struggle of various nomenklatura groups with each other - and against Stalin. The post-war 8 anniversary is the story of a gradual obkladyvanie, surrounding the aging leader by the nomenclature (with the participation of certain forces and structures from abroad); Stalin's attempt to strike back at the XIX Congress of the CPSU (b) / CPSU (1952) and immediately after it ended in the death of the leader. Thus, in real, not "professorial" history, about which Goethe noted that it has no relation to the real spirit of the past, it is "... the spirit of the professors and their concepts, / which these gentlemen are out of place / For true antiquity they give out" Stalin was never the absolute ruler - he did not have the Ring of Absolute Power. This does not mean that he does not bear personal responsibility for mistakes, cruelty, etc., he bears - along with a cruel era, according to the laws and the nature of which he should be evaluated.

But it's not only that. The simple truth is this: the one who led the team, at least from 10 people, knows that absolute power is impossible - and the less possible it is, the more subordinates. Most of those who wrote and wrote about Stalin have never been guided by anyone or anything, i.e. in this sense, people are irresponsible. In addition to power, they often project their ambitions, fears, claims, desires, “swaying sleepy thoughts” (N. Zabolotsky) and, not least, the craving for denunciation (it's no secret that most of the Soviet era, Stalin and the KGB hate former informers, informers, because it is easier to hate the system and its leader than to despise one’s own meanness — repression, you know). Absolute power is the dream of the Soviet intelligentsia, which has found one of its reflections in The Master and Margarita; among other things, that is why the novel became cult for sovintelligentsia (and the “Notes of the Dead”, where a mirror was revealed to this layer, did not). To reduce the essence of the system to the identity of one person - this is something from social schizophrenia and from infantilism, not to mention professional insolvency.

It would be possible to point out a lot of other absurdities, mistakes and falsifications of “debris nanos” on Stalin’s grave, but what’s the point of delving into those poisoned with lies and hatred implicated in complexes and phobias and brains? It is more interesting to make out another thing: the reasons for hatred of Stalin, the fear of him of entire layers and groups in our country and abroad, fear and hatred that will not go into the past, but, on the contrary, sometimes seem to grow as they move away from the Stalin era. Who knows, maybe this is the main Military Secret of the Soviet era, which is not given to guess the burzhuinam and which hangs over them like a "Damocles sword"?

They often say: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are." In fact, a person is no less defined by friends, but by enemies: "Tell me who your enemy is, and I will tell you who you are." Let us reflect on Stalin through the prism of hatred towards him and fear of his enemies and their lackeys before him.

Attitude towards leaders: tsars, general secretaries, presidents, is an interesting thing because of its, at least outwardly, paradoxical nature. In Russian history there were three great rulers - Ivan the Terrible, Peter I and Joseph Stalin. The most brutal and destructive was the activity of the second: on its board, the decline in population was about 25% (the people of the city, ran up); at the time of Peter's death, the treasury was practically empty, the farm was ruined, and in a few years three ships remained from the fleet of Peter the Great. And this is a great modernizer? In people's memory, Peter remained the Antichrist - the only Russian tsar-antichrist, and this is very significant. But Ivan IV entered history as the Terrible, and his time in the XVII century. remembered as the last decades of peasant freedom. And they did not remember the oprichnina among the people with an almost unkind word - this is already the “merit” of liberal Romanov historians. Stalin, unlike Peter, left behind a great power, on the material foundation of which, including nuclear, we still live, and the Russian Federation is still considered a serious power (even if regional, but without Stalin’s foundation, Afghans and Libyans, no illusions are needed here).

Paradox, but of the three lords, Peter, despite the extreme personal cruelty and disastrous reign, we love power and a significant part of the intelligentsia. He did not get even a tenth of the criticism that liberal historiography and journalism brought down on the heads of Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin. Grozny Tsar did not have a place on the monument "Millennium of Russia", and Peter - in the foreground. What did Peter do that, which did not do Ivan and Joseph? A very simple thing: allowed the top to steal on a particularly large scale, was liberal to the "pranks" of this particular layer. For this he is kind enough to the authorities (the portrait of Peter I in Chernomyrdin’s office is very symbolic) and reflecting her interests, tastes and preferences to a certain segment of historians and publicists. Ivan the Terrible and Stalin were tough and even cruel towards, above all, the top. "Cursed caste!" - these words were spoken by Stalin when he learned that the nomenclature evacuated to Kuibyshev was trying to organize separate schools for its children.

All his life in power, Stalin opposed the "accursed caste", not allowing it to turn into a class. He understood perfectly well how as this transformation “caste” would resist the construction of socialism - this is exactly what Stalin meant when he spoke about the growth of the class struggle as he advanced during the construction of socialism. As perestroika demonstrated, the leader turned out to be absolutely right: already in 1960-s a quasi-class shadow USSR-2 was formed, which, in alliance with the West, destroyed the USSR-1 with all its achievements. At the same time, real discontent with the population was caused by the USSR-2, i.e. deviations from the model, but the interested layers did a clever propaganda trick: they exposed the population of the USSR-2 with its flaws, growing inequality, artificially created deficits, etc. as the original design model of the USSR-1, which must be urgently "reformed."

In Soviet times, both during Stalin's life and after his death, the leader was hated mainly by two power groups (and, accordingly, the soviet intelligentsia groups associated with them). First, this is the part of the Soviet establishment that was charged to the world revolution and whose representatives considered Stalin a traitor to the cause of the world revolution or, at least, a deviator from it. We are talking about the left-globalists-Comintern, for whom Russia, the USSR was only a springboard for the world revolution. Naturally, they could not like either "socialism in one single country" (ie, the revival of the "empire" in the "red version"), or an appeal to the Russian national traditions, which they used to look down upon, or the abolition of 1936, the celebration of November 7 as the First Day of the World Revolution, neither the appearance of the term "Soviet patriotism" in the same 1936, nor much else. It is significant that already in the middle of the 1920-ies G. Zinoviev, the “third Grishka” of Russian history (those who would have numbered what kind of nonentity the fourth would be even if they knew the third), argued the need for the removal of Stalin from the post of General Secretary. "they dislike the Comintern," and one of the main critics of Stalin in 1930 was the high-ranking Comintern functionary O. Pyatnitsky.

The second group of Stalinheenavistavists can be called the “Soviet liberals”. What is a "liberal Soviet"? Of course, this is not a liberal in the classical sense, nor is it a liberal at all - even Nizhe-e-enko-nise-e-enko is not a liberal. The Soviet nomenklatura liberal is an interesting stamp: it is an official who sought to consume more than he was supposed to by the strict rules of the Soviet-nomenclature ranked hierarchical consumption system, and therefore ready to change power for material goods, which tends to go to the West more often and look through the shadows an economy with which it is increasingly merging in social ecstasy.

Today, this is called corruption, but this term is hardly applicable to the Soviet system: corruption is the use of the public sphere for private purposes and interests. The fact of the matter is, however, that in modernity there was no legally fixed distinction between these spheres, since there was no private sphere - “everything is collective, everything is mine”. Speech instead of corruption should go about undermining the system, which for the time being - until the time (until the middle of the 1970-s, when unaccounted oil dollars poured into the country) was quantitative. Thus, it is more correct to talk about the deformation of the system. It was these deformers who hated Stalin most of all, since the nomenklatura and near-nomenklatura thieves understood that with his or similar orders, retribution could not be avoided; Therefore, it was so feared that neostalinist A. would come to power. Shelepina, put on L. Brezhnev - and not lost. It was under the “hero of the Little Land” that the shadow USSR-2 increased (not the shadow economy, but the shadow USSR connected both with its shadow economy and with Western capital, its supranational structures, Western special services), but the shadow under Brezhnev knew its place , waiting for the time being, and from the middle of the 1970-ies, preparing for the jump, but under Gorbachev she took the place of the owner, destroying the front USSR-1. The real USSR at the beginning of the 1980-s was reminiscent of the galactic empire from the Azimov Academy ("Foundation") - a prosperous facade with corroded guts. Only the USSR, in contrast to the empire, did not have the mathematics of Selden with his plan - we had a "mathematician" - Gesheftmatik B. Berezovsky and that says it all. But back to stalinofobii. It quite clearly correlates with consumer attitudes, with attitudes towards consumption as the meaning of life. It is symbolic that one of the "carpet anti-Stalinists" stated on television: you can keep the national idea for yourself, but let me consume it. Can this type not hate Stalin and Stalinism? Can not. Stalinism is a historical work, setting on creativity as the goal and meaning of life, the USSR was a creative, highly spiritual project that even those who clearly do not sympathize with the Soviet Union recognize. The phrase said by former Minister of Education A. is indicative in this respect. Fursenko that the vice (sic!) Of the Soviet school was that she sought to educate the person-creator, while the task of the Eref school was to educate a qualified consumer.

The following is also symbolic. The same character who demanded for himself a “holiday of consumption” expressed himself in the sense that if the land east of the Urals could be mastered by the world government, then let it take them. Thus, the anti-Stalinist installation of consumption coincides with the globalist one — these are two sides of the same coin. So a line is drawn from anti-Stalinism to Smerdykovschina, i.e. to Russophobia. The social world of anti-Stalinists is a global “cattle yard” whose main goal is to ensure consumption under the direction and supervision of world government. Stalin three times tore the construction of such a world on Russian soil, for which the anti-Stalinists hate him. Everything is prosaic, the talk of freedom, democracy, "Soviet totalitarianism" of former Soviet careerists and snitches cannot deceive anyone.

Paradoxically, they turned out to be part of the left (conditionally: "Trotskyists", left globalists) and part of the right (conventionally: "Bukharinites"). In this regard, it becomes clear that the “Trotsky-Bukharin bloc” is not a violation of common sense, but dialectical logic, which Stalin, answering the question of how the left-right bloc is possible, put it this way: “Go left - come right. Go right - you will come to the left. Dialectics ".

The fear of the late Soviet nomenclature of Stalin is the fear of the "shadow USSR" of the original project, the parasite's fear of a healthy body, of retribution from its side, the fear of the people. After 1991, this fear has acquired a new, frank, not hidden, class dimension, which, as the de-Stalinization campaigns demonstrate from time to time, makes this fear panicky, deadly.
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  1. +32
    26 July 2015 05: 58
    I was lucky with the teacher of the History of the CPSU (Martynenko) at UPI in 60. Interestingly talked about Stalin. His keynote was the thought that he did a lot, almost impossible in relation to:
    - his education. Moreover, Martynenko emphasized that Stalin constantly raised his level by reading;
    - to their surroundings, where there were very few people of broad education;
    - to their inheritance in part of the education of the population, the vast territory.
    And in terms of repression - yes, they were, incl. unreasonable. But! There were enough enemies then. And supporters of patriarchal Russia were in the majority. People from the people worked in the bodies, i.e. mostly illiterate. Well, such a thing - for example, my great-grandfather was imprisoned for stealing, so, will I talk about it? Yes fig! I will declare about the "bloody gebne"! After all, to listen to the liberals, only political ones sat in the 30s!
    1. +13
      26 July 2015 06: 58
      enemies are always enough only they are constantly masked and change masks
    2. BMW
      26 July 2015 07: 05
      As soon as the conversation about Stalin comes in, everyone immediately remembers the repressions; for the majority, someone was repressed, moreover, for an ear of wheat or a couple of potatoes. The most interesting thing is that I know only one person whose grandfather was shot.
      My grandfather was a Stalinist, a portrait of Stalin stood next to the icon. Only I, in my youth with brains washed by perestroika, perceived this with hostility. Now the attitude to Stalin is completely different, this is really a great man.
      With all the negativity to Stalin, people remember very well how he fought against banditry, drunkenness, rowdy and theft after the war. And remember this from the positive side. I have heard many tales of forced labor camps. What is most interesting, they paid a lot of money for hard work, honestly earning so much in the wild was almost impossible.
      1. BMW
        26 July 2015 07: 37
        Yes, I forgot to ask, but who is the author.
        Or is it a scan of public opinion. I do not like articles without a signature, albeit a fictional one.
        1. +1
          26 July 2015 09: 48
          - "Oh, how bad this world is, and how I would like to make it better!" (C) So, yes?
          1. 0
            26 July 2015 23: 28
            "We are not like that, zhis taka" "S."
        2. +6
          26 July 2015 10: 49
          Quote: bmw
          Yes, I forgot to ask, but who is the author.

          This is the rustle of flying debris from the grave of the Great!
        3. +2
          26 July 2015 19: 53
          Quote: bmw
          Yes, I forgot to ask, but who is the author.
          Or is it a scan of public opinion. I do not like articles without a signature, albeit a fictional one.

          Allow me to answer this question.
          Thank you hi
          Everything is prosto here!
          Below is a collage of three consecutive screenshots, respectively under the numbers: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.

          In the screenshot number 1:
          Image of the end of the article on this site (, on which a red rectangle and an arrow highlighted the link to the electronic resource on which this article was posted earlier. Yellow color, in fact, emphasize this email address.
          If you click on this link, then we get to the site with an article, a fragment of which is located in screenshot No. 2.

          In the screenshot number 2:
          Image of a fragment of the electronic resource on which this article was posted earlier.
          The yellow color in the address bar of the browser emphasizes the email address of the resource to which we clicked on the link specified in screenshot No. 1.
          After looking at the resource, you can see that the Source is indicated instead of the author’s name.
          The source, highlighted in the screenshot with a red rectangle and an arrow, again points to the electronic resource on which this article was posted earlier. The new email address is highlighted in yellow.
          If you click on this link, then we get to the site with an article, a fragment of which is located in screenshot No. 3.

          In the screenshot number 3:
          Image of a fragment of the electronic resource on which this article was posted earlier.
          The yellow color in the address bar of the browser emphasizes the email address of the resource to which we clicked on the link specified in screenshot No. 2.

          And finally, the most important thing!!!

          In the screenshot, a red rectangle and an arrow mark an image of a fragment of an electronic resource on which a follower can read:
          1 Article title:
          "Stalin and the Wind of History"
          2 First and last name AUTHOR (additionally indicated by double underscore):
          Andrei Fursov
          3 Date of publication of the article on this ( resource:
          February 6 2013.
          Next to the publication date, you can see an icon and the number "0", which apparently indicates the number of comments to the article on the primary source (
          Something like that. hi
      2. +1
        26 July 2015 21: 05
        You (or rather, your grandfather) were very lucky that he did not fall under the car of repression. But in my family there were "guilty" podkulachniki. My grandmother fell under the roller of repression for the fact that she had a horse on her farm. You will say that she, a simple peasant woman, a mother of 14 children, half of whom died, and her sons died at the front, was she guilty of something? .. Then try not to sit at a computer in the warmth, but go out into the field to work, live on a subsistence economy, and then what else is there for you -that will be blamed and good if they don't shoot them, but just let them go all over the world ... Just because you have mowed more grass and your bins are not empty. And they will take everything away from you. And if your children do not die of hunger, then they will be ill for a long time ... And in the future, in the questionnaire, you will write all your life that you are the son of a kulak and the road to college is not available for you. Class !!! ... Stalin is not my hero. He also has merits, no one denies, but assessments should be given objectively, and not rush from one extreme to another ... And my grandmother was very kind, she never raised her voice even to children ..For what is it to her ??? ..For what ??
        1. MrK
          26 July 2015 22: 48
          Dear Vassa. You told a very touching story, but I doubt its veracity. My grandfather in Belarus had: 4 horses, five cows, 5 sons and 3 daughters. When the team of Sharangovich (pay attention to the name) came to dispossess him, it turned out to be impossible. Why? Grandfather painted all animals and livestock for his sons a week before. And for one horse and one cow they did not dispossess. This is the first.
          The second one. In 1936, the new constitution of the USSR was adopted. According to which all the deprived were restored in their rights. Therefore, do not lie that in the questionnaires you have to write all your life ...
          In this regard, I will retell one post from memory. Not copied. In the 70 years, one prosecutor said, he had a friend. Which every time, after a glass of tea, began to cry over innocently injured relatives. The prosecutor decided to figure out to help a friend. He picked up all the documents. And it turned out that the aunt in 30 was planted not for the fact that she was a noblewoman, but for the enormous waste in the store. Uncle was imprisoned not for being a white officer, but for gang rape. The second uncle was shot not for being a white officer, but for participating in an armed uprising.
          Maybe you present at least some kind of document to us, instead of your tears.
          As for the repressions, the German scientist G. Simmel spoke well of them: - You are Russian strange people, take off your pants and show the whole world your shameful places - they say, look what we have. But all countries of the “great west” have these places. But they do not take off their pants and do not show their shame to other nations.
          So please - stop taking off your pants in front of us. respectfully
        2. +5
          26 July 2015 23: 33
          It's strange. My grandfather, a nobleman, an enemy of the people, my father had no problems in school, with my mother, the same. Gone are both famine, war, recovery. They always wrote in the questionnaires - from the nobility. NOBODY and NEVER reproached them, both gave their souls in their work, and all the "accusers", and there were such, received in the face from the proletarians, tk. those who saw who was working and how. They said different things about Stalin, both good and bad. But they did not deny one thing, that without Stalin there would be no GREAT country.
        3. +2
          27 July 2015 00: 38
          Will you say that she, a simple peasant woman, is the mother of 14 children, half of whom died, and her sons died at the front in some way guilty ?.
          grandmother first dispossessed and then children died and then sonsat the front?
          You somehow very messy write ...
          Yes, there were perigots - but what is the proverb about 2 troubles: fools and roads, and when the GDP arrives, one trouble urgently repairs another, have you come up with today?
          You don’t have to go far — read how Blucher drank in the Far East and what was going on in the troops or better — a transcript of a joint meeting of communications and prosecution workers (1935), it was happening there — my hair moved as people stole it would seem during execution. they seem to be shkolota - when the party maximum was 600 rubles (from Stalin), the team in the Ryazan branch managed to 2,2 million to steal parcels and transfers
  2. +32
    26 July 2015 05: 59
    Party nickname I.V. Stalin - Koba - translated from Church Slavonic means "sorcerer" or "predictor". This was also the name of the Persian king Kobades, who conquered eastern Georgia at the end of the 5th century. Cobades was a great magician and led a sect with ideals close to communist ones, for example. sectarians preached the division of property equally so that there would be neither poor nor rich ...
    This I mean that I.V. Stalin, speaking of the "wind of history", added that the young descendants would then figure it out and return to the right path of socialism. So let the words of the PROPHET come true! And all the mongrels barking at his name will be blown away by the wind of history into oblivion
    1. +7
      27 July 2015 01: 34
      Recently, I often regret that I didn’t have a chance to be born in the 1920s, in order to personally become a contemporary of those great people who created the people's republic with blood and sweat.
      Rise to the attack: “For Homeland”, and then either perish, clearly knowing why, or survive, and after the victory take off the country, live modestly, but humanly, sincerely be friends, believe in a bright future and spare nothing for it build ....
      But it did not happen ...
      Probably the worst thing for my generation was to live on a break, at the very edge of the transition from Light to Darkness, half life there and half life here.
      Will there be enough for us that inner charge of the Great Victories that nourished Us in order to withstand the current obscurantism and Darkness that has seized our Motherland?
      Is there enough common sense to figure out what is “white” and what is “black”?
      After all, it is Our generation that is the extreme that forced the USSR, We are the last “guardians” of its ideals, Our last line, there is nowhere to go “behind Moscow”, and before Us the enemy is cunning, treacherous, deceitful, greedy and merciless and with it only unbridled Darkness.
      And if we ourselves do not give ourselves order No. 227, then there will be nobody else to give it!
      Either we are rebuilding the Soviet country, having pushed off from the last frontier, or a shameful slow extinction.
      And here already everyone decides for himself.
      1. +5
        27 July 2015 04: 03
        Quote: Stroporez
        After all, it is Our generation that is the extreme that forced the USSR, We are the last “guardians” of its ideals, Our last line, there is nowhere to go “behind Moscow”, and before Us the enemy is cunning, treacherous, deceitful, greedy and merciless and with it only unbridled Darkness.
        And if we ourselves do not give ourselves order No. 227, then there will be nobody else to give it!
        Either we are rebuilding the Soviet country, having pushed off from the last frontier, or a shameful slow extinction.
        And here already everyone decides for himself.

        Ah well done! There’s nothing to add.
      2. +2
        29 July 2015 06: 16
        HUGE THANKS and LOW BOW!
        My thoughts are similar!
        So I'm not the only one!
    2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +10
    26 July 2015 06: 04
    fear of the parasite before a healthy organism, before retribution on its part, fear of the people.

    Yes, they can hate Stalin, only nonhumans, and accordingly the enemies of mankind. And in this sense, the phrase about parasites fully reflects their true nature.
    And we will still remember the great merits of a great man, and no lies of the enemies are not afraid of us, the wind of history, as predicted by Joseph Vissarionych, will sweep away without a trace all the slander of the parasites.
    1. +8
      26 July 2015 06: 52
      I'm just wondering - can Russians develop progressively without conflict with their long-standing and recent history? Wherever you look, "we will destroy the old world (myth), to its foundations, and then ..." Throughout my life, that is, an extremely small historical period, I saw how society rushes about in Stalin's assessments from extreme condemnation to almost deification. Although what is there to be surprised if even very old historical figures (Anna Ioanovna, Paul 1, Barclay de Tolly, etc.) cause no less confusion in assessing their activities. It is simply necessary to admit that it is very difficult to govern Russia, a country that is constantly in the "first line" of the most influential states. Due to the constant intersection of interests with the key and strongest players in world politics and history, the confrontation is extremely unpredictable. This is the highest league and everyone, not just Latvia, but Poland and Sweden has no place here, as well as their rulers.
      1. BMW
        26 July 2015 07: 59
        Quote: blizart
        Throughout my life, that is, an extremely small historical period, I have seen society rushing about in Stalin's assessments from extreme condemnation to almost deification.

        It is not society that rushes about, but tries to figure out whether this opinion is imposed or whether it is true. Because lies are poured on our history that you can choke. What you called "rushing" has a different formulation "search for truth". Well, also the desire not only to know the truth, but also to remember your history, which is not one thousand years old.
        1. +22
          26 July 2015 09: 35
          I do not know what society is rushing about Stalin's assessments. I am not a political scientist, not a historian, not a sociologist, I will write about my personal perception of Stalin. I was lucky, my two grandfathers returned from the war, though disabled. One had two fingers on each hand, the other had no toes on his right foot. Both continued to work even with a disability pension. What could my grandfathers get on the collective farm? Of course a penny. Stalin was always spoken of with respect, and both. They said that Stalin had led to victory. They recalled how after the war the prices in stores dropped, how they paid for military orders. Khrushchev was scolded and called "Nikita". The people did not rush about the assessment of Stalin, our top party and creative elite rushed about, wrote mainly about their grievances, because the leader did not allow the leader to steal a lot (like Ivan the Terrible). I have never heard anything from them about Lenin. It is interesting to evaluate my maternal grandfather, who fought in the First Horse at Budyonny and personally knew him and Voroshilov. I was a horse breeder at Budyonny's and spoke of him with respect; ".. the trumpet was cool ..". About Voroshilov he said that he was a worthless person. I do not know how where, but in the villages where my grandfathers lived, everyone treated Stalin well. The colleagues of my father and my uncle, who at the age of 23 became the commander of the IPTAP, also treated well. The people did not shy away, as some comrades or gentlemen write here, those who have crawled into power and their hangers-on have shied away.
          1. +5
            26 July 2015 13: 20
            Rotmister said well, these memories of contemporaries should be passed on to children - grandchildren as a vaccine against liberalism!
      2. -1
        26 July 2015 23: 36
        We can, of course, if every bastard stops pitting us against each other.
    2. MrK
      26 July 2015 18: 32
      I agree DimYang (2). I’ll supplement it from myself.
      Stalin was a communist, say the communists. Stalin was a nationalist - argue nationalists. Stalin was scum and insignificance - scum and insignificance declare. Alexander Borovsky.
      In my opinion, it is strong and accurate.
    3. +2
      26 July 2015 21: 06
      Thank you .. I mean, nonhumans.
      1. +1
        28 July 2015 06: 48
        it may even be ...
  4. +1
    26 July 2015 07: 19
    The article is a little abstruse and obviously crude, nevertheless it was plus just for respect for Stalin.
  5. +6
    26 July 2015 07: 37
    "regional barons" like Khrushchev... These "regional" barons later collapsed the USSR ...
    1. +17
      26 July 2015 07: 59
      Quote: parusnik
      subsequently collapsed the USSR.

      And the parallel is one to one, in the sense of criticizing the predecessors. That one, that the other. It is clear that the maize and Judas are labeled. But the drunken boar was at least one, the current one does not remember him.
      My grandfather and grandmother didn’t speak badly about him, although they sat then
      1. The comment was deleted.
  6. +14
    26 July 2015 07: 52
    In addition to studying Stalin as a person and his era, it would be useful to examine objectively his economic activity, industrialization and its financial support, the creation of a scientific and engineering school from scratch. This is especially useful for those who shout that now there is no money for it.
  7. +11
    26 July 2015 08: 09
    Stalin was a great statesman and a great man. You can’t rewrite history - this is our past and our future.
  8. +21
    26 July 2015 08: 12
    Quote: bmw
    remember your story, which is not one thousand years old.

    Here it is! And Stalin knew this story very well, Poe is better than many historians.
  9. +11
    26 July 2015 08: 23
    No wonder they say: hatred of the eyes is frozen. So it is with Stalin. If with the current means of communication and communications it is not possible to ensure full control over the implementation of power decisions, not only on a national scale, but even in regions, then what claims can be made to it in the conditions of those years. When you had to rely on the information from the field, which was prepared in writing by specific people, which arrived very late due to real transport capabilities. Here is our DAM, an amateur of iPhones, that he himself sits on the Internet. It is interesting that he looks there if a sea of ​​criticism is heard in his address on almost all sites. And he doesn’t lead by ear. Stalin did not tolerate verbiage and those who did not possess information about the state of affairs in the area entrusted to him. In the assessment of those who lied to him and deliberately misled him, he was merciless and cruel. But it is true: to whom much is given and demand.
    1. +1
      26 July 2015 23: 45
      I disagree. Control can be provided. But not for execution, but for state. Do you really think that it is possible to control the execution of the case in the region? You can't. Only in fact - did, did not. And the performer has 1000 excuses, if not done. Shoot? Hmm. As S. Dovlatov said, “We endlessly scold Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for the deed. And yet I want to ask, who wrote 4000000 (four million) denunciations?
  10. +18
    26 July 2015 08: 38
    The Romanovs drove the Rurikovich. They especially did not like Ivan 4, Grozny, who was even given the nickname Lyutiy. After all, under Ivan the Terrible, the territory of the state doubled and the population grew one and a half.
    And Ivan was fierce in relation to the boyars, the oligarchs in our opinion. Because they do not like him, and then and now.
    After the German dynasty reigned on the throne, there was no more tsar named Ivan. According to historians, about 4 thousand people were executed during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. In those same years, Elizabeth was executed in England by the failed bride. 180 thousand people. History goes in a spiral. In the case of Joseph Vissarionovich, we observe the same picture. The author of the article correctly noted:
    "Tell me who your enemy is and I will tell you who you are." Indeed, the howl of Stalin's enemies resembles the screeching of the jackal Tabaki.
    1. +7
      26 July 2015 09: 02
      Quote: Oprychnik
      And Ivan raged in relation to the boyars, the oligarchs in our opinion

      As a rule, it is in such cases that the king is called a bloody dictator.
    2. +4
      26 July 2015 09: 51
      Quote: Oprychnik
      After the German dynasty reigned on the throne, there was no longer a king named Ivan

      Well, actually it was supposed to be a king (or emperor) named Ivan. This is Ivan Antonovich. And by the way, he is mostly German, his mother is half German - Anna Leopoldovna, and his father is then a pure German - Prince Anton Ulrich of Braunschweig. But a coup took place led by Elizaveta Petrovna. And this branch of the dynasty was set aside.
      1. +9
        26 July 2015 15: 51
        Paradoxically, our sorcerers (there are still others) reproach Joseph Vissarionovich for their excessive softness. He chopped off the top of anti-popular Trotskyism, and the middle and junior link remained in place. They carried out the bulk of the repressions at their discretion. An example is Nikita Khrushchev, about whom it is very gently said in the article. For a short time he managed to tear out the gold reserves accumulated by I.V., cling to the dollar system, destroy the army, develop virgin lands, feed the people corn, while depriving them of bread. This is all people's money! Traitors of the Motherland during the Second World War I. AT. also sent to the Gulag, quite rightly. Our liberals also included them in the list of repressed!
        Damn it, as the Ukrainians say: "If I had killed!"
    3. MrK
      26 July 2015 18: 42
      I put + Oprychnik (1). And the victims were in my opinion, a little more than two thousand. But what privileged asses.
      1. 0
        26 July 2015 19: 36
        I'll add more. This villain, Ivan Vasilievich, did not send anyone with an ice ax to the traitor of the Motherland of Kurbsky, who was fading from his anger to Poland .. He kept an intelligent correspondence with him for several years, even in modern times, trying to convince the idiot that he was wrong.
  11. +8
    26 July 2015 08: 55
    Interesting in this context is the book of the Hero of the Soviet Union V. Karpov "Generalissimo", written in 2002. Vladimir Vasilievich, from the standpoint of his past years and experienced heroic life, very objectively analyzes the activities of J.V. Stalin. The book reveals the author's desire to get away from the propaganda clichés of Khrushchev's sweeping accusation of "Stalinism" to the realization of objectivity, on the basis of newly discovered documents and circumstances of the pre-war and war times. The work of the writer is clearly an attempt to get away, to free oneself from what is RECOMMENDED to know and before what MUST be known!
  12. +10
    26 July 2015 08: 57
    This conditional sentence describes a lot:
    "Took the country with a plow, left with a nuclear missile."
    At this time, order and discipline were established in the country.
    The victory in the world (!) War over Nazism (!!!) and over accomplices most clearly indicates order. How, in what conditions people have implemented this. On TV in films, the truth is unlikely to be shown. The truth without adornment feats, heroism.
    The more information is learned, the more this truth surprises: "And that was? In our country ??? People could do this?"
  13. +8
    26 July 2015 09: 07
    Quote: bmw
    Yes, I forgot to ask, but who is the author.
    Or is it a scan of public opinion. I do not like articles without a signature, albeit a fictional one.

    We will live in a strange mind until the author’s signature is important to us, and not the thought expressed by him on paper.
    1. BMW
      26 July 2015 11: 07
      Actually, this is a matter of elementary culture, it seems to be represented as usual.
      Moreover, under the veil of anonymity dark things are happening.
  14. +4
    26 July 2015 09: 39
    Joseph Vissarionovich managed in the shortest possible time to turn a backward agrarian country into a knowledge-intensive industrial world power, which everyone had to reckon with. Stalin was well aware that a world war on the European continent could not be avoided, so the acceleration with which the country was moving towards industrialization was justified. A certain part of the population suffered, but if the country could not mobilize into squeezed lines, then catastrophe would be inevitable, the USSR would cease to exist in a much more tragic way. And the main provocateurs of World War II, and subsequent armed conflicts are the Anglo-Saxons, who are constantly enriched by destabilizing the international situation.
  15. +16
    26 July 2015 09: 41
    As I read, Catherine de Medici provoked the so-called Bartholomew’s night, when 30 thousand Huguenots were cut out. And whoever heard someone branded there as our quite adequate Ivan the Terrible. This policy of double standards of our speculators from the policy just gets it. Well, the article is just brilliance.
    1. 0
      26 July 2015 20: 10
      Sorry, but the churches and Comrade Stalin, I can’t see together .....
      1. +2
        27 July 2015 00: 58
        But Comrade Stalin himself not only reacted more calmly to the churchmen, but did not divide the world exclusively into "black" and "white", but looked deeper. Take as an example.
  16. +2
    26 July 2015 10: 10
    In Russian history, there were three cool rulers - Ivan the Terrible, Peter I and Joseph Stalin. The most cruel and destructive was the activity of the second

    The best (from my point of view) film about Peter 1 was shot under Stalin (the notorious 1937) and the tsar does not condemn the film. Taking into account that without the blessing of Stalin, films in the USSR did not come out ....
    1. 0
      26 July 2015 11: 48
      And Catherine the second.
  17. +9
    26 July 2015 10: 14
    Someone who was not stupid said: "Listen carefully to what your interlocutors say about others - they are talking about themselves."
    And about Stalin and his mistakes, because he is not God (but, in my mind, sent by God in order to save Russia).
    And only the weak in spirit and mind can reproach him, having ruined his Legacy in the name of momentary profit.
    Stalin no longer needs anything - "the envy of friends, the loyalty of enemies" -on- Stalin ("he did not change his sons for enemy generals"), with his capabilities, he did not build palaces for himself, did not turn the State Awards into trinkets, like a kind of "brow-bearer". with all his might, he pulled the country out of the hole dug by our "partners" (economic-demographic-political et cetera) using the methods that existed at that time. He entered History as Gorky's Danko before the end of Human History.
  18. +2
    26 July 2015 10: 57
    You can relate to Stalin in different ways. BUT. Let me give you an example. Parents have lived all their lives in the North, in the area of ​​camps. And the mother once asked the former "traitor to the Motherland", who served 25 years and settled in a local village: "What do you think of Stalin and communism, these concepts have destroyed your life?" To which the prisoner (and the traitors were educated people) replied: "Stalin is only a man. And everyone has his own weaknesses and vices. And communism is an idea. I live for the Idea. And you shouldn't mix them up."
    1. 0
      28 July 2015 06: 55
      And for what his weaknesses and vices did he sit? winked maybe it wasn’t worth approaching him, all the more so as to make children bypass him and his ideas ...

      maybe you don’t know why they almost executed the educated sitter-Dostoevsky? bully
  19. +4
    26 July 2015 11: 00
    It was under the "hero of the Little Land" that the shadow USSR-2 grew

    Perestroika was needed first of all to this party apparatus, which had become stronger under Brezhnev, which had grown together with crime in order to enrich itself further and, most importantly, legally use its dollar savings. The USSR and party discipline naturally did not allow this to be done and it was gradually destroyed, seizing the most profitable parts of state property.
  20. -11
    26 July 2015 11: 42
    A veteran lived at my entrance. Skillful fingers. On Victory Day I went to congratulate him. Years later, I learned that he grew up an orphan. In 33, his parents were able to put him on a passing train due to hunger. The soldier in the cordon regretted. He survived. The parents are dead. My grandmother told me that she came to Odessa in 33 to escape hunger. In 46, my father and his sister survived the famine due to the fact that they ate porridge with compound feed (poultry feed) with milk. Milk had to be stolen from the collective farm. I think the compound feed is in the same place. And the younger brother and sister did not survive. My father then had a difficult relationship with food until his death. As a child, my grandmother talked about the "black funnel" that took people at night. So the memory of the people is different. And when I read such articles, it seems to me that for the sake of new industrialization (modernization, import substitution, building a great country), the author is ready not to notice the death of several million more.
    1. Fox
      26 July 2015 12: 29
      I also heard about funnels ... from those who began to steal cars when they got worse. And the bikes were for the population that they wouldn’t go around at night and they wouldn’t interfere with stealing on collective farms.
    2. MrK
      26 July 2015 18: 48
      Of course, you Leonid are right. Stalin personally staged a famine. He probably ate everything himself, so the people weren’t enough. And why did not all the people of the USSR die out?
      1. -4
        27 July 2015 03: 29
        Those. did he personally build factories in industrialization and personally destroy all German tanks? And you probably credit him with this. But he is not to blame for the death of millions from hunger, he didn’t personally eat. Local princes, such as Corn, have eaten. Personally. Which on this resource everyone does not like. And there is, in general, for what. But it was he who issued the passports to the peasants and they ceased to be, in fact, slaves. In my opinion, Stalin was, yes, a genius. But an evil genius. He tore the strength of the people. And in the fact that Russia has no future simply because of demography, its contribution is very significant. And this is a tragedy not only for Russia. The world needs new meanings and the availability of an alternative acceptable to regardless of nationality.
        1. +2
          28 July 2015 07: 10
          yeah, yes, but Gorbachev issued his passport ... bully

          Khrushchev ruined and crushed the village with taxes, so that the people slaughtered the cattle, chopped down fruit trees, the country began to lack bread (probably all of it was transported to Cuba), shot demonstrations in defense of Stalin's good name, and the demographic decline began with his "enlargement" of villages.
      2. +4
        27 July 2015 16: 16
        This topic became interesting, looked for literature, found EA Prudnikova The mythology of the "famine". I do not claim that the truth is in the first instance, but everything is based on facts and figures (at first it was even difficult to read), but then in the process I got answers to many questions about hunger. I did not expect that everything was so neglected among the population, but in fact it was: theft, not wanting to work, home registry, etc.
      3. +3
        28 July 2015 07: 02
        Because of Stalin ... and so would have died out (and been knocked out) even with Trotsky, cleaner than with Peter.
    3. MrK
      26 July 2015 22: 54
      Lenya, oksts. What compound feed in 1946 year
      1. -2
        27 July 2015 03: 14
        When he wrote and asked himself this question. But the grandmother when used used exactly that words. Perhaps she simply used a word that came into use later.
    4. +2
      29 July 2015 06: 42
      Uncle spent time in the camp for being late for work! Uncle Kolya was 16 years old!). If the mother had not persuaded VOHR to transfer the program, she might not have survived (served 1,5 years-1946)

      All the relatives were dispossessed - Krasovskys had 15 children, but they lived "tightly" (in "Russei" only quitters remained, it sits right in the head - from childhood I heard from my grandmother - they broke from their homes in Belarus according to the Stolypin reform - and idleness, despite on what the land was offered and the lift remained)

      Granny's brother, Konokrad, was sitting in Vorkuta, got into the penal battalion, fought in intelligence on the Northern Front, knight of the Order of Glory.

      From childhood I heard tales of how exiled settlers in Narym cooked and ate children in the first winter.
      Mother-in-law dispossessed and exiled to the Tomsk region from Transbaikalia.

      Why so many letters?
      Yes, I just objectively assess Stalin.
      I don’t water it with mud, just as I didn’t water it, say, my mother, a survivor of the War and many veterans I knew.

      I don’t throw mud at the USSR either, although I survived the real AD 321 OVG (about which I wrote a story) service in Stroybat in the ZabVO and communicated with those who survived the most terrible parts of the "linear construction battalions"
      The USSR is my ONE MOTHERLAND!

      Yes, there was a lot of bad stuff, but still there was a Great Goal, there was a Victory ...
      Sorry for your relatives, sorry for those who perished in Narym and the Gulag, but at least minus, I feel more sorry for those who lay under the nameless crosses in the "restructuring" of my peers.

      Sorry for the boys who died in the "local wars", sorry for the relatives of my Kent who fled from Sumgait, sorry for the Russians who were killed, raped, burned, sold into slavery!

      It is a pity for the hardworking Germans, smart Jews, working “Russians” and many others who fled to the "Promised Land" in search of a better life.
      Sorry for the destroyed industry, my trampled maturity ....

      What was it all for, WHAT Died for, why are my peers, strong 40 ... 50 year old men, who are straining to survive in the damned "perestroika"?

      So that the "rulers" ate and drank their fill?
      For offshore bills, for today's newly started "restructuring"? (Which will be "abruptly" - there is nothing to eat!)

      The numbers of Stalin's repression are great, but who counted the losses in fucking Perestroika?
      They are hidden and unclear, but a little less than in the Second World War.

      Such a shnyaga, no offense!
      And better than Igor Rasteryaev in the song "Daisies" you can't sing about our time ...
      1. +1
        29 July 2015 07: 31
        On the iron arrow to transfer the road? Maybe ... the trains weren't late then.

        Objectively, the people went on the attack and shouted "For the Motherland, for Stalin." Shot under him since 1937 somewhere 230 thousand, and almost all of them were bad.
  21. -22
    26 July 2015 11: 51
    Another false opus of the Stalinists. It seems that they appear on this site with a regularity of at least two to three per week. No wonder how much they managed to powder people with brains. The authors of such articles usually do not stop before any lies. Take, for example, the assertion that in April 1941, the US Congress adopted a resolution in the event of an USSR attack on Germany to help Germany. Well, the Stalinists have not a single proof of the existence of such a solution. This is an invention of pure water. In the 1941 year, the United States could not provide assistance to Germany, since by that time it had long been openly assisting in the lend-lease of England that was at war with it. England could not turn its bayonets against the USSR in the summer of 1941 in the summer of 1761, because to do so during the war was practically impossible. History does not know such cases. An attempt to do this in 3 by the Russian emperor Peter XNUMX cost him his life and was not completed.
    1. 0
      26 July 2015 20: 53
      Quote: yurta2015
      Take, for example, the assertion that in April 1941 the US Congress adopted a resolution in the event of an attack by the USSR on Germany to help Germany. Well, the Stalinists have not a single proof of the existence of such a solution. This is an invention of pure water.

      Judging by your comment ...
      Hiroshima and Nagasaki, also a fiction of pure water?:?:?
      1. 0
        27 July 2015 06: 04
        Why do you think so?
        1. 0
          28 July 2015 07: 15
          At least from Truman's "speech" on a NY-Times editorial on 24-June-1941.

          "If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, ..."

          they did so before and after. after six months, Hitler declared war on them and not they, and still continued to do it through third countries. am
          1. 0
            29 July 2015 18: 35
            Quote: Scraptor
            At least from Truman's "speech" on a NY-Times editorial on 24-June-1941.

            This is not a proof of the correctness of the author of the article, but a refutation. First, this "speech" was published not in April, but in June. Secondly, Truman then headed only one of the committees of the US Congress, that is, his statement cannot be considered the opinion of the entire Congress, and even more so - of the country's leadership.
            1. 0
              29 July 2015 22: 35
              I wonder how? That this is another statement, according to a fait accompli, and is it even more categorical? angry

              From the bastard, which among the same bastards later became president and used nuclear in the city where there were only hospitals (like Dresden)?

              Truman expressed the opinion of the American elite, and then everything was exactly as he said - after the failure of the blitzkrieg. Since the summer of 1942, Germany has been holding on to the supply of Standard Oil motor oils. The tungsten in the German APCR shells was also American. And much more.
              They stopped supplying tungsten before landing in Normandy, they supplied oil even after Ardennes. Additives to German aviation gasoline were also theirs.
              It was enough for them to interrupt (or not start) the supply of motor oil alone and the Wehrmacht would remain on the Volga or in the bend of the Don with one artillery (including anti-aircraft) on horse drawn traction.
              In his memoirs about Hitler, there is even how he was crazy about how "the Americans want me to fight in the east" ...
    2. MrK
      28 July 2015 16: 05
      For yurta2015. Personally: Charles Hiam. How America Helped Hitler
      The ruins of Warsaw, Coventry, Rotterdam, death and destruction that "Fau" sowed on the streets of London, the barbaric atrocities of the Nazis in Dachau, Auschwitz, Treblinka, where millions of people died in gas chambers - all this involved the monopolies of the United States and other countries that called themselves "democracies". Through their partners in the USA and Great Britain, the bosses of the Nazi business continued to receive the raw materials and industrial equipment necessary for the Wehrmacht after the outbreak of the war. Branches of many American concerns continued to operate under the control of the Nazis in Germany itself and in the occupied territories. The profits owed to their owners overseas were regularly transferred by the Nazis to the corresponding bank accounts!
      1. 0
        29 July 2015 18: 48
        I got to know this scripture about a couple of years ago. On the Internet there are not only Stalinists' references to this book, but also its serious criticism. It follows from it that it is completely impossible to trust the information from this book. Charles Hiam himself is just the author of several biographies of Hollywood actors, written in the same sensational style as the book you mentioned. A feature of all his works is the complete absence of references to sources. Therefore, they are not serious studies. So, bikes based on popularity. A lot of outright lies. For example, he writes that the Germans did not destroy a single Standard Oil tanker during the entire war. Meanwhile, on the Internet there is a long list of tankers killed by the attacks of this American company.
        1. 0
          29 July 2015 23: 34
          Maybe, but meanwhile, German submariners from the summer of 1942 on the Atlantic Ocean had routes and a schedule of tankers that went to Spain with cargo for the Reich and not one of them was attacked by them.
          Deliveries were openly discussed in the American press, everyone was told that American private business could not be ordered, and that prisoners of German concentration camps were taken hostage (although they began to put them in camps after the start of the bombing). Therefore, they died of starvation there for 3 years (by the way, nobody sent food aid to them like their POW), instead of being released after 3 months. And the Germans on the eastern front shredded Russian.
          And Trotskyists like you write tales that all this is not true, since there was no Standard Oil at that time, since it had already been divided by the anti-monopoly service into five or six companies. And the "Jews" like the Professor believe that Mr. Rockefeller was a Protestant, even though he was just ...
  22. -15
    26 July 2015 12: 18
    It is funny and sad to observe how the author, apparently imitating the Stalinists of the past, calls his idol "Leader" with the same slavish admiration and reverence with which the German fascists pronounced the German analogue of this word "Fuhrer". And at the same time, he immediately, foaming at the mouth, proves that the "leader" did not have any absolute power. But what about the personality cult? Isn't this a symbol of absolute power? Is it not the "leader" of the party and the country that bears full responsibility for the mass executions, torture and concentration camps in a punitive system of the state that is actually closed to him? Yes, all this was done in the name of the triumph of socialism and communism. So much the worse for the supporters of these ideas. If they do not erase the name of the executioner Stalin from their banners, they will never be able to claim power in our country. (At least I want to believe it).
    1. +2
      26 July 2015 14: 27
      Quote: yurta2015
      But what about the cult of personality?

      about this you ask Khrushchev, although "there was a Personality, there was a cult" (c)
      Quote: yurta2015
      Is it not the "leader" of the party and the country that bears full responsibility for the mass executions, torture and concentration camps in a punitive system of the state that is actually closed to him?

      Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) is the "leader" of the party and the country? Now it was lucky that Sverdlov's wife, before Stalin, she held this position. Of course, Stalin, as a leader, is responsible for the often unjustified repression. that is why Yagoda and Yezhov were shot. but do not shift the blame of the performers onto Stalin. The investigator collects evidence, the judge makes a verdict based on it, the prosecutor monitors the legality of the process. And if one of these people makes either a mistake or a deliberate crime, it is precisely the secretary of the Central Committee that is responsible for this? definitely not an investigator who wants an extra star for a shoulder strap? or a judge holding on to his chair? are they innocent? are they children? maybe the "atmosphere of hatred" is to blame?
      1. -3
        26 July 2015 17: 59
        Quote: Saber
        here is the lucky wife of Sverdlov-to Stalin, she held this position.

        You surprised me. I then believed that the Secretary of the Central Committee was Sverdlov himself. Just do not compare the real power of Stalin and Sverdlov. After the death of Lenin, in a factional struggle, this position turned into a key one in the party, and therefore in the country. It was based on this position that Stalin gradually crushed all other bodies of power, the personnel of which consisted exclusively of Communists, which means that their appointment passed through Stalin.
        Quote: Saber
        no need to shift the blame of performers on Stalin.

        And who else? It was he who approved the shooting lists of senior executives and quotas for the required number of executions in the republics, territories and regions.
        Quote: Saber
        maybe the "atmosphere of hatred" is to blame?

        Finally you hit the spot. It was precisely the atmosphere of hatred constantly fueled by propaganda towards "enemies of the people" (or rather, towards people suspected of disloyalty to the government, similar to what is happening now in Ukraine) that was one of the reasons for the incredible growth of repressions "from below" throughout the country, exceeding even those launched from above. plans. It is Stalin who is personally responsible for such a policy and propaganda.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +3
      26 July 2015 15: 20
      I didn’t want to be upset, but in your direction, I'm sorry, I’ll spit, and deliciously! How is it, with the national patriots? and! Suitcase Station - Israel.
    4. MrK
      26 July 2015 19: 43
      Well, yurta2015 has appeared. Either from the oligarch thieves himself, or eating the leftovers from the tables of the oligarchs.

      Tell me dear - did you do better than in the Stalinist USSR?
      It was the homeless people in the USSR, and you removed them, giving housing.
      It was in the USSR 8 000 000 unemployed, and you gave everyone a job.
      It is in the USSR that pensioners were looking for food in garbage cans, and you gave a decent pension.
      This is in the USSR more than 23 million citizens live below the poverty line.
      It was in the USSR a shitty paid higher education, yes secondary education, and you made it free and of high quality.
      It was in the USSR that you had to get into lifelong mortgage slavery, and you give apartments for free.
      It was in the USSR that industry was destroyed and residential complexes for the rich were built on the site of the factories, and you demolished them and rebuilt the factories.
      It was mass drug addiction spread in the USSR, and you made all drug addicts worthy people.
      It was in the USSR it was impossible to go out without a passport.
      It was in the USSR that police tortured bottles in the anus.
      It is in the USSR that the people took out more than two trillion dollars from Russia from 1991 of the year from Russia and bought locks in the west, and current bureaucrats and thieves huddle in shacks.
      It was in the USSR that free high-quality medicine was destroyed, and you restored it and made it free.

      What still so frightens the liberals in Stalin? And in Russian love for Stalin? I think I know. These relaxed, timid and weak-willed, exchanging the greatness of their glorious ancestors for the stuffy well-being of modern asexual Europe, are scared by the very idea that history is created by iron and blood, feat and sacrifice, selflessness and uncompromising readiness for struggle. That in order to live, one must fight. Fight. Sacrifice. Die.
      In short: they are afraid of awakening those wonderful qualities of the Russian soul, thanks to which Russia, by the grace of God, for many centuries, any defeat, in the end, turns into its victory!
      Live yurta2015 with god.
      1. 0
        26 July 2015 20: 13
        Learn to appreciate the good in life, and life will become easier)))))
      2. +1
        26 July 2015 21: 06
        Mrark (2
        +, and I would have given 1000 * more, if I could ... For children, such as a yurt, it was possible and what is worse to say ... But here too ... Tolerance ...
      3. -3
        27 July 2015 06: 47
        Quote: mrark
        Tell me dear - did you do better than in the Stalinist USSR?

        I did not do anything. Too small a bump for public affairs. However, I am absolutely sure that the vast majority of the population lives much better today than in the Stalinist USSR.
        Quote: mrark
        It was the homeless people in the USSR, and you removed them, giving housing.

        In the USSR there were no homeless people on the streets. They were in prison for parasitism. I don’t know what is better for them.
        Quote: mrark
        It was in the USSR 8 000 000 unemployed, and you gave everyone a job.

        I do not know. I would feel happy in a mandatory but unloved penny job.
        Quote: mrark
        It is in the USSR that pensioners were looking for food in garbage cans, and you gave a decent pension.

        I am a pensioner of 9 for disability), but I have not tried to search for food in garbage cans yet.
        Quote: mrark
        This is in the USSR more than 23 million citizens live below the poverty line.

        In the Stalinist USSR, the vast majority of the population lived below the current poverty line.
        Quote: mrark
        It was in the USSR a shitty paid higher education, yes secondary education, and you made it free and of high quality.

        Schooling is free today. Universities have a quota for free tuition.
        Quote: mrark
        It was in the USSR that you had to get into lifelong mortgage slavery, and you give apartments for free.

        In our small town, residents of rotten (Stalinist) barracks have received hundreds of free apartments over the past few years.
        Quote: mrark
        It was mass drug addiction spread in the USSR, and you made all drug addicts worthy people.

        In the 1978-1979 year I studied at a technical school and lived in a hostel. There we have almost all drug addicts (hemp).
        Quote: mrark
        It was in the USSR that police tortured bottles in the anus.

        Or maybe tortured. How do we know? This was not written in Pravda - it was a state secret.
        Quote: mrark
        It is in the USSR that the people took out more than two trillion dollars from Russia from 1991 of the year from Russia and bought locks in the west, and current bureaucrats and thieves huddle in shacks.

        I don’t understand. You want to say that in the days of the USSR people bought locks in the west?
        Quote: mrark
        It was in the USSR that free high-quality medicine was destroyed, and you restored it and made it free.

        Formally, state medicine is still free here. But there is also a private one, for a fee. In the USSR, medicine was not completely qualitative.
      4. -2
        27 July 2015 06: 48
        "the very thought that history is made by iron and blood scares"
        I see blood does not frighten you. What if you become the innocent victim of the system? Do you really care? "The forest is being cut - the chips are flying"? And the fact that the stigma will be on your relatives - too? Or do you think that this will not affect you? You think in vain. There were millions of such innocent (from the point of view of normal social relations) victims of the system during Stalin's time.
      5. -1
        27 July 2015 11: 13
        Quote: mrark
        they are afraid of awakening those wonderful qualities of the Russian soul, thanks to which Russia, by the grace of God, for many centuries, any defeat, in the end, turns into its victory! Live yurta2015 with God.

        Thank you for letting me live. Because, perhaps, you dream of Stalin's times, because you naively believe that it would be you who would be charged with deciding who is worthy of life and who is not. And there is no need to slander Russia and the Russian soul. It was not thanks to the correctional camps that Russia went from victory to victory for many centuries. Not thanks to the mass executions of people "suspicious" of the regime. Not thanks to the destruction of churches, the massive closure of churches and unbridled anti-religious propaganda.
        You live, too, because Stalin is not on you.
    5. MrK
      28 July 2015 16: 13
      And how did the rehabilitation go in the 90-2000 years? The chairman of this “commission” was the famous bastard Alexander Yakovlev, deputy. Gorbachev's ideology. In general, appointing Yakovlev to such a position is even cleaner than appointing Goebbels the president of the Nuremberg Tribunal, and Judas Iscariot the protector of Christ in court. But even this Yakovlev commission established that the prosecution authorities of the Russian Federation from 1992 to 2004. 978 891 application was examined, of which 388 412 were satisfied, 636 335 cases were verified against 901 127 people and 534 165 people were rehabilitated. But LESS THAN 330 THOUSAND PEOPLE ARE VICTIMED BY POLITICAL REPRESSIONS. AND THIS FOR 40 YEARS.
      Excuse me, WHERE ARE “TENS AND HUNDREDS OF MILLION VICTIMS OF BLOOD STALIN” ?! After all, this was precisely the main motive for the destruction of the “criminal” Stalinist and Soviet systems ”
      [[Kurlyandchik A.– “THE CURSED SOVIET AUTHORITY” ... on]].
      1. 0
        28 July 2015 18: 50
        There were 10k millions of victims of the bloody Trotsky and his lasts for 20 years, who were then pressured for this (but alas, not all).
    6. MrK
      28 July 2015 16: 28
      yurta2015. In total, the highest Jewish nomenclature of the leaders of the NKVD was at Yagoda about 70 posts, including the people's commissar and his deputies. In the top leadership of the NKVD of the USSR until 1936-38. the Jewish stratum was about 76%.
      From this follows a simple conclusion: 1937 was the year of the scope of the "great terror" in the USSR after the murder of S.M. Kirov, therefore, the Jewish security officers also made a very significant contribution to this wave of repression.

      Therefore, the cries of the "democratic" press of our time about the "special suffering" of the Jews at this time are political demagogy.
      A significant stratum of Jewish Chekists “fully” carried out repressions of the 1930's, without experiencing any hesitation.
      The victims of the repressions were mostly Russians, but the Jews, the Tatars, the Caucasians, and other national minorities also suffered.

      To pose the question in such a way that the Jews are completely not involved in the repressions of the 30's is historically wrong.

      You are by no means their heir.
  23. +8
    26 July 2015 12: 35
    But it seems to me that AND IN STALIN, the state policy was carried out according to the most optimal variant, that is internal, that external. And the practical CONSTRUCTION of the STATE is generally a brilliant leadership, because not only was a new society and culture built up, but also the material support of all this. The most striking figures in increasing the life expectancy of Soviet citizens, even in comparison with * abroad *. The main ideology of that time, in short - the constant improvement of living standards materially and the constant development of the spiritual life of the whole people.
    1. -3
      26 July 2015 17: 40
      Quote: Vasily50
      The most striking figures in increasing the life expectancy of Soviet citizens, even in comparison with * abroad *.

      Have you ever met with numbers or graphs of the dynamics of life expectancy in the Stalinist USSR? Type this name in the search box. You will be very surprised. There was no rapid growth in life expectancy in those years in the USSR. On the contrary, from the moment the struggle against various kinds of opposition in the party began, the growth curve went down and by the year 1933 had decreased by several years. Then there was a short-term correction, but with the beginning of mass repressions in the 1937 year, up to the war itself, life expectancy fell. After the war, a small increase and then a new fall in 1946-1948. Then correction and very slow growth until the end of the Stalin era. It is time to free ourselves from illusions. All information is there. It is only necessary to be interested in it.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        27 July 2015 06: 44
        Quote: yurta2015
        Have you ever met with numbers or graphs of the dynamics of life expectancy in the Stalinist USSR?

        I was struck by the wild drop in the birth rate of everything in six years almost doubled- from 7 children / woman to 3,8 (from 1927 g)! What was it necessary to do with the people for this catastrophe to happen?
  24. +3
    26 July 2015 13: 45
    Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.
    Yes, all this was done in the name of the triumph of socialism and communism. So much the worse for proponents of these ideas.
    For supporters of the idea of ​​communism, socialism, Russian patriotism, the name of Stalin will always be sacred. And supporters of "liberalism" and "shitty" can read Reagan, Thatcher, Bushes, Obama and Merkel. Stars and stripes, blue and rainbow flags in their hands.
    1. -4
      26 July 2015 18: 19
      Quote: iury.vorgul
      For supporters of the idea of ​​communism, socialism, Russian patriotism, the name of Stalin will always be holy.

      Not all Russian patriots are supporters of the ideas of communism and socialism, especially admirers of Stalin, who destroyed millions of Russian people in prisons and camps, and drove millions of others into cramped work barges without any amenities, where entire generations gradually drank and culturally degraded as representatives of their of the people.
  25. +5
    26 July 2015 13: 46
    I entered the military school after finishing the 7th grade during Stalin's lifetime. The officers-teachers instilled in us respect for this man. Then there was my studies, thesis defense, work. I remember my mentor V.S. Ovchinnikov. He told us how Stalin formulated the law of socialism in one minute. They brought him a treatise on socialism, where the goals of this formation were vaguely indicated. I.V. Stalin listened and said: “The people love clarity and brevity. Write“ From each according to his ability, to each according to his work. ”I cannot say that this is true.
    During my work, I often had to come to Smolny, and attended meetings of the Bureau of the City Committee and the Regional Committee. So in 2013 I had to bring my Director General there (now I’m the Scientific Secretary of the Research Institute and ....). After talking on business with the Head of the Committee .., we went out into the corridor of the 3rd floor. I asked if he would like to see a portrait of Miloradovich from the list of portraits. But how can we find him here among all the leaders of the city. Then I brought him to the image of Mikhail Andreevich. The director looked at the picture for a long time. Then I asked him to turn 180 degrees and showed a portrait of Trotsky. I explained that apparently it was no coincidence that these two images look at each other when there is no one in the corridor. One creator, another destroyer. So it is in the life of our country now. I have the honor.
    1. -1
      26 July 2015 14: 55
      Quote: midshipman
      I entered a military school after graduating from the 7th grade while Stalin was still alive.

      Then you can explain to me then, I can’t understand one thing. Everyone knows, and you are so simple an eyewitness that there was still a certain cult. Portraits hung, busts and monuments stood, Stalin was used to name factories, collective farms, pioneer organizations, cities, ships, etc. And there was popular love, when Stalin died the country was in mourning, people cried. And suddenly only a few years pass by, Khrushchev makes a report at the congress. And the process of de-Stalinization begins. Pictures, busts are removed, names are renamed, monuments are demolished. And the people who wept recently, swore allegiance and love - SILENT. Just like in Pushkin, people are silent. And I have a simple question - why so?
      1. MrK
        26 July 2015 18: 58
        Forgive Mentor for interfering. Among the people of passionaries 1,5-2%. And if a significant part of them was bought by Khrushchev-leaving them undivided power in the USSR, then there is no one else to resent.
        And today, the people are not silent?
  26. +2
    26 July 2015 16: 00
    I will quote the words of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on this matter "... all the positive that was certainly achieved was at an unacceptable price."

    1. MrK
      26 July 2015 19: 26
      But could he, Putin, say otherwise? Yes, all this imperious liberalism would have consumed him tomorrow.
      Reached an unacceptable price. Yes, if not for this price, they would have lost the war to Hitler. And ... the scribe of the country.
      I will answer with a phrase from the book of A. Kurlyandchik - “Cursed Soviet Power” ... on


      And all this liberalism would not have lived badly under Hitler. They would immediately find documents that they are from the Aryans.
      1. +2
        26 July 2015 21: 10
        Wouldn’t you like to place yourself under this rink? Or is it better to put a friend?
  27. -3
    26 July 2015 17: 16
    Of course, I understand that the whole world is developing in a spiral, but I'm tired of another wave of idolatry. Those who are now making Stalin a hero and the wisest ruler are no better than those who demolish monuments to Lenin and other historical figures. Moreover, often those who praise the ruler louder than anyone else, then the first to run to demolish his monuments and yell that "the king is not real." Let's take a sober view of our history with all its pros and cons. And the article is really about nothing, sheer populism and eyewash. Take at least the tale that under Peter I the population of Russia decreased by 20%. Vraki all this, who are interested, read here.
  28. +1
    26 July 2015 18: 36
    The current rulers did not lie around. Here is where to find such a "tsar" now, when the words "Stalin are not on them" or in this spirit are increasingly encountered.
  29. +1
    26 July 2015 20: 32
    When philosophy was taught at the institute, the teacher told us that Stalin had a habit of processing the works of Lenin so that they were understandable and accessible to everyone who wanted to get acquainted. And it turns out how difficult it was for Lenin to cover issues, so simply it was possible to read these same questions in Stalin's writings. It is a pity that they still defame him.
  30. 0
    27 July 2015 05: 51
    I am sure if not for Stalin there would be no Russian ethnos now. He was able to create a country and a people who won the Second World War. Then the country's leadership had a policy understandable for the people: raising the welfare of the people. Therefore, they went on the attack "For the Motherland", "For Stalin" for a bright future in which they believed that the country would build. And now ... I think our people are impressed not by Stalin himself as such with his human weaknesses and mistakes, but by the image of a leader who conducts a intelligible and understandable domestic and foreign policy for the people and not for a handful of the elect and confidants.
  31. -1
    27 July 2015 19: 38
    By the way, taking into account these figures and the fact of the decision of the US Congress, all the lies of Rezun’s scheme and his ilk about Stalin’s alleged preparation of an attack on Germany in particular and Europe as a whole are obvious.
    Why was it allegedly prepared and it was very serious. And he would not have conquered Europe but freed, from fascism, he abandoned the idea of ​​a world revolution only after the defeat of 1941, the moment was missed and history would never have another such case provided.
  32. 0
    27 July 2015 19: 43
    Stalin himself created Hitler, he took it a long time ago. He created, nurtured and raised the Fuhrer so that at a certain moment he would slaughter like a pig, in his own interests, and in the interests of the world revolution ,,,, there is nothing personal, just politics.
  33. -2
    27 July 2015 19: 48
    In short, if there had been no Stalin, then there would have been no Hitler, and the history of the twentieth century would have developed quite differently. For Stalin, Hitler was like a lamb in the slaughter, no more and no less.
  34. 0
    28 July 2015 21: 18
    Quote: bmw
    It is not society that rushes about, but tries to figure out whether this opinion is imposed or whether it is true. Because lies are poured on our history that you can choke. What you called "rushing" has a different formulation "search for truth". Well, also the desire not only to know the truth, but also to remember your history, which is not one thousand years old.

    I will add about the throwing of the people. Last week in the village of Tolbukhino, a village referendum was held on the creation of a museum of I.V. Stalin. The people voted "For" -88%. The museum has been created. Comments are superfluous.
  35. The comment was deleted.
  36. 0
    31 July 2015 15: 49
    Regarding the notorious "personality cult". Nurali Latypov's book "The Conspiracy of England against Russia" contains the following text:
    I will be well understood by someone who has ever read Stalin’s dialogue in his office with his son Vasily. Vasily, for some reproaches of his father, got excited: "I, too, am Stalin." To which Joseph Vissarionovich told him: “You are not Stalin, and even I am not Stalin. Stalin is the Soviet people. ”
  37. +1
    19 August 2015 07: 41
    Quote: yurta2015
    Another false opus of the Stalinists. It seems that they appear on this site with a regularity of at least two to three per week. No wonder how much they managed to powder people with brains. The authors of such articles usually do not stop before any lies. Take, for example, the assertion that in April 1941, the US Congress adopted a resolution in the event of an USSR attack on Germany to help Germany. Well, the Stalinists have not a single proof of the existence of such a solution. This is an invention of pure water. In the 1941 year, the United States could not provide assistance to Germany, since by that time it had long been openly assisting in the lend-lease of England that was at war with it. England could not turn its bayonets against the USSR in the summer of 1941 in the summer of 1761, because to do so during the war was practically impossible. History does not know such cases. An attempt to do this in 3 by the Russian emperor Peter XNUMX cost him his life and was not completed.

    Do not write bullshit yourself. The Opel plant has been owned with the guts of General Motors since 1929. American trucks were the backbone of the German Blitzkrieg. And this is the most easily verified fact. Rummage around and find that without the American economy and finance in a devastated Weimar Germany, a miracle would not have occurred from scratch.
    Calculate or find Germany’s military spending in the 1930s and compare with GDP. And then clearly explain how to create and maintain an army that consumed 75% of the country's budget without foreign loans. Now find at least one country that will pull at least 5 times less volume.